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**__**^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ....... ............ ---??? *737 Findings on a scientific research with some instinctive and deductive methodology ??? Empower!! By 2009-09-30 新聞速報 【中央社】 ***** 如果你的先生或男友和美女聊天,為了他的健康,請不要阻止。最新研究發現,和美女聊天互動,可提高兩項男性賀爾蒙分泌,有益健康。*1 ***** "... .... .!" ---??? *101 ... (To be continued .......) 英國媒體引述報導,根據美國加州大學(University of California)對149名年齡在18歲到24歲男學生的研究,其中1/3的參與者與男性研究人員互動,其它則安排與18歲到22歲的女大學生互動。 在5分鐘的談話後,那些和女學生聊天的受訪男學生,先被要求對這些女生的姿色評分,滿分7分,平均分數5.83分,顯示她們的外貌都屬於「美女」級。 參與研究者在調查進行前,先用漱口水清理口腔,對照實驗結束後20到40分鐘,研究人員對參與者進行唾液採樣。 研究人員發現,雖然只有短短的5分鐘,那些和女學生交談的男同學,睪酮(testosterone)分泌量提高14%,而有抗壓功R爾蒙可體松(cortisol)則激增48%。 相對之下,那些和男研究員聊天的參與者,睪酮和可體松的分泌量,分別減少2%和7%。 負責這項研究的羅尼博士(Dr James Roney)說,研究結果清楚顯示,和女性交談提高了男性分泌睪酮和可體松,這兩項男性賀爾蒙有助提高精力與注意力,同時可以緩和緊張情緒,健康效果佳。 ***** "... . No! .... .! Yes, We can!!" --- Charms Carystal Yi-fei Liu on the Treasure Island *102 ...過去科學家的研究已顯示,動物在求偶時,也會有類似的內分泌變化現象。*2 Editors' notes ... ....... ............ ***** "Yes, Dear Mike! The Sun is shining brightly in Las Vegas this morning on October 6, 2009!! Thank you very much!!!" ---U.S. Congresswoman Dr. Dina Titus at PPAA Forum of WBTI/USA on Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!" ---Judy & Tony *1357 [[*1. *001. Teresa and John Kerry. '...Again, I need you now! .......!' "An e-mail to WBTI/USA ... U.S. Senator Honorable John Kerry and famous World's Philanthropist ... {Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'Business & Administration (PPAA 20), Autumn 2009}, 1-12. *101. *2. *102. World Journal. 'Obama's message on Mom back to school!' "I LUV you!! I'm coming ...! PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Beauty by Nature Yahoo! Mail Glocal AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ....... *1357. ... 林曉培, 吳佩慈, Makiyo, & Small S ... An e-mail from ... a Fountain on the Mountain ... We study hard with Mr. Mark Twain or Mrs. Lin-yao Wu on the Inte(r)net[Please do not omit this (r) character. Thank you very much!], but to be more humor we need to learn more again ... .! ... Judy Chen: 'Humble' is the supreme personal trait of Success, and that's why I love 林志玲 the most!! Be remember! You got to learn!! ... Yes, We've loved her even much more than what you did!!! .......]] ---------------------------- | |
富二代學歷傲人 多自主創業! Entrepreneuring!! By 2009-09-30 旺報 【記者楊慈郁/綜合報導】 ***** 此次富比士中國年輕富豪榜中,最年輕的三位富豪都是大陸家族企業的第二代,相對於大陸老一代富豪,年輕富豪在學歷上都相當傲人、普遍擁有留學海外的背景,EMBA、MBA也成為他們學歷的新標籤。*2 ***** "... .... .!" ---??? Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone *747 ... (To be continued ...) ......據《青年報》報導,不少年輕富豪畢業於名校,如陳一舟畢業於史丹佛大學,邵亦波曾就讀哈佛。而大陸名校如復旦、清華、人大也成為年輕富豪們的搖籃,如盛大的陳天橋和孫德良皆畢業於復旦大學。 除了富二代身分,年輕富豪中自主創業的也大有人在。最早的是丁世忠、丁水波兩位福建晉江富豪,他們一人創立體育用品安踏品牌,一人創立以運動鞋最為出名的特步品牌。起步最晚的是董德福,這位摩托羅拉的中國區銷售經理在2002年創業,當時他才30歲。 據《重慶晚報》報導,年輕富豪在創業前,可能來自IBM、ORACLE、摩托羅拉、寶潔、君安證券、清華同方、潤迅等各大知名企業。 富比士中文版副主編康健表示,從一開始,年輕富豪們就接受了最正規的大學教育和商業訓練,領教的是最現代的商業規則。很多人拿著風險資本走出校園創業,這是他們創業的原點,同時也是他們能在短時間內登上富豪榜的原因。 ...相對的,年長的富豪們,在學歷上普遍並不撸琺然有杜廈、何清華、朱敏和榮克敏4位碩士,但是小學、初中、中專、高中才是他們學歷的主體。不過,在那樣的年代,這些人的學歷在同齡人中仍屬佼佼者。而且,他們在創業後也普遍注重學習,同時獲得了諸如榮譽博士頭銜。*3 The above information has been posted internationally by the website of China Times at its website on www.chinatimes.com ....... [[*2. Ying-jeou Ma. 'A piece of Taiwan 1st Lady's inspiring & experience ... ???' "A report ... *747. *3. .......]] | |
楊紫瓊、柯林頓 推廣道安! Win-Win-Win!! By 娛樂新聞組台北30日電September 30, 2009 12:00 AM [[[ An elegant, creative, and colorful picture! ***** 楊紫瓊(左)推廣道路安全,獲得柯林頓支持。 圖:星城娛樂提供 How beautiful!! ]]] **__** ***** 國際巨星楊紫瓊積極推廣國際道路安全,獲得美國前總統柯林頓大力支援,兩人近日共同宣布一項1000萬美元的國際道路評估計畫,預期對於改善發展中國家的道路安全將有很大助益。*4 ... (To be continued ...) 中央社報導,在楊紫瓊的大力呼籲下,「Make Roads Safe」活動已收集超過100萬人的簽名,其中包括深具影響力的娛樂圈人士如吳宇森、李安、馮小剛、李連杰等。 ...楊紫瓊表示,因為柯林頓大力支援,使得「道路安全」議題受到更廣泛注意,希望透過教育、道路建設和完善的法律,每年減少100萬人因交通意外造成的死傷。*5 ***** ,「不會,很快就會恢復的,而且黑人走秀也很火的。」 ---張曉菲 *747 ***** 綜覽世界全局,觀看全真的世界日報電子報(ePaper) [[4. Julie Chen. '... .!' "Big Boy! ....... *5. John Ponticello. 'President of PDCLV .......!' "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade ....... *747. ... MSN, Google, and Yahoo! "It's my honor and privilege to be on YouTube by Google!!" ... Distinguished Authors of WBTI/USA ... Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A........]] ------------------------------- | |
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On the Top Left:***** Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!! ___ Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung *4477777 -------------------- <<< Where the boys (HUMAN RIGHTS) are? [To be completed ...] >>> **__** ***** "Supporters: Even Jesus can't save you, but only God!" ---??? *1002 [[[ October Alumni E-Newsletter ^^^Monday, October 5, 2009 2:46:22 PM ^^^From: Pepperdine University Alumni Association {alumni@mail1.pepperdine.edu} Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ]]] ------------------------ [[OCTOBER 2009 ALUMNI E-NEWSLETTER]] <<< ALUMNI ALERT: WHAT'S NEW >>> NEWS *** In This Newsletter: Service ***** Last month, President Andrew K. Benton sent out a video message announcing "Waves of Service" ?a new initiative to unite and support alumni as they live out the mission of Pepperdine in their lives and work. In this newsletter, we will give you opportunities to get involved. A few highlights include Stepping Forward with the Houston Waves, Reading for the Record or attending the Global Justice Symposium. We also celebrate in this issue alumni participating in our global day of service.*88123 Enjoy! -------------------- Alumni Leadership Council Participates in Founder's Day Annually, the Pepperdine community gathers to celebrate the academic school year. Along with other boards, the Alumni Leadership Council (ALC) marched to represent more than 80,000 alumni. At their meeting following, the council welcomed in new members. Click here for more information. Pictured here from left, Pauletta Walsh (MPP '04), Cynthia Guerrero (MPP '04), Cathy Kort (MA '96), and Eric Hagen ('92, JD '97). Crescendo More than 330 members of the Pepperdine community gathered at Pepperdine on September 12 to enjoy dinner and a show together at Crescendo. Click here to view photos of the event. The password is "peponline." -------------------- Pepperdine Directory ***** Thank you to everyone who updated their profile information for Pepperdine抯 Directory Project. Information was collected for more than 22,000 alumni and more than 3,000 offered their services as volunteer mentors as part of the Pepperdine抯 Directory Project. It's not too late to order your commemorative directory. Click here for more information. Log onto PAN Online today to find your friends and fellow alumni who live in your area, have similar interests, or graduated in your class. --------------- EVENTS Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs Saturday, October 24, 2009 San Francisco, CA Register by October 7 to enjoy a private tour of the incredible King Tut exhibit and an exclusive Pepperdine "Egyptian-style" reception. The treasures of King Tut have returned to San Francisco for the first time since the original 1979 exhibition. The de Young Museum opened 揟utankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs?in late June and has already received rave reviews. Click here for more information. -------------------------- ***** WCC Basketball Tournament: Pepperdine Fan Ticket Deadline Deadline: October 12, 2009 Las Vegas, NV ***** Cheer on the Waves this spring! <<<<< Reservation deadline to sit in the Pepperdine Fan section is October 12, 2009, to purchase your tickets before they go on sale to the general public. The tournament will take place March 5 - 8, 2010, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Reserve your tickets within the Pepperdine Section by calling (866) WAVE-TIX. Click here for more information. >>>>> ------------------------ ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BENEFIT OF THE MONTH Life Lock The Alumni Association is making it easy for you to protect your identity by partnering with the leading company in identity theft prevention. Alumni can receive a 30-day free trial membership to test out its benefits and a special reduced rate for those who choose to purchase an annual membership. Visit www.lifelock.com or call (800) LIFE-LOCK (543-3562) and use promotion code "PEPPERDINE; to take advantage of this offer. For a full list of benefits, visit the Alumni Association Web site. Back to top -------------------------------------------- WAVES OF SERVICE Waves of Service: New Alumni Program Announced Recently, President Andrew K. Benton sent out a video message announcing a new priority to promote a culture of service among alumni and support global acts of service. He states: "Our alumni engage in acts of service every day, transforming their lives and indeed the lives of others ... this fall we're rolling out one of our top priorities, with a vision that began, frankly, with you. It's called 'Waves of Service.'" Consider the following ways to get involved: Volunteer in your community Hire a recent graduate or fellow alumnus through Waves Hiring Waves. Students now seeking internships and alumni now seeking jobs! Have a job to post? Need a quality student intern? Willing to volunteer time to meet with a student or fellow Wave and share information about what you do? Call us at (310) 506-6190 to get started! Share your story by e-mailing wavesofservice@pepperdine.edu or update your peers by posting a Class Note in PAN Online. Logon to PAN Online to check out how other alumni are serving in the Class Notes section. More information about the Waves of Service Program can be found at: www.pepperdine.edu/wavesofservice. Back to top -------------------------------------------- WAVES LIFELONG LEARNING SERIES Monthly opportunities to expand your education through online lectures and forums. The Paradox of Public Messages in Crisis Communications Dr. Robert C. Chandler, Professor of Communication, Seaver College In the field of organizational communication and public relations, the study of reputation management communication research investigates how public communications messages created by businesses, universities, churches, celebrities, elected officials, and government agencies delivered to key constituents can serve to repair relationships and reclaim positive perceptions related to image, brand, and credibility. Dr. Chandler will share the results of his long term research into the question of the effectiveness of communication and image repair strategies. View the lecture. Download additional podcasts at iTunesU for more Lifelong Learning opportunities. Back to top -------------------------------------------- CAREER CONNECTIONS Online Job Listings Locate your school's career resources below to access online job listings and more: PepPro: Graduate School of Education and Psychology Graziadio Talent Online (GTO): Graziadio School of Business and Management CareerSpace: Seaver College Symplicity: School of Law EPPIC: School of Public Policy Save-the-Date: University Career Week February 1 - 5, 2010 Mark your calendar now for the annual University career week that will be occurring early next year. More details to come. Back to top -------------------------------------------- CHAPTERS AND REGIONAL UPDATES WAVES OF SUCCESS Stepping Forward to the Beat of a Different Drum September marked the launch of Pepperdine抯 newest service initiative, Waves of Service, and celebration of the 21st annual Step Forward Day. Nearly 2,000 alumni, students, family and friends set a record for volunteers with over 70 organized service projects. Chapters from Asia Pacific to Ventura County helped a variety of service organizations from Habitat for Humanity to City Harvest. More... Remember the moments of service by viewing the photo gallery. Please submit your photos serving the community to gnespoli@pepperdine.edu. EVENTS Get involved with Waves in your community! Pepperdine chapters are located throughout the nation and designed to keep you connected to your alma mater. "ACT Social" with old friends, network with new Pepperdine business contacts and freely give back to your community. Bay Area Waves Saturday, October 24 Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs Los Angeles Waves Wednesday, October 21 Downtown Breakfast Friday, October 30 ACT Social (Alumni Coming Together) at Blue Velvet Colorado 揗ile High?Waves Tuesday, October 13 ACT Social (Alumni Coming Together) New York City Waves Thursday, October 15 A Taste of Latin America D.C. Waves Tuesday, October 6 Capital Alumni Lecture Series