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Flag this messageSupport IsraelTuesday, September 20, 2011 3:10 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Rick Perry" [campaign@rickperry.org]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com
Friend & Supporter,

Today I joined Jewish leaders from the U.S. and abroad who share my concern that the United Nations might legitimize the Palestinian gambit to establish statehood in violation of established international accords.

Simply put, we would not be here today at the precipice of such a dangerous move if the Obama Policy in the Middle East wasn't naive, arrogant, misguided and dangerous.

Israel is our oldest and strongest democratic ally in the Middle East. And yet, the Obama Administration seems intent on giving equal standing to the concerns of Israelis and Palestinians, including the orchestrators of terrorism.

If you agree with me that there is no moral equivalency between our allies and those who seek their destruction, please take a moment to sign our petition supporting Israel.

President Obama's policy of appeasement has forced Israel into a position of weakness - which in turn, makes America less secure.

As president, I will stand proudly with our international allies, put America's interests first and project strength and stability to a world that desperately needs it.

I hope you will take a moment now to show President Obama that we support Israel by signing our petition.


Rick Perry

This email was sent to tojulei@yahoo.com.

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*It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate ..... We are less than 11 days away from the first financial reporting period. Your contribution of $10, $25, $75, or more today will go a long way in demonstrating our early support. ... P.S. Early financial support truly will make the difference. ...


Flag this message"Class warfare"Monday, September 19, 2011 4:27 PMFrom: "Jim Messina, BarackObama.com" View contact detailsTo: "tony lei"


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HHS Women`s Health Webinar: The Importance of the Affordable Care Act for WomenMonday, September 19, 2011 9:46 PMFrom: "Senator Harry Reid" Add sender to ContactsTo: "judy lei" If you are having trouble viewing this ... The webinar will be held next Thursday, September 29th from 11:00 am to 12 noon PST. ...


HHS Women`s Health Webinar: The Importance of the Affordable Care Act for WomenMonday, September 19, 2011 9:46 PMFrom: "Senator Harry Reid" Add sender to ContactsTo: "judy lei" If you are having trouble viewing this message, you can view the message online.

September 19, 2011

Dear Fellow Nevadan,

I am pleased to let you know that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women’s Health (OWH) is sponsoring a free webinar called The Importance of the Affordable Care Act for Women. The webinar will be held next Thursday, September 29th from 11:00 am to 12 noon PST. Please find further details on this free event below, and click here to register.

Title: The Importance of the Affordable Care Act for Women

Date: Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Time: 11:00 am PST

Nancy C. Lee, M.D.
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health- Women’s Health Director
Office on Women’s Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Mayra E. Alvarez, M.H.A
Director of Public Health Policy, Office of Health Reform
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Introduction: 10 minutes
Presentation: 20 minutes
Question & Answer: 30 minutes
* After Ms. Alvarez’s presentation, the OWH will be taking questions by phone and via email. Please listen in at the start of the call for information on how to submit your questions.


I hope you find this information helpful. To learn more about my work in the Senate, please visit my website, reid.senate.gov, or sign up to receive my e-newsletter, The Reid Report.


U.S. Senator for Nevada


Flag this message"Class warfare"Monday, September 19, 2011 4:27 PMFrom: "Jim Messina, BarackObama.com" View contact detailsTo: "tony lei"
Tony --

This morning, the President proposed the "Buffett Rule," which would require those earning more than $1 million a year to pay the same share of their income in taxes as middle-class families do.

This proposal makes sure millionaires and billionaires share the responsibility for reducing the deficit. It would correct, for example, the fact that Warren Buffett's secretary currently pays taxes at a higher rate than he does.

The other side is already saying it's "class warfare" -- that's their rhetorical smokescreen for providing millionaires and billionaires special treatment.

As the President said this morning, "This is not class warfare -- it's math."

The wealthiest Americans don't need further tax cuts and in many cases aren't even asking for them. Requiring that they pay their fair share is the only practical way forward. The Republican alternative is to drastically slash education, gut Medicare, let roads and bridges crumble, and privatize Social Security. That's not the America we believe in -- but many in the Republican leadership actually prefer those policies, which explains their refusal to act.

That's why they'll say "tax increase" over and over again, trying to muddy the waters and trick ordinary Americans into thinking the Buffett Rule will hurt them. And if we don't speak out right now, they just might get away with it.

