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Secretary's Remarks: Closing Remarks at African Growth and Opportunity ForumFriday, June 10, 2011 2:51 PMFrom: "U.S. Department of State" [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comSecretary's Remarks: Closing Remarks at African Growth and Opportunity Forum
Fri, 10 Jun 2011 16:17:39 -0500

Closing Remarks at African Growth and Opportunity Forum

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of StateMulungushi International Conference Center

Lusaka, Zambia

June 10, 2011


SECRETARY CLINTON: If I didn~{!/~}t know any better, Minister Mutati, I~{!/~}d say that you have a future in preaching. (Laughter.) My goodness, I thought he was going to take up a collection. (Laughter. Applause.)

But I certainly agree with the message. It is the Africa AGOA Act. It is meant to stimulate all of the activities that the minister was referencing. And it is, for me, a great pleasure once again to address the AGOA forum. I~{!/~}m delighted that you~{!/~}ve already heard from the leader of our trade efforts in the United States, Ambassador Ron Kirk. And from what I heard from the minister, Ron has already made every commitment that could be made. (Laughter. Applause.) So in the spirit of preaching, I~{!/~}m really saying amen. (Laughter. Applause.)

It is wonderful to be here in Lusaka for this forum. I had such a good time when I went to Nairobi in 2009, and there was some dancing there, as I remember. In fact, everybody else looked great dancing, and then there~{!/~}s me. (Laughter.) And apparently, it was all over Kenyan television, and I got all these emails saying, ~{!0~}Are you alright?~{!1~} (Laughter.) I said, ~{!0~}More than.~{!1~}

And then last year, we were very proud to host the forum in Washington and in Kansas City. And now here we are in Lusaka. Now, I can imagine that sometimes it feels like Kansas City and Lusaka might be worlds apart, but the whole goal of this forum is to shrink that distance, to create those networks and those relationships ...


Joe Heck's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad WeekFriday, June 10, 2011 3:10 PMFrom: "Nevada State Democratic Party" [news@nvdems.com]Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony Lei"

Dear Tony,

As you are probably already aware, video surfaced last week of Rep. Joe Heck calling Social Security a ~{!0~}pyramid scheme.~{!1~}

Considering earlier this year Heck voted to end Medicare, it is sadly not surprising that he would be equally hostile to another essential program Nevada seniors rely on.

Although Heck tried to say he misspoke, Tuesday he doubled down and agreed with a caller on a talk radio show that Social Security is a "pyramid scheme." That~{!/~}s right. For the second time, Joe Heck said a program Nevada seniors rely on to pay rent and buy food is nothing more than a con job.

View our new video highlighting the coverage of Pyramidgate and see Heck catching heat from Nevada media. While Heck~{!/~}s reckless comment and extreme voting record will clearly cause problems for him as he tries to get re-elected next year, he is going to have a large warchest and we need your help to defeat him and the TEA Party.

Help us win this race by contributing $10, $25, $50 or more right now. Joe Heck and his special-interests allies will spend millions trying to defeat his Democratic opponent and we need your help in fighting back.

Your generous contribution will go a long way in helping us elect a Democrat who will fight to create jobs and protect Social Security and Medicare from Heck and the TEA Party~{!/~}s assault.

Please contribute today so we can win this race and show Joe Heck that Nevadans want a Representative who protects our State~{!/~}s seniors, not one who votes to end Medicare and thinks Social Security is a ~{!0~}pyramid scheme.~{!1~}

Thank you for your continued support. And if you haven~{!/~}t yet watched our latest video highlighting the heat Joe Heck has gotten over Pyramidgate, watch it today.

