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102312-0737 |
For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: eNational Realty Group" with its images! Or, "Las Vegas Chinese Association"!Or, "Miss Yin Yan" with her images! For a search of "Mrs. Belinda Liu" with her images! (on page [174])! http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01719001051270513261019392 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
102212-0637 |
For a search of "WBTI Nancy Jiang's ..."! Or, "Nancy Jiang's World of Art"!WBTI 2005 - Community Link - Las Vegas Review-Journal communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=... Tong Liu and Gerry Liu: cross-cultural and community service are our distinctions. By Michael Douglas .... 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Elaine ...... community, and world! (78th of XXXXXXXXI) ... -------------------------------- For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: WBTI 2005-2007"! Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world! (81st of XXXXXXXXI)! by Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1 Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Link to WBTI & CAAAN website) at 9:12 a.m. in the morning on March 31, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from January 18, 2006 to March 21, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "æâ¬��", "‹LŽÒ��—½‰Ã", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?*2 Many people have a good perspective on Google. Google.cn and Google.com will put more effort and wisdom to contribute to English and Chinese readers being an efficient visitor on the searching of fluent and useful information. Washington Business and Technology Institute's (WBTI's) website has been continuously published by Google.com and Google.cn about every 11 days (now every day!). We wish advanced performance may be extended from Google.cn to WBTI. (Thank you!)*3 You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti [[[A compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine! We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones: ***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash ***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis ***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash All art, permanent or temporary, has a life in the immediate experience, but then has a life in the imagination. ---Anish Kapoor 1954- :in "Sunday Times" 11 July 1999 "Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower]]] [[["It's really my pleasure and honor to be named as an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI. WBTI has a good reputation with its Advisory Board and faculty members. With the excellent and informative publications of 'Google.cn', 'Google.com', 'Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com', 'Next Weekly' and among others, high-ranking officials of Nevada with the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine L. Chao of WBTI have been inspired to help realize the creed for professional righteousness, community service, and humane spirit of WBTI," expressed Justice Michael Douglas of Nevada Supreme Court at the Event and Dinner Party in the Emperor's Garden Restaurant on February 4, 2005 in Las Vegas. It was held by the Committee to implement the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG.]]]*5 [[[Some of the significant idea from the letters to Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): "It's my great pleasure and honor to be named by you as a Senior Advisor and Honorary Chairman of CCDAPCC of WBTI. Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." --A. William Maupin, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court "As Mayor, I will continue to devote my energies into the preservation and improvement of the standard of living enjoyed here in the City of Las Vegas." --Oscar B. Goodman "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." --Kenny C. Guinn]]]*6 [[["As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Governor of Nevada, on November 11, 2005. The above message was signed by Lt. Governor of Nevada Lorraine Hunt:.....]]]*7 [[["It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said James Gibbons, U.S. Congressman and Senior Director of Washington Business and Technology Institute, in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas:.....]]]*8 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada and the Minority Whip of the Assembly. Cheryl Moss is an outstanding District Court Judge of Nevada serving in Las Vegas, Clark County. *2. PAI of WBTI. 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's on Google!' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao' on the Google.com," Mountain View, California: Google.com. ... ------------------------------------- ...Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Nancy Jiang's World of Art", "蘇州街一水兩街,散發濃濃的江南風情", "記者吳景騰", "記者周立芸/專題報導", "Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association", "黃河浪", "夏威夷華文作家協會", "七嘴八舌 你愛我嗎?", "花前月下。嬌羞的女友問:「你愛我嗎?」", "廖玉蕙", "詩人的睿智與大度", ... For a search of "Miss Yin Yan"! with her images. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
102112-0637 |
