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GSBPA of WBTI's slogan for business and tourism! --To become more effective online communication in every online venue! by GSBPA of WBTI*1*****["Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." --- Proverbs 16 : 3 "He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend." --- Proverbs 22 : 11 of the Bible "All hard work brings a profit." --- Proverbs 14 : 23 of the Bible "The reward for work done is the opportunity to do more." --Jonas Salk, M.D.] *****To be more successful for your Web site, you need to be favored by the most famous search engine services like Google! (www.google.com and www.google.cn), AOL! (www.aol.com), MSN! (www.msn.com), Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com), WebCrawler! (www.WebCrawler.com), Infoseek! (www.infoseek.com), among others. On June 11, 2004, Nevada officials opened the first U.S. tourism office in China, hoping to boost the number of foreign visitors to the Silver State. Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Gov. of Nevada, led a delegation of state tourism and hotel representatives to China to celebrate the opening. "The state hopes to attract five million Chinese tourists a year," said Bruce Bommarito, executive director of the Nevada Commission on Tourism, He believes that China is the greatest potential market force in the world. "It's mind-boggling. The Chinese tourist is the highest-spending tourist in the world," said Bruce Bommarito.*2 Nevada is the only state in the country to obtain the required certification by the China National Tourism Administration to operate an office. "Nevada is a popular destination for Chinese tourists. Officials there say over 90% of the 250,000 people who travel to the United States from China stop in Nevada, primarily Las Vegas."*3 Indeed, business achievement is the new yardstick of success in today's society. Therefore, business has become not only the fastest growing major in undergraduate institutions but also in graduate school of famous universities, nationally and internationally. The emphasis of the online communication skills and the quantitative analysis techniques with computers is one of the most important study for the art of success to the business students, professionals, executives, and owners. In many ways, business school is at the center of this cultural phenomenon. For some, the business school is the passport to the boardroom, the ticket to the top of the corporate ladder. these schools, nationally and internationally, pump out the new generation of business leaders by hundreds of thousands. "They are the pipeline of raw material with which the nation's --- and the world's --- leading business build the future. And MBAs are not limited to the traditional corporate world: From Wall Street to Madison Avenue, from Sand Hill Road to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, today's MBAs lead organizations large and small, in every conceivable industry. They are the executives and entrepreneurs who power the economy."4 "UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN LIVING IN A CAVE, you've seen enormous changes in communications technology over the past two decades. From orbiting satellites routing long distance phone calls to email to undreamed-of growth of the Internet, the age of communicating online, using computers and networks, is upon us all," stated at the first paragraphy of the 'Introduction' of the book, "How to say it online: everything you need to know to master the new language of cyberspac," written by Kim Baker and Sunny Baker.*5 "And what could be better news? To keep in touch, there's nothing faster or cheaper than email. To gain access to information and people, the power of online communication expands your reach from the local to the global. To meet new friends and even romance a potential life partner, online venues provide rich opportunities (if you know the right things to say and the best way to say them). At school, the Internet places volumes of knowledge on ever subject at your fingertips, and at work, computer networks make business communication more efficient than ever." *6 Whether you are in business or in non-profit organization, you need to have a Web site. This seems to be a common wisdom in now- a-days. Think seriously about the needs of your market before you go onto the Web to make more money for business, to develop better non-profit organization, or to contribute to more community service. "It's hard to believe that Fred's Service Station really needs a Web Site to reap new profits. However, for some businesses and professional service firms, the Internet and web to gether offer viable marketing and distribution opportunities. Software companies, online magazines, and email order businesses can do quite well from the Web --- if the owners know how to say the right things on their sites. The Secrets of a Successful Web Site: Just having a site on the Web will do almost nothing to sell your products or services. To promote your Web site, there are three things you must do: (1). You must register your Web site with the best search engines. (2). You should consider using the many free and not free advertising opportunities on the Web. (3) You should search the Web regularly for competitive and related sites, where you can attach a link to your site."*7 To be more successful for your Web site, you need to be favored by the famous search engine services like Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com), Aol! (www.aol.com), Google! (www.google.com), Infoseek! (www.infoseek.com), among others. "There is no longer any such thing as a purely national economy. The rest of the world is just too big to ignore, either as a market or as a competitor. If business schools do nothing other than to train their students to think internationally, they would have accomplished an important task," said John Young, CEO, Hewlett-Packard.*8 Innovation is the key to success, managers are looking everywhere in the global organization for new ideas. Modern companies would view Information technology (IT) as a major competitive differentiator. Strategic businesses emphazise the ueses of information technology for management. International companies develop their global IT platforms by integrating worldwide hardware, software, and Internet-based network architecture. Commuunication technology, for example the teleconferencing and computer networks, is making it possible for people from subsidiaries around the world to work together on project. Many business are becoming global companies and moving toward transnational e-business strategies in which they integrate the global business activities of their subsidiaries and headquarters. The international dimemsions of managing global e-business technologies include dealing with cultural, political, and geoeconomic challenges posed by various countries for global marketplace. The e-business technologies are changing the distribution, relatonships, resources, and responsibilities of managers. Information Technology is helping managers of e-business to eliminate layers of amangement, enabling more collaborative forms of management, providing them with significant information technology resources, and confront them with major e-business and e-commerce challenge. Innovation is the key to success, managers are looking everywhere in the global organization for new ideas. Modern companies would view Information technology (IT) as a major competitive differentiator. Strategic businesses emphazise the ueses of information technology for management. International companies develop their global IT platforms by integrating worldwide hardware, software, and Internet-based network architecture. Commuunication technology, for example the teleconferencing and computer networks, is making it possible for people from subsidiaries around the world to work together on project.*9 In order to keep the online universe a productive, safe, communicative environment, it is interesting and worth to post the ten commandments for computer ethics. They were created by the Computer Ethics Institute: (1). Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. (2). Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work. (3). Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files. (4). Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. (5). Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness. (6). Thou shalt not use or copy softwear for which you have not paid. (7). Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization. (8). Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output. (9). Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write. (10). Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect. A sucessful businessperson always know the old rule that says "It's easier to keep an existing customer than to find a new one." In online customer relationships, this rule is just as important. Your goal should not only to get new visitors, but to cultivate your customer base to yield repeat sales, services, and referrals from satisfied purchasers, clients, and patronagers. "Besides a good product or service, there are only three things you need for successful online customer relations: strong communication, common courtesy, and exemplary customer service. Unfortunately, these old-fashioned values are often missing in many companies' online promotional communication." *10 LVRJ/wbti: To serve the community with wisdom and effort is one of the creed of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)! *****The following is a post of the news in Chinese about the coming trip of U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao to China: [In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".] ¬ü°ê°Ó°È³¡ªø©M³Ò¤u³¡ªø±N³X°Ý¤¤°ê! ¡@ by PAI of WBTI *¤Íµ½¦C¦L ¡]¤¤¥¡ªÀ°OªÌ»¯«Û¥_¨Ê¤Q¤C¤é¹q¡^¤¤°ê¥~¥æ³¡µo¨¥¤H³¹±Ò¤ë¤µ¤Ñªí¥Ü¡A¬ü°ê°Ó°È³¡ªø¦ã¸U´µ¡A±N©ó¤»¤ë¤Q¤E¤é¦Ü¤G¤Q¥|¤é³X°Ý¤¤°ê¡F¬ü°ê³Ò¤u³¡ªø»¯¤pÄõ¡A«h©ó¤»¤ë¤G¤Q¤@¤é¦Ü¤G¤Q¥|¤é³X°Ý¤¤°ê¡C*11 ³¹±Ò¤ë»¡¡A¦ã¸U´µ¬OÀ³¤¤°ê°Ó°È³¡¤§ÁܳX°Ý¤¤°êªº¡A¥Dn¥Øªº¬O¸¨¹êÂù¤è¤µ¦~¥|¤ë¦bµØ²±¹yÁ|¦æªº¤¤¬ü²Ä¤Q¤©¡°Ó¶TÁp©e·|¤W¹F¦¨ªº¨t¦C¦@ÃÑ¡C »¯¤pÄõ¬OÀ³¤¤°ê³Ò°Ê©MªÀ·|«O»Ù³¡¤§ÁܳX°Ý¤¤°ê¡A©¡®É¤¤°ê³Ò°Ê©MªÀ·|«O»Ù³¡¡A±N¦V¬ü¤è¤¶²Ð¤¤°ê³Ò°Ê©MªÀ·|«O»Ùªº¬Fµ¦¤Î«OÅ@¤u¤HÅv¯qµ¥¤è±ªº±¡ªp¡AÂù¤èÁÙ±N´N¨â³¡ªùªº¦X§@¥æ´«·N¨£¡C ³¹±Ò¤ë¦P®É«ü¥X¡A¥Ø«e¬ü¤¤¸g¶TÃö«Y±K¤Á¡AÁöµM¦³¤@¨Ç¤Àª[¡B¥Ù¬Þ©M§xÃø¡A¦ý³£¤£¨¬¬°©_¡AÂù¤è³¡ªø¯Å¤Î»â¾É¤H¤§¶¡ªº³X°Ý¡Aªí©ú©¼¦¹³£§Æ±æ¶¶§Qµo®i¸g¶TÃö«Y¡C*12 (930617) U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao received her B. A. degree in Economics with straight A's for all her four years at the famous Mount Holyoke College in New England. She obtained her M. B. A. degree from Harvard University in 1979. She also studied at M.I.T., Dartmouth College, and Columbia University. At the time she was nominated by President Bush as the Secretary of Labor, she told her father that she does not intend to be an "Authoritative Official". She hoped that she could contribute to our society and nation.*13 Secretary Chao has received numerous awards for her professional accomplishments and community service. She is the recipient of 21 honorary doctoral degrees from colleges and universities around the world. Secretary Chao is married to the Majority Whip of the United States Senate, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. "Elaine L. Chao is the nation's 24th Secretary of Labor, representing a new generation of American leadership. Since her confirmation by the United States Senate on January 29, 2001, she has been dedicated to carrying out the Department of Labor's mission of inspiring and protecting the hardworking people of America. She is respected as an effective and articulate champion of the nation's contemporary workforce, acting quickly to focus the Labor Department on the modern realities of workers' lives." *14 "When President George W. Bush nominated Elaine L. Chao, the first Asian-American woman appointed to a President's cabinet in U.S. history, he described her as an individual with “sstrong executive talent, compassion, and commitment to helping people build better lives." According to the U. S. Department of Labor, Secretary Elaine Chao's compassionate nature stems from her own background as an immigrant to this country at the age of eight. Her family's experience transitioning to a new country, supported by one another and the kindness of friends and neighbors, taught her that encouragement is the key to fostering independence, and that Americans are naturally compassionate people. This inspired her to dedicate most of her professional life to ensuring that people have the opportunity to pursue lives of dignity and financial independence. As Director of the Peace Corps, Ms. Elaine Chao was one of the first Americans to personally embrace the people of the former communist bloc into the family of democratic nations, establishing Peace Corps programs in the Baltic nations of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. Later, as President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way of America, she restored public trust and confidence after the organization was tarnished by mismanagement and financial abuse, thus preserving the nation's largest institution of private charitable giving. The experience Ms. Elaine Chao gained at the United Way helping communities address their local needs prepared her to mobilize the Department of Labor to promote pathways to economic freedom for individuals and families working to achieve the American Dream. She describes her vision for America's workforce as “oone in which everyone can participate where jobs and opportunities are available for those leaving welfare, job training is accessible for those left behind, disability never bars a qualified person from the workplace, and where parents have an easier time balancing the responsibilities of work and home. "Secretary Chao's previous government career includes serving as the Deputy Secretary at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission, and Deputy Maritime Administrator in the U.S. Department of Transportation. She brings a wealth of business experience to the post, having worked as Vice President of Syndications at BankAmerica Capital Markets Group and a banker with Citicorp. Prior to her nomination as Secretary, she expanded her study of policy as a Distinguished Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based public policy research and educational institute. She was selected as a White House Fellow in 1983," states the Department.