Orange County Waves Thursday, October 8 Night to Network at Charlie Palmer Houston Waves Saturday, October 10 Step Forward Day (rescheduled) Thursday, October 29 Tour of the Moon Portland Waves Thursday, October 15 An Engaging Evening with Dean Starr Save the Date 121st Rose Parade Friday, January 1, 2010 Pasadena, CA Year after year, this event is a favorite alumni holiday tradition. Rose Parade tickets will go on sale on October 15 - reserve yours now! Enjoy a great view, preferred parking, grand stand seating, and breakfast. E-mail Allen Gillespie today to reserve your spots. Back to top -------------------------------------------- ATHLETICS <<<<< NEWS VIVA LAS VEGAS! ***** West Coast Conference Basketball Tournament tickets are now on sale. Now is the time to purchase your All-Session Tickets for the 2010 West Coast Conference Basketball Tournament in Las Vegas. Reservation deadline to sit in the Pepperdine Fan section is October 12, 2009. Reserve your tickets within the Pepperdine Section by calling (866) WAVE-TIX. Click here for more information. >>>>> Hall of Fame Honorees Pepperdine Athletics is proud to announce its 2009 inductees to the Athletics Hall of Fame. The 2009 Class is: Doug Christie ('93) (Men's Basketball) Geoffrey Clark ('93) (Men's Water Polo) Bob Ctvrtlik ('85) (Men's Volleyball) Katherine Hull ('03) (Women's Golf) Kelly Jones ('86) (Men's Tennis) John Rettberg ('59) (Men's Basketball) Rod Wilde ('80) (Men's Volleyball) Tickets are available to attend the 2009 Pepperdine Athletics Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony. There will be a reception at 5 p.m. and dinner and presentation at 6 p.m. at the Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills, California. RSVP to Heather Collart by Monday, October 12 at (310) 506-6483. Cost is $50 per person Men抯 Basketball Season Tickets On Sale Don抰 forget to purchase your Men抯 Basketball Season Tickets for the upcoming 2009-2010 Season! Call (866) WAVE-TIX or click here. Support Women's Basketball - Get Drafted! Now is the time to purchase your All Sports Pass (allowing entry to all regular-season, home contests, excluding men抯 basketball). Go to www.pepperdinefandraft.com to GET DRAFTED! Junior Waves Sign up your children for the Jr. Waves Club! All kids in the 6th grade and younger are eligible as members of the Jr. Waves Club. Members receive free admission into all Pepperdine Athletics events (except premiere men抯 basketball games), a free t-shirt, membership card, pizza parties, clinics with Pepperdine teams, and more. Cost is $20 and $15 for each additional sibling. Sports seasons are about to get underway, so visit www.pepperdinesports.com/jrwavesclub to download the 2009-10 Jr. Waves Application form today! EVENTS Fall sports are well underway. Cheer on the waves. To find a game near you, visit: www.pepperdinesports.com. Back to top -------------------------------------------- GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY EVENTS Career Services: PhD vs. PsyD Workshop Wednesday, October 7, 3 ?4 p.m. West Los Angeles Graduate Campus, Room 346 Come learn the differences between the two psychology advanced degrees, preparation for the application process, tools, and resources. To RSVP, e-mail gsepcareer@pepperdine.edu or call (310) 568-5666. Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis Thursday, October 8, 2009; 8 - 9:30 a.m. Alpert Jewish Community Center, Senior Room Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis will present at End Abuse Long Beach. Continuing education units for MFTs are available. More... Law and Ethics Workshop Presented by Pamela H. Harmell, PhD Friday, October 16, 2009, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. West Los Angeles Graduate Campus 3rd Floor, Rooms 333-334 This workshop will offer six hours of continuing education credit. Cost is $150 for professionals, $90 for Pepperdine alumni, and $75 for students. To register, call (310) 568- 2343, e-mail gsep.prodev@pepperdine.edu, or visit the Web site. MFT Employment Options Panel Friday, October 23, 2009; 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. West Los Angeles Graduate Campus, Room 203 Learn about public and private employment opportunities for MFTs. This is a great networking opportunity. Cost is $15 for students and $20 for community members ($5 parking). RSVP is required to attend. This panel is sponsored by Pepperdine University, GSEP Career Services and AAMFT- American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Federal Career Options for Education and Psychology Degrees Tuesday, Oct. 27, 3 - 4 p.m. West Los Angeles Graduate Campus, Room TBA Learn about career options and job openings in education and psychology with the federal government. RSVP for find out other opportunities for career services support by e-mailing gsepcareer@pepperdine.edu, calling (310) 568-5666, or visiting the Web site. Leadership Institute for Educators (L.I.F.E.) Friday, November 6, 2009; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Los Angeles Downtown Marriott Dean Margaret Weber presents on servant leadership as part of the annual Greenleaf Foundation抯 L.I.F.E. More... A doctoral alumni reception will follow from 5 to 7 p.m. Reservations are required. Please call (310) 568-5649 or e-mail clacour@pepperdine.edu. Clinical Connections Network with Pepperdine students, staff and alumni while you acquire additional training and skills in psychology. Don抰 miss out on these FREE opportunities! Clinical connections will be available through the West Los Angeles, Irvine, and Encino campuses. More... Back to top -------------------------------------------- GRAZIADIO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT NEWS Pepperdine抯 National Association of Women MBAs Lead the Way The Pepperdine Chapter of the National Association of Women MBAs was selected to serve on the planning committee for the organization抯 national conference which will bring over 1,500 business students, alumni, and employers to Anaheim, California from October 29 ?31, 2009. Our student leaders have been instrumental with planning local arrangements for the conference. Learn more about the conference program, speakers and career fair. Graziadio School Names Technologist as Entrepreneur-in-Residence Award-winning inventor and entrepreneur John G. Shearer joins the business faculty to develop MBA student-founded, innovation-based businesses by identifying and locating cutting-edge technologies from other universities, national research laboratories and the private sector, ripe for commercialization. EVENTS Presentation with Rick Woodbury, CEO and Founder of Commuter Cars Monday, October 5, 2009 Drescher Graduate Campus Pepperdine University抯 Entrepreneurship Society, NetImpact, Graziadio Alumni Network, and the Green Team invite you to join Rick Woodbury, founder and CEO of Commuter Cars, and inventor of the Tango two-seat electric car. Rick will share his entrepreneurial journey of bringing to market Commuter Cars' revolutionary environmentally-friendly solution to traffic congestion. More... Virtual Career Fair September 21 ?October 31, 2009 The Office of Alumni and Career Services is pleased to partner with AlumWire to invite students and alumni to participate in a virtual career fair this month. Connect with companies including Micros Systems, CDW Corporation, Comcast Interactive Media, Xcel Energy, Medco Health Solutions and Ecolab through interactive chat. More... Back to top -------------------------------------------- SEAVER AND GEORGE PEPPERDINE COLLEGES NEWS Seaver College Alumni Is Online Keep up with your Seaver and George Pepperdine College Alumni Affairs events and activities online: Follow us on Twitter: @PepSeaverAlumni Friend us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/15ul5i EVENTS W. David Baird Distinguished Lecture Series: Dr. Cornel West Thursday, October 8, 2009; 7 p.m. Elkins Auditorium, Malibu Campus Dr. Cornel West has been a champion for racial justice since childhood. His writing, speaking, and teaching weave together the traditions of the black Baptist Church, progressive politics, and jazz. In October, he will present "An Evening with Dr. Cornel West." Alumni Discount Tickets for The Persians Thursday, October 8, 2009; 6:30 - 9 p.m. Lindhurst Theatre, Malibu Campus Join Seaver Alumni Affairs and Friends of the Theatre for a special alumni reception prior to The Persians play at Lindhurst Theatre. Discount tickets for alumni available for $12. To RSVP, contact Tara Lawrence at tara.lawrence@pepperdine.edu or (310) 506-6667. Volunteer Opportunities for the month of October : Read for the Record Thursday, October 8, 2009 Los Angeles Central Library Join Jumpstart抯 international campaign to bring preschool children together with caring adults to read the same book, on the same day in communities across the globe. Get involved by reading to children at the Los Angeles Central Library. Call the Volunteer Center at (310) 506-4143. Blue and Orange Madness Friday, October 16, 2009 Malibu Campus, Firestone Fieldhouse This spirited event, held in conjunction with the Seaver College Family Weekend, will take place from 7 to 10:30 p.m. on the Malibu campus. Blue and Orange Madness marks the first opportunity for the Pepperdine men's and women's basketball teams to practice for the 2009-10 NCAA season. Prior to the scrimmage, festivities will begin at 7 p.m. with carnival-like activities in the 揗adness Village?located on the Firestone Fieldhouse parking lot. A broad range of complimentary food, student competitions, games, interactive activities, and raffles for prizes donated by Malibu businesses will be available until 8:15 p.m., when doors open for the main program. Visit us at the Seaver Alumni Affairs booth and register to win a prize! The event and all related features are free of charge. For more information on Blue & Orange Madness, please contact Michael Sprague at michael.sprague@pepperdine.edu or (800) 767-2586. Red Cross Blood Drive October 20 -22, 2009 Malibu Campus Donate blood for those in need! Register online for an appointment on the Red Cross Web site at www.givelife.org or you may call the Volunteer Center at (310) 506-4143. W. David Baird Distinguished Lecture Series: W. S. Merwin Thursday, October 27, 2009; 7 p.m. Elkins Auditorium, Malibu Campus In a career spanning five decades, W. S. Merwin, poet, translator, and environmental activist, has become one of the most widely read poets in America. He presents "An Evening of Poetry with Pulitzer Prize-winner W. S. Mervin." Host a Hang 10 Dinner November 7 and 8, 2009 Various Locations This year, the Student Alumni Organization (SAO) is hosting Hang 10 Dinners in the fall and spring! Hang 10 Dinners bring together students and alumni in a series of small intimate dinner parties at the home of an alumnus. Interested in hosting a dinner? Dinner dates for this fall are Saturday, November 7, 2009 and Sunday, November 8, 2009. Please register for hosting a dinner online at http://studentorgs.pepperdine.edu/sao/hang10 . If you have any questions or comments, please email sao@pepperdine.edu, or call us at (310) 506-6585. More... Sponsorship and Volunteer Opportunity for the Wave Classic Golf Tournament Monday, November 9, 2009 Lake Sherwood Country Club, Thousand Oaks, CA The Pepperdine Wave Classic Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, November 9, 2009. As alumni of the University, there are several ways that you can be involved in this year抯 tournament, such as volunteering on the day of the event or serving as a sponsor or auction donor. Please visit the tournament Web site at seaver.pepperdine.edu/waveclassic or call (310) 506-6110 for more details. Don't forget we have a wonderful half-day clinic as well! Night 2 Network Thursday, November 19, 2009; 7 p.m. Malibu Campus We抮e looking for alumni who work in the nonprofit field. Help us by serving on our alumni panel for our upcoming Night 2 Network event for current Seaver students. Contact Michael Sprague at michael.sprague@pepperdine.edu (310) 506-6580. ***** Heidelberg Alumni: Save the Date for your reunion in Heidelberg! 