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120310-2257 |
U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC).Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, ..... On September 23, 2002, District Attorney Stewart Bell wrote President Dr. Tony ... "Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) is the only one ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Miss Little Snow's ... Apr 18, 2010 ... U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0172300105127163654983... - Cached | |
120310-1907 |
For Dr. Peter C.C. Wang Tunghai University Reunion wbtiWashington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ...... Tunghai University Alumni Association; dr peter c c wang, peter c c wang; .... unlv; ---; unlv,reno; unlv,reno alumni; ---; infoseek.com; ---; kairos; .... before WBTI, you'll find Google.com or aol.com has many good things for them ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013160010510431609926... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Business and Mangement, Tunghai University Alumni Association, and WBTI that . ... Hsiao, S. W. 'Fw: 2009 Tunghai Univ. Class Reunion q?æ?ê??1959 Class . ...... The announcement was made by Dr. John Wang, Spokesman for WBTI, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120310-1317 |
Flag this messageMEDIA ADVISORY - FOURTH ANNUAL HOLIDAY WREATH LAYING CEREMONY HONORING VETERANS AND ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY - DECEMBER 3, 2010! By Office of the Governor(NV), Daniel Burns; Chris Giunchigliani; and Jennifer Kung Friday, December 3, 2010 9:17 AM From: "Office of the Governor" [nvg@GOV.NV.GOV]View contact details To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US M E D I A A D V I S O R Y FOURTH ANNUAL HOLIDAY WREATH LAYING CEREMONY HONORING VETERANS AND ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY (A Part of the Wreaths Across America Project) DATE: Monday, December 6, 2010 TIME: 10:00 AM PLACE: Front steps of the Nevada Capitol (in case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved into the old Assembly Chambers in the Capitol) WHO: Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell will lay the wreath on behalf of Governor Jim Gibbons Daniel Burns Communications Director - (775) 684-5667 cell (702) 290-8980 Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120210-1817 |
Flag this messageFw: this weekThursday, December 2, 2010 6:14 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Mike Lei" [leimih@yahoo.com]View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com --- On Thu, 12/2/10, Joseph kiang [josephkiang2???@yahoo.com] wrot??? From: Joseph kiang [josephkiang2???@yahoo.com] Subject: this week To: josephkiang2???@yahoo.com Date: Thursday, December 2, 2010, 7:31 PM Dear all, Didn't see you quite a while & hope you all have a great thanksgiving holiday. December is a special season not just beautiful snow, Christmas gift and winter ski :-) "Jesus" -- greatest gift from God was born 2000 years ago bringing salvation and living hope to all the people. May His joy and Love fill your family & you. As usual, please come and invite friends to join Friday's gathering. Time: -- ROLCC, room G5 (12/03 Friday , 8:00 pm) Please be punctual, thank U so much ^_^ Direction: http://rolcc.net/tcn/ct_info.php Quick reminders for coming events -- (1) Single retreat "¸áÑò»éóÛµÄÇ°×àÇú" on 2010 1/28-- 1/30 „¢¾•Ã¯ÄÁŽŸŽŸÄ¸ will be speakers, I'll give you detail tomorrow http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e352nyjg1c016797&llr=8dwd4edab Btw, helper are also needed on this Sunday for registration booth (2) ËÍÛµ½Î÷·Ç -- let's donate 4 boxes (total $60). to split cost -- $5/person (3) 12/10, 12/11 Christmas drama, remember preparation in your prayer and invite non-Christians friends to join it. (4) Holiday plaza -- Dr. Gordon Lee will share "³É¹¦¸¸Ä¸µÄ°Ëí—ÌØÙ|¼°½ÌðBÇà´ºÆÚ×ÓÅ®" http://www.theriverflows.org/web/community/holiday-plaza (5) career networking on Sunday -- continuing series for "How to Build Good Boss-Employee Relationship ¨C Part II " on room E2 (6) ski trip on coming Christmas or new year -- I'll give you more detail on Friday's fellowship. Will share special snacks from Taiwan with everyone & hope to see U tomorrow lo :-) God Bless, Joseph ========================================================================================================================================================= Еøº†½é ¹¤×÷ÊÇÒ»·Ý¶YÎï ÎÄ£¯°¢Ïé from http://blog.roodo.com/yingshyu/archives/14485257.html Author's blog http://www.billheatley.com/ ÎÒ‚ƒ¶¼Ï²šgÊÕµ½¶YÎҲÆÚ´ýÊÕµ½¶YÎï¡£´òé_¶YÎïµÄÄÇÒ»¿Ì¿‚³äMÁËó@ϲ£¬áÝ·Ûû˹‰ôß[Ïɾ³£¬ÓÖáݷ¶Î÷Õ`êJ¼{Àï†Íõ‡ø£¬Ô±¾Æ½·²µÄÉú»î£¬ÒòÖøÅóÓÑ£¨»òÊÇÓHÈË£©¾«ÐĵݲÅÅ£¬¾`·Å³ö„ÓÈ˵Ĺââ¡£ÊÕµ½ºÏ¼ºÐÄÒâµÄ¶YÎ×ÔÈ»é_ÐÄ£»²»ß^Ò²Óв»ÉÙ•rºò£¬ÎÒ‚ƒÊÕµ½¡¸ÒâÁÏÖ®Í⡹µÄ¶YÎï¡£®”Ȼ߀ÊÇÓÐÅdŠ^£¬Ò²¸ÐÖxËͶYÕßµÄÓÃÐÄ£¬Ö»ÊǶYÎïºÍÎÒ‚ƒµÄÆÚ´ýÂä²îÌ«´ó£¬¿‚ÓÐücСʧÍû¡£ß@ЩÒâÁÏÖ®ÍâµÄ¶YÎ³£³£ÊǸ¸Ä¸ŽŸéLË͵ģººÜ¿ÉÄÜÊÇij´ÎÉúÈÕ£¬‹Œ‹ŒŽÍÎÒ‚ƒÙIµÄ°Ù¿ÆÈ«•ø£»Ò²¿ÉÄÜÊÇСŒW•rºòµÃУéLª„£¬´òé_°üÑb´ü£¬ÑeÃæÊÇÒ»±¾´ó×ֵ䡣 ... ..... ....... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120210-1257 1st ed. 2nd printing |
For a search on Internet, a faculty member is glad to view the following information: President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto By Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Stewart Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang*1[[[ All, from the greast to humblest, must work together in harmony and devotion. We can make no advances with only solo work. Unless the solooists and the members of the chorus are ready to work together in harmony, there can be no symphony. ---Jackson Wilcox *2 ]]] ____________________________________________ ***** "John F. Kennedy was a living example of Mitchell Kapor's belief that, 'If you can genuinely present a picture that makes sense to people, that unifies the seemingly disperate elements of their experience, if you can give people something they can resonate with because it's meaningful, then they'll be immensely responsive to it.' JFK presented that picture and America responded." *3 "Dear Dr. Lei, I will be attending on June 20 at Bally's Hotel. It will be nice to see you and Judy again! Sincerely," wrote District Court Judge Cheryl Moss.