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051110-1747 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese Multimedia - [ ~{W*N*communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01340001051097770047646464... Most of the names in Chinese which appeared in our articles will have results by typing them before wbti (like "~{@n0=~} wbti") to the searching box of Google.cn.~{5DO`9XKQKw~} chinese typing------------------------------ | |
051110-1737 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh ... ---Frankie Sue Del Papa, Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... ~{!$~} Cached pageWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ---Frankie Sue Del Papa, Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh, Miss Yin Yan, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Mr. Pengju Li, Judge Nancy Saitta, Dr. Ingrid ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... ~{!$~} Cached page -------------------------------- | |
051110-1715 |
Ó›ÕßñTøQ̨À˹¾S¼Ó˹ˆóŒ§May 11, 2010 12:00 AM | 62 Ó^¿´´Î”µ | 0 | 1 | | Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]This list may not reflect recent changes (learn . ....Ó›ÕßñTøQ̨À˹¾S¼Ó˹ˆóŒ§May 11, 2010 12:00 AM | 62 Ó^¿´´Î”µ | 0 | 1 | | ‹LŽÒég–‘äfŽzˆÛ‰ÁŽz•ñ“±April 05, 2010 12:00 AM | 5 æVŠÅŽŸÉ| 0 | 1 | | . ... Date: 02/11/2009 Description: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham .... ‹LŽÒ‹àN—’fŽzˆÛ‰ÁŽz•ñ“±March 21, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]2010”N4ŒŽ5“ú ... Mon, April 5, 2010 11:37:31 AMFrom: Office of the Governor [nvg@GOV. ... y‰ä݉pš “I‘嬎–z(1). y2010”N—Ï“Öˆê“ú—V—V‹Lz(0) ... May 2005(26) ... ‹LŽÒég–‘äfŽzˆÛ‰ÁŽz•ñ“±April 05, 2010 12:00 AM | 5 æVŠÅŽŸÉ| 0 | 1 | |" ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ¢ŠEV•·–Ô-—Œ™ˆé - [ Translate this page ]Ó›ÕßñTøQ̨À˹¾S¼Ó˹ˆóŒ§May 11, 2010 12:00 AM | 62 Ó^¿´´Î”µ | 0 | 1 | | ‰ÁŠ´îÝŒv‘从èH‹ï‹záË. ‹LŽÒég–‘äfŽzˆÛ‰ÁŽz•ñ“±. May 11, 2010 12:00 AM | 0 æVŠÅŽŸÉ | 0 0 •]˜_„‘E: | “d—X‹‹•ü—F | ‘ňó. ‘äàs囂ŒöŽi›æ˜ÒVŒ¤á¢›“—˜ž™—Ö ... la.worldjournal.com/.../article-‰ÁŠ´îÝŒv-‘从èH‹ï‹záË?... - 8 hours ago Get more results from the past 24 hours ¢ŠEV•·–Ô-—Œ™ˆé - [ Translate this page ]Ó›ÕßñTøQ̨À˹¾S¼Ó˹ˆóŒ§May 11, 2010 12:00 AM | 62 ^¿´´Î”µ | 0 | 1 | | ‹LŽÒég–‘äfŽzˆÛ‰ÁŽz•ñ“±. May 02, 2010 12:00 AM | ------------------- ***** ̨ž³Éú®aÎå½ð¼°ÊÖ¹¤¾ß®aÆ·µÄSÉÌÒÑÓС¸˜s×uƒžÏÈì¶ÙåX¡¹‘B¶È£¬íÙ€³Ç…¢¼Ó‡øëHÊÖ¹¤¾ß•þÕ¹£¨National Hardware Show£©¡£“úÈĮ̂ž³Ð®aÆ·Õ¹Ó[ÖÐÐĽâÕfµÄüSÕñÀûÐÅÐÄÊ®×ãµØ±íʾ£¬Ì¨ž³SÉÌÉú®aÑuÔìµÄÊÖ¹¤¾ßÌøÓ‚÷½yñ½¾Ê£¬°ÑÒ»ëbëbä“Ó²µÄÊÖ¹¤¾ß¼ÓÈë¸ÐÇéÔOÓ‹£¬×ŒÊ¹ÓÃÈ˸ÐÊܵ½Ì¨ž³ÊÖ¹¤¾ß·½±ãºÃÓ㬹¤×÷¸üí˜Àû¡£ËûÕf£¬Ì¨ž³SÉÌÓÐÆðËÀ»ØÉúµÄ±¾îI£¬ºÜ•þÔÚСµØ·½¸ÄÉÆ£¬Ê¹‚÷½yÊÖ¹¤¾ß¼ÓÈëì`ÇÉÐÂÉúÃü¡£ ... ..... ....... ------------------------------------------ | |
051110-1424 |
ÔÙ?ÙÉϺ£ by ÖÜ·ÒÄÈ... ..... ....... ÁíÒ»¼þÉϺ£µÄÐÂÉúÊÂÎ¾ÍÊÇ¡ºÊÀ²©Äµµ¤¡»¡£ÉϺ£¡¢Âåê??ɵصÄĵµ¤?£¼Ò£¬ÒÑ´òÆÆĵµ¤Ö»ÔÚËÄÔÂé_»¨µÄ¶¨ÂÉ£¬²»µ«ÅàÓý³öÄÜÔÚ¶¬¼¾é_»¨µÄĵµ¤£¬Ò²ÅàÓý³öÄÜÔÚÉϺ£ÊÀ²©ÆÚég£¨5/1-10/31)Ê¢é_µÄĵµ¤£¬¶¨Ãû?顺ÊÀ²©Äµµ¤¡»¡£ÃØÔEÊÇ?¢Äµµ¤·ÅÔÚÀä?ìÑe¡º¶¬Ãß¡»´ýÃü£¬Ö»ÒªÉϺ£ÊÀ²©¾ÖÒ»Â?ÁîÏ£¬¾ÍÄÜëS?ré_»¨£¬°çÑÝÊÀ²©»¨»ÜÌìʹµÄ½ÇÉ«¡£ ĽñÄê2ÔÂ1ÈÕÆð£¬Ê×Åú2ÈfÅ趬¼¾¡ºÊÀ²©Äµµ¤¡»£¬ÏÈÔڸĽ¨ááÖØÐÂé_·ÅµÄ¡ºÉϺ£Ö²Îï?@¡»îAÏÈÕ¹³ö¡£ÄÇЩ?øÉ«ÌìÏãµÄ¼tĵµ¤¡¢Ë{ĵµ¤£¬ÌáÇ°?É??¶àÔÂÔÚÅDÔÂÑY¾`·Å£¬ÔÚÈÕ¹âÏÂéW qÖø¼tË{??ʯ°ãµÄÉ«ÉÅc¹â²Ê£¬?þÕf5ÔÂááµÄ¡ºÊÀ²©Äµµ¤¡»ÓÖ?¢¸ü?ÉÆG¶à²ÊÁË¡£ ¿´í½ñ ÄêµÄ¡ºÉϺ£ÊÀ²©¡»£¬µÄ´_ÊÇÒ»?ö̽Ó?ÈËî³ÇÊÐÉú»îµÄÊ¢?þ£¬ºÍÒ»Çú¼ÈÈÚºÏÓÖ??еijÇÊн»í??·£¬ÁîÈË?o±ÈµÄ?»ÍùÅcÆÚ´ý£¡£¨ÞDÝd×Ô¡¶2010ÎÒÔÚÉϺ£¡·£¬ÐÀÁ¢?÷ý¹É·ÝÓÐÏÞ¹«Ë¾³ö°æ£© http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010467812 ÂÃÉϺ£ Re-City£ºhttp://expo2010.lioncyber.com/ ---------------------------------------- | |
051110-1345 |
Sat, May 8, 2010 3:47:14 PMFW: FW£º ×îа©Ö¢Ñо¿ˆóŒ§ -- ÔÚÿ‚€È˵ÄÉúÃüÆÚÑe£¬°©¼š°û¶¼•þ³ö¬F6ÖÁ10´Î From: Susan Dai [susandai@hotmail.com] View Contact To: Ada Hong ; amy chen ; Amy Huang ; Annie Shen ; Christine Liu ; Cindy Kuo ; cindy zhang ... more From: jasonckung@gmail.com Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 08:54:02 -0700 Subject: FW£º ×îа©Ö¢Ñо¿ˆóŒ§ -- ÔÚÿ‚€È˵ÄÉúÃüÆÚÑe£¬°©¼š°û¶¼•þ³ö¬F6ÖÁ10´Î To: jasonckung@gmail.com Dear all, I think this information is important that we should all be aware of. Let's all do our best to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy the life God has given us! Jason Cancer Update from John Hopkins ¼sº²»ôÆÕ½ð˹×îÐÂÖ®°©Ö¢Ñо¿ˆóŒ§ 1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. ÿһ‚€ÈËÉíÉ϶¼Ž§Óа©¼š°û£¬³ý·Ç°©¼š°û”UÔöÖÁŽ×Ê®ƒ|‚€”µÁ¿•r°©¼š°ûÊÇŸo·¨ÔÚÒ»°ã™z²é•r±»™z²é³öíµÄ¡£ËùÒÔÿ®”²¡»¼ÖίŸµ½Ò»‚€ëA¶ÎááátÉú•þ¸æÔV²¡»¼ÆäówƒÈÒÑŸo°©¼š°û•r£¬átÉúËùÖ¸µÄÊÇÆäówƒÈ°©¼š°û”µÁ¿ÒÑ¿sСµ½ƒxÆ÷Ÿo·¨‚Éœy³öíµÄ”µÁ¿¡£ ... ..... ....... ------------------------------------------ | |
051110-1337 |
Did you mean: Breakthrough, Contemporary Globalization Leadership in Mentoring our Youth for China, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hongkong, Africa, and America! Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Breakthrough, Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for China, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hongkong, Africa, and America! .... Asian American Forum founded by this Institute to help improve the quality ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Apr 1, 2010 ... Breakthrough, Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for China, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hongkong, Africa, and America! ---Modern and advanced 'Golden Keys' on nurturing and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932693770... - Cached --------------------------- | |
051110-1331 |
Breakthrough, Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for China, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hongkong, Africa, and America!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... gains appreciation for U.S. efforts in Afghanistan! By LVRJ ... Our ... President Obama spent 10 days visiting Japan, Singapore, China, and South Korea, strengthening U.S. leadership ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... ~{!$~} Cached pageWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... From our ambitious "Youth Surge" program focused on college campuses in critical states, to our ... The Middle School Attached to Yunnan Normal University, China ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... ~{!$~} Cached page | |
051110-1327 |