Roberta Lange
Nevada State Democratic Party


This email was sent to:


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]The sky is beautiful in this silver state.*10 Nevada is the spring fountain ...
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?é Ö콨Áê. ÍúÍúÖÐ?rÅcÖÐ?øÎÄ»¯?÷ýº?ºÏ×÷?f×h!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]*1. Ö콨Áê. ÍúÍúÖÐ?rÅcÖÐ?øÎÄ»¯?÷ýº?ºÏ×÷?f×h! 2011-06-09 ??? ???ñ..... *2. .... ?sH¤???ñt?ñ?¹C?Â?v?ë?wo...," reported ¯???Â???Ôon August 22, 2007.*8 ...
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Flag this messageSecretary's Remarks: On the Occasion of the Official Birthday of Queen Elizabeth IIFriday, June 10, 2011 1:52 PMFrom: "U.S. Department of State" [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comSecretary's Remarks: On the Occasion of the Official Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
Fri, 10 Jun 2011 15:01:27 -0500

On the Occasion of the Official Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of StateWashington, DC

June 10, 2011

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to Queen Elizabeth II and our friends in the United Kingdom as you mark Her Majesty~{!/~}s Official Birthday this June 11. This occasion provides an opportunity to acknowledge and honor the Queen~{!/~}s dedicated leadership and to celebrate -- as President Obama did on his recent State Visit -- her extraordinary service to her nation and to the world.

The United States is committed to the enduring relationship between our two countries and we value the contributions by Her Majesty in strengthening it. Our unique alliance is founded on our common history and thrives today through our shared ideals of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. United by NATO, the world~{!/~}s largest foreign direct investment relationship and a long history of kinship, our two nations work in concert promoting peace and prosperity throughout the world.

On this special day, I send warm congratulations to Queen Elizabeth II and the people of the United Kingdom. The United States is committed to fostering and strengthening the bonds of friendship between our nations and peoples for years to come.

PRN: 2011/940


Flag this messageSecretary's Remarks: Remarks to Participants in the African Women's Entrepreneurship ProgramFriday, June 10, 2011 9:51 AMFrom: "U.S. Department of State" [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comSecretary's Remarks: Remarks to Participants in the African Women's Entrepreneurship Program
Fri, 10 Jun 2011 11:04:20 -0500

Remarks to Participants in the African Women's Entrepreneurship Program

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of StateMulungushi International Conference Centre
Lusaka, Zambia

June 10, 2011

I am so happy to be here. And so happy to see all of you here as well, and thank you so much, Mrs. Banda, for those very important words and for the kind introduction and for supporting this exceptional program.

We are so pleased to be launching the Zambian Chapter of AWEP, which stands for African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program. And we know that many people have contributed to this beginning so successfully here in Zambia, and I want to thank Sylvia Banda, who has been at the heart of this effort from the very beginning. I also want to thank my team, led by Ambassador Melanne Verveer.

I notice there are a few familiar faces from when we met last summer in Washington, so it is good to see you again and it is good to see everyone here, who is committed to really empowering women entrepreneurs throughout Africa.

Now, at meetings – (applause) – at meetings like this one of the AGOA forum, we hear a lot of ideas tossed around. But I think the very best ideas come from the people who are actually starting and running the businesses in Africa. And I know very well that many women throughout Africa are businesswomen who face obstacles, who persevere, who persist against those obstacles. And we want to help you, so I’m thrilled that AWEP has gained so much momentum and signed up so many new members.

In my speech in a few minutes, I’m going to speak specifically about what we can do and why we need to make it easier for women to start and grow your businesses. I’m also going to talk about you, if you don’t mind. I want to make sure everyone here, all the commerce ministers, the trade and industry ministers, the prime ministers, everyone, knows how important your work is.

And I’m going to announce in a few minutes that the United States will continue to support AWEP. Last year’s event in Washington was such a success – (applause) – and again this year in Lusaka. We are going to have a commitment that I will announce in order to help you exchange ideas, learn from each other, support each other. I understand the Zambian women are hosting their sisters from other countries, and we want a network of women entrepreneurs across Africa, because I am convinced we will raise the incomes and the standards of living of people throughout the continent because of what you do.

And I’ll have some examples of that in my formal remarks, but I wanted to come and just thank you, to see you again, and to wish all of you well, but to express great appreciation on behalf of the United States for what you do every day to help people have a better life. That’s what it’s all about. Business is not an end in itself, it is a means to an end, to be able to educate children, to be able to have a better home, to be able to provide healthcare, to build economies and create more opportunities. And you are living examples of that.

