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071804-1179 |
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 16:01:08 -0700 (PDT)Dear friends: > "We all need to smile every once in a while," welcome to the WBTI website's section of 'CARTOONS....' and see that the sky is beautiful at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future." > "Wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there> is a future hope for you..." ---Quoted by Robert Song from "PPAA18" of the above site. > > Please take the following steps to access the fliers of cartoons: > (1). Hit the address at: > > http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti > > (2). Hit the section of "Cartoons, Pictures, and > Photos" (the second section from the square box). > > Any comment extends from you to WBTI will highly be appreicated. > > Aside from the attractive golf course on the fliers, > please be remind that the following cultural activity for those people who have already RSVP: > > (a). Date: Monday, July 19, 2004 > (b). Location: St. Tropez Hotel Las Vegas - Monte Carlo Room > 455 E. Harmon avenue Located across from the Hard Rock Cafe > Complimentary Parking > (c). Time: 6:45 - 9:00 p.m. > > KLVX General Manager, Tom Axtell, and UNLV's > Professor Sue Fawn Chung will be your hosts for the evening. > > Thank you again. Best wishes, Robert ===== Robert Song O: 702-889-0678 C: 702-769-5517 F: 702-889-0678 E: afsong@yahoo.com | |
08/24/2001 A Special Tribute to U. S. Senator Harry Reid By Jessie Walsh, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang"On behalf of Washington and Business and Technology Institute, I'm glad to be one of the Chairmen of this Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U. S. Senator Harry Reid. Following a successful tribute party to Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker, this Event is an united efforts of all our Asian American community. Thanks to Dr. Raj Chanderraj, Dr. R. D. Prabha, Mr. Toni Sison, Ms. Rita Vaswani to join me as Chairpersons. Thanks to all our guests of honor, special guests, hosts, guests, and participants. Thanks Dr. Peter Lock as our good Coordinator and Nancy Diaz to initiate this event with me. Finnally, we, Asian Americans have put all our effort and wisdom together to have this Special Tribute to our U. S. Senator Harry Reid, Because Harry is our great hero to build a community where this and future generations will have more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous life," spoke President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute, Chairman of the Event and Dinner Party which was held by Asian American Community on August 24, 2001 at Asia Palace Restaurant in Las Vegas. ****************************************************************** Beside many high-ranking officials, we had also the following important officers and community leaders attended the Event and Dinner Party: Loreta Arrington ( Mayor Pro Tem Gary Reese), Dr. I-tung Chen, Linda Chen, Nadia Contreras, Fred Flore, Karen Foster (Avista), Chie Fu, Sonia Joya (U.S. Senator John Ensign), Bob Jose, Mark Malone (Plague to Harry), Miguel Isassi (Southern Hispanic), John Lee (Assemblyman), Gale Nathan, Cathy Nelson (Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin), Denis Nolan (Assemblywoman), Veronica Parios, Bert Ramos (Agtee Acpec Inc.), Judith Ray ( U.S. Congressman Jim Gibbons), Barbara Robinson, Dr. John Wang, Dr. Wright (UNLV), among others. ********************** Today is also the Bithday of Governor Kenny Guinn and Judge Jessie Walsh | |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 18, 2004.*The art of management brought U.S. prosperity There are also some skills of Managing Up and Modern Stratagem in the American and Asian worlds By Tiffany Chang "The art of management has made the United States a paradise of richfulness and prosperity. On the very top floor of the mansion at the Graduate School of New York University, I was impressed by the crowded traffic and the brilliant night scenes down on the ground. And looking at the groups of mensions standing under the heavenly sky at this Fifth Street reminded me that: All these golden Squares and proserity at the time of the May Flower period was nothing but an empty land. For our Las Vegas, we've realized the same story of development and prosperity," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), on the Grand Openning of the Las Vegas City Park. "It made me remember the story of the next dynasty King after the Emperor Ching. Impressed by watching the greatness of the Emperor with his large marching team on the road one day at his young age, the young boy said, 'Do it brightly and we should make it the same also, excellency! (Meaning explanation for 'Yu Wei Jer Yi Loi Hsie' in Chinese.)' Nowaday, the entrepreneurship made America great is not just important for individuals, but it is also critical for a company or a country."*1 The above initiative spirit of the United States is originated from the first paragraph of the Preface of a text book written by Tony Tung-tien Lei entitled "Managemnt Behavior" published by Buffalo Publishing Inc. in 1989 (2nd Edition). Together with his text book "Business Management", "Management Behavior" had been used by Dr. Tony Lei as a reference book in National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, and National Chungshsing University from 1975 through 1990. "MANAGING UP shows what you can learn when you keep your eyes and ears open and happen to work for/with a terrif boss. Great lessons for leaders here, managing up, down, and sideways," said Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Business at the University of South Carolina about the book written by Rosanne Badowski in 2003. The book is entitled "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You." The Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada, Dr. Tony Lei, received by air mail on February 22, 1997 a book named "Modern Stratagem" The book was written and sent by Professor Tu Lin. In the preface, Dr. Ko-wang Mei pointed out that: It is the person who uses stratagem to face problem and chellenge and to integrate a project or principle for processing of problem solving. Most of famous stratagems in the human history were used on politics and military. From its broad significance, in order for a person to successful both in production and human relations, he or she needs stratagem to attain his or her objectives. The Chinese idiom of "Action after taking stratagem" may show the good understanding of the above meaning. The book entitled "Modern Stratagem" was written by a Chinese, while the book entitled "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You" is written by an American. The latter talks about "Managing Up" in a business. The following are some of its principles: Principles of Managing Up "* Managing is not the exclusive property of MBA grads. * At times we are all managers, and we are all support staff; managers have to roll up their sleeves and get in the trenches. * Those who manage up have to think--and act-- like managers. * A good managers is a student of cause and effect. * It's not good enough to be aware of what's happening around you; you have to know why it's happening. * If you're not helping, you're hindering. * Ask yourself: Did the work I performed today help achieve a goal? Common Sense Takeaways * Your boss's agenda comes first. Period. * When those above you win, you win. * It's people! Organizations don't run on money, products, or procedures. * Trust your instincts-- they are based on a lot of experience. Then again, don't always trust instincts. * Go ahead, take a swing: Better to be too bold than too timid."*2 The first of the above two books was prefaced by Dr. Ko-wang Mei, the former President of Tunghai University and now the President of Taiwan Regional Development Institute. Dr. Mei believed that: The successful degree of a stratagem can not be depended only on individual's wisdom, knowledge,and experience. It has its team works, integrity, scientific background, and philosophic thought. Therefore, there never appears a stratagem in an emptiness. It needs deliberate planning and logic thinking. The large the area of stratagem and the deeper of the degree of a stratagem, the large and deeper the need for information collection and analysis. In the recent half of the century, it is one of the most important subject in 'The study of Administration'. In a practical and general speaking, 'stratagem' is 'decision making' in a promotional sense. In order to have a stratagem effective, efficient, and perfect, the conclusion of a stratagem should be attained through scientific collection, analysis, judgment, study of information. It is why the 'Stratagem' is an important and useful study. Its good to have some inspiration on the findings of some of the chapters of the second book: "Preparedness Takeaways * By seeing thing from someone else's perspective, you'll be better able anticipate what will be needed in the future. * Share what you know. This was the centerpiece of Jack Welch's GE. We shared ideas, best practices, and information. People who hoard knowledge hunt the company. *Be ready to improvise. *Stay on top of current events, not just concerning your company but the international business community. It will help give context to what you do, and it's a good conversation starter. Communication Takeaways *Communication is more than a management tool--it is a catalyst for change. *Don't be afraid to ask. And then ask again. *Question yourself constantly; if you don't like your answers, do something about it. *Be a loudmouth--one whose ideas and messages get spread through every level of your business. *Nagging doesn't mean you have to be a pain in the neck--but timed correctly, it's very effective. Teamwork Takeaways *Celebrate--you deserve to recognize accomplishments. *Take a central role as team member and team builder. *Get off your pedestal--no job or task should be dismissed as unimportant or not worthy of attention. *Share everything--information, knowledge, skills, risk."*3 The author of the first book, late Tu Lin, one of the famous scholar on stratagem, had been many years Professor and Chairman of Safety Department of the Central Police Official University in Taiwan. The author of the second, Rosanne Badowski, was an executive assistant of Jack Welch who retired from GE in September 2001 as its CEO. "It is 'political strategy' when a stratagem is used in political affairs.It is 'war strategy' when a stratagem is used in military action. It is 'individual strategy' when a stratagem is used by personal affairs. It is 'business strategy' when a stratagem is used by business management. After the second half of 20 century, business management played a very important role around the world. The study of management emphasizes very much the importance of stratagem. Therefore, the world business is now full of the actions of 'Business Stratagem'," said Dr. Mei.*4 As a conclusion on her book, Rosanne summerized it in the following: The Fun of Managing Up "Over the years, people have approached me wanting to know what it was like to work for Jack Welch. Did he have some secret to success? And that's why I've tried hard to keep the "bow" of this book pointed into the wind of real life. Was it a smooth fourteen years? No way. Was it interesting, exhilarating, and rewarding? For sure."*5 The first book was foreworded by Jack Welch, while in the second book, Dr. Mei recommended that : The "Modern Stratagem" written by Professor Tu Lin is one of the best in the field. It can be a good reference text for persons in political affairs. It is a fine dictionary for military experts. And it can be also effectively used in business management. Finally, it is a very valuable book for an individual to use it as an electric power to brighten his or her career both in production and human relations. Rosanne continued on her conclusion that "Under the circumstances, managing up was, for me, a survival skill mastered on the job and on the run. But it was not one based on secrets, luck, or genius. For me, managing up came right off the rack, right off the shelf, and right off a list of basic ingredients that are as commonplace as they are priceless: Chemistry. It's what got us off to a good start and kept us going. Trust. Trust was what our partnership was built on--and what made our partnership last. Confidence. The key term to describe Jack--something that propelled his every action. Impatience. It appears to be a negative, but it gave us the speed to accomplish as much as we did in limitd time. Energy. It kept us buoyant and helped us persevere. Resilience. The ability to keep going when a roadblock got in the way. Humor. It made every day fun, no matter what the circumstances. Common sense. A lifesaver when it came to tough decisions. Preparedness. This gave us the edge to rise above the pack. Adaptability. The ability to embrace change. Simplicity. In other words, keeping things uncomplicated and easy to understand. Fairness. Treating people in a way we like to be treated. Communications. The determination to tell the world and each other what was going on. Teamwork. It let us bring our friends along--they helped us bail out the boat when the water was rising, and they were there in the end for the party. Passion and purpose. They are what life, and business, are all about."6 She concluded finally that "Together, these fifteen managing-up ingredients produced an extraordinarily effective working partnership-- and a whole lot of sheer fun. Yes, there I go again--fun. If work isn't fun, there's some-thing wrong. Well-paid drudgery is still drudgery. It's painful and demeaning. By managing up you make an investment that pays a handsome dividend in satifaction and self-respect."7 Dr. Mei recommended that : The "Modern Stratagem" written by Professor Tu Lin is one of the best in the field. It can be a good reference text for persons in political affairs. It is a fine dictionary for military experts. And it can be also effectively used in business management. Finally, it is a very valuable book for an individual to use it as an electric power to brighten his or her career both in production and human relations.*8 The late Tu Lin, one of the famous scholar on stratagem, had been many years Professor and Chairman of Safety Department of the Central Police Official University in Taiwan. Dr. Ko-wang Mei, Professor Tu Lin, and Dr. Tony Lei were good friends for many years. Professor Tu was the Founder and Chairman of Taipei Marketing Research Association on a national basis. He was also Chairman of Board of China File and Micrographic Information Management Institute. In order to promote the collaboration of academy between both sides of China on the pacific ocean, Professor Tu was the Chairman and held the 1966 Seminar on File and Micrographic Academy of both sides of the Straits of Taiwan on November 4-11, 1996.*9 "Our knowledge, wisdom, and professionalism are all achieved by our sincere love to God!" said President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*10 ------------------------------ Refernces *1. Moss, Cheryl; Ung, Becky; and Tiffany , Chang. 'The art of management brought U. S., (January 8, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. Badowski, Rosanne. (2003) "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You," New York: A CURRENCY BOOK, Published by Doubleday. *3. Ibid. *4. Tu, Lin. (1996) "Modern Stratagem," Taipei, Taiwan: Nation Publishing Co.. *5. Ibid. *6. Badowski. Ibid. *7. Badowski. Ibid. *8. Chang, Tiffany. 'Modern Stratagem,' "PPAA18 of WBTI website," (January 21, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal. *9. Ibid. *10. WBTI. 'Message from the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) for the 2002 New Year,' "The section of 'Message from the President' of the WBTI website," (January 1, 2002), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal. 3333333333333 77777777777777777777777777 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ************************************************************ | |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 17, 2004.*The popularity, integrity, and professionalism of Las Vegas Constable ROBERT "BOBBY G" GRONAUER By PAI of WBTI*1 ***"Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and to let him know that you trust him." --- Booker T. Washington ***"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." --- Jonas Salk, MD ***"Those who trust us, educate us." --- George Eliot ***"Watch your thought, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny."*2 After nearly three decades in police work, Robert A. Gronauer, better known by his friends as "Bobby G" has been our Las Vegas Township Constable since the January of 1999. His endeavor for Las Vegas as a constable is remarkable with his popularity, integrity, and professionalism.*3 The International Association of Chiefs of Police chose Gronauer as one of the top police officers in America for using innovative and progress techniques to solve problems in one of the most crime ridden areas of Las Vegas, "Gerson Park", one of those places where they said it couldn't be done. Dedication to his country and community brought "Bobby G" a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star with a V for Valor in Vietnam, and the Marine Corps looked to Robert Gronauer to teach its young officers to be leaders. "Bobby G" has been presented with the following awards: "Humanitarian Award" - presented in March 2002 by the Seniors' United Organization, "Elected Official of the Year" - presented in April 2001 by the Asian Chamber of Commerce, "Constable of the Year 2001" - presented on April 7, 2002, by the National Constables' Association, the "Citizen of the Month Award-June 2002" - presented on June 5, 2002, by the Las Vegas City Council and "Proclamation Award" - presented on July 16, 2002, by the Clark County Board of Commissioners for serving his country and the Clark County community with dedication and pride. Some of Bobby's objectives are to help preserve and clearly define the significant role of the constable in the delivery of justice system in the United States, train, educate and upgrade the quality of performance of the constable, provide membership benefits which will contribute to the general welfare and quality of the constables, continue to carry court orders from the court offices and be available to assist the needs of the office of the county sheriff and local police departments.*4 "Bobby G" is a Vice Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), "As the Vice Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC), Bobby G. Gronauer was invited by the Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to attend this Party. With selected important people as a group from WBTI, it was leading by its President Dr. Tony Lei accompanied by his wife. The General Manager Nadia Sales of 'Nevada Examiner' came with her photography just on time. The presence of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley hightlighted the event. Executive Director of PPAAF Bud Cranor appointed Brian Sandoval Honorary Chairman, David Roger and Bill Young Co-Chairs of CCDAPCC on January 2, 2003. It's my honor and challenge to endeavor to our community as a Secretary with the excellency of our Secretary General Cheryl Moss," said Agnas Chan, Consultant of the United Business Source at the Campaign Party by Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman on February 20, 2003.*5 -------------------------------- *1. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Lei, Becky. (2003). "Super E. Q. Onece for All". Taipei, Taiwan: Spring Publishing Co. *3. Google.co. 'About Bobby Gronauer,' "A search on google. co for Las Vegas Constable Bobby Gronauer," Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *4. Ibid. *5. Gronauer, Bobby; and Chang, Tiffany Chang. 'Motivation and entrepreneurship contribute to city development,' "Special Column PPAA15)," (September 12, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. 33333333333333333 777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
