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米利班德在會談中提出他大力提倡的「責任主權」(responsible sovereignty)概念,他期待北京領導人除能回應本國公民要求外,也能使中國在國際社會上扮演更重要角色。


參與對談的史大學者,包括胡佛研究院院長John Raisian,資深副院長David Brady、Richard Sousa、資深研究員Michael McFaul、Alvin Rabushka、Michael Boskin、Alice Miller、Nick Hope、研究員郭岱君與林孝庭等。美國務院發言人Sean McCormack、英國外交部氣候變遷特使 (Climate ambassador) John Ashton與英國駐舊金山總領事館人員,亦陪同出席此一會議。




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Jolin Tsai - Zheng Yi Zhi Yan, Bi Yi Zhi Yan chinese music ...
3 min 3 sec -

YouTube - Jolin Tsai - Shuo Ai Ni
for those who think jolin tsai is the biggest slut ever, i ...
3 min 48 sec -


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May. 29, 2008
Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal


Wife's attorney alleges extramarital affair

Gibbons Divorce

Download the Motion
www.lvrj.com/gibbons divorce/

Mrs. Gibbons, the person who has sacrificed the most and who has given her all to this man, should not be dismissed as if she were equally to blame, when under the circumstances it can be demonstrated on the record and to the public that she is blameless and that lust is the real villain here.

In short, by not stepping up and by not candidly admitting his fawning involvement with his frequent bar, lunch, dinner, and even grocery store companion, he has brought the spotlight down upon himself and upon the reason for the divorce.

It is so well accepted, and so well known that Judicial Notice can easily be taken of the fact that Mr. Gibbons' wife has been his greatest asset. She has worked relentlessly and tirelessly to advance his career, and had stood by his side, at the most critical time in his quest to be elected Governor.

Gov. Jim Gibbons waits to enter a news conference Wednesday in Las Vegas to highlight a home loan program for teachers. The governor refused to answer questions about his divorce from his wife, Dawn Gibbons.
Photo by K.M. Cannon.

Dawn Gibbons, first lady wants divorce proceedings to be public

Gov. Jim Gibbons talks to a reporter who asked about allegations leveled by Dawn Gibbons' attorney that the governor is seeking a divorce because of his involvement with another woman.
Photo by K.M. Cannon.

CARSON CITY -- The attorney for first lady Dawn Gibbons accused Gov. Jim Gibbons of involvement with another woman, stating in court documents filed Wednesday that this is his real reason for seeking a divorce.

"Despite his disingenuous, shallow, and transparent protestation that his relationship with another man's wife is a mere friendship, his infatuation and involvement with the other woman is the real, concealed and undisclosed reason for his voluntary departure from the marriage and from the Mansion where he occasionally resided," wrote Cal Dunlap, the former Washoe County district attorney who represents the first lady.

The comment is part of a motion filed in Washoe County Family Court that seeks to open all records in the first couple's divorce case and to have proceedings conducted in public.

Citing incompatibility, the governor, 63, on May 2 filed for divorce from his 54-year-old wife after nearly 22 years of marriage. Three days later, at the governor's request, Carson City District Judge Bill Maddox ordered that the records be sealed and the divorce conducted in private.

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Dunlap said he did not identify the other woman "to spare embarrassment to her husband."

The woman is Kathy Karrasch, said several sources who requested anonymity, the wife of Reno podiatrist C. Craig Karrasch.

Recent phone records obtained by the Review-Journal show a single call placed from the governor's cell phone to Kathy Karrasch's cell phone on Jan. 10.

A family member who answered the cell phone Wednesday said Kathy Karrasch and her husband have separated for reasons unrelated to the governor.

The family member, who identified herself as the couple's daughter, said her mother had been advised not to talk to the media.

The high school sophomore said that Dawn Gibbons has had disagreements with her mother for years and wants to embarrass her for no legitimate reason despite her helping care for the Gibbonses' now 20-year-old son, Jimmy, when the couple were busy with their political campaigns.

Jim Gibbons is a former congressman, and Dawn Gibbons served in the Nevada Assembly.

Kathy Karrasch, 48, donated $870 to Jim Gibbons' 1996 run for Congress, according to election campaign records. At least $252.50 was an in-kind contribution for magnetic political signs.