LVRJ/wbti: ...׌ÎÒ‚ƒÃôäJì¶ÉñµÄÔ‡òž£¬‘{ÐÅÐĻؑª¡£×ŒÎÒ‚ƒ¾o¾oÒп¿Éñ£¬í˜ÄµkµÄÔ’ÕZ£¬¾Í•þ½›švµ½ÉñÛ”! --„¢Í®ÄÁŽŸ LVRJ/wbti: For a search of "Taiwan Benevolent Assocation of America"! and its images.LVRJ/wbti: The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas, Nevada! by Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang*1 Strengthened by faith in God and family, we knew in our hearts that with hard work, perseverance, and the help of newly found neighbors and friends, we could indeed achieve the American dream. --U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor Honorable Elaine L. Chao*2 "It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Las Vegas for the 28th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America. I hope that, during your time here, you will be able to experience some of the many attractions that our beautiful city has to offer. .....," wrote U.S. Senator John Ensign to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America.*3 The grand opening of the 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) was held by its Chairperson Wendy Yu-ping Wu*4 at the Paris Hotel on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Concode C Room was full with participants from all around the world. Dr. Fu-Mei Chang, Overseas Chinese Affair Commission of the Republic of China; Ssu-yin Ho, Kuomintang Oversea Director; Mark W. P. Liao, Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco; Lagislators of ROC S. C. Ting, Y. Y. Wu, S. H. Chou, W. C. Shieh, J. L Lin, among others presented at the Conference. Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada Michael Douglas and Nevada Asemblywoman Valerie Weber each dilivered a nice and significant welcome speech. Greeting Letters and Cetificates were presented by Mr. Matthew McBride (for U.S. Senator John Ensign), Ms. Judith Ray (for U.S. Congressman James Gibbons), Ms. Gerri Schroder (for U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley), Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian (for Las Vegas City Mayor and Council), Councilwoman Stephanie S. Smith (for the North Las Vegas City Mayor and Council). A Welcome Party and Preliminary 28th Board Directors and Advisors Meeting were held on July 29, 2005 at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. To pay a special tribute to his great contribution to the 28th Convention and TBAA, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei has been nominated by Chairperson Wendy Wu of TBAA as an Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America. The nomination was seconded and unanimously voted by all the presented Directors and Advisors. The Declaration of the 28th Conference of TBAA was written by five members. The five members, including Kent Wang, De-yu Lang, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Dr. Wayne J. Horng, and Leo Huang, were all elected by the Board Directors and Advisors. The theme of the Declaration was how to strengthen the unity and harmony of Chinese in America. During the meeting, Miss Sue Phelps was elected as the Vice Chairperson of TBAA. "It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and its international convention to Las Vegas and the Paris Hotel. .....Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make your visit a more pleasant and productive experience. .....," wrote U.S. Congressman James Gibbons to TBAA.*5 The "Fomosa Night" was held at a grand ballroom in Paris Hotel on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt delivered a welcome speech to the crowded attendents in the Hall. She wishes Navada be the great door opened for the international business and trade between the silver state and Asian countries. A Letter of Greeting was granted by her to TBAA. President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei presented the Certificates of Recognition from Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn and U.S. Congressman Jon Porter and Greeting Letters of U.S. Senator John Ensign and U. S. Congressman James Gibbons to the Chairperson of TBAA Wendy Yu-ping Wu. "The State of Nevada congratulates you on your extensive assistance to the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, and commends you for your dedicated service to the citizens of our Silver State," Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn granted a Certificate of Recognition to Wendy Wu dated May 23, 2005.*6 United States Congressman Jon C. Porter granted a Certificate of Recognition to recognize and honor Wendy Wu, "FOR YOUR DEDICATED SERVICE AND PROFOUND COMMITMENT TO THE COMMUNITY AND TO THE TAIWAN BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA."*7 Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei presented also a Certificate of Recognition from U.S. Congressman Jon Porter to the President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas Sue Phelps. Sixteen original hard copeis of the RC 25 Resolution by Nevada Assembly and Senate were presented by Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei to each president of the 16 Chapters of TBAA through their Chaiperson Wendy Wu. Proclamations from the Board Commissioners of Clark County of Nevada and the State of Nevada (through Assemblywoman Valerie Weber) were presented to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei by both of the parties on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*8 Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu completed successfully her term as the Chairperson of TBAA in the evening of July 30, 2005. The Chairmanship was transfered by her to Mr. I-Ta Liang at the "Fomosa Night" in Las Vegas, Nevda. Mr. Liang is now the 28th Chairman of TBAA. The “Formosa Night?featured a delegation of 28 people from Taiwan and a chorus from New York City. It was a great performance with dance troupe of Taiwan Culture Delegation. One of the earliest attendants of the convention this year was the Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States David Tawei Lee on July 28, 2005. Mr. Lo-Yu Sun, Board Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA), held and host a farewell lunch party for the 28th Annual Confernce of TBAA at the Harbor Palace Seafood Restaurant on August 1, 2005 in Las Vegas.