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[#0101(106)]05:07a.m. Sat.12/27,2014 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ~Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ÷ijÇÌìÌì}N Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹Ê}}N Las Vegas Chinese Times |
 LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21 Celine Dion And So This Is Christmas ???¶?Ì??- YouTube! E-mail by Mrs. Prof. cyKung www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I7RKxOL6gk |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti on [4][1][18][38][367][252][356][221][347]... at 05:07a.m.,12/27/2014 of LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21 [Today (Saturday) at 2:05 AM] Welcome to Community Link! This e-mail notification comes to you from Community Link of LVRJ/wbti This e-mail notification comes to you from brianemonroe@gmail.com Today at 2:05 AMTo change the frequency, content or other preferences of this e-mail, click here to edit your profile New content and events are listed below!***** Click on any title to view the posting or event. +++++++There are 16 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Friday December 26 *****Postings: (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Saturday December 27th at 1:23 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Saturday December 27th at 1:15 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Saturday December 27th at 1:09 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Saturday December 27th at 12:51 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Saturday December 27th at 12:41 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 7:24 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 7:15 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 6:24 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 6:12 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 5:57 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 5:48 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 5:33 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 5:12 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) [#0101(105)]05:07a.m. Fri.12/26,2014 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ~Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ÷ijÇÌìÌì}N Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹Ê}}N Las Vegas Chinese Times (posted Friday December 26th at 5:01 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Friday December 26th at 3:11 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) [#0101(104)]05:07a.m. Thurs.12/25,2014 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ~Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ÷ijÇÌìÌì}N Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹Ê}}N Las Vegas Chinese Times (changed Friday December 26th at 3:20 PM) updated +++++++If you are having difficulties viewing this e-mail file, you probably need to change the format of your e-mail notification from HTML format to plain text (ASCII) format. You can change this setting with the click of a button on your User Profile. Click here to go to your profile *******This service is brought to you by: Opt Software Contact Community Link Thanks for visiting our online community! Reply, Reply All or Forward | More | |
