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052108-0994 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {chinareviewnews.com; g. c.) (not for publishing or coping}吳經國回憶北京申奧 披露一票之謎 http://www.chinareviewnews.com 2007-06-21 21:13:52 吳經國當年和何振梁並肩戰鬥。 北京贏了。 吳經國,祖籍蘇州,1946年生於重慶,曾就讀于台灣東海大學、英國牛津大學建築學院、利物浦大學。1988年任國際奧會委員,並擔任台北奧會副主席。他親眼見證了中國申辦奧運會從兩票惜敗到夢圓莫斯科的整個過程。尤其難能可貴的是,吳先生懷著強烈的民族情感,排除台獨勢力的干擾,兩次投下贊成票,為北京申奧成功作出了寶貴的貢獻。 1 民族利益決定手中一票 自北京提出申辦2000奧運會的決定後,中國奧會副主席、國際奧會委員何振梁及秘書長魏紀中、副秘書長屠銘德,于1993年來到台北,並親自前來拜會,希望能獲得我的全力支援。那天何振梁來到我的辦公室,島內媒體蜂擁而至,將我與何振梁團團圍住,他們希望知道我是否會支援北京。我深知這個答案的敏感度,心中早已盤算該有怎麼樣的回應。我向媒體的公開回答是:我這一票的考量有兩大因素,第一是為了中華民族的利益,第二是為了奧林匹克發展的利益。環顧當時島內政治環境的敏感、複雜,如果直接道出我所支援的對象,實非明智之舉,而客觀地提出我投出這一票的前提條件,自認不失為處理這個棘手問題的好辦法。 但私底下,我與何振梁曾就整個申辦城市的票選與競爭態勢做了相當完整的溝通和說明,我以客觀身份向他全盤分析國際奧會委員們的背景,以及可能產生的不同投票行為;並建議我們兩人應作不同的分工,共同努力讓北京順利獲得2000年奧運會的主辦權。 另一方面,台灣島內卻以高度的政治敏感性來看待這起事件。島內的一位商界領袖因為要開拓澳洲商機,曾經和澳大利亞總理會晤;澳方也積極通過這位商界領袖與政界的關係,希望促成台灣當局表態支援雪梨申辦2000年奧運會。後來,我赴澳大利亞開會時,經由澳洲人士獲得一項重要資訊,那就是一封由該商界領袖寫給澳大利亞總理的信函,信中內容讓人明顯感受到當局對於北京申辦奧運會的立場。 由於國際奧會委員代表國際奧會獨立行使委員權利,我們的誓約當中最重要的一段話,即不接受任何政治、宗教、種族與商業利益給予的壓力。換言之,我這一票必須本著良知,以自己最忠實的想法作最好的判斷。因此,我雖然已經意識到當局對此事的態度,但我堅持謹守1988年當選為國際奧會委員時的誓詞,並未因為當政者的意願有所影響。 台灣當局也在9月初作出公開聲明:北京申辦奧運會,臺當局立場認為其所具備的條件並不成熟,可是投票是由國際奧會委員吳經國個人決定,當局會尊重他的權利與決定。 2 難忘蒙特卡羅決戰 1993年8月中旬,中國在新疆羅布泊湖進行氫彈試爆。8月下旬,日內瓦聯合國人權會議即在美國的主持、策動下,對中國人權問題發起抨擊。形勢和局面顯然都不利於北京。 當年9月17日,我前往2000年奧運會主辦城市的決戰地摩納哥蒙特卡羅,出席該年的國際奧會年會。當時5個申辦城市代表和各國領袖雲集,德國總理科爾、英國首相梅傑、土耳其女總理德米雷爾、澳大利亞總理基廷和中國副總理李嵐清,都率領大批幕僚出席。每位國際奧會委員都受到各申辦城市代表的包圍與遊說,希望能夠給予支援。 ... ....... һֻ݆˃ɷ犾ͽYͶƱYڵһ݆6Ʊ̭44Ʊ20Ʊ˹̹17ƱȰ15Ʊ߀߳Ʊ@Ȼ˹̹ȡ˹ṁίTͬЧڶ݆˹̹ƱԴԭͶo6Ʊԓصϣf һ݆ͶƱᣬڶ݆ͶƱ_ʼɷYtҌ҃߅ίTpxeѽY@ˡ߅ļ~mίTd߶Ƚҕ@Ӡ؆N֪Ҵ𣺡ңϯܿҪѽYϢԴvʷԵһ̵ڵڶ݆56Ʊ^딵ZW\kࡣ ֻҊ_Rmӵŷ⣬˺_ڣól2008W\kО鱱ȫDrgׄӣFɆTλdؓһҲλn҂鲻ԽϲOҵıf˼¡Ҵ҂zͬЇ˼¡҂z¶ЄڈSίTSýwn҂ǰVWͣţ@һҺͺһ˚vʷһ퓣KhښvʷϳɞҊC 7 eOƱIJ ص^ᣬյWίՈՈȫwίTӮ8rĪ˹Їʹ^ekđcףƕ@d^ṛՓ˻Ę϶ѝMЦݣЇϯRҲڴ˕r_ͶƱǰҊ^帱KxҊңȻȫoI˵֣һѱסңKfdzdzxx㌦֧ԮҲ֪ӰSܳ\ӆTFFסҪԔͶƱ^̣˴˸d˰㹲@ϲ ƕYص^еd^δpˣҴ_ҕտýwWɹĸuՓ̨ۡꑺصĒLԒӿҵķgȡ@һҸo˯ƽÿСrһͨԒMһֱm6cͣЪ һֵһСƱxY֪Ǿ_Rmϯ713_ǰĵԃ˜ʵΰl@Ȼ_RmДx@Ҳy˘˜ʵͨԒ@ɂ֡ ҲMԼk^УվAһӵȫͶģڇHϷeO鱱Ʊ⣬Ҳṩ˺ܶཨh춱ijɹҏIJϣAһӵȫf{ɰЇ˺̓ɰHWίTڱW@ϣogɹشһWĄ̡(Դ|W) -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052108-0993 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {wj.com) (not for publishing or coping}ȫrӑB ӢԪʹ^ ϣLƪġ҂cゃͬڡ ʡɳ˼° yϣͷ}20ոAʢDЇvʹ^tЇĴ봨yߡA Ӣ಼20յЇvӢʹ^ĴyߡD鲼`ǰĬ AʢDɆTcЇ봨KأeQPעЇeȫյĵڶ죬yϣɷ}20ð굽Їvʹ^ڏt䲾ԣĴy°_ο Ӣ಼ʡyɳ˼χҲ_cο ϣɰmҰȫStephen Hadleyͬ絽_Їvʹ^° ϣڴʹ^ڙEA߅LLġϣҾЇĕrFĿ˸oՓЇϣNʽṩfSr;wܵӰ푵ĞοKտ͡ ϣKゃʹʧ˶ۼьȻʧۙʿrֵ˱ṛ҂cゃͬڡһ}Ҳڏt䲾ԣˌMһ퓡 ϣDSK̕Ĭ⡣ϣʾ҂_еο\ȬKKЩ֧x˂ο vʹtxЇֺ֧͎ Ժ20fһܾȞČCӋ22\dѾļҵ_ЇǰЃɼ܊̫ƽ\ݔC18\dʳƷˮë̺l늙CȾȝY_ɶ yɳ˼19յ_Їvʹ^_⣬Kڏt䲾ԡӢ಼ҲЇvشʹ^tԡҲʾзҪӢќʂMһṩrֵİfԪfĎ ڼ~sχ20_֮ǰصeĬxʽȫwɆTЇyߡ 2008-05-21 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052108-0991 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {chinatimes.com) (not for publishing or coping} 2008.05.21 ϣDͅឝE|°ο ЏV yϣDǰйvʹ^tĴyߣͬrԺքeͨ^QhĴ_cοϣ͇ʾSrʂṩҪfЇ^yP yϣͷ}ǰйvʹ^˶ڵ䲾ԡϣʾ}ĺЇ\ο@ʹṛЇվһ𣬁KҞyߺH\SrʂṩҪf ڴͬrԺքeͨ^QhĴĞ_ʹc\οAhT|rgʮգҲǰlĸ죬nՈͬŹͬ_cο@헛Qhڽohͨ^ hԺͨ^ƵěQh@헛QhɅhԺ⽻ίT̫СMϯUɪ̫́СMĹhϯhT¿˹λŮʿͬQhʾϣyԓؑЇκP˵ԮҪSrʂṩ~YԴԅfܞĵЇ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052008-0998 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {wj.com) (not for publishing or coping}AȦ wСmŮ ͬ@?suʿ ?ڹLwСm(Ҷ)Hwa ()19ի@ü~sNyack?WԺCl?suʿ?Wλ@ǸŮ?z16һͬ?r@?su?Wλ?DwСmkṩ ģ??xڡ?ڹLwСmHwa 19ի@ü~sNyack?WԺCl?suʿ?Wλ@ǸŮ?z16һͬ?r@?su?Wλ wСmͬ?rҲ?Ȯ??IM?}fQ?f?У?Wõ??յ?yܶ?Wȥ·ΐ̲˿˽ĹָpδѵıC ?y??l??ıȮ??IжƸ8%Į??I21o?Ҫ^øߵȽ??˲š ?Dһ?УLMichael Scalesһ?LMichael Turk 2008-05-20 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051908-0992 |
For research studies references̨?Rϡ~¼oԪ hL˹S˹ȡ? ??ɰֱ?^̨́¾̨֣?^[a?I鿴qʮa?I[Ȼ?d̨?^?Ļ?^ ??A_?W˹S˹У University of Nevada, Las VegasUNLV?꼰ʹ?Wϵȫһ̨ġxhhL??ͶhhL䡢ûhhLԴλL?ֺ֧?c54Տ̨?lǰ??֮˹S˹nUNLVʹݼӢC?ࡹ?M615ճlݴ?s ?n⣬UNLV??I?W?TǰCasinos?Ȳ?^Ħ_Casinos? UNLVȫ?WԮ³ā?^ⲩʹ?WԺ?ṩuṇÿ25˾Ϳ_࣬?gӭdȤ?Fws@??X? -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051908-0991 |
For research studies referenceMonday, May 19, 2008 3:41 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "lan mei" [emily_lan_mei@yahoo.com] Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei1@yahoo.com Hi, Judy and Tony, First of all, thank you for coming to our concert last night. Second, I appreciate your compliments and the nice review article. I hope you all had a good time. I did. I am extremely grateful that the audience were so welcoming and supportive. I look forward to more opportunities to serve the music-loving friends in the DFW area. To answer your question, I think Yuhua's English name is Eva Renn. Best regards, Emily Lan Mei --- K H Chang wrote:--------------------------------- Washington business and Technology InstituteWBTI