| Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] 36 [37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] |
121009-0423 AM(LV) |
{{{{{ <<< CNBC-Asia TV Interview - US/Japan Airline Sector! **__** ******* Thu, December 10, 2009 12:25:31 AM ^^^From: Jonathan Galaviz {jonathangalaviz@gmail.com} Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ....... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dec 11, 2009 at approx. 8:40am, SIN/HKG Jonathan Galaviz will be interviewed live on CNBC-Asia, Friday, December 11 at 8:40am in Singapore to discuss the dynamics related to the U.S. and Japanese governments nearing an aviation sector accord leading to an 'Open-Skies Agreement' between the two countries. The interview will also cover the outlook for the broad global travel and leisure sector in Asia in addition to specific business strategies of U.S. and Japanese airline carriers. Links to Recent TV Interviews Bloomberg - Nov. 30, 2009 (Click on 'Video' tab) CNBC - October 30, 2009 CNBC - October 9, 2009 E-mail Jonathan Galaviz About Jonathan Galaviz Mr. Galaviz is a world leading independent strategy adviser to governments and Fortune 500 companies. Jonathan's clients include some of the worlds most prominent companies in the real estate, airline, casino gaming, and hotel industries. He appears frequently on CNBC and Bloomberg TV as a commentator providing macro-economic and fundamental industry analysis. Separately, Galaviz occasionally contributes his political commentary in Op-Ed sections of several global newspapers. CNBC Asia logo and trademark is owned by NBC Universal Forward email This email was sent to tojulei@yahoo.com by jonathangalaviz@gmail.com. Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by Jonathan Galaviz | 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway | Suite 500 | Las Vegas | NV | 89169 >>> *00036 [[*00036 . ....... }} ---------------------- ******************************************** | |
121009-0423 AM(LV) |
{{{{{ <<< CNBC-Asia TV Interview - US/Japan Airline Sector! **__** ******* Thu, December 10, 2009 12:25:31 AM ^^^From: Jonathan Galaviz {jonathangalaviz@gmail.com} Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ....... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dec 11, 2009 at approx. 8:40am, SIN/HKG Jonathan Galaviz will be interviewed live on CNBC-Asia, Friday, December 11 at 8:40am in Singapore to discuss the dynamics related to the U.S. and Japanese governments nearing an aviation sector accord leading to an 'Open-Skies Agreement' between the two countries. The interview will also cover the outlook for the broad global travel and leisure sector in Asia in addition to specific business strategies of U.S. and Japanese airline carriers. Links to Recent TV Interviews Bloomberg - Nov. 30, 2009 (Click on 'Video' tab) CNBC - October 30, 2009 CNBC - October 9, 2009 E-mail Jonathan Galaviz About Jonathan Galaviz Mr. Galaviz is a world leading independent strategy adviser to governments and Fortune 500 companies. Jonathan's clients include some of the worlds most prominent companies in the real estate, airline, casino gaming, and hotel industries. He appears frequently on CNBC and Bloomberg TV as a commentator providing macro-economic and fundamental industry analysis. Separately, Galaviz occasionally contributes his political commentary in Op-Ed sections of several global newspapers. CNBC Asia logo and trademark is owned by NBC Universal Forward email This email was sent to tojulei@yahoo.com by jonathangalaviz@gmail.com. Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe | Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by Jonathan Galaviz | 3960 Howard Hughes Parkway | Suite 500 | Las Vegas | NV | 89169 >>> *00036 [[*00036 . ....... }} ---------------------- ******************************************** | |
121009-0347 AM(LV) |
<<<<<<< 2009-12-10 و ЏVݼ Ĵνꐕ߀]_GI࣬Mh̨hhF˷ˢͣ죬վǫL־¶mIʿȥӳҪ[ˡ־fϣA棺Փ[ܵأ̨öNꐕMС ĴνꐕrgƽGIPԿЄӱ_BMh̨hhFL߅۞ˢͣ죬Ρ̨L־ʮ̖иTcӕrҲSfϣ̨ЕҪŪվoϣΣCDCA棬Փ[ܵأ̨жN_ЧꐕMС ־¶BՁSҎhGIBBУ{ĹI磬Ҳ̲סӳɲԲҪ[ˣһֱܣܾoBСԘI fΚպã߳hdȥһֺȿȣƷζ̲裬hҲԳĄй@ߣJRĻǵҲط̙C >>>>>>> *447777777 [[*447777777. ݼ. '...!' "LVRJ/WBTI. ... {To be continued ...} .......!!]] ---------------------- ******************************************** | |
121009-0223 (LV)AM |
CityCenter announces financing program to boost condo sales In an effort to close sales of its 2,400 high-rise condominiums, developers of the $8.5 billion CityCenter project said this morning it has selected a national mortgage company to finance purchases. Updated: 12/09/2009 7:06 AM --------------------------- ***** <<<<< uo ʩ£ 2009-12-10 و ЏVHJG u¼ʮL꣬uָ]ʩ±ʾkλ^βֻ^СԒ֪лӣ@̫^ֱӣ⣬MhҲɳxLʩZLķЩɎFϑѣxʮ겻ۆԓҕrgҪÿζһҪx u¼ʮL꣬ꐾL߀Ҫڮ갸l֮һd־ektӣuָ]ʩ±ʾf^βֻ^С֪kӣJ@̫^ֱӡ ʩ¸пfu¼ǿָ]t܊\Ҳǿָ]ҪՈ^ȥҪ͚һcҪȸVңҪf҂kһ^ɣֲ؈˹ЕrֻԒkң˴ֱҪһcYòɡ ʩҲf@һxeYֻwͶƱķӑRӢŵľҪͶoGģ2008ӑˮ⼰Mhľ߰ٶfƱͶoRӢţ@NwͶƱ MhƳLxܰxʩ@Щv@ЩɎFxʮ꣬ÿxeڅxX̫ۆȥϢһ¿һc˼һ̨ǰ;ҪÿxeһҪx >>>>> *0223 {{{*0223. ... by the world's leading search engines on Internet ... NCT/ie & LVRJ/wbti ... (To be continued ...!) .......}}} -------------------------- ******************************************** | |
 size:4.48 M |
<<<<<< Kê Գ! ҪMC8ՈDecember 09, 2009 12:05 AM | 3626 ^Δ | 9 | | | ͣ | << һ | һ >> DƬ 1 / 3DZؐWKSܿ8˹¸砖ĦWeеCǰvKlf***** 2009ZؐCY10˹¸砖ĦeУ8eCǰvWСw֮֮QĸK̫̫SܿlvSܿvfKæ춿Уwȫң⣬KԼһδ@硹ο̫̫Sܿt{٩˶Zؐģdž]뵽rԡȻ档̨µĸK @£Ҳ_ѴЦ 춸KV֢ZеKHԵ̨lIf̫̫ԡSand from centuries past; Send future voices fast(ɳf)}f SܿԻZF ãӢZKоwgĚṿԼһЩͥȤ¡ʾK鲻HvеzKZؐ϶оɾеԺȫҲИsҡ SܿʾK1960_ʼעЕrۣܶrٌҶJ錤ЧfӍ̖IJϣܡKаlɹK]Ы@ҕʹKڽ꣬رƏVԼĘ룬L걼⡣KĈԶ͟飬uu׃ˣڌLҲᣬK춫@(Corning)Ļؑ1969꣬ؐҲоwС һ·߁ҊCɷKŬ~ɹ Sܿf@ΕrgKҪؼңcСŮе졣ÿSܿrKfe⣬҂FǷdz^ĵ飬һ@ġSܿfr߀S̵fdž˫@Zؐ]뵽Գ棬KZؐ SܿvrrЦ̨µĸKڈ^YĵŮ}гfЦԒӂゃڲҊǂ˾ゃĸHK̨ Ҳ_ĴЦ vЌYrSܿeָԹw鱾ȫͨӍWj_ӍϢEKһ£wͨӍHǿƼϵM߀@׃һˌԲͬķʽWͳL Share This Article: Delicious Digg Buzz up!reddit Facebook LinkedIn Twitter StumbleUpon Mixx it! Fark Newsvine ɽǔMʢcף | Oct 07, 2009 KpһҪЉ | Dec 08, 2009 wؕI ꠵Zؐ | Oct 07, 2009 ԊZ | Oct 08, 2009 ƌWҫ@ZؐW | Oct 07, 2009 C[ȫ֣^ȫՈӈ(ePaper) >>>>>> *0223a {{*0223a. ... ..... World Journal ... at Worldjournal.com .......!}} --------------------------- ******************************************** | |
77777 |
120909-2357 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Wednesday, 11:57 PM(LV), December 9, 2009 #First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Distinguished Authors: Barack H. Obama, Harry M. Reid, Hillary R. Clinton, Al Gore, John McCain, John and Teresa Kerry, John Ensign, Shelley Berkley, Dina Titus, Paulin Sarah, Sun-Yuan Kung, and Bill Clinton. Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. 43rd U.S. District Federal Judge and Nevada Attonery General Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, previous Nevada Attorney General and District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