Thank you for showing me some of the – (applause) – products that you have produced, and let’s go out singing as I leave to go to the AGOA forum, because that always puts me in a great mood when I hear African women sing. (Laughter.) Thank you all and God bless you. (Applause.)

# # #

PRN: 2011/T48-05



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Secretary's Remarks: Remarks on the Launching of the Women's World Cup InitiativeMonday, June 6, 2011 9:52 AMFrom: "U.S. Department of State" ...
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Monday, June 6, 2011 6:48 PMFrom: "JPontic177@aol.com" ... The Paradise Democratic Club ~~{!0~~}Outstanding Democrat of the Year~~{!1~~} 2010 Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall. ..... I athletic teams with outstanding Academic Progress Rate (APR) scores. ... President's Message of WBTI for New Year's Day, 2008 . ...
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Q?? ÕÒµ½ÎÄ?WÉϵÄÛÈËTuesday, June 7, 2011 1:32 PMFrom: "Yu Yu"

Search Results
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... ?ؤ ÕÒµ½ÎÄ?WÉϵÄÛÈËTuesday, June 7, 2011 1:32 PMFrom: "Yu Yu" Add ... oeuvres, no host Cocktails and complementary photos at 7 the program at 8) ...
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ÍúÍúÖЕrÅcÖЇøÎÄ»¯‚÷ý ºžºÏ×÷…f×h!
by Ö콨Áê





*1. Ö콨Áê. ÍúÍúÖЕrÅcÖЇøÎÄ»¯‚÷ý ºžºÏ×÷…f×h! 2011-06-09 ÖЇø•rˆó .....
*2. Ibid.
*7. Ibid.


Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
15 Nevada is the spring fountain of world business in entertainment, gaming, convention, and tourism! "We now have a unique opportunity and challenge--to ...
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Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007, Nevada Commission on Economic Development, and ICBC! <<< 060811-1701 >>>

Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007, Nevada Commission on Economic Development, and ICBC!
µÚÒ»ŒĄ̃ž³²©ÞȊʘ·Ó^¹â®a˜IÕ“‰¯, ÃÀ‡øƒÈÈAß_Öݽ›ÙQ°lÕ¹…f•þ, Åc‡øëH³ÇÊÐÆó˜I…fßM•þ!
By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do
The something that I can do.

---Edward Everett Hale

***** "The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's opportunities and make the most of one's resources." ---Vauvenargues, Marquis de quotes (French moralist and essayist, 1715-1747)

The planning and implementing of Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 are contributing to the cooperation and development on tourism of Nevada and Taiwan. It has responded to the ideal that, "Our missions open doors for Nevada's No. 1 industry with influential Asian businesses and officials and give us an opportunity to 'sell' our attractions and draw more visitors from Asia to our state" by Nevada’s Lieutenant Governor Brian K. Krolicki. In the silver state, Brian is Chairman of the Commission on Economic Development (NCED) and Chairman of the Commission on Tourism (NCOT). He is also Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC).*1

According to the news from Taipei, the Summit will be held by Representative Office in Taiwan of Nevada Commission on Economic Development, NCED, Chinese Cultural University, and Asia Management Research Center on August 27, 2007 in Taipei.

"The Asia recent economic prosperity and Industry paradigm shift makes each countries speed up tourism development and promotion, even open the policy of Gaming as the leading wagon to attract more tourists. UNLV is the worldwide No 1 university in Hotel, Gaming, beverage, Exhibition. I was invited by Nevada State office on economic development to Taiwan. Hopefully, I can share our specialties and successful experience and contribute to Taiwan's current planning on doubles up tourism policy," said Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Dean of UNLV College of Hotel Administration.*2

