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061608-0996 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (chinatimes.com, etc.) {not for publishing or coping} 中國時報 2008.06.17 歐巴馬:黑人父親要負責任 閻紀宇/綜合報導 美國民主黨準總統候選人歐巴馬15日在家鄉芝加哥發表演講,由於當天適逢美國的父親節(每年6月第3個星期天),因此他也趁機宣揚家庭價值,並針對與他一樣扮演父親角色的黑人同胞,以坦率犀利的語氣,呼籲他們要為自己的家庭負起責任。歐巴馬說:「黑人父親必須體認到,他們的責任並沒有隨著女性懷孕而終止。」 歐巴馬這場演講是在芝加哥南區的一家教堂舉行,不過當然不是爭議頻傳而且他已退出的「三一聯合基督教會」,而是另一間以黑人信徒為主的「使徒上帝教會」(Apostolic Church of God)。分析家認為,歐巴馬的談話除了針砭時弊,也有意藉此凸顯自己對家庭的重視,拉攏保守派選民以及黨內初選對手希拉蕊的支持者。 根據美國人口普查局2006年的調查資料,全美約有574萬2千名黑人兒童與青少年生長在只有母親、不見父親的家庭,比例高達51.2%。相較之下,同樣處境的白人(扣除西語裔)兒童與青少年只佔16%;西語裔的比例也只有25%。因此也難怪歐巴馬要大聲疾呼。 歐巴馬說:「有太多黑人父親不見蹤影,有太多黑人父親不知去向……他們放棄了自身的職責,實在不夠格當一個成熟的男人,我們家庭體系的基礎也因此日漸削弱。」這話想必會令知名黑人諧星比爾寇斯比心有戚戚焉,「天才老爹」寇斯比批判黑人社會弊端向來不遺餘力,上一本著作《大家奮起:從受害者到勝利者》的主題之一,正是不負責任的黑人父親。 歐巴馬也談到自己與父親無緣的童年。他的父親巴瑞克來自肯亞,與他母親安.鄧漢姆在夏威夷相戀結婚,兩人生下歐巴馬兩年後即告仳離,從此他跟著母親與外祖父母長大,後來只在10歲見過父親一面。歐巴馬說:「我瞭解家裡沒有父親對我的影響…因此我很早就下定決心要停止這種惡性循環,要當個好爸爸。」 歐巴馬這場演講雖然沒有事先公告周知,但仍吸引了數千名聽眾,他的妻子蜜雪兒與兩個寶貝女兒瑪麗亞、莎夏都坐在教堂前排,傾聽他省思自己身為人父的感受。歐巴馬承認自己是個不完美的父親,但仍鼓勵黑人男性同胞:「儘管我們並不完美,我們處境困難,但我們還是要努力學習,扮演好父親的角色。」 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061608-0994 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (sina.n.a, etc.) {not for publishing or coping} 奧巴馬打親情牌 諷麥凱恩拋妻棄女 http://news.sina.com 2008年06月16日 01:58 光華日報 (華盛頓16日綜合電)美國民主黨總統參選人奧巴馬周日續打黑人牌和親情牌,敦促父親們,尤其是黑人男性負起責任,治療破碎家庭的傷痛。 這與麥凱恩被指拋妻棄女,蒙騙民眾形成鮮明對比。 奧巴馬在父親節花了一天時間和家人一起,並在芝加哥一個大部分是非洲裔美國人參加的教堂中講話。 他在講話中要求政府有所行動,通過減稅、職業訓練和建立幫助家庭的雇佣法來幫助那些在困境中的家長。 奧巴馬也譴責那些“拋棄責任,做事像個男孩而不是男人”的男人。 奧巴馬列舉了政府數字,稱有一半黑人孩子在單親家庭中成長。 他說:“你和我都知道非洲裔美國社區的真實情況。” 奧巴馬指出,這樣的孩子生活在貧困中和犯罪的可能性是正常家庭孩子的5倍,輟學可能性是正常家庭孩子的9倍,入獄可能性是正常家庭孩子的20倍。他表示:“正由於這樣,我們的社區基礎更為貧弱。” 奧巴馬說,父親可以給他們孩子的最偉大禮物就是希望。傳希拉莉敗選鬧離婚 美國民主黨參議員希拉莉宣布退選後,不但要為自己的政治前途苦惱,近日更流傳她還一並檢討自己的婚姻,考慮與丈夫柯林頓離婚。 網上新聞雜誌《The First Post》上周稱接近希拉莉的消息人士相信,希拉莉不敵奧巴馬,令到她的婚姻出現危險,特別是柯林頓為妻拉票時的過火言論,影響了希拉莉的選情。 消息人士說:“一切已完結,她為何仍要與他一起?外界認為沒有柯林頓,希拉莉在參議院的工作更得心應手,在2012年再次角逐白宮寶座時更有利。”雜誌《Globe》在本年初亦指柯林頓夫婦已簽署婚姻協議,協定希拉莉競選失敗就會離婚。 更令希拉莉難堪的是柯林頓仍然緋聞滿天飛,《名利場》雜誌指柯林頓離開白宮後,依然樂于與其他女性胡混,與女星Gina Gershon有奸情。 柯林頓2位陳年緋聞女友瓊斯和弗勞爾斯也攜手設立網站賺錢,大爆與柯林頓之間的曖昧關係。 【去論壇發表評論】【轉寄】【列印】 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061608-0993 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (rj.c, etc.) {not for publishing or coping} 侣穝籇 拨穨ㄥ搂 稼炊┰玧厩發―Τ種竡ネ 稼炊┰(オ瓜の瓜オ玡よ簍量)う褐厩拨穨ㄥ搂簍量莉砰ㄓ猾籔拨穨ネ癬ミ躬磝癘尼 稼炊┰(オ瓜の瓜オ玡よ簍量)う褐厩拨穨ㄥ搂簍量莉砰ㄓ猾籔拨穨ネ癬ミ躬磝癘尼 セ厨癘う褐厨旧峦硈碔ゑκ紇臫逼︽篯玜瓁叉╭稼炊┰ (Oprah Winfrey) 16らう褐厩材117拨穨ㄥ搂簍量穦い癸窾拨穨ネ籔拨穨ネ克ね苂う褐ひ包├ぃ┋璣Ν硊稲τ承ミ硂羭籇蔼单厩┎ネ竒喷ㄓ眏秸硂贺琂痲Τ稯到弘う褐ひ包ぃ稯到毙▅ㄆ穨て秆ずみ磀礹ㄏ籔稲ネ㏑骸種竡 硂贺發―種竡ネ琌稼炊┰16ら簍量肈㈱港Θㄆ穨㏕礛盿ㄓ癩碔窥讽礛琌贺ㄆ琌ネ㏑埃窥ゲ斗Τ種竡τ硂贺種竡發―ゲ斗璶ㄓ癸罙秆發―ずみ荐薄祇揣ず肩р籔穦硈钡癬ㄓ硂妓ぃ碔腞ネミ癬痷タ绊眏ね剿 稼炊┰發―ㄆ穨ㄒ弧今筿跌約冀稱Θ钩┰地疭吹 (Barbara Walters)ê妓筿跌穝籇冀⊿稱碭るㄓㄆㄆぃ抖程叉╭竊ヘ祇瞷肩籔荐薄 發―痷タΤ種竡ネゲ斗渡钮ずみ羘罙秆硂祏既ネい痷タ稱暗琌ぐ或硂妓祇揣ぃ┮ィτ笲ノ暗稱暗ㄆ薄碞钩竒筁灸矮沧祇瞷だ笲ノ筿跌碈砰籔肪硄诀穦暗砛狝叭┦毙▅┦籔稯到┦狝叭笆Θぃ琌ヘ狝叭琌ヘ琌玱盿ㄓΘ種竡ネ竒喷籔拨穨ネ玧ぇ 稼炊┰簍量Ч拨窾籈栋う褐厩穝ì瞴初ㄓ猾籔拨穨ネ竤癬躬磝う褐厩簙ェ钢(John Hennessy)ざ残稼炊┰疭眏秸ノ碈砰籔崩約チ毙▅弘の籔肪硄疭地疭眏秸う褐琌┦厩┎疭さう褐痴河厩厩ネいΤㄓ77ぃ瓣產κ瓣悔厩ネ 1讽ぱΝ眖玡ㄓ厩ネ產碞眖よぃ耞撮秈拨穨ㄥ搂ì瞴初よ︳璸Τㄢ窾厩ネ克ね把硂Ω脖穦さ拨穨ネ4771ㄤい厩场拨穨ネ1723眔河厩Τ2013よ箋祇1005痴厩 2008-06-16 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061608-0992 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (sina.c, etc.) {not for publishing or coping} 希拉里败选后被曝婚姻出现危机http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月16日00:55 西部网 据英国《每日电讯报》驻华盛顿记者蒂姆·希普曼6月15日报道,近来有传言称,随着希拉里兵败民主党提名战,她与丈夫比尔·克林顿的婚姻也将走到尽头。 据报道,希拉里如今正在未被公开的某处放大假,以平复败选的伤痛。据称这名纽约州议员除了趁此时好好考虑自己的政治前程,也在考虑要不要继续这段一波三折的婚姻。据网络杂志《第一邮报》上周报道,希拉里身边有些人认为,她与奥巴马对决的失败将削弱这段婚姻的基础。 