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<<< [To be enhanced ...] >>>

Cheer on the Men's and Women's Basketball Team!

Fri, February 19, 2010 10:55:57 AM ^^^From: Pepperdine University Alumni Association [alumni@mail1.pepperdine.edu] Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

Viva Las Vegas!

2010 West Coast Conference
March 4 - 8, 2010

Games Door Prizes Pep Rallies Tailgates

Pep Rally
Thursday, March 4, 2010
5 - 9 p.m.
Build your own tacos

Tailgate Parties
March 5 - 8
1 hour before men's and women's basketball games

Experience the City of Lights with an array of alumni activities at no cost to you. Relax at the "Pepperdine Zone" headquarters in the Big Easy Lounge, located at the lively Orleans Hotel and Casino, with 24-hour hospitality service. Cheer on the Mens and Women's Basketball as they play in the exciting 2010 West Coast Conference Championship.

There is no charge to attend alumni events but registration is strongly suggested.

The Orleans Hotel and Casino
The Big Easy Lounge
4500 West Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89103
Map and Directions

It's not too late to purchase your basketball tickets.

Connecting the Pepperdine community

Pepperdine University Alumni Association
24255 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90263
(310) 506-6190 alumni@pepperdine.edu
Copyright 2009 *1

*1 Pepperdine University .......



<<< [To be enchanced ...] >>>

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]?TQ̨˹S˹??February 09, 2010 12:00 AM | 21 ^?| 0 | 1 | | ... ½Ŀһ, 01/25/2010 - 22:32 linhe CSSA괺 ..... ^ղԪǰ300ϣDܣ19o?Wӡ󡢳ɮ?ȣ?gƷ ..... 2010-01-16 ?󸱿... World Journal ... Worldjournal.com . ...
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WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
It was published by "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News" on December 10, 2004. .... It is brought to you by the Communitylink of 'Las Vegas Review-Journal' and ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=... - Cached

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page
Welcome to WBTI Website! ... Christian Chinese Business Association of Las Vegas ... Chinese Daily News (World Journal) ~{!$~} Las Vegas Chinese Daily News ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - Cached - Similar


I need to know you stand with me!

Thu, February 18, 2010 3:39:13 PM ^^^From: John McCain (john@johnmccain.com) Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com


Your endorsement means
a great deal to me.

Please add your name to the
list of men and women
supporting my Senate campaign.

Follow this link to give your endorsement.

My Friend,

Throughout my life I have faced many challenges that have tested my character and my values. I have met each of these challenges with resolve because I believe that service to our country is my calling in life. I have long said that I owe America more than she has ever owed me and I never doubt that our country is the greatest in the world.*2057

Today, we face perilous challenges that threaten our nation's economy and security. We are being led down a dangerous path as the current Democratic leaders continue to spend at an unprecedented rate. I have been the leading opponent against them, fighting everyday against wasteful spending and government expansion. However, if I am to continue fighting for our shared values, I must win reelection to the United States Senate.

I want you to know that I never take any election for granted, and this will surely be the toughest reelection battle I've ever faced. Today, I'm counting on your support for my campaign. Your endorsement means a great deal to me and today, you can show your support by following this link to add your name to the growing list of men and women supporting my campaign.

I am thankful for each and every person who extends a hand in friendship as I campaign for reelection. I'm proud to have the support of such strong conservatives like Governor Sarah Palin, Grover Norquist, Bill Bennett, and my Arizona colleagues Senator John Kyl and Congressmen Jeff Flake, John Shadegg and Trent Franks. I'm also proud to announce the support of 31 mayors from across Arizona who joined my campaign this week.

I hope I can count on you to join them by adding your name to our online list of supporters. Please follow this link to add your name today.

Unfortunately, my primary opponent chose to launch his campaign this week with a litany of lies calling my record of service into question. So I'd like to set the record straight. I'm a fiscal conservative. I'm the one who has fought against earmark projects that my opponent has supported. My opponent's relationship with the disgraced lobbyist, Jack Abramoff led the voters of his Congressional district to vote him out of office in 2006. And if he is elected to the U.S. Senate, it will be a substantial setback for the conservative values you and I share.

Today, I sincerely hope you will stand with me by endorsing my candidacy. After adding your name, I ask that you make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100, or any amount up to the legal limit. Your support, regardless of the amount, will enable me to spread the truth about my record of service across Arizona.

My friend, this race will be tough, and I believe that I have to earn the votes of the people of Arizona in order to return to the Senate. If you stand with me today, I pledge that I will continue to fight for our shared conservative values. I am a man of my word, and when I make campaign pledges, I keep them. I hope you will show your support for my campaign today. Thank you.


John McCain

P.S. I never take any election for granted, and I know I must earn the votes necessary to return to the Senate. I am grateful and humbled by the outpouring of support I have received thus far. But, I need to know that you stand with me as well. Will you follow this link to sign our online endorsement form? Your immediate support means a great deal to me. After signing the form, you will be given the opportunity to make a financial contribution to my campaign. Any amount you can give up to the legal limit is greatly appreciated.


