*****LVRJ/wbti: Breakthrough, Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for Taiwan, China, Singapore... and America! --Modern and advanced 'Golden Keys' on nurturing and encouraging our and future Generations, theoretically and practically, to grasp, retain, and develop Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this era of 21st Century!!
ˆÐãÇä܇վ- YouTube *7/01/2010
Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, inspiration, and Practice of our modern and effective Leading Skills & Strategies on EQ and AQ for Growth, Success, Happiness, Prosperity, and Accomplishment!!! *6168
by Bill Clinton, Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Elaine L. Chao ...
LVRJ/wbti: U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor & Chairperson of WBTI Nevada Elaine L. Chao ¡¶¿ª½²À²¡· 20131026 ÕÔСÀ¼£ºÓÀÔ¶²»Òª½«ÃŹØÉÏ- YouTube
½µÑë׿¬”ÅãÄãÒ»Æð¿´²ÝÔ- YouTube *9/03/2012
<4th Term Chairman of
Advisory Board is U.S.
Congressman & Nevada
Brian Sandoval!
(5th Ed. & 8th printing) The memory and floral tributes to U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao (ÖìľÌm)!
by Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang
*****Life is meant to be a never-ending education, and when this is fully appreciated, we are no longer survivors but adventurers. ---David McNally, Even Eagles Need a PushThe originality of this article was published in this section on August 5, 2007.*1 The Advisory Board and faculty members join with President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI in mourning its Chairperson Elaine L. Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Chu Chao and praying for her and the family heartfeltly.
"Dear Dr. Lei, Very sorry to hear the sad news. I made a few grammatical and spelling changes below. Hope this helps. Sincerely, Judge Moss," wrote Nevada District Court Judge Cheryl Moss to Washington Business and Technology Intstitute (WBTI) early in the morning on August 7, 2007 (Tue, 7 Aug 2007 05:58:44 -0700) in Las Vegas, Nevada.*2
Judy and Tony were very sad to learn yesterday (8/04/07) evening that U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao passed away in the afternoon on August 2, 2007. President George Bush called Elaine's family twice. In comforting, George reminded her father Dr. James S. C. Chao, Chairman of Foremost Group that, "Elaine is the one who serves the longest time as a Secretary of U. S. Department."
According to Elaine's mouring message to the passing of her mother, she respects her mother Ruth as "a noble and eternal wife, a selfless and offering mother, a philanthropist full of love, and an Asian culture scholar."
