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Still lives in our hearts today. | | |
Love, Shane & Clara -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121710-1547 |
Flag this messagePepperdine University Annual Report 2010Friday, December 17, 2010 3:37 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Pepperdine Public Affairs" [publicaffairs@mail2.pepperdine.edu]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comTHE PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT 2010 IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE www.pepperdine.edu/annualreports/2010 > Read messages from the chair and president > Watch top highlights from the year > Explore some of the moments that make up a day at Pepperdine > Learn about the University's financial health Questions? 310.506.4181 publicaffairs@pepperdine.edu Pepperdine University 24255 Pacific Coast Highway | Mali -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121710-1317 |
Flag this messageRESENDING: PRESS RELEASE - CORRECTED NAME OF PRESENT BOARD MEMBER - DECEMBER 17, 2010Friday, December 17, 2010 12:48 PMFrom: "Office of the Governor" [nvg@GOV.NV.GOV]View contact detailsTo: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US For Immediate Release: December 17, 2010 GOVERNOR GIBBONS APPOINTS TWO NEW MEMBERS TO GAMING CONTROL BOARD Governor Gibbons and Governor-elect Sandoval work together to streamline appointments By Office of the Governor(NV), Daniel Burns; Chris Giunchigliani; and Jennifer Kung (Carson City) - Governor Jim Gibbons today announced the appointments of Andrew Burnett (41) and Shawn Reid (47) to the Nevada Gaming Control Board. Governor Gibbons and Governor-elect Brian Sandoval worked together to make the appointments. Under current Nevada law, Governor Gibbons needed to make two appointments to the Gaming Control Board by December 31, 2010. Those appointments will expire about a month later, on January 30, 2011. In order to streamline the transition between the Gibbons and Sandoval Administrations, the Governor, the Governor-elect and their staffs worked together to select the two new Gaming Control Board Members. Governor-elect Sandoval is expected to re-appoint Reid and Burnett by January 31, 2011. Shawn Reid presently works as Chief of Investigations Division for the Nevada Gaming Control Board. He has worked his way through the ranks of the Gaming Control Board after joining the agency in 1990. Reid is a graduate of the University of Nevada and resides with his family Reno, Nevada. A.G. Burnett is presently the Deputy Chief of the Corporate Securities Division for the Nevada Gaming Control Board. Burnett has previously worked as Senior Deputy Attorney General in the Gaming Division of the Nevada Attorney General~{!/~}s Office and an associate in the law firm of Robison, Belaustegui, Sharp & Low. Burnett received his J.D. from Gonzaga University after graduating from the University of Nevada Reno. Burnett resides with his family in Sparks, Nevada. Governor Gibbons also announced that Mark Lipparelli, a current Gaming Control Board Member, will serve as Chairman. The State Gaming Control Board is a three-member body appointed by the Governor, which serves in a full-time capacity. The Board is responsible for regulating Nevada's gaming industry 24 hours a day on a daily basis. Its purpose is to protect the stability of the gaming industry through investigations, licensing, and enforcement of laws and regulations; to ensure the collection of gaming taxes and fees, which are an essential source of state revenue; and to maintain public confidence in gaming. The Board implements and enforces the State laws and regulations governing gaming through seven divisions. The Board has offices in Carson City, Elko, Las Vegas, Laughlin, and Reno. The terms of current Gaming Control Board Members Randall Sayre and Chairman Dennis Neilander expire at the end of this year. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121710-1227 |
今天世界副刊发表蓬丹“海外華文女作家協會第十一屆年會後記” - 文心 ... - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]2010年11月29日 ... 邁向更寬廣的空間■蓬丹 海外華文女作家協會第十一屆年會後記 在島嶼秋光中相聚 2010 年11月初台北秋涼微雨,沾衣欲濕,綿密如絲沾上心頭卻是喜悅之情 ... wenxinshe.zhongwenlink.com/home/post_readT.asp?lei=1&id... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of ... - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]For a search of '蓬丹wbti' by the leading search engines on Internet (at g.cn), ... Founder Doris Yu (蓬丹) of Los Angeles Chinese Writers' Association to ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid= 01101010550976144152582945&pg=0135700105114290... - Cached - SimilarWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... 蓬丹 'President Dr. Tony T. Lei appoints… 華盛頓工商技術研究院院長雷動天博 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - CachedShow more results-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121710-1127 |
Tony --Tomorrow, the Senate may cast final votes on the DREAM Act and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Both bills are key priorities for President Obama -- and since both have already passed the House, these votes will determine whether they become law. If we don't seize this chance, there's no telling when we might have this opportunity again. We can't waste any time -- we need to make our voices heard today. Can you take three minutes and call right now? Voice your support for both the passage of the DREAM Act and the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Call Senator Ensign at (202) 224-6244 -- and then let us know what you heard. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" weakens our national security and violates the fundamental American principles of fairness and equality. And the DREAM Act will provide undocumented youth with a path to citizenship through military service or higher education -- rewarding hard work and strengthening our country. A vote could happen on each of these bills as early as tomorrow -- so please take three minutes and call Senator Ensign at (202) 224-6244. And to make sure we know who's saying what, can you please let us know what you were told? http://my.barackobama.com/SenateCalls Thanks, Mitch Mitch Stewart Director Organizing for America -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121710-1047 |
Flag this messageFw: [Watchmen] a gift coupon from Shalom Prayer centerFriday, December 17, 2010 7:47 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Mike Lei" [leimih@yahoo.com]View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com --- On Fri, 12/17/10, Belindam Liu [belindamliu@rolcc.net] wrote: From: Belindam Liu [belindamliu@rolcc.net] Subject: [Watchmen] a gift coupon from Shalom Prayer center To: healingteam@rolcc.us, watchmen@rolcc.us Date: Friday, December 17, 2010, 7:26 AM 親愛的禱告同工: 謝謝你忠心又信實的參加了上週六禱告中心的琴與爐, 每位來參加者?寄玫搅艘粡?心靈關懷新譯本聖經十元優待券 當我上週與大家分享這事, 回到辦公室就接到環聖容牧師的電話告知, 此心靈關懷新譯本聖經硬皮標準本缺貨,而短期內都不可能有貨, 因此 為了補償我的訂購, 願意將他們僅有的100本皮面銀邊給我, 只多加三元, 問我要不要? 哇!真是太棒了, 怎能不要呢? 售價$42的聖經,你只付$11就可擁有一本, 禁不住的一直感謝神以厚恩待我們, 這兩天他們正在辦理提關手續, 會於週日前送至教會, 敬請大家於本週日至Lobby倍恩攤位,向我或黛華領取購買唷! 2011年將推動全年讀經計畫採用新譯本聖經,來響應教會的主題"新的領域,新的機會“ 若是你要送禮給本週受洗的弟兄姊妹, 環聖新譯本聖經可是好的考量, 可至書房選購. 請注意:2011年1-6月的聖餐主日改為每月第一個主日, 因此1/2是醫治主日, 但1/1是假日, 因此若是你未出門渡假者, 鼓勵你參加12/31晚上10點的跨年禱告會來取代1/1的琴與爐了. Merry Christmas ! Jesus Love you! -- Belinda m liu River of Life Christian Church Director of Shalom Prayer Center TEL:408-260-0257 ext 140, 408-422-2335 FAX:408-748-8877 belindamliu@rolcc.net 蕾聲響起部落格http://belindamliu.blogspot.com www.double-portion.org Watchmen mailing list Watchmen@grace.rolcc.us http://grace.rolcc.us/mailman/listinfo/watchmen | |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and ..... ??kWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and ..... 也很?g喜, 神又再次以厚恩待我了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-2121 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... to post the following information by Pepperdine University Alumni Association .. . s blood,'" stated President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid= 01101010550976144152582945&pg=0131600105104316099261... - CachedPresident Andrew K. Benton Receives Oklahoma Christian ...Nov 9, 2010 ... Pepperdine President Andrew K. Benton received Oklahoma Christian ... Dr. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-2037 |
Show more results from pepperdine.eduWashington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Dr. Margaret J. Weber is Dean of the Graduate School of Education and ... "A mail from Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid= 01101010550976144152582945&pg=0131600105104216427344... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-1959 |
2011東海大學新年祈禱會~邀請您一同出席!Thursday, December 16, 2010 7:25 PM From: "吳逸婷" [tiff@thu.edu.tw]Add sender to ContactsTo: htkuowang@hotmail.com, ... [tojulei@yahoo.com] ... more Message contains attachments1 File (50KB)新年祈禱會程序.doc2011東海大學新年祈禱會 邀請函 親愛的校友/主內弟兄姐妹: 東海大學 蒙上帝引導邁向第五十五年。在2011年的第一天,我們很榮幸邀請 您來一同獻上讚美與感恩。 「第二屆東海大學新年祈禱會」即將到來,歡迎董事、行政/教學同仁、學生、校友、以及關心東海的弟兄、姊妹同來參加。 會中安排詩歌、信息、同心合一的祈禱,並有獨奏/唱、重奏/唱、詩班及樂團的頌讚。會後於學生福音中心餐敘,與 您共享東海家園樂。 時間:2011年1月1日上午10:30 地點:東海大學路思義教堂 誠摯的邀請 您! 您的到來是東海的祝福 您的代禱上帝必然成全 東海大學 董事長 林振國 校長 程海東 敬邀 2010.11. 按此報名 PS.附上當天程序供大家參考 -------------- 吳逸婷 東海大學校牧室 校牧室網址 http://www2.thu.edu.tw/~chaplain/ E-mail: tiffyiting@gmail.com.tw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 但那等候耶和華的必從新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰;他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。以賽亞書40:31 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-1857 |
??I五十週年同?W?o第2??W長姐??的一封情?- ?|海大?W?|海人?子? wbti - [ Translate this page ]2010年12月14日 ... 【?g祝?|海55?q生日】校友??,我??明年,再相? 50年後的重逢~二?1960年??|海 校友?S想 · ??I五十週年同?W?o第2??W長姐??的一封情? ... alumnus.thu.edu.tw/new_alumnus/othernews/10/596 - Cached-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-1547 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Benton wbti: All its Faculty members and President Dr. Tony T. Lei help promote the publicity of our Graziadio School's Programs and Events with .... Graziadio School wbti: GSBM of Pepperdine University's international visibility and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid= 01101010550976144152582945&pg=0131600105104316099261... - Cached-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-1527 |
Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone cordially invites us to take part in this first evening reception of many exciting events in Las Vegas by Pepperdine University! Benton wbti: All its Faculty members and President Dr. Tony T. Lei help promote the publicity of our Graziadio School's Programs and Events with international visibility and popularity through the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet! By Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, and Jennifer Kung**--** An Engaging Evening with Dean Linda Livingstone*1 [A colorful photo of the Dean.] Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D. Dean and Associate Professor of Management Saturday, January 19, 2008 4:30 - 6:30 PM -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** Please join Pepperdine University Graziadio School of Business and Management Dean Linda A. Livingstone for a free evening reception at the Desert Pines Golf Club. Registration is required. Enjoy hors d'oevres at "The Pinehurst" of Las Vegas and have the exclusive pleasure to hear Dean Livingstone address the current state of the University! All alumni, parents and friends are invited to take part in this first of many exciting events in Las Vegas! Location: Desert Pines Golf Club 3415 E. Bonanza Road Las Vegas, NV 89101 Map & Directions Register Now! Pepperdine University Alumni Association 2??55 Pacific Coast Highway ?Malibu, CA 90263 (310) 5??-6??0 ?al????@pepperdine.edu <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business, Community ... Welcome Dean Dr. Linda Livingstone of Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Management to Las Vegas! By GSBPA of WBTI*1. Welcome! communitylink.reviewjournal.com?8 - Similar pages [ Result from MSN ] >>> For a search of 'dean dr linda livingstone' by the world leading search engines on Internet (Search.com) {page 3 at item 'Washington Business and Technology Institute - SPECIAL EVENTS THIS ...', and then p. 4 in 'more from this site'}, we can find an article for Linda's last trip to Las Vegas in 2004. -------------------------------------------- Reference *1. Pepperdine University Alumni Association. 'An Evening with Pepperdine in Las Vegas,' "An e-mail from Pepperdine University Alumni Association to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [Thu, 10 Jan 2008 10:17:54 -0800]," (January 10, 2008), Malibu, California: PUAA. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-1447 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]情誼,越陳越香~?|海大?W第一?猛?W?!' "An e-mail ... Monday, June 22, 2009 6:35 PM ^^^From: "?|海大?W就?I輔?咝S崖?絡室" {alumnus@thu.edu.tw} View ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-1421 |
Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page Pepperdine University Alumni Association · 人與美景 People & Beautiful Scenery · WBTI Journal · Leading Chinese Literature World ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - Cached - Similar► WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI ..... pepperdine university alumni association, pepperdine university; ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01325001051063401400197432&PG=013440010511041252880... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121610-1137 1st ed. 2nd printing |
Great Made in Nevada the 2007 Governor's Conference on Tourism: Its international visibility and popularity are enhacing through the world's leading search engines on Internet! President Dr. Tony T. Lei has appointed Bert Brown Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI By Bill Maupin, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang[[[[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...[ Translate this page ]2010擭4寧5擔 ... Results 1 - 10 of about 7650 for FW: ~{=(A"H}~} .... "Gov. Jim Gibbons and Krolicki will open the General Assembly Dec. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached ]]]]] *7175 "--" "'Growth: Challenges and Opportunities' is the theme of the 2007 Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism, Dec. 12-14, at Caesars Palace resort and casino on the Las Vegas Strip. The conference will host several hundred tourism industry delegates and feature provocative speakers and a special presentation honoring Grammy award-winning international superstar Celine Dion as Nevada Entertainer of the New Millennium," posted Hotel Newswire.*1 "Bringing together industry leaders at the Governor's Conference each year to focus on current issues, trends and technologies that impact tourism benefits our state and our partners across the nation and around the world," Lt. Gov. Brian K. Krolicki said. Krolicki chairs the Nevada Commission on Tourism, which produces the conference.'" "Gov. Jim Gibbons and Krolicki will open the General Assembly Dec. 13, and Frank Fahrenkopf, president and CEO of the American Gaming Association, will speak about the current political climate facing the gaming industry. A high-powered panel of CEOs from the world's largest casino-resorts will share insight and expertise about Las Vegas' exploding growth. Terry Lanni, chairman and CEO of MGM MIRAGE; Keith Smith, president and chief operating officer of Boyd Gaming Corp.; and William Weidner, president and chief operating officer of Las Vegas Sands Corp., will describe challenges and opportunities confronting Nevada tourism." *2 .............. ........................... ***** "The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes." ---William Davis ***** "Humor is mankind's greatest blessing." ---Mark Twain Late Mark Twain (1835-1910) is the former American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. ***** "Once you get people laughing, they're listening and you can tell them almost anything." ---Herbert Gardner Someone said that, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day." Is this a joke? ............ .......................... For the visibility and popularity of some international cities through the world's leading search engines on Internet, our coming work performance to some significant projects will be feature articles on the sceneries of Las Vegas, Beijing, Soel, Taipei, Macau, Bangkok, and among others. Tourism and business are our best priorities for the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of WBTI on the ground of non-profit and non-partisan basis. The late Dr. Peter F. Drucker inspired us that, "Innovation is very important. No good business can survive without successful innovation during a period of time!" Nevada is the fountain of hospitality and touring business. Macau is a recent practice with Nevada to have great prosperity in tourism and economic development. Now, Nevada Assemblywoman Francis Allen is a Regional Marketing Administrator of Korea of the AMI and Advisor of the ICBC of WBTI. For innovation and breakthrough in the field of business, the wise men may have a bright and beautiful sky! To encourage tourism and business is a worldwide value for every country in this earth (world), not just for Nevada! Volunteerly on a non-profit and non-partisan basis, we are pleased to assist the promotion of this endeavor. We love heartily the Earth (world) that we are living with!*3 {{{ At 3:37 p.m. on 102807 for "International visibility and popularity of Nevada are inspired to be lifted up through the leading search engines on Internet!" (c. ms.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... International visibility and popularity of Nevada are inspired to be lifted up through leading search engines on Internet! ---President Dr. Tony Lei appointed Barbara Buckley communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/27/2007 ?Cached page [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Beautiful Las Vegas, leading search engines on Internet are enhancing its international visibility and popularity! Nancy Saitta has been appointed Associate Professor of the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/25/2007 ?Cached page ]]] Innovation is one of the most important traits for the prosperity of businesses in America. Is it the time that has come for our Pan Pacific and Asian countries to emphasize and catch the wisdom for innovation as soon as possible? Starting at 4:37 p.m. on 102707 for a search of "U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, President Dr. Tony Lei" by the world's leading search engines on Internet (c. ms.): More than 59 pages for about 10 sections of each, ... Washington Business and Technology Institute - Shelley Berkley, U.S ... Shelley Berkley at Work,' "An e-mail from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's capaign office to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (August 30, 2007), Washington, D. communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President of ... President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Tony T. Lei, my long time good friend, is the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute and Senior Advisor to U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Dr. Tony T. Lei, an ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?Cached page ............. ......................... Q: How can I make my website more visitors? Ans. the supreme leader of YouTube: Make fun! "~{@H~}開~{8.@-~}達~{DGM[1X~}縣~{dX9+:SIO~}26~{HUOBNg~}4時40~{7VWsSRS-~}來~{5ZR;~}顆~{!8Iq~}龍~{MB;p!9;pGr#,~}眾~{6`~}遊~{?M~} 幭~{`U06C_~}@~{R;Ff~}^~{#,SIl6:S~}邊~{5D~}遊~{?MRQHKI=HK:##,~}... 繼~{5ZR;C6;pGrI}?UNe7V~}鐘~{aa#,@-~}達~{DGM[1X~}縣~{:SCf~}陸續~{SP;pGr~}噴~{Id3v~}來~{!#=XV9MmIO~}7時~{#,923v~}現~{AK&#38;GT;EC6;pGr!#~!u#38;#25818;~!u$#,N;l6@H~!u#38;#38283;~!u.&#38;GT;3~}內~{L)!&#38;QUOT;e&#38;LT;=;=g5X~}帶~{5DdX9+:SIO#,=|Dj~}來~{C?Dj=bOD~}節~{6&#38;LT;~!u#38;#26371;~!uv~!u#38;#29694;~!u8Iq~!u#38;#40845;~!uB;p!9Ff~!u#38;#35264;~!u,N!u!uK4sA?5D~!u#38;#22283;&#38;#38;#20839;~!ub~!u#38;#36938;~!uMG0M!u!u#38;#35264;p~}~~{~{!#=qDj~}遊~{?MHK~}數~{3,~}過10萬~{#,TgTZG0~}幾~{Ll#,~}當~{5XU~8.&#38;GT;M~!u#38;#28858;&#38;#38;#36938;~!uM~!u#38;#33289;&#38;#38;#36774;~!uK8w~!u#38;#31278;~!un~!u#38;#21205;~!u#3v~!u#38;#29694;~!uf~!u#38;#35264;~!uD@-~!u#38;#36948;~!uGM[1X~!u#38;#32291;~!u&#38;QUOT;~}頗~{E{H{~}縣~{5HQX:S5D?U5XIO&#38;GT;!u;~!u#38;#36938;~!uM5D~!u#38;#24115;~!uqK!u!u#38;#25824;~!u,~!u&#38;QUOT;~}p~{oste!!th!!'&#38;#38;#22283;&#38;#38;#38555;~!uB~!u#38;#32862;'~}o~{!!Worldjournal.com~}f~{ro!!it!!report~}i~{!!Bangko!!(~!u!uH~!u!!Thailand!!whic!!is~}e~{ntitle!!&#38;QUOT;~}~~{~{dX9+:SIq~}龍~{MB;p~} 遊~{HK~} 幎?QUOT;, on October 28, 2007.*5 .......... ...................... "(1) ~{J.@oSD9HK.~}濤溝 ~{4sP!FY2&#38;LT;0Y~!u#38;#39192;&#38;#38;#34389!!---&#38;#38;#35527;&#38;#38;#32191;~!u=PcI+#,JWMFK.~!u#38;#28644;&#38;#38;#28317;~!u,~!u#38;#28317;~!u0~!u#38;#35498;~!u(L(#,~!u#38;#32883;~!u6~!u#38;#20841;~!u=V.~!u#38;#38291;~!u,TZ~!u#38;#28567;~!u.~!u#38;#29872;&#38;#38;#32350;~!u.VP#,ODGo&#38;LT;&#38;GT;3#SP2J:gI!up!#J.@oSD9H~!u#38;#20839;~!u,4s4sP!P!FY2&#38;LT;0Y~}餘處~{#,K.~}經~{W&#38;QUOT;PNH]~!u#38;#32191;~!u=5DFY2&#38;LT;#,Hg~}鑲~{G6TZC/AV:M~}蘆葦叢~{VPR;4.4.1LSq!#~}說~{7(L(PNKFOc~} t~{#,SVC{Oc~} t~{I=#,JGLF4z8_I.LoV&#38;GT;3,5D~!u#38;#35498;~!u(~!u#38;#34389;~!u#~!!(2)&#38;#38;#40845;~!uLT;9~}嶺~{InHk~}綿~{I=5W~}奧 ---龍~{&#38;LT;9~!u#38;#23994;~!upHgR;~!u#38;#26781;~!uGT;^~}龍~{#,rjQQGzU[#,~}連綿~{2;~}絕~{#,IlHk~}綿~{I=In~}處~{#,~}猶~{Hg~}龍~{&#38;LT;98_8_B!Fp#,4K~!u#38;#34389;~!uG~!u#38;#32191;~!u=6,~!u#38;#36938;~!uD8#5X#,RTQvV9J/M$~!u#38;#28858;~!ug#,G0aa0YCWV.8t#,~!u#38;#28331;~!uHO`2n~!u0~!uHRTIO!#~!u#38;#23994;~!uOSPEmWf!&#38;QUOT;~}華~{MS!&#38;QUOT;~!u#38;#21570;~!u4~!u#38;#36051;~!u&#38;QUOT;~}漢鐘離 ~{!&#38;QUOT;~!u#38;#38515;~!u+5H5DP^PP64Q(~!u3&#38;#38;#34389;~!u,~!u#38;#36889;~!u)64Q(TZODLl1#3V~!u#38;#28092;~!u,#,6,Ll~!u#38;#28331;~!u/Hg4:~!u&#38;QUOT;~}w~{rote~}t~{he~}f~{amou!!Writer~}i~{!!Americ!!&#38;#38;#39340;~}~~{~{?KHN~}.*6 "綿~{I=IOOB#,5D~}確~{JGI=4(P[Ff#,NDNo~} N ~{#,SP02H+Jf~}適~{5D5GI=9+B7#,SP~}8~{Wy~}設備現~{4z;/5D~}懸~{QB~}賓館~{#,SP~}12處~{92?IM#7E~}5000輛遊覽車~{5D4sM#~}車場~{#,~}綿~{I=~}為~{BC~}遊觀~{9bP]~}閒娛樂~{5DIO~}選~{V.5X#,WcRTN|R}J@=g8w5XG0~}來參觀~{11&#38;GT;)~!u#38;#22887;&#38;#38;#36939;~!uKJ?~!u#38;#38918;~!ucR;~!u#38;#36938;~!u,RT~!u#38;#36914;~!u;2=~!u#38;#30637;~!ubVP~!u#38;#22283;~!uqGi!&#38;QUOT;InR;~}層~{P@~}賞~{VP~}華~{ND;/!#~}" *7 ............ ....................... On April 23, 2003, President Dr. Tony T. Lei appointed Bert Brown Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Law in the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI. Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, announced the above information on April 24, 2003.