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*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 26, 2007.

Congratulations! Nevada Asian American and Pacific Islander Leadership Council will help ignite the silver state with vision and enthusiasm
By Jennifer Kung

A good news is for many people in Nevada!

Rory Reid, Hillary Clinton’s Nevada Chair, announced the formation of the Nevada Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Leadership Council on June 22, 2007. Rory is now the Chairman and Commissioner of Clark County Commission, Nevada.

“Throughout her career, Hillary Clinton has recognized the important role that our cultural and ethnic diversity plays in the fabric of American society,” said council member Rozita Lee. “She is the candidate with the experience and the vision to unite us, and get our country back on track. I am proud to support Hillary Clinton, and to be a part of such a wonderful group of leaders working on her behalf in Nevada.” *1

A list of the founding members of this Council has been posted.*2

“We are very excited to have such a talented, dedicated group in Senator Clinton’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Leadership Council,” said Reid. “This will be a very hands-on group whose efforts will go a long way to help reach out to diverse AAPI communities in every corner of the state and promote involvement in the caucus, and in Senator Clinton’s campaign. We are grateful for their support and happy to have them aboard.” *3

Nevada is getting more important!

"109 Nevada endorsements for Senator Clinton, including the founding members of three Nevada Leadership Councils comprised of leaders in the Hispanic, African American and Asian-American Pacific Islander communities. Each of these Leadership Councils is expanding its membership, with more members from a wide range of industries and backgrounds lending their time and community knowledge to our organizing efforts," stated Hilarie Grey, Nevada Communications Director in Nevada, in her report entitled 'Nevada by the Numbers' on July 11, 2007.*4

Vision may develop its power to direct what tommorrow will look like. Vision is having an acute sense of the possible. The thing what others can not see, it can be seen by vision. Something extraordinary will occur when those with similar visions are drawn together. The goal of John F. Kennedy set in 1060 to place a man on the moon by 1970 drew many million people's efforts in achieving the dream. John had the vision. The result is now history with reality.

"John F. Kennedy was a living example of Mitchell Kapor's belief that, 'If you can genuinely present a picture that makes sense to people, that unifies the seemingly disperate elements of their experience, if you can give people something they can resonate with because it's meaningful, then they'll be immensely responsive to it.' JFK presented that picture and America responded." *5

Enthusiasm is important, especially very important to many things in our lives. We need to push our valuable vision through enthusiasm.

Nevada Asian American and Pacific Islander Leadership Council will ignite the silver state with vision and enthusiasm.

Wish the Council a great Success!


*1. Clinton, Hillary. 'Campaign Announces Asian American and Pacific Islander Leadership Council,' "A search of information about 'The press release by the website of HillaryClinton.com in June 22, 2007' on the Google.com," (July 24, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will help bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community!' "Section 'Business & Administration' of WBTI's website" (July 18, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com.
*3. Clinton. Ibid.
*4. Grey, Hilarie. 'Nevada by the Numbers,' "A profile by Nevada Communications Director in Nevada," (July 11, 2007), New York: Nevada Headquarters of Hillary for President.
*5. Glenn Van Ekeren, "Speaker's Source Book II," (Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1994,) 130.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 25, 2007.

There's only one way to make history: together
Because working together, there's nothing we can't achieve!
By Hillary Rodham Clinton

Dear judy,

There's only one way to change America: together. There's only one way to make history: together.

And I'm so proud to have you by my side as we take our country back after six and a half years of cronyism and corruption, incompetence and deception.

Every "You go girl!" and "Give em Hill!", every letter of support you've sent, every dollar you've contributed, every friend you've recruited, every blog you've written, every house party you've attended, every petition you've signed, every time you've shown your support, every one of these things is the heart and soul of my campaign.

To put it simply: I owe the success of my campaign to each and every one of you. And to the skeptics who doubt the strength of our grassroots community, I say you've proven them wrong.

Now I want to share an astonishing -- and humbling -- number: 981,440. That's how many of you have supported my campaign for change.

Let's get to a million supporters.

Sign up your family and friends and coworkers. Have them sign up theirs. Tell them we're about to reach a million strong. Tell them we're making history together. And the person who is our one millionth supporter -- along with one of our current supporters, like you -- will travel with me and my team on the campaign trail to roll up our sleeves for a whirlwind day.

Click here to send a message to your friends urging them to sign up, or to sign up if you haven't yet joined the campaign.


Here's why reaching one million supporters is so crucial: because working together, there's nothing we can't achieve. It takes strength and experience to bring about change -- and it also takes cooperation. With your help, my campaign has come so far and now with your help we'll have the resources we need to win. I've told my campaign to come up with the strongest field program ever created, and I know you are a key part of that effort.

That's why we need you to ask everyone you know to join the campaign today: friends, family, coworkers -- everyone in your email address book! Visit our "One Million" page today:


I know you're with me every step of the way -- I see you on the campaign trail, at rallies and diners, house parties and town halls. It makes such a difference knowing I have such incredible support. Thank you for everything you do, and let's hit that one million goal!


Hillary Rodham Clinton
[From an e-mail by Hillary Clinton to WBTI {Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:24:12 -0400 (EDT)}on 072307.]

About U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a United States Senator of New York. As a Senator, she has continued her advocacy for children and families and has been a national leader on homeland security and national security issues.
She is married to Bill Clinton, the U. S. 42nd President. From 1993 to 2001, Hillary was the First Lady of the United States. As a candidate in the 2008 United States presidential election, she has consistently been the front-runner in polls for the Democratic nomination.
During her years as First Lady of the United States, she was successful in several areas, such as establishing the Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997.
Hillary's commitment to health care for every American has never wavered. She was instrumental in designing and championing the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which has provided millions of children with health insurance. She battled the big drug companies to force them to test their drugs for children and to make sure all kids get the immunizations they need through the Vaccines for Children Program. Immunization rates dramatically improved after the program launched.
Her 1995 book "It Takes A Village," about the responsibility we all have to help children succeed, became an international best seller. The Lady has donated the proceeds -- more than a million dollars -- to children's causes across the country. Her autobiography, "Living History," was also a best seller. The book has been translated into 12 languages and sold over 1.3 million copies.
In 2000, Hillary was elected to the United States Senate from New York. As Senator, Hillary has continued her advocacy for children and families and has been a national leader on homeland security and national security issues.
U. S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was re-elected by a wide margin in 2006. New Yorkers reelected her to the U. S. Senate with 67 percent of the vote.
(Editor's note) The articles for U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton by WBTI have been published by the leading search engines promptly. The following information have been just received from a search of "Last week, I announced my endorsement of New York Senator Hillary Clinton in her campaign for President. Senator Clinton is my pick because of her plan that comprises real policy initiatives ... by dr dina titus", "Hillary Clinton, business wbti, and nevada", etc., on the Google, Yahoo, AOL, Search, Ask, MSN, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, and among others beginning at 10:37 a.m. in the morning on July 23, 2007. The search results are appeared starting from the first line of the engines' first page. The following are a few examples:
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Last week, I announced my endorsement of New York Senator Hillary Clinton in her ... Senator Clinton is my pick because of her plan that comprises real policy ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 110k - Cached
(The article "When it comes to fighting for Nevada and our country, we're up for a good brawl every time ---We are blessed to have an extraordinary breadth of experience, compassion and wisdom to draw from!" by Dr. Dina Titus was posted in the section 'Business & Administration' of WBTI's website on June 18, 2007.)
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Paradise Democratic ...
Bob has recently retired from the Nevada Supreme Court. ... Hillary Rodham Clinton was elected to the United States Senate by the people of New York on ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 76k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
This article in related to U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton, Chairman Rory Reid of Clark County Commission, and Nevada has been posted in this section on 071807-1017:
Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will help bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community!
By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 23, 2007.

天仁茗茶集團推選李明星為董事長 天仁、天福茗茶一鳴驚人名揚四海!
與大自然相融合 風光旖旎
Mountains and lakes are the beginning and attractiveness of all natural scenery, but cities can make themselves a beautiful scenery also!
By Jennifer Kung

The news about the appointment of Chairman Li was early reported by 記者楊伶雯 on 2007/06/13 in Taipei. The title was "股東會/天仁通過去年度股利1.5元 李明星接任董事長". It was posted by ETtoday ETtoday (「東森新聞報ETtoday」) with its colorful logo on the left top following the title of the report.

"天仁茶業(1233) 13日舉行股東常會,會中通過2006年度盈餘分,每股配發股利1.5元,其中現金股利1.2元、股票股利0.3元,同時全面改選董監,會後推選新任董事長由李明星出任。" *1

The stories of these public charaters in this article consist also with an experience of the success through A. Q. Recently, E.Q. has already been familiar with people, but not A. Q. We hope that the findings on "I.Q., E.Q., and A.Q. for success" by Dr. Sun-yuan Kung, a distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, will become an effective strategy for young people to drive at wisely!*2

"談起因為經營茶事業而享有盛名的天仁、天福集團,可說是在兩岸間讓人耳熟能詳的台灣企業。集團總裁李瑞河的魄力與眼界,固然是天仁、天福成功的一大因素,但董事長李勝治坐鎮台灣,也讓大陸的天福能無後顧之憂,專心經營當地市場。 ...李瑞河由美國轉往當時才剛開放的中國大陸尋找事業第二春,創辦了天福茗茶。 ... 而真正讓天仁、天福茗茶名揚四海的,還是在1997年的溫哥華APEC、2001年的上海APEC,天福茗茶成為盛會上的指定用茶,並成為贈送各國佳賓的高級贈品,加上李瑞河與當時中共總書記江澤民吃飯的照片,有了江澤民當「最佳代言人」,天仁、天福於是一鳴驚人,市場地位大幅提昇。" posted the article (取材自贏家雜誌) by the 'Autobiography of Global Chinese' of 1111人力銀行.

A special interview has been completed by World Journal 記者邱紹璟 in 紐約. The report, entitled "李明星 將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳 ---與妻在美推廣 自零到六家店面 獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長", was posted in the section of '華人生活圈' of the Chinese newspaper on July 20, 2007.

"紐約天仁茗茶總經理李明星,上個月在台灣舉行的股東會中,獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長。李明星日前已返回紐約,除了計畫未來如何拓展歐美市場、將品茶文化引進青少年族群以外,19日也分享了他從小在台灣南投茶樹下玩耍長大,學種茶樹,到後來開拓美國茶葉市場,與夫人四處推銷的篳路藍縷過程。茶農世家出生的李明星,擁有一身品茶專業功夫,賢內助劉艾倫懂得展現茶道藝術之美,她稱讚丈夫的踏實、誠懇,李明星則感謝妻子的實踐家精神,伉儷間的合作默契佳,其成功並非偶然。李明星覺得成功的要件是「毅力」選定目標後,就持之以恆地一步步做。" *3

Persistence and faith are significant to help realize what about "we'll make a change!" Chairman Li's feeling on the importance of 「毅力」to success is inspiring. "The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun," quoted Napoleon Hill. The encouragement in this quote by writer Hill (1883-1970) might extend to our young people who are looking for success with an ideal or a goal.*4


Jennifer selected this report in Chinese to share reading with our friends. May be we can digest some of the inspiration from the following quotes together with the report:

*** "Small opportunities are often the beginging of great enterprises." --- Demosthenes
*** "The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." --- Moliere
*** "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey

"成功大學工程科學系畢業後隔天,李明星馬上到苗栗頭份茶園報到上工,學習茶葉粗製、精製流程。他形容其間過程十分辛苦,要能扛百斤茶葉才算過關,還必須學習品茶以鑑定價格。在取得彼得杜拉克管理學院碩士後,他於1983年與妻子開始打拼美國西岸市場。劉艾倫說一路走來篳路藍縷,為了找店面在曼哈坦華埠被罵出來過,開著漂亮店面卻吸引不到客人,直到獲得紐約時報青睞報導,漸漸名聲遠播,紐約市現有六家店面。天仁茗茶從傳統式茶店,開始發展成以茶融入飲食的「喫茶趣」餐廳型態,李明星希望實現全球化產業,拓展歐洲市場,並將茶入菜的概念餐廳引進紐約。" *5

This reading study has been extended to three reports in tourism.

Reporter 何方 brings us with a touring news for this summer. The report was entitled "洛城近郊酒店 休閒好去處".

"暑假是家人相聚在一起的時間,如果週末想在洛杉磯附近輕鬆一下,花費不多就可以短途旅行。 洛杉磯往聖地牙哥的路上,有一家酒店St. Regis,提供很多方便家庭的遊玩計畫,可以滑水,也可以帶自家的寵物前往,這是大多數酒店不能提供的。另外,這裡的每間屋子都有隱秘的陽台可眺望景觀,因此好萊塢的實景秀「Fabulous Life」曾在這裡拍攝,就連小甜甜布蘭妮也曾在這裡下榻。" *6

The art of life depends critically on wisdom, knowledge, and resources. The extra enjoyment of a touring or traveling may be derived from our good planning and nice implementation.

"洛杉磯市中心小東京附近的新奧塔尼酒店(The New Otani),兼具邁阿密風光到五?年代假日酒店(Holiday Inn)特色。不過,最有特色的是建在四樓的日式花園,包括池塘、瀑布以及一大片的綠色景觀。尤其難得的是距離華埠和蒙特利公園市等華裔社區不遠,夏季的夜晚三五好友相約,到此喝啤酒聊天,是不錯的休閒活動。如果有朋自遠方來,特別對好萊塢感興趣,一定要帶他們去日落塔酒店(Sunset Tower)看看,這個建於1929年的古典建築,位於8358 W. Sunset Blvd.,曾經出現在很多電影和電視中,頗具好萊塢特色。*7

On 2007/07/19 18:01 旅遊經編輯部/許瓊文報導 a report on "香港今夏超優惠 迪士尼門票免費送". It was posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞". The source was from '旅遊經'. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.

"想要去香港旅遊,暑期最便宜,航空業者不但推出兩人同行只要8888元,甚至還有業者送出迪士尼門票,想撿便宜得加緊腳步。 中華航空表示,暑假對遊客來說是旅遊旺季,但實則為香港的旅遊淡季,一般遊客在暑假由香港是最便宜,緊接在暑期之後的九月商務季節、大型會議多半在香港舉行,屆時不但機票難取得、甚至連飯店都一房難求,想玩香港其實要趁暑假。 中華航空精緻旅遊「幸福起飛」系列促銷即推出選購Novotel Citygate Hotel 2天1夜迪士尼促銷, 選購九龍香格里拉酒店香港3天2夜。 中華航空:www.china-airlines.com;長榮航空:www.evaair.com 更多旅遊新聞請上「旅遊經」 www.travelrich.com.tw *8

To enjoy the publicity of Chinese writings on touring, we like to be its readers.

It is an interesting finding that after the section "人與美景 People & Beautiful Scenery" was openned, the terminnology "美景" is appearring on the titles of some newspaper reports.

"家家臨水 戶戶泊船美景 柯洛納多市名不虛傳" is a report written by Reporter 李大明 on the Worldjournal.com:

"由「金錢」(Money)雜誌剛評出的全美一百座最適合居住城市中,聖地牙哥縣以旖旎風光、傳奇故事與威武戰艦而出名的柯洛納多市(Coronado)幸運當選。名列38的柯洛納多,與美國海軍基地各占柯洛納多島的一半。小城只有2萬5900人口,但每年接待的遊客不知凡幾。四方訪客最主要的目的地,是有紅色尖頂的百年老店—柯洛納多大旅館。據記載,二次大戰後的每一位美國總統都曾下榻於此," reported the "洛杉磯新聞" of Worldjournal.com.*9

To understand more about the event, we may have information from CNNmony.com. The following is an example:

"A City, of a state in U. S.
What do you think of ???(a city), the No. ? city on this year's Best Places to Live list? What makes it a great American town? ... How are the schools? ... If you don't live there now, would you consider moving there? ..."

