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113009-1117 |
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******* "Dear Chelsea, We the philanthropists are proud of your elegant accomplishment!" ---President Drs. Tony T. Lei and Toni T. Liu of LVRJ/wbti and NEW World Times/ie *77777[[*77777. Peter F. Drucker. .......]] -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
<<< Good News! 21st Century Globalization Leadership Mentoring!! Nuturing Young Generation to grasp Opportunities, Experiences, and Inspirings!!! {To be continued ...} >>>**__** <<<<<<< ******* 木蘭音樂劇 華裔馬娜挑大樑! Dr. Sun-Yuang Kung loves young people and dogs!! 記者許惠敏馬州報導November 28, 2009 12:08 AM | 36 觀看次數 | 0 | 1 | | [[[迪士尼音樂動畫片「木蘭」搬上舞台,由24歲的華裔馬娜(Manna Nichols)挑大樑。 記者許惠敏∕攝影]]] ***** 中國奇女子「花木蘭」代父從軍的民間故事,透過1998年迪士尼音樂動畫片「Mulan」的傳佈,成為家喻戶曉的傳奇人物,馬州貝賽斯達的「想像舞台」(Imagination Stage)從25日起推出結合戲劇、音樂、詩歌音樂劇「木蘭」,真人詮釋花木蘭的忠孝、果敢、聰慧,生動而趣味性十足,劇場笑聲、掌聲不斷,預期將成為大華府聖誕節期間的強打!*1 ***** "... .... .!" ---??? *1002 (To be continued ...) 甄選出在「木蘭」劇中挑大樑的是24歲的華裔混血馬娜(Manna Nichols)。馬娜歌聲鹈馈⑼庑统霰姡菁几鼰o新秀的生澀,若熟知她執意學藝的過程,更可看到「花木蘭」堅毅身影。 母親是香港移民,父親則是白人與印第安原住民的混血,和傳統的華裔家庭一樣,從小喜愛歌唱、表演的馬娜,大學時順從父母的指示,未主修表演藝術,而拿了基礎音樂教育學位,四年下來,仍不忘情舞台,參與校內外表演,研究所改習劇場藝術,並離開故鄉奧克拉荷馬小鎮,前往大蘋果追夢。 平日在劇場林立的時報廣場餐館當女侍端盤子維持生計,馬娜也參與音樂劇的甄試,爭取在舞台露臉的機會。 今年年初,一位好友看到想像舞台的「木蘭」演員甄試,想到該角色馬娜應是最佳人選,於是自稱「血液裡有一點花木蘭、一點波克漢塔」的馬娜站上專業舞台出演「木蘭」第一女主角,這也是她個人的華府處女演出。 「木蘭」一劇導演由Janet Stanford擔任,適合四歲以上孩童欣賞,從11月25日起,每周六、日下午1時30分至4時各演出一場,想像舞台地址:4908 Auburn Ave., Bethesda,電話(301)280-1660,其他演出詳情可瀏覽網站http://www.imaginationstage.org,票價從10元至21元不等。 >>>>>>>> *737747g [[*1. ....... *1002. ... ....... *737747g. 許惠敏. '... .!' "A feature report ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Sections of 'Angie & John', 'Business & Administration', '.......', etc., November 29, 2009), 1-7.]] -------------------------------------------- | |
112909-0401 |
******* "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to MEN on whom his Favor!!!" ---KUKE 2:14 *8887{{{*8887. Thomas Kinkade. "HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS!!!" ... an elegant painting ... on the Wall in our HOME .......}}} --------------- | |
******* ~{@n1y1y~}: Yu Wei Chou Yi Noia Shyy .......!!! *808xyz[[[*808xyz. ... ..... ....... .........!!!]]] -------------------------------------------- | |
**__** (To be edited ...)Brilliant!!! Google, MSN, YouTube, and Yahoo! <<<<<<< 012308-8168 [Enriched at 21:47 on 02/3rd/08.] ***** Miss Cinderella Liao wbti: I am on Google, MSN, and Yahoo! 女高音 廖英君 (Cinderella Liao) CD 『銀色的月光』 V. Bellini—Vaga luna che inargenti 貝利尼:銀色的月光 <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... December 28, 2007 at 23:57 Benton wbti: How about let us enjoy some of our elegant Soprano Cinderella Liao's 'V. ... search of 'Miss Juliette Zhuo's ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 71k Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ... ... 57 Benton wbti: How about let us enjoy some of our elegant Soprano Cinderella Liao's 'V. ... Institute - Zhang Zilin, Miss World; Miss World Zhang Zilin ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 86k >>> At 21:47 on 02/3rd/08 for a search of "Miss Cinderella Liao wbti: I am on Google, MSN, and Yahoo!" by the world leading search engines on Internet (MSN.com): [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - 人與美景 People ... Miss Cinderella Liao wbti: I am on Google, MSN, and Yahoo! 女高音 廖英君 (Cinderella Liao) CD 『銀色的月光』 V. Bellini—Vaga luna che inargenti communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=011010105509761441525... ?Cached pageLive Search is bringing you richer & deeper results - Learn More! ]]] ----------- *********** 072907-7036 At 7:36 p.m. [Updated at 8:47 p.m. on July 29, 2007.] ******* 徐玲 資深副總裁演講 職場的成功 有賴眼界之開闊! 