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Flag this message東~{:#HK<>?/~}電~{WS~}報~{5Z~}23~{FZ~}‏~{3v?/~}囉~{#!~}Monday, June 13, 2011 12:35 AMFrom: "東~{:#4s~}學~{>M~}業輔導~{t_P#SQ~}聯絡~{JR~}" [alumnus@thu.edu.tw]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com
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~{l3LUl3~}榮譽學會係~{SI~}Joseph H. Ehlers創~{J<#,l3LUl3#(~}Phi, Tau, Phi~{#)~}為~{O#~}臘~{WV~}譯~{Rt#,4z1mU\~}學~{!"9$~}學~{!"@m~}學~{H}~}種學術~{#;FdRT~}選~{0N~}賢~{D\#,~}獎勵學術~{QP>?#,3g5B>4~}業~{#,92O`~}勸~{Cc#,YBSPVzl6Ig~}會進~{2=~}為~{WZVP#~}為~{7V~}會~{V.R;#,7V~}會~{C?Dj5CMF~}薦~{F7~}學~{?;rIg~}會~{JB~}業~{SPLX~}優貢獻~{V.P#SQ#,~}發給榮譽會員證書~{#,RT~}茲~{9D~}勵~{:M?O6(!#=qDj6H~}榮獲~{4KJb~}榮~{5DP#SQ7V~}別~{JG5Z~}8屆~{;/~}學~{O5~}羅~{NDI-~}學長~{!"5Z~}19屆歷~{J7O55DLF~}啟華學長~{RT<05Z~}20屆~{IzNoO55DLFLC~}學長~{!#!-#(~}閱讀~{H+ND#)~}


賀~{HpJ?HU~}內~{M_~}國際發~{CwU9~} ~{!!~}載譽歸國



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?å ´óÀí?¤ÆæÅcÓ¡Ïóû½­ ´¬ß[éL½­Èý{ÓÐÃÀûµÄ{¹ÈïL¹â

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- [ Translate this page ]2008?N ´óÀí?¤ÆæÅcÓ¡Ïóû½­ ´¬ß[éL½­Èý{ÓÐÃÀûµÄ{¹ÈïL¹â
. Beautiful rivers and canyons! By Jennifer Kung. The report entitled "??æFEê¬?÷?Lû®?á?E ...
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[[ One day this will be a reference on his bio by Encyclopedia! This is a Forum. Hillary and Barack are drawing American People to our Forum, Democracy, and History! The world is watching also. ]]] ... Google, MSN, Search, Yahoo, and Ask wbti: Why so many people are interested in the presidential election? ...
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For a search of Today I brought some gospel tracts to give away.

Washington Business and Technology Institute Journal May 22, 2011 ...
Today I brought some gospel tracts to give away. ..... 12/07/2009 excerpt from WBTI PPAA20 section. Insight for Today! A gift by God! ...
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Secretary's Remarks: Closing Remarks at African Growth and Opportunity ForumFriday, June 10, 2011 2:51 PMFrom: "U.S. Department of State" ...
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Sep 21, 2007 ... µÚÒ»?Ą̃?³²©ÞÈ?Ê?·Ó^¹â®a?IÕ??¯, ÃÀ?ø?ÈÈAß_Öݽ?ÙQ°lÕ¹?f?þ ...
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Flag this messageSecretary's Remarks: Remarks With Dr. Mwajuma Mbaga at the Buguruni Health CenterSunday, June 12, 2011 12:07 PM
From: "U.S. Department of State" [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comSecretary's Remarks: Remarks With Dr. Mwajuma Mbaga at the Buguruni Health Center
Sun, 12 Jun 2011 13:55:34 -0500

Remarks With Dr. Mwajuma Mbaga at the Buguruni Health Center

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

June 12, 2011

DR. MBAGA: Good afternoon all. Thank you everybody for coming at our health center. I¡¯m very much happy to welcome Secretary Madam Hillary Clinton and the USAID delegate to our health center. You are warmly welcome, feel at home, feel at (inaudible) here at Buguruni. (Laughter, Cheering, and Applause.) Madam, I hope you are enjoying very well your tour in Tanzania, especially in Buguruni Health Center. As we have seen in those who are patients and our health workers, we are happy to see you, to be with you today. You are welcome. And all of us, we appreciate your leadership on women and health issues. You are welcome again. I¡¯ll take this opportunity to welcome, to make few remarks at all (inaudible). Welcome, Madam. (Applause.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you so much. Habari gani

(Audience echoes.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you so much Dr. Mwajuma for everything you¡¯re doing here at this center. (Applause and Cheering.) And I am so pleased on a Sunday to see many of you, because we are very proud of the center. And I am also grateful that Mrs. Naomi from the ministry of health is here.

