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The lake of Hangzhou



Flag this messageEnergizing American Jobs and SecurityFriday, October 14, 2011 2:02 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Senator Jim Inhofe" Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com
Dear Friend & Supporter,

America is at a crossroads. With job losses mounting, getting America working again will be job #1 for our next President.

Unfortunately, the current occupant of the White House thinks repeating its failed policies of temporary tax gimmicks and increased spending is the answer for our current economic malaise.

The good news is, Rick Perry is offering Americans a real choice.

As Governor of Texas, Rick Perry has earned a reputation for being America's jobs governor. It's a well-earned honor. Since Rick Perry became governor, over 1 million jobs have been created in Texas, while at the same time, the rest of the country lost 2.5 million jobs.

As President, Rick Perry will apply those same economic principles that have worked so well in Texas to creating a climate where job creators can flourish throughout America.

It starts with America's vast energy reserves.

Rick Perry has a plan to get 1.2 million Americans working again -- and stop the Obama Administration from killing 2.4 million jobs by 2020 -- and it starts the moment he takes his hand off the Bible, having been sworn in as President.

Rick Perry has a plan to get America working again that doesn't exclusively rely on Congress to act. With the stroke of his pen, he will immediately unlock our vast natural resources, approving energy development in federal lands and waters, and stopping needless federal regulation on our nation's energy producers that do nothing more than increase our energy costs and our reliance on hostile foreign oil.

Rick Perry's approach is clear and straightforward:

旳merica can create jobs through increased domestic energy production, utilizing all our natural resources, conventional and renewable, on-shore and offshore.
旳merican can ensure energy security and decrease our dependence on hostile foreign energy resources.
旳merica can provide affordable and reliable energy for American families, small businesses, and industry.
I encourage you to take a moment to read Rick Perry's plan and decide for yourself.

America needs jobs. America needs energy. America needs government to get out of the way.

America needs Rick Perry.


Sen. Jim Inhofe


The "Let Women Die" ActFriday, October 14, 2011 9:05 AMFrom: "Dina Titus" View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com

Tony -

Have you heard about yesterday抯 House approval of HR358, deceptively called the 損rotect life act,� which is really a 搇et women die� act?

Republicans are waging a War on Women. Since taking over the House, the radical right has been actively working to roll back the freedoms and protections of American women. They are threatening our health and attacking our right to choose.

The stakes have never been higher for women in our country.

Your contribution of $10, $25, $100, or more today will help me defeat the good old boys network and return to Congress as a champion for Women抯 Rights.

During my term in the 111th Congress and throughout my years as Minority Leader in the Nevada Legislature I have been a constant fighter for our shared values. That is why I am working hard each day to return to Congress and continue to stand up for women in Nevada and throughout our country.

I am the only woman currently running for the House in Nevada and am proud to have the support of EMILY抯 List, Women抯 Campaign Forum, Planned Parenthood, and others.

With their support and your individual contribution of $10, $25, $100, or more today, I know our campaign will be successful.

As always, THANK YOU for your continued support.



Paid for by Titus for Congress

P.O. Box 50614
Henderson, NV 89016


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日前,他接受「華州華人防癌互助?f?沟难?,?榧訌?大?防癌常識而舉辦健康講座,在? .... and "Chinese News Agency of Las Vegas wbti" of Communitylink. ... 台年度大型节目的制片人和导演,在当前的洛杉矶华人社区可以说备受瞩目,最受追捧。 .... 【 本?笥?者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯??А繌暮峡瓷娇此舜羞b在莫哈維沙漠裡清澈的 ...


Flag this messagePresident Obama: "I will not take no for an answer"Wednesday, October 12, 2011 2:40 PMFrom: "Jim Messina, BarackObama.com" View contact detailsTo: "tony lei"
Tony --

Last night, the American Jobs Act was filibustered by Senate Republicans. There was no vote on the actual bill.

But it would have succeeded: the American Jobs Act has at least 51 votes -- a clear majority -- to pass the Senate. And a new poll shows that 63 percent of Americans support it, too.

Today the President recorded a message he wants you to see, laying out where we go from here in the fight for jobs.

Watch President Obama's video -- and pass it on to anyone you think should see it.

