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Thu, June 17, 2010 9:04:04 AMSaturday?
From: Dina Titus [info@dinatitus.com]View Contact
To: Tony Dr. Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Dear Tony,

I want to be sure that you received our invitation to join me this Saturday for our official office opening. I look forward to seeing you at 2925 North Green Valley Parkway beginning at 3:00pm.



Please Join

Congresswoman Dina Titus

For a Grand Office Opening

Saturday, June 19, 2010

CD3 Coordinated Campaign Office
2925 North Green Valley Parkway
(Just North of Sunset behind Albertson~{!/~}s)
Henderson, NV 89014

To RSVP Call (702) 256-3462 or Click Here

We invite you to join us for BBQ and
conversation about how you can help our
Democratic Candidates



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Thu, June 17, 2010 12:42:25 AMFW: Visual Poetry Ò?ÓXÔ?Òâ
From: cykung [cykung@dragon.nchu.edu.tw]View Contact
To: À×´ó·ò ; Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Visual Poetry Ò?ÓXÔ?Òâ.pps (3530KB)

From: ?O?J© [mailto:sunyen.sun@msa.hinet.net]
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 10:56 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@msr19.hinet.net;
Subject: Visual Poetry Ò?ÓXÔ?Òâ

Visual Poetry Ò?ÓXÔ?Òâ

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Wed, June 16, 2010 1:56:52 PMWhat the President said
From: "Dave Boundy, Repower America" [info@repoweramerica.org]Add to Contacts
To: Tony Dr. Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Dear Tony,

Last night, President Obama addressed the nation about the Gulf Coast oil spill. He laid out a crucial plan for recovery in the face of this unprecedented environmental disaster, and he called on Americans to seize this moment to end our addiction to fossil fuels and embrace clean energy.

The House of Representatives has already passed comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation. And tomorrow



Wed, June 16, 2010 8:24:47 AM

Archaeologist Findings : Giant - David fight with

From: Cerina Chu [chucerina@yahoo.com] View Contact

To: Albert Pang ; Alex Muller ; Amy Laing ; Anli Liu ; Chandy C Chu ; charchun Lee ; Chia Ming Pan ... more

9 Files View Slideshow Download All
image00111.jpg (172KB); image00222.jpg (278KB); image00333.jpg (554KB); image00444.jpg (351KB); image00555.jpg (385KB); image00666.jpg (714KB); image00777.jpg (341KB); image00888.jpg (318KB); image00999.jpg (285KB)

A friend sent me these picture; new findings by archaeologist. From bible Number 13:33.

God Bless!

Cer??? Chu


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June 16, 2010 12:00 AM | 25 Ó^¿´´Î?µ | 0 | 1 | |

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з¨°¸¡¸ÄÜÔ´?T¹¤Â??I?ûº¦Ña??¡¹£¨Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act£©£¬...



Tue, June 1, 2010 2:06:29 AM

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Wed, June 16, 2010 4:14:16 PMСÐÄ®¶Ëа½ÌµÄÕ`?§£¡
From: Paul Wang View Contact
To: Cerina Chu ; Albert Pang ; Alex Muller ; Amy Laing ; Anli Liu ; Chandy C Chu ; charchun Lee ... more








Wed, June 16, 2010 4:06:05 PM

RE: Archaeologist Findings : Giant - David fight with

From: Paul Wang [revwang75007@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: Cerina Chu [chucerina@yahoo.com]; Albert Pang ; Alex Muller ; Amy Laing ; Anli Liu ; Chandy C Chu ; charchun Lee ... more

CCC Members,

Ò®·dÔÚñR¿É¸£Òô13ÕÂÕf£º¡¸ÒªÙÓÐÑ£¡¡¹: http://www.snopes.com/photos/odd/giantman.asp


From: Cerina Chu [mailto:chucerina@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:25 AM
To: Albert Pang; Alex Muller; Amy Laing; Anli Liu; Chandy C Chu; charchun Lee; Chia Ming Pan; Connie & Richard Lee; Danielle Shih; Don Laing; Don Laing; Elizabeth Chu; Flora Chen; Fozy Yokanna; Hui Wang; Huiyi Yang; James Huang; James Lei; James Too; Jeffry Su; Jian Hong Gu; Jian Jian Lu; Joanne Chu; Joe Gu; Joey Jiang; Jun Wu; Junchn Hao; Linda Lei; Lo Luo ...