**__** ***** "... Cat and rats on Scientific Methodology for PEACE with LOVE!" Professor Dr. Loh-seng Tsai (late) of Tulane University *44878 [[*44878. ... Google, Yahoo, and Yahoo!! .......]] ----------------- | |
120909-1201 PM(LV) |
Copenhagen Wed, December 9, 2009 10:03:59 AMFrom: "Al Gore, Repower America" Add to Contacts To: Tony Dr. Lei -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Tony, A truly historic moment has arrived. The United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark began this week, and the eyes of the world are on the United States, gauging our commitment to a global solution to the greatest challenge facing our planet. Leaders from across the world, including President Obama, will come together to forge an agreement that will guide international action to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and lay the foundation for a new and prosperous 21st century clean energy economy. In advance of his trip to Copenhagen, President Obama has already made a commitment to take on the climate crisis here in the U.S. -- now we have to show that the American people are ready to lead too. Show the world that the American people want bold action on climate and clean energy solutions. Share your message of support on The Wall now. The United States has a crucial role to play in any international efforts related to the climate crisis -- including the dialogue that continues in Copenhagen this week. Our principles and our economic strength have traditionally made us a leader in the world community -- but we are also one of the largest emitters of global warming pollution. For these reasons, the rest of the world expects we will also play a leadership role in developing a climate agreement. Given the urgency of the challenge that is before us, the U.S. can't wait any longer. Solving the climate crisis begins with action and commitment, right here at home. The best way we can prove our leadership and demonstrate that we are ready to take meaningful action is by passing comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation in Congress. That legislation has passed the House of Representatives and is now in the Senate. We're not done yet, but we are closer than ever before -- and we are going to keep up the pressure to pass a bill until our leaders have done it. This is an opportunity for America to regain the mantle of global leadership. We need to tell the world that the American people are ready for bold action on climate change. The world is watching. Post your message on The Wall today: http://www.repoweramerica.org/wallform/ Thanks for helping to demonstrate American leadership on the climate crisis as we work toward a crucial international agreement at Copenhagen. Al Gore RepowerAmerica.org | Facebook | Twitter | Unsubscribe Paid for by the Climate Protection Action Fund >>>>>>>> *48 ------------------ **__** ....... ******** Phat StradҘF ӛTQ̨˹S˹December 08, 2009 12:00 AM | 84 ^Δ | 0 | 1 | | | ͣ | << һ | һ >> DƬ 1 / 2ـŮҘFˮُ_Ļʽࡣ ӛTQ̨MzӰـAСҘFPhat Stradгˮُ_Ļࡣ WI똷F˹S˹ـǴϺܶـƵбݡ Phat Strad˹S˹ɫһ֧ŮҘFwΨһAŮ֡ FTx˹S˹AʺFـǂܳСٱߡ ـ@֧ҘFϵIČIʿـǴ_Ļӻ̨ݬF࣬Ոтψ uνoδ 24̼P | Sep 23, 2009 >>>>>>> *48a {{*48a. TQ̨. ... Yahoo! Mail AP NCT/ie International Winning LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. ... Brilliant & Inspiringly! In the late night at 11:11 PM(LV) on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the World's Leading Search Engines on Internet!! (To be edited!!!) .......}} ------------------------------------------- | |
<<<<< Professor Dr. Su's scientific & experimental research on World Cooperation and Peace! [Just a moment ...!!] >>>******* .......! <<<<<<<< ~{BeI<~}磯~{L)~}國~{3G~}濃~{St~}異國風~{Gi~} ~{ND#:~}記~{U_~}陳~{9bA"~}November 15, 2009 12:00 AM | 558 觀~{?44N~}數 | 5 | | ~{2%7E~} | 暫~{M#~} | << ~{IOR;~}頁 | ~{OBR;~}頁 >> 圖~{F,~} 1 / 3~{BeI<~}磯~{L)~}國~{3G#,~}圍繞~{VxL)~}國廣場~{#(~}Thailand Plaza~{#)~}為~{:KPDOrMb~}發~{U9!#~} 圖~{#:~}記~{U_~}陳~{9bA"C@~}國~{JGCqWe4sH[~}爐~{#,BeI<~}磯~{8|JGHKND~}薈~{]M#,>[~}來~{WTKDCf0K7=5DRFCq!#Rr4K3d~}滿異國風~{Gi5D8w5X~}區~{TZBeI<~}磯應運~{6xIz!#QXVx:C~}萊塢~{4s5@#(~}Hollywood Blvd.~{#)W_#,SP~}塊廣達~{Ay~}個~{=V~}區~{5DL)~}國~{3G#(~}Thai Town~{#)!#~} ~{U{~}個~{L)~}國~{3G~}圍繞~{L)~}國廣場~{#(~} Thailand Plaza~{#)~}為~{:KPDOrMb~}發~{U9#,HgM,~}親臨~{L)~}國~{R;0c#,~}觀~{9b?M~}會~{?45=AA2J~}裝飾與~{KDCf7p#,D0Iz5DL)ND3d3bTZUPEF~}與~{5jCfJPUPIO#,ub2=FdVPa]~}彿來~{5=L)~}國~{Ge~}邁~{#,>_SP~}濃~{St~}異國風~{Gi!#~} ~{L)~}國~{3GWnTg?IW7K]5=~}1960~{Dj4z#,~}當時~{R;~}陣~{At~}學風~{4YJ9~}諸~{6`L)~}國學~{Iz~}來~{C@Gs~}學~{#,JWOHBd~}腳~{5D1cJGBeI<~}磯~{5X~}區~{!#~}這~{P)~}學~{Iz~}畢業~{aa#,1c~}順~{@m3IUBAtTZC@~}國~{Gs~}職~{!"3IS#,~}80~{Dj4z=pHZ~}風~{1)#,8|6`L)~}國~{RFCq~}遷~{HkC@~}國謀職~{#,L)~}國~{RFCq@[~}積~{VA~}8萬~{HK#,~}1999~{Dj~}10~{TB~}27~{HUJP~}議會~{V86(4K5X~}為~{L)~}國~{3G#,Hg=q>[>SCq~}12萬~{HK!#~}2003~{Dj~}7~{TBG05ZR;7rHK~}蘿~{@-~}‧~{25XMb#,L)~}國~{HK?ZWn6`5D5X7=!#GI:O5DJG#,L)~}國~{JW8.B|9H#(~}Bangkok~{#)RbJG!8LlJ9V.3G!9#,~}與~{BeI<~}磯~{2;~}謀~{6x:O!#~} ... **__** .......<<<<<<<< ~{,%'|~}罠~{.u0j+0~}緻~{-'2'0j-71!~} ~{$e~}癘~{*L3/%z%_~}November 15, 2009 12:00 AM | 558 芠~{,]&8~{<=)q~} | ~{> ~{9O$y~} 1 / 3~{,%'|~}罠~{.u0j+0~}~{3rB65[.u0j~}約~{3u~}Thailand Plaza~{,0.V$_~}祇甶 ~{9O~}癘~{*L3/%z%_,|0j~}琌~{%A1Z~}~{:2~}膌~{,%'|~}罠~{'s~}琌~{$e~}頟~{5Q~}籈~{60(S&[~}~{-1~}~{$h*:2>%A~}~{&9~}~{:!2'0j-71!*:~}~{0O~}~{,%'|~}罠~{@3~}笲~{&S%M~}猽~{5[~}~{5\6u~}笵Hollywood Blvd.~{(+~}~{&36t~}約笷~{$;-S5s0O*:.u0j+0~}Thai Town~{>c-S.u0j+03rB6.u0j~}約~{3u~} Thailand Plaza~{,0.V$_~}祇甶~{?K~}羬~{.u0j~}~{/k~}芠~{%z+H~}穦~{,](l~}獹眒~{8K9"~}籔~{-1&r~}~{-/%M*:.u$e~}~{%8~}~{)[~}礟籔~{)1-1%+)[~}~{?b~}˙~{(d$$'O);(S(l.u0j~}睲~{AZ~}~{(c&3~}緻~{-'2'0j-71!~} ~{.u0j+03L&-~}發~{79(l~}1960~{7m.I~}皚痙~{>G-7~}玃~{(O=Q~}~{.u0j>G%M(S,|~}―~{>G~}~{-:%}8(~}竲~{*:~}獽琌~{,%'|~}罠~{0O~}硂~{(G>G%M2&~}穨~{+a~}獽~{66~}瞶~{&(39~}痙~{,|0j~}―~{B>~}~{&(~}產~{8(~}~{%M.Z~}~{/I/I~}h~{)9.u0j+0~}﹚﹡80~{*w?D-7%A~}綞~{,|0j?QB>~}~{.u0j2>%A2V~}縩~{&\~}8窾199910~{$k~}27~{$i%+D3~}穦~{+|~}﹚~{&9~}~{,0.u0j+0~}~{$5~}籈~{60~}﹡~{%A~}12窾 20037~{$k~}玡~{2D~}~{$R~}~{EZ)T~}~{%,'F~}Laura Bush盢~{.u0j+0~}玂痙~{*@0O~}Preserve America Community~{(O.u0j+0@r~}眔羛~{(9~}現~{)2~}猔~{8j*w~}羉篴祇甶秈~{&SE},%'|~}罠~{%+&(,0.u0j%;~}~{.u0j~}~{3L~}~{*:~}~{$h~}~{%)~}~{*:~}琌~{.u0j-:)20R(&~}Bangkok種琌~{$Q(O$'+0~}籔~{,%'|~}罠~{$#?Q&S~} ~{'s~}穝籇 –4~{$k~{57:w~}~{+v~}緄~{%M~}~{,|-95[~} | Nov 15, 2009 笴~{D}.fDu)'(H,|%'(H$e$F~}~{D}*m~} | Oct 05, 2009 箇~{:b~}祏~{/J~}150窾 礚羱~{02@18I~} | Sep 06, 2009 ~{5X8G~}竒~{@g~}璓竡繺芔 | Mar 29, 2009 ~{:nD}~}~{,I%~'=~}芠~{,]%~~}痷~{*:~}~{,I$i3x~}筿~{3x~}(ePaper) >>>>>>>> *747767c {{{*747767c. UN Asian Institute. '~{,%'|~}罠~{.u0j+0~}緻~{-'2'0j-71!~}!' ... By ~{3/%z%_~} .......}}} ------------------------------------------- | |