"據統計,全市白種人占人口75%,拉丁裔占10.38%,其他所有族裔加起來還不到15%。但這些因素瑕不掩瑜,未能動搖柯洛納多最適於居住的本色,也使聖地牙哥人為之欣慰與自豪。" continued the report.*10

Old city is also attractive for visitors. The report of "《古城之旅》遊閬中看張飛" by
記者陳汶彬 from 四川閬中 is an example. The source was from 四川省旅遊局/www.scta.gov.cn。 It was posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞".

"四川是三國時古蜀國戍守的疆土,很多可歌可泣的故事也都發生於此,如果你喜歡張飛,到閬中準沒錯。張飛鎮守閬中7年,保境安民,受閬中民眾所愛戴,... 百姓為其築塚建祠,是為「張飛廟」,在古城西街北側的「漢桓侯祠」即是。到過雲南麗江、山西平遙、安徽歙縣的台灣遊客,一定要到與它們齊名,一起被譽為「中國四大古城」的閬中古城一遊,比較一下各古城不同的格局和風采。" *11

The article "Our Moment -- Our Movement! Together, we can create a better tomorrow for our Earth if we seize this vital moment' by Al Gore inspired us the importance of loving our natural resources in this world.*12

[[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ...
Together, we can create a better tomorrow for our Earth if we seize this vital moment. ... Moment -- Our Movement,' "An e-mail from Al Gole to WBTI," (May ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=2 - 189k - Cached
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Together, we can create a better tomorrow for our Earth if we seize this vital moment. ... Moment -- Our Movement,' "An e-mail from Al Gole to WBTI," (May ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=4 - 129k - Cached ]]] *13

"距離成都300餘公里的閬中古城,需途經綿陽、劍閣,沿途風光秀美,路況良好,加上古城地處川北的嘉陵江畔,四面環山,三方繞水,古來都採用一些既與大自然相融合,同時又能藉以襯托自然景觀的構建手法,將山、水、城融合為一體,與「天人合一」的中國傳統城市建設思想相契合,因此自古即被譽為「風水古城」,而古城裡也設置有全中國唯一的一座「風水館」,為你解說風水之奧妙。古城因有嘉陵江蜿蜒流過,形成扇形半島,全城街道走向有意偏離蟠龍山和錦屏山所形成的風水空間軸線,強化了風水並豐富了古城景觀。而在錦屏山上的碑林,收藏有張飛「立馬勒銘」碑的真品,同時還有張大千二哥「上山虎」和「下山虎」的石刻碑。" *14

In studying the above publications, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 楊伶雯, 邱紹璟, 何方, 許瓊文, 李大明, 陳汶彬 and among others on its most parts of the portion in Chinese.

Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." It is just a little interest or a small hobby in reading. With intellectual skills for E. Q., people can avoid to be something in related to what Albert Einstein's "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." *15 The sky is beautiful and laymen may sometime bring people with some fun!


*1. 楊伶雯. '股東會/天仁通過去年度股利1.5元 李明星接任董事長,' "A search of '天仁集團董事長李明星' on the Google.com," (July 21, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Chang, Tiffany. 'Art of E. Q. and A. Q. inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-yuan Kung!', "The 'Business & Administration' of WBTI's website," (July 21, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada; Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com.
*3. 邱紹璟. '李明星 將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳 ---與妻在美推廣 自零到六家店面 獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長' "A search of '華人生活圈' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 20, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*4. Chang, Tiffany. 'Vision and enthusiasm,' "A search of 'Business wbti' on the Google.com," (June 18, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*5. 邱紹璟. Ibid.
*6. 何方. '洛城近郊酒店 休閒好去處,' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 20, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*7. Ibid.
*8. 許瓊文. '香港今夏超優惠 迪士尼門票免費送,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 20, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*9. 李大明. '家家臨水 戶戶泊船美景 柯洛納多市名不虛傳' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 19, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*10. Ibid.
*11. 陳汶彬. '《古城之旅》遊閬中看張飛,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 21, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*12. Gore, Al. "Our Moment -- Our Movement! Together, we can create a better tomorrow for our Earth if we seize this vital moment,' "The 'Business & Administration' of WBTI's website," (July 21, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada; Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com.
*13. Gore, Al. 'Together, we can create a better tomorrow for our Earth ...,' "A search of 'Moment -- Our Movement by al gore wbti' on the Yahoo.com," (July 21, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*14. 陳汶彬. Ibid.
*15. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 23, 2007.

and I am proud of how everyone is pitching in!
By James A. Gibbons

It is difficult to visualize how much of our state is burning. As of 3:00 p.m. on July 20th, approximately 72 wildfires are burning in Nevada. A total of 564 fires have consumed an estimated 341,000 acres already this year.

This week I visited firefighters in both Reno and Elko as they battled the Hawken fire southwest of Reno and numerous blazes currently burning across northeast Nevada. In one short helicopter ride, I saw fires that have consumed 300,000 acres in Elko County alone. Besides the loss of grasslands, the impact on wildlife and ecology will be devastating. Businesses that depend on ranching and hunting will suffer the effects for years to come.

Nevada抯 state agencies are working together to battle these wildfires, and I am proud of how everyone is pitching in. The Nevada Department of Transportation has joined our Division of Forestry, the Nevada National Guard and city and county governments in supplying manpower and equipment. Just today the Clark County Fire Department sent fire engines to Elko. Nevada is currently at the top of the federal government抯 fire list, so we hold top priority for getting federal resources. A combined total of nearly 2,000 firefighters from federal, state and local agencies are now at work fighting wildland fires across the state.

This week I signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency in Nevada and directed all state agencies to assist our counties and towns wherever needed to protect the health and safety of Nevadans as well as their property. This allows agencies to use the state抯 Disaster Relief Fund to supplement firefighting budgets wherever necessary.

Together, we are winning the fight against wildfire. Unfortunately, the peak of this fire season still lies in the weeks ahead. Plants will get even drier during the heat of summer, and August traditionally brings the highest probability of lightning. We cannot control rainfall or lightning, but we can each exercise caution whenever we venture into the wilderness. Our state and our safety depend on it.
[From an e-mail by Office of the Governor to WBTI on July 20, 2007.]

[[[ Elissa Cadish has the qualifications and the experience to serve the people of Clark County as a district court judge. She graduated near the top of her class from a very prestigious law school and has practiced law in Nevada for 16 years, earning the respect of her peers. I am confident that, as judge, she will become an important part of Clark County’s judicial system, rendering fair and impartial judgments for the people of southern Nevada. (July 12, 2007) ]]]

{{{ Both Bill (Brady) and Stan (Wilmoth) will bring leadership to this committee (Gaming Policy Committee) and I am pleased that they have agreed to come on board. Sound gaming policy is critical for the continued success of Nevada’s number one industry. (July 9, 2007) }}}

About Governor James A. Gibbons:
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons earned a B.S. in Geology and later, a M.S. in Mining/Geology from the University of Nevada at Reno. Gibbons received the MacKay School of Mines Alumnus of the Year Award in 1999, and remains an active supporter of Nevadaˇs university and community college system. He also earned his J.D. from Southwestern University School of Law and completed his post-graduate work at the University of Southern California. Born and raised in Sparks, Nevada, Governor Jim Gibbons was a former United States Congressman. Jim was first elected to represent Nevada's 2nd District in the House of Representatives in 1996. He was re-elected to a fifth term in November 2004. Prior to coming to Congress, Gibbons gained a distinguished military background. A former combat pilot and decorated veteran of both the Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars, Governor Gibbons served in the United States Air Force from 1967 to 1971 and graduated from the USAF Air Command and Staff College as well as the Air War College. Attaining the rank of Colonel, Gibbons joined the Nevada Air Guard in 1975, and served as the group's Vice Commander from 1990 through 1996. Jim Gibbons served three terms in the Nevada State Legislature and was named  霴utstanding Freshman Legislator ?his first year in 1988. By 1993, Gibbons rose through the ranks to become Republican Whip of the State Assembly. Jim Gibbons is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).
(Editor's note) The articles by Governor James A. Gibbons and his Office including related notes from WBTI's Editor in this section have been published by the leading search engines promptly. The following information have been just received from a search of "Meet Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons with his message on 061607-1087", "Dangers of Meth in Nevada! ...", etc. on the Google.com, Yahoo.com, AOL.com, Search.com, Ask.com, and among others beginning at 3:21 p.m. in the afternoon on July 6, 2007. The search results are appeared starting from the first line of the engines' first page:
By "Meet Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons with his message on 061607-1087" ---
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] On September 23, 2002, District Attorney Stewart Bell wrote in his Office ... 061807-1006 (Meet Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons with his message on 061607-1087. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 105k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] 062207-1001 (Meet Senator Harry Reid with his message on 062107-1012!) ... Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; US Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 116k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
For "articles by james a gibbons in 'business & administration' wbti" ---
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
061207-2021 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI website, Tuesday, 2:21 ... The articles by Governor James A. Gibbons and his Office in this section have ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 114k - Cached
For "Dangers of Meth in Nevada! Through advocacy and education I believe we can reach out to those affected by this lethal drug" ---
Office of the Governor - State of Nevada
Dangers of Meth in Nevada. June 15, 2007 ... Through advocacy and education I believe we can reach out to those affected by this lethal drug. ...gov.state.nv.us/GovernorMessages/2007.06.15DangersOfMeth.htm - 13k - Cached
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
... early morning tomorrow: [[[ Dangers of Meth in Nevada! ... Through advocacy and education I believe we can reach out to those affected by this lethal drug ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 114k - Cached
For "Through advocacy and education I believe we can reach out to those affected by this lethal drug by james a gibbons" ---
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Through advocacy and education I believe we can reach out to those affected by this lethal drug ... The articles by Governor James A. Gibbons and his ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 114k - Cached
***** At 10:17 a.m on July 21, 2007 for "by james a gibbons wbti":
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
The articles by Governor James A. Gibbons and his Office in this section have ... By James A. Gibbons wbti" on the Google.com: ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 110k - Cached


[[[ (draft) To be continued ... ]]]
An e-mail from the Office of Nevada Governor to WBTI:


July 20, 2007 print version (word)

It is difficult to visualize how much of our state is burning. As of 3:00 p.m. on July 20th, approximately 72 wildfires are burning in Nevada. A total of 564 fires have consumed an estimated 341,000 acres already this year.

This week I visited firefighters in both Reno and Elko as they battled the Hawken fire southwest of Reno and numerous blazes currently burning across northeast Nevada. In one short helicopter ride, I saw fires that have consumed 300,000 acres in Elko County alone. Besides the loss of grasslands, the impact on wildlife and ecology will be devastating. Businesses that depend on ranching and hunting will suffer the effects for years to come.

Nevada~{!/~}s state agencies are working together to battle these wildfires, and I am proud of how everyone is pitching in. The Nevada Department of Transportation has joined our Division of Forestry, the Nevada National Guard and city and county governments in supplying manpower and equipment. Just today the Clark County Fire Department sent fire engines to Elko. Nevada is currently at the top of the federal government~{!/~}s fire list, so we hold top priority for getting federal resources. A combined total of nearly 2,000 firefighters from federal, state and local agencies are now at work fighting wildland fires across the state.

This week I signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency in Nevada and directed all state agencies to assist our counties and towns wherever needed to protect the health and safety of Nevadans as well as their property. This allows agencies to use the state~{!/~}s Disaster Relief Fund to supplement firefighting budgets wherever necessary.

Together, we are winning the fight against wildfire. Unfortunately, the peak of this fire season still lies in the weeks ahead. Plants will get even drier during the heat of summer, and August traditionally brings the highest probability of lightning. We cannot control rainfall or lightning, but we can each exercise caution whenever we venture into the wilderness. Our state and our safety depend on it.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 22, 2007.

旖旎風光 精緻旅遊 遊玩好去處!
推廣茶業 李明星以成功的要件是「毅力」獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長
Mountains and lakes are the beginning and attractiveness of all natural scenery
Some cities as a beautiful scenery!
By Jennifer Kung

This reading study has been extended to three reports in tourism.

Reporter 何方 brings us with a touring news for this summer. The report was entitled "洛城近郊酒店 休閒好去處".

"暑假是家人相聚在一起的時間,如果週末想在洛杉磯附近輕鬆一下,花費不多就可以短途旅行。 洛杉磯往聖地牙哥的路上,有一家酒店St. Regis,提供很多方便家庭的遊玩計畫,可以滑水,也可以帶自家的寵物前往,這是大多數酒店不能提供的。另外,這裡的每間屋子都有隱秘的陽台可眺望景觀,因此好萊塢的實景秀「Fabulous Life」曾在這裡拍攝,就連小甜甜布蘭妮也曾在這裡下榻。" *1

The art of life depends critically on wisdom, knowledge, and resources. The extra enjoyment of a touring or traveling may be derived from our good planning and nice implementation.

"洛杉磯市中心小東京附近的新奧塔尼酒店(The New Otani),兼具邁阿密風光到五?年代假日酒店(Holiday Inn)特色。不過,最有特色的是建在四樓的日式花園,包括池塘、瀑布以及一大片的綠色景觀。尤其難得的是距離華埠和蒙特利公園市等華裔社區不遠,夏季的夜晚三五好友相約,到此喝啤酒聊天,是不錯的休閒活動。如果有朋自遠方來,特別對好萊塢感興趣,一定要帶他們去日落塔酒店(Sunset Tower)看看,這個建於1929年的古典建築,位於8358 W. Sunset Blvd.,曾經出現在很多電影和電視中,頗具好萊塢特色。*2

On 2007/07/19 18:01 旅遊經編輯部/許瓊文報導 a report on "香港今夏超優惠 迪士尼門票免費送". It was posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞". The source was from '旅遊經'. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.

"想要去香港旅遊,暑期最便宜,航空業者不但推出兩人同行只要8888元,甚至還有業者送出迪士尼門票,想撿便宜得加緊腳步。 中華航空表示,暑假對遊客來說是旅遊旺季,但實則為香港的旅遊淡季,一般遊客在暑假由香港是最便宜,緊接在暑期之後的九月商務季節、大型會議多半在香港舉行,屆時不但機票難取得、甚至連飯店都一房難求,想玩香港其實要趁暑假。 中華航空精緻旅遊「幸福起飛」系列促銷即推出選購Novotel Citygate Hotel 2天1夜迪士尼促銷, 選購九龍香格里拉酒店香港3天2夜。 中華航空:www.china-airlines.com;長榮航空:www.evaair.com 更多旅遊新聞請上「旅遊經」 www.travelrich.com.tw *3

To enjoy the publicity of Chinese writings on touring, we like to be its readers.

It is an interesting finding that after the section "人與美景 People & Beautiful Scenery" was openned, the terminnology "美景" is appearring on the titles of some newspaper reports.

"家家臨水 戶戶泊船美景 柯洛納多市名不虛傳" is a report written by Reporter 李大明 on the Worldjournal.com:

"由「金錢」(Money)雜誌剛評出的全美一百座最適合居住城市中,聖地牙哥縣以旖旎風光、傳奇故事與威武戰艦而出名的柯洛納多市(Coronado)幸運當選。名列38的柯洛納多,與美國海軍基地各占柯洛納多島的一半。小城只有2萬5900人口,但每年接待的遊客不知凡幾。四方訪客最主要的目的地,是有紅色尖頂的百年老店—柯洛納多大旅館。據記載,二次大戰後的每一位美國總統都曾下榻於此," reported the "洛杉磯新聞" of Worldjournal.com.*4

To understand more about the event, we may have information from CNNmony.com. The following is an example:

"A City, of a state
What do you think of ???(a city), the No. ? city on this year's Best Places to Live list? What makes it a great American town? ... How are the schools? ... If you don't live there now, would you consider moving there? ..."