4年后有能力独闯白宫 早就有传言认为,当年在克林顿爆出性丑闻之际,希拉里还能坚持站在丈夫身边,而不是与他分道扬镳,就是为了在日后冲刺总统宝座时获取他的支持。但如今希拉里在选战中失利,有部分原因却要归咎于克林顿在公共场合某些煽动性言论,希拉里或许再也容忍不了这个成事不足败事有余的丈夫了。 《第一邮报》援引希拉里一名贴身下属的原话说:“她现在还有什么理由要与他继续在一起?一切都结束了。就算没有克林顿,希拉里也能在参议院做得很好,2012年时她若想发起对白宫的第二轮冲击,自己一个人的力量也已足够。” 克林顿被指难改风流性 美国媒体看来也不看好这对前“第一夫妇”的婚姻走向。本月的《名利场》杂志说,自卸任总统一职以来,克林顿对其他女性的兴趣仍旧明显高于对自己的妻子,且非常喜欢跟亿万富翁朗·伯克尔一同出外花天酒地。不过这篇报道的作者托德·普顿已被克林顿大骂为“人渣”,女星吉娜·歌森也扬言要将《名利场》告上法庭,因为报道暗示她跟克林顿有不正当男女关系。 美国《环球》杂志披露称,早在今年初当希拉里选情刚出现危机时,希拉里就和丈夫签订了另一份“离婚协议”,协议中明确指出,只要希拉里当总统的希望泡汤,他们就将马上离婚。 前情妇支持希拉里离婚 上周,声称与克林顿有过12年婚外情而声名大噪的佛劳尔斯和曾指控克林顿对她性骚扰的阿肯色州前政府雇员宝拉·琼斯打算提供网络用户她们“与克林顿不得不说的故事”露骨细节,每次收费1.99美元。 佛劳尔斯甚至在接受采访时为希拉里抱不平,表示希拉里若想当上总统,第一件事应该是跟老公离婚。“希拉里虽然拥有很多支持者,但是许多人都忘不了他们给白宫带来的耻辱,要是没有克林顿,希拉里在此次选战中的表现应当更好。” 但佛劳尔斯也认为,这两个冤家要是不离婚也不会令人意外,“我觉得他们两个谁也离不开谁,他们还挺配的。” (方海)(来源:新快报) 【发表评论 76条】 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061608-0991 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (chinatimes.c, etc.) {not for publishing or coping} 今日晚報 2008.06.16 歐巴馬以自身案例呼籲黑人父親負起家庭責任 中央社 美國民主黨總統參選人歐巴馬今天要求身為父親者,特別是黑人男性,要負起癒合破碎家庭和讓犯罪猖獗的社區恢復希望的責任。 歐巴馬在芝加哥教會的一項父親節演說中,同時要求政府採取行動,透過減稅、職業訓練和對家庭有利的就業法律,協助經濟有困難的父母。 這位伊利諾州黑人參議員進一步闡明他競選的一個主題,他譴責沒有盡到責任的父親「放棄他們的責任,這種行為像個小孩,而不是男人」。 歐巴馬說:「你我都知道非洲裔美國人社區的真實情況。」他扼要重述了政府的統計數字,這些數字顯示,有一半以上的黑人小孩是生活在單親家庭中。 這些小孩未來陷入生活貧苦和犯罪的可能性是一般小孩的五倍,退學的可能性是九倍,而最後被判刑坐監的可能性是二十倍。 歐巴馬說:「因此,我們社區的基礎現在是越來越脆弱。」他詳細描述了他童年在單親家庭長大所受到的挑戰。歐巴馬的肯亞籍父親在他兩歲就拋妻棄子遠走,他是靠母親撫養長大。 歐巴馬在強調他競選總統的一個主題時說,一個父親能給他們孩子「最大的禮物」就是希望。 他說:「我不是說盲目的樂觀主義,或一廂情願忽視眼前問題的消極希望,我是在說存在我們內在精神的希望。這種希望讓我們在面對所有不利時,仍能堅持未來有更美好的事物等著我們,只要我們願意去努力、願意去奮鬥和願意去相信。」 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061508-0997 |
For research studies referenceAt 4:07 a.m.(TX) on 061508 for "Senior Pastor Tong Liu rolcc" (g. c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... - Jun 14The sermon and event will be held by Senior Pastor Tong Liu of ROLCC on July 28, 2007 in Las Vegas. It will start from 10:00 a.m. in the mornoing on ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 185k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's ... Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of ROLCC praised the Conference with a short speech. ..... The sermon and event will be held by Senior Pastor Tong Liu of ROLCC on ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 199k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061408-0997 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (chinatimes.c, etc.) {not for publishing or coping} 中國時報 2008.06.15 大罵白鬼?歐巴馬妻子流言纏身 鍾玉玨/綜合十四日外電報導 隨著選戰日益激烈,各種網路傳言紛出籠,美國民主黨總統候選人歐巴馬妻子蜜雪兒最近10天飽受謠言困擾。一位網友爆料蜜雪兒曾在黑人牧師萊特所在教堂大罵「白鬼」(whitey),且有錄影存證。但蜜雪兒已嚴詞否認。 此外,在歐巴馬初選勝利那一天,蜜雪兒與他「拳碰拳」的親密手勢也成目前美國熱烈討論的話題。「福斯新聞網」女主播希爾報導拳碰拳招式時說出:「拳碰拳?重重互打一拳?還是恐怖分子的猛拳?大家各有不同詮釋。」 此話一出,福斯立刻成了眾矢之的,導致希爾節目被迫停播。接下來福斯又犯了一個錯,也是因蜜雪兒而起。一節目分析蜜雪兒是否遭到不公平批評時,福斯製作人在電視畫面上打出標題「憤怒的自由派:不要再挑剔歐巴馬小孩的媽」,結果引來圍剿。 瓊安.沃許上網批評福斯做法不當,因為「小孩的媽」(baby mama,亦稱『代孕媽媽』)是城市黑人所用的俚語,意指沒有結婚的單親媽媽。所以這句話帶有種族歧視的意味。福斯事後坦承做法不當。 面對網路流言與抹黑,歐巴馬競選團隊決定成立反抹黑網站www.fightthesmears.com。歐巴馬陣營發言人費艾托說,只知道事實真相還不夠,必須主動把事實告訴別人以反擊謠言。 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061408-0996 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (y. chimo news) {not for publishing or coping} 法新社 寄給朋友| 友善列印|字級設定: 用歧視俚語指歐巴馬妻未婚產子 福斯坦承失當 更新日期:2008/06/14 13:20 楊玫寧 (法新社華盛頓十三日電) 指稱美國民主黨總統參選人歐巴馬的太太蜜雪兒是「歐巴馬小孩的媽」,及問道歐巴馬夫婦交換的一個手勢是否是「恐怖份子拳法」之後,美國「福斯新聞電視台」本週發現自己面臨大麻煩。 