Questions about the governor's fractured marriage followed him to Las Vegas, where they cut short a late afternoon news conference on a new state loan program that helps teachers buy homes.

Gibbons fielded one question about the loan program before he was asked about the allegations of infidelity. For his response in full, he referred the gathering of local media to a letter to the editor that was published in Elko's daily newspaper on Tuesday.

"I've answered this," Gibbons said. "I don't think it's appropriate for me to discuss my personal problems in the public, and I'm not going to do so. If you want to see my answer, you go turn to the Elko Daily Free Press."

In his letter to the Elko newspaper, Gibbons said he has known the woman, whom he did not name, for more than 15 years, adding "there is nothing inappropriate about that friendship."

"Saying I am 'involved' with her certainly leads readers to believe something that is not true," Gibbons said in the letter.

In his motion, Dunlap said Dawn Gibbons is entitled to a public court proceeding where "she can fix blame where it belongs, on the shoulders of the woman who has, for years, stalked the man who could give her the public persona and prestige that, apparently, she craves, and, for which she is willing to, concurrently, abandon her husband. And, he who has succumbed to the seduction of those wiles, should not be allowed to fix the blame, for the failure of the marriage, on anyone else but on the marital intruder and on himself."

Gary Silverman, the governor's lawyer, refused to comment on the allegations Dunlap raised in his motion.

Dunlap said Gibbons has been treating the first lady like a "castaway wife" though she stood up for him in October 2006 when he was accused by Las Vegas cocktail server Chrissy Mazzeo of trying to sexually assault her.

Las Vegas police investigated Mazzeo's charges and declined to file criminal charges against Gibbons.

But Dunlap said Mazzeo bears a "striking resemblance" to the Reno woman with whom the governor is involved.

Dunlap added that Mazzeo "like his wife now, was trashed" by the governor, and "the Public was again misled."

Dawn Gibbons has been the governor's "greatest asset," Dunlap said.

She has worked "relentlessly and tirelessly to advance his career, and had stood by his side, at the most critical time in his quest to be elected governor," Dunlap said.

"In short, by not stepping up and by not candidly admitting his fawning involvement with his frequent bar, lunch, dinner, and even grocery store companion, he (the governor) has brought the spotlight down upon himself and upon the reason for the divorce," Dunlap said in the court documents.

Dunlap charged that Silverman has threatened to retaliate against him and Dawn Gibbons "should the truth of his (the governor's) extracurricular activities become an issue in this case."

In the motion, Dunlap charged the governor has "deserted, abandoned and has shunned his wife without justification for that behavior."

He said Gibbons, by his acts, statements and innuendos, has suggested the marriage failed because of "some fault" on Dawn Gibbons' part and her unwillingness to work to save the marriage.

By opening records to public scrutiny and by conducting the divorce in public, Dawn Gibbons can "set the record straight and debunk the whispers and the propaganda," according to Dunlap's motion.

Depriving her of that right would be a "grave injustice" not only to her "but to the remaining trusting and believing public, if any, who expect integrity and truth from their elected officials," he added.

Under state law, one party in a divorce action can petition judges to have records sealed and the divorce trial conducted in private.

In his motion, Dunlap charges that law is unconstitutional when applied to public officials.

"There is no greater public property right in Court proceedings or need for public scrutiny of judicial proceedings than when the Plaintiff holds one of the highest offices in a state, in this case, the Governor of the State of Nevada, and then seeks to bar the press and the public from the contents of the Court and from Court Proceedings," Dunlap said.

The case has been moved to Family Court in Reno. District Judge Francis Doherty is slated to preside over the divorce.

Review-Journal writers Brian Haynes and Henry Brean contributed to this report. Contact Capital Bureau Chief Ed Vogel at evogel@reviewjournal.com or 775-687-3901.


[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < rj. c. > (not for publishing or coping}

May. 29, 2008
Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal

VARIETY OF INFLUENCES: What Makes Las Vegas Las Vegas

City shaped by desert heat and dreams of getting a fresh start


Illustration by David Stroud.

We Las Vegans have a confusing attitude about sex. We're offended by Strip porn pamplets but love uncovered Strip shows.
File photo

The Whiskerino contest, a staple of the city's Helldorado celebration during the 1950s, is one example of how we reveled then -- and still revel now -- in cowboy culture.
File photo

What is Las Vegas?

