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Hello everyone. I am delighted to welcome you on behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States as we celebrate our nation~{!/~}s 233rd birthday.

For Americans, the 4th of July is a day to reconnect with loved ones, to remember our history, and to renew our commitment to democracy, tolerance, and justice. As President Obama said in Cairo last month, these are not just American values, these are core principles we share with people everywhere. So it is fitting that we open our doors and share this day with our friends and neighbors around the world.

Our fates and our fortunes are intertwined like never before. No one nation can meet today~{!/~}s global challenges alone. We all share responsibility for working together to ensure a more peaceful and prosperous future.

So I hope that today~{!/~}s celebration will become tomorrow~{!/~}s partnership. There~{!/~}s nothing we can~{!/~}t accomplish, no challenge we can~{!/~}t meet, if we work together toward common goals and seek common ground.

Thank you so much for joining us and have a wonderful 4th of July.


070309-0537 (2)
VI. Positive Celebration!

Press Releases: Secretary Clinton~{!/~}s 4th of July Video Message to Posts

[[[ Worldwide Thursday, July 2, 2009 1:06 PM
From: "U.S. Department of State" {usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com Press Releases: Secretary Clinton~{!/~}s 4th of July Video Message to Posts Worldwide
Thu, 02 Jul 2009 14:58:06 -0500 ]]]

***** Secretary Clinton's 4th of July Video Message to Posts Worldwide
By Bureau of Public Affairs
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC

July 2, 2009

{{{ A video of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivering a 4th of July message, which was given to U.S. Missions worldwide to play at their 4th of July celebrations, is available for viewing on the State Department YouTube site: http://www.youtube.com/user/statevideo. }}}

***** Below is the transcript of Secretary Clinton~{!/~}s statement on the occasion of 4th of July:


Hello everyone. I am delighted to welcome you on behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States as we celebrate our nation~{!/~}s 233rd birthday.*1

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *168

For Americans, the 4th of July is a day to reconnect with loved ones, to remember our history, and to renew our commitment to democracy, tolerance, and justice. As President Obama said in Cairo last month, these are not just American values, these are core principles we share with people everywhere. So it is fitting that we open our doors and share this day with our friends and neighbors around the world.*2

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *169

Our fates and our fortunes are intertwined like never before. No one nation can meet today~{!/~}s global challenges alone. We all share responsibility for working together to ensure a more peaceful and prosperous future.

So I hope that today~{!/~}s celebration will become tomorrow~{!/~}s partnership. There~{!/~}s nothing we can~{!/~}t accomplish, no challenge we can~{!/~}t meet, if we work together toward common goals and seek common ground.

Thank you so much for joining us and have a wonderful 4th of July.*3

PRN: 2009/682

[[[ *1. US Department of State. 'Secretary Clinton~{!/~}s 4th of July Video Message to Posts!' "An e-mail to LVRJ/WBTI USA .......
*2. US Department of State. Ibid., 1-2.
*3. US Department of State. Ibid., 1. ]]]


070309-0537 (3)


---??? *1001

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *135


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AP - EDITOR'S NOTE: Iranian authorities have barred journalists for international news organizations from reporting on the streets and ordered them to stay in their offices. This report is based on the accounts of witnesses reached in Iran and official statements carried on Iranian media.*53

US Marines push deeper into southern Afghan towns (AP) Russia to allow US arms shipments to Afghanistan (AP) Under Senate health care plan, either way you pay (AP) Prosecutors: Demjanjuk fit to stand trial (AP) LA braces for horde of Michael Jackson mourners (AP) ?More News
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AP - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin made a surprise announcement Friday that she is resigning from office at the end of the month without explaining why she plans to step down, raising speculation that she would focus on a run for the White House in the 2012 race.*57

Iranian cleric: British Embassy staff to be tried (AP) Powerful sedative found in Michael Jackson's home (AP) US Marines push deeper into southern Afghan towns (AP) Russia to allow U.S. arms shipments to Afghanistan (AP) VP Biden urges Iraqis to make political progress (AP) » More News
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[[ *1001.
*57. Yahoo! Mail. '...,' "An e-mail to WBTI/usa ... Just arrives upon the scene! [To be continued ...] .......
....... ]]


*****The following information was a draft for final editing and modification. This feature article for a modified flier will be completed before the afternoon on July 4, 2009.


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Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State


070209-1637 "Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State" of WBTI's website, Wednesday, 4:37 p.m.(LV), July 2, 2009 #First Edition

Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
Distinguished Authors: Barack H. Obama, Harry M. Reid, Hillary R. Clinton, Al Gore, John McCain, John Kerry, John Ensign, Shelley Berkley, Dina Titus, and Bill Clinton. Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com


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***** FWDs series (7137-9757) on the "Beauty of Nature" from Pan Pacific, Europe, Asia, the Atlantic, Africa, Australia, and America!

---Frankie Sue Del Papa, Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh, Miss Yin Yan, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Mr. Pengju Li, Judge Nancy Saitta, Dr. Ingrid Ou, Senator Terry J. Care, Ms. Margaret Andert, JCUAALV, Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, Mrs. Lillian Tsai, Miss S. W. Hsiao, Miss Becky Lei, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Su, Annie, Dr. and Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu, Belinda, Miss Yi Li, Sandy, Dr. Jasmine Brooks, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Tiffany, Miss Yip Fong, Michelle, Miss Doris Yu, Paul, Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Susan, Miss Jenny Cheng, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Shyh-Yuan Kung, Miss Agnas Chan, Mr. Albert Pang, Christine, Miss Julie Tai, Dr. Mark C. Thelin, Humorist Lin-yao Wu, Ms. Misoko Natsume, Judi, Judge Cheryl Moss, Mr. Zhao Leji, Miss Sally Yu, U.S. District Court Judge Brian Sandoval, Dr. Toni Ni, Mr. Wayne Lu, ŒO˜J©, Mr. Sam Lieberman, Joanna, Mr. Mike H. Lei, and among others. *9577

I. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton is marching on for achievement and influence!



---??? *3057

***** "....... ... ." *168


WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 5 of about 2 for "LVRJ/WBTI: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton Distinguished Author Achievement AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. (0.54 seconds)

Search Results [by the World's Leading Search Engine Giants in the afternoon at 3:17 p.m.(LV) on July 2, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

<<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Hillary R. Clinton. 'us Secretary of State ...,' "PPAA Forum Knowledge, eq, Wisdom, and Integrity ... AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti usa ....... *8809. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...
- [ Translate this page ] Hillary Rodham Clinton is confirmed as secretary of state: the Sept. ... [Thorugh the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail, AP, LVRJ, lvrj/wbti usa for the references of ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar/ >>> *777



II. Bon voage, our U.S. Commissioner General Jose H. Villarreal!

Jose H. Villarreal Named as U.S. Commissioner General to the 2010 World Exposition, Shanghai, China!
By Bureau of Public Affairs *307

[[[Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 1, 2009]]]

***** Jose H. Villarreal has been named as U.S. Commissioner General of Section of the United States Exhibition to World Expo Shanghai 2010. Commissioner General Villarreal will head United States participation. He is responsible for oversight of the U.S. Pavilion. In addition, he is the official U.S. government representative to the Government of China on issues relating to World Expo Shanghai 2010.*1

***** "....... ... ." ---??? 379

"I am delighted that Commissioner General Villarreal has accepted this role. He has the background and stature required to ensure a strong United States presence at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. Our national pavilion will showcase American business and technology, as well as cultures and values to foster stronger friendship between the American and Chinese peoples as it also demonstrates America¡¯s commitment to a forward-looking, positive relationship with China,¡± said Secretary Clinton. ¡°The theme of Better City, Better Life gives us a perfect opportunity to highlight U.S. innovation, particularly in environmental initiatives, and to share ideas with countries from around the world on ways to create better cities and communities for all our people.¡± *2

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *573

The Government of China invited the United States to participate in World Expo Shanghai 2010, and the U.S. government advised the Chinese government of its intention to participate. The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State has the lead in organizing the official U.S. participation in World Expo Shanghai 2010. On March 19, 2008, Acting Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs C. Miller Crouch signed a Letter of Intent with Shanghai Expo 2010, Inc. Under the terms of that Letter of Intent, Shanghai Expo 2010, Inc. has been sanctioned by the U.S. Department of State to raise the funds necessary to build and operate the official U.S. Pavilion at World Expo Shanghai 2010.

Jose H. Villarreal is an attorney in San Antonio, Texas with a distinguished background in law, business and the non-governmental sectors. He currently serves as a senior advisor to the law firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. He also serves on a number of private and non-profit corporate boards, including the Union Pacific Corporation, First Solar, Inc., PMI Group, Inc., the Center for American Progress, and the New America Alliance.*3

Editors' notes


---??? *44777


*1. Office of the U.S. Department of State. '...,' "Press Release ... Washington, D.C. .......
*2. Office of the U.S. Department of State. Ibid., 1-2.
*3. Office of the U.S. Department of State. Ibid., 1.


III. Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, and Parks!
50th Anniversary of Charles Darwin Foundation and Galapagos National Park!
By Bureau of Public Affairs



---??? *1007

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *107


The Charles Darwin Foundation and the Galapagos National Park have completed 50 years of invaluable service to the global community. During the past half-century, these institutions and their dedicated employees have worked tirelessly to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren by protecting the unique ecosystem and natural wonders of the Galapagos Islands.*1

*****. "....... ... ." ---??? *168

Since its creation, the Darwin Foundation has sponsored groundbreaking research on the evolutionary biology and ecology of the Galapagos that has changed our understanding of how ecosystems evolve all over the world. At the same time, both organizations have collaborated closely with the governments of Ecuador and the United States to help to promote sustainable, environmentally-friendly economic development that directly benefits the residents of the islands.

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *169

The United States has been behind these efforts from the beginning, contributing more than $30 million to a variety of programs managed by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service, and other U.S. Government agencies that benefit the islands. The results of our collective efforts are a testimony to what can be achieved when private research and conservation organizations, agencies representing various governments, local businesses, and educational institutions work together to achieve a goal that benefits all of us. We look forward to continued cooperation with the Charles Darwin Foundation and the Galapagos National Park, and wish them continued future success.*3


Editors' notes


*1. U.S. Department of State. '50th Anniversary of Charles Darwin Foundation and Galapagos National Park!' "An e-mail ... Thursday, July 2, 2009 11:21 AM
From: 'U.S. Department of State' {usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ^^^Press Releases: 50th Anniversary of Charles Darwin Foundation and Galapagos National Park ^^^Thu, 02 Jul 2009 13:05:45 -0500 ... Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of the Spokesman, Washington, DC ... (PRN: 2009/680) .......
*2. U.S. Department of State. Ibib., 1-2.


***** For more details, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the sections of "Business & Administration", "International Cities Business Council", "Social & Community", "Leading Chinese Literature World", etc. at:




*****The following was a draft of reference for final editing and modification. The reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on July 19, 2009.

[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]]

For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers {U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton website, Google.com, AOL.com, Google!, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), WJ, Chinatimes.com, Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.]


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ÔuÕ“ (0)


07/02/2009 Prayer Journal -Mike
Posted on July 3, 2009 by ccc75007
Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the special conference last week. I learned that the breakthrough happens when we don~{!/~}t give up until it happens. It~{!/~}s so simple, yet it~{!/~}s profound. Also, I am reminded to fervently pray despite the situation. You reminded me of the joy of my salvation. May You continue to restore the joy of my salvation and my strength. May You bless this weekend trip as I join the small group on a camping trip to Yosemite. May You prepare me for the mission trip coming up. In Jesus~{!/~} name I pray. Amen.

Filed under: Uncategorized | Leave a Comment »



~~{~{>0=L~!uttp://!u.wikipedia.org/wiki/~}~~{~{>0=L~!!~}(~{&#37341;&#23565;~}~~~{!uGT;0=L~} ~{KQ~}尋~{5D~}圖~{F,~}結~{9{~})請問~{>0=LJ'~!u#38;#25943;~!uDVwR*T-RrJGJ2~!u#38;#40636;~!u?~!!~}
081 馬禮遜~{V.~}來華

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07/02/2009 Prayer Journal -Mike
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7/3/09Ministry Meeting Minutes « Carrollton Chinese Church~{ccc75007 on 06/25/2009 Prayer Journal -Mike
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*****The following was a draft of reference for final editing and modification. The reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on July 18, 2009.

[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]]

For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers {U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton website, Google.com, AOL.com, Google!, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), WJ, Chinatimes.com, Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.]


Jose H. Villarreal Named as U.S. Commissioner General to the 2010 World Exposition, Shanghai, China!
By Bureau of Public Affairs

[[[Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 1, 2009]]]

***** Jose H. Villarreal has been named as U.S. Commissioner General of Section of the United States Exhibition to World Expo Shanghai 2010. Commissioner General Villarreal will head United States participation. He is responsible for oversight of the U.S. Pavilion. In addition, he is the official U.S. government representative to the Government of China on issues relating to World Expo Shanghai 2010.*1

"I am delighted that Commissioner General Villarreal has accepted this role. He has the background and stature required to ensure a strong United States presence at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. Our national pavilion will showcase American business and technology, as well as cultures and values to foster stronger friendship between the American and Chinese peoples as it also demonstrates America~{!/~}s commitment to a forward-looking, positive relationship with China,~{!1~} said Secretary Clinton. ~{!0~}The theme of Better City, Better Life gives us a perfect opportunity to highlight U.S. innovation, particularly in environmental initiatives, and to share ideas with countries from around the world on ways to create better cities and communities for all our people.~{!1~}

The Government of China invited the United States to participate in World Expo Shanghai 2010, and the U.S. government advised the Chinese government of its intention to participate. The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State has the lead in organizing the official U.S. participation in World Expo Shanghai 2010. On March 19, 2008, Acting Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs C. Miller Crouch signed a Letter of Intent with Shanghai Expo 2010, Inc. Under the terms of that Letter of Intent, Shanghai Expo 2010, Inc. has been sanctioned by the U.S. Department of State to raise the funds necessary to build and operate the official U.S. Pavilion at World Expo Shanghai 2010.

Jose H. Villarreal is an attorney in San Antonio, Texas with a distinguished background in law, business and the non-governmental sectors. He currently serves as a senior advisor to the law firm of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. He also serves on a number of private and non-profit corporate boards, including the Union Pacific Corporation, First Solar, Inc., PMI Group, Inc., the Center for American Progress, and the New America Alliance.*2


*1. Office of the U.S. Department of State. '...,' "Press Release ... Washington, D.C. .......
*2. Ibid.


*****The following was a draft of reference for final editing and modification. The reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on July 15, 2009.

[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]]

For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers {Google.tw, AOL.com, Google!, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), WJ, Chinatimes.com, Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.]


~{KySP~}網頁 約~{SP~}66項~{7{:O~} "Lei: ~{C@~}國~{~{KQ~}尋結~{9{~} [by the world's leading search engines on Internet in the early morning at 4:37 a.m(LV) on July 1, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

CCCM ~{#-~} 華語~{AwPP~}樂壇~{PB~}興~{Rt~}樂~{8oC|~}- ~{CI6wJ9E.~}/ Blessed ~{Rr4K=qDjODLl!:CI6wJ9E.!;TY4NMF3v5Z6~~}張專輯~{!68P~}應~{!7#,~}將~{C@~}國現~{4z;y6==LRt~}樂~{#(~}CCM~{#)~} ... ~{4sJ9E.@Wl'~}韻Sophia Lei ~{Izl6L(~}灣~{#,~}從~{P!TZPBVq~}勝~{@{LC~}長~{4s#,J.KD~}歲~{J\O4#,~}負責禮~{0]K>~} ... ~{J.H}~}歲~{PEVw#,J.KD~}歲開~{J40]<0~}兒~{M/VwHU~}學~{7~JB#,TZ>M~}讀~{[~}會~{#,~}並參~{ShVwHU>40]~}團隊~{<0G`IYDjP!~}組~{JB9$!#~} ...
gocccm.com/v2/component/option,com.../task.../id,9/ - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}

CCCM ~{#-~} 華語~{AwPP~}樂壇~{PB~}興~{Rt~}樂~{8oC|~}- ~{CI6wJ9E.~}/ Blessed ~{Izl6L(~}灣~{#,~}從~{P!TZPBVq~}勝~{@{LC~}長~{4s#,J.KD~}歲~{J\O4#,~}負責禮~{0]K>GY#,~}1998~{Dj5=C@~}國~{[~}會~{#,~}參與~{>40]~} ...
gocccm.com/v2/component/option,com.../task.../id,9/ - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
gocccm.com ~{5DFdK|O`~}關資訊 »
..: PotterMusic.Net :.. ~{LU=3Rt~}樂~{SP~}聲~{JB9$~} ~{TxHN~}職~{l66`!#D?G0TZH}7*JP~}愛~{P^FOLQ~}園~{>[~}會並擔~{HN~}兒~{M/VwHU~}學~{@O~}師~{!#~} ~{@Wl'~}韻/ Sophia Lei ... ~{PBVq~}勝~{@{LC~}長~{4s#,~}14歲~{J\O4#,~}負責禮~{0]K>GY#,~} 1998~{Dj5=C@~}國~{[~}會~{#,~}參與 ...
ervices/about_b.htm - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}

