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Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng wbti

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Aug 20, 2013 - BR>BR>{080813-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng. A seaech of Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle .
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{072313-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Peng Liyuan LVRJ/wbti: Miss Yein Young ½ðÇú°ÙÀÏ…R2011.06.23_(—îÑà)-ÍõÕѾý- YouTube!
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Jan 21, 2013 - LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng *****LVRJ/wbti: The Heavenly Road singing by China's First Lady Madam ...
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{082613-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama {082613-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng.
22 - Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
{072313-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Peng Liyuan LVRJ/wbti: Miss Yein Young ½ðÇú°ÙÀÏ…R2011.06.23_(—îÑà)-ÍõÕѾý- YouTube!
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{081213-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama {081213-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng.
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{061413-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama {061413-1037}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng
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[030505-1168] *****Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain!
by Tiffany Chang

At the time when he sent the following article to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) by e-mail, "Many thanks for your precious help. This is the article I tried to forward to you. My wife and I are so moved by your valuable efforts. I should work hard," wrote Huang Xiaosheng, Esq., to Dr. Tony Lei late in the night on March 4, 2005.*1

The Chinese Association of Las Vegas is led by Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., as its Chairman. It held successfully a special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival on February 19, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*2

The following is a profile about Xiaosheng Huang on the website at www.lawhuang.com:

Xiaosheng Huang, Managing Partner
Born in Nanyang of Henan, China
Managing Partner, Law Huang International Ltd.
VP &Chief Counsel, Southwest Bull & John, Inc. Las Vegas, NV
University of Notre Dame Law School, IN, USA
Foreign Affairs College, Beijing, China
East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
People's Representative of Putuo District, Shanghai, China, 1990-1993
Chairman, Chinese Association of Las Vegas
Licensed in the Courts of State of New York*3

Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., was the hit winner of visitor number at one hundred two thousand and fifth (#102,005th) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti on March 3, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

·üţɽ×ß³öµÄÃÀ¹úÂÉʦ (Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain)*4

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*1. Huang, Xiaosheng. 'Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain,' "An e-mail from Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., to WBTI," (March 4, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Law Huang International Ltd.
*2. Next Weekly. 'Chinese Association of Las Vegas held a special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival,' "A search about xiaosheng huang esq on Google.com," (March 5, 2005, U. S. A.: Google.com.
3. Law Huang International Ltd. 'Xiaosheng Huang, Esq.,' "A search about Law Huang International Ltd. on Yahoo.com," (March 5, 2005, U. S. A.: Yahoo.com.
*4. Huang, Xiaosheng. '·üţɽ×ß³öµÄÃÀ¹úÂÉʦ (Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain),' "An e-mail from Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., to WBTI," (March 4, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Law Huang International Ltd.
*5. Ibid.


Many high-ranking officials attended the event and dinner party of the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG!
---Judge Betsy Kolkoski, among others cut the ribbon for Grand Opening
by PAI of WBTI

The following is an updated list of our Guests, whom invited by Dr. Tony Lei, Ms. Yin Yan, and Mr. James Chen, of the event and dinner party at 6:00 p.m. on February 4, 2005:

Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas; District Judges of Family Court Cheryl Moss and Sandra Pomrenze; Constable of Las Vegas Bobby Gronauer (represented by Mrs. Judy Lei); Las Vegas Judge Betsy Kolkoski; North Las Vegas Judge Natalie Tyrrell; U.S. Senator John Ensign's Representative Kathie Ambrosio; Constable's Executive Manaement Assistant Marian Replogle; Mr. Richard Kolkoski; and Asseblywomen Valerie Weber & Francis Allen ( represented by Dr. Tony Lei).

Judge Betsy Kolkoski, Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG, and the following five Chairmen (including ÒüºÆçB as the representaive of ÅËÌìÁ¼) cut the ribbon for Grand Oppening. Most of the above high raking officials including Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas presented at the Dinner party in Emperor's Garden Restaurant with great pleasure.

At her short sppech, Judge Kolkoski welcomed Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG's enthusiam to bridge the art and cultural cooperation between Nevada and China with this significant ART EXIBIT. She appreciateted and enjoyed the close and sincere friendship with Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei(ÀׄÓÌì).

The dinner party was full with joy also with the dancing and singing of Mr. and MRS. QIN QUAN XIONG. The highlight of the dinner party was the Senatorial Recognition Award from U. S. Senator John Ensign to Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG, which was presented by his representative Miss Kathie Ambrosio to Mr. XIONG.

Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG painted a serial of writings to participants for donation. All the donation will be given the people with recent disasters in Southeast Asia.

A good news was announced by Judge Betsy Kolkoski during Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG's presentation: Immedeate source shows that she has no opponants and won the re-election as a judge.

Whether as an organizer or as a MC, Ms. Yin Yan played an important and successful role for the implementation of this Event and Dinner party.

The following is a sample of information of the invitation card designed creatively with colorful paintings (on the section of "Photos & Pictures" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti):

Dear Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas,

Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI); Ms. Yin Yan, Vice President of America Taiyu International, LLC (ATI); and Mr. James Chen, President of Las Vegas Chinatown (LVC)

request the honor of your presence
as a Guest of Honor
at the Event and Dinner Party for
LAS VEGAS 2005 Chinese Lunar New Year
sponsored by ATI, LVC, and WBTI

on Friday, the Fourth of February, 2005
at Chinatown 2nd Floor Emperor's Garden Restaurant
4255 Spring Mountain Road, Suite B-203, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
(Grand Opening at 3:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor of Chinatown)

Please RSVP to (702)-255-9058 or E-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com
RSVP: Please call Judy at 255-9058 on or before Tuesday, February 1, 2005.


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*****LVRJ/wbti: The SUN is full and red! It's shining brightly in the morning!! About 7 lovely doves are eating and playing under the large tree in our front yard!!!
There are many beautiful rainbows on the ground of our guest room!
{102413-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama
Images for Miss Jenny Cheng wbti
{102413-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng

[[[LVRJ/wbti: Pray with Pastor Tong --Lord, we thank you because you are truthful and dependable. Let us lean on your everyday in our lives. In our anguish we looked up you. And you saved us. You lead us masterfully with your own hand. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, amen!]]]

LVRJ/wbti:…Dz®ÐÛ£ºƒÉ°¶ºÏ×÷ ¡¸½›ÖÐÓÐÕþ¡¹!
*****ƒÉ°¶½›ÙQÎÄ»¯Õ“‰¯26ÈÕé_Ä»¡£‡øÃñüh˜s×uÖ÷ϯ…Dz®ÐÛÕf£¬Ì¨ž³Œ¦ƒÉ°¶êP‚S±ü³Ö¡¸ÏȽ›ááÕþ¡¹£¬µ«Ò²•þÅöÓ|µ½¡¸½›ÖÐÓÐÕþ¡¹£»ëmÈ»¡¸ÏÈÒ×ááëy¡¹£¬…sÒ²ÕJÖªµ½¡¸Ò×ÖÐÓÐëy¡¹¡£ ËûÒԃɰ¶ºžÓ†¡¸ƒÉ°¶¹²Í¬´ò“ô·¸×ï…f×h¡¹ÓÐЧ¶ôÖ¹ÔpÆÛ·¸×ï¡¢«@µÃÃñ±Š¿Ï¶¨žéÀýŠÕ{£¬Ö»Òª«@µÃ¶à”µÈËÃñµÄÕJͬ£¬ÕþÖη½ÃæÒ²ÄÜëSÖøÈËÃñµÄÐèÒªí½â›Q¡£ …Dz®ÐÛÕf£¬ƒÉ°¶êP‚SºÍƽ°lÕ¹£¬Ò»´úÈËÓÐÒ»´úÈ˵ÄØŸÈΣ¬... --worldjournal.com ÌØÅÉÓ›ÕßåXÕðÓÄÏŒŽ26ÈÕëŠ (October 27, 2013 06:05 AM | 726 ´Î) LVRJ/wbti PPAA Forum 21


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*****Sat, 9:31 PMMessage starred ½BÅd¿héLŸáÇéÑûÎÒ»ØÔL,Ã÷ÌìÏȵ½ÉϺ£ 1
FROM Charlyne Chen TO 1 recipient Hide Details FromCharlyne Chen ToJames Song
James :
ÅãͬNEVADA ئéLÈ¥ÄêÔL†–±±¾©áá¡¢½BÅd¿hÕþ¸®ÉÏ‚€ÔÂÒѳɹ¦ÔL†–ÁËVegas °Ý•þئ¸Ä¸®,Ó‹„¾†½Yæ¢ÃÃÊУ¬
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LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng wbti
--ÖÐ?øµÚÒ»·òÈË- YouTube!


