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部落格 新聞 註冊/登入 紐約 舊金山 洛杉磯 溫哥華 多倫多 新澤西/賓州 波士頓 芝加哥 大華府 亞特蘭大/佛州 休士頓&達拉斯 賭城 聖地牙哥 西雅圖/夏威夷 紐約 紐約(大) 舊金山 西/夏 洛杉磯 德州 新/費 波士頓 芝加哥 大華府 亞/佛 多倫多 溫哥華 歐洲 紐約 舊金山 洛杉磯 新澤西 波士頓 芝加哥 大華府 亞特蘭大 佛州 多倫多 溫哥華 紐約 舊金山 洛杉磯 最新文章 我的部落格 我的小檔案 我的電子文摘 回首頁 美國 大陸 台灣 香港 國際 財經 影藝 體育 科技 話題 論壇 民調 醫藥保健 法律移民 藝文 生活 世界周刊 教育專刊 進修區 長壽秘訣 蔣哲倫 December 11, 2009 12:00 AM | 5145 觀看次數 | 45 | | 表姊夫今年104歲,自20年前表姐去世之後,他一直獨居於舊金山漁人碼頭附近的老人公寓裡,是該處年歲最高、又最受人們尊敬和喜愛的和藹老人。我每次來美國旅遊或探親,總要去拜望這位長者。 第一次同外子來美旅遊是1998年的事,和表姊夫約定住在他家。當時他已93歲,怕我們語言不通、無法問路,竟親自前往機場迎候。午飯之後,他又陪我們去漁人碼頭觀光,眺望金門橋和犯人島。 我們恐他勞累,一再勸他回去休息,他卻精神抖擻、步履健爽,不停地給我們介紹周圍景點和有關故事。身體之硬朗,思維之敏捷,幾乎勝過我們60多歲的人。讚嘆之餘,我不禁請問姊夫:「您的長壽秘訣是什麼?」他告訴我:「80歲之前適度運動,80歲之後悠閒度日,最重要的是心胸開闊,於人於事豁達大度。」 邊走邊說,我們不知不覺已回到家中。進門後還沒坐定,表姊夫就說要給我們兩個驚喜;只看他取出相簿,指著一張在高空跳傘的照片問:這是誰?哇!原來那位四肢結實、健美靈活的跳傘者,就是他80華誕的留影。接著,他又給我們另一個驚喜,讓我們欣賞他櫃子上布置的一套兒童樂隊。 那是一群造型活潑的孩子,手執不同樂器,姿態各異,似乎在演奏各自的樂曲。正當我們指指點點,比較哪個更可愛時,姊夫卻悄悄地把按鈕一按,櫃上的小人立刻機靈地敲起手裡的樂器,逗得我們哈哈大笑。這時的姊夫,活像一個調皮的孩童。 今年6月上旬,我第六次來美探親。姊夫得知,熱情地邀我們去做客。當天他等候在家,門鈴一響,他立即站起身來迎接。讓座完畢,大家邊喝茶邊聊天,我見姊夫面色滋潤、耳聰目明,腦子反應靈敏、說話對答如流,依然詼諧風趣,不時發出朗朗笑聲,比我見過的所有百歲人瑞都健談。 他說:「我現在成為活寶了,處處受到保護。社區和樓裡的鄰居經常來關心我,牧師剛才還來電話,明天將派車接我去聚餐。逢年過節,專程來訪者更是絡繹不絕,親戚朋友個個叫我『老祖宗』。」 「醫院也定期上門給我做體檢,一切指標正常,估計將來我會『無疾而終』。」臨別依依,姊夫送我們到走廊盡頭的窗口時,還不忘指著近處的海灣景色說,他每天早晚都來此欣賞。他並發出深情的讚嘆:「這世界實在太美了!」 9月底的一天下午,我們突然接到訃告:表姊夫帶著微笑,無聲無息地告別了人間,如他所言,無疾而終。教會為他舉行一個隆重的追思會,他的長女在會上代表家屬答謝來賓時說:「諸位一定很想知道爸爸的長壽秘訣,他是這樣教導我們小輩的,希望大家記住他老人家的三句話:「Money is gone, nothing is gone(失去了金錢,沒有失去什麼);Health is gone, half is gone.(失去了健康,失去了一半);Hope is gone, everything is gone.(失去了希望,就失去了全部)。」 Share This Article: Delicious Digg Buzz up! reddit Facebook LinkedIn Twitter StumbleUpon Mixx it! Fark Newsvine 更多新聞 ★專題報導★長命百歲不是夢 | Nov 08, 2009 綜覽世界全局,觀看全真的世界日報電子報(ePaper) | |
121309-0957 |
夏威夷電影節Maggie Q獲頒小牛獎 記者高振華檀香山26日報導October 28, 2009 09:00 AM | 616 觀看次數 | 0 | 1 | | 播放 | 暫停 | << 上一頁 | 下一頁 >> 圖片 1 / 2夏威夷國際電影節執行長波勒(Chuck Boller)頒發2009年「小牛 獎」給夏威夷地區出生的國際紅星Maggie Q,表揚她在藝術文化屆的貢獻。 記者高振華/攝影 獲得夏威夷國際電影節「小牛獎」的國際紅星李美琪(Maggie Q)對於夏威夷國際電影節這項獎勵表示感謝,她表示,在亞洲成名後,現在回到好萊塢發展的時候,又再度面臨身分的難題,她初到亞洲時,一直被認定是美國人,現在洛杉磯又被認為是亞洲人。但天生喜好冒險的她,認為東方人的小孩自小都是由母親帶大,屬於母系社會,也與越裔的母親最親,因此在她高中畢業後,就自然想往亞洲地區發展。在沒有親人或朋友的情況下,Maggie飛到日本,其後還在台灣待了一段時間。她說,初期她的願望是當模特兒,但後來卻入了電影行,還成為中港台的紅星,先後與成 龍、劉德華等當紅明星演出。 對於香港的幾位巨星諸如成龍、周潤發等人都曾來美發展,最後又返回自己的發源地一事,她並不認為這些人無法發展才回去,反而是羨慕這幾位演員的機會,「能在東方演出,也有機會來到西方演藝世界,這是一種難能可得的機會。」她現在也在作同樣的嘗試,到洛杉磯發展也有一段時間的她強調,機會是要自己去找,而不是等人送過來。 對於中港電影地區別,她的看法 是,中國電影界正蓬勃發展,每部電影都是大製作,大手筆,同時由於它的廣大市場,以及多元化地區的特色,可以有很多方面發展;至於港片,則多半是與警匪方面相關的打鬥片,劇情緊湊,同時由於香港曾屬英國殖民地,因此拍片文化受到英國影響;而台灣的片子是她最鍾情喜愛的 電影文化,台灣的導演也很有才氣,但她個人對台灣影劇圈並不是很了解,很多影片是低成本製作,但是劇情內容含義深遠。 現在回到自己的祖籍國-美國好萊塢發展,Maggie對於自己的未來抱有極大期許。她強調,現在處境正與他當初前往亞洲發展類似,沒有一點人脈關係,一切由零開始,全靠自己摸索走出來,「唯有如此,才會珍惜每一項成果。」雖然未來重點會放在好萊塢,但Maggie強調,她也不會放棄亞洲演藝圈,有可能還會繼續拍些好的影片。 亞洲地區盛傳她與多位演員拍拖一事,Maggie一概不予承認,只表示她有許多密友,對於傳聞中的幾人她不願多談。 Share This Article: Delicious Digg Buzz up!reddit Facebook LinkedIn Twitter StumbleUpon Mixx it! Fark Newsvine [[*0001. "With LOVE & DEVA(O)TION for PRODUCTION (contribution to USA productivity to win immigration status)! ---??? ??????? ????? * ------------------- | |
121409-0511 (LV) Wednesday |
<<<<<<< OUR HOPE today! 美國妙齡小姐 崔晴晴獲六大獎 ... GREAT WORK!! 記者楊青聖瑪利諾報導December 07, 2009 12:00 AM | 7908 觀看次數 | 52 | | 聖瑪利諾11年級學生崔晴晴獲得2009∕2010美國妙齡小姐親善小姐及才藝冠亞軍等六項大獎。 (馮瑾提供) slideshow 代表加州赴佛羅里達奧蘭多參加「美國小姐選拔會」(American Coed Pageant)妙齡小姐總決賽的聖瑪利諾高中11年級華裔女生崔晴晴(Anna Cui),6日不負眾望摘取2009∕2010年度美國妙齡小姐「親善小姐」后冠,同時創下美國妙齡小姐選美會26年來首位連續兩年才藝冠、亞軍紀錄,並一舉獲得「超級模特」亞軍、「美國精神獎」、「傑出表演獎」等六項大獎。 16歲的崔晴晴說,今年最激動是捧回最多獎杯,特別是才藝得到大家肯定,所有汗水都值得。 崔晴晴2005年開始參加美國妙齡小姐加州選拔賽,連續四年代表加州與全國妙齡小姐同台競技,幾乎獲得過所有獎項,去年並以加州妙齡小姐皇后資格成為全國雜誌封面女孩。 2009∕2010年度「美國小姐選拔會」,共分六個年齡組,其中16至17歲組妙齡小姐最為熱門、競爭最激烈,來自全國各州冠軍在五天比賽中角逐才藝、演講、模特兒、小品、晚裝、機智問答、領導才能、社區服務、表演才能等15項目。 去年崔晴晴讓來自全國評委記憶猶新,今年再度以鋼琴演奏和芭蕾表演技壓群芳。她身穿白色短裙表演Nancy Faber現代鋼琴作品「銀色瀑布」和貝多芬「月光奏鳴曲」第三樂章,最終脫穎而出,讓評委破例將冠、亞軍兩座獎盃全給她。 父母均來自北京的崔晴晴,五歲開始,師從江俊一學習鋼琴、六歲半隨杜紅玲學芭蕾舞,很快展露藝術才華。為培養女兒,舞蹈演員出身的馮瑾和先生專門送孩子到好萊塢JRP藝術表演學校學習模特兒台步、小品表演和跆拳道。剛從奧蘭多回到洛杉磯的崔晴晴,正準備接受跆拳道黑帶。 崔晴晴表示,嚴格訓練和才藝學習最大的收獲就是吃得苦,學會承受挫折並將失敗化為新的起點。 多年來為獨生女兒付出全部心血的馮瑾表示,無論學習、參加選美還是培養孩子,都貴在堅持,最忌諱半途而廢。她說,演講本不是華人孩子的強項,但女兒卻在全國決賽中獲得季軍,讓孩子信心大增。 今日重點: 洛縣治安改善 華人區變差 美國妙齡小姐 崔晴晴獲六大獎 祭出省錢絕招 婚禮萬元搞定 婚禮結合網路科技 省事又省錢 退休宜事先規畫準備 聖瑪利諾保護橡樹 勿過度澆水 譴責聖蓋博市議員 失職失責 2010運勢 虎、猴、蛇、豬 應保守低調 <回到新聞總覽> 更多新聞 刺激經濟經費到位 建設啟動 | Dec 07, 2009 縣警回收槍枝 88人繳械 | Dec 07, 2009 幫派仇殺 男子中數槍死亡 | Dec 07, 2009 慶澳門回歸10周年晚宴 | Dec 07, 2009 為錢爭吵 姊殺弟 | Dec 07, 2009 綜覽世界全局,觀看全真的世界日報電子報(ePaper) >>>>>>> *6337101 ...[To be commented, modified, or enhanced! ******* "One million $!" ---Ni Ming Cultural Publishing Ltd. *000369 {{{*000369. "WORDS!!" ............ ---------------------------------- ----------------------- | |
121309-0702 AM (LV) Tuesday |