*9 Jennifer Lin, President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of New Jersey, welcomed everybody and their friends to attend the convention next year held in New jersey. President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of California Amber Sun spoke for the main association to thank Mr. Lo-Yu Sun's generosity for hosting the dinner party. "In righteousness we shall be established. In this 21th Century new era and society, we need economic growth, but we also need to establish and promote creativity, fairness and Justice, serve and love, educational knowledge, and spirit engineering. We wish that a pure spring may prosper and enrich our splendid and golden country through: the elegant properties of freedom, democracy, entrepreneurship, and justice; the power of public service that based on 'knowledge is the power of righteouness,'; the advancement of technology, innovation, and civilization; and the spirit that 'knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service'. We believe that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. With the effort and participation of many intellectuals, leaders, officials, among others through benevolent spirit and brotherly love, the 28th Convention of TBAA is really marvelous," points out President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*10 [*****Welcome to the section of "Photos & Pictures"! (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) We offered there with lots of photos and pictures about Taiwan Benevolent Association of America.] ----------------------------------------- References *1. Michael Douglas is a distingueshed Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada. *2. Bush, George; Chao, Elaine; and The New York Times. 'Elaine Chao believes deeply in the American dream; Section of #U.S. Secretary Elaine Chao on WBTI at 04/26/05,' "A search of 'WBTI Chairperson Honorable Elaine L. Chao' on the Google.com," (September 22, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 3. Ensign, John. 'Greeting from Office of Senator John Ensign,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U. S. Senator John Ensign to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (May 27, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of Senator John Ensign. *4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Wendy Wu has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution of WBTI,' "A search of 'wendy yu-ping wu' on the Google.com," (August 3, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *5. Gibbons, James. 'Greeting from Office of Congressman James Gibbons,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U.S. Congressman James Gibbons to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (July 10, 2005), Washington, D.C.: Office of Congressman James Gibbons. *6. Guinn, Kenny. 'Certificate of Recognition from Office of the Governor,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition to Wendy Yu-Ping Wu' sent by Nevada Governor Kenny C. Guinn to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (May 24, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of the Governor. *7. Porter, Jon. 'Certificate of Recognition from Office of Congressman Jon Porter,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U.S. Congressman Jon C. Porter to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (June 29, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of Congressman Jon Porter. *8. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *9. PAI of WBTI, 'An invitation e-mail to U. S. Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'U.S. Senator John Ensign' on Google.com," (August 4, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *10. Reid, Rory; Denton, Mark; and Glass, Jackie. 'Profiles on a thing of beauty is a joy forever,' "A search of 'business - WBTI' on the Google.com," (August 10, 2005), U.S.A.: Google.com. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
102012-0637 |
For a search of "WBTI Chinese Multimedia"! For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Chinese Multimedia"! on its page [19].LVRJ/wbti: Strengthened by faith in God and family, we knew in our hearts that with hard work, perseverance, and the help of newly found neighbors and friends, we could indeed achieve the American dream! --U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor Honorable Elaine L. Chao*1 LVRJ/wbti: U.S. Senator Honorable Harry M. Reid has been invited as a Professor of Administrative Strategies of Washington Business and Tehnology Institute (WBTI). The cetificate of acceptance was signed by him on page [29] of section "PPAA11 (Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum)" wbti! Or, in page [23] of "PPAA Forum 15" ------------------------------------------ THE STATE OF NEVADA A Proclamation Honoring Dr. Tony T. Lei! ... ..... WHEREAS, Dr. Tony T. Lei has offered his time to many cultural, benevolent, artistic, and political activities and programs, such as the Thai Performing Appreciation Day, Seniors United, the Asian-American Republican Coalition of Clark County, and the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America; and WHEREAS, Dr. Tony T. Lei received his Doctorate of Education in Institutional Management in 1990 from Pepperdine University, and served as an Associate Professor of Information Management and a Fellow of Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chunghsing University and Pepperdine University from 1985 to 1991 and 1991 to 1996, respectively; now, therefore, be it PROCLAIMED, That the State of Nevada recognizes Dr. Tony T. Lei as an outstanding Nevadan