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[#0101(172)]05:17a.m.Sat.6/13,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times |
×îУ¡ºéÐãÖùÖ§³Ö¶È46£¥¿çß^·À´uéT™‘ ¿ÉÍû«@‡øÃñühÌáÃû! *****14/06/2014 ÉÏÎç10:05 YahooÆæĦ£¨¼´•rЄ£©& LVRJ/wbti lvrj _Ò»Ž§Ò»Â· ÖЇø–|±±µ½µÂ‡øÁÐ܇ͨº½! __chinatimes.com 2015Äê06ÔÂ14ÈÕ 02:30 ½ìoÁá & LVRJ/wbtiimages for PPAA Forum 21 {[99][100][117]} ´úÇàËþÄÈ£ºThe silent sky ¼Å¾²µÄÌì¿Õ La silenta ĉielo Le ciel silencieux www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfxXQcDeTt0 ´Þ̦ݼ¸èÎèÐ㡸Can you feel it¡¹(1989) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMS_YC1CbCs*7/14/214 *****Í©Ñþ£¡à‡û¾ý!! µËÀö¾ýÔÙÊÀ!!£¡ LVRJ/wbti: ×·‰ô¾ÞÐÇÒ«±±¾©à‡û¾ý60ßLÄê¼oÄîÑݳª•þ 2013-05-19 ÑëÒ• ... ¡¶ÐÄÓê¡· ÑîîÚӨëÄþ2012ºþÄÏ´ºÍí- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlCIvYY9wv0*2012 ÓöÉÏÄãÊÇÎÒµÄÔµ/ °¢Â³°¢×¿- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4SC_JyG2-M*9/28/2011 È~É`ÎÄ- ÍõÕѾý- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAbgw2mhHrY*11/25/212 *****ÏëÏñºéÐãÖùÊLJøÃñühµÄ{{{¡¸Â™ë[Ä}}}°É£¡ÔÚÄ¿Ç°µÄy¾ÖÖУ¬‡øÃñüh¸÷‚€ËùÖ^µÄA¿§ÜbÊÖÜbÄ_¡¢Ö”СÉ÷΢£¬…s¡¸ÞZ¡¹µØһ•³ö¬FÁ˺éÐãÖùß@Ò»Ãû´Ì¿Í...µ«ºéÐãÖù®…¾¹ÓжàÄêµÄÕþÖΚv¾š£¬Èçͬ™ë[ÄïÊÜß^ÔúŒµÄÎ书Ӗ¾š¡£¡¶Â™ë[Äï¡·¹Êʳö×ÔÅáãoËù×÷µÄ¡¶‚÷Ææ¡·¡£ šWê–·Æ·Æ-ŸáÇéµÄɳĮ! - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab9mEz6kiCk*9/05/2013 ÔÚ°²Ê·Ö®yáᣬÊÀµÀ»ìy£¬Â™ë[Äï±»Ó–¾š³ÉžéÒ»Ãû´Ì¿Í£¬š¢±é×÷yµÄ·ªæ‚¡£²»ß^£¬×îááËý…sÖ÷„Ó×Ô“ñÃ÷Ö÷£¬žéÆäЧÃü£»¶øáá²»ÖªËù½K£¬Ëì³É‚÷Æ档™ë[ÄïÎ书¸ßŠÇÒÉÃéL»ÃÐg£¬íŸoÓ°È¥Ÿo¿v£¬ÉõÖÁ¿ÉÒÔÏñ¡¶Â“ºÏ¿sС܊¡·Ò»°ã£¬“ÈëÈËówµÄ¶Ç¸¹Ö®ƒÈ¡£ÔÚ‘ðy²»°²µÄ•r´úÑe£¬ÈË‚ƒÌØ„eÐèÒªÏñ™ë[Äï¡¢... ¼t·÷Å®¡¢…ÎËÄÄï¡¢{ÇØÁ¼Óñ}¡¢—îéTÅ®Œ¢µÈÌ“Ì“ŒŒµÄÅ®‚b...ÈË‚ƒŒ¦Å®ÐÔÉÐδ½â·ÅµÄÄÜÁ¦Ëù‘ÑÓеĸ߶ÈÏëÏñÁ¦...µ«ÊÇÔÚšvÊ·µÄßM³ÌÖУ¬éLÆÚÊܵ½‰ºÒÖµÄÅ®ÐÔ„të[²ØÁËÌ«¶àδ֪µÄÄÜÁ¦£¬Òò´ËÔÚ»ìãçµÄ½ºþÑe£¬Å®‚bÄ܉ò±¬°l³öʲüN˜ÓµÄÄÜÁ¿¾ÍÌØ„e׌ÈËÆÚ´ý¡£1971Äêºú½ðãŒÒÔ{{¡¶‚bÅ®¡·}}“PÃû¿²³Ç£»44ÄêáᣬºîТÙt _wbti µÄ¡¶Â™ë[Äï¡·ÓŠZ¿²³Ç×î¼ÑŒ§Ñݪ„¡£È»¶ø£¬Å®‚b...³Éžé“Üy·´ÕýµÄ¾ÈÚHÅcÅÎÍû£¿´Ë¿Ì£¬Å®‚bÒѽ›³öÊÖÁË£¬Ï£Íû½ÓÕеÄÄÐÈË‚ƒ£¬×˄ݲ»ÒªÌ«ëy¿´¡£--ЄíÔ´£ºÖЇø•rˆó & LVRJ/wbti ´Þ̦ݼ¡¢ˆ·Æ(1990) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=rteWAPAH6Gc*7/14/2014 New content and events are listed below!***** Click on any title to view the post or event. +++++++There are 2 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Friday June 12 *****Postings: (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) [#0101(171)]05:17a.m.Fri.6/12,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times (posted Friday June 12th at 7:21 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) [#0101(170)]05:17a.m.Thur.6/11,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times (changed Friday June 12th at 8:36 PM) updated If you are having difficulties viewing this e-mail file, you probably need to change the format of your e-mail notification from HTML format to plain text (ASCII) format. You can change this setting with the click of a button on your User Profile. Click here to go to your profile +++++++This service is brought to you by: Opt Software Contact Community Link ***Thanks for visiting our online community! Reply, Reply All or Forward | More Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng ¡¶¿ª½²À²¡· ÕÔСÀ¼£ºÓÀÔ¶²»Òª½«ÃŹØÉÏ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAK6sHe5ACE www.youtube.com/watch?v=O52dSJwybxk*7/01/2010 Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMbvcp480Y4 ˆÐãÇä-²ÈÔÚϦê–Ñe- YouTube! (also [1]...) www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXN739sbpxk | |
[#0101(171)]05:17a.m.Fri.6/12,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times |
 View the right side please...>>> |
LVRJ/wbti: ÏëÏñºéÐãÖùÊLJøÃñühµÄ{{{¡¸Â™ë[Ä}}}°É£¡ÔÚÄ¿Ç°µÄy¾ÖÖУ¬‡øÃñüh¸÷‚€ËùÖ^µÄA¿§ÜbÊÖÜbÄ_¡¢Ö”СÉ÷΢£¬…s¡¸ÞZ¡¹µØһ•³ö¬FÁ˺éÐãÖùß@Ò»Ãû´Ì¿Í...µ«ºéÐãÖù®…¾¹ÓжàÄêµÄÕþÖΚv¾š£¬Èçͬ™ë[ÄïÊÜß^ÔúŒµÄÎ书Ӗ¾š¡£¡¶Â™ë[Äï¡·¹Êʳö×ÔÅáãoËù×÷µÄ¡¶‚÷Ææ¡·¡£šWê–·Æ·Æ-ŸáÇéµÄɳĮ! - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab9mEz6kiCk*9/05/2013 ÔÚ°²Ê·Ö®yáᣬÊÀµÀ»ìy£¬Â™ë[Äï±»Ó–¾š³ÉžéÒ»Ãû´Ì¿Í£¬š¢±é×÷yµÄ·ªæ‚¡£²»ß^£¬×îááËý…sÖ÷„Ó×Ô“ñÃ÷Ö÷£¬žéÆäЧÃü£»¶øáá²»ÖªËù½K£¬Ëì³É‚÷Æ档™ë[ÄïÎ书¸ßŠÇÒÉÃéL»ÃÐg£¬íŸoÓ°È¥Ÿo¿v£¬ÉõÖÁ¿ÉÒÔÏñ¡¶Â“ºÏ¿sС܊¡·Ò»°ã£¬“ÈëÈËówµÄ¶Ç¸¹Ö®ƒÈ¡£ÔÚ‘ðy²»°²µÄ•r´úÑe£¬ÈË‚ƒÌØ„eÐèÒªÏñ™ë[Äï¡¢... ¼t·÷Å®¡¢…ÎËÄÄï¡¢{ÇØÁ¼Óñ}¡¢—îéTÅ®Œ¢µÈÌ“Ì“ŒŒµÄÅ®‚b...ÈË‚ƒŒ¦Å®ÐÔÉÐδ½â·ÅµÄÄÜÁ¦Ëù‘ÑÓеĸ߶ÈÏëÏñÁ¦...µ«ÊÇÔÚšvÊ·µÄßM³ÌÖУ¬éLÆÚÊܵ½‰ºÒÖµÄÅ®ÐÔ„të[²ØÁËÌ«¶àδ֪µÄÄÜÁ¦£¬Òò´ËÔÚ»ìãçµÄ½ºþÑe£¬Å®‚bÄ܉ò±¬°l³öʲüN˜ÓµÄÄÜÁ¿¾ÍÌØ„e׌ÈËÆÚ´ý¡£1971Äêºú½ðãŒÒÔ{{¡¶‚bÅ®¡·}}“PÃû¿²³Ç£»44ÄêáᣬºîТÙt _wbti µÄ¡¶Â™ë[Äï¡·ÓŠZ¿²³Ç×î¼ÑŒ§Ñݪ„¡£È»¶ø£¬Å®‚b...³Éžé“Üy·´ÕýµÄ¾ÈÚHÅcÅÎÍû£¿´Ë¿Ì£¬Å®‚bÒѽ›³öÊÖÁË£¬Ï£Íû½ÓÕеÄÄÐÈË‚ƒ£¬×˄ݲ»ÒªÌ«ëy¿´¡£--ЄíÔ´£ºÖЇø•rˆó & LVRJ/wbti ´Þ̦ݼ¡¢ˆ·Æ(1990) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=rteWAPAH6Gc*7/14/2014 She is a pretty girl from Mar-teau, Tainan, ROCtw! Where I had a female staff took a bus from there every early morning to CCB in Tainan! ×漮ɽ–|Çàu£¬³öÉúì¶Ì¨ž³Ì¨±±£¬žé¼t˜OÒ»•rµĄ̈ž³Å®¸èÐǺÍëŠÒ•¹Ä¿Ö÷³ÖÈË£¬±»·Qžé¡¸Ò»´úÑý¼§¡¹... ´Þ̦ݼ's young sister was in Las Vegas but died very young. To her, ´Þ̦ݼ's dedication & faith to work & performance are like Tang Dynasty's Wuo Tzie Tien!! The famous pub singer King Yong is still in LV operating a Northern Chinese breakfast store!!! ɽˮÈ箋6¡¶‡øÕZÀϸ衷̽¸êÎèÇú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xxgdQYNiLg*3/19/2014 ²ÌÇÙ‡øÕZÀϸèChinese Old Songs - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEvoFLbvXMc*9/07/2012 ɽˮÈ箋27¡¶‡øÕZÀϸ衷ǡǡÎèÇú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqOACWOeBRc*4/23/2014 ýˆÏèÎ輯6ÔÂ14ÈÕ¹«ÑÝ! *****À˹¾S¼Ó˹¡¸ýˆÏèÎ輯¡¹Ã¿ƒÉÄêÒ»´ÎµÄ¡¸ÎèÔÚÁùÔ¡¹ÖЇøÃñ×åÎ赸ʢ´ó¹«Ñݼ´Œ¢é_ÑÝ£¬14ÈÕ£¨ÐÇÆÚÈÕ£©2•r£¬ÔÚÄσÈÈAß_ŒWÔº£¬ÏÄ°²·ÖУ£¨CSN Cheyenne£©ºê¶÷„¡ˆö£¨Horn Theater£©ÅeÐУ¬éTƱʮԪ...ýˆÏèÎ輯ȥÄê6Ô£¬ÔÚ—îÊç·ÒÀÏŽŸµÄŽ§îI֮ϸ°Ì¨ž³½»Á÷Ñݳö£¬ˆöˆö±¬M£¬ÉîÊÜšgÓ£¬ÃÀ‡øŒW†TÒò¶øÊܵ½¹ÄÎèÇÚ춌WÎè...ÔÚÀ˹¾S¼Ó˹Òѽ›³ÉÁ¢20ÄêµÄýˆÏèÎ輯£¬ŒW†TÄËÄšqÓ׃ºµ½60ðNšqµÄ³ÉÈË£¬ÒÀÄêýg·Ö°à½ÌÎè...ÓлîŠÌìÕæµÄÍÞÍÞÎèÕߣ¬ÓПáÇéé_ÐĵÄСŒWÎèÕߣ¬ÓÐÇà´ºÕJÕæµÄÃÀÉÙÅ®¼°ïLíŸo”³µÄ³ÉÄê‹DÅ®...Œ£˜IµÄÎę̀Ÿô¹âÔOÓ‹£¬{{{¼ÓÉÏ·þÑbÈ«²¿Óɱ±¾©Á¿ÉíÓ†×÷}}}...É«²ÊÆGûÓÖ¶à׃»¯£¬ÃÀ²»„ÙÊÕ¡£´Ë´ÎýˆÏèÎ輯µÄËùÓÐÎèÕߌ¢ÒÔäеÄÎè´a«I½oÓ^±Š¡£Ôƒ†–ëŠÔ’£º702-355-1068»ò702-493-6669... __worldjournal.com June 2, 2015, 6:00 am 136 ´Î —îÊç·Ò & LVRJ/wbti New content and events are listed below!***** Click on any title to view the postor event. +++++++There are 9 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Thursday June 11 *****Postings: (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Thursday June 11th at 8:24 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Thursday June 11th at 5:12 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Thursday June 11th at 4:11 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Thursday June 11th at 2:16 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Thursday June 11th at 2:01 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) wbti (posted Thursday June 11th at 1:23 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) t (posted Thursday June 11th at 7:27 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (changed Thursday June 11th at 9:14 AM) updated (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (changed Thursday June 11th at 9:06 AM) updated If you are having difficulties viewing this e-mail file, you probably need to change the format of your e-mail notification from HTML format to plain text (ASCII) format. You can change this setting with the click of a button on your User Profile. Click here to go to your profile +++++++This service is brought to you by: Opt Software Contact Community Link ***Thanks for visiting our online community! Reply, Reply All or Forward | More | |
[#0101(170)]05:17a.m.Thur.6/11,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times |
 An art limited away from babies! |
