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Images for [27] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Please view [28] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Images for [29] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti "Dear Dr. Lei, Thanks for your prompt action," responded from Ms. Becky Lei (À×ÂåÃÀ) to the prompt update of the special sections on the WBTI's website in the evening on October 20, 2006 from San Marino, California. Becky is former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. She is now the Chairperson of EQ Research Committee (EQRC) of WBTI.*11"Dear Dr. Lei, What a marvelous surprise! Washington Business and Technology Institute has a comprehensive website which consists of politics, business, culture, education and much more. I am astonished to see its updated volume of information through all works of lives. All of these are made possible by the leadership of Dr. Lei's dedication and hard work. Dr. Lei is inspiring our younger generation to be more devoted to our community and society; to be more responsible for our action; to be more caring to people around us. To me and to many viewers of WBTI around the world, Dr. Lei is a super leader who leads us to be informed and upright professionals. Thank you, Dr. Lei and God bless you! Sincerely," wrote Miss Yi Li, Marketing Manager of FiberTel, Inc.*12 "How wondeful! I hit a good visitor's number of the Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website for Bobby G. Beside its knownledgeable and richful information, the creative design with beautiful and colorful paintings are really impressive. I was also inspired by WBTI's many years of contribution in academic research, community service, and humane spirit. Sincerely," wrote Ms. Marian Replogle, Executive Assistant of Las Vegas Township Constable Bobby Gronauer's Office in an e-mail to WBTI.*13 "Shalom!: Tony & Judy: ÎÒ¬FŒ¢ÎÄ×Ö™nµÄÎåºÍÁù¸½ÉÏ, »òÔS¿ÉÒÔ¼ÓÉÏ, ÈôÒªÉϾWÊÕ¿´Õˆ°´ www.double-portion.net ÔÚÑb‚äÕn³ÌµÄ>Ö÷ÈÕŒW>Ãñ”µÓ›. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to WBTI in the morning on October 15, 2006.*14 Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's current (till November 19, 2006) Sunday School booklet (printouts) was published at the second flier from the bottom (page 2) of this Section. "Brilliant! I found my own name and my Section's name ('Belinda M. Liu' and 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World') in the first line of their first page on Yahoo.cn, Google.com, Google.cn, Aol.com, and among others!" said Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei in the morning on October 8, 2006 at the Sunday School of ROLCC. The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 19, 2006 was impressive. It was its eleventh week. The subject was on the advanced part in the chapter of "Numbers" of the Bible. A test with group effort was held.*15 We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, ÀîÊçÁá, Miss Chiao-wen Chen, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). "Thank you for sharing your pictures of your missions trip to Africa. We are so happy looking those wonderful faces of African people,their smiles shows the great joy that they have in the Lord. Truly, God's love is for everybody and that every tribes and every nations will praise the name of the Lord. We rejoice and greatly encourage of God's wonderful works in Africa. We are going to show this picture to our brethren here in Cambodia to let them know we are one big family in the Lord all over the world. Thanks and God Bless. Leofe," forwarded to Washington Business and Technology Institute by John Lei from the e-mail of Leofe, a missionary supported by Seattle's Bread of Life Christian Church. The Missionary is in Cambodia, Asia. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: ÎÒÔÚÐÇÆÚÒ»ÔçÉϾÍÊÕµ½´ËŒ£™ÚÒÑÉϾW퓵ĺÃÏûÏ¢, ºÜó@? WBTI µÄѸËÙ×÷˜I, ÎÒÒ²Œ¢´ËŒ£™ÚÓ¡³ö, ÅcÎÒµÄͬ¹¤‚ƒ·ÖÏí, ÎÒ‚ƒ¶¼ºÜÅdŠ^, ´ËŒ£™ÚÕæÊÇ‘ª×CÁËÉñµÄ×÷žé³¬³öËùÇóËùÏëµÄ. Ò²ÖxÖxÄゃ½oÎÒ™C•þÅcÄゃһÆðÓзÝì¶Éñ‡ø¶ÈµÄ”UÕ¹! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning today to Washington Business and Technology Institute.*16 In her speech to the Women Conference in the morning on September 22, 2006, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu dilivered an amazing testimony. "Two weeks ago in my Sunday School, I met with an elder and wise man (Dr. Tony Lei). He told me that WBTI (Washington Business and Technology Institute) was interested in opening a special section for me which would emphasize the educational and spiritual value. As I read his business card, praise Lord! he's the President. I was quite excited and scared. I was worry not being able to answer him appoximately. I told him that I had no formal education from a bible college. As you know I've been eager to enhance my teaching in Bible with a special website for many years. Now, an angel has been sent from God for me. Just this Monday (9/18/06), I clicked on the Section ('Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) and I found a wonderful performance of my many years accomplishments with nice pictures has been implemented. Hallelujah! (The daily website is established and supported by the largest English newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal). Through the publication of searching leaders every week, the potential visitors from Internet are more than a million." *17 With sicerely love to God, nothing is impossible! The Women Conference was held in Septmber 21-23, 2006 at ROLCC in Santa Clara, California. Mrs. Belinda M. Liu was one of the most important three Speakers. Thank you for your prayers for the Women Conference starting the way that Spirit God would move in meetings and would use every speaker to release His messages to transform the lives of those who come. "Shalom Tony & Judy: ÖxÖxÄãÄÇüN¹Ä„îµÄÔ’ÕZ, ʹÎÒÐÄÖÐß@ƒÉÄêí,ÏëҪ͸ß^¾WÕ¾, í”UÕ¹Éñ‡øµÄØ““ú, Ôٴα»ÌôÍúÆðí, ß@ЩÈÕ×Ó,ÎÒÕæÊǸе½ÉñÒÔºñ¶÷´ýÎÒ, ... ºÜ¿ÊÍûÄÜ·þÊÂÉñ, ›]Ïëµ½ß@ ×ÓÕæµÄÔÐÓý³ÉéL, ÄÜÓзÝì¶Éñ‡øµÄ”Uˆ. ÎÒÉÏÁËWBTIµÄ¾Wí“, ÕæÊÇÌ«ØS¸»ÁË, Ò»ÏÂ×Ó߀¿´²»ÍêÄØ! ... ÎÒ¿ÉÊÇÒªÔÙ¼š¼šµÄé†Ó[´Ë¾WÕ¾. ÎÒÏÈŒ¢ÎÒµÄÒ»ücÐÄ•¸½ÉÏ, ²»ÖªºÏßmÅc·ñ? Õˆ¸æÖª, ÎÒ¿ÉÔÙÓÐһЩîA‚ä. ·Ç³£ÖxÖxÄãµÄדÙpÅc¿ìËٵēÀM, Ï£ÍûÏ´ÎÎҵĄÓ×÷Ò²ÄÜ¿ìЩ, ÄÜÏòÄã¿´ýR. Ò²¸½Éσɱ¾Îҵĕø(Ö÷ÈÕŒW•r), ÕˆÖ¸Õý! ÆäŒÎÒ¸üšJÅåÄゃ, ÅàÓýÀ׸ßß@üN°ôµÄƒº×Ó, ÊÇÉñ‡øµÄ¾«±ø, Ò²Êǽ̕þ²»¿ÉÉÙµÄÓÖÖÒÐÄÓÖÁ¼ÉƵĺÃͬ¹¤, ʹÎÒ‚ƒÃɸ£! îŠÉñÙn¸£ÄゃÊÖÖеŤ×÷±M¶¼˜sÃÀ! „¢Ã·ÀÙŽŸÄ¸," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*18 Google.cn and Google.com published the sections like "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World", and among others of WBTI's website at 9:37 a.m. in the morning on November 20, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;(like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Belinda M. Liu", "Miss Prudy Yu", "Miss Orchid Soh", "Miss Susan Dai", "Tong Liu wbti", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you. For many many Chinese around the world, Yahoo.cn's performance is marvelous! Washington Business and Technology Institute's website has been continuously published by it about every week. You're on Yahoo.cn, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter; (like "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Belinda M. Liu", "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World", "Miss Frances Liu", "Miss Rebecca Pang", "Miss Angie Qian", "Miss Ying-min Huang", or "Miss Sandy Pei",) you will find it in the the first line of the first page on Yahoo.cn. Hallelujah! ***** Knowing how to live one's life with Jesus is a great art; and knowing how to hold him fast is the peak of wisdom. ---Thomas A. Kempis (1380-1471) [[[Believe in what you do]]]: Sometimes we may find that the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there. People need to work. People will never know how long it takes you to do something, but they only know how well it is done. There are three things to make an individual happy in their work: They must be fit for it, they must be sometime praised, and they must have a sense of success in it. Jonn W. Gardner pointed out that, "The best-kept secret in America today is that people would rather work hard for something they believe in than enjoy a pampered idleness." God gives us the nuts, but he does not crack them. As we like our work, we do not feel that we are working during the long hours. It fascinates us, and we can sit and look at it for hours. We are pleased to quote the following five short but meaningful ones: ***** Opportunities meaningful ones: ***** There is nothing greater than enthusiasm. ---Henry Moore ***** If you don't have enthusiasm, you don't have anything. ---Kemmons Wilson, Sr. ***** Nothing good or great can be done in the absence of enthusiasm. ---Tom Peters It's our pleasure to post a short story from "Speaker's Source Book II" by Glenn Van Ekeren: The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek roots en and theos and means "God within." It is a fire, a passion within. Real enthusiasm is not something you "put on" and "take off " to fit the occasion. It is a way of life. Apparently Theodore Roosevelt possessed that kind of passionate lifestyle. In 1883, according to Bernard Levin, writing in Enthusiasms (Crown Publishers), Roosevelt went buffalo hunting in the Badlands of South Dakota with a single companion, Joe Ferris. They nearly died of thirst, and they slept on the ground, saddles their only pillows. One night wolves caused their horses to bolt, and it took some time for the fleeing beasts to be recaptured. The men went back to sleep; it began to rain heavily and they awoke, finding themselves lying in four inches of water. Shivering between sodden blankets, Ferris heard Teddy Roosevelt exclaim, "By Godfrey, but this is fun!" Now that's enthusiasm!*5 We are quite inspired by the words of wisdom as said by Alan Loy McGinnis that, "There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being--to help someone succeed." Vision with enthusiasm may bring us with hope to serve our people, community, and country!*6 "It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as a Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and an Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin at the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas, Nevad on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *7 ------------------------------------- References *1. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "A search of 'Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congresswoman' on the Yahoo.com," (April 16, 2007), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com. *2. Glenn Van Ekeren, "Speaker's Source Book II," (Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1994,) 378. *3. Ibid. 130. *4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'Jim Gibbons, Governor of Nevada' on the Yahoo.com," (April 14, 2007), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com. *5. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'Business wbti' on the Google.com," (April 15, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Michael Douglas, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber and PAI of WBTI, 'Dr. Tony Lei enriches the lives of many in our community of Clark County and Nevada,' "A search of 'Business & Administration wbti' on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com," (April 16, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. *7. Denton. Ibid. ---------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