Modern and advanced 'Golden Keys' on nurturing and encouraging our and future Generations, theoretically and practically, to grasp, retain, and develop Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this era of 21st Century!!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...---Modern and advanced 'Golden Keys' on nurturing and encouraging our and future Generations, theoretically and practically, to grasp, retain, and develop Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this era of 21st Century!! Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached ----------------------------- | |
051110-1137 2nd ed. |
030806-1168 #A concise second printing of the First Edition on December 10, 2005 Summerlin -- the famous and modern community in Nevada, U. S. A. By PAI of WBTI*1 During the past eleven years, Summerlin has been the fastest growing Master Planned Community in the country. Located along the western rim of the Las Vegas valley, this community offers a unique lifestyle to its residents. Surrounded by the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Summerlin consists of several villages of residential properties, schools cultural centers, shopping, parks, trails, professional and medical facilities and golf courses. More than one-third of Summerlin's acreage is designated as open space, which includes parks, trails, golf courses and nature trails. Ours in Summerlin is something good for many people! "The enormous Summerlin community is the most celebrated development in the northwest region of Las Vegas. In 1999, Summerlin let the country in new home sales among mater-planned communities with 2,281 homes sold, a 17 percent increase over the previous year. Within this community, there are 170 models to choose from, priced between $100,000 and $1 million. Other communities in the region include Queensridge, a 1,100-acre, master-planned community with a residential complement of 850 acres; the Lakes, which offers residents lakeside homes with boating and fishing; and Los Prados, an active adult community. The near northwest is home to one of Las Vegas' oldest neighborhoods; know locally as the Scotch 80s," described in the post.*2 "Bordered by Rancho Road, I-15, Oakey Boulevard, and Charleston Ave, this community of large, ranch-style residences was once home to BB King, Shecky Greene, and Diana Ross. The Valley~{!&~}s largest assemblage of golf courses in the northwest, including the Badlands, Painted Desert, Los Prados, and Angel Park. Shopping at Meadows Mall and the Sahara Pavilion oasis nearby, and several neighborhood casinos, such as Santa Fe Station, Fiesta, and the Texas Station, offer fine dining and gaming, making it more convenient for residents who would prefer not to drive to the Strip. Apartments are plentiful, especially in the area of Sahara Road near Arville Street." *3 South Shores is one of the most important community in Summerlin. Dr. Tony Lei has been elected to the Board of the South Shores Community Association since 1993. The follwoing is a sample of his literature for the election in 2003:*4 "I wish to serve as a delegate because": I (Dr. Tony Lei) will offer my endeavor, knowledge, and ability to carry out the duties for the rights and benefits of the homeowners and residents here in our community. I'll work to motivate both the good production and human relations on the work performance of our Association and the Management Company which we, the homeowners, are paying service fees to support. "Qualifications I feel will benefit the community": Delegates who are good in managemt knowledge and experience will do better with the Home Association Company to promote the work performance for the rights and benefits of our homeowners. Many years as an Associate Professor and Fellow of Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chung Hsing University and Pepperdine University, I may use my knowledge to serve our community. Many institutions such as Nevadan U. S. Representative of the Congress, District Attorney Office of Clark County, Constable's Office of Las Vegas Township, among others invited me as the Senior Advisor. I may use my experience to work for our homeowners and residents. I received my M.B.A. and Ed.D. in Institutional Management from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, but my knowledge and experience will be also important for me to service our community together with my sincere and humble personal traits. "Other information I wish to share": "Dr. Tony Lei has worked for our community in Southern Nevada more than ten years based on his belief that 'By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. Let our heroes be the great servants who have given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candle fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-increasing circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and evision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy.' We need such a people like him to work for our community," said a District Judge of our Family Court. I love the atmosphere here, I love the environment here, and especially I love the people here in our community. We should expect both of our Association and Management Company put effort to help our community be of our homeowners, by our homeowners , and for our homeowners. It's a good thing by working for you at the same time working for our families also because both of us are homeowners.*5 Without any opponent, Dr. Tony Lei won the election!*6 Dr. Tony Lei has served as a delegate and Director for South Shores Community Association since 1993. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References *1. PAI of WBTI isthe initials of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Google. 'Summerlin, Nevada,' "WWW.Google.com," (March 23, 2004), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *3. Ibid. *4. Terra West Property Management. "Election of Delegate Members," South Shores Community Association, (December, 2003), p.1. *5. Terra West Property Management. "Delegate Candidate Statement, South Shores Homeowners Association," (December, 2003), pp. 2-3. This information has brought to you also by Las Vegas Review-Journal and lasvegas.com through the Section of "PPAA16" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti. *6. Terra West Property Management. 'Announcement of the Winners of Delegate Election,' "Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting, South Shores Community Association," (February, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: South Shores Homeowners Association. ------------------------------------------- | |
