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050309-1717 |
Fwd: May 3, 2009 - Love Is a Habit - Daily DevotionalSunday, May 3, 2009 4:46 PM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Mike Lei" {leimih@gmail.com} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Purpose Driven Connection {connect@newsletter.purposedriven.com} Date: Sun, May 3, 2009 at 3:09 AM Subject: May 3, 2009 - ***** Love Is a Habit - Daily Devotional To: Friend {leimih@gmail.com} May 3, 2009 ***** Love Is a Habit by Rick Warren *1003 ***** In our Devotionals series, Pastor Rick Warren discusses the Bible passages that inspire him the most. Today's Devotional is based on this passage: "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them" (Luke 6:32 NIV). If you only love on and off like a light switch, you do not love others like God wants you to love. Jesus said, "If you only love those who love you, what credit is that to you?" (Luke 6:32 NIV). His point is this: anybody can love those who love them in return. Becoming a master lover means you learn to love the unlovable. It's when you love people who don't love you, when you love people who irritate you, when you love people who stab you in the back or gossip about you. This may seem like an impossible task and it is. That's why we need God's love in us, so we can then love others: "We know and rely on the love God has for us" (1 John 4:16 NIV). When you realize how much God loves you~{!*~}with an extravagant, irresistible, unconditional love~{!*~}then his love will change your entire focus on life. If we don't receive God's love for us, we'll have a hard time loving other people. I'm talking about loving the unlovely, loving the difficult, loving the irritable, loving people who are different or demanding. You can't do that until you have God's love coming through you. You need to know God's love so it can overflow out of your life into others. Love must become your lifestyle, the habit of your life. But it starts with a decision. Are you ready? Your life is worth far more than you think, and by learning to love others with the love God gives you, you will have an influence far greater than you could ever imagine. If you will commit to this, you will experience love as God means it to be, filled with hope, energy, and joy. My prayer for you is "that your love will grow more and more; that you will have knowledge and understanding with your love..." (Philippians 1:9 NCV). What's the best lesson your mother ever taught you? Mothers, what's the best lesson you've taught your children? Purpose Driven Connection is collecting Mother's best lessons and family photos to feature on our site! Please share your lessons with us. Missed out on one of the Daily Devotionals? View the online archives. Did someone forward this Daily Devotional to you? Get your own free subscription to The Purpose Driven Connection Daily Devotional, your daily inspiration via email. ---------------------- | |
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050209-0521 |
娛樂星報 > 綜合報 友善列印李玟看布蘭妮演唱會 運用關係搶VIP座位 *1004 資料來源:NOWnews今日新聞 2009.04.30 (*1004. ... by Chinatimes.com, Sina.com.cn, lvrj/wbti, and among others ... not for printing or publishing please ....... { Ads by Google 小甜甜布蘭妮瘦身密笈www.appleforest.com 瘦不下來?歡迎網上免費諮詢 } 記者張菫宸/台北報導 李玟最近忙著錄製新歌,新專輯預計暑假發行,所屬的大國唱片公司也正積極規畫CoCo的個人演唱會,4月中,CoCo特地前飛赴美國洛杉磯,專程去欣賞她的偶像Britney Spears(布蘭妮)的北美巡迴演唱會。 布蘭妮的演唱會在洛杉磯的「Staples Center」舉行,掀起超級熱潮,可說是一票難求,不過幸好CoCo在洛杉磯有朋友認識這個演唱會的主辦商,3個月前就開始幫她安排,坐在近距離的VIP位置,當晚在觀賞布蘭妮的演出時,CoCo大呼過癮!在欣賞演唱會的同時,CoCo發覺座位後面的包廂門口,有不少高大威猛的保鑣把守著,後來才知道是布蘭妮的小孩在包廂裡觀看媽媽的演出。 演唱會一開始由Pussycat Dolls(小野貓)擔任開場嘉賓,5個性感女生載歌載舞,炒熱全場氣氛;CoCo興奮的表示「一張門票的價錢可以看兩組巨星的表演,非常值得!」演唱會上以馬戲團的元素為主軸,不時還有小丑在舞台上跑來跑去;CoCo對於布蘭妮的演唱會無論是舞台製作和舞蹈編排都讚不絕口,也為她帶來不少新靈感,預計今年暑假推出新專輯的CoCo,之後更將舉行個人莩獣φf:「自己的唱酬可以拿少一點,希望主辦商能把預算多放在演唱會的製作上。」 在洛杉磯時CoCo順道遊訪一番,還去了當地許多演藝巨星非常喜歡的餐廳「The Ivy」,在進門時被不少華人歌迷認出她,紛紛上前簽名和合照,CoCo逐一滿足大家後,才坐下來品嚐美食。有趣的是,CoCo還在餐廳裡遇到Jewel(茱兒);去年Bruce生日時,在香港鄉村俱樂部,邀請家人親友到在海邊舉辦的私人室外餐會,正是請到Jewel(茱兒)擔任演出嘉賓,在台上自彈自唱;兩人在餐廳巧遇,彼此相互問候,CoCo笑著表示「很棒的巧遇,世界真的很小,非常開心可以再次見到Jewel。」 Ads by Google 輕鬆在家月入1-9美金 美國在家工作係統, 可幫助你增加收入無須特別專長,口才或人脈617-331-5573 www.Jau-u.com徵求中文創業人才 美商國際公司開發華人市場 自認上進有企圖心的朋友 加入我們的創業行列 www.kisylife.comIce T Wife Coco Photos All About Ice T Wife Coco PhotosIce T Wife Coco Photos in One Site! Peeplo.com/Top_ResultsChan.el bags (Hot Buy) Save up to 50% on huge items,The newest styles on stocks, Order! www.bag-global.com/Chanel ------------------ | | |
050209-0337 |