 ... >>>(Please view the right side) [15]PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Please view [8] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Images for [5] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Please view [25] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Images for [44] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Please view [12][71][126] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Images for [118] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Please view [37][453] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Celebration July 4th, 2016 Please view [117] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Please view [23] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Images for [36] PPAA Forum 20 _wbti Please view [126] [67] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Images for [12] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti ɽ¸è?� (1964)È~?� / êPɽ ( 1-3 ) 山歌戀 (1964)葉楓 / 關山 ( 1-3 ) ɽ¸è?� (1964)È~?� / êPɽ ( 2-3 ) Sister Liu since 1960's Images for [117] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Please view [18][19] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti >>>... |
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Art of EQ and AQ inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung! by Tiffany Chang Emotional Intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; it drives many of our daily actions. ---Freedman et al. Handle With Care: Emotional Intelligence Activity Book, Introduction, 1997/1998 ____________________________________________ ***** Life is meant to be a never-ending education, and when this is fully appreciated, we are no longer survivors but adventurers. ---David McNally, Even Eagles Need a Push*1 From a search of "dr sun-yuan kung electrical engineering professor of princeton university, business wbti", "u s secretary of labor elaine chao, professor of princeton university dr. sun-yuan kung, and nevada", etc. on Internet through Google, Yahoo, AOL, Search, and Ask.com, we may have rich information. The following are just a few examples which have been published by the world's leading search engines on Internet at 7:36 a.m. on July 10, 2007. Most of them are appeared starting from the first line on their first page: [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University By Tiffany Chang. The first paragraph of this article ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 136k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung is now a tenure Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. It is our pleasure to pay a tribute to the expertise, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063... - 154k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... presented Secretary Chao's letter to EITC Conference Program Chair, Dr. Mow S. ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung is now a tenure Professor of Electrical Engineering at ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=13 - 171k - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (�•ÈýÔ�) is now a tenure ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=24 - 126k - Cached ]]] Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung had a great deal of achievements in the recent years. The paper entitled "A unification of network coding and tree-packing (routing) theorems" that written by Yunnan Wu, Kamal Jain, and him was an example. It was published on the "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) archive, Volume 14 , Issue SI" in June 2006. The Publisher was IEEE Press in Piscataway, NJ, USA. More of them have been shown in the following posted article ("Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University"). Beside his academic achievement, last year Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung wrote an article in Chinese on "How to receive success, self-confidence, and happiness by young people? (~{G`DjHKHg:N;q5C3I9&!"WTPE!"?l@V~})". Early in September, I spoke to many college students in Beijing. At the time when I was ready to take the freight to go back to U. S., Managing Director Dr. Harry Shum (~{IrOrQs~}) of Microsoft Research Asia (~{N"HmQGV^QP>?T:~}) requested me to write down the findings of communication. "He believes that will benefit many more Chinese young people," said Sun-Yuan. "~{R.B34sQ'5DPD@mQ'KXVJ#:HOJ6WTImGiPw#;MWIF9\@mGiPw#;WTNR<$@x#;HOV*K{HKGiPw#;HK3vAKM(M!uI9&5D;!u>B7M>#,3I9&~!u~}~~{~{VGIL~}+~{GiIL~}," pointed out Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung in the article.*2"~{?l@V>MJGWvWT<:O2;65DJBGi#,>MJGWTSI5D8P>u!#Wn:s#,3I9&~}=~{WTPESk?l@V~}=IQ+EQ+AQ~{!#KdH;3I9&J\:\6`RrKXS0Ol#,HgT64N7WTH;#,<41c2;JGC?4N6??IRT3IN*R;N;3I9&5DHK#,>!GiOmJ\WTPESk?l@V!#~}"The following article entitled "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University" was written by me in this section on December 23, 2006. It has been shown by the leading search engines on Internet remarkably: The first paragraph of this article was a profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung. It was found by searching "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung" on the Google.com: Professor Sun-Yuan Kung*3 Homepage Email: [???] Abstract of talk Sun-Yuan Kung received his Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. In 1974, he was an Associate Engineer of Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA. From 1977 to 1987, he was a Professor of Electrical Engineering-Systems of the University of Southern California. Since 1987, he has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. Since 1990, he has served as an Editor-In-Chief of Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems. Dr. Kung is a Fellow of IEEE. He was the recipient of 1992 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Technical Achievement Award for his contributions on "parallel processing and neural network algorithms for signal processing". He was appointed as an IEEE-SP Distinguished Lecturer in 1994. He received 1996 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Best Paper Award. Sun-Yuan was a recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung has authored more than 300 technical publications, including three books "VLSI Array Processors", (Prentice Hall, 1988) (with Russian and Chinese translations), "Digital Neural Networks", Prentice Hall, 1993, and "Principal Component Neural Networks'', John Wiley, 1996.*4 Sun-Yuan was a Kenote Speaker at The First IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (2000 International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing) on December 13-15, 2000, at the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung presented a paper at the IEEE-PCM2000 plenary. The title was "Adaptive Techniques for Intelligent Internet Multimedia Communication".*5 The following was his Abstract: The new trend of information processing world has rapidly converged to three major technological fields: internet, multimedia, and wireless. In this talk, we will attempt to offer a technological and applicational justification of intelligent technologies for internet multimedia computing/communication. We shall also illuminate how intelligent integration of signal processing and neural net techniques could be a versatile tool to a broad spectrum of multimedia applications. Some examples of adaptive techniques (or neural networks) with applications to internet multimedia commuincation will be demonstrated.*6 Multimedia technologies will profoundly change the way we access information, and they provide a new opportunity for research interactions among a variety of media such as speech, audio, image, video, text, and graphics. The inevitable merger of the computer industries and information-based consumer and communication industries inevitably introduces new challenges. We investigate various research issues relevant to intelligent multimedia communication applications and implementation technology. We study various adaptive and content-based technologies for MPEG-4 applications, such as compression, indexing, and retrieval of visual information. We look into various areas in video coding and segmentation, including true-motion tracker, global-motion compensated VOP (video-object-plane) coding, video representation, multicue, and multicamera fusion, three-dimensional structure-from-motion analysis, and spatial-temporal interpolation. We study an algorithmic framework that fuses spatial, visual, and motion information from a variety of preprocessing sources: object tracker, motion edge analysis, and so on.