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<<< This article has been posted by Winning AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A. at 8:37 a.m.(LV) in the morning on May 28, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. [To be continued ...] >>>
PRESIDENTIAL VISIT: Gibbons, Goodman heard no 'magic words' from Obama!
Others also hoped to hear big boost for Las Vegas
By Alan Choate

[[[ Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, left, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., greet President Barack Obama on Tuesday upon his arrival at McCarran International Airport. Photo by Duane Prokop. ]]]


***** Both the governor of Nevada and the mayor of Las Vegas declared themselves disappointed Wednesday after President Barack Obama only sorta kinda said it's good to come to Las Vegas.

They had been hoping for a stronger endorsement of business and convention travel to Las Vegas following Obama's February remarks criticizing federal bailout recipients who organized events here.*1

"The remarks he did make, I think, were better than nothing," said Gov. Jim Gibbons, a Republican. "They were also next to nothing in terms of the impact, the damage that was created by his original prohibition.

"If that's the best he can do, it's the best he can do. I'm disappointed he didn't come out a little stronger."

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman shared the disappointment but expressed more optimism about the effect of the president's latest visit.

"The magic words didn't come out," Goodman said, which was "the bad news."

"The good news," he said, is that Obama "lived what I was asking him to do, rather than articulate it."

***** "....... ." ---Distinguished Author Dr. Dina Titus *101

The mayor meant that Obama came to Las Vegas, had a good time and conducted some important business, exactly what business travelers should be encouraged to do.

Rep. Shelley Berkley meanwhile, released a beaming statement about Obama's visit, noting that he had both a public appearance and a room on the Strip.

***** "....... ... ." Distinguished author Congresswoman Shelley Berkley of PPAA Forum *7168

At a Tuesday night event, in fact, Obama basically gave Caesars Palace -- where he stayed this week as well as during the campaign -- a presidential stamp of approval.

"When the president of the United States comes to the heart of the Las Vegas Strip, the whole world knows it, and that is good for our number one industry -- tourism," said Berkley, D-Nev.

"I am more than just satisfied with his remarks. I am thrilled that President Obama made the trip to Nevada and as a result of his visit, the words 'Las Vegas' are echoing around the globe. That is the kind of positive publicity that no amount of money can buy."

The publicity that followed Obama's previous remarks wasn't the kind you would pay for.

At a February event in Elkhart, Ind., Obama took aim at bankers who received federal bailout money and were planning conventions in Las Vegas.

"You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime," he said at the time.

After those remarks, conventions and meetings started being canceled, including gatherings organized by Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and State Farm. Gibbons says the state lost $100 million in business after the remarks, but on Wednesday he said you couldn't necessarily draw a straight line between the president's comments and the cancellations.

There were more than 400 of those canceled meetings, caused by both the "AIG effect" and recession-related travel cuts, said Rossi Ralenkotter, president and CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.

The president's visit could help repair some of that damage, he said.

"Many times, someone's actions speak louder than words," Ralenkotter said. "The president of the United States came to Las Vegas, he conducted business here, he stayed in one of our world-class hotels. It brought a tremendous amount of attention."

Obama, who travels on the taxpayer's dime, arrived Tuesday night in Las Vegas to attend a star-studded fundraiser for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Obama also toured a solar power installation at Nellis Air Force Base on Wednesday morning before departing on Air Force One.

"You know, it's always a pleasure to get out of Washington a little bit," Obama said. "And there's nothing like a quick trip to Vegas in the middle of the week. Like millions of other Americans, we come to this beautiful city for the sights and for the sounds, and today we come for the sun."

Cara Roberts, spokeswoman for the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, said that the "nothing like a quick trip to Vegas" line appeared to be catching on, at least in her Twitter feed.

"It seems to be resonating. For the president of the United States to say that is a huge endorsement of our city," she said.

***** "....... . " ---??? *107

It's also important that Obama emphasized the solar power plant at Nellis, she said, because it shows that there is more to Las Vegas than booze and betting.

"That's great for Las Vegas to have that kind of endorsement as well, to be seen as a model city for new energy," Roberts said.

Even Gov. Gibbons gave Obama high marks for that part of his visit, saying it helps Nevada in the state's quest to become "the Texas of green industry."

"It focuses the world's attention," he said. "If you're interested in solar, come and look at Nevada. If you're interested in renewable energy, come look at Nevada."

Gibbons turned down an invitation to meet Obama at his airport arrival, saying the event would amount to no more than a "grip and grin" photo op with no chance for a serious discussion. He said he had hoped to get 10 minutes of the president's time to describe Nevada's economic woes and how important convention business is to Southern Nevada.

