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012520-2014 |
Economic, Energy, Agricultural and Trade Issues: Remarks With Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper After Their Meeting Monday, January 25, 2010 3:06 PM From: "U.S. Department of State" {usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov} View contact details To: tojulei@yahoo.com Economic, Energy, Agricultural and Trade Issues: Remarks With Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper After Their Meeting Mon, 25 Jan 2010 15:32:10 -0600 Remarks With Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper After Their Meeting By Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Montreal, Canada January 25, 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** PRIME MINISTER HARPER: Well, first of all, Secretary Clinton, welcome to Montreal. We抮e delighted to have you in Canada representing the Administration and I should just say as well delighted with the work you抳e been doing with us and delighted ?very pleased at the fact that President Obama has taken such (inaudible) very regularly on this. And of course, on the ground, our people have been collaborating very closely and we always appreciate that. *999p ... (To be continued ...) Let me be clear about why we appreciate this. As your closest neighbors and friends, we understand not simply the scale of American involvement in Haiti and in these kinds of circumstances, but we understand what drives them, although it抯 not simply American power and capability, but the fundamental generosity of the American people, our great neighbors and friends. We always take great heart from that and look forward to working together. And we ?of course, we also had some good discussions on our other (inaudible) involvements in issues like Afghanistan and climate change, and, of course, our economic (inaudible). (In French.) SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I appreciate greatly the very warm welcome, Prime Minister, but I also applaud you and your government for your leadership with respect to Haiti. Canada has been a very generous donor to Haiti over many years, and once again Canada and the generous people of Canada are leading the way. This conference, which has been put together very quickly to bring together those who are already committed to Haiti to begin the process of planning the reconstruction along with our Haitian partners, is absolutely critical. As you say, we talked about other matters that are of great concern and interest to both of our countries, and we appreciate your partnership, your friendship. You are not only a neighbor, but a true ally on so many of the important matters that we confront in the world today. So thank you again; I抦 always happy to be in Montreal any time of year, and I look forward to our continuing collaboration. MODERATOR: (Inaudible.) QUESTION: Yes, I抎 like to ask you about a comment that the Haitian prime minister made this morning when she said that the strategy for the recovery and rebuilding effort needs to be rethought and retooled in light of the fact that so many people have fled the capital and gone into the countryside. I抦 wondering if you see it that way also, and what are the implications for that kind of a change in direction? SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, Bob, this was a very important point that Prime Minister Bellerive made, because one of the problems that the Haitians themselves recognize, as well as other outside experts, is that over the last several decades, the population of Port-au-Prince has swollen exponentially. Services did not and could not keep up. The countryside was depopulated in ways that were contrary to the future economic growth and prosperity of the entire country. So I was quite heartened to hear the prime minister say that as part of our multilateral efforts to assist Haiti, we should look at how we decentralize economic opportunity and work with the Haitian Government and people to support resettlement, which they are doing on their own as people leave Port-au-Prince and return to the countryside from which most of them came. Agriculture has not gotten the attention that it deserves as being one of the pillars of the economy in Haiti. In fact, this past year, as we were working on our own bilateral plan with Haiti, agriculture was our principal emphasis. And so we are prepared, working with partners like Canada, to assist in caring for those who leave Port-au-Prince, working to provide not only assistance, but sources of livelihoods, and seeing the entire country as in need of assistance which will help what we do in Port-au-Prince be more successful. PRIME MINISTER HARPER: I agree with that. I would just say I thought it was an interesting observation. Obviously, we抮e in ?I think the truth is we抮e in the very early stages of thinking longer-term here, in what the rebuilding strategy really is. So I think it抯 a useful observation, one that, we can adapt to it. I think, as Secretary Clinton said, it really would help with development going forward with a more balanced and (inaudible) development. At the same time, I think it does also indicate to us the need for us to work closely with the Haitians, who do understand the conditions on the ground maybe a little better than some of us with high intentions but a little bit farther away here. So I think it抯 a useful observation as we go forward. QUESTION: Madame Secretary, Prime Minister, there抯 been a lot of discussion here today about accountability and the need to make that part of the overall plan going forward. What specifically is going to be done to ensure that the money which the international community invests there is spent properly and gets to where it抯 going? Who will follow the money and how will it be done? Prime Minister, when you respond, please respond in French as well. PRIME MINISTER HARPER: Just say that we discussed some of the specifics of (inaudible). Obviously, this is a wider discussion that抯 going to go on with all of the countries here. But as Secretary Clinton said, I think we抮e going to look around the world at some recent examples of multilateral recovery efforts, how those can be best coordinated, and how those can be done in a way to ensure accountability and ensure effectiveness. And there, I think we抮e developing as the years go by some (inaudible) models of what works and what does not work. Obviously, a big part of this is working through credible international organizations that are capable of coordinating donors and also capable of tracking money and tracking the effectiveness of their efforts. So that would be a big part of it going forward, but I wouldn抰 want to get into too much detail because, obviously, it will prejudice the discussion here, but as I say, we抣l look at the models that haven抰 worked. (In French.) SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I would emphasize what the prime minister said about the importance of effectiveness and responsibility. As we work together to design the mechanism that will be used to deliver assistance and create the conditions for sustainable development, we bear a responsibility to our taxpayers to assure that the money that our government commits will be well spent, transparently, and with results on the ground for the Haitian people. I think that is also true for all of the private donations that will be joined with government funds, through NGOs, so that together, we can point to the outcomes that everyone is hoping to achieve on behalf of this reconstruction and redevelopment effort. And finally, I would just say a thank you to everyone here in Canada, certainly in my own country, who have seen that here in our hemisphere, we have a near neighbor in such great distress, who wish to help, who want to be part of the longer-term reconstruction of this country, but who look to people like the prime minister, President Obama, and myself to make sure that what we do makes sense, that it can be explained and justified, and that we can, along with our Haitian partners, put the money that is being provided to good use. PRIME MINISTER HARPER: Thank you very much. # # # PRN: 2010/T20-2 The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your e-mail address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact support@govdelivery.com. Other inquires can be directed to the U.S. Department of State. This service is provided to you at no charge by the U.S. Department of State. 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012520-1702 |
Results 1 - 5 of about 2 for 記者馮鳴台 Distinguished Authors Winning LVRJ/wbti with Safesearch on. (0.60 seconds) Showing results for 記者馮鳴台 Distinguished Authors Winning LVRJ/wbti. Search instead for 記者馮鳴台 Distinguised Authors Winning LVRJ/wbtiSearch ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... - [ Translate this page ]PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti" with ...... Results 1 - 10 of about 294 for "馮鳴台(Mindy Gao)" with Safesearch on. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=012170010509868626097... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors National Winning AP, Yahoo! .... "Mindy Gao (馮鳴台): International Cities Business Council PPAA Forum Winning lvrj/wbti" ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932693770... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ... - [ Translate this page ]Distinguished Authors: Barack H. Obama, Harry M. Reid, ... Benevolent Association of America (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) ..... 【本報記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導】本月28日開放的大峽谷最新景觀「天際行」 (Sky Walk),將 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134500105110470... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Jean Liu's Teaching ... - [ Translate this page ]Under the glory love of God, he has enjoyed a distinguished career and happy family life. ..... Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ..... 賭城⒍斯ど虝e行新春祭祖大典,並祭拜關公聖帝", "記者馮鳴台", ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134300105110196082490... - Cached Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com 中国国学网--第六十五回现彗星各地起刀兵撄敌氛全州动干戈 - [ 轉為繁體網頁 - Translate this page ]2007年1月17日 ... 那人答道:“小弟姓冯单名一个逵字,别号云山,本地人氏,向在山中念书。 ... 冯逵答道:“先生说的虽是,怎奈鞑靼盘踞中原,大丈夫昂昂七尺,何忍赧颜 ... www.confucianism.com.cn/detail.asp?id=31473 - Cached In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 5 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included. Showing results for 記者馮鳴台 Distinguished Authors Winning LVRJ/wbti. Search instead for the original terms: 記者馮鳴台 Distinguised Authors Winning LVRJ/wbti *70007. ....... | |
012520-1753 |
PraiseNworship] FW: ~{K.5D3#~}識Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:54 PM From: "Susan Dai" View contact detailsTo: "Ada Hong" , "Alex Chang" , "amy chen" , "Amy Huang" , "andy wu" , "Annie Shen" , "Chiahui Chen" , "Carol Liu" , "Christine Liu" , "Cindy Kuo" , "cindy zhang" , "Danny Wang" , "Deborah Liu" , "Frank Liu" , "Henry Hu" , "hong lin" , "Hong Zhou" , "Huei Liu" , "Ina Wu" , "Jannie Chao" , "Jennifer Chen" , "Jessy Tsao" , "Jing Chen" , "Joni Jen" , "Juan Xu" , "Judy Ma" , "Kevin Su" , "Lan Jing" , "Lehu Zhang" , "Lena Lee" , "Linda Qian" , "May yao" , "mei luo" , "melinda xiao" , "Michelle Lo" , "Nancy Wu" , "peggy Liu" , "Philip Hsieh" , "Qinghua Chen" , "Qingyu Gao" , "Robert Huang" , "Sha Chen" , "Shirley chang" , "Stephen Chan" , "Steve Yang" , "Tannya Fang" , "Tony Chao" , "Tom zhao" , "xiaoyu yang" , "xin li" , "Yingming Huang" , "Tony Lei" , "Yuohong Cai" , "Zennie qian" ... more-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jasonckung@gmail.com Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 10:57:15 -0800 Subject: Re: [PraiseNworship] FW: ~{K.5D3#~}識 To: jasonckung@gmail.com Hi all, I think this info would benefit us all~~ Jason 2010/1/21 Phoebe Jen ~{K.5D3#~}識 > ~{8f~}訴~{4szWLIz5D~}開~{J> > 醫學專~{/8f~} ... > ~{K/G0!"O4Th~}時~{:r#,K.7VAwJ'A?4s#,~} > ~{RQ~}經養~{3IK/G02;3T~}東~{Nw2;:HK.~}習慣~{5DHK#,~} > ~{H]RWTl3IQ*R:VPK.7V2;Wc#,6xR}Fp~}腦~{9#H{;rPD> ~{HKTZK/C_VPHT~}會~{O{:DR;VA~}兩~{1-WsSR5DK.7V#,~} > 從~{Mm2Maa5=5Z6~LlTgIOFp42G0#,Hg9{6<2;~}補~{3dK.7V#,~} > ~{5Z6~LlTgIOFp42;r?lLlAA5D~}時~{:n#,WnH]RW~}發~{IzQ*K(#,~} > ~{J9Q*9\6BW!#,R}~}發~{PD~}臟~{2!<0~}腦~{2?<22!!#~} > > 國~{HKTZ~}習慣~{IOO2~}歡~{K/G0ceT!#,O4~}個~{G,G,~}淨淨~{5DThTYIO42#,~} > ~{5+O4Th5D~}時~{:rWnH]RWAwJ'K.7]#,~} > > ~{KyRT~}醫~{Iz=(~}議~{#,O4Thaa~}應該~{R*~}馬~{IO~}補~{3dK.7V#,~} > ~{Hg9{SPE]Th~}習慣~{5DHK#,~}則應該~{TZO4ThG0OH:HR;4s1-K.#,~} > ~{RTCbTZT!JRM#AtL+>C#,AwJ'~}過~{6`5DK.7V#,~} > 輕~{U_R2~}會發~{Iz:tN|@'~}難~{!"P]?K5D~}現~{Os!#~} > > > > ~{ODLl~}開~{@d~}氣~{K/~}覺~{D\K/5C:CR;~}點~{#,~} > ~{2;~}過~{@d~}氣~{SP7@~}溼~{G,To5DWwSC#,8|JG~}會~{AwJ'K.7V#,~} > > ~{Rr4KSP~}開~{@d~}氣~{K/~}覺習慣~{5DHK8|~}應該~{K/G0:HK.#,~} > ~{5+JG2;R*:H2h#,Rr~}為醫~{Iz~}說~{#,2hSP@{DrWwSC#,~} > ~{746x~}會~{EE3v1H:HOBH%8|6`5DK.7V#,Tl3I74P'9{#,~} > ~{>MKc2;~}會~{SP?'7HRrLaIqWwSC5DHK#,R22;~}適~{:OTZK/G0:H2h!#~} > > > ~{J!~}錢~{SV~}衛~{Iz5D9+~}開~{CXC\~} > > ~{O`PEDc2;V*5@K.9+K>R;6HK.5=5W5Hl66`IY5DK.0I~}!? > > ~{R;6HK.~} = ~{R;9+~}噸 > (= ~{R;A"7=9+3_~}= 1,000 ~{9+I}~} = 1,000~{9+=o~} ) > 換~{>d~}話說, > ~{R;6HK.?I~}裝 53~{> = ~{F!>FF?~} 1667 ~{F?~} > > ~{DcV*5@~}嗎? > 買~{R;F?~}礦~{H*K.5D~}價錢 20 ~{T*~} > = ~{O`~}當~{l6~} 2424 ~{F?5DWT~}來~{K.#!#!~} > > ~{KyRT~} 20 ~{T*:\4s~} > ~{7n~}勸~{8wN;~}儘~{A?~}減~{5M~}買礦~{H*K.5DS{M{#!#!~} > ~{6`6`:H:HWT~}來~{K.~} , ~{> > 醫學~{=g~}發現~{SC?Z~}對~{?Z5D7=J=:H~}礦~{H*K.#,~} > > ~{R*JG~}剛~{:C?ZG;VPSPIYA?2;WcRTVB2!5D~}綠膿桿~{>z~}進~{HkF?~}內~{#,~} > > 這個~{F?WS>M~}會變~{3I~} agar~{#,~}12~{P!~}時~{aa#,>z~}數~{>MWcRTR}Fp:m~}嚨~{M4#!#!~} > > ~{Rr~}為~{EB9+~}佈~{aa#,~}礦~{H*K.~}會滯銷~{#,KyRT~}廠~{IL2;8R9+~}佈~{#,~} > > ~{5+JG~}醫學~{=g=LJZ~}還~{JG~}勸~{M,~}學們 ~{:H~}礦~{H*K.~}時~{#,2;R*=S~}觸~{F??Z~} ~{#!#!~} >___________________________________________________ __._,_.___ Reply to sender | Reply to group Messages in this topic (1) Recent Activity: Visit Your Group Start a New Topic MARKETPLACE Going Green: Your Yahoo! Groups resource for green living Switch to: Text-Only, Daily Digest • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use. __,_._,___ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. ReplyReply AllMove...Go to Previous message | Go to Next message | Back to Messages Select Message EncodingASCII (ASCII)Greek (ISO-8859-7)Greek (Windows-1253)Latin-10 (ISO-8859-16)Latin-3 (ISO-8859-3)Latin-6 (ISO-8859-10)Latin-7 (ISO-8859-13)Latin-8 (ISO-8859-14)Latin-9 (ISO-8859-15)W. European (850)W. European (CP858)W. European (HPROMAN8)W. European (MACROMAN8)W. European (Windows-1252)Armenia (ARMSCII-8)Baltic Rim (ISO-8859-4)Baltic Rim (WINDOWS-1257)Cyrillic (866)Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)Cyrillic (KOI8-R)Cyrillic (KOI8-RU)Cyrillic (KOI8-T)Cyrillic (KOI8-U)Cyrillic (WINDOWS-1251)Latin-2 (852)Latin-2 (ISO-8859-2)Latin-2 (WINDOWS-1250)Turkish (ISO-8859-9)Turkish (WINDOWS-1254)Arabic (ISO-8859-6, ASMO-708)Arabic (WINDOWS-1256)Hebrew (856)Hebrew (862)Hebrew (WINDOWS-1255)Chinese Simplified (GB-2312-80)Chinese Simplified (GB18030)Chinese Simplified (HZ-GB-2312)Chinese Simplified (ISO-2022-CN)Chinese Simplified (WINDOWS-936)Chinese Trad.-Hong Kong (BIG5-HKSCS)Chinese Traditional (BIG5)Chinese Traditional (EUC-TW)Japanese (SHIFT_JIS)Japanese (EUC-JP)Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)Korean (ISO-2022-KR)Korean (EUC-KR)Thai (TIS-620-2533)Thai (WINDOWS-874)Vietnamese (TCVN-5712)Vietnamese (VISCII)Vietnamese (WINDOWS-1258)Unicode (UTF-7)Unicode (UTF-8)Unicode (UTF-16)Unicode (UTF-32)| Full Headers Reply Reply All Forward Forward *999o. ... to be edited ....... ------------------------------- | |
