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Michelle Obama _ wbti
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ÄÎÒµÄ iPad ?÷ËÍ


¼Ä¼þÈË: Sue Chen
ÈÕÆÚ: July 11, 2015 at 8:27:23 PM PDT
ÊÕ¼þÈË: Susy Chen susychen88@aol.com, huiy chen , Àö»ª Mimi lily.gendall@gmail.com, "fan21030@yahoo.com.tw"
?Ëî}: Fwd: Fw: мÓÆÂǧÈfÉí¼ÒÃÀÈÝátÉúÔçÊŸÐÑÔ: È˵½ÖÐÄê"Ê®ÁùÎò"


I am thankful about some people who speak from their heart to remind us to think........


Images for U.S. First Lady
Madam Michelle Obama _ wbti
[#0101(158)]05:37a.m.Mon.7/13,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À­Ë¹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ­Ë¹Î¬¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times

View [20] on PPAA Forum 21 for First Lady Michelle Obama please!
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Pray with Pastor Tong

Lord, I thank you because you were humiliated for our sake, and you experienced much suffering on the cross. Please help us to courageously stand up again by your love and sacrifice, and to become glorious witness of yours. I ask that you bless the brothers and sisters, especially for those who have been hurt, were frustrated and experienced setback before. May the Lord encourage them, and help them to stand up again for you. I thank you and I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, thanks!

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Donald Trump just gave an amazingly surreal speech in Las Vegas
Business Insider By Maxwell Tani 16 hours ago
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Tea Lovers at Las Vegas
Jul 10 at 1:06 PM
Hi all,
this is cover design for our special event publication, asking for your comments at your earliest conveniences. It will be adopted to create to our flyer....Thanks,
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Beyond To Kill a Mockingbird: The lost novel of Harper Lee
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Jul 6 at 6:07 AM

¼oÄî Áx´óÀûÕÜŒW¼Ò²¼ô”ÖZ(Giordano Bruno,1548-1600) ÌØ„e·­×gNothing but 'No'! and 'I'! and 'I'! and 'No'!.ÊÇÖÐÓзñ, ·ñÖк­ÊÇ‧

±¾ÔŠ°j±íì¶1600Ç°, printed in 1599 16ÊÀ¼oÊÇÒ»‚€×Ú½Ì, ¿ÆŒW, ÕþÖÎ, ÈËÎÄ, ˇÐg´ó½â·Å´óÜSßMµÄÊÀ´ú. ‧

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½Ì×Ú·½ú¸÷‘ªÔ“Õ¾ÔÚмs½Ì•þµÄÁ¢ˆö, (°üÀ¨ÛÄãµÄ”³ÈËÓ^ücÉÏ¡­)¡­, ¸üé_Õ¹²©Û±íß_¸ü¶à¸üV·ºµÄÉÆÒâ¡­.-----

Sonnet 5 Nothing but 'No'! and 'I'! and 'I'! and 'No'!.

