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Daily Devotion
Tue, November 17, 2009 1:15:23 AMFrom: River of Life Christian Church View Contact
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River of Life Christian Church | 1177 Laurelwood Road | Santa Clara | CA | 95054/ >>>>>>> *4477777

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***** ~{UE0XV%~}: There's someone waiting for me .......! ---Miss Lillian Kwok, Dean Dr. Nancy Livingstone, Senator Terry Care of Nevada, and Dean Dr. Margaret Weber *737747b

<<<<<<< Daily Devotion!
***** We've learned, experienced, and INSPIRED!! Thank you very much!!!


***** Brilliant! & Inspiringly! Thank you very much again!!

{{{Sun, November 15, 2009 1:15:20 AM ^^^From: River of Life Christian Church {devotion@rolcc.net} View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com}}}


***** "... ..... ....... .!" ---??? *737747

***** ~{B7<S8#Rt~!!!!~}~~{~{UB~} 18-22 節

**__** ^^^ ***** ~{!8~}約~{:2SVSC~}許~{6`~}別~{5D~}話勸~{0YPU#,OrK{~}們傳~{8#Rt~}...~{!#~}眾~{0YPU6<J\AKO4#,R.~!u#38;#31308;~!u2J\AKO4!#U!u!u#38;#31153;~!uf5D~!u#38;#26178;~!ur#,Ll>M~}開~{AK#,~}聖靈~{=5~}臨~{TZK{ImIO#,PN~}狀~{a]~}彿鴿~{WS#;SVSP~}聲~{Rt~}從~{LlIO~}來~{#,~}說~{#:!:DcJGNR5D~}愛~{WS#,NRO2~}悅~{Dc!#!;!9~}*1

... (To be continued ...) ~{NR~}們~{KyPE5DJGH}N;R;~}體~{5DUfIq#,~}聖經~{5DJ.~}誡~{Ge3~8f~}訴~{NR~}們~{#,2;?I0]FdK{Iq#,R22;?I0]E<Oq!#RT~!u#38;#36093;&#20126;&#26360;45:5&#35498;~!u,NRJGR.:M~!u#38;#33775;~!u,TZNRRTMb~!u#38;#20006;&#28961;&#21029;~!uq!#NR~!u#38;#20497;~!u!uGT;40]5DJG~}獨~{R;UfIq#,5+~}祂卻~{SPH}~}個~{2;M,N;8q#:~}聖~{88#,~}聖~{WS#,~}聖靈~{!#Ky~}謂~{N;8qJG1mCw~}祂們~{SP~}獨~{A&5DK<Ok!"RbV>~!u#38;#33287;~!ui8P#,88WS~!u#38;#32854;&#38728;~!u<SP!#~}這~{H}N;~}雖~{M,5HM,~}質~{#,~}沒~{SPR;~}個~{5XN;~}較~{8_#,5+H}U_~}畢~{>92;M,#:~!u#38;#32854;~!u8JG~!u#38;#35336;&#21123;~!u_#,~!u#38;#32854;~!uSJG~!u#38;#22519;~!uPU_#,~!u#38;#32854;&#38728;~!uG3IH+U_!#RT>H6w~}來說~{#,~}聖~{88JG>H6w5D2_~!u#38;#21123;~!u_#,5+~!u#38;#35504;~!ufU!u=J@IO~!u#38;#28858;~!ucNR~!u#38;#37336;~!uZJ.WV<\IO#?JGR.~}穌~{;y6=#!SPP)PEM=~}禱~{8f~}時說~{#,Ll88NR8P~}謝~{Dc#,RrDc~}為~{NR~}釘~{TZJ.WV<\IO!#~!u#38;#37679;~!uK#!2;JG~!u#38;#32854;~!u8~!u#38;#28858;~!uc~!u#38;#37336;~!u.<\#,JGR.~}穌~{2E~}對~{#!R.~}穌親~{WT5@3IHbIm#,3I~}為~{>H6w5D~!u#38;#22519;~!uPU_!#~!u#38;#30070;~!u.~!u#38;#31308;~!u@~!u#38;#35041;&#24489;~!un~!u#38;#26178;~!u,>H6w~}與~{NR~}們~{SVSP:N~}關係~{DX#?DG>MJG~!u#38;#32854;&#38728;~!uD9$WwAK#!~!u#38;#32854;&#38728;~!uQR.~!u#38;#31308;~!uD>H6w~}帶~{5=HKIzC|~}當~{VP#,3IH+>H6wTZHKImIO!#~!!~}



**__** ~{Vw#,8P~}謝~{Dc#,RrDcJGH}N;R;~}體~{5DUfIq#,=L~}導~{NR~}們~{TZ:OR;~}當~{VPSPKy2;M,!#~}讓~{NR~}們~{TZ=L~}會~{Iz;nVPD\1K4K=S~}納~{Ed4n#,:C~}讓~{Dc5DMjH+#,M8~}過~{NR~}們~{5D:OR;~}顯~{Cw3v~}來~{!#8P~}謝禱~{8f7nR.~}穌~{5C~}勝~{5DC{FmGs#,0"~!u#38;#20497;~!u!~!!~}

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[[*737747. John. '... .!' "An e-mail .......
*447777777. LVRJ, Warren, and Swindoll. 'President Barack Obama's message ... .!' "An e-mail from U.S. President Barack H. Obama ... to Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ... through the world's leading search engines on Internet at 3:07 AM(LV) early in the morning on Sunday, October 15, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!!]]


***** "... .... .!" ---??? *737

<<< Calming the Black Friday Crowds!
For prosperity!!
By Stephanie Rosenbloom

***** "A year after an unruly crowd trampled a worker to death at a Wal-Mart store, the nation~{!/~}s retailers are preparing for another Black Friday, the blockbuster shopping day after Thanksgiving," Stephanie Rosenbloom expressed.*1 "Along with offering $300 laptops and $99 navigation devices, stores are planning new safety measures to make sure the festive day does not take another deadly turn."

More from NYTimes.com: ... >>> *747

*1. ... by Yahoo! Mail ... at 3:29 AM(LV) on Friday, October 13, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.! .......
*747. ... Wednesday, November 11, 2009 ... Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ... Have a happy day!!!]]

^^***** Winning the summit of Thaisiun Stones!

---23:57 PM(LV) late at night on Wednesday, November 7, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. Brilliant! MSN, Yahoo, and Google!! By the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet!!! *777777




---??? *

***** "... .... .!" ---??? *

"... .... .......!" "... ... ..... .......," narates Writer ... (???) perspectively!!

***** "... .... .!!" ---??? *


---??? *7



*7. ... at 4:01 a.m.(LV) ... Miss Crystal Xixi Liu Las Vegas Chinese Daily News: No!! -- In France, it's different!!! ---WBTI/USA Chairperson Chao .......

<<<<< History made again!! Obama, Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, and Lei: Thank you very much!!! 11:56 p.m.(LV) late at night on Saturday, November 7, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet. [To be completed ...] >>>>>

{{A Colorful and elegant picture! AP -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi, center, is joined by (L-R) House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Rep. George Miller, .......}} *7447

***** "... .... .!" ---??? *1001


Making history!
By Barack H. Obama

[[Sat, November 7, 2009 11:22:40 PM From: President Barack Obama {info@barackobama.com} Add to Contacts
To: mike lei and all of WBTI/USA (tojulei@yahoo.com)]]


...*****mike and all of WBTI/USA --

^^^^^***** This evening, at 11:15 p.m., the House of Representatives voted to pass their health insurance reform bill. Despite countless attempts over nearly a century, no chamber of Congress has ever before passed comprehensive health reform. This is history.*1

(To be continued ...) But you and millions of your fellow Organizing for America supporters didn't just witness history tonight -- you helped make it. Each "yes" vote was a brave stand, backed up by countless hours of knocking on doors, outreach in town halls and town squares, millions of signatures, and hundreds of thousands of calls. You stood up. You spoke up. And you were heard.

So this is a night to celebrate -- but not to rest. Those who voted for reform deserve our thanks, and the next phase of this fight has already begun.

The final Senate bill hasn't even been released yet, but the insurance companies are already pressing hard for a filibuster to bury it. OFA has built a massive neighborhood-by-neighborhood operation to bring people's voices to Congress, and tonight we saw the results. But the coming days will put our efforts to the ultimate test. Winning will require each of us to give everything we can, starting right now.

Please donate $5 or whatever you can afford so we can finish this fight.

Tonight's vote brought every American closer to the secure, affordable care we need. But it was also a watershed moment in how change is made.

Even after last year's election, many insider lobbyists and partisan operatives really thought that the old formula of scare tactics, D.C. back-scratching and special-interest money would still be enough to block any idea they didn't like. Now, they're desperate. Because, tonight, you made it crystal clear: the old rules are changing -- and the people will not be ignored.

In the final phases of last year's election, I often reminded folks, "Don't think for a minute that power concedes without a fight," and it's especially true today. But that's okay -- we're not afraid of a fight. And as you continue to prove, when all of us work together, we have what it takes to win.

Please donate to OFA's campaign to win this fight and ensure that real health reform reaches my desk by the end of this year:


Let's keep making history, *757

President Barack Obama

[[[Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Monetary contributions to the Democratic National Committee are not tax-deductible.
This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com]]]

---??? *7777777

Editors' notes


---??? *7557

***** Brilliant! msn.com!!

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2005 - 2007
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - South Shores Community (Association) ...
... at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas ... 歐~{6,~} ?QUOT;, "(~{6C3G~}) ~{6C3GLlLl~}報", "'Las Vegas Chinese Daily News ...

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Check out the Coast Properties! The Orleans, Gold Coast, & Suncoast./ >>> *7168

[[*7447. AP. 'Nancy Pelosi!' ".......

*757. ... [A feature article .......
7777777. LVRJ. 'History,' "Good news! (Las Vegas, Nevada: Reviewjournal.com, .......
*7557. John. '... .!' ".......
*7168. ...]]

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<<< Voices ring! [To be edited ...] >>>


<<<<< Bill Clinton meets with Senate Dems on health care
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Delicious Digg Facebook Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Yahoo! Bookmarks Print Reuters – Former U.S. President Bill Clinton gives a lecture in the Andalusian capital of Seville November 5, 2009. ~{!-~}
Slideshow:Health Care Play Video Barack Obama Video:Video essay: Obama pastry chef "The Crustmaster" AP Related Quotes Symbol Price Change
^DJI 10,226.94 +203.52
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By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer – 47 mins ago
WASHINGTON – Former President Bill Clinton knows just how high the political stakes are in the fight to overhaul America's health care system.

His failed attempt to revamp the delivery of medical care contributed to the Republican takeover of the House and Senate in 1994.

Fast forward to 2009, where health care's white-hot spotlight now shines on the Senate. Clinton is still in the picture, and he's expected to speak to Senate Democrats about health care legislation during their weekly caucus Tuesday, officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss his schedule.

