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Dear Tony,

Its time for Rush Limbaugh to face the consequences for being a mouthpiece for the right-wing war on women.

The First Amendment gives Rush the right to say whatever he wants, but that doesnt make it right for him to have a national megaphone to spew his hate. Its time for Clear Channel to make it clear that they will no longer profit from Rushs vicious attacks on women.

Add your name to my petition to Clear Channel to cancel The Rush Limbaugh Show.

Clear Channel pays Rush $50 million a year for this garbage. But with sponsors fleeing Rushs show left and right -- 50 of them so far -- its clear that our voices are having an impact on the bottom line of corporations across the country.

These companies are realizing that it doesnt pay to do business with Rush Limbaugh. And its time for Clear Channel to follow suit. Our grassroots effort has helped to strip the economic foundation out from under Rush. Now, if we keep the pressure on, we can force Clear Channel to turn off his microphone for good.

Add your name today! Then, please share our petition with your friends (and your co-workers!) on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you for your help,



March 08, 2012

Dear Fellow Nevadan,

On this International Womens Day, we recognize the many contributions of Nevadas women. The impact of Nevadas women can be felt in every corner of our state and across every aspect of our society C from government and business to education, religion and culture.

Our state has a proud history of women pioneers. Activists like Mabel Welch Hoggard and Lubertha Johnson made essential strides for education and civil rights, while Jean Ford, Harriet Trudell, Ruby Duncan, Linda Rivera and many others championed advances for Nevadas women, youth, and minority communities. These pioneers established a tradition of womens leadership in Nevada, and their work has enabled others to follow in their footsteps.

There are more than 1 million women living in Nevada, and I am honored to have worked on their behalf in Congress. I am proud to have strengthened womens legal and civil protections, and I will always continue to fight to achieve equal opportunities in the classroom and in the workplace.

I was pleased when Johnnie Rawlinson was confirmed in 2000 to serve as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and when Gloria Navarro was confirmed in 2010 to serve as a judge for the U.S. District Court of Nevada. Recently, the President nominated two more highly qualified women to serve on the U.S. District Court, Miranda Du and Elissa Cadish. I am proud to have recommended all four of these women for judicial service.

Supporting womens access to health care has also been a priority. That is why I fought to pass the Affordable Care Act. This new law prohibits insurance companies from denying women health insurance because of a pre-existing condition, and ensures Nevadas almost 700,000 children have access to quality coverage for well-child, dental, and eye care services. And starting in August, insurance plans will be required to cover critical womens preventive services like well-women visits, contraception, as well as diabetes, HIV and domestic violence screenings without any copayments. For more information on how the Affordable Care Act benefits Nevadas women and families, please click here.

Last week, the Senate narrowly defeated an amendment that would have allowed any employer to deny coverage of any health care services for any reason. This proposal would have been particularly harmful to womens health because it would have jeopardized access to free preventive services like contraception and well-women visits for hundreds of thousands of Nevada women.

For more information on my work in the Senate on behalf of Nevadas women or to contact me, please visit my website, reid.senate.gov or sign up to receive my e-newsletter, The Reid Report. Your e-mails, letters, and phone calls draw attention to the key issues Nevadans face. I always look for new and innovative ways to connect with people in the Silver State, which is why I recently launched my Facebook page. I also appreciate hearing from those of you who contact me via Twitter, and I look forward to connecting with you on these social media platforms.


U.S. Senator for Nevada



Remarks at the U.S. Institute of Peace China Conference


Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State

U.S. Institute of Peace

Washington, DC

March 7, 2012


Thank you. Thank you all very much. Thank you. I am so honored to be here to join you in celebrating the 40th anniversary of President Nixons extraordinary trip to China.
And I want to thank everyone at the U.S. Institute of Peace, especially Richard Solomon, who knows China well from his days as Policy Planning Director and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia. And its a special delight, Richard, to be visiting this beautiful building for the first time. And Tara, I want to thank you and if the Senate so agrees, we are very much looking forward to Tara joining us at the State Department. So thank you so very much.