ulei,您好! 會員登出|帳號資料 Yahoo!奇摩搜尋新聞 網頁 新聞分類 新聞首頁 政治 社會 地方 國際 財經 科技 運動 健康 教育 藝文 影劇 旅遊 生活 全民話頭條 2009/12/13(星期日) 農曆 (己丑) 十月廿七日 22:24 更新 公共消息 新聞英文 照片故事 專輯 民調中心 雜誌 心情排行 綠生活 縣市長選舉 頭條新聞 網友熱門推薦 即時新聞: 波斯菊花綻放 后里賞花免錢! 華視 12/13 22:16 十二月十三日華視晚間氣象 華視 12/13 22:17 東亞運羽球男雙 蔡佳欣胡崇賢摘金 中央社 12/13 22:29 【一步一腳印】親力親為求放心 代客烹調鮮超市 TVBS 12/13 22:17 十二月十三日華視晚間氣象 華視 12/13 22:17 波斯菊花綻放 后里賞花免錢! 華視 12/13 22:16 外遇藏不住! 高科技抓偷吃 華視 12/13 22:16 圖:TVBS五都選舉/不能沒有朱! 參選五都朱立倫猛被點名 TVBS 明年五都直轄市長選舉,國民黨內角逐新北市呼聲極高的行政院副院長朱立倫,這幾天刻意保持低調,今天他出席桃園縣長任內規...(詳全文) 直轄市長選戰 蘇貞昌:藍綠都坐2搶3 中央社 五直轄市人選 蔡英文:明年3月底前將就緒 中央社 圖:中央社陳雲林被告知 抗議江陳會表示台灣自由民主 中央社 (中央社記者郭玫蘭台北13日電)海基會董事長江丙坤今天說,他跟大陸海協會會長陳雲林說過,第4次江陳會可能會有民眾抗議,這代表台灣是民主自由的社會,但必須受法律限制且理性。 針對第4次江陳會移師台中是否擔心衝突事件,江丙坤今天接受電視...(詳全文) 明年5月為目標 兩岸ECFA談判元月下旬展開 中央社 江丙坤: ECFA和WTO談判相同 邊談邊溝通 中央社 圖:TVBS哥本哈根會議/諾亞方舟華府重現 呼籲重視暖化 TVBS 聯合國氣候變遷會議,即將進入重頭戲。12日全球超過130個國家,串聯2000多場遊行,呼籲各國領袖,拿出誠意達成具體協議。...(詳全文) 哥本哈根氣候會議 示威爆衝突 民視 談判草案倡延續京都議定書 開發中國家歡迎 中央社 五都選舉/不能沒有朱! ... TVBS陳雲林被告知 抗議江陳會... 中央社哥本哈根會議/諾亞方舟華... TVBS 今日熱門推薦 鄭大為辱罵曾志朗 遭停權3年 民視 「不付錢不還失物」 廣西婦霸道嗆警 TVBS 美麗島階下囚 今城市CEO 民視 更多 昨日熱門推薦 大學花錢捕野狗 當成垃圾丟棄! 華視 我是白癡嗎? 獨派抗議連丟兩顆雞蛋 吳敦義愣了3秒 NOWnews 鄭大為沒誤判? 曾敬翔:我最清楚,對方犯規 NOWnews 更多今日心情新聞 最實用 眼周皮膚病 女性好發 自由 更多 最誇張 幻想全身發癢 阿嬤拿刀割肉挖蟲 中時 更多 最新奇 警察撿到奇石 像貓王在唱歌 自由 更多 最溫馨 菜販捐圖書館 續攢千萬助貧 自由 更多 【快訊】 上班女郎變身約會甜心?! 【熱門】 不打烊行銷業績成長關鍵 晚間新聞 三百輛同型百萬名車齊聚 挑戰金氏振興經濟 中廣 爭取休假權 上千外勞丟鞋抗議 TVBS 手機喊「有小偷」 語音防盜新發明 TVBS 酒駕車上附載孩童 立委提案加重處罰 中央社 擬請周杰倫或蔡依林 鴻海尾牙將發7億元股票 NOWnews 愛吃漢堡薯條 十年胖童增4倍 民視 白熾燈「out」!下月8日 賣場全面禁用 TVBS 雙英何時辯ECFA? 馬英九不鬆口 NOWnews 更多 今日新聞英文獲頒諾貝爾和平獎 歐巴馬謙稱不如前輩【 Obama accepts peace prize with nod to criticism 】 更多 旅遊另類跨年:2010就在海底倒數吧! 旅遊感動!用第一道曙光迎接2010年 建仔投入自由市場 專家:各隊關心傷勢 中央社 (中央社記者林婉婷台北13日電)紐約洋基隊決定不...(詳全文) NBA 爵士緊盯布萊恩 終止湖人11連勝 法新社 東亞運羽球男雙 蔡佳欣胡崇賢摘金 中央社 更多 名模王麗雅甜蜜婚宴 遠嫁上海 中央社 (中央社記者蔡和穎台北13日電)遠嫁上海的名模王...(詳全文) 修杰楷偷會不夠 公開擁吻丁噹 自由 「B咖」狠角色!阿Ken、納豆 10萬搶接尾牙 TVBS 更多1 2 3 Prev Next 國民黨失掉宜、花 不能沒有你 金馬... 氣候會議救暖化 杜拜爆倒債危機 藝人戀情很吸睛 網路新鮮事 國民黨失掉宜、花 不能沒有你 金馬... 更多1 2 3 Prev Next 娛樂集錦 搜尋人氣誰爆紅 精選照片 2009年縣市長選舉 金馬獎 好星光 一九四九 龍應台... 娛樂集錦 搜尋人氣誰爆紅 更多 廣 告 暖暖熊抱專區 偷窺資訊展名模-林小安! 防過敏就從穿有機棉開始! 殺很大-輕量級保暖夾克只要798! | |
121309-0140 AM(LV) Tuesday |
******* "... For those WHO DESERVE the BEST! ......." --- ...th U.S. President HONORABLE John F. Kennedy *0001***** "We think and act. We act and think. Therefore, TOGETHERNESS! We are!! --- Mike *4477777 ------------- -------------------------------------------- | |
121209-1720 PM(LV) |
廖英君 甜美詮釋古典藝術歌曲 檀香山訊December 09, 2009 12:00 AM | 42 觀看次數 | 0 | 0 | | 女聲樂家廖英君CD封面照片。 (圖:侯翠杏提供) slideshow 享譽兩岸並受全球華人矚目的女高音廖英君近期推出首張現場音樂會錄製專輯「愛情本事」,這張與長榮交響樂團伴合作的音樂會中,有她甜美清亮的聲音詮釋東西方古典藝術歌曲。 在美國出生、旅居夏威夷的廖英君是新生代聲樂家,12歲回台後,進入北一女並獲得台大經濟系學位,畢業後再赴美國康乃爾大學取得大傳碩士。為了實現對音樂的夢想,2000年前往波蘭華沙蕭邦音樂學院與羅馬音樂學院深造並取得聲樂文憑。 一路走來,廖英君始終堅持呈現最完美的專輯並與大家分享她的努力,而她亮眼的表現更是令人讚賞。 2004年廖英君在「新舞台」首次舉辦個人獨唱會,首次完整展示她的歌唱實力。2005年初,她登上國家音樂廳,與台大交響樂團共同演出;同年8月,獲得曾與帕華洛帝、卡拉絲合作過義大利國寶地位的鋼琴大師尼柯羅西(Rolando Nicolosi)青睞,赴台在「仲夏奇緣」獨唱會中伴奏。2008年6月她應邀與鋼琴家陳冠宇合作「交響情人夢」音樂會,獲得叨仍u價。今年2月她在國家音樂廳舉辦「愛情本事」獨唱會,以純美的音色詮釋至情至愛的音符,整場音樂會洋溢幸福浪漫氛圍,令觀眾感動不已。廖英君更經常受邀世界各地演唱,並與世界級大師共同演出。 此次推出和長榮交響樂團合作音樂會而現場錄製的專輯「愛情本事」中,有許多膾炙人口的歌曲;如莫札特《費加洛婚禮》、普契尼《波西米亞人》、雷哈爾《風流寡婦》等歌劇選曲,並有《霸王別姬》、《夜來香》及《歌聲魅影》曲目,整張專輯唱出愛情中的戀人百態,讓樂迷見識到多元面貌的女高音廖英君。 這張專輯已在全球上市,12月底前購買20片以上,可享九折優惠;凡購買三片CD,及贈送愛情本事DVD一片;販購買廖英君「愛情本事」或「銀色的月光」任一片CD,即贈送2010年行事曆或精美筆記本。訂購專線(808)591-0725或(808)524-8886。 (*39. Merry Christmas! HAPPY CHANUKAH!! Leadership is LOVE!!! ******* WBTI/U.S.A. Chairperson Honorable Elaine L. Chao!) | |
121209-1101 AM(LV) Saturday |
Good news!!!******* "To be edited and enhanced ....... 加入聯邦醫保 31日截止 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導December 12, 2009 12:00 AM | 27 觀看次數 | 0 | 0 | | 藥劑師梁義大日前受邀至賭誠演講「聯邦醫療處方藥保險計畫」,提醒想要加入或轉換2010年聯邦醫療保險的賭城華人居民動作要快。 (記者金康嵐∕攝影) slideshow 拉斯維加斯台灣同鄉聯誼會日前邀請到現任藥劑師、並為全美台灣同鄉聯誼會第28屆會長的梁義大,專題演講「聯邦醫療處方藥保險計畫」(Medicare Part D),吸引近30位賭城居民到場聆聽。 梁義大首先提醒,想要加入或轉換2010年聯邦醫療保險的賭城居民動作要快,其截止日期為12月31日,此外,在加入或轉換保險前,民眾應仔細瀏覽現有計畫,若健康情形有所改變,需確保任何需要的新療法和新藥都在計畫內,因為一旦加入後,在一年內不可更改。 梁義大並表示,如果擔心處方藥承保支出費用,可洽詢美國社會福利局,詢問自己是否符合低收入戶的資格,其專線為1-800-772-1213,一般來說,單身者年收入在1萬6234元以下、夫婦年收入在2萬1855元以下,就可領有醫療補助(MedCaid)。 聯邦醫療處方藥保險計畫於2006年啟動,普遍稱為聯邦醫療保險D部分,梁義大指出,民眾若已加入醫療保險A部分─專門支付住院費用,或醫療保險B部分─專門支付門診費用,就應加入D部分,若民眾沒有加入此項承保計畫,也沒有其他處方藥保險或目前擁有的處方藥保險計畫比D部分差,每個月將會被罰平均每年保費的1%款項。 梁義大補充,2010年聯邦醫療處方藥保險計畫有所變動,每月保費提高至31.94元,保險受益人每年自付額提升至$310,而當藥價介於310元到2830元,聯邦保險支付75%,當藥費超過2830元時,受保者須支付全額,直到超過了4550元,就可啟用災難性保險,屆時,聯邦保險將支付95%費用。 更多新聞 青少年數學競賽 即起報名 | Sep 26, 2009 台灣同鄉會 演唱募款 | Aug 26, 2009 中華婦女會慶會 | Apr 07, 2009 屋崙欠稅特赦計畫 官商雙贏 | Aug 01, 2009 中工會 數學科學大賽 | Oct 29, 2009 我要留言 評論 (0) 還沒有評論 >>>>>>>> *737797v ---------- 高錕:年輕人一定要有夢 香港新聞組香港9日電December 09, 2009 12:00 AM | 3178 觀看次數 | 13 | | 縱然身心受到老年癡呆症的折騰,但今年諾具爾物理獎得主的高錕仍心繫世界事務,關注全球暖化問題,笑指光纖是綠色科技的一部分,大家毋須用太多資源,便可透過互聯網了解瞬息萬變的世界、與千里之外的親友通訊交談。 他寄語年輕人一定要有夢想,且無論夢想多麼天馬行空、難於實現,也要堅持下去,因為人們永遠不知道世界會如何轉變,正如他當年研發光纖,本只以為可改善電話通訊,誰知會促成互聯網演化並因而獲得諾貝爾獎殊榮。 高錕目前的言詞表達尚算清晰,在太太黃美芸陪同下接受訪問。他說,43年前發表有關光纖的論文時,從沒有想過會在今天獲頒諾貝爾物理學獎,他直言:「it was a complete surprise to me!」(這完全是個驚喜!) 高錕憶述他當年發表光纖通訊論文後,科學界需要慢慢消化這項研究成果,到1970年代後期,光纖促成電腦網絡的出現和普及,讓世界出現重大改變,他當年沒有想到一個基本學術研究,竟然掀起一場通訊革命。因此,他寄言年輕人應如他一樣要有夢想,並努力實踐,選擇一個自己喜愛的職業,因為工作是人生的一大部分,寓工作於娛樂並堅持實踐夢想,就有成功的一天。 至於得獎後的生活,高錕表示他夫婦都已退休,希望過著平靜、遠離煩囂的生活,這次獲獎不會為他們帶來太大轉變,唯一改變是讓他能獲得更佳的醫療診治,因為治療老年癡呆症的醫藥費昂貴。他這次可獲約70萬美元的獎金,當中三成半至四成會被政府徵稅,餘款會捐助老年癡呆症組織及作為自己的醫藥費。 >>>>>>>> *44 *101. 金康嵐. ....... *44. Dear Michelle: You're there on every critical time for Barack to realize our imagination which is more important than knowledge!! Thank you very much!!! ---Tony ....... | |
121209-0401 |