Author: Michael Drayton

Chinese Translation ÊÇÖк¬·ñ C. Y. Kung

Nothing but 'No'! and 'I'! and 'I'! and 'No'!.ÊÀégĪ·Ç,Ö»ÓÐÊÇÅc·ñ, ·ñÅcÊÇ2,

'How falls it out so strangely?', you reply. ºÎÒÔÂäµÃÈç´ËÆæ¹Ö, ÄãÔ‘†– 1

I tell ye Fair! I'll not be answered so! ³Öƽ¶øÕ“! ÎÒŒ¢²»•þÈç´Ë»Ø†–(´ð) 1

With this affirming 'No'!, denying 'I'! ÒԴ˿϶¨µÄ·ñ, È¥·ñ¶¨ÁËÒ»‚€ÊÇ(ÎÒ)1

ÓÃÒ»‚€¿Ï¶¨µÄ·ñ, ·ñ¶¨Ò»‚€ÊÇ 2

I say 'I love'! You slightly answer 'I'! ? ÎÒÕfÎÒÛÄã, Äãµ­µ­µÄÕfÊÇ1

I say 'You love'! You pule me out a 'No'!. ÎÒÕfÄãÛÎÒ, Äã‹ÉàÁÖøÕf·ñ1

I say 'I die'! You echo me with 'I'! ÎÒÕfÎÒËÀÁË, Äãºô‘ªÁËÒ»‚€ÊÇ2

'Save me'! I cry; you sigh me out a 'No'!. ÎÒ¿Þº°¾ÈÎÒ, ÄãàÛÏ¢Öø½oÁË·ñ2

Must Woe and I have naught but 'No' ! and 'I'! ? ±¯ÔÕ, ÈËÉú¼¸ºÎ, ֻʣÏÂÊÇÅc·ñ2

±¯ÔÕ, ÎÒÊ£¼¸ºÎ, Ö»ÓÐÊÇÅc·ñ 1

No 'I'! am I if I no more can have. ²»ÔÙÊÇÎÒ,Èç¹ûÎÒ²»ÄÜ×ÔÖ÷1

ÎÒ²»Í´æÔÚ, Èç¹ûÎÒ²»ÄÜ“íÓÐ(×ÔÖ÷, ×ÔÓÉ) 2

Answer no more. With silence make reply, . ÉÏÌìŸoÕa. ÄdzÁ¼ÅŸoÑԵĶUÕZ,

And let me take myself what I do crave. ׌ÎÒÔÙ™zÒ•ÈËÉú×·ÇóʲüN. 1

׌×Ô¼ºÔÙ™zÒ•ÈËÉúµÄ×·Çó. 1

Let 'No'! and 'I'! with I and you be so, ׌·ñÅcÊÇ,ëS¼º›Q¶¨, ÄãÒàÈçÊÇ,

Then answer 'No'! and 'I'! and 'I'! and 'No'!. ´ð°¸ÊÇ, ÊÇÖÐÓзñ, ·ñÖк¬ÊÇ

´ð°¸ÊÇ, ÊÇÒàžé·ñ, ·ñÒàžéÊÇ

¼tÉ«ÊÇÓз­×g²»Ã÷֮̎, »ÆÉ«‚äÓÃ

±¾ÔŠ°j±íì¶1600Îç×óÓÒ, printed in 1599 16ÊÀ¼oÊÇÒ»‚€×Ú½Ì, ¿ÆŒW, ÕþÖÎ, ÈËÎÄ, ˇÐg´ó½â·Å´óÜSßMµÄÊÀ´ú.

µÚÒ»¶ÎËľä, ÒÔÎÒ(I)žé±¾Î»×Ô†–×Ô´ð. ¸¡ë[Ó÷ÎÒ(I)¾ÍÊÇ(I)ÊÇ. ‧µÚÒ»¾äÔ’ºÜ¶þ·ÖµÄüc³öÈËÊÀégÖ»ÓÐÊÇÅc·ñ(ÓÐÅcƒÓ) ¶þÖÖßxíœ. IÊÇÊÇ(yes),NoÊÇ·ñ. óÊËľäÔ’ÓÐË«êPµÄÒâ˼‧

µÚ¶þ¶ÎËľäÅeÀýÕfÃ÷, ÎÄ×ÖÉÏÊÇÅc·ñµÄ±íÏó, Åcë[²ØÆäááÊÇÅc·ñµÄ±¾Ù|²î®, ÒÔ¼°ÒÔÎҞ鱾λµÄ½â×x²î®‧ÓÐÊÇ·ñ²»Ã÷µÄζµÀ‧µÚÆß, °Ë¾ä×ÔÎÒÅcËûÎÒ(‚€ÈËÅcȺÌå) µÄêP‚SÉÏÓÐÊÇÅc·ñµÄÂä²î, ×ÔÎÒé_ʼµ­³öÁËŸoÄÎ‧µ«ÊÇ¿´²»³öÓдóÎÒÖ®ÊÇÅcСÎÒÖ®ÊǵÄë[Ó÷.

µÚÈý¶ÎÊÇÒÔÎҞ鱾λµÄ×ÔÊ¡,ÓдæÔÚÖ÷ÁxµÄζͨ, ÊDZ¾ÔŠµÄ¾«ÈA, Ò²ÊÇ×îëy·­×gµÄ‧×gÕßÓá± ×ÔÓÉ, ×ÔÖ÷, ´æÔÚ¡± µÄÝ^½ü´úÃûÔ~¸ÅÄî·­×g,16ÊÀ¼oÄ©¼º†¢ÃɵÄÈ˱¾, ÓÐ×ÔÓÉ×ÔÖ÷µÄÔŠidea, ‘ªÔ“ÊǺܸ½ºÏ×÷Õß±¾Òâ‧No 'I'! am I if I no more can have. No I, Ë«êP, ·­×gžéÎÒ²»´æÔÚ, »ò¡±ÎÒËãÊÇʲüN, Èç¹ûÎÒ²»ÄÜ×ÔÖ÷˼Ï롱! È˱¾¾ÍÔÚÉÏŒÓÈËȺ¡­. °l“P, ÅcÉñµÄŒ¦Ô’Ô缺ÊÇÒÔ¡± ‚€ÈË¡± žéÖ÷Ìå. ß@Ò²ÊÇ»ù¶½½ÌÎÄÃ÷µÄ¾«Üý.**