"From the difficult years after mariage to raise several daughters, thorugh her courage, diligence, and accomplishment to receive her master degree, until the development and prosperity of their family, U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao had a life of success. Ruth was a successful family educator and an achieved Asian culture scholar. 'Like mother, like daughter.' Ealine's wisdom, inguinty, and achievement as a leading Asian American public charater have been derived from her mother's heartily love and offering influence. Judy and I were mourning and praying for Elaine's mother Ruth heartfeltly. Our sincere hearts and prayers go out also to James, Elaine, Mitch (Elaine's husband, The Honorable Mitch McConnell, U. S. Senate Minority Leader), Jeannette, May, Christine, Grace, Angela, the family, and their friends," wrote President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI a mourning and praying e-mail to Chairperson Elaine Chao in the early morning on August 5, 2007, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
"ÖìľÌmÔÚ1961ÄꎧÖøÚwСÌmµÈÈýÃûÓ×Å®×Ǫ̂ž³³Ë݆´¬íÃÀ£¬Åc®”•rÔÚ¼~¼sÇóŒWµÄÚwåa³ÉˆF¾Û£¬Õ¹é_ÔÚÃÀ‡øµÄÐÂÉú»î¡£ÚwСÌm×îÄîÄî²»ÍüµÄ¾ÍÊÇÔÚ¸¸Ä¸ÓHŽ§îIÏÂ×ßß^ÒÆÃñíÃÀ³õ•rµÄ·N·NÐÁËášg‚£¬Úwåa³ÉÅcÖìľÌmÔÚ¡¸Ðµćø¼Ò£¬ÕZÑÔ²»Í¨¡¢ÎÄ»¯²»Í¬¡¢Á•‘T¸÷®£¬ÉõÖÁßBʳÎïÒ²¸ÐÄ°Éú¡¹µÄÇé›rÏ£¬½ÌðBÁù‚€Å®ƒº£¬‚€‚€‚ܳöÓгɡ£ÖìľÌmÔÚÅ®ƒº‚ƒ¶¼ªšÁ¢éL´óáᣬ51šq•r¹¥×xÎÄŒW´TÊ¿£¬Íê³ÉÔçÄêÒò‘ðy¶øŸo·¨ÇóŒW«@È¡ÐÂÖªµÄÐÄ£ÖìľÌmÑÔ½ÌÉí½Ì½oÅ®ƒº‚ƒÁôÏÂĪ´óµÄÙY®a£¬ËýÔøÕf¡¸½ÌÓýÊǽoÅ®ƒº×îºÃµÄ¼ÞŠy¡¹," reported by Reporter κ±ÌÖÞ of World Journal in New York. The report "ÚwСÌmĸÓHÖìľÌm²¡ÊÅ" was posted on the '³¬ÈËšâ News' of the Worldjournal.com. on August 4, 2007.*3
"Vision seems to be an elusive yet import life principle. Your vision describes the ideal future for you to attain. It provides meaning and direction while forcing you to break through present limitations. Holding a clear picture in your mind of the desired future will mobilize your creative efforts and generate the desire and energy to perform," edited Glenn Ekeren in his book.*4 The bright vision and offering love extended from Ruth to her children had built a sound foundation for the outstanding accomplishments in each of their special professionalism.
The following were some information from the report "ÃÀ‡ø„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌmĸÓHÈ¥ÊÀ ÓH”Mµ¿Ô~ížÆä¶÷µÂ" by Ó›ÕßÇñ½²¨ in ÈAÊ¢îD at 8ÔÂ3ÈÕ. The news was posted on ÑëÒ•‡øëH www.cctv.com¡¡on¡¡2007Äê08ÔÂ04ÈÕ at 14:06:
"ÚwĸÅc¼²²¡îBŠ²«ôY£¬·e˜O˜·Ó^µØÃ挦²¡Ä§¡£ÔÚÈËÉúµÄ×îááêPî^£¬ËýÓÈԊÅcÄÈÝÓ½ÓÁËÉúÃü×î‡À¾þµÄ¿¼òž¡£ÔÚÃÀ‡ø²¼Ï£Õþ¸®ÖГúÈÎÐÐÕþš„Õ×î¸ßµÄß@λÈAÒáÅ®²¿éL£¬²»ƒHÊܵ½V´óÃÀ¼®ÈAÈ˵Ä×ðÖØ£¬¶øÇÒÆäÙt»Ý¾«Ã÷µÄ–|·½Å®ÐÔïL²É£¬Ò²µÃµ½Á˲¼Ï£ƒÈéwºÍÃÀ‡ø¸÷ëAŒÓÈËÊ¿µÄÐÀÙp¡£ÚwСÌmµÄÈ˾‰ºÜºÃ£¬ÓÐÈËÕf£¬ß@ÊÇÒòžéËýÊܵ½ÁËÁ¼ºÃµÄ¼ÒÍ¥–|·½ÎÄ»¯Ñ¬ÌÕ¡£¶øÚwСÌmÕf£¬ß@Ò»Çж¼ÊÇËýµÄ¸¸Ä¸ÙnÓèµÄ¡£ÚwСÌmµÄĸÓHËØíÖ§Ô®‹DÅ®ªšÁ¢×ÔŠ£¬ËýÑÔ‚÷Éí½Ì£¬³ÉžéƒºÅ®‚ƒ×îºÃµÄ°ñ˜Ó¡£ÚwСÌmÕf£¬ËýµÄĸÓH²»ƒH½oÓ胺ŮÕäÙFµÄÉúÃü£¬¸ü½oÓèÁËËû‚ƒ×·Çó¸ßÐÀíÏëµÄ¾«ÉñØ”¸?" reported the reporter Çñ½²¨.*5
"Six essential qualities that are keys to success: Sincerity, Personal Integrity, Humility, Courtesy, Wisdom, Charity, " quoted Dr. William Menninger. Ruth owned each and every of these personal traits. In facing and conquering difficulties and obstacles, her 'persistense' and "passion"*6 in A.Q.*7 had played an important role to empowered her in the road to success.