*15 Following the inspiration of the past many years of the accomplishment of Ms. Elaine Chao's contribution of humane spirit to our society, we have the persistense of Wou Shien's spirit for education here in America. If a coolie and hard woker like him could dedicate to eduction by offering all his income and life to build a school for children in his village, what should not for us to offer our efforts for our community? *16 "The mission of this School [Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)] will emphasize the humanitarian orientation of public administration and the social responsibility of business management. Through academic entrepreneurship, we may expect the endeavor of this School for the community service based on humane spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA.*17 Nina Titus was born May 23, 1950 in Thomasville, Georgia. She graduated from College of William and Mary with A.B.. She received her M. A. and Ph. D. degrees from University of Georgia and Florida State University, respectively. She is a Senator and Minority Floor Leader of Nevada Senate. Dina is also a professor of Political Science in UNLV. --------------------------- References *1. GSBPA of WBTI is the initial of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute. *2. LVRJ. 'Lt. Governor of Nevada Lorraine Hunt led a delegation of state tourism and hotel representatives to China,' "reviewjournal.com of LVRJ," (June 19, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of reviewjournal.com. *3. Ibid. *4. Housman. Jon. (2001), "The MBA Jungle," Cambridge, Massachusetts: Persus Publishing. *5. Baker, Kim; and Baker, Sunny. (2001), "How to say it online: everything you need to know to master the new language of cyberspace," Paramus, New Jersey: Pretice Hall. *6. Ibid. *7. Ibid. *8. Ball, Donald A, and McCulloch, Jr., Wendell H. (2003) International Business --- The Challenge of Global Competition," Chicago: McGraw-Hill Irvin. *9. O'Brien, James A. (2003) "Introduction to Information Systems," Boston, N. Y.: McGraw-Hill Irvin. *10. Baker, Kim; and Baker, Sunny. Ibid. *11. Yahoo!©_¼¯. '¬ü°ê°Ó°È³¡ªø©M³Ò¤u³¡ªø±N³X°Ý¤¤°ê,' "Yahoo Chi Mo News," June 17, 2004, Taipei, Taiwan. *12. Ibid. *13. Chang, Tiffany. 'Kathy Augustine and Brian Sandoval honored Advisors of PPAAF,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 30 - April 4, 2002), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *14. Department of Labor. "About Secretary of Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao," (March 2004), Washington, D. C.: U. S. Department of Labor. *15. Ibid. *16. GSBPA of WBTI. 'New Year's Message of the President,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (January 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *17. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl, and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick, Keong Leong appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 28, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. | |
070405-6768 Elaine Chao*1 Nationality: American (Chinese) Ethnicity: Asian American Occupation: Secretary of Labor The year is 1961. President John F. Kennedy has just created the Peace Corps. He speaks idealistically of creating world peace and promoting friendship, of encouraging American volunteers to learn how to work side by side with citizens of developing nations. In one of those developing nations, Taiwan, eight-year-old Elaine Chao plays in the red earthen clay with her sisters, while her parents, James and Ruth, dream of a better future. James, at the time, was studying at St. John's University in Queens, New York. Later that year, Elaine, her mother, and sisters board a freighter from Taipei to join their father in America. "It was a wonderful trip for a small child of eight," Chao told Geraldine Baum in a 1992 interview with the Los Angeles Times, shortly after then-president George Bush named her director of the Peace Corps. "My first port of call was Los Angeles. That's where I laid my first foot on America." Peace Corps Though Chao had never served as a Peace Corps volunteer, her appointment to head the agency in late 1991 seemed like a natural fit: an immigrant from a developing country heading an agency in the midst of transition. A Republican loyalist who'd campaigned for Bush, California governor Pete Wilson, and other Los Angeles-area Republicans, she represented a new, young and refreshing political face. The limelight faded quickly, however. Chao lost her job as head of the Peace Corps when Bush lost his bid for reelection. But she had too many skills to disappear entirely. In mid-1992, she was named president of United Way of America, a job that has perhaps stretched her well-touted management skills and experience with nonprofits to the limit. When Chao took over the job of United Way director, the agency was in turmoil. Former United Way president William Aramony had been pulling in a $390,000 annual salary. He had spent agency donations on first-class airline tickets and had hired a friend with questionable bank dealings as the agency's chief financial officer. As these disclosures became known, local United Way agencies began withholding dues. As the scandal hit the headlines, Aramony resigned under fire. United Way donations plummeted by $140 million between 1991 and 1992. Chao's job was to reform the agency and help it regain credibility. Selected from a list of 600 candidates, she was praised for her integrity, honesty, and management skills. She did not seek the position, but after accepting the job, called it too good to pass up. "United Way of America is a challenge that I could not decline," she said in an August 1992 interview with the Washington Post. Born in Taiwan, she emigrated to the United States with her mother and sisters in 1961. The family, rejoining her father, James, settled in Queens, New York. After her father completed college, he formed a shipping and trading business, Foremost Maritime Corporation, which today is well known in international shipping circles. Chao remembers her father as hard-working and driven, a man who taught his daughters how to fix toilets and apply tar to driveways. He passed on conservative values, stressing the importance of hard work and education in achieving one's goals. As the shipping business prospered, the family moved from Queens to Long Island and eventually to an affluent New York City suburb in Westchester County. Chao graduated from Mount Holyoke College and received her master's in business administration from the Harvard Business School. She also studied at such prestigious institutions as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth College, and Columbia University. After completing her schooling, Chao began to climb the corporate ladder. With a background in international banking and finance, she worked from 1979 to 1983 as an international banker at Citicorp in New York. She was selected as a White House fellow to serve at the White House in 1983 and 1984, and joined BankAmerica Capital Markets Group in San Francisco as vice-president of syndications. After moving to California, she got involved in Republican politics, campaigning for Bush, Wilson, and local politicians. She served as national chairman of Asian Americans for Bush/Quayle in 1988 and spoke briefly at the GOP convention. Her work was rewarded with an appointment as deputy administrator of the Maritime Administration, which launched her on a slow but steady climb through federal government bureaucracy. After two years as deputy administrator, she became chairperson of the Federal Maritime Commission and then was appointed deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation. As she climbed the ranks, she gained a reputation as a confident, hardworking manager. She also gained insights into Washington D.C.'s inside political network. Chao attended luncheons with Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor, dated various political insiders, and networked heavily. This networking, along with her hard work, made her the highest ranking Asian Pacific American woman in the executive branch in U.S. history. But some of her stances occasionally infuriated other Asian Americans. For instance, she joined Bush in opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1991 because it promoted quotas, a concept she felt inhibited minorities' meritorious achievements. Nevertheless, when first appointed Peace Corps director, she spoke of her immigrant roots with pride. At her swearing-in ceremony, she talked about playing with red earthen clay as a child because there were no other toys and of eating duck eggs because chicken eggs were unavailable. "These memories of living in a developing nation are part of who I am today and give me a profound understanding of the challenges of economic development," she said in a January 1992 interview with the Los Angeles Times. The Peace Corps, at the time, was in the midst of transition. Bush wanted the organization to develop more specialized training for less-poor but highly needy emerging democracies, such as Hungary and Bulgaria. It also was fighting to overcome an image of arrogance that had been fostered through its thirty-year existence. Chao felt she could understand this arrogance well. "I still remember ... how valuable tissue paper was and how rich Americans seemed because they would use it up and throw it away so easily," she said in a 1992 interview with American Shipper magazine. "It's an attitude thing, born out of naturally acquired affluence. It's hard to explain, but it stays with you and you understand the feeling." United Way Challenge When she joined United Way, she approached the agency much as she approached the Peace Corps. Just as she visited nearly half of the agency's active volunteers worldwide, she spent much of her first year as United Way director visiting local affiliates from Maine to Oregon, trying to determine what they felt was missing. She felt strongly that making the national organization more sensitive to local needs would be a key to turning United Way around. "This is a redress that is badly needed and is long in coming," she said in a May 1993 interview with the Christian Science Monitor. To restore public confidence in the agency, Chao started at a salary of $195,000, half the salary of her controversial predecessor. She imposed new travel and expense controls, and restructured programs to put more emphasis on training, field regulation, and service. Before she joined United Way, the agency had increased its board of directors from thirty to forty-seven members to include more local affiliate representatives. To directly serve local agencies, she established a member-services division. Like most restructurings, the changes at United Way were painful. Nearly one-third of the agency's staff was let go, and its budget was cut by one-third. But Chao is slowly getting results. As of late 1993, most affiliates who had withheld dues had returned to the fold. And, although a difficult economy caused a slowdown in charitable contributions, Chao said her prognosis for 1994 was "cautious optimism." On January 31, 2001, Chao was sworn in as the nation's 24th Secretary of Labor, making her the first Asian-American woman appointed to a President's cabinet in U.S. history. PERSONAL INFORMATION Family: The family, rejoining her father, James, settled in Queens, New York. After her father completed college, he formed a shipping and trading business, Foremost Maritime Corporation. Education: Chao graduated from Mount Holyoke College and received her master's in business administration from the Harvard Business School. She also studied at such prestigious institutions as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth College, and Columbia University.*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Google.com. 'A profile of Elaine Chao,' "A search of 'elaine chao' on the Google.com," (July 4, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *2. Ibid. | |
The art of management brought U. S. prosperity! by Tiffany Chang--There are also some skills of Managing Up and Modern Stratagem in the American and Asian worlds. ***Jesus said, "Everyone who bears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." --Matthew 7:24-25 of the "Bible" "The art of management has made the United States a paradise of richfulness and prosperity. On the very top floor of the mansion at the Graduate School of New York University, I was impressed by the crowded traffic and the brilliant night scenes down on the ground. And looking at the groups of mensions standing under the heavenly sky at this Fifth Street reminded me that: All these golden Squares and proserity at the time of the May Flower period was nothing but an empty land. For our Las Vegas, we've realized the same story of development and prosperity," said Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), on the Grand Openning of the Las Vegas City Park. "It made me remember the story of the next dynasty King after the Emperor Ching (HAN). Impressed by watching the greatness of the Emperor with his large marching team on the road one day at his young age, the young boy said, 'Do it brightly and we should make it the same also, excellency! (Meaning explanation for 'Yu Wei Jer Yi Loi Hsie' in Chinese.)' Nowaday, the entrepreneurship made America great is not just important for individuals, but it is also critical for a company or a country."