http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Dear Soprano Emily Lan Mei, Cogratulations! It's impressive of your music perormance last night. The following is the draft of a part of a feature article. Any comment, modification, or enrichment that may be extented from you to WBTI will highly be appreciated. ... ....... Mei's Ensemble Concert Series ---Rose Han's Student Singing and performaning Concert (I) was held at Prairie Greek Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas on May 17, 2008. The singers were Emily Lan Mei, Yu-hua Jen, and Meng-pei Hu. Pianist was Mei-en Chou while the violinist was Melody Jiang. They sang songs like "Ridente la calma", "Che faro senza Euridice", "O mio babbino caro", and among others individually. "Our purpose of this concert is to motivate, lift up, and develop the enjoyment of opera and the level of quality of performaning. In oder to study and communicate with music favors and choir organizations, we'll do it more publicly. We're looking forward to launch a great one in the coming September!" talked Artistic Director Rose Han to a writer, Tiffany Chang, of the Communitylink (WBTI's Website) of Reviewjournal.com. "I'm a professional in information technology. How exciting and happy I'm learning and performing this singing talent in my leisure time! High E. Q. has taught us to develop our potentiality," said Soprano Yu-hua Jen. ***** Music is one of the fairest and most glorious gifts of God. ---Martin Luther "It's my great experience! I'd like you to meet our teacher," said (light) Soprano Meng-pei Hu. During the performance, they sang also several famous Chinese art songs in the final section. Through the mutual performaning of both the Western and Estern music, will the "Creating new way of using classical vocal techniques to sing popular songs" a little on the air? "With appropriate opportunity, I may go further for advanced education in music. At the time being, I'm inspired by a feeling of 'To learn is to make me happy!'" said Soprano Emily Lan Mei pleasently with a vision. Pianist Mei-en Chou came to study in America from Taiwan. She graduated from Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. "Miss Mei-en Chou has just received her Master Degree recently in Texas," introduced Artistic Director Rose Han about the Pianist during the Concert. She is young and ingenius. The concert was applauded by a great deal of attendants enthusiastically. To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only dream but also believe. ***** The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. ---Ralph Waldo Emerson Responsive enthusiasms to the PPAA Forum of WBTI are presenting recently by Dr. Dina Titus (for public service commitment), ... ....... *1. For more information, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the section of "Bsiness & Administration" (051608-1007) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Is the spelling "Soprano Yu-hua Jen" correct? Is this your correct e-mail? Our previous e-mail address is now technically unavailable. Sincerely, Judy & Tony -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051708-0991 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {RGJ.com; Google.com) (not for publishing or coping}Anjeanette Damon Reno, Nevada, United States Anjeanette: I've been covering Nevada politics for the Reno Gazette-Journal since August 2003. I've been a reporter at the RGJ since 1997, covering police and city hall before taking over the statehouse beat. I'm a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno. Inside Nevada Politics Interesting observations from Nevada's political arena. Friday, May 16, 2008 Former secretary of state Cheryl Lau files against Parnell As first hinted at by Jon Ralston earlier today, Republican Cheryl Lau has filed to run against Assemblywoman Bonnie Parnell. The Carson City district has a heavy Republican voter registration edge and the party has been working hard to find someone with a chance to unseat the popular Parnell. Lau, a former rising star in the Republican Party, is well-connected and has good name recognition. She serves as a pro-tem judge in Carson City. But Parnell will prove to be a formidable incumbent to unseat, many observers say. She works hard, has a strong base and is seen as a conservative Democrat. posted by Anjeanette Damon at 3:02 PM -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051508-0997 |
