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Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber wbti


Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone wbti


Made in Nevada wbti: "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more," pointed out Jonas Salk, MD.



Francis Allen wbti by Google!

***** "Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds. I may be given credit for having blazed the trail, but when I look at the subsequent developments I feel the credit is due to others rather than to myself." ---Alexander Graham Bell quotes (Scottish born American Inventor and Educator, best known for the invention of the telephone in 1876. 1847-1922)

"Through the recommendations of our faculty members, including Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael L. Douglas, District Judges Mark R. Denton and Jessie E. Walsh, former Assistant Vice-secretary of U. S. Department of Education Dr. Archie H. Chang, District Court Judge Cheryl B. Moss, Nevada Assemblywoman Francis Allen has been appointed Regional Marketing Administrator of Korea of the Asian Marketing Institution (AMI) and Advisor of the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on August 31, 2007." The announcement was made by Dr. John Wang, Spokesman for WBTI, on September 4, 2007, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

"Dear Dr. Lei, My trip to Korea was wonderful. I love Korea very much, it is a great place. The inviation sounds good to me. Please let me know what I need to do. Thank you," wrote Miss Francis Allen in an e-mail to WBTI from her desk of Nevada Assembly in Las Vegas, Nevada.*1 "At this era of the cooperation and development of Nevada's tourism and gaming with hopeful Asia for mutual business prosperity, it's my honor to be trusted and appointed by Dr. Tony T. Lei with these important and challenging responsibilities," said Nevada Assemblywoman Francis Allen happily at the time when she was informed by WBTI with the honoring.

By the Legislative Biography -- 73rd (2005) Session, FRANCIS O. ALLEN is a Republican Assemblywoman in District No. 4 of the Clark County Assembly, Nevada. She was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Her education included Galena High School; University of Nevada, Reno, B.A. Miss Francis Allen's hobbies/special interests are reading, hiking, and fishing.*2

The Branch stated that, (1) Francis' Legislative Service: Nevada Assembly, 2004-2005梠ne special and one regular session. (2) Affiliations: University of Nevada, Reno, Alumni Association; Korean-American Women抯 Association of Las Vegas; National PTA; Board Member, Nevada Republican Network; Clark County Republican Party Central Committee; Member, National Rifle Association; Member, Nevada Senior Coalition.

"Dear Dr. Lei, Thank you both," wrote Nevada Assemblywoman Francis Allen.*2' "As the Regional Marketing Administrator of Korea of the AMI and an Advisor of the ICBC, I'll utilize my best efforts and wisdom to help promote membership, professionalism, and universality of WBTI with local Asian American positivities, improve Korean and Nevadan tourism and gaming relations, and enhance WBTI's missions for the benifits of Nevada and Asian countries."

Warren G. Bennis quotes that, "Great things are accomplished by talented people who believe they will accomplish them." Francis is young and elegent. Her talent as a MC by wearing the colorful Korean clothes on the stage for a conference and dinner party in 2006 Las Vegas was an outstanding performance.

Under high-ranking officials' advice and with the efforts of its Chairperson Charlyne Chen and Vice Chairpersons Xiaosheng Huang $ Yin Yan, the Directors of the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) at the present time are: Honorable Han Zheng, Mayor of the City of Shanghai, China, Honorable Jim Gibson, Mayor of the City of Henderson, Nevada, Honorable Michael L. Montandon, Mayor of the City of North Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Stuart Mann, Dean of the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration, University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), Honorable Feng Wei Lai, former County Governor of Penghu, Taiwan, Honorable Changping Zhang, Mayor of Xiamen, China, and the Honorable Tommy Hu, CEO (Mayor) of Xiang Fan, Hubei, China, CEO of United Commercial Bank, notably among others. The success of initiating and implementing of the Entertaiment and Gaming Summit 2007 in Taipei on August 27, 2007 by Miss Charlyne Chen, UNLV, and Chinese Cultural University was remarkeble!