051110-1115 2nd ed. |
[[[ Administrative accomplishment! (To be continued ...) ]]]United States Department of Labor News Releases Update to WBTI on December 17, 2007 Elaine Chao Chairperson wbti: "She encourages Asian Americans to full utilize our potential ability and wisdom with creative innovation." *1 By Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, and Jennifer Kung I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve. ---Albert Schweitzer ____________________________________________ ***** "The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck **--** <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Jim Gibbons, Governor ... Made in Nevada wbti: "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more," pointed out Jonas Salk, MD. By Office of the Governor (NV), Melissa Subbotin, and Jennifer Kung communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ¡¤ Cached page >>> The following is a summary of the latest news release by United States Department of Labor:*2 U.S. Department of Labor proposes rules to align apprenticeship with the 21st century economy U.S. Labor Department proposes regulations to increase disclosure of fees and conflict of interests affecting 401(k) and other employee benefit plans CVS Pharmacy Inc. agrees to pay more than $226,000 in penalties and more than $38,000 in back wages following investigation by U.S. Labor Department U.S. Department of Labor earns 11th consecutive ¡®clean¡¯ audit opinion on annual financial statements Significant safety improvements following warning notices to mine operators U.S. Department of Labor announces grant exceeding $800,000 to assist Missouri workers affected by plant closures Statement of U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao on November employment numbers U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao to lead U.S. delegation to inauguration of president of Argentina and travel to Uruguay for high level diplomatic visit U.S. Department of Labor offers free prevailing wage conference Read the latest news releases: Visit us on the web at www.dol.gov ............ ......................... "¡¸ÃÀûµÄÈÝòÏÂÓÐÒ»îwÉÆÁ¼Ö®ÐÄ¡¹µÄÊÀ½ç¼‰ä“ÇÙ¼ÒêعÏ壬Œ¢ì¶Ã÷Äê1ÔÂÅc˜·ˆFÒ»Æð…¢¼Ó±±¾©‡ø¼Ò´ó„¡Ôºé_ĻϵÁБc×£Òô˜·•þÑݳö£¬ÑÝ×ࡸÁ_ÃÜšWÅcÜïûÈ~»ÃÏëÐòÇú¡¹¡£ÖøÃûÖ¸“]¼Ò…νB¼Î, ÅcÄ¿Ç°ÔÚž³…^°lÕ¹µÄ…Î˼Çå, Ò²‘ªÑû¡£ êعÏåÅdŠ^µØ±íʾ£¬ÄÜÒÔÒô˜·Ê¹ÕßµÄÉí·Ö´ú±į́ž³È¥±±¾©Ñݳö£¬ÊǺܴóµÄ˜sÐÒ," wrote Reporter ÐìÃô×Ó.*3 Outstanding Pianist êعÏå is exciting and honor to be invited to perform in Beijing. "Humor is mankind's greatest blessing." ---Mark Twain Late Mark Twain (1835-1910) is the former American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer.*4 "Ëý¾ßÓг¬ÌصÄÇÙˇÒÔ¼°Ìì²Å°ãµÄÒô˜·ÔáŒÁ¦£¬ÒôÉ«ƒžÃÀ¡¢¸ñÕ{¸ßÙF£¬Ã¿‚€Òô·û¾ù×¢Èëì`»êÅcÉúÃüÁ¦£¬®aÉú¸ÐÈ˷θµÄ¹²øQ," posted National Taipei University of Education about the traits of achievement that belong to Pianist êعÏå.*5 "Dear Dr. Lei, My trip to Korea was wonderful. I love Korea very much. It is a great place," wrote Miss Francis Allen in an e-mail to WBTI from her desk of Nevada Assembly in Las Vegas, Nevada.*6 In a recent article published by WBTI for Elaine, it has had a vivid and concise description from three special reports on the beautiful Soel.*7 "Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." -Denis Diderot This is a quote that can emphasize the importance of the finding about "Passion" on professionalism in a recent speech by U. S. Secretary of Labor Ealine Chao.*8 Asian Community has won recognition for contribution to Nevada by American Mainstream. The main reason for this recognition is the great and cooperative wisdom and effort that the Asian communities have continuously participated and offered to the mainstream society.*9 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Chang, Tiffany. 'Secretary Elaine Chao of U.S. Department of Labor Honored with A Lunch by Asian American Community Leaders,' "A search of 'Elaine Chao Chairperson wbti,' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 18, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. U. S. Department of Labor. 'Labor Department News Releases Update,' "An e-mail from U. S. Department of Labor [Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:23:51 -0600 (CST)] to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (December 17, 2007), Washington, D. C.: USDOL. *3. ÐìÃô×Ó. 'ÖЇø‡ø¼Ò´ó„¡Ôºé_Ä» êعÏå«Iˇ ---ÖªÃûÈAÒáä“ÇÙ¼Ò ‘ªÌ¨±±Êн»í‘˜·ˆFÑû¼s …¢¼Ó±±¾©Ñݳö,' "A search of 'ÈAÈËÉú»îȦ' on the Worldjournal.com," (December 17, 2007), San Francisco, California: World Journal. *4. Bill Maupin, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. 'Great Made in Nevada the 2007 Governor's Conference on Tourism: Its international visiability and popularity are enhacing through the world leading search engines on Internet! ---President Dr. Tony Lei has appointed Bert Brown Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI,' "A search of 'Great Made in Nevada the 2007 Governor's Conference on Tourism' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 18, 2007), U. S. A.: Search.com. *5. National Taipei University of Education. '2007 Ivo Pogorelich Piano Teaching Center Master Classes,' "A search of 'êعÏå' by the search engines on Internet," (December 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. 'Touring Las Vegas, Beijing, Soel, Taipei, Macau, Bangkok, etc.: Their international visiability and popularity are enhacing through the leading search engines on Internet! ---President Dr. Tony Lei appointed Nancy Saitta and Barbara Buckley Associate Professors of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI,' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Francis Allen Regional Marketing Administrator of Korea of the AMI ...' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 8, 2007), U. S. A.: Search.com. *7. Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Francis Allen, and Tiffany Chang. 'Secretary Elaine L. Chao and her U. S. Department of Labor's News Releases Update to WBTI on November 29, 2007 ---Allen wbti: Elaine is very famous with Nevada through the brilliance of world leading search engines on Internet for her achievements!' "A search of 'Allen wbti: Elaine is very famous with Nevada,' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 7, 2007), U. S. A.: MSN. *8. Kung, Jennifer. 