[[[ Season of LIGHT & Merry Christmas -- Homeland, U.S.A.! <<**__********* "O LORD, YOU HAVE SEARCHED ME AND YOU KNOW ME. ... ... ..... ....... ......... YOUR RIGHT HAND WILL HOLD ME FAST." ---Psalm 139 - 10 *88001 ____________________________________________ ***** Merry Christmas 2009! ---Three Wise Men -- Wang, Lin, and Guo *??? ????? **__** ....... <<<<<<<< 給馬總統~{5D9+~}開~{PE~} 2009-12-12 ~{VP~}國時報 ~{!>~}陳~{}!?~} ~{!!R;>E0KR;DjDzTZC@~}國~{9~7p4s~}學~{DC5=7(~}學~{2)J?~}學~{3I~}歸國~{#,O`PEDz~}對~{CqVw!"WTSI~}與~{HK~}權應~{SPO`~}當~{5D?47(#,5+Dz~}選擇~{;X~}國擔~{HN~}當時實~{PP?V2@~}統~{VN5D~}獨~{2CU_~}蔣經國~{OHIz5D~}祕書~{!#TZDzKy~}參與~{5D~}國~{Cq~}黨~{?V2@~}統~{VN~}時~{FZ#,!8~}陳~{ND3IC|08!9!"!8=-DOC|08!95H?V2@05~}殺~{=S~}續發~{Iz!#NR5DOHIzJ)Cw5BRr4KTZ~}獄~{VPU9~}開~{!8~}無~{O^FZ5D~}絕~{J3?9~}議~{!9#,K{5D~}絕~{J3~}聲~{CwVP:\Ge3~5D1m~}達~{R*GsU~8.M#V9?V2@05~}殺~{PP~}動~{!#~}總統~{OHIzDz2;?ID\2;Ge3~#,Rr~}為當時~{Dz#(~}國~{Cq~}黨~{VPQk~}黨~{2?81~}祕書長~{#)U}JG4z1m~}統~{VNU_OB~}條~{WS~}給國~{7@2?~}長~{KN~}長~{V>R*GsQP~}議~{Hg:N~}對~{86!8L(~}獨陰謀~{7]WS!9J)Cw5B~}絕~{J35DPB~}聞處~{@m!#~} 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We need to learn more humbly & diligently in order to edit and enhance YOURS EXCELLENCY!!) {{{*394477777. Mike H. Lei. 'Dad & Mom, Be remember! Tomorrow's your 39th WEDDING Anniversary! Not cooking and WORKING for a CHECK please!! We're RICH, Educated, and received too many ELEGANT achievement AWARDS!!! DON't follow him!!!!' "A U.S. mail from ...th Pepperdine University President and Dr. Norman M. Young ... [Malibu, California: Pepperdine University Presidential Mas(?)on ... December 2009), 1-4. *4477777abc. ??? ??????? ?????!!! Arrest HIM!!!!! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 10 of about 2,260 for 林奇梅 with Safesearch on. (0.17 seconds) Search Results博客來網路書店- 目前您搜尋的關鍵字為: 林奇梅 - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]商品類型:所有商品搜尋之關鍵字:林奇梅 查詢時間: 0.1406 秒. 搜尋結果共計6 筆, 共計 1 頁,頁 ... 相關搜尋:在歐洲天空下、丘彥明、俞力工、林奇梅、高麗娟 ... search.books.com.tw/exep/prod_search.php?key=林奇梅 - Cached 稻草人貝克 - Google Books Resultby 林奇梅 - 2008 - Juvenile Nonfiction - 230 pages Short stories about animals on a farm and their daily encounters. books.google.com/books?isbn=9862210362... 才情嘉義: 林奇梅 - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]林奇梅,台灣嘉義縣人,銘傳女子商業專科學校畢業,倫敦大學畢業。曾任商業學校教師,進出口貿易、建設公司會計,英國依嶺中文學校校長。現任職彰化銀行倫敦分行, ... hhaung.blogspot.com/2009/11/blog-post_8188.html - Cached 林奇梅 - 2007台灣作家作品目錄 - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]文學風格:, 林奇梅創作文類包括詩、散文與兒童文學。 ... 林奇梅從事華語教學的工作與推展多年,其兒童文學作品深諳如何引導兒童進行思考,以生動有趣的方式教導兒童 ... www3.nmtl.gov.tw/Writer2/writer_detail.php?id=771 - Cached - Similar 林奇梅- SinoLib书目检索 - [ Translate this page ]搜索全部图书约有2项符合林奇梅的查询结果,耗时0.003秒,当前返回第1页。 《金黄耀眼》. 作者:林奇梅 著出版社:世界华文作家出版社 ... www.sinolib.com/author_林奇梅/ - China 林奇梅图书 - [ Translate this page ]中国书网提供“林奇梅”相关图书的稀缺代寻服务! ... 稀缺图书搜索 书名: 作者: 出版社: 检索林奇梅有2 条结果每页显示20条第1页/共1页[首页] [上一页][下一页] [尾页] ... copies.sinoshu.com/copyauthors/林奇梅/ - Cached 稻草人貝克 - Google Books Resultby 林奇梅 - 2008 - Juvenile Nonfiction - 230 pages ... 於是一家人很快地更衣就寢了。早上起來,太陽已經一口里同地掛在枝頭上,莉芬為了讓小孩子們,對於環境能夠很快認識和適應,於是她帶著小鳥們到附近的農場和小山丘作了 ... books.google.com/books?isbn=9862210362... 林奇梅- aNobii - [ Translate this page ]林奇梅reviews from readers. Also includes book price, book ratings, book discussions, book forums, book cover, book publication details. www.anobii.com/contributors/林奇梅/312421/ Findbook > 搜尋> 作者- 林奇梅 - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]林奇梅- 秀威資訊,2008-07-01 出版. 作者旅居英國格林佛小鎮,周邊環境不僅大自然的景物豐富, ... 林奇梅- 世界華文作家,2006-06-28 出版. 這是一個很有趣的故事, ... findbook.tw/search?keyword_type=author&q=林奇梅 - Cached 歡迎蒞臨僑委會全球資訊網 - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]標題:林奇梅作品榮獲僑聯主辦華文著述獎文藝創作佳作獎 ... 旅英僑民林奇梅女士獲華僑救國聯合總會主辦97年華文著述獎文藝創作小說類佳作,作品為「稻草人貝克」及 ... www.ocac.gov.tw/bulletin/bulletin_pop.asp?no=70278 - Cached1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next [*4477777d. Brilliant! ... Thank you very much!! ---How Great is our Teacher the Distinguished Banker & Professor Honorable CHU!!! MARK: I SHOT you! Ask the Inventor of YouTube!! LVRJ/wbti Chairperson (Honorary)Dr. Elaine L. Chao: "In France, it's different .......!!!" *6337 {{{*6337. Michelle Obama. '... in Jesus' name WE PRAY!' "44th U.S. President Barack H. Obama's e-mail to WBTI/USA President Dr. Tont(y) or (i)???... (at)(at)[Jesus! Judy&Mike}??? T. Lei ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, (at)[Jesus! Judy&Mike}??? http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/WashingtonBusiness ... Section of 'Just a momont! I'll call you back!! YEs!! ???...II', 'Carton & Art), etc., Decen(m)ber 2009), 1-7. --------------- | |
<<<<< 馬向為民主坐牢的人道歉 記者蔡佩芳台北12日電December 12, 2009 12:00 AM | 28 觀看次數 | 0 | | **__** [[馬英九總統(右)12日出席人權文化園區開幕,與呂秀蓮前副總統(左)參觀園區。 記者趙文彬∕攝影]] ******* slideshow 馬英九總統上午出席景美人權文化園區開幕儀式,對過去為民主制度奔走、甚至遭受牢獄之災的人,所付出的成果,一鞠躬表達歉意。馬英九說,宣示推動民主人權不是空言,必定會有行動。對於施明德妻子陳嘉君日前到園區抗議一事,他表示,是政府對家屬的感受不夠充分了解,造成家屬與藝術家的傷害,他會反省檢討。 陳嘉君上午也出席景美人權文化園區開幕儀式,她質疑馬英九並未真的道歉,不知錯誤何在,與其在法律上著墨,政府應拿出實際動作;此外,同樣出席的前副總統呂秀蓮也質疑,開幕儀式以美麗的歌聲花朵裝飾,讓她感覺反諷。 陳嘉君質疑景美人權文化園區中,部分裝置藝術有美化江南案主使者汪希苓之嫌,日前前往抗議並破壞裝置藝術。馬英九上午向在場的陳嘉君致意,他相信陳嘉君的行動,不是針對藝術家,而是認為政府表現對受難者不夠尊重,對家屬感受不夠充分了解,對這類議題高度敏感,政府推動應更審慎細膩,造成家屬與藝術家的受傷,政府應反省檢討。 馬英九致詞時談到,過去威權是民主歷史的一部分,有許多維護尊嚴、捍衛民主價值的人士,扮演著重要角色,對於這些為民主法治奔走的人,他鞠躬表達誠摯的歉意。 馬英九說,人權觀念需要學習,不是天生的,包括基本人權、經濟教育人權,人民都需要有更清楚的認識,當初首長特別費一案,他走完整個程序,對他而言也是最好的一次人權教育。 Share This Article: Delicious Digg Buzz up!reddit Facebook LinkedIn Twitter StumbleUpon Mixx it! Fark Newsvine 綜覽世界全局,觀看全真的世界日報電子報(ePaper) {{{88123g.蔡佩芳. ....... ----------------------- | |