*8 Judge Bert Brown was honored at the Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI with a celebrating dinner party. The symposium and dinner were held by WBTI at Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel on May 19, 2003 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Bert graduated from the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific in Sacramento, California. He was at the beginning a law clerk in 1988 for District Court Judge, Honorable Jack Lehman. In 1991, he and his father started the firm of Brown and Brown where he had a general law practice. Brown began presiding as an arbitrator in 1994. "From 1997 he served as a Justice of the Peace Pro Tempore for Clark County, Nevada, appointed by the Clark County Commission. Chief Judge Brown was elected as Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge Department 4, on June 8, 1999, and was re-elected to his present term in 2003. Elected as Chief Judge of the Las Vegas Municipal Court on October 24, 2007, Chief Judge Brown has pledged to, ~{!0~}work with my fellow judges, administration and court staff to promote cooperation and support projects that will further the administration of justice and the efficient operations of the Las Vegas Municipal Court," posted City of Las Vegas website.*9 According to the following report, 'Las Vegas was elected the best city of United States on December 8, 2007 in England'. As a good news, we have it here shown even we could not get any information about it from several searches on the Internet yet. "6~{HUTZS"~!u#38;#22283;&#20523;~!uX~!u#38;#33289;~!uP5DJ@=g~!u#38;#38936;&#23566;&#29518;~!u,~!u#38;#36984;~!uv=qDjC@~!u#38;#22283;~!un<Q3GJP#,~}賭~{3G@-K9~}維~{<SK9~!u#38;#29554;~!ub~!u#38;#27054;~!u#O!u"~}傳來~{#,@-K9~}維~{<SK9JP8.<0Cq~}眾與~{SP~}榮~{QI~}," wrote World Journal Reporter Mindy Gao.*10 "Chief Judge Brown has been involved in numerous organizations and committees. In 1993 he was appointed by then Nevada Governor Bob Miller to serve as a commissioner on the Nevada State Commission on Substance Abuse, Education, Prevention, Enforcement and Treatment. He was a trustee, President and Vice President of the Board of Trustees for Nevada Treatment Center, Inc., a non-profit substance abuse treatment organization. Chief Judge Brown is on the Board of Governors for the Nevada Judges Association and the American Judges Association. He is also Vice President of the Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction. He serves on the Nevada Supreme Court~{!/~}s Article 6 Commission, as well as several Judicial Council Committees including the Specialty Court Funding Committee, the Legislation and Rules Committee, and the Technology Committee." *11 "Learning through research and service is a good philosophy of a happy and successful life style. It's been my spacious opportunity and honor to be an Adjunct Assistant Professor of GSBPA. In utilizing both of my knowledge and experience, I've been challenged and I'm happy to share the administrative and research process on Criminal Law with our colleagues and intellectuals," said Chief Judge Bert Brown who has been voted as the best municipal judge. In the field of tourism and business, innovation is advanced by "creating" through "refining". It is our pleasure to post the following article, which was published in the section of 'Business & Administration' on October 24, 2007, through the courtesy of WBTI's website*12: (1) The travel and tourism industry is the lifeblood of many states around the country - including Florida, California, New York and Nevada, to name a few. ---Mark Foley (2) What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. ---Jeff Candido and Jason Hoff (3) Southern Nevada is visited by over 35 million people each year; many of these tourists are our friends from foreign countries. ---Jon Porter (4) The most interesting people are the people with the most interesting pictures in their minds. ---Earl Nightingale (5) Any business that does not learn how to innovate within the next few years will not be around by the year 2000. ---Peter F. Drucker Q: How can I make my website more visitors? Ans. the supreme leader of YouTube: Make fun! (6) Las Vegas is sort of like how God would do it if he had money. ---Steve Wynn (7) United we stand. In God we trust. ---Popular world proverb Nevada Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki has Olympian vision for state tourism! Innovation is advanced by the "creating" through the "refining". "Nevada's lieutenant governor-elect has international goals for the state's No. 1 industry, including pursuing the 2018 Olympic Winter Games and attracting travelers from China and India. Facing one of the largest audiences of Nevada tourism professionals, Treasurer Brian Krolicki, said Tuesday at the governor's conference on tourism, that putting Nevada in the running for the winter games will spur economic growth in the future. It has worked in the past," wrote Becky Bosshart.*13 "The 1960 Olympics helped to put Reno and Tahoe on the map," he said to conference participants at the Silver Legacy Casino Resort. "We want this world-class event to come here again. Some people say it's a long shot. But in tourism, we do long shots. Our efforts next year and thereafter will be seeds sown for a future harvest." *14 "Taking the second highest office in state government, Krolicki will also chair the Nevada Commission on Tourism and the Nevada Commission on Economic Development, organizations that attract and retain businesses and market the state's lucrative tourism industry. He follows Lt. Gov. Lorraine Hunt into the positions. Hunt said she is passing on a strong tourism economy that derives $40 billion a year. Tourism officials recently visited India to develop tourism ties. India's middle class is about the size of the U.S. population, 300 million." Lt. Governor of Nevada Brian Krolicki is Chairman of both the Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT) and the Nevada Commission on Economic Development (NCED) since early this year. The experienced and achieved former Nevada Lt. Governor Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono is favored by both Governor Jim Gibbons and Lt. Governor Krolicki as an important Commissioner of the NCOT. [[[ (The latest Result at 10:07 p.m. on Octoberb 22, 2007!) Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Innovation! Leading search engines on Internet brilliantly help inspire to increase the visibility and popularity of some important individuals, projects, and articles on tourism ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/21/2007 ?Cached page ]]] The article in the box was published by WBTI on October 20, 2007. The above result is just received today now at 10:07 p.m. on October 22, 2007. The article was written by Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. Ingenious, the world's leading search engines on Internet! "Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2006, there were over 842 million international tourist arrivals. Tourism is vital for many countries, due to the income generated by the consumption of goods and services by tourists, the taxes levied on businesses in the tourism industry, and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services such as cruise ships and taxis, accommodation such as hotels, restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues, and other hospitality industry services such as spas and resorts," posts Tourism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.*15 <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... traits will help bring this Institute wih a perspective of international cooperation and development," said President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/21/2007 ?Cached page >>> For its innovation and breakthrough in business, Nevada has more ... Are they the Special Hospitality, Gaming, Famous Convention, and their educations and exports? "I love Las Vegas because the valley and surrounding mountains provide an unusual beauty that stirs my soul. Even when I'm stuck in traffic, the mountain shadows capture something in my heart. And if I catch a glimpse of Red Rock Canyon National Recreation Area, or the top of Mount Charleston, or Sunrise Mountain at sunset, it brings a moment of peace, even from a distance," wrote Jane Ann Morrison.*16 "Galaviz believes Macau offers Las Vegas the opportunity for even greater riches. Southern Nevada could be the center of the core innovations for casino gaming and entertainment, he said, much like New York City is for financial markets," reported Howard Stutz.*5 "The industry will go into other emerging markets over the next 10 to 20 years," Galaviz said. "As innovation takes place globally, most of the intellectual property development and the new, creative ideas will be coming from Las Vegas." <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page ... Administration (PPAA20) Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism ... Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism Sun-Yuan Kung, Prof. Princeton University Harry Reid, U. S. Senator ... Jim Gibbons, Governor of Nevada Lin-yao Wu's ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... Business ... Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington .... Leader Harry Reid, U. S. ... President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI in the early morning on August 2, 2007, in ..... * *From {{{ "Business & Administration (PPAA20 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?10/20/2007 ?Cached page >>> ............ ....................... [[[ {On the top of Results today! (10/22/07)} Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S ... Brilliant --U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and important individuals in Nevada The leading key words on Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... that we have received from a search for "The traits of vision and innovation inspired by WBTI help lift up the visibility of the importance of tourism and business among Nevada ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/21/2007 ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ... The traits of vision and innovation inspired by WBTI help lift up the visiability of the importance of tourism and business among Nevada, California, and Asian Countries by the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=011010105509761441525... ?Cached page Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - International Cities ... With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more empowered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada (Assemblywoman Valerie Weber) ... (Immedeate Result in the morning on October 19, 2007!) {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... I hope you'll join her, me, and your fellow Hillary supporters at the rally! By Kate Marshall. Dear judy, Hillary will be in Las Vegas for a rally on Sunday, October 21 at the Springs ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/19/2007 ?Cached page }}} The article in the box was published by WBTI on October 17, 2007. The above result was received at 5:21 p.m. on October 20, 2007. The article was written by Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall. (There are two more examples in the next 11th paragraph.) Brilliant, the world's leading search engines on Internet! Neveda has been famous internationally for its Governor抯 Conference on Tourism every year. It is the time now to get our professionals in familiar with the coming one! "The 2007 