Joanna Kung To BCC me Today at 12:16 PM Celine Dion Ó¢¡¢·¨ÕZ¶¼ÖvµÃºÃÒ²³ªµÃ°ô! Â}ÕQ¼Ñ¹?¢ÖÁ£¬ÊÕµ½ºÃÓÑ?÷íµÄß@Ê×?ª¹¸èÇú£¬ºÜºÃ ~·ÖÏí½oÎҵĺÃÓÑ£¬¹²Í¬¸ÐÊÜKÓ½ÓÐÂÄêµÄµ½í~ Celine Dion And So This Is ChristmasÖÐÎĸèÔ~ | | |
http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti {022514-2017}Leading Chinese Literature World LVRJ/wbti: PPAA FORUM 21 *****Las Vegas nicer with cultural art by Asian American communities! by Stewart Bell, Jessie Walsh, and Tiffany ChangAdvancing to its 11th year, Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas has held the Performing Arts very successfully every year. During the Performing Arts Appreciation Day 2002, Dr. Tony Lei was very pleased to welcome so many government officials, community leaders, business owners, among others. High-ranking government officials who participated the party included: Lorraine Hunt, Kathy Augustine, Erin Kenny, Bill Maupin, Stewart Bell, Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Jennifer Elliotts, Valorie Adair, Dianne Steel, Lisa Brown, Cheryl Moss, Anthony Del Vecchio, Natalie Tyrrell, Mike Davidson, David Roger, David Wall, Bobby Gronauer, Herb Brown, among others. Dr. Lei believed that all of us share a sense of cooperation for the supporting of cultural richness. He pointed out that the Performing Arts Appreciation Day was a significant milestone of the contribution for the mutual cooperation of cultural and social service between American and Asian communities. Lt. Governor Hunt was introduced by Dr. Lei to the public to deliver her greeting speech to all the audiences and participants. Acting YMT Suthida Yalprachum was promoted by the Chair/President of TCAA-LV Sapatra Chemprachum as Young Miss Thailand LV-2002. The enthusianstic attendances were overwhelming including important officials, leaders, and media executives; Brian Sandoval, John Hunt, Nancy Wong, Tim Wong, Nancy Diaz, Kathie Ambrosio, Judy Ray, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Mike Malone, Geny Del Rosario, Teresa Woo, Richard Dennison, Mike Vaswani, Patty Blakeman, Aldo Aguirre, Aurora Maskall, Raymond Lam, Jessica Hwang, among others. Full with enthusianstic attendances in the Hall of the Arts Center, all of them enjoyed a big night out with many elected officials and appointed officers through the atmosphere of elegant and classic dance and music from Thailand. The 11th Appreciation Day this year will feature: Thai food Dinner-Buffet; No-host beer-wine bar; Thai classical and folk dances performed by the local Thai and American performers; Presentation of Awards, Winner of the Lady in Thai Costume, 3 Door prizes, Learning of Thai folk Dance, and the Social Dance with Super D. J. Mariah until Midnight. Dr. Lei has innovated and encouraged good idea for program and event to improve the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada. United we stand, not just for our Asian Community only but for all our people and nation as a whole. Asian Community has won recognition for contribution to Nevada by American Mainstream. The main reason for this recognition is the great and cooperative wisdom and effort that the Asian communities have continuously participated and offered to the mainstream society.