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Sun, May 9, 2010 4:37:13 PM

Secretary's Remarks: Europe Day
By Hillary R. Clinton

From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

Secretary's Remarks: Europe Day
Sun, 09 May 2010 18:00:49 -0500

[[[Europe Day
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
May 9, 2010]]]


On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I congratulate our friends in the European Union on the celebration of Europe Day.

Sixty years ago, Robert Schuman called for an organized European continent blessed by solidarity and peace. Out of this ~{!0~}Schuman declaration~{!1~} evolved the strong and prosperous European Union we hail as a friend and key ally today, a tremendous achievement for the people of Europe. This has been a historic time for Europe, with the passage of the Lisbon Treaty and the further development of the Union. And today, the ties between the EU, its members and the United States are more important than ever.

We are bound together by our common history, shared democratic values and enduring ties of culture and commerce. We are working together as partners to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century -- including overcoming the economic uncertainties of the global recession.

Once again, in honor of this Europe Day, I offer our warmest wishes to all the people of the European Union.

PRN: 2010/592

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*5759dg. Hillary Rodham Clinton. '... .!' " ... .......



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Apr 1, 2010 ... ---Modern and advanced 'Golden Keys' on nurturing and encouraging our and future Generations, theoretically and practically, to grasp, retain, and develop Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this era of 21st Century!! Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure ...
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{{{To be continued...}}}
[[[ State of Union and Vision wbti: One day this will be a reference on his bio by Encyclopedia! This is a Forum. Hillary and Barack are drawing American People to our Forum, Democracy, and History! The world is watching also. Freedow, democracy, entrepreneurship, and judicial ruling are our honorable properties. Humbly, we come, we learn, and we educate! (To be continued ...) ]]]

I'm with Obama
By Edward M. Kennedy

[ To WBTI at Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:24:26 -0500 from U. S. Sen. Ted Kennedy {info@barackobama.com)]

Dear mike,

When I endorsed Barack Obama on Monday, I was also endorsing a candidate with the power to transform America.

As President Kennedy said in 1960, "It is time for a new generation of leadership."

This campaign is about a new generation of leadership today. A generation ready to be part of something bigger than themselves. A generation ready to change the country, and a generation ready to change the world.

I'm doing everything I can to elect Barack Obama. With less than a week before my state and 21 others make their voices heard, there is no time to lose.

Please join me by making a $50 donation now:


Like my son Patrick and my niece Caroline, I have found a new generation of leadership for America in Barack Obama -- and I hope you have too!


Senator Edward M. Kennedy

P.S. -- You may have already seen clips of my speech or parts of it on Monday. But take a look here. The energy in that room was amazing, and it's spreading across America:

About Senator Edward M. Kennedy


For "Jennifer Lopez PPAA Forum Modern Wisdom Stratagem Winning AP LVRJ/wbti" by google!

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Amazon.com: Brave: Jennifer Lopez: Music


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婰幰間柭戜漟巣堐壛巣曬摫May 09, 2010 12:00 AM | 14 鎂娕師澤 | 0 | 0 | |
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We just visited Las Vegas. Happy coming thanksgiving to you and Judy. .... on the Yahoo.com or "Michael Douglas: Igniting the city wbti" on the Google.com, we can find the article.*3 ... Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! ...
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Apr 26, 2010 ... Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! ... 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will . ..... Results 1 - 10 of about 325 for Las Vegas Business Today wbti with ...
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For "Jennifer Lopez PPAA Forum International Winning AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A."
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Tony --

Monday, May 10th, at 6:30 p.m., we're holding a statewide conference call to discuss the current state of Wall Street reform and what's next for OFA in 2010.

We'll discuss the work we've been doing in Nevada, and we'll be joined by Clark County Commissioner Rory Reid.

Once you register, you'll be sent a call-in number and passcode to use.

Please RSVP for the conference call.

Please join the call:


Talk to you soon,


Jennifer Lopez
Nevada State Director
Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com



For "Dr. Tony T. Lei has appointed Bert Brown Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI" by msn.com!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - International Cities ...
... Dr. Tony T. Lei has appointed Bert Brown Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI ... of WBTI by President Dr. Tony T. Lei,' "A ...

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... Dr. Tony T. Lei has appointed Bert Brown Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI' "A ... delivered President Dr. Tony T. Lei in ...

