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051309-0943 |
Governor Orders Capitol Flags Flown at Half-Staff to Honor Fallen Metro Police Officer and for National Peace Officers Memorial Day By Office of the Governor (NV), Daniel Burns, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer KungWednesday, May 13, 2009 9:30 AM From: "Office of the Governor" {nvg@GOV.NV.GOV} To: tojulei@yahoo.com ***** Governor Jim Gibbons has ordered flags at the Capitol to be lowered to half-staff on Thursday May 14, 2009 and Friday May 15, 2009. The viewing for Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officer James Manor is scheduled for May 14 in Las Vegas. Officer Manor’s funeral will be held May 15. Officer Manor was killed in the line of duty last week in Las Vegas. May 15 is also National Peace Officers Memorial Day. This day honors federal, state, and local officers killed or disabled in the line of duty. Peace Officers Memorial Day was started in 1963 by proclamation from President John F. Kennedy. Each year, the President of the United States proclaims May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week of each year during which such May 15 occurs as Police Week. (May 13, 2009) ------------------------ | | |
051309-0607 Hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View" please! |
Yahoo!奇摩 友善列印林懷民在德國獲終身成就獎 獎金捐助雲門建築新家 更新日期:2009/05/13 14:32 This information has been posted through the courtesy of Yahoo! 奇摩, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo!, and among others! "林懷民與雲門舞集再度榮耀台灣。 雲門舞集創辦人林懷民,五月十二日晚上,在德國伍爾斯堡國際舞蹈節,獲頒由歐洲最重要的文化電視台ARTE,德國國營電視台ZDF,以及福斯汽車公司主辦的Movimentos國際舞蹈大獎的終身成就獎,以及兩萬歐元的獎金。這個獎項五年一頒,二○○四年,法國編舞大師莫里斯.貝嘉獲得第一屆的終身成就獎," Writers 雲門舞集 report excitedly to the international publicity.*101 "由英、法、德、義與挪威舞蹈劇院藝術總監組成的評審團在讚詞中肯定,「這位明星級的編舞家,多年來融合中國舞蹈與劇場傳統,西方文化與現代藝術於一爐的作品,重大地影響,豐富了世界當代舞蹈。林懷民是與喬治.巴蘭欽,威廉.弗塞,莫里斯.貝嘉等二十世紀獨創性編舞大師同層級的藝術家,因此頒發終身成就獎,特別致敬。」(請見附件)." ***** "...... ... .' ---??? *1037 "評審團主席柏納.柯夫曼說,今年評審過程特別艱難,爭議不斷,只有林懷民的終身成就獎一開始就順利取得共識。這是Movimentos舞蹈獎第一次頒給亞洲舞蹈家。 這是林懷民繼時代雜誌的「亞洲英雄」,紐約約翰•洛克斐勒三世文化獎,法國文化騎士獎章後,又一國際殊榮。這也是雲門自一九九二年以來,每年赴歐,不斷在各國大城巡演,推出從《薪傳》、《九歌》、《流浪者之歌》、《家族合唱》、《水月》、《竹夢》與《行草三部曲》等林氏傑作,長期維持一流好評,而累積出來的成果." Writers 雲門舞集 remind us those achievements of the organization.*102 "配合這項獎賞,ARTE去年十月即派遣攝影小組到台北採訪林懷民,拍攝雲門的《花語》公演活動。《林懷民專輯》本月初起在歐陸各國首播。「南德日報」、「世界報」、「明鏡日報」等媒體也在上個月派遣舞評家到台北專訪林懷民,近日共有五家德國大報以大篇幅介紹台灣雲門舞集與林懷民。 獲得最大獎項的林懷民是唯一應邀致謝詞的得獎者。他披著泰雅族藝術家尤瑪•達陸編織的圍巾上台領獎,從容致詞。他說,歐美名家如林,這份榮譽帶給他驚喜與鼓勵。他說自己二十三歲才開始正式習舞,多年來從舞者身上認知肢體與動作,從觀眾的反應學習編舞。他感謝雲門同仁以及三十六年來支持雲門的數十萬觀眾。他說,台灣社會在舞團仍然年輕,他的舞作依然生澀的年代就給他熱情的鼓勵,沒有這些支持與鼓勵,他個人和雲門不可能有今天的成績. (To be continued ...) 林懷民告訴現場千餘觀眾,去年春天大火燒掉雲門八里排練場後,一共有五千民眾捐款給雲門興建新家。目前建築費用仍嫌不足,他很高興能夠捐出約九十萬台幣的獎金作為建築費用。林懷民邀請觀眾二○一二年後,到台灣參訪雲門淡水新家。 ... 今年Movimentos國際舞蹈大獎中的「最佳編舞獎」由英國編舞家韋恩.麥奎格獲得。他的「隨機現代舞團」將於五月二十二日起,在台北新舞臺「新舞風」演出得獎作品「動覺試驗場」。西班牙的梅西迭絲.露易茲與法國的阿布.拉格拉同獲「最佳舞者獎」。英國的霍費希.謝克特與加拿大的代夫.聖皮爾同列「最佳新人」。台北愛舞者熟悉的西迪•拉比與阿喀朗分別是二○○四年的最佳編舞與最佳新人。 ... Movimentos舞蹈節在距柏林車程一小時的伍爾斯堡,福斯汽車廠園區內高聳的廠房改建的劇場舉行,是歐洲最重要的舞蹈節之一,以推動當代舞蹈知名,只呈現德國首度演出的節目。十二日以匯演的形式呈現本屆獲獎者的作品,並進行頒獎活動。雲門以《狂草》選粹作為最後的大軸演出,贏得全場觀眾熱烈歡呼。這場演出ARTE全程錄影,並將於十四日在歐洲首播。 ... 雲門是今年舞蹈節的重頭戲,雲門舞照成為舞蹈節的視覺標誌,十五日起將演出三場集錦節目,呈現林懷民八十年代的作品《流雲》、《輓歌》、以及二○○六年的《白》。 ... 雲門四月底赴歐,在布達佩斯國際舞蹈節演出的《水月》,在阿姆斯特丹音樂劇院演出的《狂草》,都獲得舞評家與觀眾的熱烈讚賞。雲門將於五月二十日返台,三十一日開赴莫斯科,在契可夫國際戲劇節演出《行草》,這是舞團第三度應邀演出。(文:雲門舞集) This information has been posted by Yahoo! 奇摩 early in the morning at 6:07 a.m.(LV) on May 13, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. Editors' notes ... ....... ............ --------------------------- | |
051309-0817 |