whose dedication to public service benefits all citizens of this great State and our neighbors in the Pacific Rim. DATED this 30th day of July, 2005. ------------------------------------- Sixteen original hard copeis of the ARC 25 Certificate of Resolution by Nevada Assembly and Senate (through Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber) were also presented by Dr. Tony T. Lei to each president of the 16 Chapters of TBAA through ... Greetings from Assemblywoman Valerie Weber of the Nevada State Assembly to Dr. Tony Lei: On April 28, 2005, the Nevada Legislature delivered Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) 25 commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the sister-state relationship between the State of Nevada and the Republic of China on Taiwan. This Resolution was approved unanimously by both the Assembly and the Senate of the State of Nevada. I was pleased to convey friendly remarks and memories of my own trip to Taiwan as well as present this Resolution in the Assembly to honor our continued friendship and mutual economic growth between Nevada and the Republic of China on Taiwan........ The following report was published by "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News" (¶Ã³ÇÌìÌìˆó) on May 2, 2005 ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101912-1747 |
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For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Thai Cultural Arts"! at the page [30] of its maganzine "10 Years ... On the left top is Electrical Engineering Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung's 2010-2012 ART work! LVRJ/wbti: Las Vegas nicer with community service through cultural arts and performance! by Stewart Bell, Jessie Walsh, and Tiffany ChangThe City of Las Vegas and Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas(TCAA-LV) presented Thai Performing Arts Appreciation Day 2002 at Charleston Heights Arts Center on September 17, 2002.*1 It was co-sponsored by Mr. Jheri Psmyth - Kids for a Better Society; Dr. Tony Lei - President, Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI); Mr. Tim Wong - CEO, Arcata Associates; Mr . Raymond Lam - Vice President, Chinese American Citizen Alliance of Las Vegas; among others. Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas (TCAA-LV) on the occassion of the 9th anniversary saluted three awardees with Awards from U. S. Senator Harry Reid and U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley: Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei, Mr. Tim Wong, and Mr. Raymond Lam. ... During the Performing Arts Appreciation Day 2002, Dr. Tony T. Lei was very pleased to welcome so many government officials, community leaders, business owners, among others. High-ranking government officials who participated the Event and Dinner Party included: Lorraine Hunt, Kathy Augustine, Erin Kenny, Bill Maupin, Stewart Bell, Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Jennifer Elliotts, Valorie Adair, Dianne Steel, Lisa Brown, Anthony Del Vecchio, Cheryl Moss, Natalie Tyrrell, Mike Davison, David Roger, David Wall, Bobby Gronauer, Herb Brown, Bill Young, among others. In his welcome speech, Dr. Tony T. Lei believes that all of us share a sense of cooperation for the supporting of cultural richness. He pointed out that "this is a significant milestone of the contribution for the mutual cooperation of cultural and social service between American and Asian communities." *2 Lt. Governor Hunt was introduced by Dr. Tony T. Lei to the public to deliver her greeting speech to all the audiences and participants. The enthusianstic participants were overwhelming including important officers, leaders, and media executives: Brian Sandoval, John Hunt, Nancy Wong, Tim Wong, Nancy Diaz, Kathie Ambrosio, Judy Ray, Gerry Schroder, Francis Allen, Mike Malone, Geny Del Rosario, Teresa Woo, Richard Dennison, Mike Vaswani, Patty Blakeman, Aldo Aguirre, Auroea Maskall, Raymond Lam, Jessica Hwang, among others.*3 ... WBTI has supported Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas (TCAALV) already more than ten years for its annual Thai Performaning Arts - Appreciation Day.*4 It is a vivid example for its proclamation and creed which are for the encouragement and promotion of academic research, community service, and humane spirit. "He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling him. My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another," said the Bible.*5 ... Dr. Tony Lei has innovated and encouraged good idea for program and event to improve the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada. United we stand, not just for our Asian Community only but for all our people and nation as a whole. Asian Community has won recognition for contribution to Nevada by American Mainstream. The main reason for this recognition is the great and cooperative wisdom and effort that the Asian communities have continuously participated and offered to the mainstream society. "As the Director of Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I've shared a pleasant leadership with Dr. Tony Lei cooperated by all the Faculty members of this Institution since it's establishment on January 18, 2000. Innovated in integreting his expertise in institutional management and spiritual value in education, Dr. Tony Lei's effort and wisdom for the community service in Nevada in the recent eight years have been very valuable. We expect Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF) founded by this Institute in September 28, 2001 will contribute to improve the quality of life of the people and the prosperity of this State of Nevada," said Dr. William Thompson, UNLV Professor of Public Administration, at the Gee Joon Chinese Restaurant of Horseshoe Club on January 28, 2002 in Las Vegas. The dinner party was held by Washington Buisness and Technology Institute (WBTI)*7 ----------------------- For a search of "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung" with images for Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung! ---------------------------------- References (See LVRJ/wbti: Thai Cultural ...) -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101912-1057 |