大理尋奇與印象麗江 船遊長江三峽有美麗的峽谷風光!! Beautiful rivers and canyons!!! By Jennifer Kung **__** The report entitled "徐玲:職場成功 有賴眼界開闊" by 記者吳日君 of World Journal from Santa Clara, California (聖他克拉拉) had been shown in the way as a quick news yesterday here in this section, because we intended to let interesting people know the hour and location of the speech. The subtitle of the report was "鼓勵基層員工越級幫大老闆著想 主管不與底下搶功 上下互動良好 齊心辦好公司".*1 徐玲受邀北加州北京大學校友會,28日在聖他克拉拉市圖書館 (Santa Clara City Library,地址:2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051)演講,the topic was about "The development of a career life". "她提出「提升兩個層級以建立成功職場」(Two levels up step to build successful career)理論,鼓勵矽谷華人若想在職場成功,必須開放心胸、拓展視野,幫助老闆成功的同時,也幫助自己成長。 網路興盛時期離開IBM,因緣際會來到曾被譽為「全美最有影響華裔女性」之一張若玫創辦公司Vit-ria,七年間從經理、資深經理、總監、副總裁、資深副總裁等職位爬升,負責管理全球支援、訓練、IT、計畫管理、研發等部門,Vit-ria全球有三百多人,約70%都在徐玲管轄區域。 「領導人必須是老師,協助基層員工發展,不和底下搶功,公司整體素質才能提高。」徐玲在公司每周一次幫經理級主管上課,共同討論分享芾砑记桑瑥墓芾砑记捎柧殹⒔鉀Q問題案例討論到生活態度,她強調,如果主管只想從底下人搶功勞、不願意教導付出,上下互動不良,關係亦無法長久。" *2 "Rapid changes in technology and global competition have combined to reshape the corporate landscape. Corporate management has responnded to these changes by iniatating sweeping changes. The introduction of new technology may be touted as a productivity booster and turn out instead to be a total bust. Whatever the problem may be, you're the one who has to deal with it on a daily basis. Even when new ideas are well thought out, there are still problems in putting them into practice within your group," George Fuller wrote in the 'Introduction' of his book, "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace."*3 There are lots of common headaches most of supervisors and leaders have to confront. "It's easy to understand how the broad scope these problems can easily lead to a less than steller attitude toward your job. However, adoping a sense of futility only serve to make matters worse. On the other hand, maintain a positive attitude helps you place things in perspective and can make coping eith problems a lot easier to do."*4 "談職場生涯規劃,如果在公司體系向上升職?如何應付職場Poli-tics?徐玲認為,公司內上下,最大利益應以公司為主,員工的視野需放寬廣,不只幫直屬老闆設想,還須跨越兩層,設身處地幫大老闆想,協助老闆們往前走,等於是加大自己的天地,齊心合力把事情做好的同時,也成就自身領導技巧。 徐玲鼓勵矽谷人,多接觸美國社會文化,平日除了工作之外,多看電視影集、運動,「藉著生活,了解美國,也犒賞自己。」她說,公司就是一齣喜劇,主管就是導演,員工是演員,如何讓每個演員發揮才能、扮演好所在角色,讓事情變成有趣,觀眾 (客戶)不會無聊而感興趣 (購買產品),喜劇賣座 (公司獲利),才是成功。" *5 "People worry about the huge amount of creativity that is wasted---lost forever---because talented people are prevented from giving their best by their lack of ability to influence others effectively," wrote Dr. Ken Blanchard in the 'Foreword' of the book entitled "Winning Ways," written by Dick Lyles.*6 "The business world has changed; organizations are getting flatter and more networked. Today, the key to success is one's ability to exercise peer leadership. The most successful individuals shine because of their ability to influence, empower, and energize others. In essence, they embody the principles and practices of Winning Ways." "「每個人都是星星,有強項有弱項,強調強項,用強項帶動弱項,那就會是顆發亮的星,而不只是個小球 (small ball)。」徐玲常常與底下員工說,目前大家一起工作,未來,也有可能角色扮演不同,「可能我要替你工作。」她認為,清高傲慢的人,只能和自己獨處;在同一工作環境,大家一起工作、一起學習做事,一起「Have Fun」,丟掉小我,以團隊為主,幫助老闆成功,等於也給了自己更多機會。"