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<<< Just a selected of few respondances of the pouring in information. Very sorry, this feature article is going to be continued ... Please do not fwd, copy, or print yet. Thank you very much! >>>
I. Hapyy New Year Eve!!!



Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of
Abraham Lincoln
Best Wishes,
Shelley Berkley
United States House of Representatives *2

***** "....... ." ---??? *1002



Clintons, revelers ring in 2009 in Times Square


"Hundreds of thousands of revelers rang in 2009 from frigid Times Square as the famous Waterford crystal ball dropped, signaling the end of a historic and troubled year that saw the election of the first black U.S. president and the worst economic crisis in decades," AP and Yahoo! Mail posts this story internationally in ahead of many newspapers.*20 "As the clock struck midnight, a ton of confetti rained down while the partygoers hugged and kissed.Josh Torres and his girlfriend, Sarah Manganello, both 21, screamed and cheered as they watched the ball drop. Manganello had advice for people in the new year: 'Learn from what you've done and move forward.' "

(To be continued ...) ... Former President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Clinton helped Mayor Michael Bloomberg lower the ball atop 1 Times Square for the 60-second countdown to midnight. Last year, Hillary Clinton was in Iowa campaigning for the presidency, and now she's expecting to be secretary of state in President-elect Barack Obama's administration.

... But New York's celebration was still going strong. Five minutes before midnight, 1,000 balloons with the words "Joy," "Hope" and "2009" were released from rooftops in the area. The Waterford crystal ball ~{!*~} 12 feet in diameter and weighing nearly 12,000 pounds ~{!*~} dropped as the crowd erupted in cheers.

... Las Vegas casinos put on a midnight fireworks display and daredevil acts, including a 200-foot jump over the refurbished volcano at The Mirage hotel-casino by Robbie Knievel, son of the late Evel Knievel.

"A spokesman for the biggest player on the Las Vegas Strip, MGM Mirage Inc., said more than 90 percent of rooms were filled, albeit at historically low prices reflective of a down year for tourism and gambling. Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman said the strip would be packed with around about 290,000 people," the Yahoo! Mail continues.*21 " 'Hopefully with Obama in office, he'll provide a big boost for us,' Key said. " 'We as a people also need to realize where we are as a society and what we're about to go through. In the long run, I think we'll move past these tough times.' "


"There are only a few hours left in the year. But it's not too late to qualify for a 2008 tax-deduction if you make your year-end gift by midnight tonight. Will you donate?" wrote Lady Cathy Zoi to 'Global AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.' as the Sun shinning brightly on the Red Rock Mountain in Nevada.*18 "Click here to make your year-end gift and help us start 2009 off with a powerful campaign to Repower America. Here's Al's note again, with all the details. -Cathy."

Dear Tony,

We have a truly important year coming up.

With your help, we will hit the ground running in January. I have the hope and optimism that 2009 will bring the change that we worked so hard for this past year. We can indeed Repower America.

Thank you so much. Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year,

Al Gore


[[[[[[[ Over the years, Reid has cut hundreds of millions of dollars from the Yucca Mountain budget, crippling the project that would make our state the nation's nuclear waste dump. He also secured $340 million to build a veteran's hospital in Las Vegas so Nevada veterans won't have to travel to other states to obtain the quality health care our nation promised them.

On Google!
{{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
I pledge to you, that as the Senate Majority Leader, I will ensure that this bill ... President Dr. Tony Lei: Senator Harry Reid assures us that he will ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 144k - Cached - Similar pages }}} *(7)

These are just a few examples of the results Sen. Reid delivers for Nevada every day.