Nevada Governor抯 Conference on Tourism (December 12-14, 2007) highlights the pertinent topics you need to know for increased profitability and tourism market share including NEW for 2007! workshop track sessions designed to fit your individual professional interests. This year抯 conference marks the introduction of four tracks that each focus on a specific tourism industry niche," states the Nevada Commission of Tourism. "On December 12, 2007, at 8:30 am - 9:00 am there will be the Welcome and Introduction. In the 'Welcome and Introduction' of General Assembly, we shall have Jim Gibbons, Governor, and Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor, State of Nevada for the 'Opening Remarks'. The 'Introduction' will be delivered by the Commissioner of NCOT Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono. The topic of the Assembly will be on "Growth: Challenges and Opportunities". *17 "Evening Reception ?Cocktails and hors d抩euvres will be sponsored by: Las Vegas Meetings by Harrah's Entertainment. Opening Remarks will be dilivered by Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and with Introduction by: Lieutenant Governor Brian K. Krolicki." "At 7:30 am - 8:30 am on Thursday, December 13, 2007, there will be a Continental Breakfast with International Representatives. Get acquainted with the representatives from Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Japan, China, Germany, South Korea, Australia, and France. Each international representative will be available to discuss one-on-one how to tap into this vital and thriving market. It will be sponsored by: Advanced Results Marketing, DRGM Advertising, Incline Village Crystal Bay Visitors Bureau, Reno-Tahoe International Airport," posted the Commission on TRAVELNEVADA.COM.*18 "As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn (now Jim Gibbons) who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada and now Commissioner of Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT). The 2007 Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism will be an annual significant event for the interest of many people, businesses, and countries. It will be held on December 12-14 this year in Las Vegas. In the 'Welcome and Introduction' of General Assembly, we shall have Jim Gibbons, Governor, and Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor, State of Nevada for the 'Opening Remarks'. The 'Introduction' will be delivered by the Commissioner of NCOT Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono. The topic of the Assembly will be on "Growth: Challenges and Opportunities". WBTI has assisted to publicize the conference for many years. Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) [華~{J"~!u#38;#38931;~!u$IL<<JuQP>?T:~}]. "With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more empowered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber who is one of the Advisors of the Board. The sky is beautiful in this silver state.*15 Nevada is the spring fountain of world business in entertainment, gaming, convention, and tourism! "We now have a unique opportunity and challenge--to take the nearly 143 years of growth and progress that has created the Nevada of today, and set a course for the future. All of us must share a common vision of one Nevada ?which can only become a reality if we agree upon what promises that vision entails," wrote Nevada Governor James A. Gibbons.*19 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Market Wire. 'Industry Leaders Will Gather for Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism in Las Vegas,' "A report on the Hotel Newswire," (December 6, 2007), U. S. A.: HotelExecutive.com. *2. Ibid. *3. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang, "President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congresswoman' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (June 24, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *4. ... *5. ~{1>~!u#38;#22577;(WJ)~!u!uH~!u#38;#35338;.~}'~~{~{dX9+:SIq~}龍~{MB;p~} 遊~{HK~} 幎?' "A report of the '國際~{PB~}聞' from Bangkok, Thailand," (October 28, 2007), Los Angeles, California: Worldjournal.com. *6. 馬~{?KHN~}. '~{!6Ig~}會~{ND;/!7!84s5@V.I=!9~}綿~{I=~} ~{HKND5W~}蘊~{In:q~} ~{WTH;>0~!u#38;#35264;~!u[Ff~!!(~!uD#/~!u#38;#39340;~!uKHN~!!&#22294;~}~~{~{#/~}韓~{\2~}),' "A feature article on the '~{J@=gV\?/~}' of Worldjournal.com," (October 28, 2007), San Francisco, California: World Journal. *7. Ibid. *8. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI is remarkable,' "A search of 'Chairperson Elaine Chao' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (November 10, 2006), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.cn. *9. Brown, Bert. 'Bio of Chief Judge Bert Brown,' "A search of 'Assistant Professor Bert Brown the GSBPA of WBTI' on the world's leading search engines," (December 10, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *10. 馮鳴~{L(~} (Mindy Gao). '~{J@=g~}領導獎 ~{C@~}國賭~{3G5ZR;~} ---~{VBA&D\T4TYIz~}與~{Nw11J@~}紀岡~{6<JP~!u#38;#35336;&#30059;&#29554;~!uO6(~!!~}~~{~{3I~}為~{C@~}國~{Wn<Q3GJP~!u!!"!!search~}o~{!!'~!ueI<~}磯~{PB~}聞,' on the World Journal," (December 11, 2007), Los Angeles, California: Worldjournal.com. *11. Brown. Ibid. *12. Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. 'Beautiful Las Vegas, the world's leading search engines on Internet are enhancing its international visibility and popularity! ---Nancy Saitta has been appointed Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI by President Dr. Tony T. Lei,' "A search of 'Beautiful Las Vegas, the world's leading search engines on Internet wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (December 1, 2007), U. S. A.: Search.com. *13. Bosshart, Becky. 'Krolicki has Olympian vision for state tourism,' "An article by Becky Bosshart, Appeal Staff Writer on December 13, 2006," (October 24, 2007), U. S. A.: Nevadaappeal.com. *14. Ibid. *15. Search.com. 'Tourism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,' "A search of 'tourism industry' on the world's leading search engines," (October 22, 2007), San Francisco, California: U. S. Internet. *16. Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. 'International visibility and popularity of Nevada are inspired to be lifted up through leading search engines on Internet! ---President Dr. Tony T. Lei appointed Barbara Buckley Associate Professor of administrative strategies of the GSBPA of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "A feature article in the section of 'International Cities Business Council' on WBTI's website," (October 22, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *17. Nevada Commission on Tourism. 'A profile of NCOT,' "A search of 'Agenda of the 2007 Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism," (October 22, 2007), U. S. A.: Ask.com. *18. Morrison, Jane Ann. 'Las Vegas is rich, poor, diverse, silly, welcoming and a great place to live,' "A search of 'JANE ANN MORRISON's column' on the Reviewjournal.com," (October 20, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. *18. Stutz, Howard. 'MACAU: Las Vegas, Half a World Away ---Chinese enclave of Macau booms with Las Vegas-style casinos, changing its character, future,' "News -- LVRJ," (October 21, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Reviewjournal.com. *19. Gibbons, James A. 'Governor Jim Gibbons? Inaugural Address January 2, 2007 on WBTI's website,' "A search of 'By James A. Gibbons wbti' on the leading search engines," (July 17, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *7175. Google. December 16, 2010 ... LVRJ/wbti ....... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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Some commitment and vision on business development and educational excellency By Tiffany Chang***** Any business that does not learn how to innovate within the next few years will not be around by the year 2000. ---Peter F. Drucker "Mr. Pepperdine was really a visionary who put energy and ingenuity into his dreams. The institution he founded has continued to dream and to be an encourager of vision. We have often quoted Daniel Hudson Burnham, who, at the turn of the twentieth century, said, 'Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men s blood... Make big plans, aim high in hope and work.' We believe that students ought to begin with a commitment to outstanding academics. But there are other elements that are also important. Students need a heart for excellence and a soul that makes big plans and aims high. In addition, without a foundation of ethics, character, and faith, we believe true success is impossible. We hope you are among those who want to soar beyond mediocrity and reach for the magic that will 'stir men s blood,'" stated President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University.*1 Indeed, business achievement is the new yardstick of success in today's society. Therefore, business has become not only the fastest growing major in undergraduate institutions but also in graduate school of famous universities, nationally and internationally. The emphasis of the online communication skills and the quantitative analysis techniques with computers is one of the most important study for the art of success to the business students, professionals, executives, and owners. In many ways, business school is at the center of this cultural phenomenon. For some, the business school is the passport to the boardroom, the ticket to the top of the corporate ladder. these schools, nationally and internationally, pump out the new generation of business leaders by hundreds of thousands. "They are the pipeline of raw material with which the nation's --- and the world's --- leading business build the future. And MBAs are not limited to the traditional corporate world: From Wall Street to Madison Avenue, from Sand Hill Road to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, today's MBAs lead organizations large and small, in every conceivable industry. They are the executives and entrepreneurs who power the economy." *2 "UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN LIVING IN A CAVE, you've seen enormous changes in communications technology over the past two decades. From orbiting satellites routing long distance phone calls to email to undreamed-of growth of the Internet, the age of communicating online, using computers and networks, is upon us all," stated at the first paragraphy of the 'Introduction' of the book, "How to say it online: everything you need to know to master the new language of cyberspac," written by Kim Baker and Sunny Baker.