福州邀大學生尋根 記者周雨婷紐約報導May 09, 2009 12:00 AM [[[ 「福建尋根之旅」夏令營今夏舉行,福建公所鼓勵大學生踴躍參與。 記者周雨婷/攝影 ]]] **__** ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ....... ... ....... ............ ---??? *1006 "福州市政協、僑辦在今年夏天首度舉行「福建尋根之旅」夏令營,邀請30位在美國生活的福建青年大學生,在暑假的時候,回到家鄉,親身體驗五千年中華文化的博大精深,領略海峽西岸經濟發展狀況。活動由美國福建公所一同舉辦." 「福建尋根之旅」夏令營為期15天,7月13日從紐約出發,前往北京,參觀故宮、長城等歷史文化名勝,鳥巢、水立方等奧運場館,體會五千多年的歷史文化底蘊與現代經濟騰飛後的北京。三天之後前往福州參加市政協開營式,之後前往武夷山,廈門等地參觀," WJ(World Journal) Reporter 記者周雨婷 wrote vividly.*101 "根據規定,凡18至25歲閩籍青年大學生均可報名,參加夏令營的成員往返中美機票自付,福建公所將統一購票,機票價格約為1100美元,在中國的部分,成員將自理在北京的費用,約200美元。夏令營名額限30人,現還有15個名額,先到先得。 已經報名參加夏令營的福建公所青年義工團成員鄭楊超表示,雖然以前也回過家鄉,但深入了解家鄉的變化是很多在美國長大的閩籍青年的願望,此次他們可以和福州的領導見面,可以更全面、真實的了解福州變化." ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *1008 "美國福建公所代主席鄭時甘表示,年輕人將在未來社會中扮演重要的角色,讓年青人看看家鄉的名勝古蹟、經濟特區,以及企業家們的投資項目,讓年輕人開拓眼界,考察市場走向,為中美友好及合作建立起良好的溝通橋樑。 福建公所成員楊功德、張雲平、王維華、盧建興、鄭正江、倪際雄、張雲等出席了活動,鼓勵閩籍大學生珍惜這個機會,踴躍報名參加。報名可致電鄭時甘(646)235-5206,或電郵:rzheng@cpc-ny.org。" This information has been posted by its website Worldjournal.com internationally. Editors' notes ... ....... ............ ------------------------------- | |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for 周雨婷 wbti with Safesearch on. (0.39 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"Search Results Washington Business and Technology Institute - Lin-yao Wu's ... - [ Translate this page ] what can you find the good thing that Google and WBTI have for you? ... 白先勇獨鍾此劇, ... WBTI has a good reputation with its Advisory Board and . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01356001... - 136k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ... - [ Translate this page ] 23華裔獲頒獎表揚 By 周雨婷. "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti The following report is posted ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0134300105110221... - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com » | | |
051209-1158 |
Honoring Nevada`s Law EnforcementTuesday, May 12, 2009 11:11 AMFrom: "Senator Harry Reid" {senator_harry_reid@enews.senate.gov} Add sender to Contacts To: "judy lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} May 12, 2009 Senator Harry Reid -- Putting Nevada First! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ **--** ... ....... ... ....... ............ ---??? *1047 Dear Fellow Nevadan: During National Police Week, we pay tribute to the brave men and women who make up our police force. Peace officers from across the nation will travel to Washington to honor those who have given their lives in the line of duty. Earlier today, I was honored to meet with three police officers from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department - Sergeant Steve Custer, Officer Blake Penny and Officer Christian Jackson - who received honorable mention in the Top Cops awards given out by the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO). NAPO created the Top Cops Awards to pay tribute to outstanding law enforcement officers across the country for actions above and beyond the call of duty. ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101 As we honor our police force, we also remember those who lost their lives in the line of duty. Please join me in thanking Nevada~{!/~}s law enforcement officials for their service to our state. Thank you for reading this message. If you'd like to learn more, please visit my website or click on any of the pictures or links above. HARRY REID United States Senator for Nevada Share the Reid Report with a Friend Office Locations Las Vegas Lloyd D. George Building 333 Las Vegas Boulevard South Suite 8016 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Phone: 702-388-5020 Fax: 702-388-5030 Reno Bruce R. Thompson Courthouse and Federal Building 400 South Virginia Street Suite 902 Reno, NV 89501 Phone: 775-686-5750 Fax: 775-686-5757 Carson City 600 East William Street #302 Carson City, NV 89701 Phone: 775-882-7343 Fax: 775-883-1980 Washington 522 Hart Senate Office Building - Washington, DC 20510 Phone: 202-224-3542 - Fax: 202-224-7327 Toll Free for Nevadans: 1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343) Restricted to calls originating from area codes 775 and 702 Editors' notes ... ....... ............ The following information have been shown by the world's leading search engines on Internet: "George Eliot said that those who trust us, educate us. To have Dr. Tony Lei's trust is my great honor. I believe in his philosophy of education and leadership. The design and plan of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) are creative. It is now time for us to realize the mission of this important organization for assuring the existence and future of Clark County," said Assemblywoman Weber shortly after being informed of the new appointment by WBTI. Dr. Tony T. Lei enriches the lives of many in our community of Clark County and Nevada By Michael Douglas, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and PAI of WBTI*1 "Dr. Tony Lei, my long time good friend, is the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute and Senior Advisor of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Dr. Tony Lei, an outstanding resident of Clark County for more than 12 years, has given freely of his time, energy, knowledge, and talents, working on projects and events that contribute to the quality of life in Nevada and has dedicated himself to public service and humane spirit to not only the Asian Community but to all citizens in Clark County and Nevada. It is an honor and privilege of the Board of County Commissioners to recognize those extraordinary individuals, groups, or programs which enrich the lives of many in our community. On behalf of our Commission, I'm presnting him with our Proclamation on this occasion, April 24, 2005, in celebration and recognition of his distinguished professionalism and outstanding accomplishments. We do hereby recognize and honor Dr. Tony T. Lei, Ed. D. and urge all citizens to join us wishing him a successful and bright future," announced Commissioner Lynette McDonald soon after her significant kenote speech at an Asian American Event and Dinner Party. The Event and Dinner Party was held by Asian Ameirican Republic Coaliton of Nevada - CLark County on April 24, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*2 The Proclamation stated that, "WHEREAS, Dr. Tony T. Lei, Ed. D., a famous resident of Clark County for more than 12 years, has served the community through a variety of venues including: President of Washington Business and Technology Institute; Senior Advisor for Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Office of Clark County District Attorney, Constables Office of Las Vegas Township; and Raleigh, Hunt, McGarry & Drizin. P.C.; Director of South Shores Community Association; Honorary President of Great Wall College and Xiamen Straits Foreign Language College; Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada; Contributing Editor and Columnist of "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com - WBTI website"; Chairman of Media and Publicity Committee of Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada-CC; and "WHEREAS, Dr. Tony Lei received an M.B.A. in 1969 and a Doctorate of Education in Institutional Management in 1990 from Pepperdine University. He had been an Associate Professor of Information Management and a Fellow of Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chunghsing University and Pepperdine University from 1985 to 1991 and 1991 to 1996, respectively." *3 "NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, on this occasion, April 24, 2005, in celebration and recognition of his distinguished professionalism and outstanding accomplishments, do hereby recognize and honor Dr. Tony T. Lei, Ed. D. and urge all citizens to join us wishing him a successful and bright future." The Proclamation was signed by RORY REID, CHAIRMAN; MYRNA WILLIAMS, Vice Chair; YVONNE ATKINSON GATES, Commissioner; BRUCE L. WOODBURY, Commissioner; LYNETTE BOGGS MCDONALD, Commissioner; CHIP MAXFIELD, Commissioner; TOM COLLINS, Commisioner; and attested by SHIRLEY B. PARRAGUERRE, County Clerk, Clark County Commission, Nevada. --------------------------------------------- References *1. Michael Douglas is a famous Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada. Jessie Walsh is an achieved District Judge of Nevada, while Valerie Weber is a known Assemblywoman of Nevada. PAI is the initial of Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valoria; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Dr. Tony Lei' on the Google.com," (July 30, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *3. Ibid. --------------------------- | | |
