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122511-0937 |
Our cell group Christmas skit 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou Hide Details FROM:Mike Lei TO:tojulei@yahoo.com Message flagged Sunday, December 25, 2011 9:26 AMMessage body Dear Dad,Here are the videos of our cell group Christmas skit. http://youtu.be/XYY5sZvCIkM http://youtu.be/iFbEKpXPr-E http://youtu.be/d70ue0CmOcE http://youtu.be/inlopnnI4To Merry Christmas!!! Mike -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122411-1957 |
President Dr. Tony T. Lei wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122411-1127 |
Insight for Today 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou Hide Details FROM:Insight for Living TO:tojulei@yahoo.com Message flagged Saturday, December 24, 2011 4:00 AMMessage body Have Chuck Swindoll's devotionals blessed you this year? If so, please let us know! December 24, 2011 Four Seasonal Dangers and Strategies by Charles R. Swindoll Read Colossians 3:1--2; Romans 12:2 In this season of extreme busyness, we Christians need to stay alert to any potential dangers. I'll mention only four of them . . . along with some strategies that will allow us to combat each risk. First is the doctrinal danger of substituting the temporal for the eternal. A couple of scriptures give needed counsel here: Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. . . . Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is---his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Colossians 3:1--2; Romans 12:2 NIV) It's important that we rivet into our heads exactly what we're celebrating. It is our Savior's arrival, not Santa's. The significance of giving presents is to be directly related to God's presenting us the gift of His Son---and our kiddos need that reminder year in and year out. Second is the personal danger of impressing but not imparting. We represent the King. We are His chosen ambassadors, doing His business "in season and out of season." Then let's do it this season! People are wide open to the gospel these days. Forget about trying to impress others by what you buy. Spend more time imparting what you already possess. Third is the economic danger of spending more than you have. Before every purchase, think. Ask yourself some direct, penetrating questions: Is this within my budget? Is it appropriate? Is it really saying what I want it to say? Gifts you make are often much more appreciated and much less expensive than those you buy. Stretching the dollar usually involves planning ahead. A safe rule to follow is this: if you don't have the cash---don't buy it. For example, my wife and I decided years ago that Christmas cards had to go. No offense, now. That's just an illustration of something God spoke to us about. We found it saved us many dollars and gobs of time. Finally, there's the psychological danger of getting built up for a letdown. One of the most effective maneuvers of the world system is to create a false sense of excitement. The Christian can get "high" very easily on the crest of Christmas. But the cold that sweeps in on the tail of a fading afterglow can be a dangerous, depressing experience. Guard yourself. Keep a firm hand on the controls. Don't be deceived. Enjoy the 25th . . . but not at the expense of the 26th. If you stay occupied with the Person, you'll seldom have to fight off the plague. Make Hebrews 12:3 your aim---consider Him. Fill your thoughts and desires and expectations with your unfailing Lord. When the wrappings and ribbons are in the trashcan and the manger scene is back in the attic and the friends and family have said goodbye and the house feels empty and so do you . . . there is One who waits to fill your heart and renew your hope. He was there on December 24. He'll be there on the 26th. Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright � 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122311-1718 |
Pledge to caucus on January 21st 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou Hide Details FROM:Luke Hayes, NV.BarackObama.com TO:tony lei Message flagged Friday, December 23, 2011 8:45 AMMessage body Tony -- A lot of people think that the presidential election starts with the caucuses. We know that isn't true. We started our work here in Nevada months ago -- and we're going to keep it up after the caucuses pass. Over the next few weeks, as election watchers shift their focus over to early caucus states like ours, we have an opportunity to ramp up our organizing and build the kind of organization we need to win in 2012. It starts with each of us committing to play our part. Pledge today to attend your local caucus and get involved in the work to re-elect President Obama. In a large Western state like ours, it takes a lot of grassroots heft to organize each and every neighborhood and build the operation we'll need to get out the vote next fall. Since last spring, tens of thousands of Nevadans have said they're in for 2012. Volunteers across the state have had thousands of one-on-one conversations. And this campaign has made more than 380,000 phone calls to ask folks to get involved now in our efforts for 2012. The Republicans have swung through our state for the debates, and a few of them have opened an office or two. But we're the only ones building the kind of ground game that's needed here in Nevada. It's all thanks to the work of thousands of volunteers and supporters like you. And we aren't about to slow down. Let's keep that momentum going -- through the caucuses and into the months that follow. Pledge to caucus today: http://nv.barackobama.com/Nevada-Pledge-to-Caucus Thanks, Luke Luke Hayes Nevada State Director Obama for America -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122311-1535 |
