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022007-1001 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the afternoon on or before February 22, 2007.Pengju Li was appointed Instructor of the Culture Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute By Cheryl Moss, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chnag*1 [[[(From the left of a picture) Mr. Pengju Li, District Court Judge Cheryl Moss, President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI, and Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber after visiting the Pengju Li's Gallery.]]]*2 "On March 23, 2006, through the recommendations of our faculty members, including District Court Judge Cheryl Moss and Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber, Mr. Pengju Li was appointed as an Adjunct Instructor of the Culture Institution(CI) and Chairman of the Nevada Asian Art Research Committee of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)." The announcement was made by Dr. John Wang, Spokesman for WBTI, on March 28, 2006, in Las Vegas, Nevada.*3 Upon learning of his distinguished appointment, Mr. Pengju Li expressed, "It is truly an honor to be appointed as an Instructor of the Culture Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. As Chairman of the Nevada Asian Art Research Committee of WBTI, I intend to utilize my best efforts and wisdom to promote professionalism, enhance community relations, and to continue WBTI's mission in engaging in projects and doing great things for the Asian community." Dr. Sue Fawn Chung currently heads the leadership of the Culture Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Dr. Chung is now an Associate Professor of the Department of History, University of Nevada Las Vegas UNLV. She was formerly the Department of History's Chairperson. Dr. Chung has been an Fellow and Director of the Culture Institution of WBTI since September 17, 2001. Pengju Li is a talented and gifted artist. He has the soul of a true Asian. Mr. Li graduated from the Peking Fine Arts University, and later he became an Instructor within the same school. According to the website www.AsianSoulArt.com, Mr. Li's life and works is described as follows, "During his school years, Pengju had an opportunity to study art from all over the world. He studied all the Western artistic masters, and he was greatly influenced by famous artists such as Rembrandt and Jean-Aguste Ingres. At the same time, he also studied 19th century Impressionism and 20th century Modern Art. Pengju was fascinated by the Impressionists' use of color and brushstroke, as well as the modern artists' use of point, line, and surface. His study of the past masters shaped and nourished his creativity." "Over the last decade, he has refined his artistic style. His paintings exhibit a time of splendor and elegance with a contemporary twist. His unique style consists of dramatic figures full of bright colors, strong brushstrokes, and two-dimensional spaces. It is a beautiful combination of Western techniques with ancient oriental subjects."*4 In May 1994, Pengju Li's painting "Home" won the first prize in 1994 China Oil Paintings Exhibition. "Mr. Li, Peng Ju is a young oil painting artist with great influence in China. His paintings has been exhibited extentensively in the world, such as in Hong Kong, Singapore, Macao and Canada and has won many awards and prizes. Many of his paintings has been collected by artist organization and collectors in the world. In 1996 and 1997, Mr Li's paintings were selected to attend China Art Exposition, the biggest and the most influential art exhibition in China. And in 1996 China Art Exposition, his oil painting won "New Talent and New Piece Prize". And in 1997 China Art Exposition, his oil paintings were selected into a VCD and the VCD was released and distributed extensively via radio, television and newspaper," stated China Art Exposition Organization Committee in a letter of recommendation. Pengju always says: "I like to use everyone's drawing strong points, and I never stop improving myself". Pengju's biographical information in www.AsianSoulArt.com also states that his primary focus is oil painting. His paintings reflect an influence from both the East and the West due to the fact that he studied styles from Western Europe and the Asian Pacific Rim. His early works include a group of paintings that were based on subjects found in ancient Beijing China. These paintings were comprised of Quadrangle Gardens built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, old temples, old doors, old alleys, as well as, Beijing's people. Under his brushstrokes, those paintings came to life. They were exhibited in Hong Kong and China. After this exhibition, Pengju became well known and well a respected artist in China. In may 1, 1996, Pengju Li was appointed as a Consultant of Art Center, China Artists Association. He was invited to be a judge of China International Famous Artists' Pieces Exhibition at the same time. Pengju believes that to truly create a masterful painting, one must paint what one knows and feels. To truly create fine works of art, the approach must be a pure representation of the artist's ideas and emotions.*5 The two outstanding paintings by Pengju Li are performed at the 6th and 7th flier on the 2nd page of the section of "Asian Soul Arts". This arrangement is for the best of its readiability. To access them, please hit the page [2] on the top left box of the above section. "It is my pleasure and honor to be named President Dr. Tony Lei as an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI," said Michael Douglas, Justice of Nevada Supreme Court. "WBTI has an excellent reputation. Its Advisory Board and faculty is comprised of respected members and officials from throughout the Nevada community, including Honorable Kenny Guinn (now Honorable James Gibbons), Governor of Nevada, as its Chairman, Honorable Harry Reid, United States Senator, Honorable John Ensign, United States Senator, both serving as the Vice Chairmen, Honorable Jim Gibbons (now as Chairman), United States Representative, Honorable Shelley Berkley, United States Representative, and Honorable Oscar Goodman, Mayor of Las Vegas, all of whom are the Executive Directors." Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas stated, "With the scholarly and highly-informative publications of Google.cn, Google.com, 'Communitylink of the Las Vegas Review-Journal', 'Next Weekly' and with the support of high-ranking officials in Southern Nevada, including the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI, WBTI has successfully sent out a message across the Asian community that community service and benevolent projects demonstrate that all Asians are committed to improving life for all who live within this tight-knit community." Justice Douglas' comments were announced at a Dinner Party at the Emperor's Garden Restaurant on February 4, 2005, in Las Vegas. The dinner event was held by the Committee to implement the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG.*6 Artist Mr. Pengju Li (on the left side of the picture) received the Certificate of Employment as an Instructor of Cultural Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) from its President Dr. Tony Lei.*7 Dr. Tony Lei, President of the Washington Business and Technology Institute, remarked, "In light of the hard work, dedication and successful achievements in the art world by Mr. Pengju Li, we are quite pleased to welcome him as a new faculty member of Culture Institution. His professionalism, integrity, and enthusiasm in art is truly an asset to WBTI." --------------------------------------------- References *1. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada and the Minority Whip of the Assembly. Cheryl Moss is a District Court Judge of Nevada serving in Las Vegas, Clark County. *2. WBTI website. 'A visiing of Pengju Li's Gallery by Nevada Officials,' "A search of 'Asian Soul Art' on the Google.cn," (February 20, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *3. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 28, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *4. Asian Soul Art. 'A profile of Pengju Li,' "A search of 'Asian Soul Art' on the Google.com," (March 23, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *5. Ibid. *6. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed as an Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Justice Michael Douglas wbti' on the Google.com," (March 25, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *7. Communitylink of LVRJ. 'Pengju Li received the Certificate of Employment as an Instructor of WBTI,' "A search of 'Mr. Pengju Li' on the Google.cn," (February 20, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. 555555555555555555 7777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ********************************************* | |
021807-3157 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the afternoon on or before February 18, 2007.Printouts from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on happy lunar new year day! By Jennifer Kung It is our pleasure to receive an e-mail from Founder Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of Double-Portion Ministries to WBTI early in the morning on February 18, 2007. "Shalom! Tony: ,'Thanks! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu.*1 Two attachments were received through the above e-mail. They were published. You are welcomed to share the blessed information by clicking on the fourth flier (dated 021807-3717) at the third page of this section!*2 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Liu, Belinda M. 'Thank you,' "An e-mail from Founder Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of Double-Portion Ministries to WBTI," (February 18, 2007), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *2. Ibid. 777777777777777 00000000000000000000000000 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
021107-3057 [021107-1051] |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 12, 2007.Mrs. Belinda M. Liu has something for you! By Jennifer Kung "Shalom! Tony: Please see the attached for sunday school, Thank you for your faithful update. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu.*1 You are welcomed to share the blessed information by clicking on the second flier (dated 021107-1057) at the third page of this section! "Sorry, it's not complete yet. Here is ...," continued Belinda with three more attachments (one dulicated).*2 You are also welcomed to share the blessed two attachments by clicking on the third flier (dated 021107-1058) at the third page of this section! -------------------------------------------- References *1. Liu, Belinda M. 'Thank you for your faithful update,' "An e-mail from Founder Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of Double-Portion Ministries to WBTI," (February 11, 2007), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *2. Liu, Belinda M. 'Thank you for your faithful update,' "A second e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to WBTI," (February 11, 2007), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. 1111111111111111 00000000000000000000000000 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
021807-6017 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 20, 2007.An Open Letter to Karl Rove By Office of U. S. Representative Shelley Berkley (Washington, DC -- February 9, 2007) Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) today released the following open letter to White House Political Advisor Karl Rove in response to his reported statement that the reason the U.S. needs a guest worker program is that he doesnt want to see his 17-year-old son have to pick tomatoes or make beds in Las Vegas. *1 February 9, 2007 Dear Mr. Rove: National Review On-line quoted you as saying recently that the reason we need a guest worker program is that you dont want your 17-year-old son picking tomatoes or making beds in Las Vegas (Not Our Kind of People, Mark Krikorian, 2.9.07). Your remarks insinuate that physical labor is only for people you see as lower class, and beneath the dignity of those born into privilege. Growing up in Las Vegas, my father put food on the table and a roof over our heads by waiting tables at a local resort. Because of his hard work, my sister and I were both able to graduate college and to find our own piece of the American dream. Making beds in Las Vegas for a living may not provide the perks you are accustomed to as a senior White House staffer, but on average, these jobs pay good wages and in most cases, offer affordable healthcare coverage and other benefits. In the future I hope that you will think twice before demeaning the jobs of hard working Nevadans and others like them all across the nation who are the backbone of our economy. Unlike you, they may never get to travel the world or take home a big salary courtesy of the American taxpayer, but these men and women know the meaning of hard work and the value of a days pay. I urge you to respect honest work, not denigrate it.*2 Sincerely, Shelley Berkley Member of Congress --------------------------------------------- References *1. Berkley, Shelley. 'A news release of Shelley Berkley,' "A search of 'Congresswoman Shelley Berkley' on the Google.cn," (February 19, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *2. Ibid. 555555555555 7777777777777777777777777777 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *************************************************** | |
021807-1578 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 19, 2007.Yucca Mountain Costs Continue To Soar As Berkley Questions Growing Price Tag For Proposed Nuke Dump DOE Secretary Says $20 Billion Now Projected in Construction Costs Alone By Office of U. S. Representative Shelley Berkley (Washington, DC -- February 9, 2007) In response to an admission by Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman that the cost of building the proposed Yucca Mountain repository has now ballooned to $20 billion, and that the total price tag for the project will exceed existing projections in the $60 billion range, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) today issued the following statement: "When it comes to Yucca Mountain two things are certain: the price tag only grows larger and the delays only grow longer. Now President Bushs Secretary of Energy is admitting that the cost to build Yucca Mountain has increased to more than $20 billion, and thats without a single penny to operate the dump once its open. Will Yucca Mountains total cost exceed $100 billion, $200 billion? The skys the limit when it comes to building Yucca Mountain. Secretary Bodman freely admits he has no idea what the final cost for Yucca Mountain will actually be. At the same time, the supposed date by which Yucca Mountain will open has again been pushed back, this time to 2020 or beyond. As a nation, we have already spent more than $10 billion on a hole in the Nevada desert and it is long past time we quit shoveling bundles of cash into this fiscal abyss. On-site storage of nuclear waste is safe for the next 100 years, costs a small fraction of what we could spend at Yucca Mountain and avoids the danger of an accident or terrorist incident involving shipments of radioactive waste. *1 Berkleys statement comes in response to reports by the Dow Jones News Service and other media outlets that Energy Secretary Bodman informed Members of Congress Thursday that the costs for construction of Yucca Mountain will reach $20 billion, up from the previously estimated $12-13 billion. Bodman also acknowledged the fact that cost estimates for the project are badly outdated, saying, Frankly, I think that all of the numbers that have been around for five years are going to increase because we've had delays, while adding, it's going to be more costly to accomplish what we want to accomplish. (Talley, Dow Jones, 2.8.07). Cost estimates completed on the Yucca Mountain Project in 2002 pegged the price of the proposed nuclear waste dump at nearly $60 billion over the lifetime of the facility. No new cost estimates from DOE have been made available, despite recent requests from Congress for new figures.*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Berkley, Shelley. 'A statement of Shelley Berkley,' "A search of 'congresswoman shelley berkley' on the Google.com," (February 18, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 11111111111111 7777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
021607-4157 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 17, 2007.Two new health bills to improve health care in Nevada By Harry M. Reid*1 Dear Friends, Providing quality heath care for all Nevadans is a critical issue. I am committed to helping Nevadans receive the best health care possible. That is why this week I introduced two bills to improve health care in our state. One bill addresses Nevada s physician shortage and the other focuses on advancing breast cancer research. Nevada faces a serious shortage of doctors, largely because of the states fast-growing population. The Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2007 addresses that shortage by increasing the number of Medicare-supported physician residency training positions in teaching hospitals. The thought behind the legislation is pretty simple: Doctors who are trained in Nevada stay in Nevada . Increasing the number of doctors who are trained in our state should lead to an increase in the number of doctors who stay here permanently. Nevada currently has 199 physicians in training, and would be eligible for an additional 93 positions under the bill. It is my priority to make sure that our medical infrastructure grows in conjunction with the population so that all Nevadans have access to a doctor when they need one. Another important bill I introduced is the Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act of 2007. This bill provides funding for researchers to analyze the possible links between the environment and breast cancer, and will also establish a national research strategy on this issue so that promising research opportunities are not missed. I have been working since 2000 to pass bipartisan legislation to ensure scientists have the resources they need to investigate environmental factors that may be related to breast cancer. Reintroducing this bill will bring us one step closer to more thoroughly examining environmental factors connected to breast cancer, and will be a source of hope for women and families throughout Nevada who are currently struggling with this illness. I remain committed to expanding and improving health care across our great state. I will continue my efforts to ensure that there are enough physicians to serve Nevadas growing population, that scientists have the resources they need to conduct revolutionary research, and that every Nevadan has access to quality and affordable health care. My best wishes to you, Senator Harry Reid [[[A Message From U. S. Senator Harry Reid, Putting Nevada First]]]*2 -------------------------------------------- References *1. About Senator Harry Reid (a concise one by the Editor of this flier.) Harry M. Reid is the Democratic Leader (now Majority Leader) in the U.S. Senate, a man who commands the respect of colleagues from both parties, and a powerful advocate for Nevadas middle-class families. But he still lives in Searchlight and he is still guided by the lessons and values he learned there. The Las Vegas Sun newspaper summarized Reids story by saying that he has gone from underdog to Senates top dog. Parade Magazine, the nations largest weekly magazine, identified Senator Reid as one of a handful of leaders in Washington with integrity and guts. Since Nevadans elected him to the Senate in 1986, Harry Reid has developed a reputation as a consensus builder and a skillful legislator. Even his Republican colleagues praise his reasoned, balanced approach. Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has said, We all respect Senator Reid. He is one of the moderate voices around here who tries to get things to work. And former GOP Leader Trent Lott said, Harry Reid is out there finding a solution. I enjoy working with him very much. He was elected to the Senate in 1986, and re-elected in 1992, 1998 and 2004. He has served as the chairman or senior Democratic member on several important committees and subcommittees. Reid is a tireless worker, and it isnt unusual for him to be the first Senator of either party to arrive at the Capitol in the morning and the last to go home at night. *2. Reid, Harry. 'Two new health bills to improve health care in Nevada,' "An e-mail from U. S. Senator Harry Reid's Office to WBTI," (February 16, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Senator Harry Reid's Office. 7777777777777777 333333333333333333333333333333 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