*7 Neural networks have become one of the core techniques facilitating intelligent multimedia communication technologies. They are very effective when applied to detection or recognition of high-level features (for example, faces) and multimodality recognition and authentication. These have many critical applications to information representation/retrieval and Internet security, and many focal applications in MPEG-7. For these, we have developed a versatile decision-based neural network that bears a modular structure, while taking advantage of both unsupervised and supervised learning strategies. We look into novel neural network techniques on multisensor classification, hierarchical processing, probabilistic (fuzzy) neural networks, object detection and tracking, and content-based compression and representation. Another major challenge lies in real-time processing speed, a key barrier before online access of massive visual information can become a reality. In fact, it is communication, instead of computing, that will be the processing bottleneck. Thus, the development of the computer technology must be closely intertwined with the information-based consumer and communication technologies. We have studied for a long time the research issues involving design and implementation of VLSI multimedia signal processing circuits and systems. Novel communication and networking technologies will be critical in order for multimedia database systems to support interactive dynamic interfaces. Truly integrated media systems must connect with individual users and content-addressable multimedia databases. This will involve both logical connections to support information-sharing and physical connection via computer networking and data transfer. Our research stresses hierarchical and scalable multimedia architecture platforms, fast architectures by minimizing memory accesses and IO operations, and systematically mapping multimedia algorithms to the new architectures. Ultimately, our research will support development of real-time information-processing systems combining digital video and audio, text, and graphics.*8 Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao sent a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference. Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao wrote a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference (EITC 2002), the letter was presented by her representative in this region, Ms. Angelica O. Tang in the EITC Luncheon Brown Bag Talks. "Our ancestors' dreams inspired them to cross a wide ocean in search of opportunity and prosperity. As the EITC so admirably represents, more and more Chinese Americans are taking their rightful place in this country's science and engineering professions, combining their individual talents with the rich cultural values of family and education. I am pleased to share with you that since taking office, President George W. Bush has demonstrated his commitment to our community by naming more than 90 Asian Pacific American appointees. Nineteen of these positions are Presidential appointments requiring Senate confirmation including, for the first time in our nation's history, two Asian Pacific Americans to the Cabinet. I am also pleased that at the U.S. Department of Labor, I have appointed the highest number of Asian Pacific Americans to top leadership positions. My team and I have launched a number of initiatives, ranging from small business development to training grants, to assist the growing Asian Pacific American community," Secretary Chao said in her letter. Ms. Tang presented Secretary Chao's letter to EITC Conference Program Chair, Dr. Mow S. Lin of Brookhaven National Laboratory. Ms. Tang was also greeted by Princeton Township Mayor Phyllis L. Marchand, and EITC Conference co-chairs, Dr. Chun-Yen Chang, Professor and President of National Chiao Tung University, and Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, Professor of Princeton University, as well as the EITC speakers and attendees.*9 Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung is now a tenure Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. It is our pleasure to pay a tribute to the expertise, professionalism, and accomplishment of an excellent scholar and professor.*10 It is clever to share with the following short but meaningful quotes that we mentioned in our previous articles: "Six essential qualities that are keys to success: Sincerity, Personal Integrity, Humility, Courtesy, Wisdom, Charity." ---Dr. William Menninger "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations." ---Chuck Swindoll "Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower Vision with enthusiasm may bring us with hope to serve our people, community, and country!*11 {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Pepperdine University's President Dr. Andrew Benton: Progress and Promises You represent a distinguished 'point of pride'! By Tiffany Chang ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 214k - Cached - Similar pages }}} Like it is for President Dr. Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University, the above example inspires us that significant messages from U. S. Senator Harry Reid, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, and among others posted by WBTI have been shown by the world's leading search engines on Internet promptly and elegantly.*12 EQ has already been familiar with people these years, but not AQ We hope that the findings on "IQ, EQ, and AQ for success" by Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung will become an effective strategy for young people to drive at wisely for success and happiness! ---------------------------------------------a References *1. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press. *2. 峷嶰尦. '乻IQ, EQ, AQ & 垻Q乼,' "A profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung," (July 10, 2007), Princeton, New Jersey: Professor S. Y. Kung's website. *3. Google. 'A profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung,' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 27, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *4. Ibid. *5. Kung, Sun-Yuan. 'An abstract of "Adaptive Techniques for Intelligent Internet Multimedia Communication",' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 28, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Ibid. *7. Princeton University. 'A profile of Dr. Sun-Yun Kung,' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 29, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Ibid. *9. Kung, Sun-Yuan. 'Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao wrote a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference,' "A search of 'Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung' on the Yahoo.cn," (December 21, 2006), U. S. A.: Yahoo.cn. *10. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 28, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *11. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valerie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (July 9, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *12. Ibid. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** 080107-9997 ***** For more details, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the sections of "Business & Administration" and "Social & Community" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Sincerely, WBTI(NV) The paper entitled "A unification of network coding and tree-packing (routing) theorems" that written by Yunnan Wu, Kamal Jain, and him was an example. It was published on the "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) archive, Volume 14 , Issue SI" in June 2006. The Publisher was IEEE Press in Piscataway, NJ, USA. More of them have been shown in the following posted article ("Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University"). Beside his academic achievement, last year Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung wrote an article in Chinese on "How to receive success, self-confidence, and happiness by young people? (~{G`DjHKHg:N;q5C3I9&!"WTPE!"?l@V~})". Early in September, I spoke to many college students in Beijing. At the time when I was ready to take the freight to go back to U. S., Managing Director Dr. Harry Shum (~{IrOrQs~}) of Microsoft Research Asia (~{N"HmQGV^QP>?T:~}) requested me to write down the findings of communication. "He believes that will benefit many more Chinese young people," said Sun-Yuan. "~{R.B34sQ'5DPD@mQ'KXVJ#:HOJ6WTImGiPw#;MWIF9\@mGiPw#;WTNR<$@x#;HOV*K{HKGiPw#;HK3vAKM(M!uI9&5D;!u>B7M>#,3I9&~!u~}~~{~{VGIL~}+~{GiIL~}," pointed out Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung in the article.*2"~{?l@V>MJGWvWT<:O2;65DJBGi#,>MJGWTSI5D8P>u!#Wn:s#,3I9&~}=~{WTPESk?l@V~}=IQ+EQ+AQ~{!#KdH;3I9&J\:\6`RrKXS0Ol#,HgT64N7WTH;#,<41c2;JGC?4N6??IRT3IN*R;N;3I9&5DHK#,>!GiOmJ\WTPESk?l@V!#~}"The following article entitled "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University" was written by me in this section on December 23, 2006. It has been shown by the leading search engines on Internet remarkably: The first paragraph of this article was a profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung. It was found by searching "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung" on the Google.com: Professor Sun-Yuan Kung*3 Homepage Email: [???] Abstract of talk Sun-Yuan Kung received his Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. In 1974, he was an Associate Engineer of Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA. From 1977 to 1987, he was a Professor of Electrical Engineering-Systems of the University of Southern California. Since 1987, he has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. Since 1990, he has served as an Editor-In-Chief of Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems. Dr. Kung is a Fellow of IEEE. He was the recipient of 1992 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Technical Achievement Award for his contributions on "parallel processing and neural network algorithms for signal processing". He was appointed as an IEEE-SP Distinguished Lecturer in 1994. He received 1996 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Best Paper Award. Sun-Yuan was a recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung has authored more than 300 technical publications, including three books "VLSI Array Processors", (Prentice Hall, 1988) (with Russian and Chinese translations), "Digital Neural Networks", Prentice Hall, 1993, and "Principal Component Neural Networks'', John Wiley, 1996.