120909-1201 PM(LV) |
Copenhagen Wed, December 9, 2009 10:03:59 AMFrom: "Al Gore, Repower America" Add to Contacts To: Tony Dr. Lei -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Tony, A truly historic moment has arrived. The United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark began this week, and the eyes of the world are on the United States, gauging our commitment to a global solution to the greatest challenge facing our planet. Leaders from across the world, including President Obama, will come together to forge an agreement that will guide international action to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and lay the foundation for a new and prosperous 21st century clean energy economy. In advance of his trip to Copenhagen, President Obama has already made a commitment to take on the climate crisis here in the U.S. -- now we have to show that the American people are ready to lead too. Show the world that the American people want bold action on climate and clean energy solutions. Share your message of support on The Wall now. The United States has a crucial role to play in any international efforts related to the climate crisis -- including the dialogue that continues in Copenhagen this week. Our principles and our economic strength have traditionally made us a leader in the world community -- but we are also one of the largest emitters of global warming pollution. For these reasons, the rest of the world expects we will also play a leadership role in developing a climate agreement. Given the urgency of the challenge that is before us, the U.S. can't wait any longer. Solving the climate crisis begins with action and commitment, right here at home. The best way we can prove our leadership and demonstrate that we are ready to take meaningful action is by passing comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation in Congress. That legislation has passed the House of Representatives and is now in the Senate. We're not done yet, but we are closer than ever before -- and we are going to keep up the pressure to pass a bill until our leaders have done it. This is an opportunity for America to regain the mantle of global leadership. We need to tell the world that the American people are ready for bold action on climate change. The world is watching. Post your message on The Wall today: http://www.repoweramerica.org/wallform/ Thanks for helping to demonstrate American leadership on the climate crisis as we work toward a crucial international agreement at Copenhagen. Al Gore RepowerAmerica.org | Facebook | Twitter | Unsubscribe Paid for by the Climate Protection Action Fund >>>>>>>> *48 | |
120909-0853 |
<<< HomeOwners & Tera West RAINBOW ..., MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! [at the time being: 9:04 AM(LV)] ....... <<<<<<<< (?)break through Wed, December 9, 2009 7:48:22 AMFrom: John Kerry Add to Contacts To: Friend Friend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Friend, Last night was a big night in Massachusetts: that sound you heard was the glass ceiling being smashed into a thousand pieces. Democrats voted to make Martha Coakley the first woman ever to represent Massachusetts in the United States Senate. And man do we need another strong progressive voice just like Martha right now. Ted Kennedy taught us for 47 years that if Democrats want to see our progressive values enacted into law, we have to fight. But the first fight we have to win is the general election in just a few short weeks. Here's where you come in. Please give what you can to help Martha bring her strong progressive voice to Washington. The Republicans are targeting this seat, trying to hold back the progressive tide. Already they're trying to rally Republicans to elect someone who will "block" the Obama agenda. Well, when Massachusetts goes to the polls to choose a new Senator one day shy of President Obama's one year anniversary in office, we need to elect a Senator who will fight with me to pass that progressive agenda, not block it. Martha needs all the help she can to hold on to Ted Kennedy's historic seat - and make her own mark in the fight for health care, jobs, climate change legislation, and our fundamental freedoms. This is a critical time. We've come a long way, but - believe me - I see every day that we still have more road to travel. We need more progressive Democratic Senators to break the power of the status quo and give us the reform we need. Martha Coakley needs to be our next Senator, and I need you to help her. Please give what you can. Let's go make history, John Kerry Paid for by John Kerry for Senate This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com To unsubscribe: http://www.johnkerry.com/unsubscribe >>>>>>>> *47888 {{{*47888. ....... *010205. ... M. Philanthropist Honorable Teresa ....... Dean Dr. and Mrs. Margaret and Joe Weber .......!!!}}} --------------------------- <<<<<<<< ~{CXC\~}筆記 (To be enhanced .......!!!) ~{NR2;@O~} 卻開~{J<@O~}練 ~{l6JG~} ~{NRInIn~}懷~{DnFpDG~}隻~{SB~}闖~{LlQD5D1?~}鳥... 關~{l6vDP@by~} ~{)&~}訂閱~{vDP@by~} ~{NDUB~} - 52, 迴響 - 226, ~{R}SC~} - 0, ~{1>8q~}總瀏覽~{HK4N~} - 265152~{VP~}時電~{WS~}報 › ~{VP~}時~{2?Bd8q~} › ~{BC~}遊~{2?Bd8q~}總覽 › ~{vDP@by~} 關~{l6NR)&~} ~{5GHk~} ~{AtQT0f~} ~{!>~}42~{!?)&~} ~{NRR*AtQT~} ~{NDUB7V~}類 ~{KySPNDUB!>~}52~{!?~} ~{1?~}鳥亂飛~{!>~}4~{!?~} ~{QXM>#,NR5DPD!>~}10~{!?~} 記憶~{VP5D~}...~{!>~}0~{!?~} ~{N4~}來~{BCPP~} ~{!>~}4~{!?~} ~{BC~}遊~{!>~}0~{!?~} ~{Hg8hM/Dj!>~}2~{!?~} ~{;(~}蓮筆記~{!>~}10~{!?~} ~{;(~}蓮~{!>~}0~{!?~} ~{FdK{!>~}0~{!?~} ~{0DV^BC~}遊~{!>~}0~{!?~} ~{:C~}書~{7VOm!>~}1~{!?~} ~{J@=gU9M{~}會~{e<~}國~{PP!>~}0~{!?~} ~{P!~}m~{Iz;n~}記~{JB!>~}1~{!?~} 貓~{5DIz;n!>~}3~{!?~} ~{P!~}詩~{!>~}1~{!?~} 馬~{Wf!>~}0~{!?~} ~{1?~}鳥亂飛~{!>~}4~{!?~} ~{QXM>#,NR5DPD!>~}10~{!?~} 記憶~{VP5D~}...~{!>~}0~{!?~} ~{N4~}來~{BCPP~} ~{!>~}4~{!?~} ~{Hg8hM/Dj!>~}2~{!?~} ~{;(~}蓮筆記~{!>~}10~{!?~} ~{:C~}書~{7VOm!>~}1~{!?~} ~{P!~}m~{Iz;n~}記~{JB!>~}1~{!?~} 貓~{5DIz;n!>~}3~{!?~} ~{P!~}詩~{!>~}1~{!?~} ~{O`2>~} 馬~{Wf!>~}0~{!?~} ~{J@=gU9M{~}會~{e<~}國~{PP!>~}30~{!?~} ~{0DV^BC~}遊~{!>~}7~{!?~} ~{FdK{!>~}2~{!?~} ~{;(~}蓮~{!>~}8~{!?~} ~{BC~}遊~{!>~}7~{!?~} ~{WnPBNDUB~} {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}9~{#,~}諸~{Iq~}}親愛~{5D~}媽~{Wf#,~}謝謝 點閱~{#:~}50 ~{#|~} 迴響~{#:~} 0 {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}8~{#,HK~}與~{=GBd~}}~{5@~}別~{#,TY~}見東~{\l#!