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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]2009Äê7ÔÂ19ÈÕ ... ÉϺ£ÊÀ²©?þÃÀ?øð^ÅcÈAÈË?YÔ´Éîñ?¼ÒÝx³öϯµì»ù! Gary Locke (ñ?¼ÒÝx) to the grand opening of World Expo in Shanghai!! By ?îûand ÖÐоW ...
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- [ Translate this page ][ Translate this page ] Gary Locke ñ?¼ÒÝx(ép?Æ?P) to the grand opening of World Expo in Shanghai! ...... Tony Tung-tien Lei Modern Wisdom Winning AP, Yahoo! ...


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A thanks e-mail was written by Ms. Margaret Andert to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) for this post on April 8, 2006.*1 ...
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071010-2129 1st ed. 2nd printing
From: "margaret andert" [margaretandert@msn.com]

Subject: Fw: Lessons learned

Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:43:38 -0700
----- Original Message -----
From: Angel Chi
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 6:43 PM
Subject: Lessons learned

1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.

During my second month of college, our professor
gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student
and had breezed through the questions until I read
the last one:

"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the
cleaning woman several times. She was tall,
dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?

I handed in my paper, leaving the last question
blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if
the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers,
you will meet many people. All are significant. They
deserve your attent ion and care, even if all you do
is smile and say "hello."

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her
name was Dorothy.

2. - Second Important Lesson - Pick-up in the Rain

One night, at 11:30 P.M., an older African American
woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway
trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had
broken down and she desperately needed a ride.
Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.
A young white man stopped to help her, generally
unheard of in tho se conflict-filled 1960s. The man
took her to safety, helped her get assistance and
put her into a taxicab.

She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his
address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a
knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a
giant console colour TV was delivered to his home. A
special note was attached..

It read:
"Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway
the other night. The rain drenched not only my
clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along.
Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying
husband's bedside just before he passed away. God
bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving

Mrs. Nat King Cole.

3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those
who serve.

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less,
a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and
sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in
front of him.

"How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.

"Fifty cents," replied the waitress.

The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and
studied the coins in it.

"Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.

By now more people were waiting for a table and the
waitress was growing impatient.

"Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied.

The little boy again counted his coins.

"I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.

The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on
the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice
cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress
came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the
table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish,
were two nickels and five pennies..

You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had
to have enough left to leave her a tip.

4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a
roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if
anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the
king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by
and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the
King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did
anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of
vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the
peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the
stone to the side of the road. After much pushing
and straining, he finally succeeded. After the
peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed
a purse lying in the road where the boulder had
been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note
from the King indicating that the gold was for the
person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The
peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve
our condition.

5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a
hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who
was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only
chance of recovery appeared to be a blood
transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had
miraculously survived the same disease and had
developed the antibodies needed to combat the
illness. The doctor explained the situation to her
little brother, and asked the little boy if he would
be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a
deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will
save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in
bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did,
seeing the colour returning to her cheek. Then his
face grew pale and his smile faded.

He looked up at the doctor and asked with a
trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the
doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his
sister all of his blood in order to save her.

Now you have 2 choices.

1. Delete this e-mail, or
2. Forward it to people you care about.
I hope that you will choose No. 2 and remember.

Most importantly.................. "Work like you
don't need the money, love like you've never been
hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching."

NOW more than ever - Peace...Pass It On.....



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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ...
[An e-mail to WBTI from Miss Judi Rock at Thu, 7 Feb 2008 02:03:38 EST {JudiRoc@aol.com}] ... An e-mail from and confirmed by Miss Judi Rock to WBTI ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2001 #2...
Chamber of Commerce Kate Recto, President of Las Vegas Chinese American Association Judi Rock, ..... Thank you. Sincerely, Judy & Tony WBTI 10/28/2001 ...
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- [ Translate this page ]2010”N3ŒŽ19“ú ... LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Obama: Worldjournal.com fŽzˆÛ‰ÁŽzuMarch 20, 2010 12:00 AM | 0 æVŠÅŽŸÉ| 0 | 0 | with ...
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- [ Translate this page ]2010”N3ŒŽ21“ú ... AP - Summoned to success by President Barack Obama, .... LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. Chairperson Elaine: Worldjournal.com Miss Tine Lo ROLCC ~{!-~} .... fŽzˆÛ‰ÁŽzuMarch 20, 2010 12:00 AM | 37 æVŠÅŽŸÉ| 0 ... [ Translate this page ]Distinguished Author Dr. Dina Titus, PPAA Forum of lvrj/wbti usa! ...
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Las Vegas Tea Endowment Academy, LVTEA

LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.: Worldjournal.com Winning LVTEA ÍÆV²èÎÄ»¯£¬ÏíÊÜÒ»±­ºÃ²è ??A???¶?»C??ó?ê?tD??.

?W°ÍñR?éÀ×µÂÖúê? ÕF½?ú
July 10, 2010 06:00 AM | 43 Ó^¿´´Î?µ | 0 | 0 | |

slideshow ?W°ÍñR¿?½y8ÈÕÍíég¼°9ÈÕÉÏÎçÔÚÀ­Ë¹¾S¼Ó˹×÷Á˶þ?öÑÝÕf£¬Ëû´ËÐÐÖ÷Òª?é?¢×h?TÀ׵¸?ßxßBÈÎÖúê?£¬KÇÒÔÚÙ?³Ç´ó?W¸æÔV?ÈÈAß_Ãñ±?ÓÏ¢£ºÃÀ?ø½?ú³¯ÏòÕý´_·½ÏòÇ°ßM¡£


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Obama calls Reid 'a fighter' in UNLV speech
President Barack Obama on Friday continued his efforts to help U.S. Sen. Harry Reid get re-elected and demonstrate that his own policies are helping Nevada's and America's beleaguered economy recover... 102 comments | 2:54 p.m.

All of Today's Headlines


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University inspired us by the following: . .... We are certainly being challenged! His message on "Progress and ..... Following our trip/reunion in Hawaii, we plan an extended option to fly ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]On traveling, we may inspired by the natural scenes. The following quotes may also ..... President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University inspired us by the ... We are certainly being challenged! His message on "Progress and ...
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Fri, July 9, 2010 12:45:27 PME-Newsletter Oil Spill 06/03/2010
From: "Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao" [Joseph.Cao@mail.house.gov]Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

District Update | June 3, 2009 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email

A Productive Month in Congress and Louisiana's 2nd District

June 17 on the House floor, introducing an
Amendment to the Small Business Lending
Fund Act that would give spill-affected
businesses special consideration for loans
Spearheading Oil Spill Legislation

The BP oil spill is nothing less than a war on our way of life, one that will require all sorts of sophisticated weaponry to win. Since my last e-newsletter on June 3rd, I've introduced, ...




~{W?@Y~} wbti


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*1. ׿ÀÙ. '122307-1013 *****Anchee Min wbti: "éh°²ç÷¸úÎÒÕf,' "A flier of the section 'Business & Administration' on WBTI's website," (December 24, 2007), ...
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Dr. ~{@W~} ~{5D~} Email Address is: ToJulei@Yahoo.com JR

-----Original Message-----
From: Tea Lovers at LVTEA [lasvegastea@live.com]
To: Tea Lovers at LVTEA [lasvegastea@live.com]
Sent: Wed, Jul 7, 2010 4:29 am
Subject: ~{MF~}廣~{2hND;/#,OmJ\R;1-:C2h~}

~{>4=h~}貴報~{R;=GE{B6!#~}無~{HN8P:I~}﹗~{1>Ig~}聯絡電話﹕(702) 616-9???﹐George~{!#~}(電話暫~{Np?/~}載)


~{W+ND~}﹕ 創辦~{HKAV>~} (~{UUF,~}見~{8=<~~})