Sen. Reid is in his position as Senate Majority Leader because of the incredible support Nevadans have given him over the years. Thank you for everything you do to support him and all other Nevada Democrats who are working to secure our economy, improve our health care system and bring a responsible end to the war in Iraq. >>>>> *(8)

Obama, Reid, Berkley wbti: "Change" in America and "reopen" to Taiwan! *(9)

"Leadership is love through integrity! To lead is to serve, to give, and to achieve together. Love with value is based on a real, practical, and genuine spirit concern for others as persons, for their values as they feel them, for their development and growth. A successful leader is consistently follwed by others. People follow because they have a belief in the direction, intergrity, and competence of the one leading. A leader's ultimate responsibility is to facilitate other individual's development as well as his (or her) own. Under her inspiration all the way from community through international perspective, it's our pleasure to participate, promote, and inspire the endeavor of individuals, programs, and projects that can enrich the lives of many people and communities," pointed out U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior Advisor Dr. Tony T. Lei early in the morning on June 1, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*(10) "Ingenuity, integrity, and hard work call, ultimately, for a bright direction leading us to the fortunate spring on a journey in the Desert," said Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Senior Advisor to U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. >>> *(10) ]]]]]]] *10

<<< Quality, integrity, and improvement are critical for the searching business in IT and WBTI's development and prosperity. Their missions sounds to people as one ingredient and ingenuity of the integration in Information Technology! Enriching our community service process were made possible by those friends who joined and supported this academic institute with enthusiasm. WBTI is really a chain of dedicated individuals who endeavor to research, serve, support, and to give. We take great pride of our people, including our outstanding faculty members. They are some of the best in the world with vision and commitment to public service and community involvement at an adjunct capacity. We're sincere servers to assist obligatory with very limited ability the improvement for the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada, California, Texas, and New York. Dr. Dina Titus pointed out one of our previous weeknesses, 'We searched for Services, Knowledge, and Wisdom without searching and asking for money.' We'll go ahead one step from the period of 'Forums' to an advanced period of 'Change with Improvement' on our Journey to Accomplishment. We'll listen to and imitate (Imitation is also a kind of innovation. Japan did try it. Japan made its miracle of 'Japan is the First!' partly on these study, learning, and finding.) from Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber's creative project ('Philanhtropist') in the GSEP of Pepperdine University to honor our coming participants with a title of 'Philanhtropist of the Millennium'. Again, we emphasize the importance of quality instead of the quantity (numbers)," Dean Dr. William N. Thompson and President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI expresse their appreciations sincerely. >>> *11
Hit "Chinese Simplified (HZ)" through the "View" please!
<<< The following was an update article published previously by the Chinese multimedia:

U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley honored with the establishment of Litrature and Acdemic Forum

  內 華 達 州 美 國 國 會 ? 議 員 柏 克 萊 (U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley) , 二 月 八 日 (2001) ? 「 拉 斯 維 加 斯 評 ? 報 」 (Las Vegas Review-Journal) 披 露 榮 選 為 美 國 國 會 國 際 關 係 委 員 會 委 員 , 她 說 : 「 作 為 本 會 一 位 委 員 , 使 我 獲 得 了 特 殊 ? ? 的 條 件 , 以 便 開 展 我 ? 的 ? 濟 與 貿 易 , 對 於 移 民 、 ? 太 ? 貿 、 國 際 企 業 等 , 都 是 我 最 為 ? 調 努 力 的 要 務 。 」 她 在 去 年 (2004) 十 一 月 大 選 獲 勝 連 任 國 會 代 表 , 敦 聘 雷 動 天 博 士 連 任 資 深 ? ? (Senior Advisor), 政 ? 斐 然 , ? 譽 日 隆 。 柏 克 萊 擁 有 聖 地 ? 哥 大 學 法 學 院 法 學 博 士 學 位 , 曾 任 「 內 州 大 」 校 董 與 州 參 議 員 , 獻 身 教 育 發 展 , 努 力 完 善 立 法 。 ?人 雍 容 華 貴 , 親 和 善 良 , 擔 任 華 盛 頓 工 商 技 術 研 究 院 (「 華 研 院 」) [Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)] 執 行 ? ?, 愛 護 ? 裔 華 人 , 激 勵 學 術 的 工 作 表 現 , 常 使 同 仁 如 沐 ?風 , 和 樂 相 ? 。 「 華 研 ?」 為 此 特 設 「 文 ? 學 術 ? 壇 」 (Litrature and Acdemic Forum) [at the Section of "Social & Community"]
, 以 為 誌 慶 , 在 其 邀 ? 函 中 , ? 院 表 示 :

