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Las Vegas, NV

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Sandoval: Help me help Dean Heller!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 2:35 PM
From: "Brian Sandoval" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Judy & Tony Lei"

Judy & Tony --

This November, we're going to decide which path we will take as a nation and it's important that we choose leadership that will do what's right for Nevada in the U.S. Senate.

The right person for that job is my friend Dean Heller.

We need to join together and support Dean because our state needs a tireless advocate for jobs, fiscal responsibility, limited government, and states' rights fighting for us in Washington.

In four short days, Dean's campaign is going to reach their important fundraising deadline and it's critical they have a strong showing.

Will you join me in supporting Dean, and contribute $12 by midnight Saturday to help Dean's campaign reach his fundraising goal?

Your contribution will ensure that Dean's grassroots campaign will have the resources necessary to get their message to every corner of our state.

There's too much at stake to be on the sidelines during this critical moment.

Sincere regards,

Brian Sandoval

P.S. If you've watched TV recently, you've seen the misleading ads attacking Dean. Can I count on you to contribute $12 today to help Dean fight back?


Senator Harry Reid: Celebrating the Opening of Terminal 3 at McCarran International Airport! wbti

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 1:11 PM
From: "Senator Harry Reid" Add sender to ContactsTo: "judy & tony lei"

June 27, 2012

Dear Fellow Nevadan,

Today, I am pleased to join in celebrating the grand opening of Terminal 3 (T3) at McCarran International Airport. T3 will be a state-of-the-art gateway for travelers from all over the world to experience the Silver State. From the Las Vegas Strip and Red Rock Canyon to the Hoover Dam, Southern Nevada has long been a premier tourist destination. I am pleased that our tourism and travel industry will be prepared to meet global demand in the future. T3 will give Southern Nevada the ability to welcome more domestic travelers and increase Nevada’s share of international tourists for years to come.

T3 will also improve Nevada’s connections to the rest of the world, and with more than 1,000 flights touching down each day from more than 100 cities, this expansion will help to secure our state’s long term economic recovery. Travel and tourism fuels Nevada’s economic engine, and this new terminal will increase McCarran Airport’s capacity to 53 million passengers each year. More visitors coming to Nevada to experience our world class attractions will boost Southern Nevada’s local economy, create jobs, and expand Nevada’s middle class.

In 2010, I fought to include language in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to make sure McCarran Airport had proper resources to manage the economic challenges of the time and complete its terminal. The project was a significant job-creator in Southern Nevada at a time when construction work was scarce in our state. More than 2,000 workers came together to construct the terminal in what was one of the largest public works projects in recent Nevada history.

The planning and development of McCarran’s T3 required years of hard work and collaboration. I am proud to see the idea of T3 realized, and I have no doubt that it will pay dividends for Nevadans in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email. For more information on my work in the Senate or to contact me, please visit my website, reid.senate.gov, sign up for my e-newsletter, The Reid Report, or connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.


U.S. Senator for Nevada


For a search of "Chairman Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) wbti" by Google.com!

Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
LL.B.(Economics, 1955-1959), M.B.A.(1968-1969) and Ed.D.(Institutional Management, 1980-1990) of Pepperdine University
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)
(Tel.) 702-750-1127
Instructor of Natiomal Cheng-chi Univercity and National Taiwan University
Investigator, International Economic and Cooperation Council (IECC) of ROC
Fellow, United Nations' Asian Institute, 1971 (Graduate Certificate)
Chairman, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN)
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business Administration, National Chung-hsing University, 1985-1991
Fellow of Management, Pepperdine University, 1991-1996
President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), 1996-


U.S. Senator Harry M. Reid: Compass! wbti
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 11:28 AM
From: "Harry Reid" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony Lei"

Dear Tony,

Over the years, I’ve seen many people go to Congress and lose sight of the reasons they wanted to serve in the first place.

But not Shelley Berkley. She is in it for middle class families like the one she grew up in, plain and simple. And she’s never lost sight of who she works for, or what’s important.

Unfortunately, powerful special interests are determined to distort Shelley’s record. They’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars already on attack ads. And Shelley needs our help to fight back.

I’m proud to stand with Shelley -- and if she’s going to be able to reach her $100,000 goal by June 30th, she’ll need all of us to stand together. Will you make a contribution today?

Despite all the unfair attacks Karl Rove and the far right have thrown at her in this campaign, Shelley has always kept her focus where it belongs: on the economic security of our state’s middle class.

That’s why she’ll make a great Senator. No matter what falsehoods the other side recites, no matter how petty their political games become, I know that Nevada families will always be able to count on her to stay true to her values -- and stay loyal to their interests.

I can’t wait to welcome Shelley Berkley to the Senate -- but we can’t afford to wait to stand with her in this campaign.

Shelley needs to raise $100,000 by the end of June to fight off the attacks. Can you help by contributing today?

We need Shelley -- a strong advocate who always puts working families first. I’m proud to call her my friend. And, with your help, I look forward to calling her Senator.

Please click here to give now.

Thank you,

Harry Reid


We will find the article "°ËÊ®´ºÇµ¯Ö¸Ò»·É¼ä wbti" ( at 062512-0857) in the section of 'Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas' from a search by Google.com!