"據統計,全市白種人占人口75%,拉丁裔占10.38%,其他所有族裔加起來還不到15%。但這些因素瑕不掩瑜,未能動搖柯洛納多最適於居住的本色,也使聖地牙哥人為之欣慰與自豪。" continued the report.*5

A special interview has been completed by World Journal 記者邱紹璟 in 紐約. The report, entitled "李明星 將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳 ---與妻在美推廣 自零到六家店面 獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長", was posted in the section of '華人生活圈' of the Chinese newspaper on July 20, 2007.

"紐約天仁茗茶總經理李明星,上個月在台灣舉行的股東會中,獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長。李明星日前已返回紐約,除了計畫未來如何拓展歐美市場、將品茶文化引進青少年族群以外,19日也分享了他從小在台灣南投茶樹下玩耍長大,學種茶樹,到後來開拓美國茶葉市場,與夫人四處推銷的篳路藍縷過程。茶農世家出生的李明星,擁有一身品茶專業功夫,賢內助劉艾倫懂得展現茶道藝術之美,她稱讚丈夫的踏實、誠懇,李明星則感謝妻子的實踐家精神,伉儷間的合作默契佳,其成功並非偶然。李明星覺得成功的要件是「毅力」選定目標後,就持之以恆地一步步做。" *6

Persistence and faith are significant to help realize what about "we'll make a change!" Chairman Li's feeling on the importance of 「毅力」to success is inspiring. "The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun," quoted Napoleon Hill. The encouragement in this quote by writer Hill (1883-1970) might extend to our young people who are looking for success with an ideal or a goal.*7


Jennifer selected this report in Chinese to share reading with our friends. May be we can digest some of the inspiration from the following quotes together with the report:

*** "Small opportunities are often the beginging of great enterprises." --- Demosthenes
*** "The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." --- Moliere
*** "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey

"成功大學工程科學系畢業後隔天,李明星馬上到苗栗頭份茶園報到上工,學習茶葉粗製、精製流程。他形容其間過程十分辛苦,要能扛百斤茶葉才算過關,還必須學習品茶以鑑定價格。在取得彼得杜拉克管理學院碩士後,他於1983年與妻子開始打拼美國西岸市場。劉艾倫說一路走來篳路藍縷,為了找店面在曼哈坦華埠被罵出來過,開著漂亮店面卻吸引不到客人,直到獲得紐約時報青睞報導,漸漸名聲遠播,紐約市現有六家店面。天仁茗茶從傳統式茶店,開始發展成以茶融入飲食的「喫茶趣」餐廳型態,李明星希望實現全球化產業,拓展歐洲市場,並將茶入菜的概念餐廳引進紐約。" *8

In studying the above publications, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 何方, 許瓊文, 李大明, 邱紹璟, and among others on its most parts of the portion in Chinese.

Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." It is just a little interest or a small hobby in reading. *9 The sky is beautiful and laymen may sometime bring people with some fun!


*1. 何方. '洛城近郊酒店 休閒好去處,' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 20, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*2. 何方. Ibid.
*3. S瓊文. '香港今夏超優惠 迪士尼門票免費送,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 20, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*4. 李大明. '家家臨水 戶戶泊船美景 柯洛納多市名不虛傳' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 19, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*5. 李大明. Ibid.
*6. 邱紹璟. '李明星 將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳 ---與妻在美推廣 自零到六家店面 獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長' "A search of '華人生活圈' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 20, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*7. Chang, Tiffany. 'Vision and enthusiasm,' "A search of 'Business wbti' on the Google.com," (June 18, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*8. 邱紹璟. Ibid.
*9. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 22, 2007.

旖旎風光 遊玩好去處!
Mountains and lakes are the beginning and attractiveness of all natural scenery
We have cities as a beautiful scenery!
By Jennifer Kung

A special interview has been completed by World Journal 記者邱紹璟 in 紐約. The report, entitled "李明星 將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳 ---與妻在美推廣 自零到六家店面 獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長", was posted in the section of '華人生活圈' of the Chinese newspaper on July 20, 2007.

"紐約天仁茗茶總經理李明星,上個月在台灣舉行的股東會中,獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長。李明星日前已返回紐約,除了計畫未來如何拓展歐美市場、將品茶文化引進青少年族群以外,19日也分享了他從小在台灣南投茶樹下玩耍長大,學種茶樹,到後來開拓美國茶葉市場,與夫人四處推銷的篳路藍縷過程。茶農世家出生的李明星,擁有一身品茶專業功夫,賢內助劉艾倫懂得展現茶道藝術之美,她稱讚丈夫的踏實、誠懇,李明星則感謝妻子的實踐家精神,伉儷間的合作默契佳,其成功並非偶然。李明星覺得成功的要件是「毅力」選定目標後,就持之以恆地一步步做。" *1

Persistence and faith are significant to help realize what about "we'll make a change!" Chairman Li's feeling on the importance of 「毅力」to success is inspiring. "The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun," quoted Napoleon Hill. The encouragement in this quote by writer Hill (1883-1970) might extend to our young people who are looking for success with an ideal or a goal.*2


Jennifer selected this report in Chinese to share reading with our friends. May be we can digest some of the inspiration from the following quotes together with the report:

*** "Small opportunities are often the beginging of great enterprises." --- Demosthenes
*** "The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." --- Moliere
*** "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey

"成功大學工程科學系畢業後隔天蠲餍邱R上到苗栗頭份茶園報到上工,學習茶葉粗製、精製流程。他形容其間過程十分辛苦,要能扛百斤茶葉才算過關,還必須學習品茶以鑑定價格。在取得彼得杜拉克管理學院碩士後,他於1983年與妻子開始打拼美國西岸市場。劉艾倫說一路走來篳路藍縷,為了找店面在曼哈坦華埠被罵出來過,開著漂亮店面卻吸引不到客人,直到獲得紐約時報青睞報導,漸漸名聲遠播,紐約市現有六家店面。天仁茗茶從傳統式茶店,開始發展成以茶融入飲食的「喫茶趣」餐廳型態,李明星希望實現全球化產業,拓展歐洲市場,並將茶入菜的概念餐廳引進紐約。" *3

This reading study has been extended to three reports in tourism.

Reporter 何方 brings us with a touring news for this summer. The report was entitled "洛城近郊酒店 休閒好去處".

"暑假是家人相聚在一起的時間,如果週末想在洛杉磯附近輕鬆一下,花費不多就可以短途旅行。 洛杉磯往聖地牙哥的路上,有一家酒店St. Regis,提供很多方便家庭的遊玩計畫,可以滑水,也可以帶自家的寵物前往,這是大多數酒店不能提供的。另外,這裡的每間屋子都有隱秘的陽台可眺望景觀,因此好萊塢的實景秀「Fabulous Life」曾在這裡拍攝,就連小甜甜布蘭妮也曾在這裡下榻。" *4

The art of life depends critically on wisdom, knowledge, and resources. The extra enjoyment of a touring or traveling may be derived from our good planning and nice implementation.

"洛杉磯市中心小東京附近的新奧塔尼酒店(The New Otani),兼具邁阿密風光到五?年代假日酒店(Holiday Inn)特色。不過,最有特色的是建在四樓的日式花園,包括池塘、瀑布以及一大片的綠色景觀。尤其難得的是距離華埠和蒙特利公園市等A裔社區不遠,夏季的夜晚三五好友相約,到此喝啤酒聊天,是不錯的休閒活動。如果有朋自遠方來,特別對好萊塢感興趣,一定要帶他們去日落塔酒店(Sunset Tower)看看,這個?929年的古典建築,位於8358 W. Sunset Blvd.,曾經出現在很多電影和電視中,頗具好萊塢特色。*5

On 2007/07/19 18:01 旅遊經編輯部/許瓊文報導 a report on "香港今夏超優惠 迪士尼門票免費送". It was posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞". The source was from '旅遊經'. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.

"想要去香港旅遊,暑期最便宜,航空業者不但推出兩人同行只要8888元,甚至還有業者送出迪士尼門票,想撿便宜得加緊腳步。 中華航空表示,暑假對遊客來說是旅遊旺季,但實則為香港的旅遊淡季,一般遊客在暑假由香港是最便宜,緊接在暑期之後的九月商務季節、大型會議多半在香港舉行,屆時不但機票難取得、甚至連飯店都一房難求,想玩香港其實要趁暑假。 中華航空精緻旅遊「幸福起飛」系列促銷即推出選購Novotel Citygate Hotel 2天1夜迪士尼促銷, 選購九龍香格里拉酒店香港3天2夜。 中華航空:www.china-airlines.com;長榮航空:www.evaair.com 更多旅遊新聞請上「旅遊經」 www.travelrich.com.tw *6

To enjoy the publicity of Chinese writings on touring, we like to be its readers.

It is an interesting finding that after the section "人與美景 People & Beautiful Scenery" was openned, the terminnology "美景" is appearring on the titles of some newspaper reports.

"家家臨水 戶戶泊船美景 柯洛納多市名不虛傳" is a report written by Reporter 李大明 on the Worldjournal.com:

"由「金錢」(Money)雜誌剛評出的全美一百座最適合居住城市中,聖地牙哥縣以旖旎風光、傳奇故事與威武戰艦而出名的柯洛納多市(Coronado)幸運當選。名列38的柯洛納多,與美國海軍基地各占柯洛納多島的一半。小城只有2萬5900人口,但每年接待的遊客不知凡幾。四方訪客最主要的目的地,是有紅色尖頂的百年老店—柯洛納多大旅館。據記載,二次大戰後的每一位美國總統都曾下榻於此," reported the "洛杉磯侣? of Worldjournal.com.*7

To understand more about the event, we may have information from CNNmony.com. The following is an example:

"A City, of a state in U. S.
What do you think of ???(a city), the No. ? city on this year's Best Places to Live list? What makes it a great American town? ... How are the schools? ... If you don't live there now, would you consider moving there? ..."

"據統計,全市白種人占人口75%,拉丁裔占10.38%,其他所有族裔加起來還不到15%。但這些因素瑕不掩瑜,未能動搖柯洛納多最適於居住的本色,也使聖地牙哥人為之欣慰與自豪。" continued the report.*8

In studying the above publications, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 邱紹璟, 何方, 許瓊文, 李大明, and among others on its most parts of the portion in Chinese.

Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." It is just a little interest or a small hobby in reading. With intellectual skills for E. Q., people can avoid to be something in related to what Albert Einstein's "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." *9 The sky is beautiful and laymen may sometime bring people with some fun!


*1. 邱紹璟. '李明星 將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳 ---與妻在美推廣 自零到六家店面 獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長' "A search of '華人生活圈' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 20, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*2. Chang, Tiffany. 'Vision and enthusiasm,' "A search of 'Business wbti' on the Google.com," (June 18, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*3. 邱紹璟. Ibid.
*4. 何方. '洛城近郊酒店 休閒好去處,' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 20, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*5. 何方. Ibid.
*6. 許瓊文. '香港今夏超優惠 迪士尼門票免費送,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 20, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*7. 李大明. '家家臨水 戶戶泊船美景 柯洛納多市名不虛傳' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 19, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*8. 李大明. Ibid.
*9. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 21, 2007.

Providing for our Veterans!
American veterans have put their lives on the line fighting for us; it is time that we stand up and fight for them
By Harry M. Reid*1

{{{ Speak Up!
I am proud to be your voice in the United States Senate, and I believe it is important that we communicate with each other. For my part, I will send these newsletters throughout the 110th Congress. I encourage you to speak up and let your voice be heard.}}}

For Americans, 揝upporting the troops," is a statement that we do not take lightly.

揝upporting the troops," ?we believe ?should not end when our brave men and women return home from combat; 揝upporting the troops," should not end when those who have served so honorably are taken ill and need medical care; 揝upporting the troops," should not end when, after risking life and limb, wounded soldiers are forced into medical retirement by combat related injuries.

Our soldiers, veterans, and their families deserve nothing but the best from our government. Unfortunately, the red tape of bureaucracy has long prevented these fine Americans from receiving the care and compensation they deserve. Today, I am offering two amendments to the Department of Defense Authorization Bill designed to address the inequalities U.S. veterans face in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs care system *2

My first amendment aims to expand Concurrent Receipt to allow disabled veterans to simultaneously collect their military retirement paycheck and VA disability compensation, reversing an unfair practice that has disadvantaged our veterans for over a century. This legislation will affect more than 500,000 disabled military retirees by allowing all veterans, regardless of their disability rating, to draw from both their retirement pay and disability compensation. In addition, it repeals the 10 year phase-in period currently imposed upon veterans that are eligible for full concurrent receipt.

The second amendment I will introduce aims to restore earned military pay for disabled retirees deemed 100 Percent Unemployable. Administrative changes to our landmark 2004 legislation created a grouping system in which veterans rated as 搕otally disabled," did not have to wait and get 100 percent of their benefits, while those rated as 搖nemployable" had a 10-year phase-in. In 2005, I introduced legislation to eliminate the 10 year phase for 揢nemployable" veterans, but the conference committee chose not to enact this valuable legislation until 2009. This current legislation will amend the 2005 law with an effective date of December 31, 2004 instead of 2009, making these benefits available to current veterans as well as providing back pay to those veterans left behind in the 2005 legislation.

As part of the underlying bill, I had the Combat-Related Special Compensation Act included during the mark-up process. This legislation ensures that soldiers who are forced into medical retirement by combat injuries before attaining twenty years of service remain eligible to receive their combat-related disability and retirement benefits, proportional to their length of service. This legislation is essential for the more than 23,000 injured personnel who are returning from war. The widespread use of Improvised Explosive Devices has created numerous amputees resulting in an increase in medically discharged veterans.

The American public抯 outrage over the deplorable conditions at Walter Reed, alongside their cry for better physical and mental health care for veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan proves that when the American people say, 揝upport the troops," they mean it. It is time for politicians in Washington to put an end to the lip service and begin to enact real changes that address the inequalities our U.S. veterans face at home in regards to retirement benefits and disability compensation. American veterans have put their lives on the line fighting for us; it is time that we stand up and fight for them.*3


Harry Reid


*1. About U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: U. S. Senator Harry M. Reid is the Democratic Leader (the Majority Leader) in the U. S. Senate. He is a man who commands the respect of colleagues from both parties, and a powerful advocate for Nevada’s middle-class families.
But he still lives in Searchlight … and he is still guided by the lessons and values he learned there.
The Las Vegas Sun newspaper summarized Reid’s story by saying that he “has gone from underdog to Senate’s top dog.”
Parade Magazine, the nation’s largest weekly magazine, identified Senator Reid as one of a handful of leaders in Washington with “integrity and guts.”
Since Nevadans elected him to the Senate in 1986, Harry Reid has developed a reputation as a consensus builder and a skillful legislator. Even his Republican colleagues praise his reasoned, balanced approach.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has said, “We all respect Senator Reid. He is one of the moderate voices around here who tries to get things to work.”
And former GOP Leader Trent Lott said, “Harry Reid is out there finding a solution. I enjoy working with him very much.”
He was elected to the Senate in 1986, and re-elected in 1992, 1998 and 2004. He has served as the chairman or senior Democratic member on several important committees and subcommittees.
Reid is a tireless worker, and it isn’t unusual for him to be the first Senator of either party to arrive at the Capitol in the morning and the last to go home at night.
*2. Reid, Harry. 'The Reid Report - Providing for our Veterans' "An e-mail from U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's Office to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (July 17, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Senator Harry Reid's Office.
*3. Ibid.
Editor's note: The articles by Senator Harry Reid in this section have been published by the leading search engines as soon as they were posted. The following is just an example from a search of "Securing Our Borders: Priority Number One wbti", etc., on the Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Search, Ask.com, and among others starting at 8:57 a.m. in the morning on July 17, 2007. It is on the first line of their first page:
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Securing Our Borders: Priority Number One I believe reform must be tough on lawbreakers, fair to taxpayers, and practical to implement! By Harry M. Reid*1 ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 108k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
***** Our service to assist Senator Reid and his Office for publicity has been implemented since 1993. The following is just a feature shown by the leading search engines on Internet at 5:21 p.m. on July 12, 2007:
{{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2004- [ Translate this page ]
On October 22, 2000, U.S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI Newsbriefs 2001
Lei in my feature article entitled "Senator Harry Reid Awarded 'Outstanding Democrat of the Decade' " on October 26, 2000. WBTI held successfully the Event ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 78k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ] }}}
[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
... (A special tribute to Senator Harry Reid as U. S. Senate Democratic Leader) event and dinner party chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, Dr. R. D. ... 1. (Dr.) Harry Reid is a Nevadan U. S. Senator and the Democratic Leader of U. S. Senate. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 113k - Cached (6:21 a.m., 071307) ]]
*****{{{ At 10:27 a.m. on 072007
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
U. S. Senator Honorable Harry Reid and interesting facts about Nevada, U. S. A. By CI*1 of WBTI " ... (U. S.) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=6 - 110k - Cached }}}


Data kept for reference only:

家家臨水 ??舨创谰 柯洛納多市名不??