*4 "Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lei: Since I shall be in Washington, D.C., I believe that I shall be constantly reminded of the ideals that are the subject of the messages and quotations contained in your correspondence, particularly those about vision, enthusiasm, and assistance," wrote Nevada District Judge Mark R. Denton to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and his wife Judy on June 18, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*5 "I hope that you are both doing well and that you will enjoy the upcoming event and keep me informed about your excellent projects. Thank you so much for thinking of me and keeping me posted. Very truly yours, Mark R. Denton." Challenging our work force can add to productivity, but productivity needs also cooperation. In a team work, harmony is very importnat. Sometime, good leaders are the ones who lead us to a goal with a group performance in harmony. It is our pleasure that the planning and promotion of this Event are in good progressiveness! {{{ For "Google, Yahoo, and AOL answer: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, ..." on Google, Yahoo, AOL, Ask.com, and among others at 7:57 a.m. on 6/19/07. It is on the first line of their first page on the Internet: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President ... Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid invite our ...... and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 148k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... to attend a Champagne Reception honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto ... Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 113k - Cached }}} Our recent two articles about this event have been published by Google.com, Yahoo.com, AOL.com early in the morning at 8:07 a.m. on May 30, 2007 (details in the final paragraphs of [[[...]]]*17). "That is great! ... John," wrote President John Ponticello of PDCLV in an e-mail to WBTI on May 24, 2007 for its coordination and effort to the Event. On May 10, 2007, it was our pleasure to receive the formal invitation card by U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). The invitation letter by them is for Paradise Democratic Club's "Outstanding Democrat of the Year" 2006 Champagne Reception honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto. "Grass Roots" Democrat of the year Awards will be presented to Deidra Prestridge, Walter Dowd and Susan Ford. The following invitation was sent also through an e-mail to LVRJ/WBTI from President John Ponticello of Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas (PDCLV): [[[ PARADISE DEMOCRATIC CLUB ~{!0~}OUTSTANDING DEMOCRAT OF THE YEAR~{!1~} 2006 ATTORNEY GENERAL CATHRENE CORTEZ MASTO ....... Wish the wisdom and effort of WBTI and PDCLV a great success! Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang said that, "Brilliant, Google, Yahoo, and Ask.com answer our people, community, and country! "Leadership is love through integrity! To lead is to serve, to give, and to achieve together. Love with value is based on a real, practical, and genuine spirit concern for others as persons, for their values as they feel them, for their development and growth. A successful leader is consistently follwed by others. People follow because they have a belief in the direction, intergrity, and competence of the one leading. A leader's ultimate responsibility is to facilitate other individual's development as well as his (or her) own. Under her inspiration all the way from community through international perspective, it's our pleasure to participate, promote, and inspire the endeavor of individuals, programs, and projects that can enrich the lives of many people and communities," pointed out U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior Advisor Dr. Tony T. Lei early in the morning on June 1, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. -------------------------------------------- References *1. Bill Maupin is the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court, Mark Denton is a District Judge of Nevada, Michael Douglas is a Nevada Supreme Court Justice, Stewart Bell and Valorie Vega are also District Judges of Nevada, John Ponticello is the President of PDCLV, Cheryl Moss is a District Court Judge in Nevada, while Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer is the Constable of Las Vegas Township. *2. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ............................................ ******************************************** | |
120210-1137 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]For more details, please view the special article "ÇéÕx£¬Ô½êÔ½Ïã¡«?|º£´ó?W1955 ÄêÈë?WµÚÒ»?ÃУÓÑ®??I50ÖÜÄêͬ?W?þ! By Íõõ·Ö" in the Section of "Tunghai ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932693770... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... For more details, please view the special article "ÇéÕx£¬Ô½êÔ½Ïã¡«?|º£´ó?W ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120210-1137 |
The following information is from the last part of a feature article [(Nevada, U.S.A: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section 'Business & Administration', June 22, 2009), 1.]: <<< Quick news from Tunghai University Alumni Association (TUAA) and the University's ¾Í˜IÝoŒ§ôßУÓÑ“½jÊÒ upon the scene in the evening at 6:57 p.m.(LV) on June 22, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.! [To be continued ...] >>>ÇéÕx£¬Ô½êÔ½Ïã¡«–|º£´óŒWµÚÒ»ŒÃͬŒW•þ! By TUAA and the University's ¾Í˜IÝoŒ§ôßУÓÑ“½jÊÒ **__** [[[ ÇéÕx£¬Ô½êÔ½Ïã¡«–|º£´óŒW1955ÄêÈëŒWµÚÒ»ŒÃУÓÑ®…˜I50ÖÜÄêͬŒW•þ ]]] (A colorful and elegant group picture of the attendants.) "ÔÚšgË͵Ú51ŒÃ®…˜IÉúµÄͬ•r£¬ÓÐһȺ®”ÄêµÄÇàÄ꣬Ҳ»Øµ½ÁË–|º£¡£½ñÌìµÄÒâÁx·Ç·²£¬ÊǵÚÒ»ŒÃŒWéL½ã®…˜I50ÖÜÄêµÄÈÕ×Ó¡£50ÄêÇ°£¬ƒH176λŒWÉúһͬÉú»îÔÚ´ó¶ÈɽÉÏ£¬Ö®áá¸÷±¼–|Î÷£¬½ñÈÕ¶àÈ˾ÍÔÚ2009Äê®…˜Iµä¶YµÄǰϦÓÖÔٴξÛÊ×–|º££¡" Tunghai University Alumni Association (TUAA) and the University's ¾Í˜IÝoŒ§ôßУÓÑ“½jÊÒ wrote. LVRJ/WBTI receives this e-mail upon the scene.*37168 ¡¡"¡¸ÈÕ×ÓÌìÌ춼¿ÉÒÔß^£¬µ«ÊÇ50ÖÜÄêµÄ®…˜I¼oÄîÖ»ÓÐÒ»´Î£¡¡¹µÚÒ»ŒÃͬŒW•þÕÙ¼¯ÈËÀîéL¸ý£¨½›úϵ£©ŒWéLÐÄÓÐËù¸Ð±íʾ£¬Ïë°Ñ´óâ·ƒº×ÔÈ«Çò¸÷µØ†¾»Øß@Ñe£¬†¾»ØÄÇ50ÄêÇ°µÄÇà¢ÄêÉÙ¼ƒÕæµÄÓ‘›?¡¡–|º£´óŒWì¶6ÔÂ11ÖÁ13ÈÕÑûÕˆ1955ÄêÈëŒWµÚÒ»ŒÃУÓѼ°Æä¾ìŒÙ¼s50ÈË£¬·µÐ£ÖØœØëyÍü´óŒW•r¹â£¬ÅeÞk®…˜I50ÖÜÄêͬŒW•þϵÁлî„Ó¡£Ð£ÓÑ“½jÊÒ°²ÅÅ¡ÖØ͹ÅÖ®šgÓÍíÑçÅc‘ÑÅfÎè•þ£¬×ŒŒWéL½ã»Øµ½ÍùÈÕ•r¹â¡£¶àˆöœØÜ°²Í•þ£¬×ŒŒWéL½ãÓЙC•þÔ’Ô’¼Ò³£¡£ÎÄÀí´óµÀéŘäÅԵĽÒÅƃxʽ£¬¼oÄîÎåÊ®ÄêÔÚ´ËÖ²˜ä£¬Ò²ÏóáçÁíÒ»‚€ëA¶ÎµÄé_ʼ¡£Õû‚€Í¬ŒW•þµÄß^³Ì£¬²»¹ÜÊÇͬ´°égµÄÏ໥·ö³Ö£¬ß€ÊÇÀÏÓÑégµÄ¾Ã„eÖط꣬¶¼ÖøŒÁîÈ˸Єӡ£Ïà¼sƒÉÄêááÔÙ¾ÛÊ×£¬Êǹ²Í¬µÄÏë·¨¡ " ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101 ¡¡... 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Ibid., 1. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** Continues from the above information (To be completed ...): УÓÑ“½j : ÇéÕx£¬Ô½êÔ½Ïã¡«–|º£´óŒWµÚÒ»ŒÃͬŒW•þ °l±íÈË Íõõ·Ö ì¶ 2009/6/23 0:02:00 (152 ÈË×xÈ¡) ÇéÕx£¬Ô½êÔ½Ïã¡«–|º£´óŒW1955ÄêÈëŒWµÚÒ»ŒÃУÓÑ®…˜I50ÖÜÄêͬŒW•þ! By Íõõ·Ö This article has been posted internationally through the courtesy of Tunghai University Alumni Association and the University's ¾Í˜IÝoŒ§ôßУÓÑ“½jÊÒ. 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120210-1044 |