~} 點閱~{#:~}340 ~{#|~} 迴響~{#:~} 0 {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}7~{#,=GBd~}}~{TZ~}繽紛~{J@=g~},~{UR2h~} 點閱~{#:~}1433 ~{#|~} 迴響~{#:~} 2 {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}6~{#,=GBd~}}~{Sv~}見滄~{I#5D~}東~{\l~}燈~{K~~} 點閱~{#:~}1240 ~{#|~} 迴響~{#:~} 2 {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}5~{#,=GBd~}}東~{\lNw~}門~{n.#(OB#)~} 點閱~{#:~}892 ~{#|~} 迴響~{#:~} 0 ~{WnPB~}迴響 ~{;X~}應~{#:~} {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}7~{#,=GBd~}}~{TZ~}繽紛~{J@=g~},~{UR2h~} drar prado94 : ~{Fd~}實還~{SP~} 2009/12/04 16:16~{#|~} ~{vDP@by~} ~{;X~}應~{#:~} {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}7~{#,=GBd~}}~{TZ~}繽紛~{J@=g~},~{UR2h~} Dear Blogger, I ass 2009/12/02 06:50~{#|~} prado94 ~{;X~}應~{#:~} {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}6~{#,=GBd~}}~{Sv~}見滄~{I#5D~}東~{\l~}燈~{K~~} 資訊~{TB~}歡慶30週~{Dj#,TZVw~}題館~{>>~}團開~{E?#,?l~} 2009/11/17 09:49~{#|~} 111 ~{;X~}應~{#:~} {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}6~{#,=GBd~}}~{Sv~}見滄~{I#5D~}東~{\l~}燈~{K~~} ~{0"~}~~~~~{NRJV~}殘刪~{5tAKR;~}則~{AtQT~}..~{NR~}剛~{JGR*~}刪 2009/11/16 23:25~{#|~} ~{vDP@by~} ~{;X~}應~{#:~} {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}2~{#,=LS}~}}東~{\l~}寶貝 ~{NR~}當~{1xR2U{U{TZ~}東~{\l4}AKR;DjRTIO#,~}當~{Dj~}覺~{5C~} 2009/11/14 03:30~{#|~} Ryan 閱讀~{EEPP0q~} {~{;(~}蓮筆記-2} 鄉~{OBHK5D~}禮~{No~} 點閱~{#:~}18075 ~{0Q~}愛傳~{3vH%~} ~{L(~}灣~{:\4`Hu~},請~{P!PD~}輕~{7E~} 點閱~{#:~}13115 ~{NR~}無~{Ky~}懼~{#,NRJGWTSI5D!*CI9E~}國~{B7M>IO~} 點閱~{#:~}12413 {~{;(~}蓮筆記-1}電~{3XSCMjG0~} 點閱~{#:~}11643 遠~{7=5DEsSQ#,Dc:C~}嗎? 點閱~{#:~}11346 迴響~{EEPP0q~} {~{;(~}蓮筆記-1}電~{3XSCMjG0~} 迴響~{#:~}20 ~{NR~}無~{Ky~}懼~{#,NRJGWTSI5D!*CI9E~}國~{B7M>IO~} 迴響~{#:~}18 認~{UfD'HK~}--~{MuA&:j~} 迴響~{#:~}13 ~{0Q~}愛傳~{3vH%~} ~{L(~}灣~{:\4`Hu~},請~{P!PD~}輕~{7E~} 迴響~{#:~}13 遠~{7=5DEsSQ#,Dc:C~}嗎? 迴響~{#:~}13 {~{AP~}島紀~{PP#,~}馬~{Wf~}9~{#,~}諸~{Iq~}}親愛~{5D~}媽~{Wf#,~}謝謝 2009-12-09 21:25 ~{#|~}迴響~{#:~}0~{#|~}點閱~{#:~}50 離開東~{\l#,BCPP=S=|N2~}聲~{#,5+~}還~{SPWnVXR*5DPP3L#,TZ~}馬~{Wf5D~}馬~{Wf4e!#H%Ll:s~}宮~{0]~}媽~{Wf!#~} ~{L(~}灣諸~{Iq#,NRWnO2~}歡媽~{Wf#,~}覺~{5C~}遠~{M{4s:#5D~}媽~{Wf~}寬~{:q4H1/#,Ll4s5DJB#,~}媽~{Wf6<~}會~{UU?4Vx!#~} 馬~{WfV.KyRT=P~}馬~{Wf#,JGRr~}為傳說~{VP#,~}媽~{WfAVD,Do5D~}遺體~{1cJGF/8!5=DO8M~}島~{#,aa~}來發現遺體~{5D5X7=#,R2~}稱為馬~{Wf4e#,~}蓋~{AKH+~}馬~{WfWn4s5DLl:s~}宮~{!#~} ~{NRTZ~}馬~{Wf5DBCPP#,5ZR;Ll8zWnaaR;Ll6[Bd8P~}動~{#,NR~}卻~{R;Q[>M~}見~{5=~}媽~{WfLl:s~}宮~{5D~}氣勢~{!#~}廟~{2;4s#,~}卻莊嚴~{4sFw5XU}~}對~{0u~}礡~{4s:##,31O+My75#,JX~}護島~{Cq!#~}雖~{H;~}廟裡~{5DG`M\Iq~}鐵~{~{OH9'>45X:OUFFmGs~}馬~{Wf1#SS4KPPF=02aa#,>M~}進~{PP5=~}媽~{Wf~}廟~{WnVXR*5DJBGi!*Gs~}籤~{!#~} ~{NR~}這個~{HKJG:\K#~}賴~{5D#,SHFdJG~}對媽~{Wf#,C?5=R;WyLl:s~}宮~{#,R;6(R*0]0]Gs~}籤~{#,~}簡~{V10Q~}媽~{Wf~}當~{3IWn~}親愛~{5D0"RL#,~}沒~{JB>M~}愛~{8zK}Hv~}嬌~{!#~} ~{NRGs~}籤~{6M~}來個聖~{1-!#5+K#~}賴~{Gs~}來~{5D~}籤~{9{Uf~}嚴厲~{!#~} ~{8;~}貴~{SIC|Ll~}註~{6(#,PD8_1XH;~}誤~{>}FZ#,2;H;GR;XR@~}舊~{B7#,~}雲開~{TB3vWT7VCw!#~} ~{:C@2:C@2#,>MJG=L~}訓~{NRPD8_~}氣~{0A@2#!2;~}過媽~{Wf5D~}話~{6`IYR*~}聽~{#,2ED\1#02?5!#~} ~{0]~}媽~{Wf5DVX~}頭戲~{TZ~}馬~{Wf4e#,~}據說這裡~{JG~}當~{Dj~}發現~{AVD,Do~}遺體~{5D8[?Z!#~} ~{NRLaG0R;MmM6~}訴~{TZ~}馬~{Wf4e5D!8:#Ll~}飯~{5j!9#,5=4eBd~}時~{LlI+RQMm#,~}決~{6(GeTgH%Gs~}籤~{!#:#Ll~}飯~{5jRTG0JGOc?M4s~}樓~{#,~}緊緊~{0$VxLl:s~}宮~{#,W!TZ~}這裡~{#,>M:COq0$Vx~}媽~{WfK/~}覺~{R;~}樣~{!#~} 這裡~{7?~}間~{2;4s#,~}卻~{:\PB:\G,~}淨~{#,WnSPH$5DJG@-~}開~{40>MJG:#~}灘~{#,:#~}灘~{IOG!:CM#AKR;EE~}軍艦~{#,NR~}時~{2;~}時~{M5?4R;OB#,~}難~{5C~}這麼~{=|>`~}離~{?45=~}軍艦~{_c#!NR2B~}應該~{JG~}運補~{5D0I#,3}AK?45=R;~}盞盞黃燈~{#,RT<0J?1xTZ馬~{Wf4eSP~}條~{4s=V#,=VIOSP | |
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******* A Rainbow of love from FATHERS! ---A Sir Frank Production *737797**__** ... ....... ..... PASSION!! ***** "Hope is here TODAY!!!" *Wang, Lin, and Guo *47123 -------------- | |
Insight for Today! A gift by God!! And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm!!! N(B)y Charles R. Swindoll **__** <<< To be edited and enhanced ....... >>> {{{{{{{{ Mon, December 7, 2009 4:00:46 AMFrom: Insight for Living Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Share with a Friend Devotional Library December 7, 2009 Think It Over by Charles R. Swindoll God's Word is filled with examples of those who believed God and "commenced prayer." David certainly did. "I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay; And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm" (Ps. 40:1-2). Paul and Silas experienced the same thing in that ancient Philippian prison when all seemed hopeless (Acts 16:25-26). And it was from the deep that Jonah cried for help. Choking on salt water and engulfed by the Mediterranean currents, the prodigal prophet called out his distress: "Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from the stomach of the fish, and he said, 'I called out of my distress to the LORD, and He answered me. I cried for help from the depth of Sheol; Thou didst hear my voice. . . . All Thy breakers and billows passed over me. . . . But Thou hast brought up my life from the pit, O LORD my God'" (Jonah 2:1-6). Often it is the crucible of crisis that energizes our faith. Think it over. Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright ?2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission. >>>>>>>> *77777777 [[*77777777. ... ..... ....... .........]] ******* Ů־ȹ_Ӱ}w 2009/12/07 10:32 99(yhˁzpюuxJdeȁyz 2009/12/07 10:32b \ӌF) >>>>>>> ....... ========================================== | |
******** Courage! ---??? *878<<< *878. Cheryl Moss. ... [Change for betterment!!] ....... >>> -------------------------------------------- | |
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<<< Achieving! Do it again!! [To be edited .......] >>>**__** <<<<< [[Fw: Seniors United Meeting, Wed. Dec. 9, 2009 ^^^Sat, December 5, 2009 12:34:31 PM From: "dbalducci@juno.com" (dbalducci@juno.com) View Contact To: ungaro3@cox.net; blueclarkcounty@aol.com Cc: liz4law@netzero.com; lcsmith@adsd.nv.gov; j/gann702@cox.net; lasvegas@drinkingliberally.org; lasa88lv@hotmail.com; lwv@lwvlasvegasvalley.org]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SENIORS UNITED -- December 2009 CORPORATE SPONSORS HUMANA MEDIC WEST (Sharon Henry) Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani State Senator Dr. Joe Heck Assemblyman Harry Mortenson Judge William Jansen Judge Timothy C. Williams Commissioner Tom Collins & Kathy Collins Judge Diana I. Sullivan County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Judge Dianne Steel Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian Congresswoman Dina Titus *1 --------- EMBARQ Judge David