福斯新聞電視台十一日播出有關蜜雪兒是否遭到評論家不公平對待的訪問,畫面出現「憤怒的自由派:不要再挑剔歐巴馬小孩的媽」的標題,引發政治評論家憤慨,並在部落格引發激烈討論。 看到這個標題的華爾希在「Salon.com」上寫道:「真不知從何開始批評福斯的詆毀,福斯你們有沒有解釋「小孩的媽」是住在城市的黑人所使用的俚語,意指沒有結婚卻與男人生小孩的單親媽媽,她既不是他的妻子,甚至不是女朋友嗎? 」這句話帶有種族歧視的意味。 福斯新聞高層表示,採用該標題顯示判斷力不佳。節目編排資深副總裁向恩告訴Politico.com.1:「該節目製作人在這一段使用這個標題顯示判斷力不佳。」 本週稍早,福斯一名主播的言論引發軒然大波。民主黨人士抨擊福斯新聞報導透露出右派的偏見。 女主持人希爾在節目中問到歐巴馬與蜜雪兒在民主黨初選提名勝選之夜做出的一個手勢是否為「恐怖份子拳法」, 她已因此丟掉該節目的主持工作。 希爾六日在她主持的下午新聞節目「美國脈動」有關身體語言的報導前表示,「拳頭相碰?重重互打一拳?抑或是恐怖份子的猛拳? 這個手勢大家各有不同的解讀。」 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061408=0996 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher (g. c.; sina.com bj) {not for publishing or coping} ~{8_O#>yOHIz--------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006~{Dj~}05~{TB~}18~{HU~} 17:25 ~{PB@K2F>-~} ~{!!!!8_O#>yOHIz~} ~{!!!!C@9zM~K9?5PA4sQ'HYS~=LJZ!"C@9z0YHK;a;aT1!"L(MeLlOBT6<{ND;/JBR5H:W\2C~} ~{!!!!8_O#>yOHIzOH:sTZL(11ILV0SkVPPK4sQ'1OR5#,2";qA=P#=\3vP#SQ=1!#~}1959~{Dj80C@6AJi#,~}1964~{Dj;qC\Nw8yV]A"4sQ'2)J?Q'N;:s#,TZM~K9?5PA4sQ'~}(~{:S3GP#Gx~})~{V4=LSbH}J.Dj#,2"3$FZ~} ~{5#HN8CP#>-+S"WiV/!00YHK;a!1;aT1!#~}~{!!!!8_O#>yOHIzTxHN9zA"L(Me4sQ'ILQ'QP>?Ky=2Wy=LJZ!":#;y;a6-JB!"!09zM3;a!1QP>?N/T1!"!0PPU~T:!19KNJ<0!0>--?T:6-JB3$#,<0Vn6`Cq~{!!!!~}1980~{Dj4zTZL(Me7"Fp440l!6LlOB!7TSV>!"!6T6<{!7TSV>Sk!0LlOBND;/3v0f9+K>!1#,3VPxMF6/=x2=9[DnV.4+2%!#~}2002~{Dj;q!0PPU~T:PBNE>V!1=p6&=1LX1p91OW=1!#~} -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061408-0995 |
For research studies referenceAt 9:42 a.m.(TX) on 061408 for "Dear Tunghai 1959 1960 1961 Classmates 1/2/3屆 同學" (g. c.): On the 1st line "People": ....... ...................... Kao, Charles H. C. 高希均 PhD, Michigan State University President of Commonwealth Publishing 讀一流?⒆鲆涣魅 《天下雜誌》與《遠?雜誌》??辦人。 密西根州立大?W博士,?探天睹?箍敌链?W?濟系達三十四年。曾任?合?肆π〗M???、台大商?W研究所講座教授、?濟部???、第一?煤;?隆⒌谝? ?y?芯课?T。目前?樾姓侯???、??^察基金?隆⑹Y氏工?I慈善基金?ㄏ愀郏┒隆②??菥W路?體教育基金?隆 ....... ..................... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061408-0991 |
For research studies referenceAt 9:08 a.m.(TX) on 061408 for "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung and Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao" (g. c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page Welcome to communitylink.reviewjournal.com01101010550976144152582945 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from MSN ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... "He believes that will benefit many more Chinese young people," said Sun-yuan. communitylink.reviewjournal.com01337001051093269164030885 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] ------------------ At 8:07 a.m.(TX) on 061408 for "(here in Las Vegas now) Michael Douglas: Igniting the city" (g. c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Other Newspapers ... to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through ... 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 129k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's ... (here in Las Vegas now) Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through the .... The e-mail was received by WBTI on July 20, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*1 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 199k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
082208-0992 |