上海世博 參展規模創紀錄 特派記者藍孝威、胡明揚北京、上海2日電 May 01, 2009 03:28 PM | 678 觀看次數 | 0 | | 1日是2010年上海世界博覽會倒數計時一年,上海市委書記俞正聲親自到北京,與中共全國人大委員長吳邦國,共同主持世博倒數計時牌揭幕儀式。 1日是五月勞動節假日,上海風和日麗,兩百項慶祝活動在不同地區舉行。到昨天為止, 已有兩百卅六個國家和國際組織,確認參展明年的上海世博會;而上海與台灣外貿協會,正緊鑼密鼓籌建台灣館。 北京中央對於上海舉辦這場百年盛會,期待很高,經中央同意,上海一直希望台灣能夠全面參與。世博會「城市館」部分,已有台北市政府以垃圾不落地及無線寬頻城市兩項政績參與;「企業館」則有震旦集團規畫展示玉器博物館;只有「國家館」部分,因之前上海在未徵詢台灣意見下,將台港澳館與中國放在中國館區,台灣自然不能接受。 兩岸關係明顯改善,上海世博局改變規畫,將原先規畫在中國館區內興建的台灣館移出,改建在一條街之隔的亞洲館區內,與尼泊爾館為鄰。上海世博局的決定,我方初步同意此項規畫,委派半官方民間機構貿協出面,與上海世博局商討台灣館建造及參展事宜。 在上海世博會之前的歷屆世博會上,參展方最多的是兩千年德國漢諾威世博會,共有一百五十五個國家和十七個國際組織參展。明年的上海世博會,將創造參展規模新紀錄。 1日倒數計時一年,上海世博會三位成龍、鋼琴家郎朗和籃球明星姚明也正式公布,他們是港星成龍、鋼琴家郎朗和籃球明星姚明。由三位形象大使連袂演唱的倒數計時一年紀念歌曲「城市」,首次發布。 更多新聞 世博 帶動2.5兆投資 | Apr 29, 2009 您想與美國劵商用中文通話嗎? ►24小時/ 7天中文客服, 全中文美股資訊 ------------------- | |
050209-0247 |
Welcome, Judy and Tony! You have 102 unread messages: Inbox (102) Top Flu fighters warn against complacency, seek clues (AP) AP - The leader of an international team helping Mexico face down the swine flu outbreak said it should soon learn whether the epidemic is really stabilizing in Mexico, but that many key questions about how the disease kills still need to be answered. Obama pledges careful choice to replace Souter (AP) More schools close in US as swine flu spreads (AP) Cops search woods for prof. suspected in killings (AP) Immigrants push for reforms at rallies across US (AP) Pa. jury: Immigrant's beating death no hate crime (AP) More News ----------------------- | |
050209-0243 |
May. 02, 2009 Copyright -- Las Vegas Review-Journal (Posted through the courtersy of LVRJ.) IMMIGRATION REFORM: Hundreds of people march to courthouse Path to legalization for illegal immigrants backed By LYNNETTE CURTIS LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL ***** Their numbers were smaller than in previous years, but their passion for a cause was as strong as ever. Several hundred people, many with banners and U.S. flags, took to the Strip on Friday evening in support of U.S. immigration reform with a path to legalization for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. Share & Save What is this? Most Popular Stories Las Vegas entertainer, 52, dies at home; foul play not suspected NORM: Actress suffers unwanted visitor 2-year-old Reno area girl is Nevada~{!/~}s first confirmed swine flu case NOT-SO-QUICK FIXES: Report reveals discrepancies at MGM CityCenter project NORM: Hatton a shot in the arm for pub NORM: Phelps spending time with Prejean NORM: Unpaid Braxton sues British insurer NORM: Paris Hilton says Lady Gaga 'rocks' NORM: Report: 'Top Chef' to be filmed here STATE WORKERS: Steeper wage cuts to be sought by Gibbons They chanted now familiar slogans such as "Si se puede! Yes we can!" as they made their way north along Las Vegas Boulevard from Sahara Avenue to the Lloyd George U.S. Courthouse downtown. Tourists, some with drinks in hand, gawked, cheered and whistled as the police-escorted marchers strode past casinos, quickie wedding chapels and pawn shops. The lower-than-anticipated turnout for the march mirrored that of May Day events nationwide. Organizers said fears of contracting swine flu, not lack of interest, kept some away. "People are scared," said 20-year-old College of Southern Nevada student Jasmine Rubalcava, who helped organize the march. "But we are still going to get our message out there." That message is to support immigration reform that keeps families together. And the people it focuses on include families such as that of 22-year-old Sandra Rodriguez, a U.S. citizen whose husband was deported to Mexico in January after being pulled over in Texas, where he was working construction. The couple's two young children carried a sign during Friday's march which read: "Jose and Briana miss daddy! Stop separating families!" "My kids aren't going to have a dad," Rodriguez said, adding that her husband hasn't found steady work in Mexico. "We have to live with my parents now because we can't afford our own place. We have to stop this." Mario Torres, 40, took the day off from his sales manager job at a local car dealership to support keeping mixed-status families such as Rodriguez's together. Torres' mother came to the United States illegally before he was born, he said. She eventually gained legal status, and he thinks others who are now without it should have the same opportunity. "These people pay taxes, and they aren't going anywhere," Torres said. "They're not asking for welfare. They just want the American dream like