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Send Email IM Share Delicious Digg Facebook Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Yahoo! Bookmarks Print Play Video ABC News – Road to Jihad: Americans Recruited for Terror Play Video Video:Americans detained on "jihad" fears Reuters Play Video Video:5 Americans Detained in Pakistan ABC News Play Video Pakistan Video:Mosque: Families of Pakistan detainees going through hardship AP AP – An unidentified man arrives at the Islamic Circle of North America Mosque in Alexandria, Va., Friday, ~{!-~} By DEVLIN BARRETT and LOLITA BALDOR, Associated Press Writers Devlin Barrett And Lolita Baldor, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 31 mins ago WASHINGTON – FBI agents have questioned some of the young Americans arrested in Pakistan as U.S. investigators gather evidence that could lead to a conspiracy charge against them, an American official and another person familiar with the case said Friday. Agents are working to see if there is enough evidence to charge any of the five Muslim students with conspiracy to provide material support to a terrorist organization, the two people said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation. Officials in both countries expect the five, who are from the Washington, D.C., area, to be deported back home. But Pakistan may hold them long enough for U.S. prosecutors to prepare charges, and there was no immediate indication how long that might take. Intelligence officials in Pakistan said Saturday the five have been taken to a facility for terror suspects in the eastern city of Lahore, a major base for Pakistani military and intelligence where they face further questioning. A police official in the Pakistani town of Sargodha, Tahir Gujar, confirmed Saturday the men were no longer there. Two intelligence officials said they were taken to Lahore. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media. While Pakistani officials have said the men admitted trying to connect with militant groups, an FBI note sent to American lawmakers Thursday evening said the bureau had "no information linking them to terrorist organizations." That FBI note did not address whether the students attempted to join some terrorist group. The other possible charge ~{!*~} and one that could be more difficult to bring ~{!*~} would be conspiracy to maim or kill people overseas. "If they had reached an agreement amongst themselves and were pursuing an opportunity to train or fight with what they knew to be a foreign terrorist organization, then that would be a crime," said Pat Rowan, the former head of the Justice Department's national security division. Making that case would depend greatly on what the men say to FBI agents ~{!*~} and whether any evidence or incriminating statements gathered by Pakistani police would meet U.S. legal standards. "Where one needs to be at least a little skeptical is that that will translate into the sort of evidence that can be used in an American courtroom," said Rowan. Statements made by Americans to police overseas can be used against them in a U.S. trial, as long as the statements weren't coerced. Another key source of evidence could be the men's computers, on which Pakistani police say they found maps of areas where terrorists operate. Across the United States, there has been a flurry of cases against alleged homegrown terror threats, but so far the situation of the five young men who went to Pakistan is most similar to a case in Boston, where investigators say two young men repeatedly tried and failed to join terror groups overseas. In that case, the men were rejected by both the Taliban and Lashkar e Tayyiba in Pakistan, and later efforts to sign up with groups in Yemen and Iraq also failed, according to prosecutors. The charges against those two include conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. In both that case and the new one, the men apparently were drawn to militant messages on the Internet. On Friday, local Muslim leaders gathered at the mosque where the five young men prayed in Alexandria, Va., just across the Potomac River from Washington. The five participated in youth activities at the small mosque that operates out of a converted single-family home in a residential neighborhood. Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, accused militants of manipulating young men through online videos and writings. "We are determined not to let religious extremists exploit the vulnerability of the emotions of our children through slick, destructive propaganda," said Bray. Pakistan authorities say the five young men used the social networking site Facebook and the Internet video site YouTube to try to connect with extremist groups in Pakistan. When they arrived in Pakistan, they allegedly took that effort to the street. They were reported missing by their families more than a week ago after one of them left behind a farewell video showing scenes of war and casualties and saying Muslims must be defended. Pakistani police detained them this week ~{!*~} along with one of their fathers ~{!