'ÚwСÌmÃã„î†ÒáÅàðBîIŒ§Á¦ ---The sky is beautiful for touring in scenic places!' "A search of 'The sky is beautiful for touring in scenic places! wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 18, 2007), U. S. A.: Ask.com. *9. Stewart Bell, Jessie Walsh, and Tiffany Chang. 'Las Vegas nicer with cultural arts by Asian American communities,' "A special article in the secton of 'Social & Community (LAF6)' on theWBTI's website," (September 9, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** 121607-2337 *****Berkley wbti: Dr. Wei Min Hao from Taipei, Taiwan, a senior scientist in U. S. A. won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work in a team on global warming with former Vice President Al Gore. 121507-2357 "Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain," chatted the late Greatest Humorist Mark Twain. 121407-2337 *****In organizational management, one elegant skill of leading is to help others achieve success! ---Nevada WBTI 121307-2257 *****In serving others, we take the responsibility but give credits to others! ---Business WBTI 121207-1006 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Wednesday, 1:20 p.m. (Tx), December 12, 2007 #First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com 48 Hours to Bali google, msn, and yahoo wbti: Find me by just typing 'gore wbti'! By Al Gore Dear Tony, In less than forty-eight hours, I will step onstage at the UN Climate Conference in Bali. With me I will bring hundreds of thousands of messages demanding that a visionary global treaty be completed and brought into effect by 2010.*1 <<< Chao wbti, Clinton wbti, Gore wbti: Why Elaine, Hillary, and Al are so famous with Nevada? Ingenuity, innovation, integrity, and diligent work can bring us a miracle! Ans: (by the little boy and girl with a laptop computer under the beautiful palm trees beside Sea of Galilee) "Ask Google, MSN, and Yahoo!"* >>> *006. From MSN. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051110-1105 |
For "²é¸ÉºþµÄ¶¬²¶éL°×ɽµÄ°×Ñ©ºÍ?ØȪËÉ»¨½µÄìFäÁÆæÓ^¶¼ÊǶ¬ß[Ùuüc", by Google!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Kenny Guinn, Former ...... À˹¾S¼Ó˹ÈAÈËË?Ðg?f?þ", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", "Ñ©àl¼ªÁÖ?|±±¶¬Ö®??", "²é¸ÉºþµÄ¶¬²¶éL°×ɽµÄ°×Ñ©ºÍ?ØȪËÉ»¨½µÄìFäÁÆæÓ^¶¼ÊǶ¬ß[Ùuüc", ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013420010511015851983... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese News Agency ... - [ Translate this page ]... À˹¾S¼Ó˹ÈAÈËË?Ðg?f?þ", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", "Ñ©àl¼ªÁÖ?|±±¶¬Ö®??", "²é¸ÉºþµÄ¶¬²¶éL°×ɽµÄ°×Ñ©ºÍ?ØȪËÉ»¨½µÄìFäÁÆæÓ^¶¼ÊǶ¬ß[Ùuüc", ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013540010511294972401... - Cached Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ------------------------------- | |
051110-1055 2nd ed. |
An innovation to unite Businesses and Christianity on the road from America through East Asia to Jerusalem ... wbti: ***** By Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung**--** ......... ................ *1 ....................................... *2 "Dear Board Members: This is a reminder that we will have a board meeting in teleconference on the evening of Mar 17th Monday, to discuss CCBA’s business. Please review and prepare ...," wrote Christian Chinese Business Association (CCBA) Board Chair Jian Zhu on March 7, 2008. The Tele-conference will be held on March 17, 2008.*3 "In the past four years, we can testify the grace of God among us throughout our mission journey. It transformed from one location to multiple locations. From Northern Europe to East Asia, from Taiwan to Mainland China, from China to Central Asia, from the coast to the inland, from folk religion to atheist, from the Buddhists to the Islam, from the churches to the schools, from the rich to the poor, from the prisons the drug rehabilitation centers, from the coast to the inland. We can see the power of God work among the weak and battle for His kingdom," wrote CCBA Vice President Paul Wang.*5 Paul is an achieved and famous Chinese American Christian leader. He is the Senior Pastor of Carrollton Chinese Church (CCC), Dallas, Texas. He is going to lead Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT), a short-term mission to Asia in May-June, 2008. "Praise the Lord! This year our mission team will have 15-20 people. We will divide the mission group into two teams with three purposes: First, we will go to Xiangzu Taiyen, trying to establish a base for future ministry. Second, we will travel to Kyrgyzstan, and seaching for the will of God and explore the possibility of minister to the Islam. Thirdly, we will travel to the Northeast of Taiwan, minister to the people at Yilan, we will also travel to Taichung and minister to Dajia." "Thanks all, I’m just back in China from a three day trip to HK where I met with amazing China experts. It was a very encouraging time. Thanks for the email with the notes. His best to you, Finn," wrote one of the CCBA Directors Finn Torjesen, an achieved Chinese Christian Leader recognized by the Government, from Taiyuan City, Shanxi, China to WBTI.*6 The e-mail was an answer to CCBA President Song Cao's concerning about Torjesen's "How is your trip back to Taiyuan" to him? The famous city is rich in culture and business. For a search of 'Taiyuan china' by the world leading search engines on Internet, we can view its three colorful and beautiful pictures. "Image results for Taiyuan china" is on the first line of Google.com's results at 8:17 a.m. on March 13, 2008. "Dear CCBA Board Members, Our next board meeting will be held at 9 PM (Houston, CST) on March 17. Attached is the notice for the meeting, along with the meeting minutes of last board meeting. Please let me know if you could not make it or any questions you may have. Best regards, Song," wrote President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI.*7 Christian Chinese Business Association of Las Vegas (CCBALV) will be one of the chapters of CCBA.*8 "I’ll be arriving in Seattle that afternoon. It will be a 7PM call for me so I don’t think it will be a problem except for jet lag. Finn," wrote CCBA Director Finn Torjesen to WBTI. The e-mail was trying to remind President Song Cao to call him so it would not be a problem for him except for jet lag.