Soul Works Music ~{KDN;C@~}國華~{HKf"CC~}組~{3I5D;y6=M=C@~}聲組~{:O!8CI6wJ9E.!*~}BLESSED~{!9#,RT~}現~{4z;y6==LRt~}樂風~{8q~}贏~{5C6`~}華~{HK;y6=M=5DO2~}愛~{!#~} ... ~{4sJ9E.@Wl'~}韻Sophia Lei ~{Izl6L(~}灣~{#,~}從~{P!TZPBVq~}勝~{@{LC~}長~{4s#,J.KD~}歲~{J\O4#,~}負責禮~{0]K>GY#,~}1998~{Dj5=~} ... ~{TZNy9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC>[~}會~{#,~}並參~{ShVwHU>40]~}團隊~{<0G`IYDjP!~}組~{JB9$!#~}現~{>M~}讀~{www.soulworksmusic.com/all_news.asp?whichpage=9 - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
John Lei's info « ~{5ntpc.wordpress.com/2008/03/29/john-leis-info/ - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}

Washington Business and Technology Institute - reviewjournal.com ...
- [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] Post through the courtesy of the "~{C@~}國~{PB~}聞" od Worldjournal.com: .... 記~{U_=-ND~}兟", "River of Life Christian Church", "~{Ny9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC~}", "遊~{VP~}國~{#/IO:#F_~}寶~{9E~} ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134300105110... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Lillian Tsai's ...
- [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] Ms. Lillian Tsai (Lei Rong-Sheng ~~{@wieiz~~}) is a member and the Coordinator in ...... 記~{U_=-ND~}兟", "River of Life Christian Church", "~{Ny9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC~}", ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0132500105105... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
communitylink.reviewjournal.com ~{5DFdK|O`~}關資訊 »
LA~{BeI<~}磯~{5D2<@-8qLpPD~}: June 2006 ~{=qLlMmIONR~}們~{>MR*3v~}發~{H%~}San Jose靈糧~{LC~}, ~{:CFZ4}R;DjR;6H5D~}靈糧~{LX~}會終~{l6SV5=AK~}, .... ~{K{~}說~{SPR;~}個~{EsSQ~}準備來舊~{=pI=At~}學~{5ZR;4N3v~}國~{At~}學~{KyRTK{5D~}媽媽~{LX~}別緊張聽說~{C@~}國 ...... ~{CI6wJ9E.~}- Annie Lei ~{@Wl'~}樂~{=cCC~}. ~{TZ6L6L5D~}幾個~{TB~}裡~{HKIz5D4sJBSP?ID\R;4NR;~}湧~{6x~}來嗎? ~{>M~}這樣經歷~{AK:C6`IzC|VP5D~}驚~{O2~}與~{O2~}樂, ~{SP:C6`~}愛~{K}5D~}親~{F]EsSQ~}, 當~{H;~}還~{SP<4~}將~{R*8zK}~} ...
janicehsiao.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}

On page 1:
Washington Business and Technology Institute - reviewjournal.com ...
- [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] Post through the courtesy of the "~{C@~}國~{PB~}聞" od Worldjournal.com: .... 記~{U_=-ND~}兟", "River of Life Christian Church", "~{Ny9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC~}", "遊~{VP~}國~{#/IO:#F_~}寶~{9E~} ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134300105110... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Lillian Tsai's ...
- [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] Ms. Lillian Tsai (Lei Rong-Sheng ~{@wieiz~}) is a member and the Coordinator in ...... 記~{U_=-ND~}兟", "River of Life Christian Church", "~{Ny9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC~}", ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0132500105105... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}

Washington Business and Technology Institute - International ...
- [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] ... "Judge Besty Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs . Tony Lei with reunion dinner", ... 記~{U_=-ND~}兟", "River of Life Christian Church", "~{Ny9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC~}", ..... ~{N;l6~}該~{JP5D~}賓~{J?!8~}進~{?ZV.CRTaa#,~}賭~{3G5D~}體~{S}~} ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013520010511... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President ... - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] ~{=qDj~}64歲~{5DAV0WVPTZVP~}國廣~{Nw3vIz#,KD~}歲時隨~{88D8RF>SS"~}國~{#,F_~}歲時~{RFCqC@~}國~{#,~}1962~{Dj~}從~{communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013430010511... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ... - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] ~{PlAaJ\Q{11)4s~}學~{P#SQ~}會~{#,~}28~{HUTZ~}聖~{K{?K@-@-JP~}圖書館(Santa Clara City Library~{#,~} ...... pastor doris lin; ~{Ny9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC~}; john lei; college launch, inc; ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134000105109... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
Washington Business and Technology Institute - River of Life ... - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] An amazing donation to River of Life Christian Church (~{Ny9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC~}) By Jennifer Kung. Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei are travelling in San Jose, ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013240010510... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's ... - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] ~{D?G0~}與~{Fd7rPv~}劉~{M.DA~}師~{#,TZC@~}國~{communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013670010511... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] 將~{l6~}10~{TB~}4~{HU#(V\Ay#)IONg~}10時~{VA~}12時~{#,TZNy9HIzC|:S~}靈糧~{LC!8+2J9JJB!#~} ... ~{aacommunitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=012170010509... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese Daily News ... - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] Lei, I finally got this photo copied to my computer", ... ~{!communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013430010511... - 頁庫~{4f~}檔 - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Kairos ... - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 ] ~{TY;X~}顧~{R;OBDc5DIzC|#,JG2;JG~}總~{SP~}許~{6`AnDc;XN6UdO'5D~}時~{?L#?l6JG#,P&H]WTH;>MU9~}現~{TZDc5D~}臉~{IOAK!#~} ~{#(communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01317001051049399573... - 類~{KF~}內~{H]~}

1 2 3 4 5 ~{OBR;~}頁 ...>> (by Google.tw!)


*****The following was a draft of reference for final editing and modification. The reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on July 17, 2009.

[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]]

For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers {AOL.com, Google!, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), WJ, Chinatimes.com, Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.]


For a search of "®]Ýã«Û" by AOL.com, people may have some of the following information:

®]Ýã«Û­Ó¤Hºô¯¸ Sun World Åwªï¥úÁ{®]Ýã«Û­Ó¤Hºô¯¸.

sunyen.myweb.hinet.net/ - 19k - Similar pages

Åwªï¥úÁ{®]Ýã«Û­Ó¤Hºô¯¸ 2009¦~7¤ë1¤é¬P´Á¤T

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To know someone is some kind of opportunity. However, the opportunity is really so wonderful.


Sometimes, you may meet a person who you really don't know when you are walking on the street, and you just don¡¦t have any feeling for him or her without any reason.


On the other hand, under the same situation, you may have a favorable impression with whom you just don't know.


Just like I meet you online, do you have the same feeling for me?


*****The following information was a draft for final editing and modification. This feature article for a modified flier will be completed before or in the night on July 4, 2009.



---??? *1001
***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101




WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 10 of about 16,400 for "Gerry Liu: River of Life Christian Church Positive Thinking" with Safesearch on. (0.18 seconds)
Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"

Search Results [by ... at 5:07a.m.(LV) on June 29, 2009 .......

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ...
Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activities ..... "Dear Brother Tony: I have been thinking about you often. .... Director Mr. Gerry Liu is the Treasurer. Director Mr. Daniel Chou is the Corporate Secretary. ..... Doris Lin, Associate Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=014110010511899... - Cached - Similar/

For a search of "Distinguished Author Barack Obama of PPAA Forum lvrj/wbti U.S.A.", the World's Leading Search Engine Giants has had the following information showmn elegantly efficiently on Internet by Search.com:

<<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
... 110708-1857] *****Las Vegas Business Today lvrj/wbti U.S.A ... quoted Og Mandino (1923-1996), a speaker and author. ... Michael Douglas is a distinguished Justice of the Nevada ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com~{!-~}01340001051096332314189255 - More from this site - Similar pages
[ Result from MSN ]

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ...
Distinguished Authors: Barack H. Obama, Harry M. Reid, ..... About the Author. Michael J. Neils Senior Advancement Officer ...... PPAA Forum has been awarded for outstading accomplishment by U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. ..... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti~{!-~}
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[ Result from Google ]

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community (
Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Distinguished Author Barack Obama of PPAA Forum lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at 9:57 a.m.(LV) on 112508. (0.79 seconds) ;
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[ Result from Ask.com ] >>> (by Search.com!)

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *375

[[[ WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Executive Director Dr. Feng-wei Lai: Distinguished Author on YouTube by Google! PPAA Forum Touring AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti with Safesearch on. (0.62 seconds)
Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"

Search Results [by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in the evening at 7:17 p.m.(LV) on June 29, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Barack Obama, a Distinguished Author of the PPAA Forum of Washington . ..... [Thorugh the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail, AP, LVRJ, lvrj/wbti USA for the ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Similar

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...
Tourism wbti: Dr. Feng-wei Lai has been recommended by our notable faculty and ..... ---Yahoo!Mail, Associated Press, and LVRJ *787 By Bill Maupin, Dr. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached - Similar

More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ >> ]]] *108

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *376

<<< Web Search Results [for a search of "Executive Director Dr. Feng-wei Lai: Distinguished Author on YouTube by Google! PPAA Forum Touring AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti" by the world's leading search engines on Internet]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...

