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http://news.sina.com 200807る31ら 02:35 琍瑆ら厨











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At 5:27 p.m.(TX) on 073108:

[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {sina.c. tp; its writers; its Editor; and its Publisher; etc.} {Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for publishing or coping please!}

For reference to the next flier >>>

兩岸新聞 > 中央社
台灣調整有關政策 王毅指有利兩岸合作
中央社 (2008-08-01 00:30)






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At 2:59 p.m.(TX) on 073108:

[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (y.com, usa; its writers; its Editor; and its Publisher; etc.) {Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for publishing or coping please!}

For reference to the next flier >>>

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WEB RESULTSMa Ying-jeou - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ma Ying-jeou started working for President Chiang Ching-kuo of the KMT after ... Official ROC President's website. Ma Ying-jeou Official Website (Traditional Chinese) ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_Ying-jeou - 113k - Cached
Office of the President, Republic of China(Taiwan)
President Ma Ying-jeou on the morning of July 3 at the Presidential Office met ... l Accessibility l Links l About the Website l Contact Us l Site Map l Privacy ...
www.president.gov.tw/en - 56k - Cached
Ma Ying-Jeou - President of Taiwan (ROC) - Unofficial Website
Ma Ying-jeou was elected as President of Taiwan on 3/22/2008! ... Ma Ying-jeou to receive second-trial verdict. US says referendum binds new president ...
www.mayingjeou.com - Cached
Ma Ying-jeou wins 2008 Taiwan presidential election - Wikinews, the ...
(Chinese language)) Official Website of 30 seconds question for 2008 Taiwan ... Ma Ying-jeou, former Mayor of Taipei, has been elected as the new President of ...
en.wikinews.org/wiki/Ma_Ying-jeou_wins_2008_Taiwan_presidential_ele... - Cached
Republic of China presidential election, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free ...
President-Elect. Ma Ying-jeou. KMT ... W. Bush congratulated Ma Ying-jeou on his ... governmental website for press/media information on the Republic of China ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ROC_presidential_election,_2008 - 177k - Cached
Taiwan Security Research
(Taiwan News, Jul. 29, 2008) President Ma Ying-jeou has decided to appoint Japan ... this month was conducted two months after President Ma Ying-jeou was inaugurated. ...
www.taiwansecurity.org - 163k - Cached
JURIST Search Results - Ma Ying-jeou
RECENT NEWS: "Ma Ying-jeou" Powered by. Searching the JURIST archive... acquitting Taiwanese President-elect Ma Ying-jeou [personal website, in Chinese] ...
jurist.law.pitt.edu/jurist_search.php?q=Ma+Ying-jeou - Cached
AEI - Short Publications - Mayor Ma Goes to Tokyo
... is even a website, the "Handsome Ma Ying-jeou Photo Gallery," maintained by ... Ma's criticisms of Japan are thus usually vehicles to criticize President Chen, ...
www.aei.org/publications/filter.all,pubID.24983/pub_detail.asp - 62k - Cached
Latest Ma Ying-Jeou News - Examiner.com
Latest Ma Ying-Jeou news stories at Examiner.com ... Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou said Saturday that the island needs to secure ...
www.examiner.com/Subject-Ma_Ying-jeou.html - 53k - Cached
Barack Obama | Change We Can Believe In |
Official Website of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign ... Obama Statement Congratulating Taiwanese President-Elect Ma Ying-Jeou ...
www.barackobama.com/2008/03/22/statement_congratulating_taiwa.php - Cached
SPONSOR RESULTSJohn McCain President Web Site
Sign up to join our team now. John McCain 2008.
John McCain President Web Site
Sign up to join our team now. John McCain 2008.
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2008-07-27 Print

President Ma Meets American Institute in Taiwan Taipei Former Director and Scholars

President Ma Ying-jeou on the afternoon of July 27 at the Presidential Office met with former Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, Taipei Office Douglas H. Paal and an accompanying group of scholars. The president, on behalf of the government of the Republic of China and the 23 million people of Taiwan, extended a warm welcome and appreciation to the visitors.

President Ma said that he has faced a number of challenges since taking office and has taken measures to change a number of things. In particular, he noted the meeting between Vice President Vincent C. Siew and Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Boao Forum, visits to Mainland China by Kuomintang Honorary Chairman Lien Chan and Kuomintang Chairman Wu Poh-hsiung, and negotiations between Taiwan~{!&~}s Straits Exchange Foundation, chaired by Chiang Pin-kung, and Mainland China~{!&~}s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait on direct charter flights between the two sides. All of these events demonstrate that relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are developing along the path toward stability and mutual trust, he said. President Ma said he is confident that in the future these initiatives will yield positive results.