  「 拉 斯 維 加 斯 評 ? 報 」 為 服 務 社 會 公 益 , ? 助 供 應 華 盛 頓 工 商 技 術 研 究 院 , 設 立 網 址 http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
鼓 勵 臺 胞 本 土 與 華 人 國 際 以 中 文 發 揚 文 ? 學 術 , 奉 為 ? 壇 , 倡 導 文 ? 真 諦 , 人 生 意 義 , 以 文 會 友 與 社 會 服 務 , 以 提 升 我 臺 灣 本 土 意 識 與 中 華 國 際 地 位 , 相 近 和 樂 融 洽 , 源 遠 血 濃 於 水 , 略 盡 我 ? 讀 書 人 「 拔 一 毛 」 ( 勞 力 與 知 識 ) 以 利 天 下 之 愚 誠 , 懇 ? 我 ? 內 華 達 州 華 人 學 術 ? 誼 會 與 華 盛 頓 工 商 技 術 研 究 院 之 友 , 盡 善 利 用 此 一 自 由 而 招 待 的 ? 子 報 , 舉 凡 新 書 推 介 、 書 評 、 散 文 小 品 、 時 ? 、 圖 文 照 片 、 喜 慶 等 都 很 歡 迎 , ? 大 家 注 意 ? 子 報 它 的 特 質 , 因 此 譬 如 說 貴 文 進 而 以 鮮 ? 的 圖 片 與 插 ? 配 入 者 , 可 謂 上 品 。 ? 報 為 美 國 內 華 達 州 英 文 著 名 的 第 一 大 報 , 已 ? 助 ? 院 在 此 同 一 網 址 , 設 立 英 文 的 「 公 共 行 政 與 法 學 ? 壇 」 (PAJF) 與 "Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum" (PPAAF) [at the Section of "Business & Administration"] , 資 ? 精 闢 新 速 , 襯 托 彩 色 圖 片 , 美 工 精 緻 , ? 地 政 學 企 業 各 界 領 導 人 士 , ? 相 參 與 , 業 已 開 啟 了 他 ? 供 報 喜 ? 與 ? 誼 交 往 的 坦 途 , 希 望 我 ? 中 文 的 「 文 ? 學 術 ? 壇 」 , 能 與 其 共 為 姐 妹 ? 壇 , 並 蒂 花 開 , 結 為 連 理 。 有 興 趣 供 稿 者 , ? 將 圖 文 制 作 成 歐 美 公 文 影 印 ? 大 小 , 以 便 照 相 ? 製 刊 出 , 可 寄 LAF of WBTI, 2245 Homeland St., Las Vegas, NV 89128, USA; or E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com 這 ? 園 地 沒 有 任 何 黨 派 、 族 群 與 營 利 等 色 彩 , 一 切 以 仁 愛 與 慈 善 精 神 為 主 導 。 在 此 開 啟 的 初 期 , 我 ? ? 以 微 薄 的 勞 力 與 智 慧 , ? 由 此 一 著 名 大 報 的 網 站 , 義 務 奉 獻 , 提 供 朋 友 ? 一 ? 自 由 免 費 的 ? 子 報 園 地 , 鼓 勵 學 者 與 作 家 交 友 ? 誼 , 互 報 佳 音 。 >>> *727


U.S. Congresswoman Honorable Shelley Berkley is the First Chairperson of Taiwan Caucus of the U.S. Senate in Washington, DC, U.S.A.
"Once again the First Prize winner Champion Columnist of Nevada John Smith sent his e-mail to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei on August 28, after he was invited by Tony to attend the above Celebrating Event and Dinner Party to pay a tribute to U.S. Senator Harry Reid. It was held by Asian American Community at Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant on August 24, 2001. John stated, "Dear Tony, Thank you. That was a turnout of Sen. Reid. A real statement to the growth of your group." >>> *727a
~{:z=uLN:tSuA=06P-ILU}J==aJx5P6TW4L,~}http://www.sina.com.cn 2008~{Dj~}12~{TB~}31~{HU~}13:05 ~{PB;*Mx~}

~{!!!!~}"~{PB;*Mx11>)~}12~{TB~}31~{HU5g~} ~{VP92VPQkW\Ji|N/VwO/:z=uLN~}31~{HUIONgTZ3VPP/JV44TlC@:CIz;n~}."