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Sat, May 8, 2010 3:47:14 PM

FW: FW£º ×îа©Ö¢Ñо¿ˆóŒ§ -- ÔÚÿ‚€È˵ÄÉúÃüÆÚÑe£¬°©¼š°û¶¼•þ³ö¬F6ÖÁ10´Î

From: Susan Dai [susandai@hotmail.com] View Contact
To: No e-mail address is shown here. Ada Hong ; amy chen ; Amy Huang ; Annie Shen ; Christine Liu ; Cindy Kuo ; cindy zhang ... more

From: jasonckung@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 08:54:02 -0700
Subject: FW£º ×îа©Ö¢Ñо¿ˆóŒ§ -- ÔÚÿ‚€È˵ÄÉúÃüÆÚÑe£¬°©¼š°û¶¼•þ³ö¬F6ÖÁ10´Î
To: jasonckung@gmail.com

Dear all,

I think this information is important that we should all be aware of. Let's all do our best to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy the life God has given us!


Cancer Update from John Hopkins


1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.


2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.



For "Beautiful Chinese landscape painting with scenes along the river (enriched by nice music)!" by Google!

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Innovation! Leading search engines on Internet brilliantly help inspire to increase the visibility and popularity of some important individuals, projects, and articles on tourism and business between the Asian countries and Nevada
President Dr. Tony Lei appointed Barbara Buckley Associate Professor of administrative strategies of Washington Business and Technology Institute
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* (Organization Newsletter #2) 050510-1811 (posted Wednesday May 5th at 9:10
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By ÉçÕ?

May 08, 2010 12:00 AM | 206 Ó^¿´´Î?µ | 2 | |

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050810-1145 2nd ed.

The spirit of innovation by WBTI: To help increase the visibility and popularity of some individuals, projects, and articles through the leading search engines on Internet
President Dr. Tony T. Lei appointed Barbara Buckley Associate Professor of GSBPA of WBTI
By Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang

<<< For "Barbara Buckley PPAA Forum International Winning Modern Management Strategies AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A." by Google!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Apr 1, 2010 ... Organizational Leadership Alumnus and Institutional Management Alumni ..... The following information has inspired the importance of International Cities' cooperation and ...... "Administrative Strategies Barbara Buckley PPAA Forum Yahoo! ... Winning PPAA Forum AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." on . ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]LVRJ/wbti Dr. Dina Titus: Modern Stratagem international Winning PPAA Forum Yahoo! .... Winning PPAA Forum AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." on . ... By Google! .... Utilizing Business Service Management Concepts to Improve Healthcare ... with a focus on transfer of tacit knowledge and co-location strategies. ...
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"One of my interests since I've been in this position on March 27, 2004 is to encourage the mutual cooperation and development of tourism and business among Nevada and Ansian Countries," said Associate Professor Barbara E. Buckley of the Graduate School of Business and Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).

Supported by the Advisory Board and faculty members of WBTI since then with wisdom of cooperation and publicity through articles, its missions helped her win the election as Speaker of the Nevada Assembly in last November.

Our coming work performance to some significant projects will be feature articles for the visiability and popularity of some international cities through the leading search engines on Internet: (1) Beijing, (2) Soel, (3) Taipei, (4) Macau, and (5) Clark County ("Las Vegas"). Tourism and business are our best priorities for the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of WBTI, nothing much about politics. The late Dr. Peter F. Drucker inspired us that, "Innovation is very important. No good business can survive without successful innovation during a period of time!" Nevada is the fountain of hospitality and touring business. Macau is a recent practice with Nevada to have great prosperity in tourism and economic development. Nevada Assemblywoman Francis Allen is now a Regional Marketing Administrator of Korea of the AMI and Advisor of the ICBC of WBTI. For innovation and breakthrough in the field of business, the wise men may have a bright and beautiful sky!

The following are just a few examples of the results that we have received from a search for "The traits of vision and innovation inspired by WBTI help lift up the visibility of the importance of tourism and business among Nevada, California, and Asian Countries by the leading search engines on Internet.", "'With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more empowered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada ... ", etc. on the Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Search, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos, and among others beginning at 0:21 p.m. in the afternoon on October 14, 2007. They are shown in the most top of results by the leading search engines on Internet:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, ...
The traits of vision and innovation inspired by WBTI help lift up the visibility of the importance of tourism and business among Nevada, ...
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Take the Ask.com search engine with you.