If you stand with President Obama in this fight and want to see the Buffett Rule passed -- say you'll get his back now.

Of course, the Buffett Rule won't really touch most Americans -- only 0.3% of households will even be affected.

And without it, the only way to reduce our debt is to savage the programs that seniors and middle-class families rely on.

That's exactly what the President refuses to do -- in fact, he's said he'll veto any bill that changes benefits for folks who rely on Medicare but doesn't raise serious revenue by asking the wealthiest Americans or biggest corporations to pay their fair share.

This isn't just a commonsense approach to cutting the deficit -- it's the only way to make sure we can provide security to people who work hard and play by the rules.

So right now, I'm asking you to say you'll stand with the President on something that won't be easy. Get the President's back today:




Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

This campaign isn't funded by Washington lobbyists or corporate interests. It relies on donations from people like you. Please make a donation today.

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com

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Hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View" please.
Global Alumni Reunion of Tunghai University
By Tiffany Chang

The following article was published by Central Daily News - International Edition in Taipei. A related article was published by "Tunghai Univerasity Information" on September 18, 1999. The original copy was shown at April 7, 2004 on this section of "Tunghai University Alumni Association" ( in the 4th page).*1


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*1. Central Daily News - International Edition. 'ªF®ü®Õ¤Í®ü¥~Åw»E,' " A search of ´^ §g ½¬ on the Google.com," (March 18, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


U. S. Senator Harry Reid awarded Chinese association and academic fund
By Tiffany Chang

The following feature article in Chinese was published by Central Daily News - International Edition several years ago. It was found by searching ±iÄõ­^±H¦Û©Ô´µºû¥[´µ on the Google.com at March 19, 2005:


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WhyMonday, September 19, 2011 8:05 AMFrom: "Dina Titus" View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com

Tony -

I am running for Congress because I believe that the radical Tea Party is taking our nation in the wrong direction and because I hear from Americans everyday that they need a fighter who will stand up for them.

As a longtime champion of the environment, leader on women’s rights issues, and supporter of the middle class, I am asking for your help.

We are less than 11 days away from the first financial reporting period. Your contribution of $10, $25, $75, or more today will go a long way in demonstrating our early support.
I would have never been elected to Congress without grassroots support and I know that I cannot do it this time without your continued friendship.

As always, THANK YOU for all you do.


Dina Titus

P.S. Early financial support truly will make the difference. Will you join this campaign by contributing $10, $25, $75, or more today?

Paid for by Titus for Congress

P.O. Box 50614
Henderson, NV 89016

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An innovation to unite Businesses and Christianity on the road from America through East Asia to Jerusalem
... wbti: *****
By Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung

................ *1

....................................... *2

"Dear Board Members: This is a reminder that we will have a board meeting in teleconference on the evening of Mar 17th Monday, to discuss CCBA’s business. Please review and prepare ...," wrote Christian Chinese Business Association (CCBA) Board Chair Jian Zhu on March 7, 2008. The Tele-conference will be held on March 17, 2008.*3

"In the past four years, we can testify the grace of God among us throughout our mission journey. It transformed from one location to multiple locations. From Northern Europe to East Asia, from Taiwan to Mainland China, from China to Central Asia, from the coast to the inland, from folk religion to atheist, from the Buddhists to the Islam, from the churches to the schools, from the rich to the poor, from the prisons the drug rehabilitation centers, from the coast to the inland. We can see the power of God work among the weak and battle for His kingdom," wrote CCBA Vice President Paul Wang.*5 Paul is an achieved and famous Chinese American Christian leader. He is the Senior Pastor of Carrollton Chinese Church (CCC), Dallas, Texas. He is going to lead Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT), a short-term mission to Asia in May-June, 2008. "Praise the Lord! This year our mission team will have 15-20 people. We will divide the mission group into two teams with three purposes: First, we will go to Xiangzu Taiyen, trying to establish a base for future ministry. Second, we will travel to Kyrgyzstan, and seaching for the will of God and explore the possibility of minister to the Islam. Thirdly, we will travel to the Northeast of Taiwan, minister to the people at Yilan, we will also travel to Taichung and minister to Dajia."

"Thanks all, I’m just back in China from a three day trip to HK where I met with amazing China experts. It was a very encouraging time. Thanks for the email with the notes. His best to you, Finn," wrote one of the CCBA Directors Finn Torjesen, an achieved Chinese Christian Leader recognized by the Government, from Taiyuan City, Shanxi, China to WBTI.*6 The e-mail was an answer to CCBA President Song Cao's concerning about Torjesen's "How is your trip back to Taiyuan" to him?