For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Nevada Examiner 2"! from the page of [6] & [1].LVRJ/wbti: To promote our quality of life in Nevada through the cooperation and development of tourism and business! by Jessie Walsh, Teresa Malone, and Tiffany Chang Mandalay Resort Group executives was apparently committed to an effort to persuade Chinese and U.S. government leaders to loan a pair of giant panda to Mandalay Bay for at least ten years. Las Vegas Review-Journal reported the story early in 2002. "I write today to bring to your attention an exciting project in my home state of Nevada that will greatly enhance the city of Las Vegas, the relationship between our two countries, and the zoological research community," U.S. Senator Harry Reid wrote the Chinese Ambassador to the United States Li Zhao Xing in December, 2001. "If granted this privilege and opportunity, Mandalay Resort group will build a multimillion-dollar facility in Las Vegas designed specifically for the pandas with state-of-the-art conservation and research capabilities." Four consulors of the Office of the Consulor General in San Francisco of the People's Republic of China came to visit Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on July 20, 2002. A Dinner Party was held on the Saturday by the Office at the Harbor Palace Seafood Chinese Restaurant for the Chinese Community from Taiwan in Las Vegas leading by Dr. Tony T. Lei. They agreed with him to have the Consulor General holding a friendly dinner party with WBTI in meeting our four representatives from the State of Nevada in the Washington Scene. The faculty of Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI is advancing the pioneering idea of this objective of business and research with a spirit of American entrepreneuship. The estalishment of the relationship of between Nevada and Quinghai as sisters states is contributing significantly to the promotion of the quility of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada. We are exciting to join the effort of this endeavor for our people! "My public service life has been enriched by joining the Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI since my election, in 2001, ... ---------------------------------------- In addition to the efforts of the City, County, and State of Nevada, Washington Business and Technology Institute has dedicated to help promote the cooperation and development of culture, education, and tourism among Asian countries and Nevada since its establishment on January 8, 1996. With Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt's inspiration, Dr. Tony T. Lei and Sally Yu assisted successfully the establishments of the Sister States of Qinghai of China and Nevada, and the Sister Cities of Jiayuguan of China and North Las Vegas. Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of WBTI, has been honored by China Business Chain, Inc. (CBCI), Shangshai Development and Municipal Government Cooperation Office (SPMGCO), and China State Development and Planning Commission as Chairman of Nevada Expo Mission to China. He is also invited by Xiamen, Fuchien, China to organize a team with high-ranking officials for both educational and business cooperation and development. --------------------------- "Through the perspectives by the nature and in reality, effective lauching for our tourism on the Chinese markets will be more practical with an enphasize on the cooperation and development of business, cultural, and education among China, Taiwan, and Sigapore. We can't just expect them to come for visit or gaming. Good programs in education for them by the time at their visiting will be reallly one of the strenuous and fruitful reasons for many people to come to Nevada," says Dr. Tony T. Lei, Peresident of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). ------------------------------- For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Thai Cultural Arts"! at the page [30] of its maganzine "10 Years ... LVRJ/wbti: Las Vegas nicer with community service through cultural arts and performance! by Stewart Bell, Jessie Walsh, and Tiffany Chang ... ..... ....... For a search of "Mrs. Angie Lei" with images for Mrs. Angie Lei! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101912-0637 |
For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Lillian Tsai's ..." To be continued ...LVRJ/wbti: JESUS SAVES! Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today...PTL Best Regards, Lillian Tsai (Lei Rong-Sheng ~{@WiEIz~})[by HZ] ... ..... Qualified articles, literatures, photos, campaigning speeches, etc. are welcomed. They should be based on the righteousness of contributing to make Nevada a wonderful place for home living and business development. We hope our efforts together may improve the quality of life of all our Nevadans and visitors! The spirit of both the innovation and pioneers has motivated United States to be a leading and prosperous country. With its high-speed capability, Fiber Optics can convey mass quantity of images and voice information. It is because that the broadband technology such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) has been more and more developed. Moreover, because of the popular building of radio communication networks, wireless techniques may access important information from the web and condense it to be appeared on the small web connecting machines such as a hand-held screen. The open free software LINUX operating system can even connect various stations very easilly. All these advancement in science and technology, should be used to inspire the promotion of the quality of our daily life. In this new era of information and web works, we should add humanity concern into our thinking structures. God created the world. Everything can be decided by Him. We people with intelligence in technology, science, and administration should enjoy a valuable and joyful life to serve the society with our efforts. ------------------------ "In righteousness you will be established."* (*Isaiah 54:14, "Bible") "In this 21th Century new era and society, we need economic growth, but we also need to establish and promote creativity, fairness and Justice, serve and love, educational knowledge, and spirit engineering. We wish that a pure spring may prosper and enrich our splendid and golden country through: the power of public service that based on 'knowledge is the power of righteouness,'; the advancement of technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation; and the spirit that 'knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service'," says President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI. ------------------------- WBTI & Washington Business ... website: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=01325001051063401400470387 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101812-0737 |
For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Nevada Examiner Column" from page [7]!"Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower]]] [[["It's really my pleasure and honor to be named as an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI. WBTI has a good reputation with its Advisory Board and faculty members. The Board has Governor ... With the excellent and informative publications of 'Google.cn', 'Google.com', 'Communitylinkof Reviewjournal.com', 'Next Weekly', and among others, high-ranking officials of Nevada with the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Honorable Elaine L. Chao of WBTI have been inspired to help realize the creed for professional righteousness, community service, and humane spirit of WBTI," expressed Justice Michael Douglas of Nevada Supreme Court at the Event and Dinner Party in the Emperor's Garden Restaurant on February 4, 2005 in Las Vegas. It was held by the Committee to implement the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG.]]]*5 [[[Some significant idea from the letters to Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): "It's my great pleasure and honor to be named by you as a Senior Advisor and Honorary Chairman of CCDAPCC of WBTI. Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." --A. William Maupin, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court "As Mayor, I will continue to devote my energies into the preservation and improvement of the standard of living enjoyed here in the City of Las Vegas." --Oscar B. Goodman "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." --Kenny C. Guinn]]]*6 [[["As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Honorable Elaine L. Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Governor of Nevada, on November 11, 2005. The above message was signed by Lt. Governor of Nevada Lorraine Hunt:.....]]]*7 [[["It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said James Gibbons, U.S. Congressman and Senior Director of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas:.....]]]*8 -----------------------------------References *1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. ... *2. ... ..... ....... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101712-0657 |
*****"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control!" --Galatians 5:22 of the Bible *****Knowing how to live one's life with Jesus (God) is a great art; and knowing how to hold him fast is the peak of wisdom! --Thomas A. Kempis (1380-1471) ------------------------------------ LVRJ/wbti: The interstate perspectives of WBTI (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) have brought with potentiality for the prosperity of more organiztions and people! by Jennifer Kung... ..... "Dear Dr. Lei, Thank you so much for sharing your website with me. The website is very interesting and amazing," wrote Miss Angie Qian. "I reviewed a couple of your links, and they are filled with very helpful resources and interesting topics. May God continue blessing your website with His wisdom and words! Sincerely, Angie." *7 ... ..... "Dear Dr. Lei, You're an extremely knowledgeable and wise elder, yet very easy to get along with. I'm very blessed to getting to know you more in the past 7 months. Your warm hospitality makes me feel just like a family member of yours. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas. May God continued blessing what you're fonding of doing. May your resourseful website become one of the "Top" (: channel of communication for business, social, and community. May you continue receiving His wisdom words and His double portion of favors," wrote Miss Angie Qian on a nice Season's Greetings card to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 24 in Lake Tahoe, California. ... ..... In her speech to the Women Conference in the morning on September 22, 2006, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu dilivered an amazing testimony. "Two weeks ago in my Sunday School, I met with an elder and wise man (Dr. Tony Lei). He told me that WBTI (Washington Business and Technology Institute) was interested in opening a special section for me which would emphasize the educational and spiritual value. As I read his business card, praise Lord! he's the President. I was quite excited and scared. I was worry not being able to answer him appoximately. I told him that I had no formal education from a bible college. As you know I've been eager to enhance my teaching in Bible with a special website for many years. Now, an angel has been sent from God for me. Just this Monday (9/18/06), I clicked on the Section ('Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) and I found a wonderful performance of my many years accomplishments with nice pictures has been implemented. Hallelujah! (The daily website is established and supported by the largest English newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal). Through the publication of searching leaders every week, the potential visitors from Internet are more than a million." *17 With sicerely love to God, nothing is impossible! -------------------- For a search at the page [24] of "PPAA Forum (Pan Pacific and Asian American)", we have U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor Honorable Elaine L. Chao (WBTI Chairperson) and CAAAN Chairman Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei with his wife Mrs. Judy K. Lei!" -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101612-1457 |
For a search of "Mrs. Angie Lei" with images for Mrs. Angie Lei!For a search of "Mrs. Belinda Liu" with images for Mrs. Belinda Liu! For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 20)!" -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101612-0617 |
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LVRJ/wbti: 2009-2012 artwork of Electrical Engineering Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti!----------------------------------------- Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit from the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' for 2007. --LVRJ/wbti: John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) ------------------------------------ *****"I know the price of success: Dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen!" --Frank Lloyd Wright -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101512-0737 |
LVRJ/wbti: "It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC," said District Attorney Stewart Bell at the Dinner Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Las Vegas Review-Journal". "The significance of the creed of a County deserves to encourage administrative professionals to emphasize the value of the truth, goodness, and beauty in order to maintain it as a place of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's my honor to join the Commission." The Dinner Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Bell as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 7, 2002.---------------------------------- For a search of "ROLCC nv"! On page [226] of "PPAA Forum21": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=displ... For Miss Doris Lin rolcc Nevada" LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com E~{hl#c~} ... Hing Chai Cheng, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), . ... Positive ... ----------------------- LVRJ/wbti: Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism! by Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Ingrid Ou, and Jennifer Kung "Igniting ... --------------------------------- For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism!" ----------------------------------- Or, for a search of LVRJ/wbti: "101612-0618 'Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism'!" ÇåÃ÷ÉϺӈD -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101412-2107 |
LVRJ/wbti: River of Life Christian Church!"It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as the Honorary Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin at the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *16. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101412-0957 |
LVRJ/wbti: "LAF in Chinese (Literature and Academic Forum)" at its 0898a of page [8]!"Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has inspired and cooperated River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) with endeavor to help promote the quality of life and community service for the people in California and Nevada," delivered Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael L. Douglas the message on March 9, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*12 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101312-0657 |
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LVRJ/wbti: Professor Chung-Yuan Kung's most recent ART work! {For a search of LVRJ/wbti: PPAA 16 (Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum) page [26]!}-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101312-0637 |
 size:4.18 M |
LVRJ/wbti: PPAA 7 (Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum)! LVRJ/wbti: Leading Chinese Literature World! (LVRJ/wbti: Los Angeles Chinese Writers' Association) [LVRJ/wbti: Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung's ART work in 2010-2012!] LVRJ/wbti: Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101212-0737 |
LVRJ/wbti: PPAA Forum (Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum) wbti[On the left are some pictures of Professor Chung-Yuan Kung's artwork!] -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101112-1917 |
