Mon, July 5, 2010 10:46:20 AMAlumni E-Newsletter: Leading Lives of Distinction
From: Pepperdine University Alumni Association [] Add to Contacts
July 2010
In This Newsletter: Leading Lives of Distinction
Pepperdine alumni throughout the world are living lives of distinction. Read more about alumni who have achieved Pepperdine-style success by leading lives of purpose, service, and leadership through their chosen careers, their pursuit of knowledge, being ecologically responsible, and improving the plight of others.
9/11 to Unite Alumni in Service
Saturday, September, 11, 2010
What will you be doing on Saturday, September 11, 2010? Alumni, faculty, staff, students, family, and friends worldwide will be united in service for Pepperdine's 23rd annual Step Forward Day. Mark your calendar today.
2010 Distinguished Alumni
Five Distinguished Alumni are chosen each year to address the graduating classes of Pepperdine s five schools. These alumni are chosen based on exceptional personal and/or professional accomplishments in their chosen field and for emulating Pepperdine s mission by living a life based on purpose, service, and leadership. This year s 2010 Distinguished Alumni are: Cathryn J. Kingsbury ('97, MPP '99), Dave Bowman (MS '98), Tod Burnett (EDD '05), Liz Laugeson ('00, PsyD '04), Andre Birotte, Jr. (JD '91), John Lewis ('83), and Deanne Lewis ('84). Read more.
Fulbright Scholars
Seven recent Seaver College graduates received the Fulbright Scholar award, one of the most prestigious awards granted to college scholars. Meet the recipients to find out how they plan to use their awards in pursuit of knowledge, reason, and compassion across the globe. More
Class Notes Keep Alumni Informed
Learn what's happening with former classmates and other Pepperdine friends by browsing the Class Notes in PAN Online. Take a moment to share the latest events and achievements in your life. To submit, fill out the Class Notes Submission Form or e-mail
The Pepperdine Fund
Time is running out! The 2009-2010 Pepperdine Fund Campaign is coming to a close. Pepperdine continues to shine as a University dedicated to academic excellence and Christian values. Your gift, an expression of your pride, is critical to this mission. Please take this opportunity to make your contribution to this year's campaign.
The Parking Spot
Get 20% off parking at both LAX locations and 10% at all other locations nationwide with The Parking Spot. Get your Pepperdine Spot Club Card today.
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Waves of Service Award
At the annual Graziadio School of Business and Management luncheon, The Messeso Foundation received a Waves of Service award honoring its founder, Rod Boone (MBA '04).
Helping Our Communities
J.J. Starr ('10) and Alec Eagon ('11) will be going to Uganda this July with Lifebread, founded by Dusty Breeding ('10), in order to document and explore what it takes to overcome cultural barriers and work for effective, sustainable, and meaningful development in Africa and the world at large. Watch a video.
Become a Waves of Service Fan
Become a fan, post an invitation for volunteer service, or share your favorite story of alumni serving others through a career of volunteerism.
Heart of Compassion Food Distribution
Every Wednesday; 1 p.m.
Montebello, CA
Join fellow alumnus, John Velasco ('80), by serving at Heart of Compassion. They are in need of volunteers for the distribution of food to Montebello residents. More...
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Monthly Opportunities to Expand Your Education Through
Online Lectures and Forums
A Day in the Life of Pepperdine Trash
Rhiannon Pregitzer (JD '06), director of the Center for Sustainability, discusses the University's waste service program and the non-traditional recycling program. The University produces 160 tons of disposable waste per month. There is a common misperception that Pepperdine does not recycle. Through this waste program, the University is able to divert 78 percent of waste from the landfills. Learn about where it all goes.
Expand your education through iTunesU, a benefit provided by Pepperdine University. Lectures are available on a variety of topics. Download the podcast today on iTunesU.