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Wed, June 16, 2010 10:56:38 AM

Don't allow them to push us to the edge

From: John McCain [john@johnmccain.com]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

New Direction for America Petition

The Democrats have pushed us too far to the left. We must take our country in a new direction to protect our conservative values.

Sign the petition today

My Friend,

In my travels across Arizona and our country, I speak with men and women every day who are negatively affected by a liberal agenda being pushed through by the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats. And like you, I see the disastrous effects this agenda has on our nation. Instead of taking charge and showing leadership the current times so desperately demand, President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid have failed the American people by pushing our country farther to the left.

We must work to take our country in a new direction by advancing and protecting our core conservative values. As I lead the fight for these values in the U.S. Senate, I hope you will join me today by signing the New Direction for America Petition.

Democrats are guilty of pushing our economy to the brink of disaster. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernake has called the Democrats' federal budget "unsustainable." Their abuse of the budget has been hidden using Bernie Madoff-style accounting tricks. Our country's debt is well over $13 trillion, and instead of reducing this deficit, Congressional Democrats are pushing President Obama to authorize an additional $50 billion in new stimulus spending.

The cost of the Democrats' government-run health care plan has skyrocketed to over $1 trillion and recent news shows a majority of Americans will be forced to change how they receive health care despite promises made by President Obama.

So if you are as appalled as I am by the broken promises, lack of leadership, and unprecedented spending that has led our country down the wrong path, then I ask you to follow this link immediately to go on record against the direction our country is headed.

My friend, we must join together to stop the out of control and appalling agenda President Obama and his allies are pushing in Washington. If we do not act immediately, they will continue to drive our country farther to the left. So I ask that you take action by signing the New Direction for America Petition right away. Democrats in Washington must know that we stand together in opposition of their far left agenda.

As one of the leading conservative voices in Washington opposing this agenda, I would like nothing more than to continue my service on your behalf. After signing the petition, you will have the opportunity to make a financial contribution to my reelection campaign and I hope you will generously give $25, $50, $100, $250 or any amount you can afford up to the legal limit.

Knowing you stand with me gives me the energy and drive to continue working for positive, commonsense solutions. So I ask that you take a few moments to sign the New Direction for America Petition by following this link today. Your support means a great deal to me.


John McCain

P.S. We need leaders who will stand up to the far left and offer solutions to the many foreign and domestic challenges we face as a nation. President Obama and Congressional Democrats have failed the American people and we must let them know we want a new direction for our country. That~{!/~}s why I ask you to follow this link to immediately add your name to our New Direction for America Petition. After signing the petition, I hope you will show your dedication to our shared values by making a donation of $25 or more to make sure I can continue my service in the U.S. Senate. Please take a few moments to take action and sign the petition. Thank you.



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Tony, will you stand with the President?

From: "Mitch Stewart, BarackObama.com" [info@barackobama.com]View Contact
To: Tony Dr. Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Tony --

Tonight, in his very first speech from the Oval Office, President Obama addressed the nation on the BP oil spill and the crisis in the Gulf Coast.

Millions of Americans heard him lay out the path forward: Tens of thousands will continue to work around the clock to stop the oil spill and prevent further damage. The Obama administration will ensure that BP is held accountable, covering the costs of the clean-up and paying its debts to the people whose lives have been upended by the disaster.

The Gulf Coast will be repaired and restored for the people who call it home and whose livelihoods depend on it.

But, as the President said tonight, this is just the beginning -- we need to ensure that a disaster like this never happens again.

The President presented a vision of a future where we as a nation are not held hostage by our dependence on fossil fuels -- and a plan for an economy that invests in energy generated right here and creates jobs for millions of Americans in the process. Under his leadership, some of this is beginning to take shape -- clean energy is starting to put people back to work across the country, building more efficient cars and trucks, repurposing old factories to manufacture wind turbines, and investing in research that will discover new energy technologies.