For research studies referenceAt 7:37 a.m. (TX) on 051508 for "john rolcc" (c. g.): Sunday School Teaching - John - Part 3 John Chapter 3 ROLCC...Belinda Liu 102 min video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3734966643551084120 -------------------- Sunday School Teaching - John part /9 Sunday School Teaching on the book of John...Belinda Liu 89 min - video.google.com/videoplay?docid=221184387370323375 ---------------------- Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ... - May 13(pointed) out John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC, on May ... from Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC John K. Lei to WBTI,' ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 191k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051508-0995 |
For research studies reference At 6:58 a.m. (TX) on 051508 for "Finn Torjesen ccba" (c. g.):Washington Business and Technology Institute - Christian Chinese ... His best to you, Finn," wrote one of the CCBA Directors Finn Torjesen, an achieved Chinese Christian Leader recognized by the Government, from Taiyuan City, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this CCBA_ؐlE- [ Translate this page ] Member present: Jian Zhu, Paul Wang, Song Cao, Tony Lei, Finn Torjesen Chair: Jian Zhu Note taken: Song Cao I. Introduction to new CCBA board members: Tony ... paulwanghome.blogspot.com/ - 71k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this CCC_Seminaryٓډؐl_{@: 2008- [ Translate this page ] Invite Tony Lei and Finn Torjesen to join CCBA board. More candidates are discussed and considered for CCBA top-level management. Song and Jian will contact ... cccseminary.blogspot.com/2008_02_01_archive.html - 61k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051508-0994 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {Sina.com) (not for publishing or coping}nn ԡĻ n GO D ӡ Ļɂ ܡsoftǧfeСĻĻYϽɞaIģʽһվ~棬߃rֵăݡѵӾn{nijɹݔĻ춇H̨ձȫ磬nһꇃA꣬Mÿĵס n̨ӺÎׂ^Փġ{ɫ١ٸ衷ǏV֪ġLDaơԾԒ}ԼҕʣLˡڹ𡷡Ґ㡷ҲDZn]ɲĽƷrգmָn˟⾰ǰn̨mᲥԼnǽBLԑaƷҊnЈԲСU nֻ̨ε鳱⡢ҕߵձҲ֓ˡӡЦٸ衷ձNHKҕ̨ʷoǰز4εļo䛡һiLӢ۳ɞȫԵnŮǣKһnʽᡣ̨ձ|ρҲnLnеĽʳAVǰn}dnʽWL^LCnnLĻM̙Coޡ ȻnijɹKһɎףԷg50NͬZݔLf䱳nݵֽɫPIˣҪ˽nܳɹ@VԵģȱ횙zҕnخaĭhcߣصnĄ飬fĵĹ£Ҳnɹԭ ֮nuĭhߺnă|ݣoɣ҂һ̽nԃ|nĮauN춇HȫעĿ̨lչĻaIĽR ҕLC nĻaI ȣՄndı1997꣬LϯȫޣnҲδ܂⣬܄R߳LԼҽn}bձӰҕĻaIձĽ棬nQձR׃ýwߣAƵĻaIh 1998n_ʼYҕĔzKϵyݔnneOƄnM끆ҕ̨ӳKԶԵđҕ̨ע⣬ṩIҸԪx@Ԛw֮nЈCϣԵĿWָnuǰᘌЈMЈҎˌ춓V݆TOӋӰuhһЈ_aNһwĿġ nڵărϣn_ʼNrՄİFrnİsHՄ30%Ϟn끆ЈnҪȡuʽKҲIҕ̨زΔҲˣn{rͲӳƵăݣҕ̨ڳɱʡĿ£Mn ΣCᣬn{ΡYĻϣnȫЈݔnԇDnNӏV棬ڰl]ĻaIĽrֵu|nͳnҕ̨Ҫ֮ա n ƭhau|n ĻaIεIJ֣nݔЈ횴ӋԵNԣԓuһi|о@˻ζđ@횻صnҕYuԴ^飬nucaPҕȦhĪP̽ӑnĻM@ȡ̙CҕnҕB ϣnҕЈKBS(n)MBC(ĻV˾)SBS(hǏV˾) ҕ̨ҪĸYKBS鹫ҕMBCʹҕSBS̘Iҕ̨ϰٵоl̨nоҕ̨Բl_ԟǫ^μı£nҕ̨нҎģKSIߌҕ~ͶYKuƷ|đofnmĸY®auչFҎuˮʡ SonؑĻЈn漰汣nauĄIٝuIֻҪͶYͽopͶʣIaƷٝF_NĿģKҎҕُ̨ӰƬSrβԾSoؑİlչVߵıϣ佡ȫĂBnoҕ̨nauώOăݣһii|n@ӵĭhЮauQ йQ Ļ ƷҪڲͬЈQ@ޒ푣ṩM ˹ͬČrֵ^nځޏVܚgӭпһĻԵı֮¡ [1][2][һ] | |
(Continues ... D ӡ nڵāއҶnĻϵԣͬλ춁ĻȦĹͬУͥ^˜ʡɷ˼Ļӽăݣˣnݔ ˶ԣ^nrеĻuKܝM^ϵ༴nڃTϣ ˵ЏĻJͬ@һĻӽԾͳɞnNPIĸݡ ⣬nЎNͣԼͥϱ}oļͥL硶ѐ顷Sɫ߹ۺһgȣMYĹbʷԊ硶ɻʺLɡ̫ӛcҡȣԼܑAͯԒһ16ㄡ̨OѵġMݡuӡҵŮmwǡHһ̖꡷ȶǎcͯԒɫʼЩ挍_ʷͬnͣM㲻ͬgcԄeȺđԡ Փͣnăݴx顢H顢Ⱦ^M넡飬һgһ𱯂^УnҪϯģȻy¡ _ʷa 䄡Me ƷζnݣnܚgӭㄡfnЃcIһ{ƽscͬ_ʷƽһĄӵˣȻx_@磬Σ@ǽnٸ衷Ĺºģv18qһij٣yĨӡӛμmpһ10ꡣ n|ģfāУmȻ³^ͯԒУֿҊһ˵ճʽn^S˼āŮңȻʽ[F˵Đ飬ÿÿ˿̹ġڄУһӆc}䘷ڄrţSŮرҸĽ䄡С ⣬nDZnNҪԪأfcĹnĺģNŮǵijɫònT棬¿γБ䡢|ԪȽг^180ֵӢͦͣŮλۆ̡̩nˡԷ˽˵LɡnżΨº@ɴcnԿIJԒ}ԲČףnԌڵna㽡 턡 n}ȥ пnܣҕ̨ȫͶnunԑ춨ĻݔmȻnЈijɹֹ֧ɛ]]˵Ą顢ס䘷˾ccnҲÿڱ_Ј ՄnееͯԒһӣnԊ箋٣ٸ衷ļѩ{ɫ١һɫε{AݡͯϢĘ옷@^ֻǿݏxFɞ鄡ˣMɽɫ~cce@һ`ijڡ nn^ΨτĮ^Ժ˵N^aHwĸXth칫@ݍuBСtDŽоסĽСճƷȣnĻaIYϽrֵ^nNnƷơK_ЧԞwϲ۵Ĉǰn}nʽWҲn^档 Сˣ nR lչ̨ĻaI ͬLӢfdžһĻɫͿܵ^ϲۣ@ҪͰ؏Ļȸ۷enЬFڳʬF˂lԵĻA nĻKһ죬Ǽ۷e{n及JݔģnҕLDCŬ˼ȫ˳УRĻݛnνҵcnձȫnlչһĻݔͽlչnFȦc ص̨҂ţ̨ҲЙC飬̨mީСsиĦɳuǰnOn Air̨ȡһĻĻʬF̨֪@Usֲʧӹף^̨ҪlչƵĻaI˞顣 ̨ĿǰĻaIİlչȣ̨^muܺՄnă|ҳ̨ĶλһζģՄnģ²ѕrS|ijuȱٵ⣻Σ̨đ횼ӏ݆Tݼͽˇ˟oӷ֣Qһ݆Tֻǻƿᣬ횃ٳyһĻ^ⲿWn̨ĻȺ{̨uУ̨ҲHӳ뱊ۺA -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051508-0993 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {RJ.com) (not for publishing or coping}May. 15, 2008 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal CANDIDATE FILING LIST Elections The following candidates filed for office Wednesday. Only those candidates whose districts include Clark County are listed. Filing began May 5 and ends Friday. D-Democrat G-Green R-Republican Most Popular Stories LANDLORD: AS TENANT, FLEISS FOR THE BIRDS NORM: Owner Jay-Z says 40/40 Club is fine JUDICIAL DISCIPLINE COMMISSION: Panel suspends Halverson 1958 CRASH: DEATH IN DESERT AIR CALICO BASIN: Tranquillity lost NORM: 'Idol' contestant set to go country Experience Ending NORM: Reid book reveals 'Casino' mystery NORM: Jackson in action possibly in Vegas NORM: Cruise the object of a twin crush IA-Independent American * Denotes incumbent 1ST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Caren Alexander (IA) Eve "No. 1 Mom" Ellingwood (R) 2ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Craig Bergland (G) STATE SENATE DISTRICT 4 Steven A. Horsford* (D) DISTRICT 5 Joe Heck* (R) DISTRICT 11 Joe Locatelli (R) STATE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 1 James R. Jones (R) DISTRICT 2 "Jack" Surpure (R) DISTRICT 10 Mitch Hostmeyer (R) DISTRICT 12 Aaron Matthew Hall (D) DISTRICT 16 Bob Irwin (R) DISTRICT 17 Ryan Fitzgibbons (IA) DISTRICT 18 Venicia Considine (D) DISTRICT 22 Michael W. Kennedy (R) CLARK COUNTY COMMISSION DISTRICT C Warren Ross Markowitz (IA) DISTRICT D Tom McGowan (IA) CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD (NONPARTISAN) DISTRICT A Steven Bergstrom MOAPA VALLEY TELEVISION MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Craig Fabbi* Daniel Huse Pray* OVERTON POWER DISTRICT 3 (MOAPA) Gary L. Leavitt* Links powered by inform.com -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051508-0992 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {TauntonGazette.com, RJ.com, AP.com) (not for publishing or coping}May 14, 11:46 PM EDT Obama apologizes to reporter he called 'sweetie' AP Photo/Jae C. Hong Advertisement Buy AP Photo Reprints PHOTO GALLERY Latest Photos of Barack Obama Audio Slideshow On the Road with Obama Latest News Obama welcomes Edwards endorsement, even if tardy Obama apologizes to reporter he called 'sweetie' Obama, Clinton surrogates stump in Puerto Rico Obama appeals to working whites in Michigan NARAL Pro-Choice America backs Obama Campaign Interactives Iraq? Global Warming? Gay Marriage? See Where the Candidates Stand Your Questions Answered Ask AP: Leaded gas and college football poll votes STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. (AP) -- Barack Obama apologized Wednesday to a Michigan TV reporter after he called her "sweetie" and dodged her question about autoworkers. WXYZ-TV's Peggy Agar shouted a question to the Democratic presidential candidate during his appearance at a Chrysler LLC plant in this auto-making suburb of Detroit. Agar asked Obama what is he "going to do to help American autoworkers." "Hold on one second, sweetie," Obama replied. "We'll do a press (availability), thanks." He did not reply to Agar's question. On the air later Wednesday, the station played a voice mail message Obama left for Agar. In it, Obama apologized for not getting back to her. He also told her he has a bad habit of calling people "sweetie." Obama then said: "I mean no disrespect, so I am duly chastened on that front." -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051508-0991 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {... .tw; chinatimes.com) (not for publishing or coping}2008.05.15 ɰ}RӢšSn520y Еrӈ࣯L [߃ɰ֮gMhǰϯSʮ壩ʾʿyRӢŌf ԓ֔ጳ⡣u칲ah͇h^ՓԜͨܶ飬hӻϛ]І}}dzRӢϣRӢűҲ֪BҲ֪}ćԣϣЇ߀^RӢš ^ȥRӢᘌЇİlԣι_؟Ї悉찲TԮ݆ԼyxrЇ悉رl؟KPҪƊW\Sf@Щ}ЇஔðЇRӢŮxһ£һֱȡصđBȣ@NBȣҪRӢɰ}MһB SǧMhˮ⮔xy֪}İYYcMh̨Լ̨ǷЕrgЇҲᘌ@cҪˮʩhcdzˮʩҲ˲ŕСIJһ]Сʾ hsuϯBLЇKٳɡՓǰڱeСBBͺ\˹ɰvʷ¾֣Ҳ˵ġvʷλAϺ\^mB⣬hϯDzҲLЇˇhcahhPSDzeġ SfFچ}dzRӢϣЇߌӌRӢDzMģRӢŲX֪}ehRӢڿyfУᘌ^ȥfһЩKጳ⣬@ӻSɞɰ³lCԼθС ՈЕrӈ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051408-0993 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {... .tw; chinatimes.com) (not for publishing or coping}2008.05.14 Sݴ ϣҌԏĿy h̨rgʮeS၆hȿyxϣpWRϣꇠIʿDϣS၆݅Ӹxӕr_ѴЦչFʮƽL() hyxS၆eͶƱ~shTϣDAÉԄ{@Y_һҪӍϢǡhx߀˼x߀]YSݵĄCԏĺxˣIhAʮһ´xĹ܊ fԼԏĿy˛Qŗϣxc֧^mһ^ mȻýwԼAѽJZhTWRAhyxϣSݵĄгmLµĻIa ϣgŕr^ðlxfЦݝMĸxSݵxҵó^mȥf˿ҸԶQģ^m@xֱÿ˶ЙC_Bȡ Ҳ{ĿǰֹWRcoAë@hxeƱ߀һٵصijxSݵĉԄҸ~M ᘌ^ȥһY݁mߵĸˣϣؑЩҪx\{ԡ^{Yаٷ֮ʮĵhTxҪMеֻƶֵهֻҪ^mվһҪ^mI֧~xó̡ fxxǸVȫԏĺxˣIhAʮһ´xyһһ_ʼ]һλAðmhڳxݔSݣ˽SݵĄCҲǸԏĺxˡ ǧλ֧ߵĚgӭУfyxܷٔAPIݣeϦ၆ݡݡºʲݡݡɫݡīݡA_ݣ__ݡԼSݣѽڳx@ЩPIēu[ݡ 1 2 3 4 5 һ ՈЕrӈ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051408-0992 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {... .tw; chinatimes.com) (not for publishing or coping}2008.05.14 Sݴ ϣҌԏĿy ˹ҕ̨ij{@ʾһxţWRclhه뷨һ¡ه؎зNx⺭vWRꇠIĸxΣC ycm ֲ WRĸx¶fƵ@Ҳ܉֪RȺҪԭϣuWRֻZuŪڲţowҊ WR˼֧߄t1960xhyx˸ޕϞӵfǻ۵ՄԒx˼μ^ĵĻ|ء ޕϵľfܷ͂dһξfֿϵڶξfС_˹һξfѱʷҹJvʷ4ƪĿyf ޕ11v壨f̩£KɭTed SorensenK춳xߵȴѾõĻؑ䛣ښvʷ߅ϡCounselor:Life at the Edge of History@һxԘOߵ¶˲ޕκvԼޕ̎Űi¼ŰwΣC^̡ еһČW͌AKɭһֱ댑ؑ䛣ȵҪ_rsLؓpҕˈ̹PֻƸՈһӘOвŚpˁm£Adam FrankelfǸޕϵˣGhostwritersҪՈ˞ǚvʷŪˣ Ȥǣ26qķm£˹DWIᣬֵWԺ죬FǚWRđ֮һ26qďM壨Jon Favreau30qİࡢ_ƝBen Rhodes 1 2 3 4 5 һ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051408-0991 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {... .tw; y. tw.) (not for publishing or coping}hٛLһȌ` Kwh :2008/05/14 18:39 WꖉƼ h14гЛQٛǰŵĸؕLLһȌ`£Kڹxʽиwch졣hϯDzҲҪhMȫfΆˡ 14յгУhϯDzcߞǰŵL¼ĴЂĬһ犡 Dz۱ʾLJeO΄ԹӚy΄գ_ɣͻȻţе@y^KҪȫhȫfΆˡ гҲQٛL´hߘsuһȌ`£Kڹrwch죬ձҪoL缰shlݣhȫfΆˣچʶYĵYЕwԼh죬KٛһȌ`£ڵxҪos Ŀǰ_ɸϯPС㡢Sղ؞L¸wh죬춇ĸ٣tҪ]г̰ǷϹrgKخ˵ٴ_ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051208-8016 |