*1 The above initiative spirit of the United States is originated from the first paragraph of the Preface of a text book written by Tony Tung-tien Lei entitled "Managemnt Behavior" published by Buffalo Publishing Inc. in 1989 (2nd Edition). Together with his text book "Business Management", "Management Behavior" had been used by Dr. Tony Lei as a reference book in National Taiwan University(EMBA), National Chengchi University(MBA), National Chungshsing University(MBA) and Fujen University from 1975 through 1990. "MANAGING UP shows what you can learn when you keep your eyes and ears open and happen to work for/with a terrif boss. Great lessons for leaders here, managing up, down, and sideways," said Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Business at the University of South Carolina about the book written by Rosanne Badowski in 2003. The book is entitled "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You." The Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada, Dr. Tony T. Lei, received by air mail on February 22, 1997 a book named "Modern Stratagem". The book was written and sent by Professor Tu Lin through air mail. In the preface, Dr. Ko-wang Mei pointed out that: It is the person who uses stratagem to face problem and chellenge and to integrate a project or principle for processing of problem solving. Most of famous stratagems in the human history were used on politics and military. From its broad significance, in order for a person to successful both in production and human relations, he or she needs stratagem to attain his or her objectives. The Chinese idiom of "Action after taking stratagem" may show the good understanding of the above meaning. The book entitled "Modern Stratagem" was written by a Chinese, while the book entitled "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You" is written by an American. The latter talks about "Managing Up" in a business. The following are some of its principles: Principles of Managing Up "* Managing is not the exclusive property of MBA grads. * At times we are all managers, and we are all support staff; managers have to roll up their sleeves and get in the trenches. * Those who manage up have to think--and act-- like managers. * A good managers is a student of cause and effect. * It's not good enough to be aware of what's happening around you; you have to know why it's happening. * If you're not helping, you're hindering. * Ask yourself: Did the work I performed today help achieve a goal? Common Sense Takeaways * Your boss's agenda comes first. Period. * When those above you win, you win. * It's people! Organizations don't run on money, products, or procedures. * Trust your instincts-- they are based on a lot of experience. Then again, don't always trust instincts. * Go ahead, take a swing: Better to be too bold than too timid."*2 The first of the above two books was prefaced by Dr. Ko-wang Mei, the former President of Tunghai University and now the President of Taiwan Regional Development Institute. Dr. Mei believed that: The successful degree of a stratagem can not be depended only on individual's wisdom, knowledge,and experience. It has its team works, integrity, scientific background, and philosophic thought. Therefore, there never appears a stratagem in an emptiness. It needs deliberate planning and logic thinking. The large the area of stratagem and the deeper of the degree of a stratagem, the large and deeper the need for information collection and analysis. In the recent half of the century, it is one of the most important subject in 'The study of Administration'. In a practical and general speaking, 'stratagem' is 'decision making' in a promotional sense. In order to have a stratagem effective, efficient, and perfect, the conclusion of a stratagem should be attained through scientific collection, analysis, judgment, study of information. It is why the 'Stratagem' is an important and useful study. Its good to have some inspiration on the findings of some of the chapters of the second book: "Preparedness Takeaways * By seeing thing from someone else's perspective, you'll be better able anticipate what will be needed in the future. * Share what you know. This was the centerpiece of Jack Welch's GE. We shared ideas, best practices, and information. People who hoard knowledge hunt the company. *Be ready to improvise. *Stay on top of current events, not just concerning your company but the international business community. It will help give context to what you do, and it's a good conversation starter. Communication Takeaways *Communication is more than a management tool--it is a catalyst for change. *Don't be afraid to ask. And then ask again. *Question yourself constantly; if you don't like your answers, do something about it. *Be a loudmouth--one whose ideas and messages get spread through every level of your business. *Nagging doesn't mean you have to be a pain in the neck--but timed correctly, it's very effective. Teamwork Takeaways *Celebrate--you deserve to recognize accomplishments. *Take a central role as team member and team builder. *Get off your pedestal--no job or task should be dismissed as unimportant or not worthy of attention. *Share everything--information, knowledge, skills, risk."*3 The author of the first book, late Tu Lin, one of the famous scholar on stratagem, had been many years Professor and Chairman of Safety Department of the Central Police Official University in Taiwan. The author of the second, Rosanne Badowski, was an executive assistant of Jack Welch who retired from GE in September 2001 as its CEO. "It is 'political strategy' when a stratagem is used in political affairs.It is 'war strategy' when a stratagem is used in military action. It is 'individual strategy' when a stratagem is used by personal affairs. It is 'business strategy' when a stratagem is used by business management. After the second half of 20 century, business management played a very important role around the world. The study of management emphasizes very much the importance of stratagem. Therefore, the world business is now full of the actions of 'Business Stratagem'," said Dr. Mei.*4 As a conclusion on her book, Rosanne summerized it in the following: The Fun of Managing Up "Over the years, people have approached me wanting to know what it was like to work for Jack Welch. Did he have some secret to success? And that's why I've tried hard to keep the "bow" of this book pointed into the wind of real life. Was it a smooth fourteen years? No way. Was it interesting, exhilarating, and rewarding? For sure."*5 The first book was foreworded by Jack Welch, while in the second book, Dr. Mei recommended that : The "Modern Stratagem" written by Professor Tu Lin is one of the best in the field. It can be a good reference text for persons in political affairs. It is a fine dictionary for military experts. And it can be also effectively used in business management. Finally, it is a very valuable book for an individual to use it as an electric power to brighten his or her career both in production and human relations. Rosanne continued on her conclusion that "Under the circumstances, managing up was, for me, a survival skill mastered on the job and on the run. But it was not one based on secrets, luck, or genius. For me, managing up came right off the rack, right off the shelf, and right off a list of basic ingredients that are as commonplace as they are priceless: Chemistry. It's what got us off to a good start and kept us going. Trust. Trust was what our partnership was built on--and what made our partnership last. Confidence. The key term to describe Jack--something that propelled his every action. Impatience. It appears to be a negative, but it gave us the speed to accomplish as much as we did in limitd time. Energy. It kept us buoyant and helped us persevere. Resilience. The ability to keep going when a roadblock got in the way. Humor. It made every day fun, no matter what the circumstances. Common sense. A lifesaver when it came to tough decisions. Preparedness. This gave us the edge to rise above the pack. Adaptability. The ability to embrace change. Simplicity. In other words, keeping things uncomplicated and easy to understand. Fairness. Treating people in a way we like to be treated. Communications. The determination to tell the world and each other what was going on. Teamwork. It let us bring our friends along--they helped us bail out the boat when the water was rising, and they were there in the end for the party. Passion and purpose. They are what life, and business, are all about."6 She concluded finally that "Together, these fifteen managing-up ingredients produced an extraordinarily effective working partnership-- and a whole lot of sheer fun. Yes, there I go again--fun. If work isn't fun, there's some-thing wrong. Well-paid drudgery is still drudgery. It's painful and demeaning. By managing up you make an investment that pays a handsome dividend in satifaction and self-respect."7 Dr. Mei recommended that : The "Modern Stratagem" written by Professor Tu Lin is one of the best in the field. It can be a good reference text for persons in political affairs. It is a fine dictionary for military experts. And it can be also effectively used in business management. Finally, it is a very valuable book for an individual to use it as an electric power to brighten his or her career both in production and human relations.*8 The late Tu Lin, one of the famous scholar on stratagem, had been many years Professor and Chairman of Safety Department of the Central Police Official University in Taiwan. Dr. Ko-wang Mei, Professor Tu Lin, and Dr. Tony Lei were good friends for many years. Professor Tu was the Founder and Chairman of Taipei Marketing Research Association on a national basis. He was also Chairman of Board of China File and Micrographic Information Management Institute. In order to promote the collaboration of academy between both sides of China on the pacific ocean, Professor Tu was the Chairman and held the 1966 Seminar on File and Micrographic Academy of both sides of the Straits of Taiwan on November 4-11, 1996.*9 "Our knowledge, wisdom, and professionalism are all achieved by our sincere love to God!" says President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) & Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada(CAAAN).*10 ------------------------------ Refernces *1. Moss, Cheryl; Ung, Becky; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The art of management brought U. S. prosperity,' (January 8, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. Badowski, Rosanne. (2003) "How to Forge an Effective Relationship with Those Above You," New York: A CURRENCY BOOK, Published by Doubleday. *3. Ibid. *4. Tu, Lin. (1996) "Modern Stratagem," Taipei, Taiwan: Nation Publishing Co.. *5. Ibid. *6. Badowski. Ibid. *7. Badowski. Ibid. *8. Chang, Tiffany. 'Modern Stratagem,' "PPAA18 of WBTI website," (January 21, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal. *9. Ibid. *10. WBTI. 'Message from the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) for the 2002 New Year,' "The section of 'Message from the President' of the WBTI website," (January 1, 2002), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal. | |
(010311-2237)III. Wish President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei a great future and success! by Michael Douglas, Jessie Walsh, and Cheryl Moss ... ..... .......--President Dr. Andrew K. Benton *107 <<<<< ***** SUPREME COURT OF NEVADA *1 Michael L. Douglas, Justice 316 Bridger Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 (702) 486-3225 ***** April 22, 2005 Dr. Tony T. Lei, Ed. D. 2245 Homeland St. Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada Clark County Chapter Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Friends: It gives me great pleasure to extend my greetings as you gather for the first installation of the Board of Directors and Executive Officers of AARCN-CC sponsored by AARCN-CC and co-sponsored by WBTI. I commend and applaud your commitment and ongoing efforts to achieve the goal of political, social, economic and educational equality. Thank you for the difference you make in Nevada and the Greater Las Vegas community. I am sorry I will miss being a part of your special occasion. Please accept my very best wishes for a successful and memorable evening. Sincerely, Michael L. Douglas, Justice Supreme Court of Nevada PS: Dr. Lei and Dr. Jasmine Brooks, you are both doing great things for Nevada and the Asian Nevada community. MLD:llm *1. The hard copy of the Certificate of Recognition to Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada is shown on the section of "Photos & Pictures" (04/25/2005) at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti >>>>> *75007 [[[[[ By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. Let our candles fuel a fire of service that will fan out in ever- increasing circles. With these circles, together we can close our eyes and envision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy. District ( Family ) Court Judge Cheryl Moss said that she has remained dedicated to helping the community, and she has been inspired by Dr. Lei's leadership, wisdom, and guidance for her service. The Judge has recognized that Tony's accomplishments have demonstrated that taking part in the community with his unselfish kindness for service can make an excellence for our society. ]]]]] *3017 ---------------------------------------- ********************************************* (010311-2117) May all the joy and wonder of this holiday season remain with you always! Best regards, Dr. Liz Kent Dr. Tricia Devin --------------------------------------- ******************************************** 010311-2037 Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval took his oath of office, noting his eternal optimism. ~{!0~}I take my oath proudly optimistic. My optimism is rooted in the spirit of Nevada,~{!1~} Mr. Sandoval said in his inaugural speech. ***** Advisory Board of LVRJ/wbti: Governor Brian Sandoval, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. ... ..... ....... ---------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
