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082807-1998 |
Data for research study references: 洛杉磯新聞 利多連連 賭城不愁沒工作 【本報記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導】8月22日賭城大道上一日兩大驚喜,先是要建一座五億元的小巨蛋運動中心,接著是杜拜世界加注50億元給大道上米高梅─金殿的「城中城」計畫。 新挹注的資金,代表賭業將再聘請數萬名員工,賭城民眾不怕找不到工作;地產界也很高興,新工作機會代表許多房屋將被迅速消化,賭城房產早日脫離泥淖;從經濟角度來看,代表全球巨大資金看好賭城賭業前景,積極建設投資賭城。 阿拉伯聯合大公國近年在杜拜創造的成果有目共賭,典型以重金找到全世界最優秀人才共同發展出的面貌,現在這個集團,選擇拉斯維加斯,打造他們賭業的理想藍圖。 杜拜集團作好決定迅速出招,可以從這次出資金額中可看到端倪,50億美元買到米高梅─金殿9.5%股份,剛巧在免申請賭業執照的上限。 內華達博弈法規定,任何擁有賭業10%以上的股東,必需申請賭業執照,杜拜集團尚未提出申請,所以只先放入50億元,等到領得賭業執照,再大展賭業鴻圖。賭業執照申請時間約兩年。 米高梅─金殿賭業目前因為城中城發案,使得財務負擔沉重萬分,下一個更大型的賭城大道開發案,必須等到城中城開始賺錢,才能繼續發展,至少要三年以上時間;這個時候突然得到巨額投資紓解,米高梅─金殿賭業高興至極,可以很快再往前衝。 該集團在撒哈拉大道及賭城大道西南角還有一塊廣大空地,連接的是旗下馬戲團賭場,總面積是城中城計畫的三倍,將要打造幾百億元的新中心,計畫非常保密,或許杜拜集團已參與。 米高梅─金殿在數月前透露下一個計畫,和設計杜拜的世界級著名建築公司簽約,引起賭城其他賭業關注,原本只花40億投資的博德賭業在星塵賭場遺址建設計畫,馬上更改部分內容,再加注八億元建設,免得蓋好時被旁邊新鄰居新計畫比下去。 賭城最大的利多在於這些巨額投資,陸續在湧入,「美國杜拜城」新面貌,未來五年至十年會出現在拉斯維加斯。 賭業是當今非常賺錢的行業已成不爭事實,拉斯維加斯更是全球賭業競爭最大戰場,由賭業帶動的相關行業與日俱增,世界級城市理想有望實現。 2007-08-28 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082807-1992 |
Data for referencesAug. 28, 2007 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal MACAU MEGARESORT Las Vegas Sands Corp. expects Venetian to alter gaming in Chinese enclave By HOWARD STUTZ REVIEW-JOURNAL On the eve of opening a $2.4 billion resort in Macau that will double the casino and hotel capacity of the Chinese gaming enclave, executives from Las Vegas Sands Corp. said there is room for more. The company's 3,000-room Venetian Macau, an 11 million-square-foot complex, opens today in what Las Vegas Sands President Bill Weidner believes will be a market-transforming event. The Venetian is the first resort to be developed on the Cotai Strip, an area of reclaimed land about 10 minutes from downtown Macau. Plans call for Las Vegas Sands to build 20,000 hotel rooms on the Cotai Strip. The Venetian, Weidner said, will change Macau from a day-trip destination, primarily from Hong Kong, to a longer-term stay resort focused on the entire Asian region. However, Weidner believes there will still be room for the single-day customer market that has been the primary source of revenue for the Sands Macau, which opened in 2004. Most Popular Stories CASINO SECURITY: With arrest, a career dangles HOUSING MARKET: LV homes head to auction block LUXOR'S NEW LOOK: FAREWELL TO EGYPT INSIDE GAMING: No second for Strip, executive says More Las Vegas homes head to auction block OFFICIAL: HOOTERS DEAL LIVES Tropicana makeover on hold for now MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS: Station buyout backed Palms Apartments sold; site may be redeveloped Realtors group reports more homes are for sale "I have no doubt that we are in the beginning stages of building the critical mass that will make Macau an extraordinary success," Weidner said. The Venetian, modeled after the company's Strip resort, includes a 1.2 million-square-foot convention center, 1 million square feet of retail, upscale dining and a 15,000-seat sports arena. A Cirque du Soleil-produced show is scheduled to open in the spring. Las Vegas Sands spokesman Ron Reese said The Venetian's 500,000-square-foot casino was set to open to guests at 7:18 p.m. Macau time Tuesday (4:18 a.m. today in Las Vegas) as determined by the property's Fung Shui master. Reese said Venetian security expected some 30,000 potential customers would be waiting for the doors to open. Weidner said the opening would mark the start of a Cotai building boom. The company expects to open a 400-room Four Seasons next to The Venetian in the spring and 6,000 more hotel rooms on three sites by the end of the year. Las Vegas Sands plans to open three more hotels totaling 6,000 rooms in 2009. Weidner said the growth through the end of the decade will create two markets in Macau: Cotai with its large-scale resorts, and downtown Macau, which in addition to the Sands has the 600-room Wynn Macau and the 600-room MGM Grand Macau, which is expected to open by December. "It seems that we will be creating two distinct markets," Weidner said. "Macau will never match the critical mass of Las Vegas, but there will be some segmentation in the market." Both Wynn and MGM Mirage have Cotai Strip sites the companies are planning for future development. Earlier this year, Wynn Resorts said it would complete a $450 million expansion to its year-old Macau casino, but would delay construction of new hotel tower. Adelson, the billionaire founder of Las Vegas Sands, told Bloomberg News that Wynn Resorts Chairman Steve Wynn, is wrong to slow his expansion in Macau, which is the only Chinese city with legal casinos. The Chinese government in April began restricting visas allowing residents of neighboring Guangdong province to enter Macau, which prompted the Wynn delay. "Competitors and venues should work to bring people to destinations and then fight over them later, but Steve doesn't think so,'' Adelson said. Las Vegas Sands was the first U.S. casino owner to enter Macau with the Sands, ending the 40-year monopoly of Chinese gambling magnate Stanley Ho. Since then, the number of casinos has swelled to 26, with gaming companies spending or planning more than $20 billion on construction through 2010. Adelson's company will start a ferry service between Hong Kong and Macau. A new terminal is being built near the Macau airport on the Cotai Strip. The Las Vegas Sands ferry will operate routes servicing Macau, the Hong Kong International Airport and Shenzhen. The ferries will compete with Hong Kong-listed Shun Tak Holdings Ltd., a company controlled by Ho. Shun Tak runs ferry services between Macau, Hong Kong and other cities in China's Pearl River Delta. American gaming analysts are also watching to see how the opening of The Venetian Macau will affect the Chinese casino industry as a whole. CIBC World Markets analyst David Katz recently met with executives from Wynn and MGM Mirage and said they share his cautious view of the market in the near-term in anticipation of The Venetian opening. "From our initial meetings, there appear to be mixed views on whether an initial trial period will impact results for existing and soon-to-be-opened properties," Katz said in a note to investors. "We have maintained a cautious view on the opening of Macau. Although we recognize Macau has demonstrated unparalleled depth to date, history suggests that rapid expansion in supply has produced lumpy results." Bloomberg News contributed to this report. Links powered by inform.com ....... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082807-0999 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier for "International Cities Business Council" will be posted in the morning on or before August 30, 2007. Nevada of U. S. A., International Cities Business Council, and Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007! 美國內華達州, 國際城市企業協進會, 與第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇! By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang All, from the greast to humblest, must work together in harmony and devotion. We can make no advances with only solo work. Unless the solooists and the members of the chorus are ready to work together in harmony, there can be no symphony. ---Jackson Wilcox -------------------------------------------- ***** Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. ---Les Brown [[[ (Quick news!) The following is the most quick report in Chinese by Reporter 姚舜 from Taipei: "為爭取產值破兆元的龐大博弈商機,昨(廿七)日由美國內華達州駐華辦事處主辦的首屆「台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇」吸引了三百多人參加,除金門縣、雲林縣、澎湖縣、苗栗縣及台中市等有意爭取設立觀光賭場的地方縣市政府「組團」參加之外,與會成員更涵蓋觀光業、娛樂業、遊戲機台業、電子業、電信業、會計業、法律業等,顯見各行各業、產官學研,對博弈產業均抱有高度興趣,並希望藉取經學習,提早準備。 昨天的論壇,不少與會者都是衝著美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院院長史都華.曼(Dr.Staurt Mann)的演講而來。內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院是博弈產業學術殿堂,更是博弈人才搖籃,全球半數以上博弈專業經理人是該校畢業生。除學者身份外,史都華.曼也是MGM、Harras、Sands、與Wynn等四大跨國博弈集團的高級顧問,有「博弈教父」之稱,與會者希望藉「大師開講」的機會,為自己找到日後在博弈產業中的位置," reported 姚舜.*17 ]]] Some of the collection about Nevada by the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid in the Senate at Washington D. C. are charaterized by the following items: * Nevada is the seventh largest state in size. * The nation's largest silver deposit, the Comstock Lode, was found in Nevada in 1859. * Nevada is the driest state in the nation with an average annual rainfall of seven inches. * Nevada has the only complete skeleton of an Ichthyosaur, an extinct marine reptile measuring 55 feet. * Nevada is the largest gold-producing state in the U.S. and third in the world behind South Africa and Australia. * Gambling was reinstated in the State in 1931. * Hoover Dam is the largest public works project ever undertaken in the U.S. and has a greater structural volume than the largest Egyptian pyramid. * Nevada is the gambling and entertainment capital of the U.S. * Las Vegas has more hotel rooms than any other place on earth. * Nevada means "snowcapped" in Spanish. * Nevada has more mountain ranges than any other state. *1 Former Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada expressed that 'he can not overemphasize the significance and importance of bringing attention to all the attractions to Nevada at a time when it faces unprecedented competition for gaming customers.' He believes that we are wise to expand our marketing efforts and focus on developing markets in places such as Asia. It is significant for him to point out that in addition to gaming, Nevada has phenomenal cultural, historic, and recreational resources that we must continue to promote. Kenny emphasizes that for our state's economy to thrive, all of the Silver State's tourism opportunities must be effectively marketed to both domestic and international visitors. A magazine puts Las Vegas first on the outdoor activities thatmake city top adventure town. "National Geographic Adventure, in its September issue, names Las Vegas the nation's No. 1 adventure town in which to live and play. This year, a National Geographic Adventure editorial board wanted to find a city that was affordable and close to outdoor activities. Koeppel said the editors picked Las Vegas for the cover story after a brainstorming session," reported Reporter Beth Walton early in the morning on August 27, 2007.*2 The Nevada Commissionon on Economic Development reminds us nicely that, "Mark your Calendar to Participate September 28--Nevada Business & Tech Expo 2007. There is still time to register for the Nevada Business & Tech Expo 2007. It is an opportunity to showcase your business and network with more than a 1,000 prospects. For more information, call the Northern Nevada Development Authority at (775) 883-4413 or visit www.nvbustechexpo.com." *3 The Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 was in good implementing, Chairperson Charlyne Chen (陳思庭) of International Cities Business Council (ICBC) [國際城市企業協進會] called Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) in the morning on August 25, 2007 from Taipei. "The registered attendants are amazing! We'd them more than double in number of the original planning. We got to close the registration three days befoe the deadline now," Charlyne said excitedly. [*The original planning was about 100 people. On August 27 (Taipei time), the attendants were more than 300.] On August 28, 2007 (Las Vegas time in the early morning on August 27), the money.chinatimes.com of 工商時報 had Reporter 姚舜 reported that, "博弈,不是拉斯維加斯金光閃閃的唯一利器。