*9 "Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has inspired and cooperated River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) with endeavor to help promote the quality of life and community service for the people in California and Nevada," delivered Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael L. Douglas the message on March 9, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*10 It has been also for CCC with CCBA and people in Texas since six months ago. Wish the projects by CCC and CCBA a great success and future! On Google, MSN, Search, Ask, AOL, Yahoo, WebCrawler, Lycos, Altavista, Sina, and among others! At 8:57 a.m. on 031108 by Google.com: <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Nevada wbti: US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be the biggest Winner! ... Vice President Paul Wang of Christian Chinese Business Association in ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages communitylink.reviewjournal.com ? >>> *11 ....... ................... *12 -------------------------------------------- References *1. *2. *3. Zhu, Jian. 'Conference Meeting Reminder 3/7/2008,' "One of the attachments of the e-mail from President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI [Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:11:19 -0600]," (March 7, 2008), Dallas, Texas: Desk of Song Cao's Office. *5. Chen, Flora. '2008 CCC mission trip,' "An e-mail from Secretary Flora Chen of CCC to WBTI [Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:40:43 -0600 {flor???007@gmail.com}]," (March 6, 2008), Carrollton, Texas: CCC. *6. Finn, Torjesen. 'It was a very encouraging time,' "An e-mail from CCBA Director Finn Torjesen [Thu, 28 Feb 2008 20:08:06 +0800 {fin???ter@gmail.com}] to WBTI," (February 28, 2008), Taiyuan City, Shanxi, China: Desk of Director Finn Torjesen. *7. Song, Cao. 'CCBA Board Meeting, March 17 9 PM CST,' "An e-mail from President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI [Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:11:19 -0600]," (March 7, 2008), Dallas, Texas: Desk of Song Cao's Office. *8. Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Stewart Bell, Valorie Vega, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, John Ponticello, Nancy Oesterle, Natalie Tyrrell, Valerie Weber, Bobby G. Gronauer, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung. '[Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons ---Google, MSN, Search, and Yahoo wbti: "The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision today," stated Robert Schuller.] ***Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom!' "A search of 'and Jennifer Kung. [Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (March 1, 2008), U. S. A.: Search.com. *9. Finn, Torjesen. "RE: CCBA Board Meeting, March 17 9 PM CST,' "An e-mail from CCBA Director Finn Torjesen [Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:17:22 +080 {fin???ter@gmail.com}] to WBTI," (March 11, 2008), Desk of Director Finn Torjesen by gmail.com. *10. Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Ingrid Ou, and Jennifer Kung. 'Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way!' "A search of 'Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (February 7, 2008), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *11. ... by Google. ... *12. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051110-1043 |
Tue, May 11, 2010 10:08:43 AMSecretary's Remarks: U.S.-Afghanistan Bilateral Discussions By Hillary Rodham Clinton From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secretary's Remarks: U.S.-Afghanistan Bilateral Discussions Tue, 11 May 2010 11:46:25 -0500 U.S.-Afghanistan Bilateral Discussions Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Afghan President Hamid Karzai Ben Franklin Room Washington, DC May 11, 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning. Thank you all very much and welcome. PRESIDENT KARZAI: Good morning. SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, on behalf of President Obama, his Administration and the American people, I offer a very warm welcome to President Karzai and the members of the Afghan Government gathered here in the Benjamin Franklin Room of the State Department. President Karzai, it was a privilege for me to attend your inauguration in Kabul last fall and to see you again in London earlier this year. But it is a special pleasure to host you and your distinguished delegation in Washington for what is truly an historic gathering this week. Now, before we begin, I might suggest that if we are ... ..... ....... ----------------------------- | |
051110-1037 |
ÁÖÖ¾ÁáÊ×ÑÝÈÕ?¡ ¾¹??×î¸ßÊÕÒ?ÂÊ 2010-05-11 ÖÐÑëÉç ¡øÁÖÖ¾ÁáÅcľ´åÍØÔÕÖ÷ÑݵÄÈÕ?¡Ê×¼¯??Ͻñ´º×î¸ßÊÕÒ?Âʼoä?¡££¨ÙYÁÏÕÕƬ£© ¡¡Ì¨?³µÚÒ»ÃûÄ£ÁÖÖ¾ÁáÅcÈÕ±¾ÄÐÐÇľ´åÍØÔÕ¡¢Å®ÐǺSÔ?ö×ÓµÈÈËÖ÷ÑݵÄÈÕ?¡¡¸ÔÂÖ®?ÙÈË¡¹Ê×¼¯ÉÏ?n£¬ÒÔ22.4%ÊÕÒ?ÂÊ£¬??Ͻñ´º×î¸ß¼oä?¡£Ê×¼¯3λŮÐÇÖÐÁÖÖ¾ÁáµÄ?ò·Ý×îÖØ¡£ (By Chinatimes.com) | |
051110-1013 |
... ..... .......»Øß^î^í¿´ÖÐ?ø£¬¿¹?ðµÄ¹¦?ÚÕl?Ù£¬ÊÇ?ø¹²?ÉühµÄ?vÊ··ÖÆçËùÔÚ£¬±³ááÈÔÈ»ÊÇ?úÀ@ÖøîIÐäµÄ?vÊ·Ôu?r¡£²»åe£¬?ÉühµÄîIÐäÊYÖÐÕýºÍëÉ?|£¬¶¼?¦¿¹?ðÓй¦£¬µ«ÄÕûów?vÊ·ÉÏ¿´£¬Ëû??Ò²¶¼·¸ß^ÖØ´ó×ïß^£¬ÄÇüN£¬ÄÜ·ñÔÚ¿¹?ðµÄÔu?rÉÏ£¬µ»¯îIÐäµÄ×÷Óã¬?Õ{ÈËÃñµÄ ÞÉüºÍØ?«I£¬²»¾ÍºÜÈÝÒ×ÐγÉÈ«Ãñ¿¹?ðÊ·£¿®?È«Ãñ¿¹?ðÊ·ÐγÉÖ®?r£¬¾ÍÊÇÈ«ÇòÕæÕýÕJͬÖÐ?ø¿¹?ðØ?«IÖ®ÈÕ£¬ÄÇ?rºò£¬?É°¶Õþ¸®?yÊÖ£¬¹²Í¬íßMÐмoÄî?xʽ£¬ÄÇ?¢?þºÎµÈµÄ¼¤?ÓÈËÐÄ£¿¿´µ½¶íÁ_˹¼t?öµÄé?±ø´óµä£¬¾Í?þ¸Ð?U?éºÎÖÐ?øÈËԡѪ?^?ð15ÄêµÄ¿¹?ð?vÊ·£¬65ÄêááÈÔÈ»±»ÈËÝpÒ?»òºöÒ?£¬?É°¶±Øí??¦´ËÓÐËù×÷?é¡£ (by Worldjournal.com) | |
051110-1033 |
ÁÖÖ¾ÁáÊ×ÑÝÈÕ?¡ ¾¹??×î¸ßÊÕÒ?ÂÊ 2010-05-11 ÖÐÑëÉç ¡øÁÖÖ¾ÁáÅcľ´åÍØÔÕÖ÷ÑݵÄÈÕ?¡Ê×¼¯??Ͻñ´º×î¸ßÊÕÒ?Âʼoä?¡££¨ÙYÁÏÕÕƬ£© ¡¡Ì¨?³µÚÒ»ÃûÄ£ÁÖÖ¾ÁáÅcÈÕ±¾ÄÐÐÇľ´åÍØÔÕ¡¢Å®ÐǺSÔ?ö×ÓµÈÈËÖ÷ÑݵÄÈÕ?¡¡¸ÔÂÖ®?ÙÈË¡¹Ê×¼¯ÉÏ?n£¬ÒÔ22.4%ÊÕÒ?ÂÊ£¬??Ͻñ´º×î¸ß¼oä?¡£Ê×¼¯3λŮÐÇÖÐÁÖÖ¾ÁáµÄ?ò·Ý×îÖØ¡£ (By Chinatimes.com) | |
051110-0947 |