*7 Learning is importing. To learn key talents for study is also necessary. Indeed, business achievement is the new yardstick of success in today's society. Therefore, business has become not only the fastest growing major in undergraduate institutions but also in graduate school of famous universities, nationally and internationally. The emphasis of the online communication skills and the quantitative analysis techniques with computers is one of the most important study for the art of success to the business students, professionals, executives, and owners. According to the above report by 記者吳日君, 徐玲 (Eliz-abeth Xu) 為Vitria Technology 資深副總裁, 擁有北京大學物理學士、環境保護碩士,1990年來到美國,1995年取得內華達大學 ( Univer-sity of Nevada)大氣物理博士、電腦科學碩士。"鼓勵她融入美國主流社會,同時培養開放認真的工作與生活態度。" has been Elizabeth Xu's inspiration from her 兩位美籍終生導師的結識. President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University inspired us by the following: "Reaching up, reaching beyond, always pressing forward; this is the passion of the human spirit." We are certainly being challenged! His message on "Progress and Promises" has brought us a brilliant vision with action.*8 Now, let us enjoy some reading on beautiful reivers and canyon. 旅遊經編輯部 had a report about " 罄韺て妗⒂∠篼惤?等您尋訪人間仙境" on 2007/07/23. It was posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞". The source was from '旅遊經'. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report. "昆明這座升騰於高山,懸掛在太陽與彩雲下的花園城市。「天氣常如二三月,花枝不斷四時春」這裡沒有嚴冬,亦無酷暑,只有和煦溫暖的陽光;這裡更不是叱吒風雲的政治角力場,也非紙醉金迷的水泥叢林,她只是一方田園牧歌式的棲居地。 麗江古城(世界文化遺產之一)的街上集中了一些有個性的咖啡屋,一家挨著一家,泉水從中川流而過。就在店家門口的走道上,挨著泉水擺放了桌椅。您可以歇一歇腳,喝一杯咖啡。水是玉龍雪山萬年的冰雪水融化、橋是歷經百載的水的守護者、樹是迎風搖曳的垂柳,這座沒有城牆的古城,光亮潔淨的青石板路、完全手工建造的土木房屋、無處不在的小橋流水。" *9 For more details, people may contact 喜鴻旅行社台北 or visit http://www.besttour.com.tw/. On traveling, we may inspired by the natural scenes. The following quotes may also bring us with some philosophy of life: "When the river is deepest it makes least noise." ---Proverb "What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt - it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else." ---Hal Boyle "If my ship sails from sight, it doesn't mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends." ---John Enoch Powell The report "《旅遊》船遊長江三峽 體驗壩氣峽情" by writer 吳學銘 was posted by the '旅遊指南' on Worldjournal.com at July 22, 2007 in San Francisco, California. "舉世聞名的長江三峽大壩,2005年全線完工後,三峽遊雖少了點壯闊,但多了不少景點和樂趣,尤其是遊船過五級船閘的過程,世界罕見。 三峽還是長江上最有賣點的河段,它有熟悉的歷史故事,有豪華的遊船,有美麗的峽谷風光。 更重要的是,遊龒{可以很輕鬆,不用每天搬行李,舒舒服服在船上待個幾天,每天挑個好景點下船走走看看,下午就回到甲板上吹吹風,這種度假的感覺,其實還是很棒。" *10 The art of life depends critically on wisdom, knowledge, and resources. The extra enjoyment of a touring or traveling may be derived from our good planning and nice implementation. The writer introduced some of the the senic places along the riverthat, "沿岸下船賞景推薦--- 1. 神農溪 山幽水奇 2. 白帝城 千古傳誦 3. 船行大壩過五關: "1. 神農溪在巴東縣境內注入長江,是三峽遊不能錯過的景點,早在三峽大壩築成之前,神農溪就因山幽水奇,深受遊客喜歡;大壩蓄水後,神農溪名氣不減,遊船更加深入,幾乎是三峽遊船必靠景點。 神農溪由龍昌峽、鸚鵡峽和綿竹峽構成,峽谷中有古棧道、懸棺,還有聞名的縴夫,遊客必須從大船換到小船,小船再換扁舟(又稱豌豆角),才能進到上游。行到水窮處,往往就是縴夫們展現陸地拉船、逆水行舟功力的時候。 2. 唐朝詩人李白的「早發白帝城」,「朝辭白帝彩雲間……輕舟已過萬重山」,造就白帝城千古美名。白帝城向來是遊三峽必到景點,它位在瞿塘峽口,奉節縣城東,一面靠山,三面環水;以前有陸路可通,大壩蓄水後,淹沒來路,現在要靠橋過去了。 3. 三峽大壩建成後,搭遊船過大壩,成為有趣的旅遊經驗,所有遊船都必須循序漸進過五級船閘,才能通過三峽大壩。" *11 In studying the above publications, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 吳日君, 旅遊經, 吳學銘, and among others on its most parts of the portion in Chinese. Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." It is just a little interest or a small hobby in reading. With intellectual skills for E. Q., people can avoid to be something in related to what Albert Einstein's "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." *12 The sky is beautiful and laymen may sometime bring people with some fun! ------------------- References 1. 