(from Google.com)112704-5687 (110204-6768) "Business & Administration" (PPAA19) of WBTI website, 9:37 a. m., Tuesday, November 2, 2004 #First Edition ***** Our great Asian American leader Elaine Chao in America! by Tiffany ChangThe grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for. --Joseph Addison ¡°To succeed in the 21st Century, our nation must be prepared to adapt to changes in our economy¡ªin how we work, where we work, and how we balance our professional and family lives.¡± ¡ªU.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao ------------------------------------------- "Getting people back to work is what this Department does. Giving people hope in their future is our job," said Secretary Elaine L. Chao of the U. S. Department of Labor.*1 "Incentives brings us with encouragement. Encouragement brings us with good work performance. In the 5:19 on Ecclesiastes of the Bible, it stated that 'When God gives any man (or woman) wealth and possessions, and enable him (or her) to enjoy them, to accept his (or her) lot and be happy in his (or her) work--this is a gift of God,'*2" said Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*3 ... ..... ....... (032705-8668)The following feature article in Chinese is what we found through the search of ÕÔСÀ¼ U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on the Google.com in the evening at March 27, 2005: ÐÂÀËÊ×Ò³ >> ÐÂÀ˳ÇÊÐÁªÃË-Çൺ >> ½ÌÓýÕýÎÄ http://www.sina-qd.com 2004-03-12 & LVRJ/wbti LVRJ/wbti: ÕÔСÀ¼¸¸Ä¸³É¹¦¼Ò½ÌµÄÃؾ÷! *****2001Äê1ÔÂ29ÈÕ£¬ÃÀ²ÎÒéÔº±í¾öͨ¹ýÕÔСÀ¼ÎªÃÀ¹úÀ͹¤²¿²¿³¤£»2002Äê1ÔÂ18ÈÕ£¬Å¦Ô¼ÖÝÖݳ¤°ØµÂ»ùÐû²¼ÕÔСÀ¼µÄÃÃÃÃÕÔСÃÀΪŦԼÖÝÏû·ÑÕß±£»¤ÌüÌü³¤£¬³ÉΪŦԼÖÝÕþ¸®ÖÐְλ×î¸ßµÄ»ªÈË£¬ÁîÔÚÃÀ»ªÈËÔٴθе½×ÔºÀºÍ½¾°Á¡£ ¡¡¡¡È¥Ä꣬µ±ÕÔСÀ¼×÷ΪȫÃÀÁù´ó½Ü³ö¸¾Å®ºÍÈ«ÃÀÊ®´ó½Ü³öÇàÄêÖ®Ò»±»ÌáÃûΪÁª°îÕþ¸®À͹¤²¿³¤Ê±£¬²¼Ê²×ÜͳÔøÕâÑùÆÀ¼Û£º"ËýΪÕâ¸öְλ´øÀ´Ò»Ð©ÖÚËùÖÜÖª²¢ÊÜÈ˳羴µÄÆ·ÖÊ£º³öÉ«µÄ¹ÜÀí²ÅÄÜ¡¢Ç¿ÁÒµÄͬÇéÐĺͰïÖúËûÈËÉú»îµÃ¸üºÃµÄ¾öÐÄ¡£ÕÔСÀ¼¶ÔÃÀ¹úÃÎÉîÐŲ»ÒÉ£¬ÒòΪËýÓÐÕâÑùµÄÇ×Éí¾Àú¡£Ëý8ËêÀ´ÃÀ¹úʱһ¾äÓ¢ÎÄÒ²²»¶®¡£ËýµÄ³É¹¦ÊǶԿ̿àŬÁ¦¡¢¼á³Ö²»Ð¸µÄÆ·ÖÊ£¬ÒÔ¼°Õâ¸öΰ´ó¹ú¶ÈµÄÎÞÏÞÏ£ÍûµÄÓÐÁ¦Ð´ÕÕ¡£"ŦԼ»ªÈ˱¨Ö½ÆÀÂÛËý³öÈβ¿³¤"ÊÇÃÀ¹ú»ªÈ˵ĹâÈÙ£¬ÒàÊÇÖлªÃñ×åµÄ¹âÈÙ"£¬³ÆÔÞËýÊÇ"Ò»¸öÁîÌìÏ»ªÈËͬ¸ÐÈÙÐÒµÄÑ׻ƶùÅ®"¡£ÇȽç¶ÔÕÔÊϼÒ×åµÄ¼ÒÍ¥½ÌÓý·½Ê½¸üÊÇÍƳ籸ÖÁ£¬ÆÕ±éÈÏΪÕÔ¼Ò½ãÃõijɾÍÔںܴó³Ì¶ÈÉϹ鹦Óڳɹ¦µÄ¼ÒÍ¥½ÌÓý¡£ÃÀ¹úýÌåÔÚ̸¼°ÕÔСÀ¼µÄ³É¹¦Ê±Ò²ÎÞ²»ÔÞÑï"ÕÔСÀ¼ÄÇÖÖ²»±°²»¿º£¬´øÓÐÊʶȵÄñæ³ÖÓ뻪Òá×ðÈݵÄÆøÖÊ£¬À´×ÔËýÄÇÌØÊâµÄ¼ÒÍ¥½ÌÓý"¡£ÕÔ¼ÒÁ¼ºÃÖ®¼Ò½ÌÎÅÃûÓÚÃÀ¹úÕþ½çºÍÉ̽硣ÓëÕÔ¼Ò½»ÍùÉõÃܵÄÀϲ¼Ê²¾ÍÔø¾¶ÔÌ«Ì«°Å°ÅÀ˵£º"Ó¦¸ÃÏòÕÔ¼ÒѧѧÈçºÎ¹Ü½Ìº¢×Ó¡£" ¡¡¡¡ÕÔСÀ¼¸¸Ä¸³É¹¦¼Ò½ÌµÄÃؾ÷¾¿¾¹ÔÚÄÄÀÕÔСÀ¼µÄ¸¸Ç×ÕÔÎý³É±ÏÒµÓÚÉϺ£½»Í¨´óѧ£¬ÕÔСÀ¼µÄĸÇ×ÖìľÀ¼Å®Ê¿ÄêÇáʱΪÁËÈú¢×ÓÃÇѧϰºÃ£¬¸ÊÐÄΪº¢×Óµ±ºÃºóÇÚ£¬µ½ÁË50¶àË꣬²ÅÈ¥¶Á˶ʿѧλ¡£ÕÔ¼Ò¼ÒÍ¥µÄ½ÌÓý·½Ê½Êǽ«ÖйúµÄÓÅÐ㴫ͳÓëÎ÷·½Éç»áµÄ¹ÜÀí·½·¨½áºÏ£¬×öµ½"°®¶ø²»½¿£¬Ñϲ»ÊؾÉ"¡£ ¡¡¡¡½ÌÓýº¢×Ó¶®µÃ"֪ʶ¾ÍÊÇÁ¦Á¿"¡£ÕÔСÀ¼¸Õµ½ÃÀ¹úʱ²å°àÉÏÈýÄ꼶£¬Ò»¸öÓ¢Óïµ¥´ÊÒ²²»»á£¬Ã¿ÌìÉÏ¿Îʱ°ÑºÚ°åÉϵÄÄÚÈݳдÏÂÀ´£¬µ½ÍíÉÏÓÉÀÍÀÛÁËÒ»ÌìµÄ¸¸Ç׸øËýÒë³ÉÖÐÎÄ£¬È»ºó´Ó×Öĸ½ÌÆð¡£ÕÔ¼Ò°Ñ"֪ʶ¾ÍÊÇÁ¦Á¿"¡¢"¶àΪÉç»á×öÊÂ"×÷Ϊ¼Òѵ£¬½ÌÓýº¢×ÓѧϰºÍ×öÊ¡£Ã¿ÌìÔ糿ÉÏѧ¶¼ÒªÕÔСÀ¼´øÃÃÃøÏѧУµÄ¹«³µ£»ÔÚÍ⻨Ïú£¬²»ÂÛ´óС£¬»Ø¼Ò¶¼Òª±¨ÕË¡£µ«¸¸Ä¸ÓÖÃ÷È·¹æ¶¨£º"Ö»ÒªÊÇѧϰ±ØÐëµÄ¶«Î÷£¬¾ø¶Ô²»ÄÜÊ¡£¡"Íí²ÍÖ®ºó£¬ÕÔ¼Ò¼«ÉÙ¿´µçÊÓ£¬Ä¸Ç×Åãן¢×ÓÒ»Æð¶ÁÊé¡£ÓÉÓÚÕÔСÀ¼µÄѧϰÇÚ·Ü£¬1997Äê»ñ¹þ·ð´óѧÉÌѧԺ˶ʿѧλ¡£ ¡¡¡¡½ÌÓýº¢×Ó°®ÀͶ¯¡£¼ÒÀïËäÈ»Óйܼң¬µ«ÒªÇóº¢×Ó×Ô¼ºÏ´Ò·þºÍÕûÀí·¿¼ä¡£ÏÐϾʱ£¬»¹Òª³Ðµ£¼ÒÎñËöÊ¡£Ã¿ÌìÉÏѧǰ£¬¶¼Òª¼ì²éÓÎÓ¾³ØµÄÉ豸£¬ÀÌÈ¡ÔàÎï¡£ÖÜÄ©£¬Òª°ÑÁ½Ó¢Ä¶Ôº×ÓÀïµÄÔӲݰεô¡£¼¸¸ö½ãÃû¹×Ô¼º¶¯ÊÖÒ»³ßÒ»´çµØÆ̳ÉÁ˼ÒÃÅÇ°120Ó¢³ßµÄ³µµÀ°ØÓÍ·Ãæ¡£ÒòΪº¢×ÓÃǼÇסÁËĸÇ׵Ļ°£º"¼ÒÔ°£¡¼ÒÔ°£¡Õâ¸öÔ°µØÊÇÒ»¼ÒÈ˵ģ¬Ã¿¸öÈ˶¼ÓÐÔðÈΣ¡"ÅàÑøº¢×ÓµÄÃñÖ÷ÒâʶºÍ¶ÀÁ¢Éú´æµÄÄÜÁ¦¡£Ã¿µ½ÐÇÆÚÌ죬Îç²Íºó£¬¶¼¾ÙÐÐÒ»´Î¼ÒÍ¥»áÒ飬Èú¢×Ó˵³ö×Ô¼ºµÄÏë·¨¡¢ÊÕ»ñ£¬Ìá³ö¼Æ»®¡£¼ÙÆÚ×ÜÒª°²ÅÅÒ»´ÎÈ«¼ÒÂÃÓΣ¬ÐгÌÖеÄÒ»ÇÐÊÂÎñ¶¼Óɺ¢×ÓÃǸºÔð¡£ ¡¡¡¡ÅàÑøº¢×ӵķþÎñ¾«Éñ¡£¼ÒÀïÑçÇë¿ÍÈË£¬¸¸Ä¸±ãÈú¢×ÓÃÇÕ¾ÔÚ¿ÍÈËÉíºó·þÎñ¡£ ¡¡¡¡ÅàÑøº¢×ÓÈ«Ãæ·¢Õ¹¡£ÕÔСÀ¼µÄ¸¸Ä¸Ö§³Öº¢×ӵĸöÐÔ°®ºÃ£¬Ê¹ÕÔСÀ¼µÄѧҵºÍ¸÷ÖֲŻª¶¼µÃµ½½¡¿µ·¢Õ¹¡£Ëý²»½öÄܳ۳Ҹ߶û·òÇò³¡¡¢ÆïÂí³¡ºÍÁï±ù³¡£¬¶øÇÒ»¹µ¯µÃÒ»ÊֺøÖÇÙ¡£ ¡¡¡¡ÒÔ¸¸Ä¸µÄÈ˸ñÓ°Ï캢×Ó£¬¼ÈΪº¢×Ó´´ÔìÅàÑøÉú´æÄÜÁ¦µÄ»·¾³£¬¸øº¢×ÓÒÔ×ÔÖ÷·¢Õ¹ºÍÈ«Ãæ·¢Õ¹µÄʱ¼äºÍ¿Õ¼ä£¬ÓÖÄܽÌÓýº¢×Ó¶®µÃ¹æÔò£¬¸øÓèÊʵ±µÄÑϸñÒªÇó£¬×öµ½"°®¶ø²»½¿£¬Ñϲ»ÊؾÉ"¡£ÕâÊÇÎÒÃÇÿλ¼Ò³¤½ÌÓý×ÓÅ®¿É½è¼øµÄ±¦¹ó¾Ñé¡£--Google.com & LVRJ/wbti "It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC," said District Attorney Stewart Bell at the Dinner Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Las Vegas Review-Journal". "The significance of the creed of a County deserves to encourage administrative professionals to emphasize the value of the truth, goodness, and beauty in order to maintain it as a place of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's my honor to join the Commission." The Dinner Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Bell as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 7, 2002.*7 "I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (of WBTI Nevada), where Governor Kenny Guinn is Chairman and Bud Cranor is Executive Director. We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadan residents and visitors," said Brian Sandoval on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community & WBTI Nevada!*37 | | |
Relaxation Music¡¾14¡¿Chinese Erhu ft Piano www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIHuMZgSxw8 LVRJ/wbti: Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAA Forum 21) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Peng Liyuan {[38][1]...of PPAA Forum 21} the WBTI Nevada web is also here by Google.images Images for China's First Lady Peng Li-yuan - wbti LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Xi Peng Liyuan *****She's in 1st place Googl.im Images for China's First Lady Xi Peng Liyuan - wbti [She's in 1st place by Google.images] PENGLIYUANOFFICIAL MUSICA DE RELAX,YOGA ,REIKI (caricias para el LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama (...[18]{3}...of PPAA Forum 21 Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama -wbti LVRJ/wbti: ¡°The happiness will come when you are able to make other people happy!¡±:) *****"The great Winston Churchill said, 'We all make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.' Tony, I know that you like to exemplify this inspiration same as it's my driving force by which I start out each day!" --Natalie L. Tyrrell (North Las Vegas Chief Judge & WBTI Nevada PAI Associate Professor) YunDuo - My LouLan (Jing Tian - ¾°Ìð)*10/9/13 www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8FfSOgjSCw ñR•Ô•Ÿ¶þºúÑÝ×à ½ÄÏÐ¡æ‚ Chinese: A Town in... www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrvLBcpayv0 ˆÐãÇä ܇վ ׌ϲšgˆµÄ¸èÃÔÄÜ»ØζherÃÀÃî¸è•! www.youtube.com/watch?v=O52dSJwybxk*7/01/2010 ºº¹¬ÇïÔÂ(¶þºúÇú) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q50tYTUBsc  ËÉ-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA2FaCDLoZM ê–êPÈý¯B-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj6DUePsNbk*11/20/211 Î÷ºþ´º-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKu-HK4DWOw*11/19/211 LVRJ/wbti: WBTI Nevada 4th Term Chairman of Advisory Board is U.S. Congressman & Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval! LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à(Alto Sax)-×ßñRŸô- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHrm5NB68A0*3/08/2013 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-°¶±Ú¤Îĸ-¢ò(ÔÚÄÇÑe) -YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=93d9pwI4Dww*3/06/13 ÎҺͲÝÔÓЂ€¼s¶¨( ½µÑë׿¬”) ƒÈÃɹÅÃÀ¾°- Yutub www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOTzfp9DiPc *8/19/13 *****Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, inspiration, and Practice of our modern and effective Leading Skills & Strategies on EQ and AQ for Growth, Success, Happiness, Prosperity, and Accomplishment!!! *6168 by Bill Clinton, Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Brian Sandoval, Elaine L. Chao, ... Charlyne Chen T MichelleChenêÃÀI 8/10 7:47 PM 8£¯17£¬18£¬19¿ÉÒÔÓĘ́ž³ÌÒˆ@ µ½±±¾©Í£ÁôÈýÌìÄÜÔ´¾G¿¨»ù½ð8£¯28ÓĘ́±±°lïwÃÀvegas ¶þßL¡¢šgÓµ½Las Vegas ˜Ëî}: Ã÷Ìì(08/11/2014)µ½¸£Ø¦ êÒ»ÀÉ-ÎôÈյđٸè- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPkieZL037I*9/7/2010 êÓ¯-ºõÎÒ×í£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=yelt3VGPpRo*5/2/2011 vangelis21011 year ago ÄêÝpµÄÌïû ºÜÃÔÈË ÅíÀò-ÝÑ⣨ӾÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x075erlSiw*5/2/2011 üSÒÒÁá- ¼×Äã×÷°é- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfb7tqLknhU*12/28/08 LVRJ/wbti: Vanessa Mae-The Red Hot Tour,Live www.youtube.com/watch?v=jya2eAzlvZ0*2/26/2013 Á_•rØS-ÙI×í£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgaDUPA30ss*5/3/2011 êÀ×-ÐÄ۵ı¿ޣ¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hw04RmIU4c*5/3/2011 ÎҵĘÇÌmǼ×å¸èÊÖ¡¾Ôƶ䡿ÑݳªHD1080p - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nona3PXDa_I*4/26/204 LVRJ/wbti: Vanessa Mae at the Birmingham 1997 www.youtube.com/watchv=3x6qLGkyKfk*3/10/2013 ÔøÐÄ÷-˼ÄîÄãµÄÐĸÎÄã¸ÊÖª£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£©You T www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a9HYbtxpNI*5/2/2011 Vanessa Mae -- Toccata Fugue - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=euOu89d3npA*5/15/2007 êÓ¯-ÌìÒª¹â£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt0kd_0DVmA*5/2/2011 êÒ»ÀÉ-¼tŸôÃÀÈË£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpLLn7gT04c*5/2/2011 Dear All:ë[ÏàÌŽÀíDear All: ...îI‚€ÈËÑо¿°l±íµÄ·e·Ö...)C. Kung .docx Downloa {110514-1737}LVRJ/wbti:ÙMÓñÇå½µÑë׿¬”Ó´º´ºÍí www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il2MieRY4Rg*2/26/2013 *****The art of management brought U.S. prosperity! by Cheryl Moss, Becky Lei, and Tiffany Chang "The art of management has made the United States a paradise of richness and prosperity! On the very top floor of the mansion at the Graduate School of New York University, I was impressed by the crowded traffic and the brilliant night scenes down on the ground. And looking at the groups of mansions standing under the heavenly sky at this Fifth Street reminded me that: All these golden Squares and prosperity at the time of the May Flower period was nothing but an empty land. For our Las Vegas, we've realized the same story of development and prosperity," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on the Grand Opening of the Las Vegas City Park. "It made me remember the story of the next dynasty King (Han Dynasty h³¯) after the Emperor Qing. Impressed by watching the greatness of the Emperor with his large marching team on the road one day at his young age, the young boy said, 'Do it brightly and we should make it the same also, excellency! (Meaning explanation for 'Yu Wei Jer Yi Loi Hsie' in Chinese.)' Nowaday, the entrepreneurship made U.S. great is not just important for individuals, but also critical for company or country." The above initiative spirit of the United States is originated from the first paragraph of the Preface of a text (&Reference) book written by Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei entitled Management Behavior published by Buffalo Publish Inc. in 1989 2Ed Together with his other text books: Business Management , Management Behavior, and Information Management have been used by Dr. Lei as a reference book at the Department of Commerce (MBA) in National Taiwan University, Graduate School of Business Administration in National Chengchi University and National Chunghsing University (1985 to 1991), and Fujen University (MBA) from 1975 through 1990. --010703 from a search on LVRJ/wbti & PPAA7/wbti by Google.com ½Þ¥- ϧ„eµÄº£°¶- ÄãÖøÈÌÄÍ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2i0nd069nU*3/24/2013 ½Þ¥-¾ÆááµÄÐÄ•- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlnV11SLo3s*11/24/11 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ϯÂüŒŽ+üS°²-(1) -YouTub www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQhLJu-lkvI ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ϯÂüŒŽ+üS°²-(2) You Tu www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMUUyeLtyjc LVRJ/wbti: ÂÞʱ·á- ÎÒÌý¹ýÄãµÄ¸è- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYRtC3ECA6w*4/07/2009 *****Lein Chan & Fan Yu in Peking: "ONE CHINA!"{picture in [1]}Á•½üƽÊ×´ÎÉîÈëÕ„½yªš£º½^²»ÈÝ·ÖÁÑ ÒªÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»!(ÖÐÒ•Ìṩ)¡£´óꑇø¼ÒÖ÷ϯÁ•½üƽ26ÈÕÖØÉêºÍƽ½yÒ»...KÊ׶ÈÒÔŠÓ²ÕZšâ±íÃ÷¡¸Œ¦ÈκηÖÁÑÐн£¬½^²»ÈÝÈÌ¡¹...¸üÊǃɰ¶Í¬°ûÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»¡£¡¹Á•½üƽÔÚÈËÃñ´ó•þÌÃÅcÓôĽÃ÷¡¢ÔSšvÞr…¢ÔLˆFÒ»ÐЕþÎî...×òÍíÔÚЄ“²¥ÒÔî^—l²¥³ö...--chinatimes.com2014Äê09ÔÂ27ÈÕ 04:10ê°ØÍ¢£¯±±¾©ˆóŒ§ LVRJ/wbti ´úÇàËþÄÈ£ºThe silent sky ¼Å¾²µÄÌì¿Õ www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfxXQcDeTt0*8/10/2012 ÎÒÓÐÒ»¶ÎÇé¡· violinСÌáÇÙÇúviolon ¥Ð¥¤¥ª¥ê... www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvOqUtMGWiM*9/18/2010 {110514-0507}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama (Yes, they're at pages {[3][18]...} on PPAA Forum 21!)[[Both individuals are at first place of the preface by Google.images! {110514-0507}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng (Yes. They're at pages {[1][38...} on PPAA Forum 21!) ½µÑë׿¬”ÅãÄãÒ»Æð¿´²ÝÔ- YouTube *9/03/2012 www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5cUYqwcV1Y êÒ»ÀÉ-¼tŸôÃÀÈË£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpLLn7gT04c*5/02/2011 êLei www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hw04RmIU4c The US-China Economic and Cultural Asso Thank you very much for your leadership, guidance, and support! I will do my best!! Sincerely, Secretary General Yi Li, EMBA!!! LVRJ/wbti: Miss Pi-hua Li - KTV Àî±ÌÈAÐÄÓê-YT www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1qyM7PwQag ˆÐãÇä-܇վ£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube *5/01/2011 www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf0-4eTfMRA Fw from Mrs. Prof. Joanna Kung È~†™Ìï-ÀË×ÓµÄÐÄÇ飨ӾÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWQ0ocrtcRg êСë…-Ÿý¾ÆÔ’£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXBMmMdJocE Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMbvcp480Y4 ŒOÊçÃÄ-ÐÄ۵Ąe×ߣ¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGgMUvHT9rw *5/01/11 êÒ»ÀÉ-ÎôÈյđٸè- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPkieZL037I*9/07/2010 Dina Titus is the Winner ... LVRJ/wbti: ...On April 13, 2009, Dina Titus (she) was named Outstanding Democrat of the Year by the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas for the second time. President Obama sent her a congratulatory letter. In December 2010, U.S. Majority Leader Senator Harry M. Reid appointed her to a six-year term on the United States Commission on Civil Rights.[10]Dina Titus has been appointed as a Professor of Administrative Strategies of GSBA of WBTI Nevada since 2008! Charlyne Chen To MichelleChenêÃÀI 8/10 7:47 PM 8£¯17£¬18£¬19¿ÉÒÔÓĘ́ž³ÌÒˆ@ µ½±±¾©Í£ÁôÈýÌì¡¢ÄÜÔ´¾G¿¨»ù½ð8£¯28ÓĘ́±±³ö°lïwÃÀ‡øšgÓµ½Las Vegas ˜Ëî}: Ã÷Ìì(08/11/2014)µ½¸£Ø¦ LVRJ/wbti: ÊÀ½ç¸ßèFµÚÒ»¸ßËí ÆîßBɽËíµÀ؞ͨ! [[[ÓÉ´óê‘ÖÐèF¶þÊ®¾Ö³Ð½¨µÄÌmиßèFÆîßBɽ1Ì–ËíµÀ½ñÌìí˜Àû؞ͨ£¬Ò²´ú±íÌmиßèFÆîßBɽËíµÀÈ«¾€ØžÍ¨¡£ß@—l™M¿ç¸Ê¡¢Çà¡¢ÐÂÈýÊ¡…^µÄÌmиßèFÈ«éL1776¹«À•rËÙ200¹«ÀïÒÔÉÏ£¬ÊÇ´óꑵÚÒ»—lÉwÔڸߺ£°ÎµØ…^ÐÞ½¨µÄ¸ßËÙèF·£¬Ü‰Ãæ...×î¸ßß_3607¹«³ß£¬±»×užéÊÀ½ç¸ßèFµÚÒ»¸ßËí¡££¨ÐÂÈAÉ磩]]] Images for Taiwan Benevolent Assocation of America --wbti LVRJ/wbti: Pastor Paul Goulet -- I pray that you'll open your heart to what God wants to do in your life... Ima 28th Annual Convention of TBAA by Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Tiffa Chang*1 Strengthened by faith in God and family, we knew in our hearts that with hard work, perseverance, and the help of newly found neighbors and friends, we could indeed achieve the American dream. --U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor & Chairperson of WBTI Nevada Honorable Elaine L. Chao*2 "It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Las Vegas for the 28th Annual Convention of the TBAA. I hope that, during your time here, you will be able to experience some of the many attractions that our beautiful city has to offer. .....," wrote U.S. Senator John Ensign to TBAA.