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022710-2247 (022710-1307) [022610-1827] |
下班3小時,改變人生的開始~東海EMBA報名開始(2/18-3/01) Thu, February 25, 2010 9:27:38 PMFrom: 東海大學就業輔導暨校友聯絡室代發 [alumnus@thu.edu.tw]View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com *8. EMBA. 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 26, 2010 12:00 AM | 36 觀看次數 | 0 ------------------------------------ WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for LVRJ/wbti Reid & Chao: Worldjournal.com 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 26, 2010 12:00 AM | 36 觀看次數 | 0 with Safesearch on. (0.48 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ][ Translate this page ]記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 09, 2010 12:00 ... 1 for "LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 19, ..... [[[拉斯維加斯報導February 18, 2010 12:00 AM | 28 觀看次數| 0 | 1 | |]]] ..... 這期間,黃僑I找到一個中國古老的秘方,每天吃一劑「黑木耳豬肉湯」,持續吃了26劑,才 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar --------------------- "My name is Xiaoxue Qu, but most people call me Snow. I am currently admitted to the Honors College in UNLV. I have been dedicated night and day to study and learn English to the best of my ability, since I’ve arrived to America. I currently go to the UNLV Writing Center for help 3 to 4 times a week, sometimes twice a day. I only turn in assignments that I feel are written to the best of my ability. In addition to this, I use multiple unique memorizing techniques to study for all courses. One of them is learning 200 new English words per day to enhance my vocabulary," writes Miss Xiaoxue Quto WBTI/USA on Fruary 26, 2010. . "One year ago, when I came to America to study English, I could not communicate with people, who spoke English. However, I struggled and persevered, which allowed me to graduate from the English Language Center at the University of Nevada, Reno. Based on my letters of recommendation and consultation in lieu of a TOEFL score, I was admitted to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas." "In order to accomplish and pay for this amazing education, ...," "... further my education. I persist to try my best in everything that I do, whenever I can. Keeping with my faith and goals, I study and work hard with confidence and passion; even though it is difficult for me to communicate, learn, and study in America, due to English being my second language." ... ( To be continued... )Even though my disease is a challenge for me to cope with any difficulty in my life, I still struggle with it, and I am very successful based on academic excellence, extracurricular involvement, and social experience. No matter what difficulties I am encountering, I can do my best to deal with them. After UNLV, I will attend one of the best universities and earn my MBA. With this honorable degree, I will be able to reward my family for the many, many sacrifices they are making for me! *175 "The above resume has been sent to LVRJ/wbti for review of any good opportunity to Miss Xiaoxue Qu," WBTI Spokesman Dr. John Z. Wang points out in the afternoon on February 26, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. "Our President Tony has been authorized to recommend a qualified student with $5,000 in Scholarship for her or him to register at Pepperdine University this semester." -------------------------------- References *175. Xiaoxue Qu. '... for MBA ....... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