051209-1507 |
Governor Selects New Director of Tourism! [Press Release at May 12, 2009]Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:01 PM From: "Office of the Governor" {nvg@GOV.NV.GOV} To: tojulei@yahoo.com For LVRJ/WBTI USA through Communications Director Daniel Burns at Office of the Governor(NV). **__** Dear Tony, ***** Governor Jim Gibbons today announced the selection of Dann Lewis as the new Director of the Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT). ~{!0~}With the present economic conditions, we urgently need more tourists to visit Nevada,~{!1~} Governor Gibbons said, ~{!0~}and I believe Mr. Lewis~{!/~} experience and ideas are key attributes that will help him bring effective leadership to the NCOT.~{!1~} ~{!0~}The commission is looking forward to working with Dann Lewis and getting the benefit of the extensive domestic and international tourism industry leadership and experience that he brings to the position,~{!1~} Lt. Gov. Brian K. Krolicki, NCOT Chair, said. ~{!0~}Nevada~{!/~}s economy relies on tourism, and during this challenging economy, our hospitality industry will receive an immediate benefit from his knowledge and skills as we work together to attract more visitors and the revenue they generate.~{!1~} Dann Lewis has been in the tourism and hospitality business for more than 40 years. Most recently he was hired by the Maine Department of Transportation to conduct a research project to make policy recommendations on tourism-related activities within the Department. He has held leadership roles in various Maine state agencies such as acting-Commissioner and Director of Tourism for the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development. As Director of Tourism of the New York State Department of Commerce, Lewis was one of the primary marketers for the famed ~{!0~}I Love New York~{!1~} campaign. Lewis started his tourism career in the Bahamas where he built and operated a resort hotel, a land development company, restaurants, nightclubs and retail shops. In the late 1960s to early 1970s, he served as Deputy Director of Tourism and Director of International Marketing for the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and later served as Director of Tourism for the United States Virgin Islands Department of Commerce. He has worked in executive and managerial roles for numerous airlines. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree and attended the International Marketing Institute at Harvard Business School. Editos' notes ... ....... ............ ------------------- | | |
JCUAALV ZF矂uesday, May 12, 2009 11:17 AMFrom: "judiroc@aol.com" {judiroc@aol.com} View contact details To: Some of the CC addressse have not been shown (in random sampling) by this system on the flier. >>>amy_cheng2006@yahoo.com, christina@realtybychristina.com, ellenlishen@yahoo.com, samlo6148@yahoo.com.tw, maggieC8808@aol.com, 777Realty@gmail.com, kchang388@aol.com, ... Judy_Chang_2000@yahoo.com, ... jojolee562@yahoo.com.tw, ... margaretandert@msn.com, ... tojulei@yahoo.com, ... christinelee1988@yahoo.com, cathyendy@cox.net, ... judiroc@aol.com,... more J C U A A L V ---- As your new president, I would like to welcome you to our first planning meeting. We know that the success of an association is based on the input and focused efforts put together by the members. So please bring your ideas and suggestions to the meeting. It will be a pot luck dinner. With the talent you have, we will enjoy a healthy and delicious meal together. Judi's office address is 4320 Gannet Circle #115, Las Vegas. It is one block south on Arville from the South East corner of Arville and Decatur. I am looking forward to seeing you. Please call Judy Chang at 845-4849 or Judi Rock at 773-7125 if you have questions. --------------------- | | |
