Go To Page: [1][2] 3 [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244][245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266][267][268][269][270][271][272][273][274][275][276][277][278][279][280][281][282][283][284][285][286][287][288][289][290][291][292][293][294][295][296][297][298][299][300][301][302][303][304][305][306][307][308][309][310][311][312][313][314][315][316][317][318][319][320][321][322][323][324][325][326][327][328][329][330][331][332][333][334][335][336][337][338][339][340][341][342][343][344][345][346][347][348][349][350][351][352][353][354][355][356][357][358][359][360][361][362][363][364][365][366][367][368][369][370][371][372][373][374][375][376][377][378][379][380][381][382][383][384][385][386][387][388][389][390][391][392][393][394][395][396][397][398][399][400][401][402][403][404][405][406][407][408][409][410][411][412][413][414][415][416][417][418][419][420][421][422][423][424][425][426][427][428][429][430][431][432][433][434][435][436][437][438][439][440][441][442][443][444][445][446][447][448][449][450][451][452][453][454][455][456][457][458][459][460][461][462][463][464][465][466][467][468][469][470][471][472][473][474][475][476][477][478][479][480][481][482][483][484][485][486][487][488][489][490][491][492][493][494][495][496][497][498][499][500][501][502][503][504][505][506][507][508][509][510][511][512]

Tony joined the Florida International Conference and Forum with his wife. (He is the first presider of a forum).
Happy Valentines from Dr. Tony T. Lei to wife Judy Lei

February 14, 2019


Dr. Tony Lei is the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN). He received an M.B.A. in 1969 and a Doctorate of Education in Institutional Management in 1990 from Pepperdine University. His dessertation was entitled “A study of the impact of enrollment in a computer science class on mahematics scores and attendance in a secondary school.” It was published in 1990 by University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He had been an Associate Professor of Information Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chunghsing University and a Fallow of Management of Pepperdine University from 1985 to 1991 and 1991 to 1996, respectively. He has completed numerious scientific papers, text books, best selling books, and research projects during past 30 years in universities and academic institutes. Dr. Tony Lei’s dedication and performance in academic research are indicated by the acceptance of his papers continuously for presentation and publication by the International Conference on Technology and Education (ICTE), International Information Management Congress (IIMC), and Science Engineering Technology Seminars (SETS). His famous publications of “Modern Business Management,” “Information Management,” “Management Behavior,” “The Art of Leading,” among others have been adopted by many universities and colleges as textbooks. During his three year term from 1997 to 2000 as a Director of the Las Vegas Senior Citizens Advisory Board, he had enhanced its social and educational value of the activities and programs of the Board. As the Exective Vice President of Seniors United in 2000, he modernized its management with non-partisan and educational advancement for our Nevadan seniors. As Director of the Board of South Shores Community Association (SSCA) since 1993, Dr. Tony Lei’s knowledge, wisdom, and talent have contributed to the SSCA’s being one of the best community in the United States of America for many years. He serves the community through a variety of venues as the Senior Advisor of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley; Office of Clark County Assistant District Attorney; Raleigh, Hunt, McGarry & Drizin, P.C.; and Constable’s Office of Las Vegas Township.
Dr. Tony Lei has published 82 books on business management, marketing, and information magement. He has also published more than 276 papers on business administration, information management, and computer education. Many of them were presented by him to famous international conferences in business, information, and educational management. A paper entitled “The Impact of Appropriate Use of Computer Learning on Mathematics Scores,” was published by the 11th International Conference on Technology and Education (ICET) in 1993 at London, England. He presented a paper entitled “Enhancing Mathematics Learning with Computers,” at the 12th ICTE in Orlando, Florida.*2 At the same time, he was the first presider of the conference on educational multimedia and computing in the 15th Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC) in Orlando, Florida. In 1996, he presented and published “A Study of the Implementation of Computer Education in Public Schools” at the 13th ICTE in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Dr. Tony Lei sends greetings to everyone!!!
137. Elaine L. Chao & Dr. Tony T. Lei' Words New York, N.Y.U.S.A. 2017
Leadership = Management
Leadership = Influence
I like Dr. Tony Lei very much Says Nevada's governor Brain Sandoval.
468. " Dr. Tony Lei is professional, " says Prof. Sue Tsae Sun of National Taiwan University "
518. Dr Tony T. Lei has won highest mark in my course /international trade' A+, (98), Says Chue Xing Chou , professor Toug Hai University & National of Taiwan.
478. Acturally , Dr.Tony Lei is an assistant , working as my labor student in Tunghai University, Ni Nie Wen professor of National Taiwan University.
668. " I wish Dr. Tony Lei be my Succesor in teaching & practice ,.Says Professor Ni Nie Wen of National Taiwan University.
688. I wish Dr. Tony Lei be my Succesor in Hong Kong , Taiwan , & China for IECDC . " says Prof. Cheu Xing Chou of Tunghai University & the general Manager of central Taiwan Bank ,( One of the innovation of leaders of New Taiwan Dollars ).
693. This is certify you as one of our great contributor to our students scholarships & Pepperdine University , " says Dean & Prof. of Education & psychology .
695. World Food Program in China AI United Nations, Bang Kok Tailand 1970.
696. Fellow ,AI United Nations 1970.( prepared by Dr. Tony T. Lei in New York New York U.S.A.)
697. Dr. Tony Lei 7th Travelling Trips on Jade Mountain higher than 3,000.00 fts (玉山),1970