071604-3037 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 16, 2004.*U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Congressional Update - International Relations By Office of the Congresswoman and PAI of WBTI*1 It is our pleasure to post the following Newsletter from the Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley which was received by Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), just a few minutes ago in this afternoon. Shelley is an U. S. Congresswoman representing Nevada's 1st Congressional District. She is also a Member of the International Relations Committee of the U. S. Congress. The following is our post of the Newsletter: This week was a very busy week in foreign affairs. Outlined below are several of the key measures authored and supported by Congresswoman Berkley.*2 Berkley Co-Authors House Resolution 713 Deploring the misuse of the International Court of Justice by a plurality of the United Nations General Assembly for a narrow political purpose. The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed House Resolution 713, condemning a recent ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that declared the construction of a security fence in Israel illegal. The measure was approved 361-45. The resolution, which was co-authored by Rep. Berkley (D-NV), criticizes the United Nations General Assembly for allowing the ICJ to be used for a narrow political purpose. This non-binding action threatens to undermine the Court's reputation and interfere with a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. House Passes Restriction on Foreign Aid to Saudi Arabia Representative Shelley Berkley was a co-sponsor of an amendment to the Foreign Operations Appropriations bill (HR 4818) that eliminated all foreign aid to Saudi Arabia. After a tense debate, the amendment was narrowly agreed to late Thursday night by a vote of 217 - 191. Berkley Supports Adjustment of Aid to Egypt Representative Berkley supported an amendment to the Foreign Operations Appropriations bill (HR 4818) that would have converted $570 million in military aid to Egypt into economic aid. Egypt has been the recipient of approximately $1.2 billion in military aid annually over the last 10 years and Congresswoman Berkley felt that our foreign assistance package was better suited as economic aid. The measure failed 131 - 287 International Relations Committee Declines to Investigate Abu Ghraib Abuses By a strict party line vote, Committee Republicans successfully reported House Resolution 699 unfavorably. This resolution would have directed the Secretary of State to transmit to the House of Representatives documents in his possession relating to the treatment of prisoners and detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.*3 Contact Information Website: http://www.house.gov/berkley/Las Vegas District Office The Honorable Shelley Berkley 2340 Paseo Del Prado, Suite D-106 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Phone: (702) 220-9823 Fax: (702) 220-9841 Washington Office The Honorable Shelley Berkley U.S. House of Representatives 439 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-4708 Phone: (202) 225-5965 Fax: (202) 225-3119 Toll free: (877) 409-2488 ------------------------------------------------------ References *1. U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley - Representing Nevada's 1st Congressional District. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Office of the Congresswoman. 'Congressional Update - International Relations,' "Important Foreign Affairs Update from Rep. Berkley; An e-mail from the Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 16, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. *3. Ibid. 77777777777777777 3333333333333333333333333333 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
071604-2001 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 16, 2004.*U. S. Senator Harry Reid's "WHIP ROUND UP" to Dr. Tony Lei through both the e-mail and fax on Friday July 16, 2004 By Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader of U. S. Senate and PAI of WBTI*1 "The wildfire raging in Carson City is a reminder that we must give our firefighters the resources they need to protect our lives and property. I'll keep working to get the best equipment and training for Nevada firefighters," stated in the 'Reid's Words' on the "WHIP ROUND UP"*2 just published this afternoon (Las Vegas time). It was faxed by the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid from Washington D. C. to Dr. Tony Lei in the afternoon on July 16, 2004.*3 We are pleased to post the "WHIP ROUND UP" from the Office of Assistant Democratic Leader of the U. S. Senate in Washington, D. C. on July 16, 2004. The following is Reid's "WHIP ROUND UP": Reid for Nevada President Signs Western Shoshone Claims Bill Senator Reid and Congressman Jim Gibbons, who jointly shepherded the Western Shoshone Claims Distribution Act through Congress, applauded its signature into law this week by President Bush. The bill, now law, settles long-standing claims by the Western Shoshone Indian Tribe by distributing $145 million to more than 6,000 eligible tribal members.*4 Reid, Ensign Deliver $4 Million for Clark County Students, Teachers The Clark County School District (CCSD) will be better able to retain high-quality teachers for at-risk students thanks to a $1.5 million grant announced by Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign. The Nevada Senators also secured $2.45 million to reduce class sizes in large public high schools. Smaller classes will allow students to receive more individual attention from their teachers. Reid, Ensign Aid Boys and Girls Club Mason Valley Boys and Girls Club will receive $25,000 for a kitchen facility and food service thanks to a grant delivered by Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign. The new kitchen will enable the club to provide summer meals and after-school snacks for Lyon County children. Reid Announces Jobs in Minden Senator Reid announced that GE Bentley Nevada, a subsidiary of the General Electric Corporation located in Minden, recently won an export order that will support jobs at the company. Working with Nevadans ?Laughlin student Fawn Block met with Senator Reid at his weekly constituent breakfast. Fawn was in Washington for an intensive program designed to inspire young people about public service. ?/B>Senator Reid met with Ann Marie Larquier of Carson City and Alana White of Silver Springs at the National Science Youth Camp luncheon. ?/B>Nevada students Byron Ausmus, Matthew Levin, Ralph Menke and Cassandra Pearson met with Senator Reid while in D.C. for the National Young Leaders Conference. Senator Reid meets with Nevada delegates to the 2004 National Youth Science Camp, Ann Marie Larquier of Minden (center) and Alana White of Silver Springs (right). For 41 years the NYSC has honored the top science students from around the nation. Week in Review Renewable Energy Tax Credit Goes to Conference - A corporate tax bill is headed for a conference with the House after the Senate added an amendment that will allow a buyout of tobacco farmers while subjecting tobacco products to regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. The underlying bill also includes tax incentives for production of wind, solar and geothermal energy, which Senator Reid has championed. Progress Seen on Highway Bill - Efforts to reach agreement with the House on a six-year surface transportation bill continued this week. The Senate version of the bill authorizes $318 billion for roads, public transit and other transportation projects and would create tens of thousands of jobs. Negotiators are expected to continue working next week. African American Summit - Cordell Stokes of Las Vegas and Lonnie Feemster of Reno joined African American leaders from across the nation for the second annual African American Leadership Summit in Washington this week. The day-long meeting highlighted issues important to the black community and gave the leaders a chance to share their views with Members of Congress, including Senator Reid. INSIDER'S CALENDAR The Senate will convene Monday July 19 at 1 p.m. and begin consideration of the nomination of William Myers to be a Judge for the 9th Circuit, with the time until 5 p.m. equally divided between the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee. No roll call votes will occur on Monday. The Senate will vote on cloture on the nomination on Tuesday at 2:15 p.m. During the remainder of the week the Senate may consider the Department of Defense Appropriations conference report and a conference report including a package of tax extensions. Reid's Words The wildfire raging in Carson City is a reminder that we must give our firefighters the resources they need to protect our lives and property. I'll keep working to get the best equipment and training for Nevada firefighters.*5 http://reid.senate.gov Fax: (202) 228-7362 Phone: (202) 224 - 2158 -------------------------------------------------- References *1. Harry Reid is U. S. Senator and the Assistant Democratic Leader of the U. S. Senate. This flier was edited by Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader. 'WHIP ROUND UP,' "A fax to Dr. Tony Lei from the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid," (July 16, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader Harry Reid. *3. Ibid. *4. Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader. 'WHIP ROUND UP,' "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei from the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid," (July 16, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader Harry Reid. *5. Ibid. 33333333333333333 888888888888888888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ************************************************************** | |
071604-1168 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will bepost on July 16, 2004.*The sky is beautiful in our cartoons garden ---"Wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you..." By CI of WBTI*1 Dear friends: "We all need to smile every once in a while," welcome to the WBTI website's section of 'CARTOONS....' and see that the sky is beautiful at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future." "Wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you..." ---Quoted by Robert Song from "PPAA18" of the above site. Please take the following steps to access the fliers of cartoons: (1). Hit the address at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti (2). Hit the section of "Cartoons, Pictures, and Photos" (the second section from the square box). Any comment that extends from you to WBTI will highly be appreicated. Aside from the attractive golf course on the fliers, please be remind that the following cultural activity for those people who have already RSVP: (a). Date: Monday, July 19, 2004 (b). Location: St. Tropez Hotel Las Vegas - Monte Carlo Room 455 E. Harmon avenue Located across from the Hard Rock Cafe Complimentary Parking (c). Time: 6:45 - 9:00 p.m. KLVX General Manager, Tom Axtell, and UNLV's Professor Sue Fawn Chung will be your hosts for the evening.*2 Thank you again. It is our pleasure to post the following article by Dr. Sue Fawn Chung again: Digging Up Our Past: Chinese Communities in Lumbering and Mining in late 19th Century California and Nevada By Sue Fawn Chung, University of Nevada, Las Vegas*3 Have you ever thought about what it would be like if the community was predominantly Chinese? A 3-year project (1999-2001) with the U.S. Forest Service, UNR, UNLV, Wing Luke Museum in Seattle, and the Passport in Time volunteers provided me with the opportunity to explore life in the late 19th century Chinese mining community called Island Mountain in northeastern Nevada, about twenty-five miles from the Idaho border. Using oral histories, government documents, local records, court documents, photographs, newspapers, and archaeological finds, it has been possible to gain some insight into the character of this transitional Chinatown from 1873 until 1916.*4 In 1873 Emanuel Penrod left his ranch in Genoa in search of gold. He had been one of the original founders of the rich Comstock Lode in Virginia City, but sold out to Henry Comstock before the Lode became a bonanza. He eventually settled down with his wife and children in Genoa and worked in nearby Carson City, the capital of Nevada. When one of his sons died from a tragic accidental death in Carson City, he felt restless and hopped on the Central Pacific Railroad heading east. The transcontinental, completed in May 1869, opened new areas for mining and among them was the new mining town of Tuscarora, Elko County, which boasted a Chinese population of 2,000, thus rivaling Virginia City and Gold Hill (the Comstock Lode). The Beard brothers had founded the site and brought Chinese workers to help develop the irrigation system needed first for placer mining and then hydraulic mining. The Chinese stayed and mined. There were two Chinatowns and several wealthy merchants, most notably Ah Lee Lake (b. 1855, immigrated 1869, still active 1910), who in the winter wore an ermine lined Chinese silk jacket and who traveled to San Francisco and China regularly to buy supplies for the miners in the area. Ah Lee Lake was the wealthiest Chinese in Elko County and had good relations with both the Chinese and non-Chinese communities. In Tuscarora, Chinese miners worked alone, in groups, or with miners of other ethnic origins. It was a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural community. Penrod decided to search for a new placer mining site and headed in a northeastern direction after disembarking at the major Central Pacific roundhouse town of Carlin. Instead of heading toward Tuscarora, he went further to the northeast, about 75 miles, near the mining town of Bruno City that quickly became a ghost town. He came upon a 8,000 feet loaf-shaped mountain surrounded by clouds and called it ¡§Island Mountain.¡¨ There, along with two friends, he discovered a rich new source of gold. He realized he needed water for more placer mining so he turned to Chinese workers, noted for their irrigation systems in China and in the Carson Valley, especially in Genoa, as well as Tuscarora. Eventually they brought in hydraulic mining equipment. A monitor had a force of 5,000 pounds under water pressure. A ¡§Little Giant¡¨ monitor could blast 16,000 gallons of water a minute and wash away 4,000 cubic yards of earth in a 24-hour period. Penrod and his two associates struck it rich. With his newfound wealth, he ran for State Assembly and won a seat for one year in 1874-5. But his real success was at Island Mountain, where he, his wife, and children had settled and where he lived until 1897. Penrod estimated that during his 24 years at Island Mountain, he took out a quarter of a million dollars. He also set the precedent of allowing law abiding Chinese to remain relatively unmolested. According to the 1875 state census, 50% of the population of Island Mountain was Euro-American and 50% was Chinese, a total of 50 people. Some of the ditch diggers and miners had come from nearby Tuscarora, Mountain City, and Placerville, Elko County. By 1880 there were 71 inhabitants of Island Mountain: 54 (76%) Chinese, of whom 45 (83%) were miners and the remainder: 4 cooks, 2 woodchoppers, 2 merchants, 1 laundryman, 1 loafer, and 1 prostitute; 6 Native Americans (2 women, 1 child, 1 medicine man, 2 hunters); and 11 Euro-Americans (2 women, 1 farmer, 2 teamsters, 6 miners), including William Allen Penrod and his wife, Rebecca. Nevada attracted the Chinese because its constitution allowed resident aliens to buy, own, and sell land. By 1897 the character of Island Mountain changed because Penrod had sold his interests to the Gold Creek Mining Company, and the company decided to develop a new town named Gold Creek about 3-5 miles away on flat land instead of hillside. There the Euro-Americans resided in their new buildings, but the local hotel had a Chinese cook (Ah Bing, b. 1854, immigrated 1880, single, replaced in 1920 by Charlie King, b. 1874, married). By 1900 there were only five Chinese officially living in Island Mountain. The Gold Creek Mining Company recognized the need to have a larger water supply and built the 137 acre Sunflower Reservoir (821/310 million gallons of water), employing approximately 200 Chinese workers and 89 other workers. Some of these Chinese workers probably remained in the area and a few moved into the recently abandoned houses in Island Mountain, now called Gold Creek¡¦s Chinatown between 1897 and 1900. The Reservoir controlled the water from the canal system that the Chinese had built earlier and improved it to the point that it was maintained by a little boat that sailed along the canal system. Mining was possible only from approximately March to September/October, so most of the Chinese miners had other jobs or spent the winter elsewhere. According to the local newspaper, the average income from a season was $9,000 during peak years, so it was possible for miners to rest upon their laurels on a good year. In 1903 Doctor and Mrs. Mathey visited Island Mountain and Gold Creek. A professional photographer, Hilda Mathey provided a visual of the town filled primarily with Chinese miners. Two notable residents stood out: Hong Lee and Hong Lem, two brothers who ran the local store on Peking Street for a total of 40 years. When one brother died, the other moved from Tuscarora to take over the business. When the U.S. government required a registration of Chinese businesses, the Hong Lee Store was duly recorded. They sold goods to the local population: Chinese, Native American, Euro-American. They carried American products such as sugar, maple syrup, bullets, and clothing as well as Chinese products, such as silks, rice wine, and preserved vegetables. The Hong Lee Store advertised in the newspaper. They welcomed visitors to the community and this was publicized in the newspaper, in particular, when a reporter traveled through the area and stopped at Hong Lee¡¦s for the traditional shot of whiskey to fend off the freezing cold. Hong Lee¡¦s was on the main route between Carlin/Elko (major Central Pacific/Southern Pacific stations) and Boise until the 1920s. The Chinese also shared their Chinese New Year¡¦s celebration with everyone and ladies were often rewarded with silk handkerchiefs. Lem, as the merchant was called, purchased toads from the children, pickled them, and sent them to China. He probably collected pine nuts from the Native Americans and sent these back to China too. Hong Lem¡¦s store was well-constructed and branches of willow trees were used for the panes of the air-tight windows. There were at least two rooms in the store and in another building or room was three cooking areas ¡V probably for the different temperatures needed to boil hot water for tea, high heat for wok cooking, and lower heat for slow cooking, such as making soups. Shortly after 1903 Lem had made enough money to enter into the middle-class and put a middle-class wooden front on his store. His shop was a gathering place for many of the community members, most of whom had turned from mining to ranching as the years passed. Nearby there was gambling in one of the buildings and the Chinese welcomed Native Americans and Euro-Americans to the gaming tables. Although there was one prostitute counted in 1880, it was more probable that women came to the town on a wagon from Tuscarora as the population decreased. Most of the Chinese miners were unmarried and many spent most of the lives away from women. A few probably married or lived with Native American women from the nearby Shoshone tribe. Franklin Jesse Baker, a teamster, was among Lem¡¦s close friends and they helped each other in time of need. For example, when Mrs. Baker¡¦s sister was snowed-in and out of food, it was Lem who came to the rescue with provisions for the stranded family. One day Baker testified in court when two men tried to swindle Lem by selling him over $100 worth of goods for his store with the intent of never producing the products. By custom, Chinese testimony in court against whites, especially in criminal cases, were not regarded with any validity so Baker¡¦s testimony was crucial in recovering the money for Lem. The Bakers, like the Martin family, invited Lem and his room mate to dinner and, according to Della Baker Johns, the daughter, ¡§Mother served what she would normally serve to the family with the exception of always including rice when they came for dinner.¡¨ When Lem was ill, the Bakers and Martins often took him to the doctor in the neighboring town, either Tuscarora or Elko. As isolated as it might seem to be, the Chinese of Island Mountain were concerned about larger issues. When the 1906 earthquake and fire wrecked San Francisco¡¦s Chinatown, the Chinese in Elko raised money to help their brethen and Lem was among them. From a fragment of a book in Chinese found at the store, it was evident that someone read Chinese and was concerned with the newly established republic (post 1912). Undoubtedly it was Lem since he could sign his name in Chinese. Lem¡¦s roommate was known as China Joe. In 1910 he sent $1,000 back to his family in China -- $700 more than the average $300 sent to families in China. On the morning of August 2, 1910, he went duck hunting with Bob McKenzie and accidentally drowned in Sunflower Reservoir. Attempts to rescue him had been unsuccessful until the next day when they found him, a duck clutched in his hand. He was buried next to his brother in the local Chinese cemetery and from his headstone, it was revealed that the brothers came from western Guangdong. Thus differences that probably had existed in their homeland were obviously forgotten in their new homeland. Lem observed important Chinese traditions including the Qingming festival every year for the two brothers until his own death. By 1916 the Hong Lee store disappears from the county tax rolls and one can presume that Lem either died or moved away to spend the last years of his life. With his departure, Island Mountain gradually became a ghost town and then disappeared. Gold Creek burned down in the 1920s and also became a ghost town with a sidewalk that leads nowhere. The Chinese community of Island Mountain thrived during a period of anti-Chinese movement elsewhere in the American west. The residents could establish positive relations with the larger community because of mutual economic benefits, the positive attitude of the community leaders toward other races and ethnic groups, and a frontier spirit that allowed positive interracial interactions.*5 -------------------------------------------------- References *1. CI of WBTI is the initial of Culture Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Dr. Sue Fawn Chung is also Fellow and Director of the Cultutre Institution (CI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *3. Chung, Sue Fawn. 'Digging Up Our Past: Chinese Communities in Lumbering and Mining in late 19th Century California and Nevada,' "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei from Dr. Sue Fawn Chung," (June 4, 2004), Las Vegas, Neveda: UNLV. *4. Ibid. *5. Ibid. 11111111111111111 66666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** ¡@ | |