"由「金錢」(Money)雜誌??評出的全美一百座最適合居住城市中,聖地牙哥縣以旖旎風光、?髌婀适屡c威武?鹋?而出名的柯洛納多市(Coronado)幸弋?選。名列38的柯洛納多,與美?\?基地各占柯洛納多島的一半。小城只有2萬5900人口,但每年接待的遊客不知凡?住K姆皆L客最主要的目的地,是有紅色尖?的百年老店—柯洛納多大旅館。??載,二次大?疳岬拿恳晃幻??統都曾下榻於此," reported the "洛杉?新?" of Worldjournal.com.


"?y?,全市白種人占人口75%,拉丁裔占10.38%,其他所有族裔加起來?不到15%。但這些因素瑕不掩瑜,未能??u柯洛納多最適於居住的本色,也使聖地牙哥人?橹牢颗c自豪。" continued the report.

Early in the morning on July 19, 2007, the Blog.sina.com.tw posted a report entitled 'い瓣琍畗繰立场辅砐拜秖瘆1货, Θ"材" ' vividly on its first page, "穝ㄊ厨㏄厨旧嘿い瓣簍τ纔玥旧簍畗繰立场辅(痴)砐拜秖セる禬筁1货ΩΘ瞴砐拜秖程场辅畗繰立秨砞场辅度Τ600ぱ 砆臕痷┦薄畗繰立獶硓筁酵┦ㄆ┪脄留╬ま猔種τ度琌盡猔量瓃㎝ら盽ネτま獵俘." *1

The report stated that, "沮穝呼ボ畗繰立场辅7る12らㄓ材1货Ω砐拜穝呼い瓣甌贾矗ㄑ场辅丁ㄤい畗繰立200510る穝秨笯场辅20063る筁セΜ魁ㄤ场辅ゅ彻膟 33烦畗繰立眖呼隔厨い淋叫20や畊癸紋硂程穝Θ碞 畗繰立咎虑磅旧ネㄓ獺2004﹁痁竧峨ぺ吹甫瓣悔筿紇竊墓眔程ㄎ旧簍贱τ瓣悔紇韭羘腘癬" *2

Data kept for reference only:

翴阑计瘆货 畗繰立场辅逼瞴玡50

侣癟"い瓣スぇ畗繰立秨砞场辅临ぃㄢ翴阑綷弄计瘆货瞴7500窾场辅い逼玡50羘墩綺Θ瞴场辅穝籇礘翴侣ㄆ厨㏄ゅ厨旧场辅厨旧弧场辅ぃ糶筿紇糶ネ㎝み薄辨弄рΘㄊ┦ぃ筁厨旧弧盡產パ弄渤畗繰立ゅ彻э跑い瓣嘲礚计淮稱㎝ネよΑ 厨旧弧场辅穦まぶ计弄畗繰立场辅ゅ彻翴阑计常Τ计κ窾瓣临ぃ粄醚い瓣玥琌埃糶场辅琌簍临琌旧簍," reported the '侣穝籇' of Worldjournal.com.

The newspaper in Chinese, World Journal, mentioned that the English newspaper "侣ㄆ厨" reported in a special article, "畗繰立场辅舧籔琌簍㎝旧簍Τ闽簍翠端 (籔辩绰岸㎝猌)ぃ玡旧簍ネㄓ獺厨旧弧畗繰立场辅疭は琈い瓣呼隔龟瘤礛13货いΤぶ场だ琌呼ヘ玡Τ1货3700窾硂计ヘ竒钡瓣呼计硂琌纔秸琩计沮硂ㄇ呼ぇい场だ常琌30烦蛤瓣淮Τ帝呼︽–ぱ呼计糶呼粁の硓筁呼隔ユね硂琌ぐ或Google懂㎝MySpace单跌い瓣カ初 畗繰立场辅暗ρ畗痴砞穝呼 Technorati捌羆掉拦风箉弧讽弄禬筁货场辅羘墩礛τ礛紇臫τい瓣呼弄羘繦帝硂场辅τ肚 厩ネ疭尺舧ゅ彻盡產弧畗繰立琌礚计い瓣淮家ラ癸禜ゅ彻э跑稱㎝ネよΑ"


[Updated one.] Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will help bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community!
By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang

***** "Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles." ---Og Mandino (1923-1996, Speaker and Author)

One of the main three missions of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is community service. To participate, initiate, and help promote significant programs have been some of our efforts. The following article was just one of the examples to state that Asians united means Asians power:

Asian American Community Honors U. S. Senator Honorable Harry Reid
By Tiffany Chang

Asian American communitiy had been united together to hold an event and dinner party successfully to honor U. S. Senator Harry Reid. More than 384 against the 250 planned individuals of government officials, business owners and executives, organizational leaders among others attended the party at the Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant on August 24, 2001.*1

The Kenote Speaker was U. S. Senator Harry Reid. Guests of Honor presented were: U. S. Senator John Ensign (by Sonia Joya), U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congressman Jim Gibbons (by Judith Ray),
and Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa.

U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley introduced Senator Harry Reid to the public with his successfully story to be the greatest political leader of Nevada arsing from the son of an ordinary family of mining worker. The first time as an honorable Master of Ceremony for Asian American community, Shelley' attractiveness and talent are really professional. She has been famous of her arts of leading on social activities since her college life. "On behalf of Washington Business and Technology Institute, I'm glad to be one of the Chairmen of this Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U.S. Senator Harry Reid. Following a successful tribute party to Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker, this Event is an united efforts of all our Asian American community. Thanks to Dr. Raj Chanderraz, Dr. R. D. Prabha, Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Tonie Sison, and Ms. Rita Vaswani to join me as Chairpersons. Thanks to all our guests of honor, special guests, hosts, guests, and participants. Thanks to Dr. Peter Lok as our wonderful Coordinator and Ms. Nancy Diaz to initiate the plan of this event with me. Finnally, we, Asian Americans have put all our effort and wisdom together to have this Special Tribute to our U. S. Senator Harry Reid, because Harry is our great hero to build a community where this and future generations will have more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous life," spoke Dr. Tony Lei, the Chairman of the event and dinner party.

According to the prepared introduction by Congresswoman Berkley to the Party, "Dr. Tony Lei is the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada. He received his M.B.A. and Doctor of Education in Institutional Management degrees from Pepperdine University in 1969 and 1980, respectively. He had been an Associate Professor and a Fellow of Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chung Hsing University and Pepperdine University from 1985 to 1991 and 1991 to 1996, respectively. He has completed numerou scientific papers, text books, best selling books, and research projects during past 30 years in universities and academic institutes. His famous publications Modern Business Management, Information Management, Human Behavior Science, The Arts of Leading, among others have been adopted by several universities as text books."

The highlight of the event was the presentation of a plague of Award of accomplishment to Senator Harry Reid by the Chairmen of the event and dinner party. Fowllowing to sing a happy birthday song for Governor Kenny Guinn and Judge Jessie Walsh, Dr. Lei introduced a former State Senator Mark Malone presenting an Award to Senator Harry Reid from the State Board of Educaton of its elected Member Theresa Malone.

Special Guests presented at the event and party were: Elected Officials of Kathy Augustine ( by Candy Bowser), Merle Berman, Barbara Buckley, Burt Brown, Terry Care, Barbara Cegavske, Michael Cherry, Vonne Chowing, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Allan Earl, Robert Gronauer, Cedric Kerns, John Lee, Myron Leavitt, Michelle Leavitt-Fitzpatrick, Robert Lueck, James Mahan, Theresa Malone (by Mark Malone), Mark Manendo, William Maupin (by Cathy Nelson), Cheryl Moss, Denis Nolan, Judith Ray, Gary Reese (by Loretta Arrington), Cynthia Steel, Dina Titus, Natalie Tyrrell, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Myrna Williams, and Ann Zimmerman; Government Officials of Radha Chanderraj, Michael Davidson, Nancy Diaz, Nadia Jurani, Sonia Joya, Dr. Donald Kwalick, Jerry Reynoldson, Bobby Siller, Charles Thompson, Sheri Vogel; and Guests of Nadia Contreras, Karen Foster, Miguel Isassi, Anthony Lu, John Ponticello, John Smith, Barbara Robinson, David Teis, among others.

Besides the six chairpersons, hosts of the dinner party were: Mildred Arquero, Dr. Raj Chanderraj, Albert Chang, Supatra Chemprachum, Dr. Andres Costas, Dolly DeLeon, Leonie Domingo, A.J. Dudekar, Cathy Endy, Steve Escalona, Larry Espinueva, Pia Galapon, Dr. Sonny Ho, Nadia Jurani, Drs. Nilofar Kuraishi and Shaheed Siddiqui, Steven Kwon, Dr. Tony Lei, Jose Lim, Anthony Lu, Ann Melton, Zenny Mendoza, Lillian Morizono, Peter Nguyen, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Kate Recto, George Regner, Dr. Francisco Sanchez, Dr. Ram Singh, Richard Segerblom, Nick and Laxmi Singh, Tonie Sison, Rita Vaswani, Joey Villaflor, and Roddy Wong.

Senator and Majority Whip of the U. S. Senate Honorable Harry Reid smilled most of the time during the Party. Many of the partcipants in the Party had felt suprisingly Harry's friendship and popularity with his sociality. Harry and his wife Landra were the last two people after the accomplishment of the pleasent and successful party to leave sending by Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei.*2

The 2nd Edition of "Effort and cooperation will bring us a peaceful, happy, and prosperous community in Nevada" by Rory Reid, Mark Denton, and Tiffany Chang, which was posted by WBTI on September 20, 2003, stated the effort and cooperation between officials and Asian communities in Nevada.

"Our endeavor is to help Southern Nevada be a country of the people, by the people, and for the people where our and our future generations may have a better opportunity to live a happy and succeeful life," said Rory Reid, Clark County Commissioner, at the Event and Dinner Party at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel on September 17, 2003 in Las Vegas.

To pay a special tribute to Nevada Chief Justice of Supreme Court Bill Maupin; Commissioner of Clark County Rory Reid; Sherif of Southern Nevada Bill Young; District Judges Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Jackie Glass; Nevada Controller (the late) Kathy Augustine; and Chief Judge of Las Vegas Toy Gregory; the above Event and Party was held by WBTI. The Theme was: Light Candles along the Silver Stream of Southern Nevada with Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission.*3

"It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC," said District Attorney Stewart Bell at the Dinner Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Las Vegas Review-Journal". "The significance of the creed of a County deserves to encourage administrative professionals to emphasize the value of the truth, goodness, and beauty in order to maintain it as a place of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's my honor to join the Commission." The Dinner Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Bell as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 7, 2002.*4

"I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum, where Governor Kenny Guinn is Chairman and Bud Cranor is Executive Director. We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadan residents and visitors," said Brian Sandoval on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community.

The following "parts of an article and related news" is just an example to encourage WBTI's publicity to honor and inspire outstanding individuals and projects:

Meet our "Best Up and Coming Politician" Chairman Rory Reid in Southern Nevada
By Jennifer Kung

***** The ultimate responsibility of a leader is to facilitate other people's development as well as his own. ---Fred Pryor*(1)

From a Commissioner in 2002, Rory Reid serves now as the Chairman of Clark County Commission.

Certainly, Las Vegas Life Magazine recently named Rory Reid "Best Up and Coming Politician" in Southern Nevada.

"With Reid not committing, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) found the next-best thing -- signing his eldest son, Rory, as both the chair of her campaign in the Silver State and an adviser on Western issues," reported Chris Cillizza and Shailagh Murray at the Washingtonpost.com on Sunday, February 18, 2007.

"Clark County Commissioner Rory Reid was raised in the Las Vegas Valley. Prior to Rory's election to the Commission, he was active in government and his community. ...

........................................ *5

Elegant information have been for us to meet Chairman Rory Reid by a search of "Meet our Best Up and Coming Politician Chairman Rory Reid in Southern Nevada wbti", "Rory Reid wbti clark county", etc, with Yahoo, Google, AOL, MSN, Search, Altavista, WebCrawler, Inforseek, and Ask.com*6 on the Internet. The follwing is just a feature. It is on the first line of its first page (updated at 3:21 p.m. on 071707):

[[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Rory Reid, Chairman of ...
Meet our "Best Up and Coming Politician" Chairman Rory Reid in Southern Nevada. By Jennifer Kung ... Rory Reid "Best Up and Coming Politician" in Southern ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 104k - Cached

WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
Chairman of Clark County Commission ---Rory Reid was promoted to Adjunct ... Magazine recently named Rory "Best Up and Coming Politician" in Southern Nevada. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=26 - 103k - Cached ]]]

The Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Nevada have a new program in implementing. "Hillary Clinton~{!/~}s Nevada Chair Rory Reid today announced the formation of the Nevada Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Leadership Council, a wide-ranging group of community leaders endorsing Senator Clinton~{!/~}s bid for the presidency. The council will serve as an advisory body for the campaign in Nevada, and play an active role in reaching out and organizing AAPI communities for the Nevada Democratic caucus," stated in a news release by the HillaryClinton.com.*7

In the article "Our Moment -- Our Movement! Together, we can create a better tomorrow for our Earth if we seize this vital moment" by former U. S. Vice President Al Gore in this section on June 3, 2007,*8 U. S. Senator John Kerry said that, "If we stand together and speak with many strong voices, ..., we will bring change." Again, united we stand ---with cooperated efforts we may increase our influences to make a vision.