"Macau and Singapore had attracted international funds and applied international casino management systems to develop their gambling and entertainment. The four premier casino-hotels in Las Vegas have decided to invest some US$33 billion in Asia (Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand) to expand their gambling and entertainment operations in this part of the world." In the section of 'Business & Administration' on August 28, 2007, it noted that: The most quick news in Chinese from Taipei about Dean Dr. Stuart H. Mann of UNLV is in "Nevada of U. S. A., International Cities Business Council, and Taiwan Gaming & Entertainment Summit 2007!" at the section of 'International Cities Business Council' early in the morning on August 28, 2007.*3

In righteousness, the poeple who cares about community service by the time of her or his professionalsim will alway winning the support by the citizens here in Nevada. Most of the faculty members in the Public Administration Institution (PAI) have been the revelators of this special trait during their elections. Many of them won the highest votes at their judicial and political elections. In joining the Institute as a faculty member, she or he enjoys the rebounded and fruitful experience of academic research and community service. "This position (Fellow of the PAI of WBTI) will undoublely porvide me with avenues for exploring improvements in public services to which I am most dedicated," said District Judge Valorie Vega after the winning of election in 2000.*4

Dr. John Z. Wang is the Acting Director of AMI. Dr. Bill Thompson is more than happy to support John with faculty member resources from PAI. "As Director of Public Administration Institution (PAI), it's my privilege to share a leadership role with Dr. Tony T. Lei and to have wonderful cooperation of all the faculty since PAI's establishment. Innovative in integrating his expertise in institutional management and spiritual value in education, Dr. Tony T. Lei's wisdom and efforts towards community service and academic endeavor have been very valuable. We expect the forthcoming work performance of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF) founded by this Institute to help improve the quality of life of the people and to contribute to the peosperity of this State," said Dr. William Thompson.*5 Bill is former Chairman and now Professor of the Department of Public Administration of UNLV.*6

"People worry about the huge amount of creativity that is wasted---lost forever---because talented people are prevented from giving their best by their lack of ability to influence others effectively," wrote Dr. Ken Blanchard in the 'Foreword' of the book entitled "Winning Ways," written by Dick Lyles.*6 "The business world has changed; organizations are getting flatter and more networked. Today, the key to success is one's ability to exercise peer leadership. The most successful individuals shine because of their ability to influence, empower, and energize others. In essence, they embody the principles and practices of Winning Ways." *7

In this 21st Century new era and society, we need economic growth and personal prosperity, but we need also to establish and promote creativity, fairness and justice, serve and love, educational knowledge, and spirit engineering. We wish that a pure fountain may prosper and enrich our splendid and silver country through: the power of public service that based on knowledge is the power of rightousness; the advancement of technology, entreprenueship, and innovation; and the spirit that knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service.*8

"Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has endeavored to academic research, community service, and humane spirit since its establishment in January 8, 1996. Under the spiritual leaderhip of its Chairperson, U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, WBTI has encouraged, designed, and implemented many outstanding events and projects for the enrichment of the lives of Nevada's visitors and residents. Through its honors to distinguished individuals of the country, WBTI has helped promote a vision and practice for Nevada to be a better place for residence and business," said former Nevada Assemblywoman and now Clark County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani.*9

"It's our pleasure to invite a famous person of Assemblywoman Francis Allen's good caliber whose expertise, integrity, and nice personal traits will help bring this Institute wih a perspective of international cooperation and development," said President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute on September 4, 2007. "Throughout her good career, she has accomplished a lot of legislative practices together with social services and has earned a fine reputation as one of the wheels for strenghtening the Asian American endeavors in Nevada." *10

The following is a reference of article to enrich the above announcement:*11
All, from the greast to humblest, must work
together in harmony and devotion. We can
make no advances with only solo work.
Unless the solooists and the members of the
chorus are ready to work together in
harmony, there can be no symphony.
---Jackson Wilcox
***** Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours. ---Les Brown

Asia has been American businessmen's new heaven in the recent years. Nevada is the first one to open American door for tourism and gaming in Macau, Taipei, ... The following are some of the most recent stories:

"With the crash of a champagne bottle against a gondola, Macau's Venetian casino opened Tuesday, dwarfing anything in Las Vegas and big enough, its operators say, to shift the magnetic north of the gambling world to this small city in southern China. American billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, inaugurated the $2.4 billion Venetian Macau on Cotai. Casinos like the Wynn and Adelson's Sands have led this small city in southern China past the Strip as the world's most lucrative gambling center. Las Vegas Sands claims that The Venetian Macau -- twice the size of the Las Vegas original -- is the largest building in Asia and the second largest in the world. Adelson also plans to open more hotels under brands such as Four Seasons, Sheraton and St. Regis. In all, his Las Vegas Sands Corp., which also runs the Sands Macau on the Macau peninsula, plans to invest up to $12 billion and build 20,000 hotel rooms on the Cotai Strip by 2010," reported Sylvia Hui of the




size:3.25 M
FW: FW: To my FriendsSunday, April 10, 2011 6:03 AMFrom: "cykung" [cykung@dragon.nchu.edu.tw]Add sender to ContactsTo: "'Terri Zee'" , "'blanche zee'" , "'Tony Lei'" , "'~{@W4s7r~}'" , "'~{D*3?~}'" Message contains attachments1 File (3326KB)To_My_Friends.ppsNo virus threat detectedFile: To_My_Friends.ppsDownload File


From a search by Google!

[[[ Some findings on the art of leading by 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao! ]]] 040911-2147

Some findings on the art of leading by 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao!
By Jennifer Kung

At 7:51 a.m. on 071307 from the "È«Çò¼´•r„Ó‘B" of Worldjournal.com, we could read a report on "ÚwСÌmÃã†ÒáÅàðBîIŒ§Á¦ ---ÑÝÖv³É¹¦½›šv ŠÕ{ÓÂ춱íß_ŸáÇé ½¨Á¢ÈËëH¾W·עÖØœÏͨ" written by Ó›ÕßÔS»ÝÃô in Washington, D.C.

Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. - Warren Bennis, Ph.D. "On Becoming a Leader"
In delivering the impressive speech about "Leadership" on this Conference, she (Elaine) herself is leading brightly!

"ÓÉÃÀ‡ø¸÷¼‰Õþ¸®†Ì«Òá¸ßëAȈT½M³ÉµÄ¡¸†Ì«ÒáÕþ¸®Ö÷¹Ü“½j¾W¡¹(Asian American Government Ex-ecutives Network)£¬12ÈÕÔÚÈA¸®ÅeÐеÚÈýŒÃîIÐäÑÐÁ••þ£¬„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌmÔÚ•þÖÐÃã„îÓÐÐĸüÉόӘǵĸßëA†Ì«ÒáÕþ¸®ÈˆT£¬¡¸×÷×Ô¼ºÉúÑĵÄÖ÷Ôס¹¡£ ‘ªÑû“úÈÎÎç²ÍÑÝÖvÈ˵Ąڹ¤²¿éLÚwСÌmÒÔ¡¸×÷×Ô¼ºÉúÑĵÄÖ÷Ôס¹(Take Charge of Your Career)žéî}£¬×÷°ëС•rÑÝÕf£¬ºÍÅc•þÕß·ÖÏíËýÄÇóŒWµ½¾Í˜I¡¢Ö𲽳ɞéÖ÷¹ÜµÄšv³Ì¡£ÓÈÆä®”ÚwСÌmÕ„µ½ÌŽÔÚÖС¢ÃÀÎÄ»¯ŠA¿pÖУ¬Ò»Â·ÃþË÷¡¢ŒWÁ•¡¢³ÉéL£¬×ŒÅc•þͬŒÙÒÆÃñµÄÕþ¸®ÈˆT£¬¸ñÍâÓXµÃÓHÇС£ÚwСÌmÕf£¬ÒªÏëÔÚÕþ¸®»ò¹«¹²Ê„ÕîIÓòÒ»Õ¹éL²Å£¬µÚÒ»²½ÊÇÒªÕÒµ½ßm²ÅßmËùµÄ™C•þ£¬¶øÈËëH¾W·¡¢¿ÚÕZ¼°•øŒ‘œÏͨÄÜÁ¦ºÍÔÚšßMÐÞ£¬„tÊÇ×ÔÎÒÌáÉý¼°ÊÜÈËÙp×R²»¿ÉÉÙµÄÒª¼þ," reported ÔS»ÝÃô.*1

"Asian American Government Executives Network will hold their third annual Leadership Conference July 12, in Washington, DC. The training conference is targeted towards Federal employees. The theme for this year is 'Take Charge of Your Career'," announced Linda M. Springer, Director of United States Office of Personal Management, about the "Asian American Government Executives Network (AAGEN) Third Annual Leadership Conference" promptly before the date.*2