Please visit this page if you want to remove yourself from the email list.

Paid for by Friends of John McCain


*2057. John McCain. '... .!' "An e-mail ...



Taxpayers for Common Sense: Reid delivers for Nevada!

Taxpayers for Common Sense released a report this week that shows that Sen. Harry Reid brings home more federal earmark dollars than the rest of the Nevada delegation combined, coming in sixth in the senate in solo earmarks and eighth in joint earmarks. Nevada got more in earmark dollars last year than most other states, coming in 10th in per capita dollars thanks to Reid.*8

Earmarks are a crucial way Nevada competes with other states for federal dollars for crucial projects such as infrastructure improvements, military construction and flood control projects. Without earmarks, Nevada would receive much less federal funding per capita than other states because state government doesn't fund many programs as robustly as other states do.

So while Sen. Reid brought home more than a quarter billion dollars in funding for important projects and services in the state of Nevada, U.S. Senate candidates Sue Lowden and Danny Tarkanian have sworn off earmarks, leaving Nevada out in the cold while other states take home much-needed funding.

LVRJ/wbti: ˹S˹„ (fzۉzuVv) Las Vegas Chinese News Network (http://www.lvcnn.com) Welcome viewing with our Local Las Vegas News tomorrow! ---LVCNN Editor-in-Chief Mary Lin *9

*8. NSDP. .......


WHO: Pres. Barack Obama
WHERE: Green Valley High School, 460 Arroyo Grande Blvd., Henderson, NV 89014.
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 19 at 10 a.m.



for a search of "LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.: President Barack's coming" by MSN.com!

ӛTQ̨˹S˹February 16, 2010 12:00LVRJ/wbtiLVRJ/wbti U.S.A. Reid:LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.:See allClear all | Turn offALL RESULTS1-10 of 10 resultsAdvanced Safe Search Strict

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.! A. Positive Celebrating lvrj/wbti: President ... during President Barack Obama~{!/~}s ... of Obama's visit, accusing the president of "hypocrisy" for coming to ...

communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... Cached page

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ...
More on this page
323. Meet Barack Obama in LV, NV!
Meet Barack in Las Vegas tomorrow!
... Election lvrj/wbti U.S.A.: *****
By Terence Tolbert

Barack is coming to Las Vegas tomorrow, Saturday, October 25th.*323

He'll be holding a rally at Bonanza High School and talking to folks about what we can do together to change this country.
Address 6665 Del Rey Avenue Las Vegas NV 89146
Email info@dinatitus.com
Go to the page
... Barack Obama's ... President of Pepperdine University [International lvrj/wbti U.S.A ... lvrj/wbti U.S.A.: ***** By Terence Tolbert **__** ***** "..... ." ??? *8003. Barack is coming to ...

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...
"It's my great honor to be named by ...," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Bill Maupin. "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=013450010... - 67k - Cached - Similar pages

Re: Greetings from UNLV Chinese Students & Scholars Association
Wed, February 17, 2010 12:37:48 PMFrom: Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: Meng Li (ch??????999@gmail.com)
Cc: tojulei@yahoo.com


You may find post of events on LVRJ/wbti. Did you find more of yours?

From: Meng Li (che?????999@gmail.com)
To: tojulei@yahoo.com
Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 11:47:41 AM
Subject: Greetings from UNLV Chinese Students & Scholars Association

Respected Dr. Lei,

My name is Meng Li, the current president of UNLV Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) . I could not find your namecard after the Gala was over. I'm afraid it dropped out of my pocket. Luckily, I just found out yesterday one of our committee members, Xiaoxue Qu, also met you during our event. She forwarded ...

... I was wondering if ...

Lastly, May The Year of Tiger Bring You Happiness, Success and Filled with Peace, Hope & Togetherness of your Family & Friends.

Meng Li
Dual MBA/MS in Hotel Administration Candidate
President of Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA)
An organization dedicated to serve UNLV students who have Chinese heritage or are interested in Chinese culture
(9?8) 5??-6???


LVRJ/wbti: ˹S˹??Ԫһʽ?? ---LVCNN Chief of Editor Mary Lin


> ?
LVRJ/wbti: ˹S˹??Ԫһʽ??





<<< To be edited ... >>>

Tickets available Thursday for Obama-Reid town hall in Las Vegas!

***** On Friday, Feb. 19, Pres. Barack Obama will hold a town hall meeting on jobs and the economy with Nevada's own Sen. Harry Reid. Pres. Obama was discuss the jobs bill Sen. Reid introduced last week, which will cut taxes for businesses that hire unemployed workers and encourage small business investment.*1

WHO: Pres. Barack Obama
WHERE: Green Valley High School, 460 Arroyo Grande Blvd., Henderson, NV 89014.
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 19 at 10 a.m.

