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052608-0993 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < sina.c. (Tpi) > (not for publishing or coping}Îâ²®ÐÛ·ÃÎÊ´ó½רÌâ > ÕýÎÄ Îâ²®ÐÛÂÊÁì¹úÃñµ³·ÃÎÊÍÅ°ÝÚËÖÐɽÁê(ͼ)http://www.sina.com.cn 2008Äê05ÔÂ27ÈÕ11:40 лªÍø ¡¡¡¡5ÔÂ27ÈÕ£¬Îâ²®ÐÛ°ÝÚËÖÐɽÁêºó·¢±í½²»°¡£µ±ÈÕÉÏÎ磬Öйú¹úÃñµ³Ö÷ϯÎâ²®ÐÛÂÊÖйú¹úÃñµ³´ó½·ÃÎÊÍÅÔÚÄϾ©°ÝÚËÖÐɽÁê¡£ лªÉç¼ÇÕß ÅÓÐËÀ× Éã ¡¡¡¡ÕâÊÇÎâ²®ÐÛÔÚÍê³É°ÝÚËÖÐɽÁêÒÇʽºó£¬»ÓºÁÌâ´Ê¡°ÌìÏÂΪ¹« ÈËÃñ×î´ó¡±¡£ лªÉç¼ÇÕß ÅÓÐËÀ× Éã ¡¡¡¡Ð»ªÍøÄϾ©5ÔÂ27Èյ磨¼ÇÕßÕÅÓ ÜâÀ×ÀÚ Ê¯ÓÀºì£©Öйú¹úÃñµ³Ö÷ϯÎâ²®ÐÛÂÊÁìÖйú¹úÃñµ³´ó½·ÃÎÊÍÅ£¬27ÈÕÉÏÎç°ÝÚËÁËÄϾ©ÖÐɽÁê¡£ ¡¡¡¡±¡ÎíÁýÕÖµÄÖÐɽÁêׯÑÏËàÄ¡£1925Ä꣬ÖйúÃñÖ÷¸ïÃüµÄΰ´óÏÈÐÐÕßËïÖÐɽÔÚ±±¾©ÊÅÊÀ£¬1929ÄêÔáÓÚÖÐɽÁê¡£ÕâÀÊǺ£ÄÚÍâÖлª¶ùÅ®¾°ÑöµÄµØ·½¡£ ¡¡¡¡ÉÏÎç8ʱ20·ÖÐí£¬Îâ²®ÐÛÒ»ÐÐÔÚÖй²ÖÐÑę̈°ì³£Îñ¸±Ö÷ÈÎÖ£Á¢ÖС¢Öй²½ËÕʡί¸±Êé¼ÇÍõ¹úÉúÅãͬϵִïÖÐɽÁ격°®¹ã³¡£¬Ëæºó´©¹ýÉÏ¿ÌËïÖÐɽÊÖÊé¡°²©°®¡±¶þ×ÖµÄÅÆ·»£¬»º»ºÌ¤ÉÏŵÀ£¬À´µ½ÁêŵÄÕýÃÅ¡£ÑöÊÓ×ÅÃÅé¹ÉÏËïÖÐɽ¡°ÌìÏÂΪ¹«¡±µÄÄ«¼££¬Îâ²®ÐÛÉñÇéÄýÖØ¡£ ¡¡¡¡´©¹ýÁêÃÅ£¬µ½Á˱®Í¤¡£Îâ²®ÐÛÔÚ¿ÌÓС°Öйú¹úÃñµ³Ôá×ÜÀíËïÏÈÉúÓÚ´Ë¡±µÄ´óʯ±®ºóÉÔ×÷Í£Áô£¬ÉñÇéËàĵØÑöÍû²»Ô¶´¦µÄ¼ÀÌᣠ¡¡¡¡¡°²®ÐÛÄãºÃ¡±¡¢¡°ÖйúÍòËꡱ¡¡ÑØ;²»¶ÏÓÐÈÈÇéµÄÄϾ©ÊÐÃñÏòÎâ²®ÐÛÒ»Ðл¶ºôÖÂÒ⣬Îâ²®ÐÛÒ²²»Ê±ÏòÈËÃÇ΢Ц¡¢»ÓÊÖ¡£ ¡¡¡¡´Ó±®Í¤¼ÌÐøÊ°¼¶¶øÉÏ£¬Îâ²®ÐÛÒ»ÐÐÀ´µ½¼ÀÌá£Ãæ¶ÔËïÖÐɽʯ¿Ì×øÏñ£¬Îâ²®ÐۺͷÃÎÊÍÅÈ«Ìå³ÉÔ±ËàÈ»¶øÁ¢¡£¼ÀìëµäÀñ¿ªÊ¼ºó£¬Îâ²®ÐÛÏòËïÖÐɽ×øÏñ¾´Ï×»ÆÉ«»¨»·¡£Ï×»¨±Ï£¬Ë¾ÒÇÐû¶ÁÁ˼ÀÎÄ£¬·ÃÎÊÍųÉԱĬÄîÒ»·ÖÖÓ¡£ ¡¡¡¡¼ÀìëÍê±Ïºó£¬Îâ²®ÐÛ»ÓºÁÌâ×Ö¡°ÌìÏÂΪ¹« ÈËÃñ×î´ó¡±¡£ ¡¡¡¡»Øµ½²©°®·»Ç°£¬Îâ²®ÐÛ·¢±íÁ˼ò¶ÌµÄ½²»°¡£Ëû˵£¬Á½°¶Í¬ÊôÖлªÃñ×壬ѪԵÏàÁ¬£¬ÕâÊÇÈκÎÈ˶¼²»ÄÜĨɷµÄ¡£ãë´¨µØÕðºó£¬¹úÃñµ³ÖÐÑëµÚһʱ¼äÖµç±í´ï¹ØÇкÍοÎÊ£¬Ì¨ÍåÃñ¼äÒ²×Ô¶¯¡¢×Ô·¢Ö§Ô®ÔÖÇø£¬ÕâÖÖ¸ÐÇé·¢×Ô×ÔÈ»¡¢ÁîÈ˸ж¯¡£ ¡¡¡¡Îâ²®ÐÛ˵£¬Ã÷ÄêÊÇÖÐɽÏÈÉú°²ÔáÖÐɽÁê80ÖÜÄ꣬Öйú¹úÃñµ³½ìʱ½«×éÖ¯¸ü´óµÄ´ú±íÍÅÀ´ÕâÀï²Î¼Ó¼ÍÄî»î¶¯¡£ÏàÐÅÄÇʱÒÑʵÏÖÖ±·É£¬À´ÕâÀï»á¸ü¼Ó·½±ã¡£ ¡¡¡¡Ãæ¶Ô×Ô·¢À´µ½ÏÖ³¡µÄÖÚ¶àÄϾ©ÊÐÃñ£¬Îâ²®ÐÛ±íʾ£º¡°ÎÒÃÇÑûÇëÄϾ©ÊÐÃñ¶àµ½Ì¨ÍåÀ´¹Û¹âÂÃÓΣ¬ÎÒÃÇÒ»¶¨»áÈÈÇéÕдý¡£¡± ¡¡¡¡66ËêµÄÄϾ©ÊÐÃñÎä×ÓÁ賿6µã¾Í¸Ïµ½ÖÐɽÁ꣬¾ÍΪÁËÏòÔ¶µÀ¶øÀ´µÄÖйú¹úÃñµ³¿ÍÈ˱íʾ»¶Ó¡£ËûÒѹýÊÀµÄ¸¸Ç×ÔøÊDzμӹýÐÁº¥¸ïÃüµÄÀϹúÃñµ³µ³Ô±£¬Òò´ËÎä×ÓÒ»Ïò¹Øע̨º£¾ÖÊƺÍÁ½°¶¹Øϵ¡£Ëû¸æËß¼ÇÕߣ¬½ñÌìÌØÒâ¸ÏÀ´ÏòÎâ²®ÐÛÖ÷ϯ±íʾ»¶Ó£¬ÎªËûÃǼÓÓÍ¡£ ¡¡¡¡ÓÐÇ×ÊôÔŲ́ÍåµÄÊÐÃñÍô³ÉÃÀ²»Í£µØ¸ßº°¡°ÖлªÃñ×å´óÍŽáÍòËꡱ£¬Ëû»¹ÌØÒâ×¼±¸Á˺öà±í´ïÐÄÔ¸µÄСֽÌõ£¬ÉÏÃæд×Å¡°¹ú¹²Ð¯ÊÖºÏ×÷£¬¹²Í¬¿ª´´ÐÂʱ´ú£¬ÕñÐË´óÖлª£¡¡± ¡¡¡¡ÔÚÈÈÇéȺÖڵĻ¶ºôºÍÕÆÉùÖУ¬Îâ²®ÐÛÒ»ÐÐÓÚ9ʱ30·ÖÐíÀ뿪ÖÐɽÁê¡£ ¡¾·¢±íÆÀÂÛ 584Ìõ¡¿ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052608-0996 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher [sina.c. (Tpi)] (not for publishing or coping}…Dz®ÐÛÔLÖÐÏã¸ÛÞD™C ½Ó™CÒŽ¸ñ±ÈÕÕßB‘ð ÖÐÑëÉç (2008-05-26 14:10) £¨ÖÐÑëÉçÓ›ÕßüSÃûtÏã¸Û¶þÊ®ÁùÈÕ늣©ÖЇø‡øÃñühÖ÷ϯ…Dz®ÐÛ½ñÌìÕ¹é_ÁùÌìµÄÔLÖÐÐг̣¬µÖß_Ïã¸ÛÞD™C•r£¬ÓÉ´óꑵÄÖÐÑëÕþ¸®ñv¸Û“½jÞk¹«ÊǪ̀ž³Ê„ղ¿²¿éLÐÏ¿ýɽµÈÈ˽әC£¬ÒŽ¸ñÅc‡øÃñüh˜s×uÖ÷ϯßB‘ðÔLÖЕrÒ»˜Ó¡£ ÖГÞk¹Ù†T±íʾ£¬´Ë´Î½Ó™CÒŽ¸ñÅcßB‘ðÔLÖЕrÒ»˜Ó¡£ßB‘ðÔLÖЕr£¬ÐÌ¿ýɽžéÖй²ÖÐÑę̈ž³¹¤×÷Þk¹«ÊÒÖ÷ÈÎêë…ÁÖµÄÖúÀí£»ÖÐÎçžé…Dz®ÐÛ½Ó™C•r£¬Âš·QÒÑžéÖГÞk̨ž³²¿²¿éL¡£ ³ýÐÏ¿ýɽÍ⣬½Ó™C¹Ù†TÉÐÓÐÌØ…^Õþ¸®ÕþÖÎÊ„ռ°ƒÈµØ¾Ö¾ÖéLÁÖÈð÷ë¡¢³£ÈÎÃØ•øéLÁ_Öǹ⣬¼°ÐÐÕþéL¹Ù¸±¹ÙÔS悵¡¢ÖÐÑę̈Þk¸±¾ÖéLºÎ½¨ÈAµÈ¡£ …Dz®ÐÛ´ËÐÐÔLÖÐÓÉÏã¸ÛÞD³Ë°ü™C£¬ÏÂÎçµÖß_Ê×Õ¾ÄϾ©Œ¢ÓÉêë…ÁÖ½Ó™C£¬KÔOÑç¿î´ý£»¶þÊ®ÆßÈÕÏÂÎçÞDÍù±±¾©£¬ÍíégÓÉÖй²ÖÐÑëÕþÖξֳ£Î¯ÙZ‘cÁÖ½Ó´ýÍíÑ磻¶þÊ®°ËÈÕÏÂÎ猢ÅcÖй²¿‚•øÓ›ºúå\ýßMÐÐÖØÒª•þÎ•þáጢÕÙé_ÖÐÍâÓ›Õß•þ¡£ ‡øÃñüh„ոߌÓÈÕÇ°±íʾ£¬¿‚½yñRÓ¢¾Å¡¢¸±¿‚½yÊ’ÈféL¼°‡ø°²•þÃØ•øéLÌKÆð¶þÊ®ËÄÈÕžéÔL†–ˆFðTÐУ¬±»Ò•žéÌæÔL†–ˆF´ËÐС¸±³•ø¡¹£»¶øÄñR¿‚½y¾ÍšՄԒ¼°êë…Áֻؑª£¬¿É¿´³ö±Ë´ËጷÅÏà®”³Ì¶ÈÉÆÒ⣬‘ª¿ÉîAÆڅDz®ÐÛ´ËÐÐŒ¢ß_³É´ÙßMƒÉ•þÍÕ„¼°ƒÉ°¶ßMÒ»²½ŒÙ|»¥»Ý´ëÊ©¡£970526 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052608-0995 |
For research studies reference At 4:47 p.m.(TX) on 052608 for "By Nevada State Democratic Party, Shelley Berkley, Nancy Saitta, and Tiffany Chang" (srh. c.): Web Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Senator Reid Named Most Powerful Person in Congress ... wbti: ***** By Nevada State Democratic Party, Shelley Berkley, Nancy Saitta, and Tiffany Chang . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…8 - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Quick News of WBTI Esq., Former State Democratic Party Chairman 35. Jerry Reynoldeson, Director, Senator Harry Reid's Nevada Office 36. Nancy Saitta, District ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…15 - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - ... *1. Bell, Stewart; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Cooperation with enforcement will bring security and peace for our community,' "Nevada Examiner," (October 18-24, 2002), Las Vegas, Nevada. communitylink.reviewjournal.com…24 - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - John Lei's Cambodia ... By Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1 .... U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Nevada Lt. Governor Lorranine Hunt, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…01324001051053313680741916 - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ... (*An article by Rory Reid, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang on "Nevada Examiner".) "Ms. Nancy Saitta, Nevada District Judge, was appointed Adjunct Associate ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…2 - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Print Shop Institution of WBTI (Nancy Becker is now the Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court) By Tiffany Chang ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…20 - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang pointed out ...... US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Nevada Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt are ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…01316001051043160992619175 - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Print Shop On May 11, 2001, State Senator Terry Care, Chairman of the Democratic Party in Nevada, wrote Dr. Tony Lei: "I commend your work, the work of WBTI, and I wish to rely my respect for Justice Becker." ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…4 - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ... to merge Choice Bank of Arizona with Silver State Bank of Nevada. communitylink.reviewjournal.com…01340001051096332314189255 - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & ... ... on October 22, 2007. The article was written by Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall and Tiffany Chang. communitylink.reviewjournal.com…16 - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] ---------------------- At 4:37 p.m.(TX) on 052608 for "By Nevada State Democratic Party, Shelley Berkley, Nancy Saitta, and Tiffany Chang" (g.c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - 3 visits - 3:59amSenator Reid Named Most Powerful Person in Congress ... wbti: ***** By Nevada State Democratic Party, Shelley Berkley, Nancy Saitta, and Tiffany Chang . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - John Lei's Cambodia ... By Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1 .... U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Nevada Lt. Governor Lorranine Hunt, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 95k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com » -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052608-0992 |