For "U.S. Senator Harry Reid Distinguished Authors PPAA Forum International Winning AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A." by Google!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Apr 21, 2010 ... PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. ... Barack Obama of the PPAA Forum of WBTI, U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton, . .... Harry M. Reid Administrative Strategies Winning AP, Yahoo! ... Lei and U.S. Senator Harry Reid Distinguished Authors PPAA Forum LVRJ/wbti with Safesearch on. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... May 5, 2010 ... Author International Winning Experienced PPAA Forum AP, Yahoo! .... [ Translate this page ]PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Business & Tourism .... Harry M. Reid Administrative Strategies Winning AP, Yahoo! ... PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. ..... remarkable PPAA Forum ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached Hide more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... For "Jennifer Lopez PPAA Forum International Winning AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A." ..... On October 22, 2000, U. S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of ..... << For "Dina Titus PPAA Forum 21 Administrative Strategies International ... 24th U. S. Secretary . .... Distinguished Author Dr. Dina Titus, PPAA ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Harry M. Reid Administrative Strategies Winning AP, Yahoo! ... PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. .... Gore PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors International Winning AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. with . ..... WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Apr 30, 2010 ... The Obama administration has agreed to federal funding for a national guard ..... 'U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman ... PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A ... U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R .. ...... ---Hillary R. Clinton Distinguished Author International Winning . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Apr 1, 2010 ... On October 22, 2000, U. S. Senator Harry Reid received the ..... Harry M. Reid Administrative Strategies Winning AP, Yahoo! ... Mail lvrj/wbti U.S ... R. Clinton, Distinguished author of PPAA Forum Experienced at AP, Yahoo! ... of State Hillary R. Clinton International Winning PPAA Forum AP, Yahoo! ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...2010~{Dj~}4~{TB~}21~{HU~} ... PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. .... Harry M. Reid Administrative Strategies Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.! ... On October 22, 2000, U. S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat . ... PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors National Winning AP, Yahoo! ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached Show all results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com » --------------------------------- | |
051110-0940 2nd ed. <<< As one of our Distinguished Authors, Hillary has become a winner in New Hampshire! (To be continued ...) >>> How we won? Hillary Nevada wbti: Clinton's local and national visibility and popularity has been inspired to be built upon by the world leading search engines on Internet! By Hillary Rodham Clinton**--** Vision, Innovation, and Heart! Dear tony & judy, After my humbling victory in New Hampshire last Tuesday, I said that New Hampshire had helped me find my voice.*1 But I wasn't the only one who spoke out. [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... One of our leading Distinguished Authors Hillary Clinton's comeback!!! (To be continued ...) >>> Happy Holidays 'Clinton wbti' has been one great brand of Made in Nevada locally ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page?Translate this page Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ]]] *2 Volunteers across the state and the country made their voices heard when they worked hard getting voters to the polls. Thousands of people put in hours making phone calls and knocking on doors -- all to help make a real difference in people's lives. That's how we won. Now we have less than a week to repeat our success in Nevada. We need to reach out to caucus-goers, and I can't do it without you. Help make a difference in Nevada by signing up to volunteer. Now's your chance to use your voice. We're going to knock on doors, make phone calls, and do whatever it takes to get our message out over the next five days. You won't be alone. Hundreds of volunteers will join you, and together, you'll reach thousands of voters before Caucus Day, January 19. We are going to tap into the talent, spirit, and grit of our supporters, and we're going to change America. Your efforts helped us win in New Hampshire, and you can help me win in Nevada. Get started today and volunteer. Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!*3 Sincerely, (Autograph) Hillary Rodham Clinton (Editor's notes) {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Clinton wbti' has been one great brand of Made in Nevada locally, nationally, and internationally!*1 By Hillary Rodham Clinton. Dear judy, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page?Translate this page }}} [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... Titus wbti: As a distinguished author like Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al ... Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore as one of our Distinguished Authors in ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=6 - 160k - Cached ]]] ***** When I needed you most, you came through with flying colors. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. ---Hillary R. Clinton*007 -------------------------------------------- About U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton: Hillary Rodham Clinton is a United States Senator of New York. As a Senator, she has continued her advocacy for children and families and has been a national leader on homeland security and national security issues. She is married to Bill Clinton, the U. S. 42nd President. From 1993 to 2001, Hillary was the First Lady of the United States. As a candidate in the 2008 United States presidential election, she has consistently been the front-runner in polls for the Democratic nomination. During her years as First Lady of the United States, she was successful in several areas, such as establishing the Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997. Hillary's commitment to health care for every American has never wavered. She was instrumental in designing and championing the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which has provided millions of