"The founding members of Hillary Clinton~{!/~}s Nevada Asian American/Pacific Islander Leadership Council, announced today, are:
Loni Andal, Director of Business Development, North American Title
Lolita S. Catoner, Filipino community activist; Member, Filipino-American Alliance of Nevada
Sung Eun Chang, student activist, church youth leader
Eun-Woo Chang, Professor of Chemistry, Truckee Meadows Community College; Fellow, American Council on Education (2004)
Dosheen Cook, clinical psychologist
Jesse J. Danen, R.N, MSN specializing in outpatient nursing; Member, Nurses Organization for Veterans Affairs (NOVA) Jack Dismanopnarong, Thai community activist
Manuel Dumo, Past President, Federation of the Filipino American Organization of Nevada
Dr. S.E. Elia, Chairman, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Raheela Haq, General Manager, Union Gas Limited
Jeannie Hua, Attorney at Law, Chinese community leader
Phung Jefferson, Attorney at Law
Bryce Kunimoto, Attorney, Hale Lane Peek Dennison and Howard
Steven Kwon, Founder, Asian Chamber of Commerce; Board of Director, Asian American Group
Raymond Lam, President, Chinese American Citizens Alliance
Rozita Lee, community activist
Vida Lin, Asian community leader
Ampaipun (Ann) Melton, Past President, Thai Association of Las Vegas
Oscar Nonis, Asian community leader
Rutt Premsrirut, real estate developer; financier; community activist
Puoy Premsrirut, Partner, Goodman, Brown & Premsrirut
Nancy Quon, Partner, Quon, Bruce & Christensen Law Firm
Ben Racelis, Hawaiian community leader
Dr. Prabhu Rachakonda, pulmonary specialist
Ben Racelis, President, University of Hawaii Alumni Association, Nevada
Elias Seneviratne, President, Universal Friendship of Southern Nevada; Immediate Past President, Sri Lankan American Association
May S. Shelton, former Director, Washoe County Dept. of Social Services; Winner, Nevada Women~{!/~}s Fund President~{!/~}s Award
Nick Shukla, former Legislative Auditor/CPA, consultant to State of Nevada, teacher
Sophia Song, Chinese community leader
Terry Song, Chinese community leader
Kent Song, Chinese community leader
Jerry Tao, Attorney at Law
Ben Torres, Filipino community coordinator
Kate Torres-Recto, Filipina community leader
Rita Vaswani, Asian American community leader," listed the famous website.*9

Enthusiasm is important, especially very important to many things in our lives. We need to push our valuable vision through enthusiasm. "Nothing good or great can be done in the absence of enthusiasm," pointed out Tom Peters.*10


*1. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'U. S. Senator Harry Reid wbti' on the Yahoo.com," (July 7, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' on the Google.com," (July 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*4. Ibid.
*5. Kung, Jennifer. 'Meet our "Best Up and Coming Politician" Chairman Rory Reid in Southern Nevada,' "Section of 'Rory Reid, Chairman of Clark County Commission' on the WBTI's website," (May 1, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: The Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com.
*6. Moss, Cheryl; Gronauer, Bobby; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, and among others are on the way ---Very efficient and powerful, the leading search engines answer our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Google Answers wbti' on the Google.com," (July, 16, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*7. Clinton, Hillary. 'Campaign Announces Asian American and Pacific Islander Leadership Council,' "A search of information about 'The press release by the website of HillaryClinton.com in June 22, 2007' on the Google.com," (July 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*8. Gole, Al. 'Our Moment -- Our Movement,' "An e-mail from Al Gole to WBTI," (May 8, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Johnkerry.com.
*9. Clinton. Ibid.
*10. Cranor, Bud; Moss, Cheryl; Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutural cooperation between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," (2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 20, 2007.

Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community
By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang

***** "Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles." ---Og Mandino (1923-1996, Speaker and Author)

One of the main three missions of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is community service. To participate, initiate, and help promote significant programs have been some of our efforts. The following article was just one of the examples to state that Asians united means Asians power:

Asian American Community Honors U. S. Senator Honorable Harry Reid
By Tiffany Chang

Asian American communitiy had been united together to hold an event and dinner party successfully to honor U. S. Senator Harry Reid. More than 384 against the 250 planned individuals of government officials, business owners and executives, organizational leaders among others attended the party at the Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant on August 24, 2001.*1

The Kenote Speaker was U. S. Senator Harry Reid. Guests of Honor presented were: U. S. Senator John Ensign (by Sonia Joya), U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congressman Jim Gibbons (by Judith Ray),
and Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa.

U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley introduced Senator Harry Reid to the public with his successfully story to be the greatest political leader of Nevada arsing from the son of an ordinary family of mining worker. The first time as an honorable Master of Ceremony for Asian American community, Shelley' attractiveness and talent are really professional. She has been famous of her arts of leading on social activities since her college life. "On behalf of Washington Business and Technology Institute, I'm glad to be one of the Chairmen of this Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U.S. Senator Harry Reid. Following a successful tribute party to Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker, this Event is an united efforts of all our Asian American community. Thanks to Dr. Raj Chanderraz, Dr. R. D. Prabha, Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Tonie Sison, and Ms. Rita Vaswani to join me as Chairpersons. Thanks to all our guests of honor, special guests, hosts, guests, and participants. Thanks to Dr. Peter Lok as our wonderful Coordinator and Ms. Nancy Diaz to initiate the plan of this event with me. Finnally, we, Asian Americans have put all our effort and wisdom together to have this Special Tribute to our U. S. Senator Harry Reid, because Harry is our great hero to build a community where this and future generations will have more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous life," spoke Dr. Tony Lei, the Chairman of the event and dinner party.

According to the prepared introduction by Congresswoman Berkley to the Party, "Dr. Tony Lei is the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada. He received his M.B.A. and Doctor of Education in Institutional Management degrees from Pepperdine University in 1969 and 1980, respectively. He had been an Associate Professor and a Fellow of Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chung Hsing University and Pepperdine University from 1985 to 1991 and 1991 to 1996, respectively. He has completed numerou scientific papers, text books, best selling books, and research projects during past 30 years in universities and academic institutes. His famous publications Modern Business Management, Information Management, Human Behavior Science, The Arts of Leading, among others have been adopted by several universities as text books."

The highlight of the event was the presentation of a plague of Award of accomplishment to Senator Harry Reid by the Chairmen of the event and dinner party. Fowllowing to sing a happy birthday song for Governor Kenny Guinn and Judge Jessie Walsh, Dr. Lei introduced a former State Senator Mark Malone presenting an Award to Senator Harry Reid from the State Board of Educaton of its elected Member Theresa Malone.

Special Guests presented at the event and party were: Elected Officials of Kathy Augustine ( by Candy Bowser), Merle Berman, Barbara Buckley, Burt Brown, Terry Care, Barbara Cegavske, Michael Cherry, Vonne Chowing, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Allan Earl, Robert Gronauer, Cedric Kerns, John Lee, Myron Leavitt, Michelle Leavitt-Fitzpatrick, Robert Lueck, James Mahan, Theresa Malone (by Mark Malone), Mark Manendo, William Maupin (by Cathy Nelson), Cheryl Moss, Denis Nolan, Judith Ray, Gary Reese (by Loretta Arrington), Cynthia Steel, Dina Titus, Natalie Tyrrell, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Myrna Williams, and Ann Zimmerman; Government Officials of Radha Chanderraj, Michael Davidson, Nancy Diaz, Nadia Jurani, Sonia Joya, Dr. Donald Kwalick, Jerry Reynoldson, Bobby Siller, Charles Thompson, Sheri Vogel; and Guests of Nadia Contreras, Karen Foster, Miguel Isassi, Anthony Lu, John Ponticello, John Smith, Barbara Robinson, David Teis, among others.

Besides the six chairpersons, hosts of the dinner party were: Mildred Arquero, Dr. Raj Chanderraj, Albert Chang, Supatra Chemprachum, Dr. Andres Costas, Dolly DeLeon, Leonie Domingo, A.J. Dudekar, Cathy Endy, Steve Escalona, Larry Espinueva, Pia Galapon, Dr. Sonny Ho, Nadia Jurani, Drs. Nilofar Kuraishi and Shaheed Siddiqui, Steven Kwon, Dr. Tony Lei, Jose Lim, Anthony Lu, Ann Melton, Zenny Mendoza, Lillian Morizono, Peter Nguyen, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Kate Recto, George Regner, Dr. Francisco Sanchez, Dr. Ram Singh, Richard Segerblom, Nick and Laxmi Singh, Tonie Sison, Rita Vaswani, Joey Villaflor, and Roddy Wong.

Senator and Majority Whip of the U. S. Senate Honorable Harry Reid smilled most of the time during the Party. Many of the partcipants in the Party had felt suprisingly Harry's friendship and popularity with his sociality. Harry and his wife Landra were the last two people after the accomplishment of the pleasent and successful party to leave sending by Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei.*2

The 2nd Edition of "Effort and cooperation will bring us a peaceful, happy, and prosperous community in Nevada" by Rory Reid, Mark Denton, and Tiffany Chang, which was posted by WBTI on September 20, 2003, stated the effort and cooperation between officials and Asian communities in Nevada.

"Our endeavor is to help Southern Nevada be a country of the people, by the people, and for the people where our and our future generations may have a better opportunity to live a happy and succeeful life," said Rory Reid, Clark County Commissioner, at the Event and Dinner Party at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel on September 17, 2003 in Las Vegas.

To pay a special tribute to Nevada Chief Justice of Supreme Court Bill Maupin; Commissioner of Clark County Rory Reid; Sherif of Southern Nevada Bill Young; District Judges Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Jackie Glass; Nevada Controller (the late) Kathy Augustine; and Chief Judge of Las Vegas Toy Gregory; the above Event and Party was held by WBTI. The Theme was: Light Candles along the Silver Stream of Southern Nevada with Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission.*3

"It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC," said District Attorney Stewart Bell at the Dinner Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Las Vegas Review-Journal". "The significance of the creed of a County deserves to encourage administrative professionals to emphasize the value of the truth, goodness, and beauty in order to maintain it as a place of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's my honor to join the Commission." The Dinner Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Bell as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 7, 2002.*4

"I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum, where Governor Kenny Guinn is Chairman and Bud Cranor is Executive Director. We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadan residents and visitors," said Brian Sandoval on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community.

The following "parts of an article and related news" is just an example to encourage WBTI's publicity to honor and inspire outstanding individuals and projects:

Meet our "Best Up and Coming Politician" Chairman Rory Reid in Southern Nevada
By Jennifer Kung

***** The ultimate responsibility of a leader is to facilitate other people's development as well as his own. ---Fred Pryor*(1)

From a Commissioner in 2002, Rory Reid serves now as the Chairman of Clark County Commission.

Certainly, Las Vegas Life Magazine recently named Rory Reid "Best Up and Coming Politician" in Southern Nevada.

"With Reid not committing, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) found the next-best thing -- signing his eldest son, Rory, as both the chair of her campaign in the Silver State and an adviser on Western issues," reported Chris Cillizza and Shailagh Murray at the Washingtonpost.com on Sunday, February 18, 2007.

"Clark County Commissioner Rory Reid was raised in the Las Vegas Valley. Prior to Rory's election to the Commission, he was active in government and his community. ...

........................................ *5

The Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Nevada have a new program in complementing. "Hillary Clinton~{!/~}s Nevada Chair Rory Reid today announced the formation of the Nevada Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Leadership Council, a wide-ranging group of community leaders endorsing Senator Clinton~{!/~}s bid for the presidency. The council will serve as an advisory body for the campaign in Nevada, and play an active role in reaching out and organizing AAPI communities for the Nevada Democratic caucus," stated in a news release by the HillaryClinton.com.*6

In the article "Our Moment -- Our Movement!
Together, we can create a better tomorrow for our Earth if we seize this vital moment" by former U. S. Vice President Al Gore in this section on June 3, 2007,*7 U. S. Senator said that, "If we stand together and speak with many strong voices, ..., we will bring change." Again, united we stand ---with cooperated efforts we may increase our influences to make a vision.

"The founding members of Hillary Clinton~{!/~}s Nevada Asian American/Pacific Islander Leadership Council, announced today, are:
Loni Andal, Director of Business Development, North American Title
Lolita S. Catoner, Filipino community activist; Member, Filipino-American Alliance of Nevada
Sung Eun Chang, student activist, church youth leader
Eun-Woo Chang, Professor of Chemistry, Truckee Meadows Community College; Fellow, American Council on Education (2004)
Dosheen Cook, clinical psychologist
Jesse J. Danen, R.N, MSN specializing in outpatient nursing; Member, Nurses Organization for Veterans Affairs (NOVA)
Jack Dismanopnarong, Thai community activist
Manuel Dumo, Past President, Federation of the Filipino American Organization of Nevada
Dr. S.E. Elia, Chairman, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Raheela Haq, General Manager, Union Gas Limited
Jeannie Hua, Attorney at Law, Chinese community leader
Phung Jefferson, Attorney at Law
Bryce Kunimoto, Attorney, Hale Lane Peek Dennison and Howard
Steven Kwon, Founder, Asian Chamber of Commerce; Board of Director, Asian American Group
Raymond Lam, President, Chinese American Citizens Alliance
Rozita Lee, community activist
Vida Lin, Asian community leader
Ampaipun (Ann) Melton, Past President, Thai Association of Las Vegas
Oscar Nonis, Asian community leader
Rutt Premsrirut, real estate developer; financier; community activist
Puoy Premsrirut, Partner, Goodman, Brown & Premsrirut
Nancy Quon, Partner, Quon, Bruce & Christensen Law Firm
Ben Racelis, Hawaiian community leader
Dr. Prabhu Rachakonda, pulmonary specialist
Ben Racelis, President, University of Hawaii Alumni Association, Nevada
Elias Seneviratne, President, Universal Friendship of Southern Nevada; Immediate Past President, Sri Lankan American Association
May S. Shelton, former Director, Washoe County Dept. of Social Services; Winner, Nevada Women~{!/~}s Fund President~{!/~}s Award
Nick Shukla, former Legislative Auditor/CPA, consultant to State of Nevada, teacher
Sophia Song, Chinese community leader
Terry Song, Chinese community leader
Kent Song, Chinese community leader
Jerry Tao, Attorney at Law
Ben Torres, Filipino community coordinator
Kate Torres-Recto, Filipina community leader
Rita Vaswani, Asian American community leader," list the famous website.*8

Enthusiasm is important, especially very important to many things in our lives. We need to push our valuable vision through enthusiasm. "Nothing good or great can be done in the absence of enthusiasm," pointed out Tom Peters.*9


*1. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'U. S. Senator Harry Reid wbti' on the Yahoo.com," (July 7, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' on the Google.com," (July 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*4. Ibid.
*5. Kung, Jennifer. 'Meet our "Best Up and Coming Politician" Chairman Rory Reid in Southern Nevada,' "Section of 'Rory Reid, Chairman of Clark County Commission' on the WBTI's website," (May 1, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: The Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com.
*6. Clinton, Hillary. 'Campaign Announces Asian American and Pacific Islander Leadership Council,' "A search of information about 'The press release by the website of HillaryClinton.com in June 22, 2007' on the Google.com," (July 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*7. Gole, Al. 'Our Moment -- Our Movement,' "An e-mail from Al Gole to WBTI," (May 8, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Johnkerry.com.
*8. Clinton. Ibid.
*9. Cranor, Bud; Moss, Cheryl; Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutural cooperation between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," (2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 19, 2007.

Providing for our Veterans
I am offering two amendments to the Department of Defense Authorization Bill ...!
By Harry M. Reid*1

***** For Americans, 揝upporting the troops," is a statement that we do not take lightly.

[[[ 揝upporting the troops," ?we believe ?should not end when our brave men and women return home from combat; 揝upporting the troops," should not end when those who have served so honorably are taken ill and need medical care; 揝upporting the troops," should not end when, after risking life and limb, wounded soldiers are forced into medical retirement by combat related injuries. ]]]

Our soldiers, veterans, and their families deserve nothing but the best from our government. Unfortunately, the red tape of bureaucracy has long prevented these fine Americans from receiving the care and compensation they deserve. Today, I am offering two amendments to the Department of Defense Authorization Bill designed to address the inequalities U.S. veterans face in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs care system *2

My first amendment aims to expand Concurrent Receipt to allow disabled veterans to simultaneously collect their military retirement paycheck and VA disability compensation, reversing an unfair practice that has disadvantaged our veterans for over a century. This legislation will affect more than 500,000 disabled military retirees by allowing all veterans, regardless of their disability rating, to draw from both their retirement pay and disability compensation. In addition, it repeals the 10 year phase-in period currently imposed upon veterans that are eligible for full concurrent receipt.

The second amendment I will introduce aims to restore earned military pay for disabled retirees deemed 100 Percent Unemployable. Administrative changes to our landmark 2004 legislation created a grouping system in which veterans rated as 搕otally disabled," did not have to wait and get 100 percent of their benefits, while those rated as 搖nemployable" had a 10-year phase-in. In 2005, I introduced legislation to eliminate the 10 year phase for 揢nemployable" veterans, but the conference committee chose not to enact this valuable legislation until 2009. This current legislation will amend the 2005 law with an effective date of December 31, 2004 instead of 2009, making these benefits available to current veterans as well as providing back pay to those veterans left behind in the 2005 legislation.