The president said that in August he intends to visit Paraguay and the Dominican Republic, two ROC diplomatic allies, to attend the inaugurations of heads of state in the two countries. On the way to and from Latin America, he will make brief transit stops in West Coast cities in the United States. He said he hopes that the transit stops will be without complication and will occur in a natural setting. He noted that the ROC and the United States have consistently maintained effective communication channels on many levels. The purpose of the upcoming journey is to attend the inauguration proceedings of leaders in allied nations and to solidify the ROC~{!&~}s friendship with those countries. He said it is not his intention or style to politicize the trip for domestic consumption.

President Ma furthermore said that the ROC hopes in the future to maintain a friendly and interactive relationship with the United States, Japan and Mainland China. He noted that while a Taiwan sports fishing vessel was bumped by a Japanese coast guard vessel in June off the Diaoyutai islands, the issue was ultimately resolved in a satisfactory manner thanks to communication and the calm handling of the situation by high-ranking officials from both sides, preventing tensions from rising. President Ma said that after the conclusion of the incident, the ROC expressed appreciation for the efforts made by the Japanese government, while Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura in a televised interview praised Taiwan~{!&~}s handling of the situation. The president said that remarks of this type are rarely heard.

The president also said that Mainland China has displayed its goodwill by using the name Chinese, Taipei for the team to be sent from Taiwan to the Beijing Olympics. President Ma feels that the results produced in the handling of the Diaoyutai incident and regarding Taiwan~{!&~}s name in the Beijing Olympics indicate that the three sides are willing to demonstrate goodwill toward each other in an atmosphere of mutual respect. He said he believes this is an extremely positive development.

Former Director Paal said he is extremely positive on the developments in cross-strait relations. He added that Washington D.C. welcomes the improvement in relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and hopes relations will continue to develop in a positive direction. This will not only help in alleviating tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, but also will be important in maintaining regional peace and security. In addition, improved cross-strait ties will also be beneficial to Taiwan~{!&~}s economic development, he said. Former Director Paal added that a month ago he and a number of colleagues met with high-ranking Chinese officials and scholars in Beijing. They also expressed their belief that the current climate offers a rare opportunity in terms of cross-strait relations and that all sides should take advantage of this.

Dr. Paal said that over the past eight years, America~{!&~}s favorable impression of Taiwan has changed in a number of respects. In addition, Taiwan has lost many old friends. He said he feels that Taiwan and the United States need to work to rebuild mutual trust and must start building their friendship over again, thereby recovering the friendship and trust that characterized the relationship in the past.


At 2:37 p.m.(TX) on 073108 (An e-mail from United States Department of Labor.)

Labor Department News Releases Update
Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:52 AM
From: "United States Department of Labor" {subscriptions@dol.gov} View contact details To: tojulei@yahoo.com

You are subscribed to Department News Releases for the U.S. Department of Labor. This page has recently been updated. The following is a summary of the latest news release.

U.S. Labor Department and SEC to share information protecting retirement and investments of American workers
Federal OSHA issues third largest fine in history following sugar refinery explosion
MSHA levies $1.85 million in fines for Crandall Canyon Mine disaster
U.S. Department of Labor announces two new initiatives aimed at promoting hiring of veterans and applicants with disabilities
Read the latest news releases.


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Visit us on the web at www.dol.gov.

GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of the United States Department of Labor ~{!$~} Frances Perkins Building ~{!$~} 200 Constitution Avenue NW ~{!$~} Washington DC 20210 ~{!$~} 1-800-439-1420


*****This was a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier would be posted before or in the evening on July 30, 2008.

<<< An e-mail to WBTI at Thursday, July 24, 2008 5:59 AM From: "United States Department of Labor" {subscriptions@dol.gov} (To be continued ...) >>>

Secretary Elaine L. Chao, one of the greatest overseas Chinese, and her United States Department of Labor News Releases Update to WBTI on July 24, 2008
... wbti: *****
By Bill Maupin, Valerie Weber, Dr. Archie Chang, and Jennifer Kung


***** "....... ." ---??? *1

The following is a summary of the latest news release:

Federal minimum wage to increase to $6.55 on July 24
U.S. Secretary of Labor announces $10 million in grants to train workers for skilled trade careers in the energy industry *2 (Continues after the next pagragraph in Chinese.)