For research studies referenceAt 8:57 a.m.(TX) on 052608 for " È~·¼ wbti" (shr.c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hawaii Chinese ... 081307-7021 "Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association" of WBTI website, Monday, ...... By Miss Yip Fong (ÃÀ¹úÏÄÍþÒÄ»ªÎÄ×÷¼Òлá±à¼£º È~·¼). 555555555555555 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com¡01325001051060455547741520 - More from this site - Similar pages ---------------------- At 7:57 a.m.(TX) on 052608 for " È~·¼ wbti" (g.c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hawaii Chinese ... 081307-7021 "Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association" of WBTI website, Monday, ...... By Miss Yip Fong (ÃÀ¹úÏÄÍþÒÄ»ªÎÄ×÷¼Òлá±à¼£º È~·¼). 555555555555555 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 99k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese Multimedia "டீதசுணள்௫ஃட wbti", "ஃஔமழூடடு wbti", and among others) please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you? ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 189k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052608-0991 |
For research studies referenceAt 7:27 a.m.(TX) on 052608 for "By Dr. Archie H. Chang wbti" (g.c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ... - 3 visits - May 22The following e-mail has been just received by WBTI from Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung early this morning: ...... Dr. Archie Chang wrote us several times recently. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 191k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Chinese ... - May 21Washington Business and Technology Institute - Quick News of WBTI... dr an-pyng sun, an-pyng sun; ---; dr archie chang; ---; coodinating advisor raymond lam ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 102k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, US . ...... Michael L. Douglas, Mark R. Denton, Jessie E. Walsh, Dr. Archie H. Chang ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 139k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... "A search of 'President Dr. Andrew Benton on Google wbti' on the Yahoo.com," ...... Vice-secretary of U. S. Department of Education Dr. Archie H. Chang, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 200k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - International ... President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. ...... Vice-secretary of U. S. Department of Education Dr. Archie H. Chang, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 240k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Dr. Archie Chang wrote us several times recently. ..... On January 11, 2007, Miss Frances Chang forwarded WBTI a very good announcement of Dr. Samuel So's ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 251k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this ---------------------- At 7:07 a.m.(TX) on 052608 for "Distinguished Author Barack Obama of the PPAA Forum of WBTI" (g.c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...barackobama.com/sotu), Barack," wrote Barack Obama, one of the Distinguished Authors of PPAA Forum, to WBTI ... Meet American People with one of our . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 136k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...Titus wbti: As a distinguished author like Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al .. .... [To WBTI at Sat, 19 Jan 2008 00:34:26 -0500 from Barack Obama ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 192k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this --------------------------- At 6:57 a.m.(TX) on 052608 for "Reid, Chao, Berkley, and Gibbons wbti" (g.c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - 3 visits - 3:59amAndrew Benton, Harry Reid, Elaine Chao, Shelley Berkley, Jim Gibbons, and Tony Lei wbti: Pianist Dr. Fenia I-Feng Chang is performing in Texas! ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Elaine Chao, U S Secretary of Labor · Taiwan Benevolent Association of America ... http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/washingtonbusiness - 39k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com » In order to show you the most relevant results, we have ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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052508-0995 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {wj.com; g.c.; y.c.) (not for publishing or coping}Pastors pose problems for McCain and Obama By ERIC GORSKI, AP Religion Writer Sun May 25, 11:46 AM ET Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, both seeking to use religion to their advantage in the presidential campaign, have learned painful lessons about the risks of getting too close to religious leaders. ADVERTISEMENT Both now realize that sermons given to a narrow audience on Sundays don't always play as well on the national stage, where context can be a casualty. And McCain's rejection of endorsements from two evangelical pastors puts into relief the candidate's problems with that core GOP constituency. McCain, the Republican nominee-in waiting, and Obama, who is closing in on the Democratic nod, both have been slowed by their respective pastor problems. Whether the controversies will play a role in the months ahead remains unclear, but the two candidates face decisions about how clergy fit into their efforts to reach voters informed by faith. Clergy who have seen colleagues go from relative obscurity to infamy in the course of a 24-hour news cycle face similar choices in weighing whether to talk about politics and candidates. "This is the new terrain of religious politics," said David Domke, a University of Washington communications professor and co-author of "The God Strategy: How Religion Became a Political Weapon in America." "Politicians have been getting a pass on this for some time, using support from a minister or pastor for their political advantage and not having to answer for what that pastor has said." Both