*3 U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign had been invited to attend the Event and Party as the Guests of Honor. Kathie Ambrosio reprented U. S. Senator John Ensign to offer Washington Business and Technology Institute and Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas the Senatorial Recognition Awards. Nancy Diaz represented Senator Harry Reid. Special Guests by Washington Business and Technology Institute to present including U. S. Senator John Ensign(represented by Kathie Ambrosio), Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglass, Distrct (Family Court) Judge Cheryl Moss, Las Vegas Township Constable Bobby G. Gronauer, Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber, District Judge Mark Denton (represented by Agnas Chan), District Judge Valorie Vega (reprented by Gloria Wong), business executives, among others. All the traditional arts dancing perfomances were wondeful. Two M. C. Jheri Psmyth and D. J. Mariah were outstanding. We are pleased to know that all our attendants and participants enjoyed a beautiful night! -------------------------------- References *1. Bell Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Copy from WBTI web about the Thai Performing Art-Appreciation Day -- 2002, on September 17, 2002,' "10 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (September 16, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: TCAALV. *2. Reviewjournal. 'Business & Administration section of WBTI website,' "A search of information about WBTI on google.com," (September 8, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com. *3. Bell Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Las Vegas nicer with cultural arts by Asian American communities,' "A search of information about WBTI on google.com," (September 8, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com. -------------------- ***The above article has been republished by 11th Thailand Appreciation Day Magazine! | | | | |
 Please continue view the following ...>>> |
http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti {022514-2017}Leading Chinese Literature World LVRJ/wbti: Las Vegas nicer with cultural art by Asian American communities! by Stewart Bell, Jessie Walsh, and Tiffany Chang Advancing to its 11th year, Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas has held the Performing Arts very successfully every year. During the Performing Arts Appreciation Day 2002, Dr. Tony Lei was very pleased to welcome so many government officials, community leaders, business owners, among others. High-ranking government officials who participated the party included: Lorraine Hunt, Kathy Augustine, Erin Kenny, Bill Maupin, Stewart Bell, Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Jennifer Elliotts, Valorie Adair, Dianne Steel, Lisa Brown, Cheryl Moss, Anthony Del Vecchio, Natalie Tyrrell, Mike Davidson, David Roger, David Wall, Bobby Gronauer, Herb Brown, among others. Dr. Lei believed that all of us share a sense of cooperation for the