Goodman, too, said he was reluctant to meet Obama at the airport because the president didn't respond to the mayor's concerns about the February remarks. But he went.

"It would be rude and disrespectful of me as a representative of the city of Las Vegas to decline an invitation from the president," he said.*3

Editors' notes

---Senior Pastor Dr. Rick Warren *1003


*1. Alan Choate. 'May. 28, 2009
Copyright -- Las Vegas Review-Journal,' "PRESIDENTIAL VISIT: Gibbons, Goodman heard no 'magic words' from Obama
---Others also hoped to hear big boost for Las Vegas ^^^LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNALLas Vegas Review-Journal writer Richard Lake contributed to this report. Contact reporter Alan Choate at achoate@review journal.com or 702-229-6435 .......
*101. Dina Titus. 'Obama, Tommorow!' "... on the Great Wall, China .......
*7168. Shelley Berkley. '...,' "... Winning AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.
*2. Alan Choate. Ibid., 1-2.
*3. Alan Choate. Ibid., 1.


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<<< Arrives at 7:08 a.m.(LV) in the morning on May 28, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. [To be continued ...] >>>

<<< The following article has been posted at 7:17 a.m.(LV) (To be continued) >>>
by 曉亞
May 27, 2009 03:34 PM

The following article by 曉亞 has been posted through the courtesy of the website (www.worldjournal.com) of World Journal internationally!



---Distinguished author of PPAA Forum Hillary R. Clinton *1007


"~{C?Dj6KNg~}節時~{:r~} ~{#,~} 媽媽總會~{WT<:~}動~{JV0|tUWS~}過節~{#,~}當~{tUOc~}隨~{Vx~}廚~{7?~}鍋~{IOk3~}氳~{K.~}氣飄滿~{U{WyN]WS~}時~{#,DG~}屬~{l63uOD6KNgN"~}熱裏帶點歡~{Sd7U~}圍~{5D~}場~{>0#,1c~}鄭~{VX5DW_~}進記憶裏~{#,TZHt8IDjaatUOc~}難尋~{5D~}異國~{6KNg#,3I~}為~{R;~}種極為~{3iOs5DPD~}靈撫~{N?~}," World Journal Blog writer 曉亞 wrote heartfeltly.*1 "~{H%~}國~{J.6`Dj#,~}許~{>C~}沒~{SP~}嚐過媽媽親~{JV0|9|5DtUWS#,>9JGJ.7V~}懷~{DnDGWLN6!#Fd~}實~{#,~}懷~{Dn5D~}豈~{V;JGtU~}葉飄~{Oc5DN65@#,8|JG~}關~{:uDG7]DjIY~}與鄉~{Gi5D~}記憶~{0I!#~}離開~{C9b~}陰~{#,~}雖~{H;~}過~{Dj~}過節~{5D~}氣~{7UT=~}來~{T=5-AK#,5+~}對~{l6DGP)~}兒時~{Tx~}帶給~{NR~}許~{6`~}歡樂溫~{\0~}記憶~{5D~}傳統節~{HU~}還~{JGSPVx~}濃濃~{5DOkDn!#TZ~}這許~{6`~}關~{l6~}節~{HU5D;X~}憶~{#,4s2?7VSVG'~}絲萬縷~{5D~}與~{J3No~}糾纏盤繞~{TZR;~}塊~{#,Hg9{0QK|~}單獨~{3i~}離~{AK#,;r~}許腦~{VPSP:\4sR;F,~}記憶體將產~{Iz~}斷層~{5D?U0W#,IYAKDG~}麼~{P)~}許~{AnHK~}夢迴輾轉難~{RTM|~}懷~{5D\0OcWLN6!#~}這樣~{5D~}現~{Os4s8E~}與~{VP~}國~{HKOr~}來~{CqRTJ3~}為~{Ll5D~}傳統~{SPD*4s5D~}關係~{0I~}."