ɽˮÈ箋24¡¶‡øÕZÀϸ衷¼ªô”°ÍÎèÇú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=gx3YqJdrfOU*4/20/2014 ½µÑë׿Âê×ßÌìÑĸ߃õ°æ£¨ÇåÎú£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6OLTpRV_q8*5/28/2012 images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama -wbti communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcS... ÓÉÓÚ´ËÍøÕ¾µÄ robots.txt£¬ÏµÍ³Î´Ìṩ¹ØÓڸýá¹ûµÄ˵Ã÷ - Á˽âÏêÇé {at p.[3]} wbti -ºÃ¸èÊÇ°Ù ²»…’, —îÑàµÄÍõÕѾýÊǘOÆ·! www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWwPrCihmBY*1/18/2012 images for PPAA Forum 21 {[123][124][125][126][171]} Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng ¡¶¿ª½²À²¡· ÕÔСÀ¼£ºÓÀÔ¶²»Òª½«ÃŹØÉÏ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAK6sHe5ACE www.youtube.com/watch?v=O52dSJwybxk*7/01/2010 Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMbvcp480Y4 ˆÐãÇä-²ÈÔÚϦê–Ñe- YouTube! (also [1]...) www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXN739sbpxk *****Í©Ñþ£¡à‡û¾ý!! µËÀö¾ýÔÙÊÀ!!£¡ LVRJ/wbti: ×·‰ô¾ÞÐÇÒ«±±¾©à‡û¾ý60ßLÄê¼oÄîÑݳª•þ 2013-05-19 ÑëÒ• ... ¡¶ÐÄÓê¡· ÑîîÚӨëÄþ2012ºþÄÏ´ºÍí- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlCIvYY9wv0*2012 ÓöÉÏÄãÊÇÎÒµÄÔµ/ °¢Â³°¢×¿- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4SC_JyG2-M*9/28/2011 ÃÎÈëÌÒ»¨Ô´³Â˼˼- ... ˆÐãÇä-ÔÂëü–VøBëü–V+ÎÒÊÇһƬë…+½ð±K»¨- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aqgNVnJcFA*9/22/2011 LVRJ/wbti: Images for Mrs. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Elaine L. Chao! Images for Elaine L. Chao -wbti LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama (...[1][3][106][123][417][418]...of PPAA Forum 21 Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama -wbti LVRJ/wbti: WBTI(NV) 4th Term Chairman of Advisory Board has been U.S. Congressman & Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval! ñR•Ô•Ÿ¶þºúÑÝ×à ½ÄÏÐ¡æ‚ Chinese: A Town in... www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrvLBcpayv0 LVRJ/wbti: WBTI(NV) Chairperson & U.S. 24th Secretary Of Labor Honorable Elaine L. Chao! LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor Honorable Elaine L. Chao! Relaxation Music¡¾14¡¿Chinese Erhu ft Piano LVRJ/wbti: Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAA Forum 21 http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Peng Liyuan {[1][123][117][417][418]...of PPAA Forum 21} the WBTI(NV) web is also here by Google.images LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Xi Peng Liyuan *****She's in 1st place Google.images Images for China's First Lady Xi Peng Liyuan - wbti [She's in 1st place by Google.images] PENGLIYUANOFFICIAL MUSICA DE RELAX,YOGA ,REIKI (caricias para el LVRJ/wbti: ¡°The happiness will come when you are able to make other people happy!¡±:) *****"The great Winston Churchill said, 'We all make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.' Tony, I know that you like to exemplify this inspiration same as it's my driving force by which I start out each day!" --Natalie L. Tyrrell (North Las Vegas Chief Judge & WBTI(NV) PAI Associate Professor) YunDuo - My LouLan (Jing Tian - ¾°Ìð)*10/9/13 www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8FfSOgjSCw Images for WBTI(NV) Governor Brian Sandoval! Please take a view on [1][58][107][417][418]...! LVRJ/wbti: ÂÞʱ·á- ÎÒÌý¹ýÄãµÄ¸è- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYRtC3ECA6w*4/07/2009 ºº¹¬ÇïÔÂ(¶þºúÇú) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q50tYTUBsc  ËÉ-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA2FaCDLoZM ê–êPÈý¯B-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj6DUePsNbk*11/20/211 Î÷ºþ´º-¶þºú- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKu-HK4DWOw*11/19/11 LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à(Alto Sax)-×ßñRŸô- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHrm5NB68A0*3/08/2013 ·²ÈËË_¿Ë˹ïLÑÝ×à-°¶±Ú¤Îĸ-¢ò(ÔÚÄÇÑe) -YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=93d9pwI4Dww*3/06/13 ÎҺͲÝÔÓЂ€¼s¶¨( ½µÑë׿¬”) ƒÈÃɹÅÃÀ¾°- Yutub www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOTzfp9DiPc *8/19/13 *****Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, inspiration, and Practice of our modern and effective Leading Skills & Strategies on EQ and AQ for Growth, Success, Happiness, Prosperity, and Accomplishment!!! *6168 by Bill Clinton, Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Brian Sandoval, Elaine L. Chao... Charlyne Chen T MichelleChenêÃÀI 8/10 7:47 PM 8£¯17£¬18£¬19¿ÉÒÔÓĘ́ž³ÌÒˆ@ µ½±±¾©Í£ÁôÈýÌìÄÜÔ´¾G¿¨»ù½ð8£¯28ÓĘ́±±°lïwÃÀvegas ¶þßL¡¢šgÓµ½Las Vegas ˜Ëî}: Ã÷Ìì(08/11/2014)µ½¸£Ø¦ Ìïû ºÜÃÔÈË LVRJ/wbti: Vanessa Mae-The Red Hot Tour,Live www.youtube.com/watch?v=jya2eAzlvZ0*2/26/2013 ÎҵĘÇÌmǼ×å¸èÊÖ¡¾Ôƶ䡿ÑݳªHD1080p - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nona3PXDa_I*4/26/204 LVRJ/wbti: Vanessa Mae at the Birmingham 1997 www.youtube.com/watchv=3x6qLGkyKfk*3/10/2013 Vanessa Mae -- Toccata Fugue - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=euOu89d3npA*5/15/2007 {010415-1737}LVRJ/wbti:ÙMÓñÇå½µÑë׿¬”Ó´º´ºÍí www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il2MieRY4Rg*2/26/2013 *****The art of management brought U.S. prosperity! by Cheryl Moss, Becky Lei, and Tiffany Chang "The art of management has made the United States a paradise of richness and prosperity! On the very top floor of the mansion at the Graduate School of New York University, I was impressed by the crowded traffic and the brilliant night scenes down on the ground. And looking at the groups of mansions standing under the heavenly sky at this Fifth Street reminded me that: All these golden Squares and prosperity at the time of the May Flower period was nothing but an empty land. For our Las Vegas, we've realized the same story of development and prosperity," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on the Grand Opening of the Las Vegas City Park. "It made me remember the story of the next dynasty King (Han Dynasty h³¯) after the Emperor Qing. Impressed by watching the greatness of the Emperor with his large marching team on the road one day at his young age, the young boy said, 'Do it brightly and we should make it the same also, excellency! (Meaning explanation for 'Yu Wei Jer Yi Loi Hsie' in Chinese.)' Nowaday, the entrepreneurship made U.S. great is not just important for individuals, but also critical for company or country." The above initiative spirit of the United States is originated from the first paragraph of the Preface of a text (& Reference) book written by Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei entitled Management Behavior published by Buffalo Publish Inc. in 1989 2Ed Together with his other text books: Business Management , Management Behavior, and Information Management have been used by Dr. Lei as a reference book at the Department of Commerce (MBA) in National Taiwan University, Graduate School of Business Administration in National Chengchi University and National Chunghsing University (1985 to 1991), and Fujen University (MBA) from 1975 through 1990. --010703 from a search on LVRJ/wbti & PPAA7/wbti by Google.com ½Þ¥- ϧ„eµÄº£°¶- ÄãÖøÈÌÄÍ- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2i0nd069nU*3/24/2013 ½Þ¥-¾ÆááµÄÐÄ•- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlnV11SLo3s*11/24/11 ýˆÐÖ»¢µÜ_ˆ·Æ+ÙMÓñÇå+ϯÂüŒŽ+üS°²-(1)-YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQhLJu-lkvI *****Lien Chan & Fang Yu (in Beijing):"ONE CHINA!" {picture in [1][58][107][417][418]}...¸üÊǃɰ¶Í¬°ûÐÄì`ÆõºÏµÄ½yÒ»¡£¡¹Á•½üƽÔÚÈËÃñ´ó•þÌÃÅcÓôĽÃ÷¡¢ÔSšvÞr…¢ÔLˆFÒ»ÐЕþÎî...×òÍíÔÚЄ“²¥ÒÔî^—l²¥³ö...--chinatimes.com 2014Äê09ÔÂ27ÈÕ 04:10 ê°ØÍ¢£¯±±¾©ˆóŒ§ & LVRJ/wbti ´úÇàËþÄÈ£ºThe silent sky ¼Å¾²µÄÌì¿Õ www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfxXQcDeTt0*8/10/2012 È~É`ÎÄ- ÍõÕѾý- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAbgw2mhHrY*11/25/212 ÎÒÓÐÒ»¶ÎÇé¡· violinСÌáÇÙÇúviolon ¥Ð¥¤¥ª¥ê... www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvOqUtMGWiM*9/18/2010 {061115-0617}LVRJ/wbti: Images for U.S. First Lady Madam Michelle Obama (Yes, they're at pages {[3][123][417][418]} on PPAA Forum 21!)[[Both individuals are at first place of the preface by Google.images! {06/11/15-0637}LVRJ/wbti: Images for China's First Lady Madam Li-yuan Peng (Yes. They're at pages {[1][58][123][417][418]} on PPAA Forum 21!)