"ĸÓHÏñÍâÆÅÒ»˜ÓÒ²ÓÐó@ÈËÖ®Åe£¬Ëý51šq•r›Q¶¨ÖØ·µÐ£ˆ@£¬¹¥×x†ÖÞÎÄŒWºÍšvÊ·´TÊ¿ŒWλ¡£ËýÒªÍêÉÆ×Ô¼ºµÄÈËÉúƒrÖµ£¬ÒÔƒ”¶àÄêµÄËÞ£ÎÒ‚ƒ®”•rŒ¦Ä¸ÓH´ËÅeK²»Ê®·ÖÀí½â£¬ÐÄÌ۵ظæÔVËý›]ÓбØÒªÔÙÄÇüNÐÁ¿àµØ³ÐÊ܉ºÁ¦¡£µ«Œ¦Ä¸ÓHµÄˆÌÖøºÍÒãÁ¦£¬ŒW¶ø²»¾ëµÄ¾«Éñ¶¼±¶¼ÓדÙp£¬È«¼Ò®”È»¶¦Á¦Ö§³Ö,žéÁ˶÷»ØðÉç•þ£¬Ä¸ÓHÔçì¶1984ÄêÖЇø¸Ä¸ïé_·Å³õÆÚ¼´¾èÙ›ÁË¡¸Ä¾Ìm»ù½ð•þ¡¹£¬ááÔÚ2006Äê11ÔÂÕýʽ¸üÃûµÇÓ›Åú×¼žé¡¸ÉϺ£Ä¾Ìm½ÌÓý»ù½ð•þ¡¹£¬žéª„„î¡¢Ö§³Ö¡¢ÙYÖú½ÌÓýʘI¼°Æ䃞Ð㎟Éú£¬žéÖЇøµÄ½ÌÓýʘI±M¾d±¡Ö®Á¦¡£ÎÒ‚ƒÅã°éĸÓHÔÚÍ¥ÔºéfÕ„Âþ²½£¬@ÑYÊÇÎÒ‚ƒ×îÊìϤµÄµØ·½¡£½ñÄêµÄ´ºÌìÈç´ËÐߣ¬Š™Š™íßt£¬Mˆ@½ð N NµÄÓ´º»¨Ç§ºôÈf†¾Ê¼³öí¡£´ºïLºÍì㣬ꖹâÃ÷ÃÄ£¬™Ñ»¨Å·Å£¬ÖñÁÖÇà´ä£¬¼ÒéTÇ°ÄÇÈý¿ÃÅcÎÒ‚ƒÒ»ÆðéL´óµÄËþËÉÒÑÖ¦È~ïʢ£¬Í¦°Î…¢Ìì¡£¼Òˆ@ÒÀÅfÊÇÎÒ‚ƒÐªÏ¢µÄ¸Ûž³£¬ÒÀÅfÊÇÎÒ‚ƒÐÄÖеÄ×îÛ¡£ " wrote Elaine L. Chao. The article entitled "¡¶Œ£î}1¡·Æ½·²Åc‚¥´ó©¤«I½oĸÓHÖìľÌm" was written by her (ÚwСÌm). It was posted through the courtesy of the "ĸÓH¹Œ£î}" of Worldjournal.com to the "Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
"Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*9 Enjoying with general popularity, the achieved intellectual has been many years our good friend to participate and contribute the mutual cooperation and development for Asian and American endeavors. "One of the most important integrity and work of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our people, high-ranking officials, and communities is its many feature articles posted by publications through the leading search engines promptly. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid (now the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor and help the promotion of benifits and quality of lives for our people, community, and country."