695 Behavioral Sciences ( 管理行為) Buffalo publishing co.(2nd.)1972.
717. Analytical Economic & Business Administration," Mei Ya Publishing Co., Taipei Taiwan China 1970
737. " I'd be destroyed, but I can't never be defeated, " says Dr Tony T. Lei, the idea bas been agreed by Elaine L. Chao & Judy Chou.8/31 2017
801. " There are always two books on the *** table , the first one is Sun Tz Military Strategies, the second one is bible ,in the white house United State America .( 9/1/2017)says Elaine Chao & Dr. Tony T. Lei.
817. " Dr. Tony T. Lei is one of the finalist Winners of the 3 rd Information war .,say Elaine L. Chao & Judy Chou 9/1/2017
WE are a family (" say Elaine L. Chao & Judy Chou 9/1/2017).
( Lord has give me with wisdom ,) 9/1/2017
997. The Best Winning Strategy is to win without using sword! " says Dr. Tony T. Lei 9/02/2017.
1001." We'd be humble, diligent,& honest to our community service " says Dr. Tony T. Lei 9/02/2017
1007. " We've investigated the 3000.00 fts deeper seas in Penghu, Taiwan China., We 've 12 years of success of the food program in China since I 've been one of the investigators of IECDC ,says Dr. Tony T. Lei 9/02/2017.
1037. I love the people , the land and the work of community service in South Shores , Summerlin, Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A. says Dr.Tony T. Lei 9/02/2017.
1117.It's our 4th traveling trips to Penghu Taiwan China & we like the people ,land,& culture there " says Dr. Tony T. Lei ( 9/02/2017)
1137. This is our first traveling activity to Laughlin , Nevada, U.S.A. says Dr. Tony T. Lei99/02/2017.
1188. This is to award Dr. Tony T. Lei 's accomplishment ...'Governor Kenny Queen of Nevada U.S.A. ( 9/02/2017).
1147. We've using business theory " says Dr. Tony T. Lei of China Petrous corp. ( 9/02/2017)
1187. We used have Dr. Tony T.Lei as a representative to welcome Visiting Diplomates from foreign countries " says governor Taichong ( 9/02/2017)
1957. I have succeed Professor & General Manager of Taiwan Bank Xing - Choeu Chou's theory & practice in Chang Whi Commercial Bank" says Dr. Tony T. Lei ( 9/3/2017)
1167.Professor & General Manager of Taiwan Bank Xing- Choeu Chou
" theory & practice has been succeed by me IEECDC , " says Dr. Tony T. Lei ( 9/03/2017)
1237." I have been humble sincere & honest to my community service , says Dr. Tony T. Lei Director of South Shores' Homeowners Committee , Las Vegas U.S.A. ( 9/03/2017)
1268. This Pl
"One of the happy time I have been in Tai Tu Sun is the time I and three classmates have been invited many times by Professor Fu Kuang Hsu for injoying dumplmping prepred by his wife and his two daughters ! " says Dr. Tony T. Lei.

"Dr. Tony T. Lei has been Pepperdine University 'Fellow since 2003," says Donald Sime.
268"Dr. Tony T. Lei is our achieved Senior Advisor,"L , & Hunt Law Firm .

24 Volums of /Sales `,have been published by 新文豐出版社,Taipei,Taiwan,China,1972-Attoney General Steve Bell .
by Dr. Tony T. Lei (9/9/2017)


WBTI (NV) Dr.Tony T. Lei's collections:
2017 It's our honor to have Dr. Tony T. Lei as our Honorary Chairman, " this has been announced by WKC.
2090 . I have giving Tony highest grade ( A+) in 5 units course of his degree for Doctor of Education /Computer Written , Internet Technology ,& Communications,(say's My boss Dr. Jack Mc Manus of Pepperdine Computer's Laboratory.
2387.My mother 's only son Tony( 福海) has been three times insisted by his bosses to marry their relative / student/friend, but he refused to accept the idea and came to study the Doctoral degree institutional management for Doctor of Education from Malibu , California, U.S.A., 'our second sister Dean & Dr. Hui- ning Lei of 齊魯 University 醫學院 Suntung, China.
2437. My most happy reunion dinner party was invited (with my closed friends) Peter & I-jen by a very rich family Mdm. & her husband with their young and beautiful daughter at their home in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. when I was studying at Tulane University 'M.B.A. program .