candidates have reason to pay attention to the faith factor in their White House bids. Obama, facing false rumors that he is a Muslim, portrays himself as a committed Christian in campaign literature. Obama and Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton employ religious outreach directors and speak freely about their faith, signaling that Democrats will not cede the religious vote to Republicans. But Obama has been hamstrung by the rhetoric of his former longtime pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose sermons blaming U.S. policies for the Sept. 11 attacks and calls of "God damn America" for its racism became fixtures on the Internet and cable news networks. Obama ultimately cut himself off from Wright. McCain has sought to shore up evangelicals skeptical about his stances on issues like stem-cell research and his past run-ins with movement leaders. But two evangelical pastors McCain did win over — John Hagee of Texas and Rod Parsley of Ohio — were tied to statements causing offense to all three monotheistic faiths. Hagee has been criticized as anti-Catholic, but McCain rejected his endorsement only after a Web site unearthed a sermon Hagee gave portraying Hitler as a tool God used to deliver Jews to the promised land. McCain disowned Parsley's endorsement after ABC News reported that he had called Islam an "anti-Christ" religion and the Prophet Muhammad "the mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil." "Religion can be so effective in mobilizing voters," said John Green, a senior fellow with the Pew Forum for Religion and Public Life. "It can also be particularly damaging if it turns out to be controversial." McCain supporters say it's unfair to equate his endorsements with the Obama-Wright saga. Wright, after all, was Obama's pastor for 20 years, while neither Hagee nor Parsley ever were pastors to McCain. Obama would have known about Wright's incendiary remarks if he spent any time in church, critics say. Obama backers counter that a double-standard is at work if the pastors endorsing McCain aren't scrutinized, given that McCain sought them out and praised them as exemplary leaders. There are differences, but also striking similarities in what befell the two campaigns. "Wright attracted controversy over sermons and things he said in the context of his church and his tradition of black liberation theology," Green said. "It's the same thing with Hagee. His comments about Hitler and the Catholic Church are much less problematic in the context of his religious community." A Jewish rabbi from San Antonio who supports Hagee made a similar point about context, saying Hagee was merely lecturing on a perspective of the Holocaust shared by some Jewish scholars. Not long ago, hearing a pastor's sermon required a visit to church. But with churches posting video on their Web sites and selling audio CDs, the messages are one step removed from YouTube and the scrutiny of reporters, bloggers and opposition researchers on political campaigns. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, said he was reluctant to weigh in on the Hagee Holocaust controversy because the sermons were nine years old. But as he watched the clips on YouTube and learned that Hagee's church recently distributed the sermons, Yoffie spoke out. To Yoffie, the episode serves a warning that religious leaders should stick to talking about issues and values when it comes to politics and never endorse candidates. "(Hagee) threw himself into this controversy he couldn't get out of," he said. "All of a sudden, any comment he made about a values issue was intertwined with the political picture and how it would affect the candidate. It's a good lesson for religious leaders of what to avoid and what happens when you don't." Pastors may endorse candidates as individuals, but not under the auspices of their congregations. Phil Burress, president of Citizens for Community Values, an Ohio-based evangelical group, said pastors hold greater influence if they preach to their congregations about where candidates stand on issues. "Sometimes I think these guys are better off keeping their mouth shut," Burress said. "But they are men of conviction that preach the word of God the way they see it, and if everyone in the evangelical community agreed, we'd have one denomination." Whether McCain's rejection of Hagee and Parsley will hurt him among evangelicals, Burress said it's hard to say. The evangelical community, after all, is much more diverse than often portrayed, and many evangelicals might disagree with aspects of Hagee and Parsley's theology, he said. Both political parties' tendency to denounce supporters or fire staff members at the hint of controversy bothers Mark DeMoss, a public relations executive and former executive assistant to Jerry Falwell. DeMoss volunteered to help Republican Mitt Romney's campaign win evangelical support, and he said he will vote for McCain. But DeMoss said he doesn't think the candidate needed to reject the endorsements. "When does it stop?" DeMoss said. "When a pastor becomes a pastor, essentially he becomes a pastor for people who like him and agree with him and subscribe to what he teaches," he said. "When a person becomes a president, he's the president of people who agree with him and don't agree with him. I think the net has to be a little wider." DeMoss said McCain, already facing an uphill struggle, "may really turn off evangelicals and religious conservatives who think he has just taken political correctness to its extreme." -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052508-0994 |
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052508-0993 |
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052508-0992 |
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052508-0991 |
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052408-0991 |