012520-1739 |
歐陽菲菲開場遲 歌迷丟螢光棒 娛樂新聞組台北25日電January 25, 2010 12:00 AM | 538 觀看次數 | 3 | | 歐陽菲菲穿著豪華戲服、熱力開唱。 (記者陳瑞源∕攝影)slideshow 讓歌迷苦等45分鐘,幾乎演成鼓譟局面,但當她甩著招牌髮型后臨舞台,歐陽菲菲儘管有些喘,但掩不住的舞台魅力,仍帶領小巨蛋萬名貴婦、名流、資深歌迷,一起捲入迪斯可狂熱中。 暌違六年的台北演唱會在小巨蛋升級演出,原訂7時30分開場,卻延遲到8時15分,以資深歌迷為主的觀眾不耐久候,出現鼓譟,有人往下扔擲螢光棒,甚至有人衝上舞台以螢光棒比出「X」。據主辦單位事後解釋,歐陽菲菲其實早已準備好,只是她得知還有許多資深歌迷未入座,擔心關燈造成危險,只好請大家耐心等候。 在歐陽菲菲終於華麗現身後,可能是顧及年長歌迷而調低音響、也可能是近鄉情怯,一時未點燃熱情,但出道超過40年,千錘百鍊的舞台魅力,在2000顆大小燈組映照著的4000萬元舞台上,年過半百的天后,光芒四射。 歐陽菲菲的中、日、英文歌都是經典,演唱會上公開她在NHK初登場開唱的畫面、還有近年少見的裙裝造型,她找來老搭檔Tokyo D的Boss擔任舞蹈總監,挑選的舞者號稱台版放浪兄弟。歐陽菲菲在disco組曲時還從人群中現身,演唱「Disco Queen」、「Hey Hey Taxi」等,拉著歌迷熱舞,全場變成迪斯可舞場。 有心的歐陽菲菲,安可曲時與268位小朋友合唱「感恩的心」,其中包括歐陽龍、李翊君等明星的女兒,她藉此曲為海地震災災民祈福,現場也同步進行手機捐款,款項捐給中華民國紅十字會總會。 這場演唱會名流如雲,郭台銘夫人曾馨瑩帶著婆婆低調進場、黃子佼帶著過生日的爸爸來、張小燕、江淑娜、哈林、沈春華等也都出席。 綜覽世界全局,觀看全真的世界日報電子報(ePaper) *999m. To be enhanced ....... ----------------------------- | |
012520 1605 |
張家界南天一柱 更名哈利路亞山 2010-01-26 中國時報 【楊芬瑩/綜合報導】 昨日,在數百名居民與遊客的見證下,張家界的南天一柱(又名乾坤柱),正式更名為「哈利路亞山」(Hallelujah Mountains),紀念熱賣電影《阿凡達》片中的懸浮山群。該片導演卡麥隆(James Cameron)曾表示,懸浮山群的設計原型,乃攝影師親赴黃山取回山群影像,因而電影熱賣後,也吸引海內外觀眾一遊實景的興趣。 「南天一柱」為張家界「三千奇峰」中的一座,位武陵源風景名勝區袁家界景區的南端,海拔高度一○七四公尺,山柱體垂直高度約一五○公尺,頂部植被鬱鬱蔥蔥,峰體造型奇特,垂直節理切割明顯,仿若刀劈斧削般,又因其巍巍屹立、頂天立地之勢,另名乾坤柱。 ○八年底,好萊塢攝影師漢森(Scott Hansen)在張家界,拍攝四天帶回大量的風景圖片,後來成為《阿凡達》片中潘朵拉星球各元素的原型,其中「南天一柱」成為懸浮山群的原型(大陸直譯為哈利路亞山)。隨著《阿凡達》全球熱播,海內外億萬觀眾,也對「哈利路亞山」所在的張家界心神嚮往,一如《魔戒》系列電影,帶動的紐西蘭觀光熱。 旅遊無國界,電影無障礙。雖有人反對,讓世界自然遺產隨流行更名,張家界景區管委會主任宋志光表示,「南天一柱」更名「哈利路亞山」絕不是崇洋媚外,而是順應景區居民和眾多遊客心聲;同時也可對外傳遞,張家界這個自然遺產,不僅是中國的,也是全世界的,也就是說「張家界不僅屬於世界,也已經走向世界。」 潘朵拉很遠,張家界卻很近,張家界已做好準備,在春節期間迎接旅遊熱潮,歡迎海內外影迷,走近「哈利路亞山」,尋找真實的潘朵拉世界。 *999l. ....... | |
012520-1526 |
Speak out against the 14.3 trillion dollar debt ceilingMonday, January 25, 2010 3:00 PM From: "John McCain" Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comDemocrats want to raise our national debt ceiling by an additional $1.9 trillion.Do you agree with them? Share your opinion in our poll. My Friend, I have spent much of my career fighting against wasteful spending in Washington. I'm not afraid to speak out when I see taxpayer dollars wasted. And in all my years in public office, I have never seen spending as out of control as it is under the current Democratic leadership. Our national debt has reached an all-time high of $12.4 trillion dollars as a result of the astonishing expansion of big government under President Obama. And now, Congressional Democrats want to raise our national debt ceiling by an additional $1.9 trillion. This is unconscionable. If Democrats are successful in raising the debt ceiling, our country will have a budget deficit of nearly $14.3 trillion! It's outrageous and frightening to think of passing on such a staggering amount of debt to our children and grandchildren. Today, I want to know what you think. Do you support the Democrats' legislation to raise the debt ceiling? We've put together a special poll for you to speak out on this issue and you can register your opinion by following this link. It seems nearly every single elected Democrat has ignored the public's disapproval for their out of control spending. They are out-of-touch with every day American values and each national poll shows a majority of Americans agree with us. You can send a message to the Democrats to let them know you don't want our country incurring any additional debt to fund their government expansion. Please take one minute out of your day and follow this link and share your opinion in our poll. After registering your opinion, you will have the opportunity to make a financial contribution to my reelection campaign. I'm determined to continue my service as a United States Senator and your donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more will enable me to continue fighting. I've been a vocal opponent of the Obama agenda of wasteful spending, expansion of government, increased tax burdens on hardworking Americans, and the massive takeover of our health care system. I will continue to voice my disapproval for these failed policies. But I can only continue fighting with you by my side. Please take a moment to share your opinion on the Democrats' attempt to raise the debt ceiling, and afterwards, consider making a generous donation to help me maintain our fight. Thank you. Sincerely, John McCain P.S. The out of control spending Congressional Democrats advocate is crippling our economy. If Congressional Democrats are successful in raising the debt ceiling, our national deficit could reach $14.3 trillion. Please speak out today against this policy by taking our quick poll using this link. After registering your opinion, I ask that you make a contribution of any amount to help me continue fighting in the Senate. Thank you for your time and generosity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please visit this page if you want to remove yourself from the email list. Paid for by Friends of John McCain www.JohnMcCain.com ReplyReply AllMove... *999k. John McCain. '... .,' "....... ------------------------------------- | |
012520-1205 |
*****Therefore, together we are, And then, therefore together we'll be back; ******* ******************************************** Arms Control and International Security: Remarks With Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini After Their MeetingMonday, January 25, 2010 9:36 AM From: "U.S. Department of State" View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comArms Control and International Security: Remarks With Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini After Their Meeting Mon, 25 Jan 2010 10:28:24 -0600Remarks With Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini After Their Meeting Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Treaty Room Washington, DC January 25, 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, good morning. It is a ?everybody down and ready ?good, okay. It is a pleasure to welcome a friend, a personal friend as well as a representative of a country that is a great trusted friend and valued ally to the United States. Foreign Minister Frattini has been someone with whom I have consulted closely and often over this past year. And based on the agenda in front of us, I think we will be continuing that pattern. We had much to discuss today. I thanked the foreign minister for the generous assistance that Italy has provided to the people of Haiti. As we know, Italy suffered its own tragic earthquake last year, and the Italian people have opened their hearts in solidarity. I will be leaving shortly for Montreal where there will be a conference on the international relief effort. I will have more to say about developments in Haiti later today. We discussed how difficult this endeavor is in a country without the infrastructure and the capacity that we take for granted in countries like ours. But we will look to Italy for technical advice and assistance as we move forward for the longer term. We also discussed our shared commitment to Afghanistan. The United States appreciates Italy抯 leadership in our refocused mission and we especially are grateful for the increased troop commitment that Italy has announced. Later this week, both Franco and I will be in London for the international conference on Afghanistan. Our soldiers are fighting side by side. Italy leads NATO forces in western Afghanistan and provides a provincial reconstruction team and elite police trainers who are helping the Afghans build their own capacity to take responsibility for their own security. Last week, the State Department released a comprehensive plan to implement a civilian strategy that offers the best prospect for stabilizing Afghanistan and Pakistan. And it includes the work of many agencies across our government. While our military mission in Afghanistan is not open-ended, we are committed to building lasting partnerships with both Afghanistan and Pakistan. We will also be focusing at the London conference on the Afghan Government抯 commitments and plans to spur sustainable economic development, to improve governance, to fight corruption. And those are issues that Franco and I have a particular interest in. We will be looking for the gradual ability of the Afghans themselves to assume the security responsibility and assist in the development of their own country. I also appreciate Italy抯 announcement earlier this month of new financial support for Somalia, which is a great boost to the efforts there. We discussed Iran and agreed that it must fully address international concerns about its nuclear program and end the repression and abuse of its citizens. Iran faces a clear choice between continued isolation and living up to its international obligations. And finally, we have a shared commitment to a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. In coordination with Italy and our Quartet partners, including the EU, the United States will continue to vigorously pursue a comprehensive and durable peace. There are many other issues we covered, from energy security in Europe, to Bosnia and so much else. But suffice it to say, we are very grateful to our friends for all that they do both on their own and in concert with us to address the many challenges we face in the 21st century. FOREIGN MINISTER FRATTINI: Thank you. Thank you very much, Hillary. It was, as usual, very interesting and fruitful talks with a personal friend with a country which is, for Italy, the first ally in the world. We share points of view. We share common values. We talked about many, many important issues. First of all, I want to repeat here how highly we value the important and generous efforts of United States to help people in Haiti. We highly value, we strongly appreciate the personal commitment of President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton to help people there. Italy was among the first countries helping and contributing in a framework of international coordination. We will continue to do so. We are sending a military boat that is coming to Haiti ?the boat Cavour, a ship which is bringing helicopters and the first Carabinieris team. It is a special unit to contribute, to guarantee public order and security on the ground. We want to do so in very close cooperation with America. We appreciate very much. This is the first point. Second point: We have really the same goals on Afghanistan. Italy is on board on training police, on contributing to local development, in dealing with cross-border issues, and working together with partners, European partners, and United States, on transition of powers to Afghanis?authorities. These can be, should be done from the London conference to the months to come to show the people in Afghanistan that we want a political solution. We want to talk about a national reconciliation while making a very clear distinction between those who renounce violence and those who don抰. They ?we cannot make a confusion. On terrorism, we talked about what to do on prevention and fight this network of terror, which is not related to Yemen only. We cannot point finger on one or another country. Instead, we have to cooperate on data sharing, information sharing, preventing by reaffirming our basic values. These are the antidote against those who join violence ?reaffirming democratic values in the world. I paid a visit quite interesting in the Horn of Africa recently. I briefed Hillary about this. And there is need to cooperate with African countries in the Horn, like Somalia. Yes, okay, we decided to help Somalia. But Italy cannot do so alone. We need a cooperation. I raised this point. I will raise the point in London. While talking about terrorism, we have to take into consideration there is, unfortunately, a dissemination of terrorist cells not in Yemen only, but in the Horn and in the north of Africa. This is a problem that concerns all of us. Finally, on Iran, I think we together have to prevent Iran from going nuclear. This is a concern for all of us, for Western democracies, United States, Europe, but for Arab states as well. And we are in perfect agreement on broadening the consultation of a number of states in the region that can be interested and are interested in talking about what to do in order to repeat once again that the double-track strategy requires unity of international community. Of course, those who want to go nuclear will be exploiting eventual divisions. We cannot allow them to do so. Final point, I completely agree with suggestions made by Secretary Clinton about having an enhanced dialogue between EU and United States on energy security. Italy is among the European partners that have interest in doing so. We are diversifying our energy strategy but we want to do so at European level, not only at bilateral level. We are absolutely in agreement on, I would say, working together on some concrete proposal to be submitted to European partners. Thank you. MR. CROWLEY: On the U.S. side, David Gollust from VOA. QUESTION: Madame Secretary, a number of people with interest and expertise in Haiti believe that one possible way to help that country would be allowing more legal immigration from Haiti not just by the United States but countries in the region. And I wonder, is that something you might take up in Montreal, whether these ?whether you see it has any merit? And number two, if you could just briefly comment on the wave of bombings in Baghdad today, the motivation for the people who are doing this? SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, first with respect to Haiti, we are looking at every option that can provide a better future for the Haitian people. This is largely, however, within the authority of individual countries. But we are certainly looking at that and will have more to say later. Look, I think that politics is working in Iraq. People are doing what you do in countries to determine alliances and coalitions in order to prepare for elections. That is the worst possible outcome for the terrorists. When people believe in the political system and that they can chart their own future, then that poses a direct rebuke to those who try to govern by fear, intimidation, and violence. We, unfortunately, believe there will be continued efforts by the terrorists, by al-Qaida in Iraq in particular, to try to upend the commitment of the Iraqi people toward a democratic future. But as we have seen over the past year in the face of horrific losses ?the bombing of government buildings, the terrible tragedies that the Iraqis have had to continue to endure ?I think that the Iraqis themselves, by their actions, are demonstrating a great deal of courage as they try to move toward these elections. MODERATOR: (Off-mike.) QUESTION: Madame Secretary. SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning. QUESTION: Good morning. Italian civil protection and Secretary Bertolaso criticized the military approach of the U.S. aid (inaudible) effort in Haiti. What do you think about ?if there are accounts like Bertolaso says? SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I think you heard from the foreign minister the position of the Italian Government, which we not only appreciate but agree with, that we are working closely together in Haiti. We are very grateful for the contributions that Italy has already made and will make in the future. And there is always an opportunity in the face of any disaster for what we in the United States call Monday morning quarterbacking. But what we see are ?is an enormously committed and effective international effort that could not succeed without additional military assets. As Franco said, Italy is sending a military ship with assets. It抯 just easier for the United States to get here ?get there first because Haiti抯 our neighbor. So we appreciate the very positive endorsement of our efforts that we have heard not just today from the foreign minister but over the course of the last 10 days. FOREIGN MINISTER FRATTINI: And I repeat once again, we very much appreciate the American leader about this. SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. # # # PRN: 2010/097 The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department. 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(To be edited ...) -------------------------------------------- ~{2h~}餘飯~{aa~}會~{Ww<R~!!(~!uD#:85]m5Y~!u~} ~{by~}&~{#38;#21555;~!ua~!u#38;#29796!!吳~}~~{~{Aa~}瑤January 21, 2010 11:58 AM | 150 觀~{?44N~}數 | 2 | 18 | | | ~{NDUB~}連結 萬萬沒~{SPAO5=#,NR~}們~{8zV*C{Ww<RAa~!u#38;#29796;~!u`~!u#38;#32004;這~!ul#,>SH;JGv/Sjv-v-5DLl~}氣~{!#~}當~{H;#,2;D\~}讓陰~{SjWh~}擾~{O`>[5D~!u#38;#33288;~!uB#,NR~!u#38;#20497;將~!u8~!u#38;#28629;~!uB!9;/3I!8~!u#38;#35433;~!ub!9#,SPAK5ZR;4N~!u#38;#33287;~!u!uLT;R~}對話~{5DBC3L!#!82h~}餘飯~{aa!9JG</K<aa5D3I9{#,HK~}數雖~{H;2;6`#,5+C?~}個~{HK5DCn~}筆開~{3vWK~}態~{8w~}異~{5D;(6d#,~}綻~{7E3IC@2;~}勝~{JU5D;(~}園~{!#~} ~{Lq~}靜~{5DGqKX]f#,NDHgFdHK#:~} ~{C\Nw8y~}飄~{Sj5D~}10~{TB#,RQSPL(~}灣~{6,Ll:.Aw~}來~{5D8P~}覺~{#,@-@-ImIO5D4sRB#,4K?L5DNRSV~}緊張~{SV~}興奮~{#,~}畢~{>9D\~!u#38;#35211;~!u=R;N;V!uw5HIm5DWw<R#,SVD\:MK{92~}進~{Ng2M#,~}這機會~{JGLlIO5tOB~}來~{5D~}禮~{No!#~} ~{@O~}師~{7G3#~}親~{GP#,R;~}開~{?Z>M;/=bNR5D~!u#38;#32202;張~!u,K!uGR;~!u#38;#20491;~!uLT;H~}風~{H$SV~}熱~{Gi5DHK#,~}對~{NR~}們~{5D~}問題~{#,V*~}無~{2;QT#,MjH+~}傾~{DRO`JZ!#4s<RMjH+2;~!u#38;#35258;時間飛~!uE#,Hg=qKcKc#,2EV*5@>9H;ADAKKD~}個~{P!~}時~{!#~} ~{SDD,5DR|2}K4#,?I~}與~{Aa~}瑤~{1H8_OB#:~} ~{DjIY~}時並~{7GW7PGR;We#,~}與簽~{3*~}會~{!"~!u#38;#31805;書會~!uH=T~!u#38;#28961;緣~!u,2;T!u!u#38;#39636;會箇~!uPWLN6#,R`2;D\@m=bB6K^=V~!u#38;#38957;~!uE~!u#38;#38538;~!u,V;~!u#38;#28858;見~!uOE<OqR;Cf5D~}瘋~{?qGi~}懷~{!#~} 沒~{Ok5=VPDjV.aa#,NR>9SP~!u#38;#27231;會與~!u*C!u.Ww<R~}吳~{Aa~}瑤~{92~}進~{Ng2M~}約會~{#,IYE.~}時~{4z2;TxSP5D~}興奮~{!"JVWc~!u#38;#28961;~!uk!"~}語無倫~{4NH+6<~!u#38;#20358;~!uK!#~!!~} ~{吳~}~~{~{E.J?~}親~{GPSDD,5D~}態~{6H!"F=RW=!uK5DWw~!u#38;#39080;~!u"Cn~}語~{HgVi5DQT~}談~{#,~}讓與會~{U_~}開懷~{4s~}樂~{!#5+~}讓~{NRS!OsIn?L5D~}卻~{JG~}見~{FdHK#,Hg~}見~{FdND#,Hgce4:~}風~{!#~} ~{NR:\~}慶~{PR0QUd2X~}30~{6`Dj5DE<OqCf~!u#38;#26371;獻~!uK3vH%#,~!u#38;#21555;~!u.J??IJG</~}鄧麗~{>!uD~!u#38;#28331;~!ua!"0W<N@r5D~!u#38;#20778;~!uE!"~}張~{;]CC5D?I~}愛~{!"@ngd5D~!u#38;#38651;~!u[!"Mu7F5DPT8q#,WnaaTY<SIO!8~!u#38;#27578;~!u\4s!9V.~!u#38;#29796;瑤~!uHA&l6R;Im#,?I~!u#38;#35498;~!uG~!u#38;#35504;與~!u%~!u#38;#25973;~!uDLl:sDX#!~!!~} ~{吳~}~~{~{Ll:s~}對~{aa~}進~{RsRs~}關~{GP#,La~}點寫~{WwR*~}訣~{#,J9NR~}獲~{RfA<6`!#M!ua~!u#38;#24190;~!ul#,6!u!u#38;#37002;~!uT~!u#38;#36852;盪~!u!u!u#38;#21555;~!ul:s5DP&~!u#38;#35486;~!u,!8~!u#38;#39192;~!ut~!u#38;#32350;樑~!u,H!uU2;~!u#38;#32085;~!u66!u#!9~!u#38;#21555;~!ul:s9&A&In:q#,?I~!u#38;#35211;~!u;0_!#~!!~} ~~{~{@O~}愛~{:z~}謅~{5DCWA##,~}讓~{HKEu894sP&#:~} 貪~{3T2;EB7J#,V;R*Wl0MP!!#~} 經濟~{G7>0~!u#38;#27683;~!u,9B:.>MJGGI!#~} ~{P&~}話當~{Vw2K#,2;3TR2~}會飽~{!#~} 運動~{P&Iq~}經~{#,7JSM~}馬~{IOE\!#~} 裡~{Mb6<~!u#38;#27489;暢~!u,P&~!u#38;#22750;~!ue~!u#38;#33247;廟~!u#~!!~} ~~{~{SPP&r~!u#38;#27794;~!u&#,~!u#38;#32113;統~!u;~!u#38;#35336;較~!u#~!!~} ~{談~}~~{~{P&SPCXsE#,~}過~{UP~}見~{9&P'!#~} 記~{U_3vIm5D~}賀~{MqG`#,?lJV~}寫~{PB~}聞~{#:~} ~{C\Nw8yJ'~}業~{BJ~}衝~{FF~}15%~{5D~}當~{OB#,SDD,E.Ww<R~!u#38;#21555;~!ua~!u#38;#29796;10~!uB~!u#38;#29105;~!ui5=~!u#38;#35370;~!u,~!u#38;#33289;辦~!u8SDD,HKI!u9Q]~!u#38;#35611;~!u,~!u#38;#23559;歡~!u&7VKM~!u#38;#32102;~!uMCT~!u#38;#27683;壓~!uB5D4s5WLXBI>SCq!#~} 吳~{Aa~}瑤~{VPNgOH~}與~{C\Nw8yPB3IA"5DE.PT~!u#38;#23531;~!uw>c~}樂~{2?3I~}員~{>[2M#,~!u#38;#25812;~!uN:#Mb~!u#38;#33775;~!uDE.Ww<R~}協會會長~{5DK}#,O/~}間~{FZCc~}會員~{6`~}閱讀~{!"6`~!u#38;#23531;~!uw#,O`~!u#38;#32004;~!uZ~!u#38;#22577;~!uOEvCf!#~!!~} ~~{~{K=5WOB#,~}吳~{Aa~}瑤~{7G3#SCPD5X~}蒐~{</8w5X~!u#38;#35211;聞~!u,U!umaaHk~!u#38;#38907;~!uIND#,7=1c~!u#38;#35712;~!u_~!u#38;#35352;誦~!u#K!u!u#38;#29544;~!uX5DSDD,ND~!u#38;#23416;~!u,~!u#38;#36070;~!uhSDD,PBI!u!u,AtOB5D2;V;SPP&~!u#38;#32882;~!u,~!u#38;#36996;~!uP@J@JIO?Z5D~!u#38;#39192;韻~!u#~!!~} ~~{~{MmIO!8SDD,HKIz!95DQ]~}講~{#,H+~}場~{P&~}聲~{2;~}絕~{#,FfLX5DJG#,?HKT~}聲~{R`=S6~~}連~{H}#,In>?FdRr#,2EV*~!u#38;#35264;眾~!u&5=2m~!u#38;#27683;~!u,1;WT<:5D?ZK.~}嗆~{5=!#~} ~{Q]~}講~{aa8tHU#,SP~}聽講~{U_M6~}訴~{!8~}運動傷~{:&!9#,~}聽~{MjQ]~}講~{#,RnHUFp42#,892?SP@-365DM43~8P#,T-~}來~{89<!:C>C~}沒~{SCA&!#~} 吳~{Aa~}瑤歡樂~{5DP}~}風~{#,aa~}勁強勢~{#,~}為~{C\Nw8y5D~}訪問~{TYLmR;~}樁~{H$~}聞~{!#~} ~{!>~!u010-01-2!!~}~~{~{J@=gHU~}報~{!?~} 檢舉 ~{NRR*AtQT~} 評論 (2) « J.J. Chang 張貼~{l6~} Friday, Jan 22 at 08:48 AM » ~{:CENM{NRR2TZ~}塲! « ~{?l~}樂~{U_~} 張貼~{l6~} Thursday, Jan 21 at 02:00 PM » ~{NR~}們~{R2:CO#M{SP~}機會~{D\~}聽~{5=K}5DQ]~}講~{#,?ISPK}Wn=|5DQ]~}講~{PP3L~}嗎? ~{R*~}當~{SDD,Ww<R2;H]RW#,~!u#38;#23531;~!uDUB~!u#38;#35731;~!uKP&1H~!u#38;#35731;~!uK?^~!u#38;#38627;~!u,AK2;Fp5D2E~!u#38;#33775;~!u,SVHg4KF=RW=!uK#,NRTg>MJGK}5DK@VR~}讀~{U_!#~} ~{KySPAtQT~}適~{SCl61>~!u#38;#32178;~!u>7~~}務條~{?n#,J@=g2?Bd8q1#At~}刪~{3}~}權~{!#~} *999j. ... ..... ....... ------------------------------------------- | |
012502-1023 |
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012520-0955 |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for U.S. Secretary of State Distinguished Authors Winning LVRJ/wbti with Safesearch on. (0.40 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton's Appointment of Yukiya Amano as the ..... Nevada 熱情的沙漠 PPAA Forum Distinguished Author Winning lvrj/wbti ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hillary Clinton ...Results 1 - 5 of about 2 for "LVRJ/WBTI: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton Distinguished Author Achievement AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01628001051246547688593589 Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com In order to show you the most relevant results, we have ... ******************************************* 彩虹劇團 演繹內州無名英雄! 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導January 18, 2010 12:00 AM | 34 觀看次數 | 0 | 1 | | 彩虹劇團將在2月初推出全新音樂劇「內州史上的無名英雄」,要讓現在的拉斯維加斯居民,了解早期賭城的發展和對此有所貢獻的重要人物。 (圖:拉斯維加斯市政府提供) slideshow 2月5日至14日,拉斯維加斯彩虹青年劇團(Rainbow Company Youth Theatre)將在蘆葦橫木文化中心(Reed Whipple Cultural Center)獻上「內華達歷史上的無名英雄」(Unsung Characters from Nevada’s Past),整整50分鐘的全新音樂劇,將隆重介紹對於拉斯維加斯整個城市的早期建設發展有所貢獻、但如今卻被遺忘的重要人物,包括了華特布雷肯(Walter Bracken)、查爾斯史凱爾斯(Charles P. Squires)、海倫史都華(Helen Stewart)、羅伊馬汀(Roy Martin)和瑪莉奈托斯(Mary Nettles),適合各個年齡層觀賞,12歲以下票價3元、青少年和老年人票價5元、成人票價7元,想要前往的賭城華人可電洽(702)229-6211詢問表演時間和相關資訊,文化中心地址為821 Las Vegas Blvd. North。 999i. To be continued ... ------------------------- | |
012420-1757 |
Press Release - January 24, 2010 -Governor Jim Gibbons Orders Nevada Guard to Assist Arizona! By Office of Nevada Governor(NV), Daniel Burns, Valorie Vega, Jackie Glass, Jim Roggio, Steve Wolfson, and Jennifer Kung [[[Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:40 PM From: "Office of the Governor" View contact detailsTo: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.USFor Immediate Release: January 24, 2010 Print Version (pdf) GOVERNOR ORDERS NEVADA GUARD TO ASSIST ARIZONA]]] (Carson City, NV) - Governor Jim Gibbons has ordered the Nevada National Guard to assist emergency management officials in Arizona. Arizona officials, through the Nevada Department of Public Safety-Division of Emergency Management, have requested air support as a result of flooding around the area of Flagstaff, Arizona.*999h The Nevada Army National Guard will deploy three aircraft, one Chinook helicopter and two Blackhawk helicopters, from their facility at Stead, Nevada to the Flagstaff area as soon as weather in Northern Nevada permits. Several hundred people have been evacuated from small towns in northern Arizona due to heavy rains and flooding. Approximately 1000 people living in remote areas on a Navajo Indian Reservation near Flagstaff have been isolated by rain and snow. Very heavy rain and snow have fallen in the Flagstaff area during the last week. Governor Gibbons has pledged additional assets to assist Arizona, if the need arises. # # # Daniel Burns Communications Director - (775) 684-5667 cell (702) 290-8980 Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505 *999f ... ..... ....... ----------------------- 星光大道 露背最亮 記者馬雲洛杉磯報導January 24, 2010 12:00 AM | 24 觀看次數 | 0 | 1 | | 播放 | 暫停 | << 上一頁 | 下一頁 >> 圖片 1 / 3凱特哈德森一身白色露背裝盡顯性感美背。 (記者馬雲∕攝影)第16屆演員工會獎紅地毯儀式在陽光普照中登場。今年紅地毯特色是服裝色彩繽紛多樣,露背裝成為亮點,不過因為缺少布萊德彼特等重量級明星出席,獲得提名的喬治庫隆尼、麥特戴蒙等帥哥也缺席。 本次老牌明星服裝顏色普遍亮麗,年輕演員卻多選擇單色、暗色,相映成趣。梅莉史翠普(Meryl Streep)以白綠相間的連衣裙首先登場,活力無限;另一女主角提名者海倫米蘭(Helen Mirren)更是滿身白色、銀色亮片,盡顯貴族氣質;老牌影星貝蒂懷特(Betty White)獲頒終身成就獎,藍色閃亮衣裙加活潑笑容,讓人看不出她已有88歲。 但珊卓布拉克(Sandra Bullock)和潘妮洛普克魯茲(Penelope Cruz)都選擇了黑色素雅長裙。白色服裝今年都很搶眼,「華麗年代」(Nine)兩位主要演員凱特哈德森(Kate Hudson)和瑪莉詠柯蒂亞(Marion Cotillard)分別選擇了白色露背長裙和單肩短裙,都在紅地毯上獲得時尚媒體一致好評。茱芭莉摩(Drew Barrymore)的海藍色薄莎塔裙也很新穎獨特。 更多新聞 大學聲了沒 歌喉戰PK | Mar 21, 2009 導、演 好久不見 | Dec 19, 2009 李建復為玉山獻藝 | Mar 07, 2009 洛希星光大道 決戰周末 | Sep 11, 2009 成也名嘴 敗也名嘴 | Mar 26, 2009 *999h Office of Nevada Governor(NV), Daniel Burns, Valorie Vega, Jackie Glass, Jim Roggio, Steve Wolfson, and Jennifer Kung 1. ... ..... ....... ----------------------- | |
012520 0804 [012420-0557] |
[To be enhanced, ...]012520-0805州姐風... 本報訊January 25, 2010 12:00 AM | 14 觀看次數 | 0 | | 州姐風華!! 今年美國小姐(Miss America)選美會將於30日晚間,在拉斯維加斯好萊塢巨星賭場決賽,各州佳麗現已聚集賭城,日前現身賭城時尚購物中心(Fashion Show Mall)伸展台,讓民眾驚艷,圖為加州小姐Kristy Cavinder展 (記者馮鳴台∕攝影) slideshow 今年美國小姐(Miss America)選美會將於30日晚間,在拉斯維加斯好萊塢巨星賭場決賽,各州佳麗現已聚集賭城,日前現身賭城時尚購物中心(Fashion Show Mall)伸展台,讓民眾驚艷。 綜覽世界全局,觀看全真的世界日報電子報(ePaper) To be enhanced ... Happy New YearWednesday, December 30, 2009 1:03 PM From: "Berkley for Congress" (newsletter@sberkley.com) Add sender to ContactsTo: "tony & judy lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} Dear tony & judy, Shelley Delivers on Health Care!! [[1.5% Name: Campaign Web Site Total: 8 Unique: 8]] U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley Berkley for Congress 1210 S Valley View Rd Suite 114 Las Vegas, NV 89102 ph: 702 212 3350 [Paid for by Berkley for Congress.] 0.3% Name: https://www.berkleyforcongress.com/index.php?option=com_dtdonate&task=authorizenetonce&Itemid=47 Total: 2 Unique: 2 Congresswoman Berkley recently voted in favor of The Affordable Health Care for America Act. "I support this legislation because it will expand health care coverage to millions of my fellow Americans. The way we provide health care in this county is unsustainable. In Nevada, the cost of a private family health insurance plan is expected to grow from over $11,000 in 2009 to more than $19,000 10 years from now. If we do nothing we will reach a point in this country where hardly anyone will be able to afford health insurance," Berkley said. "This bill is good for Nevada. Over 400,000 uninsured Nevadans will be able to get health insurance because of this bill. This bill is good for Nevada seniors. It closes the doughnut hole, eliminates cost pays for preventive services and extends the life of Medicare over five years. The bill isn't perfect...but I do support this for the needed reforms that are included. It's a great first step," Berkley noted. Congresswoman Berkley voted to protect more than 11 million seniors and disabled Americans from an increase in Medicare Part B premiums. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shelley voted to pass the Defense Appropriations Act which includes a 3.4% pay increase for military personnel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shelley’s thrilled that the president signed the 2010 energy and water package, which includes more than $6.75 million in funding for Nevada projects, into law. Trivia Questions: What ethnic group was largely responsible for building much of the early railroads in the U.S. West? A) Germans B) Japanese C) Chinese What is Shelley’s favorite perfume? A) Bernini Eau De Parfum B) Imperial Majesty C) Clive Christian No. 1 Stay tuned to the next edition for the answers! Here are the answers from the last edition! 1) Who was the first woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives? Jeanette Rankin (R-MT) 2) What is Shelley's favorite restaurant? Taco Bell. Happy New Year! As we reflect on the year past and look forward to the year ahead, Team Berkley extends their warmest wishes to you and yours for the new year! From Left to Right: Kendall, Dr. Larry, Renee, Bob, Shelley, Matthew, & Linda Shelley Stands Up for Nevada Students! Congresswoman Berkley recently voted for The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act. The legislation overhauls the nation's student loan programs to make college more affordable for students and families here in Nevada. "As the first member of my family to attend college, I want to extend this same opportunity to students in Nevada and all across our nation by making it more affordable. This package will increase the availability of funding to help cover tuition costs and other expenses by investing more in programs that provide low cost loans to student borrowers. I am proud that $77 billion in savings produced by these reforms will be used to provide affordable loans," said Berkley. This message was intended for judy lei. If you have received this message in error, we apologize. This communication is paid for by Berkley for Congress and authorized by Berkley for Congress. If you would like to be removed from our email communication list you can unsubscribe. Here is the information about your subscription and you were added to this list.on July 8, 2004. *999e. ... ..... ....... ******* ------------------------ 華夏蘭韻舞蹈團 十周年盛大演出 劉亮吟January 22, 2010 12:00 AM | 91 觀看次數 | 3 | | 播放 | 暫停 | << 上一頁 | 下一頁 >> 圖片 1 / 2春的律動 李冬麗領舞的「春的律動」,展現了傣族姑娘的千姿百態。 劉亮吟∕攝影 新州華夏蘭韻舞蹈團為慶祝成立十周年,日前舉行主題為「舞彩繽紛」的盛大演出,為新州居民提供了一場聲色俱全的藝術盛宴。 成立於1999年的蘭韻舞蹈團,成員皆是新州中部地區業餘舞蹈愛好者,當天演出卻具專業水準,博得觀眾的熱烈喝采。值得一提的是,14位來自普林斯頓地區、12位來自橋水市的團員,大多是已為人母的中年婦女,但她們婀娜多姿,表演洋溢著活力。 蘭韻舞蹈團的藝術總監李冬麗曾任教瀋陽音樂舞蹈學院。由她策劃的舞蹈編排到舞台燈光、音樂、服裝和背景設計,展現豐厚的多元民族特色。 當天節目包括中國各地民族經典舞蹈:代表東北秧歌的「喜慶十年」為晚會拉開序幕。集合現代舞與中國民間舞的「念」,展現清新的攘Α!柑旎[」呈現了藏族姑娘翩翩起舞的風采。「春天」舞出蓬勃的生命。「踩雲彩」表現的是雲南彝族女子的浪漫。 李冬麗領舞的「春的律動」展現了傣族姑娘的千姿百態。「小城雨巷」如畫如詩地呈現江南女子優雅飄逸的氣質。 由少女組演出的「查某阿」,採用台灣民謠「丟丟咚」,舞出福建惠安少女的可愛俏皮。「桃夭」以快捷輕巧的身段,呈現小女孩的淘氣。節目高潮是由一群舞者的丈夫客串演出半男半女的「纖夫的愛」。晚會並邀請大紐約地區聲樂家陳紅曉演唱「瑪依拉變奏曲」、「天路」及安可曲「青藏高原」。還有來自台灣的羅格斯大學音樂博士蔡馨儀的鋼琴和陳胤恒的大提琴演奏。 壓軸演出是集合朝鮮族、維吾爾族、 僳族、藏族、蒙古族及東北秧歌而成的中國各地民族經典舞蹈薈萃「舞彩繽紛」。貫穿全場的舞蹈及舞台上由天而降的五彩色條,讓觀眾難忘。 西溫莎市長薛信夫、國際傑人會總會長俞美美、前橋水市議員邢天佑皆出席欣賞演出。前州長柯翟也致函嘉勉。歷屆普林斯頓華夏中文學校校長田永馳、劉少林、林樹民及唐偉敏,和橋水華夏中校校長閻明等,也都出席當天盛會。 清華大學教授危岩博士的夫人蔡伊志也是舞團團員,危岩說,太太在文革時代就跳所謂的革命舞蹈,沒想到在數十年後,能在美國延續舞蹈的愛好 (To be continued ...) .......>>> 012420-1757 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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Jan. 24, 2010 Copyright ?Las Vegas Review-Journal AND THE WINNER IS...: Southern Nevada Business Plan Competition John Lynn awarded $70,000 package to launch sports fundraising venture By TIM O'REILEY LAS VEGAS BUSINESS PRESS Sportsriffic founder John Lynn won the top prize in the Southern Nevada Business Plan Competition for his Web-based fundraising system for amateur sports. He will receive startup assistance that includes $5,000 in cash, free use of office space, consulting and advertising. Photo by Mike Stotts/Las Vegas Business Press EYESPY: Scott Hillman, president of EyeSpy Media, stands outside Meadows mall Jan. 11. Mike Stotts/Las Vegas Business Press FOXLOCK: From left, Tom Craig, Benjamin Smith and David Parapilly hold the FoxLock. Mike Stotts/Las Vegas Business Press MEDSONIX: Medsonix CEO Alphonse Cassone, standing, is pictured with sound therapy patients. Mike Stotts/Las Vegas Business Press OPTIMAL IRRIGATION: Optimal Irrigation CEO Howell Shaw displays the ceramic micropore interface unit. Mike Stotts/Las Vegas Business Press Among romantic images surrounding small-business ownership -- independence, knowing customers by name -- perhaps none is more potent than striking it rich based on an idea originally sketched on a cocktail napkin. But like many fantasies, the primitive business plan rarely survives the onset of reality. Most Popular Stories Developer eyes Fontainebleau Bank of America to release homes Artisan Hotel gets new life Unfinished businesses across Las Vegas raising ire Florida woman suing over Monte Carlo fire STRIP DEVELOPMENT: Icahn closer to Fontainebleau Analyst: Area home prices to remain near bottom in 2010 HOUSING: Observer sees more suffering Station-managed tribal casino on track for summer opening Car seller targeting the credit-challenged "I doubt that too many venture capitalists or angels have invested in a napkin plan unless it was drawn up by someone like Bill Gates," said Greg Twedt, chairman of the Las Vegas chapter of SCORE. "A business plan is your map. It makes you think about what it's going to take to pull off your idea and helps potential investors understand it. That's why you need a business plan." With that in mind, the outreach center at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Business decided last year to launch its Southern Nevada Business Plan Competition, co-sponsored by the Las Vegas Business Press. Many schools stage such contests for students, but UNLV opened its version to anyone with a nascent idea. After three rounds of judging, John Lynn emerged as the winner on Friday with his concept of Sportsriffic, a Web-based fundraising system for amateur sports. For having polled the highest score from five judges, John Lynn won a package of startup assistance including $5,000 cash, six months of office space, advertising, technology, leadership, strategic and marketing consulting, and advertising valued at nearly $65,000 combined. "It's amazing, I can't believe it, this is very exciting, this is going to make my business a reality," Lynn said late Friday. Each of the four other finalists won $1,000 in cash, plus office use and advice on their plans. Five others who made it to the semifinals will receive lunch with local investors, advice on their plans and help in writing their plans from the UNLV School of Business. In a state with low high school and college graduation rates, not many budding entrepreneurs have any background in writing business plans. "Angel investors say they aren't seeing good ideas in the pipeline and are not seeing polished business plans," said Steve Phelan, director of partnerships, alliances, seminars and custom programs at the outreach center. Launched Sept. 28, the Southern Nevada Business Plan Competition drew 42 entrants by the Oct. 26 deadline. A panel of 17 members of the UNLV business faculty then winnowed that down to 10 semifinalists by Nov. 23. The survivors then refined their plans for a panel of five outside judges, who scored them on a scale of 1 to 10. Reflecting the judges' varied backgrounds, their scores for each plan often varied by at least six points. The top five made final oral presentations to five judges on Friday. Afterward came the formal announcement of Sportsriffic as the winner. The following were the five finalists in alphabetical order. SPORTSRIFFIC In outlining the case for his Web sites to raise money for amateur sports teams, John Lynn describes what people may think but rarely say out loud. The current system of selling items such as chocolate, T-shirts and magazines "is very common and dreaded by almost everyone involved," he wrote in his business plan. "Athletes are stuck selling overpriced items to people who don't really need these items." Just as bad, teams must front the money to buy the inventory, then keep 60 percent or less of profits. Sportsriffic borrows elements from Web-based nonprofit fundraising, Facebook and fantasy leagues to try to improve on that. His idea involves building Web sites for high school teams, club sports, cheerleading squads and other sports-related entities for free, making them interactive with coaches or players and setting up competitions among friends and family to sustain interest. Someone who comes closest to picking the final score of a game, for example, could win recognition at halftime, a team jersey or tickets for a future game. Lynn would charge nothing to build the site, but share revenues with the team as opposed to profits. He also hopes to sell advertising that would appear on some or all of the sites. Lynn, a veteran Web designer, said that he started putting the idea together in the autumn after completing his master's degree in information systems. "I've had the idea for a long time, but I just now decided to get into it as a serious business," he said. EYESPY In trying to get EyeSpy Media into operation, Scott Hillman was hit by the recession from two sides. First, he found little appetite among potential investors to put money into a new advertising technique -- playing messages on large-screen TVs mounted in malls -- at a time when consumer spending was in a nosedive. Then his main launch customer, shopping center giant General Growth Properties, slid into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and essentially put EyeSpy on hold. Ironically, the economy may end up helping Hillman in the long run. Playing messages on monitors mounted at checkout stands or hung from the ceiling is common on the East Coast but almost nonexistent in Nevada. "That's what helps us right now," he said. "I don't think the companies back East are expanding because of the economy. Somebody could come in and squash us, yes. But I think we will have built up good relationships by then." Hillman started the company in 2008 with his brother-in-law, but they parted ways that December. Then, he relaunched his efforts in the current form. So far, he has signed deals with three General Growth-owned malls, including Boulevard and Meadows in Las Vegas and another in Utah, to place TVs ranging from 42 to 65 inches that would carry ads for tenant stores or perhaps noncompeting outsiders. He is still scouting for startup capital, as straight investment or sponsorships by electronic equipment makers, to get EyeSpy in operation. FOXLOCK As some un-Christian thoughts crossed his mind while he struggled to install a new ceiling fan for his grandmother a couple of years ago, churchgoer Benjamin Smith dreamed up a solution. He designed a device with one piece mounted in the ceiling and another attached to the fan so that it could be snapped into place. This not only led to the FoxLock, which has prototypes now in the patent application process, but also to Rhema Cos. Incorporated in June, Rhema pools the ideas of three partners, including Smith, to take them from the "wouldn't it be great" stage to products with price tags on them. "Our products either have to save people time or save them money or make life easier," said Tom Craig, Rhema's managing principal. "We're not going to build a better mousetrap. We want to make things that don't exist." At this point, the three partners also act as their own focus group to decide which products make the most market sense. Rhema has two other devices on track to reach the prototype stage later this year, but the FoxLock is the furthest along. Already having worked out production details for FoxLock at a plant in India, Rhema must now find customers. Rather than try to pry loose retailer shelf space, the partners will approach electronics manufacturers -- ceiling fans and flat-panel TVs for the initial models -- to include the FoxLock as an accessory. This holds down the need to raise capital but could mean that customers using FoxLock will never know it by name. MEDSONIX At first, even Alphonse Cassone didn't regard his main product as anything more than hocus-pocus. While testing a process to get at the precious metals in black sands by immersing them in a liquid and then fracturing them with low-frequency sound waves, a partner said he felt a tingling sensation and later felt better. Word of that reached a man in Florida, who came to Las Vegas in spite of Cassone's skepticism to absorb sound waves. Afterward, he was able to walk better and farther than he had in several years as arteriosclerosis had hampered his mobility. This led to a decade of refining the process, including commissioning a study from UNLV confirming the therapeutic value of sonic waves, obtaining patents for using sound waves to treat circulatory disorders, certain tissue diseases and blood disorders, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration certification that the device did not cause harm. Now, with centers in Las Vegas and Naples, Fla., where people can absorb sound waves in half-hour doses in packages of four for $199, Cassone now wants to launch franchise-style expansion. "My goal is to get this in the hands of people who can utilize the procedure," he said. Locations are in the works for Los Angeles and Westchester County, just north of New York City. Under his model, people who buy a Medsonix outlet would pay a one-time license fee, lease the equipment and also pay royalties to Cassone. Center owners do not have to be doctors, nor do customers need prescriptions. OPTIMAL IRRIGATION After several years in the construction industry both with his family's contracting business and on his own, Howell Shaw decided to branch into plants. After he formed Shaw Sustainable in 2008 as a consultant on green building techniques and a supplier of environmentally sound materials, he came across a water-saving irrigation system developed and used in Japan for five years. By the middle of next year, he will try to sell farmers on the idea that it will work in this country. "Coming from Minnesota, water is not a major problem in the land of 10,000 lakes," Shaw said. "Here, it is a major issue." The heart of the system is a porous ceramic pipe buried in the ground and connected to a reservoir. By being able to detect differences in pressure between wet and dry ground, the pipe can draw water and ooze it out at root level without any pumps or timers. In soggy climates, it can also draw away moisture to prevent root rot. However, he noted, the concept alone will not draw customers. "In our preliminary market research, we found that farmers are risk-averse and want to see studies or pilot programs," he said. "They don't want to spend money on something that could potentially ruin their crops." For that reason, he expects it will take another year and a half before going to market. He also expects to add his own refinements to fit U.S. agricultural conditions. He will target both farms that grow greenhouse crops and places such as casinos, that grow decorative plants in pots. Share & Save *To be edited, ... ------------------ RE: 回复:Fw: Merry Christmas and Happy new yearSunday, December 27, 2009 4:03 AM From: "Prof. S.Y. Kung" View contact detailsTo: "'Tony Lei'" Cc: "'Prof. S.Y. Kung'" 舅舅及舅妈,谨祝您们新年快乐,万事顺心,幸福美满。 