10 Year Reunion: July 18-22, 2010 20 Year Reunion: July 19-23, 2010 30 Year Reunion: July 20-24, 2010 Check your mail for your official Save the Date. Contact Tara Lawrence at tara.lawrence@pepperdine.edu or (310) 506-6667 for more information. <<<<< ***** Stay connected! Let us know what you are doing. ????? >>>>> -------------------------------------------- PEPPERDINE FUND Seaver College Fab Five Challenge If you graduated between 2005 and 2009, you are part of the Fabulous Five graduating classes. Collectively you made a tremendous impact on Pepperdine last year through your generous donations. In last year's challenge, the Class of 2004 donated the most dollars, but the Class of 2005 had the highest participation. This year, which class will rise to the top? Your gifts are an endorsement of your experience here, an important factor in the eyes of grant-making foundations and ranking institutions such as U.S. News & World Report. As Pepperdine embarks on this year抯 challenge, please remember that your participation, regardless of amount, makes a difference. Help your class win by donating today. Back to top -------------------------------------------- SCHOOL OF LAW NEWS Straus Institute and Palmer Center to Host Sustainability Symposium More... Maureen Arellano Weston Named New Associate Dean for Research More... Dean Starr Named in the Top 100 Lawyers in California More... Straus Institute Hosts 55 Judges from Thailand More... EVENTS "The First Monday In October: The Roberts Court, 2009" Panel Discussion and Reception Monday, October 5, 2009; 6 p.m. O'Melveny & Myers LLP, Washington, D.C. This event has been generously sponsored by Barbara Stettner (MBA '93, JD '94) and O'Melveny & Myers. Register online or e-mail morgan.thrower@pepperdine.edu. 4th Annual Global Justice Symposium October 6 - 7, 2009; 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Malibu Campus, School of Law The Nootbaar Institute on Law, Religion, and Ethics invites you to join us for two inspirational conversations - Baroness Caroline Cox on October 6, and Ambassador Pierre Prosper (JD '89) on October 7. Register online, contact Morgan Thrower, or call (310) 506-6567 for more information. An Engaging Evening with Dean Kenneth W. Starr Thursday, October 15, 2009; 6 - 8:30 p.m. Portland Marriott City Center, Portland, OR This event is hosted by the Pepperdine Alumni Association. Enjoy a hosted private reception with fellow alumni, parents, and friends. There is no charge to attend this event but due to limited seating advance registration is required. Register online, contact Sandra Barsoum, or call (310) 506-6982 for more information. The Nootbaar Institute presents: Os Guinness Wednesday, October 21, 2009 School of Law ?Malibu, CA This event is hosted by the Nootbaar Institute on Law, Religion, and Ethics. Os Guinness will speak on the topic of law as a calling. Visit the Web site or call (310) 506-4623 for more information. Back to top -------------------------------------------- SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY NEWS School of Public Policy Launches Alumni and Career Services Blogs The School of Public Policy has launched a series of alumni and career services blogs. Several alumni are blogging about their careers in public policy, reflecting on their experience at Pepperdine in relation to their job, posting commentary about relevant current policy issues, events, and publications. Read the alumni blogs. The career services blog is authored by Jody Brightman, manager of career services. The blog titled, "Waves of Public Policy," will offer answers to the most frequently asked student internship and career questions about public policy. Read the career services blog. ***Wilfred M. McClay to Serve As 2009?010 William E. Simon Distinguished Visiting Professor ***** The School of Public Policy has announced the appointment of Wilfred M. McClay as the 2009?010 William E. Simon Distinguished Visiting Professor which is funded by the William E. Simon Foundation and the John M. Olin Foundation. The program gives the school the opportunity to invite a series of nationally recognized and highly respected individuals to be in residence each year. Each visiting professor leads a class or seminar, devotes significant time as a resident mentor to student scholars, and leads presentations for the entire campus community. EVENTS "The Bush-Obama Stimulus Programs and the Future of American Capitalism" Monday, October 19, 2009; noon Drescher Graduate Campus Auditorium, Malibu, CA This lecture will be given by Dr. Randall Holcombe, professor of economics at Florida State University. More... U.S. Foreign Policy Roundtables with Bruce Herschensohn Every Thursday through November; 6 p.m. Drescher Graduate Campus Auditorium, Malibu, CA {{{Bruce Herschensohn, Senior Fellow, at the School of Public Policy is hosting his annual U.S. Foreign Policy Roundtables this fall. Please RSVP to marieann.thaler@pepperdine.edu or (310) 506-7691. More...}}} *88137 Back to top ... ...... --------------------- Editors' notes ... ....... ............ *0123 [[*88123. Pepperdine University Alumni Association (PUAA). 'October News Letter!' "An e-mail from PUAA ... [Malibu, CA.: Pepperdine University Alumni Association E-News, 'Thank you very much, God!!', October 5, 2009), 1-2.] *88137. *0123. .......]] ------------------------------------ | |
Insight for Today! God!! By Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll{{{Monday, October 5, 2009 4:00:46 AMFrom: Insight for Living {c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net} Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com .......}} --------------------------- ***** Share with a Friend Devotional Library October 5, 2009 <<< Handling Adversity by Charles R. Swindoll >>> *** Job 1-2, 42 ***** Step into the time tunnel with me, and let's travel together back to Uz (not the wizard of, but the land of). Wherever it was, Uz had a citizen who was respected by everyone. Why? Because he was blameless, upright, God-fearing, and clean living. He had ten children, thousands of head of livestock, acres and acres of land, a great many servants, and a substantial stack of cash. No one would deny that he was "the greatest of all the men of the East." His name was Job, a synonym for integrity and godliness. *4477777 ***** "... .... .!" ---President Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University PPAA Forum of WBTI/USA Distinguished Authors International Winning Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! ... (To be completed ...) Yet, within a matter of hours, adversity fell upon this fine man like an avalanche of jagged rocks. He lost his livestock, his crops, his land, his servants, and all ten children. Soon thereafter he also lost his health. The book that bears his name records an entry he made into his journal soon after the rocks stopped falling: "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21). Following this incredible statement, God adds: "Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God" (1:22). The logical questions are, Why didn't he? What kept him from bitterness or even thoughts of suicide? At the risk of oversimplifying the situation, I suggest three basic answers that I have discovered from searching through this book. First, Job claimed God's loving sovereignty. He believed that the Lord who gave had every right to take away (Job 1:21; 2:10). Job looked up claiming his Lord's right to rule over his life. Second, he counted on God's promise of resurrection. "Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God" (Job 19:26). Job looked ahead, counting on his Lord's promise to make all things bright and beautiful in the life beyond. Third, he confessed his own lack of understanding. What a relief this brings! He didn't feel obligated to explain why (Job 42:2-4). Job looked within, confessing his inability to put it all together. He rested his adversity with God, not feeling forced to answer why. When we're looking in all the right directions, we won't take the wrong turn. *4477778 {{{Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright ?2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.}}} <<< 2010 Insight for Living Calendar Listen Now www.insight.org Great Values IFL Bookstore >>> Editors' notes ... ....... ........... ---??? *375 [[*4477777. ....... Thank you very much!! ... *101. *4477778. .......]] -------------------------------------------- | |
<<< How to be a MAN to fight for our destiny and Hope -- our young and lovely generations! [To be completed ...!!] >>>October 6, 2009 A Matter of Obedience!! by Charles R. Swindoll <<<<< 1 Timothy 2:1-7 >>>>> ***** Leading can be awfully lonely and terribly frustrating. I haven't always believed that. Fact is, when I was a starry-eyed seminary student back around '59 and '60, I had this crazy idea that a leader lived a charmed life. Especially a spiritual leader. My fantasy included contented people, smiling and grateful; plenty of time to think, study, and do relaxed research; no financial woes; short counseling sessions with folks who were eager and happy to adjust their lives according to Scripture; untold energy; sermons that virtually jumped from the text, then into my notes and out of my mouth. No conflicts. No confrontations . . . no kidding! *5577777 ***** "... .... .!" ---U.S. President Barack H. Obama at PPAA Forum on WBTI/USA through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. *44777 ... {To be continued ...} You're smiling. (I told you it was a fantasy.) It's amazing what four decades can do to a wastebasket full of theories. Today I would tell anyone thinking about becoming a spiritual leader to think again. It's not that they're not needed; goodness knows, this ornery planet of depraved humanity can always use a few more leaders who are Christian to the core. The problem is, it's a lonelier task than it used to be. And the frustrations can be downright maddening. In the midst of all this, it always helps me to return to my "call." Thousands of miles away from home, stationed on a tiny island in the South Pacific, I distinctly remember the inner surge of assurance that I would be neither fulfilled nor happy doing anything other than ministry. It meant changing careers and returning to graduate school. It meant retooling my mental machinery for a lifetime of study. It meant living my life under the always curious and sometimes demanding scrutiny of the public eye, and, if necessary, being willing to go to the wall for the sake of the gospel. None of this mattered. God had spoken to my heart, and there was no turning back. It was a matter of obedience. We must recognize that the Lord, our God, is responsible for our appointment to any place of leadership. Over all other suggestions and advice, we must seek to hear the counsel of Almighty God as revealed in Scripture. We must take refuge in and rely on the Spirit of God rather than our own flesh and skill. With our whole heart we must fear Jesus Christ, our Lord, and acknowledge Him as the sovereign Head of the church, deserving of our unreserved faithfulness, submission, diligence, and commitment. For me, there are no other options. It's a matter of obedience. How about you? Take refuge in and rely on the Spirit of God rather than your own flesh and skill. *5577778 {{{Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright ?2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.}}} Editors' notes ... ....... ............ ---*123 [[*5577777. Charles R. Swindoll. '... .... .!' "An -email from Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll ... to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI/USA ... October 6, 2009 ....... *88123. Barack H. Obama. 'A message from U.S. President ...!' "... to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI/USA by an e-mail ... '5 words champion contest' on Intenet ... Google, MSN, and Yahoo! ... [Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of LVRJ/wbti, Section of 'Business & Administration (PPAA 20)', Autumn 2009), 1-7. ....... *5577778. Swindoll. Ibid., 1-2. *123. .......]] ---------------------------------------- <<< Just received upon the scene ... at 6:29 p.m.(LV) on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.! >>> {{{ ... ....... FOREIGN MINISTER QURESHI: A peaceful, stable Afghanistan. A peaceful, stable region. Development, prosperity, growth. SECRETARY CLINTON: Right. I think the minister is eloquent in his description of our joint concerns. We will work with the Government of Afghanistan. We’re awaiting the outcome of the election. We understand that that, hopefully, will be forthcoming in the next days. But as the minister said, this is a commitment that we feel very strongly about and which we are evaluating to determine the best way forward to achieve the results and get the outcomes that we both share. Thank you all very much.*33777 FOREIGN MINISTER QURESHI: Thank you. }}} [[*33777. Hillary R. Clinton. '....!' "U.S. Secretary of State Clinton's e-mail to WBTI/USA ....... *4477777. Rory Reid. "Bill, Thank you very much for your help to our FundRaising ....... *88123. Mike. ... Thanks. We need to be more humble again!!]] --------------------- <<< Ai-jai: "To know you is to love you!!" ---PAI of WBTI/USA through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. *88633 ***** 上3錾娜A裔科學家高焜榮獲諾貝爾物理獎,大陸中新社立即發出專題報導,介紹高焜生平,還說高焜愛科學,更愛太太。 ---We, the Wonderful Followers to former Representative Honorable Dr. Xie-tze Hu *88123 [[*88633. ... Cat and Mouse ... World Peace! ....... *88123. 中新社. '高焜愛科學更愛太太!' "A scientific & supreme home rule ... to be a good news again ... Ai-Jai & Becky .......]] ----------------------------------------- | |