As to the question on what is the Key success Factors to well developing the gaming & entertainment industry, Dr. Mann pointed out that, "I would suggest as following categories: Funding -- Since the Investment amount is huge, you need visionary investors who knows this market. As a matter of fact, there are over 33 Billions US$ international Gaming funding from Las Vegas top 4 gaming groups and Europe, Arabic, ­etc. invested in Asia. They show highly interest in Taiwan's market. Know How -- UNLV is the world no 1 experienced and knowledgeable on Casino Management. It is us who created the miracle of Las Vegas, other categories such as Gaming, Master-planned development of integrated resort Casio, exhibition & Conference, Government Tax.. each represents an important factor and specialties which is very important directly contribute to business success. I am very happy that now we cooperate with Chinese Cultural University to provide the courses and certificate to incubating knowledge people to catch up Asia coming tide. Proven track record -- Nevada-Based Company help establishing Asia recent resort & Gaming market booming like Singapore, Macau, Xuhai ..etc. The ongoing project are Dubai, Japan (Okinawa). Authority Content -- The lottery program been successful in Taiwan, there will be Sports lottery coming in next year. It is much more complicated and exciting gaming, but you need well established and authority Sports books professionals system on sports bet, NBA¡¢NFL¡¢Horses, tennis, etc. Technology for future -- New Technology gadget make our daily life much more easier and fun, Multi-channel, Multi platform technology, turn-key B2B, cooperate with 3rd parties include: Mobile operators, on-line gaming operators, Casio loyalty services. I will describe much more detailed in the coming TGES 2007 which will be held in 27/aug/2007 Monday. I will be very happy to meet you in that conference. Thank you." *3

Dr. Stuart H. Mann will deliver a keynote speech to the Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007 in Taipei. He is one of the Directors of ICBC.

"The Nevada Commission on Tourism believes it is vital to establish a presence in Taiwan in order to represent our tourism destinations to this emerging world travel market. Taiwan's capital, Taipei, has a working population of four million, with a youthful, technologically oriented work force. There is tremendous potential for building tourism among this sector," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada.*4

"we are seeking new horizons for the economy of Nevada. Building mutally beneficial relationships with Taiwan, and other foreign countries, will create the demand for direct, regularly scheduled flights. Our work will help Nevada establish contacts for lucrative business and convention visitors from around the world that will form the foundation for a new pillar in the Nevada economy." *5

The International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) strives to build a bridge among important cities nationally and internationally. ICBC has set its main goal on "Mutual cooperation and development of business, trade, and tourism among international cities."

Lorraine Hunt has been Honorary Chairperson of ICBC since 1998. To win over her experience and caliber on tourism, she has also been invited by Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as a Commissioner of NCOT soon after he took office early this year.

"It's really a challenge to me! Lots of my job are related to have a function on the basis of international perspective. Through this professional and practical venue, I'll put all my effort and talent to implement the missions for the promotion of the economic and trade cooperation and development among cities of Nevada, China, Taiwan, Macau, and other Pacific & Asian countries," said Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of the ICBC of WBTI. Accomplishment is proved to be a journey with united and harmonious efforts. The ingenuity and ability from its Vice Presidents Attorney Xiaosheng Huang and Miss Yin Yan are important. Charlyne is also the Trade Representative in Taiwan of Nevada Commission on Economic Development.

The following are a few of the many news reports in Chinese about the coming 'Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007' in Taipei:

¡¡"±¾´ÎÕ“‰¯»î„ÓÓÉÃÀ‡øƒÈÈAß_ÖÝñvÈAÞkÊÂÌŽ¡¢ÖЇøÎÄ»¯´óŒWÍÆV½ÌÓý²¿¡¢†ÖÞ¹ÜÀí½›µäÑо¿ÖÐÐĹ²Í¬Ö÷Þk£¬•þÖÐŒ¢ÑûÕˆÊÀ½ç피‰µÄ²©ÞÄ®a˜IŒWÐgÂ}µî----ÃÀ‡øƒÈÈAß_ÖÝ´óŒWÀ­Ë¹¾S¼Ó˹·ÖУ²©ÞÈô߾Ƶê¹ÜÀíÔºéLDr. Staurt Mann²©Ê¿£¬•³Õ„žéÀ­Ë¹¾S¼Ó˹¡¢°ÄéT¡¢Ð¼ÓƵȇøëHÓ^¹â²©ÞÄʘIµÄŒ„ÕÒŽ„½›òžÅc‡øëH°lÕ¹Ú…„Ý¡£´ËÍâÒ²Œ¢ÑûÕˆ‡øƒÈÏàêPµÄ®a¹ÙŒWŒ£¼Ò£¬¹²Í¬ÑÐӑ̨ž³²©ÞĊʘ·Ê˜IµÄδí°lÕ¹ÅcÌáÉý¸‚ ŽÁ¦Ö®µÀ," edited Éò×Óº­ of the website newspaper of Central Daily News.*6