As part of the underlying bill, I had the Combat-Related Special Compensation Act included during the mark-up process. This legislation ensures that soldiers who are forced into medical retirement by combat injuries before attaining twenty years of service remain eligible to receive their combat-related disability and retirement benefits, proportional to their length of service. This legislation is essential for the more than 23,000 injured personnel who are returning from war. The widespread use of Improvised Explosive Devices has created numerous amputees resulting in an increase in medically discharged veterans.

The American public抯 outrage over the deplorable conditions at Walter Reed, alongside their cry for better physical and mental health care for veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan proves that when the American people say, 揝upport the troops," they mean it. It is time for politicians in Washington to put an end to the lip service and begin to enact real changes that address the inequalities our U.S. veterans face at home in regards to retirement benefits and disability compensation. American veterans have put their lives on the line fighting for us; it is time that we stand up and fight for them.*3


*1. About U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: U. S. Senator Harry M. Reid is the Democratic Leader (the Majority Leader) in the U. S. Senate. He is a man who commands the respect of colleagues from both parties, and a powerful advocate for Nevada’s middle-class families.
But he still lives in Searchlight … and he is still guided by the lessons and values he learned there.
The Las Vegas Sun newspaper summarized Reid’s story by saying that he “has gone from underdog to Senate’s top dog.”
Parade Magazine, the nation’s largest weekly magazine, identified Senator Reid as one of a handful of leaders in Washington with “integrity and guts.”
Since Nevadans elected him to the Senate in 1986, Harry Reid has developed a reputation as a consensus builder and a skillful legislator. Even his Republican colleagues praise his reasoned, balanced approach.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has said, “We all respect Senator Reid. He is one of the moderate voices around here who tries to get things to work.”
And former GOP Leader Trent Lott said, “Harry Reid is out there finding a solution. I enjoy working with him very much.”
He was elected to the Senate in 1986, and re-elected in 1992, 1998 and 2004. He has served as the chairman or senior Democratic member on several important committees and subcommittees.
Reid is a tireless worker, and it isn’t unusual for him to be the first Senator of either party to arrive at the Capitol in the morning and the last to go home at night.
*2. Reid, Harry. 'The Reid Report - Providing for our Veterans' "An e-mail from U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's Office to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (July 17, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Senator Harry Reid's Office.
*3. Ibid.
Editor's note: The articles by Senator Harry Reid in this section have been published by the leading search engines as soon as they were posted. The following is just an example from a search of "Securing Our Borders: Priority Number One wbti", etc., on the Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Search, Ask.com, and among others starting at 8:57 a.m. in the morning on July 17, 2007. It is on the first line of their first page:
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Securing Our Borders: Priority Number One I believe reform must be tough on lawbreakers, fair to taxpayers, and practical to implement! By Harry M. Reid*1 ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 108k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
***** Our service to assist Senator Reid and his Office for publicity has been implemented since 1993. The following is just a feature shown by the leading search engines on Internet at 5:21 p.m. on July 12, 2007:
{{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2004- [ Translate this page ]
On October 22, 2000, U.S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI Newsbriefs 2001
Lei in my feature article entitled "Senator Harry Reid Awarded 'Outstanding Democrat of the Decade' " on October 26, 2000. WBTI held successfully the Event ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 78k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ] }}}
[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
... (A special tribute to Senator Harry Reid as U. S. Senate Democratic Leader) event and dinner party chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, Dr. R. D. ... 1. (Dr.) Harry Reid is a Nevadan U. S. Senator and the Democratic Leader of U. S. Senate. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 113k - Cached (6:21 a.m., 071307) ]]


[[[To be continued ... ]]]

Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community
By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang

***** "Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles." ---Og Mandino (1923-1996, Speaker and Author)


The following ...

Asian American Community Honors U. S. Senator Honorable Harry Reid
By Tiffany Chang

Asian American communitiy had been united together to hold an event and dinner party successfully to honor U. S. Senator Harry Reid. More than 384 against the 250 planned individuals of government officials, business owners and executives, organizational leaders among others attended the party at the Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant on August 24, 2001.

The Kenote Speaker was U. S. Senator Harry Reid. Guests of Honor presented were: U. S. Senator John Ensign (by Sonia Joya), U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congressman Jim Gibbons (by Judith Ray),
and Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa.

U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley introduced Senator Harry Reid to the public with his successfully story to be the greatest political leader of Nevada arsing from the son of an ordinary family of mining worker. The first time as an honorable Master of Ceremony for Asian American community, Shelley' attractiveness and talent are really professional. She has been famous of her arts of leading on social activities since her college life. "On behalf of Washington Business and Technology Institute, I'm glad to be one of the Chairmen of this Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U.S. Senator Harry Reid. Following a successful tribute party to Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker, this Event is an united efforts of all our Asian American community. Thanks to Dr. Raj Chanderraz, Dr. R. D. Prabha, Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Tonie Sison, and Ms. Rita Vaswani to join me as Chairpersons. Thanks to all our guests of honor, special guests, hosts, guests, and participants. Thanks to Dr. Peter Lok as our wonderful Coordinator and Ms. Nancy Diaz to initiate the plan of this event with me. Finnally, we, Asian Americans have put all our effort and wisdom together to have this Special Tribute to our U. S. Senator Harry Reid, because Harry is our great hero to build a community where this and future generations will have more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous life," spoke Dr. Tony Lei, the Chairman of the event and dinner party.

According to the prepared introduction by Congresswoman Berkley to the Party, "Dr. Tony Lei is the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada. He received his M.B.A. and Doctor of Education in Institutional Management degrees from Pepperdine University in 1969 and 1980, respectively. He had been an Associate Professor and a Fellow of Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chung Hsing University and Pepperdine University from 1985 to 1991 and 1991 to 1996, respectively. He has completed numerou scientific papers, text books, best selling books, and research projects during past 30 years in universities and academic institutes. His famous publications Modern Business Management, Information Management, Human Behavior Science, The Arts of Leading, among others have been adopted by several universities as text books."

The highlight of the event was the presentation of a plague of Award of accomplishment to Senator Harry Reid by the Chairmen of the event and dinner party. Fowllowing to sing a happy birthday song for Governor Kenny Guinn and Judge Jessie Walsh, Dr. Lei introduced a former State Senator Mark Malone presenting an Award to Senator Harry Reid from the State Board of Educaton of its elected Member Theresa Malone.

Special Guests presented at the event and party were: Elected Officials of Kathy Augustine ( by Candy Bowser), Merle Berman, Barbara Buckley, Burt Brown, Terry Care, Barbara Cegavske, Michael Cherry, Vonne Chowing, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Allan Earl, Robert Gronauer, Cedric Kerns, John Lee, Myron Leavitt, Michelle Leavitt-Fitzpatrick, Robert Lueck, James Mahan, Theresa Malone (by Mark Malone), Mark Manendo, William Maupin (by Cathy Nelson), Cheryl Moss, Denis Nolan, Judith Ray, Gary Reese (by Loretta Arrington), Cynthia Steel, Dina Titus, Natalie Tyrrell, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Myrna Williams, and Ann Zimmerman; Government Officials of Radha Chanderraj, Michael Davidson, Nancy Diaz, Nadia Jurani, Sonia Joya, Dr. Donald Kwalick, Jerry Reynoldson, Bobby Siller, Charles Thompson, Sheri Vogel; and Guests of Nadia Contreras, Karen Foster, Miguel Isassi, Anthony Lu, John Ponticello, John Smith, Barbara Robinson, David Teis, among others.

Besides the six chairpersons, hosts of the dinner party were: Mildred Arquero, Dr. Raj Chanderraj, Albert Chang, Supatra Chemprachum, Dr. Andres Costas, Dolly DeLeon, Leonie Domingo, A.J. Dudekar, Cathy Endy, Steve Escalona, Larry Espinueva, Pia Galapon, Dr. Sonny Ho, Nadia Jurani, Drs. Nilofar Kuraishi and Shaheed Siddiqui, Steven Kwon, Dr. Tony Lei, Jose Lim, Anthony Lu, Ann Melton, Zenny Mendoza, Lillian Morizono, Peter Nguyen, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Kate Recto, George Regner, Dr. Francisco Sanchez, Dr. Ram Singh, Richard Segerblom, Nick and Laxmi Singh, Tonie Sison, Rita Vaswani, Joey Villaflor, and Roddy Wong.

Senator and Majority Whip of the U. S. Senate Honorable Harry Reid smilled most of the time during the Party. Many of the partcipants in the Party had felt suprisingly Harry's friendship and popularity with his sociality. Harry and his wife Landra were the last two people after the accomplishment of the pleasent and successful party to leave sending by Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei.


[[[ September 20, 2003
2nd Edition
Effort and cooperation will bring us a peaceful,
happy, and prosperous community in Nevada
By Rory Reid, Mark Denton, and Tiffany Chang ]]]


"Our endeavor is to help Southern Nevada be a country of the people, by the people, and for the people where our and our future generations may have a better opportunity to live a happy and succeeful life," said Rory Reid, Clark County Commissioner, at the Event and Dinner Party at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel on September 17, 2003 in Las Vegas.
To pay a special tribute to Nevada Controller Kathy Augustine; Justice of Supreme Court Bill Maupin; Commissioner of Clark County Rory Reid; Sherif of Southern Nevada Bill Young; District Judges Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Jackie Glass; and Chief Judge of Las Vegas Toy Gregory; the above Event and Party was held by WBTI. The Theme was: Light Candles along the Silver Stream of Southern Nevada with Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission.


"It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC," said District Attorney Stewart Bell at the Dinner Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Las Vegas Review-Journal". "The significance of the creed of a County deserves to encourage administrative professionals to emphasize the value of the truth, goodness, and beauty in order to maintain it as a place of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's my honor to join the Commission." The Dinner Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Bell as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 7, 2002.

"I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum, where Governor Kenny Guinn is Chairman and Bud Cranor is Executive Director. We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadan residents and visitors," said Brian Sandoval on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community.*9



*7. Cranor, Bud; Moss, Cheryl; Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutural cooperation between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," (2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 18, 2007.

U. S. Senator John Ensign was named to the Finance Committee
He has worked and achieved on legislation that addressed critical education needs and promoted basic research in math, science and technology
By Jennifer Kung

If there is anything that a man
can do well, I say let him do it.
Give him a chance.

---Abraham Lincoln

Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." --- Dwight D. Eisenhower

“I’m looking forward to serving on the Finance Committee,” said Ensign. “This seat provides me with a better opportunity to advance several of my top legislative priorities, such as reducing taxes, encouraging investment, making government more efficient and reforming our entitlement programs for future generations.” *1 He was named to the Finance Committee on July 10, 2007, a key panel that has broad jurisdiction over tax policy, entitlement programs and trade-related matters.

“The Nevada Congressional delegation is probably as strong as it has ever been with two seats on Ways and Means in the House and two members of leadership in the Senate,” said Ensign, who is Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “My appointment to the Finance Committee makes our delegation even stronger and better positioned to represent Nevada’s interests, including gaming, mining and tourism to name a few.” *2

The following is an example of our last article for John entitled "U. S. Senator John Ensign has worked and achieved on ..." in his section of 'John Ensign, U. S. Senator' (at the 33th line of Home Page) which has been just shown by the leading search engines on the Internet at 10:26 a.m. on July 16, 2007:

{{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
U. S. Senator John Ensign has worked and achieved on legislation that addressed critical education needs and promoted basic research in math, science and technology ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=3 - 132k - Cached }}}

The following are some paragraphs of the recent Press Release from the Office of Senator John Ensign on May 11, 2007:

"In a continuing effort to improve security and services for Nevada's airports, Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign announced today that they have secured nearly $11 million in funding for the Reno/Tahoe International Airport," stated the Press on last Friday.

"Tourism is an integral part of Nevada's economy," said Reid. "This grant will improve air travel for both residents and visitors. It is critical our airports continue to receive important funding like this. I will continue to work to enhance security and services for travelers flying in and out of the Reno area."

"This funding is essential to helping the Reno Airport accommodate the growth of Reno, Sparks and other local communities," said Ensign. "These necessary infrastructure improvements to the Reno Airport will help continue the economic success in the surrounding region." *3

On May 9, 2007 it reported that, "Experts link high prices to production shortages that can be traced to a continued lack of refining capacity. A new refinery has not been built in America since 1976 because of high costs and bureaucratic red tape, which further increases our reliance on foreign oil. Diversifying our energy supply is also a critical component to a comprehensive plan, including environmentally safe exploration of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge."

It is our pleasure to post the following information by "The Press Release of Senator Ensign" on April 25, 2007 from the Office of U. S. Senator John Ensign in Washington, D. C.:

America COMPETES Act Passes Senate

Washington, D.C. - Today the United States Senate passed legislation that addresses critical education needs and promotes basic research in math, science and technology. As Chairman of the Commerce Subcommittee on Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness last Congress, Ensign played a leading role in drafting the America COMPETES Act.

"America needs a boost in math, science, technology and engineering," said Ensign, who is now the Ranking Member on the Science, Technology and Innovation Subcommittee. "Even though we've always led the way in innovation, without this bill we risk losing our competitive edge to China and India."

The America COMPETES Act puts us on a path to remain competitive throughout the 21st Century by doubling the funding for the National Science Foundation and strengthening educational opportunities in math, science and engineering. Competitive grants to help struggling students in mathematics will be available, and states interested in establishing or expanding specialty schools in math and science will receive assistance.

"I'm a fiscal conservative, but the dollars we invest in basic research will come back to us in spades in terms of stimulating economic activity and helping the United States remain at the forefront of global innovation," Ensign said on the floor of the Senate during debate today.

Last year Senator Ensign was tapped by the Senate Majority Leader to coordinate the efforts of several Senate committees - Commerce; Energy; and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) - in order to craft the America COMPETES Act. [Wednesday, April 25, 2007] *4

The previous articles in this and related sections for Senator John Ensign on his accomplishments and life time commitment to Nevada and America have been published by the leading search engines like Yahoo.com, Google.com, and among others in the morning on May 11, 2007:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - John Ensign, U. S. Senator
... to learn that U. S. Senator John Ensign was awarded "SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE" by ... Senator John Ensign has served the people of Nevada from his days as a ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 82k - Cached - More from this site *5

For "The American dream realized by U. S. Senator John Ensign ..." on the Google.com ---
WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
The American dream realized by U. S. Senator John Ensign and his great grandfather By GSBPA of WBTI*1. @@@@@ One person with a belief is a social power ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01325001051063401400197432&... - 95k - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Business and Technology Institute - PPAA18 (Pan Pacific ...
The American dream realized by US Senator John Ensign and his great-grantfather By GSBPA of WBTI*1. *****"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 61k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ] *6

John's wife, Darlene, encouraged him into his first political race for Congress. Earned a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Colorado State University in 1995, his scholarstic and gentle appearance has won him lots of applause and respect from knowledgeable ladies and gentlemen in educational events and social activities.