children with health insurance. She battled the big drug companies to force them to test their drugs for children and to make sure all kids get the immunizations they need through the Vaccines for Children Program. Immunization rates dramatically improved after the program launched. Her 1995 book "It Takes A Village," about the responsibility we all have to help children succeed, became an international best seller. The Lady has donated the proceeds -- more than a million dollars -- to children's causes across the country. Her autobiography, "Living History," was also a best seller. The book has been translated into 12 languages and sold over 1.3 million copies. In 2000, Hillary was elected to the United States Senate from New York. As Senator, Hillary has continued her advocacy for children and families and has been a national leader on homeland security and national security issues. U. S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was re-elected by a wide margin in 2006. New Yorkers reelected her to the U. S. Senate with 67 percent of the vote. She is now campaigned by her husband, former U. S. President Bill Clinton, and supporters for the United States President. U. S. Senator Hillary R. Clinton is one of the Distinguished Authors of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *1. Clinton, Hillary. 'How we won,' "An e-mail from U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) [Mon, 14 Jan 2008 13:49:28 -0500 (EST)]," (January 14, 2008), Arlington, VA: info@hillaryclinton. *2. Gore, Al. 'Nobel Prize ---My (Al Gore's) speech ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE; President Dr. Tony Lei: A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth!' "A search of 'Chao wbti, Clinton wbti, Gore wbti: Why Elaine, Hillary, and Al' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 24, 2007), U. S. A.: MSN. *3. Clinton. Ibid. (Editor's notes) The articles for U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton by WBTI have been published by the world leading search engines (Google, MSN, Search, Yahoo, Ask, AOL, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos, Sina, and among others) on Internet elegantly and promptly. *007. Clinton, Hillary. 'From the bottom of my heart,' "An e-mail from U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) soon after her victory in New Hampshire [Wed, 9 Jan 2008 01:04:45 -0500 (EST)]," (January 15, 2008), Arlington, VA: info@hillaryclinton. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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051110-0845 |
For "Washington Business and Technology" by Google!Washington Business and Technology~{!-~}Translate this page For a search of "Miss Susan Dai rolcc" by the world's leading search engines on Internet, we may have some of her rainbows on the River through Google: communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... ~{!$~} Cached pageWashington Business and Technology~{!-~}Translate this page 051309-0607 Hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View" please! communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... ~{!$~} Cached page --------------------------- | |
051110-0827 |
For "´óê?ÐÂÂ?½M±±¾©10ÈÕë?May 10, 2010 12:00 AM | 95 Ó^¿´´Î?µ | 0 | 1 | | " by Google!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] ?Ê?·ÐÂÂ?½M±±¾©12ÈÕë?April 12, 2010 12:00 AM | 876 Ó^¿´´Î?µ| 1 | | ... "You may be only one, but you can still make a difference. So make a difference!" .... Á?½üƽ±»Ò??é´óê?µÚÎå´úîI?§ÈË£¬Ò²ÊÇËû½ÓÈÎ?ø¼Ò¸±Ö÷ϯááÊ׶ȽÓÒ?̨?³¸ß?ÓÈËÊ¿¡£ ..... Ó?ÕßñTøQ̨À˹¾S¼Ó˹?ó?§April 10, 2010 12:00 AM | 10 Ó^¿´´Î?µ| 0 | 1 | |" ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached --------------------- ******************************************* | |
051010-2112 2nd ed. |
[[[ To be continued ... ]]]U. S. Secretary Elaine L. Chao Presents New Freedom Initiative Awards WBTI's feature articles for U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao help lift up her international visibility and popularity as a great Asian American leader in America through the leading search engines on Internet! By Tiffany Chang "--" .......... ........................ {{{ [Quick News!] From a search of "Feature articles by WBTI for U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao help lift up her visibility and popularity" by the leading search engines on Internet (m.ms): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Chao Discusses Strong Economy and Deficit Reduction with President ---Feature articles by WBTI for U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao help lift up her visibility and popularity ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... its Chairperson, U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, WBTI ... inspired by WBTI help lift up the visibility of ... projects will be feature articles for the visibility and popularity ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/25/2007 ?Cached page The following information has recently been updated. Here is a summary of the latest In Focus item: Secretary Elaine L. Chao Presents New Freedom Initiative Awards*1 Read the latest In Focus item. Visit us on the web at www.dol.gov *2 ........... ................... "布希總統11日在華府與他的經濟班子舉行會談。他說,房屋市場疲軟只是地區性現象,而非全國皆然。他並表示保護主義情緒高漲感到關切。圖中左為財政部長鮑森,右為勞工部長趙小蘭。(美聯社)" *3 showed the 'U. S. News' a picture of Elaine with President Bush and Secretary of the Treasury on its top left in the cover page of Worldjournal.com early in the morning on October 12, 2007. (From left to right, Secretary of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, Jr., President George Bush, and Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao.) The following are just a few examples from a search starting at 1:37 p.m. on October 12, 2007 for "Brilliant --U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and important individuals in Nevada", "U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President", and among others by the leading search engines on Internet (MSN, c.ak, m.y): For "Brilliant --U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and important individuals in Nevada": {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S ... Brilliant --U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and important individuals in Nevada The leading key words on Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com? - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from MSN ] }}} (c.ak) For "(2nd Edition) The memory and floral tributes to U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao": <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S ... 