021607-1878 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 16, 2007.Dr. Daphne P. Lei is on Google and Yahoo! By Jennifer Kung The following information have been received from a search of "Dr. Daphne P. Lei", etc. on the Google.com, Yahoo.com, and among others at 11:57 a. m. in the morning on February 16, 2007. They are appeared starting from the first line of the first page on the Google.com, Yahoo.com, and among others: (1). For "Dr. Daphne P. Lei's new book" on the Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Dr. Daphne P. Lei's new book By Jennifer Kung. ***** "The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. To know how to do something well is to ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 149k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... P -- Purpose in Life. To have a central purpose in life. ... Dr. Daphne Lei's upcoming book Operatic China: Staging Chinese Identity Across the Pacific ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 303k - Cached - Similar pages (2). For "Dr. Daphne Lei's upcoming book Operatic China:" on the Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Dr. Daphne Lei's upcoming book Operatic China: Staging Chinese Identity Across the Pacific (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). By Jennifer Kung ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 303k - Cached - Similar pages (3). For "Daphne Lei's World in Drama" on the Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page Becky Ung, E.Q. Chairperson's World ... Yu's World of Writing Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas Daphne Lei's World in Drama Joint Chinese Univ. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 52k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... 'Dr. Daphne Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama,' "A search of 'Dr. Daphne Lei wbti' or 'Daphne Lei's World in Drama' on the Google.cn," (September 4, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 303k - Cached - Similar pages (4). For "Daphne Lei's World in Drama" on the Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism Becky Ung, E.Q. Chairperson's World ... Jenny Cheng's World of Music Doris Yu's World of Writing Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas Daphne Lei's World in Drama Joint Chinese Univ. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 52k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] 'Dr. Daphne Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama,' "A search of 'Dr. Daphne Lei wbti' or 'Daphne Lei's World in Drama' on the Google.cn," (September 4, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *6. Google. 'A profile about Daphne ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 303k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 (5). For "Elegant! Dr. Daphne P. Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama" on the Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) Elegant! Dr. Daphne P. Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama. By Tiffany Chang ... Dr. Daphne Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama,' "A search of 'Dr. Daphne Lei ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=12 - 143k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Elegant! Dr. Daphne P. Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama. By Tiffany Chang ... Dr. Daphne Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama,' "A search of 'Dr. Daphne Lei ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=8 - 308k - Cached - More from this site (6). For "Dr. Daphne P. Lei" on the Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... It's our pleasure to post the following information about the current publication of Dr. Daphne P. Lei:. Daphne P. Lei - Operatic China: Staging Chinese ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 149k - Cached - Similar pages (7). For "Dr. Daphne P. Lei" on the Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...- [ ҳ BETA ] It's our pleasure to post the following information about the current publication of Dr. Daphne P. Lei:. Daphne P. Lei - Operatic China: Staging Chinese Identity Across the Pacific*2. Featured Resources Additional information on Daphne ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 149k - ҳ - ҳ (8). For "Daphne Lei's World in Drama" on the Yahoo.com: Community Link ... World of Writing] [Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas] [Daphne Lei's World in Drama] [Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/ignore?MIval=cal_framed&... - 48k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Organization Request Info ... World of Writing] [Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas] [Daphne Lei's World in Drama] [Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 22k - Cached - More from this site (9). For "One of Dr. Daphne Lei's achieved paper" on the Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) The following is a bio of Dr. Daphne Lei.*1 You may view her photo with this bio ... wbti' or 'Daphne Lei's World in Drama' on the Google.cn," (September 4, 2006) ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=12 - 143k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Useful sites -- the major search engines As Dr. Tony Lei is one of the person who glorify and thank the Almighty the most, ... Daphne Lei's World in Drama. Useful sites -- the major search engines ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 87k - Cached - More from this site (10). For "Dr. Daphne Lei's upcoming book Operatic China:" on the Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before September 1, 2006. Dr. Daphne Lei's upcoming book Operatic China: Staging Chinese Identity Across the Pacific (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 303k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 (11). For "Dr. Daphne P. Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama" on the Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) Dr. Daphne P. Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama. By Tiffany Chang ... Dr. Daphne Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama,' "A search of 'Dr. Daphne Lei ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=12 - 143k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Dr. Daphne P. Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama. By Tiffany Chang ... Dr. Daphne Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama,' "A search of 'Dr. Daphne Lei ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=8 - 308k - Cached - More from this site 111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
021507-1008 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 16, 2007.President Dr. Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University: You represent a distinguished "point of pride" By Tiffany Chang The following information has been received from a search of 'President Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University: You represent a distinguished "point of pride"' on the Google.com in the morning on February 15, 2007. It is presented by Google.com at its first line of the first page from the search: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... 'President Andrew Benton: You represent a distinguished "point of pride",' "A letter from President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University to ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 201k - Cached - Similar pages The following letter was sent by President Dr. Andrew K Benton of Pepperdine University to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on August 30, 2005 from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei President Washington Business & Tech. Institute 2245 Homeland St. Las Vegas, NV 89128-6792 Dear Tony, I'm watching from my window today--from an office situated in a fouth-floor corner of Thornton Administrative Center--and see the future arriving, car by car. This is indeed a strategic vantage point, for from it I witness a pride-filled pilgrimage as parents bring their children to campus, their dreams packed in overstuffed duffels; a few telltale signs of trepidation on their faces. Image with me that in four years, these students will join YOUR ranks...as Pepperdine alumni.*1 This is a favorite season for me, and I write you to share a slice of the excitement we feel on the eve of a new academic year. It's my sith as president, and there is much for which I am thankful. As one of our more than 70,000 living graduates, you represent a distinguished "point of pride" that sets us apart and in many cases lifts Pepperdine into the upper echelon of America's best independent universities.*2 ........................................... [[[Andrew K. Benton became the seventh president of Pepperdine University on July 1, 2000. Benton, who served as executive vice president of the University since 1991, was selected after a nationwide search that included 40 nominees and interviews of several candidates by faculty, staff, students, alumni and administrators. A 1974 graduate of Oklahoma Christian University, Benton earned his bachelor of science degree in American Studies, and served as assistant to the president of that institution from 1975 to 1984. He earned his law degree from Oklahoma City University School of Law in 1979 and practiced law in the state of Oklahoma. He came to Pepperdine in 1984 and worked in several key leadership roles during his tenure, including vice president for administration and vice president for university affairs. In addition, he has taught both undergraduate and graduate classes at the university. Benton is presently on the Board of Directors for The Employers Group of California, the Executive Committee for the West Coast Conference, and is a member of the American Bar Association and the Oklahoma Bar Association.]]]*3 The letter is in full of the recent accomplishments of Pepperdine and Andrew's close concern to the alumni of Pepperdine. President Benton concluded the letter that "Meanwhile, will I see you at the Hollywood Bowl on September 23 for our Alumni Picnic and Concert? Please let me greet you and your family. The SPRIT OF PLACE that abides at Pepperdine remains a beacon from this campus to our alumni around the world. The stream of arriving students continues outside my window. And YOU, as the foundation of the future of this precious place called PEPPERDINE, remain in my prayers." --------------------------------------------- References *1. Benton, Andrew. 'President Andrew Benton: You represent a distinguished "point of pride",' "A letter from President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute," (August 30, 2005), Malibu, California: Pepperdine University. *2. Ibid. *3. Pepperdine University. 'A profile of Andrew K. Benton,' "A search of 'President Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University' on the Google.com," (February 15, 2007), Mountainview, California: Google.com. 7777777777777777 11111111111111111111111111111 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************* | |
021507-1007 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be kept as a reference in the afternoon on or before February 15, 2007.President Dr. Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University: You represent a distinguished "point of pride" By Tiffany Chang The following information has been received from a search of 'President Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University: You represent a distinguished "point of pride"' on the Google.com in the morning on February 15, 2007. It is presented by Google.com at its first line of the first page from the search: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... 'President Andrew Benton: You represent a distinguished "point of pride",' "A letter from President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University to ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 201k - Cached - Similar pages The following letter was sent by President Dr. Andrew K Benton of Pepperdine University to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on August 30, 2005 from Pepperdine University in Malibu, California: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei President Washington Business & Tech. Institute 2245 Homeland St. Las Vegas, NV 89128-6792 Dear Tony, I'm watching from my window today--from an office situated in a fouth-floor corner of Thornton Administrative Center--and see the future arriving, car by car. This is indeed a strategic vantage point, for from it I witness a pride-filled pilgrimage as parents bring their children to campus, their dreams packed in overstuffed duffels; a few telltale signs of trepidation on their faces. Image with me that in four years, these students will join YOUR ranks...as Pepperdine alumni.*1 This is a favorite season for me, and I write you to share a slice of the excitement we feel on the eve of a new academic year. It's my sith as president, and there is much for which I am thankful. As one of our more than 70,000 living graduates, you represent a distinguished "point of pride" that sets us apart and in many cases lifts Pepperdine into the upper echelon of America's best independent universities.*2 ........................................... Dr. Andrew K. Benton has served in higher education for nearly 30 years. He planned for a career as an attorney or probate judge in his hometown, and focused his education toward those interests. The desire to work with young people in their own pursuit of higher education was strong and he, instead, followed a career path that led to his current role as the seventh president of Pepperdine University. He assumed that position on June 16, 2000. Benton received his bachelor of science in American Studies from Oklahoma Christian University and went on to earn the juris doctor degree from Oklahoma City University School of Law. He was admitted to the Oklahoma State Bar in 1979 and later to practice before Federal Courts. For ten years, Benton served in various administrative roles at his undergraduate alma mater. From 1979 until 1983 he also maintained a private law practice in the State of Oklahoma.*3 The letter is in full of the recent accomplishments of Pepperdine and Andrew's close concern to the alumni of Pepperdine. President Benton concluded the letter that "Meanwhile, will I see you at the Hollywood Bowl on September 23 for our Alumni Picnic and Concert? Please let me greet you and your family. The SPRIT OF PLACE that abides at Pepperdine remains a beacon from this campus to our alumni around the world. The stream of arriving students continues outside my window. And YOU, as the foundation of the future of this precious place called PEPPERDINE, remain in my prayers." --------------------------------------------- References *1. Benton, Andrew. 'President Andrew Benton: You represent a distinguished "point of pride",' "A letter from President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute," (August 30, 2005), Malibu, California: Pepperdine University. *2. Ibid. *3. Pepperdine University. 'A profile of Andrew K. Benton,' "A search of 'President Andrew Benton' on the Google.com," (September 21, 2005), Mountainview, California: Google.com. 7777777777777777 11111111111111111111111111111 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************* | |
021607-1007 [021507-1001] |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 17, 2007.Meet Drs. Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents of Washington Business and Technology Institute By Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, and Tiffany Chang ***** Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower ***** Six essential qualities that are keys to success: Sincerity, Personal Integrity, Humility, Courtesy, Wisdom, Charity. ---Dr. William Menninger ***** We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. ---Chuck Swindoll "It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said Drs. Mark Denton and Valorie Vega each on February 17, 2007. It is with great pleasure to recognize that Nevada District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega were appointed Vice-Presidents of the Washington Business Technology Institute. Both judges have long-standing careers in the field of law and jurisprudence, and they have distinguished themselves within the Nevada community through their dedication, hard work, integrity, and professionalism as Judges of the Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County, State of Nevada. "On December 3, 2003, Drs. Mark R. Denton and Valorie J. Vega were appointed Vice Presidents of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) by our President Dr. Tony Lei," announced Dr. John Wang, Spokesman for WBTI, on December 5, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Judge Mark R. Denton received his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. in 1976. He was raised in Boulder City and graduated from Boulder High School in 1969. In 1973, Mark graduated with distinction from the University of Nevada, Reno. He completed ROTC and received a commission in the U.S. Army as reserve officer. While in college, Mark spent his junior year in Paris, France through an affiliate of UNR at the Universite de Paris. Prior to his appointment to the bench on August 19, 1998, Mark had extensive judicial experience. He served as municipal court judge in Boulder City, Nevada for seven years. He was an arbitrator under the Court Annexed Arbitration Program of the Eighth Judicial District Court since its inception in 1992. He was an alternate Juvenile Court Referee and a Nevada Supreme Court settlement Judge. Currently, Mark sits as a judge on the Eighth Judicial District Court, handling civil cases. Mark was re-elected in November 2002.*1 Judge Denton and his wife of 30 years, Alice, have four children: Leslie Marie, 27, Marianne Yvette, 23, Jacqueline, 19, and Patrick, 14.*2 Judge Valorie J. Vega holds a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) degree from the University of Southern California's Law Center. She received a Bechelor of Arts degree from CSU Northridge. She received her graduate studies certificate in Interpretation/Translation from UC Santa Barbara. Judge Vega was appointed to District Courts Department 2 on February 21, 1999 by Governor Kenny Guinn. She was appointed to Municipal Court in 1989 and was retained and re-elected by the voters until her resignation in 1999 to accept the District Court appointment. She is a former Clark County Deputy District Attorney from 1984 through 1989, prosecuting felony cases, and was instrumental in implementing the offices first Sexual Assault and Child Abuse team. She was an associate attorney with the law firm of Sully and Lenhard from 1983 to 1984 and clerked for District Court Judge Carl Christensen from 1982 to 1983 and also clerked for the law firm of Brandenberg, Torribio and Brazelton in Los Angeles in 1982. Before attending law school, Judge Vega, fluent in Spanish, supervised interpreters for the Eighth Judicial District Court in Las Vegas from 1978 to 1979, where she set up testing and certification for court interpreters and did Spanish-English interpretation and translation. Judge Vega is involved in her profession and community. She is a Board Member of the Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Southern Nevada as well as the Latin Chamber of Commerce. She is also a volunteer speaker for D.A.R.E. and the Clark County School Districts PAYBACK Program. Judge Vega is a member of the American Judges Association, the Nevada District Court Judges Association, the National Association of Women Judges, the Southern Nevada Association of Women Attorneys, the Clark County Bar Association, the Latino Bar Association, Hispanics in Politics, and the National Association of Latino Elected Officials. Judge Vega is a member of the Nevada Supreme Courts Committees on Public Trust and Confidence, Certification of Court Interpreters, and Judicial Ethics. She was honored with the 1992 "Women of Achievement Award" from the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce and recognized by the Latin Chamber of Commerce as the "Hispanic of the Year" in 1995 and recipient of the 2001 Community Pride Portraits of Success Award from KLAS-TV and its Community Partners. Judge Vega is married, has one child and has been a resident of Southern Nevada since 1978.*4 A celebration Dinner Party was held by President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI to welcome Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega as Vice Presidents of the Institute on December 8, 2003 at the Steak House, Binion's Horseshoe Club in Las Vegas. "Washington Business and Technology Institute has contributed substantially and significantly to help improve the quality of life for the residents and visitors of Nevada since its establishment on January 8, 1996. As one of the Vice President of this Institute, I intend to promote and enhance the development and prosperity of Nevada. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve in this position through the appointment by Dr. Tony Lei. This will undoubtedly provide me with avenues for exploring improvements in community services provided to the public at large. The steadily increasing number of faculty and advisory members serving in WBTI demonstrates WBTI's efforts and goals to promote what is best for the community," said Judge Valorie Vega at the celebration Party which was taking place on the 26th floor of the Club with a vivid bird's-eye view of the beautiful City of Las Vegas at night. Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has been well-recognized for its accomplishments in selecting outstanding professionals and individuals to participate and serve. The list consists of the following: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representative Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors of the Advisory Board. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President; District Court Judges Mark R. Denton and Valorie J. Vega, Vice Presidents; Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution, Drs. E. Lee Bernick and G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brian Sandoval, and District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC); District Attorney David Roger and former Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC.*5 Most of the above list of leaders and political officials who are involved with the Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) were announced and installed by Judge Mark Denton at the Dinner Party held by WBTI in the Binion's Horseshoe Club on December 8, 2003 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) is now one of the main institutions of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). "The mission of this School emphasizes the humanitarian orientation of public administration and the social responsibility of business management. Through academic entrepreneurship, we expect the School's endeavors to be achieved based on the human spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Senator Dina Titus, Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA.*17 Dina Titus was born May 23, 1950 in Thomasville, Georgia. She graduated from College of William and Mary with A.B. She received her M. A. and Ph. D. degrees from University of Georgia and Florida State University, respectively. She is a Senator and Minority Floor Leader of the Nevada Senate. Dina is also a professor of Political Science at UNLV.*6 "Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental railroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the latest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling, and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your oustanding participation in the political, business , and educational processes. It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader of the Senate at Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas.*7 A very beautiful 'Christmas Blessings!' card was sent by District Judge Mark Denton to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute and his wife Judy on December 18, 2006. On the nice photo are Mark & Alice Denton; Dr. Leslie, Marianne, Jacqueline, and Patrick.*8 "It's very impressive and elegant! I recognize what John Keats said about 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever,' by being the vistor's number at #37,777 on December 9, 2003 (at #104,698 on February 17, 2007) of the WBTI website, which is made available through the Communitylink of 'Las Vegas Review-Journal'," said Judge Valorie Vega, District Judge of Nevada, on October 10, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. --------------------------------------------- References *1. Vega, Valorie; Young, Bill; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Mark Denton was appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration by WBTI,' "A search of 'Mark Denton, Esq.' on the Google.cn," (January 12, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *2. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valoria; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Mark Denton and Valorie Vega were appointed as Vice Presidents of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "A search of 'Drs. Mark Denton and Valoria Vega' on the Google.com," (July 26, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *3. Chang, Tiffany. 'District Judge Valorie Vega was honored as a Fellow of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (June 9, 2000), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *4. Vega, Valorie. "Biography of Valorie J. Vega," (December, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of the District Judge Valorie Vega. *5. Reid, Rory; Denton, Mark; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Effort and Cooperation will bring us a peaceful, happy, and prosperous community,' "A search of 'James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI' on the Yahoo.com," (January 15, 2007), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com. *6. GSBPA of WBTI. 'GSBPA of WBTI's slogan for business and tourism,' "A search of 'Business & Administration' on the Reviewjournal.com," (July 25, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. 7. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI is remarkable.' "A search of 'Harry Reid, U. S. Senator' on the Yahoo.cn," (February 1, 2007), U. S. A.: Yahoo.cn. *8. Denton, Mark. 'Christmas Blessings!' "A mail from District Judge Mark Denton to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (December 18, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: District Court Dept. 13. 888888888888888 555555555555555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
021407-5157 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 17, 2007.Dr. Daphne Lei had a seminar focusing on gender, cultural, political and artistic issues related to Asian and Asian American performance By Jennifer Kung The following was a seminar held by University of California at Irvine in the Fall of 2006: Exotica and Erotica: Gender and Asian Performance *1 Dr. Daphne Lei, Drama Tu 10:00-10:50am, Mesa Court Housing Complex, Mesa Activity Center Classroom Course Code 87557 NOTE: Professor Leis seminar will be held in the Mesa Activity Center Classroom of Mesa Court Housing. Please be aware that your travel time will be greater than 10 minutes if you are coming from Central Campus. For a map of Mesa Court, please go to http://www.housing.uci.edu/mc/map.asp. By examining the exotic and often erotic representations of Asians in performance, this class focuses on gender, cultural, political and artistic issues related to Asian and Asian American performance. Topics include Asian American theatre, Chinese opera, film and performance art. Dr. Daphne Lei is assistant professor in Drama, specializing in Asian and Asian American theatre, gender theory and intercultural performance. Her upcoming book Operatic China: Staging Chinese Identity Across the Pacific is a study of Chinese opera and identity performance.*2 ---------------------------------------- References *1. UCI and Google. 'This class focuses on gender, cultural, political and artistic issues related to Asian and Asian American performance,' "A search of 'Dr. Daphne Lei' on the Google.cn," (January 14, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *2. Ibid. 55555555555555 11111111111111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
021407-1002 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 15, 2007.Hi WBTI, Ill do my best to write often and I look forward to reading your responses By Dr. Dina Titus*1 Dear Friends, As we enter the second week of the new legislative session, Im happy to report that www.dinatitus.com is back online and ready to serve as a hub for you to stay in touch! Its an important moment for our state when we will decide whether to take the steps necessary to really move forward in such important areas as education, transportation, renewable energy and health care. At the same time, the 2008 Democratic presidential caucus is already bringing national attention to Nevada and its issues. There has never been a better time to make your voice heard. I look forward to posting regular updates on the issues before us this session, calls to action on legislation and community efforts, news articles of interest and perhaps even some inside gossip from the halls of the capitol. Weve also created a special area for links to the latest happenings related to the presidential caucus. Those of you who know me well may be pleasantly surprised that Ive also officially entered the 21st century (finally!) with a blog. Ill do my best to write often and I look forward to reading your responses. Ill also see about getting some of my Senate colleagues to do some guest blogging! Please share your thoughts often and help grow this site into a true online community. I hope you will use it as both a resource and a sounding board for the issues on your mind. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Respectfully, Dina Titus Nevada Senate Minority Leader -------------------------------------------- Reference *1. About the Author: Dr. Dina Titus [Alice Costandina (Dina) Titus], a native of Georgia, was educated at William and Mary, University of Georgia and received her Ph. D. from Florida State University. She currently teaches Political Science at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. She is a Nevada State Senator from District 7 in Clark County. In 1999 she was the Nevada Arts Advocate of the Year. Her most recent publication is Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics. The title of Dr. Titus Convocation lecture, the Mushroom Cloud as an American Symbol, attests to the extensive knowledge she has concerning America nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site and the impact it has had on that region. Dr. Dina Titus is now Nevada Senate Minority Leader and also a famous Professor of Administrative Strategies in the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute. 111111111111111 55555555555555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ******************************************************** | |
021207-1017 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 11, 2007.021207-1187 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA20) of WBTI website, Monday, 8:07 a. m., February 12, 2007 #Second printing of the First Edition on January 3, 2007 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@Yahoo.com Meet Chief Justice A. William Maupin of the Nevda Supreme Court By Jennifer Kung "Jim Gibbons took the oath of office at midnight, becoming Nevadas 29th governor. He immediately appointed Phillip A. Galeoto director of the Department of Public Safety and announced that Lawrence J. Martines would become director of Homeland Security. Nevada Chief Justice A. William Maupin administered the oath of office in the living room of Gibbons home in Reno, with a small gathering of Gibbons friends, advisors and supporters looking on," released a press by the Office of Nevada Governor on January 1, 2007.*1 By the time Justice A. William Maupin was appointed to the District Court bench in Clark County in 1993, his legal career had already spanned 22 years in both the public and private sectors. While he handled murder cases as a public defender, he eventually focused on major civil litigation as a partner in the law firm of Thorndal, Backus, Maupin and Armstrong. Justice Maupin was retained as a district judge by popular election in 1994 and elected to the Supreme Court in 1996 and 2002. His term ends in January 2009.*2 Bill Maupin was one term as Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. A graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno and University of Arizona Law School, Justice Maupin dedicated much of his professional life to improving the justice system. He was chairman of the Nevada Supreme Court committee on Alternate Dispute Resolution from 1992 to 1996, and is considered to have been a driving force behind the judicial system's successful arbitration program. He served four years on the board of governors of the State Bar of Nevada and was chairman of a Supreme Court study committee to review judicial elections. In1986-1987, he served as president of the Defense Trial Lawyer's of Nevada and on the boards of directors of Nevada Legal Services and Clark County Legal Services.*3 In 1997, Justice Maupin was honored with the Roger D. Foley Professionalism Award and was named in Who's Who in America. In 2002, Bill Maupin was named Fellow of Public Administration Institution and Co-Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commision (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) by WBTI.*4 "It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as a Fellow of Public Administration Institution and the Honorary Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin in the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Chief Justice William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *5. --------------------------------------------- References *1. Office of the Governor. 'GOVERNOR GIBBONS TAKES OFFICE & maKES TWO IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENTS,' "Section of 'Business & Administration' on the WBTI's website," (January 1, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. The Supreme Court of Nevada. 'A profile of Bill Maupin,' "A search of 'Bill Maupin esq' on the Google.cn," (December 28, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *3. Ibid. *4. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "A search of 'Our mutual cooperation and development' on the Yahoo.com," (December 26, 2006), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com. *5. Douglas, Michael L.; Denton, Mark R.; Vega, Valoria J.; Gronauer, Robert A.; Moss, Cheryl B.; and Chang, Tiffany. 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and Chairperson of Community Service Council of Clark County of WBTI,' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com," (January 1, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 1111111111111111 7777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
021007-1001 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 11, 2007.Modern stratagem and to forge an effective relationship with those above you By Tiffany Chang ***** The ultimate responsibility of a leader is to facilitate other people's development as well as his own. ---Fred Pryor Leadership does not necessarily exit only in the top ladder. We could feel it from many places. People may extend his or her leadeship in a mutual existance. Anyone who can bring us with a positive and effective idea and plan and give others a breakthrough with inspiration for their difficult circumstances may be treated as a leader. To find a potential and good leader and to inspire and build up him or her is a valuable and important thing. "MANAGING UP shows what you can learn when you keep your eyes and ears open and happen to work for/with a terrif boss. Great lessons for leaders here, managing up, down, and sideways," said Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Business at the University of South Carolina about the book written by Rosanne Badowski in 2003. The book is entitled "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You." The Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada, Dr. Tony T. Lei, received by air mail on February 22, 1997 a book named "Modern Stratagem" The book was written and sent by Professor Tu Lin. In the preface, Dr. Ko-wang Mei pointed out that: It is the person who uses stratagem to face problem and chellenge and to integrate a project or principle for processing of problem solving. Most of famous stratagems in the human history were used on politics and military. From its broad significance, in order for a person to successful both in production and human relations, he or she needs stratagem to attain his or her objectives. The Chinese idiom of "Action after taking stratagem" may show the good understanding of the above meaning. The book entitled "Modern Stratagem" was written by a Chinese, while the book entitled "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You" is written by an American. The latter talks about "Managing Up" in a business. The following are some of its principles: Principles of Managing Up "* Managing is not the exclusive property of MBA grads. * At times we are all managers, and we are all support staff; managers have to roll up their sleeves and get in the trenches. * Those who manage up have to think--and act-- like managers. * A good managers is a student of cause and effect. * It's not good enough to be aware of what's happening around you; you have to know why it's happening. * If you're not helping, you're hindering. * Ask yourself: Did the work I performed today help achieve a goal? Common Sense Takeaways * Your boss's agenda comes first. Period. * When those above you win, you win. * It's people! Organizations don't run on money, products, or procedures. * Trust your instincts-- they are based on a lot of experience. Then again, don't always trust instincts. * Go ahead, take a swing: Better to be too bold than too timid." *1 The first of the above two books was prefaced by Dr. Ko-wang Mei, the former President of Tunghai University and now the President of Taiwan Regional Development Institute. Dr. Mei believed that: The successful degree of a stratagem can not be depended only on individual's wisdom, knowledge,and experience. It has its team works, integrity, scientific background, and philosophic thought. Therefore, there never appears a stratagem in an emptiness. It needs deliberate planning and logic thinking. The large the area of stratagem and the deeper of the degree of a stratagem, the large and deeper the need for information collection and analysis. In the recent half of the century, it is one of the most important subject in 'The study of Administration'. In a practical and general speaking, 'stratagem' is 'decision making' in a promotional sense. In order to have a stratagem effective, efficient, and perfect, the conclusion of a stratagem should be attained through scientific collection, analysis, judgment, study of information. It is why the 'Stratagem' is an important and useful study. Its good to have some inspiration on the findings of some of the chapters of the second book: "Preparedness Takeaways * By seeing thing from someone else's perspective, you'll be better able anticipate what will be needed in the future. * Share what you know. This was the centerpiece of Jack Welch's GE. We shared ideas, best practices, and information. People who hoard knowledge hunt the company. *Be ready to improvise. *Stay on top of current events, not just concerning your company but the international business community. It will help give context to what you do, and it's a good conversation starter. Communication Takeaways *Communication is more than a management tool--it is a catalyst for change. *Don't be afraid to ask. And then ask again. *Question yourself constantly; if you don't like your answers, do something about it. *Be a loudmouth--one whose ideas and messages get spread through every level of your business. *Nagging doesn't mean you have to be a pain in the neck--but timed correctly, it's very effective. Teamwork Takeaways *Celebrate--you deserve to recognize accomplishments. *Take a central role as team member and team builder. *Get off your pedestal--no job or task should be dismissed as unimportant or not worthy of attention. *Share everything--information, knowledge, skills, risk." *2 The author of the first book, late Tu Lin, one of the famous scholar on stratagem, had been many years Professor and Chairman of Safety Department of the Central Police Official University in Taiwan. The author of the second, Rosanne Badowski, was an executive assistant of Jack Welch who retired from GE in September 2001 as its CEO. "It is 'political strategy' when a stratagem is used in political affairs.It is 'war strategy' when a stratagem is used in military action. It is 'individual strategy' when a stratagem is used by personal affairs. It is 'business strategy' when a stratagem is used by business management. After the second half of 20 century, business management played a very important role around the world. The study of management emphasizes very much the importance of stratagem. Therefore, the world business is now full of the actions of 'Business Stratagem'," said Dr. Mei.*3 As a conclusion on her book, Rosanne summerized it in the following: The Fun of Managing Up "Over the years, people have approached me wanting to know what it was like to work for Jack Welch. Did he have some secret to success? And that's why I've tried hard to keep the "bow" of this book pointed into the wind of real life. Was it a smooth fourteen years? No way. Was it interesting, exhilarating, and rewarding? For sure." *4 The first book was foreworded by Jack Welch, while in the second book, Dr. Mei recommended that : The "Modern Stratagem" written by Professor Tu Lin is one of the best in the field. It can be a good reference text for persons in political affairs. It is a fine dictionary for military experts. And it can be also effectively used in business management. Finally, it is a very valuable book for an individual to use it as an electric power to brighten his or her career both in production and human relations. Rosanne continued on her conclusion that "Under the circumstances, managing up was, for me, a survival skill mastered on the job and on the run. But it was not one based on secrets, luck, or genius. For me, managing up came right off the rack, right off the shelf, and right off a list of basic ingredients that are as commonplace as they are priceless: Chemistry. It's what got us off to a good start and kept us going. Trust. Trust was what our partnership was built on--and what made our partnership last. Confidence. The key term to describe Jack--something that propelled his every action. Impatience. It appears to be a negative, but it gave us the speed to accomplish as much as we did in limitd time. Energy. It kept us buoyant and helped us persevere. Resilience. The ability to keep going when a roadblock got in the way. Humor. It made every day fun, no matter what the circumstances. Common sense. A lifesaver when it came to tough decisions. Preparedness. This gave us the edge to rise above the pack. Adaptability. The ability to embrace change. Simplicity. In other words, keeping things uncomplicated and easy to understand. Fairness. Treating people in a way we like to be treated. Communications. The determination to tell the world and each other what was going on. Teamwork. It let us bring our friends along--they helped us bail out the boat when the water was rising, and they were there in the end for the party. Passion and purpose. They are what life, and business, are all about." *5 She concluded finally that "Together, these fifteen managing-up ingredients produced an extraordinarily effective working partnership-- and a whole lot of sheer fun. Yes, there I go again--fun. If work isn't fun, there's some-thing wrong. Well-paid drudgery is still drudgery. It's painful and demeaning. By managing up you make an investment that pays a handsome dividend in satifaction and self-respect."6 Dr. Mei recommended that : The "Modern Stratagem" written by Professor Tu Lin is one of the best in the field. It can be a good reference text for persons in political affairs. It is a fine dictionary for military experts. And it can be also effectively used in business management. Finally, it is a very valuable book for an individual to use it as an electric power to brighten his or her career both in production and human relations.*7 The late Tu Lin, one of the famous scholar on stratagem, had been many years Professor and Chairman of Safety Department of the Central Police Official University in Taiwan. Dr. Ko-wang Mei, Professor Tu Lin, and Dr. Tony Lei were good friends for many years. Professor Tu was the Founder and Chairman of Taipei Marketing Research Association on a national basis. He was also Chairman of Board of China File and Micrographic Information Management Institute. In order to promote the collaboration of academy between both sides of China on the pacific ocean, Professor Tu was the Chairman and held the 1966 Seminar on File and Micrographic Academy of both sides of the Straits of Taiwan on November 4-11, 1996.*8 "Our knowledge, wisdom, and professionalism are all achieved by our sincere love to God!" said President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*9 ------------------------------ Refernces *1. Badowski, Rosanne. (2003) "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You," New York: A CURRENCY BOOK, Published by Doubleday. *2. Ibid. *3. Tu, Lin. (1996) "Modern Stratagem," Taipei, Taiwan: Nation Publishing Co. *4. Ibid. *5. Badowski. Ibid. *6. Badowski. Ibid. *7. Chang, Tiffany. 'Modern Stratagem,' "A search of 'PPAA20 of WBTI website' on the Google.com," (February 7, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Ibid. *9. LVRJ. 'Message from the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) for the 2002 New Year,' "A search of 'Message from the President' on the WBTI's website," (February 10, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal. 555555555555555 777777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************************ | |