everybody else." Torres said he supports a plan that would grant illegal immigrants legal status if they paid fines and learned English. Providing a path to legalization for those already living in the United States is the sensible, humane way to reform current immigration policy, said Anita Revilla, an assistant professor of women's studies at UNLV who marched on Friday with several of her students. "They are here for survival," Revilla said of the undocumented, whom she calls "economic refugees." "Their livelihood was threatened in their home countries," she said. "The U.S. depends on the labor of the undocumented. They helped build the country." Revilla and other marchers were optimistic about the chances of a federal immigration reform plan moving forward this year with Barack Obama in the White House and a Democratic-controlled Congress. "We supported Obama and we're hopeful he'll return the favor," Revilla said. One of the largest gatherings on Friday assembled outside the White House, where more than 2,000 people rallied. Thousands were expected at events in Houston, Milwaukee, Denver, Chicago, New York and other cities. On the West Coast, several thousand people rallied in Los Angeles and hundreds gathered under cold rain in San Francisco's Dolores Park. Outside the federal courthouse in Las Vegas, Gary Peck, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada, told marchers theirs was "a righteous cause." "This is not a Democratic issue. It is not a Republican issue," he said. "It is a human rights issue. All of us deserve laws that allow for family reunification." A coalition of immigration-rights groups, including the mostly student-led United Coalition for Immigrant Rights, organized Friday's local march that was on the three-year anniversary of massive immigration-reform marches that took place across the country in 2006. In Las Vegas, police estimated that 8,000 to 10,000 people participated in the 2006 march. A one-year anniversary march in 2007 also drew thousands who marched through downtown Las Vegas. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Contact reporter Lynnette Curtis at lcurtis@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0285. -------------------------- | |
050209-0236 |
中?r -- 友善列印打?舴缸锊皇周? 馬想抓「那??人」 盼美能引渡 更新日期:2009/05/02 03:09 ?钍婷模ū?? 在台?澈痛箨?共同??打?舴缸锛八痉ɑブ?f議?夥障拢^?毒犯黃上豐被解送回台,馬英九?統昨日?Υ吮硎荆阜浅:玫氖拢@才有正義。」 馬英九說,台?澈痛箨?建立司法合作非常不容易,他提到自己?畏?詹块L?r,黃上豐涉嫌買凶????z察官?金?T,「?嵲诤苓^分,這??人是我很想抓的。」 馬英九指,後來黃上豐跑到大?去,「?大?成??砂短?匙锓傅囊???Y?、一??庇護所」,他說,「這?拥那?r以後?蠓雀纳啤! 馬英九進一步?調,「現在大?那?可以抓了,希望接下來?到美?荒苷f逃到美??]事。」他表示,?法?詹块L?r?Υ擞袕?烈的挫折感,「多少案子到了美??]有下文,但相反的,台??兔?芏嗝Γ安痪眠?抓到一???D童案嫌犯。」 馬英九指:「你看我??多配合,但我??要抓一些人,像『那??』(目前在美?耐ň?犯有黃芳彥、王又曾等人),我就不點名了,?s很困難。」 馬英九說,希望和美???引渡?f定,這?]有什麼政治??題,?粹只是「把一些逃犯抓回來。」 ------------------------ | |
050209-0204 |
[050209-0316] Las Vegas, Nevada weather early this morning: Big wind!}美副?統拜登「大嘴巴」 因流感說錯?遭批 2009-05-02【中廣新?/?⒎肌 美?笨?統拜登過去?常說錯?,?選副?統後,他?言慎行。但在就任第一百零一天?新型流感?r發言不?,引起?然大波,?反?ε勺サ?C?莺菪蘩怼 ?缎滦土鞲校莸窃陔??的訪?節目中說,他告訴家人,不是不去墨西哥,而是不要到任何密閉空間去,例如只要有人打??嚏,就?⒉サ秸??飛?C裡,他說:「所以不要搭飛?C,不要搭捷摺! 拜登這?拙湓?與?<业恼f法不同,與?W巴馬?統的說法也不同,立刻引起?烈反?,尤其是航空、旅遊、交通等行?I。有人批評他缺乏常識,有人指?他散播恐?郑者?f??正式致函拜登表達不滿。結果很快的,拜登的辦公室發表?明收回這些?。 今天,親共和黨的華盛頓?r?笠粤斜矸绞窖笱??⒌??出拜登說錯?的紀?,例如,拜登在黨?瘸踹x?r,曾說?W巴馬是黑人主流裡第一???明又乾?Q的,結果招致痛批,拜登也立即道歉。 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
043009-0357 |
****The following was a draft for final editing and modification. A reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on May 2, 2009, 2009.[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers [ Yahoo! Mail, MSN, Yahoo, and Google! MSN.com, Associated Press, AP, AP.com, Reviewjournal.com, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Google, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), New York Times, WashingtonPost.com, Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.] ------------------------ | |
Analysis: Obama's fate largely in Congress' hands BY Charles Babington, Associated Press Writer 38 mins agoWASHINGTON As he starts his second 100 days as president, Barack Obama must yield much of his agenda's fate to Congress. His biggest proposals, such as revising health care, energy and education policies, are in the hands of lawmakers who will debate, change and possibly reject them in the coming months. Obama obviously can influence lawmakers, but he has less control over his destiny than when he was unveiling new initiatives almost daily and filling out his Cabinet. In his news conference