I also particularly want to recognize all the members of the Nixon-Cox families. And Tricia, thank you, because youre absolutely right; there is a bond that is hard to describe to those who have not lived through the incredible honor and challenge of being part of a first family. But I have such great appreciation for what you and your sister have done that has really bestowed great honor on your parents. And this is not only the anniversary of your fathers trip to China but also of your mothers, and I think that is worth reminding us.

I want to thank Ron Walker and everyone with the Richard Nixon Foundation, the members of Congress, ambassadors who have joined us, including the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Ambassador Zhang. Thank you so much for being here.

The events of that remarkable week in 1972 have been studied, analyzed, debated, reenacted on stage and screen, even commemorated in song. And yet, there is still more to be said about that journey to Beijing and the relationship it set into motionand how we, who are the great beneficiaries of that work 40 years ago, are cultivating the relationship so it meets the challenges and seizes the opportunities of this time.

And I want to begin by saluting all who contributed to President Nixons journey, to all the subsequent milestones in the U.S.-China relationship. And I know that during the day you have been fortunate in hearing from some of the master architects of those early years, including Henry Kissinger, who extended that first handshake to Zhou Enlai in 1971 and continues to speak and write eloquently about China today; Zbig Brzezinski, who oversaw the normalization of relations during the Carter Administration; Brent Scowcroft, who I see there appropriately in the front row, who skillfully managed the tumultuous period during the Tiananmen Square protests; Win Lord, the young note taker at the Nixon meetings who later became our ambassador to China.

I also salute the Foreign Service officers and civil servants who worked behind the scenes. Ive learned a lot about that as Secretary of State. Those of us who are out front are only out front because of all the work that has been done to lay the groundwork. And for that trip in particular, I want to recognize Stape Roy, one of the renowned missionary kids who later served as ambassador; Jeff Bader, who went to China in 1981 and became a caretaker of our China policy for the next three decades; Chas Freeman, the interpreter for President Nixons talks with Mao who later became our deputy chief of mission in Beijing.

There are those who arent with usincluding Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, who was the youngest ever Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Jim Lilley, who expertly served as our ambassador to China during the challenging events of 1989 and after.

And the journalists who traveled with President Nixon and covered every angle of his time there, including Ted Koppel, who I see in the audience. Thanks to them, people across our country were able to follow President Nixon at every step.

Now, I was a law student in 1972. I was a poor law student. I did not own a television set. But I was not about to miss history being made, so I rented one a portable model with those rabbit ears. I lugged it back to my apartment and tuned in every night to watch scenes of a country that had been blocked from view for my entire life. Like many Americans, I was riveted and proud of what we were accomplishing through our president.

President Nixon called it the week that changed the world. Well, if anything, that turned out to be an understatement.

Then, the Peoples Republic of China was profoundly isolated. Poverty was pervasive. The Cultural Revolution had banished nearly all foreigners, as well as foreign businesses, foreign books, even foreign ideas. When President Nixons motorcade drove through Beijing, the American delegation noted how eerily silent the city was. Now there were people everywhere, but there was hardly a sound.

Yet within a few short decades, China has become the second largest economy in the world. Hundreds of millions of Chinese have been lifted out of poverty and have joined the global economy. Beijing, Shanghai and other cities have turned into noisy, fast-paced, 24-hour centers of commerce and culture. The 2008 Olympics and the 2010 Expo were very successful coming out parties. And China, a rising geopolitical power, has a seat at virtually every table and a role in virtually every institution of importance in the world.

So there is no doubt that the China of today is a very different country from the China of 1972. Now that transformation is due, first and foremost, to the hard work and determination of the Chinese people and their leaders. It was encouraged, however, by people around the world who supported and invested in their progress. And it can also be traced back in a straight line to that week 40 years ago.




Re: Miss Rui ___Re: Greetings from China-US Business Summit

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FROM: Las Vegas China US Business Summit
TO: Tony Lei
CC: Gin Zhang

Message flagged

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 9:28 AM

Dear Dr. Lei,

Thanks for your email and I am sorry that I missed the call. I look forward to speaking with Mike at 11:00 a.m.