½µÑë׿¬”ÅãÄãÒ»Æð¿´²ÝÔ- YouTube *9/03/2012 www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5cUYqwcV1Y The US-China Economic and Cultural Asso. Thank you very much for your leadership, guidance, and support! I will do my best!! Sincerely, Secretary General Yi Li, EMBA!!! LVRJ/wbti: Miss Pi-hua Li - KTV Àî±ÌÈAÐÄÓê-YouTube! Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMbvcp480Y4 Dina Titus is the Winner ... LVRJ/wbti: ...On April 13, 2009, Dina Titus (she) was named Outstanding Democrat of the Year by the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas for the second time. President Obama sent her a congratulatory letter. In December 2010, U.S. Majority Leader Senator Harry M. Reid appointed her to a six-year term on the United States Commission on Civil Rights.Dina Titus has been appointed as a Professor of Administrative Strategies of GSBA of WBTI(NV) since 2008! Charlyne Chen To MichelleChenêÃÀI 8/10 7:47 PM 8£¯17£¬18£¬19¿ÉÒÔÓĘ́ž³ÌÒˆ@ µ½±±¾©Í£ÁôÈýÌì¡¢ÄÜÔ´¾G¿¨»ù½ð8£¯28ÓĘ́±±³ö°lïwÃÀ‡øšgÓµ½Las Vegas ˜Ëî}: Ã÷Ìì(08/11/2014)µ½¸£Ø¦ LVRJ/wbti: ÊÀ½ç¸ßèFµÚÒ»¸ßËí ÆîßBɽËíµÀ؞ͨ! [[[ÓÉ´óê‘ÖÐèF¶þÊ®¾Ö³Ð½¨µÄÌmиßèFÆîßBɽ1Ì–ËíµÀ½ñÌìí˜Àû؞ͨ£¬Ò²´ú±íÌmиßèFÆîßBɽËíµÀÈ«¾€ØžÍ¨¡£ß@—l™M¿ç¸Ê¡¢Çà¡¢ÐÂÈýÊ¡…^µÄÌmиßèFÈ«éL1776¹«À•rËÙ200¹«ÀïÒÔÉÏ£¬ÊÇ´óꑵÚÒ»—lÉwÔڸߺ£°ÎµØ…^ÐÞ½¨µÄ¸ßËÙèF·£¬Ü‰Ãæ...×î¸ßß_3607¹«³ß£¬±»×užéÊÀ½ç¸ßèFµÚÒ»¸ßËí¡££¨ÐÂÈAÉ磩]]] Íõ¾² - ×ÛÒÕ´ó¸ç´ó - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S8cz1aFcUI ½µÑë׿Âê×ßÌìÑĸ߃õ°æ£¨ÇåÎú£© - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6OLTpRV_q8*5/28/2012 ½µÑë׿¬”ÅãÄãÒ»Æð¿´²ÝÔ- YouTube *9/03/2012 www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5cUYqwcV1Y ¡´¾ýÇú´®Ÿý¡µà‡û¾ýÄ£·ÂÕߣºê¼Ñ;Íõìo;Í©¬Ž 2013-05-09 ±±¾©ÐlÒ• ÎҺͲÝÔÓЂ€¼s¶¨( ½µÑë׿¬”) ƒÈÃɹÅÃÀ¾°- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOTzfp9DiPc*8/19/2013 È~É`ÎÄ- ÍõÕѾý- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAbgw2mhHrY*11/25/202 --------------------------- New content and events are listed below!***** Click on any title to view the post or event. There are 7 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Wednesday June 10 +++++++Postings: (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Thursday June 11th at 12:19 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Wednesday June 10th at 11:34 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Wednesday June 10th at 9:24 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Wednesday June 10th at 9:18 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Wednesday June 10th at 9:10 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Wednesday June 10th at 9:03 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) [#0101(169)]05:17a.m.Wed.6/10,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times (posted Wednesday June 10th at 8:44 AM) new If you are having difficulties viewing this e-mail file, you probably need to change the format of your e-mail notification from HTML format to plain text (ASCII) format. 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[#0101(169)]05:17a.m.Wed.6/10,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times |
*****ÏëÏñºéÐãÖùÊLJøÃñühµÄ¡¸Â™ë[Ä°É£¡ÔÚÄ¿Ç°µÄy¾ÖÖУ¬‡øÃñüh¸÷‚€ËùÖ^µÄA¿§ÜbÊÖÜbÄ_¡¢Ö”СÉ÷΢£¬…s¡¸ÞZ¡¹µØһ•³ö¬FÁ˺éÐãÖùß@Ò»Ãû´Ì¿Í...µ«ºéÐãÖù®…¾¹ÓжàÄêµÄÕþÖΚv¾š£¬Èçͬ™ë[ÄïÊÜß^ÔúŒµÄÎ书Ӗ¾š¡£¡¶Â™ë[Äï¡·¹Êʳö×ÔÅáãoËù×÷µÄ¡¶‚÷Ææ¡·¡£ÔÚ°²Ê·Ö®yáᣬÊÀµÀ»ìy£¬Â™ë[Äï±»Ó–¾š³ÉžéÒ»Ãû´Ì¿Í£¬š¢±é×÷yµÄ·ªæ‚¡£²»ß^£¬×îááËý…sÖ÷„Ó×Ô“ñÃ÷Ö÷£¬žéÆäЧÃü£»¶øáá²»ÖªËù½K£¬Ëì³É‚÷Æ档™ë[ÄïÎ书¸ßŠÇÒÉÃéL»ÃÐg£¬íŸoÓ°È¥Ÿo¿v£¬ÉõÖÁ¿ÉÒÔÏñ¡¶Â“ºÏ¿sС܊¡·Ò»°ã£¬“ÈëÈËówµÄ¶Ç¸¹Ö®ƒÈ¡£ÔÚ‘ðy²»°²µÄ•r´úÑe£¬ÈË‚ƒÌØ„eÐèÒªÏñ™ë[Äï¡¢¼t·÷Å®¡¢…ÎËÄÄï¡¢ÇØÁ¼Óñ¡¢—îéTÅ®Œ¢µÈÌ“Ì“ŒŒµÄÅ®‚b...ÈË‚ƒŒ¦Å®ÐÔÉÐδ½â·ÅµÄÄÜÁ¦Ëù‘ÑÓеĸ߶ÈÏëÏñÁ¦...µ«ÊÇÔÚšvÊ·µÄßM³ÌÖУ¬éLÆÚÊܵ½‰ºÒÖµÄÅ®ÐÔ„të[²ØÁËÌ«¶àδ֪µÄÄÜÁ¦£¬Òò´ËÔÚ»ìãçµÄ½ºþÑe£¬Å®‚bÄ܉ò±¬°l³öʲüN˜ÓµÄÄÜÁ¿¾ÍÌØ„e׌ÈËÆÚ´ý¡£1971Äêºú½ðãŒÒÔ¡¶‚bÅ®¡·“PÃû¿²³Ç£»44ÄêáᣬºîТÙtµÄ¡¶Â™ë[Äï¡·ÓŠZ¿²³Ç×î¼ÑŒ§Ñݪ„¡£È»¶ø£¬Å®‚b...³Éžé“Üy·´ÕýµÄ¾ÈÚHÅcÅÎÍû£¿´Ë¿Ì£¬Å®‚bÒѽ›³öÊÖÁË£¬Ï£Íû½ÓÕеÄÄÐÈË‚ƒ£¬×˄ݲ»ÒªÌ«ëy¿´¡£--ЄíÔ´£ºÖЇø•rˆó & LVRJ/wbti´Þ̦ݼ¡¢ˆ·Æ(1990) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=rteWAPAH6Gc*7/14/2014 She is a pretty girl from Mar-teau, Tainan, ROCtw! Where I had a female staff took a bus from there every early morning to CCB in Tainan! ×漮ɽ–|Çàu£¬³öÉúì¶Ì¨ž³Ì¨±±£¬žé¼t˜OÒ»•rµĄ̈ž³Å®¸èÐǺÍëŠÒ•¹Ä¿Ö÷³ÖÈË£¬±»·Qžé¡¸Ò»´úÑý¼§¡¹... ´Þ̦ݼ's young sister was in Las Vegas but died very young. To her, ´Þ̦ݼ's dedication & faith to work & performance are like Tang Dynasty's Wuo Tzie Tien!! The famous pub singer King Yong is still in LV operating a Northern Chinese breakfast store!!! New content and events are listed below! Click on any title to view the posting or event. There are 12 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Tuesday June 9 Postings: (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Wednesday June 10th at 12:45 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 11:55 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 11:46 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 11:34 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 11:21 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 11:12 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 9:14 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 6:57 PM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 9:35 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 9:27 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (posted Tuesday June 9th at 9:15 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) [#0101(168)]05:17a.m.Tue.6/09,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times (posted Tuesday June 9th at 7:33 AM) new If you are having difficulties viewing this e-mail file, you probably need to change the format of your e-mail notification from HTML format to plain text (ASCII) format. You can change this setting with the click of a button on your User Profile. Click here to go to your profile This service is brought to you by: Opt Software Contact Community Link Thanks for visiting our online community. Reply, Reply All or Forward | More | | |
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LVRJ/wbti: NEW YEAR BRINGS NEW OPPORTUNITIES The Challenges We Face! [[[Editor's note: The Honorable Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono is a prominent businesswoman, Commissioner on the Nevada Commission on Tourism, a former Lieutenant Governor and President of the Nevada State Senate and chair of The Nevada Business Roundtable!]]] *****Today in Nevada and America, we live in rapidly changing times. The rich heritage of abundant opportunities for hard-working entrepreneurial men and women in America could be slowly eroding and slipping through our fingers. Our younger generations may not have the same advantages for success that those of us had in past decades. Many of the opportunities and successes we experienced were due to hard work, long range planning, and short- and long-term goals, accompanied by clear thinking. ... (from a search by Google.com)021405-6768 Through the courtesy of "Next Weekly" Ò¼ßLˆó. The following article, written by Ī а (Mo Hsai), was published by "Next Weekly" Ò¼ßLˆó on February 10, 2005: *****Long life! We the Chinese! by Ī а (Mo Hsai) ("...With the excellent and informative publication of "Next Weekly", high-ranking officials of Nevada have been inspired help realize the creed for community service and humane spirit of WBTI Nevada," expressed Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas.) LVRJ/wbti: ¹§Ï²©p¹§Ï²!!! *****ÄÇ°©oÒ»‚€šWÖÞñv·ÇÖÞÍâ½»¹ÙÕfß^¡¸ÖЇøÈ˱³ááÓÐÎåǧÄêÎÄ»¯©o·ÇÖÞÈ˱³ááÖ»ÓÐÐÉÐÉ¡¹©oß@·NÎêÈèµÄÕfÔ’ÊDz»Œ¦µÄ©oÎÒ‚ƒ²»Òª¿´²»Œ¦µÄÄǾä©oÖ»¿´Ç°Ã挦µÄÒ»¾ä©oÖЇøÈ˵ı³ááµÄ´_ÊÇÓÐÎåǧÄêÎÄ»¯©oÓÉÖЇøÊÖÖ¸¿pÖÐÁï³öÒ»ücüc½oÈÕ±¾©oÈÕ±¾±ã®”³É‡ø´âÁË©oÈÕ±¾µÄ»¨µÀ(Œ¢»¨y¼ôy²å) ©p²èµÀ(Œ¢²èÍëÞDÈýËÄÞD) ©p¿ÕÊÖµÀÈáµÀ(ÌÆÊÖС¼¼¶øÒÑ)©o´©ÆߌӶY·þµÄºÍ·þ(…Ç´ú·þÑb…Ç·þÒ²) ¡£ ÓÐÎÄ»¯µÄÃñ×å±ãÊÇÓб¾åX©oÄÇÅšvÊ·ÉÏÓж̕ºµÄ¸FÀ§©o½K•þÔٶȊʢÆðí©oß@±ãÊÇÓÐÎÄ»¯¼æÓ¸ҩpÇÚ„Ú©pÐÞðB©pÓЇø¸ñµÄÖÐÈAÃñ×å¡£½ñÌìÖЇøÈË‘{ÖøÓƾõÄÎÄ»¯¶øÔÙ¶ÈͦÁ¢ÆðíÁË¡£ÔÚÖЇø´óê‘©o”Ã÷ÇÚ„ÚµÄÖЇø¹¤ÈË©o¹©‘ªÖøÈ«ÇòØ›Îï¶øÀû¼ºÀûÈË©ǫž³µÄëŠÄXÅä¼þ®aÁ¿ÐÛ“þÖøŽˆˆö×ÓÐÂÊ©ǫž³éL˜s؛݆¿‚‡Î»È«Çò×î´ó©r°ÍÄÃñRß\ºÓ¸Û¿Ú¼°¼ÓÄôóµÛ‡øãyÐпØÖÆÔÚÏã¸ÛÀî¼ÎÕ\ÊÖÉÏ©oº£ÍâÈAÈË¿ØÖÆÖøÓ¡Äá©p·ÆÂÉÙe©pмÓƵĽ›ú©oßB·ÇÖÞÄáÈÕÀû†ÌƼÒÒ²¿ØÖÆÁËÀ¸ç˹¸ÛµÄï‹Ê³˜I¡£ÃÀ‡øÎù¹ÈÈý·ÖÖ®Ò»ëŠÄXSÓĘ́ž³ÒÆÃñ“íÓЩrIBM ±»Â“ÏëÙIϲ¿·Ý˜I„Õ©rÈAÈËÔÚÃÀ‡ø“íÓÐ×Ô¼º·¿×Ó±ÈÀý×î¸ß©oÖЩp¸Û©p̨ÈýµØÍâ…RÐî‚äÏà¼ÓÊÀ½ç×î¶à©o¿´½ñÌìµÄÖЇøÐÂÄê©oÈ«ÇòÒ²Òª¶àÉÙ½oücÃæ×Ó¼°²Á²ÁÎÒ‚ƒÐ¬©o‚¶ØÓÐһϵÁÐÖЇøßL»î„Ó©ròœ°ÁÈ˵Ĵó·¨ÌmÎ÷Ãñ×åÒ²°lÐÐÖЇøÉúФà]Ʊ©rÐÂÎ÷ÌmÓÐR•þ©r¼ÓÄô󿨵ÙÖZŽˆÍ¬‘cÖЇøÐÂÄê©r¼~¼sŽˆµØ˜ËµÛ‡ø´óÏÃÔÚÖЇø³ýϦÁÁŸô©r¿‚½yÖÝéL°lÎĸæÙRÈAÈËÐÂÄê©rÆÏÌÑÑÀ°Íß_Àû†VˆöÓÐÖЇøÎèª{©rÌ©‡ø¹Ù·½±æÖЇøÐÂÄêÖ÷î}»î„Ó©o×ö‚€ÖЇøÈ˶àïL¹â©o³ÐÕJ×Ô¼ºÊÇÖЇøÈË¶àƒžÔ½¡£ÓÐÎÄ»¯µÄÖЇøÈË©o½ñÌì²»¹ÜÄãÔÚÄÇÑe©oÔÚº£{–|ÃæµĄ̈ž³©oÎ÷ÃæµÄ´óê‘©oÄϷǺÃÍû½Ç»òÓ¡¶ÈÃÏÙI©oÔÚ¼ÓÖÝ©p¾S¼Ó˹©pøP»Ë³Ç¡ÖÐÈAÈËÃñ¹²ºÍ‡ø²»ÄÜÈfšq©oÖÐÈAÃñ‡øÒ²²»•þÈfšq©oµ«ÖÐÈAÃñ×åÒ»¶¨ÈfšqÈfÈfšq©o¹§Ï²¹§Ï²©o×£ÄゃÐÂÄê¿ì˜·! Ò¼ßLˆóÈ«ówͬÈÊ ëuÄêýRÙR!!! ************************** LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum 21 "I love Las Vegas because the valley and surrounding mountains provide an unusual beauty that stirs my soul. Even when I'm stuck in traffic, the mountain shadows capture something in my heart. And if I catch a glimpse of Red Rock Canyon National Recreation Area, or the top of Mount Charleston, or Sunrise Mountain at sunset, it brings a moment of peace, even from a distance," wrote Jane Ann Morrison.*17 The dinner guests including Las Vegas Chinese Daily Newspaper Publisher Helen Hesueh & Reporter and Acting Director & Reporter Mindy Gao of Las Vegas World Journal! The food were selected by Mrs. Judy Lei nicely!! Everybody enjoyed a beautiful evening!!! 77777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 | |
 Our 4th term Honorable Advisor Board has been U.S. Congressman & Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval! |
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[#0101(168)]05:17a.m.Tue.6/09,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times |
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New content and events are listed below!***** Click on any title to view the post or event. +++++There are 5 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Monday June 8 *****Postings: (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) [#0101(167)]05:37a.m.Mon.6/08,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times (posted Monday June 8th at 7:22 AM) new (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) [#0101(165)]05:17a.m.Fri.6/07,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À˹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ˹ά¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times (changed Monday June 8th at 9:32 AM) updated (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (changed Monday June 8th at 9:35 AM) updated (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (changed Monday June 8th at 9:42 AM) updated (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 2 (changed Monday June 8th at 9:46 AM) updated If you are having difficulties viewing this e-mail file, you probably need to change the format of your e-mail notification from HTML format to plain text (ASCII) format. You can change this setting with the click of a button on your User Profile. Click here to go to your profile *****This service is brought to you by: Opt Software Contact Community Link ***Thanks for visiting our online community! Reply, Reply All or Forward | More LVRJ/wbti: À¥Ïx½çµÄ´ó¼ÒéL£Ø•Ð£éL¾ÅÊ®´ó‰Û! ½ñ年ÔªÏü¹(3 ÔÂ21 ÈÕ) Åd´ó»î„ÓÖÐÐĶþ樓µÄÊ¢Ñç²ÍdŸáô[·Ç·²£¬Ø•·Y¼Ð£éL -wbti ÔÚĸУÖÐÅd´óŒWšg‘c¾ÅÊ®´ó‰Û£¡¾ÅÊ®¸ßýgµÄؕУéL£¬ÒÀÈ»ÊÇÓ¢×ËŸ¨°l£¬ÖtºÍ½¡ 朗£¬令ÈË·QÁw£¬ÓÈÆäËûÒ»¼ÒÈ˺Í樂ÃÀM£¬‚€‚€²Å±Š³öÉ«£¬¶àÉÙ¿Ì®‹³öؕУéLÔÚýR ¼ÒÖ·øµÄ¸ûÔÅÅc³É¹û¡£ ÏàÐÅÀ¥Ïx½çµÄŽŸÉúºÜÉÙÈË不ÖªµÀØ•·Y¼½ÌÊڵĴóÃû! 若›]¿´ß^±¾ÈË£¬ÖÁÉÙÒ²  ß^ËûµÄÃû×Ö£¬»òÊÇ¿´ß^ËûËù¾Ž×ëµÄÀ¥ÏxŒW•ø¼®£¬´Ë•ø·ÖÉÏÖÐÏÂÈý´óƒÔ£¬ƒÈÈÝØS ¸»£¬Ž×ºõÄÒÀ¨À¥ÏxŒW領ÓòÄ»ùµAµ½‘ªÓõķN·NÖª識£¬ÊÇÀ¥ÏxϵŽŸÉú不¿É»òȱµÄÖØ Òª參¿¼•ø¼®¡£ ؕУéLµÄÒ»Éú¿´來ƽŒ£¬…sÌŽÌŽï@¬F不ƽ·²¡£Ô¼®½ÌKµÄËû£¬Ôç年†Ê¸¸£¬Ð¡ ŒW®…˜I¾ÍëSÐÖéLµ½福½¨£¬Ä福½¨省立ÞrŒWÔºÖ²ÎﲡÏxº¦ŒWϵ®…˜Iáᣬ¼´Òò³É¿ƒƒž 異£¬留ÈÎÖú½Ì¼æÕnÍâ»î„Ó½MÖ÷ÈΡ£Ãñ‡ø36 年‘ªÆ¸ÖĄ́ž³省立ÞrŒWÔº(ÖÐÅd´óŒWÇ° Éí)Èν̣¬ì¶Ãñ‡ø45 ¿¼È¡留ÃÀÑaÖú£¬¸°ÃÀ‡øÍþ˹¿µÐÁ´óŒWßMÐÞ£¬È¡µÃ´TÊ¿£¬·µ‡ø ·þ„Õ數年£¬ÓÖÒòÆä׿ԽµÄÑо¿³É¹û£¬«@µÃ¸µ –²¼雷µÂ»ù金(Fulbright Foundation) ª„Öú£¬ì¶ÃÀ‡ø·ð羅里ß_´óŒWÀ¥ÏxŒWϵ“úÈοÍ×ù½ÌÊÚ£¬ÆÚégK«@µÃÃÀ‡øÞr˜I²¿Ö®ª„ Öú£¬é_°l¼Òω不ÓýÐÔËŽ„©£¬K³ÖÀmßMÐÞ£¬ì¶Ãñ‡ø56 年Íê³É²©Ê¿ŒWλ¡£Ø•Ð£éL†T ¹¥讀Þr˜I»¯ŒW£¬ÞDÐÞÖ²ÎﲡÏxº¦áᣬ±í¬F‚ܳöƒž異£¬ÉîÊÜŽŸéLÙp識KίؓÖØÈΣ¬ 歷ÈÎÖÐÅd´óŒWÞr˜I½ÌÓýŒWϵÖ÷ÈΡ¢À¥ÏxŒWϵÖ÷ÈΡ¢ÞrŒWÔºÔºéL¡¢ÄËÖÁУéL£¬ÆÚég K½èÕ{µ½Þr復•þ¼æ̨ž³Ö²Îï±£×oÖÐÐÄ(Þr˜IËŽÎﶾÎïÔ‡òžËùÇ°Éí)Ö÷ÈΣ¬Ò²ÔøÞDÕ{ ÖÁÞr˜I°lչί†T•þ¡£Ø•Ð£éL更ÊÇÖÐÈAÀ¥ÏxŒW•þ(̨ž³À¥ÏxŒW•þÇ°Éí)µÄµÚÒ»¡¢¶þŒÃ 理ÊÂéL£¬Ò²ÔøÈÎÖ²Îï±£×oŒW•þ¡¢ÖЇøÃÀÐg…f•þ理ÊÂéL¡¢¼°¶à‚€Œ£˜IˆFówµÄ理±OÊ »òί†T£¬ÔÚŒWÐgÅcÉç•þ·þ„Õ¾ùØ•«I׿Öø¡£ УéL·òÈË雷ºéÒô女Ê¿¿ÉÖ^ÊÇؕУéL³É¾Í±³ááµÄ×î´óÖ§Öù£¬Ëý不ƒHÊÇËùÖ^¡°Ëù Óгɹ¦ÄÐÈ˱³áá都ÓЂ€‚¥´óµÄ女ÐÔÖ§³Ö¡±£¬±¾ÉíÒà¶à²Å¶àˇ£¬ÔÚؕУéLì¶ÃÀ‡øßM ÐÞÆÚég£¬ËýÒà«@µÃµØ理Ñо¿ËùµÄÈëŒWÔS¿É£¬Øøƒ«ÇéÉͬ´°¹²³Ž£¬ÁwÉ·±ŠÈË£¡雷 ºéÒô½ÌÊÚ更Ôøì¶Ãñ‡ø60 年®”ßxÄ£¹ ĸÓH£¬¿ÉÖ^ŒÖÁÃûšw¡£ ؕУéLÓÐÈý×ÓÒ»女£¬ŒOÝ…ÔÓоÅÈË£¬šg‘cÉúÈÕÖ®ëHÔÙÌíÒ»ÈË£¬¿ÉÖ^ëpϲ臨éT¡£ Èýλ¹«×Ó¡¢éLŒO¡¢ŒOϱ‹DµÈ¶àÈ˾ù®…˜Iì¶ÃÀ‡øÖøÃû´óŒW£¬ì¶‡øƒÈÍâŒWÐg½çØ•«I良 ¶à¡£*****éL¹«×ÓØ•ÖÐÔª²©Ê¿ -wbti ¬FžéÅd´ó늙C¹¤³ÌŒWϵ½ÌÊÚ¼æ¹âëŠËùËùéL£¬±ü³Ö¸¸Ö¾³ÖÀmØ•«IĸУ¡£ Åd´óÀ¥ÏxŒWϵžé¸ÐÖxؕУéLŒ¦ì¶Ä¸ÏµµÄÕÕî™ÅcØ•«I£¬ÌØ„eì¶3 ÔÂ5 Èչŵ˜I ²©Ê¿µ½ÏµŒ£î}ÑÝÖváá¾Û²Í•r£¬ÖÂÙ›‘cÉúÙR禮±íß_¾´ÒâÅc×£ÙRÖ®Òâ¡£ÏàÐÅÒ»Ïò½¡¿µ Ó䂵ÄؕУéL£¬šq‰Û¿çÔ½Èýλ數×ֱخ”¿ÉÆÚ£¬ÇÒ׌ÎÒ‚ƒÆÚ´ý°ÙšqÕQ辰µÄÊ¢•þ£¡ 2 ááÓ›£ºÔ±¾Ñû¼sؕУéLÓH¹P׫Œ‘ÉúÈÕ¸ÐÑÔÓèŒW•þͨӿ¯µÇ£¬Î¨Ïµ‘cÉúááУéL¼´ÈÕ ¸°ÃÀ£¬ŸoϾÌá¹PÙnÄ«£¬Ö»ºÃÓÉÎÒ×¾¹P´úÓ›¡£¸ÐÖxУéL臨行Ç°Ìṩ²¿·ÖÙY料£¬×ŒÎÒ Œ¦ËûÓÐ更ÉîµÄ²t½â¡£Î©Òò•régÓÐÏÞ£¬Œ¦ì¶Ð£éLµÄÉúƽÅc諸¶àÊÂÛ”£¬Ö»ÄÜ略Õ„¡£ÓÐ ÅdȤÕß¿ÉßMÒ»²½參¿¼Åd´óУÓѵڶþÆÚÅcµÚ¾ÅÆÚ¼°ÖÐÈAÃñ‡ø®”´úÃûÈË錄µÚ¶þÝ‹µÈ ÙYÓ¡£ÓÈÆäÔÚÆä´ó¹«×ÓØ•ÖÐÔª½ÌÊÚµÄÎÄÕÂÖУ¬Ìáµ½°Ë¶þÈýÅÚ‘ðÆÚég£¬Ø•Ð£éLÔÚÃÀ ‡øÍþ˹¿µÐÁ´óŒWÔ±¾²©Ê¿ŒWλ¼´Œ¢µ½ÊÖ£¬…sÒò‘ðÊ°lÉú£¬Ö÷„Ó·Å—‰È¡µÃŒWλµÄ™C •þÊøÑb»Ø‡ø¹²ów‡øÆD£¬令ÎÒÈf·Ö¸Ð„Ó¡£ÔÚ¿‚½y´óßxÆÚég£¬ÔS¶àÕþÖÎÈËÎïµÄ‡ø¼®†– î}ÅcÌÓëyÐÄ‘B不”à±»Ìá³öÙ|ÒÉÖ®ëH£¬¶àÏ£Íų̂ž³µÄËùÓЇøÃñ都ÄÜÓÐؕУéL®”年ß@ ·NͬÖÛ¹²úµÄÇé‘Ñ£¡ ( —îÂüÃî -wbti ) Åd´óʒУéL½é·òÖÂÙ›ÉúÈÕÙR禮¡£ 3 ÔªÏü¹(3 ÔÂ21 ÈÕ)ì¶ÖÐÅd´óŒW»î„ÓÖÐÐĶþ樓µÄÊ¢Ñç²Ídšg‘cؕУéL¾ÅÊ®´ó‰ÛµÄŸá ô[ˆöÃæ¡£ ؕУéLÙÉ·òÈ˼°éL¹«×ÓÏò´ó¼Ò¾´¾ÆÖÂÖx‘cÉúÖ®Òâ¡£ 4 ؕУéLØøƒ«”yÊÖͬ切ÈýŒÓ‘cÉúµ°¸â¡£ 5 ĸϵȫów½ÌŽŸžéšg‘cؕУéL¾ÅÖÈÈAÕQ£¬ÌØ„e°²ÅÅì¶3 ÔÂ5 Èչŵ˜I²©Ê¿µ½ÏµŒ£î} ÑÝÖváá¾Û²Í•r£¬ÖÂÙ›‘cÉúÙR禮£¬ˆDžéÈ«ówºÏ”zì¶ÖÐÅd´óŒWÀ¥ÏxŒWϵ¡£ ýRÖ÷ÈÎ(ÓÒÒ»)´ú±íĸϵȫów½ÌŽŸÖÂٛؕУéL(ÓÒÈý)¾ÅÖÈÈAÕQÙR禮£¬Åc•þÙFÙe°üÀ¨ ¹ÅµÂ˜I²©Ê¿(ÓÒ¶þ)¡¢Ø•·òÈË(×óÈý)¡¢Ø•Ð£éLÖ®´ó¹«×Ó(×ó¶þ)ÅcÈý¹«×Ó(×óÒ»)¡£ 6 ÖÐÅd´óŒWÀ¥ÏxŒWϵȫów½ÌŽŸšg‘cؕУéL¾ÅÖÈÈAÕQÖÂÙ›Ö®¡¸福Èç–|º£ ‰Û±ÈÄÏɽ¡¹ Ë®¾§ÙR禮¡£ 7 ؕУéL¾ÅÖÈÈAÕQ¼ª祥ÈçÒâÙR禮¡£ ؕУéL¾ÅÖÈÈAÕQ福‰ÛëpÈ«ÙR禮¡£------------------------- by Google.com: [PDF]À¥Ïx½çµÄ´ó¼ÒéL£Ø•Ð£éL¾ÅÊ®´ó‰Û½ñÄêÔªÏü¹(3 ÔÂ21 ÈÕ) Åd´ó ... digileps.biology.nsysu.edu.tw/TaiEntNews/.../Gon90.p... Translate this page Mar 30, 2008 - ¾ÅÊ®¸ßýgµÄؕУéL£¬ÒÀÈ»ÊÇÓ¢×ËŸ¨°l£¬ÖtºÍ½¡ ... ²»”à±»Ìá³öÙ|ÒÉÖ®ëH£¬¶àÏ£Íų̂ž³µÄËùÓЇøÃñ¶¼ÄÜÓÐ by Goolge.com: "ؕУéL®”Äêß@. ·NͬÖÛ¹²úµÄÇé‘Ñ£¡ -------------------------- ¹§Ï²°lØ”£¡ | |