The Republicans who voted yesterday to block this bill weren't thinking about middle-class families. In fact, at last night's GOP debate, one of their leading candidates actually refused to say he'd extend a payroll tax cut that puts more than $1,000 in the pockets of everyday working Americans.

They might believe it's in their political interest to oppose whatever the President proposes for the next 13 months, but we know that when it comes to jobs and restoring economic security, Americans can't afford to wait.

The American Jobs Act would get to work now, providing incentives for businesses to hire unemployed veterans, helping hire tens of thousands of teachers, cops, and firefighters, and rebuilding and modernizing our schools, railways, bridges, and airports. Even though it's fully paid for and made up of proposals both parties have supported, Republicans yesterday said no.

Now the President wants you to hear directly from him about what's next.

Watch the video -- and make sure your friends do, too:




Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


982,967Thursday, October 13, 2011 9:13 AMFrom: "Jim Messina, BarackObama.com" View contact detailsTo: "tony lei"
Tony --

Remember that deadline we kept emailing you about a couple weeks ago?

Here's what you should know about what we'll report to the FEC tomorrow:

-- In the third fundraising quarter of this year, 606,027 people donated to this campaign -- even more than gave in the record-breaking previous quarter.
-- Those people gave more than 766,000 total donations -- 98 percent of them $250 or less, at an average amount of $56. That's more than twice as many donations than we had at this point in the historic 2008 campaign.
-- We are focused on building infrastructure that will help us win in 2012. And each quarter we set a combined goal for the campaign and our allies at the Democratic National Committee. We far exceeded our goal of $55 million this quarter between the two organizations.
-- Together, Obama for America and the DNC raised more than $70 million. And it all happened during a summer when the President was focused on doing the job he was elected to do -- a summer when we had to cancel a series of fundraising events and ask everyone to dig a little deeper.

If I could sum up this last quarter in a few words: Supporters like you came through.

Here's even bigger news: Right now, 982,967 people have donated to this campaign. We're within striking distance of 1 million donors.

It's not too late for you to be part of that first million. And get this -- someone who has already given to the campaign is willing to give again, matching whatever donation you make today.

Double your impact and be part of the first million people to own this campaign -- make a donation now.

Part of the reason we send you all these emails is that we don't accept any money from special-interest groups or Washington lobbyists.

So getting to a million grassroots donors isn't just a huge accomplishment this early in the campaign. It's our answer to our opponents, the press, and anyone who wants to know whether the President's supporters have his back.

The reality is that on top of the hundreds of thousands of supporters from 2008 who decided to make another donation, 257,635 people made their first donation ever to the Obama organization -- continuing the record pace we set in the previous quarter.

That support translates directly to what we can do on the ground. In the past three months we've grown our organizing staff by 50 percent, and opened up three new field offices every week. Thousands of volunteers and organizers made 3 million phone calls and in-person visits to voters.

That's all because nearly 1 million people decided to take ownership.

And the continued pace of that growth is up to you -- we will open more offices, train more organizers, and knock on more doors at the pace you make possible.

When Republicans think it helps their political fortunes to block the progress that the President is advocating for, we have to speak up and mobilize.

You know why it's important to engage right now. We're up against a Republican Party and special interest-funded groups that will spend hundreds of millions of dollars spreading any message that they believe will defeat the President and roll back our efforts to build a fairer economy that rewards hard work and responsibility, not large corporations.

But we've also got to build for the long term. That's what all the fundraising and deadlines are about: building the organization now that will put us in a position to win in 2012.

Thanks for all you did to get us here. I'm excited for what's ahead, and I hope you'll take part in the push to 1 million grassroots donors today.

Match someone's pledge, double your impact, and become part of the first million today:




Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


We did itThursday, October 13, 2011 2:36 PMFrom: "Shelley Berkley" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony Lei"
Dear Tony,

When we started this campaign just a few months ago, I knew we would need to reach some big numbers, and it would take hard work. The special interests love our opponent -- he's been on their side from the beginning, voting twice to end Medicare and standing up for corporations that ship jobs overseas. They're going to do whatever it takes to help his campaign out.