*~} in Sargodha, a town in the eastern province of Punjab. The case has fanned fears that Americans and other Westerners ~{!*~} especially those of Pakistani descent ~{!*~} are traveling to Pakistan to join up with al-Qaida and other militant groups. It comes on the heels of charges against a Chicago man of Pakistani origin who is accused of surveying targets for the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. One of the men being held is identified as an Egyptian American named Ramy Zamzam, a dental student at Howard University in Washington. The others were identified as Waqar Hussain, Aman Yemer, Ahmad Minni, Umar Farooq and his father, Khalid Farooq. Investigators are still trying to establish what role ~{!*~} if any ~{!*~} the father played in the men's alleged activities, officials said. Pakistani officials have given various spellings of their names. The FBI note said two of the young men are of Ethiopian descent, and two are of Pakistani descent. The note was provided by a congressional official on condition of anonymity because it was not a public document. In Sargodha, regional police chief Javed Islam said Thursday the five men wanted to join militants in Pakistan's tribal areas before crossing into Afghanistan. He said they met representatives from the al-Qaida-linked Jaish-e-Mohammed militant group in the southeastern city of Hyderabad and from a related group, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, in Lahore, but were turned away because they were not trusted. Pakistan has many militant groups based on its territory, and the U.S. has been pressing the government to crack down on extremism. Al-Qaida and Taliban militants are believed to be hiding in the lawless tribal belt near the Afghan border. ___ Associated Press writers Munir Ahmad, Chris Brummitt and Asif Shahzad and in Islamabad, Babar Dogar in Lahore, Pamela Hess in Washington and Matt Barakat in Alexandria, Va., contributed to this report. Related Searches:terror suspects taliban militants militant group punjab jaish-e-mohammed Buzz up! Send Email IM Share Delicious Digg Facebook Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Yahoo! 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<<<<<<< 鄧瑞霞金曲演唱會 28日懷念登場! Douglas!! By 陳嘉倩[[記者陳嘉倩芝加哥報導December 09, 2009 12:00 AM]] ***** [[[芝城洪門致公堂主席陳健仁(左起),黃伍佩玲、馬森柱歡迎大家踴躍參與由該堂主辦的「鄧瑞霞2009金曲演唱會」。 記者陳嘉倩∕攝影]]] ******* 由芝城洪門致公堂主辦的「鄧瑞霞2009金曲演唱會」,將於本月28日晚上7時半在南華埠富麗華酒樓舉行,芝城洪門致公堂主席陳健仁7日舉行記者會說明活動細節,歡迎大家屆時前往同歡。 ....... >>>>>>> *737757f [[*737757f. 陳嘉倩. ... (To be edited ...] .......]] --------------------------- **_** <<<<< (中央社記者黃慧敏台北11日電)節目主持人吳淡如女兒「小熊」照片曝光,今天她錄年代MUCH「今晚誰當家」時,驕傲地秀著相機裡女兒照片,母愛光輝展露無遺。她說,當公眾人物太辛苦,希望女兒以後當獸醫。 吳淡如無奈地搖頭說,自己是公眾人物,不僅個人沒有隱私還累及家人,讓她對家人感到很抱歉,原本與老公商量好,不希望讓「小熊」模樣曝光,可是她想想,若能藉自己是公眾人物的身分,強化天下跟她一樣生出早產兒媽媽的信心,早產寶寶只要照護得宜,80% 是可以化險為夷跟「小熊」一樣當個健康寶寶,她才讓女兒模樣曝光。 吳淡如說,「小熊」很黏她,發育得很好,2個月已長大10公分,也因為女兒實在太可愛了,可愛到讓原本對養小孩沒興趣的老公,感激地對她說,「謝謝妳冒著生命危險將女兒生出來。」吳淡如也覺得寶貝女兒太迷人,如果她現在只有20幾歲,她會想生1打。 之前被拍到去宜蘭看地,有意為「小熊」建造1座開心農場,吳淡如說,她確實很喜歡宜蘭的環境,那裡是真正的自然之地,如果有機會,她真的很想讓「小熊」在那個環境裡成長。 吳淡如不希望女兒和自己同行,她說,當個公眾人物實在太辛苦了,如果能夠,她希望「小熊」將來當獸醫。她認為,能為小動物治療病痛的人,一定是個有愛心的人,而且會愛別人也會懂得愛自己。>>>>> *2 {2. 黃慧敏. 更新日期:2009/12/11 21:02 ... Yahoo! News ....... ------------------------ | |
******* Fiesta ~{UBWSby~}: "Why you need to listen to Him and win?" ... "Because he is the Doctor!" ....... | |
<<< 結婚旺季到想當貴氣新娘 豐太陽穴需求增多 【中時健康 趙欣/台北報導】2009.12.11 最近醫學美容門診發現,有些年輕女生想做太陽穴填充,可能是年底結婚旺季到了,來詢問的幾乎都是準新娘,事實上,只要太陽穴一飽滿起來,就會讓人覺得有貴氣的感覺,現在透過微整形方式,就可以讓準新娘成為婚禮上最耀眼的女主角。 過去太陽穴凹陷只有中年以上婦女才會注意到,微整形醫師戴文瑛表示,這些來求診的年輕準新娘,則是因為拍婚紗試妝試造型的過程中,把頭髮往後挽起來,拍照之後發現,影像中的自己似乎缺了些貴氣、造型不夠完美,在造型師的提點下,才發現問題出在上半臉太陽穴凹陷,因此才會考慮婚禮前來做太陽穴填充,也導致最近太陽穴填補的年齡層有年輕化趨勢。 過去太陽穴填補手術可算是貴族手術,因為大部分的愛美女性都會先將下半臉修飾改善得非常完美,才會注意到上半臉的線條,通常這些族群的經濟能力都不餘匱乏,另外,中年以上婦女在脂肪吸收的過程中,到一定時間會出現太陽穴凹陷的問題,基本上也有一定的經濟能力。很多人沒發現,只要太陽穴一飽滿起來,就會出現神奇的效果,馬上讓人覺得有貴氣的感覺,戴文瑛醫師說,太陽穴注射玻尿酸是一種可以「讓怨婦變貴婦」的改變,也印證到面相學上的說法,上半臉額頭天庭到太陽穴的線條飽滿,是所謂貴人運佳是出身好人家的象徵,準新娘們都希望自己幸福美滿,有嫁入豪門的感覺。 下半臉的凹陷通常可以用頭髮來遮掩,甚至透過化妝來修飾線條,但是上半臉的凹陷大多只能利用濃厚的瀏海來遮掩,彩妝通常難以發揮效果,一般來說,容易凹陷的族群為三十五歲以上的熟女,因為脂肪逐漸被吸收掉,太陽穴兩側容易出現內凹斜角,尤其削瘦的女性,在眉毛眉鋒到額頭髮際部位會形成兩道垂直線。如何檢視自己的太陽穴夠不夠飽滿,找一個頭頂直射而下的光線,看鏡中的自己眉鋒上緣是不是多了兩條直線般的陰影,好像把額頭劃分出三個部分,如果發現這樣的情況,可能太陽穴已經凹陷到嚴重的程度了。 由於太陽穴的部位是一個長型凹陷,甚至在填補過程中連額頭、眼角外緣都要順帶填補到,才能達到一個飽滿、完美的連接曲線。過去一般太陽穴會以脂肪填補,戴文瑛醫師表示,脂肪填補對於需要5-10cc填補量的人比較划算,但是在現代都會區中有許多惜「脂」如金的超級瘦子,身體沒有太多脂肪可移用,或是有人是不想忍受恢復期,像是準新娘就希望馬上能美美的戴上頭紗,以及部分公眾人物可能馬上就要出席重要場合,因此選擇大分子玻尿酸注射式填充較為簡便與安全。 以前只有小分子填充劑的選擇下,難以呈現足夠的支撐力,萬一醫師又注射得太淺,容易出現凹凸不平的狀況,不甚美觀,現在有了大分子的玻尿酸,只要使用柱狀型的圓針在左右各開一個小洞,填補在深層筋膜的填充方式,不但不容易瘀青、也不易位移,支撐力又久,看起來也自然,因此廣受太陽穴凹陷困擾女性的歡迎。 至於用量比較大的病患,整形外科醫師徐典雄建議,可以選擇微晶瓷來深層打底,因為微晶瓷與骨膜的相容性佳,微晶瓷打底過後一段時間,再以大分子玻尿酸進行淺層填補,這種搭配在費用上更為精省,效果自然、維持時間更長,可以媲美脂肪填充的效果,還能免去瘀青腫脹恢復期的問題。 中時健康:http://health.chinatimes.com/contents.aspx?cid=2,20&id=8834 >>> *1 [*1. ... To be edited .......] ------------------------------ | |
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<<<<<<< ?瑞霞金曲演唱? 28日?涯畹?! Douglas!! By 陳嘉倩[[?者陳嘉倩芝加哥??ecember 09, 2009 12:00 AM]] ***** [[[芝城洪門致公堂主席陳健仁(左起),黃伍佩玲、馬森柱?g迎大家踴躍?⑴c由?堂主辦的「?瑞霞2009金曲演唱?埂 ?者陳嘉倩∕?z影]]] ******* 由芝城洪門致公堂主辦的「?瑞霞2009金曲演唱?梗?㈧侗驹28日晚上7?r半在南華埠富麗華酒?桥e行,芝城洪門致公堂主席陳健仁7日舉行?者?f明活?蛹?節,?g迎大家??r前往同?g。 ....... >>>>>>> *737757f [[*737757f. 陳嘉倩. ... (To be edited ...] .......]] --------------------------- | |