*****LVRJ/wbti: Breakthrough, Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for Taiwan, China, Singapore... and America! --Modern and advanced 'Golden Keys' on nurturing and encouraging our and future Generations, theoretically and practically, to grasp, retain, and develop Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this era of 21st Century!! ˆÐãÇä܇վ- YouTube *7/01/2010 www.youtube.com/watch?v... Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, inspiration, and Practice of our modern and effective Leading Skills & Strategies on EQ and AQ for Growth, Success, Happiness, Prosperity, and Accomplishment!!! *6168 by Bill Clinton, Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Elaine L. Chao ... LVRJ/wbti: U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor & Chairperson of WBTI Nevada Elaine L. Chao ¡¶¿ª½²À²¡· 20131026 ÕÔСÀ¼£ºÓÀÔ¶²»Òª½«ÃŹØÉÏ- YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAK6sHe5ACE ½µÑë׿¬”ÅãÄãÒ»Æð¿´²ÝÔ- YouTube *9/03/2012 www.youtube.com/watch?v... <4th Term Chairman of Advisory Board is U.S. Congressman & Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval! (5rd Ed. & 11th printing) The memory and floral tributes to U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao (ÖìľÌm)! by Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang***** Life is meant to be a never-ending education, and when this is fully appreciated, we are no longer survivors but adventurers. ---David McNally, Even Eagles Need a Push The originality of this article was published in this section on August 5, 2007.*1 The Advisory Board and faculty members join with President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI in mourning its Chairperson Elaine L. Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Chu Chao and praying for her and the family heartfeltly. "Dear Dr. Lei, Very sorry to hear the sad news. I made a few grammatical and spelling changes below. Hope this helps. Sincerely, Judge Moss," wrote Nevada District Court Judge Cheryl Moss to Washington Business and Technology Intstitute (WBTI) early in the morning on August 7, 2007 (Tue, 7 Aug 2007 05:58:44 -0700) in Las Vegas, Nevada.*2 Judy and Tony were very sad to learn yesterday (8/04/07) evening that U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao passed away in the afternoon on August 2, 2007. President George Bush called Elaine's family twice. In comforting, George reminded her father Dr. James S. C. Chao, Chairman of Foremost Group that, "Elaine is the one who serves the longest time as a Secretary of U. S. Department." According to Elaine's mouring message to the passing of her mother, she respects her mother Ruth as "a noble and eternal wife, a selfless and offering mother, a philanthropist full of love, and an Asian culture scholar." "From the difficult years after mariage to raise several daughters, thorugh her courage, diligence, and accomplishment to receive her master degree, until the development and prosperity of their family, U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao had a life of success. Ruth was a successful family educator and an achieved Asian culture scholar. 'Like mother, like daughter.' Ealine's wisdom, inguinty, and achievement as a leading Asian American public charater have been derived from her mother's heartily love and offering influence. Judy and I were mourning and praying for Elaine's mother Ruth heartfeltly. Our sincere hearts and prayers go out also to James, Elaine, Mitch (Elaine's husband, The Honorable Mitch McConnell, U. S. Senate Minority Leader), Jeannette, May, Christine, Grace, Angela, the family, and their friends," wrote President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI a mourning and praying e-mail to Chairperson Elaine Chao in the early morning on August 5, 2007, in Las Vegas, Nevada. "ÖìľÌmÔÚ1961ÄꎧÖøÚwСÌmµÈÈýÃûÓ×Å®×Ǫ̂ž³³Ë݆´¬íÃÀ£¬Åc®”•rÔÚ¼~¼sÇóŒWµÄÚwåa³ÉˆF¾Û£¬Õ¹é_ÔÚÃÀ‡øµÄÐÂÉú»î¡£ÚwСÌm×îÄîÄî²»ÍüµÄ¾ÍÊÇÔÚ¸¸Ä¸ÓHŽ§îIÏÂ×ßß^ÒÆÃñíÃÀ³õ•rµÄ·N·NÐÁËášg‚£¬Úwåa³ÉÅcÖìľÌmÔÚ¡¸Ðµćø¼Ò£¬ÕZÑÔ²»Í¨¡¢ÎÄ»¯²»Í¬¡¢Á•‘T¸÷®£¬ÉõÖÁßBʳÎïÒ²¸ÐÄ°Éú¡¹µÄÇé›rÏ£¬½ÌðBÁù‚€Å®ƒº£¬‚€‚€‚ܳöÓгɡ£ÖìľÌmÔÚÅ®ƒº‚ƒ¶¼ªšÁ¢éL´óáᣬ51šq•r¹¥×xÎÄŒW´TÊ¿£¬Íê³ÉÔçÄêÒò‘ðy¶øŸo·¨ÇóŒW«@È¡ÐÂÖªµÄÐÄ£ÖìľÌmÑÔ½ÌÉí½Ì½oÅ®ƒº‚ƒÁôÏÂĪ´óµÄÙY®a£¬ËýÔøÕf¡¸½ÌÓýÊǽoÅ®ƒº×îºÃµÄ¼ÞŠy¡¹," reported by Reporter κ±ÌÖÞ of World Journal in New York. The report "ÚwСÌmĸÓHÖìľÌm²¡ÊÅ" was posted on the '³¬ÈËšâ News' of the Worldjournal.com. on August 4, 2007.*3 "Vision seems to be an elusive yet import life principle. Your vision describes the ideal future for you to attain. It provides meaning and direction while forcing you to break through present limitations. Holding a clear picture in your mind of the desired future will mobilize your creative efforts and generate the desire and energy to perform," edited Glenn Ekeren in his book.*4 The bright vision and offering love extended from Ruth to her children had built a sound foundation for the outstanding accomplishments in each of their special professionalism. The following were some information from the report "ÃÀ‡ø„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌmĸÓHÈ¥ÊÀ ÓH”Mµ¿Ô~ížÆä¶÷µÂ" by Ó›ÕßÇñ½²¨ in ÈAÊ¢îD at 8ÔÂ3ÈÕ. The news was posted on ÑëÒ•‡øëH www.cctv.com¡¡on¡¡2007Äê08ÔÂ04ÈÕ at 14:06: "ÚwĸÅc¼²²¡îBŠ²«ôY£¬·e˜O˜·Ó^µØÃ挦²¡Ä§¡£ÔÚÈËÉúµÄ×îááêPî^£¬ËýÓÈԊÅcÄÈÝÓ½ÓÁËÉúÃü×î‡À¾þµÄ¿¼òž¡£ÔÚÃÀ‡ø²¼Ï£Õþ¸®ÖГúÈÎÐÐÕþš„Õ×î¸ßµÄß@λÈAÒáÅ®²¿éL£¬²»ƒHÊܵ½V´óÃÀ¼®ÈAÈ˵Ä×ðÖØ£¬¶øÇÒÆäÙt»Ý¾«Ã÷µÄ–|·½Å®ÐÔïL²É£¬Ò²µÃµ½Á˲¼Ï£ƒÈéwºÍÃÀ‡ø¸÷ëAŒÓÈËÊ¿µÄÐÀÙp¡£ÚwСÌmµÄÈ˾‰ºÜºÃ£¬ÓÐÈËÕf£¬ß@ÊÇÒòžéËýÊܵ½ÁËÁ¼ºÃµÄ¼ÒÍ¥–|·½ÎÄ»¯Ñ¬ÌÕ¡£¶øÚwСÌmÕf£¬ß@Ò»Çж¼ÊÇËýµÄ¸¸Ä¸ÙnÓèµÄ¡£ÚwСÌmµÄĸÓHËØíÖ§Ô®‹DÅ®ªšÁ¢×ÔŠ£¬ËýÑÔ‚÷Éí½Ì£¬³ÉžéƒºÅ®‚ƒ×îºÃµÄ°ñ˜Ó¡£ÚwСÌmÕf£¬ËýµÄĸÓH²»ƒH½oÓ胺ŮÕäÙFµÄÉúÃü£¬¸ü½oÓèÁËËû‚ƒ×·Çó¸ßÐÀíÏëµÄ¾«ÉñØ”¸?" reported the reporter Çñ½²¨.*5 "Six essential qualities that are keys to success: Sincerity, Personal Integrity, Humility, Courtesy, Wisdom, Charity, " quoted Dr. William Menninger. Ruth owned each and every of these personal traits. In facing and conquering difficulties and obstacles, her 'persistense' and "passion"*6 in A.Q.*7 had played an important role to empowered her in the road to success. "ĸÓHÏñÍâÆÅÒ»˜ÓÒ²ÓÐó@ÈËÖ®Åe£¬Ëý51šq•r›Q¶¨ÖØ·µÐ£ˆ@£¬¹¥×x†ÖÞÎÄŒWºÍšvÊ·´TÊ¿ŒWλ¡£ËýÒªÍêÉÆ×Ô¼ºµÄÈËÉúƒrÖµ£¬ÒÔƒ”¶àÄêµÄËÞ£ÎÒ‚ƒ®”•rŒ¦Ä¸ÓH´ËÅeK²»Ê®·ÖÀí½â£¬ÐÄÌ۵ظæÔVËý›]ÓбØÒªÔÙÄÇüNÐÁ¿àµØ³ÐÊ܉ºÁ¦¡£µ«Œ¦Ä¸ÓHµÄˆÌÖøºÍÒãÁ¦£¬ŒW¶ø²»¾ëµÄ¾«Éñ¶¼±¶¼ÓדÙp£¬È«¼Ò®”È»¶¦Á¦Ö§³Ö,žéÁ˶÷»ØðÉç•þ£¬Ä¸ÓHÔçì¶1984ÄêÖЇø¸Ä¸ïé_·Å³õÆÚ¼´¾èÙ›ÁË¡¸Ä¾Ìm»ù½ð•þ¡¹£¬ááÔÚ2006Äê11ÔÂÕýʽ¸üÃûµÇÓ›Åú×¼žé¡¸ÉϺ£Ä¾Ìm½ÌÓý»ù½ð•þ¡¹£¬žéª„„î¡¢Ö§³Ö¡¢ÙYÖú½ÌÓýʘI¼°Æ䃞Ð㎟Éú£¬žéÖЇøµÄ½ÌÓýʘI±M¾d±¡Ö®Á¦¡£ÎÒ‚ƒÅã°éĸÓHÔÚÍ¥ÔºéfÕ„Âþ²½£¬@ÑYÊÇÎÒ‚ƒ×îÊìϤµÄµØ·½¡£½ñÄêµÄ´ºÌìÈç´ËÐߣ¬Š™Š™íßt£¬Mˆ@½ð N NµÄÓ´º»¨Ç§ºôÈf†¾Ê¼³öí¡£´ºïLºÍì㣬ꖹâÃ÷ÃÄ£¬™Ñ»¨Å·Å£¬ÖñÁÖÇà´ä£¬¼ÒéTÇ°ÄÇÈý¿ÃÅcÎÒ‚ƒÒ»ÆðéL´óµÄËþËÉÒÑÖ¦È~ïʢ£¬Í¦°Î…¢Ìì¡£¼Òˆ@ÒÀÅfÊÇÎÒ‚ƒÐªÏ¢µÄ¸Ûž³£¬ÒÀÅfÊÇÎÒ‚ƒÐÄÖеÄ×îÛ¡£ " wrote Elaine L. Chao. The article entitled "¡¶Œ£î}1¡·Æ½·²Åc‚¥´ó©¤«I½oĸÓHÖìľÌm" was written by her (ÚwСÌm). It was posted through the courtesy of the "ĸÓH¹Œ£î}" of Worldjournal.com to the "Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti .*8 "Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*9 Enjoying with general popularity, the achieved intellectual has been many years our good friend to participate and contribute the mutual cooperation and development for Asian and American endeavors. "One of the most important integrity and work of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our people, high-ranking officials, and communities is its many feature articles posted by publications through the leading search engines promptly. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid (now the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor and help the promotion of benifits and quality of lives for our people, community, and country." Elaine said that her mother was good in writing. The following was an literary article written by Ruth when she was very young. With its nice description, the article was published by the School Periodical at her elementary school year: "ÎÒÄС¾ÍÛÓêÌ졪¡ª¡ªööµÄ¼šÓêÅcƒAÅè´óÓêÓXµÃÒ»˜ÓµÄ¿ÉÛ¡£ßB¾dµÄ´ºÓ꣬¿ñ±©µÄÏÄÓ꣬žtžtµÄÇïÓêºÍ“½ÖøïwÑ©µÄ¶¬Óê¡£¶¬Ó欵Ä×Ë‘BҲͬ˜ÓÓXµÃ¿ÉÛ£¬K²»ÊÇÒòžéÓÐʲüNÒÝÖÂÅcÑÅÅd£¬¶øÊÇžéÓÐÇçÌì¾Í‘ªÔ“ÓÐÓêÌ죬ÓêÌ쌦ÇçÌìÊÇÒ»·NÕ{¹¡£ÓêÌìëmÈ»ÓÐÔS¶àÇéȤ£¬Èç¹ûÄúÊÇÁ÷ÀË®àl»òÀ§îDÄæÂõÄß[×Ó»ò¶à³îÉƸеÄÈË£¬ÄÇüN£¬ß@æ¹ÄȵÄÓê½z·Çµ«²»ÄܽoÄãÐĵ׵ݲŒŽ£¬·´¶ø•þʹÈËÔö¼ÓÒ»·Ý³îÉϳÒò´Ë£¬ÓÐÈ˸èížÓ꣬ҲÓÐÈËÖäÁRÓê¡£²»ß^ÓêÌ쾿¾¹ÊÇÖµµÃ¸èힵģ¬ËüÄÜƽÍÄãÐÄî^µÄŸ©ž£¬ÔöÌíÒâ¾³ºÍÇéȤ¡£¸üÖØÒªµÄÊÇËüÄÜÏóáçÖøÇçÀʵČ¢í£¬ËùÖ^Óêß^ÌìÇ磬ªqËƺڰµÏóáç¹âÃ÷ÉWÅRÒ»˜Ó¡£---ÖìľÌm." *10 We are humble, but we are encouraged. Thanks. Searching the leading search engines from early morning yesterday until now, we could find that this feature article by WBTI through the communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal is the first one on the most recent news about U. S. Secretary Elaine Chao's mother in English appeared on the Internet. "ËýÒÔó@È˵ÄÆÇÁ¦£¬ò¯Õ\µÄÐÅÑö£¬ºÁ²»Î·¿sµØÃ挦¸÷·NÌô‘ð£¬×ßÍêÒ»¶ÎÍêÃÀÄÈËÉú¡?