020907-1001 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 10, 2007.News from Nevada Senator Bob Beers to Washington Business and Technology Institute By Bob Beers*1 We are underway in Carson City. 120-day Legislative Session Begins The Nevada Legislature came to order yesterday and began the 2007 Legislative session. I have been appointed the vice-chair of the Finance Committee, vice-chair of the Government Affairs committee, and member of the Legislative Operations committee. Invitation to Read My Daily Postings If you are interested in reading my reports from the legislature, I would invite you to tune into my weblog with an "RSS Reader." Here is a page about RSS Readers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aggregator If you take twenty minutes to set your computer up with an RSS Reader, you will have easy access to my day-by-day reporting from the Legislature. Much less frequently, I will email out a "best of" summary via this electronic newsletter. What Does Bob Use? I've experimented with a half dozen different RSS readers and have settled on Google Reader. You will have to create an online account with Google - they haven't emailed me any spam yet - but the setup time, including account creation, is only a few minutes instead of twenty. The URL Once you have an RSS Reader set up, you will need to load in the URL of my weblog feed. It is: http://www.beers4nevada.org/wordpress/feed Cut and paste that link into your RSS Reader and you're done. You can always access my weblog by browsing to my website, as well. Thanks for your past support, and feel free to contact me with your opinions on issues of the day. [February 6, 2007] ------------------------------------------- Reference *1. About Nevada Senator Bob Beers: Nevada Senator Bob Beers has spent the last eight years fighting to help Nevada families keep more of their paychecks. Bob Beers is a longtime Nevada resident who has lived and worked in Reno and Las Vegas. He earned a business degree from UNLV with distinction, owned and operated a respected computer accounting company, and is a certified public accountant (CPA). In 1998 he was elected to Nevada Assembly. Bob Beers was elected as a state Senator of Nevada in 2004. 11111111111111 55555555555555555555555 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
020807-1018 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 9, 2007.Judge Besty Kolkoski honored President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI and his wife with reunion dinner By Valorie Vega, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang On April 9, 2004, Judge Besty Kolkoski and her husband Dick honored President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI and his wife with a nice reunion dinner. The location was at the Cheese Factory in Summerlin. The party was held by Judge Kolkoski in celebrating of Easter for the two famillies. Congratulations! On April 10, 2004, Judge of Las Vegas Municipal Court Honorable Betsy Kolkoski was the winner of visitor's number at #50,000th (now at #104,660th) on Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti The Summerlin of Las Vegas has been elected as the First Place in among 12 ranking communities nationally of United States the ideal and best selling homes for big builders in 2000 again.*1 South Shores is one of the important district of Summerlin together with Desert Shores, Sun City, among others. The beautiful lakes centered in this area are one of the greatest attractive- ness of Las Vegas for millions of visitors all around the world. People would enjoy dreamly the sun rising and sun setting of the calm, clean, and nice scenes of these artificial and great work on the lilltle bridges. These bridges are built above the golden and beautiful waves of the lakes which are surounded by elegant residences. People love Summerlin. People love this Las Vegas' mighty fine! Dr. Tony Lei has been re-elected as a Director of South Shores Community Association with the highest poll by voters in December 2002. Judge Betsy Kolkoski of Las Vegas Minicipal Court did also invite Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei with a reunion dinner at Village Pub and Casino in Summerlin on February 28, 2001. Accompanied by her husband to the dinner, the Judge was bright and pleasent. In 1971, Judge Kolkoski graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Law with Juris Doctorate degree. As Nevada's Elder Rights Atnorney, an Associate Fellow of the Culture Institution (CI) and Chairperson of the Aging Services Study Committee of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), she advocated statewide for the legal rights of senior and elder abuse prevention. Her research projects and papers presented together with former Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa to the national conferences were publicized by WBTI locally and internationally. CI has been led by Dr. Sue Fawn Chung as its Director and Fellow. She is an Associate Professor and former Chairman of the History Department at UNLV. Dr. Chung was also named one of the two Nevada advisors to the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2000. "PAI is exploring such themes as computer and quantitative analysis for administration, seniors power by voting, economic renewal, educational technology, elder abuse, social security and Medicare, and the important relationship between faith and public policy," Dr. Tony Lei noted. "We have worked to provide a setting of ideas in which the principles and perspective of the program come into contact with leading issues of the day in order to improve the quality of life of all our Nevadans." The value of an academic institute should also put an eye on community service aside from its academic research. Take only one example, for the positive effort of the research and promotion of the seniors benefit, the Institute has done sizable works and received valuable results. At the end of 20th and in the very early of this 21st century, Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI, Elder Rights Attorney Besty Kolkoski of the Nevada Division for Aging Services (NDAS), with Juris Doctor degree of University of Cincinnati College of Law held the Forth Anniversary Meeting of the Nevada Elder Abuse Prevention Council (NEAPC) as Co-Chairpersons with Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa. Betsy did a research paper on elder abuse prevention through quantitative methodology. Both of them had received a fruitful consequence on the prevention of elder abuse with their cooperation of the NDAS and the Office of the Nevada Attorney General. Associate Fellow Sheri Vogel of PAI, a Juris Doctor degree holder of Detroit College of Law, Detroit, Michigan, has been the Project Administrator of the City of Las Vegas Senior Citizens Law Project since 1986. Sheri has obligatory assisted to and solved the concrete benefits and difficulties of seniors for many thousand cases. Her effort to help Las Vegas Seniors has won a lot of applauses. The President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Tony T. Lei, was a member of the Las Vegas Senior Citizens' Advisory Board. He has been the Senior Advisor of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley since 2000. Dr. Tony Lei, elected as Executive Vice President of Seniors United in 2000, had been supported both by the educational and political sectors to get advance in leading the research and promotion of the seniors benefit, social security, and Medicare.*3 "WBTI is a very well respected and integral part of this community. To be an Associate Fellow of its Public Administration Institution (PAI) is a very prestigious honor for me. I am also grateful to be joining such a distinguished panel of professionals who are committed to improving the lives of our citizens in this community," said Judge Ann Zimmerman at the time when she was a Deputy Attorney General of Nevada.*4 In the first paragraph of the article entitled "Election Winner Judge Kolkoski Recognizes Dr. Tony Lei as a Great Leader,' It was written that, "During the congratulating conversation from Dr. Tony Lei to Judge Betsy Kolkoski for her re-elected as a Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge, she told him that Dr. Tony Lei is really a great leader." *5 U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wrote Dr. Tony T. Lei early April years ago from her U. S. Congress Office in Washington, D. C.: "I can not thank you enough for all you do for me, my dear friend. I just read the 'Washington Business and Technology Institute' publication. It was wonderful!" *6 Seasons greetings are significant to famillies! With honor as the Assistant Democratic Leader (noe Majority Leader) of U. S. Senate, Senator Harry Reid wrote Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei on January 11, 2001 from his office in Washington, D. C.: "The holiday season is a time for remembering the good things that have happened during the year, for reflecting on the many blessings of our lives, and for renewing the bonds of love and friendship that make our lives special." The famous political leader from Nevada continued his literary and intimate writing that, "This year has been eventful for the Reid family. Our first child, Lana, and our three grandchildren live in the Washington area. Roary and three more of our grandchildren live in Las Vegas. Leif is in Reno with two more grandchildren and have just told us another is on the way. Josh just passed the bar, is living in Reno and also has announced our new daughter-in-law is expecting. Finally, our youngest, Key, lives in the Washington DC area with our newest grandchild. So, as you can see, we have the pleasure of grandchildren in each of our frequent stops, Las Vegas, Reno and Washington." The Bible says: "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?" (Matthew 6:26) Take what the Senator said to Dr. Tony Lei in his letter that, "On behalf of Landra and our family, I want to thank you thinking of us during this holiday season. Each holiday greeting reminds us that we are truly fortunate to have so many friends and loved ones with whom to share this special time." And if a humble individual like Dr. Lei may be treated so friendly by our Senator Reid, obviously everyone of us in Nevada would be taken care by his extended kindness. And this be our mode: "In God is our trust!" His love to his family and his friends revealled his dignified and humane spirit through his words in the letter. For a great and powerful person like him to have such a beautiful and kind heart is really the glory of God. "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves," says the Bible. (Romans 12:9-10) At the end of the letter, the famous U. S. Senator said that, "The Reid family has been richly blessed and we look forward to the years ahead. I hope that the season brings happiness and good fortune to you and your loved ones. With warmest regards." *7 ---------------------------- References *1. Yahoo.com. 'Judge Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei with reunion dinner,' "A search of 'Judge Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei' on the Yahoo.com," (February 8, 2007), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com. *2. Ibid. *3. Chang, Tiffany. 'WBTI encourages a life of service,' "Section 'Business & Administration' of WBTI's website," (February 1, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *4. Ibid. *5. Google.com. 'Election Winner Judge Kolkoski Recognizes Dr. Tony Lei as a Great Leader,' "A search of 'Judge Kolkoski Recognizes Dr. Tony Lei as a Great Leader' on the Google.com," (February 8, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Ibid *7. Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Chief Justice of Supreme Court William Maupin Presides District Court Institure Ceremony,' "Nevada Examiner," (February 2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. 555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
020707-1007 [Updated on 02/25th/07, 02/13th/07; 02/12th/07; 02/10th/07; 02/08th/07.] |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be kept as a reference in the morning on or before February 28, 2007.The leading search engines answer! By Jennifer Kung The following information have been received from a search of "John K. Lei ...", etc. on the Yahoo.com and Google.com, and among others at 10:17 a. m. in the morning on February 7, 2007. They are appeared starting from the first line of the first page on the Yahoo.com, Google.com, and among others: (1). For "Chairman John K. Lei of the Board of Directors of ROLCC" on Google.com (02/13th/07; 02/12th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... For "John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC" on Google.com (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 226k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington ... Kenneth T. Wessner, Chairman of the Board of ServiceMaster, states: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages (2). For "John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC" on Google.com (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... ---John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC. ------------------------------------------ "Shalom Tony & Judy: Thank you very much for your ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington ... Kenneth T. Wessner, Chairman of the Board of ServiceMaster, states: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages (3). For "John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC ... Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC)," (November 26, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei," (November 26, 2006), Santa Clara, ... John is a Director of the Board of Directors of ROLCC. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (4). For "John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC" on Google.cn (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] 也很歡喜,神又再次以厚恩待我了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC)," (November 26, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] "It'll be really a challenge and honor to be the Governor of Nevada and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI onece ... Lei, John. 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington Business and Technology ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 153k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 (5). For "John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC" on Google.com(02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian Church, had worked for this church for more than ten years. She is also the founder of Double-Portion ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Liu, Belinda M. ... from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director ... Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of ... Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - Cached - Similar pages (5a). For "Senior Pastor Tong Liu " on Google.com (02/25th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - River of Life ... Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian Church, Santa Clara, ... Senior Pastor Tong Liu (主任牧師劉彤) pointed out that "If you have not invited ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 130k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... புஏசகூஞுgணுஏீஆனண்முலுயுளுஒடுபுயுசண்ஔர்ஒன்டுபுமடீ,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 152k - Cached - Similar pages (6). For "Senior Pastor Tong Liu " on Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian Church, had worked for this church for more than ten years. She is also the founder of Double-Portion ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Liu, Belinda M. ... from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director ... Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of ... Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - Cached - Similar pages (7). For "Senior Pastor Tong Liu " on Google.cn (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...- [ ҳ BETA ] Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian Church, had worked for this church for more than ten years. She is also the founder of Double-Portion Ministries ("222828262529212521242528232423242328"): ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 153k - ҳ - ҳ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...- [ ҳ BETA ] Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of ... Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a wonderful speech today! ... ҲܚgϲٴԺ,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - ҳ - ҳ (8). For "Senior Pastor Tong Liu " on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. ... Sermon was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian ... speak to you," wrote Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=8 - 277k - Cached - More from this site (9). For "Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer" on Yahoo.com [at 8:17 p.m. on 02/10th/07]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer. By Ingrid Ou and Jennifer Kung ... on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer. By Ingrid Ou and Jennifer Kung ... on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 157k - Cached - More from this site (10). For "Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer" on Yahoo.com (02/09th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer. By Ingrid Ou and Jennifer Kung ... on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer ... - More from this site (11). For "Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou" on the Yahoo.com (02/10th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson ... In the spare time, Dr. Ingrid Ou enjoys ballet, running and playing piano. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson ... In the spare time, Dr. Ingrid Ou enjoys ballet, running and playing piano. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 157k - Cached - More from this site (12). For "Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer" on Google.com (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer By Ingrid Ou and Jennifer Kung. ***** Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - Cached - Similar pages (13). For "Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Dr. Samuel So's successful speech on hepatitis B/liver cancer. By Ingrid Ou and Jennifer Kung ... on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (14). For "Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou" on Google.cn (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical in Mountain View, CA. Ingrid got her doctoral degree from University of Washington , Seattle . Her passion in life is to serve the Lord and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 (15). For "Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson ... In the spare time, Dr. Ingrid Ou enjoys ballet, running and playing piano. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (16). For "Many of you have watched Dr. Mao's nutrition programs on TV" on Google.com (02/12th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Many of you have watched Dr. Mao s nutrition programs on TV. With the support of the American Cancer Society Northern California Chinese Unit (ACS-NCUU), ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 226k - Cached - Similar pages (17). For "Many of you have watched Dr. Mao's nutrition programs on TV" on Yahoo.com (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Many of you have watched Dr. Mao's nutrition programs on TV. ... Dr. Sos interview in the movie: I am just very sick of seeing so many young ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (18). For "Mrs. Belinda M. Liu" on Google.com (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington Business and ... "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda ... Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - Cached - Similar pages (19). For "Mrs. Belinda M. Liu" on Google.cn (02/08th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...- [ ҳ BETA ] The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. ... Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington Business and Technology Institute. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 153k - ҳ - ҳ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...- [ ҳ BETA ] "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI ... The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 234k - ҳ - ҳ (20). For "Kevin Gordon esq" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq. ... The food and fruits were prepared by Kevin Gordon, Esq., and Miss Emily Ho this week. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... me contribute to the information on the WBTI's website," said Kevin Gordon, Esq. ... Thank you for all of your help," wrote Kevin Gordon, Esq. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=8 - 277k - Cached - More from this site (21). For "Dr. Samuel So wbti" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Dr. Samuel So is a professor and a liver cancer surgeon in the Department of ... Chang forwarded WBTI a very good announcement of Dr. Samuel So's speech event. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (22). For "Miss Frances Chang" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings On January 11, 2007, Miss Frances Chang forwarded WBTI a very good announcement ... announcement,' "An e-mail From Miss Frances Chang to Washington Business and ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "? ... Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Quick News of WBTI ... and privileged to accept WBTI President Dr. Lei's appointment as Honorary ... Samuel Smiles "The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=13 - 115k - Cached - More from this site (23). For "Miss Frances Liu" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "? ... IN THE PICTURE," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Belinda's Daughter, at a ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*15 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "「為孩子的 ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (24). For "Miss Rebecca Pang" On Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... engine leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, ... Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (October 24, 2006), San Jose, California: Miss ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Printing ... engine leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, ... Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (October 24, 2006), San Jose, California: Miss ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 70k - Cached - More from this site (25). For "Miss Esther Huang" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings The following is an e-mail from Miss Esther Huang to us on August 18, 2006: ... I will send you 'a few words'," wrote Miss Esther Huang. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=8 - 277k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss ... advance our websites," pointed out Miss Ying-min Huang on October 29, 2006 after ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (26). For "John Lei Director" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Happy Father's Day ... Director of Culture Institution ... 2. Lei, John. ' I wish you a very Happy Father's Day! ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=4 - 11k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... 291-8046 God bless, John," wrote John Lei, Director Of the Board of Directors ... Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman of the Board of ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (27). For "Tunghai University Alumni Association" on Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tunghai University ...[ ]People are interested in seeing programs cooperated by Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Mangement, Tunghai University Alumni Association, and WBTI that will enhance the multual cooperation in tourism, investment, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 63k - ҳ - ҳ (28). For "Miss Angie Qian" on Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...May you continue receiving His wisdom words and His double portion of favors," wrote Miss Angie Qian from on a nice Season's Greetings card to Washington ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 145k - Cached - Similar pages (29). For "Tunghai University Alumni Association" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tunghai University Alumni Association ... "A search of 'Tunghai University Alumni Association' on the Google.cn, ... event, or a reporter;{like "Tunghai University Alumni Association", "阿里山擺舞宴 添加異國 ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 78k - Cached - More from this site WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - Organization Photo Gallery ... Business and Mangement, Tunghai University Alumni Association, and WBTI that ... TA_ ФWd Sections of Tunghai University Alumni Association?"& LAF5?"at: ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=27 - 46k - Cached - More from this site (30). For "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America" on Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...- [ ҳ BETA ] The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas, Nevada ... "It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and its international convention to Las ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 72k - ҳ - ҳ WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...- [ ҳ BETA ] Taiwan Benevolent Association of America link. Taiwan Benevolent Association of America Click to learn more about Opt Software! communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01325001051063401400197432&... - 5k - ҳ - ҳ (31). For "Chairperson Elaine Chao" on Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - LAF5 (Literature ...[ 繁体 ]Through academic entrepreneurship, we may expect the endeavor of this School for the community service based on humane spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 45k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 (32). For "James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI if he is elected Governor of Nevada ... Congressman James Gibbons will be invited Chairman of ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=8 - 277k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI's Mission ... Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. ... the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said James Gibbons, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 19k - Cached - More from this site (33). For "President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Valerie Weber Vice President" on Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Valerie Weber Vice President of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission of WBTI ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 116k - Cached - Similar pages WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... In the Pastor Teis' meeting Office, John agreed with Dr. Tony Lei, also a born-again Chrisitan, ... Edgar Guo 702-303-8237 Vice President AARCN ? Clark Co. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01325001051063401400197432&... - 95k - Cached - Similar pages (34). For "President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and ... 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and ... 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 131k - Cached - More from this site (35). For "Miss Frances Liu is on Google!" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... 21, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *11. Liu, Frances. ... IS IN THE PICTURE," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Belinda's Daughter, at a preface of ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*15 It is ... 21, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *15. Liu, Frances. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (36). For "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" on Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism ... [ĻfLĩekFFAAЇӭ´ˇ,ˇgFFLA(һ)LˇgOOҫ˅ҡؔՏm, ... Ŀ_f,ɴ衸ttӡ_,gıݡԽJzࡢСƷȡ ȫ ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=2 - 66k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page ... sections -- "Business & Administration" ... Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism. Doris Yu's World of Writing. Search. This Website only ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 53k - Cached - More from this site (37). For "Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons appoints Lawrence Weekly to serve as Clark County Commissioner for District D" on Yahoo.com (02/10th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons appoints Lawrence Weekly to serve as Clark County Commissioner for District D ... Clark County Commissioner for District D,' "A ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 157k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Governor Jim Gibbons and First Lady to tour the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. ... of Nevada; Clark County Bar Association; National District Attorney's Association; ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site 6666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************** | |
020607-1007 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The completed article will be posted on or before February 8, 2007.Knowledge, experience, and professionalism with wisdom of success By Tiffany Chang and GSBPA of WBTI*1 ***** The ultimate responsibility of a leader is to facilitate other people's development as well as his own. ---Fred Pryor Success is a steady process. Motto on wall of auto agency sales manager's conference room: "The elevator and escalator to success are out of order. You have to use the steps--one at a time." To laugh often and much. To win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children. To earn the apprciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty, To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy chid, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeded.*2 Six Guideliness to sucess: 1. Do something you enjoy. 2. Don't expect or ask for something for nothing. 3. Give more than you get. 4. Never be satisfied. 5. Don't feel sorry for yourself. 6. Learn your abilities and your limitations.*3 The modern and creative philosophy of management may be advanced on the following words of wisdom, among others:*4 ***** "The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." --- Moliere ***** "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey ***** "The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. to know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck ***** "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." --- Proverbs 15 : 22 "Bible" ***** "Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower Warren G. Lester said, "Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well." Success does not neccessarilly means how far we got, but the distance we traveled from where we start. "Four steps to achievement:Plan purposefully. Prepare prayerfully. Proceed positively. Pursue persistently," pointe out William A. Ward. "As a bridge between the business and university, the integrity of community service and academic research of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) will help Nevada go advance for the cooperation and development in education, business, and culture among international countries. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of WBTI, it's my pleasure to extend my knowledge, experience, and professionalism in public service for community and education at the adjunct capacity," said Jackie Glass, District Judge of Nevada, at the event and dinner party by Unity Council of Nevada in Lindo Michoacan Mexican Restaurant on April 28, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*5 ----------------------- References *1. GSBPA of WBTI is the initials of Graduate School of Businness and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Griffith, Joe. (1990) "Speaker's Library of business stories, anecdotes, and humor," Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. *3.Ibid. *4. Chang, Tiffany. 'Some good personal traits for an individual to be successful in business and some golden words of wisdom for positive thinking,' "A search of 'Tony Lei, Presidnt of WBTI' on the Google.com," (January 27, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *5. Glass, Jackie. 'A writing paragraph with signature on my appointment by Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "Business - WBTI," (October 18, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 5555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************ | |
020507-4007 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification on or before February 7, 2007.Belinda Liu: Your wonderful work and serving heart are igniting the city! By Ingrid Ou, Rebecca Pang, and Jennifer Kung ***** Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit from the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' for 2007. ---John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC ------------------------------------------ "Shalom Tony & Judy: Thank you very much for your faithful serving God, WBTI and remember sunday school start on Jan. 28. I am so impressed. May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. Please see the attched file for sunday school lesson 1. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) early in the morning on February 1, 2007. "I've been invited to serve the Lord out of town. In April this year I'll lead a mission to 台福 (Logos Evangelical Seminary) in Los Angeles. The Drama Team will follow me to have a performance there. A cell group is also planning to join us to worship there. In the Women Conference on September, Mrs. Darlene Cunningham has been invited by me as a Kenote Speaker. She's famous. She loves China and Chinese very much. She has dreamed to be a preacher for Chinese since her youth. To unite our work with other organizations is a key to our innovative endeavor," talked Mrs. Belinda Liu, Founder of Double-Portion Ministries, at her Sunday School on February 4, 2007. In all three services at ROLCC on February 4, 2007, Rev. Tong Liu introduced the 2007 new Board of Directors. Director Mr. John K. Lei is the Chairman of the new Board. Director Mr. Gerry Liu is the Treasurer. Director Mr. Daniel Chou is the Corporate Secretary. Director Linda Pao is responsible for Human Resources. Director Robert Huang is responsible for Missions. Rev. Liu prayed to God for a successful year to ignite our city with the endeavors of the Board. "Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit in the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' in 2007. A strong English adult service is vital to ROLCC's goal to become a 'Home for All Nations'. 5 years ago I had visions of our English adult service packed with people. I have faith God will bless our English service. Let us all invite our friends and family to the 3rd service!" wrote John Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC, on February 4, 2004. LIVERight, a community service HBV free blood screen/seminar took place on Saturday, 1/13 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. This was a joint effort between Asian Liver Center (ALC) at Stanford University and Holiday Plaza Series at River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC). We are really thankful that this collaboration was a great success. ALC and ROLCC are embracing the same vision in serving the community via community awareness seminar/blood screen on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer in Asian community. We had 238 people screened over the event; approximately 400 audiences came for the presentation. At large or little, we knew we had made the difference. About 20 volunteers from ALC and 15 volunteers from ROLCC came to help out the event. Dr. So did the presentation in English with Jordan Su's concurrent translation to Mandarin. Many people gave positive feedback, and everyone I spoke to felt that they have learned a lot of useful life-saving tips! The event started by having the audience to watch the film. I was really touched after watching the film that told many stories on how hepatitis B had impacted the lives of many. I remember vividly Dr. Sos interview in the movie: I am just very sick of seeing so many young lives lost every day due to HBV/liver cancer. This was why liver transplant surgen, Dr. So decided to found ALC to serve the community. In the presentation, Dr. So once again reminded us how serious hepatitis B is impacting the Asians and Asian Americans. In certain part of China , the impact was much worse-1/6 of population is infected by HBV. He spoke about the trasmission route for hepatitis B. He spoke about what each of us should do. If people are not carriers, they should definitely get the 3-slot immunization as soon as possible, which will protect them for life. If they are HBV carriers, they need to monitor their liver status on a regular basis. They should go to their doctor to have their liver function and ALPHAFETO PROTEIN level checked every half year plus annual ultrasound exam. In addition, he told the story about a medical intern who had hepatitis B but lack of awareness, died of liver cancer at very young age. This sad story continues to linger on peoples mind and serves as a good reminder of being educated on this important topic. He ended by stating the mission and work at ALC. Many people that came to the event raised a lot of questions. During Q/A session, Dr. So further spoke about the difference between hepatitis A, B and C. He explained about the outcome of missing one last slot during the 3 shot immunization course and the impact of it if the schedule of 3-shots immunization is different from it is recommended. In addition, he commented about the use of herbal supplements and why some people can't donate blood even though they are not carriers. The event actually ran into 4.45 pm, and many people's questions still could not be answered due to time constrains. To me, this joint event between ALC and ROLCC is just a starting. Based on the feedback we got from the attendants, we hope to see more ALC-ROLCC collaborative projects happened in times to come. We believe that this combined effort will provide the best service and a blessing to the community! This event was beyond our expectation and turn out a great success. Of course, the most comforting thing to know is that some people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge they learn! We pray that Lord will continue to bless the vision of ALC and ROLCC and to those people who attended the event. The above five paragraphs are reported by Dr. Ingrid Ou.*1 Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical in Mountain View, CA. Ingrid got her doctoral degree from University of Washington , Seattle . Her passion in life is to serve the Lord and live up to HIS glory using her skills and interests in medicine. She also greatly enjoys serving the Lord in Single Adult and Children ministry (choir and musical program) at ROLCC. She believes that being Christian is not all about going to church. She believes that Gods words can really equip us to a much better player in all areas of our life, at work and in the family. God's words are relevant to our daily lives; He helps us to achieve a higher level that we could not have done by our own means. In the spare time, Dr. Ingrid Ou enjoys ballet, running and playing piano. She and her husband currently reside in Sunnyvale, CA. "In this era where massive amount of information is often found via internet, I think that the mission of WBTI is timely and visionary. The impact of Lord in the community will be enlarged via web publishing and more of Good news will be effectively going to those who need them the most," pointed out Dr. Ingrid Ou.