The Reid Report - February 25, 2010 Thu, February 25, 2010 4:33:04 PMFrom: Senator Harry Reid Add to Contacts To: judy lei -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are having trouble viewing this message, please click here. February 25, 2010 Unsubscribe Update My Profile Senator Harry Reid ?Putting Nevada First Dear Fellow Nevadan, We are taking major steps to being help to Nevada. Specifically, we are taking action to cut taxes, create jobs, keep people in their homes and get our state抯 economy back on track. Earlier this week, I wrote to you about the importance of the $100 million in housing assistance that we fought for and won in order to keep Nevada homeowners in their homes. With the housing crisis affecting so many families through foreclosure, and many others through declining home values, something had to be done. This morning I announced that an additional $1.3 million is going to Las Vegas for foreclosure prevention projects. Yesterday, the Senate passed an important Jobs Bill, which invests in our country抯 infrastructure and creates or saves more than one million jobs. I am proud to say that it does not add to the deficit and I worked hard to gain bipartisan support. The small business tax cuts in this bill will help companies across Nevada hire new workers and help families put food on the table. Later this week and next, the Senate will consider another Jobs Bill, this one intended to help unemployed workers by extending unemployment insurance and health coverage. For the third time this session of Congress, I brought up the Travel Promotion Act, because I know it will bring more visitors to our state, creating thousands of new, good-paying jobs for our workers. This bill doesn抰 cost American taxpayers a thing, and it will help our businesses immensely. This time, I am confident we have the votes to pass this important measure. Also this week, Senator Ensign and I testified on behalf of the Tahoe Restoration Act. Our work to preserve Lake Tahoe has both an environmental and economic benefit for the state. This work will ensure Lake Tahoe remains one of the most sought after tourist destinations in all the world and that will be further enhanced by the Travel Promotion Act. There is more work to do to help Nevada抯 families and put our economy back on track, but I am focused every day on just that task. Thank you for reading this update. Please visit my website for more information. HARRY REID United States Senator for Nevada | |
022510-1705 |
蔡依林 72變上海開張! By 江芷稜記者江芷稜台北25日電February 25, 2010 12:06 AM | 787 觀看次數 | 2 | | ***** "蔡依林設計服飾,版圖擴張到亞洲。 圖:天喜提供slideshow 天后蔡依林新春開工,廣告邀約滿檔,由於和牛仔褲廠商Levi's合作,她的號召讓整體業績提升30%,今年順利續約擔任代言人,拍攝平面廣告秀出修長美腿,Jolin自行設計的品牌「72變」(Seventy Two Changes),也將攻占大陸,27日在上海上市," Miss 江芷稜 reported vividly. It was showm from the following search: 唱片業不景氣,歌手發展趨於全方位,經營副業更是不可少,經營美甲店有成的Jolin,去年在美國紐約成立個人品牌「72變」開拓事業版圖,第一季的訂單就達到100萬美元業績。 據大陸媒體報導,Jolin的潮服店「72變」,周六在上海開張,她將親臨位於上海淮海中路時代廣場的首家門市,與粉絲親密接觸,未來門市繼續拓展到北京和廣州。 藝人經營副業,難免分身乏術,Jolin說,儘管工作忙碌,但自己對設計很有熱情,加上背後有一個很好的工作團隊支持,有些作品是個人設計,有些則融合美國和其他國家的專業服裝設計師的創意,讓她很有成就感。*5 ----------------------- *758768. 江芷稜. '... .!' "...... *5. Jolin ... innovation and acheivehment ....... ------------------------------- 更多新聞 蔡依林:很榮幸 | Mar 15, 2009 蔡依林 超級外貌協會 | May 01, 2009 孫燕姿 演唱會 蔡依林 助聲勢 | May 11, 2009 蔡依林 勁歌熱舞 歌迷 高聲吶喊 | Dec 01, 2008 蔡依林 孫燕姿 後台賭一把 | Apr 19, 2009 ---------------------------------- ********************************** <<< WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "LVRJ/wbti Reid: 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 25, 2010 12:00 AM | 36 觀看次數 | 0" by Google.com with Safesearch on. (0.44 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]春节联欢晚会最新节目单星期一, 01/25/2010 - 22:32 — linhe 对于CSSA虎年春晚如有. ..... Harry Reid. Click here to see coverage in the Las Vegas Sun and Las Vegas ... 