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101

"關~{l6J3No5D~}記憶~{#,~}實~{TZ:\FfCn#,3#3#TZ~}對~{S!OsVPSPP)D#:}5DF,6N~}遲遲無~{7(6(N;5D~}時~{:r#,~}與~{V.O`~}聯結~{5D~}飲~{J3N65@~}卻~{GeNz5DTZ?U~}氣裏飄~{8!AKFp~}來~{#,4)T=~}過時~{?U5D~}長~{3L>`~}離~{Y?:v~}來~{5=8zG0~}. ~{TZDj~}節時~{:r#,SPAU~}瑯滿~{D?~}應~{>05DLXJb2K~}餚~{9O9{#,~}鹹~{5D!"Lp5D!"Ka5D#,8w~}種~{DO11J32D!"WwAO#,Ek~}燒鋪陳~{3v~}節~{HU5DO2~}慶歡~{P@~}風~{C2!#1HHg~}說~{#,VPGo~}節~{5DTB~}餅~{#,6KNg~}節~{5DtUWS#,>MJGJ3No~}與節慶~{>0OsC\2;?I7V5D@}~}證~{#,VPGo2;3TIO~}幾~{?ZLp~}膩~{TB~}餅~{#,6KNg2;~}來~{IO~}幾顆~{OcSttUWS#,~}過節~{5D~}氣~{7U1cR*~}掃興許~{6`;rU_8y1>1c~}稱~{2;IOJG~}過節~{Osag~}團圓~{5D~}農曆~{4:~}節~{#,~}與~{V.4nEd5D0Y~}貨~{DjN68|JGAU~}瑯滿~{D?#,~}豐~{8;6`~}樣." Writer 曉亞 continued excitedly.*2 "記~{5CD8~}親與~{88~}親~{C?Dj~}為~{AKVC~}辦~{R;2M~}豐~{J"5DDjR9~}飯~{#,TgTZ~}數~{LlG01c5=~}傳統~{2KJP~}場採買~{Dj~}貨~{#,~}雞鴨魚~{Hb#,9O9{J_2K#,~}燒~{VsEk~}調~{3vR;W@I+OcN6>cWc5DC@J3!#FdVP#,~}長~{Dj2KJG1X2;?IIY5D#,4z1m~}長~{C|0Y~}歲~{8;~}貴~{S@>C#,~}還~{SPR;~}盤紅燒魚~{#,D8~}親~{LX~}別~{=;4}2;?IJ3~}盡~{#,RTJ>DjDjSP~}餘~{5DRbKVs5C;,D[~}噴~{Oc#,SM~}潤~{6x2;~}膩~{#,JGWn:C5DOB~}飯~{2K#,9bJG~}這~{R;N61cD\~}讓~{NR`q~}圇~{MLOB~}兩~{4sMkCW~}飯~{#,DjR9~}飯~{HtJGIYAK~}這~{5@0~}結~{:OTZR;~}塊兒~{5DWn(To be continued ...) ***~{AmMb~}還~{SPR;5@U(~}雞~{MH#,JGD8~}親~{TZ3u6~DGLl#,4sP!9C~}媽攜~{l;X~}來過節時~{#,2MW@IO1X~}備~{5D~}東~{Nw#,C?~}個~{P!EsSQR;HK?PVx~}隻雞~{MH#,4`;,K,?Z#,HbkiF$KV#,Mb~}頭~{SMU(5C=p~}黃~{Oc4`#,~}裏邊~{5DHb~}猶鮮~{D[Hk?Z<4H\#,~}雖~{V;JG~}尋~{3#2KI+#,5+~}經~{D8~}親~{GIJVAO@m#,SVTv~}許~{6`~}風~{N6!#S!OsVPTYR2~}沒~{3T~}過這麼~{:C3T5DU(~}雞~{MHAK#,D8~}親~{5D:CJV~}藝~{JGR;4sRrSI#,6xN(RrFd~}摻雜~{AKNt~}時與~{PV5\f"CC~}們歡~{6HDj~}節~{5D?l~}樂~{;X~}憶~{#,Kl***~{!6~}飲~{IET}~}記~{!7WwU_AVNDTBE.J?#,TZ~}書~{VP~}談~{5=K}U{@m6`Dj5DVP~}饋經驗~{#:!8KX2D5DLt~}選~{!"Ek~}調~{5D~}過~{3L5HPD5C5D~}紀錄~{#,9LJG~}為~{ND5D9GKh#,5+~}記~{JvV.~}間~{R`WT~}難~{CbSP~}許~{6`~}過~{My5DHKJB~}記憶湧~{IOPD~}頭~{#,~}筆~{6KKl={2;W!~}會~{=e~}飲~{IERT~}憶~{My!#!9~}