081008-1507 [For references of research studies] [For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers {Worldjournal.com; etc.; its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} {Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for publishing or coping please!}At 7:17 a.m. on 082108 (Worldjournal.com; etc.): | |
082208-0992 |
澳門賭王 高雄找據點 何鴻燊之子下月將與上海、澳門、香港等知名企業第二代赴台考察【本報高雄、台北訊】由100多位上海、澳門、香港等地知名企業的第二代所組成的投資考察團,將於9月17日到高雄考察。其中最受矚目的團員是「澳門賭王」何鴻燊之子、中國大陸最大高爾夫球場深圳觀瀾湖集團主席朱樹豪的長子。何鴻燊有意在高雄軟體園區設立博弈訓練中心,台灣博弈概念股及高雄房地市場,可望加溫。 據了解,參訪團是由考試院委員黃俊英居中牽線促成。參訪團成員多達上百人,均為香港、澳門、上海等地知名企業的第二代,產業涵蓋高科技、房地產等各行業,將深入瞭解台灣市場、評估投資可行性。 接待參訪團的國城建設董事長洪平森說,參訪團成員中,以何鴻燊、朱樹豪的長子最受矚目,將在台考察設立培訓博弈人才的地點。 何鴻燊是澳門首富,其資產總值在亞洲地區的排名都在前列,事業版圖包括旅遊、航運、地產、財務、空運等。何鴻燊的博彩事業,總收益就占全澳門國內生產毛額(GDP)的三分之一 ,全體旗下公司的員工總數超過1萬人。 接待單位有關人士透露,何鴻燊已取得美國拉斯維加斯賭場組織的證照授權,有意在台灣設立博弈人才培訓據點,除了是因本身人力不足而進行儲備工作,另方面也是看準台灣即將開放博弈行業,計畫先進行人力布局。這次來訪將與學校、相關社團等單位接觸,先投石問路。 據了解,何鴻燊赴台設立賭場培訓人員公司,主要著眼澳門地區賭場從業人員不足,台灣教育水準高,人員素質佳,在台培訓的人員可到澳門賭場工作。 政府積極推動愛台12建設,獲得海內外知名企業的重視。其中鴻海集團決定進駐高雄軟體園區及高雄港自由貿易港,計畫將集團位於越南及大陸廣東生產的成品或半成品,運到高雄簡易加工後再轉運,將高雄建構成為集團全球發貨、營運中心。 2008-08-21 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
?設?? 台?|屏?|不缺席【本?筇ū庇崱?槲赓Y振興台?辰?濟,政府有意先開放在離島設置??觯旌?O有可能第一??受惠。引起其他?碛须x島的地方縣市反?Γ笳灰诉?有其他更需要?椭碾x島。 屏?|縣副縣長鍾佳?I說:「根?弘x島建設基金』的定義,台?车碾x島不只有澎湖,小琉球、綠島、金門、馬祖都是離島。」 台?|綠島、屏?|小琉球、金門和馬祖等地方首長,都表達?烈?取的意?。今年初,台?|縣長?麗?就親赴澳門拜訪?王何??觯?他到綠島投資興建??觥F?|小琉球、金門及馬祖等地方政府,也積?O咦鳎?中央民意代表或政府官?T前往?察。 ?私猓嘎?⑾乳_放離島設立博弈??^後,?槊?拇蟛┎始?F在台蒐集資訊的?热A達駐台代表陳思庭,就接到許多地方政府邀?,?取她前去考察、提供發展博弈產?I的意?。 鍾佳?I?調,台?筹U風多,大多?惦x島交通不便,以及用水、用?等基礎設施不足,屏?|的小琉球交通便利,從小港?C?龅叫×鹎蜻?不到一小?r。小琉球?可結合大鵬?彻餐_發。 2008-08-22 | |
082308-0701 |
旅遊新聞 > 旅遊經博奕開放有譜了 賭場高薪工作不是夢! 旅遊經 (2008-08-18 09:32) 博奕人才將是下一波新貴(圖片提供:升達國際顧問)行政院經建會8月14日在院會中提出7大建設計畫,其中針對離島開放博奕產業,行政院長劉兆玄首度明確指示經建會先推動「離島博奕除罪化」。經建會副主委胡仲英也預估,下個會期就會完成離島建設條例的修正。博奕條款雖然沒有完全定案,但是此一發展,無疑是先為博奕的上路搬開一塊大石。 我們都看見澳門的轉變,在大型賭場資金的接續投入,所要面臨的第一個問題即是大量爭取當地的人才進駐,可想而知觀光相關的人才是不可或缺的,我們不難發現飯店及博奕概念股的股價節節飆高,然而台灣正面臨這樣一個起飛的契機,與其待在夕陽工業中持辛勤工作,還是要讓站浪花的頂端,你準備好了嗎? 升達國際顧問目前與美國頂尖飯店/博奕管理學校合作,積極培訓台灣此類人才,上班族可利用9天的假期安排系列主題討論,到美國親自學習與參觀,並於課程結束後頒發證書,透過短期的課程安排能立即輪廓了解行業的全觀性,或是選擇參與密集的發牌師培訓證照課程,親身體驗發牌師的工作,面對未來的轉職或深入進修多一分準備。何不利用休假日以旅遊的心態出走,不但可以好好休息亦可為自己增加一份競爭力。 相關課程及行程可洽升達國際顧問02-2504-0008 或上網 www.gogousa.com.tw 查詢 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061408-0990 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < sina.com bj > {not for publishing or coping} 奥巴马打响网络辟谣战 妻子被推到风口浪尖http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月14日02:28 南方日报 美国总统竞选人贝拉克·奥巴马12日开始全面反击针对他的各种网络谣言。他的阵营专门设立辟谣网站,不仅把谣言细节逐一列举,详加批驳,还鼓励网民帮他“传播真相”。 网站提供“真相”视频 奥巴马阵营新开设“反诽谤网站”,计划运用因特网技术反击谣言。 网站首页用小号黑字列出关于奥巴马的诸多谣言,随后用大号蓝字对应简洁反驳语。譬如,“米歇尔·奥巴马说‘白鬼’录像诽谤”条目中列出4条“谎言”,对应“真相”则标明“并不存在这类录像”。 点击链接,网民可看到“谎言”和“真相”更详细内容。网站列举出的谣言细节均被批驳,谣言有视频“为证”,网站就提供“真相”视频。 妻子被推到风口浪尖 自奥巴马宣布竞选总统以来,各种版本网络谣言纷纷出炉,先是盛传他其实生于肯尼亚,因此不具备竞选美国总统资格,随后他的姓名、宗教信仰、著作也被拿来做文章。 这股“网络传闻”风上月底把他妻子米歇尔·奥巴马吹到风口浪尖。一名奥巴马党内竞争对手希拉里·克林顿的支持者在网络日志上援引“一名和共和党高层有联系者”的话说,米歇尔曾在前牧师杰里迈亚·赖特所在教堂中大骂“白鬼”,且有录像为证。 因特网上流传赖特布道视频就给奥巴马添过不少乱。赖特昔年鼓动非洲裔美国人谴责美国等言论3月起被频频曝光。 不过这次,证明米歇尔口出恶言的视频始终未现身网络。美国《时代》周刊报道,奥巴马阵营4月时听到风声就私下问过米歇尔到底有无此事,5月间网络盛传时又向她严肃询问,米歇尔均坚决否认。作为曾攻读普林斯顿大学社会学和哈佛法学的前律师,米歇尔第二次被问到此事时既震惊又沮丧。她说,自己绝不会说出那种话,何况她这一代非洲裔美国人根本就不爱用那个词。 奥巴马冷静不再。“我们以前就见过这档子事。肮脏谎言经电子邮件四处散布,不断扩大影响,直到最后你———一名主流媒体记者,问我这件事,”他怒道,“如果有人有我、米歇尔或其他任何人说过什么不当话语的证据,就让他们传去。” 当天晚上,奥巴马在电话会议中告诉高级助手们,数月来因特网上种种有关他和家人的谣言甚嚣尘上,现在,采取更主动方式辟谣的时候到了。 “反诽谤网站”由此成立,誓要用网络攻势击溃网络谣言。“我们决不允许米歇尔或奥巴马遭谣言抹黑。”奥巴马顾问安尼塔·邓恩说。吴铮新华社供本报特稿 【发表评论 39条】 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061208-0993 |