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...- [ ·­×g´Ëí“ ]
[[[The most quick news today!]]] At 9:47 am on 060207 for "Armed Forces Day and a statement By James A. ... John," wrote President John Ponticello of PDCLV in an e-mail to WBTI on May 24, 2007 for its coordination and effort to the ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - International Cities ...
With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more empowered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada ...

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Brilliantly, welcome your good input to Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAA20)! By GSBPA and PAI of WBTI*1. Quality is our important policy!
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[[[Barbara Buckley, a 46-year-old lawyer and veteran Democratic legislator from Las Vegas, was unanimously elected speaker of the Assembly on Wednesday night, becoming the first woman to hold the post.
Buckley has been an assemblywoman since 1995 and majority leader since 2001.
As speaker, Buckley will set the agenda for her party and decide who leads and sits on Assembly committees. She said she will announce those appointments in about 10 days.]]]*1

The Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) was established early in 2003. Drs. E. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed as Deans of the School by WBTI on March 11, 2003. "The mission of this School will emphasize the humanitarian orientation of public administration adn social responsibility of business management . Throuugh academic entrepreneurship, we may expect the endeavor of this school for the community service based on humane spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Professor of Administrative Strategies of the GSBPA at WBTI. Dina is a Senator and the Minority Leader of Nevada Senate. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Political Science at UNLV.*2

In meeting with the large and growing population of public employees in the states of Asia and Nevada, Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) will open its training programs for the increasing graduate study and research needs of professional public administrators. To emphasize the balance of the practicality and theoraticality of the programs, the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of WBTI has supported by many high-ranking officials of Nevada in offering their times, experiences, and knowledge to teach at an honorary or adjunct capacity.*3

"Through the recommendation by our faculty members including District Judges Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Family Court District Judge Cheryl Moss, and President of Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas John Ponticello; Ms. Barbara Buckley has been appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on March 27, 2004," announced Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Monday March 29, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Barbara E. Buckley was born in November 23, 1960; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She received her B. A. with honors from University of Nevada, Las Vega. Her education has enhanced with University of Arizona, J.D., Summa Cum Laude.*4

Barbara's Legislative Service include: Nevada Assembly, 1995-2003 -- two special and five regular sessions; Majority Floor Leader, 2001; Assistant Majority Floor Leader, 1997-1999. She is now the Majority Leader of Nevada Assembly.

Her affiliations are: Executive Director, Clark County Legal Services, 1996-present; 2001-present, Assisted Living Advisory Committee; Founder, Southern Nevada Affordable Housing Committee; Founding First President, CLASS Publication.

Barbara has the following personal and professional achievements: Access to Justice Public Lawyer of the Year Award, State Bar of Nevada, 2000; Nicholas J. Horn Award, Nevada State Medical Association, 1999; Recognition Award, Southern Nevada Center for Independent Living, 1999; Outstanding Contribution in Shaping Health Care Policy, 1999; Nevada Nurses' Association; Positive Approaches Award, 1999; Legislator of the Year Award, Nevada Association of Social Workers, 1998; Consumer Advocate of the Year Award, Nevada Trial Lawyers Association, 1998; Brocho de Oro Award, Hispanics in Politics, 1998; Legislator of the Year Award, Nevada Medical Political Action Committee, 1997; Special Achievement Award, American Association for Retired Persons, 1997; Women of Achievement Finalist, Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, 1994 and 1996; Legislator of the Year Award, Nevada Judges Association, 1996; Southern Nevada Women's Political Caucus Award, 1994; Outstanding Female Law Graduate, University of Arizona Law School, 1989.*5

Barbara Buckley is a Democrat. She is at the District No. 8 of Clark County Assembly. Barbara is an Attorney at Law.

Her Hobbies/Special Interests include Hiking, reading, and traveling.

"Dear friends: It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to our 'Outstanding Democrat of the Year' award ceremony tonight," wrote John Ponticello, President of the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas on its Commenmorative Journal. The Journal was published by the Club on April 8, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This year's event was held on Thursday April 8, 2004, 7 to 9 PM at Bally's hotel Skyview room on its 26th floor in Las Vegas.