馮鳴台. [[[拉斯維加斯報導February 18, 2010 12:00 AM | 28 觀看次數| 0 | 1 | |]]] .... LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.:…記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 16, 2010 12:00" ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar >>> --------------------- <<<<< To be enhanced ... Your Historic Achievement Thu, February 25, 2010 2:06:54 PMFrom: 80-20PACPresident View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Acting Exec. Director Dr. S. B. Wu's voice! Pres. Obama announced the nomination of Goodwin Liu, a law professor at U. of CA, Berkeley to the US 9th Circuit court of Appeals. Consequently, (1) There will soon be 2 Asian Am. Circuit Court judges -- a historic feat, & (2) The number of AsAm life-tenured federal judges increase from 6 District judges + 2 Circuit Court judge to 12 District judges + 0 Circuit Court judges, since 2006 when 80-20 announced* its goal to increase the number of such AsAm judges. The above is YOUR ACHIEVEMENT! ... ..... ....... Respectfully yours, S.B. Woo Acting Exec. Director (a volunteer), 80-20 PAC, Inc. * 80-20 gratefully acknowledges the support of the leaders of LEAP and CACA at the Press Conference in Los Angeles, CA. >>>>> ----------------------------------- | |
Al Gore to headline Clark County JJ Dinner! Al's coming!! By CCDPThu, February 25, 2010 1:48:38 PM ^^^ From: Clark County Democratic Party [info@clarkdems.com] Add to Contacts To: Tony Lei (tojulei@yahoo.com) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fore more information or to purchase ticekts, click on the invitation below. Tickets to Vice President Al Gore's speech are available starting at ....... *7377. CCDP. '... .!' "An e-mail from ...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
022410-1550 |
?W巴馬:我愛維加斯! 馮鳴台拉斯維加斯??ebruary 22, 2010 12:00 AM | 133 觀看次? | 0 | 2 | | ***** ?W巴馬?統19日?]有?樗?芍芮笆а远狼福?s一連說了?状蜗矏劬S加斯的言語,?統來?城?槊裰鼽h?⒆h院長雷德(Harry Reid)?選連任造?荩19日上午在韓德森市綠谷高中(Green Valley High)百姓大?═own Hall Meeting)?r,他巧妙的點出?状巍咐咕S加斯」,用正面言詞表達他愛?城。 隨後他再去?⒓由?葜v,他說出「?我更正?明,我愛維加斯!」 百姓大?兴雀兄x綠谷高中?逢犜谒木吐?典禮中???r演奏「?g?c拉斯維加斯」(Viva Las Vegas); ....... | |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for LVRJ/wbti: World Journal 文?者馮鳴台February 24, 2010 12:00 AM | 59 觀看次? | 0 | 2 (LVRJ/wbti: World Journal ??L?议g??銯ebruary 24, 2010 12:00 AM | 59 鎂???澤 | 0 | 2) with Safesearch on. (0.59 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.:乧?L?议g??錆f?z???z??盕ebruary 16, 2010 12:00" ..... The other season of giving begins 6/24/08. Check out the i'm Talkathon. Check it out! ..... February 07, 2010 12:00 AM | 79 鎂???澤| 0 | 2 | | ... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com ?p?[岺彜?23?鷲輳t??!" with Safesearch on. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar | |
022410-1252 |
流行?? 渥?夫:想像力?真?! By 馮鳴台February 24, 2010 12:00 AM | 4 觀看次? | 0 | 0 | |***** 服裝設?進入新紀元,能把想像力?成真?嵈┲姆?就是新流行??荩?α餍凶蠲舾械?r裝界「先知」大衛,渥?夫(David Wolfe)在?城服裝?怪v2010年女裝流行??荨*7乮??H徠?衼j???廧嵼?翉B?I?貝l?v?w?310漭????宏m????怷(Michael Jackson) 惗?O嵼漟?z???z?I??顏C???p??????t惔丆????詯??b?鑿抨y丅 ....... >>>>> 流行?? 渥?夫:想像力?真?! By 馮鳴台 February 24, 2010 12:00 AM | 4 觀看次? | 0 | 0 | | ***** 服裝設?進入新紀元,能把想像力?成真?嵈┲姆?就是新流行??荩?α餍凶蠲舾械?r裝界「先知」大衛,渥?夫(David Wolfe)在?城服裝?怪v2010年女裝流行??荨*768778 [[LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com 2/24 Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. [?瑣s?惃 ???v丗?z???蜐虗^??! By ?L?议g??錆f?z???z?? 2/24}} | |
022410-0917 |