三元敬上 From: Tony Lei [mailto:tojulei@yahoo.com] Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 4:44 AM To: 雷大夫 Cc: tojulei@yahoo.com; cykung; Kung Sun Yuan; skung; tojulei; Hung-Yin Kung; Kung joanna; Clara Tsai; josiesjewels; Brett Warneke Subject: Re: 回复:Fw: Merry Christmas and Happy new year Dear Chung-Yuan Kung & Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Thank you very much for your L.D. call to us last night. Judy has been quite HAPPY this year!! Happy New Year! Sincerely, ---Tony, Judy, John, Angie, and Mike Section of "Business & Administration (PPAA20) at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: 雷大夫 To: cykung ; Kung Sun Yuan ; skung ; tojulei ; Hung-Yin Kung ; Kung joanna ; Clara Tsai ; josiesjewels ; Brett Warneke Sent: Thu, December 24, 2009 7:50:11 PM Subject: 回复:Fw: Merry Christmas and Happy new year谢谢! 惠宁 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "cykung";发送时间: 2009年12月23日(星期三) 晚上7:27 收件人: "Kung Sun Yuan"; "skung"; "abc8125532"; "tojulei"; "Hung-Yin Kung"; "Kung joanna"; "Clara Tsai"; "josiesjewels"; "Brett Warneke";主题: Fw: Merry Christmas and Happy new year ----- Original Message ----- From: cykung To: avito@ms32.hinet.net Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 7:25 PM Subject: Fw: Merry Christmas and Happy new year Dear CY Lu: I wish ll you have a Merry Christmas and Happy new year. This year I worked hard like the yellow hat man ( protect earth) and enjoy life like the lamb. (The shadow is insided) 願 神祝福您! Chung Yuan and Joanna Kung *999aaa. FUN!!! | |
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******* Logic Methodology! | |
012420-1229 |
******* Miss Ou-yang Fei-fei at seventeen: ***Oi Tsei Kao Shen Chong, ***Ne Tsei Dee Shen Hoa; ..... ....... ........ ***************************************** ---------------------------------- ***** "I know you remember (me) .......!" ---Miss Imperial, Dr. Visibility, and Governor Mountains | |
012420-1143 |
第16?醚?T工??主要獲?名? 本?笥岼anuary 23, 2010 09:00 PM | 5 觀看次? | 0 | 1 | | ?影類最佳整體演出 「惡棍特工」 最佳男主角 ?芊虿祭锛腐?狂的心」 最佳女主角 珊卓布拉克,「攻其不?洹 最佳男配角 克里斯多夫沃茲,「惡棍特工」 最佳女配角 莫妮克,「珍愛人生」 ??類 ?∏轭愖罴颜w演出 「廣告狂人」 喜?☆愖罴颜w演出 「?g?泛铣?F」 ??☆愖罴涯兄鹘 ?可霍? ,「?趑|?⒛А ??☆愖罴雅鹘 茱莉安娜?格麗絲,「律政巾?健 喜?☆愖罴涯兄鹘 ??v鮑德?兀赋?製作人」 喜?☆愖罴雅鹘 蒂娜費,「超?製作人」 ???影及迷你影集最佳男主角 ?P文貝肯,「護送錢斯」 ???影及迷你影集最佳女主角 茱芭莉摩,「灰色花?@」 *999d. John, a quite team worker ....... | |
012420-0815 |
<<< To be waited ... >>>Jan. 24, 2010 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal CANDID CANDIDATE: Miss Nevada is giving rape victims a voice *1 Keegan's platform drawn from painful experience! By JOHN PRZYBYS LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Video: Miss America 2010 arrival MISS AMERICA SCHEDULE ***** Here is the slate of events, all open to the public, scheduled this week, leading up to the 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale Saturday. Unless otherwise noted, all events are at Planet Hollywood's Theatre for the Performing Arts, 3667 Las Vegas Blvd. South.*2 Tuesday, 8 p.m.: First night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com). During each night of preliminaries, every contestant will be onstage for one of the following events: to answer her onstage question, compete in the swimsuit/evening wear event, or participate in the talent competition. (Miss Nevada Christina Keegan is scheduled for her onstage question on Tuesday, the swimsuit/evening wear competition on Wednesday, and the talent event on Thursday.) Wednesday, 8 p.m.: Second night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com) Thursday, 8 p.m.: Final night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com) Friday, 6:30 p.m.: Evening of Dreams fundraiser for the Miss America Organization (Planet Hollywood Resort; sold out). Saturday, 4:30 p.m.: 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale (tickets are $150 and up, through Ticketmaster.com). It will be broadcast locally at 8 p.m. on TLC. Christina Keegan, right, winner of the 2009 Miss Nevada Pageant, hugs Miss Nevada 2008, Julianna Erdesz, before receiving her crown at the Miss Nevada Pageant in Reno. Photo by The Associated Press "(In working with other sexual assault victims, Keegan learned that they, too), put the blame on themselves: They did something wrong, they said something, they wore something. That was how I felt. But I learned that, as a victim, you're never at fault, and you're also not alone." Christina Keegan Miss Nevada Christina Keegan, center, reacts after winning the 2009 Miss Nevada Pageant while Miss Nevada 2008, Julianna Erdesz, right, and Nevada's Outstanding Teen 2009, Alexis Hilts, left, congratulate her. Photo by The Associated Press It's a cliched, but not-undeserved, joke that beauty pageants support such simplistic and crowd-pleasing aims as "world peace." But when Christina Keegan takes the stage Saturday in Las Vegas to represent Nevada in the 2010 Miss America competition, she will be there to address an issue that's as far from world peace as it gets. Most Popular Stories INEXPENSIVE TRIPS: Bored and broke? There are plenty of things to do in Las Vegas 'Godfather of Poker' tells his own story LIFE ON THE COUCH: Las Vegas pawnshop center of new reality series CHECK IT OUT: Libraries become important spots for fun, help in tough times MIKE WEATHERFORD: Midler ponders talent, tickets 29TH ANNUAL BEST OF LAS VEGAS POLL: Decisions, Decisions 29th Annual Best of Las Vegas Poll GARDENING: Perfect plants for those with a brown thumb THE R-J GOES TO A PARTY: Celebrities help raise money for missing children TRIP OF THE WEEK: Dumont Dunes provides unique recreation during cool months Sexual assault. Keegan's platform, "Strength Over Silence: Rape Education and Recovery," is an intensely personal issue because, five years ago, while studying in Spain, Keegan was, herself, assaulted. Since then, advocating on behalf of sexual violence victims has become "my passion," says Keegan, a Gardnerville resident who has completed her first year of medical school at the University of Utah. "Many people have this conception that Miss America is this ceremonial, beautiful girl who wants to believe in world peace," Keegan says. "Well, that's not true." Nothing against world peace, Keegan adds with a laugh. But, she continues, sexual assault is "not a convenient issue, it's not a pretty issue, (and) it needs to be addressed." Imagine, Keegan says, what it would mean "to have someone like Miss America say, 'I'm a survivor of sexual assault, and I'm not ashamed.' " Judges willing, it will be that sense of passion, leavened with humor and a generous helping of girl-next-door charm, that will win Keegan the crown on Saturday when the 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale takes place at Planet Hollywood Resort. The event will be televised nationally on the TLC cable channel. For Keegan, the competition is the culmination of a long-held dream and plenty of hard work. "It actually took me six years to become Miss Nevada," she explains. "I was first runner-up to last year's Miss Nevada. So, it took me some time this past year to decide, 'Do I want to come back?' " At 24, this is her last chance at the crown, because she has reached the competition's age limit. Giving it one more shot also means taking a year off from medical school and, as Keegan describes it, "putting the rest of my life on hold." But, Keegan says, "I've dreamed of becoming Miss America for as long as I remember." Keegan was born in Long Beach, Calif., but has lived in Gardnerville since the age of 7 and considers it "my hometown." Since her selection as Miss Nevada last June, it has been one very happy hometown. "The Carson Valley is just so excited. In the 61 years we've had Miss Nevada, I'm only the second one from the Carson Valley. The first was in 1991, Malia Winn (from Minden)," Keegan says. Keegan hopes to beat the odds next weekend, too. For instance, she notes that no Miss Nevada has won the Miss America crown, "and I'd love to bring that honor to our state." She laughs. "And only two redheads have become Miss America," she continues. "So I want to improve those numbers." From a more utilitarian standpoint, winning the Miss America crown would offer Keegan scholarship money. Keegan -- whose undergraduate degree is in molecular biology with a minor in psychology -- has completed her first year of medical school and, while she has not decided on a specialty, she says she's intrigued with pediatrics and pediatric neurology and oncology. But, she also admits with a laugh, her "fantasy" career would be to "go into sports medicine and work as team physician for an NHL team." Winning the scholarship money that comes with the Miss America crown -- she already has earned almost $20,000 in scholarships through the Miss America program -- would be "huge for me, as a medical student," Keegan admits. "Every dollar I win is a dollar I don't have to take out in loans and don't have to pay back." But the most important thing being Miss Nevada offers -- and that becoming Miss America would increase -- is the opportunity for Keegan to speak out about sexual assault. For months after her own assault, "I did not tell my family or my friends, because I was ashamed," Keegan says. For similar reasons, Keegan didn't report the assault to authorities. But, in the years since, as Keegan worked as a volunteer with other sexual assault victims, she learned that they, too, "put the blame on themselves: They did something wrong, they said something, they wore something. "That was how I felt. But I learned that, as a victim, you're never at fault, and you're also not alone." While the scholarship-related benefits of competing are "wonderful," Keegan says, the real reward for her is being "able to see the look in people's eyes when I speak out about my story. "When they see someone else tell them: 'It's OK. You don't have to be ashamed, and you're not all alone in this,' that's what makes my job worthwhile." Keegan has a realistic perspective on what being Miss Nevada, and competing for Miss America, is all about. "I love that, in the Miss America organization, the scholarship aspect of the program is what's emphasized," she says. It's even worth noting that Keegan has had to spend time over the past seven months correcting some Nevadans' confusion of Miss America with the rival Miss USA beauty pageant, which has been embroiled in public controversies in recent years. Keegan -- a classically trained dancer who, during the talent competition, will dance en pointe to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" -- doesn't think of herself as a "beauty contestant" or "beauty winner." Rather, Keegan says, perhaps half-jokingly, that she thinks of herself mostly as a medical student who happens to dress up occasionally. "This is part of my job," she explains. "The high heels, the hair spray, the makeup is part of my uniform." Win or lose, Keegan figures she's better off for having gotten to know Nevada and its people. In seven months as Miss Nevada, Keegan has seen more of the Silver State than have most Nevadans who've lived here for decades. Take one recent afternoon, when Keegan visited with some Reno sixth-graders. What questions did the young Nevadans ask? "Do I live in a mansion and am I rich," Keegan answers, laughing. "Are the stones in my crown diamonds? I get that all the time. How do I keep the crown on my head? That's the most-asked question. Even adults, I see them looking, and I say, 'Yeah, I stapled it on.' " (The answer, by the way: An elastic strap pinned to her hair with clips.) "A lot of people think I balance it on my head," Keegan adds with a laugh. "No." Contact reporter John Przybys at jprzybys@ reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0280. *13 *1. Catherine C. Masto, ....... *2. *13. | | |
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「水月」映芝城 雲門回響熱 記者黃惠玲芝加哥23日報導January 24, 2010 12:02 AM | 269 觀看次數 | 6 | | 雲門舞集「水月」22日晚間在芝城舉行2010年美加訪問首演,用舞蹈作品闡釋「鏡花水月總成空」的意念。 (雲門舞集提供)slideshow 台灣雲門舞集作品「水月」2010年美加地區巡迴公演,22日晚間在芝加哥哈理斯劇院(Harris Theater)揭開序幕,17名舞者或前或後,在大提琴詮釋的巴哈樂聲中,緩慢地吐納乾坤,順暢地扭動身軀,上千名觀眾隨著舞台中不時濺起的水花,體會中西文化交融的意境。舞團謝幕時,所有觀眾起立鼓掌,掌聲數分鐘不息。 由林懷民率領的雲門舞集22日、23日一連在芝加哥哈理斯劇院演出兩場,這也是林懷民與雲門第四度到芝城推出公演。22日晚演出前,林懷民並在主辦這次公演的芝加哥哥倫比亞學院舞蹈中心邀請下,與近百位觀眾們舉行約半小時座談,他特別提到,這齣舞碼是根據佛家偈語「鏡花水月總是空」而創作。 哈理斯劇院有兩層觀眾席,可容納1500多人。在滿座觀眾的屏氣凝神中,身穿白色絲質長褲的男性舞者,由舞台右方緩緩步出,大提琴帶出的巴哈樂章,加上舞台上方高懸的一面巨鏡,配合舞者柔軟卻稜角分明的身體動作,營造出一種寧靜卻張力十足的氣氛。 雙人舞、群舞接著上場,男女舞者互相應合,在深黑色的布幕前,舞者們看似恣意,卻銳利精準的捲曲、蹲坐、仰躺、延伸,六首巴哈組曲的緩慢節奏,和舞者們胸脊糾結、收腹扭腰的肢體語言完全契合,不僅帶來視覺震撼,也同時引領觀眾們進入冥想世界。 「水月」進行到最後一幕時,潺潺流水汨汨流進舞池之中,這時大提琴低沉音符嘎然而止,17名舞者陸續舞進水池,幕後的黑幕此時拉開,轉為大幅明亮鏡台,舞者們或坐、或躺、或站的身影,映照在身後與半懸在空中的鏡子裡,舞台水池中由毛筆刷出的白色水紋,在鏡台中隨著舞者撥動,幻化為或虛或實的的水中之花。 舞者一揚腿激起飛濺的水花,一起身帶起抖落的珠雨,使整個舞台展現絕妙視覺效果,而最後一幕主要伴奏的流水聲,聽來宛如一串串純美的樂音,畫面令人動容。 一個多小時沒有中場休息的演出,讓觀眾們嘆為觀止,舞者與林懷民最後謝幕時,千餘名觀眾紛紛起立鼓掌,掌聲長達數分鐘。 結束芝加哥的演出後,林懷民將率雲門舞集於本月29、30日,在華盛頓甘迺迪表演藝術中心舉行兩場公演,之後將應加拿大溫哥華冬季奧運會藝術節之邀,於2月5日、6日在伊莉莎白女王劇院演出,兩地的演出,中華民國第一夫人周美青都將隨行,擔任舞團的榮譽團長。 加入書籤: Delicious Digg Buzz up!reddit Facebook LinkedIn Twitter StumbleUpon Mixx it! Fark Newsvine 綜覽世界全局,觀看全真的世界日報電子報(ePaper) *999e. ....... ----------------------- | |