*3 The grand opening of the 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) was held by its Chairperson Wendy Yu-ping Wu*4 at the Paris Hotel on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Concode C Room was full with participants from all around the world. Dr. Fu-Mei Chang, Overseas Chinese Affair Commission of the Republic of China; Ssu-yin Ho, Kuomintang Oversea Director; Mark W. P. Liao, Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco; Legislators of ROC S. C. Ting, Y. Y. Wu, S. H. Chou, W. C. Shieh, J. L Lin, among others presented at the Conference. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada Michael Douglas and Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber each delivered a nice and significant welcome speech. Greeting Letters and Certificates were presented by Mr. Matthew McBride (for U.S. Senator John Ensign), Ms. Judith Ray (for U.S. Congressman James Gibbons), Ms. Gerri Schroder (for U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley), Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian (for Las Vegas City Mayor and Council), Councilwoman Stephanie S. Smith (for the North Las Vegas City Mayor and Council). ºé˜sºê_һ֧СÓê‚ã- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zCdqMRFo7A*8/26/2008 A Welcome Party and Preliminary 28th Board Directors and Advisors Meeting were held on July 29, 2005 at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. To pay a special tribute to his great contribution to the 28th Convention and TBAA, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei has been nominated by Chairperson Wendy Wu of TBAA as an Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America. The nomination was seconded and unanimously voted by all the presented Directors and Advisors. The Declaration of the 28th Conference of TBAA was written by five members. The five members, including Kent Wang, De-yu Lang, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Dr. Wayne J. Horng, and Leo Huang, were all elected by the Board Directors and Advisors. The theme of the Declaration was how to strengthen the unity and harmony of Chinese in America. During the meeting, Miss Sue Phelps was elected as the Vice Chairperson of TBAA. "It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and its international convention to Las Vegas and the Paris Hotel. ...Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make your visit a more pleasant and productive experience. ...," wrote U.S. Congressman James Gibbons to TBAA.*5 The "Formosa Night" was held at a grand ballroom in Paris Hotel on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt delivered a welcome speech to the crowded attendants in the Hall. She wishes Nevada be the great door opened for the international business and trade between the silver state and Asian countries. A Letter of Greeting was granted by her to TBAA. President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei presented the Certificates of Recognition from Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn(Award) and U.S. Congressman Jon Porter and Greeting Letters of U.S. Senator John Ensign and U. S. Congressman James Gibbons to the Chairperson of TBAA Wendy Yu-ping Wu. "The State of Nevada congratulates you on your extensive assistance to the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, and commends you for your dedicated service to the citizens of our Silver State," Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn granted a Certificate of Recognition(Award) to Wendy Wu dated May 23, 2005.*6 070305-5678 ÃÀ ‡ø …¢ ±Š ×h †T Åc ƒÈ ÖÝ ÖÝ éL[[[Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu told Tony that her best wish for all her effort, wisdom, and accomplishment to the 28th TBAA Convention and Parties is to receive the {Award} of Governor Kenny Quinn. Through sincerely recommendation by WBTI Nevada President Dr. Tony T. Lei, she's received it. She is now Chairperson of World Taiwan Benevolent Association (WTBA)!]]] îC Ù› È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Åc •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ׿ Ô½ ³É ¾Í ª„ Æß Ô ËÄ ÈÕ (July 4th) ÓÉ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ×î ¸ß ·¨ Ôº ´ó ·¨ ¹Ù Michael Douglas£¬ ¸ß µÈ ·¨ ¹Ù Jessie Walsh£¬ ÖÝ ×h †T Valerie Weber £¬ ¸ß µÈ ·¨ Ôº ·¨ ¹Ù Cheryl Moss µÈ £¬ “ ºÏ ׫ Œ‘ £¬ °l ±í ì¶ ¡¸ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ Ôu Õ“ ˆó WBTI ¾W í“ ¡¹ £¬ Ðû ¸æ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ Åc ¡¸ ̨ “ •þ ¡¹ ½ü Ó Èç Ï ©s ¡¸ ½› ÓÉ ±¾ Ôº ½Ì ί •þ ¶à λ ÈË Ê¿ £¬ °ü À¨ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ×î ¸ß ·¨ Ôº ´ó ·¨ ¹Ù Michael Douglas £¬ ÖÝ ×h †T Valerie Weber Åc ¸ß µÈ ·¨ Ôº £¨ ¼Ò Í¥ £© ·¨ ¹Ù Cheryl Moss µÈ µÄ ÍÆ Ë] £¬ …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ( Wendy Yu-ping Wu ) Å® Ê¿ «@ Ƹ žé ¹« ¹² ÐÐ Õþ ÑÐ ¾¿ Ëù Öú Àí ÑÐ ¾¿ †T £¬ ¼æ ±¾ Ôº ÖÝ ëH ¹¤ ÉÌ ºÏ ×÷ °l Õ¹ ί †T •þ Ö÷ ÈΠί †T £¬ ¡¹ ÈA Ê¢ îD ¹¤ ÉÌ ¼¼ Ðg ÑÐ ¾¿ Ôº £¨ ¡¸ ÈA ÑÐ Ôº ¡¹ £© °l ÑÔ ÈË Íõ Ö¾ Ó ²© Ê¿ £¬ ì¶ Îå Ô ʮ ¶þ ÈÕ ÔÚ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ ¹« é_ Ðû ·Q ¡£ ¡º Úw С Ìm ß^ È¥ ¶à Äê µÄ Éç •þ ¹« Òæ ·þ „Õ Ø• «I £¬ Éî Ö² ÎÒ ÐÄ £¬ ÎÒ Ò² ÔÚ ³£ ÆÚ µØ Ͷ ×¢ £¬ ÎÒ Ï² šg µÄ ÊÇ ÔÚ Ëý ¾« Éñ îI Œ§ Ï £¬ ¡¸ ÈA ÑÐ Ôº ¡¹ × ‰Ñ µØ ×ß Ïò Éç •þ ·þ „Õ Åc ÈÊ Û ¾« Éñ ·î «I µÄ îI Óò £¬ ¡» …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ì¶ Îå Ô ʮ ¶þ ÈÕ ÔÚ ¼Ó ÖÝ Â} ºÉ Î÷ Õf ¡£ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ ³É Á¢ ¶à Äê £¬ ì¶ ™M ¿ç ÃÀ ‡ø Ê® ”µ ÖÝ £¬ ÔO Á¢ ¸÷ µØ ·Ö •þ£¬ ÒÔ ¡¸ •r •r êP ÐÄ Ì¨ ž³ £¬ ÌŽ ÌŽ ·þ „Õ Í¬ àl ¡¹ žé ×Ú Ö¼ £¬ ÐÄ ‘Ñ ×æ ‡ø £¬ “ ½j àl ÓH £¬ ½¨ Ôì ÎÒ ·½ Åc ÃÀ ‡ø ÃÜ ÇÐ Åc a ßh µÄ £¬ ‡ø Çé Åc Ãñ ÐÄ Ïà »¥ Á¼ ºÃ µÄ êP ‚S ¡£ µÚ¶þ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×hÍÆßxÀɵÂÓå¡¢±R¾°ÁÖ¡¢ÀׄÓÌìÈýÈËÆð²ÝêPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ£¬K½›´ó•þӑՓͨß^£¬ÖØÉę̂“•þ¼æÈݺͺϡ¢²»·ÖÊ¡¼‰¡¢Ï໥ÓÑÛÌá”yµÄ×ÚÖ¼¡£ÐûÑÔÖÐÒ²ŠÕ{£¬Ì¨Â“•þÏ£ÍûÃÀ‡øÉç•þÅc³¯Ò°ÑÐӑδíÈçºÎÍÆÕ¹ÃĄ̀ëp·½ÔÚ½›ÙQ¡¢¹¤ÉÌ¡¢ÎÄ»¯¡¢¿Æ¼¼½»Á÷Ö®ºÏ×÷ÅcŒÙ|êP‚S¡£ Ô“ •þ •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ» £¬ îI Œ§ ¿‚ •þ °l Õ¹ ÒÔ í £¬ Ÿá ÐÄ Õ\ “´ £¬ é_ Ô´ ¹ Á÷ £¬ •þ „Õ Õô Õô ÈÕ ÉÏ £¬ • ×u ÍØ ¼° ËÄ º£ £¬ Œ¢ ì¶ ½ñ Äê Æß Ô Èý Ê® ÈÕ ÈÎ M ж š £¬ ¹¦ µÂ K Öø ¡£ Ô“ •þ Œ¢ ì¶ ½ñ Äê Æß Ô ¶þ Ê® ¾Å ÖÁ Èý ʮһ ÈÕ ÔÚ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ £¬ Ê¢ ´ó Åe Þk µÚ ¶þ Ê® °Ë ŒÃ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Äê •þ £¬ ÒÔ ÕI ‘c ×£ ¡£ ϲ Ó ‚÷ í £¬ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Åc •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ»£¬ ½› ÓÉ ÈA Ê¢ îD ¹¤ ÉÌ ¼¼ Ðg ÑÐ ¾¿ Ôº Ôº éL À× „Ó Ìì ²© Ê¿ Õ\ ‘© µØ ÍÆ Ë] £¬ ˜s «@ ÃÀ ‡ø …¢ ×h †T John Ensign, ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ÖÝ éL Kenny Guinn(Award) Åc ÃÀ ‡ø ±Š ×h †T Jon Porter îC Ù› ÓH ¹P ¾´ ÙR ¹« º¯ Åc ׿ Ô½ ³É ¾Í ª„ ¸÷ Ò» ·Ý £¬ Êâ žé ÈA ÈË Ôö Ìí Ò» ·Ö ¿É ÙF µÄ ¹â ²Ê Åc ˜s Ò« ¡£ --WBTI Press Release (7/4th/2005) ************************************ United States Congressman Jon C. Porter granted a Certificate of Recognition to recognize and honor Wendy Wu, "FOR YOUR DEDICATED SERVICE AND PROFOUND COMMITMENT TO THE COMMUNITY AND TO THE TAIWAN BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA."*7 Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei presented also a Certificate of Recognition from U.S. Congressman Jon Porter to the President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas Sue Phelps. Sixteen original hard copeis of the RC 25 Resolution by Nevada Assembly and Senate were presented by Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei to each president of the 16 Chapters of TBAA through their Chaiperson Wendy Wu. Proclamations from the Board Commissioners of Clark County of Nevada and the State of Nevada (through Assemblywoman Valerie Weber) were presented to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei by both of the parties on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*8 Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu completed successfully her term as the Chairperson of TBAA in the evening of July 30, 2005. The Chairmanship was transfered by her to Mr. I-Ta Liang at the "Fomosa Night" in Las Vegas, Nevda. Mr. Liang is now the 28th Chairman of TBAA. The ¡°Formosa Night featured a delegation of 28 people from Taiwan and a chorus from New York City. It was a great performance with dance troupe of Taiwan Culture Delegation. One of the earliest attendants of the convention this year was the Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States David Tawei Lee on July 28, 2005. Mr. Lo-Yu Sun, Board Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA), held and host a farewell lunch party for the 28th Annual Confernce of TBAA at the Harbor Palace Seafood Restaurant on August 1, 2005 in Las Vegas.*9 Jennifer Lin, President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of New Jersey, welcomed everybody and their friends to attend the convention next year held in New jersey. President of Taiwan BenevAssociation of California Amber Sun spoke for the main association to thank Mr. Lo-Yu Sun's generosity for hosting the dinner party. "In righteousness we shall be established. In this 21th Century new era and society, we need economic growth, but we also need to establish and promote creativity, fairness and Justice, serve and love, educational knowledge, and spirit engineering. We wish that a pure spring may prosper and enrich our splendid and golden country through: the elegant properties of freedom, democracy, entrepreneurship, and justice; the power of public service that based on 'knowledge is the power of righteouness,'; the advancement of technology, innovation, and civilization; and the spirit that 'knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service'. We believe that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. With the effort and participation of many intellectuals, leaders, officials, and among others through benevolent spirit and brotherly love, the 28th Convention of TBAA is really marvelous," points out President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*10 [*****Welcome to the section of "Photos & Pictures"! (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) We offered there with lots of photos and pictures about Taiwan BBAA.] -----References *1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada. *2. Bush, George; Chao, Elaine; and The New York Times. 'Elaine Chao believes deeply in the American dream; "A search of 'WBTI Chairperson Honorable Elaine L. Chao' on the Google.com," (Sept. 22, 2005). *4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Wendy Wu has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution of WBTI,' "A search of 'wendy yu-ping wu' on the Google.com," (August 3, 2005). *5. Gibbons, James. 'Greeting from Office of Congressman James Gibbons,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U.S. Congressman James Gibbons to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (July 10, 2005), Washington, D.C. *6. Guinn, Kenny. 'Certificate of Recognition(Award) from Office of the Governor,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition(Award) to Wendy Yu-Ping Wu' sent by Nevada Governor Kenny C. Guinn(Award) to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (May 24, 2005), LV, NV: Office o Governor. *7. Porter, Jon. 'Certificate of Recognition from Office of Congressman Jon Porter,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U.S. Congressman Jon C. Porter to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. The Second 27th Director and Advosory Boards Meeting of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held by its Chairperson Wendy Yu-ping Wu successfully! by PAI of WBTI*1 {{{Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu told Tony that her best wish for all her effort, wisdom, and accomplishment to the 28th TBAA Convention and Parties is to receive the Award of Governor Kenny Quinn. Through sincerely recommendation by WBTI Nevada President Dr. Tony T. Lei, she's received it. She is now Chairperson of World Taiwan Benevolent Association (WTBA)!}}} It is our pleasure to post the following information from Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA). It was sent by Ms. Grace Wang [grace7wang@gmail.com] on Friday, May 6, 2005 at 21:29:00 to ÀׄÓÌ첩ʿ The subject was about "È«ÃĄ̀ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þµÚ¶þ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×h". For more details, please click on the website at: http://www.pidcusa.com/tbaa/main.html È«ÃĄ̀ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þ28ŒÃÄê•þŒ£Ý‹ È«ÃĄ̀“•þÄê•þ 7ÔÂÔÚÙ€³ÇÕÙé_!ÀíÊÂ–•þ×hͨß^êPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ ÖÂÁ¦¼ÓŠÃĄ̀ëp·½½»Á÷*2 È«ÃĄ̀ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þ [Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA)] ÈÕÇ°ÅeÐеÚØ¥Æߌõڶþ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×h£¬³¬ß^60ÈËÅc•þ£¬´_¶¨±¾ŒÃÄê•þµÄØŸÈηֹ¤£¬Ò²Í¨ß^Ò»·ÝêPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ¡£ µÚ¶þ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×hÍÆÅÉÀɵÂÓå (DE-YU LANG)¡¢±R¾°ÁÖ (ROBERT LU) ¡¢ÀׄÓÌì (TONY TUNG-TIEN LEI) ÈýÈËÆð²ÝêPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ£¬K½›´ó•þӑՓͨß^£¬ÖØÉę̂“•þ¼æÈݺͺÏ...ÑÐӑδíÈçºÎÍÆÕ¹ëp·½ÔÚ½›ÙQ¡¢¹¤ÉÌ¡¢ÎÄ»¯¡¢¿Æ¼¼½»Á÷Ö®ºÏ×÷ÅcŒÙ|êP‚S¡£ È«ÃĄ̀“•þÃØ•øéLê»ÝÇà±íʾ£¬Äê•þîAÆÚÓÐí×ÔÈ«ÃÀ¸÷µØºÍ®”µØàlÓHÎå°Ù¶àÈË…¢Åc£¬»I‚ä•þ¼š·ÖÊ®Ž×‚€Ð¡½M£¬ß@´ÎÀíÊ•þ×h´_¶¨ÁËØŸÈηֹ¤£¬ÁíÍ⣬2006ÄêÄê•þÒÑ´_¶¨ÓÉÐÂÉÎ÷·Ö•þÖ÷Þk¡£ Åc•þ¸÷µØ´ú±í°üÀ¨í×ÔÈA¸®DC...·Ö•þ»IÞkÈË´ú±í¡¢¼°À˹¾S¼Ó˹±¾µØµÈ11‚€µØ…^£¬¾ùÅÉ´ú±í축þÉψó¸æ¸÷µØ•þ„Õ¡£ ±¾ŒÃÄê•þŒ¢ì¶7ÔÂ29ÈÕÖÁ31ÈÕ¼ÙÙ€³Ç Paris Las VegasÅeÐУ¬ÓÐÅdȤ…¢¼ÓµÄàlÓHíšÔÚ 6 Ô 12 ÈÕÇ°ˆóÃû¡£Ç¢ÔƒÓÐêPˆóÃû¼°»î„Ó¿É“½jÁ_Ëضð (702)279-3030 »ò®…ùiÆç(702)255- 0976 »òÈ«ÃÀÃØ•øéLê»ÝÇà (Secretary General Hui-ching Chen)¡£È«ÃĄ̀ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÃØ•øÌŽ*3 È«ÃÀ·þ„ÕŒ£¾€ (202) 966-2819 email: wcyp_12@comcast.net The following is the Declaration of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) in Chinese. It has been voted for legalization by the whole members and participants of the Second 27th Director and Advosory Boards Meeting of TBAA on April 23, 2005. The draft of the Declaration was written by DE-YU LANG (ÀÊ µÂ Óå), ROBERT LU (±R ¾° ÁÖ), and TONY TUNG-TIEN LEI (À× „Ó Ìì). TONY TUNG-TIEN LEI, DE-YU LANG, and ROBERT LU were the three members nominated and elected as the writers of the Declaration by the whole members and participants of the Second 27th Director and Advosory Boards Meeting of TBAA in Las Vegas, Nevada:*4 È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Ðû ÑÔ :±¾ •þ ³É Á¢ ¶à Äê £¬ Ö÷ ˆ ¼æ ÈÝ ºÍ ºÏ ...