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052308-0996 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {chinatimes.com) (not for publishing or coping}½ñÈÕÍíˆó 2008.05.23¡¡ ÄÁŽŸžé¼{´âÆȺ¦ªqÌ«ÈËÞq×o ñRÙ©ñg³âƲÇå ÖÐÑëÉç ¡¡ÃÀ‡ø¹²ºÍüh¿‚½y…¢ßxÈËñRÙ©½ñÌìƲÇåÅcÖ§³ÖËû¸‚ßx¿‚½yµÄµÂÖÝÄÁŽŸ¹þ¼ªµÄêP‚S¡£“þ͸¶£¬¹þ¼ªÏàÐż{´âŒ¢ªqÌ«ÈËÚs³öšWÖÞÊLjÌÐÐÉϵ۵ÄÖ¼Òâ¡£ ¡¡ñRÙ©Ò»·½Ãæñg³â¹þ¼ª£¬µ«ß€ÊÇÒª¼âäJÖS´ÌÃñÖ÷ühŒ¦ÊÖšW°ÍñR¡£ËûÕfšW°ÍñRµÄ±¾ÌÃÄÁŽŸ°l±í·N×åÆçÒ•ÑÔÕ“£¬¶ø¹þ¼ªëmȻ֧³Ö×Ô¼º£¬µ«ÊÇËûÄí²»Êǹþ¼ªËùÖ÷³Ö½ÌÌõÄÐÅͽ¡£ ¡¡¹þ¼ªµÄÑÔՓ׌ñRÙ©ÔÚªšÁ¢ßxÃñÖпÉÄÜÃæÅRŒÀÞεÄÌŽ¾³¡£ß@‚€†–î}ÊÇÔÚñRÙ©ºÍšW°ÍñRŒ¦ÓÐêPÌṩÒÁÀ¿ËºÍ°¢¸»º¹‘ð ŽÍËÎéÜŠÈË´óŒW½ÌÓýµÄ·¨°¸»¥ÏàßMÐм¤ÁÒ¹¥Ô‘Ö®ëH±¬°l¡£ ¡¡±»ÕJ¶¨Œ¢«@µÃ¹²ºÍüh¿‚½yÌáÃûµÄñRÙ©ÔÚ¡¸¹þ·ÒîDà]ˆó¡¹¾WÕ¾¹«²¼Ò»¾Å¾ÅÁãÄê´ú¹þ¼ªµÄÒ»í—Õ„Ô’ä›Òôáᣬ°l±íÁËÒ»·Ý•Ã÷¡£ ¡¡ñRÙ©Õf£º¡¸Ã÷ï@µÄ£¬ÎÒ°l¬Fß@ЩՄԒºÍÆäËûµÄһЩÕf·¨ÒÑÉîÉîµÄ𷸄eÈË£¬¶øÇÒÕ¾²»×¡Ä_¡£ÎÒ×lØŸß@·NÑÔÕ“¡£¡¹ ¡¡ß@‚€¾WÕ¾Ò²¹«²¼Á˹þ¼ªµÄÕ„Ô’£¬ËûÕfÏ£ÌØÀÕÊÇÉϵÛÅÉíµÄ¡¸«CÊÖ¡¹£¬ÒªŒ¢ªqÌ«ÈËÚsµ½ÒÔÉ«ÁеÄÍÁµØÉÏ¡£ ¡¡²¿·ÖÔuÕ“¼ÒŒ¢´ËÊÂÅcšW°ÍñR×Ô¼ºµÄÕþÖÎʼþÏà±È”M¡£šW°ÍñRµÄÇ°±¾ÌÃÄÁŽŸÙ‡ÌØÒ²Ôø°l±í¾ßÓзN×åÉ«²ÊµÄ²¼µÀÕ„Ô’¡£ß@í—Õ„Ô’Ôø׌šW°ÍñRµÄ¸‚ßx»î„ÓÇü¾ÓÊØ„Ýß_”µßLÖ®¾Ã¡£ ¡¡ñRÙ©ŠÕ{£º¡¸ÎÒÒѽ›Õfß^£¬ÎÒ²»ÏàÐÅšW°ÍñR…¢×h†TÅcÙ‡ÌØÄÁŽŸÓÐÏàͬµÄ˜O¶Ë¿´·¨¡£¡¹ ¡¡ËûÕf£º¡¸µ«ÊÇ׌ÎÒÃ÷´_ÖØÉ꣬¹þ¼ªÄÁŽŸß^È¥ºÍ¬FÔÚ¶¼²»ÊÇÎÒµÄÄÁŽŸ»ò¾«Éñ–£¬ÎÒÒѽ›¶þÊ®Äê›]ÓÐ…¢¼ÓËûµÄ½Ì•þÁË¡£¡¹ ÃÀ‡ø¿‚½y´óßx¡¡ñRÙ©ÅcšW°ÍñRé_ʼÌôßx¸±ÊÖ ÃÀ¿‚½y´óßxÃñÕ{£ºƒÉ´ó‘ðˆöñRÙ©ÚAšW°ÍñR ñRÙ©ÕfšW°ÍñR›]®”ß^±ø ›]ÙY¸ñÅúÔuËû ÄÁŽŸžé¼{´âÆȺ¦ªqÌ«ÈËÞq×o ñRÙ©ñg³âƲÇå ÃñÕ{£ºšW°ÍñRßBÀmµÚÎåÌìÒÔ¶þλ”µîIÏÈÏ£ÀÈï ³õßx½Y¹ûÔâ·ñÕJ ÃÀ·ðÖÝÃñÖ÷üh†T¸æühÖÐÑë É曪šW°ÍñRÄ»ÁÅÕ„Ô’ ¼Ó¿‚ÀíÄ»ÁÅéL¼´Œ¢È¥Âš -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052308-0995 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {wj.com) (not for publishing or coping}¡@µØ¤H¥Í¬¡°é ±i¦wÅï º¦ìµ¼Öªk«ßÂù³Õ¤h ¡@ ¡i¥»³ø°OªÌÃC¨¹¿·§J§Q¤ÒÄõ³ø¾É¡j2007¦~Àò±o¸¯µÜ¬ü¼ú³Ì¨Î¼Ö¾¹¿W«µ¼ú±o¥Dªº±i¦wÅï¡A¤é«e¦b§J§Q¤ÒÄõ¦{¥ß¤j¾Çªº°¨·²º¸ªk«ß¾Ç°|¡]Cleveland-Marshall College of Law¡^¨ú±oªk«ß³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ì¡A³Ð¤Uµ¼Ö»Pªk«ßÂù³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ìªº¥ý¨Ò¡C ¦b§J¦{¤j¥îº¸´µ©Z¤¤¤ß¡]Wolstein Center¡^Á|¦æªºªk¾Ç°|²¦·~¨å§¡A·í¤Ñ¦³209¤H¨ú±o³Õ¤h¤ÎºÓ¤h¾Ç¦ì¡A±µ¨ü¥Ñ¦U¦a»°¨Ó°Ñ¥[ªº¤÷¥À¡B¤l¤k¤Î¿Ë¤Í̤W¤d¤Hªº¯¬¶P¡C ±i¦wÅïªí¥Ü¡A·íªì¬O¦]¬°·P¨ì³\¦hÃÀ³N®a¦b»P¸g¬ö¤Hñ¬ù®É¡A¤£ª¾¦p¦ó«O»Ù¦Û¨ªºÅv¯q¡A©¹©¹¨ü¨ì¤¤¶¡¤Hªºé«d¡A©Ò¥H«K¦b®Õ¤ºªºªk«ß¾Ç°|¡A×Ūñq«´¬ùªº¬ÛÃöªk«ß½Òµ{¡Aµ²ªG·UŪ·U¦³¿³½ì¡A³º×¤F¤T¦~ªº½Òµ{¡AÁÙ¬O®Õ¤è´£¿ô¦o¤w׺¡³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ìªº¾Ç¤À¡A¨¬¥H¨ú±oªk¾Ç³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ìªº¸ê®æ¡C ±i¦wÅï¦b¦L¦a¦w¯Ç¦{»X¦è¥«¥X¥Í¡A¾Ö¦³¬ù¿«¡EÀN¥¬ª÷´µ¤j¾Çªºµ¼ÖÃÀ³N³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ì¡C¦opµe¦bµ¼Ö¾Ç°|¤º¶}³]¦³Ãöªk«ßªº½Òµ{¡A±Ð¨|¾Ç¥Í̦p¦ó«O»ÙÅv¯q¡C ±i¦wÅï2007¦~Àò±o¸¯µÜ¬ü¤j¼ú¡A¦¨¬°º¥ôÀò¼úªºµØ¤H¡C±i¦wÅï¥Ø«e¦b«X¥è«X¦{¥ß§J§Q¤ÒÄõ¤j¾Çµ¼Ö¨t¥ô±Ð¨ÃÝ¥ô¿ûµ^¨t¥D¥ô¡C °£ªk«ß¥~¡A±i¦wÅï¤]¹ïµ¼Ö®aªº«O°·¦³¿³½ì¡A¦oªí¥Ü¡A¥Ñ©ó¬Ý¨ì³\¦hºt«µ®a±w¦³Â¾·~¯f¡A©Ò¥H¦o«K¦VDOROTHYTAUBMANÀøªkµo©ú¤H¾Ç²ß¹w¨¾©MªvÀøºt«µªÌ¤â¶Ëªº¤èªk¡A¨Ã©M¨ä¾Ç¥Í©M¦P¨Æ¤À¨É¡C 2008-05-23 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052308-0994 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {chinatimes.com) (not for publishing or coping}½ñÈÕÍíˆó 2008.05.23¡¡ É曪šW°ÍñRÄ»ÁÅÕ„Ô’ ¼Ó¿‚ÀíÄ»ÁÅéL¼´Œ¢È¥Âš ÖÐÑëÉç ¡¡½ñÄêÈýÔ£¬ÉæÏÓ›ªÂ¶šW°ÍñRÄ»ÁÅÅc¼ÓÄôóñvÖ¥¼Ó¸ç¿‚îIÊÂÕ„Ô’¼o䛵ļӿ‚ÀíÄ»ÁÅéL²¼„ڵϼ´Œ¢È¥Âš¡£ ¡¡½ñÄêÈýÔ£¬¸‚ßxÃÀ‡øÃñÖ÷üh¿‚½yºòßxÈËÌáÃûµÄšW°ÍñR¼°Ï£ÀÈï¾ùÔø±íʾ£¬Èô®”ßx¿‚½y£¬Œ¢ÖØé_±±ÃÀ×ÔÓÉÙQÒ×…f¶¨Õ„ÅУ¬Áî¼Ó·½˜Ožé¾oˆ¡£ ¡¡Ð„ýówˆóŒ§·Q£¬®”•r²¼„ÚµÏÔøÏòЄ½ç͸¶£¬Ï£ÀÈ´ËʵĿ´·¨ÊÇÏ£Íû¼Ó·½ÄÜÓ¸ҳÐÊÜ¡£ ¡¡Ð„ýówÖ®ááÁ¢¿ÌÓÖŒ¦šW°ÍñRµÄÁ¢ˆöÕ¹é_Õ{²é£¬°l¬FšW°ÍñRÔøÅÉÄ»ÁÅÏò¼ÓñvÖ¥¼Ó¸ç¿‚îIʽâጣ¬ß@Ö»ÊÇÒ»·NÕþÖÎ×Ë‘B£¬Ä¿µÄÔÚ ŽÈ¡Ãñ±ŠÖ§³Ö¡£ ¡¡½ÓÖø£¬šW°ÍñRÄ»ÁÅÅc¼ÓñvÖ¥¼Ó¸ç¿‚îIÊÂÕ„Ô’¼oä›ÒàÔâÍ⛪£¬Ê¹µÃšW°ÍñRµÄÖ§³ÖÂʴ󽵡£ ¡¡¼ÓÄôóÕþ¸®ëS¼´Œ¦´ËÊÂÕ¹é_Õ{²é¡£ÓÉì¶Ã½ówÒ»ÖÂÖ¸·Q£¬´ËÊÂÊ×ÏÈÓɲ¼„ڵϛªÂ¶Ï£ÀÈïÁ¢ˆö¶øÆ𣬹ʲ¼„ڵϑªØ“×î´óØŸÈΡ£·´Œ¦ühÒ²¼Š¼ŠÒªÇ󲼄ڵϑªÞošÖx×ï¡£ ¡¡½ñÌì‚÷³öµÄÏûÏ¢·Q£¬²¼„ڵό¢ì¶½ñáᔵÖ܃Èȥš£¬ßzȱÓÉÔøÈΰ²´óÂÔÊ¡Ç°±£ÊØüh¼®Ê¡éLÏÄÀï˹µÄÄ»ÁÅéL½ÓÈΡ£²¼„ÚµÏÊǼÓÄôó±£ÊØühÕþ¸®¶þÁãÁãÁùÄê¶þÔˆÌÕþÒÔí£¬µÚÒ»‚€ëxé_™àÁ¦ºËÐĵĸ߹١£ ¡¡¼ÓÄôó±£ÊØüh¶þÁãÁãÁùÄê¶þÔÂëmÚAµÃˆÌÕþ£¬µ«Òò‡ø•þϯλδß^°ë£¬Ö»ÄܽM³ÉÉÙ”µühÕþ¸®¡£ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052308-0993 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {c-rj.com) (not for publishing or coping}May. 23, 2008 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal Lawyers support appointing judges By JOAN WHITELY REVIEW-JOURNAL Judging the Judges - 2008 Complete results including survey methology, summary of retention scores, questionnaire and more Signs for judges dot roadways in the Las Vegas Valley. Photo by Jeff Scheid By a 2-1 ratio, local lawyers favor dumping the election of state judges for a system that appoints judges, according to the Review-Journal's 2008 Judicial Performance Survey. That's the upshot of one survey question that didn't focus on the foibles of individual judges, but on the limitations of the process by which Nevada culls those who sit in judgment of the rest of us. The survey, done every other year, asks lawyers active in Clark County to anonymously rate judges who work within the county -- on city, justice of the peace or state district court benches -- as well as justices of the Nevada Supreme Court. Former Gov. Kenny Guinn, not himself a lawyer, said the result of the question was not startling because he also is inclined toward switching to an appointment method, which would involve extensive vetting of candidates to select finalists. He describes Nevada's system of picking judges as "someone saying, 'I've been a lawyer for a long time, I'm going to run for judge.' " "Rule by attorneys" is what some critics have disparagingly called the option of letting a committee or a government executive appoint judges. Most Popular Stories Experience Ending LANDLORD: AS TENANT, FLEISS FOR THE BIRDS NORM: Owner Jay-Z says 40/40 Club is fine A mark of Manson JUDICIAL DISCIPLINE COMMISSION: Panel suspends Halverson ACADEMY OF COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS: NOT MAMA'S COUNTRY CALICO BASIN: Tranquillity lost NORM: 'Idol' contestant set to go country NORM: Jackson in action possibly in Vegas NORM: Cruise the object of a twin crush But, appointment advocates volley back that it's the election method that has delivered the present crew of judges in Clark County, some of whom have distinguished themselves negatively in recent years. Judges' actions include taking campaign donations from parties who will appear in court within days before the selfsame judge; getting sued by a clerk for sexual overtures; and being suspended pending resolution of accusations of tainting juries and misusing judicial authority. Both extremes came out in written comments by the lawyers who joined the survey. "The system we have in place is the best. It allows the citizens of Clark County the opportunity to get rid of judges in elections, as they have clearly done in the past," one pro-elections attorney wrote. Even in an appointment system, the writer added, "All judges will do what they must to be retained, and the committee to appoint the judges will be subject to payoffs." For the opposing view, another respondent wrote, "Having the judges raise money to run for election impairs the quality of justice in Nevada. ... Judges should be selected based on merit, not based on their