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Job Openings at Pepperdine
Check out the Pepperdine Human Resources Web site to explore career possibilities with your alma mater. Recent job openings include:
Waves of Service coordinator, Advancement Campaign, Malibu Campus
Assistant director, recreation and leadership development, Seaver College, Malibu Campus
Waves Hiring Waves
Are you hiring? Consider a Pepperdine alumnus. Post your job listing with Pepperdine on PAN Online.
Career Development Webinars
Develop your social media networking skills by attending this webinar: "Using LinkedIn Effectively in Your Job Search."
PAN Online: Have You Visited Lately?
More than 14,000 fellow alumni have discovered the benefits of the online directory: career mentoring, job listings, and e-mail forwarding. PAN Online offers an exclusive, interactive community with unmatched opportunities to engage and converse with alumni, students, staff, and faculty around the corner and across the globe.
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Connect with Alumni in Your Area
Get involved with the Pepperdine community where you live. Socialize with old friends, network with new Pepperdine business contacts, and serve your community. Find a chapter near you.
Upcoming Events
Atlanta Waves
Thursday, July 29
Welcome to the Neighborhood at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens
Bay Area Waves
Saturday, July 10
Waves of Service: Bags of Love
Carolina Waves
Saturday, July 10
Movie Night at the Museum of Art II:
The Blind Side
Colorado "Mile High" Waves
Saturday, July 17
New Student Send-Off BBQ
Los Angeles Waves
Wednesday, July 21
Westside Industry Luncheon: Law
Sunday, July 25
South Bay Concert in Park
New York Waves
Saturday, July 24
Welcome to the Neighborhood
Orange County Waves
Saturday, July 24
Pageant of the Masters
Phoenix "Heat" Waves
Saturday, July 10
Waves of Service: Valley of the Sun YMCA
Ventura County Waves
Thursday, July 22
4 Habits of Highly Effective Couples
Don t see events in your area? If you would like to have Pepperdine come to your neighborhood, please contact Cathy Kort (MA '96), executive director of alumni affairs.
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CBS Interactive to Launch
The Pepperdine University department of athletics has partnered with CBS Interactive to launch a brand-new, that went live on June 14. Fans of the Waves athletic programs will be treated to a brighter, cleaner look that shows off Pepperdine in an entirely new way. Wide-screen photos will highlight student-athletes' achievements, and when possible, accompanying videos. More...
MLB Baseball Draft
The major leagues came calling in June for Pepperdine pitchers Matt Bywater, Cole Cook, and Robert Dickmann ('10) during the MLB first-year player draft. Cook was selected in the fifth round and the 150th overall pick by the Cleveland Indians, while Bywater was taken in the seventh round and the 208th overall pick by the Baltimore Orioles. Dickmann ('10) was selected in the 36th round and 1091th pick overall by the Tampa Bay Rays. In addition, several incoming Pepperdine National Letter of Intent signees were also selected during the 2010 MLB Draft. Cody Buckel, right hand pitcher (RHP), was selected in the second round and the 72nd pick overall by the Texas Rangers. Scott Frazier, right hand pitcher (RHP), was selected in the fifth round and the 171st pick overall by the Philadelphia Phillies. William Swanner, catcher (C), was selected in the 15th round and the 470th pick overall by the Colorado Rockies. The Waves have had 125 players drafted since Major League Baseball instituted the amateur draft in 1965. Read a press release on Cook and Bywater. Read a complete release on Dickmann.
Save the Date:
The 2010 Pepperdine Athletics Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Warner Center Marriott, Woodland Hills, CA
The 2010 Pepperdine Athletics Hall of Fame Class will be inducted on Sunday, October 17, 2010, as a conclusion to Waves Weekend. A check-in and reception period will start at 5 p.m. and will be followed by dinner and an induction ceremony at 6 p.m. The event will take place in the Grand Ballroom at the Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills, California. To make an early reservation or for more information, please e-mail Heather Collart or call (310) 506-6483.