President Barack Obama wants to sign the legislation into law by the end of the year. But abortion opponents in the Senate are seeking tough restrictions in the health care overhaul bill, a move that could roil a shaky Democratic effort.

Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., said he could not support a bill unless it clearly prohibits federal money from going to pay for abortions. Nelson is weighing options, including offering an amendment similar to the one passed by the House this weekend.

"While there may be different views about abortion, I think there's a strong majority against using federal dollars to fund abortions," Nelson said Tuesday on NBC's "Today."

The House-passed restrictions were the price Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had to pay to get a health care bill passed, on a narrow 220-215 vote. But it's prompted an angry backlash from liberals at the core of her party, and some are now threatening to vote against a final bill if the curbs stay in.

Obama said the legislation needs to find a balance.

"I want to make sure that the provision that emerges meets that test ~{!*~} that we are not in some way sneaking in funding for abortions, but, on the other hand, that we're not restricting women's insurance choices," Obama said in an interview with ABC News.

Senate Democrats will need Nelson's vote ~{!*~} and those of at least a half-dozen other abortion opponents in their caucus. They face a grueling debate against Republicans who are unified in their opposition to a sweeping remake of the health care system. It's unclear how the abortion opponents would line up; the pressure on them will intensify once the legislation is on the floor.

An intraparty fight over abortion is the last thing Majority Leader Harry Reid needs. Reid, D-Nev., is already facing a revolt among Democratic moderates over the government-sponsored health plan that liberals want to incorporate in the legislation as a competitor to private insurance companies.

Reid, who is himself opposed to abortion, will have to confront the issue directly as he puts together a Democratic bill for floor consideration. The committee-passed Senate versions differ on abortion, but none would go as far as the restrictive amendment passed by the House.

The House bill would bar the new government insurance plan from covering abortions, except in cases or rape, incest or the life of the mother being in danger. That's the basic rule currently in federal law.

It would also prohibit health plans that receive federal subsidies in a new insurance marketplace from offering abortion coverage. Insurers, however, could sell separate coverage for abortion, which individuals would have to purchase entirely with their own money.

At issue is a profound disagreement over how current federal restrictions on abortion funding should apply to what would be a new stream of federal funding to help the uninsured gain coverage.


AP Special Correspondent David Espo contributed to this report.

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Editors' notes

............ *7

[[*3757. Margaret J. Weber. 'Green is the new Black ...!' "Colleague, Fall/Winter 2009 Volume 26, No. 2!! (Los Angeles, CA: GSEP of Pepperdine University, 'LETTER FROM THE DEAN', October 9, 2009), 1.
*1. LVRJ. '...!' ... 4:01 AM(LV) on October 10, 2009 ....... "An e-mail ... to WBTI/USA ... Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal .......
*7. ... 03.23.08 ~{Vw~}昇~{Ll5D6w5d~} 劉~{M.DA~}師 ~{U-~}頻 寬頻 ^^^吳~{&#38;LT;NBe5\PV~!!~} ~{......~}.


~{****!!Happ!!Veteran'!!Da!u~}&~{#38;#35352;~!u_=p?5~!u#38;#23888;~!u-K9~!u#38;#32173;~!uLT;SK9~}報導November 10, 2009 12:00 AM! ---Courtesy of Library of Congress *5355

**__** ~{P&#38;#38;~}話! ~{P&#38;#38;~}話! ~{P&#38;#38;~}話! (Good~{P&#38;#38;~} Good~{P&#38;#38;~}sLER!!)

At 23:59 PM(LV) on Wednesday, October 11, 2009:

***** Las Vegas Sands to restart Macau projects!

**__** "Las Vegas Sands Corp., plans to restart the company~{!/~}s stalled hotel-casino projects on Macau~{!/~}s Cotai Strip region, according to published reports!!" ---AP, LVRJ, and WBTI/USA *747757

[[*747757. ... Breaking News! ... U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the Senate Honorable Harry M. Reid .......]]

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- [ Translate this page ] ---U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the Senate Honorable Harry M. Lei ((Reid, Jesus!)) PPAA ... PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A ... com for "John International ...
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'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, ...
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US Senator Harry Reid for Nevada ^^^My Job as the Senate Majority Leader allows me to deliver meaningful results for ... November 10, 2009 - Nevada Senator Harry Reid is cosponsoring a bill to .......

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reid.senate.gov/ - Cached - Similar/ >>>

---Five Stars on ~{!8Ne~}鑽獎~{!9~}(Five Diamond) ... *4577777

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] Miss Vicki Zhao (~{fb~}錘) 趙~{^1~}: For Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF), ... and Publisher Dr. Toni Ni of "NEW WORLD -- International Edition" *737747 ...
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***** "... .... .!" ---??? *5767

{{{Press Release - November 13, 2009 - Nevada Capitol and Governor's Mansion to "GO BLUE" ^^^Fri, November 13, 2009 10:44:15 AM ... From: Office of the Governor (nvg@GOV.NV.GOV) Add to Contacts To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US, LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, ..., and among others.}}} *2

*2. Office of the Governor(NV) Jim Gibbons, Valorie Vega, Gerri Schroder, Jackie Glass, Daniel Burns, and Jennifer Kung]]

<<< New Year's Eve fireworks will return to Strip rooftops!

***** New Year~{!/~}s Eve fireworks on the Strip will return to the rooftops of the hotels that line the area, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority and co-sponsor Las Vegas Events announced today.
Read more... >>> *5767a

[[*5767a. LVRJ. 'New Year~{!/~}s Eve fireworks!' "... Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. ... Updated: 11/13/2009 12:30 PM .......]]

~{VlWZ~}慶 獲~{4r~}擊樂終~{Im=LS}~}獎!
By 趙靜~{h$~}

***** <<<< ~{L(~}灣創~{OB5D2;V;JG~}經濟~{Ff~}蹟~{#,~}還~{SP4r~}擊樂~{Ff~}蹟~{#!TZH}G'N;~}國際~{V*C{4r~}擊樂~{&#38;LT;R~!u#38;#33287;~!ur~!u#38;#25802;&#38;#38;#27138;&#38;#38;#23416;&#38;#38;#21729;&#38;#38;#27138;~!uT5DUF~!u#38;#32882;~!uP#,L(~!u#38;#28771;&#38;#38;#22283;~!u&#38;QUOT;L(11~}藝術~{4s~}學~{P#~}長~{VlWZ~}慶~{WrMm~}獲頒國際~{4r~}擊樂~{Dj~}會~{5D~}終~{Im=LS}3I&#38;GT;M~!u#38;#29518;~!u,1mUCK!uZ4r~!u#38;#25802;&#38;#38;#27138;~!uLS!uF~!u#38;#24291;~!uD~!u#38;#36002;&#38;#38;#29563;~!u#~!!Percussive~}A~{rt!!Societ!u!u(~!u#38;#22283;&#38;#38;#38555;~!ur~!u#38;#25802;&#38;#38;#27138;&#38;#38;#34269;&#38;#38;#34899;&#38;#38;#21332;&#38;#38;#26371;~!u,~!u#38;#31777;&#38;#38;#31281;~!uP#A#S#)JGH+J@=g~!u#38;#35215;~!u#Wn4s5D4r~!u#38;#25802;&#38;#38;#27138;&#38;#38;#32068;&#38;#38;#32340;~!u,~!u#38;#25793;~!uP~!u#38;#26371;&#38;#38;#21729;~!uKG'H!uYHK#,C?DjJ.R;TB6(FZl6C@~!u#38;#22283;&#38;#38;#33289;&#38;#38;#36774;~!ur~!u#38;#25802;&#38;#38;#27138;&#38;#38;#22283;&#38;#38;#38555;~!uj~!u#38;#26371;~!u,N!u!u+Gr3,~!u#38;#36942;~!u!u'HK4N~!u#38;#21443;~!uLT;S#,JGH+GrWn4s5D4r~}擊樂~{;n~}動~{!#~}>>>> *5767b

[[*5767b. Yahoo! Mail. '~{VlWZ~}慶 ...!!' "A report ... By 趙靜~{h$~} ... ~{8|PBHUFZ~}:2009/11/14 04:09 .......]]

******* "... ..... .!" ---??? *535557

2009-11-14 ~{PB~}聞~{KY~}報 ~{!&#38;GT;~!u#38;#21129;~!uA#/~!u#38;#33775;~!u&#38;QUOT;~}頓~{J.KDHU~}電~{!?~}PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Obama, Clinton, Reid, Lei, and Chao: Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!

***** >>>>>>> (To be continued ...)


***** "... .... .!" ---Chairman Hu and Honorary Chairman Lien *357375

[[*357375. China Times, Yahoo! Mail, and CNA. '... . WHO's Rule!' "A report ... Yahoo! Mail AP Distinguished Authors of PPAA Forum International Winning LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ... Brilliant! At 11:17 AM(LV) in the morning on Saturday, November 14, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!! .......]]

<<<<< Date: 11/13/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton attends a forum with students at the University of Santo Tomas, the Philippines. © AP Image

November 13, 2009

***** Secretary Clinton (Nov. 13): "We have a lot of challenges at home that we need to address, particularly the economic ones. ~{!-~}If we are not involved, people want us involved; and if we~{!/~}re involved, they say, oh, well, you shouldn~{!/~}t be involved, except if we aren~{!/~}t, then they want us back. There~{!/~}s an expectation that we will be involved in political activities around the world, and~{!-~}we~{!/~}re going to do our best to try to be helpful." -Full Text ... >>>>> *447777

[[*447777. Barack Obama. 'Message from the President of ...!' "An e-mail by U.S. President Barack H. Obama ... to WBTI/USA President Dr. Tony T. Lei ... Brilliant! Google, MSN, and Yahoo!! ... by the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet .......]]

**__** "... ..... .!" ---??? *737747

Inspiringly! MSN.com >>>>>

For a search of "Goodman LVRJ/wbti: Yes, Welcome ~{!-~} Miss Crystal Yifei Liu ... Las Vegas Chinese Daily News ... Brilliant! MSN, Yahoo, and Google! ... At 3:17 PM(LV) in the afternoon on October 14, 2009 by the world's leading search engines on Internet in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!" .......

"Goodman LVRJ/wbti: Yes, Welcome~{!-~}" 567. Yahoo! and MSN! ... No!! -- In~{!-~}See allClear all | Turn offALL RESULTS
Advanced ~{!$~} Safe Search Strict

Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2005 - 2007
... Liu", "Miss ... and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... of Las Vegas Co., "Chinese Daily News ...

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - River of Life Christian ...
Translate this page Las Vegas Review-Journal. 'A daily presentation of WBTI ... 'Yes the Chinese newspapers were sent ... alumni association of las vegas; ---; miss Ruth Talaiver, Ruth Talaiver; ---; jean liu ...

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***** "I can't."
******* "I DO!!!" ---LORD *1001

<<< ?者金康嵐拉斯維加斯?? (?L?议g??錆f?z???z??) November 10, 2009 12:00 AM LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. .......