And there are a number of our American partners, from USAID, our mission ...

Remarks With Dr. Mwajuma Mbaga at the Buguruni Health Center June 12, 2011 wbti



Celebrating Writer Professor Yu's first book presentation!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Invitation to Writer Professor Yu's 1st presentation! ... communitylink. reviewjournal.com/. ..... President's Message of WBTI for New Year's Day, 2008 . ...
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U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, ... PPAA Forum Winning & Leading AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. ... announced her endorsement," posted Reviewjournal.com early this morning on June 21, ...
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Winning PPAA Forum AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." on . ... By Google! .... In this 21st Century new era and society, we need economic growth and personal .... U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, ...
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Nevada: Mayor Succeeded by WifeBy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Published: June 8, 2011

Carolyn Goodman, the wife of Mayor Oscar Goodman of Las Vegas, has been elected to succeed him in a contest that affirmed the city¡¯s affection for Mr. Goodman, its leader for 12 years. Ms. Goodman became mayor with 61 percent of the vote in the nonpartisan contest Tuesday, defeating Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani of Clark County, who could not overcome the popularity of the self-proclaimed Happiest Couple in the Universe. Mr. Goodman, a former mob lawyer who gleefully presided over the city with a force of charisma and a bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin, could not run again because of term limits. Ms. Goodman is the founder and former leader of the Meadows School, a private academy. She and her husband, below, cited their close relationship as her primary qualification.


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*7173. ÉçÕ?. '³ÇÊи? ?Á¦£¬ÉϺ£ÆÈÏã¸Û£¿' ... April 29, 2010 12:00 AM | 220 Ó^¿´´Î?µ| 2 | | ... by Worldjournal.com ....... ---------------------------------- ...
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-- ²èï?ÁÏ©pÆðë??©©pËÜ»¯?©µÄêP?S

Search Results
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Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang again for this article to WBTI on February 2, 2007.*5 ..... ÄÅ_?³ËÜ»¯?©ÎÛȾïL±©ÕfÆð. -- ²èï?ÁÏ©pÆðë??©©pËÜ»¯?©µÄêP?S. ...
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Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang again for this article to WBTI on February 2, 2007.*5 ..... ÄÅ_?³ËÜ»¯?©ÎÛȾïL±©ÕfÆð. -- ²èï?ÁÏ©pÆðë??©©pËÜ»¯?©µÄêP?S. ...
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- [ Translate this page ]Alumni E-NewsletterMonday, June 6, 2011 5:02 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Pepperdine University Alumni Association" ...
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Search Results

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None of the following email address was shown. Cc: "William Li" , "Íõõ·Ò" , "ÓÚ ¾ý·½Yu, Chun-Fang" , "ºÎÀ¤Ken Ho" , "ºÎÃÀæ­Ms. Mei-Shu Ho Pai" , "ÓàÃ÷×ÚYu, ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]?ؤÕÒµ½ÎÄ?WÉϵÄÛÈËTuesday, June 7, 2011 1:32 PMFrom: "Yu Yu" Add ... oeuvres, ... *1. Ö콨Áê. ÍúÍúÖÐ?rÅcÖÐ?øÎÄ»¯?÷ýº?ºÏ×÷?f×h! 2011-06-09 ÖÐ?ø?r?ó. ...
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- [ Translate this page ]President's Message of WBTI for New Year's Day, 2008 . ..... Flag this messageUrgent: tornado relief for MassachusettsWednesday, June 8, 2011 10:49 AMFrom: "John ... A few hours after the tornadoes ripped through western Massachusetts, ...
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But I certainly agree with the message. It is the Africa AGOA Act. It is meant to stimulate all of ..... Monday, June 6, 2011 6:48 PMFrom: "JPontic177@aol.com" . ... Democrat of the Year~~{!1~~} 2010 Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall. .. ... I athletic teams with outstanding Academic Progress Rate (APR) scores. ...
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Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21) - Las Vegas Review ...
Secretary's Remarks: Closing Remarks at African Growth and Opportunity ForumFriday, June 10, 2011 .... Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of StateWashington, DC. June 10, 2011 .... President's Message of WBTI for New Year's Day, 2008 . ...
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Secretary's Remarks: Remarks at the University Teaching Hospital Paediatric Centre of ExcellenceSaturday, June 11, 2011 5:07 AMFrom: "U.S. Department of State" [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comSecretary's Remarks: Remarks at the University Teaching Hospital Paediatric Centre of Excellence
Sat, 11 Jun 2011 06:54:04 -0500