Flag this messageFwd: ?þéL½»½ÓWednesday, December 1, 2010 8:20 PM From: "judiroc@aol.com" [judiroc@aol.com>View contact detailsTo: JUDIROCK@YMAIL.C]MMessage contains attachments3 Files (168KB) | Download AllLadies in Gaga.jpgBelly dance.jpgHalloween Costume 2010.jpg ÖÐ?ø´ó?£Ð£ÓÑÂ?ºÏ?þÀ˹¾S¼Ó˹·Ö?þ ÍÆßx Úwçù George G. ÖÐ?øÎÄ»¯?WÔº,®??Iì¶ë?ÄX?S, ?ÙÈÎ 2011 ÄêÐÂ?þéL, ¹§Ï²! ÉÏÑ¡! ϲÑçì¶Ê®¶þÔÂÈýʮһÈÕ, »?¸Û¾Æµê, ?gÓíÙeһͬÙRϲ!! ßB½jÌ?:ÀíÊÂéL?îÇï: Judi Rock 760-666-1943 ÏÂ?DÊÇ×î½üµÄÑݳö»î?ÓÕÕƬ. Congratulations to George G, who was graduated from Culture University of ROC. to be year of 2011 President of JCUAALV. The celebration party will be held at Hong Kong Crusine December 31, Friday. You are to be invited to this event! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120210-1027 |
Hi, Judy and Tony ProfileUpdatesAccount InfoYou are signed in Try us for Free Reply AllMove... Flag this messageRe: SUBJECT: ÓÐêP2011ÄêREUNION Ö®ÊÂWednesday, December 1, 2010 11:35 PM From: "–|º£´óŒW Íõõ·Ö" Add sender to ContactsTo: "francis" Cc: "ˆÖ¾Õ\" , "Úw Ò»Ö®" , "׿×ÚË´" , "Hsiao-Hung Kao" , "ÀµÇ" , "ÀîéL¸ý" , "ê‘־˴" , "ÄßÓ¢‚¥" , "Íõ¾°´¨" , "Íõ³Éá“" , "Óá´óÂüyahoo" , "bchang0997" , "bernard" , "pingpctcrchang" , "kcshchang8" , "sohsc" , "michaelybchcn" , "irvkchen" , "tingmeih" , "tc" , "kangpciwang" , "hchengl" , "cciang28" , "s.chiang" , "ckchiangy" , "philchou" , "johnca.chuang" , "ctchuang34" , "hos159" , "kenenergy2002" , "mhpai" , "james.hpc1129" , "yphsia" , "hhsiao" , "shanyuanxie" , "hsustanley" , "wayncyw-hsueh" , "thu" , "jhu" , "ch9t" , "fhuangmr" , "hting" , "phcc-chou" , "charles.ke" , "kengedward" , "feikung" , "kykwok0" , "tojulei" , "sl" , "chassung" , "crli1935" , "jnormg" , "ping.h.li" , "osaduolee" , "cpi.ord" , "hli" , "yli" , "chchlin" , "cclin" , "cclin85" , "cclin85" , "yingtlin" , "ftzu" , "t2500061" , "lj3liu" , "liua" , "liushuping2001" , "kao633" , "wlurocl" , "sshen" , "ray_shih2004" , "elsun6" , "cksung" , "gsung" , "stang" , "thomastsai" , "kangpeiwang" , "hualinghu" , "vicscy" , "cytaipei" , "weishih" , "cy2126" , "fish_yus" ... moreMessage contains attachments1 File (167KB)½oµÚÒ»ŒÃͬŒWµÄÐÅ.pdfÓH۵ĵÚÒ»ŒÃŒWéL½ã£¬Äú‚ƒºÃ£¡ ¸½ÉÏÀµÇŒWéL½o´ó¼ÒµÄÒ»·âÐÅ£¬¾´Õˆ¡¡…¢¿¼¸½¼Ó™n°¸£¬ÈçÓÐÈκÎÒâÒŠ¶¼Õˆ²»Á߸úÎÒÕf£¬ÖxÖx¡£ ¾´×£¡¡âx°²Ð£ÓÑ“½jÊÒ¡¡Íõõ·Ö¡¡¾´ÉÏ PS ºëÒãŒWéL£¬•øÃæÐź¯(‡øƒÈÍâ)ÒÑì¶12ÔÂ2ÈÕÏÂÎçà]¼Ä³ö£¬ƒÈÈݘIÒÑÒÀŒWéLÒâ˼ÔöÐÞ£¬ÖxÖx¡£ (±§Ç¸£¬Ã÷ÈÕÐݼÙßhÐУ¬ÈôδÄܼ´•r»ØÐÅ£¬¾´Õˆ¡¡ÒŠÕ¡£) --------------------------------------------------------- –|º£´óŒW¾Í˜IÝoŒ§ôßУÓÑ“½jÊÒ Placement and Alumni Office, Tunghai University Íõõ·Ö ëŠÔ’£º(04) 2359-0121 ·Ö™C 28404 ‚÷Õ棺(04) 2359-1034 ÐÅÏ䣺meifen@thu.edu.tw µØÖ·£º40704̨ÖÐÊÐÎ÷ÍÍ…^ÖиÛ·Èý¶Î181Ì– –|º£´óŒW963Ì–ÐÅÏä -----Original message----- From:francis To:meifen, Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2010 11:09:14 +0800 Subject: SUBJECT: ÓÐêP2011ÄêREUNION ֮ʸ÷λͬŒW£º 2010/12/1 SUBJECT: ÓÐêP2011ÄêREUNION ֮ʠ1. ÀµÇÒò¹Ê½ñÄê•þºÜæ¹ÊŸo·¨ÒÀÔÓ†Ó‹®‹»I‚ä2011ÄêÖ®REUNION ËûÍÆË]УÓÑ“½jÊÒÖ®Íõõ·ÒС½ãíÞkÀí 2. ÎÒÏ둪һÇÐÄî^íß^ÁË£¬ÏȻشðÏÂÁІ–î}£º A) ºÎ•rÔÚHAWAII REUNION ? B) ÔÚÃÀ‡ø֮“½jÈËÊÇÀîéL¸ý£¬Œ¦°É£¿ ÕˆŒ¢´Ë†–î}»Ø´ð½oÍõõ·ÒС½ã E-mail: meifen@thu.edu.tw Tel: (04) 2359-0228 Copy ½oÎÒ E-mail: francis@vanguarrd-international.com.tw 3. Ò»²½Ò»²½í£¬Ï£ÍûÔÚÒ»Ôµ×ÒÔÇ°Íê³ÉˆóÃûK»I‚äÔŲ́ͬŒWÖ®½MˆFÊÂÒË 4. ÎÒµÄÍÈ‚ûÈÔδºÃ£¬ÈÔÔÚ×öͽ¡£¬Ã÷ÄêÊÇ·ñÄÜíÈÔ²»Öª 5. Óá´óÂü½ñÄê8ÔÂëpÄ¿ÒÑʧÃ÷ 6. ±¾ÎÄcopy ½oËùÓÐÓÐe-nail add ֮ͬŒW£¬²»Ò»Ò»ÁÐÃ÷¼š 7. ÆäËûͬŒWÓÉÎÒ°lº¯ ‚äÔ]£ºÅÂÓÐßz©Ո´ó¼Ò¸æÔV´ó¼Ò£¬ÎÒÒ²ÅÂÓÐÈ˶¼²»¿´e-mail | |
120210-1007 |
Flag this messageRe: SUBJECT: 2011 Reunion and greetingsThursday, December 2, 2010 1:06AMFrom: "Petercwang@aol.com" [Petercwang@aol.com]View contact detailsTo: rbrtni@gmail.com, alohabill@gmail.com ÀÏͬѧÃÇ: Delighted that you are planning for another reunion in 2011. I'll try to make it this time. Any location would be fine with me as long as it is in China. First, allow me to send in my warmest greetings and wishing you all a happy holidays! Second, sending you my most recent essay about China below and am fishing for your comments, good or bad. Looking forward to seeing you during the 2011 reunion. It's been much too long! Best. Peter C. C. Wang Íõ³Éá“ Öйú¸ßÌú·¢Õ¹Óë·öƶºÍ¹ú·ÀµÄ¹Øϵ 2010-10-04 21:22:24 ²©Îĵ¼¶Á£º ÕâƪÎÄÕ²ûÊöÁË·öƶÔÚÖйúµÄ½ôÆÈÐÔºÍÖØÒªÐÔ£¬²¢Ìá³öÁËÒ»¸öÇÐʵ¿ÉÐеķöƶģʽ£¬ÀûÓøßÌúÏß·À´¹æ»®½¨Éè·öƶÌØÇø£¬°Ñ¾¼Ã½¨ÉèµÄÖØÐÄ´ÓÑغ£Íƹ㵽ÖйúµÄÄÚ½¸¹µØÒÔ¼°±ß½®µØÇø¡£ÕâƪÎÄÕ»¹·ÖÎöÁË·öƶÓë¹ú·ÀÖ®¼äµÄ½ôÃܹØϵ£¬Ö¸³öÁ˹ú¼Ò×îºó¡¢×îºÃµÄ·ÀÏßÔÚÓÚÈËÃñµÄÄý¾ÛÁ¦£¬Ö»ÓÐÉ·öƶ£¬²ÅÄÜ´Ù½øÃñ×åµÄ×ÔÐÅ£¬×åȺµÄºÍг£¬²ÅÄÜ»¯¹ú·À½¨ÉèÓÚÈÕ³£Éú»î¡£°Ñ¹ú·À½¨ÉèºÍ·öƶÊÂÒµÁªÏµÆðÀ´ÓÐÀûÓÚÒýµ¼¹ã´óÃñÖÚÕýÈ·Àí½â·öƶµÄÒâÒåºÍ±ØÒªÐÔ¡£ Öйú¸ßÌú·¢Õ¹Óë·öƶºÍ¹ú·ÀµÄ¹Øϵ Íõ³ÉîȲ©Ê¿ ÍõÊÏ»ù½ð 2010 Äê 10 Ô ¹ýÈ¥ÈýÊ®ÄêÖйú¾¼ÃÈ¡µÃÁËÊÀÈËÖõÄ¿µÄ¾Þ´ó·¢Õ¹£¬ 2010 ÄêµÚ¶þ¼¾¶È£¬Öйú¹úÃñÉú²ú×ÜÖµ£¨ GDP £©³¬Ô½ÈÕ±¾£¬Õýʽ³ÉΪ½ö´ÎÓÚÃÀ¹úµÄÊÀ½çµÚ¶þ´ó¾¼ÃÌå¡£ÔÚΪÖйú¾¼ÃѸÃÍ·¢Õ¹¶øÐÀϲºÈ²ÊµÄͬʱ£¬ÎÒÃÇÒ²Ó¦¸ÃÇåÐѵØÈÏʶµ½£¬ÖйúµÄÈ˾ù GDP Ö»ÓÐ 3800 ÃÀÔª£¬ÅÅÃûÉÐÔÚÊÀ½çÒ»°ÙλÒÔºó£¬ÖйúµÄ¸»Ç¿Ö®Â·ÒÀÈ»ÈÎÖضøµÀÔ¶¡£ ÖйúÑغ£µØÇø´ó¶¼Êз±»ª¾°ÏóÒÔ¼°°ÂÔË¡¢ÊÀ²©µÄ³É¹¦¾Ù°ì£¬ÁîÈ«ÊÀ½ç¼ûÖ¤ÁËÖйú¾¼ÃÆæ¼£µÄ»Ô»Í£¬ ... ..... ....... ------------------------------------------- ******************************************* | |
120210-0937 |
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120110-2127 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]2010?N8Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]2010Äê8ÔÂ6ÈÕ ... Benton wbti: All its Faculty members and President Dr. Tony T. Lei help ..... From: HINO´óØ?Ü?ÖxÍú?ò[mailto:joe.h2330@msa.hinet.net] Sent: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - CachedWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]From: HINO´óØ?Ü?ÖxÍú?ò[mailto:joe.h2330@msa.hinet.net] ..... The Summer 2003 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120110-2107 |