For security reasons, do not bring bags and limit personal items. No signs or banners permitted. All attendees will go through airport-like security. Due to limited space at the event the White House will only be able to fulfill a limited number of requests for tickets. Tickets are not for sale or re-sale.

Tickets are required and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 18. Tickets will be distributed at Green Valley High School Football Field Box Office, 460 Arroyo Grande Blvd., Henderson, NV 89014.

[[[ WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for LVRJ/wbti: ӛTQ̨˹S˹February 16, 2010 12:00 AM | 995 ^Δ with Safesearch on. (0.41 seconds)
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]ӛTQ̨˹S˹February 09, 2010 12:00 AM | 21 ^Δ| 0 | 1 | | ..... ӛ߽𿵍slideshow 130գҲr1216գyеġβա ... Alumnus President Dr. Ying-jeou Ma PPAA Forum the Angel AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A. . ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar ]]] *3

Reid visits volunteers in Northern Nevada

On Saturday, Feb. 20, Sen. Harry Reid will visit with volunteers at a luncheon in Reno. Sen. Reid knows volunteers like you are the backbone of the Democratic Party, and he wants to thank his Northern Nevada volunteers for their hard work.

WHAT: President Senator Reid Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
WHERE: Cathexis Building, 250 Bell St. Reno, NV 89503
WHEN: 10:30AM on Saturday February 20th, 2010

The event is free. Please RSVP by calling Shaun Gray at (775) 682-0466 or by emailing sgray@nvdems.com.

In The News
Sue Lowden comes under attack by members of her own party after running an ad attacking a longtime state legislator who died in December.

Yucca Mountain is dead once and for all, thanks to Sen. Harry Reid. Click here to see coverage in the Las Vegas Sun and Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Gibbons "puts politics ahead of people" in his State of the State speech, according to the R-J.

NV Energy has agreed to a 20-year power purchase agreement with a wind farm planned near Ely.

Jane Ann Morrison writes in the R-J that Nevadans hold important positions in Washington because of Sen. Harry Reid.

The Las Vegas Sun writes that Nevada is in position to challenge California's supremacy on geothermal energy production.

Nevada gets $6 million for green job training programs from the U.S. Department of Labor.

McCarran airport saves $70 million on a $2.4 billion project thanks to a provision in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that Reid as Senate majority leader helped to pass.

Sen. Reid secures a compromise that will advance Nevada's green energy future.
Coming Events
Latinos for Harry Reid January 18, 1 p.m.

"Man of the Year" Tribute to Sen. Reid January18, 6:30 p.m.

NSDP Central Committee Meeting in Beatty

View Full Calendar

New Resources
Check out the Nevada State Democratic Party's website with important information about Republican Governor Jim Gibbons

America's Worst Governor
Leadership Links
US Senator Harry Reid

US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley

US Congresswoman Dina Titus

Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley

Nevada Senate Democratic Leader Steven Horsford

Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid

Paid for by the Nevada State Democratic Party
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


This email was sent to:

To unsubscribe, go to:
Paid for and authorized by the Nevada State Democratic Party | 1210 S. Valley View Blvd, Suite 114 | Las Vegas, NV 89102 | (702) 737-8683. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the Nevada State Democratic Party are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

*1. ... Nevada State Democratic Party .......

*3. LVRJ/wbti ...


Lg‘fzۉzFebruary 18, 2010 12:00 AM | 27 VŎ | 0 | 1 | |


By Google!

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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]ӛTQ̨˹S˹February 09, 2010 12:00 AM | 21 ^Δ| 0 | 1 | | ..... S𺣰ـ괺ՈͲͣ218gڽԪʳÕr߀ .... Alumnus President Dr. Ying-jeou Ma PPAA Forum the Angel AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A. . ...
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ـС[x L^!
By ӛTQ̨

[[[˹S˹February 18, 2010 12:00 AM | 28 ^Δ | 0 | 1 | |]]]

***** ŵL(D)ܐССx[Г]٣ѹʳ^픡 ӛTQ̨MzӰslideshow ۹һRϾ׃һˣ˹S˹ŵLҲ⡣ЃDexter Parkۉ@eеС[xָ]٣ͽoĹʳ誄^픣@Ӳ@á͹ˮ齻ڡ*7



С[xĸ˹ҕ̨ɭB˃b؈ץץ͡WWItchy and Scratchy...

*7. LVRJ/wbti ...



<<< Just arrives on the Internet .......