supporting of cultural richness. He pointed out that the Performing Arts Appreciation Day was a significant milestone of the contribution for the mutual cooperation of cultural and social service between American and Asian communities. Lt. Governor Hunt was introduced by Dr. Lei to the public to deliver her greeting speech to all the audiences and participants. Acting YMT Suthida Yalprachum was promoted by the Chair/President of TCAA-LV Sapatra Chemprachum as Young Miss Thailand LV-2002. The enthusianstic attendances were overwhelming including important officials, leaders, and media executives; Brian Sandoval, John Hunt, Nancy Wong, Tim Wong, Nancy Diaz, Kathie Ambrosio, Judy Ray, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Mike Malone, Geny Del Rosario, Teresa Woo, Richard Dennison, Mike Vaswani, Patty Blakeman, Aldo Aguirre, Aurora Maskall, Raymond Lam, Jessica Hwang, among others. Full with enthusianstic attendances in the Hall of the Arts Center, all of them enjoyed a big night out with many elected officials and appointed officers through the atmosphere of elegant and classic dance and music from Thailand. The 11th Appreciation Day this year will feature: Thai food Dinner-Buffet; No-host beer-wine bar; Thai classical and folk dances performed by the local Thai and American performers; Presentation of Awards, Winner of the Lady in Thai Costume, 3 Door prizes, Learning of Thai folk Dance, and the Social Dance with Super D. J. Mariah until Midnight. Dr. Lei has innovated and encouraged good idea for program and event to improve the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada. United we stand, not just for our Asian Community only but for all our people and nation as a whole. Asian Community has won recognition for contribution to Nevada by American Mainstream. The main reason for this recognition is the great and cooperative wisdom and effort that the Asian communities have continuously participated and offered to the mainstream society.*3 U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign had been invited to attend the Event and Party as the Guests of Honor. Kathie Ambrosio reprented U. S. Senator John Ensign to offer Washington Business and Technology Institute and Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas the Senatorial Recognition Awards. Nancy Diaz represented Senator Harry Reid. Special Guests by Washington Business and Technology Institute to present including U. S. Senator John Ensign(represented by Kathie Ambrosio), Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglass, Distrct (Family Court) Judge Cheryl Moss, Las Vegas Township Constable Bobby G. Gronauer, Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber, District Judge Mark Denton (represented by Agnas Chan), District Judge Valorie Vega (reprented by Gloria Wong), business executives, among others. All the traditional arts dancing perfomances were wondeful. Two M. C. Jheri Psmyth and D. J. Mariah were outstanding. We are pleased to know that all our attendants and participants enjoyed a beautiful night! -------------------------------- References *1. Bell Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Copy from WBTI web about the Thai Performing Art-Appreciation Day -- 2002, on September 17, 2002,' "10 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (September 16, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: TCAALV. *2. Reviewjournal. 