Linda Chen has been named as one of the
Assistant President of ICBC --District Judge Steve B
HK principal
Teacher Lei {Taipei America School (12K)@GBSA manager WBTI/(nv)}
Prof Gao S'hi J'uing - PPAA21 forum assoc. ed.
Effective IQ+more EQ+wonderful happiness = success
CIMR, Linda Shirl, & Judge Vega
DR LE has been awarded
ML is Asst dean
女星「太過性感」 政府竟禁令她拍戲


三立新聞網 setn.com?2017年5月12日

106 則留言國際中心/綜合報導

女星性感吸睛,原本應該是會對演藝事業有著加分效果。不過,國外卻有一名女星因為「太過性感」,當地政府竟然明文規定,禁止她拍戲1年!讓粉絲瞠目結舌。 --youtube

vaness has been invited as an asso. prof.
tara has been invited as an asitant professor
justis willian a pau lin $ att. steve bell

Mike was prroted to ssit. Dean GSBA
'You'd be a good manager and an Exexcellant Manager!
Leadership = Influence -- "Afer an alegant & joyful reunioMmn dinner & party, my husband to me wwishDr. t. Lei caldme
Michael Kwan, WBTI(NV) -Supreme Court Justice William
wewish Dr. Tony T. Lei can be our President ...




Dr. & Prof. Tony tung-tien: "There is only one China! -- Disrict Attoney Steve Bell
*[54][188]*******"It's my honor & previledge to be named by Dr. Tony T. Lei {{{ " It's my best honor & priviledged to be nmamed Dr. Tony T. Lei Senior Advisor & Honorably Chairman of CPCCC!!!"--District Attorney Stve Bell**[54] Leadership = Influence --After an elegant dinner & party in Taipei. My husband told me that we wish Dr. Tony T. Lei can be our President.*777
with 183 udents at ..*WBTI(NV) Elaine & WKCC Honorary Chairman P
% teacher Dr. Tonny T"ung-t'ien Lei use to teach us that his life success is:
EffectiveIQ + good EQ + wonderful Happiness!--Dean Of C. of Com. at WBTTI(NV) + Dr. Tony T. Lei777

奧斯卡影帝李奧納多在在2006年拍攝電影《血鑽石》(Blood Diamond),講述鑽石帶來非洲國家的內戰與衝突,為了遏止國際間鑽石原石非法交易,國際間也成立「金伯利機制」(Kimberley
*******農曆7月15日、新加坡茶洋大廈前,大埔客家移民正在舉行中元普渡,而這些客家文化推手正是旅居新加坡多年的鍾仕達,為保留客家文化他創立的新加坡同鄉會,並擔任過亞洲客家聯合會總會長,也是僑委會華光獎章的得主。另外旅居新加坡多年的陳正吉,則是心繫漢字書法的推廣,他認為海外遊子可以體會到漢字之美,是件最幸福的事。... *88 Process)預防非法鑽石原石流入市場。根據《雪梨晨鋒報》(The Sydney Morning Herald)報導,2日傳出中國在澳洲阻撓台灣出席金伯利機制會議。外交部晚間證實表示,我向秉持務實、專業參與原則出席KP會議,盼與各參與方共同遏止國際間鑽石原石非法交易,中國的作法是「嚴重影響各&#
農曆7月15日、新加坡茶洋大廈前,大埔客家移民正在舉行中元普渡,而這些客家文化推手正是旅居新加坡多年的鍾仕達,為保留客家文化他創立的新加坡同鄉會,並擔任過亞洲客家聯合會總會長,也是僑委會華光獎章的得主。另外旅居新加坡多年的陳正吉,則是心繫漢字書法的推廣,他認為海外遊子可以體會到漢字之美,是件最幸福的事。 26041;在專業議題之合作,我方對此表達遺憾與譴責。」



中國干擾議事程序 外交部:遺憾與譴責


外交部說,中國大陸長期以來以政治力限縮我國際參與,甚或阻擾我方出席各項專業機制,尤以近期對我國際參與打壓之力道更 甚以往,此一做法造成國際共同處理全球議題之缺口,除引起台灣人民的反感,亦與兩岸關係和平發展背道而馳。不過,我方將持續秉持專業、務實、有貢獻之原則,持續推動國際參與。

金伯利機制 防制血鑽石流通帶來戰爭


● 美國之音遭中國勢力滲透?訪問郭文貴記者遭無限期停職
● 「美國優先」川普戰略把東南亞各國推向中國

WKCC Chairman Prof. & Dr. Tony Tung-tien


星路坎坷的奧斯卡影帝,盤點凱吉叔近期五部佳作 懶人卡

陸打壓台灣出席KP機制 外交部譴責

中共再次阻撓國際參與 外交部遺憾譴責

恐怖分子混入旅遊勝地 外交部籲遊菲律賓慎入

困喜馬拉雅山47天 梁聖岳返國 影音

恐怖組織威脅 宿霧薄荷島科隆島旅遊須提高警覺

檢視留言 (28 個)

Tony and Judy



Tony and Judy

After an elegant & Joyful dinner & part my husband told that: that "We wish Dr. Tony T. Lei can be our President ...