<<< "~{2&#38;LT;O#~!u#38;#32317;&#38;#38;#32113;~!uQ~!u#38;#27770;~!u(3vO/~!u~}~~{~{TB~}8~{HU11&#38;GT;)~!u#38;#22887;&#38;#38;#36939;&#38;#38;#26371;&#38;#38;#38283;~!u;5d~!u#38;#31150;~!u#0W~!u#38;#23470;24~!uUTYP!u&#38;LT;#,2&#38;LT;O#~!u#38;#32317;&#38;#38;#32113;~!uQV8EIR;~!u#38;#20491;~!uIH!u;~!u#38;#20839;&#38;#38;#38307;&#38;#38;#38307;&#38;#38;#21729;&#38;#38;#32068;~!uI5D~!u#38;#32317;&#38;#38;#32113;~!u!um~!u#38;#22296;~!u,3vO/11&#38;GT;)~}奧運會閉~{D;5d~}禮~{#,SI~}國務~{Gd~}賴~{K9~}擔~{HN~}團長," reported ~{LXEI~}員張~{WZVG~} of the World Journal Group in Washington, DC on July 24, 2008.*747 "~{0W~}宮~{1mJ&#38;GT;#,~!u#38;#36084;~!u9~!u#38;#23559;~!uJ~!u#38;#38936;&#38;#38;#36889;&#38;#38;#20491;~!uI2&#38;LT;O#~}總統~{V8EI5D~}總統~{4z1m~}團~{#,3vO/~}8~{TB~}24~{HUTZ11&#38;GT;)~!u#38;#33289;~!uP5D~!u#38;#22887;&#38;#38;#36939;&#38;#38;#26371;&#38;#38;#38281;~!u;5d~!u#38;#31150;~!u#3vO/5D~!u#38;#38307;&#38;#38;#21729;&#38;#38;#36996;~!u!u(TZL(~!u#38;#28771;~!uvI!uD~!u#38;#21214;~!u$2?~!u#38;#38263;&#38;#38;#36249;~!u!~!u#38;#34349;~!u&#38;QUOT;~}衛~{Iz2?~}長~{@n~}維~{LX!&#38;QUOT;C@~!u#38;#22283;&#38;#38;#39376;~!u1&#38;GT;)4sJ9@W5B!&#38;QUOT;G0~!u#38;#22283;&#38;#38;#21209;~!uNGd~!u#38;#20977;&#38;#38;#20523;~!u.P]K9!&#38;QUOT;C@~}國奧會~{VwO/SH2.BeK9~}(Peter Ueberroth)~{#,RT&#38;LT;0~!u#38;#25812;~!uNC@~!u#38;#22283;~!u+92Mb=;LXJ95D~!u#38;#33775;~!ua;(J=Ao1!uCJV~!u#38;#38364;&#38;#38;#31310;~!u:~!u&#38;QUOT;~}&~{GT;&#38;GT;&#38;GT!!~}

~{&#38;#38;#24905;merica&#38;#38;#25263;~}P~{eople,~}A~{merica&#38;#38;#25263;~}T~{alent...~}A~{merica&#38;#38;#25263;~}S~{trength!?i!!2008~}N~{ationa!!Disability~}E~{mplo!uen!!Awarenes!!Mont!!them!!(Continues~}a~{fter~} ~{th!!ne!u~}p~{agragrap!!in~}E~{nglish~}a~{nd~}C~{hinese.)~}

~{Michelle~}K~{wa!!!!Ic!!Beauty~}~~{~{#(1yC@HK9XS1I:#)~}. Hello, you either ...
9 min -
www.youtube.com/watch?v=anKfQzGPPlg ]]] *757

U.S. Department of Labor funds additional YouthBuild projects
U.S. Labor Department抯 OSHA recognizes Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in Pearl River, N.Y., as 2,000th worksite in prestigious Voluntary Protection Program
U.S. Labor Department sues to restore more than $3.4 million to pay unpaid health claims of Texas benefit fund
U.S. Department of Labor presents 2008 Recognition of Excellence awards

Read the latest news releases:

Visit us on the web at www.dol.gov.*3

[[[ 010208-8057 U.S. Department of Labor wbti: "U.S. Labor Department reports $32 million in court-ordered union fund restitutions for workers in FY 2007 ... ," wrote USDOL in an e-mail to us on January 2, 2008. (From 20:57 to 23:58 To be continued ...)

***** "All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action," pointed out James Russell Lowell.

***** President (Andrew) Benton and Chancellor (Charles) Runnels, I'm honored to receive this degree from Pepperdine University, and I'm delighted to be part of the Pepperdine family. ---Mrs. George W. Bush.