Barbara has been elected as the "Oustanding Democrat of the year 2003." We are pleased to post the message of the coming event and champagne reception party for Barbara by the Paradise Demcratic Club for Nevada:

"We are proud to serve as co-chairs for the Paradise Democratic Club's "Outstanding Democrat of the Year" 2003 Champagne Reception honoring our dear friend Assembly Leader Barbara Buckley.*6

As a lasting tribute to Barbara, we will produce a commemorative journal.

We are anxious to make this event special for Barbara, because of her beliefs in the ideals and principals of the Democratic Party and because she has always been there for us."

To invite all their friends sincerely, the above letter was written by Harry Reid, U. S. Senator; Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congresswoman; Oscar B. Goodman, Las Vegas Mayor; Dina Titus, State Senate Majority leader; and "Mr. Speaker" Richard Perkins, Speaker, Nevada Assembly.*7

HONORING The Majority Leader of the Nevada Assembly Barbara Buckley as "THE OUT STANDING DEMOCRAT OF THE YEAR" 2003 and
Debbie Trudell, Joe Bifano and Lois and Bert Mack as "Grass Roots Democrats of the Year" 2003. With a Special Recognition Award to Justin Gilbert*8

The following is a part of the article written, for Senator Harry Reid's being awarded "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade," by Tiffany Chang.*9

On October 22, 2000, U. S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas (PDCLV) at the Skyview Room of the Bally's Casino and Hotel, Las Vegas. In the Program, the National Anthem was sung by Rose McKinny James. The Event was chaired by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello. He introduced participants of all the elected officers, leaders of unions, persons campaigned for public service, among others. The Keynote Speaker was Senator Harry Reid. Special Speakers were U. S. Senator Richard Bryan, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, and U. S. Senate Candidate Ed Bernstein. Comments were offered by Rory Reid, Nevada State Democratic Party Chairman, and Danny Thompson, Secretary/Treasurer of Nevada State AFL-CIO. Remarks were deliverred by past Honorees (who were in attendance): Charlie Waterman, 1980's; A.G. Frankie Sue Del Papa, 1990 (with a letter); Hon James H. Bilbray, M.C. Ret., 1991 (with response); U. S. Senator Richard Bryan, 1992; U.S. Senator Harry Reid, 1993; D.A. Stewart Bell, 1994 (with response); Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, 1995; County Commissioner Yvonne Akinson Gates, 1996; Senator Dina Titus (with response), 1997; Jan Laverty Jones, 1998 (with response); Mayor Oscar Goodman, 1999 (with a letter).

The heightlight of the Event was the presentation of the Outstanding Democrat of the Decade Award to U.S. Senator Harry Reid by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello. U. S. Senator Reid graduated from Utah State University in 1961. He received Juris Doctor degree from George Washington University. On April 10, 1998, he was honored as Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute.*10

This School, the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of WBTI, is proud to have Harry's acceptance as its Professor of Administrative Strategies on May 31, 2003 at the Tea Party by many and most of the community and association leaders of the Asian American Community of Nevada (most of them in Las Vegas).*11

"Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental railroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the latest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling, and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your oustanding participation in the political, business , and educational processes. It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader (now Democratic Leader) of the Senate at Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas.*12

With many business executives, career professionals, elected officials, high-ranking officers, community and organizational leaders, among others crowded as enthusiastic participants in the 26th floor of the Bally's Hall--Skyview Room, the event and party were highlighted by John Ponticello's presenting the awards to Barbara Buckley among others.

The co-sponsors included Sierra Health Services Inc.; Poggemeyer Design Group; Shelley Berkley; Sprint; Internatioal Game Technology; Nevada Power; Barbara Buckley; Southwest Gas Corp.; Culinary Workers Union; Mandalay Bay Resorts; Station Casino; Caesars Entertainment; Police Protective Association; Frank Nemec & Jennifer Togliatti; Carpenters Union; Washington Business and Technology Institute, Dr. Tony Lei, President; among others.*13

A speciality of the Program was the complimentary -- Photo taking with Barbara Buckley during cocktail hour 7-7:30.*14 The Chinese publicity for the Event and Party was featured by the presence and presentation from Raymond Lam of "Next Weekly", Helen Hsueh of "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News", and Mindy Gao of "World Journal (Chinese Daily News)". Dr. Tony Lei extended his appreciation for WBTI to Attorney Benson Lee, Esq. for the lawyer's generosity in buying one table for ten guests of our Chinese participants the third time of this annually big event and party.