應美國內華達州駐華辦事處邀請來台參加博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇的「博弈教父」史都華.曼指出,發展觀光娛樂產業必須有整體規劃概念,並找出區隔差異,才能立於市場不敗,史都華.曼並強調,拉斯維加斯從沙漠變成金鑽,憑藉的不只是博弈,美食、會議、高爾夫、展覽、運動競技等各項目創造出完整的「體驗經濟」系統,才是拉斯維加斯每年吸引遊客前往的主因。" *4 "「博弈教父」DR. STAURT MANN今 (27)日來台演講, DR. STAURT MANN表示,台灣如果要經營博弈產業以單一地點或是城市較好,並且要能創造「體驗」給觀光客,需輔以完善的交通基礎建設規劃。DR. STAURT MANN 強調,台灣碛胸S富的觀光資源,不一定要從事博弈產業才能帶來觀光客," reported 陳美玲, who is a Reporter of 鉅亨網. *5 The planning and implementing of Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 were contributing to the cooperation and development on tourism of Nevada and Taiwan. It had responded to the ideal that, "Our missions open doors for Nevada's No. 1 industry with influential Asian businesses and officials and give us an opportunity to 'sell' our attractions and draw more visitors from Asia to our state" by Nevada抯 Lieutenant Governor Brian K. Krolicki. In the silver state, Brian is Chairman of the Commission on Economic Development (NCED) and Chairman of the Commission on Tourism (NCOT). He is also Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC).*6 According to the news from Taipei, the Summit would be held by Representative Office in Taiwan of Nevada Commission on Economic Development, NCED, Chinese Cultural University, and Asia Management Research Center on August 27, 2007 in Taipei. "The Asia recent economic prosperity and Industry paradigm shift makes each countries speed up tourism development and promotion, even open the policy of Gaming as the leading wagon to attract more tourists. UNLV is the worldwide No 1 university in Hotel, Gaming, beverage, Exhibition. I was invited by Nevada State office on economics development to Taiwan. Hopefully, I can share our specialties and successful experience and contribute to Taiwan's current planning on doubles up tourism policy," said Dr. Staurt Mann, Dean of UNLV College of Hotel Administration.*7 As to the question on what is the Key success Factors to well developing the gaming & entertainment industry, Dr. Mann pointed out that, "I would suggest as following categories: Funding -- Since the Investment amount is huge, you need visionary investors who knows this market. As a matter of fact, there are over 33 Billions US$ international Gaming funding from Las Vegas top 4 gaming groups and Europe, Arabic, 璭tc. invested in Asia. They show highly interest in Taiwan's market. Know How -- UNLV is the world no 1 experienced and knowledgeable on Casino Management. It is us who created the miracle of Las Vegas, other categories such as Gaming, Master-planned development of integrated resort Casio, exhibition & Conference, Government Tax.. each represents an important factor and specialties which is very important directly contribute to business success. I am very happy that now we cooperate with Chinese Cultural University to provide the courses and certificate to incubating knowledge people to catch up Asia coming tide. Proven track record -- Nevada-Based Company help establishing Asia recent resort & Gaming market booming like Singapore, Macau, Xuhai ..etc. The ongoing project are Dubai, Japan (Okinawa). Authority Content -- The lottery program been successful in Taiwan, there will be Sports lottery coming in next year. It is much more complicated and exciting gaming, but you need well established and authority Sports books professionals system on sports bet, NBA、NFL、Horses, tennis, etc. Technology for future -- New Technology gadget make our daily life much more easier and fun, Multi-channel, Multi platform technology, turn-key B2B, cooperate with 3rd parties include: Mobile operators, on-line gaming operators, Casio loyalty services. I will describe much more detailed in the coming TGES 2007 which will be held in 27/aug/2007 Monday. I will be very happy to meet you in that conference. Thank you." *8 Dr. Staurt Mann delivered a keynote speech to the Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 in Taipei. He is one of the Directors of ICBC. "The Nevada Commission on Tourism believes it is vital to establish a presence in Taiwan in order to represent our tourism destinations to this emerging world travel market. Taiwan's capital, Taipei, has a working population of four million, with a youthful, technologically oriented work force. There is tremendous potential for building tourism among this sector," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada.*9 "we are seeking new horizons for the economy of Nevada. Building mutally beneficial relationships with Taiwan, and other foreign countries, will create the demand for direct, regularly scheduled flights. Our work will help Nevada establish contacts for lucrative business and convention visitors from around the world that will form the foundation for a new pillar in the Nevada economy." *10 The International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) strives to build a bridge among important cities nationally and internationally. ICBC has set its main goal on "Mutual cooperation and development of business, trade, and tourism among international cities." Lorraine Hunt has been Honorary Chairperson of ICBC since 1998. To win over her experience and caliber on tourism, she has also been invited by Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as a Commissioner of NCOT soon after he took office early this year. "It's really a challenge to me! Lots of my job are related to have a function on the basis of international perspective. Through this professional and practical venue, I'll put all my effort and talent to implement the missions for the promotion of the economic and trade cooperation and development among cities of Nevada, China, Taiwan, Macau, and other Pacific & Asian countries," said Miss Charlyne Chen (陳思庭), Chairperson of the ICBC (國際城市企業協進會) of WBTI. Accomplishment is proved to be a journey with united and harmonious efforts. The ingenuity and ability from its Vice Presidents Attorney Xiaosheng Huang and Miss Yin Yan are important. Charlyne is also the Trade Representative in Taiwan of Nevada Commission on Economic Development. The following are a few of the many news reports in Chinese about the coming 'Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007' in Taipei: "本次論壇活動由美國內華達州駐華辦事處、中國文化大學推廣教育部、亞洲管理經典研究中心共同主辦,會中將邀請世界頂級的博弈產業學術聖殿----美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博奕暨酒店管理院長Dr. Staurt Mann博士,暢談為拉斯維加斯、澳門、新加坡等國際觀光博弈事業的實務規劃經驗與國際發展趨勢。此外也將邀請國內相關的產官學專家,共同研討台灣博弈娛樂事業的未來發展與提升競爭力之道," edited 沈子涵 of the website newspaper of Central Daily News.*11 On the Sina.com, Reporter 陳蓉 reported that, "第一屆台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇將於二十七日在行政院公務人力發展中心舉行。" *12 "美國內華達州駐華辦事處代表陳思庭22日指出,總額高達330億美元的博彩基金,繼投資新加坡聖淘沙、澳門之後,也鎖定台灣、南韓、泰國等國家,作為投資標的。內華達州駐華辦事處將安排MGM、Harras、Sands、與Wynn等四大跨國博弈集團的專業經理人來臺,提供拉斯韋加斯獨到的賭場經營技術,帶動台灣博弈產業的商機。據《工商時報》報道,陳思庭指出 ...," reported 星島環球網 on August 22, 2007.*13 "美國內華達州駐華辦事處代表陳思庭昨日指出...," reported 姚舜 on the Chinatimes.com.*14 "As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn (now Jim Gibbons) who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada and now Commissioner of Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT). The 2007 Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism will be an annual significant event for the interest of many people, businesses, and countries. It will be held on December 12-14 this year in Las Vegas. In the General Assembly, we shall have Jim Gibbons, Governor, State of Nevada; Introduction by: Commissioner Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono; Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor, State of Nevada; and the topic on Growth: Challenges and Opportunities. WBTI has assisted to publicize the conference for many years. Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). "With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more powered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber who is one of the Advisors of the Board. The sky is beautiful in this silver state.*15 Nevada is the spring fountain of world business in entertainment, gaming, convention, and tourism! "We now have a unique opportunity and challenge--to take the nearly 143 years of growth and progress that has created the Nevada of today, and set a course for the future. All of us must share a common vision of one Nevada ?which can only become a reality if we agree upon what promises that vision entails," wrote Nevada Governor James A. Gibbons.*16 -------------------------------------------- References *17. 工商時報. '博弈教父開講 大老闆擠破頭' by 姚舜,' "A search of the economic and finacial news from www.chinatimes.com on the Internet," (August 28, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: China Times. *1. CI of WBTI. 'U. S. Senate Majority Leader Honorable Harry Reid and interesting facts about Nevada, U. S. A.,' "An article in the section of 'Harry Reid, U. S. Senator' on the WBTI's website," (April 30, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *2. Walton, Beth. 'Magazine puts Las Vegas first ---Outdoor activities make city top adventure town,' "News on Reviewjournal.com," (August 27, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. *3. Nevada Commission on Economic Development. 'Mark your Calendar to Participate September 28--Nevada Business & Tech Expo 2007,' "A profile of NCED of Nevada," (August 28, 2007), Carson City, Nevada: NCED. *4. 姚舜. '拉斯維加斯吸金 沙漠變金鑽 賭不是唯一利器,' "A report on Las Vegas and development by 工商時報," (August 28, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Money.chinatimes.com. *5. 陳美玲. '博弈教父STAURT:台灣博弈產業須單點、差異化創造體驗,' "A financial and economic report of 鉅亨網 by 記者陳美玲," (August 28, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: 鉅亨網 (from Forum.news.yam.com). *6. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'International Cities Business Council for tourism and economic development,' "A search of Nevada Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Bill Maupin, Governor James A. Gibbons of Nevada, and U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on the leading search engines," (August 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *7. Chen, Charlyne. 'Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007,' "An e-mail from Miss Charlyne Chen to WBTI," (August 16, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Representative Office in Taiwan for Nevada Commission on Economic Development. *8. Ibid. *9. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Business wbti' on the Ask.com," (August 18, 2007), U. S. A.: Ask.com. *10. Ibid. *11. 沈子涵. '第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇 他山之石,' "A profile of the website newspaper of Central Daily News," (August 21, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Cdnews.com.tw. *12. 星島環球網. "台灣學拉斯維加斯建娛樂之都 博彩基金流入," (August 22, 2007), Singapore: Singtaonet.com. *13. 陳蓉. '台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇 27日登場,' "A report by 中央社記者陳蓉 to 中央社," (August 22, 2007), U. S. A.: Sina.com. *14. 姚舜. "博彩基金進軍台灣," (August 22, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Chinatimes.com. *15. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid invite our friends to attend a Champagne Reception honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'Welcome! U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, ...' on the AOL.com," (August 21, 2007), U. S. A.: AOL.com. *16. Gibbons, James A. 'Governor Jim Gibbons?Inaugural Address January 2, 2007 on WBTI's website,' "A search of 'By James A. Gibbons wbti' on the leading search engines," (July 17, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082807-0998 |
