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JCUAALV Special Mother's Day Celebration Keynote Speaker District Judge Honorable Jerry Tao wbti


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Nevada District Judge Cheryl Moss Fwd: Las Vegas' 4th Annual Fiesta Filipino Celebration! Over 20,000 expected in attendance!Monday, May 14, 2012 10:45 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Cheryl Moss" Add sender to Contacts

You may find the above message from a search of

Social and Community (LAF 6) wbti

by Google.com!

on its first page.



It¡¯s hard to believe that, in the 21st century, a woman in this country makes 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. That¡¯s more than $10,000 missing from a full-time working woman¡¯s paycheck (and from her family¡¯s budget) each year.

For the millions of middle ...


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Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada Touring Industry Specialist Miss Charlyne Chen wbti
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) Singing Specialist Miss Victoria Zhong wbti


For a search of "Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada Singing Specialist Miss Victoria Zhong wbti" by Google.com!


Dear Dad,

Here is my Mother's Day prayer:

Dear Lord,

Today I pray for all the mothers. I pray that they may be beacons of hope for the world. I pray that You may listen and hear their prayers to you for their family and their children. May You comfort them and give them great hope in You. May You reveal to them the love You have for them through Jesus Christ. I pray that mothers will continue to be a source of goodness and righteousness to the world. I pray that You may reward all the mothers for their hard work to raise the children. May You fill all the mothers with peace and comfort this day. May all the mothers know that You have blessed them with children and You will watch over their children. I pray that all the mothers will have a joyful and thankful day.

In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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For a search of "U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and ICBC Chairperson Miss Charlyne Chen wbti" by Google.com!


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Miss Charlyne Chen with the Mayor!



Leave a Mother's Day note for Michelle


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Add your note to Michelle's card

Happy Mother's Day for
your excellency to President
Obama's success and achievement!


Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)



Tony --

If you're lucky enough to get to marry your best friend, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Michelle amazes me every day, and in the years we've been together, nothing inspires me more than watching her be a mom to our two girls.

Each of us has amazing women in our lives who give us strength and encouragement, and no matter what we do on Mother's Day, it never seems like enough.

This year, I wanted to try something a little different. I know Michelle treasures every single person who is part of this movement we've built, so I'm hoping each of you will sign my card to her today. It'll mean a lot to her.

Will you join me in wishing Michelle a happy Mother's Day?


Thanks, and happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.


This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com

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I know I’ve asked you this before, but if you have another 30 seconds, I have something else for you to watch.

You know as well as I do that our military veterans deserve the very best healthcare available. But for years, when our courageous fighting men and women returned home to Nevada, they had trouble finding what they needed. I heard their stories, and fought to get Nevada a new veterans’ hospital.

Our campaign is out with a new ad telling this story to the people of Nevada. It illustrates the importance of providing quality healthcare to our military men and women -- and it’s a message that is too often overlooked in a campaign year like this.

I want to make sure that as many people as possible see this ad. Take a moment to watch our newest ad. And if you can, consider pitching in to help us keep the ad on the air.

As the daughter of a World War II veteran, I know how hard the transition home can be. Now, Nevada veterans will have a place to turn to for the care they have earned with years of dedicated service to our nation. And hundreds of Nevadans -- from construction workers to registered nurses -- are getting new jobs.

I think everyone should see this ad, and understand just a little better why we need to fight for our military veterans as fiercely as they have fought for us.

Click here to take a look, and consider contributing to help us make sure people continue to see this important ad.

Thank you for your support.



Tony --

Today, I was asked a direct question and gave a direct answer:

I believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.

I hope you'll take a moment to watch the conversation, consider it, and weigh in yourself on behalf of marriage equality:


I've always believed that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally. I was reluctant to use the term marriage because of the very powerful traditions it evokes. And I thought civil union laws that conferred legal rights upon gay and lesbian couples were a solution.

But over the course of several years I've talked to friends and family about this. I've thought about members of my staff in long-term, committed, same-sex relationships who are raising kids together. Through our efforts to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, I've gotten to know some of the gay and lesbian troops who are serving our country with honor and distinction.

What I've come to realize is that for loving, same-sex couples, the denial of marriage equality means that, in their eyes and the eyes of their children, they are still considered less than full citizens.

Even at my own dinner table, when I look at Sasha and Malia, who have friends whose parents are same-sex couples, I know it wouldn't dawn on them that their friends' parents should be treated differently.

So I decided it was time to affirm my personal belief that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.

I respect the beliefs of others, and the right of religious institutions to act in accordance with their own doctrines. But I believe that in the eyes of the law, all Americans should be treated equally. And where states enact same-sex marriage, no federal act should invalidate them.