"ÚwСÌmÕf£¬–|·½ÎÄ»¯˜Ë°ñÖÐÓ¹Ö®µÀ£¬ß^Àä¡¢ß^Ÿá½Ô²»ÒË£¬µ«ÔÚÃÀ‡øÉç•þ£¬¡¸ŸáÇ项(passion)…sÊÇßx“ñŒ£˜I²»¿É»òȱµÄÔªËØ¡£Ëý±íʾ?¬¡¸ÅdȤ¼Ó¼¼ÄÜ¡¹ÊÇÉúÑÄÒŽ„µÄµÚÒ»²½£¬¡¸îIŒ§ÄÜÁ¦¡¹„tÊÇÓÐÐÄÔÚšˆö¸üÉÏÒ»ŒÓ˜ÇµÄ±ØÒª—l¼þ¡£ËýÕf¡¸îIŒ§ÄÜÁ¦¿ÉÒÔ½›?ÉááÌìÅàðB¼°¾šÁ•«@Ö¡¹£¬Èç…¢ÅcÁx„Õ·þ„Õ¹¤×÷¡¢ÓÂì¶×ÔÎÒÍÆË]¡¢²»”àŒWÁ•µÈ£¬¶¼ÊÇ¿ÉŬÁ¦µÄ;½¡£ ÚwСÌmÕf£¬ÃñÖ÷Éç•þŠÕ{œÏͨ¡¢×ÔÎÒ±íß_£¬²»Í¬ÒâÒŠµÄ¼¤±U£¬ÕýÊÇŒWÁ•ÌŽÀíÆçÒŠµÄ™C•þ¡£" *3

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." -Denis Diderot
This is a quote that can emphasize the importance of the finding about "Passion" on professionalism by U. S. Secretary of Labor Ealine Chao.

At 6:37 a.m. (.com y) today, leading search engines have shown vanward a publication by Elaine on the Internet:
[[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S. ...
Elaine L. Chao's article for "Happy Mother's Day" is on Internet through Google, Yahoo, AOL, and Ask.com! ... Elaine L. Chao's article in Chinese for " ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 86k - Cached
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ...
... Shelley Berkley, ..." on Google, Yahoo, AOL, Ask.com, and among others at ... Moss, and Tiffany Chang said that, "Brilliant, Google, Yahoo, and Ask.com answer ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 166k - Cached ]]]

Elaine has been the Chairperson of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) since September 28, 2001.



Fwd: Vegas show ÖÐ?øßh?|²Ü¿?µÃ?ËSaturday, April 9, 2011 7:48 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Charlyne" Add sender to ContactsTo: "fgp" Cc: "zxc" ÖÐ?ø×î¸ß?Ç- ÉϺ£ÖÐÐÄ 2013Í깤£¬ÔÚ½ðïhyattÅÔß?, î?¿?ºÍ?øÓ?Ï£ÍûÓÐvegas style éLÄêshow ?þºÜÞZ?Ó£¬Î´íеØ?Ë-
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Fwd: Vegas show ??? 




Flag this messageTunghai on News: ÈðÊ¿°lÃ÷Õ¹?|º£´ó?W«@µÃ4½ðÅÆ¡¢4ãyÅÆ¡¢1ÌØ?eª?Saturday, April 9, 2011 4:03 PMFrom: "tuaa_news?|º£´ó?WУÓÑ¿??þͨÓ" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Dear Tunghai Friends"  TUAA NEWS 2011-04-10


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ÈðÊ¿°lÃ÷Õ¹?|º£´ó?W?þ?öÕÕƬ: http://home.stareve.net/~starlition/photo0408.zip

ÊÀ½çµÚÒ» ÈðÊ¿°lÃ÷չ̨?³Õª42½ð ÏàêKÐÂÂ?58?t

Flag this messageFW: That's only 56 years ago!Saturday, April 9, 2011 12:03 AMFrom: "Yu Yu" [dorisyu265@hotmail.com]Add sender to ContactsTo: undisclosed-recipientsMessage contains attachments16 Files (1123KB) | Download AllATT00040.gifATT00007.jpgATT00034.jpgATT00004.jpgATT00019.jpgATT00043.jpgATT00022.jpgATT00013.jpgATT00028.jpgATT00031.jpgATT00016.jpgATT00025.jpgATT00010.jpgATT00049.jpgATT00046.jpgATT00037.jpg

Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 05:19:11 -0700

Subject: That's only 56 years ago!