The famous city is rich in culture and business. For a search of 'Taiyuan china' by the world leading search engines on Internet, we can view its three colorful and beautiful pictures. "Image results for Taiyuan china" is on the first line of Google.com's results at 8:17 a.m. on March 13, 2008.

"Dear CCBA Board Members, Our next board meeting will be held at 9 PM (Houston, CST) on March 17. Attached is the notice for the meeting, along with the meeting minutes of last board meeting. Please let me know if you could not make it or any questions you may have. Best regards, Song," wrote President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI.*7

Christian Chinese Business Association of Las Vegas (CCBALV) will be one of the chapters of CCBA.*8

"I’ll be arriving in Seattle that afternoon. It will be a 7PM call for me so I don’t think it will be a problem except for jet lag. Finn," wrote CCBA Director Finn Torjesen to WBTI. The e-mail was trying to remind President Song Cao to call him so it would not be a problem for him except for jet lag.*9

"Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has inspired and cooperated River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) with endeavor to help promote the quality of life and community service for the people in California and Nevada," delivered Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael L. Douglas the message on March 9, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*10 It has been also for CCC with CCBA and people in Texas since six months ago. Wish the projects by CCC and CCBA a great success and future!

On Google, MSN, Search, Ask, AOL, Yahoo, WebCrawler, Lycos, Altavista, Sina, and among others!
At 8:57 a.m. on 031108 by Google.com:
<<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...
Nevada wbti: US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be the biggest Winner! ... Vice President Paul Wang of Christian Chinese Business Association in ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
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................... *12


*3. Zhu, Jian. 'Conference Meeting Reminder 3/7/2008,' "One of the attachments of the e-mail from President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI [Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:11:19 -0600]," (March 7, 2008), Dallas, Texas: Desk of Song Cao's Office.
*5. Chen, Flora. '2008 CCC mission trip,' "An e-mail from Secretary Flora Chen of CCC to WBTI [Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:40:43 -0600 {flor???007@gmail.com}]," (March 6, 2008), Carrollton, Texas: CCC.
*6. Finn, Torjesen. 'It was a very encouraging time,' "An e-mail from CCBA Director Finn Torjesen [Thu, 28 Feb 2008 20:08:06 +0800 {fin???ter@gmail.com}] to WBTI," (February 28, 2008), Taiyuan City, Shanxi, China: Desk of Director Finn Torjesen.
*7. Song, Cao. 'CCBA Board Meeting, March 17 9 PM CST,' "An e-mail from President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI [Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:11:19 -0600]," (March 7, 2008), Dallas, Texas: Desk of Song Cao's Office.
*8. Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Stewart Bell, Valorie Vega, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, John Ponticello, Nancy Oesterle, Natalie Tyrrell, Valerie Weber, Bobby G. Gronauer, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung. '[Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons ---Google, MSN, Search, and Yahoo wbti: "The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision today," stated Robert Schuller.] ***Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom!' "A search of 'and Jennifer Kung. [Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (March 1, 2008), U. S. A.: Search.com.
*9. Finn, Torjesen. "RE: CCBA Board Meeting, March 17 9 PM CST,' "An e-mail from CCBA Director Finn Torjesen [Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:17:22 +080 {fin???ter@gmail.com}] to WBTI," (March 11, 2008), Desk of Director Finn Torjesen by gmail.com.
*10. Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Ingrid Ou, and Jennifer Kung. 'Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way!' "A search of 'Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (February 7, 2008), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*11. ... by Google. ...


Flag this messageWhyMonday, September 19, 2011 8:05 AMFrom: "Dina Titus" [mike@dinatitus.com]View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com

Tony -

I am running for Congress because I believe that the radical Tea Party is taking our nation in the wrong direction and because I hear from Americans everyday that they need a fighter who will stand up for them.

As a longtime champion of the environment, leader on women¡¦s rights issues, and supporter of the middle class, I am asking for your help.

We are less than 11 days away from the first financial reporting period. Your contribution of $10, $25, $75, or more today will go a long way in demonstrating our early support.
I would have never been elected to Congress without grassroots support and I know that I cannot do it this time without your continued friendship.

As always, THANK YOU for all you do.