Gibson & Teresa Gibson Judge Bryce Duckworth Judge Jackie Glass Councilman Stavros Anthony District Attorney David Roger Maria Maskall State Senator John Lee Andrew Martin Susan Scann Judge Elissa Cadish Assemblyman Kelvin Atkinson Judge Linda Bell School Board Member Linda E. Young Judge Deborah Lippis County Commissioner Susan Brager Josh and Carol Kunis Assemblywoman Barbara Buckley Judge Cynthia Leung Councilman Steve Wolfson Assemblywoman Marilyn Kirkpatrick Atria Sutton Senator Joyce Woodhouse ------- Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 12:00 noon. Please note that this is the third Wednesday of November. This meeting will be held at the Clark County Library located at 1401 E Flamingo Road. Our speaker and lunch host is going to be Michael McDonald. He will be discussing his latest project for senior housing. Please come and join us for a holiday lunch and learning more about what our leaders in the community, Michael, is doing for our seniors. ------- <<<< ON BEHALF OF ALL OUR MEMBERS OF SENIORS UNITED AND ITS BOARD WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS A SINCERE THANK YOU TO HUMANA FOR THEIR GENEROUS ASSISTANCE IN COVERING THE COST OF PRINTING OUR HIGHLIGHTS?NEWSLETTER EVERY MONTH. THANK YOU ALSO TO DIXON KELLER AND RON WILLIAMS FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF THIS ORGANIZATION. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, 2009. This meeting will be held at the Clark County Library located at 1401 E. Flamingo Road at 12:00 noon. Have a safe and healthy holiday season and may 2010 be a year of improvement. Are your dues paid? We would hate for you to miss a meeting. Call Doris Balducci for more information at 732-4366. If you would like to be contacted by email about our meetings, please contact Doris at dbalducci@juno.com. Thank you. >>>> ....... [[[ ꖄŮه! By xWS ***** ... Charming photos ....... 2009-12-07 Їr xWS̨ through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ... by the world's leading search engines on Internet .......]]] ------- HEALTHY AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU & YOUR FAMILIES AARP INFORMATION ON THE HOUSE HEALTH CARE REFORM The House Bill Will Strengthen and Improve the Medicare Program Medicare is a sacred promise that was made to seniors ?because no one should be left to struggle with medical bills after a lifetime of hard work. 320,000 people in Nevada depend on Medicare for stable, affordable health care. And yet, because of skyrocketing health care costs and our current economic crisis, the programs gaps are becoming more apparent. The House bill: protects traditional Medicare benefits for seniors and makes Medicare more financially sound so it is there for future generations; prevents a major cut in physician payments and improves payments for primary care so that older Americans in Nevada can keep the doctor of their choice or more easily find a doctor if they dont have one; improves Medicares drug coverage; requires Medicare to provide important preventive services like screenings for diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis free of charge; improves coordination of care for people with chronic health conditions; and begins a new program that provides benefits to help older Americans and people with disabilities stay in their own homes and communities. The House Bill Will Help Older Americans Struggling with the High Cost of Prescription Drugs Today, people in Medicare spend about 30 percent of their incomes, on average, on out-of-pocket health costs ?including premiums for supplemental coverage. These costs are six times greater than for people with employer coverage. Skyrocketing drug costs are a particular problem for people in Medicare. In 2007, 12% (16,400) of the Medicare beneficiaries in Nevada fell into the Part D doughnut hole,?or coverage gap, which meant that they had to pay the entire cost of their medication and their premiums. ------- The House bill: ******* reduces brand name drug costs by 50 percent for enrollees in the doughnut hole; and takes immediate steps to eliminate the doughnut hole entirely by 2019, starting with an additional $500 of coverage in 2010. This could add up to savings of over $2,000 next year for Nevadans with high drug spending and, eventually, savings of more than $3,400 per enrollee per year, as they will no longer have to worry about hitting the doughnut hole. The House Bill Increases Access to Long-Term Services and Supports at Home As many as 47,327 Nevadans currently have a disability and need greater access to long-term services and supports (LTSS). The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) provision in the House bill: creates a new national voluntary public insurance program that could help future generations of disabled Nevadans pay for the LTSS they need to remain independent in their home and community; provides a cash benefit (averaging $50/day) for eligible disabled participants; and benefits may be used to pay family caregivers. Participation in CLASS is through automatic monthly payroll deductions, although those who choose not to participate may opt-out. There is a 5-year vesting period. There is no underwriting requirement to participate and no lifetime limit on the benefits that participants may receive. A SPECIAL THANKS TO RICK WILKENING, PRESIDENT OF THE CARPENTERS UNION FOR THEIR CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP. WE ARE PROUD OF OUR UNIONS, IN NEVADA , AND LOOK FORWARD TO OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH OUR RETIRED CARPENTERS. OUR ADVERTISERS: CONSTABLES OFFICE LAS VEGAS TOWNSHIP Robert (Bobby G.) Gronauer 309 S. Third Street Las Vegas, NV 89155-2110 Phone: 702-385-2436 CARPENTERS LOCAL UNION 1977 Rick Wilkening 501 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89110 Phone: 702-531-1803 LINDA E. YOUNG Clark County School Trustee, District C 3625 Bradley Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89130 SUPREME COURT OF NEVADA Justice Michael Cherry 201 S Carson Street Carson City, NV Phone: 775-684-1540 CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT B Commissioner Tom Collins 500 S. Grand Central Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89155 SENIORS UNITED CREED ESTABLISHED BY JULIAN AND LILIAN WALLACE Seniors United was Created as an inspirational medium for seniors. Its purpose is to educate, promote and protect the rights of seniors. The needs of seniors differ from younger citizens. It is important to