*2 Dear Dr. Lei, Hope that you enjoyed the Dr. So's talk yesterday. As indicated in my email to you earlier this week, below is the script that I promoted last week at the English congregation: "Happy New Year, Brothers and Sisters. This is coming Saturday, we will have the privilege of having Dr. So from Stanford, Asian Liver Center to come here to give us an education seminar on liver health. This is an event that you can't afford to miss. Why do I say this? Let me start by showing you a patient interview video clip by Anthony. (http://liver.Stanford.edu/Mult/Mult_video.php). Yes, Anthony is right. People who have hepatitis B have a much higher chance of getting liver cancer. This is especially a problem among Asians and Asian Americans. It is estimated that one in 10 Asians are HBV carriers and one in 4 chronic HBV carriers will eventually die of liver cancer or liver disease if left untreated, or unmonitored. Unfortunately, many of us did not know about this fact. What is even more sad is that many of the HBV carriers did not know that there are several simple monitoring tests they can ask from their doctors. Instead, they left the disease unmonitored until it was too late. This coming Saturday, we expect to have 300-400 people to join us. I am very excited. According to the statistics, as many as 10 people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge we learn. I hope all of you will join us for this meaningful, life-saving event. I will be here after the service to take your registration and answer any question that you may have. Thank you again for your attention." *3 Here is an introduction of Dr. So: Dr. Samuel So is a professor and a liver cancer surgeon in the Department of Surgery and directs the Liver Cancer Program at Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. So is originally from Hong Kong. In 1996, Dr So established the Asian Liver Center to address the disproportionately high prevalence of hepatitis B and liver Cancer in the Asian and Asian Americans with the ultimate goal of eradicating hepatitis B worldwide and eliminating the threat of liver cancer. The Asian Liver Center at Stanford is the only non-profit organization in the United States that addresses the high incidence of hepatitis B and liver cancer in Asians and Asian-Americans. Founded in 1996, the center uses a three-pronged approach towards fighting hepatitis B through outreach, education , and research.*4 More is available from http://liver.stanford.edu/ALC/ALC_staff.php "Dear Dr. Lei, It was my great honor to meet you last Sunday. Thank you so much for your support for the event, which I believe is going to benefit a lot of us," wrote Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute on January 10, 2007. "Dear Belinda: May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. At the beginning of year 2007, I felt that God wants me to examine my past failures so that I know where I fall and what can I do to grow in Christ; just like the Israelites during the Deuteronomy time. Therefore by attending your class God reminded me that He is a God of covenant and promise. He is a faithful God that will never forsake me and will guide me through the wilderness just as He guides Israel. I look forward to more classes to learn of God’s Words and Works so that I can live in God’s promise land. Thank you so much and may God pour out His double blessings upon you. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang again for this article to WBTI on February 2, 2007.*5 E. Q. Expert Becky Ung has new accomplishment! To enjoy her most recent show, you may click on [http://www.la18.tv/video.aspx?vid=4fdb15f3-7d47-4fb8-bf96-b6961dc22c21]. "I'm glad that I was the hit winner of visitor number at one hundred four thousand six hundred fifty first (#104,651st) of WBTI website. Its knowledgeable and educational contends are richful. I'm inspired by its creed of community service and humane spirit for our community," expressed Becky Ung, Chairperson of the E. Q. Research Committee of WBTI. "I'm going to S. America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay) on a teaching tour in March this year," said Becky.*6 WBTI has contributed to enhance important projects by organizations in Nevada and California since its establishment on January 8, 1996. After viewing the wonderful performance by the leading search engines and WBTI for her and her organiztions, Miss Doris Yu wrote a thanks e-mail to WBTI sincerely. "Thank you for your support," pointed out Miss Doris Yu as she is now the Editor of a magazine and the Conductor of a TV show program.*7 The following is a prompt response {at Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:57:37 -0700 (PDT)} to the first edition of this feature article (He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun) which was published on October 24, 2006: "Hi Brother Tony: It is a wonderful day, a day that the Lord has made. Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor to share what the Lord has spoken to me through Belinda's Sunday school teaching. Here is my prayer for Belinda's Israel trip. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI. "'Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for having Belinda with us, thank you for putting a love for Your children Israel in her heart. As she and her team leaves for Israel please be with them. Send Your angels to guard their travel safety. Speak to each and everyone of the team, let them hear Your thunderous voice so that their lives can be changed through this journey. Walk among us while they walk in Your Holy Land. Lord, I ask that you bless my brothers and sisters while they go and bless Your children. May Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) be with them. I pray in Jesus' name, A-men.' Thank you very much, Rebecca." "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the search leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, 2006 in Santa Clara, California. "I like Mrs. Belinda Liu's Sunday School. Her knowlegeable contents of the Bible have often convinced us with her living examples. She gave us practical reasons to believe. It's my pleasure to apply those teachings from her to my daily life." "һϾҪwcһڡ`Zá£@һµęC ᑪԓиęCһͬ_°! ... յһʯ2007ѣһͨoա Сԡ˸tסһƬ}QԊCDͨoCDһƬ, K ҃ɂCDĽBҺ@? ҲܚgϲٴԺˡ... @}QҪIp࣬ӭMБS2007!" wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 26, 2006.*8 The evening was shinning! How nice was Friday December 29, 2006! We had a wonderful potluck at Mr. John Lei's home for our John Lei/Petty Wu Cell Group. We had lots of nice foods, fruits, and cakes. Attendants were enthusiastic. They included Miss Nicole Ying, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Teresa Zhang, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Sarah Shao, Miss Linda Tu, Miss Angie Qian, Mr. Kang Fung, Mr. Gino Ko, Mr. John Lei, Mr. Mike Lei, Mrs. Judy Lei, and Dr. Tony Lei (names in random). The potluck was fully enjoyed by all the participants with good communication and fun. The game brought us with another hightlight of the reunion. Praise God that we had a such wonderful time after the Christmas and before the New Year. A happy New Year was wishful among all the sisters and brothers! We received an evite invitation for a ski-trip to Lake Tahoe by John/Patty Cell Goup. "Hi! Everyone, How would you like to spend a weekend with cell group brothers and sisters in Tahoe? ... You are more than welcome to invite new friends to join. Sincerely, Patty," wrote Miss Patty Wu on February 4, 2007. "Thank you for devotions this morning on the balcony overlooking the misty snowy sun-rise landscape," wrote Mr. Mike Lei on December 24, 2006.*9 "Dear Dr. Lei, You're an extremely knowledgeable and wise elder, yet very easy to get along with. I'm very blessed to getting to know you more in the past 7 months. Your warm hospitality makes me feel just like a family member of yours. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas. May God continued blessing what you're fonding of doing. May your resourseful website become one of the "Top" (: channel of communication for business, social, and community. May you continue receiving His wisdom words and His double portion of favors," wrote Miss Angie Qian on a nice Season's Greetings card to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 24 in Lake Tahoe, California. Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC with the children performing an outstanding drama in all three services and afterwards the baptism ceremony for 34 brothers and sisters. Nicole Ying of John Lei/Patty Wu cell group was among those who were baptized on Sunday. The cell group members attended the ceremony with excitement and shouted, "Nicole, Jesus loves you and we also love you!" when she went on stage to give her testimony. John/Patty's cell group memembers gave Nicole flowers and many gifts to celebrate Nicole's "new birth", praise the Lord! Many nice photos were taken.*10 "Dear friends, During last Friday's fellowship, I told you about the free online Bible website. Here is the web link: http://www.biblegateway.com/ This website can search the Bible in various ways: (1). Find an entire book in the Bible: type "Mark" or "Acts", etc. (2). Find a Bible verse: type "Mark 1:10" or "John 3:16", etc. (3). Find a word in the Bible: type "love" or "cross", etc. (4). Find a phrase in the Bible: type "love one another", etc. As a bonus, here is the free daily message from Pastor Liu you can access by your phone: (408) 291-8046 God bless, John," wrote John Lei, Director (now Chairman) Of the Board of Directors of River of Life Christian Church.*11 "H۵Tony & Judyƽ@qĩжļĐۣ҂gһ۵Ę----- Tracey," wrote Miss Tracey Yang to WBTI on January 16, 2007. "Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*12 "One of the most important contribution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our high-ranking officials and community is its many articles published frequently by the search engine leaders locally, nationally, and internationally. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid (now the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor the promotion of benifits for our people, community, and country." The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, , Miss Chiao-wen Chen, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). Miss Chiao-wen Chen told Tiffany Chang that she was inspired by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's good teaching. Belinda is teaching the new Sunday School starting from January 28, 2007. Its prinouts are now published at the end of this Section. "I'm impressed by Mrs. Belinda Liu's ability to integrate chapters of the Bible for a teaching," pointed out Miss Brenda Lin. It was delivered to the section of "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" at the new Sunday School by Brenda in ROLCC on February 4, 2007 "Thanks, Dr. Lei," wrote Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI.*13 "The WBTI's website has played an important role to bridge the cooperation and development among our individuals, officials, and community. In advancing to its 14th year, we'd find WBTI's inter-states perspectives have brought with potentiality for the prosperity of more organiztions and people." By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. "It's my appreciation to 'Nevada Examiner' for its publication of my following statement several times," said District Court Judge Cheryl Moss. In community service, Dr. Tony T. Lei's hero is the great servant who has given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candles fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-lasting circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and envision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy. The Bible teaches us: "...let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)." District (Family) Court Judge-elect Cheryl Moss wrote Dr. Tony T. Lei, "I am delighted and honored to be appointed as an Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Thank you for this opportunity to serve, and I hope to gain more knowledge, insight and awareness about public service and community issues through your prestigious institution. I remain dedicated to helping the community, and I am inspired by your leadership, wisdom and guidance. I am also fortunate to have met you and your wife, Judy, because you are both active and dynamic individuals in the community. Your accomplishments and achievements have demonstrated that taking part in the community does make a difference. Best wishes and thank you again for your unselfish kindness, support and encouragement." *14 "Shalom Tony & Judy: xxNĄԒZ, ʹ@,Ҫ^Wվ, Uչؓ, ٴα, @Щ,ǸеԺ, ... ܷܿ, ]뵽@L, зĔU. WBTIľW, ̫S, һ߀! ... ҿҪټ[˾Wվ. Ȍҵһc, ֪mc? Ո֪, ҿһЩA. dzxxדpcٵM, ϣ´ҵĄҲܿЩ, 㿴R. Ҳσɱҵĕ(ՌWr), Ոָ! 䌍ҸJゃ, @Nă, ľ, Ҳǽ̕ٵƵĺͬ, ʹ҂ɸ! nゃеĹMs! ÷َĸ," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*15 "It'll be really a challenge and honor to be the Governor of Nevada and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI onece I'm elected in Office in January 2007. It's my great pleasure to take the responsibility," said U. S. Congressman James Gibbons at the Business Mixier held by Asian Republicans of Nevada at April 23, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The agreement was made by Jim to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI through a pleasant conversation between the two parties during the Event.*16 Jim is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. It is significant for Dr. Kenny C. Guinn to write President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI as in the following: "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." *17 Kenny was Nevada Governor for eight years until December 31, 2006. Former Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn had been Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI from 1999 to 2006. "When I take a step back and look at my life, I can't help but think how bless I am for all God has given to me. So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*16 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "麢ӵČ`Ʒ\桹". The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: һϾյˌϾW퓵ĺϢ, @? WBTI ѸI, Ҳˌӡ, cҵͬ, ҂d^, ˌǑC鳬. ҲxxゃoҙCcゃһзȵĔUչ! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington Business and Technology Institute. Pastor Paul Huang has completed teaching his Sunday School on "Book of Ruth" on December 24, 2006. Attendants were enthusiastic. He is now teach another Sunday School starting from January 2007. On Sunday April 4, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Let's go up to the mountain of God". The 2006 theme is "Arise & Shine - Prepare the Way of the Lord." Our this year's theme is "'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City." The Worship was directed by Pastor James Wang. MC was Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng. On Sunday January 28, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Hing Chai Cheng, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Walking In The Light". The Worship was directed by Scott Wu. MC was Pastor Doris Lin. Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006 and 2007, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Mr. John Lee, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Jenny Hsiao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Angela Ting, Miss Isabelle Chai, Miss Christina Liu, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! "Praise God for having Pastor Peter Tsukahira here to share with us. He is truly a teaching pastor. He not only explained the word of God clearly but also spoke into the hearts. For those that have attended his teaching sections, I believe you have received a life-changing and renewal experience," wroted Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of ROLCC, on January 28, 2007. "As the church is growing, we need more and more brother and sisters to serve in the family of God. ... We really need more volunteers in the visual ministry, ...Your participation will be greatly appreciated," pointed out Rev. Tong Liu on February 4, 2007. "It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as the Honorary Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin at the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *19. On January 11, 2007, Miss Frances Chang forwarded WBTI a very good announcement of Dr. Samuel So's speech event. It included a brief introduction of Dr. So and the following information: (1) Well known high incidence of liver disease among Chinese people. ....... (4) ... For people who don't know whether they are HBV carrier, the free screening will let them know about whether or not they are carrier.*20 Dr. Samuel So is a founder and director of Asian Liver Center at Stanford Hospital . ALC is an unique non-profit research institution with its focus on Asian high prevalence of liver disease in the United States. Dr. So originally from Hong Kong. He was a professor at the medical school of Washington University St Louis. In 1995, he founded Stanford Liver Research Center.*21 To ignite the city and country, our integrity and love to serve are important! ------------------------------------------- References *1. Ou, Ingrid. 'A report from Dr. Ingrid Ou,' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI," (January 21, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *2. Ibid. *3. Ou, Ingrid. 'Happy New Year!' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 14, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *4. Ibid. *5. Pang, Rebecca. "Thank you very much. Is it okay?' "An e-mail from Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (February 2, 2007), Santa Clara, California: Miss Rebecca Pang's Residence. *6. Ung, Becky. 'I am going to S. America on a teaching tour,' "An E-mail from Chairperson Becky Ung of E. Q. Research Committee to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (February 3, 2007), San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *7. Yu, Doris. 'Thank you for your support!' "An e-mail from Miss Doris Yu to Washington Business and Technology Institute." (February 4, 2007), Los Angeles, California: Miss Doris Yu's Residence. *8. Liu, Belinda M.; and Liu, Tong. 'Һ@? ҲܚgϲٴԺ,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC)," (November 26, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *9. Google. 'Prayer journals 12/23-25/06,' "A search of 'Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip' on the Google.cn," (January 26, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *10. Lei, John. 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *11. Lei, John. 'Here is the web link,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to WBTI," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *12. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court. *13. Weber, Valerie. 'Thanks, Dr. Lei,' "An e-mail from Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Assembly. *14. Chang, Tiffany. (2000) 'Cheryl Moss has been appointed Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *15. Liu, Belinda M. 'WBTIľW, ̫S,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *16. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; McDonald, Lynette; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; Young, Bill; Chang, Tiffany. 'James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI if he is elected Governor of Nevada,' "A search of 'James Gibbons will be Chairman WBTI' on the Google.com," (January 27, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *17. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas,' "A search of 'Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn,' on the Google.cn," (January 28, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *18. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' "麢ӵČ`Ʒ\桹", (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. *19. Douglas, Michael L.; Denton, Mark R.; Vega, Valoria J.; Gronauer, Robert A.; Moss, Cheryl B.; and Chang, Tiffany. 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and Chairperson of Community Service Council of Clark County of WBTI,' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com," (February 1, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *20. Chang, Frances. 'FW: [English-congregation] LIVERight event 2007 announcement,' "An e-mail From Miss Frances Chang to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 11, 2007), San Jose, California: Frances Chang's Residence. *21. Ibid. 11111111111111 8888888888888888888888888 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
020507-1517 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 6, 2007.WELCOME 74TH SESSION OF THE NEVADA STATE LEGISLATURE! By James A. Gibbons*1 On this historic day I would like to welcome our 63 State Legislators to the state Capitol. We will work together to address the needs of our growing state and ensure that our economy remains vibrant and strong. Over the past 143 years our state has seen exceptional growth and progress, and today, we have a unique opportunity to expand upon that growth and set a course for the future. I look forward to working with the Legislators this session and stand by my commitment to them, and all Nevadans, that we will work together with honor, respect, and civility. ------------------------------------------- Reference *1. About Governor Jim Gibbons (a concise one by the Editor of this flier.) Born and raised in Sparks, Nevada, United States Congressman Jim Gibbons was first elected to represent Nevada's 2nd District in the House of Representatives in 1996. He was re-elected to a fifth term in November 2004. Nevada Governor Gibbons earned a B.S. in Geology and later, a M.S. in Mining/Geology from the University of Nevada at Reno. Gibbons remains an active alumnus of his alma mater and received the MacKay School of Mines Alumnus of the Year Award in 1999. He also earned his J.D. from Southwestern University School of Law and completed his post-graduate work at the University of Southern California. Prior to coming to Congress, Gibbons gained a distinguished military background. A former combat pilot and decorated veteran of both the Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars, Governor Gibbons served in the United States Air Force from 1967 to 1971 and graduated from the USAF Air Command and Staff College as well as the Air War College. Attaining the rank of Colonel, Gibbons joined the Nevada Air Guard in 1975, and served as the group's Vice Commander from 1990 through 1996. Jim Gibbons is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). 111111111111111 8888888888888888888888888 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