流行?? 渥?夫:想像力?真?! By 馮鳴台February 24, 2010 12:00 AM | 4 觀看次? | 0 | 0 | | ***** 服裝設?進入新紀元,能把想像力?成真?嵈┲姆?就是新流行??荩?α餍凶蠲舾械?r裝界「先知」大衛,渥?夫(David Wolfe)在?城服裝?怪v2010年女裝流行??荨*768778 [[[?瑣s?惃 ???v丗?z???蜐虗^??! By ?L?议g??錆f?z???z?? 2/24 February 24, 2010 12:00 AM | 4 鎂???澤 | 0 | 0 | | ??邃愝?v恑?鼝V?I?硜C??c?z???蜐虗瑦^??慂???I??忺廇惀怴?瑣s?惃丆???瑣s嵟?q??I??邃?E乽愭?m乿??q丆???v乮David Wolfe乯嵼?q忛??邃??W島2010?N?邃?瑣s?]]] *767787 ... By ?者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯?? 2/24 ... David Wolfe .... | |
0223101712 |
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<<< Good News! To be enhanced ...] >>>Al Gore to headline Clark County JJ Dinner Tue, February 23, 2010 4:56:09 PM ^^^ From: Clark County Democratic Party {info@clarkdems.com}Add to Contacts To: Tony, Judy, Angie, and Mike Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** On the top left: <<<<< "Did you get it this time? I was a volunteer for Chinese New Year Gala which i(wa)s held by Asian Chamber of Commerce!" Miss Little Snow says enthusiastically. >>>>> *737767 ******* ... 女導演凱薩琳畢格蘿(Kathryn Bigelow)執導的「危機倒數」(The Hurt Locker) ....... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com Paid for and authorized by the Nevada State Democratic Party | 1210 S. Valley View Blvd, Suite 114 | Las Vegas, NV 89102 | (702) 737-8683. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the Nevada State Democratic Party are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. *737767. Little Snow. '... .!' I'm coming! ....... ----------------------------------------- ***************************************** LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com EDITORIAL 2/23 由此可見,中美之間,雙方要瞭解彼此的核心利益,找到妥協點,這樣,兩國雙邊關係在摩擦中仍然可以朝前邁進。 (LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com EDITORIAL 2/23 桼崯壜尒丆拞旤擵娫丆櫾曽梫椖夝斵崯揑妀怱棙塿丆漄摓懨嫤陏丆攪為丆檁殸櫾绮钀學嵼杸嶤拞樄慠壜埲挬慜绨恑丅) ... ..... ....... -------------------------------------------- | |
LVRJ/wbti ICBC Chairperson Miss Charlyne Chen: Worldjournal.com EDITORIAL 2/23 由此可?,中美之間,雙方要瞭解彼此的核心利益,找到妥?f點,這?樱??p?關?S在摩擦中仍然可以朝前邁進。 [LVRJ/wbti Miss Charlyne Chen ICBC Chairperson: Worldjournal.com EDITORIAL 2/23 ?R???﹣C????V?詠C???v???迧??I?j怱???v丆漄????﹃y丆???閬C?_??早茶?W嵼???C????R????O绨恑丅 | |
022210-1610 |
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022210-1610 |
解讀胡錦濤春節對台胞的講話! 社論 World JournalFebruary 22, 2010 12:00 AM | 656 觀看次數 | 4 | | 大陸最高領導人胡錦濤趕在今年春節小年夜從北京南下,專程拜訪了福建漳州漳浦台灣農民創業園並探望台商,緊接著又轉到廈門,在碼頭上向離港的小三通旅客揮手示意。這是中共最高領導人向台商賀年趕場的首例。大陸媒體分析,胡錦濤上任以來每逢春節,都會到各省區鄉間探訪民情,拉近和人民之間的距離。此番來到福建漳州和廈門,在地緣條件上,不但是閩南語的原鄉,而且是距台灣人民最近的省區,顯而易見,更是在向台灣人民打招呼。 胡錦濤選擇漳浦台灣農民創業園區,和廈門小三通的碼頭,想要傳達的意願更清楚,即有意就近為跨足兩岸從事農業投資的台商打氣,也有迎送台商回鄉或在地過節的雅意。當然胡錦濤也有意藉此提振以福建為主體的海峽西岸經濟區的發展勢頭,除了「同等優先,適當放寬」原則外,更具「先行先試」的條件,這些無非都是為了配合兩岸大三通,為台商從事產業轉移提供有利條件。如今更可搭配兩岸ECFA的簽署,迎接兩岸更緊密的經濟合作和發展。 且看胡錦濤在漳州是怎麼說的,「凡是對廣大台灣同胞有利的事情,我們都會盡最大努力去辦,並且說到做到。現在兩岸正在商談『經濟合作框架協議』(ECFA),這是一件促進兩岸經濟合作、實現互利雙贏的好事。在商談過程中,我們會充分考慮台灣同胞特別是台灣農民兄弟的利益,把這件事辦好」。這些話自是向台灣人民發出保證,兩岸經貿合作不僅是互利雙贏的好事,而且會特別考量台灣農民的利益,總不至於讓台灣農民吃虧。但如何進一步解讀胡錦濤這段講話,就大有講究。 馬英九曾就兩岸經濟合作架構協議表明,會有得有捨;但不會全面開放大陸農產品進口。反對黨則引述世貿組織的規範指稱馬英九沒有說老實話,認定台灣若簽署ECFA,不可能擋得住大陸農產品進口,當然會犧牲農民的利益。 現在由胡錦濤親口承諾會充分考慮台灣農民兄弟的利益,等同是為馬英九的大陸政策背書,並選在春節前向馬英九發出一個大利多。 可惜馬英九未能做出及時反應,預錄的除夕賀歲談話根本沒有提到兩岸,拖到大年初一在法鼓山許願時才提到:願「兩岸共榮,長長久久」。相信這還是經過內部評估後才做出的決定,多少有感於胡錦濤的講話確有善意。 兩岸關係的發展必然牽動中美、台美互動,例如此前因為美國對台軍售引爆爭議,中美之間的政治互信和戰略合作的夥伴關係立即亮出紅燈,固然中美之間的分歧不僅是兩岸問題,從經貿、氣候、人權、伊朗、北韓、新疆到西藏問題,隨時都有可能出現爭執;但北京無論如何都不願意因此觸動兩岸良性互動,更期待兩岸ECFA能順利完成簽署,這就讓台灣得以自外於兩大之間的鬥爭,甚至讓美國牛肉輸台爭議帶來的負面影響不至繼續擴大。胡錦濤對台灣人民特別是農民在春節前夕釋放善意,若要進一步解讀,自然有利於馬英九和藍營、有利於藍營爭取中南部農民的認同。 從兩岸大三通到簽訂兩岸金融監理合作備忘錄(MOU),基本上兩岸經濟一體化已是大勢所趨,何時簽署ECFA其實也應指日可待,所以還存在障礙者,不僅是綠營的反對,多少也出於馬英九個人的遲疑,並期待北京方面能釋出更多優惠。 胡錦濤藉由春節向台商賀年的機會再次釋放利多,當然不是為了支持馬英九個人或國民黨,而是著眼於兩岸大局,要讓台灣人民從兩岸交往當中直接感受到實惠。如果說北京有什麼謀略或意圖,那就是兩岸何時復歸和平統一,何時才可能有真正的中國崛起。 綜覽世界全局,觀看全真的世界日報電子報(ePaper) *737787. ... LVRJ/wbti ....... ----------------------- | |