121009-0951 |
<<<<<<<< 新聞首頁 (旅遊) { 台灣旅遊 } NOWnews[寄給朋友| 友善列印| 字級設定]: ******* 花海繽紛搖曳 絕不可錯過的花宴! For our CHILDREN!!*77744888d By 孫慶璋 (更新日期:2009/12/11 01:03 記者孫慶璋/嘉義報導) ******* 眾所矚目的2009嘉義市花海節,將於12月19日、20日以及26日、27日兩個週末,以玉山路底港坪花卉區為主場地,嘉義市建設處強調,安排豐富的主題活動,您更不能錯過廣達30公頃的大片花海,由大波斯菊、向日葵、油菜花及百日草花田層疊出的大塊繽紛,吸引蜂蝶穿梭花間,歡迎民眾共享花之盛會。 ***** "... .... .....!" ---??? *????? 2009嘉義市花海節,市府在港坪花卉區種植了7.5公頃的向日葵、7.5公頃的大波斯菊及黃波斯菊、3.5公頃的百日草、10公頃的油菜花和0.5公頃的萬壽菊,形成萬紫千紅的絕美景致。另外,今年為使民眾體驗插花樂趣,19日當天也將在玉山路底舉辦千人插花活動,讓每個人打造屬於自己的小小花園。 為配合花海節活動,市府建設處也精心規劃於19、20日及26、27日週末假期進行親子童玩(製作攻城砲、光碟賽車、太陽能寶特瓶車)、休閒農業體驗(種花、醃鹹鴨蛋、送花種子)、焢窯等一系列體驗活動,現正開放報名中,歡迎民眾共襄盛舉。 >>>>>>>> *77744888e {{{*77744888d. Joe & Margaret (Present SSCA Homehowner). ... HAPPY Christmas!! ....... *77744888e. .......!!]]] --------------------------- | |
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[[[ **__** {To be continued ...] .......}}}<<<<<<< East Asia and the Pacific: Press Availability After Meeting at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade! [[Thu, December 10, 2009 7:36:49 AM ^^^From: U.S. Department of State (usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov) View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com .......]] ---------------- ******* East Asia and the Pacific: Press Availability After Meeting at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade! {{[[ Thu, 10 Dec 2009 08:26:11 -0600 Press Availability After Meeting at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Stephen W. Bosworth Special Representative for North Korea Policy Seoul, Korea,South December 10, 2009 ]]}} ------------ NSC DEPUTY SPOKESMAN CHANG: Thank you, everyone. Thank you for waiting. Good evening. If we could have folks settle down for the arrival of the ambassador. I now would like to introduce Ambassador Stephen Bosworth, the U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy who will be speaking about his recent trip to Pyongyang. Ambassador Bosworth. AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: Good evening. It乫s a pleasure to be here in Seoul and to see all of you ... I reported by telephone to senior U.S. government officials about my discussions in Pyongyang and have just completed very good discussions here with Foreign Minister Yu and Ambassador Wi Sung-lac. I will report on my meetings and consult with other Six-Party partners over the next few days. My purpose in meeting with the DPRK officials in Pyongyang was to facilitate the resumption of the Six-Party Talks ... In my discussions with the DPRK officials, I communicated President Obama's view that complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is a fundamental undertaking of the Six-Party ... It was very useful for us to have exchanged views in a candid and business-like way. We identified some common understandings on the need for, ... I believe that this visit and my conversations in Pyongyang were very useful, and we were able to exchange views in a candid and business-like fashion. We identified some common understandings and the need for and the role of the Six Party Talks and the need for, and the importance of implementation of the 2005 Joint Statement. ... that the Six-Party Talks can resume expeditiously and that we can get back to the important work of denuclearization. As President Obama has made clear, the United States is prepared to work with our allies and partners in the region to offer North Korea a different future. The path for North Korea to realize this future is to choose the door of dialogue in the Six-Party Talks and to take irreversible steps to achieve the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Thank you and I乫d be happy to take a few questions. QUESTION: (Korean) Thank you very much. My first question is, were you able to meet Chairman Kim Jong-il this time and did you carry President Obama乫s letter on your visit to Pyongyang? AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: We did not ask for, nor did we meet with, Chairman Kim Jong-il. We met with the officials that I indicated. As for a message to the North Koreans from President Obama, in effect, I am the message. QUESTION: Jack Kim for Reuters. Did the North Koreans specifically say or tell you that they (inaudible) commitment to abide by the agreement they struck in September 2009? And what乧 AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: In September of 2005. QUESTION: I乫m sorry, 2005. And my second question is, what, if anything, did they say about the uranium enrichment program (inaudible)? AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: As I indicated in my remarks, we and the DPRK did reaffirm to each other the central importance of the Joint Statement of 2005. And certainly from our point of view, we believe it乫s important to get back to the work that was underway on that Joint Statement as soon as we possibly can. I乫m sorry your second question was乧 QUESTION: It was about their comments, if at all, on the uranium enrichment program. AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: No. We did not