"One China." --President Champ & President Xi [42][65][217]*88 *Tunghai Universty, Christmas Card by Chairman & Prof. I'ts my Preassure --Dr. Wong *777 *Dr. Prof. & Dr. Charles K'ao "It's my pleasre to have been invited enjoying an coffee hour by Tony -- 101 floor of mention with his wife in Taipei. *
One of the {{ World Peace }} fighter against He is winners is Professor & Dr. Tony T'ung Lei --Us Greater Party (Republic) Leader Mdm. X'ie L. C'hao*777
Mdm. Elaine L. C'hao
"One China
" 亚洲各国近年来莫不摩拳擦掌准备开放博弈产业;学者廖肇弘表示,亚洲除了新加坡开放赌场经营外,预估日本也可能明年开放赌场业,在东京、琉球等各开放一家赌场,澳门未来也要增加九个赌场,泰国也打算结合SPA 及博弈推出新的度假村等,主要是产业商机很大,并可带动其他产业。," reported Reporter 谢志岳.*22

"首届台湾博弈娱乐观光产业论坛27日在台北举行。岛内外的许多博弈业者与会,看好博弈事业制造的观光商机。 据台湾东森新闻报道,岛内博弈概念股大厂泰伟和鈊象电子,都派代表出席。乡林董事长赖正镒、远雄董事长赵藤雄,也特地抽空与会。 拥有两座休闲饭店的台湾远雄董事长赵藤雄及涵碧楼的董事长赖正镒,对博奕这个领域,同样有很大的发展规划," reported the Chinanews.com.*21

"With the crash of a champagne bottle against a gondola, Macau's Venetian casino opened Tuesday, dwarfing anything in Las Vegas and big enough, its operators say, to shift the magnetic north of the gambling world to this small city in southern China. American billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, inaugurated the $2.4 billion Venetian Macau on Cotai. Casinos like the Wynn and Adelson's Sands have led this small city in southern China past the Strip as the world's most lucrative gambling center. Las Vegas Sands claims that The Venetian Macau -- twice the size of the Las Vegas original -- is the largest building in Asia and the second largest in the world. Adelson also plans to open more hotels under brands such as Four Seasons, Sheraton and St. Regis. In all, his Las Vegas Sands Corp., which also runs the Sands Macau on the Macau peninsula, plans to invest up to $12 billion and build 20,000 hotel rooms on the Cotai Strip by 2010," reported Sylvia Hui of the Associated Press.*20

"在燦爛的焰火和藝人張惠妹以及陶歌聲的配合下,全亞洲最大的賭場威尼斯人酒店今晚七點多在澳門正式開幕。耗資二十四億美元建築的賭場酒店一開門,就湧進數千名在門外等候多時的賭客。澳門賭王何鴻燊在開幕後不久也到場道賀。 澳門行政長官何厚鏵以及美國威尼斯人集團主席艾德森等人,在月全蝕的晚上,為這家全球第二最大建築物的賭場主持開幕儀式。 艾德森日前在一次專門為台灣媒體召開的記者會上說,這個星期他將派遣一個工作團到台灣考察,與當地相關業者商討合作事項。他非常重視台灣市場。 顯然是為了吸引更多台灣遊客,從下周開始,威尼斯人酒店仿照美國賭城作風,邀請台灣和香港歌星張信哲和李妏等人演出," reported 記者鄭漢良 in Macau on August 28, 2007.*19

{{{ [Quick news from Las Vegas!] "8月22日賭城大道上一日兩大驚喜,先是要建一座五億元的小巨蛋運動中心,接著是杜拜世界加注50億元給大道上米高梅─金殿的「城中城」計畫。 新挹注的資金,代表賭業將再聘請數萬名員工,賭城民眾不怕找不到工作;地產界也很高興,新工作機會代表許多房屋將被迅速消化,賭城房產早日脫離泥淖;從經濟角度來看,代表全球巨大資金看好賭城賭I前景,積極建設投資賭城。 阿拉伯聯合大公國近年在杜拜創造的成果有目共賭,典型以重金找到全世界最優秀人才共同發展出的面貌,現在這個集團,選擇拉斯維加斯,打造他們賭業的理想藍圖。 賭城最大的利多在於這些巨額投資,陸續在湧入,「美國杜拜城」新面貌,未來五年至十年會出現在拉斯維加斯。 賭業是當今非常賺錢的行業已成不 幨聦崳咕S加斯更是全球賭業競 幾畲髴饒觯少€業帶動的相關行業與日俱增,世界級城市理想有望實現," reported World Journal 記者馮鳴台. Reporter Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) 在拉斯維加斯報導於8月28日Los Angeles的世界日報. }}}*18

(Quick news from Taipei!) The following is the most quick report in Chinese by Reporter 姚舜 from Taipei: "為 幦慳值破兆元的龐大博弈商機,昨(廿七)日由美國內華達州駐華辦事處主辦的首屆「台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇」吸引了三百多人參加,除金門縣、雲林縣、澎湖縣、苗栗縣及台中市等有意 幦≡O立觀光賭場的地方縣市政府「組團」參加之外,與會成員更涵蓋觀光業、娛樂業、遊戲機台業、電子業、電信業、會計業、法律業等,顯見各行各業、產官學研,對博弈產業均抱有高度興趣,並希望藉取經學習,提早準備。 昨天的論壇,不少與會者都是衝著美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院院長史都華.曼(Dr.Staurt Mann)的演講而來。內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院是博弈產業學 ...