***~{=e~}飲~{IERT~}憶~{My#,=eVxTx~}經~{92>[R;LC#,OmSC~}親~{HKSQEs>+PDEk~}調~{UtVsC@N65D~}記憶~{#,;XN6>W=@~}過~{My~}時~{9b#,TZZ$K<5D~}過~{3LVP#,~}當~{DjDG9I~}瀰~{B~l6?U~}氣~{VP5D\0OcN65@#,J3NoTZ?ZVP5D8P~}覺~{#,v!~}籌~{=;~}錯~{V.~}間~{5D~}歡聲~{P&~}語~{#,a]~}彿~{SV~}來~{5=8zG0!#~}電~{S0!6~}飲~{J3DPE.!7~}許~{6`~}場~{>0~}與~{Gi~}節~{5D~}進~{PP!"~}發~{Iz#,6***** "....... ." ---Dr. and Mrs. Shieh-Yuan Kung *107

評論 (2)
« Ashley C 張貼~{l6~} Wednesday, May 27 at 09:30 PM »


« 黃 ~{C@~} ~{V.~} 張貼~{l6~} Wednesday, May 27 at 05:06 PM »

~{Q>Q>~}, ~{NR~}邊~{?4~}邊~{Aw?ZK.@2~}, ~{5+NRV*5@DcTZ8|OkDc~}媽媽~{AK~}.


Editors' notes

---Senior Pastor Dr. Rick Warren *1003


*1007. Hillary R. Clinton. '...,' "An e-mail ...
*107. Dr. and Mrs. Shieh-Yuan Kung. '...,' "... Stanford University AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.


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<<<<< The above World Journal Blog writer ?
The above famous Writer in Chinese, ?, is the Chief Editor of

North America Chinese Writers Association, Los Angeles

3rd Issue, in April 1996! >>>>> *107

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<<< Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll's teaching! >>>

"Little" People, "Big" People
by Charles R. Swindoll


1 Corinthians 15:58

God makes some people large, others moderate in stature. Still others are small in size. We frequently make the mistake of calling small folks "little," but that is an unfortunate and unfair tag. I'm not picking at terms . . . there is a great deal of difference between being small and being little. If you don't think so, just ask someone who is less than average height. They won't hesitate telling you they may be small, but they're definitely not little.

***** "....... ." ---??? *1006

Being "little" implies much more than being short. It suggests being petty, lacking in great-heartedness, having a mind that is restrictive, suspicious, envious, spiteful. "Little" people (regardless of their physical size) find it extremely difficult to applaud another's achievement, especially if the accomplishments bear the marks of success and excellence. While there are many who are big enough to appreciate outstanding work, there is always the "little" world comprising those who frown, depreciate, question, doubt, criticize, and forever search for the flaw.

Many years ago there was a young, small company in Detroit, Michigan. The odds against its surviving were heavy. But this struggling firm was determined not to lower its standard. Excellence and quality craftsmanship would not be compromised---period. There would be no tolerance for mediocrity, no winking at a cheap and shoddy "let's-just-get-by" philosophy. At that time it wasn't part of a huge corporation (that came later), and even though it was eclipsed by much larger and more powerful competitors, this resilient, independent company stayed by its standard. Interestingly, it slowly gained recognition as a leader. The company published an advertisement in The Saturday Evening Post, January 2, 1915. Here is what it said:

The Penalty of LEADERSHIP

In every field of human endeavor he that is first must perpetually live in the white light of publicity. Whether the leadership be vested in a man or in a manufactured product, emulation and envy are ever at work. In art, in literature, in music, in industry, the reward and the punishment are always the same. The reward is widespread recognition; the punishment, fierce denial and detraction. When a man's work becomes a standard for the whole world, it also becomes a target for the shafts of the envious few. If his work be merely mediocre, he will be left severely alone---if he achieve a masterpiece, it will set a million tongues a-wagging.

Jealousy does not protrude its forked tongue at the artist who produces a commonplace painting. Whatsoever you write, or paint, or play, or sing, or build, no one will strive to surpass or slander you, unless your work be stamped with the seal of genius. Long, long after a great work or a good work has been done, those who are disappointed or envious continue to cry out that it cannot be done.

Spiteful little voices in the domain of art were raised against our own Whistler as a mountebank, long after the big world had acclaimed him its greatest artistic genius. Multitudes flocked to Bayreuth to worship at the musical shrine of Wagner, while the little group of those whom he had dethroned and displaced argued angrily that he was no musician at all. The little world continued to protest that Fulton could never build a steamboat, while the big world flocked to the river banks to see his boat steam by.

The leader is assailed because he is a leader, and the effort to equal him is merely added proof of that leadership. Failing to equal or to excel, the follower seeks to depreciate and to destroy---but only confirms once more the superiority of that which he strives to supplant.