If you agree, you can stand up with me here.

Thank you,



Judy –

Over the last year, Nevada has added back more than 10,000 of the jobs our state lost during the recession.

While that's an important milestone on our path to building a vibrant, innovative and sustainable economy for our state, Governor Sandoval continues to make getting Nevada working again his top priority.

At the Keystone Corporation's annual lunch, Governor Sandoval reminded business and political leaders that Nevada must be far more competitive than other states to attract new jobs and business. His speech at the lunch discussed the importance of Nevada's friendly low-tax rates and limited regulation business climate, and reiterated the need to keep up the momentum:

"Nevada is finally on the move and we cannot jeopardize that momentum ... Together we will get Nevada working again."
-Governor Sandoval

Another way the Governor continues getting Nevada moving is continually encouraging Nevadans to take pride in their own state and get involved in the "Discover Your Nevada" campaign. See what Nevadans chose as our state's top treasures by clicking here.

In The News
•Students Walk And Bike To Local Schools As Part Of Nevada Moves Day
•Sandoval Addresses National Hispanic Group
Associated Press
•Gov. Sandoval: Nevada Needs To Be More Competitive To Attract More Jobs
Las Vegas Review-Journal
•Sandoval Endorses ... Again
Las Vegas Review-Journal
•Governor To Make Nevada 'Most Business-Friendly State'
Job Creators Alliance


Dear Tony,

Thanks to you, we’ve shown that our grassroots network is strong and steady -- and I’m grateful for all of your support. But we still have a long way to go, and we can’t afford to let up now.

As you probably know by now, Karl Rove’s group, Crossroads GPS, went up on Nevada television with an attack ad against me last month, distorting my record in an effort to distract from our work for middle class families.

We all knew this would happen -- and this ad will not be the last by a long shot. Special interest groups have virtually inexhaustible resources from undisclosed donors, and they can spend as much as they want to try and buy this Senate seat.

Help us show Karl Rove that Nevada is NOT for sale. We need to organize to counter these attacks whenever they come. Click here to contribute to our Nevada Fights Back Fund today.

I want to spend the next 6 months talking about what Rove won’t -- the issues that matter to the middle class.

Rove and his allies are still trying to end Medicare as we know it. My opponent wants to replace it with a voucher system -- and leave our seniors to purchase expensive private insurance plans instead of getting the benefits they’ve earned through a lifetime of hard work.

Nevada is facing serious challenges as our economy continues to recover. These are the issues I want to discuss in 2012 -- but if we can’t keep up with the special interest spending, we’ll be buried in so much mud we won’t be able to see daylight.

I want to fight for you in the Senate -- but I need your help. Click here to contribute today, and help me show the right wing that Nevada always fights back.

Let’s keep our Nevada Fights Back Fund going strong.

Thanks for your support.



Anthony helps Knicks end 13-game playoff skid

By BRIAN MAHONEY | The Associated Press – 4 hours ago

NEW YORK (AP) Amare Stoudemire raised his hands in the air, one covered in padding, as streamers fell from the ceiling above him.

Finally, New York could celebrate an NBA playoff victory again.

Carmelo Anthony scored 41 points, Stoudemire had 20 points and 10 rebounds in his return from a cut hand, and the Knicks snapped an NBA-record, 13-game postseason losing streak by beating the Miami Heat 89-87 Sunday in Game 4 of their first-round series.

''I think it's the first of many,'' said Stoudemire, his left arm back in a sling to keep his hand elevated. ''Tonight was a great win for us, for our fans to finally get over that hump of those consecutive games that we lost, I guess the Knicks, lost over those years in the playoffs.''

Anthony made a tiebreaking 3-pointer with 54.5 seconds left as the Knicks overcame another serious injury to win a playoff game for the first time since beating Toronto on April 29, 2001, in Game 3 of a best-of-five series. Baron Davis dislocated his right kneecap in the third quarter, just as the Knicks were making the run that got them back into the game after a dismal first half.

''I'm just glad that we came together after that, kept our composure, kept on fighting and won the basketball game,'' Anthony said.

LeBron James scored 27 for the Heat, who will try to close it out in Game 5 at home on Wednesday. Dwyane Wade had 22, but missed a 3-pointer on the last possession that would have given Miami a lengthy rest before starting the second round.

''We'd love to take the week (off) but it's not in the cards for us to do that in this round,'' Wade said. ''You know, we'll adjust. We play Wednesday in Miami at 7 o'clock. We'll be ready to play and give our fans another exciting game.''