***** Charles Runnels Nevada: "Let me thank you very much for the beautiful way you arranged our Christmas card on your web page. It is amazing how much can be done on a computer. You must be a whiz to do all of these fancy things! Congratulations," wrote Dr. Charles B. Runnels, Chancellor of Pepperdine University, from his Office to Dr. Tony T. Lei. The credit should also go to the advice and encouragement of Dr. Runnels for WBTI to receive the Outstanding Accomplishment Award for the Pan Pacific and Asian Amrican Forum (PPAAF) from the U. S. Congress by Congresswoman Honorable Shelley Berkley. ]]] *767

{{{ 122007-1004 *****President Dr. Andrew Benton WBTI: A search of Pepperdine University with "President Dr. Andrew Benton" is one of the innovative ideas and applications inspired by late Dr. Peter F. Drucker. "The holidays just aren't the same without you," wrote Grazidio Alumi Network to WBTI.* [ * http://www.grazalumni.net ]
"Mrs. Laura Bush receives an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Dr. Andrew K. Benton, President of Pepperdine University Saturday, April 28, 2007, as Pepperdine Board of Regents member Eff W. Martin, delivers the Conferring Statement. The presentation came during the commencement ceremonies for the Class of 2007 at Pepperdine's Seaver College in Malibu," posted White House of President George W. Bush on its website with a colorful and elegant White House photo by Shealah Craighead.*1 [*1. The White House of President Gerorge W. Bush. 'Mrs. Laura Bush receives an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Dr ...,' "A search of the profile of News & Policies at April 2007 with 'President Dr. Andrew Benton' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (December 20, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.] }}} *777

<<< Nevada wbti: President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University inspires us, "Reaching up, reaching beyond, always pressing forward; this is the passion of the human spirit." *****"When the river is deepest it makes least noise." ---Proverb

120507-1008 Bush wbti: "From now on, any definition of a successful life must include serving others," said 41st U. S. President George Bush.

120407-1001 Harry Reid wbti: President Dr. Tony Lei is really happy because he has sought and found (more of) the philosophy and practice of how to serve!

120307-9058 Kung wbti: Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung once pointed out in this Forum, "Success equals self-confidence plus happiness (= high E.Q. + I.Q. + A.Q.)" >>> *787

"You must give something to your fellow man - even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." ---WBTI learns it from a search of 'community service', etc. by the world's leading search engines on Internet.*797

<<<<< {{{ "It's my honor to be invited as a guest to attend this event and party. Welcome Chairperson Mrs. Wendy Wu and her husband Dr. Morris Wu to Las Vegas. I applaud Dr. Tony Lei and Washington Business and Technology Institute for their dedication and contribution in making my professionalism and integrity more contributed to the people and government of Nevada for many years," spoke Judge Cedric Kerns to all the participants of the Event and Dinner Party at the Chang's Restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada on February 27, 2005. }}} *5

<<< YouTube - Beautiful Miss World 2007 - China
Beautiful Zi Lin Zhang.(The second picture is Zhang Ziyi, Im ...
30 sec -
www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tTNe-B72pA >>> *6

Q: Ingenuity, innovation, integrity, and diligent work can bring us a miracle! Is it just to click on the first line of the top result? Ans: (by the little girl and boy with a laptop computer under many beautiful palm trees beside the Sea of Galilee) "Ask Google, MSN, and Yahoo!"
{{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
... Tony Lei: A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth! ... Bali ---Gore wbti: I would like you to help me get people from across ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 169k - Cached }}} *7

President Dr. Tony Lei: People are more willing to believe what the 40th U. S. President Ronald Reagan quoted, "To grasp and hold a vision, that is the very essence of successful leadership---not only on the movie set where I learned it, but everywhere." It is quite interesting for people to try the "Business Stratagem" memtioned by famous Frank A. Clark, "I think the next best thing to solve a problem is finding some humor in it."

***** Benton and Livingstone wbti: If there is anything that a man can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance. --Abraham Lincoln

123107-2357 Chao wbti: "The hightest reward for your work is not what you get for it, but what you become by it," points out America's expert on leadership John C. Maxwell. ]]]]] *837

(Editor's notes)

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." -Denis Diderot
This is a quote that can emphasize the importance of the finding about "Passion" on professionalism in a recent speech by U. S. Secretary of Labor Ealine L. Chao.*7