{{080609-0507 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Thursday, 5:07 a.m.(LV), August 6, 2009 #First Edition ...}}

Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
Distinguished Authors: Barack H. Obama, Harry M. Reid, Hillary R. Clinton, Al Gore, John McCain, John Kerry, John Ensign, Shelley Berkley, Dina Titus, and Bill Clinton. Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. former U. S. District Court Judge and State Attorney General of Nevada Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com


On the top left:

***** FWDs series (13737-25577) on the "Beauty of Nature" from Pan Pacific, Europe, Asia, the Atlantic, Africa, Australia, and America!

---Obama, Reid, Clinton, Chao, ... Frankie Sue Del Papa, Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh, Miss Yin Yan, Judge Mark Denton, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Mr. Pengju Li, Judge Nancy Saitta, Dr. Ingrid Ou, Senator Terry J. Care, Ms. Margaret Andert, JCUAALV, Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, Mrs. Lillian Tsai, Miss S. W. Hsiao, Miss Becky Lei, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Su, Annie, Dr. and Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu, Belinda, Miss Yi Li, Dr. and Mrs. Hui-ning Lei, Sandy, Dr. Jasmine Brooks, Miss Charlyne Chen, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Niss Christine Chen, Tiffany, Miss Yip Fong, Michelle, Miss Doris Yu, Paul, Director Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Susan, Miss Jenny Cheng, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Shyh-Yuan Kung, Miss Agnas Chan, Mr. Albert Pang, Christine, Miss Julie Tai, Dr. Mark C. Thelin, Humorist Lin-yao Wu, Ms. Misoko Natsume, Judge Cheryl Moss, Mr. Zhao Leji, Miss Sally Yu, Judi, (U.S. District Court Judge) former District Attorney of Nevada Brian Sandoval, Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, President and Publisher Dr. Toni Ni, Mr. Wayne Lu, 孫楯彥, Joanna, Mr. CP Chang, Dr. William Thompson, President Dr. and Mrs. M. Norvel Young, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu, Flora, Executive Director Dr. Feng-wei Lai, Goodman, Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber, former Attorney General Brian Sanderval of Nevada, Miss Serena Chu, City Councilwoman Gerri Chroder, Miss Shannon O'Grady, President Dr. and Mrs. Ku-sheng Kung, Mr. Mike H. Lei, and among others. *12787

Clinton, Dina Titus, Margaret Weber, Yi Li, Mark Denton, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Betsy Kolkoski, Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Dr. Feng-wei Lai, Rory Reid, Professor Hung-yin Kung, John Hunt, Dr. & Mrs. Toni Ni, and Brian Sandoval: Made in Nevada, California, Texas, Hawaii, Washington, Arizona, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida, Utah, Oregon, Louisiana, Wisconsin, New Mexico, and New York elegantly may help achieving with President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei and people of WBTI/USA through the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet with bright perspectives!

Breakthrough, Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for China, Singapore, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Africa, and America! ---Modern and advanced 'Golden Keys' on nurturing and encouraging our and future Generations, theoretically and practically, to grasp, retain, and develop Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this era of 21st Century!!

Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, inspiration, and Practice of our modern and effective Leading Skills & Strategies on E. Q. and A. Q. for Growth, Success, Happiness, Prosperity, and Accomplishment!!! *4107
By Bill Clinton, Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Elaine L. Chao, Shelley Berkley, Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, John McCain, Betsy Kolkoski, Gerri Schroder, Michael Douglas, John Kerry, Jackie Glass, Dean Heller, Jim Gibbons, Steven Horsford, Rory Reid, Valerie Wiener, Rubin Kihuen, Barbara Buckley, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Catherine Masto, Dr. John Ensign, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Dr. Kenny C. Quinn, Allison Copening, Michelle Leavitt, Jessie Walsh, Doug Gillespie, Bill Young, Dr. Dina Titus, Bill Raggio, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Chris Giunchigliani, Larry Brown, Anthony Stavros, Bobby G. Gronauer, Dr. Archie H. Chang, John Ponticello, Stewart Bell, Daniel Burns, John Hunt, Dr. Margaret J. Weber, Cheryl Moss, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Kung, Sam Lieberman, Valerie Weber, Charlyne Chen, Frankie Sue Del Papa, Dr. Bill Thompson, Lisa Kent, Michael Cherry, Brian Sandoval, and Jennifer Kung (57)

<<< (17th Edition!) At 3:37 AM(LV) in the morning on Thursday, October 12, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.! Continues from 16th Edition on August 8, , 2009!! [To be continued ...]


... {Enriches until at 4:01 AM(LV) on Thursday, October 12, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the world's leading search engines on Internet!!} .......


101209-0401 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, in the morninmg on Thursday, at 4:01 a.m.(LV) in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet!! ... [1] [2] [3] ... [199][200][201][202][203][204] .......


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Search Results [Inspiringly! MSN, Yahoo, and Google!! at 5:57 AM(LV) in the morning on Thursday, October 12, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the world's leading search engines on Internet!!!]:

{{{世界新聞網-洛杉磯 - [ Translate this page ] 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導. November 10, 2009 12:00 AM | 0 0 評論 | 35 35 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友. 以「尋寶石」為目的地的旅遊朗⑿小@咕S加斯「銀髮健行 ... la.worldjournal.com/pages/lainstant/push?class...x... - Similar/

世界新聞網-洛杉磯 - [ Translate this page ] 賭城產瑪瑙華人尋寶去. 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導. November 10, 2009 12:00 AM | 24 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 | 打印. 賭城附近出產瑪瑙礦石,賭城華人 ...
la.worldjournal.com/pages/full_la/push?...id... - Cached - Similar Show more results from la.worldjournal.com/}}}

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] On November 6th, Dean Margaret Weber will be a featured presenter at the ...... For a search of "記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 02, 2009 12:00 AM" ("婰幰 ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] For a search of "記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 02, 2009 12:00 AM" by the .... and ..... Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 11, 2009. ...
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{{{世界新聞網-舊金山 - [ Translate this page ] 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導. October 13, 2009 12:00 AM | 468 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 ... 而建設的拉斯維加斯泉水保存公園,被列入全美最值得參觀的主題公園,10月16日 ...
sf.worldjournal.com/pages/full_sf/push?article-萬聖節... - Cached - Similar/}}}


***** "... .... .!" ---??? *4677777

Christine LVCDN: UNLV Director and…See allClear all | Turn offALL RESULTSAdvanced · Safe Search Strict

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese Association of ...
... Nevada, U.S.A.]: ... of "Las Vegas Review-Journal" website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti. Bud Cranor was Director ... Nevada area among Chinese language media. LVCDN ...

communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=... · Cached page/ >>>>>>

[[*4677777. ... Brilliant MSN, Yahoo, Google! ... Christine LVCDN: UNLV Director and 陳慧如 Nevada .......]]

John & Angie <<< To be completed ... >>>


***** "... ..... ....... .!" ---PAI of LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. *4477777777

<<<<<<< Highlights: President Hosts a Town Hall Meeting for Youth in Shanghai, China
Sun, November 15, 2009 12:36:25 PMFrom: U.S. Department of State {usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov}View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com *2

{{Highlights: President Hosts a Town Hall Meeting for Youth in Shanghai, China
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 07:00:00 -0600}}

Location: China, Guangzhou Description: Students from Guangzhou School State Dept Photo
November 15, 2009

***** Tomorrow, November 16, President Obama will have a town hall meeting with Chinese youth in Shanghai, China. At the meeting, the President will interact with young Chinese and discuss the relationship between our two countries in the years ahead. -White House Blog


GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of U.S. Department of State · 2210 C Street NW · Washington DC 20520 · 1-800-439-1420/ >>>>>>> *447777777b

*4477777777b. Andrew K. Benton. 'Pepperdine University President's Perspectives!' "When I learn of the good that ... (Malibu, CA: PEPPERDINE MAGAZINE, Volume 1 Issue 3 Fall 2009), 5.]]]

***** 記者金康嵐/整理報導)November 15, 2009 12:00 AM ^^^PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Winning on International Cooperation and Development Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!!! .......


***** (To be continued ...!)

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WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Modern Wisdom Stratagem International Winning lvrj/wbti U.S.A. ... Distinguished Authors National Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A ... development ...

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hillary Clinton, U.S ...
Translate this page ... Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti USA. ... Distinguished Author John Kerry PPAA Forum ... Winning, International Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti .... ... ---AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A ...

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{{*737757b. ... Brilliant! ... by MSN.com!! .......}}


{{{ To be edited ....... }}}



---??? *7777

***** "... .... .!" ---??? *12


The following information has been posted internationally through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal. Wait the monment please! Let's go .......

<<<<< Nov. 04, 2009
Copyright ?Las Vegas Review-Journal

JOHN L. SMITH: Like all triathletes, his challenge is the course, no more, no less Seldom at a loss for words, Duane Wagner suddenly has difficulty finding the right one to describe his condition.

Technically, he's a double-leg amputee. On May 15, 1967, Wagner lost both in a grenade blast when his 15-man Marine Corps unit was assaulted by the enemy in Quang Tri Province during the Vietnam War.

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"If you do your job right, you're not well-liked by the enemy," he says matter-of-factly. "They wanted to eliminate us and overran our position. Five of us made it out alive."

The 20-year-old received a Silver Star, a ticket home, and a couple prosthetic legs. That was more than 42 years ago, but time flies when you're on the run.

And I do mean run.

"I hate the word disabled," Wagner says. "I cannot read unless I put on my glasses. If I want to ride a bike, I need to put on my legs and ride. Disabled? I hate that word."

Then he finds the one he was searching for.

"I'm not disabled," he says. "I have an ... inconvenience."

That inconvenience hasn't prevented him from enjoying his life or from competing in Sunday's Silverman Triathlon, which begins with a 2.4-mile swim in Lake Mead followed by a 112-mile bicycle ride and a 26.2-mile run. Wagner is one of 10 injured war veterans scheduled to compete on Veterans Day weekend.

He doesn't mind telling his story. On the contrary, Wagner considers it part of his life's tour of duty. And, after all, there are some topics he can discuss with consummate credibility. Like overcoming physical obstacles as well as those invisible barriers U.S. society places on its inconvenienced population.

"I like showing people that, no matter what's wrong, they can still compete," Wagner says from his Mesa, Ariz., home. "We all do things differently. Just do it. I have been working with injured soldiers from Iraq and other, quote-unquote, disabled people, and I think I've been able to change people's lives in a positive way. We all know someone with a problem. I'm able to show them I can do everything I want to do -- and they can, too."

That includes driving a car with a standard transmission, riding a motorcycle, skydiving and scuba diving. He's traveled the world as an athlete, won national cycling championships, competed in some of the most grueling triathlons in the world. In 1995, he received an ARETE Award for Courage in Sports.

Instead of retiring, Wagner kept on running, cycling, and swimming. He worked for a prosthetic limb company, counseled young people and injured soldiers, made peace with his former war enemies, and served as a reminder of life's amazing possibilities.