There is nothing new in this. It is as old as the world and as old as the human passions---envy, fear, greed, ambition, and the desire to surpass. And it all avails nothing. If the leader truly leads, he remains---the leader. Master-poet, master-painter, master-workman, each in his turn is assailed, and each holds his laurels through the ages. That which is good or great makes itself known, no matter how loud the clamor of denial. That which deserves to live---lives.

I am aware that all sorts and sizes of people will read this piece. A few of you are "little," hard as it may be to face it. But I'm convinced that many more of you are "big," which, being translated, means visionary, courageous, bold, secure, productive, unafraid of hard work, and unintimidated by the odds. Good for you! Press on. Grow even bigger. Stand tall. Run hard as you set a new pace. Refuse to reduce your stride. Embrace quality and excellence and determination. Without fudging one inch on integrity and humility, push on . . . lead on. Ignore the "little" world of onlookers who are too petty to produce, too suspicious to affirm, too envious to acknowledge greatness. Go hard after your goal, get on with it!

***** "....... ... ." ---District Judge Valerie J. Vega *107

Isn't that the essence of Paul's charge to the Corinthians?

My dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don't hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort. (1 Corinthians 15:58 MSG)

It's certainly what the apostle had in mind when he challenged young Timothy to "take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself . . . persevere" (1 Timothy 4:15-16).

Regardless of your stature, in spite of your current circumstances, age, status, occupation, location, limitations, or background, aim high . . . way up there where the ranks are as thin as the air. And the next time you're tempted to listen to those who would penalize you, remember that little company in Detroit, determined to succeed over eight decades ago. Oops, not "little," small.

***** "....... ... ." ---Vice Secretary the General Dr. Feng-wei Lai *108

Come to think of it, I've never heard anyone call the Cadillac Motor Car Company "little." *3

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright ?1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

Editors' notes


*1. Charles R. Swindoll. '...,' "Thursday, May 28, 2009 4:00 AM ^^^From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Insight for Living" {c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com May 28, 2009 .......
**1006. Valorie Vega. By Google! ... Winning AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A. .......
*2. Charles R. Swindoll. Ibid., 1.
*107. Valerie J. Vega. '...,' " ... Accomplishment AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A. (Las Vegas, Nevada: .......
*108. Feng-wei Lai. '...,' ... by Google.com .......
*3. Charles R. Swindoll. Ibid.


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(USAW) Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum Launches Health Information Network!

{{{ Thursday, May 28, 2009 6:02 AM
From: "U.S. Asian Wire Newsroom" {newsroom@usasianwire.com} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com
May 28, 2009 }}}

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
Launches Health Information Network!!

***** SAN FRANCISCO -- (U.S. ASIAN WIRE) -- The Asian & Pacific Islander American Forum (APIAHF) today launched the Health Information Network to provide valuable information on Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander health issues and tools to communicate with advocates, policymakers, community leaders and health organizations.


The Health Information Network includes issue-specific email lists to share information and resources, a health organization directory containing national and community-based organizations that serve Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. Students, researchers and advocates will also be able to find data, research and other resources in a publications directory.

"A difficult challenge in addressing health issues in our communities is finding and distributing information about the health issues we face," said Dr. Ho Luong Tran, president and CEO of APIAHF. "Our goal is to make timely and accurate information available to our communities to support their work to improve health. This network links our communities and provides lessons learned, new ideas and the knowledge base for driving change."

The Health Information Network will provide timely information on public health emergencies. APIAHF is collaborating with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, the National Council of Asian Pacific Islander Physicians, (NCAPIP) and the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) to make announcements and urgent information available in Asian and Pacific Islander languages. The Health Information Network can also be used to access U.S. Census data on population, growth, and socio-economics for 21 Asian American and Pacific Islander sub-groups as well as for other major racial/ethnic groups in the United States.

The Health Information Network is supported by grant funding from the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD) at the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health.

The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) is a national health policy organization for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. APIAHF's mission is to advocate for greater recognition, inclusion and engagement of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders on policies and programs that are critical to the health and well-being of our diverse and vibrant communities.


Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
450 Sutter Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone (415) 954-9988

Attention Newsrooms: Releases, logos and photos published through U.S. Asian Wire are intended for use by journalists in connection with their professional activities. Information may be used as the basis for copy to be broadcast or published.

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May 28, 2009 12:00 AM | 0 ^Δ | 0 | |

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***** "....... ." ---??? *107

The above information in Chinese translation has benn posted by Worldjournal.com of World Journal internationally early in the morning on May 28, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

Editors' notes

---Distinguished author of PPAA Forum Bill Clinton *1007


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