Critics will say that a real transition to clean energy is a challenge that can't be met. But the President made it clear tonight that he will not back down -- even if the path forward is not easy. And, as this movement has shown time and again, neither will we.

Washington has put this off for far too long -- now we must act. If you haven't already, please stand with the President for a clean-energy future.


Thank you,


Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com



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Tue, June 15, 2010 5:05:35 PM

Secretary's Remarks: Nomination of Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

Secretary's Remarks: Nomination of Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 18:46:06 -0500

Nomination of Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC

June 15, 2010

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton made the following statement regarding the nomination of Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom:

I welcome the nomination of Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook to be Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. Dr. Johnson Cook is an experienced religious leader with a passion for human rights and an impressive record of public service. President Obama could not have found a more fitting choice for this important position. I look forward to working with Dr. Johnson Cook, if she is confirmed, to bring greater focus to international efforts to ensure that people everywhere enjoy the global standards of religious freedom enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

She will serve as a principal advisor on religious freedom to me and to the President, and she will be supported by the Office of International Religious Freedom in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Dr. Johnson Cook is the Founder and President of Wisdom Worldwide Center and served as the Senior Pastor of the Bronx Christian Fellowship Baptist Church in New York City and is a Founder/Board Member of the Multi-Ethnic Center, an enrichment program for youth. She served as an advisor on President Clintonfs Domestic Policy Council and Chaplain to the New York Police Department. She has spoken throughout the United States, Africa and the Caribbean.

PRN: 2010/801

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Dr. Tony T. Lei President District ... by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello. U ... mail to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei from the President of the Paradise Democratic Club John Ponticello ...

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Dr. Tony T. Lei President District Judges Mark R ... Event was chaired by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello ... Governor of Nevada; President Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of WBTI ...

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Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of ROLCC, will bear testmony to the wedding and preach on the ..... Doris Lin, Associate Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. ... Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, ...
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... Dr. Jasmine Brooks, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Tiffany, Miss Yip Fong, Michelle, Miss Doris Yu, Paul, ... Christine, Miss Julie Tai, Dr. Mark C. Thelin, Humorist Lin-yao Wu, Ms. Misoko .... Location & time: ROLCC, 1177 Laurelwood Road , Santa Clara , CA. ... I am waiting for Pastor Hsieh's sermon title and bible verses. ...


Tue, June 15, 2010 4:31:49 PMSaturday: OFA Las Vegas office opening
From: "Jennifer Lopez, NV.BarackObama.com" [info@barackobama.com]View Contact
To: Tony Dr. Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Tony --

You're invited to the grand opening of Organizing for America's new Las Vegas office this Saturday, June 19th.

We will be joined by special guests Rory Reid, Rep. Dina Titus, and Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Sam Lieberman as OFA Nevada staff and area volunteers celebrate the opening. You'll have the chance to learn about how you can get more



Tue, June 15, 2010 12:01:53 PM

Press Release - Governor Makes Appointments to Nevada Commission on Economic Development - June 15, 2010

From: Office of the Governor [nvg@GOV.NV.GOV]View Contact

For Immediate Release: June 15, 2010


Anthony Dazzio appointed, Charles Myers re-appointed

Carson City - Governor Jim Gibbons today announced the appointment of Anthony Dazzio to the Nevada Commission on Economic Development (NCED). Dazzio is Senior Vice-President of Business Development and Governmental Affairs for the general contracting firm of Burke Construction Group in Las Vegas. Previously, Dazzio worked as executive manager of business planning and growth at NV Energy. Dazzio is also a past-president of the Southern Nevada Chapter of NAIOP, the premier organization representing commercial development in Southern Nevada.

~{!0~}I believe Anthony Dazzio~{!/~}s experience in business development will be a strong and productive asset for the Nevada Commission on Economic Development,~{!1~} Governor Gibbons said, ~{!0~}He will be a terrific addition to the Commission at a time when Nevada needs to attract new jobs.~{!1~}

~{!0~}I am proud and pleased that Governor Gibbons has selected me for this position,~{!1~} Dazzio said, ~{!0~}I am looking forward to working with the other Commission members to continue efforts to diversify and stimulate our economy.~{!1~}

Governor Gibbons also announced the re-appointment of Charles Myers to the NCED. Myers, from Elko, Nevada, was originally appointed to the NCED in November of 2009.