The following information have been received from a search of "Chairman Rory Reid" or "Rory Reid, Chairman of Clark County" on the Google.com and Yahoo.com at 3:37 p. m. in the afternoon on April 30, 2007. They are appeared starting from the first line of the first page on the Google.com and Yahoo.com:

(001). For "Chairman Rory Reid wbti" on the Google.com:
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Rory Reid, Chairman ...
Chairman of Clark County Commission ---Rory Reid was promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI ... Dr. Rory Reid, our Adjunct Associate ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 56k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Rory Reid, Chairman ...
'Chairman of Clark County Commission ---Rory Reid was promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "Section 'Business & Administration' of ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 112k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ]

(002). For "Rory Reid, Chairman of Clark County" on the Yahoo.com:
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Rory Reid, Chairman of ...
Chairman of Clark County Commission ---Rory Reid was promoted to Adjunct Associate ... 'A profile of Clark County,' "A search of 'chairman rory reid' on the ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=2 - 56k - Cached

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Chairman of Clark County Commission ---Rory Reid was promoted to Adjunct ... into office as the Chairman of Clark County Commission in Nevada on January 3, 2005. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=19 - 138k - Cached

Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael Douglas said that, "Articles of WBTI's website for community service through the publication by the leading search engines have been achieved for many years. To serve our community with the spirit of love is an inspiration. Their vision and enthusiasm are significant!" *4

"I look forward to working with each of my colleagues on the board to improve Southern Nevadas quality of life in a meaningful way," Chairman Rory Reid said. "Weve done a lot to improve our master planning process and tackle the challenges of growth, from water and air quality to transportation and land use planning. Im confident that we can build upon our success in the coming years." *5 To improve Southern Nevadas quality of life in a more meaningful way, Chairman Rory Reid has extended his participation and encouragement to the missions of organizations like Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), etc. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, his bright vision and enthusiasm on public service, community development, and educational integrity has helped forging him to be the "Best Up and Coming Great Politician" in Southern Nevada!*6

--- >>>



Rory Reid hold grand openings for offices in Las Vegas and Reno!
By John LaRue and NSDP
Fri, February 12, 2010 7:09:58 AM From: Nevada State Democratic Party (news@nvdems.com) Add to Contacts
To: Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]


Dear Tony,

Rory has a plan to build a better future for Nevada - a future centered on a diverse economy, 21st century jobs and a first class education system. But we need your help to send Rory to the statehouse and get Nevada back on track!

Please join us for the grand opening of Rory's volunteer offices in Las Vegas and Reno on Tuesday, February 16 at 5:00 p.m.

Rory will host the celebration in Las Vegas, and future First Lady Cindy Reid will greet supporters in Reno. Whether you live in Clark or Washoe county, this will be a terrific opportunity to find out more about Rory's plan for Nevada, meet the campaign staff, and learn about how you can make the difference in electing Rory Reid Nevada's next governor! Please join us for an evening of food and fun.

Las Vegas office grand opening, hosted by Rory Reid
Tuesday, February 16
5:00 p.m. (program begins at 5:30)
4350 Arville, Suite 29D (2 blocks south of Flamingo), Las Vegas
RSVP by email to rsvp@roryreid.com or call (702) 258-2010 for more information

Reno office grand opening, hosted by Cindy Reid
Tuesday, February 16
5:00 p.m. (program begins at 5:30)
1755 E. Plumb Lane, Suite 120 (across from the airport at Terminal & Plumb), Reno
RSVP by email to mbennett@roryreid.com or call (775) 453-5828 for more information

We hope to see you there!*557789


John LaRue
Field Director


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Paid for and authorized by the Nevada State Democratic Party | 1210 S. Valley View Blvd, Suite 114 | Las Vegas, NV 89102 | (702) 737-8683. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the Nevada State Democratic Party are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

*557789. John LaRue and NSDP. '... .!' "An e-mail from ...


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"LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. Reid:LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.:ӛTQ̨˹S˹February 16, 2010 12:00"

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The following article is valuable to be a reference for the related view of points about the above feature article. It is our pleasure ot post the following one through the courtesy of WBTI's website:

[[[ Nevada's vision on Macau
Imagination may help bring us with creativity, happiness, and prosperity!
By Jennifer Kung

To develop immaginative power,
we must specialize in our own fields
but be alert to new ideas from any source
and continually seize and set down our
inspirational flashes
when they come to us.

---Carl Holmes*m1

***** "Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity (dare) of the imagination." ---John Dewey (*From 'The Quest For Certainty'.)

Imagination is important for an individual and institution. It is the ability to perceive opportunity. Imagination may produce creativity. Creativity contributes profit and prosperity for an institution. Where imagination and innovation are encouraged, it floirish. Innovation is doing something different. Innovation comes from people and it requires insight.

We are pleased to quote the following five short but meaningful ones:

*** The most interesting people are the people with the most interesting pictures in their minds. ---Earl Nightingale
*** Imagination is more important than knowledge. ---Albert einstein
*** The human race is governed by its imagination. ---Napoleon
*** Inspiration and imagination go hand in hand. ---Annonymous
*** Every vital organization owes its birth and life to an exciting and daring idea. ---James B. Conant

It's our pleasure to post a short story and quotation from "Speaker's Source Book" by Glenn Van Ekeren:

What is serendipity? It is discovering something totally unrelated to the problem you are trying to solve. Call it an accident, dumb luck, or fate--serendipity has given our world great products, new hope, and better ways of doing things.
Foe example, Columbus discovered America while searching for a route to India. It is said that the American Indians, finding no water for cooking, tapped a maple tree and made the first maple wyrup as the sap boiled down. Pioneers, traveling westward, stopped for water and found gold nuggets in a stream. These are all examples of serendipity.
However, the classic example of serendipity must go to George Ballas. As George Ballas drove his car through a car wash, ... Why not use a nylon cord, whirling at high speed to trim the grass and weeds around trees and the house? Bingo! the Weedeater was born!
... Finally, in 1971, Ballas invested his own money in the first thirty- pound Weedeaster. ...
Before long, Weedeater, Inc., grew into a multimillion-dollar international corporation. Yes, one idea can be worth a fortune. Weedeater, Inc., was born from a simple idea in a car wash. *m2

Do you believe Chairman of Apple Computer John Scully said that, "Innovation has never come through bureaucracy and hierarchy. It's always come from individuals"?

"Adelson said Cotai and Macau will combine to make the Chinese region the Las Vegas of the Far East," posted the LVRJ on May 28, 2006. The report was entitled "The Development of Cotai Strip Helps Complete a Personal Vision for 72-year-old Sheldon Adelson - Creating a Second Las Vegas ---Up to 3 billion People Live a Short Distance from Macau" by Howard Stutz, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News.*m3

"More images Macau took a giant step toward becoming the Las Vegas of Asia with yesterday's opening of the world's biggest casino. The $2.4 billion Venetian Macao Resort Hotel is the centerpiece of a $12 billion 'integrated resort' development - the first Las Vegas-style megacasino on a sliver land called the Cotai Strip,"
posted the 'Business & Money' on August 29, 2007. It was reported by Suzette Parmley,
Inquirer Staff Writer.*m4

"Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which is everything in the world," said Blaise Pascal.*m5

Innovation is practical for a real need. It is not a random process. "When it works, it works because someone has identified a real need, and found a way to bring new ideas or new technologies to bear on that need," said Lewis W. Lehr. An innovator's life is governed by "to create" lists. She or he is incessantly pursuing new possibilities and refinning existing ones.
"Business has only two functions," wrote the late Professor Peter Drucker, "marketing and innovation."

[[[ (The most quick Result at 8:23 p.m. on Octoberb 22, 2007!) Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Join us the "Ready to Lead in the West" rally with Hillary Clinton please! By Kate Marshall*1 and Tiffany Chang. Dear judy, Hillary will be in Las Vegas for a rally on Sunday, October ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/21/2007 ?Cached page ]]] The article in the box was published by WBTI on October 19, 2007. The above result is just received today now at 8:23 p.m. on October 22, 2007. The article was written by Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall and Tiffany Chang. Great efficiency, the leading search engines on Internet!

"Justice Nancy Saitta Heads Nevada Team at National Summit on Children," posted the Supreme Court of Nevada on March 6, 2007. "Certainly, the likelihood of learning about resources, legislation, and innovative programs is significantly enhanced when those who are part of a system, here child welfare, are together in one place." *1'

"Thank you, it's my honor," said Associate Professor Nancy M. Saitta of the Graduate School of Business and Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). Supported by the Advisory Board and faculty members of WBTI since then with wisdom of cooperation and publicity through articles, its missions helped her win the election as Justice of Nevada Supreme Court in last November.

One of Justice Nancy Saitta's picture is on section 'Congratulations' (at the 10th small line of its Home Page) of WBTI's website. Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei are proud of the accomplishments of their young sister Nancy Saitta, District Judge of Nevada (now Justice of Nevada Supreme Court 04/26/07).

Our coming work performance to some significant projects will be feature articles for the visibility and popularity of some international cities through the leading search engines on Internet: (1) Beijing, (2) Soel, (3) Taipei, (4) Macau, (5) Bangkok, and (6) Clark County ("Las Vegas"). Tourism and business are our best priorities for the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of WBTI, nothing much about politics. The late Dr. Peter F. Drucker inspired us that, "Innovation is very important. No good business can survive without successful innovation during a period of time!" Nevada is the fountain of hospitality and touring business. Macau is a recent practice with Nevada to have great prosperity in tourism and economic development. Now, Nevada Assemblywoman Francis Allen is a Regional Marketing Administrator of Korea of the AMI and Advisor of the ICBC of WBTI. For innovation and breakthrough in the field of business, the wise men may have a bright and beautiful sky!

To encourage tourism and business is a world-wide value for every country in this world, not just for Nevada! Volunteerly on a non-profit and non-partisan basis, we are pleased to assist the promotion of this endeavor. We love heartily the world that we are living with!

Innovation is one of the most important traits for the prosperity of American business. The time has come for our Pan Pacific and Asian countries to emphasize and catch it as soon as possible!