Wagner pauses a moment, then tells me a little secret. It's the secret of his success.

He was healing his physical wounds in a Philadelphia hospital in 1967 when he received his first pair of prosthetic legs. It was Aug. 15, three months after that brutal firefight. To prove his doctors and a visitor wrong, he put on his new legs, stood up, and announced he was going for a walk. He was halfway down the hall when he realized he had forgotten his crutches.

Metaphorically speaking, Wagner never looked back.

"The best thing that ever happened to me was losing my legs," he says. "It closed one door in my life and opened up a million more doors. ... I try to show people life goes on. Enjoy it. We all have our problems, but we can live through them. Go on."

In a world brimming with operatic whiners and professional victims, Wagner's candor is refreshing. His perspective on life should be bottled and sold as a cure for the recession blues that afflict this country.

I'll tell him to do just that -- if I ever catch up with him.

John L. Smith's column appears Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. E-mail him at Smith@reviewjournal.com or call (702) 383-0295. He also blogs at lvrj.com/blogs/smith. >>>>> *77777

[[*7777. at 4:01 AM(LV) on 11/4th/09 ... in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S. .......
*77777. Harry M. Reid. 'Messages from ... .... .!' "U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the Senate Honorable Harry M. Reid ... to WBTI/USA President Dr. Tony T. Lei ... feature articles ... [Nevada, U.S.A.: Las Vegas Review-Journal, 'Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 20),' Autumn 2009), 1-7.]]

At 5:53 AM(LV) in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!


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Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "***** Chao: 曉亞與獸醫夫婿王勢爵 Leading Chinese Literature World with PPAA Forum at WBTI/USA for Winning Glacal through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ("***** Chao: 濟槺鋙嘧缥晇柟墹惃庉 Leading Chinese Literature World with PPAA Forum at WBTI/USA for Winning Gla(o)cal through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!!" with Safesearch on. (0.68 seconds)

Search Results [Brilliant! By the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in the early morning on Thursday, November 5, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] ***** Chao: 曉亞與獸醫夫婿王勢爵 Leading Chinese Literature World with PPAA Forum at WBTI/USA for Winning Gla(o)cal through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! (Chao: 濟槺鋙嘧缥晇柟墹惃庉Leading Chinese Literature World with PPAA Forum at WBTI/USA for Winning Gla(o)cal through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.! ...)
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At 4:01 AM(LV) on

[[[ 比護足霜有效的腳膜!

***** 馮媛甄自創祕方!!


更多 ....... ]]] *567

[[*567. Yahoo! and MSN! ... No!! -- In France, it's different!!! ---WBTI/USA Chairperson Chao

<<<< Amazing ...! Creative ...!! [To be completed ...] >>>>



<<< Today! At 23:58 PM (LV) on Tuesday, Novenber 3, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!! {To be edited ...} >>>

***** "Only You ...! Unique...!!" ---Author of 'MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR' Tony Tung-tien Lei *777

[[*777. Tony T. Lei, "Management Behavior" (Taipei, Taiwan: Buffalo Publications, Second Edition 1989), 605.


<<<<< At 4:47 AM on Monday, Novenber 2, 2009! [To be edited!!] Thank you very much!!! >>>>>

I***** Office of the Governor(NV): 記~{U_~}馮鳴~{L(~}October 30, 2009 12:00 AM (婰幰間柭戜October 30, 2009 12:00 AM) -- A feature article for "Happy Holloween and Honorable Celebration of our Nevada Day on October 31, 2009!!!"

***** "... .... .!" ---Governor Jim Gibbons *737747

***** At Pepperdine we believe a life of service. When I learn of the good that an alumnus is doing in their community or around the world, as I do nearly every day. I know that the enterprise is working. Their good works are the fruit of the "wrestling match with truth" and through them we see evidence that the world is changing! ---Pepperdine University President Honorable Andrew K. Benton *4577777

[[*4577777. Andrew K. Benton. 'Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, and Practices of LVRJ/wbti!' "Perspectives -- A message from President Andrew K. Benton!' "A U.S. mail from President Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University ... to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI/USA, (Malibu, CA: 'Pepperdine Magazine', Volume 1, Issue 3, Fall 2009), 4-5.]]

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***** The following information with the courtesy of AP LVRJ for a draft of feature article is going to be edited and encrished. Thank you very much! ---PAI of WBTI/USA *5577

<<< Nov. 01, 2009
Copyright -- copy; Las Vegas Review-Journal (LVRJ)

WEEK IN REVIEW: Reporters' Notebook Week In Review

More Information

Perhaps aided by a strong northern wind, a street performer appears to defy gravity Tuesday while trying to attract a crowd across the Strip from CityCenter.
Photo by Jason Bean/Review-Journal.

OVERHEARD ON THE SCANNER: "We have a report of a (man) on the aircraft who was going to turn himself in for attempting to strangle his wife. And now, he's considering not turning himself in."

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LAS VEGAS MAYOR OSCAR GOODMAN, WHO SITS ON A THRONE AT HIS DESK IN CITY HALL, felt like royalty on a recent trip to London.

He was accompanied by showgirls as he was ferried around town in taxis festooned with Las Vegas images, and they caused a stir everywhere they went, he said.

"If the queen was walking down one side of the street, and I was walking with the showgirls on the other side of the street, I know whose picture would be taken," Goodman boasted.

In fact, he said, firefighters on a fire truck, sirens wailing, on their way to an emergency, stopped in the middle of the street to gawk at the showgirls. So be thankful our responders here are immune to such things.



It's gin, of course. He said he slurped down something like 20 mini-bottles on the 10-hour flight, although that seems high even for the Martini Mayor.

"They were looking for gin all over the plane," Goodman said. "I had no idea where I was."


OVERHEARD ON THE SCANNER: "You're good enough to pronounce it, but I'm not good enough to spell it. Could you spell it out for me?"

IN HONOR OF NEVADA DAY, WHICH WAS SATURDAY, HERE'S A BIT OF STATEHOOD TRIVIA COURTESY OF THE STATE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES: Nevada voters approved a state constitution on Sept. 14, 1864, and after a canvass Territorial Gov. James Nye mailed copies of the document to Washington, D.C.

However, it became clear the mail would not reach the nation's capital by the Oct. 31 deadline, and President Abraham Lincoln would not issue a statehood proclamation without first reading Nevada's founding document.

So on Oct. 26, two telegraphers with the California Telegraph Co. sent the 16,543-word document from Carson City to Salt Lake City, a process that took 12 hours.

From Salt Lake City the constitution was telegraphed to Chicago and then to Philadelphia. Two days after the message began, Lincoln received the document at a cost of roughly $4,300.

DOUG McMURDO >>> *44777

*44777. Hillary R. Clinton. 'Positive Celebration!' "An e-mail from U.S. Secretary of State and Secretary Hillary R. Clinton of U.S. Department of State ... to LVRJ/wbti President Dr. Tony T. Lei on October 31, 2009 .......



The Pepperdine community provides service to those in need arround the world!" ---Pepperdine University President Honorable Andrew K. Benton *4477777

[[*4477777. Andrew K. Benton. 'Motivated by Mission!' "Message from President Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University ... a U.S. air mail ... (Malibu, CA: 'Pepperdine Magazine', Volume 1, Issue 3, Fall 2009 to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI/USA, October 1, 2009), 4-5.]]

***** 記者馮鳴台October 30, 2009 12:00 AM

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at 5:37 p.m.(LV) on Saturday, October 31, 2009 for our Silver State Day Celebration in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet!!!


At 4:59 a.m.(LV) on October 29, 2009 {To be continued ...}!

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Alumni Relations!

Dear Alumni,

On November 6th, Dean Margaret Weber will be a featured presenter at the Greenleaf Foundation's Leadership Institute For Educators (L.I.F.E.) conference along with notable GSEP alumni Kurt Takamine and Regan Schaffer.*5 This conference takes place at the:

Marriott Hotel - Downtown Los Angeles
333 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
8AM until 5PM.

Dean Weber has arranged for a special discounted rate of $75.00 for GSEP alumni.

To register for the LIFE conference at this special alumni rate, please mail your check made payable Pepperdine University to:

Claudette LaCour
Pepperdine GSEP
LIFE Conference
6100 Center Drive 5th Floor
Los Angeles, Ca 90045

Payment must be received in by Wednesday, November 4th. Please include a daytime phone number and email address where we can confirm details of registration with you. This rate is not available through the Greenleaf website.

The Greenleaf Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes the understanding and practice of servant leadership. For further information about the LIFE conference program and the foundation visit: http://www.greenleaf.org/life/2009/index.html

You are cordially invited to attend a reception for alumni and students of Pepperdine's Doctor of Education programs immediately following the LIFE conference:

November 6, 5:00 - 7PM
Marriott Hotel - Downtown Los Angeles in the Board Room Lounge

333 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071

Space is limited, please make your reservations by November 2nd via email: gsepalum@pepperdine.edu. The reception is complimentary; attendance at the conference is not a prerequisite. Parking at the Marriott Hotel with validation is $14.

For further information contact Claudette LaCour, Director Alumni Relations at 310-568-5649 or clacour@pepperdine.edu.


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Entrepreneuring and Innovation!!
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...<<< "Fine! Yes, I'm also UP!!" [To be completed ...] ....... >>>

Remarks on The Release of the 2009 Annual Report on International Religious!
By Hillary Rodham Clinton


***** "Fine! Yes, I'm also UP!!" ---Prsident Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI/USA *737747

{{{This is a certified email from "USSTATEBPA - U.S. Dept. of State Public Affairs". Learn More.
Press Releases: Remarks on The Release of the 2009 Annual Report on International Religious
Mon, October 26, 2009 1:08:24 PM ^^^From: U.S. Department of State (usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov} Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com .......}}}

[[[ Remarks on The Release of the 2009 Annual Report on International Religious
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
October 26, 2009 ]]]

***** SECRETARY CLINTON: Hello, everybody. How are you? Am I up? *707

MR. KELLY: Yes, you are.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, there乫s no like, opening band or anything? (Laughter.)

Hello, Matt.


SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, good afternoon, everyone. I feel honored to be here today to announce the publication of the State Department乫s 2009 Report on International Religious Freedom. The right to profess, practice, and promote one乫s religious beliefs is a founding principle of our nation. In fact, many of our earliest settlers came because they wanted the freedom to practice their own religion without a state interfering or oppressing that practice. It is the first liberty mentioned in our Bill of Rights, and it is a freedom guaranteed to all people in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

I want to underscore that, because this is not just an American value. This was agreed to be a universal value. Religious freedom provides a cornerstone for every healthy society. It empowers faith-based service. It fosters tolerance and respect among different communities. And it allows nations that uphold it to become more stable, secure and prosperous. As President Obama said in Cairo, freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. These facts underlie our commitment to the cause of religious freedom. That乫s why we make the issue of religious freedom a priority in our diplomacy, and this annual report is the centerpiece of our efforts.