" 亚洲各国近年来莫不摩拳擦掌准备开放博弈产业;学者廖肇弘表示,亚洲除了新加坡开放赌场经营外,预估日本也可能明年开放赌场业,在东京、琉球等各开放一家赌场,澳门未来也要增加九个赌场,泰国也打算结合SPA 及博弈推出新的度假村等,主要是产业商机很大,并可带动其他产业。," reported Reporter 谢志岳.*22

"首届台湾博弈娱乐观光产业论坛27日在台北举行。岛内外的许多博弈业者与会,看好博弈事业制造的观光商机。 据台湾东森新闻报道,岛内博弈概念股大厂泰伟和鈊象电子,都派代表出席。乡林董事长赖正镒、远雄董事长赵藤雄,也特地抽空与会。 拥有两座休闲饭店的台湾远雄董事长赵藤雄及涵碧楼的董事长赖正镒,对博奕这个领域,同样有很大的发展规划," reported the Chinanews.com.*21

"With the crash of a champagne bottle against a gondola, Macau's Venetian casino opened Tuesday, dwarfing anything in Las Vegas and big enough, its operators say, to shift the magnetic north of the gambling world to this small city in southern China. American billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, inaugurated the $2.4 billion Venetian Macau on Cotai. Casinos like the Wynn and Adelson's Sands have led this small city in southern China past the Strip as the world's most lucrative gambling center. Las Vegas Sands claims that The Venetian Macau -- twice the size of the Las Vegas original -- is the largest building in Asia and the second largest in the world. Adelson also plans to open more hotels under brands such as Four Seasons, Sheraton and St. Regis. In all, his Las Vegas Sands Corp., which also runs the Sands Macau on the Macau peninsula, plans to invest up to $12 billion and build 20,000 hotel rooms on the Cotai Strip by 2010," reported Sylvia Hui of the Associated Press.*20

"在燦爛的焰火和藝人張惠妹以及陶歌聲的配合下,全亞洲最大的賭場威尼斯人酒店今晚七點多在澳門正式開幕。耗資二十四億美元建築的賭場酒店一開門,就湧進數千名在門外等候多時的賭客。澳門賭王何鴻燊在開幕後不久也到場道賀。 澳門行政長官何厚鏵以及美國威尼斯人集團主席艾德森等人,在月全蝕的晚上,為這家全球第二最大建築物的賭場主持開幕儀式。 艾德森日前在一次專門為台灣媒體召開的記者會上說,這個星期他將派遣一個工作團到台灣考察,與當地相關業者商討合作事項。他非常重視台灣市場。 顯然是為了吸引更多台灣遊客,從下周開始,威尼斯人酒店仿照美國賭城作風,邀請台灣和香港歌星張信哲和李妏等人演出," reported 記者鄭漢良 in Macau on August 28, 2007.*19

{{{ [Quick news from Las Vegas!] "8月22日賭城大道上一日兩大驚喜,先是要建一座五億元的小巨蛋運動中心,接著是杜拜世界加注50億元給大道上米高梅─金殿的「城中城」計畫。 新挹注的資金,代表賭業將再聘請數萬名員工,賭城民眾不怕找不到工作;地產界也很高興,新工作機會代表許多房屋將被迅速消化,賭城房產早日脫離泥淖;從經濟角度來看,代表全球巨大資金看好賭城賭I前景,積極建設投資賭城。 阿拉伯聯合大公國近年在杜拜創造的成果有目共賭,典型以重金找到全世界最優秀人才共同發展出的面貌,現在這個集團,選擇拉斯維加斯,打造他們賭業的理想藍圖。 賭城最大的利多在於這些巨額投資,陸續在湧入,「美國杜拜城」新面貌,未來五年至十年會出現在拉斯維加斯。 賭業是當今非常賺錢的行業已成不 幨聦崳咕S加斯更是全球賭業競 幾畲髴饒觯少€業帶動的相關行業與日俱增,世界級城市理想有望實現," reported World Journal 記者馮鳴台. Reporter Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) 在拉斯維加斯報導於8月28日Los Angeles的世界日報. }}}*18

(Quick news from Taipei!) The following is the most quick report in Chinese by Reporter 姚舜 from Taipei: "為 幦慳值破兆元的龐大博弈商機,昨(廿七)日由美國內華達州駐華辦事處主辦的首屆「台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇」吸引了三百多人參加,除金門縣、雲林縣、澎湖縣、苗栗縣及台中市等有意 幦≡O立觀光賭場的地方縣市政府「組團」參加之外,與會成員更涵蓋觀光業、娛樂業、遊戲機台業、電子業、電信業、會計業、法律業等,顯見各行各業、產官學研,對博弈產業均抱有高度興趣,並希望藉取經學習,提早準備。 昨天的論壇,不少與會者都是衝著美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院院長史都華.曼(Dr.Staurt Mann)的演講而來。內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院是博弈產業學 ...
Dr. W'ong, Sporkesman OF WBTI(NV) announced DDR. L'i has been a in the morning at 10:3AM on 11/29/2016:
*Sporkesman Dr. W'ong: Chairman Prof. & Dr. Tony T. Lei has
appointed Dr. L'i as the President of CAAAN on November 29, 2016.
--President Dr. M'ei of the Central Official Police University & The Builder of EMBA Prof. & Chairman T'u L'in*88
'趙小蘭勉勵亞裔培養領導力' & '西藏旅遊熱 觀光風情 拉薩流行開民宿'
Some findings on the art of leading by U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao!
By Jennifer Kung
At 7:51 a.m. on 071307 from the "全球即時動態" of Worldjournal.com, we could read a report on "趙小蘭勉亞裔培養領導力 ---演講成功經歷 強調勇於表達熱情 建立人際網路注重溝通" written by 記者許惠敏 in Washington, D.C.

Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. - Warren Bennis, Ph.D. "On Becoming a Leader"
In delivering the impressive speech about "Leadership" on this Conference, she (Elaine) herself is leading brightly!

"由美國各級政府亞太裔高階人員組成的「亞太裔政府主管聯絡網」(Asian American Government Ex-ecutives Network),12日在華府舉行第三屆領袖研習會,勞工部長趙小蘭在會中勉勵有心更上層樓的高階亞太裔政府人員,「作自己生涯的主宰」。 應邀擔任午餐演講人的勞工部長趙小蘭以「作自己生涯的主宰」(Take Charge of Your Career)為題,作半小時演說,和與會者分享她從求學到就業、逐步成為主管的歷程。尤其當趙小蘭談到處在中、美文化夾縫中,一路摸索、學習、成長,讓與會同屬移民的政府人員,格外覺得親切。趙小蘭說,要想在政府或公共事務領域一展長才,第一步是要找到適才適所的機會,而人際網路、口語及書寫溝通能力和在職進修,則是自我提升及受人賞識不可少的要件," reported 許惠敏.*1

"Asian American Government Executives Network will hold their third annual Leadership Conference July 12, in Washington, DC. The training conference is targeted towards Federal employees. The theme for this year is 'Take Charge of Your Career'," announced Linda M. Springer, Director of United States Office of Personal Management, about the "Asian American Government Executives Network (AAGEN) Third Annual Leadership Conference" promptly before the date.*2

"趙小蘭說,東方文化標榜中庸之道,過冷、過熱皆不宜,但在美國社會,「熱情」(passion)卻是選擇專業不可或缺的元素。她表示,「興趣加技能」是生涯規劃的第一步,「領導能力」則是有心在職場更上一層樓的必要條件。她說「領導能力可以經由後天培養及練習獲致」,如參與義務服務工作、勇於自我推薦、不斷學習等,都是可努力的途徑。 趙小蘭說,民主社會強調溝通、自我表達,不同意見的激盪,正是學習處理歧見的機會。" *3

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." -Denis Diderot
This is a quote that can emphasize the importance of the finding about "Passion" on professionalism by U. S. Secretary of Labor Ealiane L. Chao.

Edit this Posting
At 6:37 AM (yahoo.com) today, leading search engines have shown vanward a publication by Elaine on the Internet:
[[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute --Elaine L. Chao, U.S.A. ...
Elaine L. Chao's article for "Happy Mother's Day" is on Internet through Google, Yahoo, AOL, and Ask.com! ... Elaine L. Chao's article in Chinese ...
On June 27, 2017, She(Zhuo) sang in Kong Chow, China with many thousands of visitors to her![71][69][70] *Prof. & Pres. Dr. Tony Tung-ti'en Lei of WBTI(NV) & WWKC Chairman-- O & C
((( [6][18] Dean , & D.r H.Y. Lei as one of our Senior Advisor in CIMR ...{{{the invitation. }}}777
{{{Chairperson Pa'n Wei K'uang:
My Dear: ... --Dr. T. Lei *[71][76]
{{{The most three teachers I've been ever sincerely gratituted for a long time are: S. Ts'ai Sun, Ni Ni'en Wen, & X'huinn C'ing C'how ... } Visiting Professors in Tunghaigh University,
Chegchi Univ., NCHU, TU, & The Central Taiwan Bank
--Dr. L'ee of CIMR ... Singer C'heng X'ao Y'uan. *The Acting Editor of PPAAF 21 --"Realty, Goodness & Beauty" --Sporkesman Dr. W'ong *Mdm. Y'ang M'ei Y'uan Senior Advisor at ICBC *Dr. & Prof. Y'eh, H. Dean of GWC at WBTI(NV)
[88][[96][108[137][196][197][275][333][375][40] --*Prof. & Dr. Lei H'ung Y'ing has ben invited as an Sennior Advisor at CIMR --Dr. & Prof. Wong announced this morrowing at 10:37 AM
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chairperson Becky Lei, EQ ...

The following information abou E. Q. was found by searching "becky ung" from the Google.com on may 1, 2005: ?抢茁迕? (Becky Ung) 老??以行???W﹐心理?W﹐神??語言?W ...

communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... · Cached page

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Lei, EQ ...