ÒÔ ¡¸ •r •r êP ÐÄ Ì¨ ž³ £¬ ÌŽ ÌŽ ·þ „Õ Í¬ àl ¡¹ žé ×Ú Ö¼ £¬ ¸÷ µØ ͬ àl ºô ‘ª Ÿá ÁÒ £¬ ¼Š ¼Š ½M ¿— ³É Á¢ ·Ö •þ £¬ é_ Õ¹ ·þ „Õ Åc “ Õx ¡£ ... 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'The Declaration of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America,' "Section 'Business & Administration' of WBTI website," (April 24, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Washington Business and Technology Institute. *5. Ibid. …ÇÓîÉMÒ⡶̫ƽ݆¡·ÖxÕÂ×Ó-chinatimes.com10/15/14 4:10æRÖ¾ & LVRJ/wbti ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ_ÙMÓñÇå_ºú»ÛÖÐ - ÍÁ¶¹Íø www.tudou.com/programs/.../uCBHU9GS9.Tudo.com {010113-0607}LVRJ/wbti: U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama -- Dear Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, It's my favorite inaugural event today! Dear Michelle, Congratulations! Sincerely, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei President Washington Business and Technology Institute LVRJ/wbti: For a search of "U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama - will you commit to serve with me? From Michelle Obama ..." by Google.com To: tojulei@yahoo.com Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lei,Four years ago, during his first inauguration, Barack and I were thrilled when ...Please join us, and commit to serve on January 19th. ...***..... Michelle LVRJ/wbti: *****2013-03-14 by¡¾ÖÐVЄ£¯Öx×ôÈË¡¿ ÖЇøµÚ12ŒÃÈ«‡øÈË´óÒ»´Î•þ×hµÚËÄ´ÎÈ«ów•þ×h½ñÌìÔçÉÏÔÚ±±¾©ÈËÃñ´ó•þÌã¬ßx³öÁ•½üƽ³öÈÎÖÐÈAÃñ¹²ºÍ‡øÖ÷ϯ¡£ ß@ÊÇÁ•½üƽ½ÓÌæºúå\ý£¬³öÈÎÖЇøühÕþÜŠÈý´óҪšµÄ×îááһ헃xʽ£¬ÕýʽÍê³ÉÖЇøÕþ™àµÄ½Ó°à¡£ Also by --{2013-03-14 ¡¾ÖÐÑëÉç¡¿ (at 22:07 p.m. on 031313)} LVRJ/wbti: First responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between the leader is a servant!--Ma Dupree; "Leadership Is an Art!" LVRJ/wbti: Dvorak Romantic P1 Kyung Wha Chung www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fozf3DRBVo LVRJ/wbti: More scenic pictures and beautiful music starting from 030314-1637 LVRJ/wbti: Vanessa Mae I Will Always Love You www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xyUSJ33mEs Qinghai Lake - Mongolian bilingual, Dai Qing Tana HAYA Orchestra +++žõÌmÍЋI - ¸ßÔË{ The Plateau Is Blue - Wulan Tuoya *****Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama Warm welcome: Michelle Obama pictured greeting Fang-Yu Lien, spouse of theRepresentative of Chinese Taipei, before the APEC Spousal Luncheon! (Through the courtesy of Michelle's website) {{Please take a view at pages [3]... on PPAA Forum 21 *****Lien Chan & Fang Yu (in Peking):"ONE CHINA!" {picture in [1]}Á•½üƽÊ×´ÎÉîÈëÕ„½yªš£º½^²»ÈÝ·ÖÁÑ ÒªÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»!ÖÐÒ•Ìṩ¡£´óꑇø¼ÒÖ÷ϯÁ•½üƽ•r£¬ÖØÉêºÍƽ½yÒ» KÊ׶ÈÒÔŠÓ²ÕZšâ±íÃ÷¡¸Œ¦ÈκηÖÁÑÐн£¬½^²»ÈÝÈÌ¡¹£»Õ„µ½½yÒ»•rËûÕf£¬ƒÉ°¶½yÒ»¡¸×·ÇóµÄ£¬²»ƒHÊÇÐÎʽÉϽyÒ»£¬¸üÊǃɰ¶Í¬°ûÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»¡£¡¹ÔÚÈËÃñ´ó•þÌÃÅcÓôĽÃ÷¡¢ÔSšvÞr…¢ÔLˆFÒ»ÐЕþÎî...ÑëÒ•¡·×òÍíÔÚЄ“²¥ÒÔî^—l²¥³ö...--chinatimes.com2014Äê09ÔÂ27ÈÕ 04:10ê°ØÍ¢£¯±±¾©ˆóŒ§ LVRJ/wbti JCUAALV judiroc@aol.com 10/1/14 8:20 AM ±£ÖØ ´úÇàËþÄÈ£ºThe silent sky ¼Å¾²µÄÌì¿Õ www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfxXQcDeTt0*8/10/2012 MEDITATION Relaxmusicmeditação www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRhoWQX2OF8 " Ladies in Lavender " - Joshua Bell *****Cafe Morricone (Gary Schnitzer) BRIAN CRAIN - Lavender Hills *Piano and Cello A Walk in the Forest - Brian Crain*8/28/2009 *****The Enchanted Garden - Kevin Kern {100114-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng Åíûæ³öϯµÄ»î„ÓÖУ¬¶à°ëÒÔÎÄ»¯¡¢ƒºÍ¯ÒÔ¼°Òô˜·...ÅíûæÂÔÚˇÐgÉϳɾͺܸߣ¬ÔÚÎÄ»¯îIÓòÉÏÒÑÏí×uº£Íâ¡£ÅíûæÂÔÚÎÄ»¯¼°Òô˜·...ß@Ò²³ÉžéÖЇø¡¸µÚÒ»·òÈË¡¹…¢ÅcÈËÎĽ»Á÷ºÜÖØÒªµÄÒ»²¿·Ö¡£ów¬F³öÔL†–‡øŒ¦ÅíûæµÄ×ðÖغÍדÔS...--chinatimes.com ÅíûæÂÕ¹ÈáÇé ·òÈËÍâ½»«@דÔS! Ó›ÕßüSÊç‹’ & LVRJ/wbti *****Yo-Yo Ma - Bach, Cello Suites www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHzfD6XLK7Q*1/25/2012 Wed, 6/06/2012 Lang Lang's Piano Performance at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert *****First Lady Michelle Obama and her mother Marian Robinson share a light moment with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and his wife Peng Liyuan after a photograph session at the Diaoyutai State guest house in Beijing March 21, 2014! --The White House & JVRJ/wbti ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ºú»ÛÖÐ (Bai Far Award!) www.youtube.com/watch?v=poE520xFpgs*11/1/2009 *****Í©Ñþ£¡à‡û¾ý!! µËÀö¾ýÔÙÊÀ!!£¡ LVRJ/wbti: ×·‰ô¾ÞÐÇÒ«±±¾©à‡û¾ý60ßLÄê¼oÄîÑݳª•þ 2013-05-19 ÑëÒ• ... ¡¶ÐÄÓê¡· ÑîîÚӨëÄþ2012ºþÄÏ´ºÍí- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlCIvYY9wv0*2012 ÓöÉÏÄãÊÇÎÒµÄÔµ/ °¢Â³°¢×¿- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4SC_JyG2-M*9/28/2011 ÃÎÈëÌÒ»¨Ô´³Â˼˼- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkumTTFHTWo*9/10/2010 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-ÐÂøxø„ºûµû‰ô- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThpVwSmiwFc*10/12/012 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à(Alto Sax)-Çà´ºŽX- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uIQ8rMvRBE*3/21/2013 ½Þ¥~°²Æ½×·ÏëÇú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D-yFkTYZBg*4/06/2010 ×ßÌìÑÄ-½µÑë׿Âê Çà²Ø¸ßÔ Ñë½ðÂêÈý½ãÃÃ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya8-pmcqHbQ*11/10/210 China xinjingÖйúн®ÃÀÅ®°¬Í¼À¼(±»³Æн®µÄÂó www.youtube.com/watch?v=2exzgRkdl64*11/20/208 »¨¶ùΪʲôÕâÑùºì / Ì·¾§ www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHvloxx98kM*10/31/210 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+êÃÀøP- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFUl393mWF4*6/24/2011 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+øPïwïw(2) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eAyxoVetWs*6/20/2011 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ˆ¬PÃô- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp1IXewVMPg*10/9/2011²ÌÇÙ- δ×R¾_Á_Ïã(Ô•KTV) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0CcPb87TTY*11/1/2011 Lawmovieworld Ê’ŒCÖé.²ÈÔÚϦê–Ñe(ëŠÓ°"²ÈÔÚ ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_AICnLvOx4 µÈ´ý(‚¬ŽëŠÓ°²åÇú,ÁÖÇàϼ¡¢ÇØh)Ê’ŒCÖé1979 ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMpAAFhp8Uo*7/06/2013 ½Þ¥çR»¨Ë®ÔĄ̂±±Ñݳª•þµÚÆ߈öÌØ„e¼ÎÙeØi¸çÁÁ-YT www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQniwgBJ5IM*5/26/2013 Yellow Mountain Tours leadtochina.com TravelChina.com *Yellow Mountain(Huangshan M ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-žéÒÁ×ßǧÀï- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=luqQ9ZmSmtY*2/25/2012 LVRJ/wbti: ÁÖÖ¾ÁáÉϺ£ž©ïh͹ÅFu! *****ÈÕÇ°ÔÚÉϺ£³öϯ·þÑb»î„Ó´ó²¨ÀËÖдó¶¼çîi¾€—lºÍÇå›öÃÀ±³...ËýÌصزëÁË´ó¼tÉ«¿Ú¼t£¬¾WÓÑדÃÀËýšâÙ|ƒžÑÅ ØWû ...---chinatimes.com2014Äê10ÔÂ24ÈÕ 04:09£¨ÎÄ£¯Àî×ˬ“£© & LVRJ/wbti Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMbvcp480Y4 (Bandari) °²ÄݵÄÏɾ³ÝpÒô˜·- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJy7suCO2M ·¬ÇѹÃÄïÊ’ŒCÖé-·¼Û™ºÎÌŽ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ7vTA-hCdk*0/16/2011 ÓÈÑÅ-ÍùÊÂÖ»ÄÜ»Ø棨KTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONKxGKclkwM*5/29/2011 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ñRÊÀÀò(1) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFfUOFwHhRg ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ñRÊÀÀò(2) - YouTube! ‘ÑÅf¸èÇú ÓÈÑÅ ¶àÉÙÈáÇé¶àÉÙœI- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QJ5HUOcr3Y*7/08/2011 ÙMÓñÇå2013±±¾©Ñݳª•þ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=weiSkJ5N3wY*10/31/213 Àîã‘혷QµÛ æRÐÀÁè·âºó!10/26/14 04:09 chinatimeºéÐãçø¡¢ÁÖÄÝƼ¡¢üSö©Ï¬Ì¨±±&LVRJ/wbti LVRJ/wbti: Pray with Pastor Tong (11/04/2014)ROLCC.net Images for Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ([2]...) *****Images for WBTI Journal ˆÐãÇä-ÎÒÔõüN¿ÞÁË- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVaYIH11-Qo ýRÔ¥-éÏ™ì˜ä(éÏ™ì2014̨±±Ñݳª•þ)(HD) -YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tOEP4WCCj8*6/17/2014 LVRJ/wbti: Dear Uncle Tony & Aunt Judy: Lillian (Lei Yung-sheng )Tsai ¡¶Ïà·ê·˼Áx¡·¡«The Luce Chapel ·˼Áx½ÌÌÃÎåÊ®Äê¼oä›Æ¬! www.youtube.com/watchv=0JZhVc4Jb34*10/28/214 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-ÈËÉú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt0VpOXkzlU ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-ÛÄãÒ»ÈfÄê- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZyi8MT1qV8 ˆÐãÇä-²ÈÔÚϦê–Ñe- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXN739sbpxk | |
Thur.5:07a.m.11/06,2014 Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada(CAAAN) ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News Âåɼ´‰ÊÀ½çÈÕˆó Chinese Daily News(Worldjournal.com) À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times |
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 source from: Dr. Lei's Dissertation U* M*I Ann Arbor, Michigan |
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 Honorable U.S. Congressman & Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is WBTI Nevada 3rd term Board Chairman! |
Relaxation Music¡¾14¡¿Chinese Erhu ft Piano www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIHuMZgSxw8 LVRJ/wbti: Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAA Forum 21) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Peng Liyuan {[38][1]...of PPAA Forum 21} the WBTI Nevada web is also here by Google.images Images for China's First Lady Peng Li-yuan - wbti LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Xi Peng Liyuan *****She's in 1st place Googl.im Images for China's First Lady Xi Peng Liyuan - wbti [She's in 1st place by Google.images] PENGLIYUANOFFICIAL MUSICA DE RELAX,YOGA ,REIKI (caricias para el LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama (...[18]{3}...of PPAA Forum 21 Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama -wbti LVRJ/wbti: ¡°The happiness will come when you are able to make other people happy!¡±:) *****"The great Winston Churchill said, 'We all make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.' Tony, I know that you like to exemplify this inspiration same as it's my driving force by which I start out each day!" --Natalie L. Tyrrell (North Las Vegas Chief Judge & WBTI Nevada PAI Associate Professor) YunDuo - My LouLan (Jing Tian - ¾°Ìð)*10/9/13 www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8FfSOgjSCw ñR•Ô•Ÿ¶þºúÑÝ×à ½ÄÏÐ¡æ‚ Chinese: A Town in... www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrvLBcpayv0 ˆÐãÇä ܇վ ׌ϲšgˆµÄ¸èÃÔÄÜ»ØζherÃÀÃî¸è•! www.youtube.com/watch?v=O52dSJwybxk*7/01/2010 ºº¹¬ÇïÔÂ(¶þºúÇú) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q50tYTUBsc  ËÉ-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA2FaCDLoZM ê–êPÈý¯B-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj6DUePsNbk*11/20/211 Î÷ºþ´º-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKu-HK4DWOw*11/19/211 LVRJ/wbti: WBTI Nevada 4th Term Chairman of Advisory Board is U.S. Congressman & Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval! LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à(Alto Sax)-×ßñRŸô- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHrm5NB68A0*3/08/2013 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-°¶±Ú¤Îĸ-¢ò(ÔÚÄÇÑe) -YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=93d9pwI4Dww*3/06/13 ÎҺͲÝÔÓЂ€¼s¶¨( ½µÑë׿¬”) ƒÈÃɹÅÃÀ¾°- Yutub www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOTzfp9DiPc *8/19/13 *****Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, inspiration, and Practice of our modern and effective Leading Skills & Strategies on EQ and AQ for Growth, Success, Happiness, Prosperity, and Accomplishment!!! *6168 by Bill Clinton, Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Brian Sandoval, Elaine L. Chao, ... Charlyne Chen T MichelleChenêÃÀI 8/10 7:47 PM 8£¯17£¬18£¬19¿ÉÒÔÓĘ́ž³ÌÒˆ@ µ½±±¾©Í£ÁôÈýÌìÄÜÔ´¾G¿¨»ù½ð8£¯28ÓĘ́±±°lïwÃÀvegas ¶þßL¡¢šgÓµ½Las Vegas ˜Ëî}: Ã÷Ìì(08/11/2014)µ½¸£Ø¦ êÒ»ÀÉ-ÎôÈյđٸè- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPkieZL037I*9/7/2010 êÓ¯-ºõÎÒ×í£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=yelt3VGPpRo*5/2/2011 vangelis21011 year ago ÄêÝpµÄÌïû ºÜÃÔÈË ÅíÀò-ÝÑ⣨ӾÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x075erlSiw*5/2/2011 üSÒÒÁá- ¼×Äã×÷°é- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kfb7tqLknhU*12/28/08 LVRJ/wbti: Vanessa Mae-The Red Hot Tour,Live www.youtube.com/watch?v=jya2eAzlvZ0*2/26/2013 Á_•rØS-ÙI×í£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgaDUPA30ss*5/3/2011 êÀ×-ÐÄ۵ı¿ޣ¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hw04RmIU4c*5/3/2011 ÎҵĘÇÌmǼ×å¸èÊÖ¡¾Ôƶ䡿ÑݳªHD1080p - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nona3PXDa_I*4/26/204 LVRJ/wbti: Vanessa Mae at the Birmingham 1997 www.youtube.com/watchv=3x6qLGkyKfk*3/10/2013 ÔøÐÄ÷-˼ÄîÄãµÄÐĸÎÄã¸ÊÖª£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£©You T www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a9HYbtxpNI*5/2/2011 Vanessa Mae -- Toccata Fugue - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=euOu89d3npA*5/15/2007 êÓ¯-ÌìÒª¹â£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt0kd_0DVmA*5/2/2011 êÒ»ÀÉ-¼tŸôÃÀÈË£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpLLn7gT04c*5/2/2011 Dear All:ë[ÏàÌŽÀíDear All: ...