071604-1168 |
"We all need to smile every once in a while," welcome to the WBTI website's section of 'CARTOONS....' and see the shy is beautiful at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future." ---Quoted by Robert Song. Please take to following steps to access the fliers: (1). Hit the address at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti (2). Hit the section of "Cartoons, Pictures, and Photos". Any conments extends from you to WBTI will highly be appreicated. ¡@ | |
071604 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 16, 2004.*WATERFALL FIRE ---there has been a generosity of spirit shown by our citizens that will not soon be forgotten By Dr. Kenny C. Guinn*1 During the past two days, Carson City has seen areas around Kings Canyon, Ash Canyon and C Hill blackened from the Waterfall Fire. The Waterfall Fire, which had charred more than 8,500 acres as of midday Thursday, has been an extremely volatile fire to combat. Nearly 900 firefighters and 26 aircraft are currently fighting the fire, which had yet to be contained and still posed a threat of up to 600 homes. The community of Carson City has lost nine homes and a business, and an additional eight vehicles have been destroyed. Four injuries have been reported.*2 The state/local response has consisted of two shelters operating for 140 evacuees and the Southern Nevada Chapter of the American Red Cross is sending personnel to the affected areas to address additional evacuees. A Type-1 Incident Management Team, which is the most experienced team available, assumed command from the Type-2 Incident Management Team at approximately 6 p.m. today. A FEMA Region IX state liaison has been deployed to the Nevada EOC in Carson City. A Fire Management Grant was requested and granted on Wednesday. Thursday morning, I attended a meeting at the Carson City Community Center involving several families who had either lost homes in the Kings Canyon area or had their property damaged by this terrible fire. What I heard from these brave families heartened me. Certainly, several of these families face the incredible loss of a home, and with it many of their prized family heirlooms and mementos. Yet the mood at the meeting was resilient. I have always been amazed at the strength individuals show in the face of great adversity, and Thursday morning's meeting was one of those powerful moments when a group of good people showed great character and courage. Shortly after our meeting, I was given a tour of the Kings Canyon area by State Forester/Firewarden Pete Anderson. It was difficult to fathom the totality of the destruction of the fire in what has always been one of Carson City's most scenic areas. It was obvious, given the number of homes still standing and intact, that the firefighters who had battled the blaze on Wednesday had taken extensive heroic measures to stand their ground. The men and women who have fought this blaze since Wednesday morning and will continue to fight it for several more days to come deserve our thanks. Over the past two days, I have heard countless stories of people who have opened their homes to complete strangers, who have gone above and beyond in making sure their neighbors are safe and out of harm's way. Nevada is a special state for many reasons, but I cannot think of a time when our state stands out more than during a time like this, when random acts of kindness dominate what are otherwise extremely difficult circumstances. Certainly the brave efforts of our firefighters are critically important in fighting the Waterfall Fire, but on the home front, throughout Carson City, there has been a generosity of spirit shown by our citizens that will not soon be forgotten.*3 ------------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. *2. Ofiice of the Governor. 'WATERFALL FIRE; A Message from Governor Kenny C. Guinn - July 15, 2004,' " An e-mail from the Office of Governor Kenny Guinn to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 15, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn. *3. Ibid. ***About Governor Kenny Guinn (by the Editor of this flier): Kenny Guinn, 67, earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physical Education from Fresno State University and later obtained a doctorate in Education from Utah State University in Logan. He was named Superintendent of Schools in Clark County and served with distinction in that position until 1978. In his work for the Clark County School District, Guinn was recognized as an effective administrator committed to educational excellence at a time when the county was experiencing exponential student growth. His service to Clark County students was honored when Kenny C. Guinn Junior High School was named for him. In 1978, Guinn began applying his management skills in business as Administrative Vice President for Nevada Savings and Loan in Las Vegas, which later became PriMerit Bank. At PriMerit, he was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas-based bank. Soon thereafter, Guinn was recruited to the energy business as the President of Southwest Gas Corporation and eventually became Chairman of the Board of Directors of that utility in 1993. In 1994, Guinn was recruited by the University of Nevada Board of Regents to serve as interim president of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. In addition to his one-year term at UNLV, Guinn served the state in leadership roles on a variety of committees and commissions, including the Clark County Community College Advisory Committee, the UNLV Foundation Board of Trustees, the White House Conference on Children and Youth, among others. Guinn has also worked in his community in a variety of volunteer roles, ranging from involvement in the Boy Scouts and Pop Warner Football to the United Way of Southern Nevada and the Southern Nevada Independent Youth Athletic Association. Kenny spent his boyhood in the small, Central Valley town of Exeter, California where he met Dema, his wife of 47 years. Kenny Guinn believes in families. Dr. Kenny Guinn is now the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A. at his second term. 444444444444 2222222222222222222222 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 **************************************************** | |
071504-1001 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 15, 2004.*You're invited to a Pepperdine University PKE Exclusive! By GSBM of PU and GSBPA of WBTI*1 To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei President Washington Business and Technology Institute 2245 Homeland Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 We are very pleased to invite you to an exclusive day of senior executive collaboration featuring Harold Burson, the founding chairman of Burson-Marsteller, the largest public relations agency in the world. Mr. Burson has been described by PR Week as "the century's most influential PR figure."*2 The event, Marketing at the Speed of Light, is the first in a series of special events designed exclusively for our PKE & C-level executive (CEO, CFO) alumni. This one-day seminar will be hosted at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Marina del Rey on Tuesday, August 10, 2004. Joining Mr. Burson will be: Andy Bielanski, chief marketing officer for Countrywide Financial Corporation Matt Toledo, president & publisher, the Los Angeles Business Journal Joe Phelps, president & CEO, The Phelps Group Dr. Bob Sweitzer and Professor Linnea McCord, Graziadio School faculty AND your fellow PKE alums. Join senior executives in a thoughtful discussion on E-Commerce, Public Relations, Advertising, and Ethics in today's ultra fast world of business. For more information, please visit our website at https://bschool.pepperdine.edu/alumni/pke/speed.html. Introductory fee for the program is $000.00.(Please call for information about the cost.) Call 310-568-5639 for reservations today. Space is limited. This is a great way to get 'caught up" on important issues while collaborating with business leaders from around the region. Don't miss this very exclusive event. Please call either of us if you have any questions.*3 Peter Withers Director Executive Programs 310-568-5702 Mike Sims Executive Officer Executive Corporate & External Relations 310-568-5581 ---------------------------------- References *1. GSBM of PU is the initial of Graziadio School of Business and Mangement of Pepperdine University. GSBPA of WBTI is the initials of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Graziadio School of Business and Management. 'You're invited to a Pepperdine PKE Exclusive!' "An e-mail from Pepperdine University to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 14, 2004) Malibu, California: Pepperdine University. *3. Ibid. 66666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 15, 2004.*Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada, U. S. A. announces financing to ensure completion of renewable energy projects By Office of the Governor*1 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 9, 2004 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 GOV. guinn announces financing to ensure completion of renewable energy projects CARSON CITY - Gov. Kenny Guinn announced today that representatives from the Governor¡¦s Office, renewable developers, the state¡¦s two investor-owned utilities, the State Consumer Advocate and the staff of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) agreed on regulatory and legislative proposals that meet Nevada¡¦s strict renewable energy portfolio standard.*2 ¡§We are accomplishing two things today,¡¨ Gov. Guinn said. ¡§We are proposing changes that will give investors in Nevada renewable projects additional reasonable guarantees that they will receive a fair return on their investments. We are also giving our utilities a chance to use more renewable energy, sooner.¡¨ The proposals are outlined in three documents filed today with the PUC. They are: a petition asking that a rulemaking docket be opened, draft changes to the PUC¡¦s regulations and draft changes to Nevada¡¦s Revised Statutes. Gov. Guinn has agreed to file the draft statutory changes with the Legislative Commission or the Legislature at the time the PUC files its adopted regulation. The filings are expected to occur in early September. Proposed regulatory changes give the PUC the authority to create a ¡§Temporary Renewable Energy Development¡¨ (TRED) trust that receives renewable energy payments from the utilities¡¦ rate payers, and makes scheduled payments to renewable developers for energy delivered to utilities. New PUC authority also allows separation of such revenues from other payments made to utilities so that they are not ¡§commingled¡¨ with general revenues. These steps are necessary because investors who should provide the capital for renewable projects are concerned that impaired credit status of the two utilities might interfere with the repayment schedules. Statutory changes, if approved by the Legislature, provide protections for the TRED trust similar to those granted to selected utility contracts and certain state revenue bonds, and would prevent a future PUC from countermanding a PUC Resource Plan order that determined a project was in the public interest and prudent. ¡§This effort involved the joint commitment of some individuals and organizations that usually have no need to work together,¡¨ said Richard Burdette, Gov. Guinn¡¦s energy advisor. ¡§Nevada¡¦s renewable energy development was interrupted by financial events of 2002, but will be put back on track by this initiative.*3 MEDIA CONTACT: RICHARD BURDETTE, (775) 684-5677. Office of the Governor Grant Sawyer State Office Building 101 North Carson Street 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Carson City, NV 89701 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 775-684-7198 Fax: 702-486-2505 ---------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. *2. Office of the Governor. 'Press Release: Gov. Guinn announces financing to ensure completion of renewable energy projects - July 9, 2004,' "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei from the Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn," (July 9, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny Guinn. *3. Ibid. 3333333333333333 8888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
071404-3001 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 14, 2004.*My congratulations to all of the principals involved with the Las Vegas Monorail System By Dr. Kenny C. Guinn*1 The following is my message of "LAS VEGAS MONORAIL INAUGURATES SERVICE ON JULY 15": Transportation has long been one of the major determinants in calling a city ¡§major¡¨ or ¡§minor.¡¨ When a city has a seamless and efficient public transportation system, visitors and residents alike feel that they are traveling in a special place. With the launch of service for the Las Vegas Monorail on July 15, Las Vegas will take an important step in its evolution as one of the world¡¦s great emerging cities.*2 The Las Vegas Monorail is a $650 million privately funded transportation system that connects major resort properties on the east side of the Las Vegas Strip. It begins service on July 15. According to the Las Vegas Monorail Company, it is estimated that the monorail system, which will follow a four-mile route, will service about 20 million riders per year. There are other benefits as well. The Las Vegas Monorail will help improve the air quality in Las Vegas, and will also help ease traffic congestion in and around the Strip. The Regional Transportation Commission estimates that because of the monorail¡¦s existence, there will be seven percent fewer vehicle trips around the Strip. The project not only will help the State's transportation system, it also features innovative financing. The Board of Finance required that the project have insurance coverage for the state bonds used for the project, a move that ensures that the State will not be held liable if the system fails to pay off its $650 million in revenue bonds. The Board of Finance also determined that the bonds do not count against the state's limit on bonded indebtedness, which doubly protects the State. In the future, it is hoped that the monorail will prove to be a unique attraction and service to the more than 35 million people who travel to Las Vegas each year. The monorail system is owned and operated by the Las Vegas Monorail Company, a non-profit corporation run by a board appointed by the Governor of Nevada or his designee. The cost to ride the system - $3 - is roughly the same as a minimum taxi cab fare, and should provide an excellent movement solution for convention attendees and locals alike. My congratulations to all of the principals involved with the Las Vegas Monorail System, and particularly to James Gibson, Mayor of Henderson, who has ably served as chairman and CEO of Transit Systems Management, management firm for the Las Vegas Monorail. Finally, the late Bob Broadbent, whose political acumen and leadership first helped get the project off the ground, should also be remembered by the citizens of Nevada as the Monorail begins operation.*3 ------------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) did a little editing on this article. *2. Ofiice of the Governor. 'LAS VEGAS MONORAIL INAUGURATES SERVICE ON JULY 15; A Message from Governor Kenny C. Guinn - July 14, 2004,' "An e-mail from the Office of Governor Kenny Guinn to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 14, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn. *3. Ibid. ***About Governor Kenny Guinn (by the Editor of this flier): Kenny Guinn, 67, earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physical Education from Fresno State University and later obtained a doctorate in Education from Utah State University in Logan. He was named Superintendent of Schools in Clark County and served with distinction in that position until 1978. In his work for the Clark County School District, Guinn was recognized as an effective administrator committed to educational excellence at a time when the county was experiencing exponential student growth. His service to Clark County students was honored when Kenny C. Guinn Junior High School was named for him. In 1978, Guinn began applying his management skills in business as Administrative Vice President for Nevada Savings and Loan in Las Vegas, which later became PriMerit Bank. At PriMerit, he was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas-based bank. Soon thereafter, Guinn was recruited to the energy business as the President of Southwest Gas Corporation and eventually became Chairman of the Board of Directors of that utility in 1993. In 1994, Guinn was recruited by the University of Nevada Board of Regents to serve as interim president of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. In addition to his one-year term at UNLV, Guinn served the state in leadership roles on a variety of committees and commissions, including the Clark County Community College Advisory Committee, the UNLV Foundation Board of Trustees, the White House Conference on Children and Youth, among others. Guinn has also worked in his community in a variety of volunteer roles, ranging from involvement in the Boy Scouts and Pop Warner Football to the United Way of Southern Nevada and the Southern Nevada Independent Youth Athletic Association. Kenny spent his boyhood in the small, Central Valley town of Exeter, California where he met Dema, his wife of 47 years. Kenny Guinn believes in families. Dr. Kenny Guinn is now the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A. at his second term. 22222222222 5555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