Business Coordinator

2012/3/7 Tony Lei

Dear Miss Rui,

Mike, my son did call you this morning but you were not there. He wll call you again at about 11: 00 a.m.

From: Las Vegas China US Business Summit
To: tojulei@yahoo.com
Cc: Gin Zhang
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2012 10:03 AM
Subject: Greetings from China-US Business Summit

Dear Dr. Lei,

This is Rui, the Business Coordinator from the China-US Business Summit Las Vegas Office.

Firstly Id like to thank you for your willingness to help us on this years summit. Recently we are preparing for the 3rd China-US Business Summit holding from April 29th to May 1st, at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles. This year we have invited 120 CEOs, managers and investors from China to join our summit to meet entrepreneurs from US companies. All the Chinese entrepreneurs bring fund and the will to do business with US side seriously. They will spend 4 days in Las Vegas from May 3rd- 6th for business investigation.

We are wondering if any member in Chinese American Academic Association is seeking for fund investment or business cooperation from China Mainland. Also, please feel free to keep us posted on any enterprises in your association who would like to meet business elites from China Mainland and discuss the potential business opportunities with them. Wed like to discuss with you in more details to know how we could cooperate in some way to serve them better.

You could check for more details via our website http://www.chinaussummit.org/en/index.asp and our last year summit review video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nAhN2OkKtM. They both have mandarin version if it would be more convenient. For other general information about the summit, I've attached a brief introduction of the 2012 summit and the announcement of China-US Business Summit 2012 Calls for Excellent Papers in case some one in your association might be interested.

Thank you again for your time and your help. Should any questions arise or any assistance needed, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.



Business Coordinator

China-US Business Summit Las Vegas Office
6138 Windfresh Dr.
Las Vegas,NV 89148
Office: 702-478-6830
Email: cubslv@gmail.com
Website: China-US Business Summit

China-US Business Summit Las Vegas Office
6138 Windfresh Dr.
Las Vegas,NV 89148
Office: 702-478-6830
Email: cubslv@gmail.com
Website: China-US Business Summit


U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and President Dr. Tony T. Lei wbti


Sarah Palin: Jeremy Lin is a ?great American story?

The State Column | Thursday, February 16, 2012


Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was spotted walking out of a store in New York City by TMZ cameras Thursday, with her newly purchased Jeremy Lin t-shirt.

The former Alaska governor told the TMZ interviewer that she has caught on to the ?Lin-sanity? craze.

?Got the Lin-sanity while we were here,? said Ms. Palin waving the Jeremy Lin t-shirt to the cameras. ?What an American story, its great. Its uplifting, its positive, it unifies our country. You?re talking about kind of this underdog whose worked so hard and overcome alot, we?re big fans of Lin.?



China-US Business Summit Las Vegas Office
6138 Windfresh Dr.
Las Vegas,NV 89148
Office: 702-478-6830
Email: cubslv@gmail.com
Website: China-US Business Summit


FW: ,? 2

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FROM: cykung
TO: 'Tony Lei'
'Prof. S.Y. Kung'
2 More...

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Friday, March 2, 2012 6:36 AM

May sunshine in the morning bring us happiness and warmth of God. Probably you dont like dragon or kiss?

C. Kung

uaLu??T ???p

2 Attached files| 3.0MB

On Education
by Dr. Chung-Yuang Kung



Message flagged

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 6:34 PM


50,000 Jobs By The End Of 2014

Nevada needs more jobs, everybody agrees on that. That's why Governor Sandoval released a bold plan in February to get Nevada working again. At the heart of the economic development and diversification plan is a goal of creating 50,000 new jobs in our state by the end of 2014.

In announcing the plan at the University of Nevada, Reno, Governor Sandoval asserted

"We must work together to identify opportunities for all Nevadans. Nothing is too small. None is insignificant; not when so many of our neighbors continue to seek work."

For more information on the state's economic and diversification plan, please visit the Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED) website. On this site there are testimonials from various Nevada businesses reiterating why they choose Nevada, click to watch now.