Flag this message FW: ×£¸£´ó¼Ò^^Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:15 PM From: "cykung" [cykung@dragon.nchu.edu.tw]View contact detailsTo: "'Tony Lei'" [tojulei@yahoo.com], "'À×´ó·ò'" , "'Joanna Kung'" [kungjoan@gmail.com], "'Prof. S.Y. Kung'" [kung@Princeton.EDU], skung@pacbell.net, "'Hung-Yin Kung'" ... more From: HINO´ó؛܇ ÖxÍú˜ò [mailto:joe.h2330@msa.hinet.net] Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 6:03 AM To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@msr34.hinet.net; Subject: ×£¸£´ó¼Ò^^ Dear Boss ÓHÛµÄÀÏ難º I'm resigning effective immediately! ÎÒ¬FÔÚÁ¢¼´Þoš! The reason for my resignation is that I cleaned my garage this morning before coming to work and realized I don't feel like working anymore. ÞošµÄÔÒòÊǽñÔçÎÒÔÚÉÏ°àÇ°ÕûÀí܇Žì•r²Å°l¬F£¬ÎÒÓXµÃÎÒ²»ÏëÔÙÉÏ°àÁË¡£ See for yourself....... Õˆ¿´.......... A blessing is coming to you in the form of a new job, a house, marriage or financial break through.. Äã•þµÃµ½Ò»‚€ºÃµÄ×£¸££¬Ò²ÔSÊÇÒ»‚€ÐµĹ¤×÷¡¢Ò²ÔSÊÇÒ»‚€·¿×Ó¡¢»éÒö¡¢»ò¶Éß^Ø”„ÕÉϵÄÀ§¾³¡£ Don't ask questions just forward . „e†–žéʲüN£¬ÞD¼Ä¾ÍÊÇÁË¡£ Money Angel ½ðåXÌìʹ This is a money angel ß@ÊÇһλ½ðåXÌìʹ Pass it to 6 of your good friends, or family and be rich in 4 Days. ÞD¼Ä½o 6 ‚€ºÃÅóÓÑ»ò¼ÒÈË£¬4 Ììºó׃ÓÐåX¡£ (ÕæµÄ†á???) Pass it to 12 of your good friends. or family and be rich in 2 Days. ÞD¼Ä½o 12 ‚€ºÃÅóÓÑ»ò¼ÒÈË£¬2 Ììºó׃ÓÐåX¡£ (Ì«ÉñÆæÁË!!!) ¹þ ¹þ !!!!!! I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall. Îҿɲ»ÊÇÔÚé_ÍæЦ¡£Äã•þµÃµ½Ò»·ÝÒâÏë²»µ½µÄÊÕ·‚¡£ (µ«îŠÈç´Ë) -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120110-1757 |
10 results (0.25 seconds) Search ResultsWBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Numerious visitors were crowing to here, yet Tunghai University had brought good conference and reunion news for Chinese American academic and educaton ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01325001051063401400197432&PG=013250010510634014004... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Business and Mangement, Tunghai University Alumni Association, and WBTI that . ... 1959 Classmates: ªŸ2007”N10ŒŽ15“ú‰ºŒß6 ŽžTunghai 1959 Class Reunion Ý. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932693770... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Business and Mangement, Tunghai University Alumni Association, and WBTI that . . .... Hsiao, S. W. 'Fw: 2009 Tunghai Univ. Class Reunion ÉêÊöµÚÒ»ŒÃ1959 Class ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120110-1647 |
10 results (0.25 seconds) Search ResultsWBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Numerious visitors were crowing to here, yet Tunghai University had brought good conference and reunion news for Chinese American academic and educaton ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01325001051063401400197432&PG=013250010510634014004... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Business and Mangement, Tunghai University Alumni Association, and WBTI that . ... 1959 Classmates: ªŸ2007”N10ŒŽ15“ú‰ºŒß6 ŽžTunghai 1959 Class Reunion Ý. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932693770... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Business and Mangement, Tunghai University Alumni Association, and WBTI that . . .... Hsiao, S. W. 'Fw: 2009 Tunghai Univ. Class Reunion ÉêÊöµÚÒ»ŒÃ1959 Class ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - CachedWashington Business and Technology Institute -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120110-1557 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page Welcome to WBTI Website! ... Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State .... Katherine Lei's corporation ~{!$~} The US-China Economic and Cultural Assoc ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - Cached - Similar-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
120110-1117 |
This is a report of changes made at web sites you participate in within Communitylink.- Changes at WASHINGTON BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE - There are 136 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Monday November 1. Visit Washington Business and Technology Institute at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945 The new or changed Postings are: * (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 113010-2201 1st ed. 2nd printing (posted Wednesday December 1st at 1:04 AM) new http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01719001051270513261019392 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
113010-2201 1st ed. 2nd printing |
Our Board of Directors: Dr. Tony T. Lei Robert Bettinger, Esq. Yi Li Judy Lei Frank GuoYour consideration is greatly appreciated! Sincerely yours, Dr. Tony T. Lei tojulei@yahoo.com Chairman and Yi Li yili@grandinfinity.com Secretary General U.S.-China Economic and Cultural Association Vision ... ..... ....... [110704-1267] *****This is a draft for final editing. The completed article will be post in the morning on or before November 8, 2004. The hit winner of visitor number at Eighty thousand eight hundred and eighty eighth (#88,888th) of WBTI website was Yi Li By Cheryl Moss and Tiffany Chang ***** Without friends no one would choose to live, though he (or she) had all other goods. ---Arostotle ***** Your wealth is where your friends are. ---Plautus ***** Today a man discovered gold and fame, Another flew the stormy seas; Another set an unarmed world aflame, One found the germ of a dease. But what high fates my path attend: For I---today---I found a friend. ---Helen Barker Parker Through the telephone conversation from Miss Yi Li, WBTI was acknowledged that she was the hit winner of visitor number at Eighty thousandth eight hundred and eighty eighth (#88,888th) of WBTI website. She was excited with the result at about 9:17 in the morning on November 7, 2004.. "I'm favorably impressed by the knowlegeable and educational contents of the section 'Business & Administration'. The creative design with colorful paintings and the many postive quatations in several sections have attracted my best interesting," said Yi Li. ------------------------------------------ Booby G. Gronauer is the hit winner of visitor number at Eighty Thousand (#80,000th) of WBTI website By Cheryl Moss and Tiffany Chang Fri, 17 Sep 2004 11:19:43 -0700 Re: You're to be on reviewjournal.com!