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For a search of "U.S. Majority Leader & Senator Honorable Harry M. Reid and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei & Chairman of Chinese American .

[WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) website]

The new or changed Postings are:

* (Organization Newsletter #2) 070412-1151 (posted Wednesday July 4th at 2:51
PM) new


* (Organization Newsletter #2) 063012-0751 (posted Saturday June 30th at
10:52 AM) new




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Search ResultsµÚÒ»?ý?úϵУÓÑÀ×?ÓÌ첩ʿ£­?sÈÎÃÀ?øÀ­Ë¹¾S¼Ó˹ÊÐÖJ×hί?T| ?|º£´ó?W ... -. ¡¾µÚÒ»?ý?úϵУÓÑÀ×?ÓÌ첩ʿ£­?sÈÎÃÀ?øÀ­Ë¹¾S¼Ó˹ÊÐÖJ×hί?T¡¿ ...

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...


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Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) .... Honorable Harry M. Reid and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei & Chairman of Chinese American ...


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U.S. Senator Harry M. ReidPutting Nevada First wbti. July 02, 2012. Dear Fellow Nevadan,. In recent weeks, Congress has come together to make progress ...


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063012-1457. Michelle: Your seat on Barack's bus! wbti. Saturday, June 30, 2012 1:45 PM From: "Michelle Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony T. Dr. Lei" ...



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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ.

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·çÓêͬÖÛ°ëÊÀ¼Íwbti. Ò»¡¢¸öÈ˼òÀúºÍʼ¨. 1£¬ÕÅÃÀ£¬ÄУ¬1928ÄêÉú£¬¼ÒÍ¥³öÉíÖÐÅ©£¬¼Òͥƶ¿à£¬ÒÔÎñũΪÉú£¬¸¸Ç׳ýÖÖÌïÍ⣬»á×öľ¹¤£¬ÓÍÆᣬÓÐÐÖµÜËĸö£¬ËûСʱÔø¶Á ...


For a search of "From (ÈËÉúºÎ??²»ËÆ?ô)Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas! wbti" by Google.com!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Chinese ...

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070412-0807. From (ÈËÉúºÎ??²»ËÆ?ô)Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas! wbti. July 4th, Double 10th, which day you care for more?


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Search Results

Belinda Liu's Spiritual World - Las Vegas Review Journal ...


Memory Verse: The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. ... 061909-1807 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Friday, 6:07 p.m., ...


For a search of "U.S. Majority Leader & Senator Honorable Harry M. Reid and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei & Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) wbti" by Google.com!

Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
LL.B.(Economics, 1955-1959), M.B.A.(1968-1969) and Ed.D.(Institutional Management, 1980-1990) of Pepperdine University
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)
(Tel.) 702-750-1127
Instructor of Natiomal Cheng-chi Univercity and National Taiwan University
Investigator, International Economic and Cooperation Council (IECC) of ROC
Fellow, United Nations' Asian Institute, 1971 (Graduate Certificate)
Chairman, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN)
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business Administration, National Chung-hsing University, 1985-1991
Fellow of Management, Pepperdine University, 1991-1996
President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), 1996-


Happy July Fourth 2012! wbti


Happy Independence Day! From Governor Brian Sandoval wbti
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 7:32 PM
From: "Brian Sandoval" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Judy & Tony"

Judy & Tony --

While we're enjoying time with our closest family and friends tomorrow, I hope we will each take a moment to reaffirm our devotion and gratitude for our nation and our great state.

I hope that each of us will pause and remember what our American heroes fought and died for, our liberties and freedoms, and reaffirm the values and principles that mean most to us.

Happy Independence Day to you and your families.


Brian Sandoval

P.S. The latest Team Sandoval update follows.


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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ.

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°ËÊ®´ºÇµ¯Ö¸Ò»·É¼ä ... 1£¬1957Äê7Ô·ÖÅäɽ¶«Ê¡Á¢Ò½Ôº£¬1958Äê²Î¼Ó³ýº¦Ã𲡠... Happy time on the Special Mother's Day celebration with JCUAALV wbti!