071404-2001 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 14, 2004.*BUSINESS, COMMUNITY, AND SOCIAL WORLD ***** 1:58 p. m., Wednesday, July 14, 2004 #First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti 88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88% ------------------------------------------------------ ´N¬O·R¦Ñ¨k¤H 250¸U³¦Y¶º ¼B¯u¤@©w¥h ¡@ By §º§Ó¥Á ***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by this reporter, §º§Ó¥Á, are freely and absolutely his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Editor of this flier did all its literature in English. "We all need to smile every once in a while," said the "IT'S KINDA FUNNY". From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future."*1 The following is a post from "Yahoo!©_¼¯" through its courtesy for ¤Íµ½¦C¦L (friendly and kindly post): [In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".] ´N¬O·R¦Ñ¨k¤H 250¸U³¦Y¶º ¼B¯u¤@©w¥h*1 ***¤Íµ½¦C¦L ¡i§º§Ó¥Á¡j ¤~¥X¹D¥b¦~¦h¡A¼B¯u´N¨³³t¨«¬õ¡A¦o¨C¦¸¥X²{³£·|¥e¾Ú¦U¤j¼v¼@©M®É©|ªºª©±¡A¦o¾Ì¤°»ò¡H¾Ìªº¬Oªø¬Û¡BI´º¡Bãn»D¡A¤]¾Ì¹ê¤O¡C¼B¯uªº®a¥@¦n¡B¾Ç¾ú°ª¡A³z¹L»RÁСA¦oªº»R¦ñ²M¤@¦â³£¬O²§©Ê¡A¨C¤Ñ³£n©M»R¦ñ¤T¶K¸õ»R¡Aªø±o¤S¬O¨k¤H³Ì·Rªº«½«½Áy¡A¯à¤£¶Çãn»D¶Ü¡H«ÜÃø¡C¤£¹L¡A«ÜÅý¤H«HªAªº¬O¡A¦b»RÁЪº»â°ì¸Ì¡A¦oªº½T«Ü¦³¹ê¤O¡C*2 ©Ò¦³ªº°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç»R¡A³£¥²¶·n©M²§©Ê¤@°_·f°t¡A¨â¤HY·Q±o¨ì°ª¤À¡A´N±o¦X§@±o¤Ñ¦çµLÁ_¡AÀq«´n¦n¡AÁ¿¨s¤ß¯«¦X¤@¡A¸õ»R®É¡A½Ö¤£¬O¸õ±o§A»ú§Ú»ú¡C¦ý¬Ý¹L¼B¯u¸õ»Rªº¤H¡AÀ³¸Ó³£ª¾¹D¡A¦oªº»R§Þ«Ü¨ã±þ¶Ë¤O¡A¤×¨ä¬O¦o³Ì·Rªº©Ô¤B»R¡A¸õ°_¨Ó¤S³¥¡B¤S©ñ¡A¤Ä¤Hªº²´¯«¡AþÓ»R¦ñ¤£·Q¦b¦o«e±¨Ï¥X´ý¨¸Ñ¼Æ¨Ó¹¥ªA¦o¡H ¼B¯u¬OÓ¦n¦Ñ®v¡A¦oÀ´±o¦p¦ó¤Þ¾É·s¤â¶i¤Jª¬ªp¡A¤£¤F¸Ñªº®Ç¤H¡A´N·|»{¬°¼B¯u¦bª±¤õ¡A¦ý³o¤@¤Á¨ä¹ê³£¬O»~·|¡C³q±`¼B¯uÁ`¬O¤£«æµÛ¸ÑÄÀ¡A¦]¬°¦o»{¬°¡Aµ´¹ï¥i¥H¥H»R·|¤Í¡A¦o¥Ñ°J¦a»¡¡G¡u¨Ó¸õ¤@¤U°ê¼Ð¡A§A´N¥i¥H·Pı¨ì³o¬O¬°¤°»ò¤F¡C¡v ¼B¯u³zÅS¡A¦oª¾¹D«Ü¦h¨Ó¾Ç¸õ»Rªº¨k©Ê¡A³o½ú¤l¥i¯à¥u²o¹L¤kªB¤Í©Î¦Ñ±Cªº¤â¡A¨ì¤F»RÁбЫǡA¤SÅܦ¨¾ã¤Ñ©M¥t¤@Ó¤k»RªÌ²o¤â¡B¾Ö©ê¡A¯à¤£°Ê±¡ªº½T«ÜÃø¡A¡u¨âÓ¤H·íµM·|¨Ó¹q°Ú¡A¦ý§Ú¤£·|¦]¦¹¦Ó¤Ï¼u¡An§óµ½«Ý¥L°Õ¡A¦Ü¤ÖnÅý¥L§Ö¼Ö¡BÅý¥L¦³¦¨´N·P¡A¦]¬°¥Lµ´¹ï¤£¬O¬G·Nªº¡C¨â¤H¤À¤o§ì¦í¤F¡A¹ï¤è¨ä¹ê¤]¤£´±§ó¶i¤@¨B¡C¡v ¤j¤èªº¼B¯u¡A¤@ÂI³£¤£§_»{¥±`·|©M¨k¾Ç¥Í¨p¤U¥X¥h¡C¤£¹L¦o±j½Õ¡AÂù¤è¤@©wn°ò©ó¬O®v¥ÍªºÃö«Y¡Q°£¦¹¤§¥~¡A¦o¤@·§©Úµ´¡C¦ý¼B¯u¯º»¡¡A¤j®a¤£n§â¦o·Q±o¦n¹³«Ü¬X®z¡AY¬O·Q¦¨¬°¦oªº¥¿¦¡»R¦ñ¡A±ø¥ó¬O¡G¤@©wn«Ü¯à¦YW¡C ***¬õ»R¦çÅ]° ¡u¦]¬°§Ú«Ü·|¿i¡A¥L¤£¦ýn¯à¥]®e§Ú¡A¤T¤£¤®ÉÁÙnÀ°§ÚÀ¹°²·û¤ò¡B°²¾v¡Q¨â¤H¥h°ê¥~¤ñÁÉ¡AÁÙnµN¶ºµ¹§Ú¦Y¡Aªø®É¶¡¤U¨Ó¡A¤@©w¨S¦³¥ô¦ó¨k¤H¨ü±o¤Fªº°Õ¡C¡v¼B¯u»¡¡AÁöµM¦o¶}¥Xªº¡u»R¦ñ±ø¬ù¡vÅ¥°_¨Ó¹³¬O¡u¦@²£ÄÒ±ø´Ú¡v¡A¦ý³o³£ÁÙºâ¬O¤pcase¡AY¬O·Q·í¦o¨k¤Í¡A¤Ï¦Ó·|³Q¾ã±o§óºG¡C ¡u«Ü©_©ÇC¡A¦b·P±¡¤W¡A¡y¹ï¤£°_¡z¤TÓ¦r§ÚÁ¿¤£¥X¤f¡A§Ú´N¬O¨ººØ¦º¤£»{¿ù¡B¼Lµw¡BÁ¿³£¤£¯àÁ¿ªºÅʤH¡A³s·|³y¦¨¤À¤â³£¤£¦b¥G¡C§Úª¾¹D¦Û¤v¤Óź¶Æ¤F¡A¦ý¬O¤H®a¦b½Í·P±¡¡Aþ·|¬O¤k¥Íªº¿ù¡H¨k¥Í¥»¨Ó´N¸Ó¦hÅý¨BÂI¡C¡v©Ò¥H¼B¯u¦Û¤v«Ü²M·¡¡A½ÍÅÊ·R¹ï¶Hªº¦~ÄÖ¤£¯à¤Ó¬Ûªñ¡An´N§ä¦~¬ö¤j¤@ÂIªº¡A¤~¤£·|·Rp¸û¡C¦]¦¹¦o±q¤£¿Ð¨¥¡G¡u§Ú·R¦Ñ¨k¤H°Ú¡C¡v ¼B¯u«Ü©Z¥Õªí¥Ü¡A²{¦b°£¤F¨C¤Ñ³¦o¤W¹qµøªíºtªº»R¦ñ¥~¡A¦o³Ì³ßÅwªº»R¦ñ´N¬O¬I©ú¼w¡C¡u§Ú¦nªY½à¬I©ú¼wªº¤H®æ¯S½è³á¡A¤@°_ªíºt®É¥LºA«×«Ü²Ô¤h¡A¤S¤£µJļ¡A¨C¦¸¸õ¿ù¡A³£·|«Ü¦³Â§»ª¦a¹ï§Ú»¡¡G¡y¦Ñ®v¡A¥i¤£¥i¥H¦A¸õ¤@¹M¡H¡z¥u¥i±¤¥L¨Æ±¡¤Ó¦h¡A¾Çªº®É¶¡¤Óµu¡C¡v ¨Æ¹ê¤W¼B¯u«Ü¦n±j¡A¥ø¹Ï¤ß¦b»RÁЪíºt¤W§ó¬O®iÅSµLºÃ¡C¦o¤£§_»{¦Û¤v¤ß¸Ì¦³ÓÅ]¡A¤£¹L¦oÂk©S©ó¬OÃC¦âªºÃö«Y¡A¡u¥H«eè¾ÇªÝÁ¢®É¡A¥u³ßÅw¯»¬õ¦â¡Qª½¨ì¾Ç¸õ©Ô¤B»R¬ï¤W¬õ¦â»R¦ç¡A¤~ª¾¹D¨ä¹ê§Ú¤ß¸Ì¤@ª½¦íµÛ¤@ÓÅ]°¡C¡v ¦b¼B¯u¤j¾Ç¶}©l½m°ê¼Ð»R¥H«e¡A¦o¥~«¬¬Û·í®z¤£¸T·¡AÅ髤ñ²{¦b»´¡A¬Ý°_¨Ó«o¯BD¡A¾ãÓ¤H¤Ñ¤Ñ¹³ÆF»î¥X¬¤@¼Ë¡A¨Sºë¯«¤S¤£·|¯S§O§l¤Þ¤H¡C²Ä¤@¦¸¬ï¤W¬õ»R¦çªº¨º¤Ñ¡A¼B¯u²´¯«¬ðµM¥X²{¤F¤£¦Pªº¦Û¤v¡A¦oº¥º¥µo²{¡A¥H«eªº¦Û¤v¥u·|º¡¨¬¤÷¥Àªº´Á±æ¡A´N¹³¬O«Ê³¬ªº¯»¬õªÝÁ¢¦b¿W»R¡C ¦Û±q¸õ¤F°ê¼Ð»R«á¡A¼B¯u¸Ñ©ñ¤F¦Û¤v¡A¦oª¾¹D¨ä¹ê¦Û¤vªº¤º¦b«Ü«q°f¡A·U¨Ó·U¤£¦nÁ¿¸Ü¤F¡Q¦o§Î®e¦Û¤v¡A´N¹³°¦·R¬¯Ä£ªº¤Õ³¶¡C¤£¹L¦o«ÜÁÂÁ¨ºÓ¤ßÅ]¡AÅý¦oÅܱo§ó«i´±¡Bµ´¹ï¡C³Ìªñ¦o§ó¥X¤F¡mDancing for sexy¡nªº½G¨®Ñ¡An¥H¹L¨Ó¤Hªº¤ß±¡¡A±Ð±Ð³£·|¬X®z¤k¤l¡A¦p¦ó¥[±j¦Û«H¡A¥Î¸õ»R´M¦^¦Û«H©M°·¬üªº¸y¨¡C ***¤£´±¥´¦Õ¬} ¡u¥H«eªº§Ú¤Ó³n®z¡A¦pªG¹J¨ìÅܺA©Ç§B§B¡A³QÄÌÂZ§Ú¤]¥u´±Àü¥L¡A¤£´±»¡¤°»ò¡C²{¦b°Ú¡A§Ú¤@©w·|¥Î¤O¿å¹ï¤è¡AÁÙn½|¦^¨Ó¡I¡v¼B¯u»¡¡A²{¦bªº¦o¤w¤£¬O¬Ùªoªº¿O¡A¦]¦¹¦â¯T¤U¤â«e¤d¸Un¤p¤ß¡C ¾Ú»¡·í¼B¯u¥¿¦¡¦b»R¦À¸Ì¸õ»R®É¡Aªº½T¬OÓ¬Û·íÄY®æ¤¿®«ªº¤k»RªÌ¡A©Ò¥H¨p¤U¦o°í«ù±Ð¸õ»Rªº¹ï¶H¡Aµ´¤£¯à¬O¤Tµ¥¿Ë¥H¤ºªº¤H¡A¦oÁÙ¹ç¥iªá¿úÅý¶ý¶ý¥h½Ð§O¤H±Ð¡A¡u¦]¬°©È¦Û¤v¤Ó¤¿¡A½|¤F®a¤H¡A·|¶Ë©¼¦¹ªº·P±¡¡C¡v«Ü¤F¸Ñ¦Û¤vªº¼B¯uW¯º¦a»¡¡C ¦ý¤£ª¾¹D¬OÁBªP¹L¥¿¡AÁÙ¬OөʨϵM¡A¼B¯u³ºµM¦³§O©ó¨ä¥L·R¬üªº¤kÃÀ¤H¡A¥þ¨¤W¤U¤@Ó¦Õ¬}¤]¨S¦³¡AÃø¤£¦¨¦o¤]°g«H¡A¤U½ú¤l·Q·í¨k¤H¤~¤£´±¥´¦Õ¬}¡H¡u«¢«¢¡A³Qµo²{¤F³á¡A¬O¨S¿ù°Õ¡A§Úı±o¤U½ú¤l·í¨kªº¤ñ¸û¦n¡A¦ý¤]¤£ª¾¹D³o¼Ë°µ¦³¨S¦³¥Î°Õ¡C¡v ¤£¹L¼B¯uªº¬üÄR´ýµM¤Ñ¦¨¡A¦³¨S¦³¦Õ¬}ˬO¤@ÂI³£¤£¨ü¼vÅT¡C¤Ñ¥ÍÄR½èªº¦o¡AÀ¹¤W´´Äׯ]Ä_¿W®aÃÙ§U¦oªº¡uµÞªÞ¡v½¹½ºÆp¡AÅý¦o¾ãÓ¤H§ó¨ã®É©|·P¤F¡C·s»D¤£Â_ªº¼B¯u¡A¥ý«e¤@«×³Qµø¬°¬O¬üÄR¤Æ¨ªº¿½Á¥¡BªL§Ó¬Â±µ¯Z¤H¡Aªñ´Á¼B¯u¤]¨«¤W¨â¦ì«e½ú¸}¨B¡A¥N¨¥©Ð¦a²£¡QÁöµM¤£Â_³Q´CÅ鮳¨Ó©M¦o̧@¤ñ¸û¡A¦ýªì¥Í¤§Ã}ªº¼B¯u¡A¤ß¸Ì±¤@ÂIÀ£¤O¤]¨S¦³¡C ¡u§Ú¥u©MªL§Ó¬Â¥´¹L¤@¦¸·Ó±¡A¨S¦³²á¹L¤Ñ¡Q¿½Á¥¨S¨£¹L¡A¦ý§ÚÁÙÆZ·Q¬Ý¬Ý¦oªº¡C§A»¡§Ú³Q®³¨Ó©M¦o̤ñ¸û¡A»¡¹ê¦bªº§ÚÁÙÆZ¶}¤ßªº¡A¦]¬°¦o̳£¬O¬ü¤k¡A¦Ó¥B§ÚÁÙÆZ·Q¾Ç²ß¦o̪º³B¨ÆºA«×¡A¦]¬°§Ú²{¦b¤@¥y¦W¨¥¤]¨S¦³¡A©Ò¥H§Úı±o¯à¸ò¦o̬۴£¨Ã½×¡Aºâ¬Oºa©¯§a¡C¡v ¦Ü©ó¥~¶Ç¼B¯u¡u³¦Y¶º¡v¡A¦æ±¡ª½¹G¨â¦Ê¤¤Q¸U¡CÁöµM¤£¤Î¨â¦ì«e½úªº°ª¦æ±¡¡A¦ý¦pªG¦³¤H¯uªº¥X»ù¡A¼B¯uªÖ¥X®u³o¼Ëªº¶º§½¡H¦oªºµª®×«Ü¥O¤H·N¥~¡G¡u§Ú¤@ª½³£Ä±±o³o¥ó¨Æ«Ü§®¡A¦ý¦pªG¦³¤H¶}»ù¡A¬°¤°»ò¤£¥h¡H¤@©w¥h°Ú¡I§Ú¨C¤Ñ³¤H®a¦Y¤U¤È¯ù¡B±ßÀ\´N¦n°Õ¡A¦³¤°»ò¤£¦n¡H§Ú¤]¤£¥Î³o¼Ë¨¯W±Ð¸õ»R¡C¡v»¡§¹¡A¼B¯u¦Û¤v¤]§Ô¤£¦í¯º¤F¥X¨Ó¡C*3 ----------------------------------------------------- References *1. Yahoo!©_¼¯. '´N¬O·R¦Ñ¨k¤H 250¸U³¦Y¶º ¼B¯u¤@©w¥h,' "Yahoo Chi Mo News," July 14, 2004, Taipei, Taiwan. *2. Ibid. *3. Ibid. 111111111111111 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
071404-1168 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 14, 2004.*A concise article on "Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada's statement on U.S. Court of Appeals DECISION," which was post on the WBTI website at July 9, 2004 By GSBPA of WBTI**1 The following article was forwarded by Robert Song to about 180 individuals in Nevada and out of the State including Taiwan in different locations on July 10, 2004: Dear friend(s), > This article extends "a great news to all of us as > citizens, residents, visitors, and friends of > Nevada."* --- Robert Song**2 > *For more details, please have your > Assistant or yourself click on > the sections of "PPAA18" & "LAF5" at: > http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti > Any comment that you may give to us will highly be > appreciated. > > PPAA18 ***** 13:11 p. m., Friday, July 9, 2004 > #First Edition ***** > By Office of the Governor and GSBPA of WBTI*1 > ...... > This is a great news for all our citizens, residents, and visitors, and friend of Nevda. It is bright for Kenny to say: "I truly believe Nevadans can sleep more peacefully tonight, confident in the knowledge that...." > > CARSON CITY - Gov. Kenny Guinn released the > following statement regarding today's U.S. Court of Appeals' decision regarding Nevada's Yucca Mountain cases*2: > "This is an important victory for the State of Nevada and a major setback for the Department of Energy's effort to place nuclear waste in our state. Today's ruling by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals reinforces what the State of Nevada has said all along: ...... I truly believe Nevadans can sleep more peacefully tonight, ...... I would like to congratulate Attorney General Brian Sandoval and the state's talented legal team for working so hard and so successfully in bringing out about this important victory today."*3 > ...... > Dr. Kenny Guinn is Chairman of the Advisory Board of > Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). > > BRIAN SANDOVAL was sworn in as Nevada's Attorney > General on January 6, 2003. Sandoval graduated from > the University of Nevada and The Ohio State > University College of Law.*4 > ...... > During law school at the Ohio State University > College of Law, he served as an extern to the Ohio > Supreme Court. He is licensed to practice law in > Nevada, California, and the District of Columbia.*5 > > Brian Sandoval is also one of the Honorary Chairmen > of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil > Commission (CCDAPCC) of WBTI. It's our pleasure to > pay a tribute to the all the officials who dedicate > to the civic and community service spects of our > organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. > > "...... Helps Preserve Fair Treatment For Nevadans," > stated in the Press Released by the Office of U. S. > Congresswoman Shelley Berkley on June 25, 2004.*6 > > "Had it not been .....or the threat to the safety of > millions of Americans that nuclear waste shipments > will create," said Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV).*7 > > U. S. Congresswoman Berkley Says Court Ruling Could > Bury Nuclear Waste Storage at Yucca Mountain in > her > statement on June 9, 2004. It is our pleasure to > post > Shelley's Press Release on Friday July 9 as in the > following: > > (July 9, 2004; Washington, D.C.) U. S. Representative Shelley Berkley today declared that a ruling by a U.S. federal appeals court may spell the end of efforts to bury high-level nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain. In its ruling, the court found that a radiation standard established by EPA for the Yucca dump did not meet legal requirements for protecting public health and safety.*8 > > In response to the ruling, Berkley issued the following statement: > "The people of Nevada should throw up their arms and > cheer at this court ruling. ...... > > “I"...... and today's court ruling only proves that > the Yucca Mountain is unsafe, unwise and unworkable."*9 > > Shelley Berkley is an Adjunct Professor of > Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of > Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of > Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). > > "Friday's federal court ruling on Yucca Mountain is > a huge victory for Nevada. The court realized that the environmental safeguards on the project simply aren't strong enough. I hope it will help put an end to this misguided plan to dump nuclear waste in our state," > stated in the 'Reid's Words' on the "WHIP ROUND UP" > just published. It was faxed by the Office of U. S. > Senator Harry Reid from Washington D. C. to Dr. Tony > Lei in the afternoon on July 9, 2004.*10 > > Harry Reid is the first Adjunct Professor of > Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of > Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of > Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). > ------------------------------------------------------- > References > ...... > *10. Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader. > 'Reid's Words' on the "WHIP ROUND UP",' "A fax from > the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid to Dr. Tony > Lei," (July 9, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of > the Assistant Democratic Leader Harry Reid. ===== Robert Song O: 702-889-0678 C: 702-769-5517 F: 702-889-0678 E: afsong@yahoo.com**3 ------------------------------------------------------- References **1. GSBPA of WBTI is the initial of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). **2. Song, Robert. 'Dear friend(s)...,' "An e-mail from Mr. Robert Song to WBTI," (July 10, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Pan-American Legal Services Company. **3. Ibid. *****333333333333333 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
*This is a draft for finqal editing. It will be post on Juyly 14, 2004.*Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada announces resignation of Michael Turnipseed, Director of Conservation and Natural RESOURCES By Office of the Governor*1 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 9, 2004 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 Gov. guinn announces resignation of Michael Turnipseed, Director of Conservation and Natural RESOURCES CARSON CITY - Gov. Kenny Guinn today announced the resignation of Michael Turnipseed, Director of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The Governor named Allen Biaggi acting director.*2 ¡§I would like to thank Michael for his long and dedicated service to the citizens of the state of Nevada,¡¨ Gov. Guinn said. ¡§For nearly 20 years, Michael has served Nevada well as a water engineer and later as a member of my cabinet.¡¨ Gov. Guinn appointed Turnipseed, 60, as Director in August 2000. His salary is $109,582. He earned a degree from Utah State University in 1976 and worked for the state of Idaho in the Department of Water Resources and the state of Utah for the Division of Water Rights before moving to Nevada. He began working for the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in the Division of Water Resources in 1984. He was the Chief of the Surface Water and Adjudication Section until February 1990, when he became the Nevada State Engineer. ¡§My service in state government has been extremely fulfilling,¡¨ Turnipseed said. ¡§With my background in water engineering, working in Nevada has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. I¡¦m looking forward to the next chapter in my career.¡¨ Biaggi, 46, has served as the Administrator for the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) since July 1998. He has been with NDEP since 1993. He holds a degree in hydrology from the University of Nevada, Reno. ¡§I am grateful for Allen¡¦s willingness to serve as the acting director for conservation and natural resources,¡¨ Gov. Guinn said. ¡§Allen has a distinguished record as an administrator and the confidence of his peers.*3 Office of the Governor Grant Sawyer State Office Building 101 North Carson Street 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Carson City, NV 89701 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 775-684-7198 Fax: 702-486-2505 ---------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. *2. Office of the Governor. 'Press Release: Gov. Guinn Announces Resignation of Michael Turnipseed, Director of Conservation & Natural Resources - July 9, 2004,' "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei from the Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn," (July 9, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny Guinn. *3. Ibid. 6666666666666 8888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 13, 2004.*GOVERNOR KENNY GUINN OF NEVADA ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT OF PETE ANDERSON AS STATE FORESTER/FIREWARDEN By Office of the Governor*1 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 13, 2004 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 GOV. GUINN ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT OF PETE ANDERSON AS STATE FORESTER/FIREWARDEN CARSON CITY ¡V Gov. Kenny Guinn announced today that Pete Anderson has been named State Forester/ Firewarden.*2 Anderson, who has an extensive background in conservation, natural resources and forestry, officially assumed the position on July 1. He has served as Deputy State Forester for more than three years. Anderson, 52, will earn $87,991 per year. Anderson replaces Steve Robinson, who was recently named Gov. Guinn's Natural Resources Advisor. "Pete is highly respected in the forestry community and has a unique ability to form alliances with all levels of government," Gov. Guinn said. Anderson received his degree in renewable natural resources, and wildland outdoor recreation from the University of Nevada, Reno in 1975. He has worked at the Nevada Division of Forestry for the past nine years. Anderson also worked for the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, and the National Park Service in both Utah and Alaska. "Our state is facing critical natural resource issues including forest and woodland insect and disease outbreaks, the rapid spread of invasive plant species in our rangelands, and a variety of impacts from wildland fires,¡¨ Anderson said. ¡§A comprehensive approach to the management of wildland fire in conjunction with our private sector, local, state and federal partners is critically necessary. No one entity can successfully deal with the growing complexities of wildland fire, but together Nevada is leading the nation in mitigating the threats of wildland fire. I am honored to have the opportunity to work with the many dedicated employees of the Division of Forestry."*3 Office of the Governor Grant Sawyer State Office Building 101 North Carson Street 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Carson City, NV 89701 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 775-684-7198 Fax: 702-486-2505 ---------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. *2. Office of the Governor. 'Press Release: GOV. GUINN ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT OF PETE ANDERSON AS STATE FORESTER/FIREWARDEN,' "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei from the Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn," (July 13, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny Guinn. *3. Ibid. 6666666666666 7777777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 13, 2004.*A Strategic Plan for Education in China By Peter C. C. Wang*1 ***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by this author, Dr. Peter Wang, are freely and absolutely his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. Dear Tony: It was a nice discussion with you over the phone. Sorry I was negligent in sending you the update.*2 Here it is. Thanks for your keen interest shown in what I was doing. Best regards to you and Judy. Peter Dr. Peter C.C. Wang P. O. Box 234 Pebble Beach, CA 93953 Phone: 831-624-1694 E-mail: Petercwang@aol.com A Strategic Plan for Education in China By Peter C.C. Wang Ph.D. Chairman and CEO Wang Center, Inc. A California Nonprofit Corporation July 4, 2004 China's population now exceeds 1.3 billion people and is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050. Just over half of the total current Chinese population is under the age of 24. One of the greatest challenges confronting China, and her relationship with the United States, is the education of her young people. Building schools and providing teachers for several hundred millions of students will cost staggering sums of money and will be an enormous and complex undertaking. The challenges are great but so are the opportunities!*3 My vision is that the international community can play a pivotal role in developing educators, the educational system and educational content that can change the world and to illustrate to Chinese authorities the great wisdom on international cooperation in promoting mutual prosperity, knowledge and peace.