2nd Edition) The memory and floral tributes to U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao (Žé–Ø—–) By Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page >>> (m.mn) For "Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, and important individuals in Nevada ---The leading key words on Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, and Lycos!": [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... Nevada ---The leading key words on Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, ... Brilliant --U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and important individuals in Nevada ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 101k - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - San Jose Chinese Choir ... Nevada ---The leading key words on Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, ... A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and important individuals in ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 52k - Cached ]]] (m.y) For "U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President": [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S ... U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. ... A bill authored by U. S. Senators John Ensign and Harry Reid has signed ...communitylink ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President of ... U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ]]] (m.mn) ........ ................... -------------------------------------------- References *1. U. S. Department of Labor. 'Labor Department latest In Focus item,' "An e-mail from U. S. Department of Labor [Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:41:23 -0500 (CDT)] to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (October 25, 2007), Washington, D. C.: USDOL. *2. Ibid. *3. Worldjournal.com. 'A picture of from left to right, Secretary of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, Jr., President George Bush, and Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao,' "A search of 'U. S. News' on Worldjournal.com and today's cover page of www.dol.gov," (October 12, 2007), San Francisco, California: World Journal. *4. *5. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
051010-2025 |
Mon, May 10, 2010 4:16:25 PMNews Release: Cao Announces Winners in Congressional Art Competition From: "Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao" Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 10, 2010 Contact: Taylor Henry (202) 821-5063 or (504) 274-7903 Cao Announces Winners in Congressional Art Competition WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao announced local winners in the 2010 Congressional Art Competition. Three winning art works were chosen out of 55 entries submitted from New Orleans and Jefferson Parish high school students under the theme, "Triumph from Despair," chosen by the Congressman himself for the upcoming 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina | |
051010-1625 |
Mon, May 10, 2010 4:16:25 PMNews Release: Cao Announces Winners in Congressional Art Competition From: "Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao" [joseph.cao@mail.house.gov]Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 10, 2010 Contact: Taylor Henry (202) 821-5063 or (504) 274-7903 Cao Announces Winners in Congressional Art Competition WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao announced local winners in the 2010 Congressional Art Competition. Three winning art works were chosen out of 55 entries submitted from New Orleans and Jefferson Parish high school students under the theme, "Triumph from Despair," chosen by the Congressman himself for the upcoming 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina ... ..... ....... -------------------------------- | |
051010-1619 |
Deutsche Bank's Access Asia Conference 2010!Galaviz to be Featured Speaker at Deutsche Bank's Access Asia 2010 Conference - Singapore By Jonathan Galaviz From: Jonathan Galaviz [jgalaviz@galaviz.com]Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com Galaviz to be Featured Speaker at Deutsche Bank's Access Asia 2010 Conference - Singapore Jonathan Galaviz will be a featured speaker at Deutsche Bank's Access Asia 2010 conference being held in Singapore at the new multi-billion dollar Marina Bay Sands casino integrated resort; the conference is from May 10-13, 2010. Mr. Galaviz will give his view on his perspectives of Singapore versus Macau in the context of integrated casino resorts with a focus on macro-strategic factors affecting both markets, including tourism, real estate, and capital market factors. The conference is only open to Deutsche Bank's invited guests. ------------------------------------ | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244][245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266][267][268][269][270][271][272][273][274][275][276][277][278][279][280][281][282][283][284][285][286][287][288][289][290][291][292][293][294][295][296][297][298][299][300][301][302][303][304][305][306][307][308][309][310][311][312][313][314][315][316][317][318][319][320][321][322][323][324][325][326][327][328][329][330][331][332][333][334][335][336][337][338][339][340][341][342][343][344][345][346][347][348][349][350][351][352][353][354][355][356][357][358][359][360][361][362][363][364][365][366][367][368][369][370][371][372][373][374][375][376][377][378][379][380][381][382][383][384][385][386][387][388][389][390][391][392][393][394][395][396][397][398][399][400][401][402][403][404][405][406][407][408][409][410][411][412][413][414][415][416][417][418][419][420][421][422][423][424][425][426][427][428][429][430][431][432][433][434][435][436][437][438][439][440][441][442][443][444][445][446][447][448][449][450][451][452][453][454][455][456][457][458][459][460][461][462][463][464][465][466][467][468][469][470][471][472][473][474][475][476][477][478][479][480][481][482][483][484][485] 486 [487][488][489][490][491][492][493][494][495][496][497][498][499][500][501][502][503][504][505][506][507][508][509][510][511][512] | |