Becky Lei's teaching on EQ 最大限度地发挥自己的潜能 by 齐圣琳(for all the portion in Chinese) and Jennifer Kung. Ms. Becky Lei(雷洛美) is former President and now Teacher Lei at Taipei America Scholl
042106-1787 ****** (From loeft) Miss Y'i L'i, Mr. Edward L'u, Miss Y'in Y'an, Dr. Tony T. Lei, Mrs. Judy Lei, Ms. Mindy G'ao, Attorney Eric C'hen, and Ms. Helen H'sueh. Paradise Democratic Club OF LAS VEGAS held "Outstanding Democratic of the year reception" Honorable Las Vegas Constable Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer. The party was held at Bally's Hotel, Skyview Room, Monday, April 17, 2006 from 7 to 9 PM:


{{{[[42][65][217] ... }}}
{{{(As one of the recent drafts.) We'i Ku'ang has beem named as a Senior Adviser at the Institute of PAI in WBTI(NV)}}} --Dr. Wang Chi-yu'in}}}
{{{ [27] }}} ...
{{Money Management}}: "Last night, . Half an hour later, her wife said that a helm told her that {{Ku'ang Hw'a}} will be very, very rich!!! on [10]
--Former District Attorney Steve Bell, President K. K. Kung, & Justice William A.: "The First Role in {{ World Peace }} among US, China & Taiwan" --District Judge S. Moss,Sup.Court Justice William A.*777
李茂山&林淑榕 - 無言的結局

Dr.Tny un-ti
{{{{Chairperson Pa'n Wei Ku'ang
My Dear: ... -- Dr. Tony T. Lei }}}
*******{{{99 items of AN E-mail from Brian!!!}}}
!*******46 items of an E-mail from Brian ...
*******Nice & minicle voice from the heaven: "My love to you is heartifully with our smallest finger of warmly,
fully & nicely holding together!!!
C'hang M'ei
W'ong Y. T'ien,


Nevada, USA --Supreme Court Justice William A. Maupin*68

" 亚洲各国近年来莫不摩拳擦掌准备开放博弈产业;学者廖肇弘表示,亚洲除了新加坡开放赌场经营外,预估日本也可能明年开放赌场业,在东京、琉球等各开放一家赌场,澳门未来也要增加九个赌场,泰国也打算结合SPA 及博弈推出新的度假村等,主要是产业商机很大,并可带动其他产业。," reported Reporter 谢志岳.*22

"首届台湾博弈娱乐观光产业论坛27日在台北举行。岛内外的许多博弈业者与会,看好博弈事业制造的观光商机。 据台湾东森新闻报道,岛内博弈概念股大厂泰伟和鈊象电子,都派代表出席。乡林董事长赖正镒、远雄董事长赵藤雄,也特地抽空与会。 拥有两座休闲饭店的台湾远雄董事长赵藤雄及涵碧楼的董事长赖正镒,对博奕这个领域,同样有很大的发展规划," reported the Chinanews.com.*21

"With the crash of a champagne bottle against a gondola, Macau's Venetian casino opened Tuesday, dwarfing anything in Las Vegas and big enough, its operators say, to shift the magnetic north of the gambling world to this small city in southern China. American billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, inaugurated the $2.4 billion Venetian Macau on Cotai. Casinos like the Wynn and Adelson's Sands have led this small city in southern China past the Strip as the world's most lucrative gambling center. Las Vegas Sands claims that The Venetian Macau -- twice the size of the Las Vegas original -- is the largest building in Asia and the second largest in the world. Adelson also plans to open more hotels under brands such as Four Seasons, Sheraton and St. Regis. In all, his Las Vegas Sands Corp., which also runs the Sands Macau on the Macau peninsula, plans to invest up to $12 billion and build 20,000 hotel rooms on the Cotai Strip by 2010," reported Sylvia Hui of the Associated Press.*20

"在燦爛的焰火和藝人張惠妹以及陶歌聲的配合下,全亞洲最大的賭場威尼斯人酒店今晚七點多在澳門正式開幕。耗資二十四億美元建築的賭場酒店一開門,就湧進數千名在門外等候多時的賭客。澳門賭王何鴻燊在開幕後不久也到場道賀。 澳門行政長官何厚鏵以及美國威尼斯人集團主席艾德森等人,在月全蝕的晚上,為這家全球第二最大建築物的賭場主持開幕儀式。 艾德森日前在一次專門為台灣媒體召開的記者會上說,這個星期他將派遣一個工作團到台灣考察,與當地相關業者商討合作事項。他非常重視台灣市場。 顯然是為了吸引更多台灣遊客,從下周開始,威尼斯人酒店仿照美國賭城作風,邀請台灣和香港歌星張信哲和李妏等人演出," reported 記者鄭漢良 in Macau on August 28, 2007.*19

{{{ [Quick news from Las Vegas!] "8月22日賭城大道上一日兩大驚喜,先是要建一座五億元的小巨蛋運動中心,接著是杜拜世界加注50億元給大道上米高梅─金殿的「城中城」計畫。 新挹注的資金,代表賭業將再聘請數萬名員工,賭城民眾不怕找不到工作;地產界也很高興,新工作機會代表許多房屋將被迅速消化,賭城房產早日脫離泥淖;從經濟角度來看,代表全球巨大資金看好賭城賭I前景,積極建設投資賭城。 阿拉伯聯合大公國近年在杜拜創造的成果有目共賭,典型以重金找到全世界最優秀人才共同發展出的面貌,現在這個集團,選擇拉斯維加斯,打造他們賭業的理想藍圖。 賭城最大的利多在於這些巨額投資,陸續在湧入,「美國杜拜城」新面貌,未來五年至十年會出現在拉斯維加斯。 賭業是當今非常賺錢的行業已成不 幨聦崳咕S加斯更是全球賭業競 幾畲髴饒觯少€業帶動的相關行業與日俱增,世界級城市理想有望實現," reported World Journal 記者馮鳴台. Reporter Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) 在拉斯維加斯報導於8月28日Los Angeles的世界日報. }}}*18