... search of "Beautiful Korea YouTube" ... *15. ... for a search of "lvrj/wbti - Google ... senator john ensign, dr john ensign; us congreeswoman shelley berkley, executive director ...

communitylink.reviewjournal.com~{!-~}01340001051096332314189255 - More from this site - Similar pages
[ Result from MSN ]

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community (

[[[ Postive Attitude, Modern Wisdom, and Professionalism with Integrity lvrj/wbti Earth: ***** President Dr. Tony T. Lei and Director Dr. William N. Thompson have promoted Dr. Feng-wei Lai,

communitylink.reviewjournal.com~{!-~}01337001051093269164030885 - More from this site - Similar pages
[ Result from Ask.com ] >>> (by Search.com!) *109

Editors' notes




rq?Lè "Julie Tai: rolcc International Spiritual" ?I??L ?S???Ô?Å ?Ô?ŁB ?¤?ñ1 ?MC??¥?æ1-1?MC?¤?Ô0.25?bBæӏ??Ôâ?:

????Ô?Å (by the world's leading search engines on Internet ... 1:27 p.m.(LV) on June 29, 2009 ...):

1. Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ...
"This is an international spiritual family, since we believe that the river of
... Under his holy leadership, ROLCC is the largest Chinese Christian Church in
...... Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang,
http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_Pro...-193k- ?É?¶?Å?Ê
Ads by Google >>> (by Sina.com!)


?Â?Ó?¼ & Miss Charlyne Chen: It is our honor to be on MSN.com and YouTube by Google! PPAA Forum Touring Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.
?Â?Ó?¼ & Miss Charlyne Chen: It is our honor to be on MSN.com and YouTube by Google! PPAA Forum Touring Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.
*****The following information was a draft for final editing and modification. This feature article for a modified flier will be completed before or in the night on July 3, 2009.


<<< Advancing. 11fth (continual) Edition! [To be continued ...] >>>


On the top left:

***** FWDs series (4137-5917) on the "Beauty of Nature" from Pan Pacific, Europe, Asia, the Atlantic, Africa, Australia, and America!

---Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh, Miss Yin Yan, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Mr. Pengju Li, Judge Nancy Saitta, Dr. Ingrid Ou, Senator Terry J. Care, Ms. Margaret Andert, JCUAALV, Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, Mrs. Lillian Tsai, Miss S. W. Hsiao, Miss Becky Lei, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Su, Annie, Dr. and Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu, Belinda, Miss Yi Li, Sandy, Dr. Jasmine Brooks, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Tiffany, Miss Yip Fong, Michelle, Miss Doris Yu, Paul, Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Susan, Miss Jenny Cheng, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Shyh-Yuan Kung, Miss Agnas Chan, Mr. Albert Pang, Christine, Miss Julie Tai, Ms. Misoko Natsume, Judge Cheryl Moss, Mr. Zhao Leji, U.S. Judge Brian Sandoval, Mr. Mike H. Lei, and among others. *3973

ËùÓоWí“ êPì¶ "ÖÜÃÀÇà: We are on Google with YouTube! PPAA Forum Distinguished Author lvrj/wbti" ÓÐ1í—ËÑŒ¤½Y¹û£¬ß@ÊǵÚ1ÖÁ1í—Òц¢ÓḰ²È«ËÑŒ¤¡¹¹¦ÄÜ¡£ Ðè•r 0.16 Ãë¡£
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ËÑŒ¤½Y¹û [by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in the early morning at 7:37 a.m.(LV) on July 28, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
- [ ÞDžé·±ów¾Wí“ ] *15. ... for a search of "lvrj/wbti - Google Search" by Google.com . ...... Distinguished Author of PPAA Forum Shelley Berkley; PPAAF Distinguished Author ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134000105109... - í“Žì´æ™n - îËƃÈÈÝ


<<< ÁÖ­‹: I am on Google with YouTube! PPAA Forum Distinguished Author ÈËÒªŒW•þ¸¶³ö Yahoo! Mail, AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A. >>> *1017

............ *1068


ÖÜ·ÒÄÈ: My friends are on Google! PPAA Forum Distinguished Author AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A. *1069

WBTI/USA ÌK–|ÆÂ: ÖñÍâÌÒ»¨ÈýƒÉÖ¦£¬´º½­Ë®Å¯ø†ÏÈÖª ÊVÝïMµØÌJÑ¿¶Ì£¬ÕýÊǺÓëàÓûÉÏ•r! ---LVRJ/WBTI U.S.A. *1069a


***** šWê–·Æ·Æ: It's great on YouTube by Google! Nevada ŸáÇéµÄɳĮ PPAA Forum Distinguished Author Winning lvrj/wbti U.S.A. *1071

Editors' notes


---??? *375


*501. ÖÜÃÀÇà. '...,' "A report ... World Journal ... Distinguished Author Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A. ....
*1017. ÁÖ­‹. 'The White House Scholars ...,' "... PPAA Forum Winning lvrj/wbti U.S.A. .......
*1069. ÖÜ·ÒÄÈ. '...,' "An article ... World Journal .......
*1069a. Ibid.
*1071. šWê–·Æ·Æ. '...,' "Yahoo! Mail ... by the world's leading search engines on Internet .......


All Results (by the world's leading search engines on Internet):
Search for "Clinton: Global Initiative PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti", "Clinton: Global Initiative PPAA Forum Distinguished Author Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.", etc.

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
747. ... for a search of "Sound of Music Global lvrj/wbti U.S.A ... on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 8:15 PM," (U.S.A: "Bill Clinton ... called you, ... and I was travelling among AP ...

communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=... ¡¤ Cached page
(by MSN.com)


Search Results:
For a search of "Reid: On YouTube by Google! Distinguished Author of PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti", "Reid: It is my pleasure to be on YouTube by Google! Distinguished Author of PPAA Forum in Administrative Strategies Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.", "Obama: We're on PPAA Forum by MSN Distinguished Author Winning AP, Hotmail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!", and "Gore: U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama's on YouTube by Google! Distinguished Author Winning PPAA Forum Modern Beauty AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.", and among others, members are glad to view the following information:

Web Search Results: [by the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in the afternoon at 3:47 p.m.(LV) on June 28, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:
<<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
... Korea YouTube" ... *15. ... for a search of "lvrj/wbti - Google ... Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' on the Google ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com¡­01340001051096332314189255 - More from this site - Similar pages
[ Result from MSN ]

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community (
---Winning, International Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti ... for a search of "U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." ... by the brilliance of world
communitylink.reviewjournal.com¡­01337001051093269164030885 - More from this site - Similar pages
[ Result from Ask.com ] >>> (by Search.com!)*7575


On the ground in Nevada!
By Jennifer Lopez


---??? *1003
***** "....... ... ." ---??? *7157


mike --

My name is Jennifer Lopez, and I'm the Nevada State Director for Organizing for America.*701

I'm excited to announce that we're on the ground in Nevada -- I'm thrilled to be part of this movement standing with President Obama to make the change we fought for in 2008 a reality in 2009 and beyond.

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *7501

Right now, that means working to fix our deeply broken health care system that has denied many Americans the care they need for far too long. Organizing for America is fighting to make sure Congress passes real health care reform that gives every American access to the quality, affordable health care they deserve.

But to be successful, we need to hear from you -- your effort and commitment are the backbone of this movement and this organization.

So starting tomorrow, June 29th, we'll be hosting Listening Tour stops across the state.

Will you make your voice heard and join us on the Listening Tour?

At Listening Tour stops, you'll get a chance to learn about OFA's goals and accomplishments, hear about some lessons learned during the election, and offer your thoughts on how we can organize Nevada going forward. Your ideas will be used to write a Nevada-specific plan for Organizing for America.

The campaign brought an unprecedented number of new voices into the process -- we need to make sure those voices remain at the center of the debate as the President and Congress work to fix our health care crisis, reinvest in our schools, and jumpstart a new green economy.

But these events are not just for folks who were involved in the campaign -- we hope that every Nevada resident will get involved.

We can't stop growing our movement now. We've never had a better opportunity to shape our future -- and just like during the election, we'll do it from the bottom up.*702

Sign up now to attend a Listening Tour stop:


I look forward to seeing you,


Jennifer Lopez
Nevada State Director
Organizing for America

[[[ P.S. -- If you can't make it to a Listening Tour stop, you can still get involved with Organizing for America in Nevada. Let us know how you'd like to see Nevada organized:

http://nv.barackobama.com/LTSurvey ]]]

Editors' notes


---??? *7801


*701. Jennifer Lopez. 'On the ground in Nevada!' "An e-mail ... Sunday, June 28, 2009 8:11 AM ^^^From: "Jennifer Lopez, NV.BarackObama.com" {info@barackobama.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "mike lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} .......
*702. Lopez. Ibid., 1-2.