Dear Dad,

Enjoy our picture at Church!



For a search of "joint wbti" by Google.com!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ...


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ... JCUAALV CHRISTMAS: An e-mail by Miss Judi Rock to WBTI [Mon, 24 Dec 2007 ...



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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Review ...


U.S. Congresswoman Honorable Dr. Judy Chu. ----------------------------- ***** For a search of "U.S. Congresswoman Honorable Dr. Judy Chu wbti" by Google!


For a search of "Achieved work of Professor Chung-Yuan Kung" by Google.com!

PPAA Forum 21 - Las Vegas Review Journal: COMMUNITY LINK


For a search of "Achieved work of Professor Chung-Yuan Kung wbti" by Google.com! Or, by a hit of the following line: * (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum ...


size:7M (in our e-mail at 06/24/12 to you.)
Achieved work of Professor Chung-Yuan Kung wbti!
You'll find them this morning for a search of

"PPAA Forum 21 wbti"
by Google.com!

Or, by a hit of the following line (with http) on the e-mail we sent to you:
* (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 053112-2037 (posted Thursday
May 31st at 11:44 PM) new




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For a search of "JCUAALV Mother's Day celebration!" by Google.com!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ.

community.stephensmedia.com/.../DBPAGE=page... - Translate this page

Happy Mothers with JCUAALV wbti ... JCUAALV Mother's Day celebration in 2012! ... For a search of "www.lvcnn.com/news.php?id=6647 JCUAALV wbti" by ...


By hit the following line on the e-mail from us to you, you'll find at 06/19/12 JCUAALV's four pictures in the Section "PPAA Forum 21" and the other four pictures in "Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas":


Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
LL.B.(Economics 1955-1959), M.B.A.(1968-1969) and Ed.D.(Institutional Management, 1980-1990) of Pepperdine University
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)
(Tel.) 702-750-1127
Instructor of Natiomal Cheng-chi Univercity and National Taiwan University
Investigator, International Economic and Cooperation Council (IECC) of ROC
Fellow, United Nations' Asian Institute, 1971 (Graduate Certificate)
Chairman, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN)
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business Administration, National Chung-hsing University, 1985-1991
Fellow of Management, Pepperdine University, 1991-1996
President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), 1996-


Senator Reid`s Office Hosts Workshop to Inform Interns About the Senate`s Diversity InitiativeFriday, June 22, 2012 12:47 PM
From: "Senator Harry Reid" Add sender to ContactsTo: "judy & tony lei" If you are having trouble viewing this message or would like to share it on a social network, you can view the message online.

June 22, 2012

Dear Fellow Nevadan,

This week, my office hosted a workshop to inform Capitol Hill interns about the Senate Diversity Initiative, which seeks to have Senate staff better reflect the nation’s diversity. Nine diversity staff associations and over two dozen House and Senate staff volunteers met with 150 interns representing over 90 Capitol Hill offices.

Caren Howard, coordinator for the African American Women network, said these workshops and initiatives are extremely important to put in place mechanisms that help minorities find positions in Congress.



For a search of "JCUAALV Annie presented one of the gifts to a winner! wbti" by Google.com!

PPAA Forum 21 - Las Vegas Review Journal: COMMUNITY LINK


3 days ago ? Go To Page: 1 ... http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti .... 061912-1121. JCUAALV Annie presented one of the gifts to a winner!


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social ...

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size:287K. ¨?Á¼átÈËÈË¿É?éwbti¨?. ¡ú ?¢ºñºñµÄÒ»±¾?ø¡ú â¿sֻʣÏÂÖØüc. Äú?×·Öç?¾Í¿É?¢ËüºÃµÄ¸ÅÄîÎüÊÕÏû»¯¡ú ÖµµÃ¿´Ò»Ï£¡ -------------------------------------------- ...


PPAA Forum 21 - Las Vegas Review Journal: COMMUNITY LINK


2 days ago ? Congressman Joe Heck, D.O.'s Outreach Specialist Eric Guideng wbti. District Judge Jerry Tao wbti and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei ...


PPAA Forum 21 - Las Vegas Review Journal: COMMUNITY LINK


2 days ago ? Go To Page: 1 ... http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... 061912-1121. JCUAALV Annie presented one of the gifts to a winner!



JCUAALV Annie presented one of the gifts to a winner!



JCUAALV Mother's Day celebration!


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ...


100306-1018. ÖÐÇïÍí?þÙ?³ÇÈËÐã²ÅË?high×ãËÄС?r. By Mindy Gao (ñTøQ̨). The following report in Chinese is posted through the courtesy of the "Âåɼ´?ÐÂÂ?" of ...

Or, for a search of "JCUAALV wbti" by Google.com!


jcuaalv - (ÖÐÎIJ¿)

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Grace, ñRØ??ÕéL ÕJÕæÓ??¤ ×·²¶È«±PÖë½zñRÛE Ô­íĸÓH¹?cÙµ½µÄÈ«ÊÇ ³Ô?Ä¨Ë Ò»Ã«?]Ê£

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JCUAALV Mother's Day celebration!



Congressman Joe Heck, D.O.'s Outreach Specialist Eric Guideng wbti
District Judge Jerry Tao wbti
and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei wbti!


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