Wade's errant shot set off a loud celebration from Knicks fans whose team was on the verge of getting swept for the second straight year, and third straight time dating to 2004. It didn't look as if the elusive postseason victory would come in this series, after the Knicks had been blown out by 20 points per game in the first three games.

But they got a huge lift from Stoudemire, playing with padding over his hand just six days after he punched a fire extinguisher case after a Game 2 loss in Miami. And they got a sensational effort from Anthony, who shot 15 of 29 and was one point shy of his playoff career best after he made only 34.4 percent of his shots in the first three games.

''We stepped up to the challenge,'' Anthony said.

Now here comes another: The Knicks need a solution at point guard after Davis was carted off on a stretcher with his severe knee injury. Jeremy Lin is close to returning from knee surgery, but Iman Shumpert was lost with a torn knee ligament in Game 1.

A day after the Dallas team that beat them in the finals was swept by Oklahoma City, the Heat failed in their attempt for their first sweep since beating Washington in the 2005 Eastern Conference semifinals.

The series was on pace to be one of the most lopsided in NBA history through three games, but this one was within four points the entire fourth quarter, the crowd at Madison Square Garden growing louder with every play that moved the Knicks closer to their first playoff win in 11 years.

Mike Bibby's 3-pointer with 1:23 left snapped an 81-all tie, but the Heat called timeout and ran a play that freed James for a wide-open 3 that tied it again seven seconds later. On the Knicks' next possession, Anthony came far beyond the arc to receive the ball after JR Smith picked up his dribble, then dribbled forward and pulled up for a 3 that made it 87-84 with 54.5 to play.

The Heat turned it over on their next possession when Chris Bosh's pass sailed into the backcourt, and Anthony was fouled by Shane Battier attempting a 3-pointer. He made only one foul shot, and the Heat cut it to one again when James converted a three-point play while drawing Tyson Chandler's sixth foul.

Stoudemire made a free throw with 14 seconds left to make it 89-87, and Wade lost control of the ball driving into the middle on Miami's last possession. He regained it and dribbled to the corner for a 3-pointer that was off.

''I had a lane and then I kind of lost the ball. When I lost it, I knew that they'd recover by then so it made me dribble it out,'' Wade said. ''We got the switch and I got a little step on Amare and I was about to go to my shot. I was about to go to my shot but I kind of fumbled the ball a little bit. I thought I got a good look. I thought it was going in. But it came up a little short.''

Stoudemire had surgery Wednesday to repair a muscle in his left hand and the Knicks had listed him as doubtful for Sunday, but he was back on the court during practice Friday and cleared to play in Game 4.

He was back in his usual spot as the last player introduced during starting lineups, getting a loud reception, and he quickly picked the Knicks up after their sluggish start.

''He's a good player. He's a great player honestly, and he gave them the spark that they needed,'' James said.

The Heat jumped to an 8-1 lead, holding the Knicks without a basket for almost four minutes to start the game. Then Stoudemire had three baskets in a 12-2 spurt to give the Knicks the lead, and they were up 20-18 after one following two free throws by Anthony with 7.3 seconds left.

The game then turned into a foul-fest, with 23 called in the second period. The Heat shot 19 free throws, making 14, while the Knicks were 8 of 9. Stoudemire and Chandler both went to the bench with their third fouls, but the Heat failed to pull away even after forcing the Knicks to miss their first six shots of the period while opening a 10-point lead.

Both teams shot 33 percent in the quarter, played at a glacial pace while the teams paraded to the free-throw line. Miami led 44-38 at halftime.

Miami led 51-40 before the Knicks' offense finally got going. Stoudemire made a jumper and converted a three-point play, Anthony made a layup, and Smith stole the ball and made a 3-pointer for a quick 10-0 run.

James missed and the ball was batted up ahead to Davis, who drove in with a chance to give the Knicks the lead. But his leg buckled near the foul line and he crumbled to the court, called for a travel. Concerned teammates quickly waved for help, and Davis was wheeled off the court.

But New York regrouped and surged into the lead, going up by six late in the period before taking a 64-61 advantage to the fourth. After making only 13 baskets in the first half, the Knicks shot 10 of 20 in the third, getting 11 points from Anthony.

NOTES: Heat reserve C Eddy Curry (flu) was not with Miami for the game. ... There was a musical tribute during a second-quarter timeout for Adam ''MCA'' Yauch of the Beastie Boys, who died Friday of cancer.





17 hours ago ? AD 500-1000. In the Middle Ages, Celtic missionary monks from Ireland trained their converts in handicraft and in languages. They taught them ...


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