have an organization devoted to our place in the community and to promote its continued growth. The members of Seniors United want to share experiences with others. Nonpartisan and nonsectarian, we are very actively involved in the political structure of our state and country. Forums are varied to benefit the needs of the community and to discuss political issues. Guest speakers come from all areas. It is with pride that we are seniors and are doubly proud to be members of Seniors United. The pride continues in our many accomplishments and in the good name we have established in the community. Our goal is to develop plans for a great tomorrow and to make it happen. Everyone is welcome, young to old and from every walk of life. SENIORS UNITED MEANS SENIOR POWER A monthly publication of Seniors United. A nonprofit organization serving thousands of Senior Citizen SENIORS UNITED BOARD MEMBERS AND SPONSORS Printing sponsored by: HUMANA (??? ....... CEO Jackie Seip 702 968-2020 702 968-2090 (fax) ***** PRESIDENT Jerry Johnson 702 737-3497 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Judge Frank Sullivan 702 455-2434 SECRETARY Marian Replogle 702 455-4909 TREASURER Doris Balducci 702 732-4366 HIGHLIGHTS EDITOR Carol Burgeson 702 889-1574 702 592-6917 (cell) email: travelburgeson@yahoo.com ***** PUBLICITY/SUNSHINE LADY Ileana Drobkin 702 455-3404 TELEPHONE CHAIR Elaine Seigel 702 454-1353 POLITICAL DIRECTOR Diana Lanchart 702 499-4448 ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Ron & Linda Ellen 702 435-0000 SOCIAL SECURITY COLUMN By Rita Meier ***** Nevada Public Affairs Specialist OPEN SEASON IS HERE; TIME TO HUNT FOR YOUR PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN Hunting season is upon us; time to set your target for the Medicare prescription drug plan thats best for you. Newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries, and current beneficiaries who are considering changes to their Medicare Part D plan, should mark their calendars for November 15. The open season?will run from November 15 to December 31. The Medicare Part D prescription drug program is available to all Medicare beneficiaries to help with the costs of medications. Joining a Medicare prescription drug plan is voluntary, and participants pay an additional monthly premium for the coverage. While all Medicare beneficiaries can participate in the prescription drug program, some people with limited income and resources also are eligible for extra help?to pay for monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription co-payments. The extra help is worth an average of $3,900 per year. To figure out whether you are eligible for the extra help, Social Security needs to know your income and the value of any savings, investments, and real estate (other than the home you live in). To qualify, you must be receiving Medicare and also have: ? Income limited to $16,245 for an individual or $21,855 for a married couple living together. Even if your annual income is higher, you still may be able to get some help with monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription co-payments. Some examples where your income may be higher include if you or your spouse: Support other family members who live with you; Have earnings from work; or Live in Alaska or Hawaii ; and ? Resources limited to $12,510 for an individual or $25,010 for a married couple living together. Resources include such things as bank accounts, stocks, and bonds. We do not count your house or car as resources. You can complete an easy-to-use online application for the extra help at www.socialsecurity.gov. Click on Medicare on the top right side of the page. Then click on Apply for help with Medicare prescription drug plan costs.? To apply for the extra help by phone or have an application mailed to you, call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) and ask for the Application for Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs (SSA-1020). Or go to your nearest Social Security office. And if you would like more information about the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program itself, visit www.medicare.gov or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227; TTY 1-877-486-2048). So this open season, hunt for something that could put $3,900 in your pocket ?bag the best Medicare prescription drug plan for you and see if you qualify for the extra help through Social Security. *7 SENIORS UNITED 1155 EAST TWAIN AVE SUITE #108-177 LAS VEGAS NV 89169 >>>>>>> *77777g {{{*77777g. ... Do it again! .......}}} --------------------------------------- | |
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<<< Halleluiah!!! >>>**__** ******* ... ..... ....... ......... *??? ????? <<<<<<<< [KCBi-mail] Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 5, 2009 ^^^Fri, December 4, 2009 10:00:12 PMFrom: KCBI 90.9 Verse of the Day {kcbi_votd@mailman.isphereagency.com} Add to Contacts To: KCBI_VOTD@mailman.isphereagency.com, President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and Dear alll!!! ***** 3291797452.txt (1KB) ....... -------------------------------------------- Saturday, December 5, 2009 Today's Readings: Ephesians 2; Ezekiel 6-7; Isaiah 40 Today's verse: Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. New International Version Click here for daily Bible reading schedule To be removed from this email list please click here. ?009 KCBI Radio Inline Attachment Follows: 3291797452.txt [[*0247. WBTI/USA. ... AP LVRJ/wbti Winning U.S.A. .......!!!]] ----------------------------------------- **__** Yes, Professor Dr. Mary P. Follett! -- Mission Impossible ....... June 1975!! ---Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!!! *737747f -------------------------------------------- | |