Every year, the staff of our office of International Religious Freedom works with our embassies overseas and experts here in Washington to produce the world乫s most comprehensive survey of religious freedom. This report examines how governments in 198 countries and territories are protecting or failing to protect religious freedom. It shines a spotlight on abuses by states and societies, and it draws attention to positive steps by many countries and organizations to promote freedom and interreligious harmony.

The President has emphasized that faith should bring us together, and this year乫s report has a special focus on efforts to promote interfaith dialogue and tolerance. We commend, for example, the Philippines leadership in the Tripartite Forum on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace at the United Nations. We commend Jordan乫s role in initiating the common word dialogue and many other international and domestic initiatives. The United States is also expanding programs that work to bridge the divide between religious groups. These important efforts build on the shared values and common concerns of faith communities to sow the seeds of lasting peace.

I obviously believe that our country has been strengthened by its long tradition of religious pluralism. From the largest denominations to the very smallest congregations, American religious bodies and faith-based organizations have helped to create a more just and compassionate society. Now, some claim that the best way to protect the freedom of religion is to implement so-called anti-defamation policies that would restrict freedom of expression and the freedom of religion. I strongly disagree. The United States will always seek to counter negative stereotypes of individuals based on their religion and will stand against discrimination and persecution.

But an individual乫s ability to practice his or her religion has no bearing on others乫 freedom of speech. The protection of speech about religion is particularly important since persons of different faiths will inevitably hold divergent views on religious questions. These differences should be met with tolerance, not with the suppression of discourse.

Based on our own experience, we are convinced that the best antidote to intolerance is not the defamation of religion乫s approach of banning and punishing offensive speech, but rather, a combination of robust legal protections against discrimination and hate crimes, proactive government outreach to minority religious groups, and the vigorous defense of both freedom of religion and expression.

So it is our hope that the International Religious Freedom Report will encourage existing religious freedom movements around the world and promote dialogue among governments and within societies on how best to accommodate religious communities and protect each individual乫s right to believe or not believe, as that individual sees fit.

I would now like to welcome Assistant Secretary Michael Posner to elaborate further on the report and to answer any questions you might have. Michael. *3

Editors' note


*1. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Office of U.S. Secretary of State ^^^Press Releases: Remarks on The Release of the 2009 Annual Report on International Religious
Mon, 26 Oct 2009 14:51:23 -0500 Press Releases: Remarks on The Release of the 2009 Annual Report on International Religious Mon, 26 Oct 2009 14:51:23 -0500 ...
*3. .......]]

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Secretary's Remarks: Bombings in Baghdad!
Authority -- Administrative Strategies!!
By Hillary Rodham Clinton

[[Sun, October 25, 2009 11:37:00 AMFrom: U.S. Department of State ...usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ......]]

[[Secretary's Remarks: Bombings in Baghdad
Sun, 25 Oct 2009 13:27:18 -0500
Bombings in Baghdad
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
October 25, 2009]]

***** I want to personally express my heartfelt condolences to the victims of today抯 savage attacks in Baghdad and for the tragic loss of so many Iraqi lives. I strongly condemn the bombings at the Iraqi Ministry of Justice and the headquarters of the Baghdad Provincial Administration.

These despicable terrorist attacks seek to undermine the impressive progress that Iraq has made towards stability and self-reliance. They will not succeed. They will not deter Iraqis from administering justice based on the rule of law and carrying out their legitimate responsibilities in governing Baghdad.

We stand by all Iraqis, at this crucial time leading up to national elections, and we pledge to join them in working together to combat all forms of violence and attempts at intimidation. Those responsible for such horrific acts must be pursued and brought to justice in accordance with Iraqi law.

We will continue to support the people and government of Iraq in fighting terrorism. We mourn the senseless loss of life and extend our condolences to the victims?families, friends, and community.

PRN: 2009/1059

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[[[Immigration agents mishandle informants
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Slideshow:Immigration Reform Debate Play Video Immigration Video:Sheriff Joe Defiant FOX News By ALICIA A. CALDWELL, Associated Press Writer Alicia A. Caldwell, Associated Press Writer ?2 hrs 10 mins ago]]]

EL PASO, Texas ?One immigration agent was accused of running an Internet pornography business and enjoying an improper relationship with an informant. Another let an informant smuggle in a group of illegal immigrants. And in a third case, an agent was investigated for soliciting sex from a witness in a marriage fraud case.*1

... (....... These troubling misdeeds are a sampling of misconduct by federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel as the agency seeks to carve out a bigger role in the deadly border war against Mexican drug gangs.

According to documents obtained by The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act, ICE agents have blundered badly in their dealings with informants and other sources, covering up crimes and even interfering in a police investigation into whether one informant killed another.

At least eight agents have been investigated for improper dealings with informants since ICE was created in 2003, and more than three dozen others have been investigated for other wrongdoing, the records show.

The heavily redacted documents detail how one agent failed "to report murders ... to her supervisor" and how another failed "to properly document information received from a confidential source in violation of ICE policy and procedure."

In the case involving one informant charged with murdering another, Jose Daniel Gonzalez Galeana, a smuggling manager for the Juarez cartel, was gunned down this spring in his upscale El Paso neighborhood. El Paso police say ICE delayed its investigation, steering detectives away from the man now charged with arranging the contract hit.

Kelly Nantel, an ICE spokeswoman in Washington, said in an e-mailed statement that the agency "works with confidential informants in accordance with established best practices and guidelines of federal law enforcement agencies."

The statement noted that ICE fired an agent last year for "negligence in performing his duties, misdirecting funds and submitting false documents" in relation to his work with an informant. Also, an agent in Miami was sentenced to two years in federal prison and resigned from ICE earlier this year as part of a plea deal for accepting gifts from an informant.

ICE officials in El Paso have repeatedly declined to comment on the Gonzalez case, but John Morton, Homeland Security's assistant secretary for ICE in Washington, said, "I'm aware of that situation and it is under review." He declined to answer other questions.

Problems with ICE informants are not a new phenomenon. According to a Feb. 24, 2004, letter from the head of the DEA office in El Paso to the head of the ICE office there, a man described as "a homicidal maniac" was allowed to continue working as an ICE snitch even after he "supervised the murder" of an associate of the Juarez cartel.

In a recent AP interview, the informant, Guillermo "Lalo" Ramirez Peyro, now confined to an ICE detention facility, denied participating in any homicides.

Even when not working with informants, ICE agents have gotten in trouble. The documents show that agents in field offices all over the country, and in several foreign posts, have been investigated for offenses including drunken driving in government cars, lying to other investigators in ongoing cases, and misusing their position for personal gain.

In one case, an agent was probed for having an inappropriate relationship with the target of an ICE investigation. Another agent was investigated for using his government position to ask questions from Texas about his mother-in-law's eviction in New Mexico.

El Paso, which sits on the Rio Grande across from the virtually lawless Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, is populated with numerous law enforcement agencies that try to work together on stopping the northbound flow of drugs, immigrants and violence and the southbound flow of weapons and cash.

ICE was spun off from the Immigration and Naturalization Service to become the investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security when DHS was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. ICE also handles the processing and detention of illegal immigrants and miscellaneous tasks like oversight of security at federal buildings.

The agency has long been interested in joining the border drug war, and has been stepping up its efforts as drug-related violence has killed more than 13,500 people in Mexico and threatens to spill into the United States.

Some local and federal authorities in El Paso are hesitant to work closely with ICE because of the way it operates, said law enforcement officers who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the issue.

In the 2004 DEA letter, inaction by ICE officials was blamed for "allowing at least 13 other murders to take place in Ciudad Juarez" and for endangering the lives of DEA agents and their families.

The murder of informant Gonzalez is another example of concern.

"It is interesting that an agency like ICE would be handling a cartel hit man, especially when you consider the other types of agencies in El Paso," said Stephen Meiners, a senior analyst for Stratfor, an Austin-based global intelligence company. "There's probably more than 50 agencies there who might be the more natural handler for that type of informant."

Law enforcement officers say agents follow general rules on informants: Federal investigators are supposed to keep close tabs on informants, approve any criminal activity that might be necessary to complete an investigation, and cut loose an informant who gets caught violating his agreement with the agency.

But it's not always easy, considering the kind of people involved in organized crime.

"You are automatically dealing with bad guys," said Phillip Lyons, a criminologist at Sam Houston State University. "It's a dirty business from the outset."

In the Gonzalez case, El Paso police were outraged by what appeared to be a deliberate attempt to steer them away from the prime suspect. They laid out their complaint in an interview with the AP.

As Gonzalez bled to death on the cul-de-sac in front of his house, his wife, Adriana Solis, made two phone calls, as her husband had instructed her to do if anything happened to him. First, she called ICE, then 911, said Lt. Alfred Lowe, the lead investigator.

Gonzalez, a Mexican national, had been living in the U.S. on an ICE-issued visa given to him as a perk for his informant work.

The ICE official his wife called, who remains unidentified, called El Paso police a bit later to tell them their murder victim worked for the Juarez cartel, but also was an ICE informant. They promised to help.

Solis told police that her husband believed a Juarez cartel assassin nicknamed "El Dorado" was hunting him down.

According to Lowe, the ICE official didn't contact police again for three days. When he did, he gave police a photo array of Gonzalez's known associates. A Texas Ranger noticed that the array contained one less photo than the last time he'd seen it. The ICE agent said he couldn't explain the discrepancy, Lowe said.

A few days later, the agent said the missing person was a man he called "Mayer," an ICE informant who might have information about the Gonzalez killing.

But ICE had given the police a false name and a false lead.

Mayer was really Ruben Rodriguez "El Dorado" Dorado, a twist police discovered when the man was arrested along with a U.S. Army solider and two other teenagers trying to steal a trailer full of televisions. Lowe said police recognized the photo of Rodriguez in the El Paso Times as that of the man identified to them as Mayer.

Nearly two months later, they charged informant Rodriguez with arranging the hit on informant Gonzalez. The soldier, the alleged triggerman, the teens and another man also are charged in the case.

Neville Cramer, a retired INS special agent, said ICE was obligated to turn over Rodriguez to police as soon as they thought he might be a murder suspect.

"If ICE knew ... this individual was involved in any manner whatsoever, they had better not have kept the information from the police, no matter what the circumstances were," Cramer said.

Added Lowe: "Some agencies don't take murder as seriously as drugs."


Associated Press writer Eileen Sullivan contributed to this report from Washington.
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East Asia and the Pacific: United States Breaks Ground on New Consulate Compound in Guangzhou, China
Sun, October 25, 2009 1:21:28 PMFrom: U.S. Department of State Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com


East Asia and the Pacific: United States Breaks Ground on New Consulate Compound in Guangzhou, China
Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:07:28 -0500

United States Breaks Ground on New Consulate Compound in Guangzhou, China

Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC

October 25, 2009


U.S. Ambassador to China Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, Consul General to Guangzhou Brian L. Goldbeck, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Lydia Muniz, and Chinese representatives Guangdong Vice Governor Wan Qingliang and Guangzhou Vice Mayor Cao Jianliao, broke ground on a New Consulate Compound (NCC) in Guangzhou, China today.