(Quick news from Taipei!) The following is the most quick report in Chinese by Reporter 姚舜 from Taipei: "為 幦慳值破兆元的龐大博弈商機,昨(廿七)日由美國內華達州駐華辦事處主辦的首屆「台灣博弈娛樂觀光產業論壇」吸引了三百多人參加,除金門縣、雲林縣、澎湖縣、苗栗縣及台中市等有意 幦≡O立觀光賭場的地方縣市政府「組團」參加之外,與會成員更涵蓋觀光業、娛樂業、遊戲機台業、電子業、電信業、會計業、法律業等,顯見各行各業、產官學研,對博弈產業均抱有高度興趣,並希望藉取經學習,提早準備。 昨天的論壇,不少與會者都是衝著美國內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院院長史都華.曼(Dr.Staurt Mann)的演講而來。內華達州大學拉斯維加斯分校博弈暨酒店管理學院是博弈產業學 ... [48]9580[78] * The Great Person of Taiwan Economic Deelopment
Miricle is Dr. Z'hang X'hang Z'heng--President X'ihang X'in K'oa of the ROC(on TAIWAN) & President Of CAAAAN Dr. H'i X'ing X'hen

LVRJ/wbti: 林志玲上海灘飄復古Fu!
*****日前在上海出席服裝活動大波浪中大露肩頸線條和清涼美背...她特地搽了大紅色口紅,網友讚美她氣質優雅 豔麗 ...---chinatimes.com2014年10月24日 04:09(文/李姿瑩) & LVRJ/wbti
(Bandari) 安妮的仙境輕音樂- YouTube!
尤雅-往事只能回味(KTV) - YouTube!
*******There are 99 items of an E-mail from Brian ...
******* 40 items from him at 05:05 AM.
******* "I CAN, I DO & I Success!!!"
--LOA MEI LEI 1975
張秀卿-車站-KTV - YouTube
Video for 張秀卿-車站-KTV - YouTube ▶ 4:07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZOhp-Vgl1w Dec 9, 2013▶ 4:07
Dec 9, 2013
Adagio in G Minor (Albinoni) - YouTube!
張秀卿-踩在夕陽裡- YouTube!
*******"US Citisen JOHN K. LEI {Chairman of ROLCC, Silicon, California} is really a great hero.
--An E- mail from US Majority Party Leader Harry Reid to President Dr. Tony Tung-ti'en Lei WBTI(NV) ...
Weber's E-mail to WBTI(NV)
*******--Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!
--John K. Lei leading his big team to Mrs. John K. Lei & Angin Q. Lei *777 john died at 34 just the same age {one year younger than} Jesus Christ ...
*******"You must be a computer design
Whist..." --An E-mail from Pepperdine University Chancellor
*******An E-mail from Brian with 32 at 05:05 April, 2017

Dear Dr. Lei,


• (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 8 (posted Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4:58 am) new

• (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 8 (posted Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4:55 am) new

• (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 8 (posted Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4:20 am) new ...


• (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 8 (posted Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4:58 am) new

• (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 8 (posted Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4:55 am) new

• (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 8 (posted Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4:20 am) new

*******--"It's my honor & privilege to be appointed by you as Honorable DENIOR ADVICE & HONORABLE Chairman of CCPPCCC of WBTI(NV)" William A. Maupin
"Participation in social Contributions bring us with healthy & happiness" I have been respcted you as a successful person of our society to it with efforts, love, passion, faith & PERSITENCE!!!" --District Judge Cheryl Moss
"One China." --President Champ & President Xi
{{{ [127] ...
{{{ [ Peter F. Drucker ...
{{{ [ KCM Chairman Dr. T. Tony Lei ] }}}
{{{ [ C'hang H'aou ...

*******{SUCESS of a constructive Live = IQ + more EQ + Happiness}
Leadership =

{{{ [ Positive Power will sure to win for a round of the overall struck! ... -- CKM Chairman Dr. Tony T. Lei & Dr. Peter F. Drucker in supporting for Chairwoman P'ain W'ei Ka'ng!!! ] }}}

An E-mail with 99 items from Brian ...
*******--<> Lillian Lei Tsai
*******19 items from Brian ...
*******... 24 volumes of small books
on SALES by DR. Tony Tung-ti'en Lei
Cuffallow CORP. ***1971

Tom'orrow will be better! ... --Lillian Lei
A team for firral by Lei's Family! __ATTONEY G
"Nevertheless, I'm also a woman1" -SCWA
An nomantic novels Writter Hwa {{...}} is "Go'a Chaeo" popularity('s) with millions viewers...
viewers on her website at the present time!

A way of Success live:
IQ more EQ + Happiness!!!
*******"It's my honor & priv ...
美 黛 ♫ ~ ♪《 樂 蒂 ✿ 林 黛 王 昭 君 Beyond the Great Wall 》♪ ~ ♫ ~
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