"In the first paragraph of this column on September 15, it stated that on September 7, U. S. Senate Candidate John Ensign wrote: "Please accept my best wishes as you come together in celebration of the Thai Performaning Arts, Appreciation Day 2000. The importance of sharing culture through art and festivities that bring people together serves to enhance all of us more by enriching our lives with the diversity of people and their customs. I especially would like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Tony T. Lei for his commitment and enthusiantic support of the Thai Performing Arts." He accepted Dr. Tony T. Lei's invitation as a Guest Speaker to talk about protecting Social Security and Medicare for our Nevadan seniors at a Forum held by Seniors United. He believes that America must honor its word to seniors," reported the Nevada Examiner.*7

"On October 15, John attended the worship service of the Liberty Baptist Church. He offered a short speech of testifmony. He said that he was so frustrated of his first time to taste political failure, when he lost by a mere 428 votes to U. S. Senator Harry Reid. He believes God. He has surrenderring his fate to God. As a born-again Christian, people has inspired of his sincererity, humbleness, and credibility much more than just of his appearance now. In the Pastor Teis' meeting Office, John agreed with Dr. Tony T. Lei that WBTI would honor him as Advisor (effective on 10/17) and Vice Chairman (effective on 11/08 when elected as Senator) of its Advisory Board. If a window was closed, God might re-open the window or even open a door for the people who is eager to utilize his or her knowledge and expertise to serve. The matter is that we should believe God. Congretulations! Republican U. S. Senator-elect Honorable John Ensign." *8

"Since taking office, Senator Ensign has worked hard and fulfilled his promises to the people of Nevada. His Education High Growth Grant amendment, which brings tens of millions of extra dollars to Nevada schools, was included in the education bill signed into law by President Bush," pointed out the bio for U. S. Senator John Ensign.*9

"Senator Ensign~{!/~}s commitment to the environment also resulted in the enactment of the Ensign-Reid Clark County Lands Bill which protects environmentally sensitive areas in southern Nevada, allows recreational opportunities to continue, and improves the quality of life for all citizens. Thanks to Ensign~{!/~}s leadership, similar land bills for White Pine and Lincoln Counties were signed into law and have provided an economic boost while preserving the pristine beauty of our state. The legislation included funding to reduce the threat of catastrophic fire in the Great Basin Area and eastern Nevada as well as protections for our valuable outdoor areas such as Lake Tahoe, the Ballardini Ranch, and the eastern Sierra."

Extended from his encouragement and inspiration to educational and community services, Senator John Ensign has been an Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) since November 8, 2000.

Through the two sections "Washington Business and Technology Institute - John Ensign, U. S. Senator" and "Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...", the leading search engines have shown the following information on Internet at 12:17 p.m. on July 16, 2007:

[[[ "... that Dr. Tony Lei's long years of honest and excellent efforts to coummunity ...," wrote U. S. Senator John Ensign in his Greetings Letter to ...
... together in celebration of the Thai Performaning Arts, Appreciation Day 2000. ... sent by U. S. Senator John Ensign to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of ...

Washington Business and Technology Institute - John Ensign, U. S. Senator
To: Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) ... was the Senatorial Recognition Award from U. S. Senator John Ensign ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=3 - 84k - Cached ]]]

For Nevada, we need bright vision and enthusiasm with love and integrity. Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community!


*1. Ensign, John. 'Senator Ensign was named to the Finance Committee,' "A press release by Senator John Ensign's Office," (July 10, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Office of John Ensign.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Office of Senator John Ensign. '"NOW ARRIVING: A NEW TAXIWAY AT RENO/TAHOE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT" and "ENSIGN WORKS TO KEEP AMERICA COMPETITIVE",'"Two press releases of Senator John Ensign," (May 11 and April 25, 2007), Washington, D. C.: John Ensign's Office in U. S. Senate.
*4. Ibid.
*5. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Senator Jonh Ensign' on the Yahoo.com," (May 15, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*6. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the Google.com," (May 14, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*7. Chang, Tiffany. 'John Ensign has been honored Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (2000), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.
*8. Ibid.
*9. John Ensign's website. 'Senator Ensign has worked hard and fulfilled his promises to the people,' "John Ensign, U. S. Senator, Nevada," (May 15, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Office of John Ensign.
*10. Michael Douglas, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber and PAI of WBTI, 'Dr. Tony Lei enriches the lives of many in our community of Clark County and Nevada,' "A search of 'Business & Administration wbti' on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com," (July 16, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 16, 2007.

'趙小蘭勉勵亞裔培養領導力' & '西藏旅遊熱 觀光風情 拉薩流行開民宿'
Some findings on the art of leading by U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao!
By Jennifer Kung

At 7:51 a.m. on 071307 from "全球即時動態" of the Worldjournal.com, we could read a report on "趙小蘭勉亞裔培養領導力 ---演講成功經歷 強調勇於表達熱情 建立人際網路注重溝通" written by 記者許惠敏 in Washington, D.C.

Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. - Warren Bennis, Ph.D. "On Becoming a Leader"
In delivering the impressive speech about "Leadership" on this Conference, she (Elaine) herself is leading brightly!

"由美國各級政府亞太裔高階人員組成的「亞太裔政府主管聯絡網」(Asian American Government Ex-ecutives Network),12日在華府舉行第三屆領袖研習會,勞工部長趙小蘭在會中勉勵有心更上層樓的高階亞太裔政府人員,「作自己生涯的主宰」。 應邀擔任午餐演講人的勞工部長趙小蘭以「作自己生涯的主宰」(Take Charge of Your Career)為題,作半小時演說,和與會者分享她從求學到就業、逐步成為主管的歷程。尤其當趙小蘭談到處在中、美文化夾縫中,一路摸索、學習、成長,讓與會同屬移民的政府人員,格外覺得親切。趙小蘭說,要想在政府或公共事務領域一展長才,第一步是要找到適才適所的機會,而人際網路、口語及書寫溝通能力和在職進修,則是自我提升及受人賞識不可少的要件," reported 許惠敏.*1

"Asian American Government Executives Network will hold their third annual Leadership Conference July 12, in Washington, DC. The training conference is targeted towards Federal employees. The theme for this year is 'Take Charge of Your Career'," announced Linda M. Springer, Director of United States Office of Personal Management, about the "Asian American Government Executives Network (AAGEN) Third Annual Leadership Conference" promptly before the date.*2

"趙小蘭說,東方文化標榜中庸之道,過冷、過熱皆不宜,但在美國社會,「熱情」(passion)卻是選擇專業不可或缺的元素。她表示,「興趣加技能」是生涯規劃的第一步,「領導能力」則是有心在職場更上一層樓的必要條件。她說「領導能力可以經由後天培養及練習獲致」,如參與義務服務工作、勇於自我推薦、不斷學習等,都是可努力的途徑。 趙小蘭說,民主社會強調溝通、自我表達,不同意見的激盪,正是學習處理歧見的機會。" *3

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." -Denis Diderot
This is a quote that can emphasize the importance of the finding about "Passion" on professionalism by U. S. Secretary of Labor Ealine Chao.

At 6:37 a.m. (.com y)
[[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S. ...
Elaine L. Chao's article for "Happy Mother's Day" is on Internet through Google, Yahoo, AOL, and Ask.com! ... Elaine L. Chao's article in Chinese for " ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 86k - Cached
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ...
... Shelley Berkley, ..." on Google, Yahoo,
AOL, Ask.com, and among others at ... Moss, and Tiffany Chang said that, "Brilliant, Google, Yahoo, and Ask.com answer ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 166k - Cached ]]]

In touring, we would like to introduce a report on "西藏旅遊熱 拉薩流行開民宿' by 記者:尤美心.

"青藏鐵路通車滿一年,西藏旅遊正熱門,西藏人的生活跟著轉變。而這些改變在拉薩最熱鬧的八角街上最明顯,短短8百公尺,1年來,就增加20家藝品店,許多住在這的西藏人更把自家樓房改成民宿出租,這種藏式民宿大受歡迎,1個月可以淨賺台幣1萬元以上。2層樓高的建築,別具風情的內院迴廊,與鮮明的色彩,這是典型的拉薩民居,但這坐在天井裡悠閒喝茶的,可不是西藏人。遊客:「我從台灣來的,因為我們人在西藏嘛,住這種藏式建築的家庭旅館,我覺得挺好的,比較親切。」," wrote 尤美心 on the

"西藏旅遊團導遊:「我們是去西藏的。」記者:「你們這團有多少人?」西藏旅遊團導遊:「我們這是30多人。」記者:「現在去西藏的人多嗎?」西藏旅遊團導遊:「還行,挺多的。」遊客:「提前10天之內(買票),肯定買不到,臥鋪相當難買。」 北京車站裡,滿滿的人,都在等著搭火車到西藏一遊,現在到拉薩的火車票很珍貴,臥鋪一票難求,青藏鐵路帶來商機無限,但因為過多的遊客,也讓布達拉宮、大昭寺不得不限制參觀人數,方興未艾的西藏旅遊潮,讓西藏人發了旅遊財,同時也徹底改變了他們的生活," descibed 尤美心 vividly.

In studying the above publications, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 許惠敏 and 尤美心 on its most parts of the portion in Chinese .

Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." *6 It is valuabe to take time to make the other person feel important, no matter how busy we are!

*1. 許惠敏. '趙小蘭勉?裔培養領?Я ---演講成功??v ?調勇於表達?崆 建立人際網路注重?贤,' "A search of '全球即?r??B' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 13, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*2. Springer, Linda M. 'Take Charge of Your Career,' "A profile on Asian American Government Executives Network (AAGEN) Third Annual Leadership Conference," (July 11, 2007), U. S. A.: United States Office of Personal Management.
*3. 許惠敏. Ibid.
*4. 尤美心. '西藏旅遊?帷±_流行開民宿,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新?," (July 14, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*5. Ibid.
*6. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


[[[Just as some data.]]]

Information for reference (not being edited yet).

Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. - Warren Bennis, Ph.D. "On Becoming a Leader"

If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.
- Admiral Grace Hopper

The most important quality in a leader is that of being acknowledged as such.
- Andre Maurois

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Leadership in today's world requires far more than a large stock of gunboats and a hard fist at the conference table.
- Hubert H. Humphrey

All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership.
- John Kenneth Galbraith, U.S. economist ìThe Age of Uncertaintyî

The real leader has no need to lead - he is content to point the way.
- Henry Miller

It's amazing how many cares disappear when you decide not to be something, but to be someone.
- Coco Chanel

Most of the ladies and gentlemen who mourn the passing of the nation's leaders wouldn't know a leader if they saw one. If they had the bad luck to come across a leader, they would find out that he might demand something from them, and this impertinence would put an abrupt and indignant end to their wish for his return.
- Lewis H. Lapham

Leadership consists not in degrees of technique but in traits of character; it requires moral rather than athletic or intellectual effort, and it imposes on both leader and follower alike the burdens of self-restraint.
- Lewis H. Lapham

I am a leader by default, only because nature does not allow a vacuum.
- Bishop Desmond Tutu

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.
- Maya Angelou

People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. . . The leader works in the open, and the boss in covert. The leader leads, and the boss drives.
- Theodore Roosevelt

The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on. . . . The genius of a good leader is to leave behind him a situation which common sense, without the grace of genius, can deal with successfully.
- Walter Lippmann

There is no such thing as a perfect leader either in the past or present, in China or elsewhere. If there is one, he is only pretending, like a pig inserting scallions into its nose in an effort to look like an elephant.
- Liu Shao-ch'i

Our flag is red, white and blue, but our nation is a rainbow-red, yellow, brown, black and white-and we're all precious in God's sight.
- Jesse Jackson (b. 1941), U.S. clergyman, civil rights leader. Speech, 16 July 1984.

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.
- Katharine Hepburn

Information for reference (not being edited yet).
From United States Office of Personal Management


Linda M. Springer

Asian American Government Executives Network (AAGEN) Third Annual Leadership Conference

Download Memo:
(307.35 kb)

The Asian American Government Executives Network will hold their third annual Leadership Conference July 12, in Washington, DC. The training conference is targeted towards Federal employees. The theme for this year is "Take Charge of Your Career."

This one day conference qualifies as training in compliance with 5 U.S.c. Chapter 41. The training is open to all employees and will provide training and workshops, covering career advancement, the Executive Core Qualifications, effective communications and executive coaching.

Federal employees and managers are encouraged to review additional conference and training infonnation when deciding to participate, such as course descriptions, costs, and schedules, at http://www.aagen.org/.

Agencies are reminded that a change to 5 C.F.R. 410 on the reporting of training has become effective as of December 31,2006. A copy of this final regulation may be found at http://www.opm.gov/fedregis/2006/71-051006-28547-a.pdf to help you comply.

cc: Human Resources and Equal Employment Opportunity Directors

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." -Denis Diderot


"Passion persuades." – Anita Roddick

Related quotes: Dream, Goal

Data for reference (not being edited yet).
At 7:51 a.m. on 071307 from "全球即時動態" of the Worldjournal.com
演講成功經歷 強調勇於表達熱情 建立人際網路注重溝通


【本報記者許惠敏華盛頓報導】由美國各級政府亞太裔高階人員組成的「亞太裔政府主管聯絡網」(Asian American Government Ex-ecutives Network),12日在華府舉行第三屆領袖研習會,勞工部長趙小蘭在會中勉勵有心更上層樓的高階亞太裔政府人員,「作自己生涯的主宰」。
應邀擔任午餐演講人的勞工部長趙小蘭以「作自己生涯的主宰」(Take Charge of Your Career)為題,作半小時演說,和與會者分享她從求學到就業、逐步成為主管的歷程。尤其當趙小蘭談到處在中、美文化夾縫中,一路摸索、學習、成長,讓與會同屬移民的政府人員,格外覺得親切。趙小蘭說,要想在政府或公共事務領域一展長才,第一步是要找到適才適所的機會,而人際網路、口語及書寫溝通能力和在職進修,則是自我提升及受人賞識不可少的要件。







Updated on 071307 at 6:21 a.m.

Wildfires in Nevada
I urge you to visit www.livingwithfire.info for further information on fire prevention and safety!
By Harry M. Reid*1

Scorching temperatures, dry brush, and our arid climate have turned our state into a tinderbox. A single lightning strike, careless campfire, or the toss of a cigarette out a car window is all it takes to start a wildfire that could destroy tens of thousands of acres of land, reduce homes to ashes, and ruin lives.*2

Summer has only just begun and wildfires have already charred more than 100,000 acres of our great state—literally hundreds of square miles of our precious wildlands have gone up in smoke. An extended fire season is predicted for Nevada, so we have a long summer ahead of us.

[[[ Two colorful pictures. ]]]

Right now, thousands of brave men and women are putting their lives on the line to battle these fires. Working in triple digit temperatures, blinding smoke and rugged terrain, they continue to fight to keep safe our homes and communities. I commend the efforts of these brave firefighters. We owe them nothing but our greatest respect and thanks.

I will be meeting with the Chief of the U. S. Forest Service this week to discuss the current wildfires and strategies for dealing with increasing fire threats across Nevada in the future. And I will continue to monitor firefighting efforts throughout the state and remain in close communication with the Bureau of Land Management, the U. S. Forest Service, and other local firefighting forces throughout this fire season.

We must remember important safety information to keep more fires from igniting and to protect our homes and communities from the damages caused by these disasters. I urge you to visit www.livingwithfire.info for further information on fire prevention and safety.

Farmers and Ranchers who have experienced losses because of these fires should contact their local Nevada State Farm Service Agencies. The Farm Service Agency provides assistance for losses or damages to crops that result from these fires and their aftereffects. For more information, please click here.

During difficult times like these, Nevadans have always come together to help one another out. I have always taken pride in the sense of community Nevadans share and the efforts we take to aid those in need. If you would like to learn how to get involved in local fire safety efforts, please visit the Nevada Fire Safe Council website at www.nvfsc.org.

If you would like more information about the work my office is doing on wildfires, please visit my website at reid.senate.gov.