*3 "And what could be better news? To keep in touch, there's nothing faster or cheaper than email. To gain access to information and people, the power of online communication expands your reach from the local to the global. To meet new friends and even romance a potential life partner, online venues provide rich opportunities (if you know the right things to say and the best way to say them). At school, the Internet places volumes of knowledge on ever subject at your fingertips, and at work, computer networks make business communication more efficient than ever." *4 "Business has only two functions," writes Peter Drucker, "marketing and innovation." Consider these phrases posted on separate roadside signs: A peach looks good...with lots of fuzz... but man's no peach... and never was... Burma Shave! In 1925, Burma Shave knew they had a great product but were ineffective in marketing it. So, their roadside advertising was implemented. Today, the Burma Shave commercial are highly recognized as memorable trivia. Here's another exemplary approach combining innovation and unique marketing. A small garage-based company took a single product, biodegradable soap,broke the customary marketing trends and amassed a fortune. Using multi-level marketing, Amway left its competitors green with envy. First, they produced a quality product, developed unique packaging, attached distinctive labeling, and then used direct salespeople to sell their product. It is working to the tune of an estimated $1 billion in annual revenues. Domino's Pizza shocked the industry with their original idea: "Guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes or $3.00 off." Quick service is now a minimum standard in the food industry. Innovative marketing-could it be the third function of business?*5 Whether you are in business or in non-profit organization, you need to have a Web site. This seems to be a common wisdom in now- a-days. Think seriously about the needs of your market before you go onto the Web to make more money for business, to develop better non-profit organization, or to contribute to more community service. "It's hard to believe that Fred's Service Station really needs a Web Site to reap new profits. However, for some businesses and professional service firms, the Internet and web to gether offer viable marketing and distribution opportunities. Software companies, online magazines, and email order businesses can do quite well from the Web --- if the owners know how to say the right things on their sites. The Secrets of a Successful Web Site: Just having a site on the Web will do almost nothing to sell your products or services. To promote your Web site, there are three things you must do: (1). You must register your Web site with the best search engines. (2). You should consider using the many free and not free advertising opportunities on the Web. (3) You should search the Web regularly for competitive and related sites, where you can attach a link to your site." *6 To be more successful for your Web site, you need to be favored by the famous search engine services like Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com, and www.yahoo.cn), Google! (www.google.com, and www.google.cn), Aol! (www.aol.com), MSN! (www.msn.com), WebCrawler! (www.WebCrawler.com), Infoseek! (www.infoseek.com), among others. "As we look to the horizon, we will remain steadfast to these commitments (academic excellence, the student experience, and community partnerships), and indeed increase the number and quality of our initiatives to ensure brighter futures for the school and our students. We strive to educate the whole person, in both intellect and spirit. We consider it especially important to dedicate ourselves to these efforts, given the vital importance of the fields of education and psychology. These professions exist to serve the needs of others to educate and heal the minds and souls of the community. To this end, GSEP is dedicated to exemplifying and providing inspiration for change. It is our profound vision to encourage our students to serve, change, and improve the community, ...," pointed out Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber, Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University.*7 "There is no longer any such thing as a purely national economy. The rest of the world is just too big to ignore, either as a market or as a competitor. If business schools do nothing other than to train their students to think internationally, they would have accomplished an important task," said John Young, CEO, Hewlett-Packard.*8 Innovation is the key to success, managers are looking everywhere in the global organization for new ideas. Modern companies would view Information technology (IT) as a major competitive differentiator. Strategic businesses emphazise the ueses of information technology for management. International companies develop their global IT platforms by integrating worldwide hardware, software, and Internet-based network architecture. Commuunication technology, for example the teleconferencing and computer networks, is making it possible for people from subsidiaries around the world to work together on project. Many business are becoming global companies and moving toward transnational e-business strategies in which they integrate the global business activities of their subsidiaries and headquarters. The international dimemsions of managing global e-business technologies include dealing with cultural, political, and geoeconomic challenges posed by various countries for global marketplace. The e-business technologies are changing the distribution, relatonships, resources, and responsibilities of managers. Information Technology is helping managers of e-business to eliminate layers of amangement, enabling more collaborative forms of management, providing them with significant information technology resources, and confront them with major e-business and e-commerce challenge. Innovation is the key to success, managers are looking everywhere in the global organization for new ideas. Modern companies would view Information technology (IT) as a major competitive differentiator. Strategic businesses emphazise the ueses of information technology for management. International companies develop their global IT platforms by integrating worldwide hardware, software, and Internet-based network architecture. Commuunication technology, for example the teleconferencing and computer networks, is making it possible for people from subsidiaries around the world to work together on project.*9 In order to keep the online universe a productive, safe, communicative environment, it is interesting and worth to post the ten commandments for computer ethics. They were created by the Computer Ethics Institute: (1). Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. (2). Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work. (3). Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files. (4). Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. (5). Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness. (6). Thou shalt not use or copy softwear for which you have not paid. (7). Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization. (8). Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output. (9). Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write. (10). Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect. A sucessful businessperson always know the old rule that says "It's easier to keep an existing customer than to find a new one." In online customer relationships, this rule is just as important. Your goal should not only to get new visitors, but to cultivate your customer base to yield repeat sales, services, and referrals from satisfied purchasers, clients, and patronagers. "Besides a good product or service, there are only three things you need for successful online customer relations: strong communication, common courtesy, and exemplary customer service. Unfortunately, these old-fashioned values are often missing in many companies' online promotional communication." *10 "We need individuals who can restore hope and create positive changes in our society. It is our responsibility as educator to produce leaders who will take that initiative. To do so, we must be at the level of the individual student and alumnus. Utimately, the school must strengthen the student's intellect and create a better, bolder, and more ehical thinker who will yield the greatest impact on the community in roles as educators therapists, and business persons," siad Nancy Magnusson Fagan at the time when she was the Dean of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University.*11 "The ServiceMaster Corporration serves as a beautiful example of a company that thoroughly integrates its corporate philosophy and mission into day-to-day affairs. Founded by Marion E. Wade, the story of its conception, genesis and growth is told in Wade's book, God is Counsel. Kenneth T. Wessner, Chairman of the Board of ServiceMaster, states: 'The philosopgy of a company determines the character and nature of business it conducts. The climate of a company is created by the concepts of managing and life that govern its policies and practices. The philosophy of ServiceMaster and the words we used to express that philosophy have been carefully conceived, nurtured, and refined through years of thought, work, and commitment. Our company philosophy is expressed in four objectives. These four staterment are the foundation upon which everything we do is built. To honor God in all we do. To help people develop. To pursue excellence. To grow profitably. For the people of ServiceMaster, their work is not merely the making of a living; it is a way of life.'" *12 That solid philosophy has helped ServiceMaster become one of the largest cleaning service conglomerates in the world. We are impressed by what Dr. Peter Drucker said that, "Only a clear definition of the mission and purpose of the business makes possible clear and realistic business objectives. It is the foundation for priorities, strategies, plans, and work assignments. It is the starting point for the design of managerial jobs, above all, for the design of managerial structures." A business is a reflection of the leader. Vision may develop its power to direct what tommorrow will look like. Vision is having an acute sense of the possible. The thing what others can not see, it can be seen by vision. "The willingness to create a new vision is a statement of your belief in your potential," said David McNally.*13 "At Pepperdine University s Graziadio School of Business and Management, we are committed to developing values-centered business leaders for contemporary business practice. Our focus on leadership grounded in such core values as integrity, stewardship, compassion, and responsibility has been an integral part of our growth over the last thirty-five years and guides us today as the fifth largest accredited graduate business school in the nation," pointed out Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingtone, Graziadio Business School of Pepperdine University.*14 "When you enroll in the Graziadio School, you will be joining an institution with a strong entrepreneurial culture. A successful entrepreneur, George Pepperdine, founded the University at the depths of the Great Depression. His vision was to build an institution that would strengthen young adults for lives of purpose, service, and leadership. More than a half century later, George L. Graziadio, Jr., another successful entrepreneur and co-founder and chairman of Imperial Bank, continued this entrepreneurial legacy through his generous endowment of the business school which now bears his name. We honor their entrepreneurial spirit by delivering a learning experience that is relevant and practical in an ever-changing business environment." --------------------------------------------- References *1. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'President Dr. Andrew K. Benton' on the Yahoo.com," (April 27, 2007), Sunnyvile, California: Yahoo.com. *2. Housman, Jon. (2001), "The MBA Jungle," Cambridge, Massachusetts: Persus Publishing. *3. Baker, Kim; and Baker, Sunny. (2001), "How to say it online: everything you need to know to master the new language of cyberspace," Paramus, New Jersey: Pretice Hall. *4. Ibid. *5. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. *6. Baker. Ibid. *7. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber wbti' on the Google.com," (April 27, 2007), Mountainview, California: Google.com. *8. Ball, Donald A, and McCulloch, Jr., Wendell H. (2003) International Business --- The Challenge of Global Competition," Chicago: McGraw-Hill Irvin. *9. O'Brien, James A. (2003) "Introduction to Information Systems," Boston, N. Y.: McGraw-Hill Irvin. *10. Baker. Ibid. *11. GSEP, Pepperdine University. (1994), "The Graduate School of Education and Psychology of Pepperdine University --- 1994 - 95 Academic Catalog," Malibu, California: Pepperdine University. *12. Ekeren. Ibid. *13. Chang, Tiffany. 'Vision and enthusiasm,' "A search of 'Business & Administration wbti' on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com," (April 25, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. *14. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "A search of 'Dean Dr. Linda Livingstone' on the Yahoo.com," (April 27, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121410-1237 [121410-1107] |