discuss that in any detail. Obviously I remarked upon the comments that they had already made with regard to uranium enrichment, and I think it乫s clear that, when the talks resume, that that will be an important item on the agenda. QUESTION: (Korean) North Korea has been requesting that before coming back to the Six Party Talks that a peace agreement on the Korean peninsula has to be concluded first. And also they have been asking for the normalization of diplomatic relations between North Korea and the United States. Did they ask for this and, if they did, what was your response? AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: We discussed all ... QUESTION: Mr. Maeng from CBS News. North Korea is ... AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: I simply reiterated to the North Koreans on your first point that it is essential that we reconvene the Six-Party process as soon as possible. And I think the message from the North Koreans is that, as I explained, they agree on the centrality of the Six-Party process and agree on the need to continue implementation of the Joint Statement. QUESTION: Any message from North Korea about the possible summit talks between South and North Korea? (Inaudible.) AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: No, that subject did not come up. QUESTION: (Korean) Was there any discussion on the additional meeting between the U.S. and North Korea? If there was, was there any discussion on the time and at what official level the meeting will take place? AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: No. NSC DEPUTY SPOKESMAN CHANG: Thank you very much, everyone. Thanks very much. AMBASSADOR BOSWORTH: Thank you, all. Good to see you. --------------- [[..., please contact support@govdelivery.com. Other inquires can be directed to the U.S. Department of State. GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of U.S. Department of State · 2210 C Street NW · Washington DC 20520 · 1-800-439-1420]] ....... >>>>>>> *77744888a -------------- **__** <<<<<<<< ******* FW: The Bell! Wed, December 9, 2009 8:57:29 PMFrom: Mike Lei {mlei@fma.fujitsu.com} View Contact To: Tony Lei (tojulei@yahoo.com) [To be edited ...] -------------------------------- ******* **__** <<< THE BELL .... THIS IS AWESOME!>>> THE BELL I KNOW WHO I AM I am God's child (John 1:12) I am Christ's friend (John 15:15 ) I am united with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17) I am bought with a price (1 Cor 6:19-20) I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1) I am a personal witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8) I am the salt & light of the earth (Matt 5:13-14) I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27) I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2) I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil 3:20) I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31 -34) I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Cor 5:17-21) I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18) I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6) I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rom 8:35-39) I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor 1:21-22 ) I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28 ) I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16 ) I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12 ) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13) I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5) I am God's temple (1 Cor. 3: 16). I am complete in Christ (Col. 2: 10) I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3).. I have been justified (Romans 5:1) I am God's co-worker (1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God's workmanship (Eph. 2:10) I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected. (Phil. 1: 5) I have been redeemed and forgiven ( Col 1:14). I have been adopted as God's child (Eph 1:5) I belong to God Do you know Who you are? Keep this bell ringing... 'The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you; The LORD turn His face toward you And give you peace... Numbers 6:24-26 >>>>>>>> *77744888b --------------- **__** ....... ******* Insight for Today! Love!! By Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll {{Thu, December 10, 2009 4:00:46 AM ^^^From: Insight for Living (c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net) Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com .......}} --------------------- <<<<<<<< Share with a Friend --- Devotional Library December 10, 2009 ******* The Dark Side of Greatness! by Charles R. Swindoll ***** Genesis 39:19-21, 41:50-52, 45:4-8; Proverbs 18:12; 1 Peter 1:3-9 **__** ....... "There lies the most perfect ruler of men the world has ever seen . . . [and] now he belongs to the ages." Of whom was this said? One of the Caesars? No. Napoleon? No. Alexander the Great? No. Eisenhower? Patton? MacArthur . . . or ....... *77744888c [[*77744888a .... 555 ......! *77744888b. Mike H. Lei. 'Hope is here TODAY!! *77744888c. LOVE. Google' Heroine from TAIWAN -- once the Angel! ... Thank you very much!!]] ------------------------------- | |