吳日君. '徐玲:職場成功 有賴眼界開闊,' "News section of '舊金山新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 28, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com. *2. Ibid. *3. Fuller, George. (1998). "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace". London: Prentice Hall, Inc. *4. Ibid. *5. 吳日君. Ibid. *6. Blanchard, Ken. (2000). "Winning Ways". New York, N. Y.: G. P. Putnam's Sons. *7. 吳日君. Ibid. *8. Moss, Cheryl; Gronauer, Bobby; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, and among others are on the way ---Very efficient and powerful, the leading search engines answer our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'President Dr. Andrew Benton on Google wbti' on the Yahoo.com," (July, 29, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *9. 旅遊經編輯部. '大理尋奇、印象麗江 等您尋訪人間仙境,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 23, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo! *10. 吳學銘. '《旅遊》船遊長江三峽 體驗壩氣峽情,' "A search of '旅遊指南' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 22, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com. *11. Ibid. *12. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. >>>>>>> *447777777 ***** It is valuable! Can we also share with some finding from American Poet Wallace Stevens? He said that, "Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake." *002 [[*447777777. ....... *02. ... by the world's leading search engines on Internet ... President and Publisher Dr. Toni Ni ... NEW WORLD TIMES - International Edition ... Yahoo! Mail AP International Winning LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.!!!]] -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
.......!![[*1001. ... ....... ..... .!!!]] -------------------- | |
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112709-0701 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Friday, 7:01 a.m.(LV), November 27, 2009 #First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Distinguished Authors: Barack H. Obama, Harry M. Reid, Hillary R. Clinton, Al Gore, John McCain, John and Teresa Kerry, John Ensign, Shelley Berkley, Dina Titus, Paulin Sarah, Sun-Yuan Kung, and Bill Clinton. Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. 43rd U.S. District Federal Judge and Nevada Attonery General Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, previous Nevada Attorney General and District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
112709-0637 |
**__******* "... .... .!!" ---Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber *77777777 [[[*77777777. .......]]] ----------------------------- **__** ***** "... .!!" ---??? *737747 ******* ?者金康嵐拉斯維加斯??ovember 26, 2009 12:00 AM ....... (?L??鄭N??漟?z???z?)November 26, 2009 12:00 AM ....... ----------------------------- | |
[[[ ... (To be edited .......) ]]]**__** <<<<<<< WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 3 of 3 for 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導November 26, 2009 12:00 AM ....... with Safesearch on. (0.46 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results世界新聞網-洛杉磯 - [ Translate this page ] 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導. November 26, 2009 12:00 AM | 44 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 | 1 1 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 | 打印. 黑色星期五當天,拉斯維加斯內的各大暢貨 ... la.worldjournal.com/pages/full_lawest/push?article...id... - 22 hours ago 世界新聞網-洛杉磯 - [ Translate this page ] 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導. November 26, 2009 12:00 AM | 14 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 | 1 1 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 | 打印. 