//RESPONSE - thank you Dr. Lei (Hello Pretty Lady - Judy) To WBTI: Dear Sir, How wondeful! I hit the visitor's winner number Eighty Thousandth (#80,000) of the Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website for Bobby G. Beside its knownledgeable and richful information, the creative design with beautiful and colorful paintings are really impressive. I was also inspired by WBTI's many years of contribution in academic research, community service, and humane spirit. It was my first time to witness the performance of the Thai dancers at the "Appreciation Day 2004" which was supported by WBTI among others - I was so impresssed with the entertaining and enjoyable performance that was done. A special thanks to Dr. Tony Lei for inviting myself and my boss, Bobby G, Las Vegas Township Constable. I look forward to attending the next culture event in which my husband will also be joining me. Sincerely, Marian Replogle, Executive Assistant Las Vegas Township Constable's Office Ms. Marian Replogle is the Executive Assistant of Constable's Office Las Vegas Township. Booby G. Gronauer is the Constable. It is our pleasure to post the following feature article: PPAA18 ***** 2:37 p. m., Saturday, July 17, 2004 #First Edition ***** The popularity, integrity, and professionalism of Las Vegas Constable ROBERT "BOBBY G" GRONAUER By PAI of WBTI............................. [110604-5768] *****This is a draft for final editing. The completed article will be post in the morning on or before November 9, 2004. ***** The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and you can do well, and when you find it, put your whole soul into it---every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have. ---John D. Rockefeller III ***** Dilligence is the mother of good luck, and God give all things to industry. ---Benjamin Grnllin ***** Any Man who has had the job I've had and didn't have a sense of humor wouldn't still be here. ---Harry S. Truman -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
113010-2727 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Katherine Lei's ... Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; ... U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid= 01101010550976144152582945&pg=0176800105128320251367... - CachedWashington Business and Technology Institute - Miss Little Snow's ... Apr 18, 2010 ... U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0172300105127163654983... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Jul 2, 2009 ... U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, .... Supreme Court William Maupin, former District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid= 01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
113010-2037 |
The US-China Economic and Cultural Association (USCECA) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti [100710-2237] About Us The US-China Economic and Cultural Association is a business association (the nation’s leading professional organization) that enhances economic ties and cultural exchange between Nevada United States and China. Established in 2010, USCECA is a non-profit organization, which strives to promote business and educational opportunities between Nevada and China, to showcase the most dynamic regions of Nevada demonstrating the favorable investment climate, to create a forum achieving greater cultural exchange. Membership is open to any person and company. Membership is granted after filling the application form, paying the membership fee, and obtaining the approval from executive Committee. 7 Invitation Letters! From: Yi Li [yili1996@yahoo.com] View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com 7 Files Download All Honorable Brian Sandoval Invitation Letter.docx (72KB); Honorable Dina Titus Invitation Letter.docx (70KB); Honorable Gerri Schroder Invitation Letter.docx (71KB); Honorable Harry Reid Invitation Letter.docx (71KB); Honorable John Ensign Invitation Letter.docx (71KB); Honorable Rory Reid Invitation Letter.docx (72KB); Honorable Shelley Berkley Invitation Letter.docx (71KB) Dear Dr. Lei, Attached please see 7 invitation letters. I was ONLY able to find Rory Reid's official email address and a general website email address of Brian Sandoval. I will call Gerri Schroder office to see if they will give out her email tomorrow. Congresswomen and senators have forms online to submit letters, please see below links. Shelley Berkley http://berkley.house.gov/ contact/email-me.shtml Congresswoman Dina Titus https://forms.house.gov/titus/ contact-form.shtml Congresswoman Harry Reid http://reid.senate.gov/ contact/index.cfm Senator John Ensign http://ensign.senate.gov/ public/index.cfm?FuseAction= Contact.ContactForm Senator Brian Sandoval info@briansandoval.com Nevada Former Attorney General Thank you! Yi -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** Goals ?Create partnerships leading to mutual cultural understanding among the people of both countries. ?Develop business relationships, which lead to better business opportunities. ?Encourage bi-lateral growth in both countries in the areas of education, arts, commerce, logistics, and high-tech manufacturing. ?Create opportunities for the financial institutions and work with government and financial agencies to develop the framework that guarantees global economic stability for both its Chinese and American partners. ?Establish intercultural opportunities for American and Chinese students to learn from each other in result of we will have harmony between our peoples. Association Structure Governing Structure USCECA is governed by an elected board of directors, which includes the Executive Committee comprised of the Chairman of the Board, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Advisory Board USCECA also has a Board of Trustees/Corporate Advisory Board, who is executives of prestigious corporate and political figures from China and the U.S. serving in an advisory capacity to the governing Board of Directors Members are the main body of USCECA. They represent a diverse cross section of businesses and industries such as attorneys, architectural and real estate developers, banks, educational institutions, entertainment, financial service providers, food & beverage companies, healthcare providers, food & beverage companies, healthcare providers, industrial, investment firms, hi-tech development, importers/exporters, international distributors, retailers, manufacturers, media, non-profit organizations, other Chambers of Commerce, governmental agencies, and so on. Membership Types of Memberships There are different levels of memberships at USCECA. ?Organizational Membership ?Corporate Membership ?Personal Membership Membership Benefits All members ?Access to current business events through USCECA website links to news organizations and government agencies. ?Opportunity to submit company products or services announcements to USCECA online newsletter for maximum exposure. ?Individual and corporate exposure through membership directories when published by USCECA. ?Networking opportunities with corporations, community business organizations and government agencies. ?Opportunity to participate in USCECA organized business delegations to