*4 The role I envision for the Wang Center INC is to facilitate cooperative initiatives to expose Chinese educators to the best international education practices, and demonstrate how extensive use of technology and distributed learning techniques are the logical, most efficient and cost effective way in which to address the current educational deficit and to involve educators, young people and other stakeholders in the United States and China in the development of relevant courseware. Given that the cost of Instant Messaging (IM) complete computers is dropping dramatically combined with the rapid expansion of open-source software, cost may no longer be a severely limiting factor in the wider use of information technology in education in underserved areas of the world. What is urgently needed, however, is the development of high quality and relevant courseware, which includes educational software, audio and video programs. These programs must be distributed across the vast expanse of the entire country, from the great cities of Beijing, Shanghai to the smallest villages in the Gobi Desert. A comprehensive library of courseware programs that teach agriculture business related mathematics, languages, sciences, history and arts should complement and enhance the conventional school experience, as well as furnish a core curriculum for self-study and adult education. In order to take advantage of low-cost teleconferencing notebook computers and leverage the full potential of available technology we must develop courseware and training programs. An essential companion goal is training advanced IT professionals as human resources for this new pedagogical shift in education. The world desperately needs innovative development of this kind. For many poor regions throughout the world, this offers unique opportunity to reduce the economic divide, which is the main reason why we live in such a confused world. We have an opportunity to redefine future education in the world through courseware development of content, which would be distributed through digital means by spreading basic useful, peaceful and safe knowledge to a great number of people. In turn, such knowledge would offer substantial hope to young people everywhere on earth. With digital network tools plus the latest teleconference desk top computers to distribute carefully developed courseware as content we can empower teachers to educate hundreds of millions of people including K-12 students in rural and remote areas of China. We would need to prepare large numbers of highly proficient IT professionals who will serve to support the education need. These professionals would make it possible to complete the IM environment for high school teachers including the maintenance, testing, management and integration of all educational content developed and other essential software need on all notebook computers used as teleconferencing systems. To promote education in China is a gigantic task but the potential results are well worth the effort. The opportunity is open now and if people of vision and goodwill act I am confident that collectively we can have a significant impact on the future of China, the United States and the world! Time has finally arrived. MISSION STATEMENTS: The Wang Center INC supports educational projects in China to reduce the gap between the haves and have-nots with the following emphases: Positively impact lives of over 900 million people in rural areas through distance learning and work-study programs. Benefit people in remote and inaccessible locations in China. Provide students in the United States and Asia with opportunities to participate in programs and activities that can change the world. Promote mutually beneficial trade including the important small business sector. Teach practical skills that people can use everyday. Educate students with skills and knowledge that would help them to enter higher levels of educational opportunities in China. Promote close collaborations and partnerships between China and United States in agriculture related business training through work-study programs located in Hartnell College, Monterey County, California. BUSINESS PLAN: To be presented after consultations with China and major sponsors from Foundations and Corporations with business interest in China. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: In Beijing, China or Carmel Valley, Pebble Beach, California USA CORPORATE STRUCTURES: The Wang Center INC has been incorporated in the State of California as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The structure, operation, and focus of the center shall be consistent with the terms of this and any other subsequent agreement(s) and shall, among other things, include the following: 1. Governing Board. The governing board of the center shall consist of a board of directors that includes Peter C.C. Wang, the Founder of the Center plus two other directors. In addition to its annual meeting, the governing board shall meet at least semi-annually to review Center's operation and to advise the Founding Director. 2. Operation would generate work-study scholarships awarded annually by the Wang Center Inc board of directors and advisors. ORGANIZATIONS AND PURPOSE: Empower teachers with newest high technology as tools to give every child a chance to share the educational benefits of the digital age and make globalization work for the benefit of every child in every village. Establishing training center in Beijing to train high-level IT professionals aiding the development and management of courseware as content. Establishing work-study centers in Monterey County devoted to agriculture business and management training for Chinese farming organizations and American agriculture business that are interested in extending their business in China. POTENTIAL STRATEGIC PARTNERS Contacted from 2003: Deputy Premier, China Ministry of Education, China Ministry of Information Industries, China The sole investment arm of the Ministry of Information Industry, Beijing Ministry of Agriculture, China Beijing University High School?™s e-learning program enrolled 1500+ High Schools all over the country, China Beijing Normal University, Beijing China Education Electronics Corporation, Beijing Sichuan University in Chengdu, China Pacific Lutheran University, Washington Hartnell College, California Wayne State University, Michigan Lee Foundation, Hong Kong Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft PROPOSED MANAGEMENT: Dr. Peter C.C. Wang, Founding Director, Chairman and CEO Dr. Grace L. Wang, Treasurer and Director Dr. Peng Liu, President and Director Dr. Tosiyasu Kunii, Director PROPOSED CORPORATE ADVISORS: Dr. Loren Anderson Board Member and Past Chair, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities: Board Member American Leadership Forum; Board Member: Washington Association of Independent Colleges and Universities President, Pacific Lutheran University Dr. William H. Foege Senior Advisor, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Senior Advisor, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Member, American College of Epidemiology, Member, American Medical Association, Board Member, Rockefeller Foundation; The Casey Foundation Board of Regents, Pacific Lutheran University Mr. Yunxiang Wang Ambassador, Consul General of The People?™s Republic of China in San Francisco (1999-2004) Wang Center Advisor for International Programs at Pacific Lutheran University Mr. Sidney Rittenberg Recipient of the first Peace Maker Award in 2003 from the Wang Center for International Programs, Consultant to many Fortune 500 corporations with business interest in China Mr. Richard N. Hildahl International Development Projects on behalf of the World Bank and several multi-lateral organizations Board of Regents, Pacific Lutheran University Dr. Robert Thomas Dean, College of Sciences and Dean, College of Liberal Arts Wayne State University Thesis advisor to over twenty Chinese Ph.D. Students in physics Dr. Janet Rasmussen Executive Director, Wang Center for International Programs, Elected Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Harvard University Ph.D. in Germanic Language and Literatures FOUNDER?™S VISION AND SCOPE: In addition to the great and worthy goals of this initiative discussed above, it would be my motivation to provide additional scholarships at the Wang Center of Pacific Lutheran University and elsewhere for highly qualified and motivated students who show commitment to lifetime service in international business and Sino/US relations. Furthermore I hope to encourage and inspire others to join the cause of using technology effectively to promote education and literacy in areas of the world with an education deficit. I firmly believe that the great companies of this century will be those who prove with their actions they can be profitable and increase social value-companies that both do well and do good. At a personal level, I believe we should and must embrace with the same goals. My preference is to have the Deputy Premier of the State Council, in coordination with leading industrial, agricultural technology companies in the United States, in charge of this project to insure its future success and financial support. At that time the proposed management would be reorganized and shall be dedicated to raise funds for work-study programs and long term planning. Our business model can be extended to cover all parts of the globe and is not limited to China. HARTNELL COLLEGE?™S ROLE & RELATIONSHIPS WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY?™S ROLE & RELATIONSHIPS PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY?™S ROLE & RELATIONSHIPS: Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) anticipates involvement in this significant project of teacher training and educational development, arising from the university?™s commitment and distinctive strength in teacher education and global education, including Chinese Studies. PLU?™s primary partner in China is Sichuan University in Chengdu. A cooperative arrangement between PLU?™s Wang Center for International Programs and the Wang Center INC can support the delivery of requisite training for teacher educators, teachers, and technology professionals. In the first instance, we offer the following potential areas for partnership with the Chinese educational system: delivering course content to Chinese learners in one or more disciplines in which we are particularly strong, such as education, English, global studies, and math. employing and teaching a variety of synchronous and asynchronous learning methodologies and technologies, including such web-based resources a streaming audio and video. supporting the use of these resources and technologies with live technologists and library professionals using chat and co-browsing technologies for real-time satisfaction of information access and technology needs. PLU is currently involved with projects of teacher training in rural Namibia in southern Africa, the delivery of real-time communication with a mobile Arctic expedition, and training for teachers of immigrant children and economically disadvantaged populations in rural Washington State. This work is taking place under the rubric of the university?™s vision to provide education for a just, healthy, sustainable, and peaceful world.*5 QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS: PLEASE CONTACT Dr. Peter C.C. Wang Dr. Janet Rasmussen Wang Center Incorporated Wang Center for International Programs PO Box 234 Pacific Lutheran University Pebble Beach, CA 93953-0234 Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 Tel: 831-624-1694 Tel: 253-535-7577 Fax: 831-625-3702 Fax: 253-535-8752 E-mail: Petercwang@aol.com E-mail: wangctr@plu.edu WEBSITE: Please check us out about current Wang Center activities at our website: www.plu.edu click on Global Education and then click on Wang Center. ----------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Peter C. C. Wang is the Chairman of Wang Center Inc. and a Regent of Pacific Lutheran University. *2. Wang, Peter C. C.. 'Overview: A Strategic Plan for Wang Center INC.,' "An e-mail to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei by Dr. Peter C. C. Wang," (June, 2004), Pebble Beach, CA: Wang Center, Inc. *3. Ibid. *4. Wang, Peter C. C.. 'A Strategic Plan for Education in China,' "An e-mail to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei by Dr. Peter C. C. Wang," (July 11, 2004), Pebble Beach, CA: Wang Center, Inc. 3333333333333 55555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
071204-1178 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 12, 2004.*U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Outlines Accomplishments of High-Level U.S. Department of Labor Delegation to China By GSBPA of WBTI*1 At the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Labor and Social Security, U. S. Secretary of Labor, Ms. Elaine Chao, visited China from June 21 to 24 in 2004. The U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao said in Beijing on Thursday, June 24, 2004 that her visit to China was fruitful. "Chao signed four agreements during her trip to enhance cooperation in raising the living standard and working conditions for employees. She also announced the US would donate 3.5 million US dollars to China to help combat AIDS through workplace education program," reported the Xinhua News Agency on Thursday, June 24, 2004.*2 "She hoped through exchanging information, the two sides can raise living standards for workers, foster safe working environment for workers, and protect workers' rights in accordance with relevant international labor principles while respecting the national laws of both the United States and China," the Agency continued.*3 U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao received her B. A. degree in Economics with straight A's for all her four years at the famous Mount Holyoke College in New England. She obtained her M. B. A. degree from Harvard University in 1979. She also studied at M.I.T., Dartmouth College, and Columbia University. At the time she was nominated by President Bush as the Secretary of Labor, she told her father that she does not intend to be an "Authoritative Official". She hoped that she could contribute to our society and nation.*4 Secretary Chao has received numerous awards for her professional accomplishments and community service. She is the recipient of 21 honorary doctoral degrees from colleges and universities around the world. Secretary Chao is married to the Majority Whip of the United States Senate, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. "Elaine L. Chao is the nation's 24th Secretary of Labor, representing a new generation of American leadership. Since her confirmation by the United States Senate on January 29, 2001, she has been dedicated to carrying out the Department of Labor's mission of inspiring and protecting the hardworking people of America. She is respected as an effective and articulate champion of the nation's contemporary workforce, acting quickly to focus the Labor Department on the modern realities of workers' lives." *5 "When President George W. Bush nominated Elaine L. Chao, the first Asian-American woman appointed to a President's cabinet in U.S. history, he described her as an individual with “sstrong executive talent, compassion, and commitment to helping people build better lives." According to the U. S. Department of Labor, Secretary Elaine Chao's compassionate nature stems from her own background as an immigrant to this country at the age of eight. Her family's experience transitioning to a new country, supported by one another and the kindness of friends and neighbors, taught her that encouragement is the key to fostering independence, and that Americans are naturally compassionate people. This inspired her to dedicate most of her professional life to ensuring that people have the opportunity to pursue lives of dignity and financial independence. As Director of the Peace Corps, Ms. Elaine Chao was one of the first Americans to personally embrace the people of the former communist bloc into the family of democratic nations, establishing Peace Corps programs in the Baltic nations of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. Later, as President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way of America, she restored public trust and confidence after the organization was tarnished by mismanagement and financial abuse, thus preserving the nation's largest institution of private charitable giving. The experience Ms. Elaine Chao gained at the United Way helping communities address their local needs prepared her to mobilize the Department of Labor to promote pathways to economic freedom for individuals and families working to achieve the American Dream. She describes her vision for America's workforce as “oone in which everyone can participate where jobs and opportunities are available for those leaving welfare, job training is accessible for those left behind, disability never bars a qualified person from the workplace, and where parents have an easier time balancing the responsibilities of work and home. "Secretary Chao's previous government career includes serving as the Deputy Secretary at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission, and Deputy Maritime Administrator in the U.S. Department of Transportation. She brings a wealth of business experience to the post, having worked as Vice President of Syndications at BankAmerica Capital Markets Group and a banker with Citicorp. Prior to her nomination as Secretary, she expanded her study of policy as a Distinguished Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based public policy research and educational institute. She was selected as a White House Fellow in 1983," states the Department.*6 "With the excellency of knowledge, humanity, and patriotism inspired by Elaine Chao, Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has continued its many years effort to community service and spiritual belief. Nevada is honor to have WBTI under her spiritual Chairpersonship and I am especially honor to be a M.I.S. Manager of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI," humble as he is, River Sun chatted excitedly during the celebration dinner party at the Gee Joon Chinese Restaurant of Horseshoe Club. The Moon Festival of Midautumn has been many thousand years celebrated as a day for patriotism by the Chinese people in the Far East and Southeastern Asia. The party was held by WBTI in Las Vegas on September 11, 2003. Following the inspiration of the past many years of the accomplishment of Ms. Elaine Chao's contribution of humane spirit to our society, we have the persistense of Wou Shien's spirit for education here in America. If a coolie and hard woker like him could dedicate to eduction by offering all his income and life to build a school for children in his village, what should not for us to offer our efforts for our community? *7 "The mission of this School [Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)] will emphasize the humanitarian orientation of public administration and the social responsibility of business management. Through academic entrepreneurship, we may expect the endeavor of this School for the community service based on humane spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA.*17 Nina Titus was born May 23, 1950 in Thomasville, Georgia. She graduated from College of William and Mary with A.B.. She received her M. A. and Ph. D. degrees from University of Georgia and Florida State University, respectively. She is a Senator and Minority Floor Leader of Nevada Senate. Dina is also a professor of Political Science in UNLV.*8 It is our pleasure to post the Press Release of the U. S. Department of Labor from Washington, D. C. on June 24 as in the following: News Release OPA News Release: [06/24/2004] Contact Name: Lisa Kruska Phone Number: (202) 693-4676 U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Outlines Accomplishments of High-Level U.S. Department of Labor Delegation to China Four-Day Trip of High-Ranking U.S. Labor Officials Highlights Expanded Efforts to Strengthen Worker Protections BEIJING¡XU.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao outlined the accomplishments of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) delegations¡¦ four-day trip to China today in a joint press conference with U.S. Commerce Secretary Don Evans. The news conference was held at the Marriott Renaissance Hotel.*9 Secretary Chao's trip included the signing of four letters of understanding between the U.S. Department of Labor and The People's Republic of China (PRC) that broaden cooperation between the two countries in the areas of labor, employment rights, workplace safety, and help promote internationally recognized core labor standards in China. During the four-day trip, discussions were also conducted about The Rule of Law Project and a mine health and safety project. ¡§The agreements signed on this trip are the next step in the Labor Department's ongoing efforts to work with China to promote internationally recognized core labor standards,"said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. ¡§These agreements will help Chinese officials develop the institutional capacity to improve working conditions and raise standards of living for Chinese workers. They address improvements in the areas of worker safety and health along with the regulation and enforcement of wage and pension laws, and the rule of law. In addition, today I am announcing that the Labor Department will direct $3.5 million to China to help combat HIV/AIDS through workplace-related education programs this year.