ability to raise money or their desire to hold office." A trend appeared among the 796 lawyers who answered the survey question about electing versus appointing judges. Namely, the longer an attorney has practiced law in Nevada, the less eager the attorney is to move from electing to appointing. Almost 67 percent of total respondents favored appointment. But in the group of attorneys who are newest to Nevada -- having practiced here five years or less - 72 percent prefer appointing. From there, support for appointing eroded as attorneys gained more Nevada experience. Among attorneys who have practiced here more than 20 years, 61 percent, notably less than among newbies, prefer electing judges. Does the Judicial Performance Survey suggest that young bloods, fairly fresh from law school, are simply steeped in the appointment propaganda purveyed by professional legal groups? The American Bar Association, the American Judicature Society and The Federalist Society have all come out in favor of merit selection of judges. Merit selection entails appointment, though the screening process and the party who appoints may vary. And, does the recent survey mean that more old coots are content with electing judges because they know how to juice the system for their clients, either with longtime relationships or greater disposable income for campaign contributions? Or, do they just doubt that an appointment system would remove politics, which is the owing of favors by bench-holders to the parties that put them in power? The United States, too, is divided on the question of electing versus appointing judges. The federal justice system appoints judges for life, barring bad behavior, except in bankruptcy court, where it appoints for lengthy 14-year terms. But the states have devised many ways to choose judges for their own courts. Nationally, 77 percent of trial judges must "stand for some form of contestable election," according to the National Center for State Courts. Nine states elect candidates to certain courts, but appoint to others, according to the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System. Six states have partisan election of judges. Fifteen states, including Nevada, have non-partisan elections. Fifteen states maintain commission-based appointments. Three states, California, Maine and New Jersey, let the governor appoint judges. Two, Virginia and South Carolina, let the legislature appoint. Of the states that appoint, three do lifetime appointment. But when a Nevada district court develops a vacancy mid-term, then it switches from election to appointment, using a judicial selection commission to come up with candidates, from which the governor appoints one to serve until the winner in the next scheduled election for the post is sworn in. Guinn estimated that during his two administrations, he appointed 20 district judges or Supreme Court justices, for vacancies created by death, retirement, resignation or election to a different court. For a state such as Nevada, which theoretically elects judges, Clark County has a lot who arrived on the bench by appointment. A "de facto" appointment system, created by practice, not the state constitution, already exists, some observers say. In Clark County District Court today, 12 members have been appointed just since Guinn's first term as governor began in 1999. Data on earlier appointments of present incumbents was not available. District court judges who start as appointees seem to do well in the eyes of attorneys who took the recent survey. Nine of the 12 most recent appointees landed in the survey's 25 top judges, as determined by overall retention rating. The survey covered 68 judges and justices in various courts. The nine, in order from highest down, are David Barker, Allen Earl, Douglas Herndon, Arthur Ritchie Jr., Jennifer Togliatti, Timothy Williams, Elissa Cadish, Elizabeth Gonzalez and Michael Villani. The three district court appointees who did not make it into the top 25 were Kenneth Cory (rated 36th), Valorie Vega (53rd) and Michelle Leavitt (55th). The state Legislature's next session will determine whether a pending proposal to switch to appointing judges advances. Called Senate Joint Resolution 2, the proposal needs to be passed once more by legislators in order to go to a general vote in 2010. But Nevada voters have not looked kindly on giving up their right to pick judges, turning down similar ballot questions in 1972 and 1988. Tuan Samahon, on the UNLV law school faculty, wonders whether a future ballot would turn out differently, based on the recent influx of Democrat voter registrations in the state, as well as wave of negative publicity about Nevada judges, including a 2006 series in the Los Angeles Times. "I can't say I read the public's mind," said state archivist Guy Rocha, "But what I do see, Nevadans generally want to make that decision themselves. They don't want to leave it to a governor or commission or someone else to do it for them." Contact reporter Joan Whitely at jwhitely@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0268. Links powered by inform.com -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
At 6:09 a.m.(TX) on 080908:[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers {Sina.com, b.j.; its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} {Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for publishing or coping please!} | |
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052308-0992 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {wj.com) (not for publishing or coping}¡¡Åf½ðɽЄ „¢Í®³ö•ø¿çÔ½µÄÈËÉú Ö¸ücÃÔ½ò ÉúÃüºÓì`¼ZÌÃÖ÷ÈÎÄÁŽŸ ½› Iž³…^³ÉéL×î¿ì½Ì•þ ¹Ä„îÈË‚ƒÏò¹âÃ÷Ãæ¿´ ¡¾±¾ˆóÓ›ÕßÍõ‘c‚¥Â}Ëû¿ËÀÀˆóŒ§¡¿Ã¿ÖÜËÄÍíégÔÚëŠÒ•¡¸¿çÔ½µÄÈËÉú¡¹¶Ì¶ÌƒÉ·Ö犃ȣ¬ÉúÃüºÓì`¼ZÌÃÖ÷ÈÎÄÁŽŸ„¢Í®ÑÔº†ÒâÙWµØžéÈAÈËÖ¸ücÃÔ½ò£¬¹Ä„îÓ^±ŠÓÐÐÅÐÄÏòÇ°¿çÔ½£¬Ìá¸ßÈËÉúµÄŒÓ´Î£¬VÊÜšgÓ¡£ß@ЩÖé^СƷ½üÈÕ½Y¼¯³É•ø£¬¿É¹©×xÕß¼š¼šÆ·Î¶¡£ ¡¸ÉúÃü³ÉéLµÄêPæI£¬ÔÚ춲»”àµÄ¿çÔ½¡¹ÊÇ¡¸¿ç¡¹•øµÄ¸±˜Ëî}£¬„¢Í®Ö¸³ö£¬ËûÕJžé×Ô¼ºÊÇ‚€¡¸„îÖ¾ÐÍ¡¹µÄÖv†T£¬¹Ä„î´ó¼ÒÒÔ¡¸ÐÅÐÄ¡¹íÉú»î£¬¡¸ÐÅÑö¿ÉÒÔŽÍÖúÐÅÐÄ£¬ÐÅÑöÒ²²»Ô“Óëxß@ÊÀég£¬ÕæÕýµÄÐÅÑö‘ªÔ“ÊÇÔÚÉú»îÖгäMÐÅÐÄÅcÅÎÍû¡£¡¹ „¢Í®ÔÚ¡¸¿ç¡¹•øÖйĄîÈË‚ƒÏò¹âÃ÷ÃæÈ¥¿´£¬¡¸ÈËÉúÓÀßhÓйâÃ÷Ã棬ÓÀßh¿´¹âÃ÷¡¢·e˜OµÄÒ»Ã棬¶ø²»ÊÇÏû˜OÃ棬¡¹„¢Í®±íʾ£¬¡¸ÐÅÐÄ¿ÉÒÔŽ§í¿ì˜·¡¢Ï£Íû¡¢ÛÐÄ¡£¡¹ ×ß±éšW¡¢†¡¢·Ç¸÷´óÖÞ£¬„¢Í®ów•þµ½ƒ¹Üh¾³²»Í¬£¬‡ø¼Ò²»Í¬£¬µ«ÈËî×î»ù±¾ÐèÒªÊÇÒ»˜ÓµÄ¡ª¡ªÐèÒªº††ÎÒ׶®µÄÓÏ¢¡¢ÐèÒªº††Î¡¢ŒÓá¢ÔÚÉú»îÉÏ¿ÉÒÔß\ÓõÄÖǻۡ£ ¡¸¿ç¡¹•øÖеÄÓÏ¢ÊǽoÒ»°ã´ó±Š£¬²»ÏÞ춻ù¶½Í½£¬„¢Í®Ö¸³ö£¬Ã¿‚€È˶¼ÓÐÉú»î¡¢ÐÄì`µÄÐèÇó£¬ËûÓô󱊶¼ÄܽÓÊܵÄÓ^Äîí‚÷ß_ÓÏ¢£¬¡¸ÓЕr²»Ò»¶¨ÒªÓõ½¡ºÉñ¡»ß@‚€×Ö£¬²ÅÄÜÌṩ¸üV·ºµÄÐèÒªÓÏ¢¡£¡¹ „¢Í®×Ô¼ºÒ²ÉíówÁ¦ÐпçÔ½µÄÈËÉú£¬ÉúÃüºÓì`¼ZÌÃÄì¶1995Äê³ÉÁ¢•rµÄ70È˾ەþ£¬³ÉéLµ½¬FÔÚÿÖÜÈÕ³¬ß^2000È˵ą¢¼Ó¶Y°Ý£¬¶ø„¢Í®ÔÚ·ÇÖÞ¡¢šWÖÞ¡¢ÃɹŵȵØ11‚€‡ø¼Ò£¬ÔOÁ¢62égì`¼ZÌã¬Ò²×÷µ½¡¸È«µØÞD»¯¡¹£¨Glocal£©¡£ ¡¸½Ì•þ²»Ö»ÊÇ×ßÏòÈ«Çò»¯£¬Ò²ÒªÕÕî™®”µØµÄÐèÒª£¬¡¹„¢Í®Ö¸³ö£¬¿çÔ½µ½‡øëH£¬Ò²Òª¿çÔ½µ½Éç…^¡£ÉúÃüºÓì`¼ZÌýüÄêíÒѳɞéÂ}Ëû¿ËÀÀÊоÈúÖÐÐÄ£¬Ã¿ÖÜŒ¦µÍØš¾ÓÃñ°l·ÅÒÂʳÓÃÆ·£»½ñÄê¸üÒªÊ×´ÎÅeÞkËͶYµ½·ÇÖÞ£¬êP‘ÑÐèÒªµÄ®”µØÃñ±Š¡£ „¢Í®½› Iž³…^³ÉéL×î¿ìµÄ½Ì•þ£¬Ò²ÔÚ•øÖз´Ó³³öí¡£¡¸ÎҹĄîÒ»‚€¡ºŒ’ÈÝ¡»¡¢¡º½Ó¼{¡»¡¢¡ºÔÊÔS·¸åe¡»µÄh¾³£¬¡¹„¢Í®±íʾ£¬½Ì•þ²»ÊǽoÈË¡¸¶¨×£¬¶øÊÇ…fÖúÿ‚€ÈËÓС¸ÛÉñ£¬ÛÈË¡¹µÄ¾«Éñ£¬³öíŽÍÖú¸ü¶àÈË¡£ „¢Í®ÔÚ×ÔÐòÖÐÕf£º¡¸ÈËÉú£¬ÐèÒªÀ^Àm²»”àµØÏòÇ°¿çÔ½£¬Òòžé¿çÔ½´ú±íÉúÃüµÄ³ÉéL¡£Ã¿´ÎµÄ¿çÔ½£¬¶¼•þ°ÑÎÒ‚ƒµÄÉúÃüÌáÉýµ½¸ü¸ßµÄŒÓ´Î¡£¡¹ ¡¸¿çÔ½µÄÈËÉú¡¹ÒÑÔÚž³…^ÊÀ½ç•ø¾Ö¼°¸÷´ó•ø¾Ö°lÊÛ¡£ 2008-05-23 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052308-0991 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {chinesenews.com) (not for publishing or coping}È«ÇòЄ > ÕýÎÄ·±ów | º†ówñR®”ßx šW°ÍñRíÐÅ£ºÌ¨ÃÀre-open http://news.sina.com 2008Äê05ÔÂ23ÈÕ 04:00 “ºÏЄ¾W ¡¡¡¡ñRÓ¢¾Å¿‚½y±íʾ£¬®”ßxááÊÕµ½ÃÀ‡ø¿‚½y²¼Ï£ÅcÃñÖ÷üh¿‚½y…¢ßxÈËšW°ÍñRÙRº¯£¬šW°ÍñRÐÎÈÝ̨ÃÀêP‚S¡°re-open ¡±(ÖØé_)£»ËûÕf£¬ÃÀ·½Œ¦Ì¨ž³Çé„Ý°lÕ¹¸Ðµ½ÐÀο˜·Ó^£¬Î´í°lÕ¹‘ª²»Ïñß^È¥îô¤£¬Ò²²»•þÒò»¥ÐŲ»×ãÔì³É×èµK¡£ ¡¡¡¡Íâ½çÅúÔuñRÓ¢¾Å¿‚½y•þÎîÍâÙeµÄÕýʽˆöºÏ‘ªÓÇøÕZ£¬ñR¿‚½y±íʾ£¬¾ÍÈÎÇ°¿‚½y¸®¸úÍâ½»²¿¶¼¸úËûÌáß^£¬ÏȸúÍâÙeÕfÈý·ÖçŠÖÐÎÄ£¬µÈýówëxé_ÔÙÓÃÓ¢ÎÄ£»ËûÕf£¬ÈôÖvÖÐÎÄÔÙ·×g£¬•rég•þ±ÈÝ^éL£¬µ«Ç°ƒÉÌìºÜÚs£¬ËûÒªÕäϧ•rég£¬Òò´ËÓÃëp·½¶¼ÊìϤµÄÕZÑÔœÏͨ¡£ ¡¡¡¡ñR¿‚½yÕJžé£¬ÒǪ̂ž³µÄÍ⽻̎¾³£¬„ÕŒ×îÖØÒª£¬ËûÕJžéÓÃÓ¢ÕZœÏͨЧ¹ûºÜºÃ£¬Ö»Òª²»“p¼°‡ø¼Ò×ð‡À¼´¿É¡£ËûÅeÀý£¬ËÄÊ®Äê´úÖÐÈAÃñ‡øñv“ºÏ‡ø´ú±íÊYÍ¢íêÔÚ“´óÓÃÓ¢ÕZÑÝÖv£¬‡øƒÈÒ²Óв»M£¬µ«ÊYÊǺþÄÏÈË£¬‡øÕZ·´¶øÖvµÃ›]Ó¢Îĺ㬡°ß@Ò²ÕfÃ÷ÕZÑÔßx“ñÖ»Êǹ¤¾ß£¬²»±Øß^¶ÈŠÕ{¡£¡± ¡¡¡¡ÃñßMühÁ¢Î¯Ù|ÒÉñR¿‚½y®”Öø¸Ê±È†¸±¿‚½yÃæÇ°²ðé_¸Ê±È†¿‚½yµÄÐÅ£¬ÊÇÍâ½»¶YƒxÉÏÒ»´óʧÕ`£¬ñR¿‚½y»Ø‘ª£¬Èç¹û›]ÓÐÁ¢¼´´òé_¿´£¬Œ¦·½²Å•þʧÍû£¬KÕJžé²»ÊÜÖØÒ•£¬ËûµÄÌŽÀíÍêÈ«›]ÓÐß`·´‡øëH¶Yƒx¡£ ¡¾È¥Õ“‰¯°l±íÔuÕ“¡¿¡¾ÞD¼Ä¡¿¡¾ÁÐÓ¡¡¿ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052208-8051 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < CBS/AP; rj.com (purchased it from AP); g. c. > {not for publishing or coping}McCain Rejects Divisive Pastors' Support Statement Issued After Remarks About Hitler Revealed; Controversial Televangelist Endorsed McCain In February STOCKTON, Calif., May 22, 2008 Picture: [[[In this Feb. 27, 2008, file photo Republican presidential hopeful, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., speaks at a press conference with Rev. John Hagee, an influential Texas televangelist who endorsed John McCain. Hagee apologized to Catholics Tuesday, May 13, 2008, for his stinging criticism of the Roman Catholic Church and for having "emphasized the darkest chapters in the history of Catholic and Protestant relations with the Jews." (AP)]]] McCain Rejects Endorsement Preacher John Hagee's comments, including linking the gay rights movement to Hurricane Katrina, have led John McCain to reject his endorsement, although some say too late. Chip Reid reports. | Share/Embed (CBS/AP) Republican John McCain on Thursday rejected endorsements from two influential but controversial televangelists, saying there is no place for their incendiary criticisms of other faiths. McCain has faced a barrage of criticism, with some comparing the situation to the controversy faced by Democrat Barack Obama over the views of his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. "John Hagee has been a thorn in John McCain's side for months now," said CBS News correspondent Chip Reid. McCain rejected the months-old endorsement of Texas preacher Hagee after an audio recording surfaced in which the preacher said God sent Adolf Hitler to help Jews reach the promised land. McCain called the comment "crazy and unacceptable." He later also repudiated the support of Rod Parsley, an Ohio preacher who has sharply criticized Islam and called the religion inherently violent. McCain issued a statement Thursday afternoon announcing his decision about Hagee. "Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them. I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee's endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well," he said. Later, in Stockton, he told reporters: "I just think that the statement is crazy and unacceptable." CBS News has learned that one of the reasons that McCain distanced himself from Hagee was that the San Antonio minister was preparing to withdraw his endorsement. Then in an interview with The Associated Press, McCain said he rejected Parsley's support, too. "I believe there is no place for that kind of dialogue in America, and I believe that even though he endorsed me, and I didn't endorse him, the fact is that I repudiate such talk, and I reject his endorsement," McCain told the AP. Hagee had sparked controversy since the San Antonio pastor endorsed McCain on Feb. 27 shortly before the Texas presidential primary. Parsley's views were aired Thursday in an ABC News report. McCain actively courted Hagee, who leads a megachurch with a congregation in the tens of thousands and has an even wider television audience. Former GOP presidential rivals also sought Hagee's backing. Hagee has referred to the Roman Catholic Church as "the great whore" and called it a "false cult system." He also has linked Hitler to the Catholic church, suggesting it helped shape his anti-Semitism. And Hagee said Hurricane Katrina was God's retribution for homosexual sin. McCain has faced a barrage of criticism over Hagee, with some comparing the situation to the controversy Democrat Barack Obama faced over the views of his longtime and now former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. McCain tried Thursday to draw a distinction between the Obama-Wright connection and his own relationships with Parsley and Hagee, saying Hagee was not his pastor. "My church I attend is North Phoenix Baptist Church; my pastor and spiritual guide is Pastor Dan Yeary," McCain said. "I've never been to Pastor Hagee's church or Pastor Parsley's church. I didn't attend their church for 20 years. I'm not a member of their church." Obama, who was campaigning in Florida, said that in national politics it's easy to find people who have said or done offensive things. "John McCain has to deal with Hagee, who said something that is mind-boggling. I don't attribute those statements to John McCain. Nobody thinks McCain believes that stuff," Obama said. "And for McCain to then suggest that every single statement that was made by somebody is somehow attributable to me is just wrong. It is just not accurate." Until now, McCain had tried to distance himself from Hagee's