Harry Reid


*1. About U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: U. S. Senator Harry M. Reid is the Democratic Leader (the Majority Leader) in the U. S. Senate. He is a man who commands the respect of colleagues from both parties, and a powerful advocate for Nevada’s middle-class families.
But he still lives in Searchlight … and he is still guided by the lessons and values he learned there.
The Las Vegas Sun newspaper summarized Reid’s story by saying that he “has gone from underdog to Senate’s top dog.”
Parade Magazine, the nation’s largest weekly magazine, identified Senator Reid as one of a handful of leaders in Washington with “integrity and guts.”
Since Nevadans elected him to the Senate in 1986, Harry Reid has developed a reputation as a consensus builder and a skillful legislator. Even his Republican colleagues praise his reasoned, balanced approach.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has said, “We all respect Senator Reid. He is one of the moderate voices around here who tries to get things to work.”
And former GOP Leader Trent Lott said, “Harry Reid is out there finding a solution. I enjoy working with him very much.”
He was elected to the Senate in 1986, and re-elected in 1992, 1998 and 2004. He has served as the chairman or senior Democratic member on several important committees and subcommittees.
Reid is a tireless worker, and it isn’t unusual for him to be the first Senator of either party to arrive at the Capitol in the morning and the last to go home at night.
*2. Reid, Harry. 'The Reid Report - Wildfires in Nevada' "An e-mail from U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's Office to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (July 11, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Senator Harry Reid's Office.
*3. Ibid.
Editor's note: The articles by Senator Harry Reid in this section have been published by the leading search engines as soon as they were posted. The following is just an example from a search of "Reid talks about the need to reduce America's reliance on oil wbti" on the Google.com, Yahoo.com, and among others at 9:37 a.m. in the morning on June 26, 2007:
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Reid talks about the need to reduce America's reliance on oil,' "An e-mail from ... find what WBTI did the articles for Senator Harry Reid have been posted ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 114k - Cached - More from this site
***** Our service to assist Senator Reid and his Office for publicity has been implemented since 1993. The following is just a feature shown by the leading search engines on Internet at 5:21 p.m. on July12, 2007:
{{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2004- [ Translate this page ]
On October 22, 2000, U.S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI Newsbriefs 2001
Lei in my feature article entitled "Senator Harry Reid Awarded 'Outstanding Democrat of the Decade' " on October 26, 2000. WBTI held successfully the Event ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 78k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ] }}}
[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
... (A special tribute to Senator Harry Reid as U. S. Senate Democratic Leader) event and dinner party chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, Dr. R. D. ... 1. (Dr.) Harry Reid is a Nevadan U. S. Senator and the Democratic Leader of U. S. Senate. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 113k - Cached (6:21 a.m., 071307) ]]


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 15, 2007.

士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴
北京鳥巢奧運館 美!
Piano teaching with bright methodology!
By Jennifer Kung

The talent of playing piano is important. The teaching methodology on how to get students learned in this art is even more important. For a teacher in piano, her success is founded both on her capability and enthusiasm.

"「教導每位學生發揮最大的潛能是我的願望,」曾在茱麗亞音樂學院(Juil-liard School )音樂學院及休斯頓大學(University of Houston)就讀並任教的尢梁澐表示,她將茱麗亞及西方音樂的教學、訓練方法帶給灣區華裔學子,希望有更多的一流音樂家在這裡產生," reported 記者王慶偉.*1

The report of a people entitled "茱麗亞音樂院碩士、休斯頓大學博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴" by him in San Jose was just published today on the '舊金山新聞' of Worldjournal.com in San Francisco, California.

"尢梁澐在茱麗亞碩士班選讀音樂教學,一邊讀書也一邊教書,到了休大之後(攻讀博士)也是邊學邊教,理論實際兼俱,各種音樂教學方法也經驗豐富。 為能就近照顧父母,也因灣區鋼琴學子眾多,尢梁澐移居灣區,開始教從幼稚園到高中的學生,原因「這階段的學生可塑性最高,也能紮下應有的基礎。」"

Her findings on the teaching and learning of piano are bright: "「彈琴是個嚴格、完整的訓練,」尢梁澐指出,彈琴訓練學生的耐心、紀律、視覺聽覺、手腦眼的協調配合、感情的投入,還有上台演出,「對孩子是很好的訓練及教育,也對學習任何事物都有幫助。」 尢梁澐教鋼琴,不是她怎麼彈,學生就照著彈;而是依每位學生的個性及程度,給予幾種不同的選擇,「每個人對樂曲都有不同的詮釋,給學生有適當選擇,就可以發揮他的潛能。」" *2

By the way, it is my pleasure to introduce also a report on touring about some beautiful scenery today.

In the report by 編譯夏嘉玲, "泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美!" is posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞 today. The source was from '聯合新聞網' udn.com. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.
"營建熱潮席捲全球,英國泰晤士報評選出十項進行中規模最大、最具雄心的建築計畫,中國大陸就有三項建築上榜,入選建築還包括坐落於埃及吉薩、華裔美籍建築師彭士佛參與設計的大埃及博物館。大陸上榜建築全部位於北京,分別是戲稱為「鳥巢」的二○○八年奧運主場館、北京首都機場三號航站大廈,以及中央電視台新大樓。泰晤士報對這足以改變建築面貌的十大建築褒貶不一,闢有「美女或野獸」的評議項目。外觀如巨型鳥巢的北京奧運主場館獲評為「美觀」," delivered the 編譯夏嘉玲.*3

John Keats said that, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

The desire to persuit knowledge is for everybody. A wise man is always open to and looks for new ideas. One of the most precious human resource is the desire to improve. People can learn much by doing.


As a sincere reader in studying the above publications, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 王慶偉 and 夏嘉玲 by our service for the public.

*1. 王慶偉. '茱麗亞音樂院碩士、休斯頓大學博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴,' "A search of '舊金山新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 12, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*2. Ibid.
*3. 夏嘉玲編譯. '泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美!' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 12, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 15, 2007.

北京鳥巢奧運館 美!
博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"!
By Jennifer Kung

It is our pleasure to introduce a report on touring about some beautiful scenery today.

In the report by 編譯夏嘉玲, "泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美!" is posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞 today. The source was from '聯合新聞網' udn.com. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.
"營建熱潮席捲全球,英國泰晤士報評選出十項進行中規模最大、最具雄心的建築計畫,中國大陸就有三項建築上榜,入選建築還包括坐落於埃及吉薩、華裔美籍建築師彭士佛參與設計的大埃及博物館。大陸上榜建築全部位於北京,分別是戲稱為「鳥巢」的二○○八年奧運主場館、北京首都機場三號航站大廈,以及中央電視台新大樓。泰晤士報對這足以改變建築面貌的十大建築褒貶不一,闢有「美女或野獸」的評議項目。外觀如巨型鳥巢的北京奧運主場館獲評為「美觀」," delivered the 編譯夏嘉玲.*1

John Keats said that, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

The desire to persuit knowledge is for everybody. A wise man is always open to and looks for new ideas. One of the most precious human resource is the desire to improve. People can learn much by doing.


The talent of playing piano is important. The teaching methodology on how to get students learned in this art is even more important. For a teacher in piano, her success is founded both on her capability and enthusiasm.

"「教導每位學生發揮最大的潛能是我的願望,」曾在茱麗亞音樂學院(Juil-liard School )音樂學院及休斯頓大學(University of Houston)就讀並任教的尢梁澐表示,她將茱麗亞及西方音樂的教學、訓練方法帶給灣區華裔學子,希望有更多的一流音樂家在這裡產生," reported 記者王慶偉.*2

The report of a people entitled "茱麗亞音樂院碩士、休斯頓大學博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴" by him in San Jose was just published today on the '舊金山新聞' of Worldjournal.com in San Francisco, California.

"尢梁澐在茱麗亞碩士班選讀音樂教學,一邊讀書也一邊教書,到了休大之後(攻讀博士)也是邊學邊教,理論實際兼俱,各種音樂教學方法也經驗豐富。 為能就近照顧父母,也因灣區鋼琴學子眾多,尢梁澐移居灣區,開始教從幼稚園到高中的學生,原因「這階段的學生可塑性最高,也能紮下應有的基礎。」"

Her findings on the teaching and learning of piano are bright: "「彈琴是個嚴格、完整的訓練,」尢梁澐指出,彈琴訓練學生的耐心、紀律、視覺聽覺、手腦眼的協調配合、感情的投入,還有上台演出,「對孩子是很好的訓練及教育,也對學習任何事物都有幫助。」 尢梁澐教鋼琴,不是她怎麼彈,學生就照著彈;而是依每位學生的個性及程度,給予幾種不同的選擇,「每個人對樂曲都有不同的詮釋,給學生有適當選擇,就可以發揮他的潛能。」" *3

As a sincere reader in studying the above publications, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 夏嘉玲 and 王慶偉 by our service for the public.


*1. 夏嘉玲編譯. '泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美!' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 12, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*2. 王慶偉. '茱麗亞音樂院碩士、休斯頓大學博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴,' "A search of '舊金山新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 12, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*3. Ibid.


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 13, 2007.

Wildfires in Nevada
I urge you to visit www.livingwithfire.info for further information on fire prevention and safety!
By Harry M. Reid*1

Scorching temperatures, dry brush, and our arid climate have turned our state into a tinderbox. A single lightning strike, careless campfire, or the toss of a cigarette out a car window is all it takes to start a wildfire that could destroy tens of thousands of acres of land, reduce homes to ashes, and ruin lives.*2

Summer has only just begun and wildfires have already charred more than 100,000 acres of our great state—literally hundreds of square miles of our precious wildlands have gone up in smoke. An extended fire season is predicted for Nevada, so we have a long summer ahead of us.

[[[ Two colorful pictures. ]]]

Right now, thousands of brave men and women are putting their lives on the line to battle these fires. Working in triple digit temperatures, blinding smoke and rugged terrain, they continue to fight to keep safe our homes and communities. I commend the efforts of these brave firefighters. We owe them nothing but our greatest respect and thanks.

I will be meeting with the Chief of the U. S. Forest Service this week to discuss the current wildfires and strategies for dealing with increasing fire threats across Nevada in the future. And I will continue to monitor firefighting efforts throughout the state and remain in close communication with the Bureau of Land Management, the U. S. Forest Service, and other local firefighting forces throughout this fire season.

We must remember important safety information to keep more fires from igniting and to protect our homes and communities from the damages caused by these disasters. I urge you to visit www.livingwithfire.info for further information on fire prevention and safety.

Farmers and Ranchers who have experienced losses because of these fires should contact their local Nevada State Farm Service Agencies. The Farm Service Agency provides assistance for losses or damages to crops that result from these fires and their aftereffects. For more information, please click here.

During difficult times like these, Nevadans have always come together to help one another out. I have always taken pride in the sense of community Nevadans share and the efforts we take to aid those in need. If you would like to learn how to get involved in local fire safety efforts, please visit the Nevada Fire Safe Council website at www.nvfsc.org.

If you would like more information about the work my office is doing on wildfires, please visit my website at reid.senate.gov.


Harry Reid


*1. About U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: U. S. Senator Harry M. Reid is the Democratic Leader (the Majority Leader) in the U. S. Senate. He is a man who commands the respect of colleagues from both parties, and a powerful advocate for Nevada’s middle-class families.
But he still lives in Searchlight … and he is still guided by the lessons and values he learned there.
The Las Vegas Sun newspaper summarized Reid’s story by saying that he “has gone from underdog to Senate’s top dog.”
Parade Magazine, the nation’s largest weekly magazine, identified Senator Reid as one of a handful of leaders in Washington with “integrity and guts.”
Since Nevadans elected him to the Senate in 1986, Harry Reid has developed a reputation as a consensus builder and a skillful legislator. Even his Republican colleagues praise his reasoned, balanced approach.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) has said, “We all respect Senator Reid. He is one of the moderate voices around here who tries to get things to work.”
And former GOP Leader Trent Lott said, “Harry Reid is out there finding a solution. I enjoy working with him very much.”
He was elected to the Senate in 1986, and re-elected in 1992, 1998 and 2004. He has served as the chairman or senior Democratic member on several important committees and subcommittees.
Reid is a tireless worker, and it isn’t unusual for him to be the first Senator of either party to arrive at the Capitol in the morning and the last to go home at night.
*2. Reid, Harry. 'The Reid Report - Wildfires in Nevada' "An e-mail from U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's Office to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (July 11, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Senator Harry Reid's Office.
*3. Ibid.
Editor's note: The articles by Senator Harry Reid in this section have been published by the leading search engines as soon as they were posted. The following is just an example from a search of "Reid talks about the need to reduce America's reliance on oil wbti" on the Google.com, Yahoo.com, and among others at 9:37 a.m. in the morning on June 26, 2007:
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Reid talks about the need to reduce America's reliance on oil,' "An e-mail from ... find what WBTI did the articles for Senator Harry Reid have been posted ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 114k - Cached - More from this site
***** Our service to assist Senator Reid and his Office for publicity has been implemented since 1993. The following is just a feature shown by the leading search engines on Internet at 5:21 p.m. on July12, 2007:
{{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2004- [ Translate this page ]
On October 22, 2000, U.S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI Newsbriefs 2001
Lei in my feature article entitled "Senator Harry Reid Awarded 'Outstanding Democrat of the Decade' " on October 26, 2000. WBTI held successfully the Event ...
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[ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ] }}}


*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The complete article of a modified flier will be posted in the morning on or before July 14, 2007.

'博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴' & '北京鳥巢奧運館 美!'
The first article to open this section --"人與美景 People & Beautiful Scenery"!
By Jennifer Kung

The talent of playing piano is important. The teaching methodology on how to get students learned in this art is even more important. For a teacher in piano, her success is founded both on her capability and enthusiasm.

"「教導每位學生發揮最大的潛能是我的願望,」曾在茱麗亞音樂學院(Juil-liard School )音樂學院及休斯頓大學(University of Houston)就讀並任教的尢梁澐表示,她將茱麗亞及西方音樂的教學、訓練方法帶給灣區華裔學子,希望有更多的一流音樂家在這裡產生," reported 記者王慶偉.*1

The report of a people entitled "茱麗亞音樂院碩士、休斯頓大學博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴" by him in San Jose was just published today on the '舊金山新聞' of Worldjournal.com in San Francisco, California.

"尢梁澐在茱麗亞碩士班選讀音樂教學,一邊讀書也一邊教書,到了休大之後(攻讀博士)也是邊學邊教,理論實際兼俱,各種音樂教學方法也經驗豐富。 為能就近照顧父母,也因灣區鋼琴學子眾多,尢梁澐移居灣區,開始教從幼稚園到高中的學生,原因「這階段的學生可塑性最高,也能紮下應有的基礎。」"

Her findings on the teaching and learning of piano are bright: "「彈琴是個嚴格、完整的訓練,」尢梁澐指出,彈琴訓練學生的耐心、紀律、視覺聽覺、手腦眼的協調配合、感情的投入,還有上台演出,「對孩子是很好的訓練及教育,也對學習任何事物都有幫助。」 尢梁澐教鋼琴,不是她怎麼彈,學生就照著彈;而是依每位學生的個性及程度,給予幾種不同的選擇,「每個人對樂曲都有不同的詮釋,給學生有適當選擇,就可以發揮他的潛能。」" *2

By the way, it is my pleasure to introduce also a report on touring about some beautiful scenery today.

In the report by 編譯夏嘉玲, "泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美!" is posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞 today. The source was from '聯合新聞網' udn.com. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.
"營建熱潮席捲全球,英國泰晤士報評選出十項進行中規模最大、最具雄心的建築計畫,中國大陸就有三項建築上榜,入選建築還包括坐落於埃及吉薩、華裔美籍建築師彭士佛參與設計的大埃及博物館。大陸上榜建築全部位於北京,分別是戲稱為「鳥巢」的二○○八年奧運主場館、北京首都機場三號航站大廈,以及中央電視台新大樓。泰晤士報對這足以改變建築面貌的十大建築褒貶不一,闢有「美女或野獸」的評議項目。外觀如巨型鳥巢的北京奧運主場館獲評為「美觀」," delivered the 編譯夏嘉玲.*3

John Keats said that, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

The desire to persuit knowledge is for everybody. A wise man is always open to and looks for new ideas. One of the most precious human resource is the desire to improve. People can learn much by doing.


As a sincere reader in studying the above publications, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 王慶偉 and 夏嘉玲 by our service for the public.

*1. 王慶偉. '茱麗亞音樂院碩士、休斯頓大學博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴,' "A search of '舊金山新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 12, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*2. Ibid.
*3. 夏嘉玲編譯. '泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美!' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 12, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!


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