A place. An idea. A stereotype. And, for those of us who happen to live here, a city that defines us in ways we probably don't even realize.

Las Vegas is a place steeped in contradiction and shaped, either subtly or overtly, by both natural and man-made forces that, in turn, shape us.

That's why we batted around this question: What are the basic forces -- things, ideas, conditions -- that define Las Vegas and make it different from any other place in the world?

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Here are our conclusions. We don't pretend that our conclusions are the final word. Feel free to do some batting around of your own.


Las Vegas is shaped in large part by the desert. The heat, dryness and wind have challenged everyone from the earliest American Indian inhabitants to the Mormons who settled here to everybody who has since passed through, visited or come to stay.

"We've perfected the art of going from air-conditioned room to air-conditioned room," jokes Michael Green, a history professor at the College of Southern Nevada.

For many Southern Nevadans, summer here is akin to winter in the country's colder climes: Dig in and wait for it to end. But that attitude, notes David G. Schwartz, director of the Center for Gaming Research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, "leads to a culture that's less communal, because people spend less time outdoors, and I think people kind of turn inward."

The harsh summer climate also creates a "privatization of public spaces," Schwartz adds. "You're not going to stroll around the park. You're going to be inside of a mall."

Living in the desert "requires that we adapt to it," Green says. "That has its good side -- solar energy is becoming more important -- and it has its bad side. Look at the water we've wasted trying to create the front lawns that we had in the communities we moved here from."


It's difficult to think of another American city that has such a confusing, ambivalent attitude about sex.

We hate porn pamphleteers on the Strip and proudly tell visitors that prostitution is illegal in Clark County. At the same time, we consider performing uncovered -- not "topless," thank you -- in a show on the Strip as valid a career path for young women as any other, and barely notice casino cocktail waitress outfits are more risque than an entire Frederick's of Hollywood catalog.

Our attitude toward sex, Green says, "makes us more enlightened in certain ways and less enlightened in others, less enlightened in the sense that we put that premium on attractiveness of humans, and especially females, and the human body."

At the same time, Green continues, our attitude toward sex does offer women the opportunity to "make a living in something that other communities might not consider proper. And while there is obvious exploitation, there is also a degree of opportunity, as I was reminded by a student who pointed out she makes three times what I did."

Yet, Green adds, "I'm also reminded of a former student of mine who was a nude dancer who told me once that she enjoyed the work and made a lot of money at it, but she was in school because she knew that, unlike me, she had a shelf life."


Native Las Vegans remain rarer than a winning draw on an inside straight. But even transplants who have lived here for years may never stop thinking of themselves as expatriate-whatevers, rather than as Las Vegans.

Some newcomers, Schwartz says, have a "boomtown mentality." They want to get everything they can out of Las Vegas and move on. "We're like a modern-day Virginia City or Goldfield or Searchlight with nicer buildings.

"People move here and think, 'I'm going to get a great job and make $50,000 parking cars, and I'll do that a couple years, save up, buy a house, get a lot of equity, trade out and move back home.' And it doesn't always work."

In the meantime, that presumably temporary Las Vegan may be less concerned about the here than the where-next. Why make friends if you're just going to leave? Why support schools and libraries if your kids won't be here to use them? Why care about your neighborhood if it's only going to be "your" neighborhood temporarily. Getting involved in facing the community's problems has little relevance to people constantly looking ahead.


Of course, a forward-looking mind-set isn't necessarily a bad thing. If there is an upside to the transience that is a hallmark of this city, it's the notion that Las Vegas also is a place where you can reinvent yourself, throwing off your former life like a neon-bedecked butterfly emerging from a Rust-Belted chrysalis.

Newcomers, Schwartz says, can arrive in Las Vegas "free of family history, free of their own history and can really start from scratch."

It's a common story even among some of our founding fathers, who arrived in Las Vegas trailing pasts that were borderline unsavory (Benny Binion) or downright criminal (pick a Mafioso, any Mafioso) and transformed themselves into upstanding citizens.

This notion of reinvention even applies to the city itself. Here, Schwartz says, there exists "I don't want to say a hatred of the past, but definitely a disdain of the past."