Download The Plan:
Moving Nevada Forward: A Plan for Excellence in Economic Development, 2012-2014 [PDF]

In The News
Vegas PBS Offering Help To Reach Nevada Jobs Goal
Fox 5 News
State Launches Website For Struggling Homeowners
8 News Now
Nevada's First Lady Finds Passion In Family, Work
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Nev. Governor Wants To Create 50K Jobs By 2014
CBS Money Watch
Gov. Sandoval Economic Goal For Nevada: 50,000 New Jobs By The End Of 2014
Reno Gazette-Journal
Gov. Sandoval Says Elimination Of Unnecessary Regulations Will Aide In Economic Development Efforts
Nevada News Bureau

Again, thank you for your continued support as we work toward getting Nevada working again.

All the best,

Team Sandoval

P.S. To get the latest news on Governor Sandoval, please follow @BrianSandoval on Twitter, and Like Brian's page on Facebook.

Paid for by Sandoval for Governor

P.O. Box 370297 | Las Vegas, NV 89137
Telephone: 702-360-2010
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This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com


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29 update by Communitylink of LVRJ from Feb. 1 to Feb. 29 for
Washington Business and Technology Institute


The Knicks won 120 against 103 over Clevelane Cavaliers!

Jeremy Lin had 19 points and 13 assits.


Washington Business and Technology Institute
President Tony Tung-tien Lei
Search "U.S. Senator Harry Reid and President Dr. Tony T. Lei wbti" by Google.com


President Tony T. Lei
Washington Business and Technology Institute
Search "U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and President Dr. Tony T. Lei wbti" by Google.com


Washington Business and Technology Institute
Search "U. S. Senator Harry Reid and Dr. Tony T. Lei wbti" by Google.com


The NY Knicks won 99-82 against the Atlanta Hawks. Jeremy Lin had 17 points and 9 assists.



New York Knicks vs Atlanta Hawks

7:30 pm EST



?У?˹? ?պHigh

?: 2012/02/17





Basketball phenom Lin puts his faith in the spotlight

But the quiet Knicks point guard has so far been less polarizing than Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.


Religion News Service

More News

New York Knicks guard Jeremy Lins underdog story and outspoken evangelical faith have led some sportswriters to dub him the Taiwanese Tebow.?

But while Lin and Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow share similar Christian convictions, Lins rise to stardom is even more miraculous.

Just a few weeks ago, the Harvard University graduate was buried on the bench and crashing on friends? couches. Stadium security guards mistook Lin for a team trainer.

After injuries to teammates, though, Lin was inserted into the starting lineup. The Knicks have promptly won seven straight games with their new point guard leading the way, sending New Yorkers and Asian-Americans across the country into a frenzy of Linsanity.?

Fans splurge for replicas of Lins jersey, the TV ratings of Knicks games have skyrocketed and shares of the Madison Square Garden Co., which owns the basketball team, have reached an all-time high.

Like any good point guard, Lin knows the art of the pass ? distributing the praise to his teammates and to God.

Im just thankful to God for everything,? Lin said in a recent post-game interview. Like the Bible says, God works in all things for the good of those who love him.? ?

Lins passing reference to Romans 8:28 was caught by his longtime pastor, Stephen Chen of Redeemer Bible Fellowship, a ministry within the Chinese Church in Christ in Mountain View, Calif.

Chen describes the church as full of first- and second-generation immigrants, like Lin and his parents, who are conservative in nature? and evangelical in faith.

Very early in his life he decided to pay heed to the call of Christ to take up the cross daily and follow after him,? Chen said.

Even during basketball season, when games went deep into Saturday night, Lins family made sure he was in the pews on Sunday morning, Chen said.

Lin also credits his parents with teaching him to play godly basketball,? which measures success by sportsmanship, not stats. That means putting teammates first and showing respect to opponents and referees.

As his star rose, first at Harvard and then with the NBAs Golden State Warriors, Lin shared his faith testimony with youth groups and churches near his California home.