Flag this messageFw: Invitation to view Mike L's Picasa Web Album - San Jose Christmas lights Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:29 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Mike Lei" [leimih@yahoo.com]View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comMessage contains attachments2 Files (10KB) | Download Allemail.jpgpicasaweblogo-en_US.gifYou are invited to view Mike L's photo album: San Jose Christmas lights San Jose Christmas lights Dec 14, 2010 by Mike L View Album Play slideshow -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121410-2137 |
Posted through the courtesy of Tunghai University Alumni Association and THU Alumni Quarterly50年後的重逢~二屆1960年級東海校友會隨想 二, 12/14/2010 - 14:50 - 網站管理員 分類:第21期 從來沒有意識自己已逾古稀之年,去年二月聽到海內外幾個熱心的校友已經積極策劃在母校大度山來一次大會師,活動從10月31日至11月2日,海外回來的同學十之八九又參加了三夜四天的花東之旅。 我參加這次校友會(本文所提校友會,即指同學會之意)多虧化工系楊德明 (2屆化工系)兄的提醒,他在傳真的書簡裡告訴我,1937至1938年出生的這一代在20年內將陸續在地球上消失?!日本名作家安部公房用的是更生動、傳神的語彙:「蒸發」。 心裡一邊盤算著,我這隻從未參加過海外校友會的井中蛙,這次一定不能錯過。我報名排在前面第五名,當年新生錄取200名,我在入校報到時發現自己可能在120名上下。在通才教育的考驗下,大一微積分補考過關,英文幾乎重修,升上大二經濟系楊教授的主修「會計學」當掉了。(我到現在還感激他給我狠狠的這一棒!)我知道混不下去了,幸好轉到中文系,否則我永遠無法在東海畢業,因為田教授的「統計學」我一定仍會抱鴨蛋呢!這一次回去參加校友會才知賴錦標的珠算是全國第一名,真的嚇死人。我這樣的人進入銀行,任何一家銀行都會倒大楣喔~ 閒話少說,言歸正傳。此次盛會連同攜伴參加的人數已逾80人。二屆校友畢業時178人左右,根據初步統計,已有26人確定揮別人間。有一位同學原本報名攜伴參加,等楊德明打電話統計人數,周祁杰(2屆經濟系)嫂回電,「先生在加護病房...確定不能參加...。」 程海東校長、林振國董事長、校友聯絡室李成主任、蕭淑文、王玫分、蔡家幸幾位全力配合,多方聯繫、準備,三天參觀,導覽大家重新認識母校現況。三天替我們服務招待的志工團隊學弟妹,真是讓我們個個「賓至如歸」。當年飛沙走石,仍是荒涼的東海,如今大樹籠罩、林立,新的建築堂皇宏偉,我們畢業後才完成的路思義教堂,在70至80年常出現在電視的螢光幕上,成為台灣氣象台的地標美景,世人都知道這是貝聿銘大師、陳其寬教授?木膫茏鳌? 博雅書院王偉華副書院長(22屆工工系)為大家所做的簡報,介紹博雅書院兩年來的推展與成果,更令人印象深刻。知道學弟妹在這樣優美的環境,得到許多熱心的教師的帶領、指導,心中很羨慕。雖然耳聞母校在眾多學府中已面臨許多挑戰,客觀條件上已不可能如東海前10屆那樣採取小班制的精兵政?撸鴶喽|海今不如昔,我從不相信這種評斷。雖然耶魯、史丹福、麻省理工、加州理工、法蘭西學院等名校,在財源充足的優勢下,仍能使全校學生不超過千人,當然嚴厲品管,有可能像札幌農業學校(今北海道大學)二屆校友18人中竟有3人(內村鑑三、新戶渡稻造、宮部金吾)都在日本歷史留名不朽!可是不要失望,像我這樣幾乎被東海退學的笨蛋,徐復觀、牟宗三、蕭繼宗這樣的大師,也能為我開眼點火,在中學裡成為一個尚可一用的教書匠! 11月6日在台北「王朝飯店」的晚宴,也有百人參加話別敘舊,程校長、夫人、林董事長也由台中開車到台北和校友們聚餐歡敘。晚上九點校友們帶著滿滿的懷念、回憶,策劃二年後再度在海外相聚,然後互道珍重再見。 二屆校友兵分兩路,有錢出錢、有力出力,要用行動稍表回饋母校當年培育之恩。這一次校友會我才得知第一屆校友是在各大學分別單獨招生放榜(如台大、成大、政大、國防醫學院)(清華、交大等校尚未復校)之後,10月單獨招考(二屆才參加全國第一次聯考),在5,000人考生中錄取200人,難怪第一屆校友產生了王亢沛(1屆物理系)、齊錫生(1屆外文系)、于君方(1屆外文系)、陳必照(1屆政治系)、胡德偉(1屆經濟系)、林建昌(1屆化工系)、陸志舜(1屆物理系)、夏友平(1屆化工系)、劉海北(1屆物理系)、韓國磺(1屆外文系)、李長庚(1屆經濟系)、鄭欽仁(1屆歷史系)、李英哲(1屆外文系)、江樹生(1屆歷史系),以及丁家鸞(1屆物理系)、郭永助(1屆經濟系)、莊濟安(1屆外文系)、陳瑞洲(1屆政治系)...,那樣傑出的校友和為母校奉獻一生的校友,他們是東海的開路先鋒,放棄名校,就是要進東海! 二屆校友此次回校的人數不少,但仍有30至40人在畢業後,不但星散一方,而且係失群的燕子、斷線的風箏,完全沒有音訊,這是令人特別掛心與惦記的。其實不管大家走入社會後,際遇如何,母校有如倚閭而望的慈母,隨時都張開歡迎我們重遊斯地! 此次在校友會遠遠看到一位籃球健將,我便高聲大喊:「程代均(2屆化學系)!」對方回答:「我是林世亮(2屆化工系)!」原來二位都是籃球校隊,50年不見能叫出名字已經不錯,這時才警覺自己已是74歲的「爺爺」級老翁! 如果我的記憶正確,二屆200名新生,入學時填中文系只有梅廣(2屆中文系),後來四位同學由東吳大學插班進來,李峰吟(2屆中文系)因為迷上牟宗三教授的課,毫不猶豫地轉入中文系,在下走投無路,躲入中文系棲身,當時的系主任是影響許多學子走上學術之路的徐復觀老師,當年東海的政治系、中文系有全國最好的教授陣容,名師如雲,可是填中文系的只有梅廣(2屆中文系)一人(他也是第一志願選擇東海的),課堂上常常聽到徐老師用湖北腔說:「『米』廣,我們一定要把你培育出來!」 此次參加校友會,聽到很多有趣的往事,系友鄭心元(2屆中文系)到醫院看化工系的劉元虎(2屆化工系),小虎仔偷偷告訴他:「那位漂亮的護士小姐未來的對象非工學院的帥哥莫屬...」我到現在才知道我讀的竟是「中國文學工程系」!根本不用自卑! 二屆東海校友有多位熱心的同學在背後默默推動、付出很多的心力,因此天涯海角都還能保持強大的凝結力。于寬仁院士(大師)(2屆化學系)的研究,使我們對於自己的健康和保持活力、生活品質增加不少信心。海外同學策畫完成放在銘賢堂的兩個石椅,謝謝他們的用心和付出。 謝謝程校長、夫人、林董事長、校友聯絡室和四天緊湊的活動中為我們擔任招待、服務、導覽的每一位學弟學妹。最後,謝謝李成主任和校友聯絡室淑文、玫分、家幸! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121410-1937 |
Tunghai University Alumni Assoiation賀!杜維明校友榮任世界哲學研究院(IIP)院士 本校第三屆校友杜維明博士於2010年9月的國際哲學研究院巴黎會議獲選為該院院士。國際哲學研究院(IIP,International Institute of Philosophy)是國際哲學界最高的學術組織,成立於1937年。1938年舉行第一次大會,於第二次世界大戰期間停止活動。戰後在1947、1949年曾舉行過兩次大會。自1955年來每年舉行一次大會,每次大會有一個主題,並出版學術著作。能成為國際哲學研究院委員院士的,都是世界頂級哲學家,如德國的Apel, Gadamar, Habermas等;澳大利亞的Passmore;奧地利的Haller;美國的Marcus, Gibbard, Putnam, Searle;法國的Bachlard, Ricoeur, Fago-Laugeault;英國的Pears, Strawson, Wiggis...... 杜維明教授乃本校第三屆(1961)中文系畢業,亦為本校名譽博士。其於1967年取得哈佛大學博士學位,曾任教普林斯頓大學、柏克萊加州大學,並在北京大學、臺灣大學、香港中文大學和法國高等學院講授儒家哲學。 …(閱讀全文) ------------- 校友活動預告 詳見全文:http://alumnus.thu.edu.tw/new_alumnus/news/10/586 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
121310-1441 [121310-1407] |
Flag this messageFw: Christmas Party Bell Choir videosTuesday, December 14, 2010 12:26 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Mike Lei" [leimih@yahoo.com]View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comMessage contains attachments2 Files (8249KB) | Download AllCIMG1032.JPGCIMG1034.JPGNo virus threat detectedFile: CIMG1032.JPGDownload File--- On Tue, 12/14/10, Mike Lei [leimih@yahoo.com] wrote: From: Mike Lei [leimih@yahoo.com] Subject: Christmas Party Bell Choir videos To: "Mike Lei" , servants@rolcc.us, "Annie" Date: Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 2:25 PMHi everyone, Here are the videos/pictures from our cell group performance at the Christmas party. Thanks to Mandy (Jonathan's guest) who helped to do the recording for us. Good job! Going on stage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFRNS6xFayI Jingle Bells (slow) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8luLep8LuZQ Jingle Bells (fast) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I11XJKXIoWo Silent Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKbZAN2nRds Emmanuel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ol-2MN6hQ We wish you a Merry Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOVjUN3i9HY Merry Christmas! Mike -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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From a search of "Mrs. Belinda M. Liu" !Belinda Liu: Your wonderful work and serving heart are igniting the city! By Ingrid Ou, Rebecca Pang, and Jennifer Kung ***** Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit from the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' for 2007. ---John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC ------------------------------------------ "Shalom Tony & Judy: Thank you very much for your faithful serving God, WBTI and remember sunday school start on Jan. 28. I am so impressed. May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. Please see the attched file for sunday school lesson 1. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) early in the morning on February 1, 2007. "I've been invited to serve the Lord out of town. In April this year I'll lead a mission to (Logos Evangelical Seminary) in Los Angeles. The Drama Team will follow me to have a performance there. A cell group is also planning to join us to worship there. In the Women Conference on September, Mrs. Darlene Cunningham has been invited by me as a Kenote Speaker. She's famous. She loves China and Chinese very much. She has dreamed to be a preacher for Chinese since her youth. To unite our work with other organizations is a key to our innovative endeavor," talked Mrs. Belinda Liu, Founder of Double Portion Ministries, at her Sunday School on February 4, 2007. In all three services at ROLCC on February 4, 2007, Rev. Tong Liu introduced the 2007 new Board of Directors. Director Mr. John K. Lei is the Chairman of the new Board. Director Mr. Gerry Liu is the Treasurer. Director Mr. Daniel Chou is the Corporate Secretary. Director Linda Pao is responsible for Human Resources. Director Robert Huang is responsible for Missions. Rev. Liu prayed to God for a successful year to ignite our city with the endeavors of the Board. "Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit in the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' in 2007. A strong English adult service is vital to ROLCC's goal to become a 'Home for All Nations'. 5 years ago I had visions of our English adult service packed with people. I have faith God will bless our English service. Let us all invite our friends and family to the 3rd service!" wrote John Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC, on February 4, 2004. LIVERight, a community service HBV free blood screen/seminar took place on Saturday, 1/13 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. This was a joint effort between Asian Liver Center (ALC) at Stanford University and Holiday Plaza Series at River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC). We are really thankful that this collaboration was a great success. ALC and ROLCC are embracing the same vision in serving the community via community awareness seminar/blood screen on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer in Asian community. We had 238 people screened over the event; approximately 400 audiences came for the presentation. At large or little, we knew we had made the difference. About 20 volunteers from ALC and 15 volunteers from ROLCC came to help out the event. Dr. So did the presentation in English with Jordan Su's concurrent translation to Mandarin. Many people gave positive feedback, and everyone I spoke to felt that they have learned a lot of useful life-saving tips! The event started by having the audience to watch the film. I was really touched after watching the film that told many stories on how hepatitis B had impacted the lives of many. I remember vividly Dr. So s interview in the movie: I am just very sick of seeing so many young lives lost every day due to HBV/liver cancer . This was why liver transplant surgen, Dr. So decided to found ALC to serve the community. In the presentation, Dr. So once again reminded us how serious hepatitis B is impacting the Asians and Asian Americans. In certain part of China , the impact was much worse-1/6 of population is infected by HBV. He spoke about the trasmission route for hepatitis B. He spoke about what each of us should do. If people are not carriers, they should definitely get the 3-slot immunization as soon as possible, which will protect them for life. If they are HBV carriers, they need to monitor their liver status on a regular basis. They should go to their doctor to have their liver function and ALPHAFETO PROTEIN level checked every half year plus annual ultrasound exam. In addition, he told the story about a medical intern who had hepatitis B but lack of awareness, died of liver cancer at very young age. This sad story continues to linger on people s mind and serves as a good reminder of being educated on this important topic. He ended by stating the mission and work at ALC. Many people that came to the event raised a lot of questions. During Q/A session, Dr. So further spoke about the difference between hepatitis A, B and C. He explained about the outcome of missing one last slot during the 3 shot immunization course and the impact of it if the schedule of 3-shots immunization is different from it is recommended. In addition, he commented about the use of herbal supplements and why some people can't donate blood even though they are not carriers. The event actually ran into 4.45 pm, and many people's questions still could not be answered due to time constrains. To me, this joint event between ALC and ROLCC is just a starting. Based on the feedback we got from the attendants, we hope to see more ALC-ROLCC collaborative projects happened in times to come. We believe that this combined effort will provide the best service and a blessing to the community! This event was beyond our expectation and turn out a great success. Of course, the most comforting thing to know is that some people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge they learn! We pray that Lord will continue to bless the vision of ALC and ROLCC and to those people who attended the event. The above five paragraphs are reported by Dr. Ingrid Ou.