工商時報2007.08.28 博弈教父開講 大老闆擠破頭 【姚舜/台北報導】 為爭取產值破兆元的龐大博弈商機,昨(廿七)日由美國內華達州駐華辦事處主辦的首屆「台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇」吸引了三百多人參加,除金門縣、雲林縣、澎湖縣、苗栗縣及台中市等有意爭取設立觀光賭場的地方縣市政府「組團」參加之外,與會成員更涵蓋觀光業、娛樂業、遊戲機台業、電子業、電信業、會計業、法律業等,顯見各行各業、產官學研,對博弈產業均抱有高度興趣,並希望藉取經學習,提早準備。 昨天的論壇,不少與會者都是衝著美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院院長史都華.曼(Dr.Staurt Mann)的演講而來。內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院是博弈產業學術殿堂,更是博弈人才搖籃,全球半數以上博弈專業經理人是該校畢業生。除學者身份外,史都華.曼也是MGM、Harras、Sands、與Wynn等四大跨國博弈集團的高級顧問,有「博弈教父」之稱,與會者希望藉「大師開講」的機會,為自己找到日後在博弈產業中的位置。 史都華.曼強調,觀光休閒產業是「體驗經濟」,博弈只是觀光產業中的一環,觀光產業是否蓬勃發展,博弈並非關鍵。他並開宗明義地提出「綜合休閒假區」(Intergrated Resorts)的觀念,提醒台灣產官學研各界重視資源整合的重要性。此外,史都華.曼並指出,發展博弈產業必須具備宏觀的視野,從區域經濟未來發展的面向思考切入。同時,發展博弈產業的金額龐大,一定要有國際資金介入才易成功。 史都華.曼表示,國際資金在評估投資地點時,則通常會從投資報酬率與投資環境兩個面向思考。台灣如欲成功爭取外資投入博弈產業,除要比較亞洲鄰近國家博弈市場表現外,最重要的是以市場區隔策略找出差異,並從政策面開始即有通盤的策略性規畫,才能爭取國際社群共襄盛舉。 鄉林建設董事長賴正鎰亦呼應史都華.曼的觀點表示,台灣應掌握獨有的特色資源與優勢,發展精緻的觀光產業,並與澳門、新加坡區隔,才能走出自己的坦途。已著手規畫博弈相關課程的文化大學推廣育成中心廖肇弘則提出:國際化、在地化、科技化、創新化與整合等「五i」觀念,提醒與會者培育人才的重要性。 亞洲中產階級崛起,帶動亞洲觀光旅遊市場成長,而亞洲觀光市場更可望在二○一五年成為全球最熱門旅遊度假去處。為加速刺激觀光產業成長,如新加坡與澳門等地更是希望透過「博弈效應」達到觀光客倍增目標,並提高外匯收入。不過,史都華.曼表示,開放博弈產業並非振興觀光產業的唯一手段,像杜拜不必靠博弈,也能有亮眼的成長表現。 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082807-0996 [082707-6016] |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 29, 2007. An e-mail from the Office of Nevada Governor to WBTI By Press Secretary Melissa Subbotin [Mon, 27 Aug 2007 14:47:01 -0700] Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons? communications director, Brent Boynton, has resigned to become anchor and assistant news director at KOLO-TV, the ABC affiliate in Reno. "It has been an honor serving Jim Gibbons as he has served the people of Nevada ?in Congress, as a candidate and now as governor," Boynton said. "He is a good man who inspires his staff. I have enjoyed the opportunity to work for him ..." -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082707-1037 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 29, 2007. Nevada, International Cities Business Council, and Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007! 美國內華達, 國際城市企業協進會, 與第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇! By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang All, from the greast to humblest, must work together in harmony and devotion. We can make no advances with only solo work. Unless the solooists and the members of the chorus are ready to work together in harmony, there can be no symphony. ---Jackson Wilcox -------------------------------------------- ***** Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. ---Les Brown Some of the collection about Nevada by the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid in the Senate at Washington D. C. are charaterized by the following items: * Nevada is the seventh largest state in size. * The nation's largest silver deposit, the Comstock Lode, was found in Nevada in 1859. * Nevada is the driest state in the nation with an average annual rainfall of seven inches. * Nevada has the only complete skeleton of an Ichthyosaur, an extinct marine reptile measuring 55 feet. * Nevada is the largest gold-producing state in the U.S. and third in the world behind South Africa and Australia. * Gambling was reinstated in the State in 1931. * Hoover Dam is the largest public works project ever undertaken in the U.S. and has a greater structural volume than the largest Egyptian pyramid. * Nevada is the gambling and entertainment capital of the U.S. * Las Vegas has more hotel rooms than any other place on earth. * Nevada means "snowcapped" in Spanish. * Nevada has more mountain ranges than any other state. *1 Former Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada expressed that 'he can not overemphasize the significance and importance of bringing attention to all the attractions to Nevada at a time when it faces unprecedented competition for gaming customers.' He believes that we are wise to expand our marketing efforts and focus on developing markets in places such as Asia. It is significant for him to point out that in addition to gaming, Nevada has phenomenal cultural, historic, and recreational resources that we must continue to promote. Kenny emphasizes that for our state's economy to thrive, all of the Silver State's tourism opportunities must be effectively marketed to both domestic and international visitors. A magazine puts Las Vegas first on the outdoor activities thatmake city top adventure town. "National Geographic Adventure, in its September issue, names Las Vegas the nation's No. 1 adventure town in which to live and play. This year, a National Geographic Adventure editorial board wanted to find a city that was affordable and close to outdoor activities. Koeppel said the editors picked Las Vegas for the cover story after a brainstorming session," reported early in the morning on August 27, 2007.*2 The Nevada Commissionon on Economic Development reminds us nicely that, "Mark your Calendar to Participate September 28--Nevada Business & Tech Expo 2007. There is still time to register for the Nevada Business & Tech Expo 2007. It is an opportunity to showcase your business and network with more than a 1,000 prospects. For more information, call the Northern Nevada Development Authority at (775) 883-4413 or visit www.nvbustechexpo.com." *3 The Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 was in good implementing, Chairperson Charlyne Chen of International Cities Business Council (ICBC) called Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) in the morning on August 25, 2007. "The registered attendants are amazing! We'd them more than double in number of the original planning. We got to close the registration three days befoe the deadline now," Charlyne said excitedly. On August 28, 2007 (Las Vegas time in the early morning on August 27), the money.chinatimes.com of 工商時報 had Reporter 姚舜 reported that, "博弈,不是拉斯維加斯金光閃閃的唯一利器。應美國內華達州駐華辦事處邀請來台參加博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇的「博弈教父」史都華.曼指出,發展觀光娛樂產業必須有整體規劃概念,並找出區隔差異,才能立於市場不敗,史都華.曼並強調,拉斯維加斯從沙漠變成金鑽,憑藉的不只是博弈,美食、會議、高爾夫、展覽、運動競技等各項目創造出完整的「體驗經濟」系統,才是拉斯維加斯每年吸引遊客前往的主因。" *4 "「博弈教父」DR. STAURT MANN今 (27)日來台演講, DR. STAURT MANN表示,台灣如果要經營博弈產業以單一地點或是城市較好,並且要能創造「體驗」給觀光客,需輔以完善的交通基礎建設規劃。DR. STAURT MANN 強調,台灣碛胸S富的觀光資源,不一定要從事博弈產業才能帶來觀光客," reported 陳美玲, who is a Reporter of 鉅亨網. *5 The planning and implementing of Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 were contributing to the cooperation and development on tourism of Nevada and Taiwan. It had responded to the ideal that, "Our missions open doors for Nevada's No. 1 industry with influential Asian businesses and officials and give us an opportunity to 'sell' our attractions and draw more visitors from Asia to our state" by Nevada抯 Lieutenant Governor Brian K. Krolicki. In the silver state, Brian is Chairman of the Commission on Economic Development (NCED) and Chairman of the Commission on Tourism (NCOT). He is also Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC).*6 According to the news from Taipei, the Summit would be held by Representative Office in Taiwan of Nevada Commission on Economic Development, NCED, Chinese Cultural University, and Asia Management Research Center on August 27, 2007 in Taipei. "The Asia recent economic prosperity and Industry paradigm shift makes each countries speed up tourism development and promotion, even open the policy of Gaming as the leading wagon to attract more tourists. UNLV is the worldwide No 1 university in Hotel, Gaming, beverage, Exhibition. I was invited by Nevada State office on economics development to Taiwan. Hopefully, I can share our specialties and successful experience and contribute to Taiwan's current planning on doubles up tourism policy," said Dr. Staurt Mann, Dean of UNLV College of Hotel Administration.*7 As to the question on what is the Key success Factors to well developing the gaming & entertainment industry, Dr. Mann pointed out that, "I would suggest as following categories: Funding -- Since the Investment amount is huge, you need visionary investors who knows this market. As a matter of fact, there are over 33 Billions US$ international Gaming funding from Las Vegas top 4 gaming groups and Europe, Arabic, 璭tc. invested in Asia. They show highly interest in Taiwan's market. Know How -- UNLV is the world no 1 experienced and knowledgeable on Casino Management. It is us who created the miracle of Las Vegas, other categories such as Gaming, Master-planned development of integrated resort Casio, exhibition & Conference, Government Tax.. each represents an important factor and specialties which is very important directly contribute to business success. I am very happy that now we cooperate with Chinese Cultural University to provide the courses and certificate to incubating knowledge people to catch up Asia coming tide. Proven track record -- Nevada-Based Company help establishing Asia recent resort & Gaming market booming like Singapore, Macau, Xuhai ..etc. The ongoing project are Dubai, Japan (Okinawa). Authority Content -- The lottery program been successful in Taiwan, there will be Sports lottery coming in next year. It is much more complicated and exciting gaming, but you need well established and authority Sports books professionals system on sports bet, NBA、NFL、Horses, tennis, etc. Technology for future -- New Technology gadget make our daily life much more easier and fun, Multi-channel, Multi platform technology, turn-key B2B, cooperate with 3rd parties include: Mobile operators, on-line gaming operators, Casio loyalty services. I will describe much more detailed in the coming TGES 2007 which will be held in 27/aug/2007 Monday. I will be very happy to meet you in that conference. Thank you." *8 Dr. Staurt Mann delivered a keynote speech to the Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 in Taipei. He is one of the Directors of ICBC. "The Nevada Commission on Tourism believes it is vital to establish a presence in Taiwan in order to represent our tourism destinations to this emerging world travel market. Taiwan's capital, Taipei, has a working population of four million, with a youthful, technologically oriented work force. There is tremendous potential for building tourism among this sector," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada.*9 "we are seeking new horizons for the economy of Nevada. Building mutally beneficial relationships with Taiwan, and other foreign countries, will create the demand for direct, regularly scheduled flights. Our work will help Nevada establish contacts for lucrative business and convention visitors from around the world that will form the foundation for a new pillar in the Nevada economy." *10 The International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) strives to build a bridge among important cities nationally and internationally. ICBC has set its main goal on "Mutual cooperation and development of business, trade, and tourism among international cities." Lorraine Hunt has been Honorary Chairperson of ICBC since 1998. To win over her experience and caliber on tourism, she has also been invited by Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as a Commissioner of NCOT soon after he took office early this year. "It's really a challenge to me! Lots of my job are related to have a function on the basis of international perspective. Through this professional and practical venue, I'll put all my effort and talent to implement the missions for the promotion of the economic and trade cooperation and development among cities of Nevada, China, Taiwan, Macau, and other Pacific & Asian countries," said Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of the ICBC of WBTI. Accomplishment is proved to be a journey with united and harmonious efforts. The ingenuity and ability from its Vice Chairpersons Attorney Xiaosheng Huang and Miss Yin Yan are important. Charlyne is also the Trade Representative in Taiwan of Nevada Commission on Economic Development. The following are a few of the many news reports in Chinese about the coming 'Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007' in Taipei: "本次論壇活動由美國內華達州駐華辦事處、中國文化大學推廣教育部、亞洲管理經典研究中心共同主辦,會中將邀請世界頂級的博弈產業學術聖殿----美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博奕暨酒店管理院長Dr. Staurt Mann博士,暢談為拉斯維加斯、澳門、新加坡等國際觀光博弈事業的實務規劃經驗與國際發展趨勢。此外也將邀請國內相關的產官學專家,共同研討台灣博弈娛樂事業的未來發展與提升競爭力之道," edited 沈子涵 of the website newspaper of Central Daily News.*11 On the Sina.com, Reporter 陳蓉 reported that, "第一屆台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇將於二十七日在行政院公務人力發展中心舉行。" *12 "美國內華達州駐華辦事處代表陳思庭22日指出,總額高達330億美元的博彩基金,繼投資新加坡聖淘沙、澳門之後,也鎖定台灣、南韓、泰國等國家,作為投資標的。內華達州駐華辦事處將安排MGM、Harras、Sands、與Wynn等四大跨國博弈集團的專業經理人來臺,提供拉斯韋加斯獨到的賭場經營技術,帶動台灣博弈產業的商機。據《工商時報》報道,陳思庭指出 ...," reported 星島環球網 on August 22, 2007.*13 "美國內華達州駐華辦事處代表陳思庭昨日指出...," reported 姚舜 on the Chinatimes.com.*14 "As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn (now Jim Gibbons) who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada and now Commissioner of Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT). The 2007 Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism will be an annual significant event for the interest of many people, businesses, and countries. It will be held on December 12-14 this year in Las Vegas. In the General Assembly, we shall have Jim Gibbons, Governor, State of Nevada; Introduction by: Commissioner Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono; Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor, State of Nevada; and the topic on Growth: Challenges and Opportunities. WBTI has assisted to publicize the conference for many years. Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). "With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more powered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber who is one of the Advisors of the Board. The sky is beautiful in this silver state.*15 Nevada is the spring fountain of world business in entertainment, gaming, convention, and tourism! "We now have a unique opportunity and challenge--to take the nearly 143 years of growth and progress that has created the Nevada of today, and set a course for the future. All of us must share a common vision of one Nevada which can only become a reality if we agree upon what promises that vision entails," wrote Nevada Governor James A. Gibbons.*16 -------------------------------------------- References *1. CI of WBTI. 'U. S. Senate Majority Leader Honorable Harry Reid and interesting facts about Nevada, U. S. A.,' "An article in the section of 'Harry Reid, U. S. Senator' on the WBTI's website," (April 30, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *2. Walton, Beth. 'Magazine puts Las Vegas first ---Outdoor activities make city top adventure town,' "News on Reviewjournal.com," (August 27, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. *3. Nevada Commission on Economic Development. 'Mark your Calendar to Participate September 28--Nevada Business & Tech Expo 2007,' "A profile of NCED of Nevada," (August 28, 2007), Carson City, Nevada: NCED. *4. 姚舜. '拉斯維加斯吸金 沙漠變金鑽 賭不是唯一利器,' "A report on Las Vegas and development by 工商時報," (August 28, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Money.chinatimes.com. *5. 陳美玲. '博弈教父STAURT:台灣博弈產業須單點、差異化創造體驗,' "A financial and economic report of 鉅亨網 by 記者陳美玲," (August 28, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: 鉅亨網 (from Forum.news.yam.com). *6. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'International Cities Business Council for tourism and economic development,' "A search of Nevada Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Bill Maupin, Governor James A. Gibbons of Nevada, and U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on the leading search engines," (August 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *7. Chen, Charlyne. 'Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007,' "An e-mail from Miss Charlyne Chen to WBTI," (August 16, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Representative Office in Taiwan for Nevada Commission on Economic Development. *8. Ibid. *9. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Business wbti' on the Ask.com," (August 18, 2007), U. S. A.: Ask.com. *10. Ibid. *11. 沈子涵. '第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇 他山之石,' "A profile of the website newspaper of Central Daily News," (August 21, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Cdnews.com.tw. *12. 星島環球網. "台灣學拉斯維加斯建娛樂之都 博彩基金流入," (August 22, 2007), Singapore: Singtaonet.com. *13. 陳蓉. '台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇 27日登場,' "A report by 中央社記者陳蓉 to 中央社," (August 22, 2007), U. S. A.: Sina.com. *14. 姚舜. "博彩基金進軍台灣," (August 22, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Chinatimes.com. *15. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid invite our friends to attend a Champagne Reception honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'Welcome! U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, ...' on the AOL.com," (August 21, 2007), U. S. A.: AOL.com. *16. Gibbons, James A. 'Governor Jim Gibbons Inaugural Address January 2, 2007 on WBTI's website,' "A search of 'By James A. Gibbons wbti' on the leading search engines," (July 17, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082707-6020 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 29, 2007. An e-mail from the Office of Nevada Governor to WBTI By Press Secretary Melissa Subbotin [Mon, 27 Aug 2007 17:18:45 -0700] (A concise one.) Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons expressed concerns today about the approved merger between Sierra Health Services and UnitedHealth Group. "I share many of the concerns, and I will work with other public officials to ensure that we take steps to address them while making sure that we obtain the benefits promised by UnitedHealth," concluded Gibbons. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082707-1019 |
Data for references博弈教父STAURT:台灣博弈產業須單點、差異化創造體驗 鉅亨網╱鉅亨網記者陳美玲 2007-08-27 17:36 調整字級: 「博弈教父」DR. STAURT MANN今 (27)日來台演講, DR. STAURT MANN表示,台灣如果要經營博弈產業以單一地點或是城市較好,並且要能創造「體驗」給觀光客,需輔以完善的交通基礎建設規劃。DR. STAURT MANN 強調,台灣擁有豐富的觀光資源,不一定要從事博弈產業才能帶來觀光客。 STAURT MANN表示,台灣如果要經營博弈產業一定要具備「差異化」特質,並且能夠創造「體驗」給消費者。以全球來看,美國的ATLANTIC城並沒有具備差異化特徵,因此無法吸引觀光客回流,ATLANTIC城當地飯店住房率為72%,若要提升當地經濟效益,必須有2成以上來客量,才能維持當地產值。 澳門地區目前博弈事業發展不錯,擁有博弈、擬] 、娛樂等週邊商業進駐,預估明年產值將超過拉斯維加斯,不過澳門目前相關博弈事業還在整合,因此未來還要再觀察。 新加坡去年開放2家CASINO執照,吸引300億美元的投入並以拉斯維加斯的成未狾′側衧鞢A結合休閒、觀光、會展、飯店、體育的全娛樂城市,將亞洲的觀光休閒產業提升至國際水準。新加坡預計在2009年 2座超大型的CASINO休閒觀光區並開始營運。但新加坡因只核發 2張執照,因此是否足夠創造吸引力,吸引觀光客至新加坡還要再看看。 首爾的狀況也和ATLANTIC城一樣,博弈事業並沒有具備差異化,因此吸引力也有限。 STAURT MANN強調,博弈事業本身帶來的商機僅45%,55%來自博弈週邊事業,因此若台灣要發展博弈產業,週邊一些相關配套也非常重要。 STAURT MANN 指出,根據統計資料顯示,平均每位到拉斯維加斯的民眾每晚花在 3.6小時在博弈上,比起澳門的1.2小時多出3倍。拉斯維加斯與澳門的最大不同點在於拉斯維加斯創造出「差異化」與「體驗」的價值給觀光客,比如說拉斯維加斯是以提供玩樂給民眾,但澳門的博弈則以賭博在經營,在此差別下,拉斯加斯每年約有 82%的觀光客會再度回流,這也是為什麼拉斯維加斯這麼觀光客喜愛的原因之一。 STAURT MANN強調,台灣應該深思在發展博弈事業的同時,博弈產業是否為台灣唯一能夠帶進觀光客的產業。台灣若決定要發展博弈事業選擇單一地點或是城市較佳,並且要能創造「體驗」給觀光客,並需輔以完善的交通基礎建設規劃,才能帶來觀光客。 評分 (+0) 討論 (+0) 引用( 0) http://forum.news.yam.com/trackback.php/20070827670295 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082707-1018 |
Data for referencesmoney.chinatimes.com 工商時報2007.08.28 拉斯維加斯吸金 沙漠變金鑽 賭不是唯一利器 【姚舜/台北報導】 博弈,不是拉斯維加斯金光閃閃的唯一利器。應美國內華達州駐華辦事處邀請來台參加博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇的「博弈教父」史都華.曼指出,發展觀光娛樂產業必須有整體規劃概念,並找出區隔差異,才能立於市場不敗,史都華.曼並強調,拉斯維加斯從沙漠變成金鑽,憑藉的不只是博弈,美食、會議、高爾夫、展覽、運動競技等各項目創造出完整的「體驗經濟」系統,才是拉斯維加斯每年吸引遊客前往的主因。 產值破兆的博弈商機,讓國內各行各業虎視眈眈、磨刀霍霍,惟各界垂涎多往「賭博」聚焦,事實上,這種眼界太過狹隘短淺,而史都華.曼口中的拉斯維加斯成功經驗,或可拉高國人視野。 史都華.曼表示,去年共有超過三千八百九十萬人次的遊客造訪拉斯維加斯,根據針對遊客造訪拉斯維加斯的動機調查指出,為賭博前往拉城都只占四三.一%,其它則是為了看秀、欣賞運動競技、享受美食、觀光攬勝、參加展覽或開會等不同目的而去。史都華.曼並指出,去年拉斯維加斯來自賭桌上的收入達一○六億美元,而這個數字只占拉斯維加斯總收入的一七%。 內華達州立大學拉斯維加斯分校作的另一調查也顯示,遊客造訪拉斯維加斯平均會在拉城停留三.六個晚上,而每一位造訪拉斯維加斯的遊客用在吃、住、購物與看秀上等「非賭博性支出」為八三九美元,而在「賭博性支出」則為六五一美元,顯見週邊娛樂休閒體系才是拉斯維加斯「吸金」的重要支柱。 美國各旅館飯店全年平均住房率約是六○%,而拉斯維加斯境內旅館去年總平均住房率則為八九.七%。史都華.曼表示,這是所有相關產業創造出的誘因。他並強調,拉斯維加斯每年斥資七千七百五十萬美元用在國際行銷宣傳上,更花費一千五百八十萬美元舉辦各種活動,藉以形成觀光賣點,以達集客目標。 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082707-0997 |
Data for referencesAug. 27, 2007 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal Magazine puts Las Vegas first Outdoor activities make city top adventure town By BETH WALTON REVIEW-JOURNAL Nathan Meador hangs from piece of rock while climbing near the Sanstone Quarry in the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas on Aug. 18. Photo by John Locher. Click image for enlargement. Larry and Carol Wade of Mukilteo, Wash., launch their kayaks in January 2005 near Badwater in Death Valley National Park, one of six national parks within a three-hour perimeter of Las Vegas. Photo by Ralph Fountain. Nathan Meador climbs near the Sanstone Quarry in the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area near Las Vegas on Aug. 18. Photo by John Locher. Top-flight entertainment, carousing until dawn and the chance at a life-changing jackpot aren't the only things drawing visitors and new residents to Las Vegas. For some people who come to this desert oasis, the rapidly developing high-rise hotels and casinos are less important than the area's high-rising boulders and mountains. As author Dan Koeppel writes, the city's best-kept secret has been exposed. National Geographic Adventure, in its September issue, names Las Vegas the nation's No. 1 adventure town in which to live and play. Most Popular Stories NORM: Britney may face trouble in scuffle DISCIPLINE COMMISSION: Staff: Judge slept on job POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Former madam is 'big fan of Hillary' Four shot after brawl on the Strip WORKPLACE FATALITIES: Boyd to pay fine NORM: Book vows to tell buried secrets NORM: Ex-broadcaster takes her own life NORM: Rumors swirling of Kobe breakup Casino project draws critics MySpace judgment: Guilty It might seem like an odd choice, considering the tantalizing reputation of Las Vegas. But Koeppel notes that the three-hour perimeter around Las Vegas contains six national parks, notably the Grand Canyon, Zion and Bryce Canyon, two national recreation areas, 13 state parks and millions of acres of national forest. Not to mention Utah's snowy slopes, Yosemite National Park's pristine forests and the shores