On the Top Left:***** "... .... .!" ---??? *33747 -------------------------- <<< General John Sedgwick did. In fact, his last words were spoken while looking over the parapet at the enemy line during the Battle of Spotsylvania in 1864. With great gusto he sneered, "They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist---" Remember, when it comes to mistakes, we need a great deal of tolerance. And a sense of humor doesn't hurt either. >>> *7357 ***** "Just a few minuites ago we're informed to have the good news for our Board and Faculty members that Two Americans and an Israeli scientist won the 2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry on Wednesday for atom-by-atom mapping of the protein-making factories within cells ~{!*~} a feat that has spurred the development of antibiotics," announced Dr. John Z. Wang, WBTI/USA Spokesman early in the morning at 5:57 a.m.(LV) in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. *3007 "Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas Steitz and Israeli Ada Yonath's work on ribosomes has been fundamental to the scientific understanding of life. They will split the 10 million (US$1.4 million award)," The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said. ***** To be continued ... [[*7357. AP LVRJ/wbti. 'Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll's message!' "An e-mail to WBTI/USA ... {U.S.A.: Desk of C.R. Swindoll ... Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright ?2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers), ... October 7,) 1-2. *3007. John Z. Wang. 'Nobel Chemistry Prize Winners!' "News release ... *7887. ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of '...', October 7, 2009), 1-3.]] ------------------------------------------- | |
On the top left:***** "... .... .!" ---??? *3757 ***** 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 07, 2009 12:00 AM (婰幰嬥峃棐漟巣堐壛巣曬摫)October 07, 2009 12:00 AM ... ....... ............ ---??? *4757 --------------------------------------- WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 07, 2009 12:00 AM" with Safesearch on. (0.73 seconds) Search Results [We're pleased to be on Google with YouTube by the Brilliant world's leading search engines on Internet INSPIRINGLY!!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導July 11, 2009 12:00 AM ... by World Journal . ... 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導 (搎嬈嫄嫓娕岲搎忛鐰宨婰幰嬥峃棐漟巣堐壛巣曬摫)May 07, 2009 12:00 AM | 4 鎂娕. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] Just arrives upon the scene at 4:07 pm(LV) on July 17, 2009! ...... 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導July 11, 2009 12:00 AM ... by World Journal ....... *375. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar/ Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 2 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included./ -------------------------------------------- | |
On the top left:***** "... .... .!" ---??? 87778 ------------------- **__** ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ....... ............ ---??? *737 -------------------------------------------- ***** "... .!" ---??? *8375 Dear Fellow Nevadan, I~{!/~}ve been working for months to pass a health insurance reform bill that will lower costs, expand coverage, and protect choice for Nevadans. We~{!/~}ve made great progress and I~{!/~}ve even begun to hear words of support from some Republican leaders across the country. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Republican Senate Leaders Bob Dole, Howard Baker and Bill Frist, and even President Bush~{!/~}s Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson, are joining Democrats, doctors, nurses, hospitals and the American people in acknowledging that the cost of inaction is too great to ignore. *1 It~{!/~}s troubling that many Washington Republicans are blocking change while 220 Nevadans a day are losing their medical coverage. And families fortunate enough to have insurance will see their costs increase by more than $1,000 this year. That~{!/~}s why I am working hands-on every day with the White House and my colleagues in the Senate to ensure the bill we ultimately pass is good for Nevada. In fact, just last week, I struck a deal to bring Nevada additional funding that will help the state expand coverage to more than 200,000 Nevadans. Earlier this week, a group of nurses and doctors from all 50 states, including Dr. Arezo Fathie of Henderson, Nevada, met at the White House to discuss the need for preventive care to help keep people from getting sick and the importance of keeping insurance companies in check so they no longer put profits ahead of patients. Insurance companies should not be allowed to discriminate against you because you got sick, happen to be a woman, or because you~{!/~}re getting older. The time for politics and misinformation has passed, and now it~{!/~}s time to get something done for Nevada and the nation. Thank you for reading this update. Please visit my website for more information. *7 (Autograph) HARRY M. REID United States Senator for Nevada {{Share the Reid Report with a Friend E-mail: E-mail: .......}} Editors' notes ... ....... *123 About the Author: U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the Senate Honorable Harry M. Reid ....... ... ....... ............ *747 [[*87778. *737. *8375. *1. Harry M. Reid. '... .!' "An e-mail from U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the Senate Honorable Harry M. Reid ... to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI/USA ... in the evening at 5:57 p.m.(LV) on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.! ....... *7. *123. *747. .......!]] -------------------------------------------- | |
On the top left:***** Amazing! Mike's Gift to us through FWDs (2157-3377777) Thank you very much!! Praise God (or Almighty)!!! ---------------- <<< Miracle! A quick news! [To be completed ...] >>> "It's my pleasure and honor to announce a miracle news for our Advisory and Faculty members as informed by our multimedia: Herta Mueller wins the 2009 Nobel Prize in literature!" WBTI/USA Spokesman Dr. John Z. Wang releases the information at 4:37 a.m.(LV) early in the morning on October 8, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!*8877777 "Mueller deserves the accomplished honor! The Swedish Academy narates humorously and proudly that with her diligent work, Integrity, and Perserverance, Herta has achieved the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose through depicting elegantly the landscape of the dispossessed!! Mueller was honored for her lifetime achievement who insists on her humane spirit and benevolent faith tolerably through many years of poor daily living with barely on almost three coins by just pray!!!" [[*8877777. .......]] ------------------ ***** Just arrives upon the scene! To be edited ... <<<<< Oct 8, 7:57 AM EDT Herta Mueller wins 2009 Nobel literature prize By MATT MOORE and KARL RITTER Associated Press Writers AP Photo/JENS MEYER Advertisement PHOTO GALLERY Nobel Prize Winners Nobel News Herta Mueller wins 2009 Nobel literature prize Works of Herta Mueller German winners of the Nobel literature prize Excerpts from the Nobel literature prize citation Winners of Nobel Prize in literature since 1960 Latest News 'Pulp Fiction' writer sentenced in fatal DUI crash Irish embrace writer's dying plea for organ donors Buy AP Photo Reprints Your Questions Answered Ask AP: Capt. 'Sully's' jetliner, Somali pirates STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Herta Mueller, a member of Romania's ethnic German minority who was persecuted for her critical depictions of life behind the Iron Curtain, won the 2009 Nobel Prize in literature Thursday in an award seen as a nod to the 20th anniversary of communism's collapse. Mueller was honored for work that "with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed," the Swedish Academy said. The 56-year-old author made her debut in 1982 with a collection of short stories titled "Niederungen," or "Nadirs," depicting the harshness of life in a small, German-speaking village in Romania. It was promptly censored by the communist government. In 1984 an uncensored version was smuggled to Germany, where it was published and devoured by readers. That work was followed by "Oppressive Tango" in Romania but she was eventually prohibited from publishing inside her country for her criticism of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's rule and its feared secret police, the Securitate. "The Romanian national press was very critical of these works while, outside of Romania, the German press received them very positively," the Academy said. Mueller, whose father served in the Waffen SS during World War II, is the third European to win the prize in a row and the 10th German, joining Guenter Grass in 1999 and Heinrich Boell in 1972. "I think that there is an incredible force in what she writes, she has a very, very unique style," said Peter Englund, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy. "You read half the page and you know at once that it's Herta Mueller." "At the same time she has something to tell, partly from her own background as a persecuted dissident in Romania, but also her own background as a stranger in her own country, a stranger to the political regime, a stranger to the majority language, and a stranger to her own family," he added. Mueller emigrated to Germany with her husband in 1987, two years before Ceausescu was toppled from power amid the widening communist collapse across eastern Europe. Most of her work is in German, but some works have been translated into English, French and Spanish, including "The Passport," "The Land of Green Plums," "Traveling on One Leg" and "The Appointment." Mueller is the 12th woman to win the Nobel Prize in literature. Recent female winners include Austria's Elfriede Jelinek in 2004 and British writer Doris Lessing in 2007. The prize includes a 10 million kronor ($1.4 million) prize and will be handed out Dec. 10 in the Swedish capital. With literature, four of the 2009 Nobel Prizes have now been announced. American scientists won the medicine and physics prizes, while two Americans and an Israeli researcher shared the award for chemistry. The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize will be announced Friday and the economics award on Monday. Alfred Nobel, a Swedish industrialist who invented dynamite, established the Nobel Prizes in his will in 1895. The first awards were handed out six years later. Besides the monetary prize, each award includes a diploma, a gold medal and an invitation to the prize ceremony in Stockholm on Dec. 10. The peace prize is handed out in Oslo. Last year's literature prize went to French novelist Jean-Marie Le Clezio. ---------- On the Net: http://www.nobelprize.org ?2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy. Click here for copyright permissions! Copyright 2008 Associated Press >>> *4477777 ***** All credits and responsibilities of the contents in the above information belong to the origial Writers, Editors, and Publishers. Thank you very much! [[*4477777. .......]] -------------------------------------- | |