Wednesday night, Obama acknowledged the prod-and-wait role he now plays on many issues. For all his powers, he said, a president cannot "turn on a switch and suddenly, you know, Congress falls in line." "What you do," he said, "is to make your best arguments, listen hard to what other people have to say, and coax folks in the right direction." The good news for Obama is that fellow Democrats hold solid majorities in the House and Senate. For the first time in more than 30 years, the president's party is nearing a possibly filibuster-proof Senate majority, thanks to Sen. Arlen Specter's switch from Republican to Democrat. But even with that margin, the president said, there is no guarantee he will achieve his top legislative goals. "I am under no illusions that suddenly I'm going to have a rubber-stamp Senate," Obama said. "I've got Democrats who don't agree with me on everything, and that's how it should be." The president, still enjoying high approval ratings, has little reason to fault the 111th Congress so far. It approved his massive stimulus spending bill with minimal changes. It has not interfered with his far-reaching efforts to revamp the U.S. automaking industry. And a few hours before his news conference, Congress approved a $3.4 trillion federal budget over strenuous Republican objections. Underscoring Obama's clout, the budget bill essentially bars Senate Republicans from using stalling tactics to thwart his proposed trillion-dollar expansion of government-provided health care over the next decade. Deeper in the weeds, however, are challenges that may prove extremely difficult to resolve. Lawmakers rejected one of Obama's proposals for paying for his health policies: reducing wealthy Americans' tax deductions for charitable gifts and mortgage interest payments. They also show little interest in his bid to establish permits for greenhouse gas emissions that can be bought and sold. These highly contentious issues must be settled later. Congress is going its own way in other areas as well. It appears certain to reject Obama's proposal to help people facing bankruptcy keep their homes, at lenders' expense. And lawmakers are gearing up for possibly incendiary hearings on alleged torture of terrorism suspects during the previous administration, even though Obama says it is best to look forward, not back. Obama said he will seek bipartisan solutions where possible. But he acknowledged that his party can have its way on some issues it cares deeply about, such as a government-run health insurance program that would compete with private plans. He said he has told GOP leaders, "Look, on health care reform, you may not agree with me that we should have a public plan. That may be philosophically just too much for you to swallow. On the other hand, there are some areas, like reducing the costs of medical malpractice insurance, where you do agree with me." Of course, Congress' often-plodding ways can be a handy excuse for a president hoping to postpone difficult issues he's not ready to confront. Obama said Wednesday that he remains committed to revamping immigration laws, but it's no secret he's not eager to engage the volatile subject just now. "I don't have control of the legislative calendar," he said, "and so we're going to work with legislative leaders to see what we can do." On a host of key issues, working with legislative leaders is how the president will spend much of his time in the remaining months of 2009. ___ EDITOR'S NOTE Charles Babington covers the White House for The Associated Press. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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042609-0943 |
*****The following was a draft for final editing and modification. A reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on May 2, 2009.[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers [ Yahoo! Chimonews, Yahoo! News, WJ, Worldjournal.com, Chinatimes.com, YouTube search, Chinatimes.com again, Google, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.] --------------------- | |
江陳3會登場 大陸送大禮 {[WJ], [Worldjournal.com], and among others.}特派記者黃國樑南京26日電April 26, 2009 01:00 AM | 818 觀看次數 | 0 | | 海基會、海協會南京協商的重頭戲江陳會談26日登場,並在下午3時簽訂增加定期航班等三項協議。 大陸海協會長陳雲林26日上午在 會談中表示,如果台灣方面同意,將推動大陸企業赴台投資,而大陸並將擴大對台產品的採購。在接下來的一系列行動中,將會有很多採購行動。他更進一步表示,也鼓勵台資企業到大陸開拓市場,除了已在大陸投資的企業外,仍在台灣的企業,也可到大陸投資。另外,現在大陸居民赴台旅遊的情況變好,會盡量鼓勵大陸遊客到台灣旅遊。 陳雲林說,兩岸受到金融風暴不 小的衝擊,在這困難時候,兩會坐下來商談,有一種心情,有一種責任。就是兩岸應攜手,共同集中兩岸的智慧、互利雙贏地對抗金融風暴。 陳雲林以主人身分在海基會董事長江丙坤之前致詞。 兩會原則同意於下半年適當時候 在台北舉行第四次會談。海基會透露,雙方在會中對於第四次江陳會談敲定了包括「避免雙重課稅、漁業勞務合作、農產品檢驗檢疫、產品標準化檢測與認證合作」等四項議題,而有關兩岸的經貿合作協議,即台灣最關心的ECFA議題,雙方同意繼續保持意見交換,有可能納入協商議題。 海基會董事長江丙坤致詞時表示,此次會談適逢第一次辜汪會談16周年,此情此景,以此成績告慰辜汪兩老無私奉獻,台灣不僅需要與大陸加強經貿合作,枰c貿易對手國共同融入區域整合潮流,大陸應充分了解這個重要性。 他表示,3月以來,大陸觀光客從 早期每天299人次,成長了七倍,現在超過每次3000人的目標,效果逐漸顯現,希望今後能夠繼續保持這個方向。 對於這次會談,江丙坤表示,共 同打擊犯罪,不只建立執法部門合作機制,對於提升兩岸治安有所助益。金融合作協議將為金融業市場准入奠立基礎。陸資入台,可以擴大兩岸產業與交流,促進雙方內需市場發展。 您想與美國劵商用中文通話嗎? ►美股開戶三重大優惠 網上交易$6.95 --------------------------- | |