China and U.S. ?Invitation to USCECA sponsored seminars, conference and trade shows, etc. ?Opportunity to sponsor USCECA events. ?Entitle to a discounted rate for activities or events hosted by USCECA. Get Involved Play an active role in advocating for US China bilateral economic issues and helping build consumer awareness: ?Serve on a USCECA committee to shape the future of business and economic relations. ?Participate in legislative outreach efforts and stay up to date with federal and local government export & import initiatives. ?Attend USCECA advocacy training sessions. Build Relationships Network with other members, gain knowledge about overseas markets, and contribute expertise to the USCECA community: ?Participate in a Member Circle, member-driven exchanges of ideas, resources and information. ?Attend USCECA Member Day, a free event for new members. ?Join the Member to Member (M2M) Exchange, an online discussion forum. ?Make industry-wide contacts beyond your business area. Get Noticed Membership sets your organization apart. Identify as a USCECA member: ?Distinguish your company in the marketplace by using the USCECA member logo on your Web site and in your company’s marketing materials. ?List your company in USCECA’s exclusive online Member Directory Don’t miss all these great perks. Join now or send your inquiry to membership@usceca.org for more information about membership and benefits. ... ..... ....... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
113010-2159 1st ed. 2nd printing. |
[081006-3787] EQ for business success GSBPA of WBTI***** "Management is nothing more tnan moivating other people." --- Lee Iacocca In the initiative period of the business administration program at the National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan, "Human Relations" had been an important course of the curriculums of its Department and Graduate School of Business Administration. "It is important for a manager to own the philosophy of management of 'The reaching of peak management achievement through successful work performance both on good production and human relations,'" pointed out Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei in his text book entitled "Modern Business Management" *1 in 1973. Dr. Tony Lei taught a three units course "Human Relations" at the Graduate School. The current popularlity of the "EQ for success" has been a critical emphasis and development of the importance of human relations in business. We are pleased to quote the following feature article*2: ----------------------------------- Increase Your Potential and EQ for Success By Natalie Tyrrell*3 and Tiffany Chang "It's been said there are three kinds of people: (1) Those who watch things happen. (2) Those who make things happen. (3) Those who wonder what happened? Don't be part of the third catergory of clueless people who wonder around aimlessly. It is not enough to breathe a sigh and figure that your learning days areover. Here you are in this world, this world that is undeniable the way it is. You can do nothing to change what happended in the past, yet you can do everything to vastly improve what lies in the future. You have the ability to build, to create, to improve yourself and your future. You can MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Remember you have immense potential. Your future is vast and awesome. If you keep learning and improving, your destiny will bring you long term happiness, enrichment, success, love and much more. As the martial art student realized, his reward of the black belt represented the beginning - the start of a never-ending journey of discipline, work and the pursuit of an ever-higher standard. 'What is the true meaning of the diploma you are about to receive?' This is your Commencement Day. And it is only fitting to say to you, as we salute you for your accomplishment, that, truly, this is only the beginning," delivered the Commencement Speech at SMHS 2002 recently by Becky Ung, President of the School Board for San Marino Unified School District, California. Becky is a national and international famous Speaker in California, United States; Taipei, Taiwan; and Beijing, Shanghai, Amoy, China. She has published a numerious Vidio Tapes, feature articles, and books. Her recent famous book named "What you Wish is What you Get" was published by Songan Publishing Inc. in 2001 at Taipei, Taiwan. The next one of hers, "E. Q. Unlimited," will be published by Franklin Publications at Taipei in the fall of 2002. She is an expert of E. Q. (Emotional Intelligence). Becky has been honored as an Assistant Fellow of the Culture Institution (CI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*4 "I am delighted by this honor. Thank you for the appointment. I think this is the biggest title that I have ever held!" Becky sent an e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei, President of WBTI, on May 19, 2002. "Besides what I'm already doing in my teaching goal, I'd like to continue to introduce and integrate the best of American culture and social into Chinese churches and families to help them in the assimilation process. People have to pursue, accept, and embrace all kinds of opportunities and challenges that lives have to offer. I encourage them to utilize their potential to the fullest extent. I believe awareness is a pre-requisite to a happy and successful life. I'll do my best to serve the Lord and follow His will. I'll also devote my time, talents, and resources to help others and make a difference in their lives," she spoke to the public. "As an Assistant Fellow of the Culture Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute, it's my precious opportunity to realize my potential of entrepreneuship to work with all these outstanding faculty members of WBTI under the encouragement and spiritual leadeship of Elaine Chao who has been honored as the Chairperson of this Institute," said Becky Ung.*5 -------------------------------------- References *1. Lei, Tung-tien. "Modern Business Management," (1973), Taipei, Taiwan: Darling Co. *2. Tyrrell, Natalie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Increase your potential and EQ for success,' "Nevada Examiner," (2002), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *3. Google. Natalie Tyrrell is a North Las Vegas Judge of the Clark County Justice Court. 'A profile of Natalie Tyrrell,' "A search of 'Natalie Tyrrell esq' on the Google.cn," (August 9, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *4. Tyrrell and Chang. Ibid. *5. Ibid | |