*****The following was a draft for final editing and modification. A reference for some article of a modified flier would be continued before or in the night on July 27, 2009.

[[ For a series of search and research studies through reference. ]]

For the references to reading and research studies (possibly but not necessarily), all credits go to the original reporters, editors, and publishers [ Sina.com, Sina.com.cn, AP, AP.com, Reviewjournal.com, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Google, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News (tw), Baidu, YouTube, Sina, Search, AP, LVRJ/WBTI, Ask lvrj/wbti, and among others); its writers; its Editors; and its Publishers; etc.} [Just for Community Service on the basis of non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious. Not for printing, copying, or publishing plesase! Thank you very much.]




~~{~{!!!!~}2007~{Dj~}11~{TB#,!09H8hVP9z!1RTGV78IL1jH(!"2;U!u1>:UyN*SI0Q!011>)9H8h!1K_VA7(T:#,KwEb~!u0~!urT*!#JPR;VPT:VUIsHON*#,!011>)9H8h!1>-S*5D9:NoM!u>Sk~}google~{MxU>TZM<08!"QUI+!"WVLe7=CfO`KF#,Js1jTZRF6/9}3LVP?IOTJ>!0~!uoogle~!u1WVQ!u,1mCwFdJTM<Sk!09H8hVP9z!1=(A"A*O5!#2"GR#,!09H8hVP9z!17"2<!09H8h!1C{3F:s#,!011>)9H8h!1A"<4IjGkW"2a#,V$J5Fd2;=vV*O~C@9z~}Google~{9+K>#,6!uRR;V18!uYFdVPNDC!uF#,2"SPJ9SCFdVPNDC{3FW"2a5DOSRI!#>]4K#,7(T:HO6(!011>)9H8h!1TZFsR5C!uFVPICWTJ9SC!09H8h!15DPPN*<H4fTZVw9[9JRb#,R2Tl3IO`9X9+VZNsHO#,N%74AK9+F=!"3OPET-Tr:M9+HO5DILR55@5B#,993I2;U!u1>:Uy!#~} (~{<GU_8_=!~!!~}~~{~{M(Q6T13#Cy~})


*****The following information was a draft for final editing and modification. This feature article for a modified flier will be completed before or in the night on July 1, 2009.


<<< Enriched & Advanced. 11eth (continual) Edition! [To be continued ...] >>>

Dina Titus, Margaret Weber, Yi Li, Mark Denton, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, and Betsy Kolkoski: Made in Nevada, California, Texas, Hawaii, Washington, Arizona, and New York elegantly may help achieving with President Dr. Tony T. Lei and people of WBTI/USA through the world's leading search engines on Internet!
Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for China, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, and America! ---Important 'Golden Keys' on Nurturing our Young Generations, practically, to Grasp, Retain, and develop Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this 21st Century!!
Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, and Practice of the Leading Skills on E. Q. and A. Q. for Success, Happiness, and Accomplishment!!! *3187
By Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Elaine L. Chao, Shelley Berkley, Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, John McCain, Betsy Kolkoski, Gerri Schroder, Michael Douglas, John Kerry, Jackie Glass, Dean Heller, Jim Gibbons, Steven Horsford, Valerie Wiener, Rubin Kihuen, Barbara Buckley, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Catherine Masto, Dr. John Ensign, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Dr. Kenny C. Quinn, Allison Copening, Michelle Leavitt, Jessie Walsh, Doug Gillespie, Bill Young, Dr. Dina Titus, Bill Raggio, Larry Brown, Anthony Stavros, Bobby G. Gronauer, Dr. Archie H. Chang, John Ponticello, Stewart Bell, Daniel Burns, John Hunt, Dr. Margaret J. Weber, Cheryl Moss, Sam Lieberman, Valerie Weber, Frankie Sue Del Papa, Brian Sandoval, and Jennifer Kung (12)


On the top left:

***** FWDs series (3957-5717) on the "Beauty of Nature" from Pan Pacific, Europe, Asia, the Atlantic, Africa, Australia, and America!

---Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh, Miss Yin Yan, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Mr. Pengju Li, Judge Nancy Saitta, Dr. Ingrid Ou, Senator Terry J. Care, Ms. Margaret Andert, JCUAALV, Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, Mrs. Lillian Tsai, Miss S. W. Hsiao, Miss Becky Lei, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Su, Annie, Dr. and Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu, Belinda, Miss Yi Li, Sandy, Dr. Jasmine Brooks, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Tiffany, Miss Yip Fong, Michelle, Miss Doris Yu, Paul, Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Susan, Miss Jenny Cheng, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Shyh-Yuan Kung, Miss Agnas Chan, Mr. Albert Pang, Christine, Miss Julie Tai, Ms. Misoko Natsume, Judge Cheryl Moss, Mr. Mike H. Lei, and among others. *3787

I. ±±ÃÀì`¼ZÌØ•þ©¤ÍÅdµÄ¶\¸æ£¬Õ¹³áµÄ¶÷¸à!
Welcome to the Ling Liang Conference for arising and blessing!!
By Mike H. Lei



---Dr. John C. Maxwell *1001
***** "....... ... ." ---??? *3157


"Dear Dad, Here is the email from Joseph about the Ling Liang Conference. Blessings, Mike," Mike H. Lei wrote.*1

***** "....... ... ." Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber *101

Dear All,

"±±ÃÀì`¼ZÌØ•þ©¤ÍÅdµÄ¶\¸æ£¬Õ¹³áµÄ¶÷¸à". is coming from this Thursday to Sunday.
Let's pray and expect God will do great things among us.*2

Please check below link and attached schedule for detail.


***** "....... ... ." Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll *1002

See U lo..

GOD Bless ^_^


{{{ PS. We still short 2 ushers for "ì`¼Z†ÎÉíȺӢ•þ", please let me know if you can come early around 4:50 pm tomorrow }}}

Editors' notes


---??? *757

[[*1001. John C. Maxwell. "The 21 Irrefutable LAWS OF LEADERSHIP ---Follow Them and People Will Follow You" (Nashville,Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998), 225-226.
*1. Mike H. Lei. 'A fwd on ±±ÃÀì`¼ZÌØ•þ©¤ÍÅdµÄ¶\¸æ£¬Õ¹³áµÄ¶÷¸à!' "An e-mail ... {josephkiang2468@yahoo.com} ^^^Subject: Ling Liang Conference ^^^Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 1:27 AM ... To: tojulei@yahoo.com from Mike .......
*2. Lei. Ibid., 1-2.


II. Introducing a New Annual Economic Forecast!
By GSBM of Pepperdine University



---??? *1537
***** "....... ... ." ---??? *2007


Presented by:


***** "....... ... ." ---??? *2007


Introducing a new annual Los Angeles economic forecast conference where you will learn:

?What will a recovery look like for the state, the nation, and Southern California?
?How will the Golden State's budget turmoil affect Los Angeles?
?Which private capital markets will expect the best returns over the next 12 months?
?How quickly will the housing market recover? Unemployment? *2002

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Los Angeles Airport Marriott
Registration and Breakfast: 7:30 am
Program: 8-11 am

Promo Code: grazla09

Editors' notes


---??? *3797

[[ *1537.
*201. GSBM of Pepperdine University. 'Introducing a New Annual Economic Forecast! Friday, June 26, 2009 8:32 AM ^^^From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Graziadio School" {gsbmalum@mail2.pepperdine.edu} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com .......
*202. GSBM of Pepperdine University. Ibid., 1-2.
*3797. ....... ]]


III. Introduction of Robert Cheng's Fund!
“A´˜aŠî‹à (‰»HŠî‹à) ”V‰îÐ!!
By TEFAnews

TEFA NEWS 2009-06-25
Introduction of Robert Cheng's Fund *301

Please visit www.tefa.thu.edu.tw for more information

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *3101

............ ---??? *302

Editors' notes


---??? *3587

[[*301. TEFAnews. 'Introduction of Robert Cheng's Fund! ---“A´˜aŠî‹à (‰»HŠî‹à) ”V‰îÐ!!' "An e-mail ... Wednesday, June 24, 2009 7:53 PM ^^^From: "TEFA’ʐu" {tefanews@thu.edu.tw} Add sender to Contacts To: "Dear Tunghai Friend" {bridgeteng@gmail.com} TEFA NEWS 2009-06-25 .......
*302. TEFAnews. Ibid., 1.

Editors' notes


---??? *3587


IV. BREAKING: Historic clean energy bill passes House!
By Steve Bouchard

Dear Tony,

The House of Representatives has just passed a landmark bill that will propel our nation toward a clean energy future.*701

The vote was close. Know that all of your efforts -- whether a signed petition, a donation, or a call -- made a difference in the outcome. Together, we are truly showing the power of government by the people and for the people.