LVRJ/wbti: Images for Miss Charlyne Chen wbti
*****ÅãͬNEVADA ئéLÈ¥ÄêÔL??±±¾©áá¡¢

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*****Las Vegas Chinese Daily News
The Las Vegas Chinese Daily News (LVCDN) has the largest circulation in the southern Nevada area among Chinese language media. LVCDN provides ...
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LVRJ/wbti: …Dz®ÐÛ£ºÐÜ؈áÌ¡¸ˆA×С¹Êǃɰ¶Éƾ‰!
…Dz®ÐÛÕf£¬2008Ä꺣…f•þ•þéLêë…ÁÖµÚÒ»´Îµ½Ì¨ž³•r£¬Åcº£»ù•þ¶­ÊÂéL½­±ûÀ¤›Q¶¨»¥“QƒÉ°¶Ï¡ÓЄÓÎï¡£®”•r̨ž³Ù›ËÍéL××ɽÑò¸ú÷»¨Â¹£¬Ä¿Ç°ÔÚɽ–|Íþº££¬¡¸ ­‚ƒË®ÍÁM·þ£¬ÉúÁ˺ܶࡹ¡£
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LVRJ/wbti: ...°²±¶ÔÚ×òÌì³ö¿¯µÄ¡¸ÈA –½ÖÈÕˆó¡¹ÉÏÕf£¬Ëû×î½üÔÚÅc–|Äφ¸÷‡øîIÐä•þÕ„•rÁ˽⵽£¬´óê‘Íâ½»ÓÐ×ßÏòŒ£”àµÄÚ…„Ý£¬…^ƒÈ¸÷‡øÏ£ÍûÈÕ±¾°l“]îIŒ§×÷žé¡£ °²±¶Õf£º¡¸¸÷‡ø“úÐÄ£¬ÖЇø´óê‘ÆóˆDÒÔÎäÁ¦¶ø·Ç½åÖú·¨ÂÉí¸Ä׃¬F î£¬µ«Èô´óê‘›Q¶¨×ßÉÏÄÇ—lµÀ·£¬ÄǾ͟o·¨ºÍƽáÈÆ𡣡¹ Read more: ÊÀ½çЄ¾W-±±ÃÀÈAÎÄЄ¡¢ÈAÉÌÙYÓ - ÈÕÏà ½^²»ÈÝÔSÒÔÎäÁ¦¸Ä׃¬F î!

LVRJ/wbti: ?É°¶½?ÙQÕ??¯ß_³É19?l¡¶¹²Í¬½¨×h¡·!*****µÚ¾Å?Ã?É°¶½?ÙQÎÄ»¯Õ??¯×òÌìÔÚÄÏ??é]Ä»£¬?ø¹²?ÉühÂ?ºÏ°l±í19?l¡¶¹²Í¬½¨×h¡·£¬¹Ä?îºÍ֧Ԯ̨?³×ÔÓɽ?úʾ¹ ?^Åc´óê?º£{Î÷°¶½?ú?^¡¢Æ½Ì¶¾CºÏ?ò??^¡¢À¥É½É?É°¶®a?IºÏ×÷Ô?ò??^¡¢ÉϺ£×ÔÓÉÙQÒ×Ô?ò??^µÈé_Õ¹V·ººÏ×÷£¬Ï໥½èèb£¬ÈںϰlÕ¹¡£KÖ§Ô®?É°¶½ðÈÚ?C??Ï໥?¢¹É¡¢»¥ÔO?C??£¬É?É°¶½ðÈÚºÏ×÷¡£Öй²ÕþÖξֳ£Î¯¡¢È«?øÕþ?fÖ÷ϯÓáÕýÂ?ÖÂÔ~?Õ{£¬19í?¹²Í¬½¨×h£¬¼¯ÖÐÖǻۣ¬?ÈÈÝØS¸»£¬Éæ¼°ÃæV£¬Õþ²ßº¬Á¿¸ß¡£Ï£Íû?É°¶¸÷ÓÐêP·½ÃæŬÁ¦°Ñ¹²Í¬½¨×hÞD»¯?é¾ßÓвÙ×÷ÐÔµÄÕþ²ß´ëÊ©£¬?éÍÆ?Ó?É°¶êP?SºÍƽ°lÕ¹×¢ÈëÐÂ?ÓÁ¦¡£ ?øÃñüh?s×uÖ÷ϯ?Dz®ÐÛ?t±íʾ£¬Õ??¯é]Ä»¾ÍÊÇÄ¡¸×ø¶øÑÔ¡¹£¬é_ʼҪ¡¸Æð¶øÐС¹¡£... chinatimes.com ÖÐ?ø?r?ó (Íõã?Áx£¯ÄÏ???ó?§ 2013Äê10ÔÂ28ÈÕ 04:10) & LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21