îI‚€ÈËÑо¿°l±íµÄ·e·Ö...)C. Kung .docx Downloa {110614-1737}LVRJ/wbti:ÙMÓñÇå½µÑë׿¬”Ó´º´ºÍí www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il2MieRY4Rg*2/26/2013 *****The art of management brought U.S. prosperity! by Cheryl Moss, Becky Lei, and Tiffany Chang "The art of management has made the United States a paradise of richness and prosperity! On the very top floor of the mansion at the Graduate School of New York University, I was impressed by the crowded traffic and the brilliant night scenes down on the ground. And looking at the groups of mansions standing under the heavenly sky at this Fifth Street reminded me that: All these golden Squares and prosperity at the time of the May Flower period was nothing but an empty land. For our Las Vegas, we've realized the same story of development and prosperity," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on the Grand Opening of the Las Vegas City Park. "It made me remember the story of the next dynasty King (Han Dynasty h³¯) after the Emperor Qing. Impressed by watching the greatness of the Emperor with his large marching team on the road one day at his young age, the young boy said, 'Do it brightly and we should make it the same also, excellency! (Meaning explanation for 'Yu Wei Jer Yi Loi Hsie' in Chinese.)' Nowaday, the entrepreneurship made U.S. great is not just important for individuals, but also critical for company or country." The above initiative spirit of the United States is originated from the first paragraph of the Preface of a text (&Reference) book written by Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei entitled Management Behavior published by Buffalo Publish Inc. in 1989 2Ed Together with his other text books: Business Management , Management Behavior, and Information Management have been used by Dr. Lei as a reference book at the Department of Commerce (MBA) in National Taiwan University, Graduate School of Business Administration in National Chengchi University and National Chunghsing University (1985 to 1991), and Fujen University (MBA) from 1975 through 1990. --010703 from a search on LVRJ/wbti & PPAA7/wbti by Google.com ½Þ¥- ϧ„eµÄº£°¶- ÄãÖøÈÌÄÍ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2i0nd069nU*3/24/2013 ½Þ¥-¾ÆááµÄÐÄ•- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlnV11SLo3s*11/24/11 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ϯÂüŒŽ+üS°²-(1) -YouTub www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQhLJu-lkvI ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ϯÂüŒŽ+üS°²-(2) You Tu www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMUUyeLtyjc LVRJ/wbti: ÂÞʱ·á- ÎÒÌý¹ýÄãµÄ¸è- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYRtC3ECA6w*4/07/2009 *****Lein Chan & Fan Yu in Peking: "ONE CHINA!"{picture in [1]}Á•½üƽÊ×´ÎÉîÈëÕ„½yªš£º½^²»ÈÝ·ÖÁÑ ÒªÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»!(ÖÐÒ•Ìṩ)¡£´óꑇø¼ÒÖ÷ϯÁ•½üƽ26ÈÕÖØÉêºÍƽ½yÒ»...KÊ׶ÈÒÔŠÓ²ÕZšâ±íÃ÷¡¸Œ¦ÈκηÖÁÑÐн£¬½^²»ÈÝÈÌ¡¹...¸üÊǃɰ¶Í¬°ûÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»¡£¡¹Á•½üƽÔÚÈËÃñ´ó•þÌÃÅcÓôĽÃ÷¡¢ÔSšvÞr…¢ÔLˆFÒ»ÐЕþÎî...×òÍíÔÚЄ“²¥ÒÔî^—l²¥³ö...--chinatimes.com2014Äê09ÔÂ27ÈÕ 04:10ê°ØÍ¢£¯±±¾©ˆóŒ§ LVRJ/wbti ´úÇàËþÄÈ£ºThe silent sky ¼Å¾²µÄÌì¿Õ www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfxXQcDeTt0*8/10/2012 ÎÒÓÐÒ»¶ÎÇé¡· violinСÌáÇÙÇúviolon ¥Ð¥¤¥ª¥ê... www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvOqUtMGWiM*9/18/2010 {110614-0507}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama (Yes, they're at pages {[3][18]...} on PPAA Forum 21!)[[Both individuals are at first place of the preface by Google.images! {110614-0507}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng (Yes. They're at pages {[1][38...} on PPAA Forum 21!) ½µÑë׿¬”ÅãÄãÒ»Æð¿´²ÝÔ- YouTube *9/03/2012 www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5cUYqwcV1Y êÒ»ÀÉ-¼tŸôÃÀÈË£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpLLn7gT04c*5/02/2011 êLei www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hw04RmIU4c The US-China Economic and Cultural Asso Thank you very much for your leadership, guidance, and support! I will do my best!! Sincerely, Secretary General Yi Li, EMBA!!! LVRJ/wbti: Miss Pi-hua Li - KTV Àî±ÌÈAÐÄÓê-YT www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1qyM7PwQag ˆÐãÇä-܇վ£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube *5/01/2011 www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf0-4eTfMRA Fw from Mrs. Prof. Joanna Kung È~†™Ìï-ÀË×ÓµÄÐÄÇ飨ӾÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWQ0ocrtcRg êСë…-Ÿý¾ÆÔ’£¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXBMmMdJocE Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMbvcp480Y4 ŒOÊçÃÄ-ÐÄ۵Ąe×ߣ¨Ó¾ÑbÐãKTV£© - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGgMUvHT9rw *5/01/11 êÒ»ÀÉ-ÎôÈյđٸè- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPkieZL037I*9/07/2010 Dina Titus is the Winner ... LVRJ/wbti: ...On April 13, 2009, Dina Titus (she) was named Outstanding Democrat of the Year by the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas for the second time. President Obama sent her a congratulatory letter. In December 2010, U.S. Majority Leader Senator Harry M. Reid appointed her to a six-year term on the United States Commission on Civil Rights.[10]Dina Titus has been appointed as a Professor of Administrative Strategies of GSBA of WBTI Nevada since 2008! Charlyne Chen To MichelleChenêÃÀI 8/10 7:47 PM 8£¯17£¬18£¬19¿ÉÒÔÓĘ́ž³ÌÒˆ@ µ½±±¾©Í£ÁôÈýÌì¡¢ÄÜÔ´¾G¿¨»ù½ð8£¯28ÓĘ́±±³ö°lïwÃÀ‡øšgÓµ½Las Vegas ˜Ëî}: Ã÷Ìì(08/11/2014)µ½¸£Ø¦ LVRJ/wbti: ÊÀ½ç¸ßèFµÚÒ»¸ßËí ÆîßBɽËíµÀ؞ͨ! [[[ÓÉ´óê‘ÖÐèF¶þÊ®¾Ö³Ð½¨µÄÌmиßèFÆîßBɽ1Ì–ËíµÀ½ñÌìí˜Àû؞ͨ£¬Ò²´ú±íÌmиßèFÆîßBɽËíµÀÈ«¾€ØžÍ¨¡£ß@—l™M¿ç¸Ê¡¢Çà¡¢ÐÂÈýÊ¡…^µÄÌmиßèFÈ«éL1776¹«À•rËÙ200¹«ÀïÒÔÉÏ£¬ÊÇ´óꑵÚÒ»—lÉwÔڸߺ£°ÎµØ…^ÐÞ½¨µÄ¸ßËÙèF·£¬Ü‰Ãæ...×î¸ßß_3607¹«³ß£¬±»×užéÊÀ½ç¸ßèFµÚÒ»¸ßËí¡££¨ÐÂÈAÉ磩]]] Images for Taiwan Benevolent Assocation of America --wbti LVRJ/wbti: Pastor Paul Goulet -- I pray that you'll open your heart to what God wants to do in your life... Ima 28th Annual Convention of TBAA by Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Tiffa Chang*1 Strengthened by faith in God and family, we knew in our hearts that with hard work, perseverance, and the help of newly found neighbors and friends, we could indeed achieve the American dream. --U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor & Chairperson of WBTI Nevada Honorable Elaine L. Chao*2 "It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Las Vegas for the 28th Annual Convention of the TBAA. I hope that, during your time here, you will be able to experience some of the many attractions that our beautiful city has to offer. .....," wrote U.S. Senator John Ensign to TBAA.*3 The grand opening of the 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) was held by its Chairperson Wendy Yu-ping Wu*4 at the Paris Hotel on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Concode C Room was full with participants from all around the world. Dr. Fu-Mei Chang, Overseas Chinese Affair Commission of the Republic of China; Ssu-yin Ho, Kuomintang Oversea Director; Mark W. P. Liao, Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco; Legislators of ROC S. C. Ting, Y. Y. Wu, S. H. Chou, W. C. Shieh, J. L Lin, among others presented at the Conference. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada Michael Douglas and Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber each delivered a nice and significant welcome speech. Greeting Letters and Certificates were presented by Mr. Matthew McBride (for U.S. Senator John Ensign), Ms. Judith Ray (for U.S. Congressman James Gibbons), Ms. Gerri Schroder (for U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley), Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian (for Las Vegas City Mayor and Council), Councilwoman Stephanie S. Smith (for the North Las Vegas City Mayor and Council). ºé˜sºê_һ֧СÓê‚ã- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zCdqMRFo7A*8/26/2008 A Welcome Party and Preliminary 28th Board Directors and Advisors Meeting were held on July 29, 2005 at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. To pay a special tribute to his great contribution to the 28th Convention and TBAA, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei has been nominated by Chairperson Wendy Wu of TBAA as an Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America. The nomination was seconded and unanimously voted by all the presented Directors and Advisors. The Declaration of the 28th Conference of TBAA was written by five members. The five members, including Kent Wang, De-yu Lang, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Dr. Wayne J. Horng, and Leo Huang, were all elected by the Board Directors and Advisors. The theme of the Declaration was how to strengthen the unity and harmony of Chinese in America. During the meeting, Miss Sue Phelps was elected as the Vice Chairperson of TBAA. "It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and its international convention to Las Vegas and the Paris Hotel. ...Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make your visit a more pleasant and productive experience. ...," wrote U.S. Congressman James Gibbons to TBAA.*5 The "Formosa Night" was held at a grand ballroom in Paris Hotel on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt delivered a welcome speech to the crowded attendants in the Hall. She wishes Nevada be the great door opened for the international business and trade between the silver state and Asian countries. A Letter of Greeting was granted by her to TBAA. President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei presented the Certificates of Recognition from Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn(Award) and U.S. Congressman Jon Porter and Greeting Letters of U.S. Senator John Ensign and U. S. Congressman James Gibbons to the Chairperson of TBAA Wendy Yu-ping Wu. "The State of Nevada congratulates you on your extensive assistance to the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, and commends you for your dedicated service to the citizens of our Silver State," Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn granted a Certificate of Recognition(Award) to Wendy Wu dated May 23, 2005.*6 070305-5678 ÃÀ ‡ø …¢ ±Š ×h †T Åc ƒÈ ÖÝ ÖÝ éL[[[Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu told Tony that her best wish for all her effort, wisdom, and accomplishment to the 28th TBAA Convention and Parties is to receive the {Award} of Governor Kenny Quinn. Through sincerely recommendation by WBTI Nevada President Dr. Tony T. Lei, she's received it. She is now Chairperson of World Taiwan Benevolent Association (WTBA)!]]] îC Ù› È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Åc •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ׿ Ô½ ³É ¾Í ª„ Æß Ô ËÄ ÈÕ (July 4th) ÓÉ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ×î ¸ß ·¨ Ôº ´ó ·¨ ¹Ù Michael Douglas£¬ ¸ß µÈ ·¨ ¹Ù Jessie Walsh£¬ ÖÝ ×h †T Valerie Weber £¬ ¸ß µÈ ·¨ Ôº ·¨ ¹Ù Cheryl Moss µÈ £¬ “ ºÏ ׫ Œ‘ £¬ °l ±í ì¶ ¡¸ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ Ôu Õ“ ˆó WBTI ¾W í“ ¡¹ £¬ Ðû ¸æ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ Åc ¡¸ ̨ “ •þ ¡¹ ½ü Ó Èç Ï ©s ¡¸ ½› ÓÉ ±¾ Ôº ½Ì ί •þ ¶à λ ÈË Ê¿ £¬ °ü À¨ ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ×î ¸ß ·¨ Ôº ´ó ·¨ ¹Ù Michael Douglas £¬ ÖÝ ×h †T Valerie Weber Åc ¸ß µÈ ·¨ Ôº £¨ ¼Ò Í¥ £© ·¨ ¹Ù Cheryl Moss µÈ µÄ ÍÆ Ë] £¬ …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ( Wendy Yu-ping Wu ) Å® Ê¿ «@ Ƹ žé ¹« ¹² ÐÐ Õþ ÑÐ ¾¿ Ëù Öú Àí ÑÐ ¾¿ †T £¬ ¼æ ±¾ Ôº ÖÝ ëH ¹¤ ÉÌ ºÏ ×÷ °l Õ¹ ί †T •þ Ö÷ ÈΠί †T £¬ ¡¹ ÈA Ê¢ îD ¹¤ ÉÌ ¼¼ Ðg ÑÐ ¾¿ Ôº £¨ ¡¸ ÈA ÑÐ Ôº ¡¹ £© °l ÑÔ ÈË Íõ Ö¾ Ó ²© Ê¿ £¬ ì¶ Îå Ô ʮ ¶þ ÈÕ ÔÚ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ ¹« é_ Ðû ·Q ¡£ ¡º Úw С Ìm ß^ È¥ ¶à Äê µÄ Éç •þ ¹« Òæ ·þ „Õ Ø• «I £¬ Éî Ö² ÎÒ ÐÄ £¬ ÎÒ Ò² ÔÚ ³£ ÆÚ µØ Ͷ ×¢ £¬ ÎÒ Ï² šg µÄ ÊÇ ÔÚ Ëý ¾« Éñ îI Œ§ Ï £¬ ¡¸ ÈA ÑÐ Ôº ¡¹ × ‰Ñ µØ ×ß Ïò Éç •þ ·þ „Õ Åc ÈÊ Û ¾« Éñ ·î «I µÄ îI Óò £¬ ¡» …Ç Ø¹ Æ» ì¶ Îå Ô ʮ ¶þ ÈÕ ÔÚ ¼Ó ÖÝ Â} ºÉ Î÷ Õf ¡£ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ ³É Á¢ ¶à Äê £¬ ì¶ ™M ¿ç ÃÀ ‡ø Ê® ”µ ÖÝ £¬ ÔO Á¢ ¸÷ µØ ·Ö •þ£¬ ÒÔ ¡¸ •r •r êP ÐÄ Ì¨ ž³ £¬ ÌŽ ÌŽ ·þ „Õ Í¬ àl ¡¹ žé ×Ú Ö¼ £¬ ÐÄ ‘Ñ ×æ ‡ø £¬ “ ½j àl ÓH £¬ ½¨ Ôì ÎÒ ·½ Åc ÃÀ ‡ø ÃÜ ÇÐ Åc a ßh µÄ £¬ ‡ø Çé Åc Ãñ ÐÄ Ïà »¥ Á¼ ºÃ µÄ êP ‚S ¡£ µÚ¶þ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×hÍÆßxÀɵÂÓå¡¢±R¾°ÁÖ¡¢ÀׄÓÌìÈýÈËÆð²ÝêPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ£¬K½›´ó•þӑՓͨß^£¬ÖØÉę̂“•þ¼æÈݺͺϡ¢²»·ÖÊ¡¼‰¡¢Ï໥ÓÑÛÌá”yµÄ×ÚÖ¼¡£ÐûÑÔÖÐÒ²ŠÕ{£¬Ì¨Â“•þÏ£ÍûÃÀ‡øÉç•þÅc³¯Ò°ÑÐӑδíÈçºÎÍÆÕ¹ÃĄ̀ëp·½ÔÚ½›ÙQ¡¢¹¤ÉÌ¡¢ÎÄ»¯¡¢¿Æ¼¼½»Á÷Ö®ºÏ×÷ÅcŒÙ|êP‚S¡£ Ô“ •þ •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ» £¬ îI Œ§ ¿‚ •þ °l Õ¹ ÒÔ í £¬ Ÿá ÐÄ Õ\ “´ £¬ é_ Ô´ ¹ Á÷ £¬ •þ „Õ Õô Õô ÈÕ ÉÏ £¬ • ×u ÍØ ¼° ËÄ º£ £¬ Œ¢ ì¶ ½ñ Äê Æß Ô Èý Ê® ÈÕ ÈÎ M ж š £¬ ¹¦ µÂ K Öø ¡£ Ô“ •þ Œ¢ ì¶ ½ñ Äê Æß Ô ¶þ Ê® ¾Å ÖÁ Èý ʮһ ÈÕ ÔÚ À ˹ ¾S ¼Ó ˹ £¬ Ê¢ ´ó Åe Þk µÚ ¶þ Ê® °Ë ŒÃ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Äê •þ £¬ ÒÔ ÕI ‘c ×£ ¡£ ϲ Ó ‚÷ í £¬ È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Åc •þ éL …Ç Ø¹ Æ»£¬ ½› ÓÉ ÈA Ê¢ îD ¹¤ ÉÌ ¼¼ Ðg ÑÐ ¾¿ Ôº Ôº éL À× „Ó Ìì ²© Ê¿ Õ\ ‘© µØ ÍÆ Ë] £¬ ˜s «@ ÃÀ ‡ø …¢ ×h †T John Ensign, ƒÈ ÈA ß_ ÖÝ ÖÝ éL Kenny Guinn(Award) Åc ÃÀ ‡ø ±Š ×h †T Jon Porter îC Ù› ÓH ¹P ¾´ ÙR ¹« º¯ Åc ׿ Ô½ ³É ¾Í ª„ ¸÷ Ò» ·Ý £¬ Êâ žé ÈA ÈË Ôö Ìí Ò» ·Ö ¿É ÙF µÄ ¹â ²Ê Åc ˜s Ò« ¡£ --WBTI Press Release (7/4th/2005) ************************************ United States Congressman Jon C. Porter granted a Certificate of Recognition to recognize and honor Wendy Wu, "FOR YOUR DEDICATED SERVICE AND PROFOUND COMMITMENT TO THE COMMUNITY AND TO THE TAIWAN BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA."*7 Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei presented also a Certificate of Recognition from U.S. Congressman Jon Porter to the President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas Sue Phelps. Sixteen original hard copeis of the RC 25 Resolution by Nevada Assembly and Senate were presented by Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei to each president of the 16 Chapters of TBAA through their Chaiperson Wendy Wu. Proclamations from the Board Commissioners of Clark County of Nevada and the State of Nevada (through Assemblywoman Valerie Weber) were presented to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei by both of the parties on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*8 Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu completed successfully her term as the Chairperson of TBAA in the evening of July 30, 2005. The Chairmanship was transfered by her to Mr. I-Ta Liang at the "Fomosa Night" in Las Vegas, Nevda. Mr. Liang is now the 28th Chairman of TBAA. The ¡°Formosa Night featured a delegation of 28 people from Taiwan and a chorus from New York City. It was a great performance with dance troupe of Taiwan Culture Delegation. One of the earliest attendants of the convention this year was the Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States David Tawei Lee on July 28, 2005. Mr. Lo-Yu Sun, Board Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA), held and host a farewell lunch party for the 28th Annual Confernce of TBAA at the Harbor Palace Seafood Restaurant on August 1, 2005 in Las Vegas.