¡¨ Secretary Chao is the first U.S. Secretary of Labor to visit the People's Republic of China since 1988 and only the third U.S. Secretary of Labor to visit China in history. Underscoring the importance that the U.S. delegation places on working with the People's Republic of China on Labor issues, the Secretary¡¦s delegation included the Assistant Secretary for Employment Standards Victoria A. Lipnic; Ann L. Combs, Assistant Secretary of the Employment Benefits Administration; Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health David D. Lauriski; and John L. Henshaw, Assistant Secretary for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The Secretary and the U.S. Department of Labor delegation also toured a U.S. manufacturing plant, Beijing Johnson Controls Inc., operating in China. Secretary Chao noted that jobs are being created in the United States when American products and services are used for the vast Chinese markets. The Secretary¡¦s delegation also toured a women's migrant training facility and visited Langfang Children's village, an American-funded orphanage that serves special-needs children. In the first two letters of understanding, Ann L. Combs, Assistant Secretary Employee Benefits Administration, and Victoria A. Lipnic, Assistant Secretary for Employment Standards, U.S. DOL, signed with Liu Xu, Director General for International Affairs at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MOLSS), PRC. The letters of understanding establish a framework for the two countries to discuss the regulation, administration and oversight of pension programs through mutually agreed cooperative activities. Also outlined are additional activities in the area of wage and hour law administration. The agencies intend to broaden their cooperation in the areas of wage and hour regulations and enforcement, compliance assistance and public awareness of wage and hour laws, and effective management and analysis of wage and hour enforcement data. The third and fourth letters of understanding will focus on new joint cooperation in the areas of occupational safety and mine safety and health. Signing for the U.S. Department of Labor was John Henshaw, Assistant Secretary for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and Dave D. Lauriski, Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health. Signing for the People's Republic of China was Lin Yisheng, Deputy Director General for Department of Foreign Affairs, in the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS). In the area of occupational safety and health, the letter of understanding outlines new cooperative efforts between the two countries including: regulation and inspection relating to the handling and distribution of hazardous chemicals; emergency response procedures in workplace accidents; private insurance programs in the promotion of workplace safety and health; and effective collection and analysis of occupational safety and health data. The fourth letter of understanding highlights mine safety issues, including: emergency response procedures for mine accidents and incidents and the effective collection and analysis of mine safety and health data. The agreements broaden the ongoing cooperation between the U.S. DOL and its counterparts in the PRC MOLSS and SAWS. Through these agreements, there will be an exchange of officials, experts and information. The agencies reaffirmed their common objectives¡Xas stated in previous agreements¡Xto foster economic growth and raise living standards for workers; support widely-shared prosperity; foster safe working environments for workers; and foster workers rights in accordance with relevant international labor principles while fully respecting the national laws of both the United States and China. The U.S. Department of Labor also announced a $3.5 million grant to help combat HIV/AIDS through workplace-related education programs. The funds are part of the $9.5 million grant from the DOL to the International Labor Organization (ILO) that supports these types of programs worldwide. The project in China is designed to educate workplaces about the standards of healthcare associated with persons living and working with HIV/AIDS. The Chinese Ministries of Labor, Social Security and Health, working with the ILO and the U.S. Department of Labor, will develop information to educate workers on the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Through a $4.1 million grant, the U.S. DOL has already been collaborating with Chinese officials in the development of The Rule of Law Project. The rapid growth of private investment in China¡¦s economy during the past 10 years has far outpaced the government¡¦s ability to set up effective industrial relations systems to manage a range of new workplace issues. In response, the U.S. Department of Labor, through a consortium of implementing organizations, is assisting the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in China to more effectively address workers rights issues in a market economy. In addition to the $4.1 million Rule of Law grant, the U.S. DOL working with the Chinese State Administration for Work Safety also funded a $2.3 million grant in late 2002 to enhance Mine Safety and Health in China. As the world¡¦s largest coal producer with rudimentary safety and health mechanisms in place, China has experienced a high number of worker deaths in their coal mines. The U.S. Department of Labor is working with relevant government bodies to develop mine rescue techniques and institutionalize the systematic training of government and mine personnel in those techniques; to strengthen the capacity of government personnel to promote and enforce workplace safety and health laws in Chinese mines; to train miners and mine operators in safe operational methods and practices; and to develop pilot projects to demonstrate the benefits of safer techniques in mines.*10 --------------------------- References *1. GSBPA of WBTI is the initial of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. LVRJ. 'reviewjournal.com on June 24, 2004,' "A search for news on google.com.," (June 24, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal. *3. Ibid. *4. Chang, Tiffany. 'Kathy Augustine and Brian Sandoval honored Advisors of PPAAF,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 30 - April 4, 2002), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *5. Department of Labor. "About Secretary of Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao," (March 2004), Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of Labor. *6. Ibid. *7. Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Persons who master the power of computer exert a significant influence over her or his organization,' "PPAA18 of WBTI," (September 11, 20030, Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *8. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl, and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick, Keong Leong appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," March 28, 2003. *9. Department of Labor. 'U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Outlines Accomplishments of High-Level U.S. Department of Labor Delegation to China Four-Day Trip of High-Ranking U.S. Labor Officials Highlights Expanded Efforts to Strengthen Worker Protections,' "A Press Release of the U. S. Department of Labor," (June 24, 2004), Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of Labor. *10. Ibid. 333333333333 777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
071104-1001 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post within a few days.*My coming speech on 'Problem Gamblers and the Family Court System' in UNLV By Cheryl Moss*1 On July 11, 2004, District Judge Cheryl Moss e-mailed Dr. Tony Lei about the following information: >Judge Cheryl B. Moss's presention on Problem Gamblers and >the Family Court System submitted on July 9, 2004 as requested. > >By Craig Chinault >Judicial Extern*2 Columnist Sandy Thompson: Gambling Impact on Families Explored FAMILY COURT Judge Cheryl Moss is taking a closer look at problems families face in divorce and custody cases. Moss, one of three new judges who took the bench in January, has started a pilot program in cases where one side accuses the other of gambling away child support or community assets. She refers the case to an agency for assessment.*3 Moss hopes other judges will address the issue as well. So does the Nevada Council on Problem Gambling . . . August 17, 2001 Las Vegas Sun "The goal is to share information with the judges on what is problem gambling, since they're encountering the consequences of it," says Carol O'Hare, executive director of the council. "We want to learn from them how we can make sure they have the resources to effectively deal with folks impacted by problem gambling."*4 Problem gambling is a mental illness, O'Hare says. Courts should deal with it in the same manner as drug and alcohol abuse.*5 ***Cheryl B. Moss District Court Judge Family Division Department I Clark County, Nevada 702-455-1887 ***Judicial Staff: JEA - Suzanna Zavala Law Clerk - Katherine Creathorne Bailiff - Elvis Easley Judicial Extern - Craig Chinault It is my appreciation to "Nevada Examiner" for its publication of my statement in several times: In community service, Dr. Tony Lei's hero is the great servant who has given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candles fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-lasting circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and envision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy. The Bible teaches: "...let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)." District (Family) Court Judge-elect Cheryl Moss wrote Dr. Tony Lei, "I am delighted and honored to be appointed as an Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Thank you for this opportunity to serve, and I hope to gain more knowledge, insight and awareness about public service and community issues through your prestigious institution. I remain dedicated to helping the community, and I am inspired by your leadership, wisdom and guidance. I am also fortunate to have met you and your wife, Judy, because you are both active and dynamic individuals in the community. Your accomplishments and achievements have demonstrated that taking part in the community does make a difference. Best wishes and thank you again for your unselfish kindness, support and encouragement."*6 ------------------------------------------------------ References *1. Cheryl Moss is a District Judge of the Familily Court Department I Familily Court Department I of Nevada, U. S. A.. *2. Moss, Cheryl. 'My coming speech on 'Problem Gamblers and the Family Court System,' "An e-mail from District Judge Cheryl Moss to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 11, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Family Court Department I. *3. Ibid. *4. Moss, Cheryl. 'My coming speech on 'Problem Gamblers and the Family Court System,' "A second e-mail from District Judge Cheryl Moss to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 11, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Family Court Department I. *5. Ibid. *6. Chang, Tiffany. (2000) 'Cheryl Moss appoints Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "Special Column of "Nevada Examiner"," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. 555555555555 77777777777777777777777 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ***************************************************** | |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 11, 2004.*Cheryl Moss is the hit winner of visitor number at sixty thousand six hundred and sixty sixth (#66,666th) of WBTI website By GSBPA of WBTI*19 --- Cheryl Moss wrote: Dear Dr. Lei, How nice is it for me to be the great and lucky number of visitor on WBTI's website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) at #66,666! The significant value of this website has been the encouragement and development of the community service and humane spirit. It helps promote the quality of life for all our citizens, residents, and visitors of Nevada. I'm going to give a speech on Problem Gambling and Family Court in UNLV the coming month. I'll be the first District Judge to speak on the topic. It has been my honor to have such a good community service experience as the Secretary General of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*18 Sincerely, Cheryl Moss District Judge of the Family Court (July 10, 2004) --------------------------------- It is our pleasure to post the following feature article: Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community in Nevada*1 By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang Teamwork Takeaways: (1)Celebrate---you deserve to recognize accomplishment. (2)Take a central role as team member and team builder. (3)Get off your pedestal---no job or task should be dismissed as unimportant or not worthy of attention. (4)Share EVERYTHING---information, knowledge, skills, risk.*17 On Tuesday, March 9, 2004, the Asian American Group of Asian American Community in Nevada will hold an event and dinner party.*2 At 7:00 - 9:30 p. m., the location will be at the Mike and Rita Vaswani's Residence, Las Vegas. It planned to invite Ms. Ellen Knowlton, Special Agent in Charge of FBI, as our Keynote Speaker. Mr. David Roger, District Attorney; and Mr. Bill Young, Clark County Sheriff are our Gusts of Honor. The Special Guests will be: Starvos Anthony, University Regent; Justice Nancy Becker, Supreme Court; Bobby G., Constable; Judge Michael Douglas, District Court; Judge Jackie Glass, District Court; Judge Debbie Lippis, Justice of the Peace; Judge Robert Lueck, Family Court; Senator Raymond Shaffer, State Senator; Judge Natalie Tyrrell, Justice of the Peace; Judge Doug Smith, Justice of the Peace; Valerie Weber, Assemblywoman; Judge Ann Zimmerman, Justice of the Peace; among others. The following individuals had been planned as Event Chairpersons: David Amesbury, Esq., General Counsel --- CAN-DO; Raj Chanderraj, MD, Founder, Friends of India; ; Benson Lee, Esq., President, Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Las Vegas; and R. D. Prabhu, MD, Chairperson, CAN-DO. It planned to have Event Hosts: Dolly DeLeon, Past President, Philippine Chamber of Commerce, and Editor-in-Chief, "US Asian Chronicle"; Romeo Jurani, Past President, Philippines Bisayans Society of Nevada; Steven Kwon, Past President & Founder, Asian Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Tony Lei, Chairman, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada and President of Washington Business and Technology Institute; Vimla Lendway, Exceptional Travel Service; L. Kristopher Raft, Esq.; Rita Vaswani; among others. All of the guests will be about 200 people. Attire for the event and party is business. Important guests whom invited by Dr. Tony Lei, Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada and his wife Judy are: Ms. Helen Hsueh, Miss Christine Hu, Mr. Raymond Lam, Pator and Mrs. Nafu Lee, Mr. Mark Meng, Mr. John Ponticello, Dr. John Wang, among others. BRIAN SANDOVAL was sworn in as Nevada's Attorney General on January 6, 2003. Sandoval graduated from the University of Nevada and The Ohio State University College of Law.*3 As Attorney General, Sandoval is committed to fighting crime, protecting seniors and children from fraud and abuse and preserving integrity in government. As the state's chief law enforcement officer, Sandoval will lead a staff of 350, including 140 lawyers, and administer a budget of $42 million. Among many other responsibilities, the Nevada Attorney General's office prosecutes consumer, insurance and worker's compensation fraud cases, provides legal counsel to all the Nevada state agencies and is responsible for almost all state prison litigation matters. Prior to his election as Attorney General, former Governor Bob Miller appointed Sandoval to the Nevada Gaming Commission in 1998. One year later, Governor Kenny Guinn named Sandoval as the Chairman of the Commission. At age 35, he was the youngest person in Nevada history to serve in that capacity. Governor Guinn also appointed Sandoval to serve as the Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Policy Review Panel. Under Sandoval's leadership, the Commission adopted regulations that limited neighborhood gaming, prohibited child-themed slot machines, enhanced assistance for problem gamblers and strengthened protections for athletes associated with legalized sports betting. As Chairman, Sandoval also testified before the United States Congress, the Nevada Legislature, and several gaming conferences in the United States and Canada. Before his Commission appointment, Sandoval served two terms in the Nevada Legislature, where he sponsored fourteen bills that became law. These bills provided additional protections for children, increased penalties for criminals and tax savings for Nevada residents. As a Legislator, Sandoval also served on the Nevada Legislative Commission, the Advisory Commission on Sentencing, the Juvenile Justice Commission, the Advisory Council for Community Notification of Sex Offenders and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Oversight Committee. After serving in the Legislature, Sandoval spent three years as the Nevada at large member of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board. Brian Sandoval is a member of the Nevada State Boards of Pardons, Prisons, Examiners, Transportation, Domestic Violence and Private Investigators and the Boards of Trustees for Children's Cabinet of Reno, Nevada, KNPB Channel 5 (PBS Station), St. Jude's Ranch and the Washoe County, Nevada Law Library. During law school at the Ohio State University College of Law, he served as an extern to the Ohio Supreme Court. He is licensed to practice law in Nevada, California, and the District of Columbia.*4 David Roger is now CLARK COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY*5, who received his Juris Doctor Degree in 1986 from CALIFORNIA WESTERN SCHOOL OF LAW at San Diego, California. He was Chief Deputy District Attorney - Major Violators Unit in 1987 to 2002. David graduated from UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 1983. His major was Accounting. His LICENSES included the ones from: United States Supreme Court; United States Court of Appeals - Ninth Circuit; United States District Court- Nevada; Nevada State Bar; Nevada Gaming Commission; and Nevada Gaming Control Board. David's AFFILIATIONS are: State Bar of Nevada; Clark County Bar Association; National District Attorney’s Association; Nevada District Attorney’s Association; among others. His TEACHING experience included: (1) Panelist- Clark County Bar Association “Opening and Closing Statements - 2000; and (2) Guest Lecturer - UNLV Boyd School of Law, Trial Techniques class - 2002. The following are some of the HONORS received by David: (1) Martindale - Hubbell: "AV" highest rating for professional and ethical standards; (2) Outstanding Young Men of America - 1987; among others.*6 "As we all know, Las Vegas is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. And with that growth comes significant challenges, particularly for law enforcement. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is committed to protecting the people, their property and rights, while providing the best public safety and services in partnership with our community. That commitment and dedication extends to the nearly 40 million visitors that Las Vegas plays host to each year. I'm committed to making the best police department in the country even better," points out Sheriff Bill Young.*7 "As you take the time to enjoy our website, you'll notice some exclusive features such as crime mapping, live dispatch feed, and information relating to our Homeland Security Office, which has been established to ensure that Las Vegas remains the safest tourist destination in the world. Thank you for choosing to spend your time with us, and feel free to contact our department with any questions, comments or concerns. Our phone number is 702-229-3394 or email us at pio@lvmpd.com." *8 "Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) is the only practical organization formed since the establishment of the Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF) in September 28, 2001 by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). The Executive Director of PPAAF Bud Cranor appointed Brian Sandoval Honorary Chairman, David Roger and Bill Young Chairmen of CCDAPCC on January 2, 2003," Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI announced on January 3, 2003.