020407-1018 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 6, 2007.Grass Mountain (Yangmingshan) ---a scenic and nice place near Taipei By Tiffany Chang The sky is beautiful! It is not far away from Taipei. Yangmingshan, the Grass Mountain, is a scenic place with a beautiful park. Grass Mountain (Yangmingshan) Conceived and choreographed by Artistic Director Shih Gee-Tze*1 This, the newest of Acme Physical Dance Theatres National Park series reveals a handful of the mysteries surrounding Yangmingshan or "Grass Mountain". This park is significant for many reasons. The most immediate of these is in its function as a natural sanctuary to the residents of Taipei City. Its close physical proximity acts as a huge garden for city dwellers to escape their busy and stressful lives. Indeed, historically, it has served this function since the beginning of Japanese rule (1895.) Grass Mountain is also unique in its geological makeup. Volcanoes and fuming crevices steam and fume through a barren tortured landscape, while a stones throw away,butterflies dance among masses of vibrant trees, shrubs and greenery. Owing to this layered nature of Yangmingshan park, choreographer Shih Gee-Tze has chosen to present the multiple aspects of meaning through 4 separate acts: Blossoming,? Red Mountain,? Night Scenery,? and Mountain Living.? *2 ...................................... --------------------------------------------- References *1. Google. 'A profile of Grass Mountain,' "A search of 'Grass Mountain - Taipei' on the Google.com," (January 28, 2007), Mountain view, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
020307-1178 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 5, 2007.Becky Ung: I am going to S. America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay) on a teaching tour By Jennifer Kung "Hi Dr. Lei, I was on tv the other day talking about energy management. Make sure you scroll down and catch all 4 segments. Juliette Zhuo, the hostess of the show put all the notes on her blog. There will be a lot of information for your website. I am going to S. America: Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay on a teaching tour in mid-March. God Bless. Becky," wrote E. Q. Expert Becky Ung to President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on February 3, 2007.*1 The shows are nice with educational and knowledgeable contents. You may also enjoy the shows*2 on: http://www.la18.tv/video.aspx?vid=4fdb15f3-7d47-4fb8-bf96-b6961dc22c21 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Ung, Becky. ',' "An E-mail from Chairperson Becky Ung of E. Q. Research Committee to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (February 3, 2007), San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *2. Ibid. 11111111111111 666666666666666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
020207-1001 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 4, 2007.Touch of Asia in palatial Palazzo LV Sands project borrows from Macau By Howard Stutz [[[Standard Drywall foreman Daniel Boucher, above, cuts channeling for drywall Thursday at the under-construction Palazzo. Photos by John Gurzinski.]]] [[[The project's planned 50-story hotel tower reached the 36th floor this week; its concrete-encased elevator core stood at 46 stories.]]] [[[Las Vegas Sands Corp. Executive Vice President Brad Stone stands Thursday in the shadow of the new Palazzo Tower under construction by The Venetian. He said that although the property will be huge, with a 105,000-square-foot casino area, it will also feel comfortable to guests.]]] The $1.8 billion Palazzo has not been the average Strip construction project.*1 When the 3,025-room hotel-casino is completed -- executives from Las Vegas Sands Corp. have set a target date for the end of this year -- the development will include design aspects learned while building the neighboring Venetian and the company's resorts in Macau. The Palazzo will be connected to the 4,027-room Venetian, but it will not be a mirror image. "People are going to be surprised when they walk into this building because this property is going to be a lot more interconnected than The Venetian," Las Vegas Sands Executive Vice President Brad Stone said earlier this week during a walking tour of some of the Palazzo's under-construction features. The Palazzo's planned 50-story hotel tower reached the 36th floor this week while the concrete-encased elevator core stood at 46 stories. Much of the Palazzo's 105,000-square-foot casino area and interior public space is framed out, giving a visitor an idea of the resort's layout. "It's a huge property, but to the consumer, it will feel very comfortable, and in a way, very intimate," Stone said. "Yet, it will have huge drama." Five stories above the Strip, Stone showed off the Palazzo's 250,000-square-foot pool deck, which will connect to the adjacent pool deck at The Venetian. The link will allow for a seamless transition between properties. The deck will have multiple pools and spas, an outdoor restaurant and two private villas, of 10,000 and 12,000 square feet. Elevators from the villas will lead directly into the Palazzo's 5,000-square-foot baccarat pit. The baccarat pit contains, along with several smaller gaming rooms, a walk-up noodle bar. "A lot of what we're doing appeals to the high-end business out of Southeast Asia," Stone said. "We do a tremendous job of catering to the Asian market and some of the amenities we're building appeals to that audience." Stone said the Palazzo, with 65,000 tons of steel, is the largest steel construction job in America. Las Vegas Sands locked in a price for the steel before a boom in construction jobs along the Strip and throughout the Southwest sent building material costs soaring. Las Vegas Sands took other steps to keep building costs in check. Rather than leasing construction cranes for $7.6 million apiece, the casino operator bought three cranes for $5.1 million each, Stone said. Two additional cranes have also been purchased. "No construction job goes smoothly. You're always ironing out different problems," Stone said. "We did a lot of early buys which have helped. The steel deal was a brilliant move. Construction costs are rising and no one is immune to that. But where you have to keep sharp is how you build and buy in this marketplace." Stone said Las Vegas Sands is using its purchasing subsidiary out of China to buy much of the Palazzo's building materials and exterior features, such as lighting fixtures. The company also formed its own marble business to handle the property's stonework. Garrett Byrd, vice president of construction for The Venetian said the company is using between 1,200 and 1,300 construction workers in 24-hour shifts to complete the Palazzo. Although the Palazzo will top out at 50 floors, that doesn't account for what's beneath the hotel-casino. Las Vegas Sands Corp. spent 13 months excavating more than 1 million cubic yards of dirt from the 14-acre site near the intersection of the Strip and Sands Avenue. The pit was transformed into a 4,400-space, four-story parking garage, along with the Palazzo's back-of-the house facilities on the fifth floor. Escalators and elevators take customers from the parking garage directly into the Palazzo's casino. Building a 50-story hotel-casino atop the underground parking structure makes the Palazzo one of Las Vegas' most distinctive construction projects, Stone said. "This is a very intense building with a lot of logistical challenges," Stone said. "It's a lot like a Manhattan (New York) construction project. (Clark) County hadn't seen anything like this before." Stone said construction has begun on the foundation for a planned 270-unit condominium tower, which will be built along the Strip near the Palazzo's main entrance. The residential tower is planned for atop the 90,000-square-foot building that will house Barneys, a New York-based high-end men's and women's apparel store that is part of the Palazzo's planned 300,000 square feet of retail development.*2 --------------------------------------- References *1. Stutz, Howard. 'Touch of Asia in palatial Palazzo,' "Nevada News - Las Vegas Review-Journal," (February 3, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Reviewjournal.com. *2. Ibid. 555555555555555 888888888888888888888888 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *************************************************** | |
020207-1007 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before February 3, 2007.Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI was remarkable By Rory Reid, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang The Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI was held at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel on May 19, 2003 in Las Vegas. The theme of the mini symposium was: The Entrepreneurship of MPA/SME Certificates Program for the people of English and Chinese Speaking.*1 Dr. E. Lee Bernick, Congresswoman Shelley Berkly, State Senator Dina Titus, District Judge Valorie Vega, Clark County Commissioner Rory Reid, Las Vegas Judge Bert Brown, and Clark County Chief Deputy District Attorney Abbi Silver were invited as the Panelists of Honor of the Event and Dinner party. As Dean of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA), WBTI, Dr. Bernick is also Chairman and Professor of the Department of Public Administration, UNLV. The following individuals were invited as Special Guests of the Party : Dr. An-pny Sun, Associate Professor of Social Work of UNLV; Jimmy Hsu, Director of the Las Vegas Office of "Chinese Daily News;" Jean Gatchalian, General Manager of "Nevada Examiner;" Liane Lee, Regional Representative of U. S. Senator Harry Reid; Kathie Ambrosio, Regional Representative of U. S. Senator John Ensign, and Representative of the Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal. com. The Symposium functioned also as a celebration Dinner Party for the appointment of Dr. Lee Bernick as Dean and the six famous professionals as Faculty Members of GSBPA. Chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, President of WBTI, the Symposium accompanied elegantly with a Champagne Dinner was sponsored and host by him and his wife at the Zax (Italian and Japanese) Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel.*2 The MPA/SME Certificates Program are designed on the basis of theoreticality and practicality for public administration. This has marked again the milestone of practical and educational cooperation between UNLV and WBTI. "Learning through teaching is a good philosophy of a happy and successful life style. It's my spacious opportunity and honor to be an Adjunct Assistant Professor of GSBPA. In utilizing both of my knowledge and experience, I'm challenged and happy to share the learning and teaching process on Criminal Law together with our graduate students from China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan in the classrooms offered by UNLV," said Judge Bert Brown who has been voted as the best municipal judge.*3 "As a District Judge of Nevada, it's my honor to announce the installation of the adjunct faculty members of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute as in the following: Dean of the Public Administration Division of GSBPA: Dr. E. Lee Bernick; Dean of the Business Administration Division of GSBPA: Dr. Keong Leong; Professors of Administratiive Strategies: Dr. Shelley Berkley and Dr. Dina Titus; Associate Professor of Crimial Law: Dr. Valorie Vega; Associate Professor Social Work: Dr. An-pyng Sun; Assistant Professor of Business Law: Dr. Roy Reid (promoted to Associate Professor on December 3, 2004); Assistant Professors of Criminal Law: Dr. Toy Gregory, Dr. Bert Brown, and Dr. Abbi Silver; Assistant Professor of Management Accounting: Oscar Jornaction, M.B.A., C.P.A.; and Honorary Director of Chinese Publicity: Jimmy Hsu,"*3 Distrct Judge Valorie Vega announced during the Symposium by WBTI on May 19, 2003 in Las Vegas. "The mission of this School will emphasize the humaniarian orientation of public administration and the social responsibility of business management. Through academic entrepreneurship, we may expect the endeavor of this School for the community service based on humane spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA. "To encourage the cooperation and development of English and Chinese speaking countries with Nevada has been particularly important to our country at this critical period of time. The establishment of GSBPA will launch our effort that emphasizes the value of humane and administrative orientation. The creed of this School is both on the spirit of educational excellence and academic entrepreneurship. We're forecasting the smoth and efficient growth of this School together with the growth of the tourism industry and the economy of Nevada after 911 and SARS," said Dr. E. Lee Bernick, Dean of GSBPA and Professor and Chair of the Public Administration Department of UNLV*4 at the Summer 2003 Symposium and Dinner Party held by WBTI at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino on May 19, 2003 in Las Vegas. "Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental railroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the latest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling, and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your oustanding participation in the political, business , and educational processes.*5 It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader of the Senate at Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas.*6 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI is remarkable,' "WBTI Newsbrief," (June 6, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. Ibid. *3. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'WBTI to hold Summer 2003 Symposium,' "Nevada Examiner," (May 9 - 15, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *4. Ibid. *5. Bell, Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Las Vegas nicer with community service through cultural arts,' "10 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," Las Vegas, Nevada: Thai Cultural Arts of Las Vegas. *6. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; Young, Bill; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Valerie Weber Vice President of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission of WBTI,' "A search of 'Assemblywoman Valerie Weber' on the Google.com," (January 7, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 5555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
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*****This is a draft for final editing and modification on or before February 5, 2007.Belinda Liu: May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart! By Ingrid Ou, Rebecca Pang, and Jennifer Kung ***** Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit from the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' for 2007. ---John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC ------------------------------------------ "Shalom Tony & Judy: Thank you very much for your faithful serving God, WBTI and remember sunday school start on Jan. 28. I am so impressed. May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. Please see the attched file for sunday school lesson 1. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) early in the morning on February 1, 2007. "I've been invited to serve the Lord out of town. In April this year I'll lead a mission to 台福 (Logos Evangelical Seminary) in Los Angeles. The Drama Team will follow me to have a performance there. A cell group is also planning to join us to worship there. In the Women Conference on September, Mrs. Darlene Cunningham has been invited by me as a Kenote Speaker. She's famous. She loves China and Chinese very much. She has dreamed to be a preacher for Chinese since her youth. To unite our work with other organizations is a key to our innovative endeavor," talked Mrs. Belinda Liu, Founder of Double-Portion Ministries, at her Sunday School on February 4, 2007. In all three services at ROLCC on February 4, 2007, Rev. Tong Liu introduced the 2007 new Board of Directors. Director Mr. John K. Lei is the Chairman of the new Board. Director Mr. Gerry Liu is the Treasurer. Director Mr. Daniel Chou is the Corporate Secretary. Director Linda Pao is responsible for Human Resources. Director Robert Huang is responsible for Missions. Rev. Liu prayed to God for a successful year to ignite our city with the endeavors of the Board. "Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit in the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' in 2007. A strong English adult service is vital to ROLCC's goal to become a 'Home for All Nations'. 5 years ago I had visions of our English adult service packed with people. I have faith God will bless our English service. Let us all invite our friends and family to the 3rd service!" wrote John Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC, on February 4, 2004. LIVERight, a community service HBV free blood screen/seminar took place on Saturday, 1/13 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. This was a joint effort between Asian Liver Center (ALC) at Stanford University and Holiday Plaza Series at River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC). We are really thankful that this collaboration was a great success. ALC and ROLCC are embracing the same vision in serving the community via community awareness seminar/blood screen on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer in Asian community. We had 238 people screened over the event; approximately 400 audiences came for the presentation. At large or little, we knew we had made the difference. About 20 volunteers from ALC and 15 volunteers from ROLCC came to help out the event. Dr. So did the presentation in English with Jordan Su's concurrent translation to Mandarin. Many people gave positive feedback, and everyone I spoke to felt that they have learned a lot of useful life-saving tips! The event started by having the audience to watch the film. I was really touched after watching the film that told many stories on how hepatitis B had impacted the lives of many. I remember vividly Dr. Sos interview in the movie: I am just very sick of seeing so many young lives lost every day due to HBV/liver cancer. This was why liver transplant surgen, Dr. So decided to found ALC to serve the community. In the presentation, Dr. So once again reminded us how serious hepatitis B is impacting the Asians and Asian Americans. In certain part of China , the impact was much worse-1/6 of population is infected by HBV. He spoke about the trasmission route for hepatitis B. He spoke about what each of us should do. If people are not carriers, they should definitely get the 3-slot immunization as soon as possible, which will protect them for life. If they are HBV carriers, they need to monitor their liver status on a regular basis. They should go to their doctor to have their liver function and ALPHAFETO PROTEIN level checked every half year plus annual ultrasound exam. In addition, he told the story about a medical intern who had hepatitis B but lack of awareness, died of liver cancer at very young age. This sad story continues to linger on peoples mind and serves as a good reminder of being educated on this important topic. He ended by stating the mission and work at ALC. Many people that came to the event raised a lot of questions. During Q/A session, Dr. So further spoke about the difference between hepatitis A, B and C. He explained about the outcome of missing one last slot during the 3 shot immunization course and the impact of it if the schedule of 3-shots immunization is different from it is recommended. In addition, he commented about the use of herbal supplements and why some people can't donate blood even though they are not carriers. The event actually ran into 4.45 pm, and many people's questions still could not be answered due to time constrains. To me, this joint event between ALC and ROLCC is just a starting. Based on the feedback we got from the attendants, we hope to see more ALC-ROLCC collaborative projects happened in times to come. We believe that this combined effort will provide the best service and a blessing to the community! This event was beyond our expectation and turn out a great success. Of course, the most comforting thing to know is that some people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge they learn! We pray that Lord will continue to bless the vision of ALC and ROLCC and to those people who attended the event. The above five paragraphs are reported by Dr. Ingrid Ou.