*4 Sun-Yuan was a Kenote Speaker at The First IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (2000 International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing) on December 13-15, 2000, at the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung presented a paper at the IEEE-PCM2000 plenary. The title was "Adaptive Techniques for Intelligent Internet Multimedia Communication".*5 The following was his Abstract: The new trend of information processing world has rapidly converged to three major technological fields: internet, multimedia, and wireless. In this talk, we will attempt to offer a technological and applicational justification of intelligent technologies for internet multimedia computing/communication. We shall also illuminate how intelligent integration of signal processing and neural net techniques could be a versatile tool to a broad spectrum of multimedia applications. Some examples of adaptive techniques (or neural networks) with applications to internet multimedia commuincation will be demonstrated.*6 Multimedia technologies will profoundly change the way we access information, and they provide a new opportunity for research interactions among a variety of media such as speech, audio, image, video, text, and graphics. The inevitable merger of the computer industries and information-based consumer and communication industries inevitably introduces new challenges. We investigate various research issues relevant to intelligent multimedia communication applications and implementation technology. We study various adaptive and content-based technologies for MPEG-4 applications, such as compression, indexing, and retrieval of visual information. We look into various areas in video coding and segmentation, including true-motion tracker, global-motion compensated VOP (video-object-plane) coding, video representation, multicue, and multicamera fusion, three-dimensional structure-from-motion analysis, and spatial-temporal interpolation. We study an algorithmic framework that fuses spatial, visual, and motion information from a variety of preprocessing sources: object tracker, motion edge analysis, and so on.*7 Neural networks have become one of the core techniques facilitating intelligent multimedia communication technologies. They are very effective when applied to detection or recognition of high-level features (for example, faces) and multimodality recognition and authentication. These have many critical applications to information representation/retrieval and Internet security, and many focal applications in MPEG-7. For these, we have developed a versatile decision-based neural network that bears a modular structure, while taking advantage of both unsupervised and supervised learning strategies. We look into novel neural network techniques on multisensor classification, hierarchical processing, probabilistic (fuzzy) neural networks, object detection and tracking, and content-based compression and representation. Another major challenge lies in real-time processing speed, a key barrier before online access of massive visual information can become a reality. In fact, it is communication, instead of computing, that will be the processing bottleneck. Thus, the development of the computer technology must be closely intertwined with the information-based consumer and communication technologies. We have studied for a long time the research issues involving design and implementation of VLSI multimedia signal processing circuits and systems. Novel communication and networking technologies will be critical in order for multimedia database systems to support interactive dynamic interfaces. Truly integrated media systems must connect with individual users and content-addressable multimedia databases. This will involve both logical connections to support information-sharing and physical connection via computer networking and data transfer. Our research stresses hierarchical and scalable multimedia architecture platforms, fast architectures by minimizing memory accesses and IO operations, and systematically mapping multimedia algorithms to the new architectures. Ultimately, our research will support development of real-time information-processing systems combining digital video and audio, text, and graphics.*8 Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao sent a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference. Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao wrote a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference (EITC 2002), the letter was presented by her representative in this region, Ms. Angelica O. Tang in the EITC Luncheon Brown Bag Talks. "Our ancestors' dreams inspired them to cross a wide ocean in search of opportunity and prosperity. As the EITC so admirably represents, more and more Chinese Americans are taking their rightful place in this country's science and engineering professions, combining their individual talents with the rich cultural values of family and education. I am pleased to share with you that since taking office, President George W. Bush has demonstrated his commitment to our community by naming more than 90 Asian Pacific American appointees. Nineteen of these positions are Presidential appointments requiring Senate confirmation including, for the first time in our nation's history, two Asian Pacific Americans to the Cabinet. I am also pleased that at the U.S. Department of Labor, I have appointed the highest number of Asian Pacific Americans to top leadership positions. My team and I have launched a number of initiatives, ranging from small business development to training grants, to assist the growing Asian Pacific American community," Secretary Chao said in her letter. Ms. Tang presented Secretary Chao's letter to EITC Conference Program Chair, Dr. Mow S. Lin of Brookhaven National Laboratory. Ms. Tang was also greeted by Princeton Township Mayor Phyllis L. Marchand, and EITC Conference co-chairs, Dr. Chun-Yen Chang, Professor and President of National Chiao Tung University, and Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, Professor of Princeton University, as well as the EITC speakers and attendees.*9 Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung is now a tenure Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. It is our pleasure to pay a tribute to the expertise, professionalism, and accomplishment of an excellent scholar and professor.*10 It is clever to share with the following short but meaningful quotes that we mentioned in our previous articles: "Six essential qualities that are keys to success: Sincerity, Personal Integrity, Humility, Courtesy, Wisdom, Charity." ---Dr. William Menninger "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations." ---Chuck Swindoll "Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower Vision with enthusiasm may bring us with hope to serve our people, community, and country!*11 {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Pepperdine University's President Dr. Andrew Benton: Progress and Promises You represent a distinguished 'point of pride'! By Tiffany Chang ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 214k - Cached - Similar pages }}} Like it is for President Dr. Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University, the above example inspires us that significant messages from U. S. Senator Harry Reid, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, and among others posted by WBTI have been shown by the world's leading search engines on Internet promptly and elegantly.*12 EQ has already been familiar with people these years, but not AQ We hope that the findings on "IQ, EQ, and AQ for success" by Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung will become an effective strategy for young people to drive at wisely for success and happiness! --------------------------------------------- References *1. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press. *2. 峷嶰尦. '乻IQ, EQ, AQ & 垻Q乼,' "A profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung," (July 10, 2007), Princeton, New Jersey: Professor S. Y. Kung's website. *3. Google. 'A profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung,' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 27, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *4. Ibid. *5. Kung, Sun-Yuan. 'An abstract of "Adaptive Techniques for Intelligent Internet Multimedia Communication",' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 28, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Ibid. *7. Princeton University. 'A profile of Dr. Sun-Yun Kung,' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 29, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Ibid. *9. Kung, Sun-Yuan. 'Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao wrote a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference,' "A search of 'Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung' on the Yahoo.cn," (December 21, 2006), U. S. A.: Yahoo.cn. *10. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 28, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *11. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (July 9, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *12. Ibid. ------------------------------ ******************************************** 080107-9997 ***** For more details, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the sections of "Business & Administration" and "Social & Community" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Sincerely, WBTI(NV) Art of EQ and AQ inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung! By Tiffany Chang Emotional Intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; it drives many of our daily actions. ---Freedman et al. Handle With Care: Emotional Intelligence Activity Book, Introduction, 1997/1998 ____________________________________________ ***** Life is meant to be a never-ending education, and when this is fully appreciated, we are no longer survivors but adventurers. ---David McNally, Even Eagles Need a Push*1 universInternet at 7:36 a.m. on July 10, 2007. Most of them are appeared starting from the first line on their first page: [[[ Washington Businesge&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 136k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063... - 154k - Supplemental Result Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung had a great deal of achievements in the recent years. The paper entitled "A unification of network coding and tree-packing (routing) theorems" that written by Yunnan Wu, Kamal Jain, and him was an example. It was published on the "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) archive, Volume 14 , Issue SI" in June 2006. The Publisher was IEEE Press in Piscataway, NJ, USA. More of them have been shown in the following posted article ("Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University"). Beside his academic achievement, last year Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung wrote an article in Chinese on "How to receive success, self-confidence, and happiness by young people? (~{G`DjHKHg:N;q5C3I9&!"WTPE!"?l@V~})". Early in September, I spoke to many college students in Beijing. At the time when I was ready to take the freight to go back to U. S., Managing Director Dr. Harry Shum (~{IrOrQs~}) of Microsoft Research Asia (~{N"HmQGV^QP>?T:~}) requested me to write down the findings of communication. "He believes that will benefit many more Chinese young people," said Sun-Yuan. "~{R.B34sQ'5DPD@mQ'KXVJ#:HOJ6WTImGiPw#;MWIF9\@mGiPw#;WTNR<$@x#;HOV*K{HKGiPw#;HK3vAKM(M!uI9&5D;!u>B7M>#,3I9&~!u~}~~{~{VGIL~}+~{GiIL~}," pointed out Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung in the article.*2"~{?l@V>MJGWvWT<:O2;65DJBGi#,>MJGWTSI5D8P>u!#Wn:s#,3I9&~}=~{WTPESk?l@V~}=IQ+EQ+AQ~{!#KdH;3I9&J\:\6`RrKXS0Ol#,HgT64N7WTH;#,<41c2;JGC?4N6??IRT3IN*R;N;3I9&5DHK#,>!GiOmJ\WTPESk?l@V!#~}"The following article entitled "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University" was written by me in this section on December 23, 2006. It has been shown by the leading search engines on Internet remarkably: The first paragraph of this article was a profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung. It was found by searching "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung" on the Google.com: Professor Sun-Yuan Kung*3 Homepage Email: [???] Abstract of talk Sun-Yuan Kung received his Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. In 1974, he was an Associate Engineer of Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA. From 1977 to 1987, he was a Professor of Electrical Engineering-Systems of the University of Southern California. Since 1987, he has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. Since 1990, he has served as an Editor-In-Chief of Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems. Dr. Kung is a Fellow of IEEE. He was the recipient of 1992 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Technical Achievement Award for his contributions on "parallel processing and neural network algorithms for signal processing". He was appointed as an IEEE-SP Distinguished Lecturer in 1994. He received 1996 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Best Paper Award. Sun-Yuan was a recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung has authored more than 300 technical publications, including three books "VLSI Array Processors", (Prentice Hall, 1988) (with Russian and Chinese translations), "Digital Neural Networks", Prentice Hall, 1993, and "Principal Component Neural Networks'', John Wiley, 1996.*4 Sun-Yuan was a Kenote Speaker at The First IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (2000 International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing) on December 13-15, 2000, at the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung presented a paper at the IEEE-PCM2000 plenary. The title was "Adaptive Techniques for Intelligent Internet Multimedia Communication".*5 The following was his Abstract: The new trend of information processing world has rapidly converged to three major technological fields: internet, multimedia, and wireless. In this talk, we will attempt to offer a technological and applicational justification of intelligent technologies for internet multimedia computing/communication. We shall also illuminate how intelligent integration of signal processing and neural net techniques could be a versatile tool to a broad spectrum of multimedia applications. Some examples of adaptive techniques (or neural networks) with applications to internet multimedia commuincation will be demonstrated.*6 Multimedia technologies will profoundly change the way we access information, and they provide a new opportunity for research interactions among a variety of media such as speech, audio, image, video, text, and graphics. The inevitable merger of the computer industries and information-based consumer and communication industries inevitably introduces new challenges. We investigate various research issues relevant to intelligent multimedia communication applications and implementation technology. We study various adaptive and content-based technologies for MPEG-4 applications, such as compression, indexing, and retrieval of visual information. We look into various areas in video coding and segmentation, including true-motion tracker, global-motion compensated VOP (video-object-plane) coding, video representation, multicue, and multicamera fusion, three-dimensional structure-from-motion analysis, and spatial-temporal interpolation. We study an algorithmic framework that fuses spatial, visual, and motion information from a variety of preprocessing sources: object tracker, motion edge analysis, and so on.*7 Neural networks have become one of the core techniques facilitating intelligent multimedia communication technologies. They are very effective when applied to detection or recognition of high-level features (for example, faces) and multimodality recognition and authentication. These have many critical applications to information representation/retrieval and Internet security, and many focal applications in MPEG-7. For these, we have developed a versatile decision-based neural network that bears a modular structure, while taking advantage of both unsupervised and supervised learning strategies. We look into novel neural network techniques on multisensor classification, hierarchical processing, probabilistic (fuzzy) neural networks, object detection and tracking, and content-based compression and representation. Another major challenge lies in real-time processing speed, a key barrier before online access of massive visual information can become a reality. In fact, it is communication, instead of computing, that will be the processing bottleneck. Thus, the development of the computer technology must be closely intertwined with the information-based consumer and communication technologies. We have studied for a long time the research issues involving design and implementation of VLSI multimedia signal processing circuits and systems. Novel communication and networking technologies will be critical in order for multimedia database systems to support interactive dynamic interfaces. Truly integrated media systems must connect with individual users and content-addressable multimedia databases. This will involve both logical connections to support information-sharing and physical connection via computer networking and data transfer. Our research stresses hierarchical and scalable multimedia architecture platforms, fast architectures by minimizing memory accesses and IO operations, and systematically mapping multimedia algorithms to the new architectures. Ultimately, our research will support development of real-time information-processing systems combining digital video and audio, text, and graphics.*8 Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao sent a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference. Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao wrote a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference (EITC 2002), the letter was presented by her representative in this region, Ms. Angelica O. Tang in the EITC Luncheon Brown Bag Talks. "Our ancestors' dreams inspired them to cross a wide ocean in search of opportunity and prosperity. As the EITC so admirably represents, more and more Chinese Americans are taking their rightful place in this country's science and engineering professions, combining their individual talents with the rich cultural values of family and education. I am pleased to share with you that since taking office, President George W. Bush has demonstrated his commitment to our community by naming more than 90 Asian Pacific American appointees. Nineteen of these positions are Presidential appointments requiring Senate confirmation including, for the first time in our nation's history, two Asian Pacific Americans to the Cabinet. I am also pleased that at the U.S. Department of Labor, I have appointed the highest number of Asian Pacific Americans to top leadership positions. My team and I have launched a number of initiatives, ranging from small business development to training grants, to assist the growing Asian Pacific American community," Secretary Chao said in her letter. Ms. Tang presented Secretary Chao's letter to EITC Conference Program Chair, Dr. Mow S. Lin of Brookhaven National Laboratory. Ms. Tang was also greeted by Princeton Township Mayor Phyllis L. Marchand, and EITC Conference co-chairs, Dr. Chun-Yen Chang, Professor and President of National Chiao Tung University, and Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, Professor of Princeton University, as well as the EITC speakers and attendees.