***** "....... ... ." ---Distinguished Author Al Gore of PPAA Forum WBTI/USA *7101

It's not over though. The debate moves on to the Senate where our opponents will redouble their efforts. There will be more distortions and foot dragging, but the momentum is on our side.*702

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *7102

Today, we have something to celebrate. For the first time in decades, we have taken bold action to help solve the climate crisis. I look forward to working with you in the days ahead.*703

Thanks for all that you do,

Steve Bouchard
Campaign Manager

{{{ P.S. Please support our efforts to make this year the one our nation actually gets serious about our climate and energy future. Click here. ... }}}

Editors' notes


---??? *7579

[[ *1003.
*701. Steve Bouchard. 'BREAKING: Historic clean energy bill passes House!' "An e-mail ... Friday, June 26, 2009 4:31 PM ^^^From: "Steve Bouchard, Repower America" {info@repoweramerica.org} Add sender to Contacts To: "Tony Dr. Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} .......
*7101. Al Gore. '...,' "An e-mail to WBTI/USA ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'Business & Administration', ...), 1-2.
*702. Bouchard. Ibid., 1-2.
*703. Bouchard. Ibid., 1.


For a search of "Bobby Siller: PPAA Forum Winning", "Brian Sandoval: I'm glad to be an Advisor of PPAA Forum Modern Stratagem AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.", "Bobby Siller: It's my honor to become a Guest of Honor PPAA Forum Winning Celebration AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.", and among others, our Advisory and Faculty members are glad to view the presentations for them by the world's leading search engines on Internet:
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Bobby Siller: PPAA Forum Winning lvrj/wbti" with Safesearch on. (0.41 seconds)
Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"

Search Results [by the world's leading search engines on Internet in the early morning at 7:17 a.m.(LV) on June 27, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
Web Results 1 - 5 of 5 for "Business lvrj/wbti usa" at 19:37 pm(LV) on 110708 ...... miss christina lau; miss donna stewart; bobby siller esq; bobby siller; ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134000105109633... - Cached - Similar

Washington Business and Technology Institute - PPAA16 (Pan Pacific ...
PPAA Forum By Cheryl Moss, Mark Denton, and Tiffany Chang .... business development, and internatonal tourism," said Bobby Siller, Member of the Nevada ...
DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached - Similar

More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/


Commitment, righteousness, professionalism, Heart, and Integrity!

"I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAA), ... . We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadans," said Brian Sandoval, on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by Asian American Community (Document signed by Brian). Brian Sandoval was Attorney General of Nevada at the above reunion's period of time. And now he is a U.S. (Federal) District Court Judge. *707



ËùÓоWí“ ÔÚcommunitylink.reviewjournal.com ¾WÓò£¬êPì¶ "Öܽ܂: I am on YouTube by Google! wbti" ÓÐ6í—ËÑŒ¤½Y¹û£¬ß@ÊǵÚ1ÖÁ6í—Òц¢ÓḰ²È«ËÑŒ¤¡¹¹¦ÄÜ¡£ Ðè•r 0.73 Ãë¡£
ËÑŒ¤½Y¹û (by the world's leading search engines on Internet):

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...
---President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI By Harry M. Reid ..... to read this article published immediately by Google today (040908) on the Internet! ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=012170010509... - í“Žì´æ™n - îËƃÈÈÝ

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ ·­×g´Ëí“ ] wbti: ***** +++++ By Harry M. Reid. <<< Please join me and other Nevada leaders by signing our petition ..... YouTube - Öܽ܂&Àîë…µÏËÄÊÖßB—ÍÁ¶úÆäßMÐÐÇú ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510... - í“Žì´æ™n - îËƃÈÈÝ

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ ÞDžé·±ów¾Wí“ ] Stuart Mann, Executive Director of the ICBC of WBTI with outstanding ... Dr. Stuart H. ..... www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdzjvwU77eM }}} (... by Google ...) ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510... - í“Žì´æ™n - îËƃÈÈÝ/


½ðÇúª„:¡¡Öܽ܂·QÍõ êÉºÄÝ·âºó!
The King and Queen of singing music in Taipei!
"µÚ20ŒÃÁ÷ÐÐðÇúª„µÃª„Ãû†Î½ñÍí³ö t£¬" the website (www.chinatimes.com) of China Times has just posted this information internationally a few minutes ago!*7101 "ÔuŒˆF¿‚ÕÙ¼¯ÈËꐘ·ÈÚ±íʾ£¬Ð¿ƸèÍõÖܽ܂¡¸Ä§½Ü×ù¡¹Œ£Ý‹×ƒ»¯ÐÔ´ó£¬ÔS¶àÔuŒÕJžéËûµÄÒ§×Ö²»Êdž–î}£»¸èºóêÉºÄÝ„tÒÔÒô˜·ÐÔÈ¡„Ù."

WBTI/USA: ½ðÇúª„¡¡Öܽ܂·QÍõ êÉºÄÝ·âºó! PPAA Forum Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A. *7107


<<< êÉºÄÝ: I am new, but I will be on Google with YouTube! PPAA Forum Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A. *5577a >>>

[[*7101. ÖÐÑëÉç. '...,' "Quick News from 2009-06-27¡¾ÖÐÑëÉç¡¿ ... by Chinatimes.com .......
*7107. ... by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet ... (Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, 'Business & Administration', ...), 5.
*5577. ÖÐÑëÉç. Ibid., 1.
*5577a. WBTI/USA. '...,' "A feature article ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, 'International Cities Business Council', ...), 7. ]]


êÏã÷ šg¶È‰Û³½!
One thousand days of spring!
[[[ »îÜSÍ⽻Ȧ½üÒ»¼××ÓµÄÈA¸®Â„ÈËêÏã÷£¬ÈÕÇ°ÔÚÓÑÅó‘cÙRÖКg¶È‰Û³½¡£ ˆD£ºê»ÝÇàÌṩ ]]]

"»îÜSÍ⽻Ȧ½üÒ»¼××ÓµÄÈA¸®Â„ÈËêÏã÷£¬ÈÕÇ°ÔÚÓÑÅó‘cÙRÖКg¶È‰Û³½," Work Journal (WJ) Reporter ÔS»ÝÃô wrote in Washington, D.C. It has been posted internationally by Worrld Journal in New York.*5101 "ß@ˆöÉúÈÕ‰ÛÑç¼ÙÈA¸®¼ªÀûº£¾°²ÍdÅeÐУ¬®”ÌìµÄÖ÷½ÇêÏã÷ºÍí×ԃɰ¶ÈýµØµÄÅóÓÑÏà¾ÛÒ»Ì㬰üÀ¨ÍõÇåÔ´½ÌÊÚ¡¢ÖÐÈA•þð^Ö÷ϯÀ׳¬‚¡¢Ãû®‹¼ÒûœÊ©¡¢Ì¨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÅóÓÑ¡¢ÖÐÈA•þð^ÖxÖо©¡¢ÖìËØÕä¡¢ÎÄ»¯ç¼¾ÓñÈç¡¢ÄߝýµÈ£¬ÙR¿Í¾ùÖÂÔ~ד“PÅ®‰ÛÐÇÔÚÖЇø½ü´úÊ·¡¢Íâ½»ÅcÎÄŒWÉϵijɾÍØ•«I."

***** "... Mrs. Chennault's life story is overwhelmingly about charity and honoring her husband!" ---??? *7057

Äߝý: It's my pleasure to be on Google! with PPAA Forum Business & Education AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A. *7058

À׳¬‚: Miss Michelle Kwan International Accomplishment PPAA Forum WBTI/USA *7059

"Ïã÷±íʾ£¬ÈËÉú×îÖØÒªµÄÊÇ“íÓÐÅóÓÑ£¬Ëý¸ÐÖxÅóÓÑÊ¢Ç飬Åc´ó¼Ò¸ß³ª¡¸ÕÆ•í‘Æð¡¹ß@Ê×Ëý×îϲšgµÄ¸è£¬Í¬•rÒÔÉúÈտ옷¸èžéêÏã÷ÙR‰Û," concluded Reporter ÔS»ÝÃô for the life experience and recognition of êÏã÷.*5102

[[*5101. ÔS»ÝÃô. 'êÏã÷ šg¶È‰Û³½!' "A report ... ÎÄ£º±¾ˆóÓ›ÕßÔS»ÝÃô June 27, 2009 12:00 AM ... on World Journal .......
*7057. ... Flying Tigers ... by Google! .......
*7059. LVRJ/WBTI. '...,' "A feature article ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'Business & Administration', ...), 7.
*5102. ÔS»ÝÃô. Ibid., 1.]]
The following is a search of "ÔS»ÝÃô: Google! PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." by the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet:

WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "‹–œ¨•q: Google! PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. (0.22 seconds)
Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"
Search Results [by the world's leading search engines on Internet in the afternoon at 2;44 p.m.(LV) on June 27, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
- [ çzˆ×”Éé“–Ô•Å ] Web Results 1 - 5 of 5 for "Business lvrj/wbti usa" at 19:37 pm(LV) on 110708. ...... Dr. Daphne P. Lei; Distinguished Author of PPAA Forum Shelley Berkley; ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134000105109633... - Cached - Similar/


WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America ꐻÝÇà We are on Google! PPAA Forum International lvrj/wbti" with Safesearch on. (0.37 seconds)
Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"
Search Results [by the world's leading search engines on Internet in the afternoon at 4:27 p.m(LV) on June 27, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...
- [ ÞDžé·±ów¾Wí“ - Translate this page ] Ý^ÊܲšÄ¿µÄÊÇÖЇø‡øÃñühñvÃÀ–|Ö§²¿Ôu×hί†TꐻÝÇàÒ²…¢¼Ó£¬ÏóáçÖøÃÀ‡øñRÓ¢¾ÅááÔ®•þµÄ–|Î÷²¿´ó´®ßB¡£ ..... 081706-2187 "Business & Administration" (PPAA 20) of WBTI website, ... The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America .... (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) We offered there ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134500105110470... - Cached - Similar/


*****The following information was a draft for final editing and modification. This feature article for a modified flier will be completed before or in the night on July 2, 2009.


<<< Enriched. 11dth (continual) Edition! [To be continued ...] >>>

Dina Titus, Margaret Weber, Yi Li, Mark Denton, John Ponticello, and Betsy Kolkoski: Made in Nevada, California, Texas, Hawaii, Washington, and New York elegantly may help achieving with President Dr. Tony T. Lei and people of WBTI/USA through the world's leading search engines on Internet!
Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for China, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, and America! ---Important 'Golden Keys' on Nurturing our Young Generations, practically, to Grasp and Retain Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this 21st Century!!
Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung's Vision, Art, and Practice of the Leading Skills on E. Q. and A. Q. for Success, Happiness, and Accomplishment!!! *3057
By Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Elaine L. Chao, Shelley Berkley, Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, John McCain, Betsy Kolkoski, Gerri Schroder, Michael Douglas, John Kerry, Jackie Glass, Dean Heller, Jim Gibbons, Steven Horsford, Valerie Wiener, Rubin Kihuen, Barbara Buckley, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Catherine Masto, Dr. John Ensign, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Dr. Kenny C. Quinn, Allison Copening, Michelle Leavitt, Jessie Walsh, Doug Gillespie, Bill Young, Dr. Dina Titus, Bill Raggio, Larry Brown, Anthony Stavros, Bobby G. Gronauer, Dr. Archie H. Chang, John Ponticello, Stewart Bell, Daniel Burns, John Hunt, Dr. Margaret J. Weber, Cheryl Moss, Sam Lieberman, Valerie Weber, Frankie Sue Del Papa, and Jennifer Kung (11)


On the top left:

***** FWDs series (3757-5317) on the "Beauty of Nature" from Pan Pacific, Europe, Asia, the Atlantic, Africa, Australia, and America!

---Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh, Miss Yin Yan, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Mr. Pengju Li, Judge Nancy Saitta, Dr. Ingrid Ou, Senator Terry J. Care, Ms. Margaret Andert, JCUAALV, Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, Mrs. Lillian Tsai, Miss S. W. Hsiao, Miss Becky Lei, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Su, Annie, Dr. and Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu, Belinda, Miss Yi Li, Sandy, Dr. Jasmine Brooks, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Tiffany, Miss Yip Fong, Michelle, Miss Doris Yu, Paul, Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Susan, Miss Jenny Cheng, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Shyh-Yuan Kung, Miss Agnas Chan, Mr. Albert Pang, Christine, Miss Julie Tai, Ms. Misoko Natsume, Judge Cheryl Moss, Mr. Mike H. Lei, and among others. *3587

I. Betsy Kolkoski the Winner of Chief Judge with PPAA Forum AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!


<<< JANE ANN MORRISON BLOG: Betsy Kolkoski becomes first woman to be chief judge

Lady Luck decided it was time to end the patriarchy at the Las Vegas Municipal Court. After the six judges tied 3-3 in a vote for the new chief judge, after the first draw of the cards today ended in another tie (a two of hearts versus a two of clubs), the next draw made Judge Betsy Kolkoski the new chief judge. Her Queen of spades beat Judge Cedric Kerns' six of clubs.

Updated: 06/24/2009 6:24 PM >>> *901

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *7007

For a search of "Pepperdine University Alumni Association" on the Internet, members are glad to find the following feature article, which has been a reference for many academic and business pappers locally, nationally, and internationally: *902

Judge Besty Kolkoski honors and respects Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei with an elegant reunion dinner!
By Valorie Vega, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang

Judge Besty Kolkoski and her husband Dick honor and respect Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei with an elegant reunion dinner on April 9, 2004. The location was at the Cheese Factory in Summerlin. The party has been held by Judge Kolkoski in celebrating of Easter for the two famillies.


On April 10, 2004, Judge of Las Vegas Municipal Court Honorable Betsy Kolkoski was the winner of visitor's number at #50,000th (now at #102,992th on January 10, 2005) on Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website at:


The Summerlin of Las Vegas has been elected as the First Place in among 12 ranking communities nationally of United States the ideal and best selling homes for big builders in 2000 again.*1 South Shores is one of the important district of Summerlin together with Desert Shores, Sun City, and among others. The beautiful lakes centered in this area are one of the greatest attractiveness of Las Vegas for millions of visitors all around the world. People would enjoy dreamly the sun rising and sun setting of the calm, clean, and nice scenes of these artificial and great work on the lilltle bridges. These bridges are built above the golden and beautiful waves of the lakes which are surounded by elegant residences. People love Summerlin. People love this Las Vegas' mighty fine! Dr. Tony T. Lei has been re-elected as a Director of South Shores Community Association with the highest poll by voters in December 2002.

Judge Betsy Kolkoski of Las Vegas Minicipal Court did also invite Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei with a reunion dinner at Village Pub and Casino in Summerlin on February 28, 2001. Accompanied by her husband to the dinner, the Judge was bright and pleasent.

In 1971, Judge Kolkoski graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Law with Juris Doctorate degree. As Nevada's Elder Rights Atnorney, an Associate Fellow of the Culture Institution (CI), and Chairperson of the Aging Services Study Committee of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), she advocated statewide for the legal rights of senior and elder abuse prevention. Her research projects and papers presented together with former Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa to the national conferences were publicized by WBTI locally and internationally. CI has been led by Dr. Sue Fawn Chung as its Director and Fellow. She is an Associate Professor and former Chairman of the History Department at UNLV. Dr. Chung was also named one of the two Nevada advisors to the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2000.

"PAI is exploring such themes as computer and quantitative analysis for administration, seniors power by voting, economic renewal, educational technology, elder abuse, social security and Medicare, and the important relationship between faith and public policy," Dr. Lei noted. "We have worked to provide a setting of ideas in which the principles and perspective of the program come into contact with leading issues of the day in order to improve the quality of life of all our Nevadans."

The value of an academic institute should also put an eye on community service aside from its academic research. Take only one example, for the positive effort of the research and promotion of the seniors benefit, the Institute has done sizable works and received valuable results. At the end of 20th and in the very early of this 21st century, Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI, Elder Rights Attorney Besty Kolkoski of the Nevada Division for Aging Services (NDAS), with Juris Doctor degree of University of Cincinnati College of Law held the Forth Anniversary Meeting of the Nevada Elder Abuse Prevention Council (NEAPC) as Co-Chairpersons with Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa. Betsy did a research paper on elder abuse prevention through quantitative methodology. Both of them had received a fruitful consequence on the prevention of elder abuse with their cooperation of the NDAS and the Office of the Nevada Attorney General. Associate Fellow Sheri Vogel of PAI, a Juris Doctor degree holder of Detroit College of Law, Detroit, Michigan, has been the Project Administrator of the City of Las Vegas Senior Citizens Law Project since 1986. Sheri has obligatory assisted to and solved the concrete benefits and difficulties of seniors for many thousand cases. Her effort to help Las Vegas Seniors has won a lot of applauses. The President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Tony T. Lei, had been a member of the Las Vegas Senior Citizens' Advisory Board. He is now also a member of the Senior Advisory Committee of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Dr. Tony T. Lei, elected as Executive Vice President of Seniors United in 2000, had been supported both by the educational and political sectors to get advance in leading research and promotion of the seniors benefit, social security, and Medicare.*3

"WBTI is a very well respected and integral part of this community. To be an Associate Fellow of its Public Administration Institution (PAI) is a very prestigious honor for me. I am also grateful to be joining such a distinguished panel of professionals who are committed to improving the lives of our citizens in this community," said Judge Ann Zimmerman at the time when she was a Deputy Attorney General of Nevada.*4

In the first paragraph of the article entitled "Election Winner Judge Kolkoski Recognizes Dr. Tony T. Lei as a Great Leader,' It was written that, "During the congratulating conversation from Dr. Tony T. Lei to Judge Betsy Kolkoski for her re-elected as a Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge, she told him that Dr. Tony Lei is really a great leader.*5

U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wrote Dr. Tony T. Lei early April this year from her U.S. Congress Office in Washington, D. C.: "I can not thank you enough for all you do for me, my dear friend. I just read the 'Washington Business and Technology Institute' publication. It was wonderful!" *6

Seasons greetings are significant to famillies! With honor as the Assistant Democratic Leader of U. S. Senate, Senator Harry M. Reid wrote Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei on January 11, 2001 from his office in Washington, D. C.: "The holiday season is a time for remembering the good things that have happened during the year, for reflecting on the many blessings of our lives, and for renewing the bonds of love and friendship that make our lives special."