But I have some great news. We not only hit our fall fundraising goal, but moved so far beyond it that even the reporters and pundits have been impressed.

That's a huge accomplishment!

It also sends a powerful message to Dean Heller and his billionaire special interest friends: We're going to stand up for Nevada's middle-class by creating jobs, protecting Medicare and ending taxpayer giveaways to Big Oil companies.

Every dollar you pitched in and every tweet or post to Facebook helped us build this movement for the future of Nevada. I couldn't be more proud to have friends like you standing by my side as I work to make sure our families and children have every opportunity to achieve their dreams.

I hope you're ready for the fight of our lives -- we've still got a lot of work to do, and this journey is only beginning.

Thanks so much for everything you've done, and for everything you'll do.



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慶祝溫泉開鑿滿一百年,谷關社區發展協會與谷關各溫泉及餐廳業者聯合舉辦系列慶祝 ... 她表示,若其他華人學區有興趣申請「外國語文加強計畫」者,應於2009年提出申請,但 ... The following report is posted through the courtesy of the "拉斯維加斯報導" ... (WBTI editor's note) ]]]. {{{賭城城中區電子天幕每年國慶前後歡樂氣氛濃。 ...
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徐航東畢業於上海舞蹈學院,曾經是「上海歌舞團」主要演員。1998年,他在慶祝香港 ...
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日前,他接受「華州華人防癌互助協會」的邀請,為加強大眾防癌常識而舉辦健康講座,在 ...


More videos for *1.林佳.
More videos for *1.林佳. 維加斯華人社?^?c祝百年??c Las Vegas Chinese ...


Flag this messageSecretary's Remarks: American Global Leadership at the Center for American ProgressWednesday, October 12, 2011 3:22 PMFrom: "U.S. Department of State" View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comSecretary's Remarks: American Global Leadership at the Center for American Progress
Wed, 12 Oct 2011 16:31:59 -0500

American Global Leadership at the Center for American Progress

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of StateWashington, DC

October 12, 2011


MODERATOR: Good afternoon. Welcome back, for those of you who were with us yesterday evening and this morning. I think we抳e had a tremendous conference. We抮e tremendously honored to have a friend, a mentor, an inspiration, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton here with us today. I want to extend a sincere thanks to you, Madam Secretary, for taking this time out of your schedule to join us and deepen our conversation.

So, welcome. Over the past two days, we have looked to our past, and we have looked inward, to what has made our country great and to the challenges we face to build a more perfect union in the years and months ahead.

This morning, Bill Ivey and Jose Andres encouraged us to embrace complexity and connection. And as Secretary Clinton has said, the complexities and connections of today抯 world have created a new global America moment as well. (Inaudible) things that make us who we are as a nation, our openness and innovation, our determination and devotion to core values, are also more important outside our borders than ever before. This afternoon, we抮e here to look outward and consider how the American idea we are exploring today matters (inaudible) progress round the globe.

Secretary Clinton, of course, hardly needs an introduction. She was sworn in as the 67th Secretary of State of the United States on January 21st, 2009, after nearly four decades in public service as an advocate, attorney, as a citizen, as a first lady, and as a senator. As first lady, she fought for healthcare reform and for children in working families, and traveled to more than 80 countries around the world as a champion for human rights, democracy, civil society, and empowering women and girls. As a senator, she did something seemingly impossible today as we watch the work of the Senate. She actually worked across the party divide to expand economic opportunity, to make the U.S. stronger and more secure. Her historic campaign for president created 18 billion cracks in the glass ceiling and made it clear to every girl in America today that anyone can be president of the United States. (Applause.)

And of course, as Secretary of State at a moment of great change in the world, Secretary Clinton reasserted and redefined Americans America抯 global leadership and secured it for the 21st century. She saw sustained American leadership as a key to advancing our interest and values and creating a world where more people can live up to their God-given potential, what we at home still call the American dream. She has elevated the role of economics in foreign policy, and transformed the way Americans America conducts diplomacy and development, using smart power, modernizing statecraft, partnering with new institutions, actors, and emerging powers, and reaching beyond states to people. She抯 championed our civilian national security institutions and worked to make them an effective partner with our military. She抯 America抯 rock star diplomat.