For research studies referenceAt 12:07 p.m.(noon TX) on 061208 for "Becky Ung" (mn. c.): Welcome to WBTI Website! United we stand. In God we trust. Happy Valentine's Day! compliments of flowers.com rogersflowershop.com Happy Month of February!!! (Please go forward on this screen!) Washington Business and Technology Institute Civic Organizations Washington Business and Technology Institute Welcome! You may browse public areas of our site. Seasons Greetings! Happy Holidays! QUICK LOOK: Our main sections -- "Business & Administration", "Social & Community", and among others! (Please click on each at the below left first box.) Page Links Business & Administration (PPAA20) Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism Sun-yuan Kung, Prof. Princeton University Harry Reid, U. S. 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061208-0992 |
For research studies referenceAt 3:57 p.m.(TX) on 061008 for "Raymond W. Yin's book wbti" (g. c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Her 1995 book "It Takes A Village," about the responsibility we all have to help ..... Nevada wbti: Dr. Peter F. Drucker, the late Intellectual Giant in ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 192k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - LAF5 (Literature ...- [ Translate this page ] ---Second items of the poems By Raymond W. Yin. Dear Dr. and Mrs(.) Lei: ... Impressed by the beauty of the flier for the cover of my book entitled ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 40k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061008-0998 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < rj.com purchased and posted > {not for publishing or coping} Jun 10, 10:41 PM EDT Christian leaders meet privately with Obama By CHARLES BABINGTON Associated Press Writer Religion News Christian leaders meet privately with Obama CHICAGO (AP) -- Barack Obama discussed Darfur, the Iraq war, gay rights, abortion and other issues Tuesday with Christian leaders, including conservatives who have been criticized for praising the Democratic presidential candidate. Bishop T.D. Jakes, a prominent black clergyman who heads a Dallas megachurch, said Obama took questions, listened to participants and discussed his "personal journey of faith." The discussion "went absolutely everywhere," Jakes told The Associated Press, and "just about every Christian stripe was represented in that room." Jakes, who does not endorse candidates and said he also hopes to meet with Republican presidential candidate John McCain, said some participants clearly have political differences with Obama. The senator's support for abortion rights and gay rights, among other issues, draws opposition from religious conservatives. Some conservatives have criticized Jakes for praising Obama. Jakes said the meeting, at a law firm's offices, seemed designed to prompt a wide discussion rather than to result in commitments from either Obama or those attending. Others familiar with the meeting said some participants agreed to attend only because it would be private. Rich Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals, an umbrella organization for evangelical churches and ministries, said Obama asked participants to share "anything that's on your mind that is of concern to you." "I think