*1 Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical in Mountain View, CA. Ingrid got her doctoral degree from University of Washington , Seattle . Her passion in life is to serve the Lord and live up to HIS glory using her skills and interests in medicine. She also greatly enjoys serving the Lord in Single Adult and Children ministry (choir and musical program) at ROLCC. She believes that being Christian is not all about going to church. She believes that God s words can really equip us to a much better player in all areas of our life, at work and in the family. God's words are relevant to our daily lives; He helps us to achieve a higher level that we could not have done by our own means. In the spare time, Dr. Ingrid Ou enjoys ballet, running and playing piano. She and her husband currently reside in Sunnyvale, CA. "In this era where massive amount of information is often found via internet, I think that the mission of WBTI is timely and visionary. The impact of Lord in the community will be enlarged via web publishing and more of Good news will be effectively going to those who need them the most," pointed out Dr. Ingrid Ou.*2 Dear Dr. Lei, Hope that you enjoyed the Dr. So's talk yesterday. As indicated in my email to you earlier this week, below is the script that I promoted last week at the English congregation: "Happy New Year, Brothers and Sisters. This is coming Saturday, we will have the privilege of having Dr. So from Stanford, Asian Liver Center to come here to give us an education seminar on liver health. This is an event that you can't afford to miss. Why do I say this? Let me start by showing you a patient interview video clip by Anthony. (http://liver.Stanford.edu/Mult/Mult_video.php). Yes, Anthony is right. People who have hepatitis B have a much higher chance of getting liver cancer. This is especially a problem among Asians and Asian Americans. It is estimated that one in 10 Asians are HBV carriers and one in 4 chronic HBV carriers will eventually die of liver cancer or liver disease if left untreated, or unmonitored. Unfortunately, many of us did not know about this fact. What is even more sad is that many of the HBV carriers did not know that there are several simple monitoring tests they can ask from their doctors. Instead, they left the disease unmonitored until it was too late. This coming Saturday, we expect to have 300-400 people to join us. I am very excited. According to the statistics, as many as 10 people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge we learn. I hope all of you will join us for this meaningful, life-saving event. I will be here after the service to take your registration and answer any question that you may have. Thank you again for your attention." *3 Here is an introduction of Dr. So: Dr. Samuel So is a professor and a liver cancer surgeon in the Department of Surgery and directs the Liver Cancer Program at Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. So is originally from Hong Kong. In 1996, Dr So established the Asian Liver Center to address the disproportionately high prevalence of hepatitis B and liver Cancer in the Asian and Asian Americans with the ultimate goal of eradicating hepatitis B worldwide and eliminating the threat of liver cancer. The Asian Liver Center at Stanford is the only non-profit organization in the United States that addresses the high incidence of hepatitis B and liver cancer in Asians and Asian-Americans. Founded in 1996, the center uses a three-pronged approach towards fighting hepatitis B through outreach, education , and research.*4 More is available from http://liver.stanford.edu/ALC/ALC_staff.php "Dear Dr. Lei, It was my great honor to meet you last Sunday. Thank you so much for your support for the event, which I believe is going to benefit a lot of us," wrote Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute on January 10, 2007. "Dear Belinda: May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. At the beginning of year 2007, I felt that God wants me to examine my past failures so that I know where I fall and what can I do to grow in Christ; just like the Israelites during the Deuteronomy time. Therefore by attending your class God reminded me that He is a God of covenant and promise. He is a faithful God that will never forsake me and will guide me through the wilderness just as He guides Israel. I look forward to more classes to learn of God s Words and Works so that I can live in God s promise land. Thank you so much and may God pour out His double blessings upon you. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang again for this article to WBTI on February 2, 2007.*5 E. Q. Expert Becky Ung has new accomplishment! To enjoy her most recent show, you may click on [http://www.la18.tv/video.aspx?vid=4fdb15f3-7d47-4fb8-bf96-b6961dc22c21]. "I'm glad that I was the hit winner of visitor number at one hundred four thousand six hundred fifty first (#104,651st) of WBTI website. Its knowledgeable and educational contends are richful. I'm inspired by its creed of community service and humane spirit for our community," expressed Becky Ung, Chairperson of the E. Q. Research Committee of WBTI. "I'm going to S. America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay) on a teaching tour in March this year," said Becky.*6 WBTI has contributed to enhance important projects by organizations in Nevada and California since its establishment on January 8, 1996. After viewing the wonderful performance by the leading search engines and WBTI for her and her organiztions, Miss Doris Yu wrote a thanks e-mail to WBTI sincerely. "Thank you for your support," pointed out Miss Doris Yu as she is now the Editor of a magazine and the Conductor of a TV show program.*7 The following is a prompt response {at Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:57:37 -0700 (PDT)} to the first edition of this feature article (He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun) which was published on October 24, 2006: "Hi Brother Tony: It is a wonderful day, a day that the Lord has made. Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor to share what the Lord has spoken to me through Belinda's Sunday school teaching. Here is my prayer for Belinda's Israel trip. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI. "'Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for having Belinda with us, thank you for putting a love for Your children Israel in her heart. As she and her team leaves for Israel please be with them. Send Your angels to guard their travel safety. Speak to each and everyone of the team, let them hear Your thunderous voice so that their lives can be changed through this journey. Walk among us while they walk in Your Holy Land. Lord, I ask that you bless my brothers and sisters while they go and bless Your children. May Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) be with them. I pray in Jesus' name, A-men.' Thank you very much, Rebecca." "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the search leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, 2006 in Santa Clara, California. "I like Mrs. Belinda Liu's Sunday School. Her knowlegeable contents of the Bible have often convinced us with her living examples. She gave us practical reasons to believe. It's my pleasure to apply those teachings from her to my daily life." " w c ` Z @ C C _ ! ... 2007 o t } Q CD o CD , K CD B @? g ... @ } Q I p M S 2007!" wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 26, 2006.*8 The evening was shinning! How nice was Friday December 29, 2006! We had a wonderful potluck at Mr. John Lei's home for our John Lei/Petty Wu Cell Group. We had lots of nice foods, fruits, and cakes. Attendants were enthusiastic. They included Miss Nicole Ying, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Teresa Zhang, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Sarah Shao, Miss Linda Tu, Miss Angie Qian, Mr. Kang Fung, Mr. Gino Ko, Mr. John Lei, Mr. Mike Lei, Mrs. Judy Lei, and Dr. Tony Lei (names in random). The potluck was fully enjoyed by all the participants with good communication and fun. The game brought us with another hightlight of the reunion. Praise God that we had a such wonderful time after the Christmas and before the New Year. A happy New Year was wishful among all the sisters and brothers! We received an evite invitation for a ski-trip to Lake Tahoe by John/Patty Cell Goup. "Hi! Everyone, How would you like to spend a weekend with cell group brothers and sisters in Tahoe? ... You are more than welcome to invite new friends to join. Sincerely, Patty," wrote Miss Patty Wu on February 4, 2007. "Thank you for devotions this morning on the balcony overlooking the misty snowy sun-rise landscape," wrote Mr. Mike Lei on December 24, 2006.*9 "Dear Dr. Lei, You're an extremely knowledgeable and wise elder, yet very easy to get along with. I'm very blessed to getting to know you more in the past 7 months. Your warm hospitality makes me feel just like a family member of yours. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas. May God continued blessing what you're fonding of doing. May your resourseful website become one of the "Top" (: channel of communication for business, social, and community. May you continue receiving His wisdom words and His double portion of favors," wrote Miss Angie Qian on a nice Season's Greetings card to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 24 in Lake Tahoe, California. Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC with the children performing an outstanding drama in all three services and afterwards the baptism ceremony for 34 brothers and sisters. Nicole Ying of John Lei/Patty Wu cell group was among those who were baptized on Sunday. The cell group members attended the ceremony with excitement and shouted, "Nicole, Jesus loves you and we also love you!" when she went on stage to give her testimony. John/Patty's cell group memembers gave Nicole flowers and many gifts to celebrate Nicole's "new birth", praise the Lord! Many nice photos were taken.