Special Night with President Barack Obama and Senator Harry Reid Tuesday, May 12, 2009 8:03 AM From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" {news@nvdems.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com}Dear Tony, Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and the name of employer for individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Contributions to Reid Victory Fund will be allocated as follows: The first $4,800 of each contribution from a person and the first $10,000 from a multicandidate committee will be allocated to Friends for Harry Reid. The first $2,400/$5,000 of a person's/multicandidate committee's contribution will be considered designated for the primary election; the second $2,400/$5,000 will be considered designated for the general election. The next $10,000 of each contribution from a person and the next $5,000 of each contribution from a multicandidate committee will be allocated to the Nevada Democratic Party Federal Account. Any contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular participant. The allocation formula above may change if any contributor makes a contribution that, when allocated, would exceed the amount that the contributor may lawfully give to any participant. Paid for by the Reid Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by the Nevada Democratic Party Federal Account and Friends for Harry Reid. This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com Editors notes ... ....... ............ Please jouin us for a special evening with | |
President Barack Obamaand Musical Guests | | |
The Great Fight:a tribute to Nevada's Senator Harry Reid | |
<<< President Barack Obama >>> | |
7:30 p.m. The Coloseum at Ceasars PalaceThe ticket ordering information coming soon Visit: www.reidvictoryfund.com/goodfight ------------------ | | |
Voice from Acting Exec. Director Dr. S.B. Woo!Support Judy Chu for Congress today!! Tuesday, May 12, 2009 7:00 AM From: "80-20PACPresident" {AsianAmericanUnity@80-20.us} View contact details To: tojulei@yahoo.com Please support Judy Chu today. She is the odds on winner of CA's 32nd Congressional seat. Her special election is only 8 days away. She is supported by CA's Democratic Caucus, many well-known Hispanic political figures and Emily's List. However, we must NEVER relax in any election. When elected, she will be the first Congresswoman who is also an 80-20 member. In a splendid victory, she was endorsed by 100% of the delegates in the Democratic Caucus in CA, while her main Democratic rival didn't even bother to contend for the endorsement. Party endorsement in an intra-party primary is highly unusual. It is normally because 1) the party thinks that Judy is extraordinary good, and/or 2) her opponent may be facing a big scandal, if elected. You can support Judy in two important ways. a) Donate to her via http://www.judychu.net/donate.php , and b) emailing your friends/relatives who lives in CA's 32nd Congressional district which covers Monterey Park, San Gabriel Valley, and neighboring regions. Ask them to vote for Judy Chu but not the other Asian Am., who is running in that same special election aiming to confuse voters and defeat Judy. That candidate is, in effect, helping Judy's Dem. rivals, and working against Asian Am community's aspiration to have one more voice in the Congress. That candidate has NO chance of winning, because CA's 32nd is highly Democratic. United, we shall overcome. Help Judy so that Judy may in turn help us. Respectfully, S.B. Woo, Acting Exec. Director, 80-20 PAC, Inc. PS: 80-20 needs NEW members. A donor gave $3,500 as a matching fund to double 80-20's intake, whenever a NEW member joins. After that I will give $3,500 for the same purpose. Why $3,500? To show that we ourselves are willing to sacrifice 100 time more than what we ask of others. GO http://www.80-20initiative.net if using a credit card. Or send a check to 80-20 PAC, PO Box 22509, Philadelphia, PA 19110. Only citizens & permanent residents may join. Thank you. ------------------------- | | |