it's important to point out this isn't a group of people who are endorsing Obama," Cizik said in an interview. "People were asked for their insider wisdom and understanding of the religious community." Mark DeMoss, a spokesman for the Rev. Franklin Graham, said Graham attended and asked Obama whether "he thought Jesus was the way to God, or merely a way." DeMoss declined to discuss Obama's response. Graham, who succeeded his father as head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, found the senator "impressive" and "warm," DeMoss said. "He feels that dialogue with someone who may be president is useful whether or not you agree with them on everything or anything," DeMoss said. Graham expects to soon meet with Sen. John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Joshua Dubois, the Obama campaign's director of faith outreach, said the meeting included "prominent evangelicals and other faith leaders" who "discussed policy issues and came together in conversation and prayer." Similar sessions will occur "in the months to come," he said. About 30 people attended, the campaign said, but it released only three names: the Rev. Stephen Thurston, head of the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc., a historically black denomination; the Rev. T. Dewitt Smith, president of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc., which was home to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders; and Bishop Phillip Robert Cousin Sr., an A.M.E. clergyman and former NAACP board member. Two sources familiar with the meeting, but who spoke on background because the session was private, said others attending included conservative Catholic constitutional lawyer Doug Kmiec; evangelical author Max Lucado of San Antonio; Cameron Strang, founder of Relevant Media, which is aimed at young Christians; the Rev. Luis Cortes of Esperanza USA; and Paul Corts, president of the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities. Kmiec, an abortion opponent who worked for the Reagan administration's Justice Department, was denied Communion in April at a Mass for Catholic business people because he had endorsed Obama. Church leaders later apologized, according to syndicated columnist E.J. Dionne. Cizik said the issues discussed Tuesday included "protecting the traditional family, same-sex marriage, gay rights, religious freedom, genocide, poverty and hunger in America, and how we might even improve America's standing in the world." He said he told Obama: "Religious Americans want to know why is it you love this country and what it stands for and how we can make it better." Cizik said participants agreed not to give specifics of Obama's responses to their questions, but that "there was nothing softball about this meeting and that's the way he said he wanted it." Jakes said there was just a brief mention of Jeremiah Wright, Obama's former pastor, who became the focus of a political flare-up earlier in the year after videos of his sermons showed him cursing the government and accusing it of conspiring against blacks. Obama eventually broke with Wright and resigned from Trinity United Church of Christ. --- AP Religion Writer Rachel Zoll in New York and Associated Press writer Sophia Tareen in Chicago contributed to this report. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061008-0997 |