*2. U.S. Department of Labor. 'U.S. Department of Labor's News Releases Update,' "An e-mail from the U.S. Department of Labor to WBTI [July 24, 2008 5:59 AM]," (July 24, 2008), Washington, DC: Subscriptions@dol.gov.
*3. Ibid.
*747. 張~{WZVG~}, '~{11&#38;GT;)~!u#38;#22887;&#38;#38;#36939;&#38;#38;#26371;&#38;#38;#33256;~!u!u!u#38;#32156;~!uO~!u#38;#22577;&#38;#38;#23566!!~}-~{--&#38;#38;#36249;~}~~{~{P!~}蘭 關穎~{I:~} ~{3vO/~}閉~{D;J=~},' "A report about 'Quick news on 2008 Olympics' in the '~{WnPB~}話題' of World Journal," (Washington, DC: Worldjournal.com, July 24, 2008), 1.
*757. ... for a search of "關穎~{I:~} YouTube" by Google ...
*767. ... at the PPAA Forum of Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com in 010208 ...
*777. Ibid. (in December 20, 2008)
*787. ... for a search of "Dr. Peter F. Drucker wbti", and among others by the world's leading search engines on Internet in 012708 ...
*797. Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung, 'Touring,' "An article in the section of "Zhang Zilin, Miss World {Zhang Zilin of China wins Miss World!} at [ http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ]," (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of LVRJ, March 2, 2008), 1.
*837. Bill Maupin, Barbara Buckley, Jennifer Togliatti, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung, 'Las Vegas Review-Journal wbti: Our local, national, and international visibility and popularity of Reviewjournal.com are enhancing through the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet! ... wbti: ***** +++++,' "A feature article in the 'Business & Administration' on Reviewjournal.com," (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, 2008), 7.
*7. Kung, Jennifer. 'ÚwСÌmÃã„Ò~{(&#38;QUOT;~!u#38;Aring;~}~~{~{($~}ðBîIŒ~{!l~}Á¦ ---The sky is beautiful for touring in scenic places!' "A search of 'The sky is beautiful for touring in scenic places! wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (December 18, 2007), U. S. A.: Ask.com.


At 2:47 p.m.(TX) on 080408 for "......." (wj.c.):

[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {wj.c.; s.f.; its writers; its Editor; and its Publisher; etc.} {Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for publishing or coping please!}
For reference to the next flier >>>


趙彤?x ?傲自豪






At 6:29 a.m.(TX) on 073108:

[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (Sina.com, b.j.; its writers; its Editor; and its Publisher; etc.) {Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for publishing or coping please!}

For reference to the next flier >>>

~{>[=90BTKW(Lb~} > ~{U}ND~}
~{VP7=>MC@VZRiT:M(9}If;*Ri08La3vQOU}=;If~}http://www.sina.com.cn 2008~{Dj~}07~{TB~}31~{HU~}10:23 ~{PB;*Mx~}
~{!!!!PB;*Mx11>)~}7~{TB~}31~{HU5g~} ~{Mb=;2?7"QTHKAu=(3,~}31~{HU>MC@9z9z;aVZRiT:M(9}If;*Ri084pIm>MJG6T0BAVF%?KTK6/>+Iq5DYtdB#,VP7=6X4YC@7=GPJ5VFV9C@9z;aR;P!4i74;*RiT15D6qASPP>6!#~}







*****This was a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier would be posted before or in the evening on July 30, 2008.

<<< Just arrives upon the scene. (To be continued ...) >>>

Press Release - Gibbons Appoints General Counsel (nvg@GOV.NV.GOV)
Tourism wbti: Dr. Feng-wei Lai has been
recommended by our notable faculty and advisory board memmbers for promoting to Associate Professor in the GSBPA of WBTI
By Office of the Governor (NV), Ben Kieckhefer, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung


***** "....... ." ---??? *101

Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons today announced the appointment of Christopher G. Nielsen as his new General Counsel.*102

Nielsen is currently the deputy executive director of the Nevada Department of Taxation where he oversees the compliance division, including the administration of tax law and policies. Among his other responsibilities, Nielsen monitors department legislation and regulations, represents the department before the Nevada Legislature and manages taxpayer appeals to the Nevada Tax Commission.

~{!0~}I~{!/~}m excited Chris has decided to join my team,~{!1~} Gibbons said. ~{!0~}He has an in depth knowledge of state law that will help him tackle the wide variety of issues the governor~{!/~}s office is involved with. I~{!/~}m confident he will be a tremendous asset as we move into the 2009 Legislative Session.~{!1~}

Prior to joining the Department of Taxation in 2007, Nielsen served as a Senior Deputy Attorney General in the Nevada Attorney General~{!/~}s office where he represented the Secretary of State with respect to elections and commercial recordings. He also represented the Department of Taxation with numerous administrative appeals, including before the Nevada Supreme Court.

~{!0~}I appreciate the opportunity Governor Gibbons has given me,~{!1~} Nielsen said. ~{!0~}It is a great honor, and I look forward to continuing to serve the state, and the administration, in my new role as General Counsel.~{!1~}

Nielsen graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a B.S. in biology and he received his law degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.