編~{04~}﹕~{AV>~}與~{Fd7rHKKN~}貞將~{SZ~} 7 ~{TB~} 17 ~{HU~} ~{VA@-K9~}維~{5X2hND;/~}學會~{3IA"<0I3D.8JH*~}無~{NR2h~}會~{=;Aw;n~}動﹐並將~{J>~}範與發~{1mSP~}關~{2h5DQ]~}講~{!#~}歡~{S-1>5X~}讀~{U_~}踴躍參~{~{VP~}國~{HKJGWnTg6.5C:H2h5DCqWe#,WTIq~}農~{JO~}嚐~{0Y2]#,~}發現~{AK2hRTaa#,VP~}國~{HK~}開~{J<:H2h#,2h~}聖陸~{Sp~}寫~{AK2h~}經~{RTaa2h5@4s~}興~{#,VA=qVP~}國~{HK:H2hRQ~}經~{SP~}幾~{G'Dj5D~}歷~{J7AK!#~}
~{5ZR;4N;n~}動訂~{SZNw~}曆 2010~{Dj~}7~{TB~}17~{HUPGFZAyIONg~}11點~{U}!#~}順發~{3,JP~}樓~{IO!#~}
舉辦~{5X~}點: 5115 Spring Mountain Road, (MiniMall), Las Vegas, NV 89146
Between Decatur and Lindell.
報~{C{~}聯繫﹕ lasvegastea@live.com

Fri, July 9, 2010 12:50:13 PMRe: ~{1@~}約~{/y$e$F~}~{(I(|~}狹~{/y~}
From: "judiroc@aol.com" [judiroc@aol.com]View Contact
To: lasvegastea@live.com
Cc: Tojulei@yahoo.com


Dr. 筽 ~{*:~} Email Address is: ToJulei@Yahoo.com JR

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Wed, Jul 7, 2010 4:29 am
Subject: ~{1@~}約~{/y$e$F~}~{(I(|~}狹~{/y~}



~{W?@Y2?Bd8q~}by Google!

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of the "~{W?@Y2?Bd8q~}" at la18....~{;6S-~}"~{W?@Y2?Bd8q~}"(Juliette's Blog)! "~{W?@Y2?Bd8q~}"~{5DVwHKW?@Y~}(18~{:E5gJSL(5D=ZD?WJInVw3VHK~})thank you for~{JU?4~}:...~{W?@YJG~}"~{W?@Y2?Bd~} ...
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Date: July 1, 2010
Press Release ¨C for immediate release

Opening ceremony of Las Vegas Tea Endowment Academy (LVTEA)
and Desert Springs Wu-wo Tea Club first party

It¡¯s with great pleasure to invite your organization to the opening ceremony of Las Vegas
Tea Endowment Academy and first gathering of Desert Springs Wu-wo Tea Club.
Date/Time: July 17, 2010 Saturday 11 am
Location: 5115 Spring Mountain Road, (Upstairs ¨C MiniMall), Las Vegas, NV 89146
Between Decatur and Lindell.
For more information or your group is interested to participate with a tea ceremony
presentation, please email to LasVegasTea@live.com , (Registration is required, we do need
a head-count) including names, number of people to attend, telephone, address.
Registration form is in the last page.
Introduction to International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony
Wu-wo Tea Party or Tea Ceremony is a form of tea drinking style among two or more
persons. In Wu-wo, each person brings one¡¯s own tea and teapot sets, makes tea, and
Date: July 1, 2010
Press Release ¨C for immediate release
shares with one another. There is no privilege status amongst, equality for all, hence the
term ¡°Wu-Wo¡±, means no-self or selfless.
For example, a typical setting of a Wu-wo tea party is four persons around a table. Each one
makes four cups of tea, three cups are served to left three persons, one for self, thus each
one will have four cups of tea to drink. ¡°everyone makes tea, everyone gets tea, no me or
you, a family as one.¡± Seating can be decided by lot drawing, no seat is privileged; tea
serving to the left, drinking starts from the right, no preferential treatment; receiving teas
from all around, no need to show gratitude; all your focus is to make a good tea, improve
upon oneself. A quiet and peaceful ceremony progresses according to known plan, no
chairperson is required which improves the mutual understanding and coordination within
the group and without much words.
This is the essence of Wu-wo Tea Ceremony. It can have themes such as parenting, lotus
appreciating, Returning to Simplicity in life, as well as various religious topics.
Wu-wo Tea Party has become one of the most important tea-drinking forms in
contemporary tea arts. Developed and established by Mr. Tsai Jung-Chang in 1989,
popularity of Wu-wo art form has spread thru China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, and United
States. Every two years, a large international Tea conference will be held at member
countries. 2009 is in U.S. 2011 will be held in Taiwan. Its goals are to promote: a) the spirit
of Chadao, b) international tea culture exchange, c) tea industry development, d) family
relationship improvement, e) peace and harmony of society. (Translated by George Jaw)
Desert Springs International Wu-wo Tea Party
Registration Form
Please write well, THANK YOU!
First name:________________________ Last name:___________________
ÖÐÎÄ©s ____________________ EMAIL:_____________________________
TEL©sHome _____________________©o CELL©s_______________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Activities to Attend (please mark)©s
____ July 17, Saturday 11 AM, Opening Ceremony
location: 5115 Spring Mountain Road, (Upstairs¨CMiniMall), Las Vegas, NV 89146
____ Monthly Meeting Chinese, A) Sat. 11 am______ B) Tue 11am_____
____ Monthly Meeting American, To Be Announced
____ Monthly Meeting Asian, To Be Announced.



Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ...2007Äê2ÔÂ24ÈÕ ... ¡¶ÂÃß[¡·Ðì־ĦµÄôäÀä´ä©¤Ë?ÐgÖ®¶¼·ðÁ_?˹ {?D¡¢ÎÄ£¯?¢Ð¡Õä}. [[[Uffizi²©Îïð^µÄÍâÓ^¡£]]] [[[Palazzo Vecchio²©Îïð^Ç°ÃæµÄ´óÐlÏñ¡£]]] ...
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Fri, July 9, 2010 4:00:46 AM

Insight for Today

From: Insight for Living [c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net] Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

July 9, 2010

Blind Spots
by Charles R. Swindoll

1 Timothy 3-4

All of us played follow-the-leader as kids. But even then, when the guide in front was too daring or foolish, we would step aside. There were definite limits on how far we would follow.

Sadly, this is not always true in the spiritual realm, where leaders unworthy of the name sometimes command blind devotion. (Remember Jonestown and Waco and those fallen televangelists?)

No one ever defined that follow-no-matter-what syndrome better than our Lord in Matthew 15:14: "Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."

Remember now, Jesus warned us against blind guides, not all guides. God still uses strategic, trustworthy, dedicated leaders, and they deserve our respect.

But how can we tell when "blindness" starts to set in? What are the symptoms to look for in strong, natural leaders that tell us trouble is brewing? After thinking about this for quite a while, I am ready to suggest six blind spots we dare not overlook.

Authoritarianism. Take care when a leader begins repressing your freedom. If there is the lack of a servant's heart, of a teachable spirit, pride is in control. Be especially wary of one who seems to have all the answers.

Exclusiveness. Watch out for the "we alone are right" and the "us four and no more" attitudes. They reveal themselves in an encouragement to break commitments with your mate, family members, and long-standing friends.

Greed. Moneygrubbing is another telltale sign. Especially if funds wind up in the leader's pocket and become "nobody's business."

Sensuality. Moral purity is a must if the leader claims God's hand is on his life. A holy life is never optional.

Unaccountability. Leaders who refuse to be accountable to anyone forfeit the right to be trusted and followed. Every leader needs counsel and occasional confrontation.

Rationalization. When wrong is justified with a defensive spirit, when inappropriate actions are quickly glossed over, when scriptural truth is twisted to fit a sinful lifestyle, when gray-black facts are whitewashed, stop your support.

Take Christ's advice: "Let them alone"!

If you're going to follow the leader, look where you're going.

Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright ?2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.


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July 09, 2010 06:00 AM

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July 09, 2010 06:00 AM |

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July 09, 2010 06:00 AM

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