of the Pacific Ocean that are each a half-day's drive away. "We are the hub," said David Bert, adventure activities manager at the Red Rock Resort, praising Las Vegas' location in the Southwest, a region he described as "one of the most remarkable places on Earth." Each year the magazine puts together a "live and play" package where editors identify top cities in every state, featuring one. Asheville, N.C., and Boise, Idaho, have been recognized in the past. This year, a National Geographic Adventure editorial board wanted to find a city that was affordable and close to outdoor activities. Koeppel said the editors picked Las Vegas for the cover story after a brainstorming session. The freelance travel and adventure writer has written about Las Vegas a lot in his career and said it is the one city he never gets bored covering. Radiating out from Las Vegas is some the world's best mountain biking, rock climbing and canyoneering, said Travis Graves, co-owner and manger of Desert Rock Sports. A Vermont native, Graves decided to make Las Vegas his permanent home after coming through the area during a college road trip. Blown away by his surroundings, the then-backpacker, biker and hiker was awakened to the possibilities in the Southwest. He's now a climber, too. "There's no way I could live in this town going on seven years if it weren't for any of this," he said. Graves' favorite weekend trip is Zion National Park, 2 1/2 hours away. "When you drive there you drive into the canyon itself," he said. "All the sandstone walls rise from the valley. It's a really immense feeling, because they are rising up on both sides of you. It's like Red Rock magnified." Graves said that even during the summer months the blistering heat can't stop outdoor enthusiasts. Local hikers find reprieve from the sun at the top of Mount Charleston. People can be found biking, hiking and playing at the region's multiple recreational areas year-round, he said. In a lot of other cities such as Salt Lake City and Denver, outdoor sports fanatics are relegated to snow activities some months of the year, Graves said. In the winter here, people can ski on Mount Charleston one day and climb in the sun at Red Rock the next, he said. A visitor profile study by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Bureau showed that 48 percent of visitors from foreign countries in 2006 explored the area's recreational and scenic attractions, including Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, Mount Charleston and Red Rock Canyon. The Lake Mead National Recreation Area sees 8 million visitors a year, twice as many as the Grand Canyon, Lake Mead park spokeswoman Roxanne Dey said. It is the fifth most visited unit in the national park system, she said. Even though outdoor recreation has grown in popularity nationwide, Las Vegas hotels traditionally have been more interested in keeping guests inside casino walls, Bert said. The visitors bureau is trying to change that as it markets the city's natural landscape and activities to meet changing demands, said Terry Jicinsky, the agency's senior vice president of marketing. Last year, some 38.9 million people visited Las Vegas, and an increasing number were in their late teens and 20s, he said. "While they are certainly here to experience the Vegas night life, these are the people who, during the day, are looking for more adventure," Jicinsky said. Baby boomers are also catching wind of the area's recreational fun, he said, adding that more than other generations, they want to remain active. Capitalizing on this market, Red Rock Resort helps guests arrange day biking, hiking, horseback riding and climbing trips. "Visitors today want something more," Bert said. Graves said Las Vegas is not only one of the best places to visit, but it is also the best place to live. He said his friends in Vermont, a state known for outdoor adventure, are jealous of his lifestyle. They would need to take a two-week vacation from work to do what he can do in two days. Because of Las Vegas' employment opportunities, many adventure seekers are coming here to live. The city's Department of Leisure Services is receiving more requests from residents for outdoor activities. The city has increased the number of walking and jogging trails and is exploring a proposal to build mountain bike trails on some of the 680 acres it acquired near Floyd Lamb State Park. "I am an outdoor freak and I'm a Las Vegan now," Bert said. He initially was hesitant to move to Las Vegas from Las Angeles. After all, what hiker wants to live in the desert? It turns out many of them do. "A lot of people I spoke to had come from elsewhere," Koeppel said. "It wasn't so much, 'I'm coming here cause I can rock climb.' It was, 'I'm coming here so I can make a living and rock climb at the same time.'" -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082607-7043 |
Data for reference?This very moment is a seed from which the flowers of tomorrow's happiness grow.? ---Margaret Lindsey -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082407-0998 |
Data for references2007-08-22 13:26:26 Taipei, Aug. 22 (CNA) The Taiwan Gambling & Entertainment Summit 2007 is scheduled to be held in Taipei City Aug. 27 with the aim of examining the prospects of Taiwan becoming another gambling mecca after Las Vegas, Macau and Singapore. Stuart Mann, dean of the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration under the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is scheduled to deliver a keynote speech during the opening session, according to Liao Chao-hung, director of the Taipei-based Asia Management Research Center (AMRC). The summit, the first of its kind in Taiwan, is being co-sponsored by the Taiwan Office of the State of Nevada, the Chinese Culture University and the AMRC. Liao said that Macau and Singapore had attracted international funds and applied international casino management systems to develop their gambling and entertainment industries, but the key to maintaining sustainable operations will be whether they are able to cultivate their own high-caliber management talent. Liao estimated that if casinos are legalized in Taiwan, the new industry will create at least 50,000 jobs. An official from the Nevada State Taiwan Office said that the four premier casino-hotels in Las Vegas have decided to invest some US$33 billion in Asia to expand their gambling and entertainment operations in this part of the world. After exploring the Macau and Singapore markets, executives of the Las Vegas hotels will also attend the Taiwan Gambling & Entertainment Summit in Taipei to gain a better understanding of the country's potential in developing a casino gaming industry, the official said. (By Deborah Kuo) ENDITEM/Li -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082407-1236 |
Data for referencesInternational Representatives Business Mission Presented by: Nevada Commission on Economic Development (NCED) Department of Global Trade and Investment Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Location: Grant Sawyer State Office Building, 555 E. Washington Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89101; Meeting room TBA Time: 9:00 am-Noon and 1:30-3:00 pm. Cost per person: There is NO cost to participate in this event We will be conducting Individual 30-minute Matchmaking sessions between Southern Nevada companies interested in doing business in or with those countries represented by Nevada抯 International Trade and Investment Representatives. Appointments are required in advance. Each company will have a chance to speak individually with one or more NCED representatives to discuss items such as: Exporting to their country; Setting up distribution or manufacturing in the country; Forming joint-ventures in the country; Importing from the country, etc. There will be representatives for the following countries and areas: - North China (Beijing) - Taiwan - Central China (Shanghai) - Mexico - Southern China (Hong Kong) - Italy - Japan - United Kingdom - Southeast Asia (Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam) Appointments are required in advance. For questions or to make an appointment please contact the following NCED personnel: - Gayle Anderson, Chief of Protocol and Global Trade Representative: (702) 486-2721 or by email at: gaylea@bizopp.state.nv.us - Alan Di Stefano, Director, Global Trade and Investment: (800) 336-1600 or by e-mail at: ccintl@bizopp.state.nv.us | |
082407-0997 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 26, 2007. Interstate news from the Office of Nevada Governor to WBTI! By Press Secretary Melissa Subbotin [Thu, 23 Aug 2007 16:04:02 -0700] (Concise) GOVERNOR Jim GIBBONS of Nevada DISCUSSES BORDER SECURITY INITIATIVES WITH ARIZONA GOVERNOR Janet Napolitano "I know, as Governor Napolitano knows, that border security issues impact us all, particularly Arizona and Nevada ," said Governor Gibbons. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082307-1058 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 25, 2007. Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007, Nevada Commission on Economic Development, and ICBC! 第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇, 美國內華達州經貿發展協會, 與國際城市企業協進會! By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do The something that I can do. ---Edward Everett Hale ____________________________________________ ***** "The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's opportunities and make the most of one's resources." ---Vauvenargues, Marquis de quotes (French moralist and essayist, 1715-1747) The planning and implementing of Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 are contributing to the cooperation and development on tourism of Nevada and Taiwan. It has responded to the ideal that, "Our missions open doors for Nevada's No. 1 industry with influential Asian businesses and officials and give us an opportunity to 'sell' our attractions and draw more visitors from Asia to our state" by Nevada抯 Lieutenant Governor Brian K. Krolicki. In the silver state, Brian is Chairman of the Commission on Economic Development (NCED) and Chairman of the Commission on Tourism (NCOT). He is also Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC).*1 According to the news from Taipei, the Summit will be held by Representative Office in Taiwan of Nevada Commission on Economic Development, NCED, Chinese Cultural University, and Asia Management Research Center on August 27, 2007 in Taipei. "The Asia recent economic prosperity and Industry paradigm shift makes each countries speed up tourism development and promotion, even open the policy of Gaming as the leading wagon to attract more tourists. UNLV is the worldwide No 1 university in Hotel, Gaming, beverage, Exhibition. I was invited by Nevada State office on economics development to Taiwan. Hopefully, I can share our specialties and successful experience and contribute to Taiwan's current planning on doubles up tourism policy," said Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Dean of UNLV College of Hotel Administration.