Nielsen will begin his new position in the Governor~{!/~}s office on Monday, Aug. 11. He is assuming the position vacated by Josh Hicks, who was recently promoted to Chief of Staff.*103

The following article has been published by the Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal and referred by many authors of business and educational institutions: *737

"Through the recommendations of our faculty members, including Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas, District Court Judge Cheryl Moss, and Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber, Dr. Feng-wei Lai has been appointed as Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) and Chairman of Penghu and Nevada Tourism Development Research Committee of the Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on September 6, 2005." The announcement was made by Dr. John Wang, Spokesman for WBTI, on September 7, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*2

Dr. Feng-wei Lai was born in September 20, 1953. His nationality is Penghu county, Taiwan.

He received his B.S. degree from Tunghai University. Dr. Feng-wei Lai earned his Engineering Management Doctoral degree (Ph. D.) from MISSOURI University here in the United States (USA).*3 He is now the Magistrate of Penghu County, Taiwan.

The following is a list of some Dr. Lai's publications:

(1) About nuclear power and solutions of our country to deal with it

(2) Cultivation of Penghu book 1 (published October 2002)

(3) Cultivation of Penghu book 2 (published December 2003)

(4) Penghu County Government 1998-2002 Events and Establishment of the Penghu Government (published December 2002)

(5) Green green grass (published December 2003).

Dr. Lai also wrote a thesis entitled, "Technology Organization Alliance-Resonance Theory Perspective".

During his many years public service, he received the following honors:

(1) 4th place in the policy satisfaction investigation done and authorized by Universal TV and the Journalist

(2) Fourth place in the policy satisfaction investigation done by ETTV and China Times

(3) First place in the policy satisfaction investigation done by National Cheng Kung University

(4) Second place in the policy satisfaction investigation done by Common Health Magazine

(5) Third place in the policy satisfaction investigation done by Common Health Magazine

(6) Second place in the policy satisfaction investigation done by CW Magazine.*4

On his Policy, Establishment, and Visions as the Magistrate of Penghu County, Dr. Lai set his goal "to develop Penghu into 'an International isle, A Pearl in the Ocean' since accession. Furthermore, Dr. Lai set two major policy guidelines for the people: 'Improve the Environment, and Inspire Energy'. By aggressively improving the life quality and industry environment, we try to pursuit stability under growth. In this pursuit, we hold the faith to help ourselves and people will help us in return."*5

Magistrate Feng-wei Lai of Penghu County led a delegation team of about 20 high-ranking officials to visit Nevada on September 4, 2005. A welcome dinner party was held for him and his wife on September 5, 2005 at the Sky Room of Stratosphere Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. He and his delegation team visited the Office of Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn in Las Vegas on September 6, 2005. A welcome confernce was held by the Office in its Meeting room. A gifts exchange between Governor Kenny Guinn and Magistrate Feng-wei Lai was also held.*6

"Dr. Tony T. Lei is one of the respectable first class alumni of Tunghai University. We've several other distinguished alumni like him among our first four classes. It's my interest to join WBTI with my knowledge, wisdom, and talent for the promotion and cooperation of academic and tourism development between Nevada and Penghu. This is a great challenge, but a worthy and honorable effort. Of international importance, Penghu's relationship and ties with Nevada has become a valuable asset. We hope that a modern administrative strategy will be formed and based on mutual cooperation and development among the international cities. It's my honor to be named as an Assistant Professor at GSBPA of WBTI," said Dr. Feng-wei Lai in the Conference held at Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn's Office on September 6, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.*7

Dr. Feng-wei Lai has been recommended by our notable faculty and advisory board memmbers for promoting to Associate Professor in the GSBPA of WBTI at his three years' anniversary date of honorable mission on September 6, 2008.

(Editor's notes)


*102. Office of the Governor (NV). 'GIBBONS APPOINTS GENERAL COUNSEL,' "... through its Ben Kieckhefer, Communications Director {nvg@GOV.NV.GOV} to WBTI ... at July 30, 2008 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 2:22 PM ...
*103. Ibid.
*737. Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang, 'Dr. Feng-wei Lai has been appointed Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "A feature article in the section of 'International Cities Business Council' at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ," (Las Vegas, Nevada: Reviewjournal.com, September 7, 2005), 5.
*1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada and the Minority
Whip of the Assembly. Cheryl Moss is a District Court Judge of Nevada serving in Las Vegas, Clark County.
*2. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 28,
2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.
*3. Yahoo.com. 'A profile of Feng-wei Lai,' " A search of 'Magistrate Feng-wei Lai' on the Yahoo.com," (September 6, 2005), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com.
*4. Ibid.
*5. Lai, Feng-wei. 'A profile of Penghu County,' "A search of 'Penghu, Taiwan,' on the Google.com. (September 6, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*6. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas,' "A search of 'Taiwan Benevolent Association of America' on the Google.com," (September 5, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*7. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.