Remarks at the University Teaching Hospital Paediatric Centre of Excellence

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of StateLusaka, Zambia

June 11, 2011

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much, Master of Ceremonies. And let me begin by thanking everyone associated with this Paediatric Center of Excellence for the work you do every day and for the very warm welcome today. I want to thank Dr. Mbewe; Ambassador Eric Goosby from the United States Government, where he heads the PEPFAR program, he~{!/~}s our Global AIDS Coordinator; Dr. Neil Zadalare of our Health and Human Services Department, one of the critical elements in our Global Health Initiative; and to all of the Americans who are here for this important occasion. And I especially wish to extend my greetings and respect to His Excellency, President Banga, and for all of the officials from the Zambian Government, representatives from the University Teaching Hospital, all members of the media, NGOs, and health communities. And so let me add, all protocols observed. (Laughter and applause.)

I am delighted to be with you and to have had a brief tour and explanation of the excellent work that is being done here at the Centre. The president and I met with very impressive doctors, medical staff, support staff. We saw firsthand the program that helps survivors of gender-based violence and the community approach that is being taken to that problem. And the president and I had the honor of meeting a young mother and her child who have benefited from the work you have done here, the mother being HIV-positive but getting medical care and treatment and following the regimen and now having a beautiful 11-month-old daughter who is HIV-negative.

This dedication marks an important day, certainly for Zambia and for the United States, but in particular for our partnership. We are aware that Zambia faces many health challenges, particular those affecting women and children. But we~{!/~}re also very pleased that the Government of Zambia is working to improve health of the people across the country. For instance, Zambia~{!/~}s partnership with PEPFAR has meant that 344,000 Zambians are receiving anti-retroviral treatment that gives them the chance to lead healthy lives, care for their families, and contribute to their country~{!/~}s development.

This facility is further evidence of our shared commitment. The Ministry ...


Flag this messageYour Chance to Win an iPad 2Saturday, June 11, 2011 5:01 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Claudette LaCour, Director Alumni Relations GSEP" [Claudette.LaCour@mail2.pepperdine.edu]Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com
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GSEP Alumni Survey - Participate for a Chance to Win an iPAD 2

Your Opinion Matters

The Alumni Office for GSEP invites your feedback regarding alumni programs and benefits. It has been five years since the last major survey and we would value hearing your opinions. We have tried to make the questionnaire succinct and estimate it will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

To express our appreciation for your help, GSEP alumni who complete the survey by June 25, 2011 and include their name and contact information, will be entered into a drawing for an iPad 2 (one entry per person). The drawing will take place in July. We will notify the winner and announce the outcome of the drawing after the prize is claimed. Please be sure to provide the best email and phone number to reach you when you take the survey.

Thanks for your support. To begin the survey, please follow this link:


Best regards,

Claudette LaCour

Director, Alumni Relations

Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology
6100 Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | (310) 568-5600 | gsep.pepperdine.edu

Copyright © 2011 Pepperdine University



To initiate our programs more effectively to the people and communities who may interested to participate them, we need to emphasize the spirit of positive attitude and positive thinking. The following are words of wisdom which are worth reading collected by the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI):

***"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." --- Jonas Salk, MD
*** "Those who trust us, educate us." --- George Eliot
***"Art is the signature of civilizations," --- Beverly Sills
***Jesus said, "Everyone who bears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." --- Matthew 7:24-25 Bible
***"A book is a sucess when people who haven't read it pretend they have."
--- Los Angeles Times Syndicate
***"Anything you're good at contribute to happiness." --- Bertrand Russell
***"He who never made a mistake never made a discovery." --- Samuel Smiles
***If you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for bidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.
For the LORD gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come
knowledge and understanding.
--- Job 28:28 Bible
***"Reserach is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." --- Zora Neale Hurston
***"The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie." --- Ann Landers
***"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey
***"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." --- Albert Camus
***"The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. to know how to do something well is oto enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck
***"Management is nothing more tnan moivating other people." --- Lee Iacocca
***"Imagination is more important knowledge. --- Ablbert Einstein
***"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist." --- Oscar Wilde
***"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits." --- President R. M. Nixon
***"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." --- Arthur C. Clarke
***"What would life be if we had no courage to attemp anything." --- Vincent Van Gogh
***"If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade." --- Tom Peters
***"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!" --- Jonathan Winters
***"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." ---Frank A. Clark
***"Pay peanuts and you get monkeys." --- Anonymous
***"Small opportunities are often the beginging of great enterprises." --- Demosthenes
***"The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." --- Moliere
***"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey


*1. Fuller, George. (1998). "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace," London: Prentice Hall, Inc.
*2. Ibid.


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