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and .... Washington Business and Technology Institute's (WBTI's) website has been . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932693770... - Cached-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
113010-1607 1st ed. 2nd printing. |
[051006-1578]Meet Srewart Bell, Honorary Chairman of CCDAPCC By Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Valorie Vega, and Tiffany Chang The following report entitled "JUDGING THE JUDGES: Four judges top 90 percent retention ratings ---Bell, Earl, Herndon, Wall lead pack in biennial survey" was written by JOAN WHITELY. It was published by LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL on April 30, 2006: "Overlooking the foyer of the new Regional Justice Center are District Court Judges Stewart Bell, from left, David Wall, Allan Earl and Douglas Herndon. Each earned retention ratings of 90 percent or better. On a 2006 report card for judges in District Court's criminal and civil divisions, a quartet of judges emerged with top scores. Judges Stewart Bell, Allan Earl, Douglas Herndon and David Wall each earned retention ratings of 90 percent or better. ....." *1 On September 23, 2002, District Attorney Stewart Bell wrote President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei that "Dear Dr. Lei, I am honor and prviledged to accept your appointment as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of the Clark County Distrct Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of the Washington Business and Technology Institute. I look forward to meeting on October 7th." *2 [The two original letters that signed by Stewart from his Office were shown on the Section of "Photos & Pictures" at May 1, 2006.] Judge Stewart Bell was elected to the Department 7 bench in November 2002 and was sworn in as a District Court Judge in January 2003. Prior to becoming a judge, he served as Clark County District Attorney from 1995 to 2002. As District Attorney, Judge Bell was responsible for managing a staff of nearly 700 people and supervised the prosecution of nearly 700,000 felonies, misdemeanors and juvenile matters. He also administered his own law firm in Las Vegas from 1973 to 1994, specializing in criminal, business and domestic law. From 1971 to 1972 he served as a Clark County Public Defender. He also served as a legal assistant to District Court Judge Howard W. Babcock from 1970 to 1971.*3 Judge Bell earned a bachelors of science degree in accounting and economics from University of Nevada ?Las Vegas in 1967. He earned his juris doctorate in 1970, graduating in the top 15 percent of his class, from the University of California ?Los Angeles Law School. Known for his acute analytical skills, Judge Bell was the Nevada State High School Mathematics Champion in 1963 and was named to the Phi Kappa Phi National Collegiate Academic Honor Society when he attended UNLV. Judge Bell served as president of the Clark County Bar Association in 1980 and as president of the State Bar of Nevada from 1991 to 1992. He has been a member of the State Bar since 1971. He was named as an Outstanding Member of the Clark County Bar Association in 1993. Judge Bell has received the highest possible rating, "AV," by Martindale-Hubbell. His prior judicial experience includes serving as an Alternate Municipal Judge, a Coroner’s Inquest Hearing Officer and as a Clark County Juvenile Court Referee. A graduate of Leadership Las Vegas, Judge Bell has served as a volunteer and leader for many local charities and programs. He was named to Who’s Who in America, Men of Achievement, in 1980. He is married to Jeanne D. Bell and the couple has four children, Linda, Kristin, Stephen and Greg, and one grandchild, Kyle. Judge Bell has served as a manager and coach for the Spring Valley Little League and in 1993 he managed the Little League Championship Team. He has been a resident of Nevada since 1954.*4 "Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) is the only one practical organization formed since the establishment of the Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF) in September 28, 2001 by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). The Executive Director of PPAAF Bud Cranor appointed Brian Sandoval Honorary Chairman, David Roger and Bill Young Chairmen of CCDAPCC on January 2, 2003," Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, announced on January 3, 2003.*5 "We look forward a team work with both scientific management and human relations to promote the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada through the effective communication and cooperation between the officials of the District Attorney and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the people of Nevada," said Bud Cranor for the New Year Eve Party Conference to "Nevada Examiner" and Communitylink of "Las Vegas Review-Journal" website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti). Bud Cranor was Director of Las Vegas Office of Governor Kenny Guinn, and Executive Director of the PPAAF of WBTI. The Conference was held by WBTI at the Steak House of the Binion's Horseshoe Club on December 30, 2002 in Las Vegas. The Theme of the Mini Conference was: Promoting A Good Community Life Through Mutual Cooperation. Bud was the Chairman of the conference. At the present time, the organization of the Commission is: Honorary Chairmen A. William "Bill" Maupin, former Chief Justice and now Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court; Brian Sandoval, Nevada State Attorney General (now U. S. District Court Judge); Stewart Bell, former Clark County District Attorney and now District Judge; Chairmen David Roger, Clark County District Attorney; and Bill Young, Sheriff of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD); Vice Chairmen Robert (Bobby G.) Gronauer, Constable of Las Vegas Township; and Herb Brown, Constable of North Las Vegas Township; Honorary President Lorraine Hunt, Lieutenant Governor of Nevada; President Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of WBTI; Vice President Kathy Augustine, State Controller of Nevada; Assistant President Yi Li, Marketing Manager of FiberTel Inc; (now also Assistant President Yin Yan, Vice President of Yutai International, LLC); Secretary General Cheryl Moss, District Judge of Family Court; Senior Advisor Stewart Bell, Nevada District Judge; Founding Advisor Mike Davidson, Former Clark County Assistant District Attorney; Culture