That's only 56 years ago!

Comments made in the year 1955!



Flag this messageFwd: ³É¹¦IPO 17 ¼ÒÃÀ?øÉÏÊУ¬£¬ÓÒÒ»ÖÐ?ø¼¿?¸±²¿éLSaturday, April 9, 2011 12:25 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Charlyne" [nevada21.chen@gmail.com]Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony Lei" Cc: "Wu Kent" , "ACTA" ?Ëî}: ³É¹¦IPO 17 ¼ÒÃÀ?øÉÏÊУ¬ÕÕƬ×óÒ»ÖÐ?øÕÐ?Ë¿?²Ã£¬ÓÒÒ»ÖÐ?ø¼¿?¸±²¿éL

Alan DiStefano ?È?ß_¹Ù?Tí±±¾© 3£¯27 ÍíÑ磬ÃÀ?ø,ÉϺ£Áù?|ÃÀ½ð£¬Òѳɹ¦IPO 17 ¼ÒÃÀ?øÉÏÊУ¬ÓÒÒ»ÖÐ?ø¼¿?¸±²¿éL


"I hope people take the time to be mentors, to share themselves with others. It will be one of the most fulfilling and enriching experience of their lives, and our communities and country will ultimately be better for their participation," said Elaine Chao, 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor.*7


Reid: On YouTube by Google! Distinguished Author of PPAA Forum 21 Winning AP lvrj/wbti


Å27ÈÕÑÝÖv ·ÖÏí??×÷Ö®?· For "?H?O by Google!


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Leading Chinese ...
- [ Translate this page ]... typing them before wbti (like "Àî°½wbti") to the searching box of Google.cn. ..... Å±íʾ£¬Ëý?¢ÅcÃñ±?·ÖÏíÉú»î¼°??×÷Ðĵã¬ÔÚÃæ?¦ÉúÃüµÄÌô?ð¼°´ìÕÛ£¬ÈçºÎÔì¾Í×ÔÎÒ .... ÆßÔÂÈýÊ®ÈÕÀîÓå?¢ì¶½þ?þ´ó?W¹«é_ÑÝÖv£¬Övî}ÊÇ¡¸Ò»???]ÓÐλÖúͶ¨ÁxµÄ×÷Õß¡¹ ¡£ ... He signed and sent it to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei on Apri 27, ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013250010510595696222... - Cached


Flag this messageÉÏßLµÃ˜ËñR×æ 격ÞÄÙÎïÖÐÐÄ Î¯ÓšÒŽ„-ÕÐ˜Ë 300 ÈfSaturday, April 9, 2011 3:42 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Charlyne Chen" [nevada21.chen@gmail.com]Add sender to ContactsTo: b136079@gmail.com, caojiahang@vip.sina.com, "Christine Chen" Cc: "Tom T.C. Chang" Bcc: tojulei@yahoo.comMessage contains attachments3 Files (1020KB) | Download AllñR×æÙÎïÖÐÐÄ Î¯Óš·þ„ÕÕfÃ÷•ø-ÕÐÉÌ1.doc†ÖÞ²©²Ê°lÕ¹×ÚּĿ˜Ë09.0629.docñR×沩ÞÄÒŽ„°¸.pdf

†ÖÞ²©²ÊŒWÔ· www.taghi.com.tw µÃ˜Ë 2 í—Ä¿:

1. ñR×沩ÞĹ«Í¶ÒŽ„


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Flag this messageRE: ÊÀ½çÐÂÂ?¾W-±±ÃÀÈAÈËÉç?^ÐÂÂ? - Å27ÈÕÑÝÖv ·ÖÏí??×÷Ö®?·Friday, April 8, 2011 10:10 PMFrom: "Yu Yu" [dorisyu265@hotmail.com]Add sender to ContactsTo: "?ÓÌì À×" Message contains attachments1 File (148KB)dorisDSCF3366.jpg

Dear Dr. Lei:

How have you been?
I am attaching one picture taken at the event site.
Hope you like it.

Best regards,


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RE: ¢?E



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