ĸÓHÊÇÎÒ‚ƒß@‚€´ó¼ÒÍ¥¿ì˜·µÄԴȪ£¬ˆÔŠµÄáá¶Ü¡£ÎÒ‚ƒÄý¾ÛÔÚËýµÄÖ܇ú£¬¸úëSÖøËýÅûÇG”ؼ¬£¬ÓÂÍùֱǰ£¬Ò»²½Ò»‚€Ä_Ó¡µØ×ßÏò³É¹¦, ŬÁ¦„“Ôì¸üÃÀºÃµÄÃ÷Ìì¡£ ËýÒ»Éú¾´ò¯ÛÉñ¡¢ÛÈË¡¢Û¼ÒÍ¥£¬Œ¦Éç•þĬĬµØ·î«I£¬¾Ï¹ª±M´á£¬ËÀ¶øááÒÑ¡£ÎÒ‚ƒÄÖиÐÊܵ½ÁËÐÄì`µÄÕ𺳣¬ß@ÊÇÈËÉúƒrÖµµÄ³ç¸ß¾³½ç£¬ÊÇƽ·²Åc‚¥´óµÄ×îÍêÃÀµÄ½YºÏ£¡" pointed out U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on her mourning message in Chinese.*11 Your kind thoughts and prayers are appreciated and may send to the Secretary of U. S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. or Dr. James S. C. Chao, Chairman of Foremost Group in New York, as reminded by Elaine. Wish the soul of Ruth in heaven is respectfuly mourned and the family of her survived ones are highly blessed! The elegant funeral ceremony was in good planning and implementing. "ÎÒ‚ƒÔÚ´ËÕæÕ\µØ¸ÐÖxÔÚß@¶Î·Ç³£•rÆÚÑe½oÓèÎÒ‚ƒÛÐÄÅcŽÍÖúµÄËùÓÐÓHÓÑ‚ƒ," wrote the Secretary of U. S. Department of Labor (ÃÀ‡ø„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌm).*12 "Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles." ---Og Mandino (1923-1996, Speaker and Author)*13 "Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lei: Since I shall be in Washington, D.C., I believe that I shall be constantly reminded of the ideals that are the subject of the messages and quotations contained in your correspondence, particularly those about vision, enthusiasm, and assistance," wrote Nevada District Judge Mark R. Denton to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and his wife Judy on June 18, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*14 "I hope that you are both doing well and that you will enjoy the upcoming event and keep me informed about your excellent projects. Thank you so much for thinking of me and keeping me posted. Very truly yours, Mark R. Denton." "The Board of Trustees of St. John's University joins with the entire University community in mourning the passing of Ruth Mulan Chu Chao. The cherished mother of United States Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, Jeannette, May, Christine, Grace, and Angela Chao; at the age of 51, Mrs. Ruth Chu Chao decided to return to school and earn a Master's degree in Asian literature and history from this university. She has also established several foundations that provide scores of scholarships annually in her native land of China. Touching us with her grace and dignity, she and her family are in our thoughts and prayers in this time of sorrow," stated Thomas E. McInerney, Chair, Board of Trustees, and Donald J. Harrington, C.M., President in The New York Times on August 8, 2007.*15 World Journal reporters (Ó›Õß) κ±ÌÖÞ and „¢Ë¬ reported in New York (¼~¼s) that, "ÚwÖìľÌmŮʿ£¬Ò»Î»ÅàðBÁËÃÀ‡øµÚһλÈAÒᲿéLÚwСÌmµÄƽ·²Ä¸ÓH£¬11ÈÕÏÂÎçÔÚÏÈÉúÚwåa³ÉÅcÚwСÌmµÈÁùÃûÅ®ƒºÅcÅ®ÐöµÄº¬œIËÍ„eÏ£¬ìoìoµØÌÉÔÚ¼~¼sÉÏÖÝ·Ò¿ËÀï·ò(Ferncliff)Ĺˆ@£¬ÔÚÐÁ¿àŠ^ôYÒ»ÉúáᣬÓÖ¡¸Ã¦ÖøÏȵ½µ½Ìì‡øÈ¥žéÎÒ‚ƒœÊ‚äÁíÒ»‚€¼ÒÁË¡¹¡£ ½YÊøÔÚÂü¹þ̹¿µØ –š›ƒxð^(Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel)µÄ×·ÄîƒxʽáᣬÚwåa³ÉÂÊÖøéLÅ®ÚwСÌm£¬éLÐö“°î…¢×h†Tûœ¿µÖZ(Mitch McConnell)µÈÁùÅ®ÁùÐö¼°ŒOÝ…ºÍÓHÓÑ£¬µ½ëxÚw¼Òס̎²»ßhµÄ·Ò¿ËÀï·òĹˆ@°²ÔáÔÚ2ÈÕÒòÁÜ°Í°©²¡ÊŵÄÆÞ×Ó¡£ÖìľÌm°²ØÈ춵ÚÒ»ŒÓ˜Ç£¬Èý˜ÇÉÏ°²ØÈÊY·òÈËËÎÃÀýgŮʿ¡£" The report was posted on the '¼~¼sЄ' of Worldjournal.com on August 12, 2007.*16 At the funeral ceremony, Dr. James S. C. Chao and Elaine were very sad. By the way, Ruth's six daughters leading by Elaine and the family had also optimized from the sorrowful feeling to the vision for a bright future! "11ÈÕÉÏÎçÔÚš›ƒxð^µÄ׷˼ƒxʽÉÏ£¬ÖìľÌmµÄÁùλŮƒº‚ƒM‘Ñ‚û¸Ðµ«ÓÖ˜·Ó^µØÖÂÔ~£¬×ŒÔÚ×ù½üËÄ°Ù¶àλÓHÓÑíÙe£¬îlîlÊÃœI£¬ÔٴθÐÊܵ½ß@λÓ¸҈ÔígµÄÅ®ÐÔƽ·²¶øÓÖ‚÷ÆæµÄÒ»Éú¡£ÚwСÌm×îáẬœI±íʾ¡¸Ä¸ÓHµÄëxÈ¥ÊǞ鸸ÓHºÍÎÒ‚ƒœÊ‚äÁíÒ»‚€ÓÀßhµÄ¼Ò£¬ÄÇÑe²»•þÔÙÓб¯‚û¡£¡¹ λì¶Âü¹þ̹µÄ¿µØ –š›ƒxð^11ÈÕì`ÌÃȔ[M¸÷½çËÍíµÄ°×ɫõ¹å¡¢ºûµûÌmºÍ°×É«ër¾Õ¼™³ÉµÄ»¨»@»¨È¦£¬Çf‡ÀœØÜ°," wrote reporters κ±ÌÖÞ and „¢Ë¬.*17 The elegant funeral ceremony for Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Choa was in good planning. The implementation has been held significantly at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel on August 11, 2007 in New York. Ruth's elder son-in-law, United States Senator Honorable Mitch McConnell dilivered a speech to remember her very impressively. Senator McConnell is the husband of U. S. Secretary of Labor Elanine L. Chao. -------------------------------------------- References *1. Chang, Tiffany. 'The memory and floral tributes to U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mother Mrs. Ruth Mu-lan Chu Chao (ÖìľÌm),' "Section of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the WBTI's website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti)," (August 6, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. *2. Moss, Cheryl. 'Some kind thoughts and prayers,' "An e-mail from District Court Judge Cheryl Moss of Nevada to WBTI," (August 7, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Judge Cheryl Moss' residence. *3. κ±ÌÖÞ. 'ÚwСÌmĸÓHÖìľÌm²¡ÊÅ,' "A search of '³¬ÈËšâ News' on the Worldjournal.com," (August 4, 2007). New York: World Journal. *4. Glenn Van Ekeren, "Speaker's Source Book II," (Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1994,) 378. *5. Çñ½²¨. 'ÃÀ‡ø„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌmĸÓHÈ¥ÊÀ ÓH”Mµ¿Ô~ížÆä¶÷µÂ,' "A search of 'Secretary Elaine Chao's mother passed' on the Google.com," (August 4, 2007), U. S. A.: ÑëÒ•‡øëH www.cctv.com. *6. Kung, Jennifer. 'Some findings on the art of leading by U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao!' "The article at 071407-1068 on Section 'People and Beautiful Scenery' of the WBTI's website," (July 26, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink.reviewjournal.com. *7. Chang, Tiffany. 'Art of E. Q. and A. Q. inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-yuan Kung!' "A search of 'secretary chao letter to eitc and Art of E. Q. and A. Q. inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-yuan Kung! wbti' on the Yahoo.com," (July 26, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *8. ÚwСÌm. '¡¶Œ£î}1¡·Æ½·²Åc‚¥´ó©¤«I½oĸÓHÖìľÌm,' "The review on section 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' and a search of 'ĸÓH¹Œ£î}' on the Worldjournal.com at May 31, 2007, San Francisco, California: World Journal," (August 5, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *9. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court desk of Michael Douglas. *10. ÚwСÌm. Ibid. *11. World Journal. 'ÚwСÌmµ¿Ä¸Ô~ ³ÁÍ´°§ÆÝ ---(µ¿ Ô~) Ö¾´ÛµÄĸÓH¡ªÚwÖìľÌmŮʿ,' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's mourning message on her mother's passing' on the Google.com," (August 11, 2007), New York, N. Y.: 'ÃÀ‡øЄ' of Worldjournal.com. *12. World Journal. Ibid. *13. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will help bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community!' "A feature article on 'Business & Administration' of WBTI website," (July 18, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink.reviewjournal.com. *14. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' on the Google.com," (August 7, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *15. Late Edition - Final of The New York Times. "A search of 'Paid Notice: Deaths CHAO, RUTH MULAN CHU the new york times,' on the Search.com," (August 11, 2007), New York, N. Y.: The New York Times. *16. κ±ÌÖÞ and „¢Ë¬. 'ÚwСÌmº¬œIËÍ„e£ºÄ¸ÓHµ½Ìì‡ø žéÎÒ‚ƒœÊ‚äÁíÒ»‚€¼Ò,' "A search of '¼~¼sЄ' on the Worldjournal.com," (August 12, 2007). New York: World Journal. *17. Ibid. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** size:193K LVRJ/wbti: [the document of appointment for Charlyne Chen] View{diy & you'll see she's one of the Advisers & Chairperson of their Overseas Support Committee!} ******************* Chairperson of NCBC Charlyne Chen's e-mail to WBTI NV! *****Àî¹âÒ«ÔÚËûµÄÐÂ×÷¡¶Ó^ÌìÏ¡·ÖÐÔøÕf£º¡¸Ì¨ž³Åc´óꑵÄÖØнyÒ»ÊÇ•régµÄ†–î}£¬ß@ÊÇÈκ·ø¼ÒŸo·¨×è“õµÄ¡¹£¬¶ø¡¸È¥ÖЇø»¯¡¹£¬¡¸Ö»ÄÜʹ̨ž³ÈËÔÚÖØнyÒ»ŒëH°lÉú•r¸ü¼ÓÍ´¿à£¡¡¹ ...