*9 "We look forward a team work with both scientific management and human relations to promote the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada through the effective communication and cooperation between the officials of the District Attorney and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the people of Nevada," said Bud Cranor for the New Year Eve Party Conference to "Nevada Examiner" and Communitylink of "Las Vegas Review-Journal" website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti. Bud Cranor was Director of Las Vegas Office of Governor Kenny Guinn, and Executive Director of the PPAAF of WBTI. The Conference was held by WBTI at the Steak House of the Binion's Horseshoe Club on December 30, 2002 in Las Vegas. The Theme of the Mini Conference was: Promoting A Good Community Life Through Mutual Cooperation. Bud was the Chairman of the conference. At the present time, the organization of the Commission is: Honorary Chairmen A. William "Bill" Maupin, former Chief Justice and now Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court; Brian Sandoval, Nevada State Attorney General; Stewart Bell, former Clark County District Attorney and now District Judge; Chairmen David Roger, Clark County District Attorney; and Bill Young, Sheriff of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD); Vice Chairmen Robert (Bobby G.) Gronauer, Constable of Las Vegas Township; and Herb Brown, Constable of North Las Vegas Township; Honorary President Lorraine Hunt, Lieutenant Governor of Nevada; President Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of WBTI; Vice President Kathy Augustine, State Controller of Nevada; Secretary General Cheryl Moss, District Judge of Family Court; Senior Advisor Stewart Bell, District Judge; Founding Advisor Mike Davidson, Former Clark County Assistant District Attorney; Promoting Advisors Rennie Schreiber, Chief of Staff of the Office of Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt; Chermaine Gord, Secretary of Chief Justice Bill Maupin; Judy Hetherington, Chief Staff of the L.V. Office of Controller Kathy Augustine; Kathy Karstedt, Secretary of Clark County District Attorney David Roger; Susan Sullivent, Secretary of Sheriff of LVMPD Bill Young; Media Advisor William Yuen, Vice President of "Next Weekly"; Financial Advisor Teresa Woo, Editor-in-Chief of "Next Weekly"; Coordinating Advisor Raymond Lam, President of Las Vegas Cantonese Association; Functional Advisor Patty Blakeman, Secretary for Mike Davidson; Entrepreneurship Advisor Oscar Jornacion, President and Publisher of "Nevada Examiner"; Writing Advisor Jerry Tao, Deputy District Attorney of Clark County; and Secretary Agnas Chan, President of United Business Source Inc. "I'm a living example of the American Dream. Today, I'm privileged to serve the people of greater Las Vegas as a Deputy District Attorney, where I prosecute criminal cases ranging from murder and drug dealing to arson, sexual assault and robbery. Every day, I work to make our neightborhoods a little safer and more livable," wrote Jerry Tao on his flier for County Commission.*10 "It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC," said District Attorney Stewart Bell at the Dinner Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Las Vegas Review-Journal". "The significance of the creed of a County deserves to encourage administrative professionals to emphasize the value of the truth, goodness, and beauty in order to maintain it as a place of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's my honor to join the Commission." The Dinner Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Bell as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 7, 2002. The above list of leaders and officers of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) was announced and installed by Judge Mark Denton, District Judge of Nevada, at the Event and Dinner Party held by WBTI at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on December 8, 2003 in Las Vegas. "It's very impressive and elegant! I recognizes what John Keats said about 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever,' by beeing the vistor's number at #45,281 of the WBTI website. It is brought to you by the Communitylink of 'Las Vegas Review-Journal' and Reviewjournal.com," said Judge Valorie Vaga, District Judge of Nevada, on March 5, 2004 in Las Vegas. "I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum, where Governor Kenny Guinn is Chairman and Bud Cranor is Executive Director. We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadan residents and visitors," said Brian Sandoval on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community. To encourage and promote the community service of associations in Nevada, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) and Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) have remained to offer financial and human resorces to variety of organizations since the autumn of 1993. We are pleased to post the following as one of our participation: ***** Neswbrief of WBTI on February 4, 2004 ***** An Event and Dinner Party will be held by the Asian American Group to pay a special tribute to Justice Myron Leavitt By Tiffany Chang On Wendesday, January 4, 2004, the Asian American Group of Asian American Community in Nevada will hold an event and dinner party.*12 At 7:00 - 9:30 p. m., the location will be at the Harbor Palace Restaurant , China Town, Las Vegas. The Event is for a Special Tribute to Justice Myron Leavitt. It planned to invite Chief Justice Debra Agosti of the Nevada Supreme Court and District Judge of Nevada Michelle Leavitt as Keynote Speakers. The following individuals had been planned as Event Chairpersons: David Amesbury, Esq., General Counsel --- CAN-DO; Raj Chanderraj, MD, Founder, Friends of India; Benson Lee, Esq., President, Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Las Vegas; R. D. Prabhu, MD, Chairperson, CAN-DO; among others. It planned to have Event Hosts: Dolly DeLeon, Past President, Philippine Chamber of Commerce, and Editor-in-Chief, "US Asian Chronicle"; Romeo Jurani, Past President, Philippines Bisayans Society of Nevada; Steven Kwon, Past President & Founder, Asian Chamber of Commerce; Vimla Lendway, Exceptional Travel Service; L. Kristopher Raft, Esq.; Rita Vaswani; Joey Villaflor, MD, Chairman, Board of Health; among others. It is our regret not being able to post the names and titles of many important and special guests including some more hosts, because we could not get an update of the above list since January 20, 2004. All of the guests will be about 200 people. Attire for the event and party is business. Guests whom invited by Dr. Tony Lei, Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada and his wife Judy are: Miss Agnas Chan, Ms. Helen Hsueh, Mr. Jimmy Hsu, Miss Christine Hu, Mr. Xiao-sheng Huang , Mr. Raymond Lam, Mr. Mark Meng, Mr. Ja Pu, Dr. An-pyng Sun, and Mr. Yuan Chuan Tsai. It was already popular for the past years to hold dinner parties to pay special tribute to elected offficials, but most of them were civil administratives or civic representatives. Dr. Tony Lei initiated to hold event and dinner party to pay a spcial tribute to the judicial professionals through elections in Nevada. Justice Nancy Becker was the first one selected by him to pay a tribute. A successful event and dinner party was held for her on May 23, 2001 at Harbor Palace Restaurant in Las Vegas. It was chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI); Theresa Malone, Member of Nevada State Board of Education; Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Chairperson of CAN-DO; and Dr. Joey Villaflor, Member of Nevada Board of Health. We the Asian American communities have continuously achieved the efforts for other judicial professionals since then. "To dedicate to the creed of Washington Business and Technology Institute, it's my challenge as an Associate Fellow of it's Public Administration Institution (PAI) to endeavor with all the intellectuals of this Institute to improve the quality of life of the people of Nevada," said Jennifer Togliatti at the Dinner Party on May 17, 2002. The Event with dinner was held by the Asian American Community to pay a special tribute to District Judges Michelle Leavitt and Jennifer Togliatti at the Harbor Palace Seafood Restaurant in Las Vegas. Judge Michelle Leavitt deserves special recognition of her expertise, integrity, conscientious and dedicated professionalism. She has been a bright Associate Fellow of PAI since 2000. "Thanks to Dr. Tony Lei, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, and Attorney David Amesbury to chair this Event and Party. Together with knowledge as the power of rightiousness, we may build a community where this and future generations will have more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous and healthy life," said Judge Michelle Leavitt at the Dinner Party.*13 We are deeply regret and sorry that Judge Michelle Leavitt's father passed away weeks ago on a Friday. Myron Leavitt, 73, a Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court, who had a long political career in Nevada. He was born in Las Vegas. Myron was a football and track athlete at the University of Nevada at Reno, where he earned a journalism degree. He worked a year as sports editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal before studying law at the University of Utah.*14 Myron had private law practice for 28 years. He served as a Councilman of Las Vegas, a Commissioner Clark County and a Justice of the Peace before winning election as Lieutenant Governor of Nevada from 1979 to 1983. Leavitt served as a Clark County District Court Judge for 15 years before winning a Supreme Court position as one of its Justice in 1998.*15 The late Myron Leavitt is honored as a Memorial Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washingoton Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on February 4, 2004. "I can't help thinking about Justice Myron Leavitt, our long time Asian American friend of Nevada, who died so unexpectedly. This brings to my mind the urgency of our times in Las Vegas. We note the vanishing of many heroes that built the world of Nevada after 1963. We recognize that the best way to honor those who have gone before us is to rise up and find the greatness in our own lives, the strength of charater, the vision and courage, the determination and selflessness to address the challenges that still lay before us," says Dr. Tony Lei, President of WBTI, for the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community of Nevada on February 4, 2004 in Las Vegas. Asian American Community has won recognition for contribution to Nevada by the American Mainstream. The main reason for this recognition is the great and cooperative wisdom and effort that we the Asian American communities have continuously participated and offered to the mainstream society in Nevada.*16 -------------------------------- References *1. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. Lok, Peter. 'An Asian American Event --- Asian American Group,' "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei by Dr. Peter Lok," (March 3, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Dr. Peter Lok's Clinic. *3. Nevada Attorney General. "Our Attorney General Brian Sandoval," (2004), Carson, Nevada: Office of the Attorney General. *4. Ibid. *5. Clark County District Attorney. "Resume of District Attorney David Roger," (2004), Clark County, Nevada: Office of the Clark County District Attorney. *6. Ibid. *7. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. "Sheriff Bill Young," (2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. *8. Ibid. *9. Cranor, Bud; Moss, Cheryl; Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutural cooperation between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Nevada Examiner," (2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *10. Tao, Jerry. 'I'd like to continue to serve our community,' "My flier for County Commission," (2004), Las Vega, Nevada: Committee to elect Jerry Tao. *11. Cranor, Bud; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang Tiffany. Ibid. *12. Lok, Peter. 'A special tribute to Justice Myron Leavitt,' "An email to Dr. Tony Lei by Dr. Peter Lok," (January 20, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Dr. Peter Lok's Clinic. *13. Moss, Cheryl; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Taffany. 'People put together for WBTI to dedicate to the promotion of the quality of life of all the residents and visitors of our great state Nevada,' "Nevada Examiner," (June, 2002), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *14. Staffs and Wireless. 'Passing Myron Leavitt, 73, Nevada Politician, High Court Justice,' "Los Angeles Times," ( January, 2004), Los Angeles, California: Los Angeles Times. *15. Ibid. *16. Bell, Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Chang. 'Las Vegas nicer with community service through cultural arts,' "10 Year Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (September 16, 2003), p. 30. *17. Badowski, Rosanne. (2003) "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You," New York: A CURRENCY BOOK, Published by Doubleday. *18. Moss, Cheryl. 'How nice is it for me to be the great and lucky number of visitor on WBTI's website,' "An e-mail from District Judge Cheryl Moss to Dr. Tony Lei," Las Vegas, Nevada: Family Court, Department I. *19. GSBPA of WBTI is the initial of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). 333333333333333 77777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************ | |
PPAA18 ***** Saturday, July 10, 2004 #First Edition *** |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 9, 2004.*U. S. Senator Harry Reid's "WHIP ROUND UP" to Dr. Tony Lei through both the e-mail and fax on Friday July 9, 2004 By Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader of U. S. Senate and PAI of WBTI*1 We are pleased to post the "WHIP ROUND UP" from the Office of Assistant Democratic Leader of the U. S. Senate in Washington, D. C. on July 9, 2004. "Friday's federal court ruling on Yucca Mountain is a huge victory for Nevada. The court realized that the environmental safeguards on the project simply aren't strong enough. I hope it will help put an end to this misguided plan to dump nuclear waste in our state," stated in the 'Reid's Words' on the "WHIP ROUND UP"*2 just published. It was faxed by the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid from Washington D. C. to Dr. Tony Lei in the afternoon on July 9, 2004.*3 The following is Reid's "WHIP ROUND UP": Reid for Nevada Nevada Wins Court Ruling On Yucca Mountain Senator Harry Reid hailed Friday's decision by the U.S. Circuit Court in Washington D.C., which ruled that environmental safeguards on the Yucca Mountain nuclear repository are not strong enough to protect the people of Nevada from the dangers of nuclear waste. Reid, who has fought Yucca Mountain for years, predicted that the ruling will help kill the project for good.*4 Reid, Ensign Win $4.5 Million for Better Equipment for U.S. Troops Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign have set aside $4.5 million in the Defense Appropriations budget for a Nevada company to supply troops with high-tech personal flashlights. The lights are designed and manufactured by Reva International, a Reno-based company, and will help keep troops safe during nighttime operations. Reid, Ensign Cheer Funds for Youth Soccer Boulder Dam Area Council Boy Scouts of America were awarded $14,000 thanks to Senators Reid and Ensign. The grant will help expand the area's soccer program and provide more opportunities for disadvantaged Hispanic youths in Las Vegas. Reid, Ensign Announce Loans for Fallon, Churchill County Fallon residents will benefit from a new sewer facility thanks to a $2,042,758 Rural Development Loan announced by Nevada Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign. Meanwhile, a training facility for disabled citizens in Churchill County will be expanded thanks to a $200,000 loan. Reid Secures $6 Million for Hawthorne Senator Reid has secured funding that will equip the Hawthorne Army Depot with the latest technology to dispose of the military's old weapons. This is the third year in a row Reid has secured $6 million for the Depot in the Senate Defense Appropriations bill. Working with Nevadans ?Las Vegas student Cortney Tuggle met with Senator Reid while in Washington for the National Young Leaders Conference. ?/B>Senator Reid met with Presidential Classroom student Lauren Liebhardt of Las Vegas during her visit to the Capitol. ?/B>Lead America students - Jessica Barba, Supriya Beach and Ashley Stevens - met with Senator Reid while in D.C. for a leadership conference. ***Shari Buck, Councilwoman for North Las Vegas, Congresswoman Shelly Berkley and Senator Reid celebrate the inauguration of the new MAX bus service between downtown Las Vegas and Nellis AFB. The service, which will serve as a national model, combines the comfort and quality service of rail with the economy and efficiency of a bus. Week in Review Senate Backs Youth Suicide Prevention - Senator Reid's legislation on youth and adolescent suicide prevention passed the Senate Thursday night. Senator Reid introduced the bill with Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), whose 21-year-old son, Garrett, committed suicide last year. The legislation, known as the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, would target resources to states like Nevada that have higher rates of youth suicide, and expand prevention programs to families and at-risk youth. Australia, Morocco Free Trade Agreements Loom - Following disposition of the Family Marriage Amendment next week, the Senate will likely consider a pair of free trade agreements for Australia and Morocco. Under the fast-track rules for trade measures, each agreement is subject to 20 hours of debate with no amendments in order. Both agreements eliminate or severely reduce tariffs and quotas on the trade of goods and services with the United States. Class Action Reform - Efforts to reach agreement on bipartisan class action reform died this week, as the Majority Leader severely limited the number of Republican and Democratic amendments that could be offered to the bill. Without an opportunity to offer amendments, Senators from both parties objected to proceeding on the measure, leading to the defeat of a cloture motion on Thursday and spelling an end to the legislation for the time being. Congress Stalled On Highway Bill - Senator Reid warned Thursday that Congress might not complete a comprehensive transportation bill that would provide billions of dollars for highways and other projects. Reid made the assessment after House and Senate negotiators failed to reach a compromise on spending for the six-year period. The House approved $283.2 billion in its bill while the Senate okayed $318.9 billion. President Bush has threatened to veto any bill higher than $256 billion. INSIDER'S CALENDAR The Senate will convene Monday July 12 at 1 p.m. and resume consideration of the Motion to Proceed to S.J. Res. 40, the Constitutional Amendment on Marriage Resolution, with the time until 6 p.m. equally divided between the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee. No roll call votes will occur on Monday. The Senate is expected to continue consideration of the resolution on Tuesday and Wednesday, with a vote in relation to the resolution on Wednesday. Following disposition of the Marriage Resolution, the Senate is expected to consider the Australian Free Trade Agreement. Reid's Words "Friday's federal court ruling on Yucca Mountain is a huge victory for Nevada. The court realized that the environmental safeguards on the project simply aren't strong enough. I hope it will help put an end to this misguided plan to dump nuclear waste in our state."