for research studies referenceIn and around April 12 for "Culture and Religion" ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051008-0998 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {www.cgst.edu; g. c.) (not for publishing or coping}姚西伊博士 Dr. Kevin Xiyi Yao 神學科副教授 Associate Professor in Theological Studies 文學士 BA 南開大學 Nankai University 文學碩士 MA 南開大學 Nankai University 神學碩士 ThM 美國門諾會聯合聖經神學院 Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries 神學博士 ThD 波士頓大學 Boston University 姚 西 伊 , 北 京 人 , 1984 年 於 天 津 南 開 大 學 歷 史 系 畢 業 , 獲 學 士 學 位 。 1987 年 於 同 校 同 系 獲 得 碩 士 學 位 , 專 業 是 西 歐 宗 教 改 革 史 。 在 南 開 七 年 的 就 學 期 間 , 開 始 重 新 思 考 人 生 的 意 義 , 探 索 新 的 價 值 , 尤 其 對 基 督 教 的 思 想 產 生 了 興 趣 。 畢 業 後 , 到 位 於 北 京 的 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 世 界 宗 教 研 究 所 工 作 。 1989 年 赴 美 從 事 研 究 工 作 。 1990 年 入 位 於 印 地 安 那 州 的 門 諾 會 聯 合 聖 經 神 學 院 (Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries) , 主 修 教 會 史 。 在 就 學 期 間 受 洗 於 當 地 門 諾 會 教 會 。 1992 年 獲 得 神 學 研 究 碩 士 (Master of Theological Studies) 。 從 1995 年 至 2000 年 , 在 波 士 頓 大 學 神 學 院 研 習 宣 教 史 和 中 國 教 會 史 , 終 獲 神 學 博 士 學 位 。 2001 年 在 門 諾 會 中 國 - 北 美 教 育 交 流 計 劃 的 支 持 下 , 受 邀 到 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 世 界 宗 教 研 究 所 進 行 合 作 研 究 。 2003 年 加 入 香 港 中 國 神 學 研 究 院 教 授 團 , 和 本 院 中 國 文 化 研 究 中 心 。 近 年 來 , 曾 關 注 和 研 究 中 國 基 督 新 教 神 學 教 育 史 和 社 會 倫 理 思 想 史 。 夫 人 何 思 慧 在 香 港 出 生 、 長 大 , 1988 年 畢 業 於 加 拿 大 University of Saskatchewan , 1989 至 1992 年 曾 在 門 諾 會 聯 合 聖 經 神 學 院 學 習 。 他 們 育 有 一 子 , 名 君 桐 。 現 在 香 港 門 諾 會 愛 恩 堂 崇 拜 。 姚西伊博士九六年至今在「中神院訊」發表的文章﹕ Essays written by Dr. Kevin Xiyi Yao in CGST Bulletins (since 1996): 只有神掌管明天 (二○○三年十一月至十二月) 寒冬中的溫暖 (二○○五年三月至四月) 華北神學院:歷史‧特點‧影響 (二○○五年九月至十月) 滿有成果 (二○○六年一月至二月) 與內地學術交流新發展 (二○○六年三月至四月) 風波之後的感言 (二○○六年七月至八月) 中世紀與宗教改革論壇 (二○○六年九月至+月) 中國文化研究中心 (二○○六年十一月至+二月) 深秋時節訪武漢 (二○○七年三月至四月) 四月南開行 (二○○七年七月至八月) 溫州見聞 (二○○八年一月至二月) Introducing our NEW FACULTY (JUL-SEP 2003) Thoughts from my trip to North America (JAN-MAR 2005) The North China Theological Seminary: Its History, Character, and Impact (OCT-DEC 2005) Academic Exchanges with Mainland New Developments (APR-JUN 2006) Forum on "The Middle Ages and Reformation" (JUL-SEP 2006) My Autumnal Visit to Wuhan (APR-JUN 2007) Nankai in April (OCT-DEC 2007) 其他出版刊物﹕ Other Publications: The Fundamentalist Movement among Protestant Missionaries in China, 1920-1937 (2003) 《前路求索──福音信仰與當代中國社會現實》 (主編) (2007) Email: Kevin.Yao@cgst.edu 1996-2008 中國神學研究院 - China Graduate School of Theology - webadmin@cgst.edu Last Update 2008/04/02 -------------------------------------------******************************************* | |
051008-0991 |
For research studies referenceIn the section of "Business & Adm." at 042808-1001: The road ahead ... wbti: ***** By Barack Obama mike -- I need your help before Wednesday's financial reporting deadline.*1 <<< PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS: Letter: Suspend doctors The Nevada Board of Medical Examiners should summarily suspend the licenses of Las Vegas physicians associated with the valley's hepatitis C outbreak and appoint a special counsel to independently investigate the doctors, two lawmakers told Gov. Jim Gibbons in a letter Friday. In the two-page letter, Assemblywoman Sheila Leslie, D-Reno, and State Sen. Steven Horsford, D-Las Vegas, said what's needed is a "thorough, complete and independent investigation into the conduct" of 14 physicians who worked at the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada. ....... >>> *2 As always, the media pundits and Washington insiders will scrutinize these reports. And your support is crucial to our efforts in North Carolina and Indiana, where we could close out this race in the coming week. But there's a lot more to this movement than money. In every corner of this country, we're organizing communities, helping register voters, and bringing people back into the political process. And unlike Senator Clinton and Senator McCain, we're doing all this without taking any money from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs. Instead, we put our trust in ordinary people like you. And nearly 1,500,000 supporters have stepped up to own a piece of this campaign. Right now, a previous donor -- not a Washington lobbyist -- is reading a message similar to this one. They're reading that if they promise to match your first-time donation, it might encourage you to take the next step and own a piece of this campaign. If you give today, that