In a 2011 appearance at River of Life Christian Church in Santa Clara, he quoted from the works of John Piper, a prominent neo-Calvinist pastor in Minneapolis, and spoke of trusting in Gods sovereign plan.?

Chen, who said he recently spoke to Lin, expects his sharp-shooting congregant to continue his evangelism in the bright lights of the Big Apple. He is really looking forward to using the platform that he has to share the gospel with others,? Chen said.

Lin already uses his social media platforms to spread the Word.

His Twitter accounts description is, to know him is to want to know him more.? His accounts avatar depicts Jesus telling a young man, No, Im not just talking about Twitter. I literally want you to follow me.? His Facebook page quotes Colossians 3:23: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.?

Tom Krattenmaker, author of the book Onward Christian Athletes,? is among the many who see some similarities between Lin and Tebow. Like Tebow, Lin has spoken of relying on faith to help carry him through the highs and lows of his sports career, and both men often praise God during post-game interviews.

Lin himself has called Tebow a polarizing figure? but also said that he draws inspiration from the young quarterbacks example.

I think the things he says in interviews, his approach to the game, is just unbelievable, and I respect him so much,? Lin recently told a California radio station.

Unlike Tebow, however, Lin does not yet have a signature gesture, a la Tebowing,? the prayerful kneeling that became an Internet meme last fall. (The fast flow of basketball rarely affords time for sustained public piety.)

Michael Luo, a New York Times reporter, sees other differences between Lin and Tebow.

I have the sense that (Lins) is a quieter, potentially less polarizing but no less devout style of faith,? Luo wrote in a recent column. And while Tebow appeared in a Super Bowl ad opposing abortion two years ago, Asian-Americans tend to avoid the culture wars, Luo wrote.

Still, as one of the very few Asian-Americans to reach the NBA, Lin will have millions following his every move, said Melanie Mar Chow of the Asian-American Christian Fellowship campus ministry. Already college campuses are buzzing with talk of his Linderella story.?

We could probably count on one hand the number of Asian-Americans who are prominent Christians,? Mar Chow said. Its great to have a role model like him.?

Posted on Fri, Feb. 17, 2012 02:09 PM

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/02/17/3435555/basketball-phenom-lin-puts-his.html#storylink=cpy

Sarah Palin: Jeremy Lin is a great American story

The State Column | Thursday, February 16, 2012
Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin was spotted walking out of a store in New York City by TMZ cameras Thursday, with her newly purchased Jeremy Lin t-shirt.

The former Alaska governor told the TMZ interviewer that she has caught on to the Lin-sanity craze.

Got the Lin-sanity while we were here, said Ms. Palin waving the Jeremy Lin t-shirt to the cameras. What an American story, its great. Its uplifting, its positive, it unifies our country. Youre talking about kind of this underdog whose worked so hard and overcome alot, were big fans of Lin.

Mr. Lin is a Harvard grad who was undrafted out of college, waived by the Golden State Warriors, and then signed by the New York Knicks in December.

Ms. Palin did not state whether she had attended the Knicks game Wednesday night, where Mr. Lin had 10 points and 13 assists in a win over the Sacramento Kings.

However, the former vice presidential candidate has been in New York City this week. She has made several appearances on Fox News, giving her take on the ongoing Republican primary race.

Basketball fans in New York and across the nation have been calling his success with the Knicks Lin-sanity.

After sitting the bench for two months, Mr. Lin started at point guard last week and has averaged 26 points and six assists per game leading the Knicks to six straight wins.

President Barack Obama and U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, also recently expressed that they are Jeremy Lin fans.

The TMZ interviewer also asked Ms. Palin if she was more of a fan of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow or Mr. Lin.

Mr. Tebow has been a popular sports figure among Republicans, especially Texas Governor Rick Perry. Prior to dropping out of the race in January, Mr. Perry wanted to be the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses.

Oh, I love them both, and why do you think I do, said Ms. Palin Thursday. I love them both and they are both you know so talented and so good in their own sports, and I love both their sports.