Secretary Clinton, welcome and (inaudible). (Applause.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you all. Well, it is wonderful to be here with a lot of familiar faces, and it抯 also good to see some new ones here on behalf of CAP and the values and ideals that it advocates for and protects and defends. And I want to thank my longtime friend, John Podesta, along with Neera Tanden, and everyone at the Center for American Progress, because this organization has grown dramatically. I remember when CAP was literally just a twinkle in John Podesta抯 eye. And now, every day, you抮e contributing to our national debate, and increasingly, the global debate. You抮e helping those of us in government, which includes quite a few CAP alumni, see the trend lines beyond the headlines. So I thank each and every one of you for being in support of this important mission.

Before I begin to address some of these trend lines that are really part of America抯 leadership and how we define it and how we promote it, I want to just say a few words about the conspiracy to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in Washington that was directed by elements of the Iranian Government. This plot, very fortunately disrupted by the excellent work of our law enforcement and intelligence professionals, was a flagrant violation of international and U.S. law, and a dangerous escalation of the Iranian Government抯 longstanding use of political violence and sponsorship of terrorism.

This is not just, however, about Iran and the United States or even just about Saudi Arabia. Targeting an ambassador violates the Convention on the Protection and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, which, of course, includes diplomats. Iran is a signatory to this convention. Iran is also in agreement with the Security Council resolutions to implement it. This kind of reckless act undermines international norms and the international system. Iran must be held accountable for its actions. In addition to the steps announced by the attorney general yesterday, the United States has increased our sanctions on individuals within the Iranian Government who are associated with this plot and Iran抯 support for terrorism. We will work closely with our international partners to increase Iran抯 isolation and the pressure on its government, and we call upon other nations to join us in condemning this threat to international peace and security.



Flag this messageJobs. Jobs. Jobs.Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:09 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Rob Johnson" Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com
Dear Friend & Supporter,

Tonight Governor Perry articulated an economic vision for our country that starts with tapping our domestic energy potential, which would create jobs and make our country more secure.

The governor discussed his record of controlling spending, reining in frivolous lawsuits to bring more doctors to Texas, and leading Texas to the second lowest per capita debt ratio in the country.

Governor Perry brings a strong record of executive leadership, helping Texas employers create 40 percent of the new jobs in America since June of 2009.

With your contribution of $100, $50, or $25, we can continue to spread his message of economic leadership and elect Gov. Perry the next president of the United States.

We are building a campaign for the long haul, with a strong organization in states all across America. Governor Perry is actively campaigning across the country, spreading an optimistic message to get our country working again.

Governor Perry is a principled, conservative leader. The record proves it. Help us bring his conservative leadership to the White House. Join our team and help us spread our message to get America working again.


Rob Johnson
Campaign Manager





[[[舉行雙十節升旗儀式情操感人 百人舞團慶百年具創意有熱情有活力]]]

拉斯維加斯華人社區為慶祝中華民國建國百年雙十國慶,真是熱情揚溢,破天荒地成立中華民國建國百年聯歡慶典委員會,並於10月 9日晚上在黃金海岸賭場宴會廳舉行國慶晚宴,由羅素娥、蔡淵泉擔任主任委員,並由張曉琴、趙琦擔任司儀,委員會同時邀請舊金山經文處王海龍副處長、金山灣區華僑文教服務中心高家富副主任為晚宴貴賓,另外又邀請內州商務部Gayle M. Anderson (Nevada Commission on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) 和韓德森市議員Gerri Schroder等主流政要參加同慶。*1

拉斯維加斯中華民國建國百年慶典活動籌備會,並在10日10上午10時,在西烈火鳥公園(WEST FLAMINGO PARK),舉行雙十節升旗儀式暨百人舞團慶百年的活動,一大早社區人士扶老攜幼,穿戴紀念性的百年標誌夾克,和百年舞者配上國旗的圍巾,一同唱國歌、百人跳舞團唱高山青和青春舞曲,非常熱鬧開心,蔡媽媽還做台灣油飯,供應中午大家享用。

10月10日晚上,在韓德森市的安盛社區,國際文化友誼會(International Culture Connections Club)也舉行了一場盛大的中華民國百年同樂晚會,王海龍副處長和韓德森市議員Gerri Schroder為貴賓外,韓德森市長安迪哈費(Mayor Andy A. Hafen) 在晚宴結束後出席同樂晚會,受到熱烈的歡迎。


*1.林佳. 維加斯華人社區慶祝百年國慶 Las Vegas Chinese News October 12, 2011 .......
*7. Ibid.