Just arrives upon the secne ....... >>>

Feb. 16, 2010
Copyright - Las Vegas Review-Journal

******* PRESIDENT'S LAS VEGAS TRIP: Details of Obama visit emerging
Town hall meeting, CityCenter visit, fundraiser on itinerary

The Complete Las Vegan blog
A personal invitation to President Obama

President Barack Obama, speaking recently during a town hall meeting in Nashua, N.H., drew sharp criticism after a remark about Las Vegas.
Photo by The Associated Press

***** President Barack Obama will hold a town hall meeting at a high school, tout job creation in a speech at CityCenter and attend a $1 million Democratic fundraiser in a visit this week that comes after he twice singled out Las Vegas as a place not to spend money during economic hard times.

Obama's Southern Nevada swing Thursday and Friday is aimed partly at boosting the re-election chances of Sen. Harry Reid. The Democratic Senate majority leader's political future is in jeopardy after leading the stalled White House effort in Congress to pass health care reform.

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The president also may make a personal apology to Las Vegans for using the city as a punching bag in comments he made this month and a year ago about how Americans and corporations looking to tighten their belts should avoid dumping dollars into the city's visitor-dependent economy.

"I do believe you will see an apology come out of his lips," said Mark Peplowski, a political science professor at the College of Southern Nevada. "He'll say twice I said something about Las Vegas and twice I got sent to the principal's office. But then he'll probably say something more serious to apologize."

The White House planned to release details of Obama's visit today, but officials familiar with the tentative plans confirmed the broad outlines of what he's expected to do.

Obama is scheduled to arrive Thursday evening and attend a closed fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee at the Southern Highlands home of George Maloof, owner of the Palms hotel and casino where Paris Hilton and other young stars and Hollywood elite like to party. Southern Highlands is a wealthy gated community in the south valley, just west of Interstate 15.

About 45 people are invited to the fundraiser, with donors asked to pay up to a maximum of $30,000 a head, with the goal of raising at least $1 million for the DNC, said one person familiar with the fundraising effort and speaking on condition of anonymity because nothing had been announced.

Maloof said he was pleased to host Obama. The casino chief has a history of donating money to the Democratic Party and candidates, including Reid. In September, however, he gave $2,400 to the U.S. Senate campaign of Danny Tarkanian, one of the leading Republicans running in the primary race in a bid to unseat Reid, according to federal election records.

"I think it's an honor to host the president at my house," Maloof told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, but he refused to discuss his personal politics. "I'll just say this is an honor."

On Friday morning, Obama is expected to hold a town hall meeting at Green Valley High School. The president is reaching out more these days to Americans and the Republican Party after a year of seeing his popularity plummet as people grew disenchanted with the Democratic Party, the health care debate and the seeming inability of Washington to solve the nation's economic crisis.

Republicans, taking advantage of voter discontent, managed to win U.S. Senate elections in the Democratic stronghold of Massachusetts and governors races in Virginia and New Jersey.

"I think the town hall meeting is more about trying to push his bipartisan agenda. I think he wants to show that he's in touch with the American people," Peplowski said of the president.

Obama's planned CityCenter visit is overdue. He was scheduled to come to Las Vegas for the mega-opening in December, but he was delayed by the health care debate and then a failed terrorist attempt to bring down an American passenger airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day.

On Friday, the president -- with Reid in tow -- is scheduled to meet with workers at CityCenter, the $8.4 billion project that has been promoted as the greatest hope for bringing Las Vegas back from the economic brink, a downturn that has created 13 percent unemployment in the state.

A presidential speech to business leaders is planned inside the 61-story Aria, the hotel-casino centerpiece of the project, which is expected to create 12,000 permanent jobs.

Reid and the MGM Mirage said the senator helped salvage CityCenter by calling banks to encourage continued financing, according to a campaign ad the senator has aired.

Obama may get a mixed reaction since his visit comes two weeks after he put his foot in his mouth again about Las Vegas during a town hall meeting in New Hampshire. His remarks raised the hackles of Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, who expressed a desire to give the president "the boot" for his remarks.

"When times are tough, you tighten your belts," Obama said. "You don't go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don't blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you're trying to save for college."

Reid rebuked Obama, something he didn't do a year ago when the president criticized Wall Street in a town hall meeting in Elkhart, Ind., saying, "You can't get corporate jets. You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime."

"While the President is correct that people saving for college need to be fiscally responsible, the President needs to lay off Las Vegas and stop making it the poster child for where people shouldn't be spending their money," Reid said in a statement after Obama's New Hampshire remarks. "Nevada is the nation's top destination for tourism and conventions. It is more popular than any other place in the country, and for good reason: it's affordable, easy to get to from anywhere and the weather is perfect.''

The Las Vegas forecast for Thursday and Friday is sunny with a high of 68 and a low of 47. In Washington, where heavy snowfall last week put the nation's capital on ice, the forecast at the end of the week is partly cloudy, with highs in the low 40s and lows in the low 20s.

Contact Laura Myers at lmyers@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-2919.



RE: ok ... ---Re: ľi---KѪ] - - Pls share with others..
Mon, February 15, 2010 4:09:54 PMFrom: Susan Dai View Contact
To: Tony Lei


Dear brother Tony and sister Judy,
Thank you very much! Happy Chinese New Year!