Elaine said that her mother was good in writing. The following was an literary article written by Ruth when she was very young. With its nice description, the article was published by the School Periodical at her elementary school year: "ÎÒÄС¾ÍÛÓêÌ졪¡ª¡ªööµÄ¼šÓêÅcƒAÅè´óÓêÓXµÃÒ»˜ÓµÄ¿ÉÛ¡£ßB¾dµÄ´ºÓ꣬¿ñ±©µÄÏÄÓ꣬žtžtµÄÇïÓêºÍ“½ÖøïwÑ©µÄ¶¬Óê¡£¶¬Ó欵Ä×Ë‘BҲͬ˜ÓÓXµÃ¿ÉÛ£¬K²»ÊÇÒòžéÓÐʲüNÒÝÖÂÅcÑÅÅd£¬¶øÊÇžéÓÐÇçÌì¾Í‘ªÔ“ÓÐÓêÌ죬ÓêÌ쌦ÇçÌìÊÇÒ»·NÕ{¹¡£ÓêÌìëmÈ»ÓÐÔS¶àÇéȤ£¬Èç¹ûÄúÊÇÁ÷ÀË®àl»òÀ§îDÄæÂõÄß[×Ó»ò¶à³îÉƸеÄÈË£¬ÄÇüN£¬ß@æ¹ÄȵÄÓê½z·Çµ«²»ÄܽoÄãÐĵ׵ݲŒŽ£¬·´¶ø•þʹÈËÔö¼ÓÒ»·Ý³îÉϳÒò´Ë£¬ÓÐÈ˸èížÓ꣬ҲÓÐÈËÖäÁRÓê¡£²»ß^ÓêÌ쾿¾¹ÊÇÖµµÃ¸èힵģ¬ËüÄÜƽÍÄãÐÄî^µÄŸ©ž£¬ÔöÌíÒâ¾³ºÍÇéȤ¡£¸üÖØÒªµÄÊÇËüÄÜÏóáçÖøÇçÀʵČ¢í£¬ËùÖ^Óêß^ÌìÇ磬ªqËƺڰµÏóáç¹âÃ÷ÉWÅRÒ»˜Ó¡£---ÖìľÌm." *10
We are humble, but we are encouraged. Thanks. Searching the leading search engines from early morning yesterday until now, we could find that this feature article by WBTI through the communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal is the first one on the most recent news about U. S. Secretary Elaine Chao's mother in English appeared on the Internet.
"ËýÒÔó@È˵ÄÆÇÁ¦£¬ò¯Õ\µÄÐÅÑö£¬ºÁ²»Î·¿sµØÃ挦¸÷·NÌô‘ð£¬×ßÍêÒ»¶ÎÍêÃÀÄÈËÉú¡?ĸÓHÊÇÎÒ‚ƒß@‚€´ó¼ÒÍ¥¿ì˜·µÄԴȪ£¬ˆÔŠµÄáá¶Ü¡£ÎÒ‚ƒÄý¾ÛÔÚËýµÄÖ܇ú£¬¸úëSÖøËýÅûÇG”ؼ¬£¬ÓÂÍùֱǰ£¬Ò»²½Ò»‚€Ä_Ó¡µØ×ßÏò³É¹¦, ŬÁ¦„“Ôì¸üÃÀºÃµÄÃ÷Ìì¡£ ËýÒ»Éú¾´ò¯ÛÉñ¡¢ÛÈË¡¢Û¼ÒÍ¥£¬Œ¦Éç•þĬĬµØ·î«I£¬¾Ï¹ª±M´á£¬ËÀ¶øááÒÑ¡£ÎÒ‚ƒÄÖиÐÊܵ½ÁËÐÄì`µÄÕ𺳣¬ß@ÊÇÈËÉúƒrÖµµÄ³ç¸ß¾³½ç£¬ÊÇƽ·²Åc‚¥´óµÄ×îÍêÃÀµÄ½YºÏ£¡" pointed out U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on her mourning message in Chinese.*11
Your kind thoughts and prayers are appreciated and may send to the Secretary of U. S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. or Dr. James S. C. Chao, Chairman of Foremost Group in New York, as reminded by Elaine.
Wish the soul of Ruth in heaven is respectfuly mourned and the family of her survived ones are highly blessed! The elegant funeral ceremony was in good planning and implementing.