022210-1219 |
Press Release - Governor Gibbons Saves Education from Massive Cuts - February 22, 2010 Mon, February 22, 2010 2:12:54 PM ^^^From: Office of the Governor [nvg@GOV.NV.GOV]View Contact To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US to tojulei@yahoo.com, and amd among othersGOVERNOR SAVES EDUCATION FROM MASSIVE CUTS Governor changes proposed reductions to dramatically ease burden on K-12 education! By Office of the Governor(NV), Daniel Burns, Jerri Schrouder, Jennifer Kung Governor Jim Gibbons today unveiled new budget reduction estimates that will give more money to K-12 education. In what should have been a 22% cut to education, Governor Gibbons had originally proposed reducing K-12 funding 10% during the present fiscal year and 13% next fiscal year. With ongoing analysis of certain funds, the proposed reduction to K-12 during the next fiscal year is now 10%, which means taxpayers in the State of Nevada will pay about $2.6-billion dollars for K-12 education. This reduction is only for the K-12 funds provided by the state. K-12 education also gets significant funding from the federal government and other sources. When all sources of funding are added together, K-12 education in Nevada will face a reduction of only 2.4%, despite the 22% drop in state revenue. “My plan protects education in Nevada, education is the intellectual infrastructure for our future,” Governor Gibbons said, “I am doing everything in my power to protect education funding during a time of unprecedented revenue shortfalls.” Gibbons again noted that hundreds of thousands of families across Nevada are now forced to make difficult budget decisions of their own and the State of Nevada is no different. “People at home are reducing their spending, people in the legislature and throughout state government must do the same,” Gibbons said, “Large and small businesses are laying off workers, families are being thrown out of their foreclosed homes, now is the time for Nevadans to work together to get through this crisis.” “During the last year, over my objections, sales taxes, payroll taxes and DMV fees were raised. Those tax and fee hikes have torpedoed my efforts to get Nevada’s economy back on track,” Governor Gibbons said, “I know these budget reductions are difficult, but it is time for difficult decisions to be made. And we MUST make decisions that do not include new taxes or increases to fees which will further crush families and businesses in Nevada that are struggling to hang on.” Governor Gibbons proclamation issued last week, stated very specifically what the legislature can consider during the special session. “Nevada has a bright future, we just need to weather this economic storm and we will emerge with a government that is leaner, more efficient and more effective,” Gibbons said. Budget Reduction Estimates (pdf) Daniel Burns Communications Director - (775) 684-5667 cell (702) 290-8980 Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505 *717757. ... from Carson City ....... ---------------------------- 參加華埠選美佳麗獲益良多! By 劉維理 ******* 舊金山21日報導February 22, 2010 12:00 AM | 35 觀看次數 | 1 | | ***** 2010年全美華埠小姐李萬晴(中)、第一公主暨華商小姐歐陽坤怡(左)、舊金山小姐張子倩(右)合影。 (記者劉維理∕攝影)slideshow 2010年全美華埠小姐選美會20日晚圓滿落幕,代表舊金山地主的李萬晴奪下后冠,當選全美華埠小姐。佳麗們一致認同選美的經驗讓她們收穫良多、畢生難忘。 李萬晴表示,她非常榮幸能和眾多傑出佳麗一起比賽,她說,彼此長期相處建立深厚情誼,有很多美好的回憶:「我在宣布得獎者前非常緊張,因為很多朋友嫉浆F場替我加油。獲知得獎後我還忍住淚水,不希望哭了臉把我的妝弄花。」李萬晴現在是史丹福大學大一生,主修外交和人類生物學,打算將所得的獎金用在貼補學費上。 奪下第一公主暨華商小姐的歐陽坤怡,目前是建築公司的業務經理。她表示,雖然選美過程很累、很辛苦,但她非常享受這難得經驗。獲得舊金山小姐殊榮的張子倩只有18歲,是所有參賽者中年紀最輕的,她說:「我因為參加選美沒辦法住在家裡,學習獨立生活讓我成長不少,我以前不敢在公開場合演講,但現在我變得更有信心,面對困難也能沉穩應對。」 既然是選美比賽,有贏家難免有輸家,第四公主王兆蓬說:「我在問答項目表現欠佳,很惋惜沒有盡到全力,但我認為每位獲獎的佳麗都當之無愧。」來自遼寧的劉暢說:「很開心在活動中交到很多新朋友,我對自己的表現也很滿意。重點是要挑戰自己,因為人外有人,天外有天,不會因為沒得獎感到失望。」來自香港的梅主恩在廣告公司有五年的工作經驗,今年是她最後一年能參加選美,她說:「在選美會中我鍛鍊出堅強的韌性,克服了許多從前的恐懼。參加選美讓我多了解中國社區特色,以前我出去可能只代表我所屬的公司,成為選美佳麗後我是代表著中國的文化。」*767787 加入書籤: [Just arrives upon the scene...] *767787. 劉維理. '... .!' "... | |