*2 As to the question on what is the Key success Factors to well developing the gaming & entertainment industry, Dr. Mann pointed out that, "I would suggest as following categories: Funding -- Since the Investment amount is huge, you need visionary investors who knows this market. As a matter of fact, there are over 33 Billions US$ international Gaming funding from Las Vegas top 4 gaming groups and Europe, Arabic, 璭tc. invested in Asia. They show highly interest in Taiwan's market. Know How -- UNLV is the world no 1 experienced and knowledgeable on Casino Management. It is us who created the miracle of Las Vegas, other categories such as Gaming, Master-planned development of integrated resort Casio, exhibition & Conference, Government Tax.. each represents an important factor and specialties which is very important directly contribute to business success. I am very happy that now we cooperate with Chinese Cultural University to provide the courses and certificate to incubating knowledge people to catch up Asia coming tide. Proven track record -- Nevada-Based Company help establishing Asia recent resort & Gaming market booming like Singapore, Macau, Xuhai ..etc. The ongoing project are Dubai, Japan (Okinawa). Authority Content -- The lottery program been successful in Taiwan, there will be Sports lottery coming in next year. It is much more complicated and exciting gaming, but you need well established and authority Sports books professionals system on sports bet, NBA、NFL、Horses, tennis, etc. Technology for future -- New Technology gadget make our daily life much more easier and fun, Multi-channel, Multi platform technology, turn-key B2B, cooperate with 3rd parties include: Mobile operators, on-line gaming operators, Casio loyalty services. I will describe much more detailed in the coming TGES 2007 which will be held in 27/aug/2007 Monday. I will be very happy to meet you in that conference. Thank you." *3 Dr. Stuart H. Mann will deliver a keynote speech to the Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 in Taipei. He is one of the Directors of ICBC. "The Nevada Commission on Tourism believes it is vital to establish a presence in Taiwan in order to represent our tourism destinations to this emerging world travel market. Taiwan's capital, Taipei, has a working population of four million, with a youthful, technologically oriented work force. There is tremendous potential for building tourism among this sector," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada.*4 "we are seeking new horizons for the economy of Nevada. Building mutally beneficial relationships with Taiwan, and other foreign countries, will create the demand for direct, regularly scheduled flights. Our work will help Nevada establish contacts for lucrative business and convention visitors from around the world that will form the foundation for a new pillar in the Nevada economy." *5 The International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) strives to build a bridge among important cities nationally and internationally. ICBC has set its main goal on "Mutual cooperation and development of business, trade, and tourism among international cities." Lorraine Hunt has been Honorary Chairperson of ICBC since 1998. To win over her experience and caliber on tourism, she has also been invited by Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as a Commissioner of NCOT soon after he took office early this year. "It's really a challenge to me! Lots of my job are related to have a function on the basis of international perspective. Through this professional and practical venue, I'll put all my effort and talent to implement the missions for the promotion of the economic and trade cooperation and development among cities of Nevada, China, Taiwan, Macau, and other Pacific & Asian countries," said Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of the ICBC of WBTI. Accomplishment is proved to be a journey with united and harmonious efforts. The ingenuity and ability from its Vice Chairpersons Attorney Xiaosheng Huang and Miss Yin Yan are important. Charlyne is also the Trade Representative in Taiwan of Nevada Commission on Economic Development. The following are a few of the many news reports in Chinese about the coming 'Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007' in Taipei: "本次論壇活動由美國內華達州駐華辦事處、中國文化大學推廣教育部、亞洲管理經典研究中心共同主辦,會中將邀請世界頂級的博弈產業學術聖殿----美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博奕暨酒店管理院長Dr. Staurt Mann博士,暢談為拉斯維加斯、澳門、新加坡等國際觀光博弈事業的實務規劃經驗與國際發展趨勢。此外也將邀請國內相關的產官學專家,共同研討台灣博弈娛樂事業的未來發展與提升競爭力之道," edited 沈子涵 of the website newspaper of Central Daily News.*6 On the Sina.com, Reporter 陳蓉 reported that, "第一屆台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇將於二十七日在行政院公務人力發展中心舉行。" *7 "美國內華達州駐華辦事處代表陳思庭22日指出,總額高達330億美元的博彩基金,繼投資新加坡聖淘沙、澳門之後,也鎖定台灣、南韓、泰國等國家,作為投資標的。內華達州駐華辦事處將安排MGM、Harras、Sands、與Wynn等四大跨國博弈集團的專業經理人來臺,提供拉斯韋加斯獨到的賭場經營技術,帶動台灣博弈產業的商機。據《工商時報》報道,陳思庭指出 ...," reported 星島環球網 on August 22, 2007.*8 "美國內華達州駐華辦事處代表陳思庭昨日指出...," reported 姚舜 on the Chinatimes.com.*9 "As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn (now Jim Gibbons) who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada and now Commissioner of Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT). The 2007 Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism will be an annual significant event for the interest of many people, businesses, and countries. It will be held on December 12-14 this year in Las Vegas. In the General Assembly, we shall have Jim Gibbons, Governor, State of Nevada; Introduction by: Commissioner Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono; Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor, State of Nevada; and the topic on Growth: Challenges and Opportunities. WBTI has assisted to publicize the conference for many years. Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). "With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more powered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber who is one of the Advisors of the Board. The sky is beautiful in this silver state.*10 Nevada is the spring fountain of world business in entertainment, gaming, convention, and tourism! -------------------------------------------- References *1. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'International Cities Business Council for tourism and economic development,' "A search of Nevada Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Bill Maupin, Governor James A. Gibbons of Nevada, and U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on the leading search engines," (August 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Chen, Charlyne. 'Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007,' "An e-mail from Miss Charlyne Chen to WBTI," (August 16, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Representative Office in Taiwan for Nevada Commission on Economic Development. *3. Ibid. *4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Business wbti' on the Ask.com," (August 18, 2007), U. S. A.: Ask.com. *5. Ibid. *6. 沈子涵. '第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇 他山之石,' "A profile of the website newspaper of Central Daily News," (August 21, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Cdnews.com.tw. *7. 星島環球網. "台灣學拉斯維加斯建娛樂之都 博彩基金流入," (August 22, 2007), Singapore: Singtaonet.com. *8. 陳蓉. '台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇 27日登場,' "A report by 中央社記者陳蓉 to 中央社," (August 22, 2007), U. S. A.: Sina.com. *9. 姚舜. "博彩基金進軍台灣," (August 22, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Chinatimes.com. *10. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid invite our friends to attend a Champagne Reception honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'Welcome! U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, ...' on the AOL.com," (August 21, 2007), U. S. A.: AOL.com. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete quick news of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 23, 2007. Quick news from Office of Nevada Governor! By Press Secretary Melissa Subbotin [Tue, 21 Aug 2007 15:54:48 -0700] WHAT: Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, Director of the Nevada Department of Public Safety Phil Galeoto, Director of Nevada Homeland Security Rick Eaton, to meet with Governor Napolitano WHERE: Office of the Governor; Executive Tower, Arizona State Capitol, 1700 West Washington St., Phoenix, Arizona DATE: Thursday, August 23, 2007; TIME: 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. *MEDIA AVAILABILITY WILL FOLLOW THE MEETING* ************************************* 082107-4039 At 4:39 p.m. Concise e-mail from John Kerry, U. S. Senator to WBTI [Tue, 21 Aug 2007 19:18:13 -0400] ... or find out about events in your area. I'll try to keep you updated when the legislation starts to move in September. Sincerely, John Kerry -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 22, 2007. Nevada抯 diverse geography, breathtaking landscapes, and renowned entertainment are just a few reasons that that our state is among the top destinations in the world! I met with Senior Government Officials in Mexico last week By James A. Gibbons Last week, I traveled to Mexico where I had the opportunity to meet with senior government officials on a variety of topics that affect both our state and their nation. These meetings provide me with a great perspective about how we can increasingly cooperate to address two of our state's greatest issues - increasing economic opportunities here in Nevada and the challenges our state faces as a result of the growing methamphetamine epidemic. Nevada抯 diverse geography, breathtaking landscapes, and renowned entertainment are just a few reasons that that our state is among the top destinations in the world. To promote the many exciting opportunities that Nevada has to offer and to bring more foreign tourists to our state, we must work to strengthen relationships and improve access to Nevada for tourists from counties around the world, including our neighbor, Mexico. I flew to Mexico City on a newly established nonstop route from Las Vegas. While in the country I met with tourism officials and representatives of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority who are permanently based in Mexico City to foster ongoing relationships in the country to bring more visitors to Nevada. One of the many other critical issues that I addressed with the Mexican government was the significant financial burden placed on Nevada taxpayers due to the flow of methamphetamine from Mexico. At this point, close to 90% of the methamphetamine confiscated here in Nevada originates in Mexican superlabs. What was once a product of smaller clandestine mom and pop labs is now created in Mexican superlabs primarily because of Mexico抯 history of lenient policies regulating procurement of large quantities of pseudoephedrine - the primary ingredient used in the production of meth. During my meeting with the Deputy Attorney General, we discussed Mexico's improved partnership with the United States to implement safeguards at Mexico抯 ports of entry. Today, Mexico only accepts pseudoephedrine at 3 ports where the import quantity has been severely curtailed. Once the pseudoephedrine has been received at the ports only 500 kilograms or less can be sent to legitimate manufacturers who process the materials into tablets, most of which are put into over-the-counter cold medications. Prior to Mexico抯 efforts to tighten the laws, pure