The Guangzhou NCC will provide a secure, safe, and functional facility for the approximately 300 employees who will work at the consulate. The NCC will be configured so that its seven state-of-the-art buildings are separated from each other but tied together by gardens and courtyards demonstrating the Department’s commitment to green design and sustainability. Several of the buildings on the site will feature “green” roofs that will mitigate thermal loads by providing insulation and also will minimize storm water run-off. Rooftops that are not green will be covered in white stone to reflect heat and minimize heat gain.

The centerpiece of the compound will be the four-story Consular office building featuring an interior Great Hall with over 67 service windows for American citizen services, visa interviews and other applicant services. The stone-clad building will be bathed with natural light and the Great Hall will feature a wood wall and ceiling finishes as well as a Chinese granite floor. The building facade and landscaped areas will be designed to integrate Chinese granite and other local stone with trees and other plantings from southern China.

The NCC will be constructed by two companies B.L. Harbert International, LLC of Birmingham, Alabama will construct the main chancery, and China Huashi Enterprises Company LTD of Guangzhou, China will construct the public access buildings on the facility. The approximate cost of the entire project is $260 million. The compound was designed by the architectural firm of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) of San Francisco, California. SOM is the award wining architect of the Beijing Embassy, which opened in 2008. The proposed completion date for the NCC is 2012-13.

The new Consulate will represent a major architectural contribution to the fast growing region and to the city of Guangzhou; a significant example of sustainable development; much improved services to both Chinese and American citizens; and a strengthening of the U.S.-China relationship.

For further information, please contact Jonathan Blyth at BlythJJ@State.gov or on (703) 875-4131.

PRN: 2009/1060


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ECFA商談 王毅:爭取年內啟動
大陸新聞組北京25日電October 25, 2009 12:02 AM | 233 觀看次數 | 1 | |

國台辦主任王毅25日上午在「兩岸關係研討會」上表示,願與台灣方面協商,爭取年內在兩會框架下盡早啟動兩岸經濟合作協議的正式商談。 (中新社)

slideshow 國台辦主任王毅今天參加在成都舉辦的「兩岸關係研討會」時說,願與台灣方面協商,爭取年內在兩會框架下盡早啟動兩岸經濟合作協議正式商談。如雙方都認為有需要,在兩會第四次會談中可就商簽協議交換意見。










陳?林再訪台 先遊日月潭
台?承侣?組台北23日?October 23, 2009 12:00 AM | 1070 觀看次? | 1 | | 本?笙德?合???В;?麻L江丙坤昨天透露,海?f??L陳?林?⒗12月中下旬第四江陳??C,走訪慕名已久的日月潭等中部景點,有關行程?節,?⒂??M一步?f商安排。






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***** "A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth!!!" ---Founder of ICBC Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei *5168

<<< Just arrives upon the scene! At 4:58 a.m.(LV) on Monday, October 19, 2009!! {To be completed ...} >>>

***** "... .... .!" ---??? *55777



---??? *

***** "... .... .!" ---??? *


<<< We're experienced and inspired! Brilliant! Google, MSN, and Yahoo!! [To be completed ...] >>>

[At 5:37 PM (LV) in the evening on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!!]:

***** "... to use the power and beauty to support those in need," said Miss World Zhang Zilin. The role as a beauty ambassadress for our world is inspiringly .....

***** Miss Vicki Zhao (驸錘) 趙薇: For Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF), United We Stand! It's our honor and privilege to be one of the Embassdresses by practicing our power and beauty elegantly to support those people in need!! ---President and Publisher Dr. Toni Ni of "NEW WORLD -- International Edition" *737747

***** Taiwan, with the desire to excel!!!

[[[[[ 上海世博會台北館 11月施工 明年3月完工 鴻海董事長郭台銘擔任代言人
2009-10-21 旺報 ... 上海世博會台北館 11月施工 明年3月完工 鴻海董事長郭台銘擔任代言人
2009-10-21 旺報 【■記者楊慈郁/綜合報導】












<<<<< To Dr. Ku-sheng Kung

陳均怡October 22, 2009 12:00 AM | 2850 觀看次數 | 16 | |

***** 中秋節清晨,老公起了個大早,送兒子參加游泳隊訓練。期間有三個小時可揮霍,他沒跑去吃吃喝喝,卻跑了趟家用品店,尋找材料,打算為剛去住校讀大學的女兒,做一個床頭燈的架子。













<<<<< To Dr. Ku-sheng Kung

Congratulations on your 90th birthday!!

"The LORD rewards every man for his righteousness and faithfulness!"

From Tony, Judy, Angie, and Mike of LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. >>>>> *777

 ***** 世博展期結束後,台北館的鋼樑等建材、投影設備等都會再利用。至於館內,從規畫、興建、到營運管理及撤場,都會落實3R(Reduce、Recycle、Reuse)——減量、回收、再利用的環保原則。 ]]]]] *335577

<<<<< {{{East Asia and the Pacific: Afternoon Walkthrough in Beijing, China
Tue, October 20, 2009 10:06:18 AM ^^^From: U.S. Department of State {usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov} Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ...}}}

[[East Asia and the Pacific: Afternoon Walkthrough in Beijing, China!
Tue, 20 Oct 2009 11:52:29 -0500]]

***** Afternoon Walkthrough in Beijing, China
Philip S. Goldberg
Coordinator for Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1874
Westin Hotel
Beijing, China
October 20, 2009


AMBASSADOR GOLDBERG: Good afternoon, everyone. As you know, we spent today, an interagency delegation from Washington, meeting with Chinese officials: first, an interagency meeting at the Foreign Ministry Guest House that was interagency on both sides, followed by a meeting this afternoon with Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei to discuss the implementation of the UN resolutions on North Korea. They were good conversations. We continue to work closely and collaboratively with the Chinese and other members of the Sanctions Committee at the UN and within the five parties of the Six-Party Talks to make sure that this aspect of our cooperation continues. *1

***** "... .... .!" ---??? *007



Dear Fellow Nevadan,

Last weekend, I was pleased to be back in Nevada with Vice President Biden. We met with hundreds of Nevadans to discuss our efforts to improve the economy. Times are tough in Nevada, but I know how much tougher they would be had we not passed the Economic Recovery Act.

We learned this week that Harrah~{!/~}s would have had to lay off more than 31,000 Nevadans had it not been for the debt cancellation provision I fought to include in the bill. We also know that this bill has created or saved more than 4,000 jobs at Nevada~{!/~}s schools and universities, and it has already created more than 6,000 new jobs in our state. We're solidifying our role as the clean energy leader by investing $100 million that will create thousands more clean-energy jobs in our state.

Because Nevada has one of the nation~{!/~}s highest unemployment rates, I am focused every day on two things: helping people who are out of work and helping businesses retain and create jobs. As part of the Recovery Act, we passed an extension to unemployment insurance benefits, and made sure that it will not add to the deficit. Next week, I plan to introduce another extension that provides a little extra help to people in hard-hit states like Nevada.

Yesterday we learned that Nevada created more jobs in September than all but 2 states in the country. In fact, ours was one of only seven states nationally to create any jobs. The news that 3,000 more Nevadans are employed is another encouraging sign that the Recovery Act and our other efforts to help Nevada~{!/~}s businesses and workers are beginning to pay off. I know that too many Nevadans are still struggling to make ends meet, and I will continue working to improve the economy and get people back to work.

This week, I am working with the White House to merge the Senate health bills together. I think it is important for Nevadans to understand what happens in these negotiations, so I have included video updates below that detail our work last week and this week.

Thank you for reading this update. If you want to learn more, please visit my website.

United States Senator for Nevada

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Carson City, NV - Governor Jim Gibbons has appointed Stephen P. Quinn to the Nevada State Contractors Board. Quinn is President of Precision Construction in Las Vegas. He started the company in 1983 and over the last 25 years his company has completed more than $225-million dollars of commercial and medical construction, as well as public works projects.

Mr. Quinn has been a Nevada resident since 1972. He was a member of the City of Las Vegas Planning Commission for more than seven years. In 2007, Mr. Quinn was appointed to and then voted Chairman of the City of Las Vegas Building and Safety Enterprise Fund Advisory Committee. Mr. Quinn also devotes a great deal of time and energy to community causes, including the Crippled Children~{!/~}s Transportation Fund which helps transport children to Shriner~{!/~}s Hospitals for treatment. Additionally, Mr. Quinn serves as an Honorary Wing Commander on the Nellis Support Team.

~{!0~}I feel privileged to be selected by the Governor for this position,~{!1~} Quinn said, ~{!0~}I am anxious to work together with the other Board members to ensure quality and safety for Nevada~{!/~}s contractors, construction employees and the public.~{!1~}

Stephen P. Quinn will replace Guy Wells on the Board. The Nevada State Contractors Board is empowered with determining the qualifications of applications prior to state licensing, and setting forth conditions for ...



<<< Just arrives at 4:57 a.m.(LV) in the early morning on Sunday, October 18, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.! [To be continued ...] >>>




Life is meant to be a never-ending education,

and when this is fully appreciated,

we are no longer survivors but adventurers!

---David McNally, Even Eagles Need a Push *1

***** "... .... .!" ---U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the Senate Honorable Harry M. Lei PPAA Forum Distinguished Author of Administrative Strategies Victory on WBTI/USA through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! *44777

{{{{{ << To be edited ...>>
Oct. 18, 2009
Copyright -- Las Vegas Review-Journal

DE-STRESS FOR SUCCESS: Mastering the Wheel!
-- Tips for alleviating pressure during tough times at work!!

***** In this economy, those lucky enough to have a desk are probably chained to it. With more stress going around -- and less time to work on reducing it -- we asked a variety of experts for their most helpful tips. *5001

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... National Winning AP, Yahoo! ..... PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A ... com for "John International Youth Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti" by the ... Democratic Party, Dr. Sun-Yuang Kung, U ...

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... (To be continued ...) Look all the way over your shoulders -- left and then right. Then drop your chin to your chest.

Matt Smith, owner of 17 physical therapy clinics bearing his name across the valley, suggests performing this series of moves gently, once every hour or so or whenever tightness develops.

"The problem is that our head weighs 18 pounds," he says, "and unless we're sitting posturally perfect, that head is being pulled down by gravity, so the neck muscles are overly stressed."


Elevate your shoulders to your ears, hold for five seconds and release. Then squeeze your shoulder blades together likewise. Repeat every hour or whenever tightness develops.

***** "... .... .!" ---President Dr. and Mrs. Ku-sheng Kung of National Chunghsing University *4477777

Because the upper trapezius muscle holds the arm to the body, Smith explains, it also holds lots of tension -- "especially if your arms are extended over a keyboard all day."