üSÖÇÙt„tÕZ³öó@È˱íʾ£¬Èç¹û²ÌÓ¢ÎÄßxÉÏ£¬×î²»¸ßÅdµÄ½^Œ¦ÊÇ images for Ù‡ÇåµÂ -wbti £¡ www.youtube.com/watch?v=O52dSJwybxk*7/01/2010 Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMbvcp480Y4 ˆÐãÇä-²ÈÔÚϦê–Ñe- YouTube! www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXN739sbpxk | |
Hit Google.com by "Click on Chinese Simplified (GB2312) please" or 060407-3032) "Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor" of WBTI website, Monday, 3:32 p.m., June 4, 2007 #First Edition "Chinese Traditional (Big5)"for the "View" on PPAA Forum 21 please! 7th ed with 17th printing LVRJ/wbti: ¡¶Œ£î}1¡·Æ½·²Åc‚¥´ó©¤«I½oĸÓH ÖìľÌm -wbti! by Elaine L. Chao {ÚwСÌm - wbti} LVRJ/wbti: The following article in Chinese is posted through the courtesy of the "ĸÓH¹Œ£î}" of Worldjournal.com: ¡¡[[[ÚwСÌm(ááÅÅÓÒÒ»)Åc¸¸ÓHÚwåa³É¡¢Ä¸ÓHÖìľÌm¼°Ð¡ÃÃÚw°²¼ª¡££¨Úwåa³ÉÌṩ£©]]] ¡¡[[[È«¼ÒÔÚĸÓHŠyücµÄÉ«²ÊÀ_¼ŠÂ}ÕQ˜äÅÔºÏÓ°¡£]]] ¾Ž°´: *****„Ú¹¤²¿éLÚwСÌm -wbti ÊÇÃÀ‡øšvÊ·ÉÏÊ×λ±»ÈÎÃüžé¿‚½yƒÈéwéw†TµÄÃÀ¼®†ÒáÅ®ÐÔ£¬Ëý8šq•rÒÆÃñÃÀ‡ø£¬í˜ÀûµØßm‘ªÁËß@‚€Ðµćø¼Ò£¬KŒ¬FÁËËýµÄÃÀ‡ø‰ô¡£Ò»Â·×ßí£¬ËýµÄĸÓHÖìľÌmŮʿ½oÁËËý‚ƒæ¢ÃÃ×î¼ÑµÄÒýŒ§ºÍ·ö³Ö£¬Ä¸ÓH¹Ç°Ï¦£¬ÚwСÌmæ¸æ¸µÀíÔS¶àëyÍüµÄÍùÊ£¬ÏòĸÓHÖÂÖx¡£ÊÀ½çÖÜ¿¯ÌØ„e¿¯³ö´ËÎÄ£¬KÓÉÌؼsÓ›Õß„¢Ü°ÂûˆóŒ§Á˃Éλžé²¡ƒº¸¶³öŸo±ÈÛÐĵĂ¥´ó‹Œ‹ŒµÄ¹ÊÊ¡£Öµ´ËĸÓH¹£¬Ö”ÏòËùÓÐÛ¾„Ú·î«IµÄ´ÈĸÖ¾´£¬×£Ä¸ÓH¹¿ì˜·! 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LVRJ/wbti: A Special Tribute To U. S. Senator Honorable Harry Reid! by WBTI(NV) Date: Friday, August 24, 2001 Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Function: A spicial tribute to U. S. Senator Harry Reid Location: Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant Address: 5485 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89148 On the cross streets of Sahara and Lindell. Phone: (702) 364-5559 Keynote Speaker: U. S. Senator Honorable Harry ReidGuests of Honor: U. S. Senator John Ensign, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congressman Jim Gibbons, Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa, Las Vegas City Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court Nancy Becker. Special Guests: *1. Dr. Roy Adamson, Emeritus Professor of Pepperdine University 1'. Mark Alden, Member, Board of Regents, University and Community College System of Nevada 2. Kathy Augustin, Controller, Nevada State 3. Elaine, Secretary of Nancy Becker, Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court 4. Merle Berman, Assemblewoman, Nevada State 5. Denis Brodsky, Las Vegas School Board of Trustees 6. Lisa Brown, Family Court Judge 7. Terry Care, Nevada State Senator and Mrs. Terry Care * 8. C.Y. Chen, Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States 9. Radha Chanderraj, Commissioner, Nevada Gaming Commission *10. Elaine Chao, Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor (by a representative) 11. Vonne Chowing, Assemblywoman, Nevada State 12. Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Associate Professor, Department of History, UNLV 13. Bud Cranor, Southern Nevada Director, Governor Kenny Guinn's Office 14. Mark Denton, District Court Judge 15. Robert Gronauer, Constable, Las Vega Township 16. Dirio Harrera, Chairman, Clark County Commission 17. Nadia Jurani, Commissioner, Las Vegas Civil Right Commission *18. Jason C. Hu, Former Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States 19. Sonia Joya, State Director, U.S. Senator John Ensign Office in Nevada (To represent the Senator.) 20. Jerry Keller, Sheriff, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police 21. Erin Kenny, commissioner, Clark County 22. Cedreic Kerns, Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge 23. Mary Kincaid, Commissioner, Clark County 24. Betsy Kolkoski, Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge *25. Lan Li Ching, Counselor General, People's Republic of China Office of Counselors in Los Anegeles 26. Myron Leavitt, Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court 27. Michelle Leavitt-Fitzpatrick, Las Vegas Municipal Judge 27'. Robert Lueck, Distict Court Judge of Nevada 28. Theresa Malone, Member, Nevada Board of Education (By her Husband, Malone, Past Nevada Senator.) 29. Mark Manendo, Assemblyman, Clark County 30. William Maupin, Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court 31. Lynette Boggs McDonald, Las Vegas City Councilwoman 32. Cheryl Moss, Family Court Judge 33. Judith Ray, Special Representative for U.S. Congressman Jim Gibbons (To represent the Congressman.) 34. Rory Reid, Esq., Former State Democratic Party Chairman 35. Jerry Reynoldeson, Director, Senator Harry Reid's Nevada Office 36. Nancy Saitta, District Court Judge 37. Tod Story, District Director, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Office 38. Dr. William Thompson, UNLV Professor of Public Administration 39. Dina Titus, Nevada State Senator *40. Vicotor C. Y. Tseng, Director General, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco 41. Natalie Tyrrell, North Las Vegas Justice Court Judge *42. Virginia Valentine, City Manager of Las Vegas 43. Valorie Vega, District Court Judge 44. Sheri Vogel, Project Administrator, Senior Citizens Law Project, Las Vegas *45. Dr. Kang-pei Wang, President, Tunghai University 46. Jessie Walsh, Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge 47. Steve Wark, Chairman, Nevada Republican Party 48. Myrna Williams, Commissioner , Clark County 49. Dr. Wright, Professor of History, UNLV *50. Ching-mi Wu, Chairman of Board, Tunghai University 51. Dr. Linda Young, Chairperson, Las Vegas Ethics Committee 52. Ann Zimmerman, Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge Chairpersons: Tony Lei, EdD; President, WBTI and Chairman, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada R. D. Prabhu, MD, Chairperson, CAN-DO Raj Chanderraj, MD, Founder, Friends of India Tonie Sison, Chairperson, Philippine Chamber pf Commerce Rita Vaswani, Executive Staff, CAN-DO Hosts: * 1. Kewin Butts, Manager as Representative, Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel (For final confirm.) 2. Raj Chanderraj, Founder, Friends of India 3. Sapatra Chemprachum, Chairperson, Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas 4. Albert Chang, Publisher, "Las Vegas Chinese Yellow Pages" 5. Yen Wen Cheng, Past Las Vegas Director, (Chinese) "New Asian Weekly" 6. Cathy Chin, Vice President, H. F. Entreprises Co. 7. Andres Costas, MD, Chairperson, Anesthesia Dept., UMC 8. Dolly De Leon, Past President, Philipines Chamber of Commerce 8'. Leonie Domingo, Weststar Funding Mortage *9. Jeny Del Rosario, Past President, Philippines Chamber of Commerce *10. Mark Dunkeson, General Manager, Texas Station Casino & Hotel (For final confirm.) 11. Cathy Endy, Special Coordinator, "Southern Nevada Chinese Weekly" 12. Larry Escalona, Consolidated Century 21 Realtor 13. Larry Espenqiua Larry Espinueva, Vice President, Great Ilocano Association 14. Pia Galapon, Producer/Director, International Entertainment Network *15. Jakie Gaugham, Owner, Plaza Hotel & Casino 16. Sonny Ho, QME, Perpetual Chiropractic Physicians, Inc. 17. Oscar Jomacion, President and Publisher, "Nevada Examiner" 18. Nadia Jurani, Member, Equal Rights Commissioner, Las Vegas 19. Bob Jose, Editor-in-Chief, "Las Vegas Star Magazine" 20. Dr. Nilofar Kuraishi 21. Steve Kwon, Founder, Asian Chamber of Commerce 22. Benson Lee, Esq.,Benson Lee Attorney at Law Offices 23. Tony Lei, EdD, Chairman, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada 24 Jose Lim, Realtor, Country Wide Realty Group Inc. 25. Anthony Lu, Publisher, "Southern Nevada Chinese Weekly" 26. Ann Melton, President, Thai Association of Las Vegas 27. Zenny Mendoza, Former President, Golden Agila Lions Club 28. Lillian Morizono, Director, Japanese American Citizen League 29. Cora Murillo, DC, Chiropractic Nevada (Comfirmed on 8/16.) 