On the Sina.com, Reporter êÈØ reported that, "µÚÒ»ŒĄ̃ž³²©ÞĊʘ·Ó^¹â®a˜IÕ“‰¯Œ¢ì¶¶þÊ®ÆßÈÕÔÚÐÐÕþÔº¹«„ÕÈËÁ¦°lÕ¹ÖÐÐÄÅeÐС£" *7

¡¡¡¡"ÃÀ‡øƒÈÈAß_ÖÝñvÈAÞkÊÂÌŽ´ú±íê˼ͥ22ÈÕÖ¸³ö£¬¿‚î~¸ßß_330ƒ|ÃÀÔªµÄ²©²Ê»ù½ð£¬À^ͶÙYмÓÆÂÂ}ÌÔɳ¡¢°ÄéTÖ®áᣬҲæi¶¨Ì¨ž³¡¢ÄÏín¡¢Ì©‡øµÈ‡ø¼Ò£¬×÷žéͶÙY˜ËµÄ¡£ƒÈÈAß_ÖÝñvÈAÞkÊÂÌŽŒ¢°²ÅÅMGM¡¢Harras¡¢Sands¡¢ÅcWynnµÈËÄ´ó¿ç‡ø²©Þļ¯ˆFµÄŒ£˜I½›ÀíÈËíÅ_£¬ÌṩÀ­Ë¹íf¼Ó˹ªšµ½µÄÙ€ˆö½› I¼¼Ðg£¬Ž§„Ǫ́ž³²©ÞÄ®a˜IµÄÉÌ™C¡£“þ¡¶¹¤ÉÌ•rˆó¡·ˆóµÀ£¬ê˼ָͥ³ö ...," reported ÐÇu­hÇò¾W on August 22, 2007.*8

"ÃÀ‡øƒÈÈAß_ÖÝñvÈAÞkÊÂÌŽ´ú±íê˼ͥ×òÈÕÖ¸³ö...," reported Ҧ˴ on the Chinatimes.com.*9

"As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn (now Jim Gibbons) who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, former Lt. Governor of Nevada and now Commissioner of Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT).

The 2007 Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism will be an annual significant event for the interest of many people, businesses, and countries. It will be held on December 12-14 this year in Las Vegas. In the General Assembly, we shall have Jim Gibbons, Governor, State of Nevada; Introduction by: Commissioner Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono; Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor, State of Nevada; and the topic on Growth: Challenges and Opportunities. WBTI has assisted to publicize the conference for many years. Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).

"With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more powered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber who is one of the Advisors of the Board. The sky is beautiful in this silver state.*10 Nevada is the spring fountain of world business in entertainment, gaming, and tourism!


*1. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'International Cities Business Council for tourism and economic development,' "A search of Nevada Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Bill Maupin, Governor James A. Gibbons of Nevada, and U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on the leading search engines," (August 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Chen, Charlyne. 'Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007,' "An e-mail from Miss Charlyne Chen to WBTI," (August 16, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Representative Office in Taiwan for Nevada Commission on Economic Development.
*3. Ibid.
*4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Business wbti' on the Ask.com," (August 18, 2007), U. S. A.: Ask.com.
*5. Ibid.
*6. Éò×Óº­. 'µÚÒ»ŒĄ̃ž³²©ÞȊʘ·Ó^¹â®a˜IÕ“‰¯¡¡Ëûɽ֮ʯ,' "A profile of the website newspaper of Central Daily News," (August 21, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Cdnews.com.tw.
*7. ÐÇu­hÇò¾W. "̨ž³ŒWÀ­Ë¹¾S¼Ó˹½¨ŠÊ˜·Ö®¶¼ ²©²Ê»ù½ðÁ÷Èë," (August 22, 2007), Singapore: Singtaonet.com.
*8. êÈØ. '̨ž³²©ÞĊʘ·Ó^¹â®a˜IÕ“‰¯ 27ÈյLjö,' "A report by ÖÐÑëÉçÓ›ÕßêÈØ to ÖÐÑëÉç,"
(August 22, 2007), U. S. A.: Sina.com.
*9. Ҧ˴. "²©²Ê»ù½ðßM܊̨ž³," (August 22, 2007), Taipei, Taiwan: Chinatimes.com.
*10. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid invite our friends to attend a Champagne Reception honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'Welcome! U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, ...' on the AOL.com," (August 21, 2007), U. S. A.: AOL.com.


Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of the ICBC of WBTI


Flag this messageUrgent: tornado relief for MassachusettsWednesday, June 8, 2011 10:49 AMFrom: "John Kerry" [info@johnkerry.com]Add sender to ContactsTo: "Friend Friend" [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Hello Friend,

A few hours after the tornadoes ripped through western Massachusetts, I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my own two eyes in front of me: homes ripped apart, schools and businesses so badly damaged they would be condemned just days later, and, worst of all, Mayor Gibson and Police Chief Burke of West Springfield describing to me the injuries and loss of life, including a mother, Angelica Guerrero, who was killed protecting her daughter. It shook all of us to our core.

When I walked into a shelter around midnight that night, people were looking at cellphone pictures of the wreckage where their homes had stood just hours before, and many were trying to explain to their young children how something like this could happen. I arrived at Union Street in West Springfield hours after the tornado to find it completely destroyed, buildings demolished and houses literally tossed on top of other buildings.

But I was also struck by how quickly everyone was swinging into action to help neighbors and strangers with whom we all now share an unbreakable bond. At a church on Main Street in Monson, there’s a location where people can drop off supplies ?food, diapers, clothing ?and the pile of donated items is growing all the time. On the morning after the tornado, I visited the statewide command center for the response, and I saw an amazing sight, one I’ll always remember: a line of emergency vehicles from nearly every town and city in the state, a line stretching over a mile, all volunteering to help, proof of the state’s commitment to pull together for each other.

And I’ve also been warmed to hear so many people ask: “what can we do to help ?to rebuild??
The answer is, there’s something for each of us to do ?and today I’m asking you ?no matter where you live ?to please contribute to the Red Cross of Central and Western Massachusetts. You can choose any of the four areas the Red Cross serves in the region; they all need your help.

They are on the ground now ?just as they were moments after the tornadoes ?helping people find shelter, clothing, helping with treatment of people who were injured ?doing anything needed to help people rebuild. Your donation will help them do this vital work. So please give right now.

It’s hard to put into words what I saw on the ground. The Munger Hill Elementary School was almost completely destroyed. I walked through Monson, and saw the church ?founded in 1762?with its beautiful steeple toppled to the ground.

We have a long way to go ?but we will rebuild ?and we will come back stronger. I’ll be back again and again, but even while all of us in Massachusetts are working with state and federal officials to get relief delivered right away, I hope you’ll help me send a message back home that all of us ?all the millions of folks on this email list from around the country ?are pulling together.

Thanks so much,

John Kerry


ÔÚ?ÖÞ²©ÞÄ?á³±Ñe | ÎÒµÄÅfÎÄÕ±»poÉϾW£¬Õ?·ÖÏí?¢¿¼Wednesday, June 8, 2011 9:59 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Charlyne" [nevada21.chen@gmail.com]Add sender to ContactsTo: "Charlyne" http://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/31204

Hi ÎÒµÄÅfÎÄÕ±»poÉϾW£¬·ÖÏí?¢¿¼×¾Ò?

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Flag this messageG2e gaming conference with MGM tomorrowWednesday, June 8, 2011 12:28 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Charlyne" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Bruce Hu" Tomorrow Attend G2e gaming conference ,Asia tomorrow ,
ÆäËûvegas ?Ê?·¼¯?FÓÐÅdȤͶ̨?³

¼Ä¼þÈË: Charlyne

ÈÕÆÚ: 2011Äê6ÔÂ8ÈÕGMT+08:00ÉÏÎç9?r02·Ö47ÃëÊÕ¼þÈË: "Bowers, Edward" ?Ëî}: Meeting in Macau

Dear Ed :Pansy Ho keep saying to medias , she will represent MGM to invest Taiwan , if the referendum pass , What is this about ? Her family is not that well reputable in Taiwan .