***** "....... ." ---??? *737

(To be continued ... Please do not fwd, copy, or print yet. Thank you very much!) ~{K{V83v#,N*SP@{SZA=06P-ILL8EP!"6T1K4KMy@4Ww3v02EE#,A=06?IRT>MTZ9zVJF#,|JB02H+9KBG#,A=06?IRTJJJ1>M>|JBNJLb=xPP=S4%=;Aw#,L=LV=(A">|JB02H+;%PE;zVFNJLb!#~}



....... *13


<<< Just arrives upon the scene! 東海雅敘漫淡人文~鄭培凱教授風趣幽默 胡志強市長珠語連連 to "International LVRJ/WBTI U.S.A." on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 10:47 PM ^^^From: "東海大學 就業輔導暨校友聯絡室" {alumnus@thu.edu.tw} *****東海雅敘漫談人文 鄭培凱教授風趣幽默 胡志強市長珠語連連 >>>

  "東海雅敘第一場在於十一月六日晚上七點開始,假東海書房,敬邀香港城市大學中國文化中心主任鄭培凱教授與談, 鄭教授妙語如珠,暢談新著《樹倒猢猻散之後》與《游於藝:跨文化美食》。在輕鬆詼諧之中,不時留露對中國文化的隱 憂與期許,不僅點出中國文化當前的困境,也讓與會師生領略中國文化的美感。當天討論熱烈超過預定時間,將近晚上十 一點才結束,在程校長風趣幽默的主持之下,鄭教授與在座的師生都暢所欲言,欲罷不能。東海雅敘是由博雅書院協助籌 辦,敬邀全校師生參與," information from Tunghai 就業輔導暨校友聯絡室 (http://www.thu.edu.tw) and Tunghai University Alumni Association arrives LVRJ/WBTI through the CEO of TEFA Bridge I-yu Teng early in this morning on Decembor 31, 2008.*18 "第一場東海雅敘,鄭培凱教授於東海書房,暢談中國文化的美感,以及當前發展的困境。由本校校長成海東博士親自 主持,全程參與,場面輕鬆、詼諧,亦不失嚴肅。 在程校長盛情邀約之下,台中市市長胡志強博士於博雅書院開學典禮時(十一月一日)允諾定將擇期再訪東海,暢談 牛津大學的求學經驗。胡市長謙謙君子,信守承諾,於十二月十九日晚上七點,於茂榜廳開講:牛津大學求學與視野開拓 經驗談。第二次東海雅敘由三圓一同心之東海卓越教學、自動化與企業協同研發中心以及博雅書院聯合舉辦。本次活動博 雅書院書院生自治組織積極參與協助,學習無私的奉獻精神(未來將更積極投入校內外各項社會服務)."

  (To be continued ...)胡市長魅力不可擋,該晚茂榜廳座無虛席,本校師生熱烈與會,踴躍提問。胡市長不僅風趣幽默,亦以與本校師生分享 他在牛津求學的孤獨,勉勵本校學生,必須學會坐功,學習坐得久,得忍受學術上的孤獨,知識自然到來。原本預定晚間八 時結束,在本校師生熱情的提問下,晚了半個小時才結束。結束時本校學生紛紛熱情邀請胡市長合照與簽名,場面熱情與溫馨。


雅敘之後,本校學生與胡市長合影,非常熱情,胡市長 魅力無法擋。


"2008年即將結束,2009年即將開始,在灣區有27年歷史的聖荷西台灣同鄉聯誼會將於新舊年交替之間,舉辦跨年晚會,除了倒數計時「送舊迎新」聯歡晚會外,將有豐富的晚宴、節目表演及摸彩活動," Reporter 記者王慶偉 of World Journal wrote. It has been posted by Worldjournal.com in San Francisco, California.*16 "「時時關心台灣,處處服務鄉親,是聯誼會的宗旨,」聯誼會會長吳睦野26日指出,聯誼會服務所有華人僑界,平時以不同的生活教育講座、親子活動、卡拉Ok比賽,以及節日活動聯誼僑界,過年時更有跨年及新春聯誼."