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We will find the article "°ËÊ®´ºÇµ¯Ö¸Ò»·É¼äwbti" ( at 062512-0857) in the section of 'Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas' from a search .


U.S. Senator Harry M. Reid – Putting Nevada First wbti

July 02, 2012

Dear Fellow Nevadan,

In recent weeks, Congress has come together to make progress on pressing issues, and I am hopeful that we can continue on that success with more cooperation and consensus building. Last week, I was pleased that we were able to reach an agreement and pass the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century bill, commonly referred to as the surface transportation bill. In addition to addressing our nation's crumbling infrastructure, the final version of the surface transportation bill included two important provisions that prevented student loan interest rates from doubling and reauthorized the National Flood Insurance Program for another five years.

Our nation’s interconnected economy depends on our system of roadways, highways, railways, and bridges. Regrettably our transportation infrastructure has fallen into disrepair. However, this crisis presented an opportunity: by passing the surface transportation bill, we will be able to rebuild our transportation system, put nearly 3 million Americans back to work, and boost our economy right away. This important legislation authorizes highway and transit programs for more than two years, makes key reforms consolidating transportation programs, cuts red tape, and leverages federal resources to expand public-private partnerships in transportation. This job creating bill will fund highway, transit, and safety programs in Nevada and across the nation, and will create or save 12,800 jobs in Nevada alone.

With middle-class families and students struggling to afford the rising costs of higher education, we cannot afford to put college out of reach for more promising young people. That is why I fought hard to ensure that an extension of the current interest rate for federally subsidized student loans was included in the surface transportation bill. As you may know, the interest rate for federally subsidized student loans was scheduled to increase from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on July 1st . This increase would have saddled 7.4 million students, including 26,000 Nevadans, with an additional $1,000 in interest over the life of each loan. As someone whose life was transformed by education, I understand the importance of providing all Nevadans the opportunity to receive a quality education, and I am happy this provision will help more students afford to pursue higher education.

In the coming weeks, we should remain focused on legislation that creates jobs and helps our economic recovery. Wasting precious time fighting old legislative battles does not create jobs. I hope this bipartisan cooperation will continue as we move forward with a tax cut for small business owners that will spur job creation and boost the middle class.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email. For more information on my work in the Senate or to contact me, please visit my website, reid.senate.gov, or connect with me on Twitter and Facebook.


U.S. Senator for Nevada


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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ...


Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas. Information ... ?L?Ò?ü?§?|wbti?L?Ò?ü?§?|?i?k?í?FwbtiSee allClear all | Turn offALL RESULTS1-5 of 5 ...

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Belinda Liu's Spiritual World - Las Vegas Review Journal ...


061909-1807 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Friday, 6:07 p.m., June 19, 2009 #First Edition [Enriched on June 23, 2009.] ...

Or, for a search of "Belinda wbti"


Hit "Chinese Simplified (GB2312), or (H2)" on the "View" please!


Michelle: Your seat on Barack's bus! wbti
Saturday, June 30, 2012 1:45 PM
From: "Michelle Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony T. Dr. Lei"

Friend --

Our family has spent more than a few days on the campaign trail.

We've had lots of card games, laughs, and fun family moments on that campaign bus.

Barack is hitting the road again next week, and he's saving two seats on the bus for a supporter and their guest. We'll pick the lucky winner in just a few hours.

So make a donation before the big fundraising deadline tonight, and you'll be automatically entered to join Barack on the road.

The girls and I miss Barack when we're not on the road with him. But I know he's looking forward to hanging out with you -- so I'll let you take my seat this time.

Pitch in what you can before tonight's critical fundraising deadline to be automatically entered to spend some time with Barack on the road:


Thanks, and good luck.

- Michelle



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2 days ago ? ---Frankie Sue Del Papa, Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie ... For a search of "U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor & WBTI Chairperson Honorable Elaine L. Chao and WBTI EQ Chairperson outstanding Becky L. Lei ...


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