pseudoephedrine could be purchased over the counter, while under new stricter controls, a doctor抯 referral is required. I was extremely pleased by the steps the Mexican government is taking and believe that in collaboration with policies to regulate the sale of precursor drugs, such as pseudoephedrine, coupled with increased access to treatment and prevention resources, we stand to make great gains in the fight against meth. Our partnership with Mexico and the steps we are taking here in Nevada are critical in our local and nationwide efforts to combat meth production, distribution, and use. ----------------------------------- About Governor James A. Gibbons: Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons earned a B.S. in Geology and later, a M.S. in Mining/Geology from the University of Nevada at Reno. Gibbons received the MacKay School of Mines Alumnus of the Year Award in 1999, and remains an active supporter of Nevadaˇs university and community college system. He also earned his J.D. from Southwestern University School of Law and completed his post-graduate work at the University of Southern California. Born and raised in Sparks, Nevada, Governor Jim Gibbons was a former United States Congressman. Jim was first elected to represent Nevada's 2nd District in the House of Representatives in 1996. He was re-elected to a fifth term in November 2004. Prior to coming to Congress, Gibbons gained a distinguished military background. A former combat pilot and decorated veteran of both the Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars, Governor Gibbons served in the United States Air Force from 1967 to 1971 and graduated from the USAF Air Command and Staff College as well as the Air War College. Attaining the rank of Colonel, Gibbons joined the Nevada Air Guard in 1975, and served as the group's Vice Commander from 1990 through 1996. Jim Gibbons served three terms in the Nevada State Legislature and was named 霴utstanding Freshman Legislator ?his first year in 1988. By 1993, Gibbons rose through the ranks to become Republican Whip of the State Assembly. Jim Gibbons is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). This is his most recent message (Mon, 20 Aug 2007 10:01:40 -0700) sent by Office of the Governor (NV) to WBTI through its Communications Director Brent Boynton and Press Secretary Melissa Subbotin. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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Data for referencesObjective: Positioning Nevada State Office on Economics Development(內華達州駐華辦事處) as the best gateway to Nevada’s resource and solutions providers in the upcoming gaming and resort development business opportunities in Taiwan. The first explicit step is joint with UNLV and Taiwan Chinese Cultural University the leading Education institute to transfer industry Know how and provide human resources for the shortage of Asia opportunities , Success experience in Las Vegas ,Singapore and Macau. Strength: Funding : Attract investment from MGM Group ,Sands , WYNN and Harrah’s and other gaming VC. Know How: Casino Resort Management, Gaming ,Master-planned development of integrated resort Casio , exhibition & Conference, Government Tax .. Successful record : Nevada-Based Company help establishing Asia recent resort & Gaming market booming like Singapore , Macau , Authority Content : Sportsbook on sports bet , NBA、NFL、Horses , tennis , alive Multi-channel , Multi platform technology , turn-key B2B , cooperate with 3rd parties include :Mobile operators , on-line gaming operators , Casio loyalty services Q: what’s the main purpose for your trip to Taiwan ? A : The Asia recent economic prosperity and Industry paradigm shift makes each countries speed up tourism development and promotion , even open the policy of Gaming as the leading wagon to attract more tourists , UNLV is the worldwide No 1 university in Hotel , Gaming , beverage , Exhibition , I was invited by Nevada State office on economics development to Taiwan , Hopefully , I can share our specialties and successful experience and contribute to Taiwan’s current planning on doubles up tourism policy .(you are welcome to join in Taiwan Gaming & Entertaining summit 2007 on 8/27 2007) Q : How do you see recent Asia booming on the Gaming & Entertainment industry ? Any Impact to Taiwan ? A: in the year of 2006 , Asia Gaming market got 20% growth rate to total 13 Billion US$ , Not include illegal and public sea gaming ‘s revenue 4 Billion , Starting from 2004 Macau successful lead-in Las Vegas’ investment and know how makes its economics booming sky-high , there are still several big investment ongoing ,which gave neighbors countries big pressure , consequently ,Singapore ‘s MEGA development Marina Bay Sands will open in 2009 ,, Philippine and Vietnam is currently expanding its investment to catch up. Japan ,Thailand also Taiwan is considering legalize the gaming policy As to Taiwan , Yes , It is Threat but also great opportunities , the world is getting smaller , if you know what I mean , If Taiwan wants to be competitive , you need to accelerate certain policy to attract foreign funding & management team to help Q: Is the opening of Gaming policy will jeopardize the peace of community ? A: Haha , On the contrary , Do you know that Nevada state got the lowest unemployed rate,lowest Crime rate ,fastest economics growing among United States ? of course , it depends on the government policy and every aspects efforts , A system which can governs , We do have great experience can share .If you look at Macau , its crime rate is among the lowest area in Asia . you can only decrease the disease under the sun . Q :How can Taiwan be more competitive compare to those well- developed Gaming countries? A: To my knowledge , Taiwan is a very beautiful country , many world class sceneries , compare to those neighbors , Taiwan got better natural strength and location benefits, but you need world leading expertise to help planning and developing to compete with those countries , if you look at Singapore’s recent move , the so called “ nanny state “ which means heavy tax on tobacco and alcohol , chewing gum forbidden , during Lee kuan Yew’s governs time , the gaming is forbidden , but current prime minister already made his bet , by 2009 , I can see the impact and return from their tourism policy which benefits gaming , service , shopping , exhibition industries . Q: What is the Key success Factors to well developing the gaming & entertainment industry? A : I would suggest as following categories “ Funding : the Investment amount is huge , you need visionary investors who knows this market ,As a matter of fact , There are over 33 Billions US$ international Gaming funding from Las Vegas top 4 gaming groups and Europe , Arabic…etc. invested in Asia, They show highly interest in Taiwan’s market . Know How : UNLV is the world no 1 experienced and knowledgeable on Casino Management , It is us who created the miracle of Las Vegas , other categories such as Gaming ,Master-planned development of integrated resort Casio , exhibition & Conference , Government Tax.. each represents an important factor and specialties which is very important directly contribute to business success. I am very happy that now we cooperate with Chinese Cultural University to provide the courses and certificate to incubating knowledge people to catch up Asia coming tide. Proven track record : Nevada-Based Company help establishing Asia recent resort & Gaming market booming like Singapore , Macau , Xuhai ..etc , the ongoing project are Dubai , Japan (Okinawa) Authority Content : The lottery program been successful in Taiwan , there will be Sports lottery coming in next year , it is much more complicated and exciting gaming , but you need well established and authority Sports books professionals system on sports bet , NBA、NFL、Horses , tennis , etc Technology for future : New Technology gadget make our daily life much more easier and fun , Multi-channel , Multi platform technology , turn-key B2B , cooperate with 3rd parties include :Mobile operators , on-line gaming operators , Casio loyalty services I will describe much more detailed in the coming TGES 2007 which will be held in 27/aug/2007 Monday . I will be very happy to meet you in that conference, Thank you . | |
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Data for references第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇 Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 壹、活動宗旨 : 澳門、新加坡、越南、以及日本等,亞洲各國陸續開放博奕事業儼然已成為帶動下一波經濟成長的火車頭。 台灣在福利彩券方面已有數年的營運經驗,即將推行的運動彩券,也代表台灣對於博弈事業的發展將邁入下一階段的里程碑。隨著2008北京奧運即將舉辦以及兩岸觀光熱潮即將到來,台灣博弈娛樂及觀光產業的發展同時面臨了鉅大的機會與挑戰。 而Las Vegas位於美國大西部沙漠中,所創造的沙漠奇蹟式有目共睹,最大的商業展覽之都,最大的娛樂之都。Las Vegas人口不到200萬(約上海市的1/11)但每年造訪的人次高達5000萬次。Las Vegas的成就就是美國的驕傲。全美國失業人數最低,博弈收入只佔所的觀光收入的7%,其他收入來自美食,展覽,會議,購物,飯店休閒佔83%。 借鏡於Las Vegas的經驗,以及準備投資於亞洲觀光娛樂產業的330億美金等資源,將有助於為台灣建構高品質的博弈娛樂觀光產業,兼顧經濟發展、社會治安、配套法規、乃至於帶動科技創新、縮短城鄉差距、促進人才就業發展等,需要引進國際一流的經驗,才能有效提升台灣即將蓬勃發展的博弈娛樂觀光產業,再一次成為亞洲的耀眼新星 !! 本次論壇活動由美國內華達州駐華辦事處、中國文化大學推廣教育部、亞洲管理經典研究中心共同主辦,會中將邀請世界頂級的博弈產業學術聖殿----美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博奕暨酒店管理院長Dr. Staurt Mann博士,暢談為拉斯維加斯、澳門、新加坡等國際觀光博弈事業的實務規劃經驗與國際發展趨勢。此外也將邀請國內相關的產官學專家,共同研討台灣博弈娛樂事業的未來發展與提升競爭力之道。 貳、活動時間 : 2007年8月27日 星期一 9:00 ~ 16:30 參、活動地點 : 行政院公務人力發展中心前瞻廳(台北市大安區新生南路三段30號) 肆、主辦單位 : 美國內華達州駐華辦事處 美國內華達州經貿發展協會 中國文化大學推廣教育部 亞洲管理經典研究中心 協辦單位:美國內華達大學(UNLV, University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 中國文化大學創新育成中心 中華電信 中國文化大學國際企業管理研究所碩士在職專班 中國文化大學資訊管理研究所碩士在職專班 中國文化大學觀光休閒事業管理研究所碩士在職專班 中華數位內容協會 媒體協辦 : 今周刊 伍、參加對象 : 1.各博弈娛樂觀光產業領域之專家學者。 2.政府觀光、運彩、福利彩券主管單位。 3.博弈、娛樂休閒、觀光旅遊等產業團體、協會代表以及從業人員。 4.國內外觀光休閒餐飲旅館等相關科系師生以及從業人員。 柒、研討會議程 第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇 Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 時 間 活動內容/講題 演講者 08:30-09:00 報 到 09:00-09:10 主辦單位開幕致詞 美國內華達州駐華代表處 陳思庭代表 中國文化大學推廣教育部 亞洲管理經典研究中心 09:10-09:30 貴賓致詞 立法院 院長 王金平 台灣博奕娛樂與觀光產業發展策略 9:30-9:50 Keynote Speech 從亞洲博奕娛樂觀光產業熱潮論台灣未來佈局及發展策略 (英文演講, 現場翻譯) Dr. Staurt Mann Dr. Mann University of Nevada Las Vegas 美國內華達大學(拉斯維加斯校區) 博奕暨酒店管理學院院長 9:50-10:20 台灣博奕娛樂與觀光產業人才培育發展之國際趨勢 中華民國大專院校體育總會會長 中國文化大學校長 李天任 10:20-10:30 中場休息 10:30-11:10 如何爭取國際觀光舞台 政府相關部門代表 11:10-12:00 從涵碧樓經驗看台灣發展國際一流觀光娛樂產業之機會與挑戰 鄉林建設董事長 賴正鎰 12:00-13:30 午餐時間 國際博奕娛樂觀光產業趨勢 13:30-14:00 以博奕娛樂帶動國內科技產業發展 -創新行動加值應用趨勢 中華電信行動通信分公司 加值處副處長 胡學海 14:00-15:10 博奕娛樂與觀光產業帶動國際投資之經驗- 政府政策與商業投資成功經驗(拉斯維加斯、澳門、新加坡、杜拜、琉球、濟州島…) (英文演講/同步口譯) Dr. Staurt Mann Dr. Mann University of Nevada Las Vegas 美國內華達大學(拉斯維加斯校區) 博奕暨酒店管理學院院長 15:10-15:30 中場休息 & 茶點時間 15:30-16:30 台灣博奕娛樂與觀光產業之商機及未來發展策略 主持人 : 今周刊社長 梁永煌 與談人 : 美國內華達州駐華代表處 陳思庭代表 行政院體育委員會綜合計畫處 張芬芬處長 中國文化大學 李天任校長 中華電信加值處 胡學海副處長 中華數位內容協會 邱秀珍執行長 16:30-17:00 交流時間 敬邀對台灣博弈娛樂與觀光產業發展有與趣之產官學界代表與會,名額限200位, 費用每人新台幣2,500元整 (凡於8/23星期四前報名繳費者,即可獲贈今周刊12期,價值1,188元) 第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇 報名單位:中國文化大學推廣教育部 報名專線: 張瓊文 小姐TEL02-2395-9521 分機7378 FAX 02-2356-7359 http://www.amrc.org.tw 新聞聯絡人 葛威育(艸) locke 美國內華達州駐華辦事處 Tel:02-27235047 Mobile:0921806500 Email:locke@nevada2asia.org 陳佩伶 Paggy 亞洲管理經典研究中心 Tel:02-2356-0935 ext:7376 Mobile:0968001025 Email: plchen@sce.pccu.edu.tw 「第一屆台灣博奕娛樂觀光產業論壇」 報名表 報名方式:線上報名 或 傳真報名 敬邀對台灣博弈娛樂與觀光產業發展有與趣之產官學界代表與會,名額限200位, 費用每人新台幣2,500元整 (凡於8/23星期四前報名繳費者,即可獲贈今周刊12期,價值1,188元) 傳真報名:請填妥本報名表,並傳真至(02)2356-7359 線上報名:請填妥線上報名表,完成報名 www.amrc.org.tw 洽詢專線:(02)23959521轉7378 張小姐 聯絡e-Mail:cwechang@sce.pccu.edu.tw 報名者資料欄: 姓 名_____________ 部門/職稱_______________________ 公司名稱_____________ 傳 真________________________ 電 話________分機___ 行動電話___________ E-mail______________ 身分證字號__________ 聯絡地址:□□□ __________________________________________________ *飲食需求:❏ 茹素 ❏ 忌牛肉 ❏ 不拘 ❏ 其他: 繳費方式: □ 線上刷卡 □ 繳費櫃檯 □ ATM繳費 【線上繳費】 請上報名網站(www.amrc.org.tw),註冊會員後,線上刷卡繳費。 【繳費櫃檯】 列印報名表後親自或由他人代理到「中國文化大學推廣教育各分部」繳交費用。 繳費方式:現金、即期支票、匯票、刷卡(VISA、Master) 服務時間: 建國本部(大夏館)台北市建國南路二段231號 星期一~星期六 09:00~21:00 ;星期日 09:00~17:00 博愛校區(大新館)台北市延平南路127號 星期一~星期六 09:00~21:00 忠孝分布(忠孝館)台北市忠孝東路一段41號 星期一~星期六 09:00~21:00 【ATM繳費】 ATM轉帳前請先利用線上報名或傳真報名表報名。 轉帳後將報名表傳真至中國文化大學創新育成中心 報名傳真:02-2356-7359 銀行代號:世華銀行 013 帳號:58588 + 身分證號碼(含英文字母)。 | |