The Nevada Commission on Economic Development works to develop and maintain a diverse economic base in Nevada in order to ensure a healthy economy for the Silver State.

# # #

Daniel Burns Communications Director - (775) 684-5667 cell (702) 290-8980
Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198
Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505


Tue, June 15, 2010 12:02:01 PM

State convention reception to honor Virginia Cain, John Ponticello

From: Nevada State Democratic Party [news@nvdems.com]Add to Contacts
To: Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Dear Tony,

On Friday evening, June 25th, I hope you will join me for a special reception to welcome our convention delegates and honor Virginia Cain and John Ponticello for their service to the Democratic Party. This festive evening will kick off our 2010 State Convention Weekend. It's a great opportunity to socialize with fellow Democrats from across the state, and recognize Virginia and John for their years of dedication and service to Democratic causes.

The reception will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the El Dorado Ballroom and Foyer and Garden Terrace of the Flamingo Las Vegas Casino and Resort. Tickets are $60 for an individual ticket and $50 each for two or more tickets. You can purchase tickets for the event at our online convention pre-registration page. And, if you have not yet pre-registered as a delegate, you can do that as well to avoid lines at on-site registration! Click here to pre-register.

I hope that you will join me, our honorees Virginia Cain and John Ponticello, and a host of Nevada's Democrats for this fantastic evening of fun before the business of the convention. For hotel reservations in our room block at the Flamingo Las Vegas, please call 1-800-732-2111 and mention the Nevada State Democratic Party Room Block.

Virginia Cain

Virginia's active role in the Democratic Party dates back to the 1950's. She has held many positions at the county, state, and national levels, including Chair of the Nevada State Democratic Party. She served as a National Convention Delegate in 1972, 1980, 1992, and 1996, and played an active role in the Democratic National Committee.

Outside of Democratic organizations, Virginia has served on and chaired numerous boards and commissions at both the local and state level. Her community service, both in Washoe County and statewide, has earned her considerable recognition and many awards.

With commitment and passion for the needs of children and senior citizens, she has used her considerable skills and influence to pursue an active life of involvement in the Democratic Party.

John Ponticello

John has deep roots in the Las Vegas Valley, having lived there since 1956. He is a concerned citizen who has been active in many civic and political organizations. For a number of years, he has served as President of the Paradise Democratic Club, where he has organized events ranging from $5 dinners to picnics, tree planting ceremonies, and the "Outstanding Democrat of the Year" Awards. John served as a National Convention Delegate in 1988 and 1992, and served as second Vice Chair of the State Central Committee in the early 1990's.

John is also involved in community service efforts including clothing and toy drives for the homeless and needy. He has served on multiple review boards and task forces.

Although he has been "retired" from the hotel and casino industry for several years, John's active role in the community and the party represent the best and most dedicated of Nevada's Democrats.

Click here to pre-register. I hope to see you there!


Sam Lieberman
Chairman, Nevada State Democratic Party

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Tue, June 8, 2010 4:56:05 PMNews Release: Cao Family Joins First Lady Michelle Obama to Pack Healthy Items for Underpriviledged Children
From: "Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao" Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com


June 8, 2010

Contact: Taylor Henry (202) 821-5063 or (504) 274-7903

Cao Family Joins First Lady Michelle Obama to Pack Healthy Items for Underpriviledged Children

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao (LA-02) and his wife Kate and their two daughters, Sophia and Betsy, joined First Lady Michelle Obama to assemble packages of healthy foodstuffs and items encouraging physical fitness for underprivileged children in the Washington





Dear Dad,

Thank you alwsaysfor your love & encouragement. You are always there to support me, in good times $ bed times.Thank you for bein strong for the family even in tough times. May God give you ...


Have a Happy $ blessed Father's Day!


Mike Lei



The older and wiser I get,
the more I cherish each day-
the closeness of our family
that your caring helped to build
and the love time cannot take away.

Happy Father's Day!
with Love and Gratitude!!
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