In receiving the certificate of appointment as an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute from Dr. Tony T. Lei, Ms. Barbara Buckley took pictures happily with the American and Chinese Communities and professionals by the mutiple media and professional photographers.

It is a pleasure of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to honor and recognize those outstanding individuals and projects which enrich the lives of many in our communities all over the world.*15


*1. Vogel, Ed. 'Buckley breaks ground as Assembly speaker,' "Nevada News - Las Vegas Review-Journal," (November 9, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ.
*2. Walsh, Jessie; Malone, Teresa; and Chang, Tiffany. 'To promote our quality of life through the cooperation and development of tourism and business,' "Business - WBTI," (November 12, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*3. Sechrest, Thomas; Thomas, Michael; and Estes, Nolan. (1995) "Leadership for Creating Educational Changes; Integrating the Power of Technology. Volume 1 of the Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Technology and Education," Austin, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin.
*4. Google. 'Barbara Buckley," "An online of Google.com at Google!" (March 27, 2004), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*5. Ibid.
*6. Paradise Democratic Club. 'Invitation Card,' "An e-mail to Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei from the President of the Paradise Democratic Club John Ponticello," (March 1, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Paradise Democratic Club.
*7. Ibid.
*8. Ibid.
*9. Chang, Tiffany. 'Senator Harry Reid awarded Outstanding Demaocrat of the Decade,' (2000), "Nevada Examiner," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.
*10. Ibid.
*11. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI is remarkable,' "A search 'Chairperson Elaine Chao' on the Yahoo.cn," (November 10, 2006), U. S. A.: Yahoo.cn.
*12. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the Google.com," (November 12, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*13. Ponticello, John. "Commenmorative Journal of PDCLA," (April 8, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Paradise Demoratic Club of Las Vegas.
*14. Ibid.
*15. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang, "President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congresswoman' by the leading search engines on Internet," (June 24, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.


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May. 08, 2010
Copyright -- Las Vegas Review-Journal

New LV Chamber boss tours the city

[[[Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce President Matthew Crosson, right, talks with shop owner John DiBella during a visit to DiBella Flowers and Gifts on West Charleston Boulevard on Thursday. Looking on are, from left, Sue DiBella, co-owner of the shop, who is holding grandson Connor Gardiner, 2; and daughter Amy Gardiner.

{{{Matthew Crosson, the new Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce president, left, talks with owner Tyler Foote on Thursday during a visit to the Chapel of the Flowers.

Matthew Crosson started his new job a few weeks ago.*5758abd

But getting acquainted with the people he'll be working with could take a very long time.

Crosson, the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce's newest president, is trying to meet as many members of the business community he represents as he can.

Visiting with a local insurance company, florist, wedding chapel and tour operator started that effort Thursday. Crosson called the two-hour tour a good way to get to know some of his chamber members and hear their ideas about Nevada's economic problems.

"I think it is essentially the chamber's role to convene everyone because everyone has an opinion and they can have their say," he said.

Crosson, a Long Island, N.Y., transplant, is learning about the condition of Nevada's economy. Not surprisingly, he discovered that taxes -- and rumors of taxes -- are among business owners' biggest fears.

The principals of insurance company Cragin & Pike recalled limiting hiring over worries of higher taxes and fees. Cragin & Pike principal Greg McKinley told Crosson that small businesses cannot carry a heavier tax burden.

"What is the average small business doing? Hanging on by their fingernails," he said.

Spokeswoman Cara Roberts said Cragin & Pike is the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce's oldest member. But company officials say they still worry about business.

"When you have a recession like this, people are saying, 'What is going on here? This is nuts," Cragin & Pike principal Tom Kerestesi added.

Crosson tried to focus on the positive, responding, "Tell me some good news."

He also pointed to chamber business surveys findings that suggest member optimism is growing.


*5758abd. ... by the world's leading search engines ... on Las Vegas Review-Journal .....


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