"ÎÒ‚ƒÔÚ´ËÕæÕ\µØ¸ÐÖxÔÚß@¶Î·Ç³£•rÆÚÑe½oÓèÎÒ‚ƒÛÐÄÅcŽÍÖúµÄËùÓÐÓHÓÑ‚ƒ," wrote the Secretary of U. S. Department of Labor (ÃÀ‡ø„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌm).*12
"Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles." ---Og Mandino (1923-1996, Speaker and Author)*13
"Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lei: Since I shall be in Washington, D.C., I believe that I shall be constantly reminded of the ideals that are the subject of the messages and quotations contained in your correspondence, particularly those about vision, enthusiasm, and assistance," wrote Nevada District Judge Mark R. Denton to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and his wife Judy on June 18, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*14
"I hope that you are both doing well and that you will enjoy the upcoming event and keep me informed about your excellent projects. Thank you so much for thinking of me and keeping me posted. Very truly yours, Mark R. Denton."
"The Board of Trustees of St. John's University joins with the entire University community in mourning the passing of Ruth Mulan Chu Chao. The cherished mother of United States Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, Jeannette, May, Christine, Grace, and Angela Chao; at the age of 51, Mrs. Ruth Chu Chao decided to return to school and earn a Master's degree in Asian literature and history from this university. She has also established several foundations that provide scores of scholarships annually in her native land of China. Touching us with her grace and dignity, she and her family are in our thoughts and prayers in this time of sorrow," stated Thomas E. McInerney, Chair, Board of Trustees, and Donald J. Harrington, C.M., President in The New York Times on August 8, 2007.*15
World Journal reporters (Ó›Õß) κ±ÌÖÞ and „¢Ë¬ reported in New York (¼~¼s) that, "ÚwÖìľÌmŮʿ£¬Ò»Î»ÅàðBÁËÃÀ‡øµÚһλÈAÒᲿéLÚwСÌmµÄƽ·²Ä¸ÓH£¬11ÈÕÏÂÎçÔÚÏÈÉúÚwåa³ÉÅcÚwСÌmµÈÁùÃûÅ®ƒºÅcÅ®ÐöµÄº¬œIËÍ„eÏ£¬ìoìoµØÌÉÔÚ¼~¼sÉÏÖÝ·Ò¿ËÀï·ò(Ferncliff)Ĺˆ@£¬ÔÚÐÁ¿àŠ^ôYÒ»ÉúáᣬÓÖ¡¸Ã¦ÖøÏȵ½µ½Ìì‡øÈ¥žéÎÒ‚ƒœÊ‚äÁíÒ»‚€¼ÒÁË¡¹¡£ ½YÊøÔÚÂü¹þ̹¿µØ –š›ƒxð^(Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel)µÄ×·ÄîƒxʽáᣬÚwåa³ÉÂÊÖøéLÅ®ÚwСÌm£¬éLÐö“°î…¢×h†Tûœ¿µÖZ(Mitch McConnell)µÈÁùÅ®ÁùÐö¼°ŒOÝ…ºÍÓHÓÑ£¬µ½ëxÚw¼Òס̎²»ßhµÄ·Ò¿ËÀï·òĹˆ@°²ÔáÔÚ2ÈÕÒòÁÜ°Í°©²¡ÊŵÄÆÞ×Ó¡£ÖìľÌm°²ØÈ춵ÚÒ»ŒÓ˜Ç£¬Èý˜ÇÉÏ°²ØÈÊY·òÈËËÎÃÀýgŮʿ¡£" The report was posted on the '¼~¼sЄ' of Worldjournal.com on August 12, 2007.*16
At the funeral ceremony, Dr. James S. C. Chao and Elaine were very sad. By the way, Ruth's six daughters leading by Elaine and the family had also optimized from the sorrowful feeling to the vision for a bright future!