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Jan. 24, 2010 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal CANDID CANDIDATE: Miss Nevada is giving rape victims a voice Keegan's platform drawn from painful experience By JOHN PRZYBYS LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Video: Miss America 2010 arrival MISS AMERICA SCHEDULE Here is the slate of events, all open to the public, scheduled this week, leading up to the 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale Saturday. Unless otherwise noted, all events are at Planet Hollywood's Theatre for the Performing Arts, 3667 Las Vegas Blvd. South. Tuesday, 8 p.m.: First night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com). During each night of preliminaries, every contestant will be onstage for one of the following events: to answer her onstage question, compete in the swimsuit/evening wear event, or participate in the talent competition. (Miss Nevada Christina Keegan is scheduled for her onstage question on Tuesday, the swimsuit/evening wear competition on Wednesday, and the talent event on Thursday.) Wednesday, 8 p.m.: Second night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com) Thursday, 8 p.m.: Final night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com) Friday, 6:30 p.m.: Evening of Dreams fundraiser for the Miss America Organization (Planet Hollywood Resort; sold out). Saturday, 4:30 p.m.: 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale (tickets are $150 and up, through Ticketmaster.com). It will be broadcast locally at 8 p.m. on TLC. Christina Keegan, right, winner of the 2009 Miss Nevada Pageant, hugs Miss Nevada 2008, Julianna Erdesz, before receiving her crown at the Miss Nevada Pageant in Reno. Photo by The Associated Press "(In working with other sexual assault victims, Keegan learned that they, too), put the blame on themselves: They did something wrong, they said something, they wore something. That was how I felt. But I learned that, as a victim, you're never at fault, and you're also not alone." Christina Keegan Miss Nevada Christina Keegan, center, reacts after winning the 2009 Miss Nevada Pageant while Miss Nevada 2008, Julianna Erdesz, right, and Nevada's Outstanding Teen 2009, Alexis Hilts, left, congratulate her. Photo by The Associated Press It's a cliched, but not-undeserved, joke that beauty pageants support such simplistic and crowd-pleasing aims as "world peace." But when Christina Keegan takes the stage Saturday in Las Vegas to represent Nevada in the 2010 Miss America competition, she will be there to address an issue that's as far from world peace as it gets. Most Popular Stories INEXPENSIVE TRIPS: Bored and broke? There are plenty of things to do in Las Vegas 'Godfather of Poker' tells his own story LIFE ON THE COUCH: Las Vegas pawnshop center of new reality series CHECK IT OUT: Libraries become important spots for fun, help in tough times MIKE WEATHERFORD: Midler ponders talent, tickets 29TH ANNUAL BEST OF LAS VEGAS POLL: Decisions, Decisions 29th Annual Best of Las Vegas Poll GARDENING: Perfect plants for those with a brown thumb THE R-J GOES TO A PARTY: Celebrities help raise money for missing children TRIP OF THE WEEK: Dumont Dunes provides unique recreation during cool months Sexual assault. Keegan's platform, "Strength Over Silence: Rape Education and Recovery," is an intensely personal issue because, five years ago, while studying in Spain, Keegan was, herself, assaulted. Since then, advocating on behalf of sexual violence victims has become "my passion," says Keegan, a Gardnerville resident who has completed her first year of medical school at the University of Utah. "Many people have this conception that Miss America is this ceremonial, beautiful girl who wants to believe in world peace," Keegan says. "Well, that's not true." Nothing against world peace, Keegan adds with a laugh. But, she continues, sexual assault is "not a convenient issue, it's not a pretty issue, (and) it needs to be addressed." Imagine, Keegan says, what it would mean "to have someone like Miss America say, 'I'm a survivor of sexual assault, and I'm not ashamed.' " Judges willing, it will be that sense of passion, leavened with humor and a generous helping of girl-next-door charm, that will win Keegan the crown on Saturday when the 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale takes place at Planet Hollywood Resort. The event will be televised nationally on the TLC cable channel. For Keegan, the competition is the culmination of a long-held dream and plenty of hard work. "It actually took me six years to become Miss Nevada," she explains. "I was first runner-up to last year's Miss Nevada. So, it took me some time this past year to decide, 'Do I want to come back?' " At 24, this is her last chance at the crown, because she has reached the competition's age limit. Giving it one more shot also means taking a year off from medical school and, as Keegan describes it, "putting the rest of my life on hold." But, Keegan says, "I've dreamed of becoming Miss America for as long as I remember." Keegan was born in Long Beach, Calif., but has lived in Gardnerville since the age of 7 and considers it "my hometown." Since her selection as Miss Nevada last June, it has been one very happy hometown. "The Carson Valley is just so excited. In the 61 years we've had Miss Nevada, I'm only the second one from the Carson Valley. The first was in 1991, Malia Winn (from Minden)," Keegan says. Keegan hopes to beat the odds next weekend, too. For instance, she notes that no Miss Nevada has won the Miss America crown, "and I'd love to bring that honor to our state." She laughs. "And only two redheads have become Miss America," she continues. "So I want to improve those numbers." From a more utilitarian standpoint, winning the Miss America crown would offer Keegan scholarship money. Keegan -- whose undergraduate degree is in molecular biology with a minor in psychology -- has completed her first year of medical school and, while she has not decided on a specialty, she says she's intrigued with pediatrics and pediatric neurology and oncology. But, she also admits with a laugh, her "fantasy" career would be to "go into sports medicine and work as team physician for an NHL team." Winning the scholarship money that comes with the Miss America crown -- she already has earned almost $20,000 in scholarships through the Miss America program -- would be "huge for me, as a medical student," Keegan admits. "Every dollar I win is a dollar I don't have to take out in loans and don't have to pay back." But the most important thing being Miss Nevada offers -- and that becoming Miss America would increase -- is the opportunity for Keegan to speak out about sexual assault. For months after her own assault, "I did not tell my family or my friends, because I was ashamed," Keegan says. For similar reasons, Keegan didn't report the assault to authorities. But, in the years since, as Keegan worked as a volunteer with other sexual assault victims, she learned that they, too, "put the blame on themselves: They did something wrong, they said something, they wore something. "That was how I felt. But I learned that, as a victim, you're never at fault, and you're also not alone." While the scholarship-related benefits of competing are "wonderful," Keegan says, the real reward for her is being "able to see the look in people's eyes when I speak out about my story. "When they see someone else tell them: 'It's OK. You don't have to be ashamed, and you're not all alone in this,' that's what makes my job worthwhile." Keegan has a realistic perspective on what being Miss Nevada, and competing for Miss America, is all about. "I love that, in the Miss America organization, the scholarship aspect of the program is what's emphasized," she says. It's even worth noting that Keegan has had to spend time over the past seven months correcting some Nevadans' confusion of Miss America with the rival Miss USA beauty pageant, which has been embroiled in public controversies in recent years. Keegan -- a classically trained dancer who, during the talent competition, will dance en pointe to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" -- doesn't think of herself as a "beauty contestant" or "beauty winner." Rather, Keegan says, perhaps half-jokingly, that she thinks of herself mostly as a medical student who happens to dress up occasionally. "This is part of my job," she explains. "The high heels, the hair spray, the makeup is part of my uniform." Win or lose, Keegan figures she's better off for having gotten to know Nevada and its people. In seven months as Miss Nevada, Keegan has seen more of the Silver State than have most Nevadans who've lived here for decades. Take one recent afternoon, when Keegan visited with some Reno sixth-graders. What questions did the young Nevadans ask? "Do I live in a mansion and am I rich," Keegan answers, laughing. "Are the stones in my crown diamonds? I get that all the time. How do I keep the crown on my head? That's the most-asked question. Even adults, I see them looking, and I say, 'Yeah, I stapled it on.' " (The answer, by the way: An elastic strap pinned to her hair with clips.) "A lot of people think I balance it on my head," Keegan adds with a laugh. "No." Contact reporter John Przybys at jprzybys@ reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0280. *999d. ....... ---------------------------------- | |
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<<< To be waited ... >>>Jan. 24, 2010 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal CANDID CANDIDATE: Miss Nevada is giving rape victims a voice *1 Keegan's platform drawn from painful experience! By JOHN PRZYBYS LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Video: Miss America 2010 arrival MISS AMERICA SCHEDULE ***** Here is the slate of events, all open to the public, scheduled this week, leading up to the 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale Saturday. Unless otherwise noted, all events are at Planet Hollywood's Theatre for the Performing Arts, 3667 Las Vegas Blvd. South.*2 Tuesday, 8 p.m.: First night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com). During each night of preliminaries, every contestant will be onstage for one of the following events: to answer her onstage question, compete in the swimsuit/evening wear event, or participate in the talent competition. (Miss Nevada Christina Keegan is scheduled for her onstage question on Tuesday, the swimsuit/evening wear competition on Wednesday, and the talent event on Thursday.) Wednesday, 8 p.m.: Second night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com) Thursday, 8 p.m.: Final night of preliminaries (tickets are $75 through Ticketmaster.com) Friday, 6:30 p.m.: Evening of Dreams fundraiser for the Miss America Organization (Planet Hollywood Resort; sold out). Saturday, 4:30 p.m.: 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale (tickets are $150 and up, through Ticketmaster.com). It will be broadcast locally at 8 p.m. on TLC. Christina Keegan, right, winner of the 2009 Miss Nevada Pageant, hugs Miss Nevada 2008, Julianna Erdesz, before receiving her crown at the Miss Nevada Pageant in Reno. Photo by The Associated Press "(In working with other sexual assault victims, Keegan learned that they, too), put the blame on themselves: They did something wrong, they said something, they wore something. That was how I felt. But I learned that, as a victim, you're never at fault, and you're also not alone." Christina Keegan Miss Nevada Christina Keegan, center, reacts after winning the 2009 Miss Nevada Pageant while Miss Nevada 2008, Julianna Erdesz, right, and Nevada's Outstanding Teen 2009, Alexis Hilts, left, congratulate her. Photo by The Associated Press It's a cliched, but not-undeserved, joke that beauty pageants support such simplistic and crowd-pleasing aims as "world peace." But when Christina Keegan takes the stage Saturday in Las Vegas to represent Nevada in the 2010 Miss America competition, she will be there to address an issue that's as far from world peace as it gets. Most Popular Stories INEXPENSIVE TRIPS: Bored and broke? There are plenty of things to do in Las Vegas 'Godfather of Poker' tells his own story LIFE ON THE COUCH: Las Vegas pawnshop center of new reality series CHECK IT OUT: Libraries become important spots for fun, help in tough times MIKE WEATHERFORD: Midler ponders talent, tickets 29TH ANNUAL BEST OF LAS VEGAS POLL: Decisions, Decisions 29th Annual Best of Las Vegas Poll GARDENING: Perfect plants for those with a brown thumb THE R-J GOES TO A PARTY: Celebrities help raise money for missing children TRIP OF THE WEEK: Dumont Dunes provides unique recreation during cool months Sexual assault. Keegan's platform, "Strength Over Silence: Rape Education and Recovery," is an intensely personal issue because, five years ago, while studying in Spain, Keegan was, herself, assaulted. Since then, advocating on behalf of sexual violence victims has become "my passion," says Keegan, a Gardnerville resident who has completed her first year of medical school at the University of Utah. "Many people have this conception that Miss America is this ceremonial, beautiful girl who wants to believe in world peace," Keegan says. "Well, that's not true." Nothing against world peace, Keegan adds with a laugh. But, she continues, sexual assault is "not a convenient issue, it's not a pretty issue, (and) it needs to be addressed." Imagine, Keegan says, what it would mean "to have someone like Miss America say, 'I'm a survivor of sexual assault, and I'm not ashamed.' " Judges willing, it will be that sense of passion, leavened with humor and a generous helping of girl-next-door charm, that will win Keegan the crown on Saturday when the 2010 Miss America Pageant Finale takes place at Planet Hollywood Resort. The event will be televised nationally on the TLC cable channel. For Keegan, the competition is the culmination of a long-held dream and plenty of hard work. "It actually took me six years to become Miss Nevada," she explains. "I was first runner-up to last year's Miss Nevada. So, it took me some time this past year to decide, 'Do I want to come back?' " At 24, this is her last chance at the crown, because she has reached the competition's age limit. Giving it one more shot also means taking a year off from medical school and, as Keegan describes it, "putting the rest of my life on hold." But, Keegan