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ...
Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; .... PAI of WBTI. 'Representative (Region 9) of U. S. Department of Labor Marina Tse (美國勞工部美西 ... Attendees will enjoy the company of fellow alumni, parents, ...
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Breathe in through the nose, hold for a silent count of four, then exhale through the mouth. In yoga, this is known as a "cleansing" breath.

"Sometimes it seems like you have 150 million thoughts, but it's only one thought at a time," says Alice Nasife, hypnotherapist and owner of A Stress Management Clinic. "And while you focus on your breathing, whatever you're thinking about is not in your mind anymore. So therefore, the stress passes."

While breathing, Nasife suggests, think positive statements, such as "I am calm," to counteract the negative ones that return.

Kathleen Grace Santor, yoga teacher and owner of Stress Management Center of Nevada, suggests typing "breathe" into your screen saver or, better -- if you can figure out how -- making a reminder pop up every 30 minutes or so.


Tense different muscle groups, wait five seconds, then relax them -- moving up or down the body to make sure you don't miss any. Developed by American physician Edmund Jacobson in the early '20s, this technique still is widely practiced and respected.

"It's neuromuscular feedback to the brain," Smith explains. "How do you get a tight muscle back to a relaxed state? You need to have the muscle tell the brain that the state that it's in is not good."

Muscle contraction also stimulates blood flow, which brings oxygen.

"Oxygenation is the key to healing," Smith says. "In therapy, we spend our time trying to reoxygenate tissues that have been sprained, strained or operated on."


Place a photograph around your desk, or on your screen saver, of someplace that makes you feel good.

"Imagine you're there for 10 seconds and then move on with your work," Santor says.


Your desk is no place to spend your breaks and lunch.

"Obviously, the best thing you can do for your body is hit the gym," Smith says. "But if that's not going to happen, at least step outside and get some sunshine, get some vitamin D and clear your head."


The verdict keeps changing about small amounts of caffeine. Current studies suggest it may be a good thing -- helping concentration and even lowering the risk of diabetes and Alzheimer's.

But if stress is your problem, according to Dr. Stephen Miller of Internal Medicine Associates, stop after your second cup of the day.

"It can make (stress) worse," Miller says. "And after two cups, you risk rebounding from lack of it."


Not physically, of course, but imaginary crimes are not unlawful.

"Think about stabbing your boss three times and how good you feel after getting it out of your system," says Amy Pittle, who relies on a similar exercise to teach improv comedy classes at the Onyx Theatre.

"It helps get people out of their shells and into the comfort zone of playing a character," she says, "but it works in the office, too."

***** World Journal: 曉亞 Dear Michelle, It's our pleasure to be on YouTube by Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum of WBTI/USA Yahoo! Mail Glocal AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! *1001

Pittle knows from personal experience. She once slaved for a boss who walked in every morning -- later than all his employees, of course -- yelled a profanity and then slammed his door.

"What made it fun was changing it up every day," she says. "Different weapons, different methods, and what time we did it."

***** Chao: 曉亞與獸醫夫婿王勢爵 Leading Chinese Literature World with PPAA Forum at WBTI/USA for Winning Glacal through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ---Dean Dr. Nancy Magnusson Fagan *00097

<<<<< "人人都有發財夢,想說中了樂透就開名車、買豪宅、環遊世界。謝善元的夢想卻和大家不一樣。他聖荷西家中有一套西方經典全集(the Great Books of the Western World,大英百科全書出版社),他很想聘請最佳人才,把整套經典譯出來給全中國人閱讀," wrote Reporter 黃美惠 in San Jose, California on October 29, 2007. It was sent to WBTI by TEFA News from Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan.*2

"擁有芝加哥大學博士學位的謝善元還沒有中樂透,倒是已經完成「西方大哲蘇格拉底的最後時日」英文中譯工作,交由台灣「學生書局」以及中國「上海譯文出版社」印行。中國版書名為「蘇格拉底最的日子」。 謝善元生於上海,長在台灣,他是台灣的東海大學第一屆畢業生(1959年)。1962年,美國的傅布萊特(Fulbright)全額獎學金在台灣招考,有三千多人應考,謝善元就是那唯一考取這項公費獎學金的人,渡海來到美國芝加哥大學深造,獲博士學位。他所著的「李覯」(北宋思想家)曾被台灣的「東大圖書公司」收入所編「世界哲學家叢書」。" *3

The above report was entitled "謝善元 完成蘇格拉底最後時日譯作 --- 交付兩岸印行 他還有個為中國人翻譯「西方經典全集」的夢想." The credits of publication go all to the Reporter Miss 黃美惠 and World Journal.

***** "You must give something to your fellow man - even if it's a little thing, do
something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." ---WBTI learns it from a search of 'community service', etc. by the leading search engines on Internet >>>>> *5

Contact reporter Corey Levitan at clevitan@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0456.

Share & Save }}}}} *0003747


[[*1. Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung. '... E.Q. and A.Q. ... Art of Leading ... PPAA Forum of WBTI/USA through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!' "A feature article ... {Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'Business & Administration (PPAA 20)', October 17, 2009}, 1-3.
*4477777. ... a phone call between President Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei and President Dr. Ku-sheng Kung ... Nevada and California ... on October 18, 2009 .......
*00097. World Journal. '... .!' "a feature article ... Chinese Daily News (WJ) ... at www.worldjournal.com ... {Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'Leading Chinese Literature World', Autumn, 2007}, 1-7.
*0003747. .......
*5. LVRJ/wbti. ... by the world's leading search engines on Internet .......]]

<<< With LOVE .......! [To be completed ...] >>>

馬英九接主席 胡錦濤拍賀電
更新日期:2009/10/18 02:12 陳洛薇、羅暐智、盧金足C合報導





[[*0001357. 陳洛薇、羅暐智、盧金足. '.......
China Times ... at Yahoo! Mail .......


***** "Brilliant! Seeing .......??" --- John *1001

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Fox News!!
2009-10-18 中國時報 【中央社】

*****  白宮與福斯新聞(Fox News)的唇槍舌劍顯然還未告一段落。白宮資深幕僚今天在多個週日政論節目中再度開火,痛批福斯不是真正的新聞台,很多內容不是真的新聞。

 白宮資铑檰柊巳_德(David Axelrod)在美國廣播公司(ABC)的節目上表示,「福斯不是真正的新聞台,播出內容有很多不是真的新聞」。

 他更直批福斯的老板梅鐸(Rupert Murdoch),指梅鐸的確很會賺錢,許多節目都是被操弄來謀利。

 白宮幕僚長易曼紐(Rahm Emanuel)則是在美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)訪問時再補一刀。他說,福斯只是裝得像正規新聞台,但事實上不是新聞機構,他們根本只有特定觀點。

 白宮聯絡梧嚩鳎ˋnita Dunn)日前公開批評福斯不是新聞機構,是共和黨的支部,隨即再度引發白宮與福斯之間的交鋒。]]] *00044567


On Google!

***** Steven Horsford and Bill Raggio: 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 18, 2009 12:00 AM

[[[***** WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "LVRJ/wbti: 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 18, 2009 12:00 AM" with Safesearch on. (0.38 seconds)

Search Results {Brilliant! MSN, Yahoo, and Google!! At 3:33 p.m.(LV) on October 18, 2009!}:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "LVRJ/wbti: 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 15, 2009 12:00 AM" {"LVRJ/wbti: 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 15, 2009 12:00 AM"} with ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar/]]]

王羽佳 以樂傳情找知音!
By 陳良玨

<<< To be completed ... >>>

***** [[[音樂才女王羽佳(Yuja Wang),受「古今迴響」中華文化盛宴之邀,即將在洛杉磯與上海交響樂團同台演出,以「樂」傳情,找尋知音。]]]

***** 音樂才女王羽佳(Yuja Wang),受「古今迴響」中華文化盛宴之邀,即將在洛杉磯與上海交響樂團同台演出,以「樂」傳情,找尋知音。

***** Miss Yuja Wang: It's my honor and pleasure to be on YouTube by Google! Yes, we'll be there!! Distinguished Authors PPAA Forum International Winning Symposium Yahoo! Mail LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ---WBTI/USA *0007557

... (To be continued ...) 王羽佳1987年出生北京,受父母薰陶,六歲學琴,14歲獨自赴加拿大留學,畢業於美國費城Crutis音樂學院,與郎朗同拜格拉夫斯曼(Gary Graffman)為師,定居紐約。




「上海交響樂團與王羽佳」表演為11月24日晚上8時,王羽佳將呈獻拉赫曼尼諾夫第二號鋼琴協奏曲,在橙縣表演藝術中心(Orange County Performing Arts Center)演出,結合中西古典與現代,作為節目精彩壓軸。

古今迴響 東西音樂共襄盛舉 | May 29, 2009
古今迴響 中華文化盛宴開幕 | Oct 12, 2009
銀河藝術團18、24日演出 | Oct 12, 2009
南海岸精品中心 中華文化盛宴好戲連台 | Oct 16, 2009

[[*0007127. 陳良玨. '王羽佳 以樂傳情找知音! -- Victory!!' "A report ... 洛杉磯報導October 16, 2009 12:00 AM 王羽佳 以樂傳情找知音! Victory!! ...
*7557. .......]]


Upcoming Events: Congresswoman Titus hosts Health Care Forum, OFA launches a day of community service!
Taskes, Responsibilities, and Practices!!
By Nevada State Democratic Party (NDSP) , Valorie Vega, Sam Lieberman, and Jennifer Kung

***** "... .... .!" ---U.S. Congresswoman Honorable Shelley Berkley Distinguished Authors PPAA Forum Administrative Strategies Winning Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! *0007375
By Nevada State Democratic Party (NDSP), Valorie Vega, Sam Lieberman, and Jennifer Kung

Dear Tony,

***** Please join Congresswoman Dina Titus for an open forum on health care. Questions will be taken and answered. *1

What: Heath Care Forum with Congresswoman Dina Titus

When: Date: Monday October 19, 2009 from 7pm-8pm

Where: Temple Ner Tamid, 55 North Valle Verde Drive, Henderson, NV

Organizing for America is launching Serve Nevada - A Day of Community Service on October 24th with events around the state.

To find an event near you, visit www.nevada.barackobama.com and search events.

This is a great opportunity for us to show that Democrats are taking an active role in making Nevada a better place to live.*7

***** {{{This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com
You were added to the system January 30, 2008.

Paid for and authorized by the Nevada State Democratic Party | 1210 S. Valley View Road, Suite 114 | Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 | (702) 737-VOTE. Contributions to the Nevada State Democratic Party are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.}}}

*1. (NSDP). 'Upcoming Events: Congresswoman Titus hosts Health Care Forum, OFA launches a day of community service! -- Taskes, Responsibilities, and Practices!!
By Nevada State Democratic Party, Valorie Vega, Sam Lieberman, and Jennifer Kung ... Fri, October 16, 2009 12:44:27 PM ^^^From: Nevada State Democratic Party {news@nvdems.com} Add to Contacts To: Tony T. Lei {tojulei@yahoo.com} .......
*7. .......]]