*5 http://reid.senate.gov Fax: (202) 228-7362 Phone: (202) 224 - 2158 -------------------------------------------------- References *1. Harry Reid is U. S. Senator and the Assistant Democratic Leader of the U. S. Senate. This flier was edited by Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader. 'WHIP ROUND UP,' "A fax to Dr. Tony Lei from the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid," (July 9, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader Harry Reid. *3. Ibid. *4. Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader. 'WHIP ROUND UP,' "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei from the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid," (July 9, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader Harry Reid. *5. Ibid. 55555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ************************************************************** | |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 9, 2004.*Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada's statement on U.S. Court of Appeals DECISION By Office of the Governor and GSBPA of WBTI*1 It is our pleasure to post the following Press Release from the Office of Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn to Dr. tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), just a few minutes ago. This is a great news for all our citizens, residents, and vivitors of Nevda. It is bright for Kenny to say: "I truly believe Nevadans can sleep more peacefully tonight, confident in the knowledge that...." Gov. Guinn statement on U.S. Court of Appeals DECISION CARSON CITY - Gov. Kenny Guinn released the following statement regarding today's U.S. Court of Appeals' decision regarding Nevada's Yucca Mountain cases: "This is an important victory for the State of Nevada and a major setback for the Department of Energy's effort to place nuclear waste in our state. Today's ruling by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals reinforces what the State of Nevada has said all along: that the science used by the Department of Energy is not sound nor is it safe, and that the 10,000-year standard used by the Environmental Protection Agency is woefully inadequate and is inconsistent with the Congressionally-mandated recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences. I truly believe Nevadans can sleep more peacefully tonight, confident in the knowledge that there is recognition in our courts that the EPA deliberately rejected the sound advice of the scientific community and adopted a standard that runs contrary to the health, safety and well-being of the citizens of Nevada. I would like to congratulate Attorney General Brian Sandoval and the state's talented legal team for working so hard and so successfully in bringing out about this important victory today." Office of the Governor Grant Sawyer State Office Building 101 North Carson Street 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Carson City, NV 89701 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 775-684-7198 Fax: 702-486-2505 Dr. Kenny Guinn is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). BRIAN SANDOVAL was sworn in as Nevada's Attorney General on January 6, 2003. Sandoval graduated from the University of Nevada and The Ohio State University College of Law.*4 As Attorney General, Sandoval is committed to fighting crime, protecting seniors and children from fraud and abuse and preserving integrity in government. As the state's chief law enforcement officer, Sandoval will lead a staff of 350, including 140 lawyers, and administer a budget of $42 million. Among many other responsibilities, the Nevada Attorney General's office prosecutes consumer, insurance and worker's compensation fraud cases, provides legal counsel to all the Nevada state agencies and is responsible for almost all state prison litigation matters. Prior to his election as Attorney General, former Governor Bob Miller appointed Sandoval to the Nevada Gaming Commission in 1998. One year later, Governor Kenny Guinn named Sandoval as the Chairman of the Commission. At age 35, he was the youngest person in Nevada history to serve in that capacity. Governor Guinn also appointed Sandoval to serve as the Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Policy Review Panel. Under Sandoval's leadership, the Commission adopted regulations that limited neighborhood gaming, prohibited child-themed slot machines, enhanced assistance for problem gamblers and strengthened protections for athletes associated with legalized sports betting. As Chairman, Sandoval also testified before the United States Congress, the Nevada Legislature, and several gaming conferences in the United States and Canada. Before his Commission appointment, Sandoval served two terms in the Nevada Legislature, where he sponsored fourteen bills that became law. These bills provided additional protections for children, increased penalties for criminals and tax savings for Nevada residents. As a Legislator, Sandoval also served on the Nevada Legislative Commission, the Advisory Commission on Sentencing, the Juvenile Justice Commission, the Advisory Council for Community Notification of Sex Offenders and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Oversight Committee. After serving in the Legislature, Sandoval spent three years as the Nevada at large member of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board. Brian Sandoval is a member of the Nevada State Boards of Pardons, Prisons, Examiners, Transportation, Domestic Violence and Private Investigators and the Boards of Trustees for Children's Cabinet of Reno, Nevada, KNPB Channel 5 (PBS Station), St. Jude's Ranch and the Washoe County, Nevada Law Library. During law school at the Ohio State University College of Law, he served as an extern to the Ohio Supreme Court. He is licensed to practice law in Nevada, California, and the District of Columbia.*5 Brian Sandoval is also one of the Honorary Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of WBTI. It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the all the officials who dedicate to the civic and community service spects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. "Earlier this week, Berkley secured the backing of the top Democrat on the House Rules Committee -- Rep. Martin Frost (D-TX) -- to block any attempt to structure the House rule on the energy spending bill to favor allowing nearly $750 million to be added to the Yucca budget. The action by the Rules Committee preserved the right of Berkley and other lawmakers to raise objections against efforts to spend more on dumping nuclear waste in Nevada," stated in the Press Release by the Office of U. S. congresswoman shelley Berkley on June 25, 2004. Late Night Work in Rules Committee Helps Preserve Fair Treatment For Nevadans," stated in the Press Released by the Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley on June 25, 2004. "Had it not been for the support of Rep. Frost and the Democratic members of the House Rules Committee, this bill could have easily allowed billions more to be spent on Yucca Mountain and limited Congressional oversight. At the same time, we continue to face an uphill fight against an Administration and Republican leaders in Congress who care more about the profits of the nuclear industry than they do about the scientific uncertainties that surround Yucca Mountain or the threat to the safety of millions of Americans that nuclear waste shipments will create," said Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV).*7 U. S. Congresswoman Berkley Says Court Ruling Could Bury Nuclear Waste Storage at Yucca Mountain in her statement on June 9, 2004. It is our pleasure to post Shelley's Press Release on Friday July 9 as in the following: July 9, 2004 (July 9, 2004; Washington, D.C.) U. S. Representative Shelley Berkley today declared that a ruling by a U.S. federal appeals court may spell the end of efforts to bury high-level nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain. In its ruling, the court found that a radiation standard established by EPA for the Yucca dump did not meet legal requirements for protecting public health and safety.*8 In response to the ruling, Berkley issued the following statement: "The people of Nevada should throw up their arms and cheer at this court ruling. By tossing out the EPA's radiation standard, the court has said that the Bush Administration's plan for Yucca Mountain will not protect the health and safety of Nevada residents. I have no doubt that the White House and the nuclear power industry are going to fight the court's action, but this should serve as a warning to both, that science, not politics, must guide this process. “It is long past time that we pull the plug on funding for Yucca Mountain and invest in the safe storage of nuclear waste at the sites where it was produced. This solution is good for a century and is already in use around the nation. “The days of burying our heads in the sand by attempting to bury nuclear waste in Nevada are over. Technology ultimately holds the answer to the nation's nuclear waste problem, and we should be investing more in research. We have already wasted billions of dollars on a hole in the Nevada desert, and today's court ruling only proves that the Yucca Mountain is unsafe, unwise and unworkable."*9 "Friday's federal court ruling on Yucca Mountain is a huge victory for Nevada. The court realized that the environmental safeguards on the project simply aren't strong enough. I hope it will help put an end to this misguided plan to dump nuclear waste in our state," stated in the 'Reid's Words' on the "WHIP ROUND UP" just published. It was faxed by the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid from Washington D. C. to Dr. Tony Lei in the afternoon on July 9, 2004.*10 Harry Reid is the first Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). ------------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. GSBPA of WBTI is the initial of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). GSBPA did also the editing of this article. *2. Ofiice of the Governor. 'Press Release: Gov. Guinn statement on U.S. Court of Appeals Decision - July 9, 2004,' "An e-mail from the Office of Governor Kenny Guinn to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 9, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn. *3. Ibid. *4. Nevada Attorney General. "Our Attorney General Brian Sandoval," (2004), Carson, Nevada: Office of the Attorney General. *5. Ibid. *6. Office of the Congresswoman. 'Late Night Work in Rules Committee Helps Preserve Fair Treatment For Nevadans,' "A Press Release of the Office of Shelley Berkley," (June 24, 2004), Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. *7. Ibid. *8.Office of the Congresswoman. 'Berkley Says Court Ruling Could Bury Nuclear Waste Storage at Yucca Mountain,' "A Press Release of the Office of Shelley Berkley," (July 9, 2004), Washington, D.C.: Office of the Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. *9. Ibid. *10. Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader. 'Reid's Words' on the "WHIP ROUND UP",' "A fax from the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 9, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader Harry Reid. 3333333333333 77777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************************* | |
070804 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 8, 2004.*Fire officials to brief Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada, U. S. A. By Office of the Governor*1 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 8, 2004 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 Fire officials to brief Gov. Guinn CARSON CITY - Gov. Kenny Guinn will be briefed at 9 a.m., Friday in the capitol by local and federal officials about the threat of fire in Nevada.*2 ¡§Another year of drought has created extremely dangerous conditions,¡¨ Gov. Guinn said. ¡§It will be important to hear what resources we have available to protect lives and property.¡¨ ¡P WHAT: Fire threat briefing. ¡P WHO: Pete Anderson, Nevada State Forester; Kevin Hull, BLM Fire Manager; Mike Dondero, U.S. Forest Service Fire Manager. ¡P WHERE: Governor¡¦s office, State capitol. ¡P WHEN: 9 a.m., Friday. ¡P MEDIA: The briefing is open to the media. The Governor and fire officials will be available for individual interviews after the briefing.*3 Office of the Governor Grant Sawyer State Office Building 101 North Carson Street 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Carson City, NV 89701 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 775-684-7198 Fax: 702-486-2505 ------------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. *2. Ofiice of the Governor. 'Press Release: Fire Officials to Brief Gov. Guinn - July 8, 2004,' " An e-mail from the Office of Governor Kenny Guinn to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 8, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn. *3. Ibid. 666666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ************************************************************* | |
(070704-1001) 071604-2001 |
*****This is a draft for final editing. It will be post before August 18, 2004.*****$5 Dinner by the Paradise Democratic Club in Las Vegas By John Ponticello and PAI of WBTI*1 The Paradise Democratic Club is doing a "MEET YOUR DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES $5 DINNER" HONORING NEVADA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR ADRIANA MARTINEZ on August 18, 2004, 6:30 PM at our new meeting place, the Teamsters local #14 building (formerly the Debriefing room) 1250 Burnham St.(off of East Charleston)*2 John Ponticello President any questions email or call me 363-2456*3 This is an annual event in Las Vegas, but the participants may include certain people all around Nevada through RSVP. Under the leadership of John, the $5 Dinner is a famous activity for already many years. --------------------------------------------------------------- References *1. John Ponticello is the President of Paradise Democratic Club. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). PAI did a little editing of this article. *2. Paradise Democratic Club. 'MEET YOUR DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES $5 DINNER" HONORING NEVADA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR ADRIANA MARTINEZ,' "An E-mail from President John Ponticello to WBTI," (July 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVPDC. *3. Ibid. 3333333333333333 777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
070704 |
*This is a draft for final editing. It will be post on July 7, 2004. *GOVERNOR KENNY GUINN OF NEVADA APPOINTS RON LURIE TO WILDLIFE COMMISSION By Office of the Governor and PAI of WBTI*1 It is our pleasure to post the Press Release from the Office of Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada which has been received by Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) just a few minutes ago early this morning: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 7, 2004 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 GOV. GUINN APPOINTS RON LURIE TO WILDLIFE COMMISSION CARSON CITY - Gov. Kenny Guinn*** has appointed Ron Lurie of Las Vegas to represent the general public on the Board of Wildlife Commissioners. Lurie replaces John Moran, who resigned to become a member of the Gaming Commission.*2 Lurie, 63, is a former Las Vegas mayor and city council member who is executive vice president and general manager of Arizona Charlie¡¦s hotel/casino in Las Vegas. ¡§I¡¦m very pleased to appoint Ron Lurie to the Wildlife Commission,¡¨ Gov. Guinn said. ¡§For more than three decades, he has an extensive record of participation on a number of boards, commissions and committees, including his tenure as mayor and city council member in Las Vegas. He will bring a balanced understanding of wildlife issues to the Wildlife Commission.¡¨ Said Lurie: ¡§I¡¦m honored Governor Guinn has appointed me to represent the general public on the Wildlife Commission. This is a board that I¡¦ve always had a great interest in ¡V I¡¦m a lifelong hunter and fisherman. For many years I¡¦ve followed the agendas from the Wildlife Commission and I understand the challenges that the Wildlife Commission faces in our state. I¡¦m looking forward to working with the other members of the board in helping to manage wildlife and boating issues throughout our state.¡¨ Lurie has served on the Board of Equalization, the Clark County Board of Health, Senior Citizens Advisory Board, Regional Transportation Commission, the Governor¡¦s Commission on the Future of Nevada, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Board, Board of Directors for the Greater Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, United Way of Southern Nevada Board of Directors and Board of Directors for the Boys and Girls Club. Gov. Guinn also announced the reappointment of Wildlife Commissioners Chris MacKenzie of Carson City and Mike Riordan of Jiggs. Lurie will finish Moran¡¦s term, which runs through June 30, 2006. MacKenzie and Riordan¡¦s terms run through June 30, 2007. The Board of Wildlife Commissioners, created through NRS 501.167, consists of nine members appointed by the Governor. The nine members compose an administrative board created for the purpose of administering fish and game laws. Office of the Governor Grant Sawyer State Office Building 101 North Carson Street 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Carson City, NV 89701 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 775-684-7198 Fax: 702-486-2505 ------------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Ofiice of the Governor. 'GOV. GUINN APPOINTS RON LURIE TO WILDLIFE COMMISSION; A Press Release from the Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn - July 7, 2004,' " An e-mail from the Office of Governor Kenny Guinn to Dr. Tony Lei," (July 7, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn. *3. Ibid. ***About Governor Kenny Guinn (by the Editor of this flier): Kenny Guinn, 67, earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physical Education from Fresno State University and later obtained a doctorate in Education from Utah State University in Logan. He was named Superintendent of Schools in Clark County and served with distinction in that position until 1978. In his work for the Clark County School District, Guinn was recognized as an effective administrator committed to educational excellence at a time when the county was experiencing exponential student growth. His service to Clark County students was honored when Kenny C. Guinn Junior High School was named for him. In 1978, Guinn began applying his management skills in business as Administrative Vice President for Nevada Savings and Loan in Las Vegas, which later became PriMerit Bank. At PriMerit, he was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas-based bank. Soon thereafter, Guinn was recruited to the energy business as the President of Southwest Gas Corporation and eventually became Chairman of the Board of Directors of that utility in 1993. In 1994, Guinn was recruited by the University of Nevada Board of Regents to serve as interim president of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. In addition to his one-year term at UNLV, Guinn served the state in leadership roles on a variety of committees and commissions, including the Clark County Community College Advisory Committee, the UNLV Foundation Board of Trustees, the White House Conference on Children and Youth, among others. Guinn has also worked in his community in a variety of volunteer roles, ranging from involvement in the Boy Scouts and Pop Warner Football to the United Way of Southern Nevada and the Southern Nevada Independent Youth Athletic Association. Kenny spent his boyhood in the small, Central Valley town of Exeter, California where he met Dema, his wife of 47 years. Kenny Guinn believes in families. Dr. Kenny Guinn is now the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A. at his second term. 55555555555555 7777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104] 105 [106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118] | |