Advisor Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Associate Professor of UNLV; Promoting Advisors Rennie Schreiber, Chief of Staff of the Office of Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt; Chermaine Gord, Secretary of Chief Justice Bill Maupin; Judy Hetherington, Chief Staff of the L.V. Office of Controller Kathy Augustine; Kathy Karstedt, Secretary of Clark County District Attorney David Roger; Susan Sullivent, Secretary of Sheriff of LVMPD Bill Young; Media Advisor William Yuen, Vice President of "Next Weekly"; Financial Advisor Teresa Woo, Editor-in-Chief of "Next Weekly"; Coordinating Advisor Raymond Lam, President of Las Vegas Cantonese Association; Functional Advisor Patty Blakeman, Secretary for Mike Davidson; Entrepreneurship Advisor Oscar Jornacion, President and Publisher of "Nevada Examiner"; Writing Advisor Jerry Tao, Deputy District Attorney of Clark County; and Secretary Agnas Chan, President of United Business Source Inc. "I'm a living example of the American Dream. Today, I'm privileged to serve the people of greater Las Vegas as a Deputy District Attorney, where I prosecute criminal cases ranging from murder and drug dealing to arson, sexual assault and robbery. Every day, I work to make our neightborhoods a little safer and more livable," wrote Jerry Tao on one his fliers.*6 "It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC," said District Attorney Stewart Bell at the Dinner Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Las Vegas Review-Journal". "The significance of the creed of a County deserves to encourage administrative professionals to emphasize the value of the truth, goodness, and beauty in order to maintain it as a place of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's my honor to join the Commission." The Dinner Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Bell as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 7, 2002. The above list of leaders and officers of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) was announced and installed by Judge Mark Denton, District Judge of Nevada, at the Event and Dinner Party held by WBTI at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club on December 8, 2003 in Las Vegas.*7 "It's very impressive and elegant! I recognizes what John Keats said about 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever,' by beeing the vistor's number at #45,281 (now at #103,366 on April 30, 2006) of the WBTI website. It is brought to you by the Communitylink of 'Las Vegas Review-Journal' and Reviewjournal.com," said Judge Valorie Vaga, District Judge of Nevada, on March 5, 2004 in Las Vegas. "I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum, where Governor Kenny Guinn is Chairman and Bud Cranor is Executive Director. We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadan residents and visitors," said Nevada Attorney General Brian Sandoval (now U. S. District Court Judge) on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community. --------------------------------------------- References *1. Whitely, Joan. 'JUDGING THE JUDGES: Four judges top 90 percent retention ratings,' "A search of 'JUDGING THE JUDGES' on the Reviewjournal.com," (April 30, 2006), Las Vegas: LVRJ. *2. Bell, Stewart. 'A profile of WBTI,' "A search of District Attorney Stewart Bell' on the Google.cn," (April 30, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *3. Clark County's Eighth Judicial District Court. "A profile of Stewart Bell,' "A search of 'District Judge Stewart Bell' on the Google.cn," Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *4. Ibid. *9. Cranor, Bud; Moss, Cheryl; Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutural cooperation between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Nevada Examiner," (2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *10. Tao, Jerry. 'I'd like to continue to serve our community,' "My flier for the community of Clark County," (June 11, 2004), Las Vega, Nevada. *7. Bell, Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Las Vegas nicer with community service through cultural arts,' "10 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (September 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Thai Cultural Arts of Las Vegas. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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Flag this messageFw: Jokes Tuesday, November 30, 2010 8:50 AMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Lillian Y.S. Tsai" [lei_tsai@yahoo.com]View contact detailsTo: undisclosed-recipients Message contains attachments1 File (261KB) Please turn on speaker and enjoy Life is good because you can do what you like and love what you do ----------------------- Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Nov 24, 2010... JCUAALV, Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, Mrs. Lillian Tsai, .... Miss Judy Wang PPAA Forum Winning LVRJ/wbti. Search Results ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Nov 24, 2010... Dr. Jasmine Brooks, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Tiffany, Miss Yip Fong, Michelle, .... PPAA Forum Winning lvrj/wbti" ?L1?rq???ÊC??¥?æ1??1??ß ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244][245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266][267][268][269][270][271][272][273][274][275][276][277][278][279][280][281][282][283][284][285][286][287][288][289][290][291][292][293][294][295][296][297][298][299][300][301][302][303][304][305][306][307][308][309][310][311][312][313][314][315][316][317][318][319][320][321][322][323][324][325][326][327][328][329][330][331][332][333][334][335][336][337][338][339][340][341][342][343][344][345][346][347][348][349][350][351][352][353][354][355][356][357][358][359][360][361][362][363][364][365][366][367][368][369][370][371][372][373][374][375][376][377][378][379][380][381][382][383][384][385][386][387][388][389][390][391][392][393][394][395] 396 [397][398][399][400][401][402][403][404][405][406][407][408][409][410][411][412][413][414][415][416][417][418][419][420][421][422][423][424][425][426][427][428][429][430][431][432][433][434][435][436][437][438][439][440][441][442][443][444][445][446][447][448][449][450][451][452][453][454][455][456][457][458][459][460][461][462][463][464][465][466][467][468][469][470][471][472][473][474][475][476][477][478][479][480][481][482][483][484][485][486][487][488][489][490][491][492][493][494][495][496][497][498][499][500][501][502][503][504][505][506][507][508][509][510][511][512] | |