'Business & Administration section of WBTI website,' "A search of information about WBTI on google.com," (September 8, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com. *3. Bell Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Las Vegas nicer with cultural arts by Asian American communities,' "A search of information about WBTI on google.com," (September 8, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com. -------------------- ***The above article has been republished by 11th Thailand Appreciation Day Magazine! | |
"The State of Nevada congratulates you on your extensive assistance to the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, and commends you for your dedicated service to the citizens of our Silver State," Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn granted a Certificate of Recognition(Award) to Wendy Wu dated May 23, 2005.*6 070305-5678 ÃÀ ‡ø …¢ ±Š ×h †T Åc ƒÈ ÖÝ ÖÝ éL[[[Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu told Tony that her best wish for all her effort, wisdom, and accomplishment to the 28th TBAA Convention and Parties is to receive the {Award} of Governor Kenny Quinn. Through sincerely recommendation by WBTI Nevada President Dr. Tony T. Lei, she's received it. She is now Chairperson of World Taiwan Benevolent Association (WTBA)!]]] îC Ù› È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Åc •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ׿ Ô½ ³É ¾Í ª„ Æß Ô ËÄ ÈÕ (July 4th) ÓÉ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ×î ¸ß ·¨ Ôº ´ó ·¨ ¹Ù Michael Douglas£¬ ¸ß µÈ ·¨ ¹Ù Jessie Walsh£¬ ÖÝ ×h †T Valerie Weber £¬ ¸ß µÈ ·¨ Ôº ·¨ ¹Ù Cheryl Moss µÈ £¬ “ ºÏ ׫ Œ‘ £¬ °l ±í ì¶ ¡¸ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ Ôu Õ“ ˆó WBTI ¾W í“ ¡¹ £¬ Ðû ¸æ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ Åc ¡¸ ̨ “ •þ ¡¹ ½ü Ó Èç Ï ©s ¡¸ ½› ÓÉ ±¾ Ôº ½Ì ί •þ ¶à λ ÈË Ê¿ £¬ °ü À¨ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ×î ¸ß ·¨ Ôº ´ó ·¨ ¹Ù Michael Douglas £¬ ÖÝ ×h †T Valerie Weber Åc ¸ß µÈ ·¨ Ôº £¨ ¼Ò Í¥ £© ·¨ ¹Ù Cheryl Moss µÈ µÄ ÍÆ Ë] £¬ …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ( Wendy Yu-ping Wu ) Å® Ê¿ «@ Ƹ žé ¹« ¹² ÐÐ Õþ ÑÐ ¾¿ Ëù Öú Àí ÑÐ ¾¿ †T £¬ ¼æ ±¾ Ôº ÖÝ ëH ¹¤ ÉÌ ºÏ ×÷ °l Õ¹ ί †T •þ Ö÷ ÈΠί †T £¬ ¡¹ ÈA Ê¢ îD ¹¤ ÉÌ ¼¼ Ðg ÑÐ ¾¿ Ôº £¨ ¡¸ ÈA ÑÐ Ôº ¡¹ £© °l ÑÔ ÈË Íõ Ö¾ Ó ²© Ê¿ £¬ ì¶ Îå Ô ʮ ¶þ ÈÕ ÔÚ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ ¹« é_ Ðû ·Q ¡£ ¡º Úw С Ìm ß^ È¥ ¶à Äê µÄ Éç •þ ¹« Òæ ·þ „Õ Ø• «I £¬ Éî Ö² ÎÒ ÐÄ £¬ ÎÒ Ò² ÔÚ ³£ ÆÚ µØ Ͷ ×¢ £¬ ÎÒ Ï² šg µÄ ÊÇ ÔÚ Ëý ¾« Éñ îI Œ§ Ï £¬ ¡¸ ÈA ÑÐ Ôº ¡¹ × ‰Ñ µØ ×ß Ïò Éç •þ ·þ „Õ Åc ÈÊ Û ¾« Éñ ·î «I µÄ îI Óò £¬ ¡» …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ì¶ Îå Ô ʮ ¶þ ÈÕ ÔÚ ¼Ó ÖÝ Â} ºÉ Î÷ Õf ¡£ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ ³É Á¢ ¶à Äê £¬ ì¶ ™M ¿ç ÃÀ ‡ø Ê® ”µ ÖÝ £¬ ÔO Á¢ ¸÷ µØ ·Ö •þ£¬ ÒÔ ¡¸ •r •r êP ÐÄ Ì¨ ž³ £¬ ÌŽ ÌŽ ·þ „Õ Í¬ àl ¡¹ žé ×Ú Ö¼ £¬ ÐÄ ‘Ñ ×æ ‡ø £¬ “ ½j àl ÓH £¬ ½¨ Ôì ÎÒ ·½ Åc ÃÀ ‡ø ÃÜ ÇÐ Åc a ßh µÄ £¬ ‡ø Çé Åc Ãñ ÐÄ Ïà »¥ Á¼ ºÃ µÄ êP ‚S ¡£ µÚ¶þ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×hÍÆßxÀɵÂÓå¡¢±R¾°ÁÖ¡¢ÀׄÓÌìÈýÈËÆð²ÝêPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ£¬K½›´ó•þӑՓͨß^£¬ÖØÉę̂“•þ¼æÈݺͺϡ¢²»·ÖÊ¡¼‰¡¢Ï໥ÓÑÛÌá”yµÄ×ÚÖ¼¡£ÐûÑÔÖÐÒ²ŠÕ{£¬Ì¨Â“•þÏ£ÍûÃÀ‡øÉç•þÅc³¯Ò°ÑÐӑδíÈçºÎÍÆÕ¹ÃĄ̀ëp·½ÔÚ½›ÙQ¡¢¹¤ÉÌ¡¢ÎÄ»¯¡¢¿Æ¼¼½»Á÷Ö®ºÏ×÷ÅcŒÙ|êP‚S¡£ Ô“ •þ •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ» £¬ îI Œ§ ¿‚ •þ °l Õ¹ ÒÔ í £¬ Ÿá ÐÄ Õ\ “´ £¬ é_ Ô´ ¹ Á÷ £¬ •þ „Õ Õô Õô ÈÕ ÉÏ £¬ • ×u ÍØ ¼° ËÄ º£ £¬ Œ¢ ì¶ ½ñ Äê Æß Ô Èý Ê® ÈÕ ÈÎ M ж š £¬ ¹¦ µÂ K Öø ¡£ Ô“ •þ Œ¢ ì¶ ½ñ Äê Æß Ô ¶þ Ê® ¾Å ÖÁ Èý ʮһ ÈÕ ÔÚ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ £¬ Ê¢ ´ó Åe Þk µÚ ¶þ Ê® °Ë ŒÃ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Äê •þ £¬ ÒÔ ÕI ‘c ×£ ¡£ ϲ Ó ‚÷ í £¬ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Åc •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ»£¬ ½› ÓÉ ÈA Ê¢ îD ¹¤ ÉÌ ¼¼ Ðg ÑÐ ¾¿ Ôº Ôº éL À× „Ó Ìì ²© Ê¿ Õ\ ‘© µØ ÍÆ Ë] £¬ ˜s «@ ÃÀ ‡ø …¢ ×h †T John Ensign, ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ÖÝ éL Kenny Guinn(Award) Åc ÃÀ ‡ø ±Š ×h †T Jon Porter îC Ù› ÓH ¹P ¾´ ÙR ¹« º¯ Åc ׿ Ô½ ³É ¾Í ª„ ¸÷ Ò» ·Ý £¬ Êâ žé ÈA ÈË Ôö Ìí Ò» ·Ö ¿É ÙF µÄ ¹â ²Ê Åc ˜s Ò« ¡£ --WBTI Press Release (7/4th/2005) -------------------------------------- ********************************************* | |
Charlyne Chen To Jia Chen-Ko Today at 8:21 PM ÿÈÕÔçÉÏ¿´ˆó ÿßL¿´Ò»±¾Ð•ø ÿÔÂÓ†Èý±¾Ø”½›ësÕI ³õһʮÎå³ÔËØ ŒWͯ×ÓÜŠ£¬Ô»ÐÐÒ»ÉÆ …¢¼Ó¶UÐÞ¼°Ó¡¶ÈµÄŠWÐÞOSHO•ø¼® ²»¶¨ÆÚÛÐľè¿î£¬×ðÊؽ»Í¨ÒŽ„t ŬÁ¦¹¤×÷²»—‰²»±§Ô¹Ñ½¡¢ Т호¸Ä¸£¬ÄСÒêGPA3.8 ÖÂÁ¦Ì¨ÃÀ£¨NV)Íâ½»Áx¹¤£¬ŸoÔ¹Ÿo»Ú,ÓÃÐЄӅfÖú£¬Äwœ\µÄÈËÖ»¿´µ½ÕÕƬ£¬¿´²»µ½ÕÕƬááÃæµÄº¹Ë®ÁxÒ⣬ÎÒ®”ÄêÍ»ÆÆÖØÖØÀ§ëy±¼²¨¡¢Ã¿Ò»´ÎÕÕƬ£¬¶¼ÊÇŬÁ¦¾ÅÅ£¶þ»¢Íê³É£¬³É¾Í¸ÐŸoƒr̨ž³ÔªÊ×È΃ȵÜÒ»´Î îÅe¡¢Ž§…ÎÐãɼ°ËÄλ¿héLÔL†–Vegas ¡£Åãͬbrain ئéLÔL†–ÖЇø,Óá¸ÐЄӡ¹ÖÂÁ¦ÖÐÃÀÓѺý›ÙQ£¬²»ÏñÓÐÈ˳öÒ»ˆ×ì¡¢ÕÕƬÊÇÐЄӵĽY¹ûºÍ¼oÄî¶øÒÔ£¬›]ÐЄӵÄÈË›]ÓÐÕÕƬ£¬¾ÍÓÃ×ì°ÍËáËûÈË£¬›]Óп´µ½ÕÕƬááµÄœIË®£¬º¹Ë®£¡ ˆÔ³ÖÊ®Äê²»Çü²»“Ï£¬Ì¨°æÍõÎÄÑó·À¶ÂСÈý͵λĸÓHÔªÅäµÄè¾Ò棬ˆÔŠÈÌÍ´ÏÆé_¼Ò×åÖeÑÔ£¬´óÊÇ´ó·Ç£¡ Á˽â×Ô¼º£¬Ò²Å¬Á¦×÷ºÃÈË£¬ÊìÅ®×·ÇóƒÈÔڃȺî^ÄXÒ²×·ÇóØ”Á¦£¬ÄÜÁ¦Í¬ÖØÒªµÄ¡¸÷ÈÁ¦¡¹¡¢¶¨ÆÚ½ÍËØ”àʳ¡¢ÅŶ¾³ÔË®¹û£¬Ë¯Ãß³ä×ãÿßL×÷ĘSPA 늲¨Ò»ÏÂŶxoxo, ±£ðBî^óŒÖ¸•õ£¬ÇÒœp·ÊÆß¹«½ï£¬Á¦ÇóÃÀÃÀÒŠÈË¡£ ÎÒÄêýgÒÑß^²»»ó£¬²»ÇóÍêÃÀ! ¡¸¿ì˜·»îÔÚ®”Ï£¬¶ø²»Çóžé®”϶ø»î¡¹£¬×ÔÓÉÉíÐÄì`ƽºâ£¬Ò»Çиж÷£¡ ÔÚ 2014/12/28 ÏÂÎç12:17 •r£¬Jia Chen-Ko Œ‘µ½£º icook.com.tw https://icook.tw/recipes/73175 http://icook.tw/recipes/popular?page=13&ref=homepage 2014Ê®´óŸáéTÁÏÀíÅÅÐаñ£º 1.Ö»ÒªƒÉîwµ°+Ò»¸ùÏ㽶µÄº††Îó ïž>>https://icook.tw/recipes/70361 ... ..... ....... | | |
[#0101(107)]05:07a.m. Sun.12/28,2014 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times |
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Re: ×î½üϲ?g×÷²Ë¡¢ÙIÐÂN¾ß£¬¿¾Ïä Peopleª® ª¯ Charlyne Chen To Jia Chen-Ko Dec 27 at 8:21 PM ÿÈÕÔçÉÏ¿´?ó ÿßL¿´Ò»±¾ÐÂ?ø ÿÔÂÓ?Èý±¾Ø?½?ësÕI ³õһʮÎå³ÔËØ ?Wͯ×ÓÜ?£¬Ô»ÐÐÒ»ÉÆ ?¢¼Ó¶UÐÞ¼°Ó¡¶ÈµÄ?WÐÞOSHO?ø¼® ²»¶¨ÆÚÛÐľè¿î£¬×ðÊؽ»Í¨Ò??t ŬÁ¦¹¤×÷²»??²»±§Ô¹Ñ½¡¢ Тí?¸¸Ä¸£¬ÄСî?¼Òî?µêGPA3.8 ÖÂÁ¦Ì¨ÃÀ£¨NV)Íâ½»Áx¹¤£¬?oÔ¹?o»Ú,ÓÃÐÐ?Ó?fÖú£¬Äw?µÄÈËÖ»¿´µ½ÕÕƬ£¬¿´²»µ½ÕÕƬááÃæµÄº¹Ë®ÁxÒ⣬ÎÒ®?ÄêÍ»ÆÆÖØÖØÀ§ëy±¼²¨¡¢Ã¿Ò»´ÎÕÕƬ£¬¶¼ÊÇŬÁ¦¾ÅÅ£¶þ»¢Íê³É£¬³É¾Í¸Ð?o?r̨?³ÔªÊ×ÈÎ?ȵÜÒ»´Î îÅe¡¢?§?ÎÐãɼ°ËÄλ¿héLÔL??Vegas ¡£ | | | | |
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