***** "....... ." ---??? *767

(To be continued ...)安排晚會節目的吳毓苹表示,晚會開場將由台聯會理事表演排舞,有特別來賓表演少見的國標舞,以及具有特色的民族舞蹈、清新四重唱。吳毓苹表示,當晚還將有位80多歲的耆英表演瑜伽,以及太極名家李書東率領弟子的功夫表演。



"吳睦野表示,2009年聖荷西台灣同鄉聯誼會除了固ㄅe辦新春團拜活動之外,最重要的是在2009年8月舉辦全美台灣同聯聯誼會年會,到時將有來自全美各地數百位的台聯會代表,以及僑委會委員長吳英毅,在金山灣區參加盛大年會," the Newspaper in Chinese has published this worldwidely through its website at Worldjournal.com.*17 "聖荷西台灣同鄉聯誼會送舊迎新跨年晚會於31日下午6時30分開始進場,文教中心地址:269 Forgewood Ave,Sunnyvale."


II. Obama's leading in action!

Dec 30, 9:40 PM EST
Defiant Ill. governor fills Obama's Senate seat
By DEANNA BELLANDI, Associated Press Writer

"A defiant Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Tuesday named a black political trailblazer to Barack Obama's Senate seat, a surprise move that put the governor's opponents in the uncomfortable position of trying to block his choice from becoming the Senate's only black member. Blagojevich's appointment of former state Attorney General Roland Burris injected race into the drama surrounding the embattled governor, who repeatedly sought to distance his selection from charges that he tried to sell the seat to the highest bidder." *3 "Please don't allow the allegations against me to taint a good and honest man," the governor said, turning to the smiling 71-year-old standing by his side."

"This is about Roland Burris as a U.S. senator, not about the governor who made the appointment."

Burris was the first African-American elected to major statewide office in Illinois, serving as comptroller and running for governor three times - the last time losing to Blagojevich.

He said he has no connection to the charges against Blagojevich, who was arrested earlier this month.

Even before the announcement, which was leaked several hours before, the governor's move ran into opposition.

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, who must certify the appointment, said Tuesday he will not do so. And Senate leaders reiterated that they would not accept anyone appointed by Blagojevich.

In a statement Tuesday, Senate Democrats maintained that Blagojevich should not make the appointment because doing so would be unfair to Burris and to the people of Illinois.

"It is truly regrettable that despite requests from all 50 Democratic senators and public officials throughout Illinois, Gov. Blagojevich would take the imprudent step of appointing someone to the United States Senate who would serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety," the statement said.

"Under these circumstances, anyone appointed by Gov. Blagojevich cannot be an effective representative of the people of Illinois and, as we have said, will not be seated by the Democratic caucus."

Obama struck the same tone.

"Roland Burris is a good man and a fine public servant, but the Senate Democrats made it clear weeks ago that they cannot accept an appointment made by a governor who is accused of selling this very Senate seat. I agree with their decision," the president-elect said in a statement.

Senate leaders, who were scattered for the holidays, immediately convened a conference call. Some involved in the call were wary of being seen as denying a black man a seat in a chamber where, with Obama's departure, there are no blacks, according to two officials knowledgeable about the talks who requested anonymity in order to speak freely.

"We say this without prejudice toward Roland Burris' ability, and we respect his years of public service," the leaders wrote. But the issue is not about Burris, they said. "It is about the integrity of a governor accused of attempting to sell this United States Senate seat."

Rep. Bobby Rush, an Illinois Democrat who was invited to speak at Blagojevich's news conference, urged Senate leaders not to block Burris. In fact, he almost dared them to try to stop Burris' appointment.

"There is no rhyme or reason why he should not be seated in the U.S. Senate," Rush said. "I don't think any U.S. senator ... wants to go on record to deny one African-American from being seated in the U.S. Senate."

He told reporters that Senate Democrats should not "hang and lynch the appointee as you try to castigate the appointer."