022110-2237 |
LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com 大高雄藍營人選 竄出黑馬總統府副秘書長賴峰偉 ICBC Executive Diretor Dr. Feng-wei Lai 2010-02-22 新聞速報 【中時電子報/綜合報導】 ***** 五都選舉大高雄市民進黨內提名,秋菊之爭還在拚民調的同時,國民黨傳出將推派總統府副秘書長賴峰偉,在藍營艱困選區迎戰。秋菊兩人皆表示賴峰偉是可敬的對手,歡迎良性競爭。 大高雄地區民進黨勢力盤根錯節,高知名度高人氣的地方首長陳菊、楊秋興還要在民調上廝殺到五月方能見分曉。至於國民黨方面的人選,除了屢次否認的王金平外,據傳黃昭順、侯彩鳳、邱毅也有可能角逐。不過根據媒體報導,藍營高層有意在大高雄艱困選區推出總統府副秘書長賴峰偉迎戰民進黨。 賴峰偉是美國密蘇里大學工程管理博士,從民國八十六年起到九十四年間一共蟬聯兩屆澎湖縣縣長,雖然是學者出身但是身段極低,縣長任內政通人和地方風評極佳,加上高雄是澎湖出外人聚居的大本營,所謂人不親土親,由賴峰偉出馬代表國民黨角逐大高雄市長的確頗具殺傷力。陳菊、楊秋興也不約而同稱讚賴峰偉澎湖土生土長,又有豐富的行政經驗,的確是藍軍裡的黑馬。不過濁水溪以南的綠地勢力龐大,國民黨除了推出優質人選外,還有許多地方經營的苦工要做。 | |
<<<<< 2月23日不容錯過的?宴! ~?艹鲂S彦X嘉陵講座!!Sun, February 21, 2010 10:34:54 PM^^^From: ?|海大?W就?I輔?咝S崖?絡室 [alumnus@thu.edu.tw] View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com 校友卓越講座:錢嘉陵校友! Mozart, Einstein, and the Aspirants!! ***** 錢嘉陵校友?楸拘57?梦锢硐, 現任美?鳭ohns Hopkins大?W物理和天文系教授,同?r是南京大?W、蘭州大?W和復旦大?W的名譽教授。 ... 本次有?C??錢校友返校,是本校??生莫大的?s幸,能?蝰雎犲X校友的人生上?v???、?W術上研究精神,必定收?良多。?囱?您的?⑴c~ 講題 Mozart, Einstein, and the Aspirants ?r間 2010年2月23日(星期二)下午19-21?r 地點 ?|海大?W第二教?W?^音美館 / 音?废笛葑鄰d(免費入?) >>>>> *578787 ※活?泳W址:http://alumnus.thu.edu.tw/news/1/5884 ※校友服?站W:http://alumnus.thu.edu.tw/ -------------------------- | |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com 副秘書長賴峰偉 ICBC Executive (Director)" with Safesearch on. (0.31 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results [for a search of "賴峰偉 ICBC Executive Director" ... By Google!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - International ... - [ Translate this page ]The International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of Washington Business and ..... website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) with colorful and ..... 此次酒會﹐以歡迎澎湖縣縣長賴峰偉夫婦﹐主任秘書許萬昌﹑旅遊局長洪棟霖與各處室 ... is post through the courtesy of the '洛杉磯新聞' of Worldjournal.com: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013520010511201396504... - Cached ------------------------ Make Bing your decision engine ALL RESULTS By (MSN.com): SEARCH HISTORY LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com 賴峰偉…WebHide optionsShow options...…LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com…LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com…LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com 大高雄藍營人選…See allClear all | Turn offALL RESULTS1-2 of 2 results·Advanced · Safe Search Strict Washington Business and Technology…Translate this page Web Results 1 - 5 of 5 for "Business lvrj/wbti U ... 傑出儒學家獎”,' "A mail from Director Lien Yun (連芸) of HCWA to WBTI ... 游芳憫; 周愚; 賴峰偉; governor 賴峰偉 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... · Cached pageWashington Business and Technology…Translate this page ... http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... 讓更多國際友人認識澎湖,縣長賴峰偉 ... Meet Mayor Michael Montandon, Newest Director of the ICBC of WBTI communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... · Cached page ----------------------------- | |