**__**On the top left: ***** Mike's ... "We're ... on the Great Wall!" ---WBTI/USA Distinguished Author U.S. Congresswoman Honorable Dr. Dina Titus at PPAA Forum through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! *9977777 -------------------- WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 10 of about 223 for "記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 08, 2009 12:00 AM" with Safesearch on. (0.70 seconds) Search Results [by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet in the afternoon at 3:17 p.m.(LV) on Thursday, October 8, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] For a search of "記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 02, 2009 12:00 AM" by the ..... By the World's Leading Search Engine Giants at 8:37 a.m.(LV) in the early ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] 2009年5月14日 ... [ Translate this page ] 遊賭城自助行享免費娛樂記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導May 07, 2009 12:00 AM ...... US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar/ ------------------------------------------- | |
**__**On the top left: ***** Mike's FWDs series |7123-7878} ---??? *9123 ***** "... .... .!" ---Late U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy Distinguished Authors PPAA Forum WBTI/USA Outstanding National Humanitarian Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! *375 ***** Joe Chen (捖嫪壎) 陳喬恩: Google, MSN, and Yahoo! On YouTube by Google! Distinguished Authors at PPAA Forum of WBTI/USA at 4:47 a.m.(LV) on October 9, 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner US President Barack H. Obama LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!! *2 [[*1. *9123. 375. *2. .......]] ------------- WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 7 of 7 for "Clinton: 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 09, 2009 12:00 AM" with Safesearch on. (0.68 seconds) Search Results [Brilliant! MSN, Google, and Yahoo!! At 2:47 p.m.(LV) on Friday, October 9, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] By Hillary Rodham Clinton' "An e-mail from U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. ...... For a search of "記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 02, 2009 12:00 AM" by the .... and Google! at 9:27 p.m.(LV) on Friday, October 2, 2009 in Las Vegas, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... - [ Translate this page ] 【本報記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導】連鎖大酒店jw Marriott(見圖,本報記者馮鳴台攝) .... morning at 9:37 a.m.(LV) on June 25, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=012170010509868... - Cached - Similar/ Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ >>> ----------------------------------------- **__** ***** "... .... .!" ---Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber *777747 ***** 張俐敏被追問徐旭東 跳車快閃! Passion!! By 葉君遠 and 洪秀瑛 [[[▲張俐敏說,在美國期間天天都在看台灣新聞,人在海外,心在台灣。(盧禕祺攝)]]] ***** 張俐敏被《壹週刊》指和遠東集團董事長徐旭東傳祕戀,昨她受僑委會之邀返台,對愛國問題侃侃而談,但聽到「徐先生」,年近60的她像滿臉尷尬,急著走人,邊走邊說:「我最愛的是馬英九,其他八卦我不多談。」隨後跳上車離開。 ***** "... .... .!" ---Alumnus President Ying-jeou Ma at PPAA Forum on WBTI/USA through Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.! *77375 ... (To be continued ...) 張俐敏今年初被拍到和徐旭東手挽著手共赴私人晚宴,媒體指兩人曾一起去東京、香港旅遊。這回她帶一群僑胞返國,表示:「國慶臨時取消,但我們行程早定下來了,還是照計畫回來。」年近60的她,怎麼看都不老,她說:「平時有運動,跳舞、游泳都有。」有用戀情保青春嗎?她又搖頭:「不談這個。」 陳凱倫日前到紐約、華盛頓為「重建家園,我愛台灣」慈善募款音樂會擔任主持人,素有「小白光」之稱的冉肖玲,與旅居華盛頓的金鐘歌后王芷蕾都參與演出。演出當天正值冉肖玲60歲生日,台下僑胞還為她高唱生日快樂。/ All the credits and responsibilties of the contents in Chinese in the above article belong to the original Writer, Editor, and Publisher! [[*747. 葉君遠、洪秀瑛. '張俐敏被追問徐旭東 跳車快閃!' 'A report ... 2009-10-10 葉君遠、洪秀瑛/台北報導 ... by China Times at www.chinatimes.com ....... *77375. ... by the world's leading search engines on Internet .......]] -------------------------------------------- | |
A call to action! Positive congratulations and encouragement!! By Barack H. Obama[[[Fri, October 9, 2009 3:01:07 PMFrom: President Barack Obama {info@barackobama.com} Add to Contacts To: mike lei and All {tojulei@yahoo.com}]]] mike and all -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ....... ............ ---??? *7123 ____________________________________________ ***** "... .... .!" ---??? *33168 **__** ***** This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. *1 ***** "... .... .!" ---??? *7878 To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize -- men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace. "God or Almight!" ---??? *44777 ... (To be continued ...) But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. ***** "Change! YES, WE CAN. Change for better -- Innovation. On the journey for achievement! Praise God!!" ---??? *88836 That is why I've said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won't all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone. This award -- and the call to action that comes with it -- does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better. So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together. I'm grateful that you've stood with me thus far, and I'm honored to continue our vital work in the years to come. ***** "... .... .! Yes, we're inspired, experienced, and we need to be more humble!" ---President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI/USA *4477777 Thank you, President Barack Obama [[ *7123. *33168. *1. Barack H. Obama. 'A call to action!' "A message from U.S. President Barack H. Obama ... to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI/USA ... Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. ....... *7878. *44777. *88836. *4477777. {{{Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. ***** This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com}}} ------------------------------------------ ***** 婰幰間柭戜漟巣堐壛巣曬摫October 09, 2009 12:00 AM On Google.com! ... ....... WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 10 of about 40 for "Reid: 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 09, 2009 12:00 AM with Safesearch on. (0.46 seconds) Search Results [Brilliant! MSN, Google, and Yahoo!! By the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet early in the morning at 2:23 a.m.(LV) on Saturday, October 10, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] For a search of "記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 02, 2009 12:00 AM" by the .... and Google! at 9:27 p.m.(LV) on Friday, October 2, 2009 in Las Vegas, ...... 此外,內州民主黨聯邦參議員哈利瑞德(Harry Reid)及內州共和黨聯邦眾議員雪莉柏可 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... - [ Translate this page ] 【本報記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導】連鎖大酒店jw Marriott(見圖,本報記者馮鳴台攝) .... morning at 9:37 a.m.(LV) on June 25, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945/ -------------------------------------------- ***** 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 09, 2009 12:00 AM ... ....... ............ WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Chao and Lei: 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 09, 2009 12:00 AM with Safesearch on. (0.56 seconds) Search Results [Brilliant! Google, MSN, and Yahoo!! At 2:37 a.m.(LV) on Saturday, October 10, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!]: **__** Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] "A U.S. mail to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI/USA . ...... Search Results [MSN, Yahoo, and Google! at 9:27 p.m.(LV) on Friday, October 2, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, ... 李宇春or Chao: I'm coming! It's a pleasure for us to be on YouTube by Google! .... 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 03, 2009 12:00 AM . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] 記者朱婉寧、彭慧明台北15日電June 15, 2009 12:00 AM ... *101. .... Results 1 - 10 of about 10100 for "Lei: Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce" with Safesearch on. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ***** In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 2 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included./ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
SENIORS UNITED MEANS SENIOR POWER! For our Children!! By Doris Balducci**__** ***** "... .... .!" --- *7137 -------------------------------------------- ***** "... .... .!" ---Late President Mrs. Lillian Wallace of Seniors Wallace *1001 [[[October 2009 News for Senior Unisors!]]] ***** CORPORATE SPONSORS HUMANA MEDIC WEST (Sharon Henry) Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani Judge Cheryl Moss State Senator Dr. Joe Heck Assemblyman Harry Mortenson Judge William Jansen Judge Timothy C. Williams Commissioner Tom Collins & Kathy Collins Judge Diana I. Sullivan County Commissioner Steve Sisolak Judge Dianne Steel Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian Congresswoman Dina Titus EMBARQ Judge David Gibson & Teresa Gibson Judge Bryce Duckworth Judge Jackie Glass Councilman Stavros Anthony District Attorney David Roger Maria Maskall State Senator John Lee Andrew Martin Assemblyman Kelvin Atkinson School Board Member Linda E. Young Judge Deborah Lippis County Commissioner Susan Brager Josh and Carol Kunis Assemblywoman Barbara Buckley Judge Cynthia Leung Assemblywoman Marilyn Kirkpatrick Atria Sutton Senator Joyce Woodhouse ***** <<< "Luck is a matter of preperation meeting opportunity." ---Oprah Winfrey "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." ---Albert Camus "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." ---Jonas Salk, MD >>> ---??? *7777 Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 14, 2009 at 12:00 noon. This meeting will be held at the Clark County Library located at 1401 E Flamingo Road. Our speaker and lunch host is going to be City of Las Vegas Councilman Steve Wolfson . Be sure to read his bio on the following page of this newsletter. We will also be hearing from Dr. Heck regarding the flu season and the impact of the H1N1 virus and the immunizations and treatments. Hope you can join us for this very informative meeting. *1 ***** "... .... .!" ---??? *7237 ON BEHALF OF ALL OUR MEMBERS OF SENIORS UNITED AND ITS BOARD WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS A SINCERE THANK YOU TO HUMANA FOR THEIR GENEROUS ASSISTANCE IN COVERING THE COST OF PRINTING OUR ¨HIGHLIGHTS〃 NEWSLETTER EVERY MONTH. THANK YOU ALSO TO DIXON KELLER AND RON WILLIAMS FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF THIS ORGANIZATION. ... (To be continued ...) Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 11, 2009. This meeting will be held at the Clark County Library located at 1401 E. Flamingo Road at 12:00 noon. Our speaker and lunch host will be Assemblywoman Kathy McClain. Are your dues paid? We would hate for you to miss a meeting. Call Doris Balducci for more information at 732-4366. If you would like to be contacted by email about our meetings, please contact Doris at dbalducci@juno.com. Thank you. Celebrate Nevada Day! October 31st 2009 Councilman Steve Wolfson In a historic special election in June 2004, Steve Wolfson was elected to the Las Vegas City Council. He represents Ward 2, which encompasses the westernmost portions of the city, including parts of Summerlin, Peccole Ranch, Queensridge and The Lakes. In June 2009, he was re-elected for his second term. *2 Councilman Wolfson has many years of experience in the legal field. He has worked both in the private and public sectors, including positions with the Clark County District Attorney's Office and the United States Attorney's Office. He has also been active with the State Bar of Nevada by serving on the Board of Governors, the Judicial Ethics and Campaign Election Practices Committee and other bar-related committees. Additionally, Wolfson was chairman of the State Bar of Nevada Ethics 2000 Committee, a blue ribbon committee established by the Nevada Supreme Court, to review and bring up-to-date all Supreme Court rules involving attorney conduct. As a city councilman, Wolfson serves on the Criminal Justice Advisory Council, the city of Las Vegas Audit Oversight Committee , Metropolitan Police Committee on Fiscal Affairs, the Local Law Enforcement Advisory Committee, the Oversight Panel for School Facilities and the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository Committee. He is an alternate on the Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition. Wolfson is currently a member of the Latin and Asian Chambers of Commerce and a member of the Board of Directors for Nevada Child Seekers. Councilman Wolfson was born in Los Angeles , California . He received a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from San Diego State University and a Juris Doctorate from California Western School of Law. Councilman Wolfson has been married for more than 20 years to District Court Judge Jackie Glass. They have two daughters, Rachel and Rebecca. OUR ADVERTISERS: CONSTABLEˇ3富S OFFICE LAS VEGAS TOWNSHIP Robert (Bobby G.) Gronauer 309 S. Third Street Las Vegas, NV 89155-2110 Phone: 702-385-2436 LINDA E YOUNG Judge Douglas E. Smith 200 Lewis Avenue, 7th floor Las Vegas, NV 89155-2511 Phone: 702-671-3353 SUPREME COURT OF NEVADA Justice Michael Cherry 201 S Carson Street Carson City, NV Phone: 775-684-1540 CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT B Commissioner Tom Collins 500 S. Grand