Clinton in Beirut ahead of critical election Associated Press Writer Matthew Lee, Associated Press Writer ?8 mins agoBEIRUT ?U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met Sunday with Lebanon's president on a stop in Beirut ahead of a critical election that could see a pro-U.S. government ousted by the Iranian-backed Hezbollah and its allies. Clinton arrived unannounced in Lebanon a day after a similarly secret trip to Iraq to show support for the country's fragile democracy before the June 7 vote. Hezbollah is gaining strength and some fear turmoil if it wins enough votes to play a dominant role in a coalition. A strong showing by the militant Shiite Muslim group might also see its sponsors Iran and Syria gaining influence in the region and harming Arab-Israeli peace efforts. The U.S. and Israel regard Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, although it plays a role in Lebanon's current government. "The people of Lebanon must be able to choose their own representatives in open and fair elections without the specter of violence or intimidation and free of outside interference," Clinton said in a brief statement given to reporters aboard her plane. "We join the international community in supporting the Lebanese government's efforts to achieve that goal." "Beyond the elections we will continue to support the voices of moderation in Lebanon and the responsible institutions of the Lebanese state they are working hard to build. Our ongoing support for the Lebanese armed forces remains a pillar of our bilateral cooperation," she said. The United States has provided $1 billion in aid since 2006, including $410 million in security assistance to the military and the police. It was Clinton's first trip to the country, one of the most volatile in the Middle East. Prior to Clinton's visit, the U.S. ambassador to Lebanon had already expressed concern about the election, and Hezbollah's opponents warn the consequence may be the West isolating the country and Washington reducing millions in aid. Hezbollah was skeptical about Clinton's visit and spokesman Ibrahim Mussawi said it could even have a negative impact on the pro-U.S. factions in the country. Speaking on the group's Al-Manar TV after Clinton arrived, Mussawi said it was too early to tell whether the Obama administration has reassessed its policy, but he added that American "interference in the past was never positive." He also criticized what he termed a "double standard and deception" when the U.S. calls for Islamic factions to participate in elections then refuses to accept the results if they win. The Obama administration is urging free and fair elections but is treading carefully. The Bush administration encouraged the Palestinian legislative elections in 2006 and then saw the radical Hamas movement win handily and badly damage efforts to broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. Reflecting that concern, Clinton met during her brief stay with just one senior official, President Michel Suleiman. She was not expected to see other politicians who will be candidates in the election, like the pro-Western Prime Minister Fuad Saniora. U.S. officials say another reason she's coming is to reassure the Lebanese that the outreach to Syria and the attempts to engage Iran are not being done at the expense of U.S. support for Lebanon's sovereignty and independence. U.S. officials say her meeting with Suleiman only is because the U.S. doesn't want to be seen as taking sides in the elections. Suleiman is considered a consensus leader and neutral in the political struggle. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah says the group knows that trying to dominate Lebanon's politics would destabilize the country. In the past four years, Lebanon has nearly tumbled into a repeat of the 1975-90 civil war as the pro-Syrian and pro-U.S. camps struggled for the upper hand. Hezbollah has taken the strategy of a low-key election campaign with a moderate message, aiming to show that a victory by its coalition should not scare anyone. Nasrallah has even said that if the coalition wins, it would invite its opponents to join in a national unity government to ensure stability. ------------------------ | |