µÚËĶοÉÒÔÓв»Í¬µÄ½â×x‧·­×g³ÉÊÇÖк¬·ñ, ·ñÖÐÓÐÊÇ, Ý^ÄÜýÓͨȫÎÄ‧

±¾·­ÖMÒ²¿ÉÒÔÊÇÌ“ŸoµÄ¶UÎò±¾Ù|×öžé½YÕ“, ´ð°¸ÊÇ, ÊÇÒàžé·ñ, ·ñÒàžéÊÇ-

ß@ÊÇÈ˱¾µÄ×î½KÓXÎò‧Æ«ëxÁËÌìÈ˺ÏÒ», ²»ÔÙ¾´Ìì¾´Éñ, ½Y¹ûÊÇ, ÊÇÅc·ñ²»Ã÷, Ì“¿ÕÒ»ˆö.

´ËÔŠ¶UλºÜÖØ, ÓÐÔS¶à‚€×Ô·­×g½â×xµÄ¿Õéf.

-----Original message-----
From:cykung cykung@dragon.nchu.edu.tw
To:ycchiang1970 ycchiang1970@dragon.nchu.edu.tw,
wkg wkg@dragon.nchu.edu.tw,
cytsai cytsai@dragon.nchu.edu.tw,
cctsai cctsai@dragon.nchu.edu.tw,
hptsai hptsai@nchu.edu.tw,
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 18:23:05
Subject: ÓÐÁ¢Ìå¸ÐµÄÉ̘Ë


C. Kung

Dear Friends:áçÇó±¾ÔŠIdea µÄÖÐ×gÎÄ, Please ask your friends . C.Kung


Sonnet 5. Nothing but ¡°No!¡± and ¡°I!¡±, and ¡°I!¡± and ¡°No!¡±

Michael Drayton (1563¨C1631)

Nothing but 'No'! and 'I'! and 'I'! and 'No'!.

'How falls it out so strangely?', you reply.

I tell ye Fair! I'll not be answered so!

With this affirming 'No'!, denying 'I'!

I say 'I love'! You slightly answer 'I'!

I say 'You love'! You pule me out a 'No'!.

I say 'I die'! You echo me with 'I'!

'Save me'! I cry; you sigh me out a 'No'!.

Must Woe and I have naught but 'No' ! and 'I'! ?

No 'I'! am I if I no more can have.

Answer no more. With silence make reply,

And let me take myself what I do crave.

Let 'No'! and 'I'! with I and you be so,

Then answer 'No'! and 'I'! and 'I'! and 'No'!


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[#0101(155)]05:37a.m.Fri.7/10,2015 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI NV) *With a little modified sources from:ÖЕrëŠ×Óˆó Chinatimes.com {{{PPAA Forum 21}}} ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌ챨 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News {Worldjournal.com} À­Ë¹¾S¼Ó˹ЄˆóLas Vegas Chinese News NetworkÀ­Ë¹Î¬¼Ó˹ʱ±¨ Las Vegas Chinese Times

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{7/09/2015}at 05:37a.m. 5 pictures For
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Michhelle: Let girls lean
in Xi'An!)
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*****Ìæ°ËÏɉm±¬‚ûÕß¼ÓÓÍ£¬ÃûÄ£ÁÖÖ¾ÁáÅÅé_¹¤×÷£¬½ñÌì(7ÈÕ)ÔÚÔº·½°²ÅÅÏ£¬Ì½Ò•ËýµÄС·Û½zêÍðÝ棬ÁÖÖ¾ÁáÕf£¬Òª°Ñ... ÃñÒ• via Yahoo! ÆæĦЄ 07ÔÂ08ÈÕ AM 11:01

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