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Snior Pastor Dr. Rick Warren's findings!Fwd: May 12, 2009 - Being Wise in Your Relationships - Daily Devotional Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:22 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Mike Lei" {lei---@gmail.com} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com From: Purpose Driven Connection {connect@newsletter.purposedriven.com} Date: Tue, May 12, 2009 at 3:13 AM Subject: May 12, 2009 - Being Wise in Your Relationships - Daily Devotional To: Friend {lei---@gmail.com} May 12, 2009 Being Wise in Your Relationships by Rick Warren *1003 **__** In our Devotionals series, Pastor Rick Warren discusses the Bible passages that inspire him the most. Today's Devotional is based on this passage: "But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace-loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness" (James 3:17-18 NLT). Every person you know is unique. Each one is a complex blend of background, temperament, and giftedness. Yet, these differences are often the root of relational conflict. Uniqueness poses all kinds of communication problems~{!*~}so often we simply don't understand each other! We may use the same words but with very different meaning. We're wise when we recognize and value the differences in people. Our uniqueness requires that we use wisdom in order to relate to others in customized ways, rather than relating to everyone with the same, rigid style, as if everyone will think and respond the same way. The Bible tells us the characteristics of genuine wisdom: "The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure and full of quiet gentleness. Then it is peace-loving and courteous. It allows discussion and is willing to yield to others; it is full of mercy and good deeds. It is wholehearted and straightforward and sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness" (James 3:17-18 LB). ***** From these verses we learn six ways to be wise when we relate to others. If I am biblically wise... 1. I will not compromise my integrity (wisdom is pure). I'll be honest with you. I'll keep my promises and commitments to you. 2. I will not antagonize your anger (wisdom is peace-loving). I'll work at maintaining harmony. I won't push your hot buttons. 3. I will not minimize your feelings (wisdom is courteous). I may not feel as you do, but I won't ignore or ridicule how you feel. 4. I will not criticize your suggestions (wisdom allows discussion). I can disagree with you without being disagreeable. 5. I will not emphasize your mistakes (wisdom is full of mercy). Instead of rubbing it in, I'll rub it out. 6. I will not disguise my motivations (wisdom is wholehearted and sincere). I'll be authentic with you. I won't con or manipulate you. [[[ Today on PurposeDriven.com: Click through a gorgeous scrapbook, made by a PurposeDriven.com community member for her children, to see the life lessons she's learned from her parents, her children, and her faith. Missed out on one of the Daily Devotionals? View the online archives. ]]] You are subscribed as lei---@gmail.com. Edtors' notes ... ....... ............ ----------------------------- | | |
Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for ~{GeCwIO:S~}圖 wbti with Safesearch on. (0.33 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"Search Results Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ... - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] On the "~{GeCwIO:S~}圖beautiful scenes," we may view and listen to the "~{GeCwIO:S~}圖" with music of "(嘆為觀~{V9~})-~{SP13>0Rt~}樂"! The Culture Institution of WBTI . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=013430010... - 98k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... [To WBTI from United States Department of Labor at Thu, 14 Feb 2008 07:46:30 -0600 ..... ~{1>F,7?Ia=(~}築~{O5H!2DWT!8GeCwIO:S~}圖~{!9~},~{I=K.~}則 ~{2I~}國畫風~{8q~},~{H!Fd~}瀟灑~{Rb>3!#~} ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0133700105109326... - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ » ----------------- | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84] 85 [86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] | |