戰往返太平洋紀錄失利 劉寧生夢碎 更新日期:2009/04/26 15:11(中央社記者林瑞益、沈如峰台北26日電)太平公主號航行上萬浬,今天在離台灣只有30浬處,疑遭貨輪攔腰撞翻,也讓船長劉寧生挑戰橫渡太平洋進行往返美洲之旅,並重塑600年前鄭和7次下西洋壯舉的夢想破滅。 太平公主號去年6月26日由基隆碧砂漁港出航,經琉球、日本、美西、夏威夷、塞班及琉球等處,約10個月的航程,原預計今天會返回基隆,還可望首度締造無動力仿古中華帆船橫渡往返太平洋的紀錄,但如今卻無法平安返抵基隆。 不料,太平公主號帆船今天凌晨4時左右,卻在蘇澳外海30浬處遇難,11名船員全部獲救,其中10人由直升機救起送往台北松山機場,船長劉寧生則由蘇澳海巡隊救起。 劉寧生獲救後表示,當船快被貨輪撞擊前,曾以英文和對方通話並請求迴避,但時間已經來不及,導致被攔腰撞成兩半。他指出,很遺憾這次航行紀錄資料都沉到大海中,雖然沒有辦法完成壯舉,幸好所有人員都獲救。 挑戰鄭和下西洋的航海精神,一直是劉寧生的夢想,尤其藉由古代帆船行駛1萬8000浬的挑戰之旅,更是華人的驕傲,但這一撞卻撞碎了劉寧生的多年夢想。 太平公主號去年6月底從台灣基隆出航,橫渡北太平洋,於10月初到達舊金山,2月到達夏威夷,今年4月到達沖繩。中華民國海洋發展協會執行長彭弘光說,到達沖繩時,已經完成95%的行程。 但太平公主號今天在蘇澳外海30浬處遇難,對於行程已經完成99%,離夢想僅僅只差一步,劉寧生與船員們都感到扼腕。 太平公主號出事後,船員分兩批送到醫院,劉寧生在夏威夷的友人陳美智說,兩個月前劉寧生等到達夏威夷,她與家人熱情款待他們,沒想到太平公主號今天在蘇澳外海遇難,雖然對沒能挑戰紀錄成功感到惋惜,但希望大家都平安。 劉寧生今年62歲,為台灣知名畫家「老頑童」劉其偉的二公子,劉寧生曾在2001年完成駕駛無動力帆船環球航行的紀錄,去年6月他讓中華古帆船再一次揚帆四海,並希望在完成挑戰後,將太平公主號捐贈給台灣的博物館,做為展示和教育之用。980426 --------------------- | |
穝籇 >瓣悔 >瑆 >猭穝 盚倒狟ね| ね到| 砞﹚: 跌ㄈ瑆 稼ぺ皑莉ㄈ盖瓣粄 穝ら戳:2009/04/26 22:50 苦╭ 猭穝地脖箉26ら筿 稼ぺ皑竒承菌Θ材獶瑆盖瓣羆参琌瓣ㄈ盖跋粄ヴ100ぱぇず稼ぺ皑陪瞷獶盽眏疨闽胔ㄈ盖篈弧琌瓣程ㄈ瑆烩旧 稼ぺ皑ず徽い瘆ぱΤ3ㄈ盖瓣ヴ璶戮稼ぺ皑セ癸ㄈ瑆闽猔材猾琌らセ瓣叭┰慷琠狶箉砐琌ㄈ瑆 瓣セ格禜陪ボ稼ぺ皑腀種玙現獀繧э硑瓣簿チ砰╰ㄈ盖瓣烩砈癸舧ㄈ盖筁┽阑簿チ砏﹚圾て㎝э˙糹纶禱╊床簿チ產畑 渤某皘ㄈび盖瓣囊刮璽砫沉セバMikeHonda弧羆ㄓ弧筁100ぱず┮暗ゑ現┎8ず暗眔临 ㎝稼ぺ皑琌チ囊渤某セバ癸猭穝弧箇戳羆参5る碞穦甶秨簿チ猭砏э 癸稼ぺ皑掸揣帽竝兜盢2货じ竒禣干纕Ω驹眖滇猾ㄓ邻ρ苂喘硂ㄇ滇盖膟ρ筁蠢瓣把驹琌1946ぇ玱ぃ纯莉眔ヴ癶ヮ瓁褐 セバ弧パセō璉春稼ぺ皑瞶秆砆逼埃Θ娩絫稰谋 驹戳丁担戳纯砆瓣闽ら盖瓣╇痙犁セバ弧硂藕镀гぃ稬紋┋Τ钩硂妓瓣 稼ぺ皑セ㎝ㄈ瑆瞏Τ瞁方琿丁懂笷ゝゝΤ场だェ﹀参临儿倒地盖 ㄈ盖瓣厩笲ㄈHelen Zia弧Τи秨弧琌и匡眔ㄓ程ㄈ瑆瓣羆参 弧稼ぺ皑秆蛮ゅて┪蛮粂種竡硂琌и癪膍倒瓣场だぃ莱砆跌寄┪ㄓ 弧稼ぺ皑ヴ㏑地盖Χ葱ゅSteven Chuヴ方场琌瞶稱タ竡 poetic justiceぇ羭 1999讽方场诡还BillRichardson北ネ芖厩產ゅ㎝Wen HoLee眖紆较ネ履┰集吹Los Alamos瓣產龟喷い叛诀盞ユ倒玻い瓣 ゅ㎝9る丁縒癸к現┎靡睲フ程瓣篗綪癸北临琌癸庇稰ゅンぃ镑み略稸 稼ぺ皑矗诡还ヴ坝叭场羭琵ㄇㄈ盖瓣稰ア辨诡还ㄓ╬拜肈癶矗稼ぺ皑笶矗地盖瓣纃產谨GaryLocke ず徽いㄈ盖瓣琌癶ヰ盢烩︺穝闽Eric Shinseki璽砫癶ヮ瓁ㄆ叭 癸闽玒稼ぺ皑е絋粄らセ琌瓣程跌幅ねτ粆ē璶㎝盪癬い瓣┹甶よ闽玒 ㄈ弧筁瓣菌㎝現郸常び眏秸㎝﹁瑅ぇ丁闽玒и笵瞷琌びキ瑅 瓣癶ヰ筿獺穨恨玡ヴκ穦Committee of100畊奎谨Bob Lee弧癸稼ぺ皑ヴ碞㎝ㄊぇ丁眏て闽玒稰躬籖 辨稼ぺ皑蛮よ眖吏玂舦单拜肈瞷某ぃ端㎝collegially哪ミ初 奎谨弧碞и┮–地盖瓣常癸瓣┚港琌–讽い闽玒拜肈碞穦硑Θ闽ち春禜拜肈穦猧のи ㄈ盖瓣㎝囊い糤隔吹ê匡チ匡㎝囊蔼琈Anh JosephCaoΘ材禫玭盖瓣渤某 硂玭场玂匡盖瓣笷Bobby Jindal砆跌㎝囊らぇ琍 瓣現獀︽笆〆穦US IndianPolitical Action Committee畊炊ńSanjayPuri弧и盖瓣眖碞ㄢ匡拒璶ぃ碞暗洛ネ璶ぃ碞暗祘畍 弧琌瞷現獀吏挂竒跑眔禫ㄓ禫慌亩苦╭ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
042509-1712 |
****The following was a draft for final editing and modification. A reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on April 25, 2009.[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers [ Yahoo! Mail, MSN, Yahoo, and Google! MSN.com, Associated Press, AP, AP.com, Reviewjournal.com, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Google, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), New York Times, WashingtonPost.com, Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.] ------------------------ | |
042509-1708 |
Clinton: US stands by Iraqis, withdrawal on track{{U.S. Will not abandon you AP By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer Matthew Lee, Associated Press Writer 1 hr 17 mins ago}} BAGHDAD U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to reassure nervous Iraqis that the U.S. won't abandon them, even as she said the American troop withdrawal would stay on schedule despite a recent surge in violence. On her first visit to Baghdad as chief U.S. diplomat, Clinton said Saturday that Washington remains committed to moving U.S. soldiers out of urban areas by June 30 and pulling out combat troops from the country by 2011. "Our strategy in working with you may be in a new phase, but we pledge our full and continuing commitment to Iraq and the Iraqi people," she told a news conference after meeting Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. "As we drawn down militarily we will deepen our civilian cooperation," Clinton said, standing beside Zebari in an auditorium at the Foreign Ministry. The withdrawal will proceed in a "responsible and careful way," she said, and would not affect efforts to improve Iraq's security forces, or complete reconstruction and development projects. Zebari welcomed Clinton's "very assuring message that the United States would continue to support the efforts of the Iraqi government and the enhancement of Iraqi security and stability." He said Iraqi authorities wanted to ensure there is "no vacuum" when U.S. troops leave. Clinton made clear, however, that Iraqis and their security forces in particular need to overcome sectarian and other differences if they are