views but had not rejected the endorsement. "I'm glad to have his endorsement," he said on ABC's "This Week" in April. "I condemn remarks that are, in any way, viewed as anti-anything." The Arizona senator has said he sought Hagee's support because the pastor, like himself, is a strong supporter of Israel. The formation of Israel was at the heart of the remarks that prompted McCain to reject Hagee's support. The comments came in a sermon Hagee gave in the late 1990s, an audio recording of which was posted last week on the liberal blog Talk to Action and reported by The Huffington Post, another liberal blog. In the sermon, Hagee said, "Then God sent a hunter. A hunter is someone with a gun, and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. ... How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said, 'My top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel."' Hagee tried to repair the damage by apologizing to Catholics in a letter released just last week. Saying he had emphasized the darkest chapters in the history of Catholic and Protestant relationships with Jews, Hagee wrote, "I want to express my deep regret for any comments that Catholics have found hurtful." On Thursday, Hagee issued a new statement saying he was weary of the controversy and was withdrawing his endorsement. Hagee said critics are "grossly misrepresenting my position on issues most near and dear to my heart." "I am tired of these baseless attacks and fear that they have become a distraction in what should be a national debate about important issues," Hagee said. "I have therefore decided to withdraw my endorsement of Senator McCain for president effective today, and to remove myself from any active role in the 2008 campaign." The other pastor, Parsley, has described Islam as an "anti-Christ religion" and the Muslim prophet Muhammad as "the mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil," according to ABC News. ©MMVIII, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052108-0998 |
For research studies referenceAt 11:07 p.m. (TX) on 052108 for "... youtube" (c. g.): YouTube - 卓蕾访谈:张靓颖(一) 卓蕾訪談:張靚穎(一). Hello, you either have JavaScript ... 5 min - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_dMt_rYKdg -------------------------------------------- YouTube - ׿ÀÙ·Ã̸£ºÕÅö¦Ó±(¶þ) ׿ÀÙÔLÕ?£º?ìn·f(¶þ). Hello, you either have JavaScript ... 3 min 56 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn8Vb2H9jFw -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052108-0997 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {RJ.com) (not for publishing or coping}SAVE THIS EMAIL THIS PRINT THIS MOST POPULAR RSS FEEDS POST A COMMENT May. 21, 2008 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal Assemblywoman charged with stabbing husband in arm By MOLLY BALL and ANTONIO PLANAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Francis Allen Las Vegas lawmaker faces felony charge with potential penalty of two to 10 years Assemblywoman Francis Allen was arrested Saturday and faces a felony charge on allegations that she stabbed her husband in the arm with a steak knife, according to a police report on the incident. Allen, R-Las Vegas, is charged with battery domestic violence with use of a deadly weapon, a felony carrying a potential penalty of two to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. No court date has been scheduled. Allen's husband of a month and a half, Paul Maineri, initially told police Allen stabbed him in the left forearm during an argument. He drove to Summerlin Hospital, where the wound required three stitches, according to the report. Allen, 30, told police Maineri's wound was self-inflicted. Maineri subsequently told police that the stabbing was accidental and that he would recant his version of events to keep his wife from being arrested. Allen was booked into the Clark County Detention Center upon being arrested, then released just before midnight Saturday after serving the mandatory 12 hours for a domestic violence charge and posting $3,000 bail, according to an official at the Clark County Detention Center who did not give her name. District Attorney David Roger said his office was going forward with the charge. "We look at all the facts and circumstances before deciding how to proceed with the case," he said. Allen did not return calls seeking comment Tuesday. In a statement, her lawyer, Richard A. Wright, said, "Francis Allen denies the allegations set forth in the criminal complaint filed today. At the appropriate time, the true facts will become known and she will be exonerated." A two-term member of the Assembly, Allen last week filed her candidacy seeking a third term. Three other Republicans, a Democrat, a Libertarian and a member of the Independent American Party are running in Assembly District 4, located in the far northwestern valley. According to the police report, police first interviewed Maineri at the hospital about 4 a.m. Saturday. He told them the couple had entertained friends at their home Friday night until about midnight. After the company left, "they argued because she said that he had embarrassed her in front of their friends," according to the report. "While arguing on the couch, Allen began pushing his forehead and caused a small scratch on his forehead with her wedding ring. They continued to argue and went into the kitchen. As the argument escalated he said he got very close to Allen and she then took a steak knife from the butcher's block with her right hand and stabbed him one time in the left forearm," the report states. Allen locked herself in the bedroom, but Maineri forced his way in and asked her for help. "She refused and told him to call his mother," according to the report. Allen then left the condo and Maineri drove to the hospital, taking with him the knife from the stabbing in a clear plastic bag, according to the report. Allen told police Maineri had cut himself. Upon being contacted by detectives, Maineri said Allen had only accidentally stabbed him. "Maineri was adamant that he did not want to get her in trouble and that he had been to jail and jail is a very bad place," according to the report. "After finding out that Allen was going to be arrested," the report states, Maineri "said that he wanted to recant his story and give a taped statement now in which he would say that he stabbed himself if it would keep her from getting arrested." The arrest is only the latest brush with controversy for Allen. Last month, Allen was the subject of an ethics complaint after she stopped payment on a check for more than $5,000 for flower arrangements at her wedding. The florist, Cynthia Calhoun, said Allen expected vendors to provide free services at the wedding because of her position as a legislator. Allen said that the accusations were false and that she did not pay for the flowers because they were unsatisfactory. Review-Journal writer David Kihara contributed to this report. Contact reporter Molly Ball at mball@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-2919. Links powered by inform.com -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052108-0996 |