God richly bless you!


Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 16:27:05 -0800
From: tojulei@yahoo.com
Subject: ok ... ---Re: ľi---KѪ] - - Pls share with others..
To: susandai@hotmail.com
CC: tojulei@yahoo.com

Happy Chinese New Year!

Section of "Business & Administration"


From: Susan Dai
To: Alice ji ; amy chen ; Alex Chang ; Amy Huang ; andy wu ; Annie Shen ; cindy zhang ; Danny Wang ; Deborah Liu ; Frank Liu ; Henry Hu ; Hong Zhou ; Ina Wu ; Jing Chen ; Jessy Tsao ; Joni Jen ; Juan Xu ; Judy Ma ; Judy Wang ; junhua liu ; Mary Chung ; melinda xiao ; Michelle Lo ; Nancy Wu ; Sha Chen ; Stephen Chan ; Steve Yang ; Tony Lei ; Tom zhao ; xiaoyu yang
Sent: Mon, June 23, 2008 8:24:55 PM
Subject: FW: ľi---KѪ] - - Pls share with others..

Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 18:10:31 -0700
From: jenniferchen12@gmail.com
To: sally4wu@gmail.com; susandai@hotmail.com; yingmin@yahoo.com; alison_tsao@yahoo.com; liaoellen@gmail.com; frankpattyj@yahoo.com; jocelynhuang@mac.com; shirleyhuang7@yahoo.com; yangshao7@gmail.com; shaw60huang@yahoo.com; melissalluwu@gmail.com
Subject: ľi---KѪ] - - Pls share with others..

Dear all,

Pls read and share with others, thanks.

God bless,

Jennifer Chen

69꣬ǰSίTL ---ëHԸοS


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ɏLn ⰸ!
By Їr & 硿

2010-02-16 ***** AǰyɏנuՓⰸָQǰyˮŲÇՙCҪMVϴXnj̨˾

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Tourism and business are our best priorities for the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of WBTI on the ground of non-profit and non-partisan basis. The late Dr. Peter F. Drucker inspired us that, "Innovation is very important. No good business can survive without successful innovation during a period of time!" Nevada is the fountain of hospitality and touring business. Macau is a recent practice with Nevada to have great prosperity in tourism and economic development ...



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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ...http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... Christine is one of our clever, young, and elegant sisters in ROLCC. ... Every kind of life is happier because it is there. The same river Jordan flows south into another sea. ..... "Here are pictures I took from Las Vegas trip, church retreat, ...
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WebMii - Belinda LiuBelinda Liu is t...all " River of Life Christian Church, Sunday School Class, Holy . .... http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ...
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'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry ... Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President ...

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - SPECIAL EVENTS THIS ...

Dr. Tony T. Lei President District Judges Mark R. Denton and ... 'Invitation Card,' "An e-mail to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei from the President of the Paradise Democratic Club John Ponticello ...

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Rory Reid, Chairman ... ... Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and ... by wbti (like "rory reid wbti ...

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Commission Rory Reid has been recommended by WBTI as a Special ... reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti. Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John ...

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politicaldog101.com/2010/01/10/merlin-on-the-nevada-2010-governors-race Cached pageRory Reid | Facebook Governor State: Nevada Party: Democrat Current Office ... Rory Reid Had a great talk with teachers in Winnemucca. ... http://www.lvrj.com/blogs/ politics/Stonewall_Dems_st raw ...

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Rory Reid Son of Senate majority leader broke his father's edict and endorsed Clinton ... "I've had conversations with all of them except Governor Richardson, but there's been ...

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<<< To be enhanced ... >>>

Presidents' Day Weekend!

Mon, February 15, 2010 6:43:26 PM ^^^From: Dina Titus [info@dinatitus.com] View Contact
To: Tony Lei (tojulei@yahoo.com)


Dear Tony,

During Presidents Day weekend I had the opportunity to meet hundreds of constituents in every corner of our Third Congressional District. Listening to the thoughts and concerns of residents in Green Valley, Summerlin, Overton, and Mesquite inspires me to keep standing up for Nevadans and continue the work we set out to do over one year ago.

In Mesquite I shared donuts and coffee with the members of the newly chartered Democratic Club, spoke to the League of Women Voters, and met with Mayor Holecheck, Friends of Gold Butte, and Veterans in Sun City Mesquite.

While traveling from Mesquite to Moapa, I was reminded of the beautiful desert we have right in our very own backyard. Later, I toured the Moapa Valley National Refuge and the Moapa Valley High School Farm. I ended the evening with a wonderful dinner honoring our World War II Veterans in Moapa.

Today, I celebrated the holiday by talking about issues at a house party in Summerlin, touring several small businesses, and enjoying great food and conversation at a volunteer kickoff on the west side of the district.