121009-0757 |
<<< To be edited ... >>>{{{******* ?W斯丁聖誕音?? 邀尤雅主持、演唱!}}} **__** ....... <<<<<<<< ?者黃依藍?W斯丁??ecember 09, 2009 12:00 AM | 33 觀看次? | 0 | 0 | | ******* 尤雅18日?⑶皝?W斯丁主持聖誕音??杳??相?期待。 ?D:?W斯丁華人教?峁 slideshow 70年代以一曲「往事只能回味」走紅港台歌?挠妊牛陱统雠e辦巡?演唱?瑥V受?g迎。尤雅至今出過100多?唱片?]?,多首???影主題曲如「一?幽?簟埂ⅰ感挠星ЫY」等皆?槠浯碜鳌 12月18日(週五)晚上7?r30分,尤雅???W斯丁華人?教?诤5鹿?@教?﨟yde Park Baptist Church (3901 Speedway,Austin)舉行的聖誕音??兄鞒謥K演唱,?C?y得,免費入?觯?g迎民?踴躍?⒓印B?絡??:512-339-8675分?C21,?情??http://austinchinesechurch.org/yuya。 >>>>>>>> *73744767 {{{*73744767. 黃依藍. ... ..... .......!!!]]] --------------------------- | |
<<< Elegant & Amazing news! [To be edited ...] >>>******* Secretary's Remarks: Remarks With El Salvadoran Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez Before Their Meeting! Heaven & Earth!! By Hillary Rodham Clinton [[[Wed, December 9, 2009 4:07:23 PM ^^^From: U.S. Department of State (usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov) View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com .......]]] ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ..... ....... ---LVRJ/wbti *1007 ____________________________________________ ***** "... .!' ---Hugo *08 **__** ******* Secretary's Remarks: Remarks With El Salvadoran Foreign Minister Hugo Martinez Before Their Meeting! Achievement and Hope Today!! By Hillary Rodham Clinton **__** ******* SECRETARY CLINTON: I want to welcome Minister Martinez to the State Department. I was very honored to represent President Obama and our country at the inauguration of President Funes. And the United States is very proud to support the development and democracy that is ongoing in El Salvador. We have a number of issues that we will be discussing that we are working on together, but it is a real pleasure to see the minister again and to reaffirm the strong bonds between our countries. FOREIGN MINISTER MARTINEZ: (Via interpreter) Thank you. It’s an honor for me, Madame Secretary, to be in the same room with you. It was also an honor to have you in El Salvador for the inauguration of President Funes. And in fact, we do have a number of issues that we’re going to be talking about here related to our strategic relationship between the two countries, and these are issues which we hope to continue talking about, including in the future meeting that we’re working on between President Funes and President Obama. So again, it is an honor for me to be here to begin this dialogue with you. -------- ..., please contact ...support@govdelivery.com. Other inquires can be directed to the U.S. Department of State. GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of U.S. Department of State · 2210 C Street NW · Washington DC 20520 · 1-800-439-1420 >>>>>>> *77744888 {{{*1. Hillary R. Clinton. ... ... .... *77744888. Peter F. Drucker. ... PRN: 2009/1256... .......!!!]]] ------------------------------ **__** ....... <<<<<<<< 冬季燈光節 11日亮燈! [[拉斯維加斯訊December 09, 2009 12:00 AM | 75 觀看次數]] ******* 源泉保護區冬季燈光節中,可看到拉斯維加斯大道上各大賭場酒店所散發出的光芒,和區內50萬顆霓虹燈互相照應。 圖:源泉保護區提供 slideshow 拉斯維加斯源泉保護區(Springs Preserves)將於11日至13日以及18日至24日的晚上5時至9時,推出一年一度的冬季燈光節(Winter Lights Festival),區內將被50萬個環保省電霓虹燈覆蓋,展現最絢爛奪目的寒夜景緻。 而周末晚上現場也將樂團表演與節慶手工藝活動,小朋友還可以拜訪聖誕老人,並搭乘「馬」橇繞源泉保護區一圈,欣賞沿途風光,而大人則可以在源泉咖啡(Springs Cafe)享受名廚Wolfgang Puck的特製節慶餐點。 門票一人8元,5至12歲兒童一人4元,4歲以下可免費入場,有興趣的賭城華人可至www. springspreserve.org購票。 >>>>>>>> *00088 {{{*00088. ... ..... .......!!!]]] ---------------------------------- | |
121009-0450 AM(LV) |
<<< 李翊君: Without you ...!! {To be edited .......!!!} >>>******* ... ....... ..... ........ _____________________________ ***** 胡志強有個夢 帶陳雲林喝珍奶逛商圈! ??? ...!! By CNA & CTN 2009-12-10 中國時報 【中央社】 江陳會將在台中市召開,會談期間還將安排大陸海協會長陳雲林參訪台中市。台中市長胡志強今天表示,他很想帶著陳雲林喝珍珠奶茶、逛精明一街等商圈,達到都市行銷的效果。 第4次江陳會 (海峽交流基金會董事長江丙坤、海峽兩岸關係協會會長陳雲林)將從21日起在台中市裕元花園酒店登場。根據兩岸預備性磋商結果,陳雲林21日抵達台中市後,將參訪台中市。 身為地主的胡志強將如何安排陳雲林的參訪行程?胡志強表示,他的夢想是希望帶陳雲林喝道地的珍珠奶茶、泡沫紅茶、吃肉圓,到精明一街喝咖啡,參觀台中公園,或到逢甲夜市、勤美誠品等各商圈逛逛,領略台中市在地風土民情。 但由於屆時將有抗爭活動,胡志強說,當務之急不是規劃陳雲林的參訪行程,而是要掌握、緩和緊張的氣氛,希望不同意見的民眾,能理性合法抗議,不要傷害台中人想要展現友善、溫暖的態度,做個好主人的心情。讓台灣及台中從中得到益處,而不是害處。 胡志強認為,現在最大的願望就是江陳會平和順利的進行、集會遊行自由受到鹬亍⒍际行袖N達到最好效果。 至於警察指揮權,他表示,這是他的權力不能放棄,該有一定的作為時會有作為,不是他的權力不該要求,期盼把危機化為轉機。 >>>>>>> *737767 [[*737767. .......!]} --------------------- | |
******* Hillary: ?者金康嵐拉斯維加斯??ovember 30, 2009 12:00 AM (?L??鄭N??漟?z???z??盢ovember 30, 2009 12:00 AM)!-------------------------- | |
121009-0347 AM(LV) |
<<<<<<< 2009-12-10 新聞速報 【中廣新聞/寇世菁】 第四次江陳會還沒召開,綠營動作不斷,民進黨台中市議會黨團勘查會場,正巧飯店為了粉刷旗竿,降下國旗,當場嗆聲,氣氛緊繃。台中市長胡志強上午透露,陸續有企業界人士看不下去,向他反映,不要再鬧了。胡志強說,他希望創造三贏局面:言論集會遊行自由受到尊重,台中市做好都市行銷,江陳會順利進行。 第四次江陳會,時間逼近。綠營揚言抗爭行動遍地開花,連民進黨台中市議會黨團勘查會場週邊,遇上飯店粉為了刷旗竿,降下國旗,當場嗆聲,場面尷尬。台中市長胡志強十號上午主持市府員工慶生活動時,也許下願望,他說,他希望江陳台中會,不要弄到氣氛緊張,他真的希望化危機為轉機,創造三贏局面,言論集會遊行自由受到尊重,台中市都市行銷達到最大效果,江陳會順利進行。 胡志強透露,連日來,維安規劃引爭議,綠營連連出招,低調的工商企業界,也忍不住向他反映,可不可以不要再鬧了,一直吵架,很緊張。連小吃業聽到他說期盼氣氛好,讓江陳走出會議廳,去精明一街喝咖啡,品味珍珠奶茶,紛紛跟他建議,也可以吃肉圓,到台中公園走走,認識文化城的魅力,也為地方帶來商機。 >>>>>>> *447777777 [[*447777777. 寇世菁. '...!' "LVRJ/WBTI. ... {To be continued ...} .......!!]] ---------------------- ******************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34] 35 [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] | |