At 4:39 p.m.(TX) on 073008:

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Nevada Commission on Economic DevelopmentIf you need capital for your small business, don't miss the NSBCD SBA Loan Clinics .... Ms. Charlyne Chen Info21 Data Media Group Taiwan World Trade Center ...
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073008-1607 (1)
?热A辦事?近期活?诱猅uesday, July 29, 2008 8:14 PM
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International Offices and Representatives
The Nevada Commission on Economic Development has established international representative offices to assist in the state抯 global trade and investment efforts. For more information please call (800) 336-1600.

Mr. Travis Lu
US Contact Information:

6767 W. Tropicana Ave, Suite 218
Las Vegas, Nevada 89103

Phone: 702-24...
Fax: 702-248-1064
Email: china@wtousa.us

China Contact Information:
26-5 Senli Ave
Baoding City, Hebei 071051 China
Phone: 86-312-...
Fax: 86-312-308-8157
Email: gtrade@wtousallc.com

Mr. Lu is the president and CEO of WTO-USA Commerce and Development Service Center LLC and Inc. WTO-USA works to bring all qualified U.S. products, marketing and development to China and assists Chinese companies establish international branch offices in Nevada.

Mr. Lu has 16 years experience in tax and finance and is a Certified Senior Advisor, Investment Advisor and Tax Accountant in the United States and he opened a branch office in China 2002. Mr. Lu has developed strong and unique friendships with local governments and solid business relationships with many business entities.

Mr. William Ng
Aquiline Project Services Limited
Room 1005, 10/F, Nanyang Plaza
57 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Phone: 852-27...
Fax: 852-2362-1399
Email: billng@aquiline.com.hk

Mr. Ng is the Managing Director of Aquiline Project Services Ltd. ?a transportation company for project related cargos being imported to and exported from China. The company also serves as a marketing and public relations company representing the Port of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports and Los Angeles Convention and Visitors Bureau. He is also the Managing Director of Air Tiger Logistics (Hong Kong) Ltd. ?an international logistics company with affiliates in more than 65 countries around the world.

Mr. Miriano Ravazzolo
US Contact Information:
1836 Resistol Drive
Reno, Nevada 89521

Phone: (775) 242-3676
Fax: (775) 242-3677
Email: mravazzolo@interconnekt.com

Italy Contact Information:
Via Einaudi 6
36030 Costabissara, Italy

Miriano Ravazzolo is the founder and president of InterConnekt, LLC, a consulting company dedicated to serve American Companies willing to export in Italy and vice-versa. Mr. Ravazzolo has more than 20 years of experience in Italy and Europe, as an executive and entrepreneur. With his experiences, he has been general manager of R&C Italia, managing director of Zhermack SpA, and CEO of Zhermack, Inc., in the United States. He has a real and hands-on knowledge of the practices on both sides.

Mr. Jonathan Kaji
US Contact Information:
Kaji &Associates
18527 So. Western Ave., #15
Gardena, CA 90248

Phone: (31...
Fax: (310) 327-7898
Email: jkaji@kaji-associates.com

Japan Contact
Mr. Dai Takagi, Intercast Corp.
2-10-4-601 Nishi-AzabuMinato-ku
Tokyo 106-0031, Japan
Phone: 81-3-54...
Fax: 81-3-5464-0557

Mr. Kaji is the founder and President of Kaji and Associates ?a Japanese trade representative organization.

Previously, Mr. Kaji was the Director of the California Office and Trade and Investment where he was responsible for more than $1.9 billion in foreign direct investment and trade between California and Japan. Mr. Kaji is a former member of the President's Export Council under President George H. Bush. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California and also attended Waseda University and Sophia Univesity in Tokyo, Japan.

Mr. Vince Lencioni
LGA Consulting
Cerro de las Campanas No. 3 Suites 102 & 103 San Andr閟 Atenco
54040 Tlalnepantla, Estado de M閤ico, MEXICO

Phone: 52-555-378-3840
Fax: 52-555-378-9048
Email: vlencioni@lgaconsulting.com

Mr. Lencioni, an attorney with 18 years of Mexican business experience, is founder and Senior Partner of LGA Consulting, a business consulting firm with offices in the greater Mexico City area. LGA Consulting is focused on assisting US & foreign companies from almost all sectors export, sell and do business in Mexico. The firm has business consultants, accountants and attorneys ?all with business experience and bilingual capabilities - to serve our clients.