雙十節升旗儀式莊嚴隆重,圖右起分別為: 蔡淵泉、王海龍副處長、高家富副主任、韓德森市議員Gerri Schroder。




Flag this messageFW: Please check LVCNN NEWS社區動態 has lots of your groups picturesTuesday, October 11, 2011 7:11 PMFrom: "lee krystal" View contact detailsTo: "f c" , "大coco" , "Henry Chen" , "judy Lei"




Flag this messageFW: Please check LVCNN NEWS社區動態 has lots of your groups picturesTuesday, October 11, 2011 7:11 PMFrom: "lee krystal" View contact detailsTo: "f c" , "大coco" , "Henry Chen" , "judy Lei"







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Special Guests are: Dr. William Thompson, UNLV Prefesoor of Public ..... We expect the forthcoming work performance of Pan Pacific and Asian American ... of life of the people and contribue to he prosperity of this State," said Dr. William Thompson. Bill is former Chairman and now Professor of the Department of Public ...
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=displ...Cached
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We expect the forthcoming work performance of Pan Pacific and Asian American ...


03-21-09, 6:57 p.m.(LV)
"The Winning Attitude," a famous book written by John C. Maxwell may lead us to continue our second endeavor.
'Promotion with effective change, wisdom from the respecting of the Almighty, and advanced frontier to launching the cooperation, development, and prosperity!' Chatted Tony, Judy, and Mike Lei.
---Winning, International Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti
Business & Administration (PPAA20)

[[[[[ ... We expect the forthcoming work performance of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum founded by this Institute to help improve the quality of life of the people and contribue to he prosperity of this State," said Dr. William Thompson. Bill is former Chairman and now Professor of the Department of Public Administration of UNLV. His son married a beautiful Chinese girl in Mongloria years ago. He plans to write a book for WBTI, which is expected to be published both in English and Chinese.
"Freedom, democracy, and Justice have constituted a legacy that we should keep, not because it is a legacy, but because it is right and justice. It has made the United States of America the freest and most prosperous country in history. It's our responsibility to join the effort together in making Nevada one of the peaceful, happy, and prosperous state of America through the cooperation and development of culture, tourism, business, and education with our foreign countries." said Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Governor of Nevada, for the Thai Performing Arts - Appreciation Day 2003. The Event and Party was held at the Charleston Height Arts Center on September 16, 2003, co-sponsored by WBTI, Arcata Associates, Kids for a Better Society, and among others.

The spirit of both the innovation and entreprenuership has also motivated United States to be a leading and prosperous country. With its high-speed capability, Fiber Optics can convey mass quantity of images and voice information. It is because that the broadband technology such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) has been more and more developed. Moreover, because of the popular building of radio communication networks, wireless techniques may access important information from the web and condense it to be appeared on the small web connecting machines such as a hand-held screen. The open free software LINUX operating system can even connect various stations very easilly. All these advancement in science and technology, should be used to inspire the promotion of the quality of our daily life. In this new era of information and web works, we should add humanity concern into our thinking structures. God created the world. Everything can be decided by Him. As the value of the fellowship of Public Administration Institution of WBTI growing, we the people with intelligence and knowledge in administration, technology, science should enjoy a valuable and joyful life to serve our community and society with our efforts and wisdom. ]]]]] *717


***** "....... ." ---Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung *1001

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<<< Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at 6:07 a.m.(LV) on 010208. (0.68 seconds)
Search Results (by the world's leading search engines on Internet):

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Leader Harry Reid, U. S. ... President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI in the early . ..... [Thorugh the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail, AP, LVRJ, lvrj/wbti U.S.A. for the ...
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Hit "Chinese Simplified (HZ)" through the "View" please!