*9 Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung is now a tenure Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. It is our pleasure to pay a tribute to the expertise, professionalism, and accomplishment of an excellent scholar and professor.*10 It is clever to share with the following short but meaningful quotes that we mentioned in our previous article {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Pepperdine University's President Dr. Andrew Benton: Progress and Promises You represent a distinguished 'point of pride'! By Tiffany Chang ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 214k - Cached - Similar pages }}} EQ has already been familiar with people these years, but not AQ We hope that the findings on "IQ, EQ, and AQ for success" by Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung will become an effective strategy for young people to drive at wisely for success and happiness! --------------------------------------------- References *1. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press. *2. 峷嶰尦. '乻IQ, EQ, AQ & 垻Q乼,' "A profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung," (July 10, 2007), Princeton, New Jersey: Professor S. Y. Kung's website. *3. Google. 'A profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung,' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 27, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *4. Ibid. *5. Kung, Sun-Yuan. 'An abstract of "Adaptive Techniques for Intelligent Internet Multimedia Communication",' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 28, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Ibid. *7. Princeton University. 'A profile of Dr. Sun-Yun Kung,' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 29, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Ibid. *9. Kung, Sun-Yuan. 'Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao wrote a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference,' "A search of 'Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung' on the Yahoo.cn," (December 21, 2006), U. S. A.: Yahoo.cn. *10. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 28, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *11. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (July 9, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *12. Ibid. ------------------------------ ******************************************** 080107-9997 ***** For more details, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the sections of "Business & Administration" and "Social & Community" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Sincerely, WBTI(NV) secretary of labor elaine chao, professor of princeton university dr. sun-yuan kung, and nevada", etc. on Internet through Google, Yahoo, AOL, Search, and Ask.com, we may have rich information. The following are just a few examples which have been published by the world's leading search engines on Internet at 7:36 a.m. on July 10, 2007. Most of them are appeared starting from the first line on their first page: [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University By Tiffany Chang. The first paragraph of this article ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 136k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung is now a tenure Professor of Ele. ... presented Secretary Chao's letter to EITC Conference Program Chair, Dr. Mow S. ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung is now a tenure Professor of Electrical Engineering at ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=13 - 171k - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University ... Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (�•ÈýÔ�) is now a tenure ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=24 - 126k - Cached ]]] Beside his academic achievement, last year Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung wrote an article in Chinese on "How to receive success, self-confidence, and happiness by young people? (~{G`DjHKHg:N;q5C3I9&!"WTPE!"?l@V~})". Early in September, I spoke to many college students in Beijing. At the time when I was ready to take the freight to go back to U. S., Managing Director Dr. Harry Shum (~{IrOrQs~}) of Microsoft Research Asia (~{N"HmQGV^QP>?T:~}) requested me to write down the findings of communication. "He believes that will benefit many more Chinese young people," said Sun-Yuan. "~{R.B34sQ'5DPD@mQ'KXVJ#:HOJ6WTImGiPw#;MWIF9\@mGiPw#;WTNR<$@x#;HOV*K{HKGiPw#;HK3vAKM(M!uI9&5D;!u>B7M>#,3I9&~!u~}~~{~{VGIL~}+~{GiIL~}," pointed out Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung in the article.*2"~{?l@V>MJGWvWT<:O2;65DJBGi#,>MJGWTSI5D8P>u!#Wn:s#,3I9&~}=~{WTPESk?l@V~}=IQ+EQ+AQ~{!#KdH;3I9&J\:\6`RrKXS0Ol#,HgT64N7WTH;#,<41c2;JGC?4N6??IRT3IN*R;N;3I9&5DHK#,>!GiOmJ\WTPESk?l@V!#~}"The following article entitled "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung (貢~{H}T*~}) ---a famous Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University" was written by me in this section on December 23, 2006. It has been shown by the leading search engines on Internet remarkably: The first paragraph of this article was a profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung. It was found by searching "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung" on the Google.com: Professor Sun-Yuan Kung*3 Homepage Email: [???] Abstract of talk Sun-Yuan Kung received his Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. In 1974, he was an Associate Engineer of Amdahl Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA. From 1977 to 1987, he was a Professor of Electrical Engineering-Systems of the University of Southern California. Since 1987, he has been a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. Since 1990, he has served as an Editor-In-Chief of Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems. Dr. Kung is a Fellow of IEEE. He was the recipient of 1992 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Technical Achievement Award for his contributions on "parallel processing and neural network algorithms for signal processing". He was appointed as an IEEE-SP Distinguished Lecturer in 1994. He received 1996 IEEE Signal Processing Society's Best Paper Award. Sun-Yuan was a recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung has authored more than 300 technical publications, including three books "VLSI Array Processors", (Prentice Hall, 1988) (with Russian and Chinese translations), "Digital Neural Networks", Prentice Hall, 1993, and "Principal Component Neural Networks'', John Wiley, 1996.*4 Sun-Yuan was a Kenote Speaker at The First IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (2000 International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing) on December 13-15, 2000, at the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung presented a paper at the IEEE-PCM2000 plenary. The title was "Adaptive Techniques for Intelligent Internet Multimedia Communication".*5 The following was his Abstract: The new trend of information processing world has rapidly converged to three major technological fields: internet, multimedia, and wireless. In this talk, we will attempt to offer a technological and applicational justification of intelligent technologies for internet multimedia computing/communication. We shall also illuminate how intelligent integration of signal processing and neural net techniques could be a versatile tool to a broad spectrum of multimedia applications. Some examples of adaptive techniques (or neural networks) with applications to internet multimedia commuincation will be demonstrated.*6 Multimedia technologies will profoundly change the way we access information, and they provide a new opportunity for research interactions among a variety of media such as speech, audio, image, video, text, and graphics. The inevitable merger of the computer industries and information-based consumer and communication industries inevitably introduces new challenges. We investigate various research issues relevant to intelligent multimedia communication applications and implementation technology. We study various adaptive and content-based technologies for MPEG-4 applications, such as compression, indexing, and retrieval of visual information. We look into various areas in video coding and segmentation, including true-motion tracker, global-motion compensated VOP (video-object-plane) coding, video representation, multicue, and multicamera fusion, three-dimensional structure-from-motion analysis, and spatial-temporal interpolation. We study an algorithmic framework that fuses spatial, visual, and motion information from a variety of preprocessing sources: object tracker, motion edge analysis, and so on.