previous donor will double the impact of your first gift. You can even choose to exchange a note with them about why you support this campaign. Your contribution will also strengthen our efforts in North Carolina and Indiana before Wednesday's reporting deadline. Make a donation of $25 now and join the 1,500,000 supporters who have chosen to own a piece of this campaign: https://donate.barackobama.com/match You may have heard that Senator Clinton has intensified her fundraising efforts in an all-out bid to win the next two states. We'll need unprecedented resources to stay competitive in these contests -- but we're not just looking toward the next primary. We're also preparing for the general election race against Senator McCain and building a grassroots campaign in all 50 states. Help build this campaign before the April 30th reporting deadline, and make sure we're ready for the road ahead. Make a matching donation of $25 now and double your impact: https://donate.barackobama.com/match Thank you for your support,*3 Barack (Editor's notes) ....... ............... Please have a look at the bottom of this article (with the portion in Chinese). *9 -------------------------------------------- About U. S. Senator Barack Obama: ......... ..................... <<< YouTube - Kelly Hu, Asian Americans for Barack Obama Actress Kelly Hu (X-Men 2, Scorpion King) will travel to Las ... Watch video - 4 min 2 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW_AXO8wCj0 >>> *5 The rising U. S. Senator Barack Obama is one of the distinguished authors of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). On Google! {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... barackobama.com/sotu), Barack," wrote Barack Obama, one of the Distinguished Authors of PPAA Forum, to WBTI ... Meet American People with one of our ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 74k - Cached - Similar pages }}} *8 *1. Obama, Barack. 'The road ahead,' "An e-mail from U. S. Senator Barack Obama to WBTI at Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:01:17 -0400," (April 28, 2008), U. S. A.: "Barack Obama" Info@barackobama.com. *2. PAUL HARASIM and ANNETTE WELLS. 'PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS: Letter: Suspend doctors ---Gibbons also urged to appoint special counsel,' "A report of the News on Reviewjournal.com," (April 26, 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada: Las Vegas Review-Journal. *3. Obama. Ibid. *5. *6. ... *8. ... by Google ... Hit "Chinese Simplified (HZ)" through the "View" please! "ڹLwСm27ڼ~s^Ąж͕ϫ@CܳժcPТ丸HwaɵõKɾͪwСmʾõ@ЩҪw춸ĸKؑ길ĸزHæĸHtһӢҲfsҪӣһеŬڶӂδ^ø," wrote Reporter ?of World Journal.*9 Two colorful pictures by Reporter are posted on the top left of the report: (1).ڹLwСmУ丸waɣ@~s^LʩLҪҶC (2).~s^LʩLҪңA҅fLRΣУClصڹLwСmһRCEarly this morning (042808), the Report with two pictures were posted in "~s" on Worldjournal.com. "wСmJSͥһӵĆ}AձJҪؼͥĸҪBСĸҪСB^s෴A˶ҕҲϣڴҵŬ£YԭȫͬЇĻʹ׃øá ^^LʩLҪώıA҅fLRΣҲڕϵõL̝L *9. . '@ wСmжĸ,' "A report in the '~s' of Worldjournal.com," (April 28, 2008), New York, N. Y.: World Journal. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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050508-0995 |
For research studies referenceThe following has been found from a search of "Dina ..." by Google: 051508-3007 Meet WBTI Fellow Dina Titus By Cheryl Moss and Tiffany Chang "Our greastest asset at Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is our people -- not facades or fountains, not landscapes or lakescapes, but people -- faculty, advisory board members, administration, and a host of friends," said President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). "On the publications of WBTI through multimedia locally, nationally, and internationally, we have featured many of our own: U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, Governor of Nevada Kenny Guinn, Pepperdine University President Dr. Andrew Benton, Chief Federal Judge Lloyed Geroge, Pepperdine University Chancellor Dr. Charles Runnels, Former Chief Justice and now Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin, Dr. William Thompson, Dr. Lee Bernick, Dr. Keong Leong, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, among others." "Enriching our research and community service process were made possible by these friends who joined and supported this academic institute. WBTI is really a chain of dedicated individuals, intellectuals, and professionals who join to research, serve, support and to give. We take