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<<< It's our honor and priviledge to continue in learning .......!!! >>>**__** ******** South and Central Asia: Remarks On Mosque Bombing in Pakistan! Perspectives with HOPE!! By Hillary R. Clinton [[Sat, December 5, 2009 3:36:07 PMFrom: U.S. Department of State (usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov) View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com .......]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******* South and Central Asia: Remarks On Mosque Bombing in Pakistan Sat, 05 Dec 2009 16:15:31 -0600 ....... {{Remarks On Mosque Bombing in Pakistan Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State NATO Headquarters Brussels, Belgium December 4, 2009}} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, from what I saw in the television news reports, this was an attack on a mosque. And it just is extraordinarily threatening to the people of Pakistan, their places of worship, along with institutions of their state. Schools, markets are the targets of these terrorists who indiscriminately kill and maim. And I think it certainly underscores the importance of the work we~{!/~}re doing here. And I want to thank my colleague, Minister Sikorski for the very significant commitment that Poland has made." *747757 ### PRN: 2009/T16-5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {{[[This service is provided to you at no charge by the U.S. Department of State. GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of U.S. Department of State ~{!$~} 2210 C Street NW ~{!$~} Washington DC 20520 ~{!$~} 1-800-439-1420]]}} ....... >>>>>>> *4477777777 {{{*747757. ... U.S. Secretary of State Honorable Hillary R. Clinton and U.S. Department of State ... From an important U.S. e-mail ... To: President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI/USA ....... *4477777777. ... Yahoo! Mail AP NWT/ie LVRJ/wbti .......}}} -------------------------------------------- | |
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XXXXXXXXVIIII. ...PEACE with HOPE!Brilliant! <<< Miracle! at 23:57 (LV) ....... [To be continued ...] >>> ******* **__** Editors' notes ... ....... References *7007. *1. *7777. ... .! ------------------------------ ***** "... ..... ....... .!!" ---??? *????? ******* ӛTQ̨˹S˹December 01, 2009 12:00 AM | 84 ^Δ | 0 | 1 | | (LgfzۉzDecember 01, 2009 12:00 AM | 84 VŎ | 0 | 1 | |) *1 {{{*?????. ... *1. ... ..... ....... .........S!}}} --------------------------------- **__** <<< Performance Evaluation! [To be continued ...] >>> <<<<<<< South and Central Asia: Opening Remarks Before the United States Senate Armed Services Committee Wed, December 2, 2009 9:08:06 AMFrom: U.S. Department of State View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- South and Central Asia: Opening Remarks Before the United States Senate Armed Services Committee Wed, 02 Dec 2009 09:56:30 -0600 Opening Remarks Before the United States Senate Armed Services Committee Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Washington, DC December 2, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (9:30 a.m. EST) Chairman Levin, Senator McCain, members of the Committee, I am grateful for this opportunity to testify before so many former colleagues and friends. My experience on this Committee helped form my views on many of the issues facing our nation. And its a privilege to be here before you now in this different role. Yesterday, President Obama presented the Administrations strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Today, Secretary Gates, Admiral Mullen, and I will all be providing you with additional details. But let me speak briefly at a more personal level about why we are making this commitment. Simply put, among a range of difficult choices, this is the best way to protect our nation now and in the future. The extremists we are fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan have attacked us and our allies before. If we allow them access to the very same safe havens they used before 2001, they will have a greater capacity to regroup and attack again. They could drag an entire region into chaos. Our civilian and military leaders in Afghanistan have reported that the situation is serious and worsening, and we agree. In the aftermath of September 11th, I grieved with sons, daughters, husbands, wives whose loved ones were murdered. It was an attack on our country and an attack on the constituents I then represented. I witnessed the tragic consequences in the lives of thousands of innocent families and the damage done to our economy and our sense of security. So I feel a personal responsibility to help protect our nation from such violence. The case for action against al-Qaida and its allies has always been clear, but the United States course of action over the last eight years has not. The fog of another war obscured our focus. And while our attention was focused elsewhere, the Taliban gained momentum in Afghanistan. And the extremist threat grew in Pakistan C a country with 175 million people, a nuclear arsenal, and more than its share of challenges. It was against this backdrop that President Obama called for a careful, thorough review of the strategy. I was proud to be a part of that process, which questioned every assumption and took nothing for granted. And our objectives are clear: We will work with the Afghan and Pakistani governments to eliminate safe havens for those plotting to attack against us, our allies, and our interests; we will help to stabilize a region that we believe is fundamental to our national security; and we will develop a long-term, sustainable relationship with both Afghanistan and Pakistan so that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. The duration of our military presence is not open-ended, but our civilian commitment must continue even as our troops begin eventually to come home. Accomplishing this mission and ensuring the safety of the American people will not be easy. It will mean sending not only more troops, but more civilians and more assistance to Afghanistan, and significantly expanding our civilian efforts in Pakistan. The men and women carrying out this military-civilian mission are not members of a list or items on a PowerPoint slide. They are our friends and neighbors, our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters. And we will be asking them and the American people to make extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our security. I want to assure this Committee that I know takes its oversight responsibility so seriously that we will do everything we can to make sure their sacrifices are honored and make our nation safer. The situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan is serious, but it is not, in my view, as negative as frequently portrayed in public. And the beginning of President Karzais second term has opened a new window of opportunity. We have real concerns about the influence of corrupt officials in the Afghan Government, and we will continue to pursue them. But in his inauguration speech last week that I was privileged to attend, I witnessed President Karzais call for a new compact with his country. He pledged