*7 Neural networks have become one of the core techniques facilitating intelligent multimedia communication technologies. They are very effective when applied to detection or recognition of high-level features (for example, faces) and multimodality recognition and authentication. These have many critical applications to information representation/retrieval and Internet security, and many focal applications in MPEG-7. For these, we have developed a versatile decision-based neural network that bears a modular structure, while taking advantage of both unsupervised and supervised learning strategies. We look into novel neural network techniques on multisensor classification, hierarchical processing, probabilistic (fuzzy) neural networks, object detection and tracking, and content-based compression and representation. Another major challenge lies in real-time processing speed, a key barrier before online access of massive visual information can become a reality. In fact, it is communication, instead of computing, that will be the processing bottleneck. Thus, the development of the computer technology must be closely intertwined with the information-based consumer and communication technologies. We have studied for a long time the research issues involving design and implementation of VLSI multimedia signal processing circuits and systems. Novel communication and networking technologies will be critical in order for multimedia database systems to support interactive dynamic interfaces. Truly integrated media systems must connect with individual users and content-addressable multimedia databases. This will involve both logical connections to support information-sharing and physical connection via computer networking and data transfer. Our research stresses hierarchical and scalable multimedia architecture platforms, fast architectures by minimizing memory accesses and IO operations, and systematically mapping multimedia algorithms to the new architectures. Ultimately, our research will support development of real-time information-processing systems combining digital video and audio, text, and graphics.*8 Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao sent a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference. Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao wrote a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference (EITC 2002), the letter was presented by her representative in this region, Ms. Angelica O. Tang in the EITC Luncheon Brown Bag Talks. "Our ancestors' dreams inspired them to cross a wide ocean in search of opportunity and prosperity. As the EITC so admirably represents, more and more Chinese Americans are taking their rightful place in this country's science and engineering professions, combining their individual talents with the rich cultural values of family and education. I am pleased to share with you that since taking office, President George W. Bush has demonstrated his commitment to our community by naming more than 90 Asian Pacific American appointees. Nineteen of these positions are Presidential appointments requiring Senate confirmation including, for the first time in our nation's history, two Asian Pacific Americans to the Cabinet. I am also pleased that at the U.S. Department of Labor, I have appointed the highest number of Asian Pacific Americans to top leadership positions. My team and I have launched a number of initiatives, ranging from small business development to training grants, to assist the growing Asian Pacific American community," Secretary Chao said in her letter. Ms. Tang presented Secretary Chao's letter to EITC Conference Program Chair, Dr. Mow S. Lin of Brookhaven National Laboratory. Ms. Tang was also greeted by Princeton Township Mayor Phyllis L. Marchand, and EITC Conference co-chairs, Dr. Chun-Yen Chang, Professor and President of National Chiao Tung University, and Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, Professor of Princeton University, as well as the EITC speakers and attendees.*9 Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung is now a tenure Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Princeton University. It is our pleasure to pay a tribute to the expertise, professionalism, and accomplishment of an excellent scholar and professor.*10 It is clever to share with the following short but meaningful quotes that we mentioned in our previous articles: "Six essential qualities that are keys to success: Sincerity, Personal Integrity, Humility, Courtesy, Wisdom, Charity." ---Dr. William Menninger "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations." ---Chuck Swindoll "Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower Vision with enthusiasm may bring us with hope to serve our people, community, and country!*11 {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Pepperdine University's President Dr. Andrew Benton: Progress and Promises You represent a distinguished 'point of pride'! By Tiffany Chang ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 214k - Cached - Similar pages }}} Like it is for President Dr. Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University, the above example inspires us that significant messages from U. S. Senator Harry Reid, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, and among others posted by WBTI have been shown by the world's leading search engines on Internet promptly and elegantly.*12 EQ has already been familiar with people these years, but not AQ We hope that the findings on "IQ, EQ, and AQ for success" by Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung will become an effective strategy for young people to drive at wisely for success and happiness! --------------------------------------------- References *1. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press. *2. 峷嶰尦. '乻IQ, EQ, AQ & 垻Q乼,' "A profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung," (July 10, 2007), Princeton, New Jersey: Professor S. Y. Kung's website. *3. Google. 'A profile of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung,' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 27, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *4. Ibid. *5. Kung, Sun-Yuan. 'An abstract of "Adaptive Techniques for Intelligent Internet Multimedia Communication",' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 28, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Ibid. *7. Princeton University. 'A profile of Dr. Sun-Yun Kung,' "A search of Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung on the Google.com," (April 29, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Ibid. *9. Kung, Sun-Yuan. 'Secretary of the U. S. Department of Labor, Elaine L. Chao wrote a message to speakers and attendees of Emerging Information Technology Conference,' "A search of 'Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung' on the Yahoo.cn," (December 21, 2006), U. S. A.: Yahoo.cn. *10. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 28, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *11. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (July 9, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *12. Ibid. -------------------------------------- ******************************************** 080107-9997 ***** For more details, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the sections of "Business & Administration" and "Social & Community" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Sincerely, WBTI(NV)
| | |
 Please view [22] PPAA Foum 21 _wbti Miss Yin Yan is the President of eNational Realty Group with MBA Recently, she received her JD degree! |
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*****一般的街頭和路口,小販賣的是玉蘭花,而苗栗1名黃姓婦人,卻是在國道匝道口,賣起便當,國道3號高速公路,苗栗苑裡交流道南北匝道出口,有民眾反映,有攤販頂著烈日,穿梭車陣當中賣便當,辛苦又危險。記者循線找到這名黃姓婦人,她說,自己受雇於自助餐店,到匝道口賣便當,1天有800元工資,為了家裡面2個還在唸幼稚園的小朋友,只好冒險穿梭在車陣中...大貨車在匝道口停車,原來是要買便當,黃姓婦人立刻高舉便當,交給司機,收錢找零,車子如果停在對面車道,還要快跑通過,要趕在綠燈前,完成交易,為了蠅頭小利車陣中穿梭,看了令人捏把冷汗...黃姓婦人冒險賣便當的匝道口,就在國道3號,苗栗苑裡交流道,她說她也是受雇於自助餐店,每天上午9時至午後2時共上班5小時,工資800元,1天約可賣出100個。但就算危險,黃姓婦人無奈的說,家裡2個小孩都還在唸幼稚園,我們也要生活啊!而大車司機不易停車買便當,也得吃中飯填飽肚子,彼此都有需求,只能自己小心車輛,避免發生危險...警方強調,婦人在匝道口擺攤,違法又危險,可依《道路交通管理處罰條例》,處以1200元罰款,會請巡邏警力加強勸導驅離。(民視新聞邱俊超苗栗報導) .Facebook 馬上按讚 加入Yahoo奇摩新聞粉絲團. ------------------------------------ LVRJ/wbti: Meet WBTI(NV) Fellow Dina Titus! by Cheryl Moss and Tiffany Chang"Our greastest asset at Washington Business and Technology Institute [(WBTI(NV))] is our people -- not facades or fountains, not landscapes or lakescapes, but people -- faculty, advisory board members, administration, and a host of friends," said President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). "On the publications of WBTI through multimedia locally, nationally, and internationally, we have featured many of our own: U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, Governor of Nevada Kenny Guinn, Pepperdine University President Dr. Andrew Benton, Chief Federal Judge Lloyed Geroge, Pepperdine University Chancellor Dr. Charles Runnels, Former Chief Justice and now Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin, Dr. William Thompson, Dr. Lee Bernick, Dr. Keong Leong, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, among others." "Enriching our research and community service process were made possible by these friends who joined and supported this academic institute. WBTI is really a chain of dedicated individuals, intellectuals, and professionals who join to research, serve, support and to give. We take great pride of our people, including our outstanding faculty members. They are some of the best in the world. We are sincere servers to help improve the quality of life of all the residents and visitors of Nevada." Nevada State Senator Dina Titus was appointed by Washington Business and Technology Institute as a Fellow of its Public Administration Institution (PAI) on August 15, 2001. She was very pleased to receive the congratulations call from Dr. Tony Lei early that morning. Having out of town for a couple of days, the call reminded her that at the suggestion of U. S. Senator Harry Reid, former Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones had offered to step down as Nevada's Democatic National Committeewoman, and Dina Titus would seek that job. This would give her some Washington, D. C., connections and enhance her political profile. With four trips a year to Washington, D. C., the committeewoman and committeeman from each state are expected to speak on party issues, raise money, and help recruit candidates. "It's really my honor to be a Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Senator Dina Titus to the readers of "Nevada Examiner" and Las Vegas Review-Journal.com. "I'm also honor to be invited by Dr. Tony Lei as a Special Guest to the Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U. S. Senator Harry Reid on August 24, 2001," she continued.