LVRJ/wbi: ÉçÔu£­ÔÚÒ»ÖмÜ??ÏÂß~ÏòÐÄì`Æõ!
...µÚ¾Å?Ã?É°¶½?ÙQÎÄ»¯Õ??¯ÑÓÀmÖø?É°¶êP?SµÄßM³Ì£¬?é?É°¶µÄδíÔÙÒ»´ÎÌá³ö¾ßówµÄ½¨×h£¬ÎÒ??ÆÚÔS?ø¹²?Éüh¹²Í¬?é?É°¶?¤ÕÒºÍƽ·½µÄͬ?r£¬Ò²ÄÜ?ò·ÅÏÂühÅɵijÉÒ?£¬?øÃñüh¿ÉÒÔ»ÖÍ¡¶?ø½y¾VîI¡·À^Àm³¯ÖøºÍƽ½yÒ»µÄÄ¿?ËŬÁ¦£¬¹²®aüh¸ü?ªÔ?¾ßÓÐÐÖéLµÄÐØ?Ñ£¬ÏòÁ?½üƽËùÕfµÄ¡¸ÐÄì`ÆõºÏ¡¹·½Ïò±MÁ¦¡£?É°¶Öð²½ß~ÏòÕþÖÎ?fÉ̵ĵÀ·ÊÇ?·Ó^¿ÉÆڵġ£ --chinatimes.com Íú?ó (±¾?óÓ 2013Äê10ÔÂ28ÈÕ 04:10) & LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21


{102713-2037}LVRJ/wbti: Images for Las Vegas Chinese Daily News
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102113-0537(1); {102013-0537}; [101913-0537]; {101813-0537}; (101713-0537); [101613-0537]; (101513-0537); {101413-0537}

LVRJ/wbti: At the time she has been the Chief Justice.
She is re-elected one of the three Justices
of the Supreme Court of Nevada since January 2013!
LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21
There are 11 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Sunday October 13
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*****LVRJ/wbti: The SUN is full and red! It's shining brightly in the morning!! About 7 lovely doves are eating and playing under the large tree in our front yard!!!
{101413-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama
{101413-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng

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4 days ago - {101013-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama {101013-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam ...
15 - Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
{080813-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng. A seaech of Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama PPAA Forum 21 .
3 - Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
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7 days ago - {080813-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng. A seaech of Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama .
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BR>{080813-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng. A seaech of Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama PPAA Forum ...
4 - Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
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{100513-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama {100513-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng.
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{092713-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama {092713-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng.


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by B Clinton
{092313-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng ... PPAA Forum 21 China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng ÅíûæÂÌì·- YouTube!
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{092713-0537}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama {092713-0557}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng.
*****LVRJ/wbti: –|º½ïwÉϺ£¡¢ÄϺ½ïw̨±± 800ÓÐÕÒ! Äêµ×ÂÃß[Íú¼¾¼´Œ¢íÅR£¬²¿·ÖÈAÙYº½¿Õ¹«Ë¾ÈÔÓдÙäN»î„Ó£¬ÆäÖÐÖЇø–|·½º½¿ÕÂåɼ´‰ïwÉϺ£¡¢ÖЇøÄÏ·½º½¿ÕÂåɼ´‰ïw̨±±£¬¶¼ÊÇ800ÔªÓÐÕÒ¡£ --worldjournal.com Ó›ÕßÔø¶à„£¯Âåɼ´‰ˆóŒ§
(October 14, 2013 09:05 AM | 2867 ´Î |) & LVRJ/wbti
LVRJ/wbti: "My best wish is to receive the Governor Kenny Quinn's Award
for all my effort & talent as my achievement
to the Event, Dinner Party, and Convention," expects from the President Wendy Yu-ping Wu to Chairman of CAAAN &
President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI Nevada!
As a result (through his sincere recommendation), she has received it!

LVRJ/wbti: ?WºÀÄêË?Ðgð^ ÉϺ£é_Ä»! --worldjournal.com¡¾ÌØÅÉÓ?Õß?Ǹ¸àl£¯ÉϺ£?ó?§¡¿ (October 14, 2013 02:40 PM | 327 ´Î |) & LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21

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