LVRJ/wbti: U.S. Senator Honorable Harry M. Reid and WBTI President Dr. Tony T. Lei with his wife Mrs. Judy K. Lei!For a search of "Mrs. Angie Lei": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=displ... "I declare that from now on Angie and John are married and we can call them Mr. and Mrs. John K. Lei," announced Rev. Tong Liu after he bore testmony to the ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101112-1547 |
LVRJ/wbti: Miss Becky Lei, EQ Committee Chairperson of WBTI!LVRJ/wbti: U.S. Senator Honorable Harry M. Reid has been invited as a Professor of Administrative Strategies of Washington Business and Tehnology Institute (WBTI). The cetificate of acceptance was signed by him on page [29] of section "PPAA11 (Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum)" wbti! Or, in page [23] of "PPAA Forum 15" -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101112-0817 |
LVRJ/wbti: Photos & Pictures!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101112-0617 |
LVRJ/wbti: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John Lei ...*****As U.S. Senator Harry M. Reid fights for Nevada and America, "I'd like to share with everybody some of the golden words from Bible: 'Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun," Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) points out. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
101012-0637 |
LVRJ/wbti: Page [18] of section "Photos & Pictures wbti" --A picture of U.S. Senate Majoity Leader & U.S. Senator Honorable Harry M. Reid and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei with his wife Mrs. Judy K. Lei! Or, Page [18] of " [18] of "PPAA Forum (Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum)" wbti!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
100912-0737 |
LVRJ/wbti: For a search of the pages 12 & 13 of "Leading Chinese Literature World" wbti!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
100812-0933 |
For a search of "LVRJ/wbti: Miss Lin-yao Wu" Or, "LVRJ/wbti: Lin-yao Wu's Literature World!" Or, "?ÇÁá¬? wbti"!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
100712-0737 |
LVRJ/wbti: WBTI website's section "PPAA Forum 21"!* (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 093012-0817 (posted Sunday September 30th at 11:36 AM) new http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01719001051270513261019392 ----------------------------------------- LVRJ/wbti: Selected sections of WBTI website! * (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 073112-0842 (changed Tuesday September 11th at 11:12 PM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01719001051270513261019392 * (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 071712-0947 (changed Wednesday September 12th at 12:26 PM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01719001051270513261019392 * (Belinda Liu's Spiritual World) 060812-1737 (changed Wednesday September 19th at 1:13 AM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01367001051158599759546859 * (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 9 (changed Monday September 17th at 9:41 PM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01719001051270513261019392 * (Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State) 121909 07:57 AM(LV) in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. (changed Thursday September 6th at 11:00 AM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01628001051246547688593589 * (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 4 (changed Friday September 7th at 10:16 AM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01337001051093269377099556 * (International Cities Business Council) 21 (changed Monday September 17th at 11:33 AM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01352001051120139650433264 * (International Cities Business Council) 4 (changed Monday September 17th at 11:16 PM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01352001051120139650433264 * (South Shores Community Association) 040606-1187 (changed Saturday September 8th at 7:02 PM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01346001051108083036210920 * (WBTI 2004) 010404 (changed Monday September 24th at 7:33 PM) updated http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01328001051073010833930623 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We hope that this will help to keep you informed. Thanks for visiting our online community. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244][245][246] 247 [248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266][267][268][269][270][271][272][273][274][275][276][277][278][279][280][281][282][283][284][285][286][287][288][289][290][291][292][293][294][295][296][297][298][299][300][301][302][303][304][305][306][307][308][309][310][311][312][313][314][315][316][317][318][319][320][321][322][323][324][325][326][327][328][329][330][331][332][333][334][335][336][337][338][339][340][341][342][343][344][345][346][347][348][349][350][351][352][353][354][355][356][357][358][359][360][361][362][363][364][365][366][367][368][369][370][371][372][373][374][375][376][377][378][379][380][381][382][383][384][385][386][387][388][389][390][391][392][393][394][395][396][397][398][399][400][401][402][403][404][405][406][407][408][409][410][411][412][413][414][415][416][417][418][419][420][421][422][423][424][425][426][427][428][429][430][431][432][433][434][435][436][437][438][439][440][441][442][443][444][445][446][447][448][449][450][451][452][453][454][455][456][457][458][459][460][461][462][463][464][465][466][467][468][469][470][471][472][473][474][475][476][477][478][479][480][481][482][483][484][485][486][487][488][489][490][491][492][493][494][495][496][497][498][499][500][501][502][503][504][505][506][507][508][509][510][511][512] | |