*2 Dina Titus brought her husband Dr. Wright to attend the Party at the Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant on the Friday evening. Dr. Wright is a Senior Professor in the Department of History at UNLV. The Event and Dinner Party was initiated by Dr. Tony Lei and Ms. Nancy Diaz. It was chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Tonie Sison, and Ms. Rita Vaswani. Joined with more than 36 hosts of the Dinner Party by community and organizational leaders, business executives and owners, and government officials, we had guests and participants more than 384 people.*3 As a Professor of Political Science of UNLV, Dina Titus is now a famous Senator of the State Nevada. She is also a State Senator Democratic Leader. On August 14, 2001, she said that she would run for Lieutenant Governor if Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman ran for Nevada Governor. "She's brilliant, and she would be a great governor," Mayor Goodman said of Senator Titus. To her new honor and appointment as a Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI on August 15, 2001, Senator Titus agreed with District Judge Valorie Vega on "This position will undoubtedly provide me with avenues for exploring improvements in public services to which I'm most dedicated." It is really a valuable advancement that we may have such an appropriate and achieved individual like Dina as a colleague to our Institution. Senator Titus' expertise and good reputation in political science has been known locally and nationally. With her outstanding professional expertise and practical public administration experience, Senator Titus' acceptance as a fellow of PAI evidenced that in supporting Director Dr. William Thompson with Fellows Former Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa, Justices of the Supreme Court William Maupin and Nancy Becker, District Judges Mark Denton, Valerie Vega, Nancy Saitta, Jackie Glass, Michelle Leavitt, Jennifer Togliatti, Jessie Walsh, among others, they would form an excellent leadership team launching PAI into the next milleunnium for academic excellence and administrative practicality. Dina Titus is now a famous Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies in the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Professor Dina Titus, a native of Georgia, was educated at William and Mary, University of Georgia and received her Ph. D. from Florida State University. She currently teaches Political Science at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, and, in addition to these responsibilities, she is also a Nevada State Senator from District 7 in Clark County. She is on the Board of Directors of the Nevada Test Site Foundation and is a member of the Nevada-California Super Speed Ground Transportation Commission, Clark country Women¡¯s Democratic Club, Education Commission of the States and the Nevada Commission on Participatory Democracy. Se was named the Spanos Outstanding Teacher at UNLV in 1985, was the Chairman of the Nevada Humanities Committee from 1984-19865 and in 1999 was the Nevada Arts Advocate of the Year.*3 Her most recent publication is Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics. The title of Dr. Titus¡¯ Convocation lecture, ¡°The Mushroom Cloud as an American Symbol,¡± attests to the extensive knowledge she has concerning America¡¯s nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site and the impact it has had on that region.*4 "The maturity of citizens society is the fundamental guarantee for the normal processing of democratic politics. In a citizens society, it depends highly on the team of public intellectuals. A good public intellectual integrates peoples' opinion, analyze rationally, and points out wise perspectives and notice. Dina plays an important and significant responsibility of mission as an achieved intellectual at the same time as an important statewoman. Our Nevada is critically in need of these intellectuals and professionals in every kind of fields," said Dr. Tony Tung_tien Lei, President of WBTI(NV).*5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References *1 Vega, Valorie, and Chang, Tiffany. 'Senator Dina Titus appoints Fellow of Public Administration of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (August, 2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *2. Ibid. *3. Google. 'About Tina Titus,' "A search about Senator Dina Titus on Google.com," (January 5, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *4. Ibid. *5. Chang, Tiffany. 'Asian American community united to honor U. S. Senator Harry Reid,' "8 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (November 13, 2001), Las Vega, Nevada: Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas. 666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** 122204-3687 Merry Christmas cards sent by President Dr. Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University and District Judge Cheryl Moss are the two first ones to Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 10, 2004. Following that were the three ones from District Judge Mark Denton and Dr. Liz Kent ( a classmate of Dr. Tony Lei and Ed. D. of Pepperdine University), and President of TACCLV Sapatra Chemprachum on December 18, 2004. Dr Tony Lei received a Merry Christmas card from Pepperdine University Chancellor Dr. Charles Runnels in Malibu, California on December 21, 2004. (The Merry Christmas cards of President Dr. Andrew Benton and Chancellor Dr. Charles Runnels were designed and post on the Section of "Pepperdine University Alumni Association".) 66666666666 999999999999999999999999 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** 113004-3678 ***** The 2004 Proclamation of Clark County to Dr. Tony Tung_tien Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute WBTI(NV): | |
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LVRJ/wbti: ÃÀ‡øÇ°„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌm _ wbti ÅcËýµÄ¸¸ÓHÚwåa³É²©Ê¿ _ wbti ¡¢ÃÃÃÃÚw°²¼ª·ò‹D _ wbti 17Èջص½¼ÒàlÉϺ£¼Î¶¨ _ wbti £¬…¢¼ÓÒÔÚwСÌm×游ÚwÒÔÈÊÃüÃûµÄÒÔÈÊÓ׃ºˆ@ - wbti ³ÉÁ¢20ÖÜÄê... --chinatimes.com & LVRJ/wbti. 6 - Washington Business and Technology Institute ... communitylink.reviewjour... Translate this page Las Vegas Review‑Journal ÃÀ‡øÇ°„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌm _ wbti ÅcËýµÄ¸¸ÓHÚwåa³É²©Ê¿¡¢ÃÃÃÃÚw°²¼ª·ò‹D _ wbti 17Èջص½¼ÒàlÉϺ£¼Î¶¨ _ wbti £¬…¢¼ÓÒÔÚwСÌm×游ÚwÒÔÈÊÃüÃûµÄÒÔÈÊÓ׃ºˆ@ - wbti ³ÉÁ¢20ÖÜÄê ... --John K. Lei _ wbti , Chairman of the Board of Directors - wbti of River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC)wbti LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21 Ó›Õ߽𿵹 _ wbti ¨MÕûÀíˆóŒ§December 23, 2009 12:00 AM --LVRJ/wbti Chairperson (Honorary) Dr. Elaine L. Chao _ wbti: Dear all, Our fifth achievement this year is United we've made U.S. Senator & Majority Leader of the Senate Honorable Harry Reid the biggest Winner internationally and nationally with modern administrative Strategies for WBTI(NV) and NCWT/ie on PPAA Forum for our incredulous mission! Together, we've witnessed the power and influence of a new American dream _ wbti . Thank you for being an important part of our life!! Judy K. and I & Amy Jo and I extend our warmest thoughts to you and your family this holiday season and wishes of happiness, prosperity, and healthy in our FUTURE with a mission, innovatively, practically, and scientifically!!! --President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei _ wbti and Pepperdine University Chancellor Dr. Charles Runnels _ wbti *717888797 ------------------------- ******* Ó›Õ߽𿵹 _ wbti December 24, 2009 12:00 AM ------------------------------------- ******************************************* LVRJ/wbti: Chief Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court Michael Douglas _ wbti : Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! by Bill Maupin, Nancy Saitta, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Ingrid Ou, and Jennifer Kung Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit from the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' for 2007! --John K. Lei _ wbti , Chairman of the Board of Directors _wbti of River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC)- wbti ---------------------------------- *****"I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen!" --Frank Lloyd Wright ... *****U.S. Senator Harry Reid -- Celebrating Our Nation`s Heroes! Monday, November 12, 2012 11:26 AM From: "Senator Harry Reid" Add sender to ContactsTo: "judy & tony lei" November 12, 2012 Dear Fellow Nevadan, Bravery and courage come in many forms, and on this Veterans Day we honor the men and women who have exhibited these virtues in service to our nation and to the American people. In each decade, there are those who threaten our nation¡¯s freedoms. In times of duress and in the face of immense challenges, servicemen and women displayed strength and fortitude to preserve our democracy. Our veterans are the truest American heroes, and as we honor them today we must also pause to remember the countless individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice and laid down their lives for their country. ... ..... ....... 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Please view [55] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti Images for [56] PPAA Forum 21 _wbti 自520後,大陸國台辦首度明確表態,指兩岸溝通機制已停擺,這句話一方面打臉陸委會的「鴕鳥心態」,對外宣稱兩岸尚有溝通聯繫管道的說法;更重要的是藉此昭示兩岸官方交流中斷,不讓蔡政府在「九二共識」表態上有迴避閃躲的空間。事實上,早在520後兩岸官方交流即呈現中斷,但國台辦從未講明,僅呼籲若無「九二共識」政治基礎,兩岸聯繫將無以為繼。而今明確表態,一方面是不讓台灣民眾誤解兩岸尚有溝通管道;另一方面則向蔡政府示警,兩岸關係若持續停擺,未來可能連科長層級的溝通都無法進行。 近期許多涉台學者透露,大陸給蔡英文的補答期不會太久,甚至不會拖過今年,加上國台辦這次表態,隱約為大陸對台政策趨向強硬釋出信號,蔡政府必須審慎以對。 可以觀察到,大陸對蔡政府逐漸失去耐性,時間已不站在蔡政府這邊,倘若不面對問題癥結,只是空話盡出,這為兩岸關係帶來的負面效應,將反饋到蔡政府身上。 (旺報) -------------------------------------- Chinese Simplified (G2312) LVRJ/wbti: ¡¶»Ø•¡·ÚwÊϼÒ×å¿°·QÈAÈË¿¬Ä£! 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