For research studies referenceAt 3:57 p.m.(TX) on 061008 for "Justice Bill Maupin wbti" (g. tw.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...- [ 翻譯此頁 ] ++ 070907-1001 "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America" of WBTI website, Monday, ... pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Bill Maupin. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 67k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI's Mission- [ 翻譯此頁 ] We wish advanced performance may be extended from Google.cn to WBTI. ..... William "Bill" Maupin, former Chief Justice and now Justice of the Nevada Supreme ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 41k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 Washington Business and Technology Institute - SPECIAL EVENTS THIS ...- 簡 - [ 轉為繁體網頁 ] Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brian ..... CI of WBTI is the initials of Culture Institution of Washington Business and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 153k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Meiyang Chang's ...- [ 翻譯此頁 ] Chief Justice Bill Maupin names Dr. Tony Lei as a 'Son of Nevada' ... The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 78k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061008-0996 |
For research studies referenceAt 1:07 p.m.(TX) on 061008 for "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America Washington DC" (g. tw.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...- [ 翻譯此? ] The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las .... 2005), Washington, D. C.: Office of Congressman James Gibbons. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 67k - ??齑?n - 類似網? -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061008-0995 |
For research studies referenceAt 11:57 a.m.(TX) on 061008 for "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America" (g. tw.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...- [ 翻譯此? ] ++ 070907-1001 "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America" of WBTI website, Monday, 8:16 a.m., July 9, 2007 #A concise one of the First Edition of "Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 67k - ??齑?n - 類似網? -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061008-0993 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < Reuters; g. c. > {not for publishing or coping} Rice praises Obama win in Democratic race Wed Jun 4, 12:31 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Wednesday Barack Obama's emergence as the first black American to win a major party's presidential nomination was a landmark for equal rights after more than two centuries of struggle. Rice is the top-ranking African American in the Bush administration and has often spoken about the struggles of fellow black citizens who were subjected to slavery or segregation for much of U.S. history. She has been mentioned as a potential running-mate for Republican John McCain but has repeatedly said she is not interested. Obama, a Democrat, is the first African American to be nominated by one of the major parties for the White House. "It's a country that has overcome many, many, now years, decades of, actually a couple of centuries, of trying to make good on its principles," Rice said. "And I think that what we're seeing is, an extraordinary