Dina Titus

P.S. Early financial support truly will make the difference. Will you join this campaign by contributing $10, $25, $75, or more today?

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Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God's holy people in Christ Jesus at ... Also they had deacons who helped with the other functions of the church, ..... With such a great privilege and responsibility, let us offer ourselves to God's ...


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Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God's holy people in Christ ... Also they had deacons who helped with the other functions of the church, such as ... How can our love increase more and more with knowledge and discernment? ... Since they are 30 to 31 days in a month usually, I can read through Proverbs ...


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14 hours ago ? http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e- mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com ..... Senator Mark Udall (CO) ...


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13 hours ago ? District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. ..... Please click here to reserve your spot today. We cannot win next year without your help, and the Project New West Summit next month is a critical start to ensuring we elect Democrats up and down the ticket: from President Obama, ...
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12 hours ago ¡V The Summit will bring together the most preeminent political, civic, academic, and business leaders in the West for a three-day conversation about the challenges and opportunities we face as a region, as well as a look ahead to how we win in the West in 2012. As you know, Nevada Democrats have made ...


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12 hours ago ? WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com ... PMFrom: "Julianna Smoot, BarackObama.com" View contact detailsTo: "tony lei" ... Subject: Fwd: Fw: ¥Ï¤ âªvÀùªv¦Ê¯f ... 2011 PNW Summit InvitationFriday, September 16, 2011 2:55 PMFrom: "Nevada State Democratic Party" View contact detailsTo: " Tony Lei" . ...
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12 hours ago ¡V But as we start to see Republican gear hit the streets, what about making sure people know you're supporting the President in 2012? You can do ... Even if a car magnet isn't for you, the 2012 store just got stocked up with some great new stuff. ... I look forward to seeing you out and about with your new gear. ...
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091711-1447. Put this on your carSaturday, September 17, 2011 2:43 PMFrom: " Julianna Smoot, BarackObama.com" View contact detailsTo: "tony lei" Tony -- ...


Abounding in Love ? Phil 1:1-11 « Washington Business and ...
wbti.wordpress.com/2011/09/16/abounding-in-love-?-phil-11-11/You +1'd this publicly. Undo
1 day ago ? Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God's holy people in ... Also they had deacons who helped with the other functions of the ... How can our love increase more and more with knowledge and discernment? ... His love gives us confidence in our present situation and in our future situation. ...


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We must start now getting our message out and fighting back against the Republicans . ... ÈÕÆÚ:
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We must start now getting our message out and fighting back against the Republicans . ... 日期: 2011年7月24日GMT+08:00上午10時49分16秒 .... Subject: Fwd: Fw: 甩手治癌治百病 ... 2011 PNW Summit InvitationFriday, September 16, 2011 2:55 PMFrom: "Nevada State Democratic Party" View contact detailsTo: " Tony Lei" ...


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Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God's holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons: 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. ... 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first ...


Put this on your carSaturday, September 17, 2011 2:43 PMFrom: "Julianna Smoot, BarackObama.com" View contact detailsTo: "tony lei"
Tony --

I love seeing 2008 bumper stickers on cars and bicycles when I travel across the country. But as we start to see Republican gear hit the streets, what about making sure people know you're supporting the President in 2012?

You can do that with a 2012 campaign car magnet. Will you donate $10 or more and we'll send you one?

Yes, I want one.

No thanks, but I want to check out what else is in the store.

Maybe you're wondering how putting a magnet on your car will help re-elect the President.

When people see us out in the neighborhood showing support with our clothing, our dog leashes, our cars, or our water bottles, it starts conversations. You might get a chance to tell someone why you're supporting the President, and maybe even convince someone to sign up to volunteer.

At the very least, you'll show everyone that you're on the President's team -- and you're proud of it.

Even if a car magnet isn't for you, the 2012 store just got stocked up with some great new stuff. Stop by today if you haven't in a while:


I look forward to seeing you out and about with your new gear.



Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Seniors United: Save the Date, Sept. 14th, noon, Clark County Library, 1401 E. Flamingo Rd.Wednesday, September 7, 2011 9:15 AMFrom: "seniors.united@cox.net" Add sender to ContactsTo: undisclosed-recipientsMessage contains attachments1 File (58KB)september%20%202011[1].pdfNo virus threat detectedFile: september 2011[1].pdfDownload FileHighlights attached.


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