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Adjunct Professor Julia Corliss' Artwork on Display
Dr. Julia Corliss, adjunct professor of education, will have a show of her artwork featured at The Eclectic Caf , 5156 Lankershim Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601. For details call (818) 760-2233. The exhibit will continue through the summer.
14th Annual Smart Marriages Conference
July 8 - 11, 2010
Orlando, FL
Dr. Dennis Lowe and Dr. Emily Scott-Lowe will conduct two workshops at the 14th Annual Smart Marriages Conference in Florida this month. The focus of this conference is to equip therapists and family life educators with tools to help couples develop satisfying and secure relationships. More...
Clinical Connections
July 8, 2010; 1 - 3 p.m.
West Los Angeles Graduate Campus
At this session: Eran Bar-Adon, LMFT. Clinical Connections are free monthly events where students, alumni, and friends of Pepperdine can hear guest lecturers speak on a variety of subjects and are an opportunity for students and professionals to network. These events are sponsored by GSEP s MA Psychology Department of Professional Development. To RSVP, please e-mail Sheila Sayani.
Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy
(ELAP Doctoral Program) Research Capstone Seminar
Friday, July 9, 2010; 4 - 8 p.m.
West Los Angeles Graduate Campus, Room 203
Attend dinner at 4 p.m. prior to the presentations. Doctoral students will present their research in three rounds. RSVP required. Please e-mail Kristin Bailey or call (310) 568-2361.
Participatory Action Research (PAR) Presentations
Saturday, July 10, 2010; noon - 4 p.m.
West Los Angeles Graduate Campus, Room 203
Attend lunch at noon prior to the presentations. Doctoral students will present their research in three rounds. RSVP required. Please e-mail Kristin Bailey or call (310) 568-2361.
17th Annual International and Educational Resource Network (iEARN) Conference
July 12 - 17, 2010
Georgian College
Dr. Margaret Riel, visiting professor of Education with GSEP s master of arts in learning technologies (MALT), will present at the conference. Educators will gather from over 70 countries. Dr. Riel will copresent with Dr. Kramer "Online Learning Circles Workshop and "Developing the Community of Practice Around Learning Circles." For more information on learning circles see She will also moderate a panel on: "Learning and Leading with Technology: Then and Now. More...
GSEP Education Programs Summer Institutes
July 26 - 30, 2010
Malibu Campus
The Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) is pleased to introduce its inaugural Summer Institutes. These five-day programs are designed for preK-12 teachers and administrators interested in integrating cutting-edge research, technology, and approaches developed and tested by internationally renowned educators. The forum provides a venue for networking with some of the most forward-thinking practitioners in the arena of education. More information or to register.
Alumni are our very best referral source for new students! If you know someone who might be a good candidate for a Pepperdine master's or doctoral programs, encourage them to call or e-mail. Contact information for each academic program is listed on the GSEP Web site.
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Pepperdine MBA Program Introduces a Certificate in Social, Environmental, and Ethical Responsible Business Practice
Launching in the fall, the Social, Environmental, and Ethical Responsible business practice (SEER) Certificate Program will allow full-time MBA students at Graziadio School who are interested in eco-entrepreneurship to enhance their graduate business school experience and career opportunities. Initially, the certificate will be specific to the Full-time MBA Program, but will be expanded to include students in Fully Employed MBA program at a later date. More...
Northern California Graziadio Alumni Golf Tournament
Friday, July 9, 2010; 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Cinnabar Hills Golf Course, San Jose, CA
Join Pepperdine alumni, students, and friends for a day of golf and camaraderie. New and experienced golfers are welcome to play in the tournament. You can join as a solo golfer, select your own group of four in advance, or we ll assign you to a group of four. This tournament also honors Pepperdine Graziadio alumnus, Larry Hebert (MBA 92), for his continued commitment to alumni and students of Northern California. Sponsorships are also available to help ensure that we can continue to have events for Pepperdine alumni in Northern California. Cost: $100 per golfer. Fee includes breakfast, green fees, and awards luncheon. Register.