"11ÈÕÉÏÎçÔÚš›ƒxð^µÄ׷˼ƒxʽÉÏ£¬ÖìľÌmµÄÁùλŮƒº‚ƒM‘Ñ‚û¸Ðµ«ÓÖ˜·Ó^µØÖÂÔ~£¬×ŒÔÚ×ù½üËÄ°Ù¶àλÓHÓÑíÙe£¬îlîlÊÃœI£¬ÔٴθÐÊܵ½ß@λÓ¸҈ÔígµÄÅ®ÐÔƽ·²¶øÓÖ‚÷ÆæµÄÒ»Éú¡£ÚwСÌm×îáẬœI±íʾ¡¸Ä¸ÓHµÄëxÈ¥ÊǞ鸸ÓHºÍÎÒ‚ƒœÊ‚äÁíÒ»‚€ÓÀßhµÄ¼Ò£¬ÄÇÑe²»•þÔÙÓб¯‚û¡£¡¹ λì¶Âü¹þ̹µÄ¿µØ –š›ƒxð^11ÈÕì`ÌÃȔ[M¸÷½çËÍíµÄ°×ɫõ¹å¡¢ºûµûÌmºÍ°×É«ër¾Õ¼™³ÉµÄ»¨»@»¨È¦£¬Çf‡ÀœØÜ°," wrote reporters κ±ÌÖÞ and „¢Ë¬.*17
The elegant funeral ceremony for Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Choa was in good planning. The implementation has been held significantly at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel on August 11, 2007 in New York. Ruth's elder son-in-law, United States Senator Honorable Mitch McConnell dilivered a speech to remember her very impressively. Senator McConnell is the husband of U. S. Secretary of Labor Elanine L. Chao.
*1. Chang, Tiffany. 'The memory and floral tributes to U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao (ÖìľÌm),' "Section of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the WBTI's website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti)," (August 6, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ.
*2. Moss, Cheryl. 'Some kind thoughts and prayers,' "An e-mail from District Court Judge Cheryl Moss of Nevada to WBTI," (August 7, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Judge Cheryl Moss' residence.
*3. κ±ÌÖÞ. 'ÚwСÌmĸÓHÖìľÌm²¡ÊÅ,' "A search of '³¬ÈËšâ News' on the Worldjournal.com," (August 4, 2007). New York: World Journal.
*4. Glenn Van Ekeren, "Speaker's Source Book II," (Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1994,) 378.
*5. Çñ½²¨. 'ÃÀ‡ø„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌmĸÓHÈ¥ÊÀ ÓH”Mµ¿Ô~ížÆä¶÷µÂ,' "A search of 'Secretary Elaine Chao's mother passed' on the Google.com," (August 4, 2007), U. S. A.: ÑëÒ•‡øëH www.cctv.com.
*6. Kung, Jennifer. 'Some findings on the art of leading by U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao!' "The article at 071407-1068 on Section 'People and Beautiful Scenery' of the WBTI's website," (July 26, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink.reviewjournal.com.
*7. Chang, Tiffany. 'Art of E. Q. and A. Q. inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-yuan Kung!' "A search of 'secretary chao letter to eitc and Art of E. Q. and A. Q. inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-yuan Kung! wbti' on the Yahoo.com," (July 26, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*8. ÚwСÌm. '¡¶Œ£î}1¡·Æ½·²Åc‚¥´ó©¤«I½oĸÓHÖìľÌm,' "The review on section 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' and a search of 'ĸÓH¹Œ£î}' on the Worldjournal.com at May 31, 2007, San Francisco, California: World Journal," (August 5, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*9. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court desk of Michael Douglas.
*10. ÚwСÌm. Ibid.
*11. World Journal. 'ÚwСÌmµ¿Ä¸Ô~ ³ÁÍ´°§ÆÝ ---(µ¿ Ô~) Ö¾´ÛµÄĸÓH¡ªÚwÖìľÌmŮʿ,' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mourning message on her mother's passing' on the Google.com," (August 11, 2007), New York, N. Y.: 'ÃÀ‡øЄ' of Worldjournal.com.
*12. World Journal. Ibid.
*13. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will help bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community!' "A feature article on 'Business & Administration' of WBTI website," (July 18, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink.reviewjournal.com.
*14. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' on the Google.com," (August 7, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*15. Late Edition - Final of The New York Times. "A search of 'Paid Notice: Deaths CHAO, RUTH MULAN CHU the new york times,' on the Search.com," (August 11, 2007), New York, N. Y.: The New York Times.
*16. κ±ÌÖÞ and „¢Ë¬. 'ÚwСÌmº¬œIËÍ„e£ºÄ¸ÓHµ½Ìì‡ø žéÎÒ‚ƒœÊ‚äÁíÒ»‚€¼Ò,' "A search of '¼~¼sЄ' on the Worldjournal.com," (August 12, 2007). New York: World Journal.
*17. Ibid.