to combat corruption, improve governance, and deliver for the people of his country. His words were long in coming, but they were welcome. They must now be matched with action. The Afghan people, the United States, and the international community must hold the Afghan Government accountable for making good on these commitments. We will help by working to strengthen institutions at every level of Afghan society so we dont leave chaos behind when our combat troops begin to depart. The President has outlined a timeframe for transition to Afghan responsibility, something that President Karzai assumed would happen, and which we took as a very good sign of a renewed understanding of the necessity of Afghanization. That transition will begin in the summer of 2011, when we expect Afghan security forces and the Afghan Government will have the capacity to start assuming ownership for defending their own country. As the President has said, we will execute the transition responsibly, taking into account conditions on the ground. But we think a timeframe for such a transition will provide a sense of urgency in working with the Afghan Government. It should be clear to everyone that unlike the past, the United States, our allies and partners have an enduring commitment to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the region. So our resolve in this fight is reflected in the substantial commitment of troops and in the significant civilian commitment that will continue long after combat forces leave. That civilian effort is already bearing fruit. Civilian experts and advisors are helping to craft policy inside government ministries, providing development assistance in the field, and working in scores of other roles. When our Marines went into Nawa this July, we had civilians on the ground with them to coordinate assistance the next day. And as operations progress, our civil C our civ-mil coordination is growing even stronger. We are on track to triple the number of civilian positions in Afghanistan to 974 by early next year. On average, each of these civilians leverages 10 partners, ranging from locally employed staff to experts with U.S.-funded NGOs. Its a clich to say we have our best people in this job C in these jobs, but it happens to be true. When I was in Kabul a few weeks ago, I met with an American colonel who told me that while he had thousands of outstanding soldiers under his command, none of them had the 40 years of agricultural experience of the USDA civilian serving alongside his battalion, or the rule of law and governance expertise of their civilian experts from the State Department. He told me: Im happy to supply whatever support these valuable civilians need. And we need more of them. The Presidents strategy will make that possible. Not only do we have the right people to achieve our objectives; we also have a sound strategy. We will be delivering high-impact assistance and bolstering Afghanistans agricultural sector, the traditional core of the Afghan economy. This will create jobs, reduce the funding that the Taliban receives from poppy cultivation, and draw insurgents off of the battlefield. We will also support an Afghan-led effort to open the door to those Taliban who renounce al-Qaida, abandon violence, and want to reintegrate into Afghan society. We understand some of those who fight with the insurgency do not do so out of conviction, but due to coercion or money. So, all Afghans should have the choice to pursue a better future if they do so peacefully, respect the basic human rights of their fellow citizens, and reintegrate into their society. Our regional diplomacy complements this approach by seeking to mitigate external interference in Afghanistan, and working to shift the calculus of neighboring countries from competition for influence to cooperation and economic integration. We also believe a strong, stable, democratic Pakistan must be a key partner in the fight against violent extremism, and people in Pakistan are increasingly coming to view that we do share a common enemy. I heard this repeatedly during my recent visit. So our relationship needs to anchored in common goals of civilian rule, robust economic development, and the defeat of those who threaten Pakistan, Afghanistan, the United States, and the rest of the world. Well significantly expand support intended for Pakistan to develop the potential of their people. We will do so by demonstrating a commitment to Pakistan that has been questioned by the Pakistanis in the past. And we will make sure that the people of Pakistan know that we wish to be their partner for the long term, and that we intend to do all that we can to bolster their futures. Now, were not going to be facing these challenges alone. We share this responsibility with governments around the world. I will go to Brussels tomorrow to begin the process of securing additional alliance commitments of troops, trainers and resources. We expect Secretary General Rasmussen to have an announcement today about the progress were making in that effort. Ambassador Holbrooke, our Special Representative, is already there consulting with our allies. And were also asking the international community to expand its support to Pakistan. Our objectives are shared by people and governments across the world, and we are particularly reaching out to Muslims everywhere. Let me conclude where I began. We face a range of difficult choices in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but the Presidents plan represents the best way we know to protect our nation today and in the future. The task we face is as complex as any national security challenge in our lifetimes. We will not succeed if people view this effort as the responsibility of a single party, a single agency within our government, or a single country. We owe it to the troops and civilians who will face these dangers to come together as Americans, and come together with allies and international partners who are ready to step up and do more. We have to accomplish this mission, and I look forward to working with you to help meet this challenge. Thank you all very much. PRN: 2009/1205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your e-mail address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact support@govdelivery.com. Other inquires can be directed to the U.S. Department of State. This service is provided to you at no charge by the U.S. Department of State. 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