*10 "Dear friends, During last Friday's fellowship, I told you about the free online Bible website. Here is the web link: http://www.biblegateway.com/ This website can search the Bible in various ways: (1). Find an entire book in the Bible: type "Mark" or "Acts", etc. (2). Find a Bible verse: type "Mark 1:10" or "John 3:16", etc. (3). Find a word in the Bible: type "love" or "cross", etc. (4). Find a phrase in the Bible: type "love one another", etc. As a bonus, here is the free daily message from Pastor Liu you can access by your phone: (408) 291-8046 God bless, John," wrote John Lei, Director (now Chairman) Of the Board of Directors of River of Life Christian Church.*11 " H Tony & Judy @ q g ----- Tracey ," wrote Miss Tracey Yang to WBTI on January 16, 2007. "Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*12 "One of the most important contribution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our high-ranking officials and community is its many articles published frequently by the search engine leaders locally, nationally, and internationally. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid (now the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor the promotion of benifits for our people, community, and country." The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, , Miss Chiao-wen Chen, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). Miss Chiao-wen Chen told Tiffany Chang that she was inspired by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's good teaching. Belinda is teaching the new Sunday School starting from January 28, 2007. Its prinouts are now published at the end of this Section. "I'm impressed by Mrs. Belinda Liu's ability to integrate chapters of the Bible for a teaching," pointed out Miss Brenda Lin. It was delivered to the section of "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" at the new Sunday School by Brenda in ROLCC on February 4, 2007 "Thanks, Dr. Lei," wrote Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI.*13 "The WBTI's website has played an important role to bridge the cooperation and development among our individuals, officials, and community. In advancing to its 14th year, we'd find WBTI's inter-states perspectives have brought with potentiality for the prosperity of more organiztions and people." By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. "It's my appreciation to 'Nevada Examiner' for its publication of my following statement several times," said District Court Judge Cheryl Moss. In community service, Dr. Tony T. Lei's hero is the great servant who has given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candles fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-lasting circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and envision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy. The Bible teaches us: "...let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)." District (Family) Court Judge-elect Cheryl Moss wrote Dr. Tony T. Lei, "I am delighted and honored to be appointed as an Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Thank you for this opportunity to serve, and I hope to gain more knowledge, insight and awareness about public service and community issues through your prestigious institution. I remain dedicated to helping the community, and I am inspired by your leadership, wisdom and guidance. I am also fortunate to have met you and your wife, Judy, because you are both active and dynamic individuals in the community. Your accomplishments and achievements have demonstrated that taking part in the community does make a difference. Best wishes and thank you again for your unselfish kindness, support and encouragement." *14 "Shalom Tony & Judy: x x N Z, @ , ^ W , U , , @ , , ... , ] @ L, U . WBTI W , S , ! ... [ W . c , m c ? , A . x x p c M, , R. ( W r), ! J , @ N , , , ! n M s ! ," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*15 "It'll be really a challenge and honor to be the Governor of Nevada and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI onece I'm elected in Office in January 2007. It's my great pleasure to take the responsibility," said U. S. Congressman James Gibbons at the Business Mixier held by Asian Republicans of Nevada at April 23, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The agreement was made by Jim to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI through a pleasant conversation between the two parties during the Event.*16 Jim is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. It is significant for Dr. Kenny C. Guinn to write President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI as in the following: "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." *17 Kenny was Nevada Governor for eight years until December 31, 2006. Former Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn had been Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI from 1999 to 2006. "When I take a step back and look at my life, I can't help but think how bless I am for all God has given to me. So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*16 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book " ` \ ". The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: W , @? WBTI I, , c , d ^, C . x x o C c U ! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington Business and Technology Institute. Pastor Paul Huang has completed teaching his Sunday School on "Book of Ruth" on December 24, 2006. Attendants were enthusiastic. He is now teach another Sunday School starting from January 2007. On Sunday April 4, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Let's go up to the mountain of God". The 2006 theme is "Arise & Shine - Prepare the Way of the Lord." Our this year's theme is "'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City." The Worship was directed by Pastor James Wang. MC was Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng. On Sunday January 28, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Hing Chai Cheng, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Walking In The Light". The Worship was directed by Scott Wu. MC was Pastor Doris Lin. Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006 and 2007, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Mr. John Lee, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Jenny Hsiao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Angela Ting, Miss Isabelle Chai, Miss Christina Liu, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! "Praise God for having Pastor Peter Tsukahira here to share with us. He is truly a teaching pastor. He not only explained the word of God clearly but also spoke into the hearts. For those that have attended his teaching sections, I believe you have received a life-changing and renewal experience," wroted Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of ROLCC, on January 28, 2007. "As the church is growing, we need more and more brother and sisters to serve in the family of God. ... We really need more volunteers in the visual ministry, ...Your participation will be greatly appreciated," pointed out Rev. Tong Liu on February 4, 2007. "It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as the Honorary Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin at the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *19. On January 11, 2007, Miss Frances Chang forwarded WBTI a very good announcement of Dr. Samuel So's speech event. It included a brief introduction of Dr. So and the following information: (1) Well known high incidence of liver disease among Chinese people. ....... (4) ... For people who don't know whether they are HBV carrier, the free screening will let them know about whether or not they are carrier.*20 Dr. Samuel So is a founder and director of Asian Liver Center at Stanford Hospital . ALC is an unique non-profit research institution with its focus on Asian high prevalence of liver disease in the United States. Dr. So originally from Hong Kong. He was a professor at the medical school of Washington University St Louis. In 1995, he founded Stanford Liver Research Center.*21 To ignite the city and country, our integrity and love to serve are important! ------------------------------------------- References *1. Ou, Ingrid. 'A report from Dr. Ingrid Ou,' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI," (January 21, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *2. Ibid. *3. Ou, Ingrid. 'Happy New Year!' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 14, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *4. Ibid. *5. Pang, Rebecca. "Thank you very much. Is it okay?' "An e-mail from Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (February 2, 2007), Santa Clara, California: Miss Rebecca Pang's Residence. *6. Ung, Becky. 'I am going to S. America on a teaching tour,' "An E-mail from Chairperson Becky Ung of E. Q. Research Committee to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (February 3, 2007), San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *7. Yu, Doris. 'Thank you for your support!' "An e-mail from Miss Doris Yu to Washington Business and Technology Institute." (February 4, 2007), Los Angeles, California: Miss Doris Yu's Residence. *8. Liu, Belinda M.; and Liu, Tong. ' @? g ,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC)," (November 26, 2006), Santa Clara, California: Double Portion Ministries. *9. Google. 'Prayer journals 12/23-25/06,' "A search of 'Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip' on the Google.cn," (January 26, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *10. Lei, John. 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *11. Lei, John. 'Here is the web link,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to WBTI," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *12. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court. *13. Weber, Valerie. 'Thanks, Dr. Lei,' "An e-mail from Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Assembly. *14. Chang, Tiffany. (2000) 'Cheryl Moss has been appointed Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *15. Liu, Belinda M. ' WBTI W , S ,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *16. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; McDonald, Lynette; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; Young, Bill; Chang, Tiffany. 'James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI if he is elected Governor of Nevada,' "A search of 'James Gibbons will be Chairman WBTI' on the Google.com," (January 27, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *17. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas,' "A search of 'Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn,' on the Google.cn," (January 28, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *18. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' " ` \ ", (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. *19. Douglas, Michael L.; Denton, Mark R.; Vega, Valoria J.; Gronauer, Robert A.; Moss, Cheryl B.; and Chang, Tiffany. 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and Chairperson of Community Service Council of Clark County of WBTI,' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com," (February 1, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *20. Chang, Frances. 'FW: [English-congregation] LIVERight event 2007 announcement,' "An e-mail From Miss Frances Chang to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 11, 2007), San Jose, California: Frances Chang's Residence. *21. Ibid. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154] 155 [156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244][245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266][267][268][269][270][271][272] | |