great pride of our people, including our outstanding faculty members. They are some of the best in the world. We are sincere servers to help improve the quality of life of all the residents and visitors of Nevada." Nevada State Senator Dina Titus was appointed by Washington Business and Technology Institute as a Fellow of its Public Administration Institution (PAI) on August 15, 2001. She was very pleased to receive the congratulations call from Dr. Tony Lei early that morning. Having out of town for a couple of days, the call reminded her that at the suggestion of U. S. Senator Harry Reid, former Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones had offered to step down as Nevada's Democatic National Committeewoman, and Dina Titus would seek that job. This would give her some Washington, D. C., connections and enhance her political profile. With four trips a year to Washington, D. C., the committeewoman and committeeman from each state are expected to speak on party issues, raise money, and help recruit candidates. "It's really my honor to be a Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Senator Dina Titus to the readers of "Nevada Examiner" and Las Vegas Review-Journal.com. "I'm also honor to be invited by Dr. Tony Lei as a Special Guest to the Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U. S. Senator Harry Reid on August 24, 2001," she continued. Dina Titus brought her husband Dr. Wright to attend the Party at the Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant on the Friday evening. Dr. Wright is a Senior Professor in the Department of History at UNLV. The Event and Dinner Party was initiated by Dr. Tony Lei and Ms. Nancy Diaz. It was chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Tonie Sison, and Ms. Rita Vaswani. Joined with more than 36 hosts of the Dinner Party by community and organizational leaders, business exevutives and owners, and government officials, we had guests and participants more than 384 people. As a Professor of Political Science of UNLV , Dina Titus is now a famous Senator of the State Nevada. She is also a State Senator Democratic Leader. On August 14, 2001, she said that she would run for Lieutenant Govenor if Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman ran for Nevada Governor. "She's brilliant, and she would be a great governor," Mayor Goodman siad of Senator Titus. To her new honor and appointment as a Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI on August 15, 2001, Senator Titus agreed with District Judge Valorie Vega on "This position will undoubtedly provide me with avenues for exploring improvements in public services to which I'm most dedicated." It is really a valuable advancement that we may have such an appropriate and achieved individual like Dina as a colleague to our Institution. Senator Titus' expertise and good reputation in political science has been known locally and nationally. With her outstanding professional expertise and practical public administration experience, Senator Titus' acceptance as a fellow of PAI evidenced that in supporting Director Dr. William Thompason with Fellows Former Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa, Justices of the Supreme Court William Maupin and Nancy Becker, District Judges Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Nancy Saitta, Jackie Glass, Michelle Leavitt, Jennifer Togliatti, Jessie Walsh, among others, they would form an excellent leadership team launching PAI into the next milleunnium for academic excellence and administrative practicality. Dina Titus is now a famous Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies in the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Professor Dina Titus, a native of Georgia, was educated at William and Mary, University of Georgia and received her Ph. D. from Florida State University. She currently teaches Political Science at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, and, in addition to these responsibilities, she is also a Nevada State Senator from District 7 in Clark County. She is on the Board of Directors of the Nevada Test Site Foundation and is a member of the Nevada-California Super Speed Ground Transportation Commission, Clark country Women s Democratic Club, Education Commission of the States and the Nevada Commission on Participatory Democracy. Se was named the Spanos Outstanding Teacher at UNLV in 1985, was the Chairman of the Nevada Humanities Committee from 1984-19865 and in 1999 was the Nevada Arts