*9 Jennifer Lin, President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of New Jersey, welcomed everybody and their friends to attend the convention next year held in New jersey. President of Taiwan BenevAssociation of California Amber Sun spoke for the main association to thank Mr. Lo-Yu Sun's generosity for hosting the dinner party. "In righteousness we shall be established. In this 21th Century new era and society, we need economic growth, but we also need to establish and promote creativity, fairness and Justice, serve and love, educational knowledge, and spirit engineering. We wish that a pure spring may prosper and enrich our splendid and golden country through: the elegant properties of freedom, democracy, entrepreneurship, and justice; the power of public service that based on 'knowledge is the power of righteouness,'; the advancement of technology, innovation, and civilization; and the spirit that 'knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service'. We believe that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. With the effort and participation of many intellectuals, leaders, officials, and among others through benevolent spirit and brotherly love, the 28th Convention of TBAA is really marvelous," points out President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*10 [*****Welcome to the section of "Photos & Pictures"! (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) We offered there with lots of photos and pictures about Taiwan BBAA.] -----References *1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada. *2. Bush, George; Chao, Elaine; and The New York Times. 'Elaine Chao believes deeply in the American dream; "A search of 'WBTI Chairperson Honorable Elaine L. Chao' on the Google.com," (Sept. 22, 2005). *4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Wendy Wu has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution of WBTI,' "A search of 'wendy yu-ping wu' on the Google.com," (August 3, 2005). *5. Gibbons, James. 'Greeting from Office of Congressman James Gibbons,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U.S. Congressman James Gibbons to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (July 10, 2005), Washington, D.C. *6. Guinn, Kenny. 'Certificate of Recognition(Award) from Office of the Governor,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition(Award) to Wendy Yu-Ping Wu' sent by Nevada Governor Kenny C. Guinn(Award) to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (May 24, 2005), LV, NV: Office o Governor. *7. Porter, Jon. 'Certificate of Recognition from Office of Congressman Jon Porter,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U.S. Congressman Jon C. Porter to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. The Second 27th Director and Advosory Boards Meeting of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held by its Chairperson Wendy Yu-ping Wu successfully! by PAI of WBTI*1 {{{Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu told Tony that her best wish for all her effort, wisdom, and accomplishment to the 28th TBAA Convention and Parties is to receive the Award of Governor Kenny Quinn. Through sincerely recommendation by WBTI Nevada President Dr. Tony T. Lei, she's received it. She is now Chairperson of World Taiwan Benevolent Association (WTBA)!}}} It is our pleasure to post the following information from Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA). It was sent by Ms. Grace Wang [grace7wang@gmail.com] on Friday, May 6, 2005 at 21:29:00 to ÀׄÓÌ첩ʿ The subject was about "È«ÃĄ̀ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þµÚ¶þ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×h". For more details, please click on the website at: http://www.pidcusa.com/tbaa/main.html È«ÃĄ̀ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þ28ŒÃÄê•þŒ£Ý‹ È«ÃĄ̀“•þÄê•þ 7ÔÂÔÚÙ€³ÇÕÙé_!ÀíÊÂ–•þ×hͨß^êPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ ÖÂÁ¦¼ÓŠÃĄ̀ëp·½½»Á÷*2 È«ÃĄ̀ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þ [Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA)] ÈÕÇ°ÅeÐеÚØ¥Æߌõڶþ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×h£¬³¬ß^60ÈËÅc•þ£¬´_¶¨±¾ŒÃÄê•þµÄØŸÈηֹ¤£¬Ò²Í¨ß^Ò»·ÝêPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ¡£ µÚ¶þ´ÎÀíÊÂ–•þ×hÍÆÅÉÀɵÂÓå (DE-YU LANG)¡¢±R¾°ÁÖ (ROBERT LU) ¡¢ÀׄÓÌì (TONY TUNG-TIEN LEI) ÈýÈËÆð²ÝêPÐĄ̈ž³ÐûÑÔ£¬K½›´ó•þӑՓͨß^£¬ÖØÉę̂“•þ¼æÈݺͺÏ...ÑÐӑδíÈçºÎÍÆÕ¹ëp·½ÔÚ½›ÙQ¡¢¹¤ÉÌ¡¢ÎÄ»¯¡¢¿Æ¼¼½»Á÷Ö®ºÏ×÷ÅcŒÙ|êP‚S¡£ È«ÃĄ̀“•þÃØ•øéLê»ÝÇà±íʾ£¬Äê•þîAÆÚÓÐí×ÔÈ«ÃÀ¸÷µØºÍ®”µØàlÓHÎå°Ù¶àÈË…¢Åc£¬»I‚ä•þ¼š·ÖÊ®Ž×‚€Ð¡½M£¬ß@´ÎÀíÊ•þ×h´_¶¨ÁËØŸÈηֹ¤£¬ÁíÍ⣬2006ÄêÄê•þÒÑ´_¶¨ÓÉÐÂÉÎ÷·Ö•þÖ÷Þk¡£ Åc•þ¸÷µØ´ú±í°üÀ¨í×ÔÈA¸®DC...·Ö•þ»IÞkÈË´ú±í¡¢¼°À˹¾S¼Ó˹±¾µØµÈ11‚€µØ…^£¬¾ùÅÉ´ú±í축þÉψó¸æ¸÷µØ•þ„Õ¡£ ±¾ŒÃÄê•þŒ¢ì¶7ÔÂ29ÈÕÖÁ31ÈÕ¼ÙÙ€³Ç Paris Las VegasÅeÐУ¬ÓÐÅdȤ…¢¼ÓµÄàlÓHíšÔÚ 6 Ô 12 ÈÕÇ°ˆóÃû¡£Ç¢ÔƒÓÐêPˆóÃû¼°»î„Ó¿É“½jÁ_Ëضð (702)279-3030 »ò®…ùiÆç(702)255- 0976 »òÈ«ÃÀÃØ•øéLê»ÝÇà (Secretary General Hui-ching Chen)¡£È«ÃĄ̀ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÃØ•øÌŽ*3 È«ÃÀ·þ„ÕŒ£¾€ (202) 966-2819 email: wcyp_12@comcast.net The following is the Declaration of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) in Chinese. It has been voted for legalization by the whole members and participants of the Second 27th Director and Advosory Boards Meeting of TBAA on April 23, 2005. The draft of the Declaration was written by DE-YU LANG (ÀÊ µÂ Óå), ROBERT LU (±R ¾° ÁÖ), and TONY TUNG-TIEN LEI (À× „Ó Ìì). TONY TUNG-TIEN LEI, DE-YU LANG, and ROBERT LU were the three members nominated and elected as the writers of the Declaration by the whole members and participants of the Second 27th Director and Advosory Boards Meeting of TBAA in Las Vegas, Nevada:*4 È« ÃÀ ̨ ž³ ͬ àl “ Õx •þ Ðû ÑÔ :±¾ •þ ³É Á¢ ¶à Äê £¬ Ö÷ ˆ ¼æ ÈÝ ºÍ ºÏ ...ÒÔ ¡¸ •r •r êP ÐÄ Ì¨ ž³ £¬ ÌŽ ÌŽ ·þ „Õ Í¬ àl ¡¹ žé ×Ú Ö¼ £¬ ¸÷ µØ ͬ àl ºô ‘ª Ÿá ÁÒ £¬ ¼Š ¼Š ½M ¿— ³É Á¢ ·Ö •þ £¬ é_ Õ¹ ·þ „Õ Åc “ Õx ¡£ ... 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'The Declaration of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America,' "Section 'Business & Administration' of WBTI website," (April 24, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Washington Business and Technology Institute. *5. Ibid. …ÇÓîÉMÒ⡶̫ƽ݆¡·ÖxÕÂ×Ó-chinatimes.com10/15/14 4:10æRÖ¾ & LVRJ/wbti ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ_ÙMÓñÇå_ºú»ÛÖÐ - ÍÁ¶¹Íø www.tudou.com/programs/.../uCBHU9GS9.Tudo.com {010113-0607}LVRJ/wbti: U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama -- Dear Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, It's my favorite inaugural event today! Dear Michelle, Congratulations! Sincerely, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei President Washington Business and Technology Institute LVRJ/wbti: For a search of "U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama - will you commit to serve with me? From Michelle Obama ..." by Google.com To: tojulei@yahoo.com Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lei,Four years ago, during his first inauguration, Barack and I were thrilled when ...Please join us, and commit to serve on January 19th. ...***..... Michelle LVRJ/wbti: *****2013-03-14 by¡¾ÖÐVЄ£¯Öx×ôÈË¡¿ ÖЇøµÚ12ŒÃÈ«‡øÈË´óÒ»´Î•þ×hµÚËÄ´ÎÈ«ów•þ×h½ñÌìÔçÉÏÔÚ±±¾©ÈËÃñ´ó•þÌã¬ßx³öÁ•½üƽ³öÈÎÖÐÈAÃñ¹²ºÍ‡øÖ÷ϯ¡£ ß@ÊÇÁ•½üƽ½ÓÌæºúå\ý£¬³öÈÎÖЇøühÕþÜŠÈý´óҪšµÄ×îááһ헃xʽ£¬ÕýʽÍê³ÉÖЇøÕþ™àµÄ½Ó°à¡£ Also by --{2013-03-14 ¡¾ÖÐÑëÉç¡¿ (at 22:07 p.m. on 031313)} LVRJ/wbti: First responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between the leader is a servant!--Ma Dupree; "Leadership Is an Art!" LVRJ/wbti: Dvorak Romantic P1 Kyung Wha Chung www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fozf3DRBVo LVRJ/wbti: More scenic pictures and beautiful music starting from 030314-1637 LVRJ/wbti: Vanessa Mae I Will Always Love You www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xyUSJ33mEs Qinghai Lake - Mongolian bilingual, Dai Qing Tana HAYA Orchestra +++žõÌmÍЋI - ¸ßÔË{ The Plateau Is Blue - Wulan Tuoya *****Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama Warm welcome: Michelle Obama pictured greeting Fang-Yu Lien, spouse of theRepresentative of Chinese Taipei, before the APEC Spousal Luncheon! (Through the courtesy of Michelle's website) {{Please take a view at pages [3]... on PPAA Forum 21 *****Lien Chan & Fang Yu (in Peking):"ONE CHINA!" {picture in [1]}Á•½üƽÊ×´ÎÉîÈëÕ„½yªš£º½^²»ÈÝ·ÖÁÑ ÒªÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»!ÖÐÒ•Ìṩ¡£´óꑇø¼ÒÖ÷ϯÁ•½üƽ•r£¬ÖØÉêºÍƽ½yÒ» KÊ׶ÈÒÔŠÓ²ÕZšâ±íÃ÷¡¸Œ¦ÈκηÖÁÑÐн£¬½^²»ÈÝÈÌ¡¹£»Õ„µ½½yÒ»•rËûÕf£¬ƒÉ°¶½yÒ»¡¸×·ÇóµÄ£¬²»ƒHÊÇÐÎʽÉϽyÒ»£¬¸üÊǃɰ¶Í¬°ûÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»¡£¡¹ÔÚÈËÃñ´ó•þÌÃÅcÓôĽÃ÷¡¢ÔSšvÞr…¢ÔLˆFÒ»ÐЕþÎî...ÑëÒ•¡·×òÍíÔÚЄ“²¥ÒÔî^—l²¥³ö...--chinatimes.com2014Äê09ÔÂ27ÈÕ 04:10ê°ØÍ¢£¯±±¾©ˆóŒ§ LVRJ/wbti JCUAALV judiroc@aol.com 10/1/14 8:20 AM ±£ÖØ ´úÇàËþÄÈ£ºThe silent sky ¼Å¾²µÄÌì¿Õ www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfxXQcDeTt0*8/10/2012 MEDITATION Relaxmusicmeditação www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRhoWQX2OF8 " Ladies in Lavender " - Joshua Bell *****Cafe Morricone (Gary Schnitzer) BRIAN CRAIN - Lavender Hills *Piano and Cello A Walk in the Forest - Brian Crain*8/28/2009 *****The Enchanted Garden - Kevin Kern {100114-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng Åíûæ³öϯµÄ»î„ÓÖУ¬¶à°ëÒÔÎÄ»¯¡¢ƒºÍ¯ÒÔ¼°Òô˜·...ÅíûæÂÔÚˇÐgÉϳɾͺܸߣ¬ÔÚÎÄ»¯îIÓòÉÏÒÑÏí×uº£Íâ¡£ÅíûæÂÔÚÎÄ»¯¼°Òô˜·...ß@Ò²³ÉžéÖЇø¡¸µÚÒ»·òÈË¡¹…¢ÅcÈËÎĽ»Á÷ºÜÖØÒªµÄÒ»²¿·Ö¡£ów¬F³öÔL†–‡øŒ¦ÅíûæµÄ×ðÖغÍדÔS...--chinatimes.com ÅíûæÂÕ¹ÈáÇé ·òÈËÍâ½»«@דÔS! Ó›ÕßüSÊç‹’ & LVRJ/wbti *****Yo-Yo Ma - Bach, Cello Suites www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHzfD6XLK7Q*1/25/2012 Wed, 6/06/2012 Lang Lang's Piano Performance at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Concert *****First Lady Michelle Obama and her mother Marian Robinson share a light moment with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and his wife Peng Liyuan after a photograph session at the Diaoyutai State guest house in Beijing March 21, 2014! --The White House & JVRJ/wbti ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ºú»ÛÖÐ (Bai Far Award!) www.youtube.com/watch?v=poE520xFpgs*11/1/2009 *****Í©Ñþ£¡à‡û¾ý!! µËÀö¾ýÔÙÊÀ!!£¡ LVRJ/wbti: ×·‰ô¾ÞÐÇÒ«±±¾©à‡û¾ý60ßLÄê¼oÄîÑݳª•þ 2013-05-19 ÑëÒ• ... ¡¶ÐÄÓê¡· ÑîîÚӨëÄþ2012ºþÄÏ´ºÍí- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlCIvYY9wv0*2012 ÓöÉÏÄãÊÇÎÒµÄÔµ/ °¢Â³°¢×¿- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4SC_JyG2-M*9/28/2011 ÃÎÈëÌÒ»¨Ô´³Â˼˼- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkumTTFHTWo*9/10/2010 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-ÐÂøxø„ºûµû‰ô- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThpVwSmiwFc*10/12/012 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à(Alto Sax)-Çà´ºŽX- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uIQ8rMvRBE*3/21/2013 ½Þ¥~°²Æ½×·ÏëÇú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D-yFkTYZBg*4/06/2010 ×ßÌìÑÄ-½µÑë׿Âê Çà²Ø¸ßÔ Ñë½ðÂêÈý½ãÃÃ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya8-pmcqHbQ*11/10/210 China xinjingÖйúн®ÃÀÅ®°¬Í¼À¼(±»³Æн®µÄÂó www.youtube.com/watch?v=2exzgRkdl64*11/20/208 »¨¶ùΪʲôÕâÑùºì / Ì·¾§ www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHvloxx98kM*10/31/210 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+êÃÀøP- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFUl393mWF4*6/24/2011 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+øPïwïw(2) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eAyxoVetWs*6/20/2011 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ˆ¬PÃô- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp1IXewVMPg*10/9/2011²ÌÇÙ- δ×R¾_Á_Ïã(Ô•KTV) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0CcPb87TTY*11/1/2011 Lawmovieworld Ê’ŒCÖé.²ÈÔÚϦê–Ñe(ëŠÓ°"²ÈÔÚ ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_AICnLvOx4 µÈ´ý(‚¬ŽëŠÓ°²åÇú,ÁÖÇàϼ¡¢ÇØh)Ê’ŒCÖé1979 ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMpAAFhp8Uo*7/06/2013 ½Þ¥çR»¨Ë®ÔĄ̂±±Ñݳª•þµÚÆ߈öÌØ„e¼ÎÙeØi¸çÁÁ-YT www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQniwgBJ5IM*5/26/2013 Yellow Mountain Tours leadtochina.com TravelChina.com *Yellow Mountain(Huangshan M ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-žéÒÁ×ßǧÀï- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=luqQ9ZmSmtY*2/25/2012 LVRJ/wbti: ÁÖÖ¾ÁáÉϺ£ž©ïh͹ÅFu! *****ÈÕÇ°ÔÚÉϺ£³öϯ·þÑb»î„Ó´ó²¨ÀËÖдó¶¼çîi¾€—lºÍÇå›öÃÀ±³...ËýÌصزëÁË´ó¼tÉ«¿Ú¼t£¬¾WÓÑדÃÀËýšâÙ|ƒžÑÅ ØWû ...---chinatimes.com2014Äê10ÔÂ24ÈÕ 04:09£¨ÎÄ£¯Àî×ˬ“£© & LVRJ/wbti Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMbvcp480Y4 (Bandari) °²ÄݵÄÏɾ³ÝpÒô˜·- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGJy7suCO2M ·¬ÇѹÃÄïÊ’ŒCÖé-·¼Û™ºÎÌŽ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ7vTA-hCdk*0/16/2011 ÓÈÑÅ-ÍùÊÂÖ»ÄÜ»Ø棨KTV£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONKxGKclkwM*5/29/2011 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ñRÊÀÀò(1) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFfUOFwHhRg ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ñRÊÀÀò(2) - YouTube! ‘ÑÅf¸èÇú ÓÈÑÅ ¶àÉÙÈáÇé¶àÉÙœI- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QJ5HUOcr3Y*7/08/2011 ÙMÓñÇå2013±±¾©Ñݳª•þ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=weiSkJ5N3wY*10/31/213 Àîã‘혷QµÛ æRÐÀÁè·âºó!10/26/14 04:09 chinatimeºéÐãçø¡¢ÁÖÄÝƼ¡¢üSö©Ï¬Ì¨±±&LVRJ/wbti LVRJ/wbti: Pray with Pastor Tong (11/06/2014)ROLCC.net Images for Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ([2]...) *****Images for WBTI Journal ˆÐãÇä-ÎÒÔõüN¿ÞÁË- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVaYIH11-Qo ýRÔ¥-éÏ™ì˜ä(éÏ™ì2014̨±±Ñݳª•þ)(HD) -YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tOEP4WCCj8*6/17/2014 LVRJ/wbti: Dear Uncle Tony & Aunt Judy: Lillian (Lei Yung-sheng )Tsai ¡¶Ïà·ê·˼Áx¡·¡«The Luce Chapel ·˼Áx½ÌÌÃÎåÊ®Äê¼oä›Æ¬! www.youtube.com/watchv=0JZhVc4Jb34*10/28/214 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-ÈËÉú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt0VpOXkzlU ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-ÛÄãÒ»ÈfÄê- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZyi8MT1qV8 ˆÐãÇä-²ÈÔÚϦê–Ñe- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXN739sbpxk | |
Fri.5:07a.m.11/07,2014 Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada(CAAAN) ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News Âåɼ´‰ÊÀ½çÈÕˆó Chinese Daily News(Worldjournal.com) À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times |
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