to build a united, secure nation, she said. Suicide bombings Thursday and Friday that primarily targeted Shiite worshippers killed more than 150 people, many of them Iranian pilgrims. The second attack, at a revered Baghdad tomb, was the single deadliest bombing in the country this year. "I condemn these violent recent efforts to disrupt the progress that Iraq is making," Clinton said, claiming the attacks were a sign that extremists are afraid Iraq's government is succeeding. But she said the response by the government and its people was "firm and united in rejecting that violence and refusing to allow it to set Iraqi against Iraqi, which is obviously one of its intended goals." These attacks, she said, "do not reflect any diversion from the security progress that has been made." Iran's supreme leader blamed the U.S. and Israel for the attacks. "Dirty hands and evil brains that founded this blind and uncontrolled terrorism in Iraq should know that the fire will burn themselves," Iran's state TV quoted Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as saying on Saturday. Clinton said it was "disappointing for anyone to make such a claim since it is clearly traced to the al-Qaida remnants and other violent groups who wish to disrupt the progress of Iraq." Violence is at its lowest since the months after the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003. But the recent attacks have exposed gaps in security as Iraq takes over from U.S. forces in protecting the country. "Frankly, some people are afraid," said one participant in at a town hall meeting Clinton hosted at the U.S. Embassy in the capital, adding the many questioned the ability, competence and neutrality of Iraq's security forces, given the U.S. withdrawal plan. "There is nothing more important than to have a united Iraq," Clinton replied. "The more united Iraq is, the more you will trust your security services. The security services have to earn your trust but the people have to demand it." "We will be working closely with the Iraqi government and the Iraqi security forces as we withdraw our combat troops, but we need to be sure that all of you are supporting a strong, nonsectarian security force and we will work to try and help make that happen," she said. To the nervous but receptive town hall crowd, Clinton said the U.S. commitment in the years ahead "may look somewhat different" because of the troop pullout timetable. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has ordered a military task force to investigate this past week's attacks as well as shortcomings that allowed the assailants to slip through. The government on Saturday ordered heightened security at major Shiite shrines. The top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. Raymond Odierno, has said American troops could "maintain a presence" in some cities if requested by the Iraqis. President Barack Obama plans to withdraw American combat troops by Aug. 31, 2010, leaving 30,000 to 50,000 troops in training and advisory roles. Under a U.S.-Iraqi security pact, those remaining American troops would be withdrawn by the end of 2011. Clinton was met at the airport by the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, and the new U.S. ambassador, Christopher Hill. ___ Associated Press writer Kim Gamel contributed to this report. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
《風向》美國人「反璞歸真」? April 26, 2009 09:00 AM (Just for an internal research reference. Not for printing or publishing please. Thank you very much!) 這次世界經濟衰退會持續多久,沒有人知道。總統和聯準會主席柏南基不斷信心喊話,說已經看見一絲復甦希望。最近股市略有起色,政府緊急推出各種金融、經濟紓困方案,有些像亂槍打鳥,能打中幾隻不知道,但是聲勢不小。幾千萬、幾千億美元的砸進池塘,總應該激起一些漣漪。許多人其實很悲觀,認為這次衰退終不免會惡化成蕭條,也許不像80年前世界大蕭條那麼慘淡,可是想要從蕭條中脫身,至少非五至七年不可,因為這次經濟下滑是世界性、系統性的,而且把美國式資本主義精神打蔫了。 華爾街日報專欄作家努男女士(Peggy Noonan) 是保守主義陣營中的一支名筆,筆鋒犀利,曾經替雷根總統操刀,寫出許多雷根著名演說稿。她久居曼哈坦,觀察美國人文社會敏銳細緻深刻。她指出,美國人民從這次經濟危機中重新尋回平淡和簡易的生活意義,「告別枯燥無味的富裕(Goodbye Bland Affluence)」。也就是說,美國出現「反璞歸真」、「回歸自然」的強烈呼求。這項判斷是否經得起考驗,尚不可知,但是她舉出社會氛圍動向,卻非常值得注意。如果此一預判站得住腳,美國社會從崇尚消費、擴張物慾的富裕生活,轉向簡樸平淡安詳,與自然結合的生活,豈非是一場美國歷史精神大革命? 努南女士看到《今日美國》一篇報導。密西根州一家人受到經濟壓力,決定放棄信用卡、衛星電視、上館子和電動玩具等等現代美國家庭必有生活水準,岬洁l下,靠著祖傳的四十畝地過活,養豬,種菜,自建烤爐,成為21世紀耕種放領地者(homesteaders)。 這家主人是36歲的卡車司機,厭倦了薪水日少、遠離家庭的長途奔波;其妻是自僱業者。他們工作努力,擁有一般美國家庭消費習慣和條件,但他們感到「空虛」,於是一起仔細分析自己缺少的是什麼,發現他們欠缺而珍惜的是家人在一起團聚時光,於是放棄一切,做起農夫。他們經濟理念簡單明瞭:「只要能夠降低需要付的帳單,就可以少賺夠花。」這篇報導打中許多人心,引發三百位讀者迴響。許多讀者認為這個家庭「不是為了經濟壓力下設法求存,而是回歸人生常識,生活得更快樂」,「一旦擁有更多,需要更多力氣去保住它,為物欲所奴」。這個家庭選擇代表許多人嚮往的未來:減少累贅、更多自然、安定,少點刺激,少些可有可無的生活方便。這些趨勢從其他統計資料可以佐證。美國去年賣出蔬菜種籽增加30%,製作罐頭和縫紉機器等銷售量增加。地產商感覺許多買主顧客希望住到比較便宜、生活簡單的地方去。 努南女士觀察到紐約市內車流量減少了,交通比較不擠了。曼哈坦夜色燈光暗淡了。她大膽預測,明年市長會下令空置的高樓大廈晚上也不得關燈,以免造成紐約空蕩衰退、空戶太多的印象。 總之,經過30年來幾乎沒有間斷的經濟成長,刺激無邊的消費慾望,製造永遠年輕、永遠美麗、豪宅大院的美國景象。美國人是工作最勤奮、最在乎金錢物質報酬的民族。累的要死,錢賺了一些,可是贏得的快樂不成比例。人人追逐金融市場創造的虛擬財富,現在終於泡沫破滅,璀燦的物質美夢終於撐不住了,人心也疲了。人們更願意接受自然老化,不再一心一意追求20歲的身材和體力。流行家庭裝璜走向傳統新英格蘭簡樸素靜,家人更珍惜相聚時間。 經濟大變化逼迫人們做出調整。這次經濟衰退既然是歷史性的,應該會帶來歷史社會人心改變。目前處於經濟動蕩的開端,洶湧的潮流,激烈的調整,各種衝撞力量究竟會融匯成那種變化主流,言之過早。可是努南女士觀察是有意思的。她指出「人心思靜」、「反璞歸真」、「回歸傳統」,也許真是美國社會芸芸眾生內心的吶喊。(孟玄) ------------------ | |