Blagojevich was arrested Dec. 9 after federal prosecutors allegedly recorded conversations in which he discussed appointing someone Obama favored in exchange for a position in the new president's Cabinet or naming someone favored by a union if he got a high-level union job.

The governor has faced a flood of calls for his resignation, and the Illinois House has begun impeachment proceedings. He maintains his innocence, and has vowed to stay in office.

Blagojevich's own lawyer said recently that there would be no point in the governor naming someone to the Senate because leaders there would reject his appointment.

Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn said Blagojevich's decision to appoint Burris is an "insult to the people of Illinois."

"We believe in clean government, and Rod Blagojevich has unclean hands," Quinn said.

Republican House Minority Leader Tom Cross compared Blagojevich to "a rabid dog in a corner who's just going to lash out."

Democratic state Rep. Monique Davis of Chicago, a member of the impeachment committee, said Burris' appointment will have no bearing on its decision.

"Anybody that wants to put the race card in there, they're playing with the wrong group of people. We're not going to operate that way, we're not going to deliberate that way, we're not going to say, 'Oh, look what a good thing he's done.' We're not going to do it," Davis said.

Illinois law gives the governor sole power to fill a Senate vacancy. Lawmakers considered stripping Blagojevich of that power after his arrest but could not agree on legislation - a fact the governor, who had said he would support a bill calling for a special election, pointed out Tuesday.

He reportedly offered the seat to at least one other person.

"U.S. Rep. Danny Davis told The Associated Press Tuesday that he met with an emissary of the governor twice last week. After thinking the proposal over, Davis said he turned the seat down on Sunday." reported. "I thought the environment had been poisoned," said Davis, who is black. "The environment was just a bit too murky, and it was not the kind of environment I would want to go into the Senate with."

Burris served as Illinois' comptroller from 1979 to 1991 and as the state's attorney general from 1991 to 1995. He also served as vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee from 1985 to 1989.".. posted the reporter. *3a "More recently, however, Burris has had a string of political disappointments. He lost campaigns for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in 1994, 1998 and 2002 - the last time losing to Blagojevich. In 1995, he was badly beaten when challenging Chicago Mayor Richard Daley. Burris has been a consistent donor to Blagojevich in recent years. He donated $1,000 to the Friends of Blagojevich fund in both 2004 and 2005, $1,500 in 2007 and $1,000 in June 2008, according to Illinois campaign finance data."


[Associated Press writers Christopher Wills and John O'Connor in Springfield, Ill., Michael Tarm in Chicago and Anne Flaherty, Laurie Kellman and Matt Apuzzo in Washington contributed to this report.]

"Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich created a new distraction for his state by making an appointment to the U.S. Senate even while he faces federal corruption charges for, in part, allegedly trying to sell the very seat he now is trying to fill," Associate Press Writer Deanna Bellindi reports early in the morning on December 31, 2008. It is posted on its international website at www.AP.*15 "Blagojevich tapped former state attorney general Roland Burris for the seat being vacated by President-elect Barack Obama, thrusting the 71-year-old political veteran back in the spotlight and immediately in a corner."

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"The Illinois secretary of state said he won't certify the appointment of Burris, the lieutenant governor called the selection an insult, Senate Democrats won't seat him and even the president-elect was cold to the nomination," the website of Associated Press continues.*15 ' "We believe in clean government, and Rod Blagojevich has unclean hands," said Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn, who called Blagojevich's actions an "insult to the people of Illinois." '

<<< Obama: Blagojevich appointee shouldn't be seated

Reuters WASHINGTON - President-elect Barack Obama says he supports the decision by Senate Democrats to deny his vacated Senate seat to an appointee of embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. On Tuesday, Blagojevich appointed former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris. He would be the nation's only black senator.

Democratic leaders in the Senate are rejecting the appointment, arguing that because of accusations that Blagojevich tried to sell the seat to the highest bidder, any appointment by him would be tainted.

In a statement, Obama called Burris a fine man but said he agreed that the Senate cannot accept an appointment from Blagojevich. Obama repeated his call for Blagojevich to resign and allow the seat to be filled by other means. >>> *4


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