30. Peter Nguyen, President, Asia Palace Restaurant 31. R. D. Prabhu, MD, Chairperson, CAN-DO 32. Kate Recto, President , Philipine Chamber of Commerce 33. George Regner, Executive Producer, Seventh Vision Production *34. David Risdon, General Manager of Marketing, Horseshoe Casino & Hotel 35. Judy Rock, President , Chinese American Association of Las Vegas 36. Francisco Sanchez, MD, President, Heritage Medical Serv. 37. Dr. Shaheed Siddiqui 38. Nick & Laxmi Singh, Owners, Thai Gold 39. Richard Segerblom, Esq. 40. Tonie Sison, Chairperson, Philippines Chamber of Commerce 41. Edward Swindle, CEO, Investment Bankers Industrialists *42. I-yu Teng, CEO, TEFA; Secretary of Board, Tunghai University 43. Yuan Chuan Tsai, Chairman, 62 Sewing Tsai Co. 44. Joey Villaflor, MD, Member, Board of Health, State of Nevada 45. Rita Vaswani, Executive Staff, CAN-DO 46. Lillian Wallace, President, Seniors United 47. Yale Wang, Chairperson, Yale Funds, Management & Research Co. 48. Roddy Wong, DC, President , CAN-DO (*: Out of Town, Leave of Absence, or Not Available.) Guests: 1. Aurora Abayan, Executive Vice President & Station Manager, "Nevada Examiner" 2. Lori Cain, Photographer, "Las Vegas Sun" ( By a Reporter.) 3. Jakie Chang, Dean of Student, Junior High School 4. Jackson Chao, Head of Las Vegas Co., "Chinese Daily News" and "Singapore Newspaper" 5. Erin Chiang, Reporter, "New Asia Weekly" 6. Nadia Contreras, General Manager, "Nevada Examiner" 7. Wilhelmina Espiritu, Editor, "Nevada Examiner" 8. Fred Flore, Managing Editor, "Southern Hispanic Monthly" 9. Miguel Isassi, Publisher, "Southern Hispanic Monthly" 10. Katherine Grewe, Recreation Program Supervisor, Department of Park & Recreation, Clark County 11. Dr. Hsin Li, Associate Professor of Mathematics, UNLV 12. Sue Luo, Vice President, Tawanese Association of Las Vegas 13. Anthony Mendoza, Publisher / President, "Asian Reader" 14. Josephine Mendoza, Eitor-inChief / Vice President, "Asian Reader" 15. Veronica Paios, Professional Photogapher, Las vegas 16. Bert Ramos, President, Agtec Acpec Group, Inc. , Reno 17. Laura Rauch, Photographer, "Associated Press" 18. Iris Zhang, Assistant, PAI, WBTI 19. Dr. John Wang, Assistant Professor, Department Mechanical Engineering, UNLV 20. Buck Wong, former Chairman, Arcata Associates 21. Nancy Wong, Vice President, Arcata Associates 22. Tim Wong, President & CEO, Arcata Associates 23. James Yu, President, Asian Chamber of Commerce Coordinator: Dr. Peter Lok, Chairperson, Coordinating Committee, WBTI Guests: 250 (More than 384 people presented.) Attire: Business RSVP: If you are interested to be a chairperson or host for this event, please call Dr. Peter Lok at 732-0178 on or before Friday, August 17, 2001 "On behalf of Washington Business and Technology Institute, I'm glad to be one of the Chairmen of this Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U.S. Senator Harry Reid. Following a successful tribute party to Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker, this Event is an united efforts of all our Asian American community. Thanks to Dr. Raj Chanderraz, Dr. R. D. Prabha, Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Tonie Sison, and Ms. Rita Vaswani to join me as Chairpersons. Thanks to all our guests of honor, special guests, hosts, guests, and participants. Thanks to Dr. Peter Lok as our wonderful Coordinator and Ms. Nancy Diaz to initiate the plan of this event with me. Finnally, we, Asian Americans have put all our effort and wisdom together to have this Special Tribute to our U. S. Senator Harry Reid, because Harry is our great hero to build a community where this and future generations will have more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous life," spoke Dr. Tony Lei, the Chairman of the event and dinner party. With some searches of "Clinton wbti" by the world leading search engines on Internet for a feature article "One-on-One ---WBTI helps lift up the visiability and popularlity of U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton and win a presidential poll recently in Nevada!" written by Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jennifer Kung, we could find a lot of informative literatures. The following is just one example from Google or Yahoo: <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Articles by former US President Bill Clinton on WBTI's website are shown on Internet by the leading search engines promptly and elegantly! Clinton wbti: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 99k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... WBTI helps lift up the visiability and popularlity of U. S. Senator ... Leadership is love. To win the country through humane love is elegant!*2. References ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=12 - 129k - Cached >>> Chao wbti: All our Nevadans are proud of Nevada's contribution on entertainment, convention, and tourism to our country. The coming Saturday Caucus will become a new milestone to be added to its value. Q: Why Las Vegas and Nevada are so famous with WBTI? Ingenuity, innovation, integrity, and diligent work can bring us a miracle! Ans: (by the little girl and boy with a laptop computer under many beautiful palm trees beside the Sea of Galilee) "Ask Google, MSN, and Yahoo!" *5 -------------------------------------------- References *001. *002. ... for a search of "secretary rice in beijing 2008" by Google. ... *003. ... about the "White House" on Google.com ... and from a search on Reviewjournal.com ... *1. Glenn Van Ekeren, "Speaker's Source Book II," (Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1994,) 378. *2. Ibid. 130. *3. Smith, John L. 'JOHN L. SMITH: Democrats make nice during debate, but gloves come off on Saturday,' "A search of 'News' by the Reviewjournal.com," Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. *4. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Stewart Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'Harry Reid, U. S. Senator wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (January 16, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *5. Bill Maupin, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. 'Great Made in Nevada the 2007 Governor's Conference on Tourism: Its international visiability and popularity are enhacing through the world leading search engines on Internet! ---President Dr. Tony Lei has appointed Bert Brown Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI,' "A search of 'Great Made in Nevada the 2007 Governor's Conference on Tourism: Its' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (January 17, 2008), U. S. A.: MSN. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | | | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75] 76 [77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244][245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266][267][268][269][270][271][272][273][274][275][276][277][278][279][280][281][282][283][284][285][286][287][288][289][290][291][292][293][294][295][296][297][298][299][300][301][302][303][304][305][306][307][308][309][310][311][312][313][314][315][316][317][318][319][320][321][322][323][324][325][326][327][328][329][330][331][332][333][334][335][336][337][338][339][340][341][342][343][344][345][346][347][348][349][350][351][352][353][354][355][356][357][358][359][360][361][362][363][364][365][366][367][368][369][370][371][372][373][374][375][376][377][378][379][380][381][382][383][384][385][386][387][388][389][390][391][392][393][394][395][396][397][398][399][400][401][402][403][404][405][406][407][408][409][410][411][412][413][414][415][416][417][418][419][420][421][422][423][424][425][426][427][428][429][430][431][432][433][434][435][436][437][438][439][440][441][442][443][444][445][446][447][448][449][450][451][452][453][454][455][456][457][458][459][460][461][462][463][464][465][466][467][468][469][470][471][472][473][474][475][476][477][478][479][480][481][482][483][484][485][486][487][488][489][490][491][492][493][494][495][496][497][498][499][500][501][502][503][504][505][506][507][508][509][510][511][512] | |