Central Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89155 SENIORS UNITED CREED ESTABLISHED BY JULIAN AND LILIAN WALLACE Seniors United was Created as an inspirational medium for seniors. Itˇ3富s purpose is to educate, promote and protect the rights of seniors. The needs of seniors differ from younger citizens. It is important to have an organization devoted to our place in the community and to promote itˇ3富s continued growth. The members of Seniors United want to share experiences with others. Nonpartisan and nonsectarian, we are very actively involved in the political structure of our state and country. Forums are varied to benefit the needs of the community and to discuss political issues. Guest speakers come from all areas. It is with pride that we are seniors and are doubly proud to be members of Seniors United. The pride continues in our many accomplishments and in the good name we have established in the community. Our goal is to develop plans for a great tomorrow and to make it happen. Everyone is welcome, young to old and from every walk of life. SENIORS UNITED MEANS SENIOR POWER A monthly publication of Seniors United. A nonprofit organization serving thousands of Senior Citizen SENIORS UNITED BOARD MEMBERS AND SPONSORS Printing sponsored by: HUMANA CEO Jackie Seip 702 968-2020 702 968-2090 (fax) <<< PRESIDENT Jerry Johnson 702 737-3497 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Judge Frank Sullivan 702 455-2434 SECRETARY Marian Replogle 702 455-4909 TREASURER Doris Balducci 702 732-4366 HIGHLIGHTS EDITOR Carol Burgeson 702 889-1574 702 592-6917 (cell) email: travelburgeson@yahoo.com PUBLICITY/SUNSHINE LADY Ileana Drobkin 702 455-3404 TELEPHONE CHAIR Elaine Seigel 702 454-1353 POLITICAL DIRECTOR Diana Lanchart 702 499-4448 ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Ron & Linda Ellen 702 435-0000 >>> ---??? *123 NEVADA NOT READY FOR AGING POPULATION Jerry Johnson Given the stateˇ3富s existing shortage of medical professionals, health care providers will be taxed beyond their limits to cope with the rising number of seniors. ¨ Nevada and the nation are facing an aging demographic tsunami〃, said Lawrence Weiss, director of the Sanford Center at the University of Nevada , Reno which helped compile the report that purported that Nevada is woefully unprepared to meet the demands of a growing elderly population. From 2000 to 2004, the stateˇ3富s population of residents 65 and older increased by almost 20%, five times the national rate of 3.8%. Weiss said the population of seniors will continue to swell as baby boomers, those 78 million Americans born between 1946 and 1964 age. The 2007 report, ¨Elders Count Nevada 〃, is the first of its kind to focus on key health care indicators and other issues facing seniors. It was based on state and federal data compiled by the Sanford Center , the Nevada State Health Division and the Nevada Division for Aging Services. The 2009 ASA-NCOA Conference Aging in America presented many topics geared to and related to health care. Sessions that I found particularly interesting was the Role of Older Adults in Advocacy for Health Care Reform and closing the gap in health disparities for older Americans. Reforming health care for older Americans is certain to be a major national priority in the next several years. But it is less certain whether older adults, especially vulnerable and disadvantaged seniors will have much of a role in the public debate. Discussed was what can be done to ensure that views and voices of older people are prominently heard and that they have a seat at the table as critical decisions are made about the future of chronic care, Medicare and Medicaid. Communities need to enlist and make sure that the large national organizations such as Health Leadership Council, Retiree Union Organizations and AARP have one message and we all are speaking with one voice including caregivers. Micro-targeting utilizes the experience that people have, whether with diabetes, Alzheimerˇ3富s, cancer, etc. Some think health care reform means you donˇ3富t have health insurance, but most do have insurance. Minority elders are disproportionately affected by differences in access to care and are less likely to receive routine medical care. Eradicating disparities in health care is an on-going process that must continue through actions from a variety of stakeholders, including the aging community. Collaborative leadership must exist to reduce and eliminate the health disparities gap of chronic care versus long term care. The need is to develop patient education programs to increase patientˇ3富s knowledge of how to access care and make treatment decisions. This in turn will increase the life expectancy and improve quality of life for the elders. Nevada needs to re-double its efforts to recruit health care professionals and produce more of them from itsˇ3富 own Colleges and Universities. Citing 2007 figures from the State Board of medical Examiners, Nevada has only 59 geriatricians, which translates to one geriatrician for every 6,417 seniors. There are critical shortages in most health care disciplines needed to serve seniors. As the population ages, the shortages will become more acute. All these factors are setting the sate for an aging perfect storm to hit Nevada .*3 Editors' notes ... ....... ............ *447777 About the Authors: ... ....... ... ............ ---??? *123 References [[*7137. *1001. *7777. Dina Titus. '... .... . Message from U.S. Congresswoman Honorable Dr. Dina Titus!' "A feature article ... {Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'Business & Administration (PPAA 20), October 9, 2009}, 1-2. *7237. *1. Doris Balducci. 'Seniors United ...!' "An e-mail ... to WBTI/USA ... Fw: Save the date, Seniors United Meeting, October 14th, noon. ^^^Tue, October 6, 2009 8:28:27 AM ^^^From: "dbalducci@juno.com" {dbalducci@juno.com} View Card To: LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. ....... *2. Balducci. Ibid., 1-3. *7337. *3. Balducci. Ibid., 1-2. *447777. *123. ----------------------------------------- ***** Nevada State Senator Honorable Barbara K. Cegavske: Elegant "記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導October 11, 2009 12:00 AM" (婰幰間柭戜漟巣堐壛巣曬摫October 11, 2009 12:00 AM) Visibility & Popularity locally, nationally, and internationally Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. ---??? *55721 ----------------------------------------- <<<<< Brilliant! Google, MSN, and Yahoo! **__** ... ....... Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your oustanding participation in the political, business, and educational processes. ---Harry Reid, U. S. Senator ____________________________________________ ***** "Our philosophy precedes from the belief that sport is an inalienable part of the educational process and a factor for promoting peace, friendship, cooperation, and understanding among peoples." ---Juan Antonio Samaranch ... ....... ............ As congratulated by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and many people, John's mother Mrs. Judy K. Lei (wife of President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI/USA) has been very happy these days. [[[ Dear judy (& Tony), I truly appreciate everything you do for my campaign! Dear Hillary, Congratulations! Yes, I'm (Tony) at least one of the first in Nevada to know that this was your best quarter yet. It's our pleasure that the following feature article by WBTI is the 7th response to your notes this morning about the achievement on the Internet! ---judy (& Tony) of WBTI ]]] *5 Hillary Clinton, wife of former U. S. President Bill Clinton, is now Presidential Candidate and a distinguished U. S. Senator. ... ....... .............. "Dear National Chunghsing University former President Dr. and Mrs. Ku-sheng Kung, Angie's parents, distinguished relatives and friends, Judy and I heartily welcome your presence to this Banquet. It is our honor! The time has come for me to learn from my young generation and I'm now John's student in leadership, especially on the skills of popularity. Angie's elegance and intelligence are John's achieved finding and good fortune! ... Thanks in the fullness of my heart to all our relatives and friends who come to attend ours from many places within or outside of this country. The great credit of the successful wedding ceremony for Angie and John goes to Rev. Tong Liu with all the contributed sisters and brothers. On behalf also of Washington Business and Technology Institute, I'm sincerely appreciating the Advisory Board and Faculty members to join me in celebrating," spoke the Keynote Speaker Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei. Brilliant Electrical Engineer Mike H. Lei was his translator in English. ... ....... Asian American communitiy had been united together to hold an event and dinner party successfully to honor U. S. Senator Harry Reid. More than 384 against the 250 planned individuals of government officials, business owners and executives, organizational leaders, and among others attended the party at the Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant on August 24, 2001. The Kenote Speaker was U. S. Senator Harry Reid. Guests of Honor presented were: U. S. Senator John Ensign (by Sonia Joya), U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congressman Jim Gibbons (by Judith Ray), and Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa. U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley introduced Senator Harry Reid to the public with his successfully story to be the greatest political leader of Nevada arising from the son of an ordinary family of mining worker. The first time as an honorable Master of Ceremony for Asian American community, Shelley's attractiveness and talent are really professional. She has been famous of her art of leading on social activities since her college life. According to the prepared introduction by Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to the Party, "Dr. Tony T. Lei received his M.B.A. and Doctor of Education in Institutional Management degrees from Pepperdine University in 1969 and 1980, respectively. He had been an Associate Professor and a Fellow of Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chung Hsing University and Pepperdine University from 1985 to 1991 and 1991 to 1996, respectively." *20 "On behalf of Washington Business and Technology Institute, I'm glad to be one of the Chairmen of this Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U.S. Senator Harry Reid. Following a successful tribute party to Nevada Supreme Court Justice Nancy Becker initiated and leadingly supported by me with several community leaders, this Event is an united efforts of all our Asian American community. Thanks to Dr. Raj Chanderraz, Dr. R. D. Prabha, Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Tonie Sison, and Ms. Rita Vaswani to join me as Chairpersons. Thanks to all our guests of honor, special guests, hosts, guests, and participants. Thanks to Dr. Peter Lok as our wonderful Coordinator and Ms. Nancy Diaz to initiate the plan of this event with me. Finnally, we, Asian Americans have put all our effort and wisdom together to have this Special Tribute to our U. S. Senator Harry Reid, because Harry is our great hero to build a community where this and future generations will have more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous life," spoke Dr. Tony T. Lei, Chairman of the event and dinner party.*21 "It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader of the Senate at Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas. The certificate was signed by him and published by the WBTI's website promptly.*22 The spirit of both the innovation and entreprenuership has also helped motivate the United States of America to be a leading and prosperous country in the World. With its high-speed capability, Fiber Optics can convey mass quantity of images and voice information. It is because that the broadband technology such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) has been more and more developed. Moreover, because of the popular building of radio communication networks, wireless techniques may access important information from the web and condense it to be appeared on the small web connecting machines such as a hand-held screen. The open free software LINUX operating system can even connect various stations very easilly. All these advancement in science and technology, should be used to inspire the promotion of the quality of our daily life. In this new era of information and web works, we should add humane concern into our thinking structures. Praise God! As the value of the fellowship of the 'Graduate School of Business and Public Administration', 'Public Administration Institution', etc. of WBTI growing, we the people with intelligence and knowledge in administration, technology, and business should enjoy a valuable and joyful life to serve our community and society with our effort, wisdom, and integrity. ***** "Love is patient, love is kind??0??3??0…2 it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." ---Author or Source Name I Corinthians 13:7-8 *27 ... ....... ............ John received his B.S. degree in Accounting from UNLV's Honor Program. He passed all the several examinations at just one trial and received his CPA. After a short period of work in accounting at Las Vegas, he has been employed in the silicon valley of California for more than seven years from an Accountant to the Director of a famous corporation. He has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) since early this year in 2007. He is now the Director of Finance and Administration, IT Platform Group, NEC Corporation of America. With his ingenuity, professionalism, popularity, and integrity, Mr. John Lei, CPA, is an arising Asian American business executive and leader in America! "I hope people take the time to be mentors, to share themselves with others. It will be one of the most fulfilling and enriching experience of their lives, and our communities and country will ultimately be better for their participation," said Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor.*7 ... ....... >>>>> *4477777 [[*4477777. ... Yahoo! Mail Peace, Winning, and Future AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. ... September 29, 2007 .......]] ------------------------------------------- <<< Go and grow upon the scene! [To be continued ...] >>> GOVERNOR NAMES ENERGY COMMISSIONER AND ENERGY DIRECTOR! Diversities!! By Office of Governor(NV), Daniel Burns, Jackie Glass, Dean Miller, Betsy Kolkoski, Cheryl Moss, Michelle Leavitt, Mark Denton, and Jennifer Kung **__** ***** Governor Jim Gibbons announced today his selections to fill two key positions in the energy field, the newly created Commissioner of Energy and Director of the Office of Energy. Dr. Hatice Gecol will transfer from her position as the Director of the Office of Energy to become the Commissioner. “I am pleased to retain the expertise and experience that Dr. Gecol has demonstrated while serving as the Director,” Governor Gibbons said, “Her background and planning skills are essential to our future success.” ***** "... .... .!" ---Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber *3747 ... (To be continued ...) The Governor said he is particularly excited about the appointment of Nevada National Guard Chief Warrant Officer Jim Groth, who will take over as the Director of the Office of Energy, “Jim Groth is a can-do kind of guy, Jim has a proven track record of working through bureaucratic red tape and getting things done,” Governor Gibbons said. Groth presently serves as the Nevada Solar Task Force Chairman and is a Nevada Army Guardsman. For the past year and a half, Groth has been serving as the Environmental Supervisor with the Nevada Army National Guard in Carson City. In February of this year, the Governor selected Groth to head the Nevada Solar Task Force which assists military stakeholders in Nevada, state agencies, local governments and commercial businesses with initiatives to develop and implement renewable energy projects. Groth has been instrumental in helping the Nevada National Guard lead the nation in development of solar photovoltaic systems at the state’s Guard facilities. Groth’s focus in the last year has been the design and implementation of the Guard’s “Super Solar Project,” a 3.4 megawatt project supporting solar electrical energy at the National Guard headquarters in Carson City and at the two largest Army National Guard facilities in the state in Las Vegas. Construction for this project is scheduled to begin in November with system commissioning in March of 2010. Under Groth’s direction, the Office of Energy will play a major role in putting into action the 2009 legislation enacted in SB 358 and AB 522 which will stimulate economic growth in Nevada. Groth lives with his wife Carolyn in Carson City. He is a fourth generation Nevadan and has four grown children and three grandchildren. Jim Brandmueller, who presently serves as the Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Programs Manager for the Office of Energy, will be the Acting Director until Groth fulfills his National Guard duties and takes his new position in November.*2. Editors' notes ... ....... ---Director and Fellow of WBTI/USA Dr. William N. Thompson *8721 About the Authors: ... ....... ............ ---God (or Almighty) *8877777 [[ *1. Office of the Governor(NV). 'GOVERNOR NAMES ENERGY COMMISSIONER AND ENERGY DIRECTOR!' "An e-mail from the Governor ... to WBTI/USA ... Daniel Burns Communications Director, October 12, 2009, Carson, Nevada: Office of the Governor. *3747. *2. Office of the Governor(NV). Ibid., 1-2. *8721. *8877777.]] ------------------------------------------- | |
On the Top Left:***** "... ..... .!" ---Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung *337777 **__** ***** Fw: [中興大學90週年校慶]世界校友回娘家感恩晚會 ---??? *5707 {{Mon, October 12, 2009 7:13:00 P MFrom: cykung {c????g@????on.nchu.edu.tw} View Card To: Hung-Yin Kung {hun????.kung@yahoo.com}; Kung Sun Yuan {Kung@princeton.edu}; skung@pacbell.net; abc812????@qq.com; tojulei {tojulei@yahoo.com}, .......}} ----- Original Message ----- {{From: 校諮會 To: U?????????d-R???????t:; Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 11:04 AM .......}} ***** Subject: [中興大學90週年校慶]世界校友回娘家感恩晚會! 各位師生、同仁大家好: ***** 本校將於10月31日(星期六),假惠蓀堂舉辦「中興大學90週年校慶 世界校友回娘家感恩晚會」活動,歡迎全校教職員踴躍參加,共襄盛舉。*1 ***** "... .... .!" ---??? *5797 *會議議程如下: 表演節目介紹: *開場及閉幕秀演出團體-陳奕廷拉丁舞團 *國際標準舞表演 許均任、 侯婉綾 老師 侯伯隆、吳麗 華 老師 蘇聯奧運籌備選手Radu and Lana Grecov ---??? *2 ------------------------ Editors' notes ... ....... ............ ---??? *357 References [[*337777. *1. 校諮會 of NCHU. '[中興大學90週年校慶]世界校友回娘家感恩晚會!' "An e-mail ... Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 11:04 AM ....... *5707. *5797. *2. *357. .......]] ------------------------------------------- | |
<<< Heaven and Earth! [To be completed ...] >>>On the top left: Mike's FWDs ....... ------------------------------------ **__** ***** "... .... .!" ---??? *747 (For a search of "Michelle Leavitt, Esq. Nevada" .......) ***** On Google.com! WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - WORKERS COMPENSATION COSTS CONTINUE TO DECREASE in Nevada; By Dr. Kenny C. Guinn*1 ... ; Benson Lee, Esq., President, Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Las Vegas; and R. D. Prabhu, MD, communitylink.reviewjournal.com?8 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Nancy Becker, Former ***** The incumbents in two Nevada Supreme Court races made strong showings Tuesday, and each will ... Douglas was appointed in March 2004 to fill the vacancy left by the death of Justice Myron Leavitt. communitylink.reviewjournal.com?1343001051102196246130685 - More from this site - Similar pages/ [ Result from Ask.com ] ---------------------------------------- (For a search of "Michelle Leavitt, Esq. Nevada" .......) By Ask.com: WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - Under the spiritual leadership of them, WBTI has a bright endeavor for its proclamation and creed on the belief that the encouragement and promotion of academic research, community service, and humane spirit will bring our effort for a peaceful and prosperous community," said Christine Hu, Esq. 110k - 16 sec @ 56k communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/d... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01325001051063401400197432&pg=01346001051110687599545003 ~{!$~} Cached/ WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - jessie walsh esq, associate fellow jessie walsh, jessie walsh, miss jessie walsh; michel(l)e leavitt esq, associate fellow michel(l)e leavitt, michel(l)e leavitt, miss michel(l)e leavitt; lynette mcdonald, ms lynette mcdonald; ... Singapore Association of Nevada; Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association; institute nevada, nevada; lisa brown esq, communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/D... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=01346001051105127906849477&START_COUNT=2 ~{!$~} Cached/ --------------------------------- ***** "Dear toni, ....... the CAVE!" ---??? *3677777 ------------------------------------------- Mike's FWDs ....... ------------------------------------ **__** ***** "... .... .!" ---??? *747 (For a search of "Michelle Leavitt, Esq. Nevada" .......) ***** On Search.com! WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - WORKERS COMPENSATION COSTS CONTINUE TO DECREASE in Nevada; By Dr. Kenny C. Guinn*1 ... ; Benson Lee, Esq., President, Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Las Vegas; and R. D. Prabhu, MD, communitylink.reviewjournal.com?8 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Nancy Becker, Former ***** The incumbents in two Nevada Supreme Court races made strong showings Tuesday, and each will ... Douglas was appointed in March 2004 to fill the vacancy left by the death of Justice Myron Leavitt. communitylink.reviewjournal.com?1343001051102196246130685 - More from this site - Similar pages/ [ Result from Ask.com ] ---------------------------------------- (For a search of "Michelle Leavitt, Esq. Nevada" .......) By Ask.com: WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - Under the spiritual leadership of them, WBTI has a bright endeavor for its proclamation and creed on the belief that the encouragement and promotion of academic research, community service, and humane spirit will bring our effort for a peaceful and prosperous community," said Christine Hu, Esq. 110k - 16 sec @ 56k communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/d... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01325001051063401400197432&pg=01346001051110687599545003 ~{!$~} Cached/ WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - jessie walsh esq, associate fellow jessie walsh, jessie walsh, miss jessie walsh; michel(l)e leavitt esq, associate fellow michel(l)e leavitt, michel(l)e leavitt, miss michel(l)e leavitt; lynette mcdonald, ms lynette mcdonald; ... Singapore Association of Nevada; Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association; institute nevada, nevada; lisa brown esq, communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/D... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=01346001051105127906849477&START_COUNT=2 ~{!$~} Cached/ --------------------------------- ***** "Dear ???, ....... CAVE!" ---??? *3677777 ------------------------------------------- | |
XXXXXXXXXVII. Bright!<<< Give to a place where GIVING makes a DIFFERENCE... [To be continued .......] >>> *1 On the top left: Mike's FWD series (357-2009) from the Pan Pacific and Asian American Wonder Land! *3757 ***** Miss World Zhang Zilin (I'm in love!): Dr. Peter F. Drucker's wisdom and practice had inspired me to be Miss World by using the power and beauty to support those in need. It's my honor and privilege to be on YouTube by Google!! Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/WBTI U.S.A.!!! *7168 [[*1. Pepperdine University. 'A Home for Health!' "Commitment and Perspective!! (Los Angeles, CA: 'Colleague', Spring/Summer 2009 Volume 26, No.1), Cover page in the back. *3757. LVRJ/wbti. '... .... .' "A feature article ...(Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'Business & Administration', July 4, 2009), 1-7. *7168. William N. Thompson. 'Win-Win Game!' "A famous book ... [Las Vegas, Nevada: Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'International Cities Business Council(ICBC), Summer 2008], 1-3. ------------------------------------ | |