Thank you and happy holidays 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou Hide Details FROM:Roberta Lange TO:Tony Lei Message flagged Friday, December 23, 2011 11:01 AMMessage body Dear Tony,Another year over ? and what a twelve months it?s been. Thanks to your hard work and dedication, we?ve built on our organization and momentum this past year. Next year, Nevada will once again be a national political battleground, and it will be up to each of us to stand strong and fight to get Nevadans back to work. That fight will be long, and it will be tough. But this weekend we pause to spend time with our friends and loved ones. So between now and next year, I hope you?re able to have a memorable holiday season. From all of us here at the Nevada State Democratic Party, a sincere thank you for all you do. Have a wonderful holiday season! - Roberta Roberta Lange Chair Nevada State Democratic Party -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122211-1729 |
From: Mike Lei To: tojulei@yahoo.com Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 11:42 PM Subject: Fw: Merry Christmas and Christmas Eve Worship (12/24)--- On Mon, 12/19/11, Joe Chiang wrote:From: Joe Chiang Subject: Merry Christmas and Christmas Eve Worship (12/24) To: "Joseph kiang" Date: Monday, December 19, 2011, 8:40 PMDear Friends, Please come and invite your friends to join church Christmas Eve Worship on Saturday. We'll have early dinner in Tomi Seafood buffet 4:30pm then attend 6:00 pm service. http://www.tomiseafoodbuffet.com/index.html Plz do reply mail if you will come buffet with us. I need estimated headcounts in advance. For those out of town with your family or friends for holiday, wish you have a great/peace trip. May God's grace and joy be with your family & you. Merry Christmas and Jesus loves you ^-^ Joseph -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122211-1651 |
1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou Hide Details FROM:Pepperdine Public Affairs TO:tojulei@yahoo.com Message flagged Thursday, December 22, 2011 11:12 AMMessage body Problems viewing this e-mail? Click here. Prefer not to receive e-mail from Pepperdine? Click here. Annual Report 2011 THE PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT 2011 IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE www.pepperdine.edu/annualreports/2011 ?Read messages from the chair and president ?Explore the latest goals and successes of the Campaign for Pepperdine ?Learn about the University's financial health Questions? 310.506.4181 publicaffairs@pepperdine.edu Pepperdine University 24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA, 90263 310-506-4000 | www.pepperdine.edu Copyright © 2011 Pepperdine University -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122211-1646 |
A year of crazy weather 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou Hide Details FROM:Maggie L. Fox, Climate Reality TO:Tony Dr. Lei Message flagged Thursday, December 22, 2011 11:44 AMMessage body Dear Tony, After a year of wild weather and temperature extremes, we have learned anew that climate change isn’t just a theory -- it’s a reality affecting millions of people all over the world. Yet incredibly, there are still those who deny the science and reject the evidence in front of their eyes. It’s never been more urgent to stand up to the deniers and pursue real solutions to the climate crisis. And with your help, that’s exactly what The Climate Reality Project is doing. We are sending thousands of trained volunteers into the field to say that climate change is real and our leaders need to take action. This holiday season, help our trained Climate Presenters tell the truth about climate change all over the world. Will you make a $5 donation to support our Presenters at The Climate Reality Project? This is the year when the reality of climate change hit home. Climate change has increased our vulnerability to extreme weather, and we are seeing the consequences more frequently and in new locations around the world. This year, we saw one extraordinary weather event after another, from torrential rains in the Midwest to extreme drought in the American South. In Texas, daily temperatures were a full five degrees above normal! The story was much the same across the rest of the world. This means delay is not an option -- and that’s why the work our Climate Presenters are doing is so important. Even a small contribution will make a big difference. It costs an average of $17 to fund a Climate Reality presentation. With your help, our trained Climate Presenters can reach hundreds of thousands of people. They are traveling to schools, churches, business meetings and town halls to grow the global movement to solve this crisis. Just this fall, we’ve received nearly 2,000 requests for Climate Reality presentations. Our Presenters are community leaders who have each been personally trained by our Chairman, former Vice President Al Gore, and who work to engage people at a grassroots level to take meaningful action now. Will you make a tax-deductible donation before the end of the year? Donate $5 to help our Climate Presenters grow the worldwide movement to solve the climate crisis. http://forms.climaterealityproject.org/donate-2011 Thanks for all you do, Maggie L. Fox President and CEO The Climate Reality Project -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122211-1421 |
McCain Supporter, The holiday season is a time to gather with family and friends to celebrate and give thanks for our many blessings. I am thankful for your friendship continued support. It is an honor for me to serve our country and I feel blessed to be serving in the United States Senate. This week, I also hope you will keep the men and women serving in our Armed Forces in your thoughts and prayers. Many of these brave soldiers will be away from their families this year, and knowing you support them goes a long way to boost morale during this time of year. On behalf of Cindy, Meghan, Jack, Jim and Bridget, I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122211-1417 |