***** "... .... .!" ---??? *74447

<<<<< Dear Alumni,

You are cordially invited to attend a reception for the alumni and students of Pepperdine's Doctor of Education programs. Please join us for fellowship and to strengthen our connections as a leadership community.*1

*** "... .>>> > !" ---??? *107

Leadership Reception for GSEP Doctoral Community
November 6, 5:00 - 7PM
Marriott Hotel - Downtown Los Angeles in the Board Room Lounge
333 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, Ca 90071

Meet with Dean Margaret J. Weber, Ed.D. alumni and students following the Greenleaf Foundation's Leadership Institute for Educators (L.I.F.E.) conference on Servant Leadership. This reception is hosted by the Alumni Relations Office of Pepperdine's Graduate School of Education and Psychology.

Space is limited, please make your reservations by November 2nd via email: gsepalum@pepperdine.edu. The reception is complimentary. Parking at the Marriott Hotel with validation is $14.

Dean Weber will be a featured presenter at this year's L.I.F.E. conference along with notable GSEP alumni Kurt Takamine and Regan Schaffer.*3

{{To register for the L.I.F. E. conference sponsored by the Greenleaf Foundation visit: http://www.greenleaf.org/life/2009/index.html

For further information contact Claudette LaCour, Director Alumni Relations at 310-568-5649 or clacour@pepperdine.edu}}

{{{ Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Office of Alumni Relations

This email was sent to tojulei@yahoo.com by gsepalumni@pepperdine.edu.

GSEP Pepperdine | 6100 Center Drive | Los Angeles | CA | 90045}}} >>>>> *000757

*000757. ... Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber ...
*3. .......]]


WBTI/USA President Dr. Tony T. Lei: U.S. Secretary of Commerce Honorable Gary Locke (駱家輝) Winning International with Distinguished Authors of PPAA Forum through Yahoo! Mail Glocal AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!!



---??? *3007

***** "... .... .!" ---??? *3757

WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 5 of about 2 for "LVRJ/wbti: Gary Locke Winning International Yahoo! Mail AP WBTI/USA" with Safesearch on. (0.79 seconds)

Search Results (Brilliant! Google, MSN, and Yahoo!!):

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] Gary Locke 駱家輝 (閜壠婸) to the grand opening of World Expo in Shanghai! ...... Tony Tung-tien Lei Modern Wisdom Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti USA. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached - Similar

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...
- [ Translate this page ] AP, LVRJ, Yahoo! Mail, LVRJ/WBTI (Nevada, usa: Communitylink of Las Vegas . ... Thailand Singapore International Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti USA ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached - Similar/



Office of the Press Secretary


For Immediate Release October 14, 2009




East Room

3:46 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Well, good afternoon, everybody. Please be seated. Welcome to the White House. I’m glad you could join us today as I proudly sign this executive order reestablishing the President’s Advisory Commission and White House Initiative on Asian American and Pacific Islanders.

Now, when we talk about America’s AAPI communities, we’re talking about the industry and entrepreneurship of people who’ve helped build this nation for centuries: from the early days, as laborers on our railroads and farmers tilling our land, to today, as leaders in every sector of American life, from business to science to academia, law and more.

We’re talking about the creative energies of musicians like the singers Penn Masala — we appreciate them — who performed today. And we’re talking about the competitive spirit of athletes like Wat Misaka, who played for the New York Knicks back in 1947 — the first non-white player in the NBA — and who served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Mr. Misaka is here as well today and — where’s Mr. Misaka? There he is. Thank you so much. (Applause.)

We’re talking about the public service of leaders like Secretaries Gary Locke and Steven Chu and Eric Shinseki and the folks on stage with me today. And we’re talking about the courage and the patriotism and sacrifice of heroes like the members of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team who served in World War II, including Terry Shima. Please give him a big round of applause. (Applause.) Mr. Shima is the Executive Director of the Japanese American Veterans Association, and we are grateful that he took the time to be here today.

Some of their families had been interned. Some had been interned themselves. But they still insisted on fighting for America, and went on to become the most highly decorated unit of their size in history.

And one member of the regiment, Private Jake Kirihara, whose parents were held in a camp here in America while he fought overseas, later said: “… even though this wrong was done to us, there was never any question whether America was my country. If America needed me to help, I’ll do it.”

So this proud tradition of service continues today in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world, carried on by folks like Tammy Duckworth, my dear friend who’s here today. (Applause.) Tammy is a decorated member of our National Guard, a passionate advocate for our wounded warriors, who is now serving as our Assistant Secretary of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs at the Veterans Affairs Department. I’m proud to have her on board and pleased that she could join us today.

And on a personal note, when I talk about America’s AAPI communities, I’m talking about my own family: my sister, Maya; my brother-in-law, Konrad; my beautiful nieces, Suhaila and Savita; and the folks I grew up with in Indonesia, and in Honolulu, as part of the Hawai’ian Ohana, or family.

Our AAPI communities have roots that span the globe, but they embody a rich diversity, and a story of striving and success that are uniquely American.

But focusing on all of these achievements doesn’t tell the whole story, and that’s part of why we’re here. It’s tempting, given the strengths of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, for us to buy into the myth of the “model minority,” and to overlook the very real challenges that certain Asian American and Pacific Islander communities are facing: from health disparities like higher rates of diabetes and Hepatitis B; to educational disparities that still exist in some communities — high dropout rates, low college enrollment rates; to economic disparities — higher rates of poverty in some communities, and barriers to employment and workplace advancement in others.

Some Asian American and Pacific Islanders, particularly new Americans and refugees, still face language barriers. Others have been victims of unthinkable hate crimes, particularly in the months after September 11th — crimes driven by ignorance and prejudice that are an affront to everything that this nation stands for.

And then there are the disparities that we don’t even know about because our data collection methods still aren’t up to par. Too often, Asian American and Pacific Islanders are all lumped into one category, so we don’t have accurate numbers reflecting the challenges of each individual community. Smaller communities in particular can get lost, their needs and concerns buried in a spreadsheet.

And that’s why I’m signing this executive order today, reestablishing the advisory commission and White House initiative created by President Clinton 10 years ago. Because when any of our citizens — (applause) — when any of our citizens are unable to fulfill their potential due to factors that have nothing to do with their talent, character, or work ethic, then I believe there’s a role for our government to play. Not to guarantee anybody’s success or to solve everybody’s problems, but to ensure that we’re living up to our nation’s ideals; to ensure that we can each pursue our own version of happiness, and that we continue to be a nation where all things are still possible for all people. That’s the impact that our government can have.

It’s the impact of a Small Business Administration that offers loans to Asian American and Pacific Islander entrepreneurs whose small businesses sustain so many communities around the country. It’s the impact of a Department of Health and Human Services that funds research on the diseases that disproportionately affect Asian American and Pacific Islander families. It’s the impact of a Justice Department that upholds the Voting Rights Act and its promise of language assistance and equal access to the polls. And it’s the impact of evidence-based research and data collection and analysis on AAPI communities — so that no one is invisible to their government.

All of that is the mission of this initiative and commission — to work with 23 agencies and departments across our government to improve the health, education, and economic status of AAPI communities. The initiative and commission will be housed in the Department of Education, and they’ll be co-chaired by Secretaries Arne Duncan and Secretary Gary Locke, both of whom have devoted their lives to promoting opportunity for all our citizens.

And I think it’s fitting that we begin this work in the week leading up to the holiday of Diwali — the festival of lights — when members of some of the world’s greatest faiths celebrate the triumph of good over evil.

This coming Saturday, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and some Buddhists, here in America and around the world, will celebrate this holiday by lighting Diyas, or lamps, which symbolize the victory of light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. And while this is a time of rejoicing, it’s also a time for reflection, when we remember those who are less fortunate and renew our commitment to reach out to those in need.

While the significance of the holiday for each faith varies, all of them mark it by gathering with family members to pray and decorate the house and enjoy delicious food and sweet treats. And in that spirit of celebration and contemplation, I am happy to light the White House Diya, and wish you all a Happy Diwali, and a Saal Mubarak. (Applause.)

(The White House Diya is lit.) (Applause.)

Now I’m going to sign this bill — sign this order.

(The executive order is signed.)

All right. There we go. (Applause.)

END 3:56 P.M. EDT

*1. Google.com. 'For a search of .......!' "Asian American Advisory Board of the President .......]]

{{{ ... Remarks by the President at AAPI Initiative Executive Order ... Oct 14, 2009 ... I'm proud to have her on board and pleased that she could join us today. ... It's tempting, given the strengths of the Asian American and Pacific ... reestablishing the advisory commission and White House initiative ... and they'll be co-chaired by Secretaries Arne Duncan and Secretary Gary Locke, ...
www.asianamericansforobama.com/remarks-by-the-president-at-aapi-initiative-executive-order-signing-and-diwali-event - Cached - Similar/ }}}


***** "... .... .!" ---??? *3747

 ***** 美國負責東亞和太平洋地區事務的助理國務卿坎貝爾首次就日本鳩山政府的東亞共同體構想公開表態。14日他在北京表示,目前亞洲主導機制並不明確,但任何涉及到安全、經濟、商業重要機制都不應將美國拋置在外,「美國是一個活躍分子,我們會參與其中。」*501

***** "... .... .!" ---??? *5787

... (To be continued ...)  坎貝爾強調,美國簽署《東南亞友好合作條約》,所以亞洲任何對話都應有美國參與。



... 東亞共同體的參加國是中國、日本、韓國、東盟、印度、澳洲和紐西蘭, ...

... 東盟成員國之一的新加坡,總理李顯龍卻認為,美國自二戰結束以來就已和一些亞太區域國家建立了正式的雙邊關係,並有了一定的基礎,所以美國的加入有助於促進整體勢力的平衡。


***** The above information has been posted by "Want Daily" and "China Times" at www.chinatimes.com! All credits and responsibilities of the contents in Chinese belong to the original Reporter 鍾張涵, Editor, and Publisher! Thank you very much!! {{2009-10-16 旺報 【記者鍾張涵/綜合報導】}}

*501. 鍾張涵. ... by "Want Daily" and "China Times" at www.chinatimes.com! .......
*5787. LVRJ/wbti. ...

***** "She's much more beautiful than ... !" Why! Why! and WHY!
"Ask Google, MSN, and Yahoo!" ---More visible and popular!!! *007

WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "郭淑貞: Las Vegas Chinese Daily News" with Safesearch on. (0.24 seconds)

Search Results [Brilliant! MSN, Yahoo, and Google! at 4:14 p.m.(LV) in the afternoon on Friday, October 16, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the world's leading search engines on Internet!!]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] The above information has been posted by "Want Daily News" and "China Times" at www.chinatimes.com! All credits and responsibilities of the contents in Chinese belong to the original ... 台灣競爭力論壇創意舞蹈團團長郭淑貞,是2008年世界肚皮舞總冠軍。 .... It will be held on December 12-14 this year in Las Vegas. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar
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