LGA Consulting has extensive experience in working with US exporters and investments, and offers a broad array of sales and business services for foreign companies related to sales, distribution, operations, customs, standards, collections, financing, accounting, lobbying, investment, sub contracting, and market viability issues and Mexico strategies. In general, LGA Consulting can help with almost any legal, fiscal, technical trade or business development service for the Mexican market.

SINGAPORE (Also covers: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam)
Mr. K.C. Tan
Piers Resource & Services Pte Ltd
8 Penjuru Place, #01-382-8 , Penjuru Tech Hub
Singapore 608780

Phone: 65-6324-6823
Fax: 65-6324-6825
Email: state_reprs@piers.com.sg

Mr. Tan is the President of Piers Resource and Services Pte Ltd. ?a company that provides trade-related services as the agent and representative of the some of the world's major ports and shipping organizations including the Port of Los Angles, Port of Hamburg, American and European shipyards, Panamanian and Suez agencies. The company also has a shipping agency division.

Mr. Tan's career began with Sembawang Shipyard Singapore as a management trainee. He was promoted to the marketing department and then later worked for Inchcape Shipping Services as a marketing manager. During his career at Inchape, Mr. Tan was assigned to their Stanford, Conn. office to solicit business for their worldwide offices. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in naval architecture and ocean engineering from the University of Glasgow Scotland. Recently, Mr. Tan was elected president of the American States and Ports Association in Singapore.

Ms. Charlyne Chen
Info21 Data Media Group
Taiwan World Trade Center
110, Room B13, 5F
No. 5, Sec. 5, Shin-Yi Road
Taipei, Taiwan

Phone: 886-2-2...
Fax: 886-2-2723-5074
Email: Nevada@info21.com

Ms. Chen is the CEO of Info21 Date Media Group ?a company that provides trade intelligence information in Shanghai, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In addition to her duties as CEO, the Governor of Penghu, Taiwan, has appointed Ms. Chen as their official advisor on tourism and gaming. She also received the "Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of 2003" award given by Asia Week magazine in Hong Kong.

Ms. Chen is a first generation immigrant from the Republic of China. Her family owns a motel in LasVegas that she has helped operate since she was 14 years old. Ms. Chen attended Orr J. High School and Valley High School in Las Vegas. She attended UNLV and completed her degree at Call State Fullerton in California.

Mr. Trevor Bargh
Charter Solutions
21 Castle Hill
Lancaster, Lancashire
United Kingdom LA1 1YN

Phone: 44(0)1524 846847
Fax: 44(0)1524 846836
Email: trevor.bargh@chartersolutions.co.uk

Mr. Bargh is founder and CEO of Charter Solutions, an award-winning international consultancy firm focused on helping organizations achieve high growth and exceptional results.

Charter provides inspirational strategy, marketing and performance management consultancy to a wide range of public and private sector organizations in the UK and internationally.

Mr. Bargh has been developing business between the UK and the US for more than 20 years. Specifically, he has been involved in trade development, acquisitions, mergers, import and export strategies and market entry plans and has a strong network of high level contacts in both the UK and the US. He is also Chief Executive of CityBlock plc, an AIM listed property company.

He received the Management Consultancies' Association Gold Award for Best UK Marketing Practice 2005 and won the North West of England Chartered Accountants Entrepreneur of the Year.


At 11:37 a.m.(TX) on 080408:

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高金素梅: 期待在鳥巢用「真善美」感動世界
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  「舞蹈與歌唱是原住民部落的生活方式,這些歌舞有時候是娛樂的,但更多時候承擔著深沉的意義。文化就是他們生活的一部分。」 正是為了還原這種「生活感」和「原始感」, 演出團隊集合了農夫、漁民、獵人、工人、學生,年紀最大的65歲,最小的只有14歲,沒有一位職業演員。高金素梅透露:特別挑選了老中青少四代,為的是展現原住民代代相傳的文化生命。「對於部落年輕一代而言,這個舞台和經歷或許可以讓他們重新審視自己的民族。」







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2008-07-29 06:42:03

  新浪科技訊 7月29日傍晚消息,借百度董事長兼首席執行官李彥宏在台灣做成功之道演講之機,馬英九與其舉行了會面。







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Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas. 'Democrat of the year,' "An e-mail from President John Ponticello of PDCLV to Washington Business and Technology ...
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ReviewJournal.com - News - POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Presidential ...Mar 24, 2008 ... Las Vegas Review-Journal ... Reid of Nevada poses for a picture Wednesday with Dr. Adele Zorn during the Paradise Democratic Club meeting at ...
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Clark County Democratic Party - Latest Democratic Party News and ...The Paradise Democratic Club recognizes the Smiths for their dedication to ... signed a lease on Suite 110 B , 2320 Paseo del Prado, Las Vegas , NV 89102 . ...
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