We Hope You Have a Blessed Christmas 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou Hide Details FROM:The Perry Family TO:tojulei@yahoo.com Message flagged Thursday, December 22, 2011 1:10 PMMessage body Dear Friend & Supporter,As 2011 comes to a close, The Perry Family wants to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2012 be the best year yet for you and yours, and for this nation we love. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122211-1407 |
Shelley Berkley TO:Tony Lei Message flagged Thursday, December 22, 2011 1:00 PMMessage body Dear Tony, I can’t believe that 2011 is nearly over already. I hope that you’re enjoying this holiday season, and getting to spend time with your family and friends. I wanted to let you know that my work wouldn’t be possible without your support. This holiday, I’m thinking a lot about my parents, and all the work they did, and sacrifices they made, to make a better life for our family. At the same time, I’m reflecting on the fact that for far too many families around the country, it’s just not enough to work hard and sacrifice generously anymore. Working families need help. That’s why I’ve been fighting to extend tax cuts for the middle class – and why it’s so important that, when the New Year dawns, we be ready to keep standing up for those who are having the hardest time making ends meet. For now, though, I hope this message finds you and your family well. Happy holidays, and may you have a blessed New Year. Shelley -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122111-2107 |
Dear Fellow Nevadan, The holiday season is a special time for Landra and me. As parents and grandparents, we treasure the opportunity to spend extra time with our five children and 16 grandchildren. I hope you are also fortunate enough to have those you love nearby this year. We know there are many families who will spend the holiday apart because they have loved ones in the Armed Services serving abroad. Like Americans across this great nation, we look forward to the safe return of all our servicemen and women. During this time of celebration, and throughout the year, we are thankful to them and to their families for their sacrifice. I recorded a special holiday message to be played on the Armed Services Network to thank our troops for their service. You may view the video by clicking here. The opportunity to serve Nevada and the nation in the United States Senate is an unparalleled honor. I am grateful for your trust and support. On behalf of our family, Landra and I wish you and yours a loving, safe, and happy holiday season and best wishes for 2012. Happy Holidays, HARRY REID U.S. Senator for Nevada -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122111-2057 |
Judge Cheryl Moss wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122111-2052 |
Judge Mark Denton wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122111-2051 |
Mrs. Helen Young wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122111-0928 |
Happy Holidays 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou More BCC: recipientsYou Show Details FROM:Dina Titus TO:tojulei@yahoo.com Message flagged Wednesday, December 21, 2011 9:25 AMMessage body Dear Tony, The holidays provide a wonderful occasion to spend time with family and friends, be thankful for our many blessings, and prepare for the New Year. Let us pause to remember all those who are suffering this holiday season and unable to celebrate with us. Stay safe and warm as you celebrate the many wonderful traditions of our American culture. Tom, Mama, and the whole team wish you and your family a very Happy Holidays. Dina -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122111-9-0921 |
You all have to do this 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou More BCC: recipientsYou Show Details FROM:Reggie Love, BarackObama.com TO:tony lei Message flagged Wednesday, December 21, 2011 8:57 AMMessage body Tony -- You may know me as the tall guy who followed Barack everywhere he went. As the President's body man for the last four years, it's been my privilege to help him with whatever he needs: making sure he's on time, finding some food when we're on the road, or playing a quick game of basketball (he won, mostly). Of course, this also means I've also eaten many, many meals with him. So first of all, I just want to say thanks for supporting the Obamas and being part of this campaign. It means a lot, not only to the President, but to all of us who've worked by his side. Two: I kind of love this "Dinner with Barack and Michelle" contest. You all have to do this. Get on that here. You should know this practically never happens. While Barack wants to do these dinners throughout his campaign, I know that dinner with Barack and Michelle is something that usually only happens with the girls, and no one else. The fact that this dinner is with the two of them should tell you how much it matters to them to know that you have their backs out there. I wouldn't let this one get away. Donate $3 or whatever you can today to automatically be entered to win a spot at dinner for you and a guest: https://donate.barackobama.com/Barack-and-Michelle Thanks, Reggie -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122011-1542 |