ÔÚ 2011/6/8 ÉÏÎç7:00 ?r£¬"Bowers, Edward" <

Charlyne - I will be at G2E also tomorrow. I have a busy schedule all morning but my afternoon is not as busy - I could meet for a coffee at Venetian, if you want.




Remarks on the Launching of the Women's World Cup Initiative. It has been just posted one day ago!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Remarks on the Launching of the Women's World Cup Initiative. Remarks ... Alumni E-NewsletterMonday, June 6, 2011 5:02 AMFrom: This sender is ..... "WBTI website " has functioned as media-sponsor of this dinner and party for many years. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051... - Cached - Similar


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
bY GSBPA of WBTI*1. The Graduate School of Business and Public Administration ( GSBPA) ..... size:27K. Invitation to Writer Professor Yu's 1st presentation! ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
For our children with HOPE in having a good FUTURE! ... Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. ... Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal ... (To be continued ...) . ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0134000105109633231418... - Cached


Search Results

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
"Dear Dr. Lei and Judy, I am truly honored to be a member of the famous and well -respected WBTI. WBTI has contributed so much to this community, ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013400010510963323141... - Cached


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...
Vision through integrity, wisdom, and work may lead people to the road for a bright future!*1. The articles in this section have been shown by the leading ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013400010510963323141... - Cached



Flag this messageFW: ?¢?E Flag this messageFW: ?¢?E Flag this messageFW: ÊÀ½çÐÂÂ?¾W-±±ÃÀÈAÎÄÐÂÂ?¡¢ÈAÉÌÙYÓ? - ÕÒµ½ÎÄ?WÉϵÄ?ÛÈËTuesday, June 7, 2011 1:32 PMFrom: "Yu Yu" Add sender to ContactsTo: undisclosed-recipients

Dear friends:

Sharing an article about my March speech.
It was published in the World Journal 6/6/11.

Hope it's inspiring.



by °¬Óñ




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1. °¬Óñ. "ÕÒµ½ÎÄŒWÉϵÄÛÈË" ÊÀ½çЄ¾W ?±ÃÀÈAÎÄЄ¡¢ÈAÉÌÙYÓ ... Jun 06, 2011 ... Worldjournal.com .......

7. Ibid.


Flag this messageOutstanding Democrat of the Year~{!1~} NV State Treasurer Kate Marshall.Monday, June 6, 2011 6:48 PMFrom: "JPontic177@aol.com" [JPontic177@aol.com]Add sender to ContactsTo: Tojulei@yahoo.comJohn Ponticello, President
Paradise Democratic Club
7744 Rockfield Drive, LV NV 89128
(702) 363-2456 phone/fax - jpontic177@aol.com

The Paradise Democratic Club ~{!0~}Outstanding Democrat of the Year~{!1~} 2010 Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall.
Bally~{!/~}s Hotel, Skyview room Wednesday July 20, 2011, 7 to 9:30 PM (Champagne, wine and Hors D~{!/~} oeuvres, no host Cocktails and complementary photos at 7 the program at 8)


To co sponsor, purchase a table, tickets or an ad in the commemorative journal please use the form below.

-----------------------------------------COMPLETE AND MAIL - ad deadline July 7------------------------------------------



City/State/Zip:_____________________ _______Email address ______________

___ Co-Sponsorship - $700 for table of 10 & full page ad

___ Table $350 for table of 10

___ Individual Tickets - $35 each ___ Total

AD RATES Enclosed is my check for $_______

___ Full Page Plus Table for 10 $700 ___ Half page 5"hx 8"w $200

___ Half page ad plus table for 10 $550 ___ Quarter page 5"h x 4w $125

___ Full page 10"h x 8"w $350 ___ Business card 2 3/8 x 3.15/16 $65

___ Ad copy (camera ready) ___Ad copy enclosed (please typeset)

Make checks payable to Paradise Democratic Club and send to: John Ponticello

7744 Rockfield Drive

Any questions call me 363-2456 or email me at jpontic177@aol.com

Please remember this is a Champagne Reception not a dinner


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