For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher {RJ.com) (not for publishing or coping}May. 21, 2008 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal Lawyers rate female jurists as less courteous than men By FRANK GEARY REVIEW-JOURNAL Judging the Judges - 2008 Complete results including survey methology, summary of retention scores, questionnaire and more "Sugar and spice, and everything nice" may fit for a nursery rhyme, but, when it comes to District Court judges in Clark County, local attorneys don't think women on the bench are nearly as courteous as the men in black robes. In the Review-Journal's Judging the Judges survey, the court's male judges as a group scored higher than female judges as a group when attorneys rated each judge as either "less than adequate," "adequate" or "more than adequate" on courtesy. One probable factor is that two-thirds of the attorneys surveyed were men and, according to experts who study judges and the courts, attorneys and litigants favor a judge similar to them, whether in age, ethnic makeup or gender. "Courteousness, or lack of courteousness, might show a partiality or favoritism, and that is a substantive concern for the attorneys," said Tuan Samahon, associate professor of law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Bill Dressel said, "If you are dismissive or abusive in your language, you are not providing justice." Dressel is a former judge and president of the National Judicial College, which holds classes in Reno for judges from across the country. The courteousness of all but two of the 13 male District Court judges was rated more than adequate by between 66 percent and 76 percent of the attorneys who responded. Meanwhile, the courteousness of nine of the 10 female District Court judges was rated more than adequate between a low of 22 percent, for Chief Judge Kathy Hardcastle, and a high of 63 percent for Civil Court Chief Judge Elizabeth Gonzales. That means the highest-scoring female judge scored lower than all but two of the male judges. The two lowest-scoring male judges, outgoing Judge Lee Gates and Judge Donald Mosley, who plans to seek re-election this year, bring the males' average down to 64 percent "more than adequate" on the question of courteousness. With them out of the equation, the average for male judges jumps to 71 percent "more than adequate." If Hardcastle's low score, and the abysmal grade of ousted Judge Elizabeth Halverson, are not included, the average for the female District Court judges is 47 percent "more than adequate." With Halverson's and Hardcastle's ratings included, the average for female judges drops to 41 percent. Aside from Gonzales' top score among female judges, the other female District Court judges who received the highest "more than adequate" marks for courteousness include Susan Johnson, Jennifer Togliatti and Valerie Adair. With regard to Johnson, one attorney wrote anonymously, "Always courteous and organized. Shows up on time. Does not waste attorneys' time." On Togliatti, one wrote: "Very professional and courteous, however, she has a problem making up her mind." And, on Adair, attorneys wrote, "Wonderful. She runs a great courtroom, does not waste time and dispenses economic and fair justice." In addition to Hardcastle, who didn't return calls seeking comment, the lowest scoring female District Court judges include Sally Loehrer, Jackie Glass and Michelle Leavitt. Approximately 30 percent of attorneys ranked them "less than adequate" on the question of courtesy. Of Loehrer, who did not seek re-election, an attorney wrote, "Who will she be rude to when she retires?" On Glass, one wrote, "Treats experienced attorneys like 5th graders." Few attorneys had nice things to say about Mosley. An example: "Could give Vincent Price a run for his money. Very scary." According to his assistant, Mosley, who this year has drawn opponents for his position, had "no comment" on the survey results. Gates, the husband of former Clark County Commissioner Yvonne Atkinson Gates, drew similar comments. One was, "I have practiced law for 38 years in three different states and Judge Lee A. Gates is the rudest, crudest judge I have ever been before." The highest-scoring male judges on the courtesy question were Doug Herndon, Allen Earl, Mark Denton and James Bixler. Although some said Herndon is arrogant and sides too often with prosecutors in criminal cases, other attorneys wrote things like "intelligent, thoughtful, informed and fair." Some thought Earl, a former plaintiffs' attorney, favors plaintiffs, but others called him "an absolute gentleman. Makes me proud to be a lawyer." Of Denton, one wrote, "Great judicial demeanor and concern for reaching the appropriate result." One attorney articulated a widespread opinion of Bixler: "Most friendly and endearing judge on the bench." Attorneys were supposed to rate only those judges with whom they had personal experience, and the number who rated them on courtesy ranged from 144 for Elissa Cadish, relatively new to the bench, up to 378 for veteran judge Glass. Samahon and Dressel said courtesy is important to overall courtroom decorum, and Samahon said "judicial temperament" can be a factor that helps or hurts a judge seeking appointment to higher office. Attorneys dominate on judicial-selection committees, and, whether good or bad, they may consider a judge's courteousness when considering an appointment to a federal judgeship or to the state Supreme Court, Samahon said. "You are showing that you are impartial," Dressel said of courteous judges, "that you are listening to everyone and that you will base your rulings in a case on the evidence." Contact reporter Frank Geary at fgeary@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0277. Links powered by inform.com -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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