Outsiders think it odd that casinos are so much more to Las Vegans than just places to gamble. They're also community centers, movie and show venues, banks where we cash our paychecks and places where we enjoy some of the best meals in town.

Here's another, more subtle, way in which casinos affect our lives: Because they operate 24 hours a day, "it means we lead our lives on a 24/7 schedule in ways other places don't," Green says.

"My dad was a dealer for 30 years, and my aunt in Phoenix used to say, 'Why don't you come down for the weekend?" My mother would say, 'Your weekend or our weekend?' My dad was off Wednesday and Thursday."

That, Green says, "can affect the development of community, the development of tradition, in ways that we don't really think about."


The Wild West long has been tamed, but that doesn't mean Las Vegans still aren't enamored of what we imagine it to have been and are eager to adopt its virtues as our own.

Go back to the 1930s, when wide-open gaming became legal, Green says, "and you have a lot of people walking around (wearing) cowboy outfits, and not just to Helldorado Days.

"It was kind of part of building the image of this Western town. The first two hotels were the Last Frontier and El Rancho Vegas, with all the Western layouts. The slogan at the time was, 'Still a frontier town.' "

Las Vegans still revel in that cowboy state of mind. Our (lower-case-L) libertarian leanings make us live-and-let-live types. We wear cowboy boots and 10-gallon hats even if we've never been closer to a ranch than Helldorado, and we still have a grudging, almost childlike admiration of the Western-hero rugged individualist.

"There's always been a love for the character who stands up to authority or stands up for himself," Green says. Whether it's John Wayne, Benny Binion or Bugs Bunny, "there's this admiration for people who say or do things we don't have the guts to do."


Las Vegas is a city built on the perception that anybody can be a winner, that actions have no consequences and that we're entitled to pretty much anything we want, darn it.

Drop a few bucks into a slot machine and walk out a millionaire. Do anything you want to because, as the commercials tell us, what happens here stays here. And enjoy that comped meal, because no steakhouse in Omaha, Neb., would buy the argument that you've already purchased three meals so why shouldn't they give you one for free.

We have, in part, the mob and those individualistic resort proprietors of years past to thank for this collective entitlement complex. Back in the "pre-corporate" days of Las Vegas, casino bosses "understood the house was going to come out ahead in the end," Green says.

"If somebody came in and blew some money, comping that person to a $2.99 dinner was not a big deal," he says.

Today, the expectation for the freebie remains in the form of everything from slot club cards to a free drink when we cash our checks at the casino cage.

Getting something for nothing has a "basic human appeal," notes H. Lee Barnes, a novelist who teaches English and creative writing at the College of Southern Nevada. "It's just that, here, it's wide-open. It's in-your-face."


A city is defined not only by ideas but by things. And out of all of the things that define Las Vegas, neon is perfect.

It's bright and colorful, and its glow is reassuring. It's a perfect combination of the hard (glass tubes) and the soft (the gases inside the tube). Neon is garish and classy, scientific and artistic, practical and ethereal.

Sure, the popularity of neon signs is declining in Las Vegas. But, even today, if you were on "Password" and the clue was "neon," wouldn't you answer "Las Vegas"? And would the opening credits to "Viva Las Vegas" be quite as kinetic without that montage of neon signs?

"Neon was not invented for Las Vegas, but it certainly looks like it was a marriage made in heaven," Green says.


We mean this in the best sense, but does anybody do fakery better than Las Vegas?

Want to visit a faux Eiffel Tower or a fake Lake Como? Want to see otherwise average-looking people burnished to supernova hotness? Want to indulge in the almost-always notion that one spin will change your life?

Welcome to Las Vegas.

Once, people went west to search for gold. And, Barnes says, "they dug their gold mines, and when the mines petered out, they built their cities."

Here, Barnes says, they created "an illusory place where you could mine money without having to dig for it. So marketing took the place of the shovel and the pick."

Of course, "how disappointing it is when visitors arrive in Las Vegas and discover that we don't all look like the people in the commercials?" Green adds.

"I mean, there is a degree of illusion -- call it illusion, call it fakery -- that you are going to win, and the chances are you aren't, the illusion that you're going to meet a goddess or an Adonis when your chances aren't that good."