Business & Administration ( PPAA20)

122908-2037 **__**

<<< Just arrives upon the scene! Thank you very much, Sam!!! >>>

An e-mail From Chair Sam Lieberman on Monday, December 29, 2008 at 11:14 AM
^^^From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" {news@nvdems.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com}


***** "....... ." ---??? *747

"Dear Tony Lei, As New Years approaches - a note of thanks for your time, talent, energy and efforts that allowed Nevada Democrats to achieve historic successes in 2008!" Chairman Sam Lieberman of Nevada State Democratic Party wrote to LVRJ/WBTI in the morning on December 29, 2008.*101


Google Advanced Search

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Search Results (by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet)

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...
After his involvement with the Stardust, Democratic Party loyalist Tobman ..... from the State of Nevada, Clark County, U. S. Senators and Congressmen and ...
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Flag this messageFW: Emerge Nevada is looking for a few good women - Deadline October 15thTuesday, October 11, 2011 3:04 PMFrom: "Nevada State Democratic Party" View contact detailsTo: "Tony Lei"
Fellow Democrat,

I wanted to forward to you an exciting opportunity coming up. Emerge Nevada is now accepting applications for its 2012 class This is a fantastic program that recruits and trains Democratic women candidates to run for public office in Nevada. The deadline is October 15th, so time is running out to apply. The program is available both in Las Vegas and Reno. Please see below for more details on how to apply.


Roberta Lange
Nevada State Democratic Party
From: Emerge Nevada
Sent: Mon, Oct 10, 2011
Subject: Energe Nevada is looking for a few good women - Deadline October 15th


Application for Class of 2012 Closes on October 15th

What is Emerge Nevada?
Emerge Nevada is the only comprehensive political candidate training program for Democratic women in the state of Nevada. The training is for women who are serious about running for elected office and are willing to commit to seven days over six months of comprehensive training.

This year, the program runs from January 2012 through June 2012.

Emerge Nevada was founded in 2007. Since that time, 77 women have graduated from the program and 13 women have been elected to office.

Emerge Nevada has been recognized by the Nevada State Legislature and the Clark County Commission for its outstanding work in recruiting and preparing women to run for office.

Nevada limits the number of years one can serve in public office. That is why it is critical to recruit and prepare a field of candidates ready to run for office. By providing women from all over the state with top-notch training and a powerful political network, Emerge Nevada is helping put Democratic women into office, changing the leadership - and politics - of Nevada.

Our Curriculum
Public Speaking and Communication * Fundraising ** Media and Messaging * Networking * Campaign Strategy* Field Operations* Labor and Endorsements* Technology and New Media* Ethical Leadership * Debate *Campaign Budgeting* Direct Mail * Hiring Consultants

The 2012 schedule is:
January 7 & 8, February 4th, March 10th, April 21st, May 12th, June 2nd.

Online Applications Available September, 2011.
Tuition cost is $350.00.

Class meets one Saturday per month January through June, 2012. Because this is a statewide program classes are held in both Las Vegas and Reno.

Travel scholarships are available.




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Flag this message中華民國建國一百年主題曲~~拍得真好,一定要看&聽~Saturday, October 8, 2011 11:48 PMFrom: "lee krystal" View contact detailsTo: "Alice Yim"

中華民國建國一百主題曲~~由金曲大師-鍾興民特別編寫一段「我們的一百年協奏曲」,全長14分鐘,融合十首經典歌謠,並邀請13位藝人共同演唱,創造華語樂壇史上最長的單曲,同時也創造史上最長的 ­華語音樂錄影帶紀錄。

MV為呈現中華民國建國一百年的歷程細膩與深厚的情感,先以世代生活文化情感為基礎連結,構思聯想出以奶奶為主角,敘述從­年輕到現在的一生經歷,由世代愛情連結出堅深的 ­親情再延伸出生活、文化各面貌精神,來引喻這塊土地上大家努力生活所帶來的成長與茁壯。

演唱: 郭金發(月夜愁)、官靈芝、王彩樺(夜來香)、紀露霞(綠島小夜曲)、紀曉君Samingad、鄒女-Yangui Yasiyungu安歆澐、Yinguyu Yatauyungana、Paicu Yatauyungana(高山青)、鄧麗君


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