022110-1555 |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "LVRJ/wbti: 拉斯維加斯「新??蟆 (漟?z???z乽怴??駚v) Las Vegas Chinese News Network (http://www.lvcnn.com) Welcome viewing with our Local Las Vegas News tomorrow! ---LVCNN Editor-in-Chief Mary Lin" with Safesearch on. (0.39 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results [By the world's leading search engines on Internet]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]LVRJ/wbti: 拉斯維加斯「新??蟆 (漟?z???z乽怴??駚v) Las Vegas Chinese News Network (http://www.lvcnn.com) Welcome viewing with our Local Las Vegas News ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar *0047 *0047. LVRJ/wbti: 拉斯維加斯「新??蟆. ....... 【佳品假期】直航??波江南春暖花開豪華六日 售?r: NT$??,900 起 ------------------------------- | |
***** Bravura Philharmonic Orchestra 295 Princeton-Hightstown Road, Suite 196, West Windsor, New Jersey 08550 USA Phone: (732) 792-2070 (732) 446-2458 Email: bravura.orchestra@gmail.com... ..... ....... <<<<< 巴露華音樂會 徐淙淙擔綱! 新澤西州訊February 19, 2010 12:00 AM | 165 觀看次數 | 3 | | 鋼琴家徐淙淙將在巴露華交響樂團的年度家庭音樂會中擔綱演出。 圖:巴露華交響樂團提供slideshow 巴露華交響樂團(Bravura Philharmonic Orchestra)將於3月7日(周日)晚間7時,由該樂團音樂總監林巧慈指揮,舉行年度家庭音樂會,音樂會主題為「從波蘭的華沙到寬廣的密西西比河」,由鋼琴家徐淙淙(Stella Xu)演奏「蕭邦e小調第一號鋼琴協奏曲」,慶祝「鋼琴詩人」蕭邦的200周年誕辰。 徐淙淙曾贏得多次鋼琴比賽,包括International Stravinsky Awards Competition、Young Keyboard International Competition、英國International Piano Recording Competition的首獎,以及義大利Bellini International Piano Competition的金獎。她以最優異成績畢業於紐約茱麗亞音樂學院,師承Herbert Stessin。 徐淙淙的演奏足跡遍及美國及歐洲,她亦曾與芝加哥交響樂團、 聖路易交響樂團、上海交響樂團等著名交響樂團合作。 今年也是密西西比河蒸汽船航行200周年,因此該樂團也將演奏美國作曲家「葛羅菲的密西西比組曲」,這一交響樂曲描述了這一大河,從其北方源頭,到紐奧良的狂歡節慶典。該樂團團員們並將個別演出簡短選錄,向觀眾簡介樂器。 此音樂會將在普林斯頓宣道會教堂演出,地址20 Schalks Crossing Road, Plainsboro, NJ 08536。票價15元、耆老12元、學生10元、貴賓25元、預購10元,購票可洽(609)933-1356、(609)790-9559,或電郵bravura.orchestra@gmail.com。欲知詳情,可瀏覽網址www.bravuraphil.org。 >>>>> *767787 *767787. ... 徐淙淙 ....... --------------------------- *************************** | |
LVRJ/Washington Business: Worldjournal.com 022010台灣同鄉聯誼會:將於23日上午10時舉行今年度年會,隨後舉行僑社新春團拜及猜謎遊戲,春節團拜地點在太平洋亞洲廣場二樓,地址是5115 Spring Mountain Rd.當日中午台聯會特別準備午餐招待,歡迎華人參加新春聚餐,一切免費,詳情洽會長陳翊華702-769-1628。************************ ------------------------ LVRJ/wbti: World Journal (worldjournal.com) 農夫市場 有機蔬果真新鮮 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 21, 2010 12:00 AM | 34 觀看次數 | 0 | 0 | | 拉斯維加斯終於有家不太令人失望的農夫市場了,賭場餐廳大廚經常到這挑選有機蔬果,和本地農場最新鮮的產品。位於7485 Dean Martin路上的農夫市場,有一些新鮮少見的有機農產品。 每星期四上午11時至下午2時,知道的人從南內華達州四處前來,農夫市場平時是「百麗宮」(Palazzo)內餐館老闆馬瑞歐.貝提利斯(Mario Batalis)為他賭城內三家餐廳食材準備的倉庫,因為他從南加州以及內華達附近訂購的蔬果質量佳,其他餐館大廚也委託他訂貨,他就在倉庫內每星期四上午開放讓大廚們選購。 等大廚們挑完所需品,供貨的本地農人建議也開放賣產品給民眾,農夫市場型態規模初具,目前在裡面賣有機蔬果的攤位,有百藍坡(Pahrump)水耕蔬菜場種的綠葉香料,阿拉莫(Alamo)農場主人早上才摘採的蔬果,亞利桑那白坡(White Hills)培養菇菌農產品,及山地谷(Sandy Valley)出產的西瓜、哈蜜瓜等水果。 貝提利斯也向中加州大量採購有機蔬菜,平常超市內難得見到的檸檬黃瓜、金莓、迷你茄和各種外國品種豆筴,現在正是收穫季節。 拉斯維加斯地區還有好幾處農夫市場,但攤位少以及賣的蔬果不夠新鮮特別。自從這家農夫市場周四對外營業以來,風聞前來的人很多,貝提利斯無意中開創的副業,也歡迎附近農場加入行列。 *5757 *5757. Worldjournal.com. Feruary 21, 2010 ... Las Vegas, ....... ------------------------------------------ | |
U.S. Congresswoman Dr. Judy Chu |
LVRJ/wbti: Yahoo! News Spring Traveling 弔抔壴奐梀峕撿忋奀烴壴19900 ----------------------- 林語堂與台灣小吃! by 周芬娜 品味人生February 15, 2010 11:35 AM | 543 觀看次數 | 0 | 10 | | | 文章連結 (周芬娜)我初中時就拜讀過林語堂先生的名著<生活的藝術>,對這位『幽默大師』的文章及為人,充滿了景仰。三年前我遊廈門鼓浪嶼時,無意中發現了他青年時代的故居。今夏又專程去陽明山瞻仰了他晚年在台北的寓所,感觸良深。 林語堂(1895-1976)是福建漳州人,夫人章翠鳳的娘家在鼓浪嶼,他們在島上住過一段時日。鼓浪嶼是個極美的小島,離廈門市只有十分鐘的船程。島上紅花綠樹,鳥語花香,昔日的西洋領事館與富商別墅相映成趣,五花八門的中西建築嬴來了『萬國建築博覽會』的令名。街道依山而築,我安步當車的慢慢的欣賞一路上的繁華與蒼涼。許多當年的閩式豪宅傾頹廢棄了,翠綠的琉璃瓦中偶而伸出一枝孤零零的小黃花,令人頓生前世今生之感。 林語堂上海聖約翰大學畢業後留學歐美,章翠鳳同行,兩人並曾長居美國紐約。1966年時(時年71歲)落葉歸根返台定居,故居為台灣政府所贈,地點選在貌似福建故鄉山景的陽明山上,每天可以聽到鄰居親切的閩南話。房子由林語堂親自設計,白牆藍瓦,石徑花窗,種著幾竿翠竹,結合了中國四合院的幽深與西班牙建築的典雅。我細看著他的遺物:手稿、書信、他發明的中文打字機,深感到他多才多藝,不但是位與紀曉嵐、馬克吐溫齊名的『幽默大師』,也是位與袁枚、李漁、梁實秋一脈相承的生活藝術家。 林語堂常說:『生活的目的是要真正享受人生』,因此無論環境如何困苦,總能苦中作樂,並將經驗心得形諸於文字,與世人分享。他的小品文幽默精闢,發人深省;他也熱愛美食、旅遊,善於享受人生。他因翻譯「幽默」(Humor)一詞,以及創辦<論語>、<人間世>、<宇宙風>三本雜誌,提倡幽默文學,因而被稱為『幽默大師』。此外,他還著有<吾國與吾民>、<生活的藝術>、<京華煙雲>、<賴柏英>等經典名著。<生活的藝術>暢銷全球,<京華煙雲>曾被提名諾貝爾文學獎。 他的長篇小說<賴柏英>,就是以初戀情人賴柏英為主角的半自傳性作品。他與賴柏英青梅竹馬,但成年後因求學而離鄉,只好忍痛分手。之後他追求過上海聖約翰大學的好友之妹—廈門鼓浪嶼的醫生千金陳錦端。陳錦端貌美善畫,也對他有情,但陳父卻因他非虔誠基督徒加以干涉,使他飽受失戀之苦。陳父心生不忍,便將鄰居廖悅發(豫豐錢莊老闆)的二千金廖翠鳳介紹給他,成就了他們的美好姻緣,但他終身總對陳錦端難以忘情。 章翠鳳賢慧能幹,是位烹飪高手,大大滿足了林語堂對美食的需求。因此兩人琴瑟合鳴,白頭偕老,共同養育了三位千金。次女林太乙也是位享譽華人文壇的名作家,曾任香港英文版<讀者文摘>主編,最近剛過世。三女林相如是哈佛大學的生化博士,也是位優秀的烹調家,曾與其母章翠鳳合著<中國烹飪大全>,在1960年獲法蘭克福的『德國烹調協會』頒贈獎狀。我覺得這張獎狀其實應頒給林語堂,因他對食譜極有研究,因此影響了妻女,產生『夫唱婦隨』和『父唱女隨』的效應。 ... ..... ....... *7379. 周芬娜. '... .!' "林語堂 ... 幽默大師,... 生活藝術家 ....... --------------------------------- | |