10 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou More BCC: recipientsYou Show Details FROM:Dina Titus TO:tojulei@yahoo.com Message flagged Tuesday, December 20, 2011 9:56 AMMessage body Tony - I can¡¯t tell you how exciting it is to be back on the campaign trail. Since formally announcing my candidacy for Congress in Nevada¡¯s 1st District, the response I have received has been incredible. It is hard to believe that we are just 10 days away from the New Year and just 10 days away from a critical fundraising deadline. To hit our goal we must raise ¡°10k in the final 10 days¡± and the only way I know to get there is with your generous contribution of $15, $50, $100, or more. The press, the pundits, and the folks in Washington will be judging our campaign on the year-end finance report and that is why your support is so important. From the AFL-CIO jobs rally to the Salvation Army Auxilliary¡¯s Christmas party, and from a roundtable with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to a visit with DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, it has been a great few weeks. THANK YOU as always for your help and support. Dina P.S. It is only with your $15, $50, $100, or more that we will reach ¡°10k in the final 10 days.¡± Will you help us hit the mark? -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122011-1443 |
Senator Reid Applauds President Obama for Signing the Hoover Power Allocation Act Into Law 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou More BCC: recipientsYou Show Details FROM:Senator Harry Reid TO:judy & tony lei Message flagged Tuesday, December 20, 2011 2:12 PMMessage body If you are having trouble viewing this message, you can view the message online.December 20, 2011 Dear Fellow Nevadan This morning, I joined President Obama in the Oval Office as he signed the Hoover Power Allocation Act into law. This law is a significant achievement for Nevada and one that I have been working on for many years. I first introduced this legislation in 2009 and I commend President Obama for signing it into law because Hoover Dam is a critical element of Southern Nevada¡¯s economy. This law ensures that for the next fifty years Nevada will continue to receive approximately 25 percent of the clean and affordable renewable electricity generated at Hoover Dam. I am proud to have worked on this legislation because Hoover Dam¡¯s clean and affordable renewable electricity is good for our economy and our environment. The Hoover Power Allocation Act helps Nevada¡¯s economy by providing affordable, renewable energy to multiple entities throughout Nevada including the Southern Nevada Water Authority, Boulder City, Lincoln County, Overton Power District, Valley Electric, and Nevada industries at the Basic Management Industrial Complex near Henderson. The electricity generated at Hoover Dam also helps Nevada to meet peak demands at lower costs. For more information on this important legislation, please click here. Thank you for taking the time to read this email. I wish you and yours a loving, safe and happy holiday season and best wishes for 2012. Sincerely, HARRY REID U.S. Senator for Nevada -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121911-2117 |
Flag this messageBarack and MichelleMonday, December 19, 2011 5:16 PMFrom: "Julianna Smoot, BarackObama.com" Add sender to ContactsTo: "tony lei" Tony --Beyond the titles, it's easy to forget sometimes that our President and First Lady are, when it comes down to it, regular people like us. So I'd encourage you right now to enter our contest to do what few people will ever get to do -- not just have dinner with the President and First Lady of the United States, but have dinner with Barack and Michelle Obama. Here's the link to throw your name in the hat for dinner with Barack and Michelle: https://donate.barackobama.com/Barack-and-Michelle This dinner isn't just some sweepstakes -- it's also a way to help build this campaign just days before our Republican opponents start competing in primaries and caucuses, and inevitably step up their attacks on the President and our campaign. So make sure to enter before the deadline, and to spread the word to a friend or two -- if someone you tell about this opportunity ends up winning, I'd guess you'd be at the top of their guest list. Thanks, Julianna Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121911-1523 |
Happy Holidays From The Sandoval Family 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou More BCC: recipientsYou Show Details FROM:Brian Sandoval For Governor TO:Judy & tony lei Message flagged Monday, December 19, 2011 3:14 PMMessage body -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121911-1512 |
Senator Reid Blocks Efforts to Resurrect Yucca Mountain 1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou More BCC: recipientsYou Show Details FROM:Senator Harry Reid TO:judy & tony lei Message flagged Monday, December 19, 2011 1:16 PMMessage body December 19, 2011 Dear Fellow Nevadan, I am proud to announce that once again, Congress has voted not to appropriate a single dime to make Nevada the nation’s dumping ground for nuclear waste. Last week, Congress passed a year-end funding bill that included zero funding for Yucca Mountain. Additionally, I was able to block an attempt by House Republicans to prevent the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) from closing out Yucca Mountain licensing activities in this legislation. Despite the best efforts of House Republicans, President Obama and Congress have made a decision to end this dangerous project. I commend President Obama for keeping his word to Nevadans to prevent the most dangerous substance known to man from being stored 90 miles away from the world’s premier tourist destination. Yucca Mountain was never a good idea and it’s time to move on towards real solutions that ensure Americans’ health and safety. The Blue Ribbon Commission will soon finish its work on recommendations for safely and securely managing nuclear waste, and I look forward to their final report. Thank you for taking the time to read this email. For more information on my work to prevent Nevada from becoming the nation’s nuclear dumping ground, or to contact me, please visit my website, reid.senate.gov. I wish you and your family all the best in the holiday season. Sincerely, HARRY REID U.S. Senator for Nevada -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121811-2237 |
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