*1 Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical in Mountain View, CA. Ingrid got her doctoral degree from University of Washington , Seattle . Her passion in life is to serve the Lord and live up to HIS glory using her skills and interests in medicine. She also greatly enjoys serving the Lord in Single Adult and Children ministry (choir and musical program) at ROLCC. She believes that being Christian is not all about going to church. She believes that Gods words can really equip us to a much better player in all areas of our life, at work and in the family. God's words are relevant to our daily lives; He helps us to achieve a higher level that we could not have done by our own means. In the spare time, Dr. Ingrid Ou enjoys ballet, running and playing piano. She and her husband currently reside in Sunnyvale, CA. "In this era where massive amount of information is often found via internet, I think that the mission of WBTI is timely and visionary. The impact of Lord in the community will be enlarged via web publishing and more of Good news will be effectively going to those who need them the most," pointed out Dr. Ingrid Ou.*2 Dear Dr. Lei, Hope that you enjoyed the Dr. So's talk yesterday. As indicated in my email to you earlier this week, below is the script that I promoted last week at the English congregation: "Happy New Year, Brothers and Sisters. This is coming Saturday, we will have the privilege of having Dr. So from Stanford, Asian Liver Center to come here to give us an education seminar on liver health. This is an event that you can't afford to miss. Why do I say this? Let me start by showing you a patient interview video clip by Anthony.(http://liver.Stanford.edu/Mult/Mult_video.php). Yes, Anthony is right. People who have hepatitis B have a much higher chance of getting liver cancer. This is especially a problem among Asians and Asian Americans. It is estimated that one in 10 Asians are HBV carriers and one in 4 chronic HBV carriers will eventually die of liver cancer or liver disease if left untreated, or unmonitored. Unfortunately, many of us did not know about this fact. What is even more sad is that many of the HBV carriers did not know that there are several simple monitoring tests they can ask from their doctors. Instead, they left the disease unmonitored until it was too late. This coming Saturday, we expect to have 300-400 people to join us. I am very excited. According to the statistics, as many as 10 people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge we learn. I hope all of you will join us for this meaningful, life-saving event. I will be here after the service to take your registration and answer any question that you may have. Thank you again for your attention." *3 Here is an introduction of Dr. So: Dr. Samuel So is a professor and a liver cancer surgeon in the Department of Surgery and directs the Liver Cancer Program at Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. So is originally from Hong Kong. In 1996, Dr So established the Asian Liver Center to address the disproportionately high prevalence of hepatitis B and liver Cancer in the Asian and Asian Americans with the ultimate goal of eradicating hepatitis B worldwide and eliminating the threat of liver cancer. The Asian Liver Center at Stanford is the only non-profit organization in the United States that addresses the high incidence of hepatitis B and liver cancer in Asians and Asian-Americans. Founded in 1996, the center uses a three-pronged approach towards fighting hepatitis B through outreach, education , and research.*4 More is available from http://liver.stanford.edu/ALC/ALC_staff.php "Dear Dr. Lei, It was my great honor to meet you last Sunday. Thank you so much for your support for the event, which I believe is going to benefit a lot of us," wrote Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute on January 10, 2007. "Dear Belinda: May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. At the beginning of year 2007, I felt that God wants me to examine my past failures so that I know where I fall and what can I do to grow in Christ; just like the Israelites during the Deuteronomy time. Therefore by attending your class God reminded me that He is a God of covenant and promise. He is a faithful God that will never forsake me and will guide me through the wilderness just as He guides Israel. I look forward to more classes to learn of God’s Words and Works so that I can live in God’s promise land. Thank you so much and may God pour out His double blessings upon you. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang again for this article to WBTI on February 2, 2007.*5 E. Q. Expert Becky Ung is elegant by nature! To enjoy her most recent show, you may click on [http://www.la18.tv/video.aspx?vid=4fdb15f3-7d47-4fb8-bf96-b6961dc22c21]. "I am glad that I was the hit winner of visitor number at one hundred four thousand six hundred fifty first (#104,651st) of WBTI website. Its knowledgeable and educational contends are richful. I am inspired by its creed of community service and humane spirit for our community," expressed Becky Ung, Chairperson of the E. Q. Research Committee of WBTI. The following is a prompt response {at Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:57:37 -0700 (PDT)} to the first edition of this feature article (He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun) which was published on October 24, 2006: "Hi Brother Tony: It is a wonderful day, a day that the Lord has made. Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor to share what the Lord has spoken to me through Belinda's Sunday school teaching. Here is my prayer for Belinda's Israel trip. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI. "'Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for having Belinda with us, thank you for putting a love for Your children Israel in her heart. As she and her team leaves for Israel please be with them. Send Your angels to guard their travel safety. Speak to each and everyone of the team, let them hear Your thunderous voice so that their lives can be changed through this journey. Walk among us while they walk in Your Holy Land. Lord, I ask that you bless my brothers and sisters while they go and bless Your children. May Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) be with them. I pray in Jesus' name, A-men.' Thank you very much, Rebecca." "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the search leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, 2006 in Santa Clara, California. "I like Mrs. Belinda Liu's Sunday School. Her knowlegeable contents of the Bible have often convinced us with her living examples. She gave us practical reasons to believe. It's my pleasure to apply those teachings from her to my daily life." "һϾҪwcһڡ`Zá£@һµęC ᑪԓиęCһͬ_°! ... յһʯ2007ѣһͨoա Сԡ˸tסһƬ}QԊCDͨoCDһƬ, K ҃ɂCDĽBҺ@? ҲܚgϲٴԺˡ... @}QҪIp࣬ӭMБS2007!" wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 26, 2006.*6 The evening was shinning! How nice was Friday December 29, 2006! We had a wonderful potluck at Mr. John Lei's home for our John Lei/Petty Wu Cell Group. We had lots of nice foods, fruits, and cakes. Attendants were enthusiastic. They included Miss Nicole Ying, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Teresa Zhang, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Sarah Shao, Miss Linda Tu, Miss Angie Qian, Mr. Kang Fung, Mr. Gino Ko, Mr. John Lei, Mr. Mike Lei, Mrs. Judy Lei, and Dr. Tony Lei (names in random). The potluck was fully enjoyed by all the participants with good communication and fun. The game brought us with another hightlight of the reunion. Praise God that we had a such wonderful time after the Christmas and before the New Year. A happy New Year was wishful among all the sisters and brothers! We received an evite invitation for a ski-trip to Lake Tahoe by John/Patty Cell Goup. "Hi! Everyone, How would you like to spend a weekend with cell group brothers and sisters in Tahoe? The highlights of this trip may include skiing/snow tubing, eating hot pot, visiting Reno, and most important of all, having lots of quality time with one another. If you are interested, please indicate which of the 3 weekends works best for you :D p.s. You are more than welcome to invite new friends to join. Sincerely, Patty," wrote Miss Patty Wu on February 4, 2007. "Thank you for devotions this morning on the balcony overlooking the misty snowy sun-rise landscape," wrote Mr. Mike Lei on December 24, 2006.*7 "Dear Dr. Lei, You're an extremely knowledgeable and wise elder, yet very easy to get along with. I'm very blessed to getting to know you more in the past 7 months. Your warm hospitality makes me feel just like a family member of yours. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas. May God continued blessing what you're fonding of doing. May your resourseful website become one of the "Top" (: channel of communication for business, social, and community. May you continue receiving His wisdom words and His double portion of favors," wrote Miss Angie Qian on a nice Season's Greetings card to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 24 in Lake Tahoe, California. Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC with the children performing an outstanding drama in all three services and afterwards the baptism ceremony for 34 brothers and sisters. Nicole Ying of John Lei/Patty Wu cell group was among those who were baptized on Sunday. The cell group members attended the ceremony with excitement and shouted, "Nicole, Jesus loves you and we also love you!" when she went on stage to give her testimony. John/Patty's cell group memembers gave Nicole flowers and many gifts to celebrate Nicole's "new birth", praise the Lord! Many nice photos were taken.*8 "Dear friends, During last Friday's fellowship, I told you about the free online Bible website. Here is the web link: http://www.biblegateway.com/ This website can search the Bible in various ways: (1). Find an entire book in the Bible: type "Mark" or "Acts", etc. (2). Find a Bible verse: type "Mark 1:10" or "John 3:16", etc. (3). Find a word in the Bible: type "love" or "cross", etc. (4). Find a phrase in the Bible: type "love one another", etc. As a bonus, here is the free daily message from Pastor Liu you can access by your phone: (408) 291-8046 God bless, John," wrote John Lei, Director (now Chairman) Of the Board of Directors of River of Life Christian Church.*9 "H۵Tony & Judyƽ@qĩжļĐۣ҂gһ۵Ę----- Tracey," wrote Miss Tracey Yang to WBTI on January 16, 2007. "Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*10 "One of the most important contribution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our high-ranking officials and community is its many articles published frequently by the search engine leaders locally, nationally, and internationally. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid ( now the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor the promotion of benifits for our people, community, and country." The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, , Miss Chiao-wen Chen, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). Miss Chiao-wen Chen told Tiffany Chang that she was inspired by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's good teaching. Belinda is teaching the new Sunday School starting from January 28, 2007. Its prinouts are now published at the end of this Section. "I'm impressed by Mrs. Belinda Liu's ability to integrate chapters of the Bible for a teaching," pointed out Miss Brenda Lin. It was delivered to the section of "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" at the new Sunday School by Brenda in ROLCC on February 4, 2007 "Thanks, Dr. Lei," wrote Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI.*11 "The WBTI's website has played an important role to bridge the cooperation and development among our individuals, officials, and community. In advancing to its 14th year, we'd find WBTI's inter-states perspectives have brought with potentiality for the prosperity of more organiztions and people." By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. "It's my appreciation to 'Nevada Examiner' for its publication of my following statement several times," said District Court Judge Cheryl Moss. In community service, Dr. Tony T. Lei's hero is the great servant who has given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candles fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-lasting circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and envision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy. The Bible teaches us: "...let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)." District (Family) Court Judge-elect Cheryl Moss wrote Dr. Tony T. Lei, "I am delighted and honored to be appointed as an Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Thank you for this opportunity to serve, and I hope to gain more knowledge, insight and awareness about public service and community issues through your prestigious institution. I remain dedicated to helping the community, and I am inspired by your leadership, wisdom and guidance. I am also fortunate to have met you and your wife, Judy, because you are both active and dynamic individuals in the community. Your accomplishments and achievements have demonstrated that taking part in the community does make a difference. Best wishes and thank you again for your unselfish kindness, support and encouragement." *12 "Shalom Tony & Judy: xxNĄԒZ, ʹ@,Ҫ^Wվ, Uչؓ, ٴα, @Щ,ǸеԺ, ... ܷܿ, ]뵽@L, зĔU. WBTIľW, ̫S, һ߀! ... ҿҪټ[˾Wվ. Ȍҵһc, ֪mc? Ո֪, ҿһЩA. dzxxדpcٵM, ϣ´ҵĄҲܿЩ, 㿴R. Ҳσɱҵĕ(ՌWr), Ոָ! 䌍ҸJゃ, @Nă, ľ, Ҳǽ̕ٵƵĺͬ, ʹ҂ɸ! nゃеĹMs! ÷َĸ," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*13 "It'll be really a challenge and honor to be the Governor of Nevada and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI onece I'm elected in Office in January 2007. It's my great pleasure to take the responsibility," said U. S. Congressman James Gibbons at the Business Mixier held by Asian Republicans of Nevada at April 23, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The agreement was made by Jim to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI through a pleasant conversation between the two parties during the Event.*14 Jim is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. It is significant for Dr. Kenny C. Guinn to write President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI as in the following: "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." *15 Kenny was Nevada Governor for eight years until December 31, 2006. Former Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn had been Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI from 1999 to 2006. "When I take a step back and look at my life, I can't help but think how bless I am for all God has given to me. So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*16 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "麢ӵČ`Ʒ\桹". The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: һϾյˌϾW퓵ĺϢ, @? WBTI ѸI, Ҳˌӡ, cҵͬ, ҂d^, ˌǑC鳬. ҲxxゃoҙCcゃһзȵĔUչ! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington Business and Technology Institute. Pastor Paul Huang has completed teaching his Sunday School on "Book of Ruth" on December 24, 2006. Attendants were enthusiastic. He is now teach another Sunday School starting from January 2007. On Sunday April 4, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Let's go up to the mountain of God". The 2006 theme is "Arise & Shine - Prepare the Way of the Lord." Our this year's theme is "'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City." The Worship was directed by Pastor James Wang. MC was Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng. On Sunday January 28, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Hing Chai Cheng, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Walking In The Light". The Worship was directed by Scott Wu. MC was Pastor Doris Lin. Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006 and 2007, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Mr. John Lee, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Jenny Hsiao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Angela Ting, Miss Isabelle Chai, Miss Christina Liu, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! "Praise God for having Pastor Peter Tsukahira here to share with us. He is truly a teaching pastor. He not only explained the word of God clearly but also spoke into the hearts. For those that have attended his teaching sections, I believe you have received a life-changing and renewal experience," wroted Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of ROLCC, on January 28, 2007. "As the church is growing, we need more and more brother and sisters to serve in the family of God. ... We really need more volunteers in the visual ministry, ...Your participation will be greatly appreciated," pointed out Rev. Tong Liu on February 4, 2007. "It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as the Honorary Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin at the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *17. On January 11, 2007, Miss Frances Chang forwarded WBTI a very good announcement of Dr. Samuel So's speech event. It included a brief introduction of Dr. So and the following information: Knowing the following facts, check the link to learnand register to test. >http://liver.Stanford.edu/Edu/Edu_materials.php >http://liver.stanford.edu/Mult/Mult_multimedia.php (1) Well known high incidence of liver disease among Chinese people. (2) For every 100 Chinese people, 10 people would be HBV carrier. According to past statistics, out of those 10 people, 2 to 3 people may end up lose their life due to liver disease or liver cancer (Not just in OLD people. It happens to Young people in their 20-30 too!). This statistics is stunning and we need to get educated about our own health. (3) Thus for every 100 people we invite to the seminar/event, we can potentially save 2 to 3 people's life. (4) For people who are not HBV carrier, they learn how to protect themselves from getting it. In addition, they learn how to read their test results (make sure that they really NOT a carrier! ). For people who don't know whether they are HBV carrier, the free screening will let them know about whether or not they are carrier.*18 Dr. Samuel So is a founder and director of Asian Liver Center at Stanford Hospital . ALC is an unique non-profit research institution with its focus on Asian high prevalence of liver disease in the United States. Dr. So originally from Hong Kong. He was a professor at the medical school of Washington University St Louis. In 1995, he founded Stanford Liver Research Center.*19 To ignite the city and country, we need more hero intellectuals with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit like Dr. Samuel So for community service! ------------------------------------------- References *1. Ou, Ingrid. 'A report from Dr. Ingrid Ou,' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI," (January 21, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *2. Ibid. *3. Ou, Ingrid. 'Happy New Year!' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 14, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *4. Ibid. *5. Pang, Rebecca. "Thank you very much. Is it okay?' "An e-mail from Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (February 2, 2007), Santa Clara, California: Miss Rebecca Pang's Residence. *6. Liu, Belinda M.; and Liu, Tong. 'Һ@? ҲܚgϲٴԺ,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC)," (November 26, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *7. Google. 'Prayer journals 12/23-25/06,' "A search of 'Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip' on the Google.cn," (January 26, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *8. Lei, John. 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *9. Lei, John. 'Here is the web link,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to WBTI," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *10. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court. *11. Weber, Valerie. 'Thanks, Dr. Lei,' "An e-mail from Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Assembly. *12. Chang, Tiffany. (2000) 'Cheryl Moss has been appointed Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *13. Liu, Belinda M. 'WBTIľW, ̫S,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *14. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; McDonald, Lynette; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; Young, Bill; Chang, Tiffany. 'James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI if he is elected Governor of Nevada,' "A search of 'James Gibbons will be Chairman WBTI' on the Google.com," (January 27, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *15. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas,' "A search of 'Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn,' on the Google.cn," (January 28, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *16. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' "麢ӵČ`Ʒ\桹", (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. *17. Douglas, Michael L.; Denton, Mark R.; Vega, Valoria J.; Gronauer, Robert A.; Moss, Cheryl B.; and Chang, Tiffany. 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and Chairperson of Community Service Council of Clark County of WBTI,' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com," (February 1, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *18. Chang, Frances. 'FW: [English-congregation] LIVERight event 2007 announcement,' "An e-mail From Miss Frances Chang to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 11, 2007), San Jose, California: Frances Chang's Residence. *19. Ibid. 11111111111111 8888888888888888888888888 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77] 78 [79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118] | |