says, "I've dreamed of becoming Miss America for as long as I remember." Keegan was born in Long Beach, Calif., but has lived in Gardnerville since the age of 7 and considers it "my hometown." Since her selection as Miss Nevada last June, it has been one very happy hometown. "The Carson Valley is just so excited. In the 61 years we've had Miss Nevada, I'm only the second one from the Carson Valley. The first was in 1991, Malia Winn (from Minden)," Keegan says. Keegan hopes to beat the odds next weekend, too. For instance, she notes that no Miss Nevada has won the Miss America crown, "and I'd love to bring that honor to our state." She laughs. "And only two redheads have become Miss America," she continues. "So I want to improve those numbers." From a more utilitarian standpoint, winning the Miss America crown would offer Keegan scholarship money. Keegan -- whose undergraduate degree is in molecular biology with a minor in psychology -- has completed her first year of medical school and, while she has not decided on a specialty, she says she's intrigued with pediatrics and pediatric neurology and oncology. But, she also admits with a laugh, her "fantasy" career would be to "go into sports medicine and work as team physician for an NHL team." Winning the scholarship money that comes with the Miss America crown -- she already has earned almost $20,000 in scholarships through the Miss America program -- would be "huge for me, as a medical student," Keegan admits. "Every dollar I win is a dollar I don't have to take out in loans and don't have to pay back." But the most important thing being Miss Nevada offers -- and that becoming Miss America would increase -- is the opportunity for Keegan to speak out about sexual assault. For months after her own assault, "I did not tell my family or my friends, because I was ashamed," Keegan says. For similar reasons, Keegan didn't report the assault to authorities. But, in the years since, as Keegan worked as a volunteer with other sexual assault victims, she learned that they, too, "put the blame on themselves: They did something wrong, they said something, they wore something. "That was how I felt. But I learned that, as a victim, you're never at fault, and you're also not alone." While the scholarship-related benefits of competing are "wonderful," Keegan says, the real reward for her is being "able to see the look in people's eyes when I speak out about my story. "When they see someone else tell them: 'It's OK. You don't have to be ashamed, and you're not all alone in this,' that's what makes my job worthwhile." Keegan has a realistic perspective on what being Miss Nevada, and competing for Miss America, is all about. "I love that, in the Miss America organization, the scholarship aspect of the program is what's emphasized," she says. It's even worth noting that Keegan has had to spend time over the past seven months correcting some Nevadans' confusion of Miss America with the rival Miss USA beauty pageant, which has been embroiled in public controversies in recent years. Keegan -- a classically trained dancer who, during the talent competition, will dance en pointe to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" -- doesn't think of herself as a "beauty contestant" or "beauty winner." Rather, Keegan says, perhaps half-jokingly, that she thinks of herself mostly as a medical student who happens to dress up occasionally. "This is part of my job," she explains. "The high heels, the hair spray, the makeup is part of my uniform." Win or lose, Keegan figures she's better off for having gotten to know Nevada and its people. In seven months as Miss Nevada, Keegan has seen more of the Silver State than have most Nevadans who've lived here for decades. Take one recent afternoon, when Keegan visited with some Reno sixth-graders. What questions did the young Nevadans ask? "Do I live in a mansion and am I rich," Keegan answers, laughing. "Are the stones in my crown diamonds? I get that all the time. How do I keep the crown on my head? That's the most-asked question. Even adults, I see them looking, and I say, 'Yeah, I stapled it on.' " (The answer, by the way: An elastic strap pinned to her hair with clips.) "A lot of people think I balance it on my head," Keegan adds with a laugh. "No." Contact reporter John Przybys at jprzybys@ reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0280. *13 *1. Catherine C. Masto, ....... *2. *13. | |
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News SAVE THIS EMAIL THIS PRINT THIS MOST POPULAR RSS FEEDS POST A COMMENT Jan. 24, 2010 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal NEVADA POLITICS: Lowden draws on experience, vision in Senate run She moved from schoolteacher to TV to gaming to politics By LAURA MYERS LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Watch the video Republican Sue Lowden waits in the lobby at a local television station in Laughlin where she was interviewed about her campaign to replace U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader of the Senate. To take on Reid, Lowden must first get past nearly a dozen GOP candidates in the June primary election. Photo by Justin Yurkanin/Las Vegas Review-Journal Sue Lowden graduated from New Jersey's Gloucester Catholic High School in 1970. Photo courtesy of Sue Lowden Sue Lowden performs in 1971 with Bob Hope during a six-week USO tour that included stops in Vietnam during the war. Photo courtesy of Sue Lowden During her beauty queen days, Sue Lowden won the title of Miss New Jersey 1973-74 and went on to be second runner-up in the Miss America contest. Photo courtesy of Sue Lowden Sue Lowden talks with supporters at Wulfy's Sports Lounge in Pahrump, a stop on her inaugural, weeklong bus tour of rural Nevada that took her from Laughlin in the south to Reno in the north. Photo by Justin Yurkanin/Las Vegas Review-Journal Sue Lowden, shown speaking with campaign consultant Mario Diaz last week in Laughlin, knows she must go to rural areas to meet voters on their own turf if she wants to win their support in her campaign to be the next U.S. senator from Nevada. Photo by Justin Yurkanin/Las Vegas Review-Journal Sue Lowden flops down onto a swivel-recliner and starts digging in her purse. She pulls out a bottle of Vitamin C and pops one into her mouth. Most Popular Stories Man shoots, kills intruder who broke into his home Police seek four suspects in Strip robbery, kidnapping Forecasts: Nevada to lose more jobs, more people NORM: Nightclub showers Salahis with jeers Operator of theater, gay nightclub files for bankruptcy DOUG ELFMAN: Cougars convene Friday at Tropicana 27-HOUR ORDEAL: Kidnappers nab tourist from Strip NORM: Man survives crash, opens new cantina EL NI袿 WEATHER SYSTEM: Las Vegas Valley gets record rainfall Rain tapers off in valley as Red Rock, mountains get snow Rain tapers off in valley as Red Rock, mountains get snow "I feel something coming on," she says, then leans back to take in her surroundings -- the cramped inside of a Monaco Executive RV, a 9-year-old road warrior that's her official Senate campaign bus. It's near the start of a weeklong tour of rural Nevada and she's already feeling worn out. "I need a plane!" she jokes. "Buses are great moving campaign billboards," consultant Robert Uithoven reminds her. Lowden's photo is plastered on one side of the 40-foot-long RV, decorated with scenes from the Las Vegas Strip to the "Reno" sign, from the old mining town of Virginia City to Fallon's Blue Angels flying in formation, from the Sierra Nevada to Thunderbirds at Nellis Air Force Base. The bus all but screams: I am Nevada. And, Lowden's campaign might add, I'm not Washington, and I'm not Harry Reid, the four-term Democratic U.S. senator Lowden wants to unseat if she can survive the Republican primary. Which is what this 1,000-mile trek is about, from Laughlin at the southern tip of the state to Reno up north, aimed at introducing Lowden to a crop of mostly conservative voters who turn out in force. What is there to know about Sue Lowden? There's the public Lowden, the former TV reporter and 1980s anchorwoman in Las Vegas, the state senator in the early 1990s, and the multimillionaire casino owner with her husband, Paul. There's the long-legged beauty queen, the 18-year-old who toured the world and went to Vietnam with Bob Hope and the USO, dancing in a line of girls wearing go-go boots and miniskirts, and the 1973 Miss New Jersey who finished second runner-up in the Miss America contest. And there's the private Lowden, the 10-year-old whose father left her mother, the teenage waitress from New Jersey whose grandparents were Lithuanian immigrants, and the mother of a teenage son who had a drug and alcohol problem and died under mysterious circumstances. It all will be under scrutiny: public accolades, personal triumphs, private tragedies. Why put yourself through the electoral wringer? "We had a kitchen table conversation," Lowden says, looking over at husband Paul. "I had to decide whether I had the stamina and the will to do it. And we decided this is the most important thing I could do in my life right now, to fix the mess this country is in." Paul Lowden adds, "She's doing it for the right reasons. She doesn't need a job. She's a patriot." KICKING THINGS OFF IN ELY Lowden's kickoff primary campaign blitz begins in Ely on Saturday, Jan. 16, with a Lincoln Day breakfast. The RV debuts at a fireworks show that night in the seat of White Pine County. On Monday, Lowden rides with her 10-year-old granddaughter, Vanessa, in the Martin Luther King Jr. parade in downtown Las Vegas, where rain makes for a soggy event. "I got soaked," Lowden says after carrying her own bags onto the RV to hit the road for a tour of Laughlin, Reid's hometown of Searchlight, Pahrump, Beatty, Goldfield, Tonopah, Mina, Hawthorne, Yerington, Minden, Carson City, Dayton and Reno to open her Northern Nevada campaign headquarters. "We plan to win every county, and you can't win unless you show up," says Uithoven, a native Nevadan from Reno who ran Gov. Jim Gibbons' campaign. Showing up could be Lowden's motto. It's how she got the USO gig with Bob Hope, who persuaded her to change her name from Pluskoski to Plummer. "They weren't looking for the person with the most talent," says Lowden, who could play the piano and dance a little. "They were looking for someone who was going for the right reason. And they were looking for someone who could travel on a cargo plane and wake up and give a show at 2 or 3 a.m." Lowden, a still-trim blonde with gray streaks, once was reluctant to talk about her pageant period. "I used to be embarrassed, thinking people would think I'm not serious, but it paid for my college education" with scholarships, says Lowden, who earned a bachelor's degree in education from American University in Washington, D.C., and a master's from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Rutherford, N.J. While pursuing her master's, Lowden taught kindergarten for two years in Edgewater, N.J. At the time, women were just breaking into big-time broadcasting: Jane Pauley on the "Today" show and 1971 Miss America Phyllis George on CBS Sports. "I met her," Lowden said of George, citing her and Pauley as inspirations for her next move, interning at a TV station, which led to a job with a CBS affiliate in Las Vegas, KLAS-TV, Channel 8. "I took a real risk. I changed careers. I took a chance," says Lowden, who got the job in 1978 for $13,500 a year. "I felt I had to change, to do something, and so I did it. I was fascinated by journalism." But she was green and barely trained. On her first story, a bank robbery on the Strip, her cameraman had to tell her what to do when interviewing an FBI agent. "My cameraman said just stick the microphone in front of him and say, 'What happened?' and so I did what he told me," she says, demonstrating. She was a TV reporter and then anchorwoman for 10 years until 1987. She also helped host the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy telethon and was a founding member of Nevada Child Seekers. Lowden quit TV after getting married and having children. Paul Lowden had two kids, a boy and girl, and together they had two sons. She also wanted to help her husband's business. He owned the Sahara and Hacienda, and they later built the Santa Fe, all of which they have sold. The couple, worth about $50 million, remain majority owners in the Pioneer Hotel & Gambling Hall in Laughlin. "I worked nights. I worked holidays. I put a lot of time into it," Lowden says of her broadcast career. "My husband said, 'I wish you would work that hard for our growing company.' As old-fashioned as that is, I really loved that he wanted me to work for the company with him." And then came politics. "I ran out of a sense of passion," says Lowden, who didn't think the right man was in the job. Her first campaign was tough. In 1992, she won a heavily Democratic district by defeating Jack Vergiels, then the state Senate majority leader. Her second campaign was tougher. She lost re-election in 1996 to Valerie Wiener, partly because the powerful Culinary union targeted Lowden, the swing vote on keeping Nevada a right-to-work state. "They picketed in front of my house," Lowden says of the unions, whose members have complained the Lowdens have fought efforts by unions to organize at their casinos. After a stint as the chairwoman of the state GOP, Lowden decided to jump into the Reid race when Republican pollsters last summer saw the U.S. Senate majority leader as vulnerable -- and that the former state senator could beat him. (The early polling didn't test the name of Danny Tarkanian, the former UNLV basketball star and Lowden's closest GOP primary opponent, because he wasn't yet on the Republican radar.) So now Lowden is back on the campaign trail, reintroducing herself to Nevadans. "I think they don't know that I come from humble beginnings," she says. HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Her grandparents worked in the coal mines of Pennsylvania after they immigrated from Lithuania, she says, then moved to Camden, N.J., and worked in the New York shipyards during the war. Her mother worked in a factory, and her parents divorced when she was 