Job Search Chat Series - Using LinkedIn Effectively in Your Job Search
Wednesday, July 21, 2010; noon - 1 p.m.
Online Webinar and Live Chat
You ve heard of the importance of social media. You know that to maximize your job search you need a powerful profile on LinkedIn, you need to utilize groups to connect to people, and you need to know how to do research, but you aren t there yet Join us for this presentation that will include an overview of the site s functionalities and best practices for a job searching on LinkedIn: developing a profile, the importance of groups, searching and researching people, companies, and jobs. Register.
Magic Johnson Foundation Meet and Greet
Thursday, July 22, 2010; 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Alumni Park, Malibu Campus
The Graziadio Alumni Network of Los Angeles and Pepperdine Waves of Service have announced a partnership with the Magic Johnson Foundation's Taylor Michaels Scholarship Program (TMSP). One primary goal of this partnership is to invite Pepperdine alumni to form mentor-mentee relationships with current TMSP undergraduate scholars and learn more about mentorship opportunities. Please join us for this casual evening of connections. Complimentary burgers, chips, and drinks provided by In-N-Out. Register.
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Worldly Waves Alumni Travel Program
Join Seaver College and George Pepperdine College alumni in London this August! Register online for our first Worldly Waves event. RSVP by July 7.
Travel with us to Buenos Aires in November. Find out more and register online.
Secure Your Reservation for Your International Program Reunion:
London Alumni: Register online by July 7.
Buenos Aires Alumni: Join us in November for the ALL alumni reunion.
Contact Tara Lawrence ('04) or visit the reunions Web site and select your program.
Take a Survey
Alumni Feedback Survey. Let us know how we can better serve you and take our short survey!
Summertime is a great time to spend with your children doing a volunteer or community service project! Take a look at the Pepperdine Volunteer Center s Web site for one-time or ongoing projects for families with children. You can volunteer with nonprofits all over the country! Volunteer.
Won by One's 15th Anniversary CD
Won by One, Pepperdine's six member student a cappella performing group, a dynamic music ministry that seeks to bring its audiences closer to God through its performances and recordings. The group has released a CD in celebration of its 15th anniversary. Buy a CD today.
Connect with us:
Keep up-to-date with news and events for George Pepperdine and Seaver College alumni. Call (310) 506-4348, e-mail alumni services, or visit
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Straus Institute Hosted the 23rd Annual Summer Professional Skills Program
The Professional Skills Program in Dispute Resolution was held on June 10 - 12. The program featured a panel of nationally recognized experts in dispute resolution and provided educational opportunities for practicing professionals. More...
Pepperdine Remembers Professor Tony "Skippy" McDermott
Professor Tony McDermott, who taught at Pepperdine University School of Law since 1982, passed away on June 1, 2010, at the Little Company of Mary Hospital in Torrance, California. He was surrounded by family and loved ones. More...
Pepperdine Hosted Six Members of the Ugandan Judiciary to Discuss Plea Bargaining
School of Law hosted six members of the Ugandan judiciary on May 21 - 29, for a series of discussions on plea bargaining. The group included James Ogoola, the chief judge of Uganda s High Court, in addition to three criminal court judges, the registrar of the criminal court, and the registrar of the war crimes court. More...
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Don't forget the School of Public Policy is on Facebook and YouTube. Keep up with news, events, and watch recent lectures.
What s New With You?
Please send us your latest news new jobs, promotions, education updates, marriages, births, honors, and awards that we can include in our Summer edition of the upcoming Dean s Report. E-mail your alumni update to Christina Ramirez.
For the most recent event listings, subscribe to the School of Public Policy event calendar. Choose an RSS feed, Atom feed, monthly e-mail, or download an iCalendar file.
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Connecting the Pepperdine Community
Pepperdine University Alumni Association
24255 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90263
(310) 506-6190
Copyright 2009