台港關係的新階段 社論April 25, 2009 12:00 AM 4月14日,台中市市長胡志強率領人數多達90人的代表團,應香港特區政府之請,赴港訪問多天,並參與「香港─台灣城市交流論壇」,列席的有多位香港主要官員。胡志強到過禮賓府拜訪特首,而香港的政務司司長和財政司司長亦宴請過胡志強。本來去年底民進黨要員高雄市市長陳菊已首次官式訪港推廣旅遊,但論規格,講規模,還是胡志強的訪港高得多,究竟這會不會是一個好的開始、新的起點呢? 在港英時代,台灣的駐港機構,可以攀上次外交的層面;但回歸以後,掣肘逐漸出現。台灣駐港代表赴港就任,往往經過層層的關卡,其他政府官員,甚至下了台的國民黨官員,更不得其門而入,包括現任總統馬英九在內,最莫名其妙的是馬英九在香港出生,根據國際法,斷不可能拒絕他的入境,此無他,是特區政府官員錯誤揣摩北京的意向。 為甚麼會是錯誤呢?馬英九被拒入境之日,正是北京籌劃國共第三次和談之時,當時的特首董建華以為「寧枉毋縱」,因此其後他的下台,變成「順理成章」了。 目前的特首曾蔭權,「揣摩」的技巧較好,如是為國民黨中人,大開方便之門,不信麼?北京的國台辦對胡志強的訪港,是「樂見其成」,香港的特首,怎會不「乘勢而上」,甚至「奉旨成親」? 台灣與香港的人民,本來是一家親,在早期,港人外遊的首選是台灣,到今天,台胞出外的首選仍是香港,特別是近23年來,香港是前往大陸必經之地。在十多年前,台灣遊客居訪港遊客的第一位,後來才被大陸遊客取代,但仍居第二位的位置。惟台灣與香港政府竟然是無接觸。雖然如此,台港之間的雙邊貿易額,仍由1997年的1600億港元,增加至2008年的2500億港元。台資在大陸投資成功而具備上市條件的,大多選擇在香港掛牌,台灣的龍頭企業亦以香港為融資基地,因此台港之間是互利互惠,更是唇齒相依的:有台灣的存在,大陸對香港,會表現得克制一點;有香港的自治,大陸對台灣,會表露出耐性一點,因為「一國兩制」的統戰樣板戲,仍需要演下去。 但自兩岸之間實現全面的三通以後,香港在過去作為兩岸客運和貨物的中轉站,便突然終止了,與此同時,台灣與大陸的經貿往來,基於政治與法制的差異,仍需要一個中間人,而香港的貿易障礙極低,法治水平極高,台港之間的政治,亦不如兩岸般複雜,加以香港與大陸之間,已建立形同自由貿易區的「更緊密經貿關係安排」,台灣便可藉著香港,安全地擴大交流活動。 還有,台灣要求在台港現有的基礎上,建立「台港自由貿易區」,如是香港便在「兩岸共同市場」未成立以前,蛻變而為兩岸經貿往來的中介點。因此胡志強便在香港指出:香港的中介地位未有消失。 不過,胡志強同時指出,香港特區若在台灣設立辦事處,仍有三大考慮:第一,這個香港辦,究竟是外國辦,抑或外地辦?第二,大陸是否亦設立大陸辦?第三,大陸辦若然設立,和香港辦又有什麼關係?這就完全關乎未來北京怎樣去衝破種種的政治框框了! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
042509-0502 |
*****The following was a draft for final editing and modification. A reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on April 25, 2009.[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers [ Chinatimes.com, YouTube search, Chinatimes.com again, Google, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.] --------------------- | |
042509-0437 |
杭州胡慶餘堂 藥登台打天下 記者謝柏宏台北25日 April 25, 2009 12:00 AM [[[杭州胡慶餘堂國藥號公司副總經理孫鐵和背後創辦人胡雪巖圖像。 (記者謝柏宏∕攝影)]]] 兩岸昨天在台舉辦「2009中華老字號台北精品展」,在中國大陸與北京同仁堂齊名的杭州胡慶餘堂國藥公司也在台灣首度亮相,胡慶餘堂副總經理孫鐵表示,已提出到台登記程序,希望胡慶餘堂的產品能登台銷售。 1874年成立的胡慶餘堂,是清朝同光年間的紅頂商人胡雪巖創立,但自1885年胡雪巖過逝後,胡慶餘堂的經營權也隨著胡家衰敗而落入他人手中,今天胡慶餘堂藥業公司經營權歸在中國青春寶集團名下,在中藥之外,也已延伸到旅遊及金融事業。 孫鐵表示,胡慶餘堂藥業公司一年的營業額約人民幣3億元,母公司中國青春寶集團規模有人民幣26億元;中國青春寶集團繼承胡慶餘堂在藥品市場的影響力,也和泰國最大飼料業正大集團合資成立正大青春寶公司,掌握中國最大的天然藥生產基地。 孫鐵說,胡慶餘堂也想進軍台灣市場,卻發現迪化街早已成立以胡慶餘堂為名稱的中藥行,孫鐵表示,不只是台灣,在美國及上海,過去都有打著胡慶餘堂名號的中藥商,和杭州正宗胡慶餘堂都不相關。 孫鐵表示,胡慶餘堂目前繼續向台灣申請來台銷售產品,預期很快就能獲得上市許可。胡雪巖的故事在大陸相當有名,台灣已故作家高陽筆下的歷史小說功不可沒。 ---------------------- | |
Career 2009-04-24 第396期 如何面對當年羞辱你的人? 羅吉甫 人在窮困不達之際,被瞧不起、遭輕蔑、受訕笑,是常有的事。有人憤恨而自暴自棄,但也有人轉化為奮發上進的能量,不同的心境決定了不同的命運。而功成名就之後,回首前塵,如何面對當年羞辱你的人?要用什麼態度擺什麼臉色給他們看? 有恩報恩,有仇冷處理 對旁觀者而言,王子/公主復仇記的戲碼大快人心,以德報怨則令人昏昏欲睡。不過懷著怨懟之心行走世間,報復之餘,也等於樹立了敵人,冤冤相報,終究不是好事。報答過去有恩於你的人,對那些對你不友善的人「冷處理」,就是一種復仇了。更何況從另一角度想,可能還得感謝這些人當年的刺激,才能激發自己努力。 不念舊惡已屬難得,以德報怨更是可貴。這種大器,每每成為佳話流傳。歷史上韓信、朱買臣都是著名的個案。但展現氣度之餘,處理方式卻不得不小心,這是處事應對的藝術,小有失誤,反而造成遺憾,朱買臣便留下這種遺憾。 韓信》不記恨胯下之辱 先說韓信。幫劉邦打下江山之後,韓信被封為楚王,載譽回鄉,鄉民與有榮焉,熱烈歡迎。這時卻有一個人「剉著等」,他是當年讓韓信受胯下之辱的街頭混混。那時他向韓信挑釁說:「看你個兒高,又一直佩著劍,但一定是個膽小鬼。你有種就刺我一劍,沒種就從我胯下爬過去。」結果韓信像小狗一樣爬了過去。 然而韓信並未尋仇,反而稱讚他是一位壯士,並且拜他為軍官。 另外,當年韓信窮得沒飯吃,寄人籬下,曾在亭長(村里長)家吃閒飯好幾個月,有一天亭長太太不勝其擾,把飯菜端進房間吃。韓信進門撲了空,盛怒,此後不再上門。這次回鄉,韓信雖然也叨念了幾句,但一樣賞賜亭長。 韓信處理得這麼漂亮,這是人格特質,記得人家好的一面,加以報答,壞的一面,就算了,並未帶著負面能量吐氣報仇。但這特質也害了他,他始終記得劉邦的知遇之恩,不背叛,不防備,最後「狡兔死,走狗烹」,被劉邦害死。此為後話,先按下不表,且說朱買臣。 朱買臣》不念前妻薄情寡義 朱買臣是漢朝人,和韓信一樣年輕時窮困。他以砍柴、賣柴為生,雖然窮,但很愛讀書,經常一邊挑柴,一邊吟詩放歌,旁若無人。他老婆覺得沒面子,請他不要再唱了,朱買臣不但不理,反而唱得更大聲。她忍無可忍,要求離婚。朱買臣陪著笑臉說:「我50歲時會大富大貴,現在40多歲了,再等幾年,我一定報答妳。」 朱太太聽得冒火,大罵:「像你這種人,早晚會活活餓死,哪會富貴?」朱買臣見她心意已決,只好離婚。 老婆跑了,朱買臣依然砍柴度日,吟詩誦賦。有一天,挑柴經過墓地,碰到前妻和她改嫁後的丈夫。她好心地賞了口飯給他。 幾年後時來運轉,朱買臣果真在50歲時在京城闖出一番事業。皇帝派他回故鄉擔任太守。地方官吏夾道歡迎,官府車輛停在路邊,相連百餘部,場面浩大。地方政府並且派百姓清掃道路。 當朱買臣的車隊抵達後,他在車上遠遠瞧見前妻和她先生也在修路,一副落魄的樣子,想必經濟狀況不太好。想起舊日情誼,以及前妻賞飯之恩,便派人請他們上車,同時安排食宿,讓他們住在園子裡。 氣度要大 但心思要細 到此看起來一切圓滿,沒想到前妻羞愧不已,1個月後竟然上吊自殺。 後人批評朱買臣的作法,看似大器,實則粗率。他的前妻並不是貪圖富貴的人,當年夫妻齟齬,也不是為錢財,而是朱買臣高聲唱歌,引人側目,讓她很難為情。顯然面子問題,是她最在意的。她的面子很薄,這點朱買臣始終不瞭解,卻以50歲一定富貴來回應。後來功成名就,當眾請她們夫妻上車,雖展現很好的風度與氣度,但相對的卻讓前妻羞愧難當。 最理想的作法,應該是暗中接濟他們,或至少不要當眾點破。但朱買臣沒這麼做,對前妻的個性仍然不太瞭解,導致悲劇。 韓信的例子因為比較單純,處理得還算圓融。朱買臣比較複雜。他發跡之後,面對當年看不起他並且決意求去的前妻,處事應對的技術面照應到了,藝術層次卻不及格。可見人的氣度要大,格局要高,但心思要細。這樣才算是真正的成功者。 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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