The trick is to enjoy the illusion without taking it too seriously.


Pick a famous crazy person, any one. Odds are that, whoever you pick, he or she will have some connection, however tenuous, to Las Vegas.

Charles Manson. John Wayne Gacy. The 9/11 hijackers. Their paths all intersected with Las Vegas'.

It could be nothing more than coincidence. Or, maybe, simple probability: Everybody visits Las Vegas eventually, so why wouldn't the infamous drop by, too?

"We have so many different people visiting here," Green notes. "If you show up and you're a little weird, or a lot weird, who notices? And, you can blend in."

Las Vegas is the real-life urban equivalent of the Mos Eisley Cantina in "Star Wars" or "Rick's Cafe Americain" in "Casablanca": A place that attracts everybody, regardless of social standing, origin or morality. Here, in this crossroad city, "you're going to encounter all manner of people," Green says.

That's not necessarily bad. A crossroads is "where people with absolutely nothing in common can meet and interact and even have a meaningful conversation ... simply because you're at a crossroads," Green says. "I think that defines us in ways we don't realize."

And, if you're so inclined, a crossroads also is, Green adds, "a place where you can disappear into the woodwork."

Contact reporter John Przybys at jprzybys@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0280.


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台当局将暂缓施行“去中国化”教育大纲http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月29日14:21 中国台湾网
  中国台湾网5月29日消息 岛内即将在明年施行的新教学大纲,引起台湾各界相当大的争议,台当局“教育部长”郑瑞城今天在指出,将暂缓实施新教学大纲,并且请相关单位作最后研究,近期内将宣布明确答案。







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今日晚報 2008.05.29 
華時:台灣新方向 美國歡迎卻擔心



華盛頓時報今天社論的第一篇的標題是「台灣的新方向」。社論說,馬英九就任總統後,結束了和對岸的緊張關係,開啟了亞太地區的新紀元。現在吳伯雄和中共總書記胡錦濤會面,標記著兩個國家( two nations)六十多年來最高層的接觸。




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吾 愛 吾 師 ------練馬可教授退休離台歡送會------

時 間:1999年8月28日﹝星期六﹞下午2:00~5:00

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主持人:東海學術基金會 簡啟聰董事

主講人:練馬可教授 (Dr. Mark Thelin) 講題:「理想、創造性和東海大學」



練老師1933年出生於大陸福州,父親是協和中學的副校長兼傳教士,母親教授音樂及英文。1955年畢業於奧柏林學院,隨即到東海大學擔任英文教師兩年,之後接受當時擔任文學院長吳德耀博士建議,返美取得社會學碩、博士學位。1962年再度回到大度山上,曾擔任社會系系主任多年,為東海社會系建立堅強的基礎,培育無數社會學界菁英,造就許多傑出社會工作人員,曾獲教育部頒發「六藝獎章」。1985 年起,並擔任中華兒童福利基金會(C.C.F)董事,協助推展扶幼工作。1996年轉至台南神學院擔任宗教社會工作研究所所長,仍擔任東海大學兼任教授,1999年榮獲全國好人好事代表。

練老師在東海期間,除了傳道、授業、解惑外,擔任「東海大學工作營」指導老師,親自帶領東海師生參與社會服務工作,其「求真、篤信、力行」精神,深深感染東海人的心靈。「東海學術發展文教基金會」之成立,亦深受練老師的開創與奉獻精神所感召,目前多數董事會成員及許多位會友亦曾受教受益於練老師,為感念練老師對東海師生的恩澤與教誨,發揚東海大學創校精神� Pioneer & Volunteer �我們誠摯地邀請大家來參加這場歡送盛會。

東海學術發展文教基金會 敬邀 1999.8.12

參加費用 :免費﹙感謝胡其龍校友提供埸地,工作營營友贊助茶點費,歡迎隨緣、隨喜贊助活動費用)

聯絡人:陶蕃瀛 Tel:0939-539291 劉惠祝 Tel:02-27255200*508

總聯絡人:鄧益裕 Tel:02-27071594、0937-833612 Fax:02-27071624 E-mail:tefa@mail.thu.edu.tw


[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < wj. c. > (not for publishing or coping}