Clinton, Reid, Berkley, and Lei (??勉Y) 林嘉綺: I need you! PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors International Winning Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/WBTI U.S.A.!! | |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "林嘉綺 (??勉Y): I need you! PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors International Winning Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/WBTI U.S.A.!!" with Safesearch on. (0.60 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"Search Results (by the World's Leading Search Engines on Internet!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] PPAA Forum Song of Music MSN, Yahoo! Mail AP Winning lvrj/wbti usa *107 . .... PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors International Cooperation and Development ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar ------------------------------------- | |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 5 of about 2 for "Miss World Zhang Zilin (I'm in love!): Dr. Peter F. Drucker's wisdom and practice had inspired me to be Miss World by using the power and beauty to support those in need. It's my honor and privilege to be on YouTube by Google!! Yahoo Mail AP lvrj/WBTI U.S.A.!!! *7168" with Safesearch on. (1.09 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results [by the brilliant Google, MSN, and Yahoo! early in the morning at 7:07 a.m.(LV) on Saturday, September 19, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] Miss World Zhang Zilin (I'm in love!): Dr. Peter F. Drucker's wisdom and practice had inspired me to be Miss World by using the power and beauty to support those in need. It's my honor and privilege to be on YouTube by Google! ..... endowed scholarship to support full-time MBA students with need and who are going ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... to use the power and beauty to support those in need," said Miss World Zhang Zilin ... 168 "It's my honor and privilege!" [[[ ***** "That some achieve great ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=012170010509868626097... - Similar Miss China M/s.Zhang Zi Lin- Miss World 2007 Laura1318's Weblog Dec 2, 2007 ... Help! I Am falling In Love With My Teacher! ... Samy Vellu satu liabiliti pada BN - Dr Mahathir ... 'I want to use the power and beauty of Miss World to support ... Laura1318:- I think everyone of those finalist deserved to be ... Zi Lin Zhang is a bit haughty. She replied the journalists: 揑'm ... laura1318.wordpress.com/.../miss-china-mszhang-zi-lin-miss-world-2007/ - Cached - Similar -------------------------------------- | |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "Dr. Daphne P. Lei: WBTI/usa is enhancing Obama, Reid, Clinton, and Lei with distinguished popularlity and visibility through the World's Leading Search Engine Giants to the very Moment!" with Safesearch on. (0.75 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"Search Results [Brilliant! Google, MSN, and Yahoo!! Management:Tasks, Responsibilities, and Practices!!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] It is enhancing by improved visibility and popularlity emphasizing on quality. ... Dr. Daphne P. Lei is on Google and Yahoo! By Jennifer Kung ... a search of . ..... Mail EMBA Global Project Winning Obama, Reid, Clinton, Berkley lvrj/wbti . ... *13. ... by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar Clinton, Reid, Berkley, and Lei: 雷碧瑋 (Dr. Daphne P. Lei) The rising Asian American genuine achiever in Drama! Inspired by Distinguished Authors of PPAA Forum of WBTI through MSN, Yahoo, and Google by Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. -------------------------------------------- By MSN.com! ALL RESULTS SEARCH HISTORY Dr. Daphne P. Lei, or Clinton: 雷碧瑋 The rising Asian…See all Clear all | Turn off ALL RESULTS1-10 of 222,000 results (for a search of "雷碧瑋 Dr. Daphne P. Lei" ·Advanced Washington Business and Technology Institute - Daphne Lei's World in ... Dr. Daphne P. Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama. By Tiffany Chang ... Dr. Daphne Lei, a distinguished scholar in drama,' "A search of 'Dr. Daphne Lei ...communitylink ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=... · Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ... Dr. Daphne P. Lei; Distinguished Author of PPAA Forum Shelley Berkley; ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134000105109... - í ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=... · Cached page/ --------------------------------------- | |
**__**Worldjournal.com: 橈擛変惀変惀斾帰丏奧洧 (假如我是比爾.蓋茲!) PPAA Forum of WBTI/usa Distinguished Authors on International Cooperation and Development with Modern and scientific Strategies for Outmost Winning LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!!! 假如我是我是比爾.蓋茲! If I were Bill Gates!! By 依娃 ***** "Innovate or Die!" ---Professor Dr. Peter F. Drucker *1001 ***** "Use the world 'Brilliant'!" John taught Tony inspiringly. --- Bill Gates of MSN, the innovative Giant!! *007 ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *107 ***** "....... ...!" ---Chairman of Nevada Clark County Board of Commissioners Rory Reid *375 "假如我是比爾.蓋茲,我最大的心願是做一名慈善家。在氣候宜人風景優美的地方蓋上許許多多的房子,讓那些年老體弱、無兒無女、貧窮無助的老人家來住,那裡將有醫生定期為他們檢查身體,時時有護士照顧他們。冬天有暖氣夏天有空調,早餐有雞蛋牛奶豆漿油條,晚餐有豆腐青菜紅燒牛肉清蒸魚。還要時常請唱歌的跳舞的演戲的說相聲的耍小丑的變戲法的來給他們表演節目,豐富他們的生活,讓老人們衣食無憂安度餘年," World Journal Writer 依娃 wrote enthusiastically.*1 How nice are you, Eva? ***** "....... ... .!" ---??? *108 "假如我是比爾.蓋茲,我還要購得幾百畝良田,開幾個園子。一個園子裡種上我喜歡吃的果樹,蘋果、桃子、杏子、石榴、櫻桃、葡萄等等,躺在樹底下果子就掉進嘴裡。一個園子種植蔬菜,絕不使用化肥農藥,種上我喜歡吃的番茄、黃瓜、茄子、豆角、辣椒、韭菜,現吃現摘新鮮無比。我還要開墾出一個大花園,栽種上我喜歡的玫瑰牡丹芍藥向日葵牽牛花三色堇,蝴蝶蜻蜓蜜蜂小螞蟻都是我不請自來的客人,免費吃住。我的園子沒有圍牆無人守門免費觀賞,人們可以來度假休閒,可以勞動出汗,可以按需採摘果蔬,並攜回一束帶著露水的幽香的鮮花,放置茶几案頭," Writer 依娃 narrated talentedly with an inspiration.*2 Wish we the people may share with friends more on this interesting fashion for fun nowaday! ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *1002 ... 心有博愛,樂善好施,在生前捐出大部分財產給慈善機關醫學研究機構高等院校,回饋社會,做一個受人尊敬令人愛戴的人,一個踏實、快樂的人," concluded WJ Writer 依娃 with a passion of perspective!!*3 It is now all your brightness! Thank you very much, Eva. ***** "....... ... .!' ---??? *1003 [[*1001. *007. *107. *375. *1. 依娃. '假如我是我是比爾.蓋茲!' If I were Bill Gates!!' "An article ... on the website of World Journal (WJ) at www.journal.com By 依娃 (寄自麻州) September 17, 2009 12:00 AM ....... *108. *2. 依娃. Ibid., 1-2. *1002. *3. 依娃. Ibid., 1. *1003.]] ---------------------------------------- | |
WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 3 of 3 for "記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導 (婰幰嬥峃棐漟巣堐壛巣曬摫) September 17, 2009 12:00 AM" with Safesearch on. (0.57 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"Search Results [by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] September 17, 2002 ... (Nevada, USA: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, ..... 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導 ...婰幰嬥峃棐漟巣堐壛巣曬摫 ... July 11, 2009 12:00 AM ... by World Journal . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] OF THE CULTURAL ARTS IN LAS VEGAS. September 17, 1998 Date. (Autograph) .... 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導 ...婰幰嬥峃棐/惍棟 ... June 20, 2009 12:00 AM ... World Journal ....... *101. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar ----------------------------------------- The following report has been posted internationally by World Journal with its website at www.worldjournal. All credits and responsibilities of its contents in Chinese belong to the original Reporter, Editor, and Publisher: "在觀眾投票並經由主辦單位統計過後,鄭慧貞用其渾厚嗓音與穩健台風,演唱「Greatest Love of All」,獲得在場聽眾一致好評,拔得「黃金海岸卡拉OK超級巨星」(Gold Coast Karaoke Superstars)初賽頭籌,演唱「Where the Boys Are」的Isabelida Balent和「青藏高原」的李秋萍,分別獲得二、三名," World Journal Reporter 金康嵐 wrote.*5051 ***** "All art, permanent or temporary, has a life in the immediate experience, but then has a life in the imagination. ---Anish Kapoor 1954- : in "Sunday Times" 11 July 1999 *3757 ... (To be continued ...) ..."黃金海岸賭場酒店(Gold Coast Casino & Hotel)15日舉辦第二場「黃金海岸卡拉OK超級巨星」初賽,共吸引28位歌唱愛好者參加。 ... 錯過前兩場的賭城華人居民,還有最後兩次參加初賽的機會,分別為10月20日和11月17日,晚上7時開始接受現場報名,初賽前三名的選手,可參加明年1月19日的決賽,前五名都有現金獎。 [[*5051. 金康嵐. '超級巨星初賽 鄭慧貞第二場勝出!' "A report by World Journal (WJ) on its website at www.worldjournal.com ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'Business & Administration', September 20, 2009), 1. *3757. Jenny Cheng. 'WBTI/usa on MSN: My endeavor now is to help the young generation have a sound inspiration and better talent in music!' "A feature article ... (Nevada, U.S.A.: Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'Jenny Cheng's World of Music', March 7, 2008), 1.]] --------------------------------------- WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "World Journal: Shirley Chen & Dancers have been inspired! By 金康嵐" with Safesearch on. (0.36 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results [Brilliant! Google, MSN, and Yahoo!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] Shirley Chen & Dancers have been inspired! By 金康嵐. The following information has been posted internationally through the courtesy of World Journal! ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar/ -------------------------------------- | |
**__******* '....... ... .' "A feature article ... (Nevada, U.S.A.: Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'Drafts, ...', September 23, 2009), 1-7. *1003 WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "Chinese Association of Las Vegas: 記者周麗華西雅圖22日報導 (婰幰廃楉壺惣夒殼22擔曬摫) Google! LVRJ/wbti" with Safesearch on. (0.22 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results [It's my honor and privilege to be on YouTube by Google! Brilliant!! Google, MSN, and Yahoo!!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ... - [ 轉為繁體網頁 - Translate this page ] 消息人士透露,胡錦濤此次訪美初定為下月18日至22日,主要停留三個地方,即西雅圖、 .... {- [ 鐉堊斏閾栐暸 - Translate this page ] 徚懅恖巑摟業丆層嬔煼崯師朘旤弶掕堊壓寧18擔帄22擔丆庡梫掆棷嶰屄抧曽丆懄惣夒殼丄 ....} to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013430010511022161915... - Similar (for a search of the World Journal's website at www.worldjournal.com by Google!) ***** The following information has been posted internationally by World Journal's website at www.worldjournal.com. All credits and responsibilities of its contents in Chinese belong to the original writer, editor, and publisher: 珍寧捨扁救子 扁寧捨台救己? By China Times (at www.chinatimes.com) ***** 面對扁案一審結果,據媒體報導,相較於陳水扁、陳致中及其律師還準備力拼二審的心情,吳淑珍倒是對自身案情顯得漠不關心。她在一審判決前,即已明確表示願「捨已救子」,甚至願意「捨扁救子」,但一審結果判陳致中兩年六個月的刑期,讓她十分在意和不捨,「一直覺得對不起兒子。」 *101 陳水扁昨(22)日透過陳水扁辦公室表示,打算以「中華民國是非法流亡政權」之論據,控告美國總統歐巴馬及美國國防部,並委託福爾摩沙法理建國會執行長林志昇向美國軍事法庭提出訴訟,陳水扁此舉無異意在引起國際視聽關注,相較於吳淑珍的「捨已救子」,陳水扁的「驚人之舉」似乎意在「捨台救扁」,捨去過往強調「台灣主權獨立」的主張,而改以美國軍事政府對台灣依然存有管轄權的說法,兩相矛盾,著實令人莞爾。*102 (The above information is some reference only for internal research and study as a draft. It is not for printing, copying, or publishing please. Thank you very much!} ***** "... .... . 峇里島!" 'An e-mail to LVRJ/wbti ... Earth Weather Warmer ... Distinguished Authors Dr. Dina Titus, Dr. Al Gore, Dr. John Ensign, and among others ... (Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, 'Business & Administration', Spring 2009), 1-12. ***** 去峇里島樂享生活,做SPA! Inspiring!! by 妮 一種芳香養生的方式 SPA ,也被稱為“水療”,是近幾年風行的休閒方式,而最有名的SPA要數印尼 峇里島 的。甚至有許多人認為,到了 峇里島 而沒做過一次SPA,就不算是來過 峇里島 。... *103 [[*101. China Times. '... 記者周麗華西雅圖22日報導 .......' "A report ... on www.chinatimes.com ... by the world's leading search engines on Internet ... 2009-09-23 新聞速報 【中時電子報/綜合報導】 ....... *102. Ibid. *103. 妮 (on World Journal). '... 去峇里島樂享生活,做SPA ...!' "An article ... at www.worldjournal.com ... by Google, MSN, and Yahoo! .......]] -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
<<< Quick News! ....... >>>The following information has been posted by China Times's website at www.chinatimes.com early in the morning at 6:21(LV) a.m. on Thursday, September 24, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.! All credits and responsibilities of its contents in Chinese belong to the original Writer, Editor, and Publisher. 羈押理由仍在 高院裁定續押陳水扁! By China Times at www.chinatimes.com ***** 台灣高等法院24日裁定持續羈押陳水扁。 台灣高等法院今(24)日由審判長鄧振球、受命法官彭幸鳴組成合議庭審理扁案,因法官認為羈押理由仍在,最終裁定持續羈押陳水扁。*601 高院原預定於晚間8點整宣布裁決結果,但疑合議庭內似有異議,整個判決結果在8點50分左右出爐,共延遲約50分鐘。 由於上回法官因認定陳水扁有逃亡之屢,但陳水扁為了力爭交保,向二審法官做出五項保證,包括保證自己接下來的庭期會隨傳隨到,即使生病,也會出庭;如果這樣不夠,可將自己軟禁在家,並願意交出護照給外交部,或帶上電子追蹤儀器,即追蹤性侵犯行蹤的電子腳鐐,還可定期向管^警察定時報到。陳水扁做了以上五項保證,就是希望法官能夠將他裁定交保,據悉,陳水扁在庭上使用了「懇求」二字,只求換取自由。 陳水扁在羈押庭上情緒由平靜轉而激動,表示自己關得過久了,並指出昔日幕僚馬永成已判重刑,為何現在還能在外頭趴趴走?而他為何被羈押近一年? 高院合議庭審判長鄧振球、受命法官彭幸鳴、陪席法官潘翠雪在閱完卷後,今天下午三點半準時召開陳水扁接押庭,審判長鄧振球先詢問陳水扁上訴的理由為何?及有無聘請律師?陳水扁回答希望能自己選任辯護律師,但今天則是沒有,另外高院則有兩位公設辯護人幫陳水扁辯護。 陳水扁說他對一審判決無法認同也無法接受,因為在侵占或詐領國務機要費部分,他都沒有主觀貪污犯意,也沒有客觀犯罪行為,另外在職務收受賄賂部份,也沒主觀犯意更沒有客觀犯行。說到國務機要費,陳水扁仍是認為是總統最特別的特別費,他都用來因公支出,絕對沒有貪污半毛錢。 陳水扁還舉出一審判決說他連理髮一千塊的錢都要貪污,還有總統官邸睡的枕頭一個兩千塊,也是貪污,講到激動處,陳水扁還以台語說出當個總統難道要這麼讓人看不起嗎?陳水扁堅持他沒有貪污,因此才要上訴到底。*602 [[*601. China Times. 'A report ... for a serach of "Website of China Times" by www.chinatimes.com in world's leading search engines on Internet ... 2009-09-24 新聞速報 【中時電子報/綜合報導】 ....... *602. Ibid.]] ------------------------------------------- | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39] 40 [41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] | |