Read more: http://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/2012/02/16/sarah-palin-jeremy-lin-is-a-great-american-story/#ixzz1mgceJ14w

Washington Business and Technology Institute
Search Dr. Tony T. Lei wbti by Google.com


Flag this messageSecretary's Remarks: Remarks With Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping Before Their LuncheonTuesday, February 14, 2012 1:10 PMFrom: "U.S. Department of State" Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comYou are subscribed to Secretary's Remarks for U.S. Department of State .

This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

Secretary's Remarks: Remarks With Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping Before Their Luncheon
02/14/2012 02:57 PM EST

Remarks With Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping Before Their Luncheon

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of StateMonroe Room

Washington, DC

February 14, 2012


VICE PRESIDENT XI: (Via interpreter) Secretary Clinton, I want to thank you for hosting such a big lunch for us. And I know you have devoted much personal attention to my visit and you helped to make some of the arrangements. Madam Secretary, I want to thank you for all that youve done. And youve long been committed to the China-U.S. relationship. I know youve done concrete things to push forward our relations. You have played a big role in the S&ED, the High-Level Consultation, on people-to-people exchange, the China-U.S. Governors Forum, and also United States 100,000 Strong Initiative. And Ive been told had it not been for your personal role, there wouldnt have been a USA pavilion at the Shanghai Expo.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I am the mother of the pavilion. (Laughter.) Im very proud to be that. But we are especially honored to have you here for this extended visit that will take you not only to Washington, but to Iowa and California. Because we so highly value our relationship and youre here on what we call Valentines Day, which is a time that is for love but also friendship, and we are so delighted that we could invite many American friends who know China, work in China, have relations in China, here to this lunch honoring you.

And we just covered many serious issues of economic and strategic importance in the meeting led by the Vice President and then with President Obama. So now its time for some relaxation and some fellowship, and I invite you to join us in the dining room for lunch.

PRN: 2012/213

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It's about the climate
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Hide Details FROM:Al Gore TO:Tony Dr. Lei Message flagged Monday, February 13, 2012 11:28 AM

Dear Tony,

In the next few days, the U.S. Senate will vote to determine the fate of a pipeline that would link a vast tar sands deposit in Alberta, Canada to refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast. The construction of the pipeline has been blocked once by President Obama, who refused to buckle to pressure from Congress and industry to cut short the environmental review. Unfortunately, they are at it again.

If approved and built, this pipeline, Keystone XL, would carry one of the most carbon-intensive sources of oil on the planet.

For the next 24 hours, The Climate Reality Project is joining with 350.org, MoveOn, League of Conservation Voters, Patagonia, Sierra Club, Energy Action Coalition and others to garner 500,000 signatures in a community-wide effort against the pipeline. Bill McKibben of 350.org will be on The Colbert Report tonight and will update the world on our progress -- so sign now, and then pass it on. We've come together before to stop production of this dangerous pollutant -- and with your help, we can do it again:

Join me in telling the U.S. Senate to say NO to one of the most carbon-intensive oils on the planet:


If you care about the climate, you have to care about stopping this dangerous pollutant and the pipeline that carries it. After extensive research, the EPA estimates that annual carbon pollution from the Keystone XL pipeline could be at least 82% higher than average crude refined in America -- if not more.

What does that number really mean? That's the same amount of pollution as adding 4.8 million cars to our roads: an additional 27 million metric tons of carbon pollution.

Instead of pouring money into the production of more dirty oil, we need to work with Canada to invest in clean energy and energy efficiency. Clean energy is already the fastest growing industry in the U.S. and one of the fastest growing industries around the world.

It doesn't matter where you live, or if the pipeline crosses into your home state. An increase of carbon pollution anywhere leads to climate change everywhere.

I just returned from an expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula, where the temperature has risen by over 8 degrees in the last 60 years. And more than that, the glacial retreat caused by this temperature increase means sea level is rising and dangerous changes are happening around the globe. To put it simply: it means we are all living on thin ice.

Take a minute and sign this important petition and tell the Senate to say NO to Keystone XL:



Al Gore
Founder and Chairman
The Climate Reality Project


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