Now, as we move into another campaign season, I ask that you continue to stand with me as we work for the kind of progress in Washington that will keep families in their homes, restore jobs to Nevada, and ensure visitors continue coming to Las Vegas. If you have not yet, please make a contribution to my campaign for re-election today. By contributing now, you can help us reach our goal of 100 donors in February! With your continued help, along with that of the hundreds of supporters I met this weekend, I know that we can win come November and continue to stand up for the values which you and I share.

THANK YOU for all that you do.



P.S. If there are events or meetings that I could attend, or to host a house party for my campaign, please click here today!


Dina Titus

P.S. If there are events or meetings that I could attend, or to host a house party for my campaign, please click here today!

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You were added to the system January 16, 2007. For more information
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Paid for by Dina Titus for Congress

Miss Charlyne Chen, Dr. Feng-wei Lai, Dr. William Thompson and among others of ICBC ---LVRJ/wbti & LVRJ/ncaa


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Just type your name like "miss gloria wong" or "dr kenny guinn" on the searching ...... ʢٹ̼оԺԺLׄ첩ʿ; lai feng wei; mr wan-chang sheu; ...
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<<< Miss Charlyne Chen of ICBC ....... (To be continued ...) >>>

??u ?zӰuʯ







Meet our "Best Up and Coming Politician" Chairman Rroy Reid in Southern Nevada
By Jennifer Kung

***** The ultimate responsibility of a leader is to facilitate other people's development as well as his own. ---Fred Pryor*1

From a Commissioner in 2002, Rory Reid serves now as the Chairman of Clark County Commission.

Certainly, Las Vegas Life Magazine recently named Rory Reid "Best Up and Coming Politician" in Southern Nevada.



Press Releases: Remarks With Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal
Mon, February 15, 2010 6:07:15 PMFrom: U.S. Department of State View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com


Press Releases: Remarks With Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal
Mon, 15 Feb 2010 18:52:01 -0600

Remarks With Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

February 15, 2010


SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much. I am delighted to be here today with the foreign minister and to have had this opportunity for a very active day of consultation and conversation, both with the foreign minister and with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Majesty King Abdullah.

The United States and Saudi Arabia have long shared a partnership. As the foreign minister said, it goes back 65 years this week to another meeting between our President and the Saudi King. It is a partnership that is both durable and dynamic. It is built on mutual respect and mutual interests, and it is crucial to our shared hopes for the future. I am pleased to have had this opportunity to both reaffirm that partnership and discuss how we can broaden and strengthen it.

There are many, many important issues that we discussed together today. And last night, I reaffirmed at the speech that I gave at the United States-Islamic World Forum President Obama~{!/~}s vision of renewed partnership and shared responsibility. Tomorrow, I will have the privilege of meeting with Saudi citizens in Jeddah, including women, students, business leaders, civil society advocates, to explore further the bonds between our people and the common aspirations that we all share: security for ourselves and our communities; a better life for our families; and the chance for all children to live up to their God-given potential.

A pillar of this broad engagement is the idea that we must take shared responsibility. We face common challenges, as the foreign minister said. We discussed Afghanistan and Pakistan, the extremist groups who operate from bases there who have killed people of many faiths in many countries. Both the United States and Saudi Arabia have been targeted, so we know what is at stake. And I want to extend my appreciation to the Kingdom for the effort that it has undertaken to combat terrorism everywhere.

Our two nations also share the goal of a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. The King and foreign minister and I discussed how best to re-launch credible and productive negotiation on Middle East that will achieve both parties~{!/~} aspirations. ...

Dina Titus' on Presidents' weekend ...




Ӣ˹̕ 23O!
By ˹S˹Ӎ

February 07, 2010 12:00 AM | 79 ^Δ | 0 | 2 | |

***** ˹S˹Ӣ˹̕23g7rڻNrƘǣeе33괺磬ÕrA_ߵȷԺٵ˹λҪ߀ЇvfɽI^IͬλIͬـǴcSͬc

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Jean Liu's Teaching ...
- [ Translate this page ]Post through the courtesy of the "~s„" of Worldjournal.com: ..... Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... February 23, 2006, at the Lieburn Senior Center, 6230 Garwood Avenue (map is enclosed). ..... ˹S˹Ӣ˹̕ـ׶Ǽt", "ـǢ˹̕e´䣬 ...
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Worldjournal.com 02/15: Happy Presidents' Day ---Chairperson Honorary Dr. Elaine L. Chao and President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) *77777dfj

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Search Results„W-ɼ - [ Translate this page ]ӛkɼ. February 11, 2010 12:00 AM | 693 ^Δ | 2 2 uՓ]: | ]o | ӡ. ـǑcЇIJá ӛTQ̨MzӰ ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]February 11, 2010 12:00 AM | 4604 ^Δ| 8 8 uՓ]: | ] ..... By ӛTQ̨. ˹S˹February 12, 2010 12:00 AM | 52 ^Δ| 0 | 2 | | ... ӛTQ̨MzӰslideshow. ******* 2010ȭ_ِ1014 ...
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