賭城破壞查封屋 怵目驚心
馬桶灌水泥、淹屋燒地毯 整修費奇高上市難脫手

 賭城一棟被破壞的查封屋,內部簡直慘不忍睹。 (本報記者馮鳴台攝)












For research studies reference

At 9:37 p.m.(TX) on 052808 for "For a search of 'Nevada wbti' by the leading search engines on Internet" (g. c.):

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- 5 visits - 9:29amFor a search of "By Harry M. Reid business wbti", we can find the following article by the world's leading search engines on Internet (clicking on page [1] ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ...
- 3 visits - May 22John Wang of WBTI in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 17, 2007. ...... by the leading search engines on Internet," (September 17, 2007), U. S. A.: Search.com. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 191k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com


[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < y.tw.; > (not for publishing or coping}

寄給朋友| 友善列印|字級設定:
吳釗燮:陳總統後期 台美關係倒退到最低水平
更新日期:2008/05/29 08:59 吳寧康






[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < ct.c. > (not for publishing or coping}


時勢造英雄 吳伯雄成功展現手腕







[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < y.tw. > (not for publishing or coping}

寄給朋友| 友善列印|字級設定:
更新日期:2008/05/28 19:00





[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < wj.c. > (not for publishing or coping}

賴斯:馬上 有助緩和台海局勢
陪同英國外相米利班德拜訪史大胡佛研究院 國務卿期待兩岸重開對話


【本報記者王慶偉史丹福報導】前來美國進行官式訪問的英國外相米利班德 (David Miliband),23日在美國國務卿賴斯 (Condoleezza Rice)與英國駐美大使沈沃德 (SirNigel Sheinwald)等人陪同下,到史丹佛大學胡佛研究院拜訪,並與胡佛研究院相關學者進行交流座談,主題環繞當前的中國議題。
米利班德在會談中提出他大力提倡的「責任主權」(responsible sovereignty)概念,他期待北京領導人除能回應本國公民要求外,也能使中國在國際社會上扮演更重要角色。


參與對談的史大學者,包括胡佛研究院院長John Raisian,資深副院長David Brady、Richard Sousa、資深研究員Michael McFaul、Alvin Rabushka、Michael Boskin、Alice Miller、Nick Hope、研究員郭岱君與林孝庭等。美國務院發言人Sean McCormack、英國外交部氣候變遷特使 (Climate ambassador) John Ashton與英國駐舊金山總領事館人員,亦陪同出席此一會議。




[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < wj.c. > (not for publishing or coping}

胡吳會 宣布兩岸正式復談

【特派記者汪莉絹 陳志平 李明賢 林琮盛北京廿八電】中共總書記胡錦濤與國民黨主席吳伯雄,28日進行「胡吳會」,宣布海協、海基兩會正式恢復協商。








[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < wj.c. > (not for publishing or coping}








[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < chinatimes.c. (pkj) > (not for publishing or coping}

胡锦涛:积极化解台湾同胞在两岸关系上疑虑http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月28日18:27 新华网
  新华网北京5月28日电 中共中央总书记胡锦涛28日在与中国国民党主席吴伯雄会谈时表示,我们关心、尊重、信赖台湾同胞。对一些台湾同胞在两岸关系问题上存在误解和疑虑,我们不仅会基于同胞情怀予以理解,而且会采取积极措施予以化解。


[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < chinatimes.c. (pkj) > (not for publishing or coping}


吳胡會拍板 北京、上海、廈門、廣州直航桃園








For research studies reference

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Lin-yao Wu's ...- [ 翻譯此? ]
++ 070907-1357 "Lin-yao Wu's Literature World" of WBTI website, Monday, 1:57 p.m., ..... e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to WBTI," (July 13, 2006), Las Vegas, ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 137k - ??齑?n - 類似網?


For research studies reference

YouTube - Beautiful Miss World 2007 - China
Beautiful Zi Lin Zhang.(The second picture is Zhang Ziyi, Im ...
30 sec -

YouTube - Miss World 2007 results: China wins
The CEO of the Miss World organization announces Miss World ...
2 min 34 sec -


For research studies reference

YouTube - 2007 World Miss ???詮?
Views: 74322. ???詯?E彫???⿶?E廡?2008.03.30 ... Miss ...
1 min 16 sec -


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