The famous political leader from Nevada continued his literary and intimate writing that, "This year has been eventful for the Reid family. Our first child, Lana, and our three grandchildren live in the Washington area. Roary and three more of our grandchildren live in Las Vegas. Leif is in Reno with two more grandchildren and have just told us another is on the way.

Josh just passed the bar, is living in Reno and also has announced our new daughter-in-law is expecting. Finally, our youngest, Key, lives in the Washington DC area with our newest grandchild. So, as you can see, we have the pleasure of grandchildren in each of our frequent stops, Las Vegas, Reno and Washington."

The Bible says: "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?" (Matthew 6:26) As taking what the Senator says to Dr. Lei in his letter that, "On behalf of Landra and our family, I want to thank you thinking of us during this holiday season. Each holiday greeting reminds us that we are truly fortunate to have so many friends and loved ones with whom to share this special time," it was an inspirational learning. And if a humble individual like Dr. Lei may be treated so friendly by our Senator Reid, obviously everyone of us in Nevada would be taken care by his extended kindness and love. And this be our mode: "In God is our trust!"

His love to his family and his friends revealled his dignified and humane spirit through his words in the letter. For a great and powerful person like him to have such a beautiful and kind heart is really the glory of God. "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves," says the Bible. (Romans 12:9-10) At the end of the letter, the famous U.S. Senator says that, "The Reid family has been richly blessed and we look forward to the years ahead. I hope that the season brings happiness and good fortune to you and your loved ones. With warmest regards."*7

WBTI/USA affirms "Leadership is Love through Integrity!"


*1. Chang, Tiffany. 'Judge Kolkoski honors and respects Dr. and Mrs . Tony T. Lei with an elegant reunion dinner,' "WBTI/USA Newsbrief," (February 28, 2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Chang, Tiffany. 'LVRJ/WBTI encourages a life of service,' "WBTI/usa Newsbrief," (June 16, 2000), Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com.
*4. Ibid.
*5. Chang, Tiffany. 'Election Winner Judge Kolkoski Recognizes Dr. Tony T. Lei as a Great Leader,' "WBTI/USA Newsbrief," (2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal.
*6. Ibid
*7. Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Chief Justice of Supreme Court William Maupin Presides District Court Institure Ceremony,' "Nevada Examiner," (February 2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.

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II. NSDP's call for this weekend!
REMINDER: Rally for Health Care Reform Saturday!!
By Nevada State Democratic Party (NSDP)


---??? *2107

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101



Dear Tony,

Join Democratic activists this weekend to raise awareness about the 46 million Americans, including 470,000 Nevadans, living without health insurance and to support President Barack Obama’s is efforts to reform the broken health care system.*1101

Progressive groups PLAN and Pushback Network, with the cooperation of the Nevada State Democratic Party, will host a rally in support of health care reform at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, June 27 near the offices of WellPoint, one of Nevada’s largest insurers and a major opponent of the president’s reform agenda. WellPoint, which has 35 million subscribers nationwide, has offices near the corner of Russell Road and Fort Apache Road, Las Vegas, NV 89138. Rally attendees should park along Fort Apache north and south of Russell.

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *107

Please join us for Saturday’s rally in support of health care reform. To RSVP for this event please email rsvp@nvdems.com or call Adrian Matanza or Leora Olivas at 702-737-8683.*1102

Organizing for America volunteers across Nevada and the United States will also take on community service projects in their neighborhoods on Saturday, to give back to the community and raise awareness about the growing health care crisis. For more information on a service project near you click here.

The Nevada State Democratic Party is collecting healthy fresh, canned and boxed food for the Three Square food bank on behalf of one local OFA volunteer group at NSDP headquarters, 1210 S. Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89102 on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. until July 1. Click here for more details on what kinds of food to donate.

Also, a group of Organizing For America volunteers will sponsor a round table discussion on health care reform on Tuesday, June 30 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Centennial Hills Library, 6711 N. Buffalo Drive at Deer Springs Way, Las Vegas, NV 89131. The discussion will be moderated by Erin Neff of ProgressNow Nevada, and the panel will include health care professionals, social workers, journalists and academics. The event is free and open to the public.

Democrats gather in Northern Nevada

The Nevada State Democratic Party’s next State Central Committee meeting will be held in Carson City on Saturday, June 27 at Western Nevada College, 2201 W. College Pkwy., Carson City, NV 89703.

Executive Board ?9:00 AM (Cedar Hall, Room 207)
Rural Caucus Election Meeting ?10:30 am (Sarah Winnemucca Hall)
General Meeting ?11:30 AM (Sarah Winnemucca Hall)

The following day, Thom Hartmann, progressive talk radio host, will headline the Washoe County Democratic Party’s 2009 Jefferson Jackson Brunch. Also speaking at the brunch, which will be held on Sunday, June 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., will be State Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid. The event will be emceed by Reno City Councilwoman Jessica Sferrazza. It will be held in the Reno Ballroom, 50 East Fourth St, Reno, NV 89501. Click here for more information or to purchase tickets.

This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com

Editors' notes


III. "I am working to get more tourists to come to Nevada!"
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons Orders Immediate Study of High Gas Prices!!
---Energy Advisor will research problem and solutions
By Office of the Governor (NV), Daniel Burns, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Bill Raggio, and Jennifer Kung

As the summer vacation season gets underway, higher gas prices may keep many Americans closer to home. ¡°Millions of tourists drive to Nevada, we need to find out why gas prices have risen so quickly and see if there is anything we can do about it,¡± Governor Jim Gibbons said, ¡°I am working to get more tourists to come to Nevada, so I need real facts to see if there is anything we can do about this problem.¡± *1201

Governor Gibbons will have State Energy Advisor Dr. Hatice Gecol research the problem and explore possible solutions or actions the Governor can take to minimize the burden higher gas prices are placing on Nevada residents and reduce the impact higher gas prices are having on tourism. ¡°Whether it is fuel conservation or a request for someone with authority in Washington D.C. to look into this matter, Nevada needs tourists,¡± Gibbons said, ¡°And with these rising fuel prices, tourists may be less likely to visit Nevada, making it more difficult for us to climb out of the economic crisis.¡±

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *236

57% of all visitors to Las Vegas arrive by ground transportation (cars, buses). Traffic on I-15 at the Nevada/California border was up more than 11% in April 2009. Since then, gas prices have gone up $.40 a gallon.

Governor Gibbons noted a curious anomaly about gas prices in the region. According to American Automobile Association (AAA) statistics, the average price for a gallon of gasoline was $2.67 in Arizona, $2.75 in Nevada and $3.02 in California. All these prices are $.40 to $.50 higher than just one month ago.

Governor Gibbons has asked that Dr. Gecol create a preliminary reporting within two weeks.*1202

Editors' notes


Editors' notes

---??? *1002


*7007. Jane Ann Morrison. 'Betsy Kolkoski becomes first woman to be chief judge,' " JANE ANN MORRISON BLOG: Betsy Kolkoski .......
*902. Pepperdine University Alumni Association. '...,' "... by the world's leading search engines on Internet .......
*1101. NSDP. 'REMINDER: Rally for Health Care Reform Saturday ^^^Friday, June 26, 2009 10:29 AM ^^^From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" {news@nvdems.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} .......
*1102. NSDP. Ibid., 1-2.
*1201. Office of the Governor (NV). 'Governor Orders Immediate Study of High Gas Prices - June 26, 2009!' "An e-mail ... Friday, June 26, 2009 8:35 AM ^^^From: 'Office of the Governor' {nvg@GOV.NV.GOV} Add sender to Contacts To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US, tojulei@yahoo.com, and among others .......
*1202. Office of the Governor (NV). Ibid., 1.


*****The following information was a draft for final editing and modification. This feature article for a modified flier will be completed before or in the night on July 1, 2009.



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