expression of the fact that 'we the people,' is beginning to mean all of us," she added, referring to the opening line of the U.S. Constitution. Obama clinched the nomination over rival Hillary Clinton after the last of the state-by-state nominating contests on Tuesday and will face McCain in November's presidential election. At the White House, Republican President George W. Bush offered congratulations for Obama's "historic achievement" in securing the Democratic Party's nomination, spokeswoman Dana Perino said. "He knows from personal experience nominating process is a grueling one and Sen. Obama came a long way in becoming his party's nomination," said Perino. (Reporting by Susan Cornwell and Jeremy Pelofsky, editing by Frances Kerry and Alan Elsner) -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061008-0992 |
[For research studies reference] For the references to reading and research studies, all credits go to the original reporter, editor, and publisher < wj.com > {not for publishing or coping} 「We the People」是否夢想? 【社論】前第一夫人喜萊莉七日正式結束她問鼎白宮的努力,明確宣布支持與她角逐民主黨總統候選人提名的參議員歐巴瑪,使得這位非洲裔政治領袖將在八月舉行的民主黨全國代表大會中順利獲得提名,而正式成為美國有史以來第一位非洲裔總統候選人。歐巴瑪旋風能否在今後的競選及投票過程中,把美國的政治發展提升到一個新境界,有待客觀現實考驗。 1963年,美國人權運動領袖馬丁路德金發表「我有一個夢」的演說,轟動一時,翌年便獲諾貝爾和平獎,但再四年後,便遇刺身亡。時至今日,作為全民一分子的非洲裔,仍受到歧視:非洲裔平均的薪金,遠低於白人;非洲裔多住在貧民窟,白人社區一有非洲裔搬入,房價便立即下跌;還有,非洲裔囚犯的比率,竟然比白人的高出兩倍。不過到了今天,有非洲裔血統的歐巴瑪,竟然成為民主黨的總統候選人,並大呼一聲:「吾人全民」(We the People)。究竟非洲裔是否白人心目中的吾人?全民之中,非洲裔又是否包括在內呢? 自1619年首名黑奴被運至維吉尼亞州後,非洲裔為奴的日子,便長達246年,直至林肯總統,贏得內戰,開始解放黑奴,但三年後非洲裔才取得公民身分,再32年後,非洲裔男子才於1870年取得投票權,但南部各州,仍採取種族隔離政策,直至1948年杜魯門總統才取消軍隊內部的種族隔離政策,普遍上,居住社區仍有黑白之分。到了1966年及67年,美國才分別有首名非洲裔參議員及最高法院法官;由於非洲裔多住在市區,才出現若干非洲裔市長,到了1990年,在維吉尼亞州才有首位非洲裔州長,非洲裔賴斯被委任為國務卿,是布希總統相當的破格。 對於歐巴瑪的出線,國務卿賴斯亦難免感到欣慰,跨越黨派去祝賀他,並在國務院說:「美國是一個非凡國家,我們現在看見吾人吾民,對我們所有人開始有意思。」 由於美國是一個多元種族國家,非白人的人數,佔了總人口的三分之一左右,其中以非洲裔及拉丁裔為主,再其次是亞洲裔,而華人亦是亞洲裔的主體,且有急速增加的趨勢,早期是來自廣東的勞工,中期是來自台灣、香港,甚至越南的移民,到了近期,很多是來自中國大陸。因此歐巴瑪的出線,對華人社群,亦開始有意思。 根據近期的民意調查顯示,有七成半的選民已準備好,去接受首位非洲裔總統。但餘下的兩成半,豈不是變成白人對手的鐵票?還有,這七成半當中,是否仍有相當的比例,政策上傾向歐巴瑪的對手。因此就算目前歐巴瑪已先聲奪人,對手已背上布希包袱,能否後繼有力,仍是未知之數。 未知因素,仍有三大類:其一是「布萊德雷效應」(The Bradley Effect),猶記1982年洛杉磯前非洲裔市長布萊德雷競逐加州州長時,氣勢如虹,大部分的民調,他都遙遙領先,但到了投票一刻,白人卻不投他一票,是口講支持,實質歧視。其二是種族偏見現實,在初選階段中,肯塔基州已有兩成選民指投票時有考慮種族問題,四成喜萊莉的支持者表示若歐巴瑪出線,他們會改投共和黨的對手,其後有多個州的白人工人有類似的取向。其三是逆向種族主義,到投票時,會變成單純的種族取向;歐巴瑪最大的希望,是支持喜萊莉的拉丁裔選民,到時會因為共和黨對手的移民政策強硬,會轉投歐巴瑪一票,但足以扭轉形勢嗎? 美國若無種族歧視,何來存在著為了維護少數族裔的平權措施,若歐巴瑪可以當選,這類的平權措施自然廢除,以後自然會多些非白人走出來參政,而包括華人在內的少數族裔的政治冷感,亦可逐步消除。 2008-06-09 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
050908-0887 |
For research studies referenceAt 8:37 a.m.(TX) on 061008 for "Global Alumni Reunion of Tunghai University" (g. c.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tunghai University ... Global Alumni Reunion of Tunghai University By Tiffany Chang. The following article was published by Central Daily News - International Edition in Taipei. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 92k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...- 5:27am - [ Translate this page ] Global Alumni Reunion of Tunghai University supports the endeavor of cooperation and development of tourism among Asian markets by Governor Kenny Guinn and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063... - 103k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34] 35 [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118] | |