10 years old. Asked about her father, Lowden's face hardens, the wall goes up. "My mother remarried when I was 15. I consider him my father," she says. Times were tough when her mother was raising her alone, says Lowden, an only child. "You don't know what it's like to have your teeth drilled without novocaine, but that's what you do because novocaine costs more money," she says. Lowden's mother helped raise her children during the past two decades, coming with her to Carson City and then to Las Vegas as well. "I couldn't do it without her," Lowden says. Her parents now live in Florida, and all the children are grown, including 44-year-old Chris -- a cancer survivor -- 42-year-old Jennifer and Paul IV, who will be 26 in late January. "Will would have been 23," she says of her youngest. "He passed away six years ago." How did he die? "He choked at a friend's house," Lowden says after a long pause. Does she know the exact cause? She shakes her head, her face clouds with grief as the bus travels through the cold night rain. "He had a drug and alcohol problem. He was doing well. He was in rehab. He was doing so well." Lowden recovers, sits up straighter and lifts her chin. "I don't shy away from talking about it because we need to talk about it," she says, although Lowden can't yet bring herself to get involved in anti-drug and anti-alcohol programs or meet the people who received her son's donated organs, including two kidney recipients in Las Vegas. "I'm not ready," she says. "It's too close." The bus is silent except for the splashing rain. Then Paul Lowden speaks up. "He was gifted," he says of their son, who played bass and jammed in public and private with his father, a keyboard player and jazz musician turned casino entrepreneur. "I started playing again because of him," Paul Lowden smiles. "I got back into it because of him." William Lowden attended the Las Vegas Academy, a magnet school for the performing arts, "like 'Fame.' You know the movie 'Fame,'" Paul Lowden explains. "They played every day at home," Sue Lowden says. "You're born with it -- talent," Paul Lowden says. Like father, like son. "He had it, and I had it, too." At first blush, it might not seem the Lowdens have much in common, the glamorous former TV personality and the rough-and-tumble jazz man and gamer, but their East Coast accents give them away -- she of Jersey and he of Delaware, born in December 1943, making him 67. She'll be 58 in February. They like to tell the story of how they met. "She don't know me from a load a coal. I see her on TV, but she can't see me," Paul Lowden says. "I noticed her accent." "I don't sound that bad," Sue Lowden objects when he mocks her drawn-out vowels. He made a cold call to the TV station. She answered her own phone. He asked whether she was from New Jersey or Philly. They talked and discovered they had both worked summers at Wildwood, N.J., a resort town, she as a waitress and he playing keyboard at places that served alcohol. "We lived six blocks from each other," Sue Lowden says of the town where jazz greats such as Fats Domino and Miles Davis played. "I couldn't wait to meet him. He was somebody from home." Their first date was a "safe" lunch, she says. Eight months later they married in March 1983. SHARING HER IDEAS WITH VOTERS Now, Paul Lowden stays in the background while Sue Lowden shakes hands and chats up voters as she does the other morning at American Legion Post No. 60 in Laughlin. About 70 people show up at 7:30 a.m. for a cinnamon bun and coffee breakfast, most of them white-haired and worried about Medicare and veterans benefits. "We are starting our world tour, and we are starting it right here," Sue Lowden says. She reminds them the Lowdens are majority shareholders in the Pioneer, and that her son Paul works there, and her son Chris used to work there, too: "It's good to be home." She gives a short version of her anti-Washington, anti-taxes stump speech, and reminds people that she understands it's tough to run a business and make ends meet. "I know what it's like to make payroll," she says. "I have legislative experience, but it's not like I'm a professional politician. I'm not." She says she would be different than Reid and would not have voted for President Barack Obama's federal stimulus package, but instead would have pushed to cut payroll and corporate taxes to put more money directly into the pockets of people and businesses. "That would be not fake stimulus but real stimulus, putting money in your pocket, and you stimulate the economy any way you want," Lowden explains, saying that could lead to job creation. At the same time, she attacks Reid for claiming to be the most powerful senator and yet not doing more to make sure Nevada gets its "fair share" of the $787 billion stimulus package. Instead, Nevada ranks 50th in per capita stimulus funding with access to about $1.5 billion. She also plays to the home crowd, noting she's a proponent of "home rule," which would let areas of Clark County such as Laughlin incorporate to keep and spend its tax dollars as locals like. Home rule is a big applause line in rural Nevada, and it gets a round in Laughlin, too. "I've been here before and I'll be back again," Lowden promises before taking questions. Most of the crowds at Lowden's stops are Republicans, called and invited by the campaign to meet her, but she's also drawing some conservative Democrats and independents. Ross Reimer, 63, moved to Laughlin seven years ago from Newport Beach, Calif. A Democrat, he voted for Reid in 2004. This time, he says he'll vote Republican and back Lowden. "I'm a Harry Truman Democrat, a conservative," he says. "The party has left us, and there's nowhere to go. I voted for Reid before, but I can't anymore. He don't represent Nevada anymore." Reid made a stop in Laughlin a couple weeks before Lowden, dedicating a transportation center after helping secure $1 million to complete construction. Reimer went to see him. "I see them all," he says, but it didn't change his mind. An hour up the road, Lowden's tour is a bit of a bust in Searchlight. Less than a dozen elderly voters show up to meet her at a senior citizens center, where a framed document on the wall lists Reid's mother, Inez, as one of its founding charter members in 1978-79. And most sandwiches go uneaten at the next stop, a "meet and greet" lunch at the Searchlight Nugget Casino, where less than a dozen people come to see Lowden. Most oppose a proposed wind power project they believe will hurt the environment and send power to California. "I'm leaning toward Sue," says Judy Bundorf, 66. "Tarkanian -- his name is known but his politics and policies are unknown. I want to meet him, but I prefer someone with a known record." What about Sharron Angle, a former Reno assemblywoman with rock-hard conservative credentials? "She'll probably carry the cow counties, but she won't have a good showing in Clark County," says Bundorf, who like many anti-Reid voters are making careful calculations about who could beat him. On the way out of town, the Lowden entourage stages a photo-op for a Las Vegas TV camera crew, posing outside the gates of Reid's home on a sagebrush covered hill. It's a made-for-TV moment, a false note designed for the "air game" campaigns play to win voters in urban Washoe and Clark counties, where pricey political ads flood the airways as Election Day nears. Lowden also does local newspaper, radio and TV interviews, adjusting her makeup and making jokes about crow's feet around her eyes. "Pick a nice photo," she tells a photographer. Rural Nevada is a ground game where candidates win votes one by one, face to face. "There's nothing more powerful than sitting across from them," says Lowden's pollster, Todd Vitale. "You're still wet clay to them, but they have a general positive view of you now," he tells her. If he were Reid's adviser what strategy would he use to save his seat? "I would do what Reid did, say you'll 'vaporize' your opponent," Vitale says, referring to an anonymous quote from a Reid adviser. "I need to destroy my opponent." On the trail, Lowden makes light of the threat, saying: "You know what I told him when he said he would vaporize me? Start on my hips." HOPING TO MATCH MASSACHUSETTS Lowden's hulking RV braves Blue Diamond Road on a snowy evening to reach Pahrump. Excitement grows as special election returns come in for Massachusetts. The late Ted Kennedy's U.S. Senate seat was considered a safe Democrat bet until Republican Scott Brown shook up the political landscape by stealing victory. The Lowden camp wants to repeat the David versus Goliath story. Inside Wulfy's Sports Lounge in Pahrump, Lowden wades through a boisterous crowd of more than 120 people, mostly loyal Republicans and early supporters leaning her way if not already decided. She goes from table to table as folks feed on aluminum trays full of fried chicken and onion rings, plates of pepperoni pizza and a live big-screen TV stream from Massachusetts that fires up the room. "We started in Massachusetts tonight, and we're going to finish in November by defeating Harry Reid,'' Lowden yells before being helped up onto a chair so she can be heard over the din. A man delivers a wolf whistle, and Lowden smiles and thanks him. "I know you're looking me up and down," she says. "I'm in it to win it." Outside the lounge, Lowden makes herself a cup of hot tea with lemon to soothe her throat. "I think this is a clear message that people are fed up," she says of Massachusetts. Also, "Harry Reid can be defeated, I think that's the message." How can she keep up the pace to get past a GOP primary field that's nearing a dozen? "This is not a sprint. This is a marathon," she says. "People are handing me checks. Anything can happen. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Contact Laura Myers at lmyers@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-2919. Share & Save Leave Your Comment 23 Reader Comments Terms & Conditions The following comments are provided by readers and are the sole responsiblity of the authors. The reviewjournal.com does not review comments before publication nor guarantee their accuracy. By publishing a comment here you agree to abide by the comment policy. If you see a comment that violates the policy, please notify the web editor. Some comments may not display immediately due to an automatic filter. These comments will be reviewed within 48 hours. Please do not submit a comment more than once. Please enter your name Name: Please enter your email Email: Please enter a comment COMMENTS : (word count limit is 300) You have reached the maximum number of words allowed Current Word Count: Note: Comments made by reporters and editors of the Las Vegas Review-Journal are presented with a yellow background. Jenifer wrote on January 24, 2010 07:52 AM: go sue, go You have nevada's support Sam wrote on January 24, 2010 07:50 AM: Anyone is better than Harry, but statistically women are pretty horrible legislators. The great majority are liberals. Most like the "it takes a village" theme. And "can't we all get along and share"? Hate to count somebody out just because of their gender. That's as bad as counting them out because of their race, but still, the averages speak for themselves. Anyone care to look at California? (Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi) Former Republican wrote on January 24, 2010 07:49 AM: I am not voting for Sue Lowden. She stole the election at the 2008 Republican State Convention. I don't trust her one bit. not impressed wrote on January 24, 2010 07:32 AM: I saw Sue's interview in Sawn Hannity's show and I had to change the channel. It was painful listening to her, she came out fake and rehearsed. The key to Scott Brown's victory was Scott offered a real choice and he was authentic. People know if you are real. We are looking for a real change not just words. We don't want the fake change we currently have in the white house, Reid, and Pelosi. Hopefully the primary will sharpen up the R candidates. WE WANT REAL SOLUTIONS, NOT JUST A NAME CHANGE! Coach C wrote on January 24, 2010 07:15 AM: Anyone who loves hockey can't be all bad. I'll probably vote for this hockey mom. Capt Marvel wrote on January 24, 2010 07:03 AM: Sue Lowden is playing the 'physical beauty card' to win election as U.S. Senator from Nevada. A pretty face and nice body does not make up for a bimbo brain and no class. This women will be a tremendous ally for the Chamber of Commerce and a great enemy for all working American citizens. She wants your jobs for the illegals she hopes will flood the job market if she can help that cause. She will work hard with other congressional supporters of open borders and all rights for illegals in order to load the American market with cheap labor. She will work to steal your job, benefits, health insurance and retirement. If she gets her way you will have none of the above. The French solved their problem with Marie Antonnette and we may very well have to use similar tactics to defeat her short of "off with her head'. American politics reaks with 'dirty tricks' and coneiving ways to win elections. She is not beyond that in her election bid; to her money is power and she has the money behind her. Defeat Sue Lowden in the primaries ... getter' done before it is too late! Brian Gordona wrote on January 24, 2010 06:54 AM: NoNo: That's right, I did find out that Medicare would pay for it. Hmmmm wrote on January 24, 2010 06:43 AM: Anybody but Harry, even if it is Sue baby. X Doc wrote on January 24, 2010 06:32 AM: An advertisement for Sue brought to you by the Republican Party and LVRJ,stinks No thank You, a blond Sarah Palin. Tom Atriedes wrote on January 24, 2010 06:26 AM: Hey RJ, your bias is showing again... Read All Comments Contact the R-J | Subscribe | Report a delivery problem | Put the paper on hold | Advertise with us Report a news tip/press release | Send a letter to the editor | Print the announcement forms | Jobs at the R-J Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal, 1997 - 2010 Stephens Media, LLC Privacy Statement *1. 999c. Barbara ........ ************************** -------------------------- | |
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