[[[ From: cc@info21.com View Contact Details To: "Tony Lei" [tojulei@yahoo.com] Subject: Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 16:51:39 +0800 ]]] | |
081907-7007 |
Data for references開放國際級觀光賭場可會為台灣注入經濟強心針 ? 美國的賭城拉斯維加斯(Las Vegas),不管是去出差還是度假,幾乎每年總是能吸引我們去好幾次。 有些台灣人提到拉斯維加斯,可能會覺得那是個賭博的地方 - 也就是「罪惡的淵藪」,那「賭博的地方」。每餐都享受拉斯維加斯的極致美食饗宴、觀賞席琳迪翁(Celine Dion)的現場演唱會、Jubilee等精彩歌舞秀、參觀各種主題的旅館等等,「原來美國也有這麼有趣的地方,下次再安排一次住Bellagio」。我也不喜歡賭博,但拉斯維加斯還是有莫大的吸引力,原因就是我著迷於他那裡的各種美食料理、每天都可以欣賞到各種超乎常人想像的現場表演show、還有各種高級的主題旅館服務,最後才是晚上與來自各地的陌生人們及發牌員,在牌桌上小試身手並輕鬆的閒聊。花很少比率的錢在賭博上的遊客(花很多錢在賭博上的賭客叫high roller),拉斯維加斯仍是我們在美國享受度假生活最喜愛的目的地之一。 在就讀商學院時曾經看過的一份個案研究報告提到,Las Vegas的遊客平均在3.7天的停留天數中花費$1329元,其中50%花在賭博上,20%花在住宿,其他30%則花費在飲食、購物、交通、看歌舞表演及觀光上。近幾年Wall Street Journal關於Las Vegas的報導,也常看到像是拉斯維加斯的非賭博收入有逐漸超過賭博收入的趨勢。因為當時在美國工作所負責的的業務範圍,需要瞭解美國Gaming Industry(博亦產業)的現況,因此,對這個行業的相關規範與運作方式,也有一些研究,因此,思考台灣未來經濟發展方向時,也認為台灣可以朝開放觀光賭場的方向來做,將有機會為台灣帶來無可限量的商機。 美國的博亦產業也是經過許多的變革與競爭,才演變到今天這樣主題旅館林立、觀光與賭博兼顧的拉斯維加斯。在思考台灣的博亦產業發展策略,如何在產生對台灣最大的經濟效益的同時,減少賭博所帶來的負面社會成本,台灣政府應該從美國賭博產業發展的歷程中取經,避免走過別人已經犯過的錯誤,直接將台灣的觀光博亦產業一開始就拉高到世界級競爭的水準,讓想要染指博亦產業的黑道惡勢力完全沒辦法進來競爭。要做到這種高規格的地步, 台灣政府需要掌握以下幾個要點: 1. 周延的法律規範與配套措施,最嚴厲的執法與處罰標準 2. 嚴格限制發放賭牌的申請人資格,引進國際第一流博亦集團的管理與服務經驗 3. 發展結合博亦、觀光、休閒、餐飲與娛樂表演於一身的博亦觀光產業 4. 規劃發展博亦產業可以帶動的相關配套產業 | |
081907-4021 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 21, 2007. Imagination may help bring us with beauty, justice, happiness, and creativity! By Jennifer Kung To develop immaginative power, we must specialize in our own fields but be alert to new ideas from any source and continually seize and set down our inspirational flashes when they come to us. ---Carl Holmes*1 ____________________________________________ ***** "Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity (dare) of the imagination." ---John Dewey (*From 'The Quest For Certainty'.) Imagination is important for an individual and institution. It is the ability to perceive opportunity. Imagination may produce creativity. Creativity contributes profit and prosperity for an institution. Where imagination and innovation are encouraged, it floirish. Innovation is doing something different. Innovation comes from people and it requires insight. We are pleased to quote the following five short but meaningful ones: *** The most interesting people are the people with the most interesting pictures in their minds. ---Earl Nightingale *** Imagination is more important than knowledge. ---Albert einstein *** The human race is governed by its imagination. ---Napoleon *** Inspiration and imagination go hand in hand. ---Annonymous *** Every vital organization owes its birth and life to an exciting and daring idea. ---James B. Conant It's our pleasure to post a short story and quotation from "Speaker's Source Book" by Glenn Van Ekeren: What is serendipity? It is discovering something totally unrelated to the problem you are trying to solve. Call it an accident, dumb luck, or fate--serendipity has given our world great products, new hope, and better ways of doing things. Foe example, Columbus discovered America while searching for a route to India. It is said that the American Indians, finding no water for cooking, tapped a maple tree and made the first maple wyrup as the sap boiled down. Pioneers, traveling westward, stopped for water and found gold nuggets in a stream. These are all examples of serendipity. However, the classic example of serendipity must go to George Ballas. As George Ballas drove his car through a car wash, ... Why not use a nylon cord, whirling at high speed to trim the grass and weeds around trees and the house? Bingo! the Weedeater was born! ... Finally, in 1971, Ballas invested his own money in the first thirty- pound Weedeaster. ... Before long, Weedeater, Inc., grew into a multimillion-dollar international corporation. Yes, one idea can be worth a fortune. Weedeater, Inc., was born from a simple idea in a car wash. *2 Do you believe Chairman of Apple Computer John Scully said that, "Innovation has never come through bureaucracy and hierarchy. It's always come from individuals"? "Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which is everything in the world," said Blaise Pascal.*3 ------------------------------------- References *1. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press. *2. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. *3. Ibid. -------------------------------------------- ********************************************- | |
081707-6005 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 20, 2007. Thank you again I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! By Dina Titus Dear Tony, I抳e just returned from nearly three weeks in Georgia, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the cards, phone messages, e-mails, flowers and plants, and your thoughts and prayers. I can抰 tell you how much these things mean to all of us during this difficult time for our family. I抦 back in circulation now, and hope to be seeing you soon. Thanks again for your support. Dina [From an e-mail by Friends of Dina Titus to WBTI at (Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:13:45 -0700) on August 17, 2007.] [[[ Thoughts and prayers: 1. ... ................... 73. Written by Dr. Tony Lei on 02-08-2007 19:24 "The passing away of Dina's father is really a very sad news, but he has implemented and achieved his glory fight in life. Judy and I were heartily and deeply mourning and praying for Dina's father Joe. Our sincere hearts and prayers go out also to Betty, Dina, Rho, the family, and their friends," said President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI in the early morning on August 2, 2007, in ..... * *From {{{ "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti), Thursday, 10:16 a.m., August 2, 2007 #First Edition More kind thoughts and prayers for the passing away of Nevada state Senator Dina Titus' father Joe Titus A greater thing is to fight life through and say at the end, the dream is true! By Tiffany Chang }}} (*The 'Blog' on WWW.dinatitus.com at 5:21 p.m. on 081707.) ....... 74. ... ]]] --------------------- About the Author: Dr. Dina Titus [Alice Costandina (Dina) Titus], a native of Georgia, was educated at William and Mary, University of Georgia and received her Ph. D. from Florida State University. She currently teaches Political Science at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. She is a Nevada State Senator from District 7 in Clark County. In 1999 she was the Nevada Arts Advocate of the Year. Her most recent publication is Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics. The title of Dr. Titus Convocation lecture, the Mushroom Cloud as an American Symbol, attests to the extensive knowledge she has concerning America nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site and the impact it has had on that region. Dr. Dina Titus is now Nevada Senate Minority Leader and also a famous Professor of Administrative Strategies in the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). The recent article in this section for her on "Rough road ahead" (at 050807) has been published by the leading search engines like Yahoo.com, Google.com, and among others in the afternoon at 4:27 p.m. on May 12, 2007: For "Rough road ahead. I look forward to writing you again soon! wbti" (Posted on 050807.) Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Rough road ahead. I look forward to writing you again soon! By Dr. Dina Titus. Dear Tony, ... dinatitus.com and I look forward to writing you again soon. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 109k - Cached For "Dr. Dina Titus" on the Google.com in the morning on 05/13th/07 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Dr. Dina Titus is now Nevada Senate Minority Leader and also a famous Professor of ... WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 133k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages The recent article in this section for her on "I'm proud of the opportunities" (at 051407) has been published by the leading search engines like Yahoo.com, Google.com, and among others in the morning at 9:47 a.m. on May 30, 2007: For "I'm proud of ..." on the Yahoo.com, it appeared starting from the first line of its first page: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... I'm proud of the opportunities I've had to challenge and educate students for three decades! By Dr. Dina Titus. Dear Tony, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=2 - 119k - Cached - More from this site WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... ... change the way we access information, and they provide a new ... 5 of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=9 - 156k - Cached - More from this site For "I'm proud of ... wbti" on the Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...- [ Translate this page ] WHEREAS, Dr. Tony Lei received his M.B.A. and Doctor of Education in Institutional ...... He then introduced important elected officials Dina Titus, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 159k - Cached - Similar pages *** At 10:35 a.m. on June 18, 2007 from a search of "The end is near Senate Democrats are glad legislators have continued to look for additional ... By Dr. Dina Titus" (her recent article for this section): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... The end is near. Senate Democrats are glad legislators have continued to look for additional ... continued to look for additional funding for education. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 113k - Cached - More from this site *****> At 6:57 p.m. on 081707 for a search of "More kind thoughts and prayers for the passing away of Nevada state Senator Dina Titus' father Joe Titus wbti" on Google.com: Dina Titus - In Memory of "Papa Joe" Titus More kind thoughts and prayers for the passing away of Nevada state Senator Dina Titus' father Joe Titus A greater thing is to fight life through and say at ... www.dinatitus.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=228&Itemid=30&limit=1&lim... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
081607-7043 |
*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete note of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before August 18, 2007. Concise e-mail from (U. S. Senator) John Kerry to WBTI [Thu, 16 Aug 2007 15:44:43 -0400] Go here to read the scripts, listen to someone reading each one Make your choice, and we'll follow your lead. Thank you, John Kerry John Kerry for Senate -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66] 67 [68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118] | |