022110 |
<<< To be enhanced ... >>>?商?菽 ?議?T舞獅! By 馮鳴台 Search by "LVRJ/wbti: 文?者馮鳴台February 21, 2010 12:00 AM"| 19觀看次? | 0 | 0 | | [[[拉斯維加斯?商?↙VACC)於19日晚間在百利酒店(Bally's)舉行春節晚?邦C?典禮,350位?城華洋人士?g聚一堂,中式服裝和大紅色成?橘?城政要?c祝中?甑囊轮腹舶l?」?此起彼落。 ?D?者馮鳴台]]] slideshow 拉斯維加斯?商?↙VACC)於19日晚間在百利酒店(Bally's)舉行春節晚?邦C?典禮,350位?城華洋人士?g聚一堂,中式服裝和大紅色成?橘?城政要?c祝中?甑囊轮腹舶l?」?此起彼落。 ??c祝活?犹嫖瑾{「?袂唷沟?热A達???議?T柏克萊(Shelley Berkley)拿著生菜逗玩舞獅,另一???議?T泰特斯(Dina Titus)說她上回?炝艘黄瑾{吐出來的生菜葉,?砗眠,?她?利?選。 7575. 馮鳴台. ....... -------------------------------- | |
WebHide optionsShow options...Results 1 - 1 of 1 for LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 20, 2010 12:00 AM | 22 觀看次數 | 0 | 0 | | 拉斯維加斯賀春節的活動不少,愈來愈多華人由外地移居賭城,本地社團逐漸增加並且壯大,本月分有許多慶祝春節的活動。 with Safesearch on. (0.61 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results[By the world's leading search engineson Internet at 19:53 PM on Saturday, February 20, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 09, 2010 12:00 AM | 21 觀看次數| 0 | 1 | | ... 春节联欢晚会最新节目单星期一, 01/25/2010 - 22:32 — linhe 对于CSSA虎年春晚如有 ... 新年晚会最新动态星期三, 01/20/2010 - 20:43 — linhe UNLV 有史以来规模最大的一次 ...... 【2010-01-16 世界日報副刊】... World Journal ... Worldjournal.com . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar ------------------------------- | |
記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導February 20, 2010 12:00 AM | 46 觀看次數 | 0 | 1 | | 拉斯維加斯賀春節的活動不少,愈來愈多華人由外地移居賭城,本地社團逐漸增加並且壯大,本月分有許多慶祝春節的活動。台灣同鄉聯誼會:將於23日上午10時舉行今年度年會,隨後舉行僑社新春團拜及猜謎遊戲,春節團拜地點在太平洋亞洲廣場二樓,地址是5115 Spring Mountain Rd.當日中午台聯會特別準備午餐招待,歡迎華人參加新春聚餐,一切免費,詳情洽會長陳翊華702-769-1628。 賭城華人社團正在為海地災民募款同時,並未忘記關懷本地的遊民,台灣同鄉聯誼會繼續於22日中午舉辦中國新年遊民宴,招待300位街友,享用一頓豐盛的中國美食。舉辦地點仍然選在北拉斯維加斯市湖木回收公司停車場,地址是1609 Stocker St., North Las Vegas 89030。 賭城華人社團大拉斯維加斯台灣商會及全福會,今年加入支持遊民宴的義舉。 華人協會:將於2010年2月28日下午一點假綠谷牧場(Green Valley Ranch)酒店Ovation劇場舉行春節聯歡。 今年的春節晚會改名為「拉斯維加斯華人春節聯歡會」主要是為了體現拉斯維加斯地區的華人血濃於水,熱愛中華文化與習俗,團結進取,手足情深的精神。 這次聯歡會的節目有大合唱,男女聲獨唱,二重唱,現代舞,芭蕾舞,雜技,相聲,弦樂獨奏及民間藝術表演等。參加演出的演員由中國和其它族裔老中青三代相結合,有專業歌手和舞蹈演員,也有新近歌舞比賽獲獎的後起之秀,有本地演藝界的精英,也有來自外州的演唱高手,節目豐富、水準超過歷屆春節晚會。 聯歡會還有豐富的抽獎禮品,給參加春節聯歡活動的嘉賓。演出及抽獎活動之後是綠谷牧場大酒店提供的買一送一海鮮自助餐,大家歡喜過春節和元宵節。 綠谷牧場大酒店地址2300 Paseo Verde Dr. Henderson NV 89052酒店聯繫人祝君明686-9255聯歡會活動聯繫人張家明591-2238 。 慈濟:拉斯維加斯慈濟聯絡處,於2月28日下午2時於會所舉辦「新春祈福感恩傳心燈」活動,邀請大家共同點燃心燈,為世界蒼生祈求離苦得樂。家中有慈濟竹筒者,請帶到會所,或再認領竹筒,活動地址在2590 Lindell Rd. Las Vegas 89146,詳情洽880-5552。 英端工商會:23日晚7時在粵昇海鮮酒樓與行第33周年春宴,聯絡人Patrick Lam 702-443-2379 。 ---------------------------------------- | | |
022010-1007 |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for LVRJ/wbti: Worldjournal.com?者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯??ebruary 20, 2010 12:00 AM | 22 觀看次? | 0 | 0 | | 拉斯維加斯賀春節的活?硬簧伲鷣碛嗳A人由外地移居?城,本地社?F逐漸增加並且?汛螅驹路钟性S多?c祝春節的活?印 with Safesearch on. (0.61 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]?者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯??ebruary 09, 2010 12:00 AM | 21 觀看次?祙 0 | 1 | | ... 春节联欢晚会最新节目单星期一, 01/25/2010 - 22:32 — linhe 对于CSSA虎年春晚如有 ... 新年晚会最新动态星期三, 01/20/2010 - 20:43 — linhe UNLV 有史以来规模最大的一次 ...... 【2010-01-16 世界日?蟾笨... World Journal ... Worldjournal.com . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] 21 [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] | |