Advocate of the Year. Her most recent publication is Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics. The title of Dr. Titus Convocation lecture, The Mushroom Cloud as an American Symbol, attests to the extensive knowledge she has concerning America s nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site and the impact it has had on that region. "The maturity of modern and civil society is the fundamental guarantee for the normal processing of democratic politics. In a modern and civil society, it depends highly on the team of public intellectuals. A good public intellectual interates peoples' opinion, analyze rationally, and points out wise perspectives and notice. Dina plays an important and significant responsibility of mission as an achieved intellectual at the same time as an important statewoman. Our Nevada is critically in need of these intellectuals and professionals in every kind of fields," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of WBTI. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
043008-0897 |
For research studies referenceAt 6:57 p.m. (TX) on 043008 for "Dr. Dina Titus wbti" (c. g.): WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...... and Nevada State Senator and Professor of UNLV Dina Titus, ... Dr. Tony Lei and WBTI have been continuously awarded, in the recent ten years, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01325001051063401400197432&p... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2003 #2 Guests invited by Dr. Tony Lei, Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of .... led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ************************** On page 10: ................. Washington Business and Technology Institute - Paradise Democratic ... The following information has been received from a search of "Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas" and "Dr. Dina Titus" on the Google.cn and Google.com: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 65k - Cached - Similar pages Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Next | |
043008-0998 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher { (WJ.com News in Chinese; g. c.) (not for publishing or coping}?? ϣ?{?̫Ҫ ??̫?y ?AʢD?T???c??ϣ?y29պ?2008?̫?yԣ20085??̫?y£?{?̫??Ҫԡ ָ?̫???Iࡣ ?̫ǻc?^ʹ?á?̫?rֵ^?ͥ?ʹУ?f켰?? ?̫fͬZԣSֲͬĻ?y^???FY֮¡?̫Ķ?ӻ??Ļɫʡ f?̫S?Ļ?̫SI?ܳ??e?P??lo?ٵā?̫?ˡ@Щ¸ҵŮ?е?ˏ?İ?ӡ ϣ20085??̫?y¡???W??̫?vʷԼ?̫???IϣҲn?ek?cף?ӡ 2008-04-30 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
043008-0997 |
For research studies referenceAt 8:17 a.m. (TX) on 043008 for "Miss Zhang Zilin wbti" (c. g.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Zhang Zilin, Miss WorldAt 22:57 on 02/3rd/08 for a search of "Miss World Zhang Zilin wbti: I am on ... Miss World Zhang Zilin wbti: To use the power and beauty to support those in ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page Welcome to WBTI Website! ... Zhang Zilin, Miss World George Bush, President of U.S.A. Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 61k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... WBTI 2002F1 WBTI Newsbrief 2004 Chinese News Agency of Las Vegas Zhang Zilin, Miss World ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/washingtonbusiness - 39k - Cached - Similar pages ********************************* At 7:57 a.m. (TX) on 043008 for "Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons wbti: On Google!" (c. g.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Quick News of WBTI Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons To Honor Poet Laureate Emeritus .... e-mail from the Office of Nevada Governor to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI," (March 2, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 83k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President ... Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington ... wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; US Senators Harry ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 125k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com -------------------- On page 1: ....... Washington Business and Technology Institute - Jim Gibbons ... Jim Gibbons is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. ... of Nevada Governor to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 87k - Cached - Similar pages ....................... ....... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39] 40 [41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118] | |