拉斯維加斯麥克倫國際機場(McCarran ... la.worldjournal.com/pages/full_lawest/push?article...3... - 22 hours ago Show more results from la.worldjournal.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導. November 16, 2009 12:00 AM | 14 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 ...... So on Oct. 26, two telegraphers with the California Telegraph Co. sent ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326937709... - Cached In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 3 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included. >>>>>>> *05 {{*05. .......}} -------------------------------------------- | |
112609-1633 |
<<< Great Work!!! [To be edited .......] >>><<<<<<<< Happy Thanksgiving Thu, November 26, 2009 7:02:34 AMFrom: Congresswoman Dina Titus View Contact To: Tony Lei -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, November 26, 2009 Dear Tony, As we prepare for Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a moment to let you know how grateful I am for your friendship and support over the years. This is the season to give thanks for friends and family, and I couldn~{!/~}t be more grateful for all you have done. Throughout the day our thoughts will be with the servicemen and women who are separated from their families as they serve our nation with distinction. Tom, Betty, Rho and I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing you very soon. THANK YOU as always for your continued friendship and support. Sincerely, Dina Titus This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com You were added to the system January 16, 2007. For more information click here. Update your preferences | Unsubscribe Paid for by Dina Titus for Congress >>>>>>>> *8778 {{{*8778. .......!!!}}} -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
{{{{{ Thank You Alumni for Your Referrals! Welcome!! By .......(be)With us TODAY please!!!Wed, November 25, 2009 12:05:46 PMFrom: Graziadio School Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click here to view this email in a browser If you wish to be removed from all Pepperdine University distribution lists, please CLICK HERE . We would like to thank many of the alumni members who have recently taken an active role in enhancing Pepperdine's prestigious reputation by referring qualified students to our programs. The referred students listed below enrolled at the Graziadio School of Business and Management during the 2009 Summer and Fall trimesters. ENROLLED STUDENT Richard Adler Mark Atia Travis Brewer Danielle Buard Brian Cassidy Ravi Chand Janet Chang Murthy Dev Sigifredo Diaz Cheryl Du Jeff Fosler Angela Grove Rebecca Kessler Halleh Kianfar Carolyn Leslie Lauren Limbert Karel Long Jeena Narula Gina Paone KenDell Parie Karima Stewart Martin Van Der Veen REFERRED BY Ryan McCormick - FEMBA Sherif Yassa - FEMBA Christopher Bredesen - FTMBA Brennan Beach - EMBA Don Valenciano - FEMBA Hiral Patel - FTMBA Brandon Florian - FEMBA Tom Chang - FEMBA Mark Dundee - GSEP & EDD Sebastian Ho - FEMBA Paul Beaudoin - FEMBA Patrick Modugno - EMBA Shannon Philip - MSOD Jae Paik - FEMBA Paige Nesbitt - FEMBA John McLaughlin - BSM Daphne Deporres - MSOD Don Valenciano - FEMBA Michele Page - MSOD Judith Begin - BSM & FEMBA Sarah Bernstein - MSOD Corinne Finstead Karp - FEMBA Our best students are often those referred to us by graduates of our programs. If you'd like to learn more about referring a friend or colleague, please visit bschool.pepperdine.edu/reputation Pepperdine University Graziadio School of Business and Management West Los Angles Campus 6100 Center Dr.| Los Angeles, CA 90045 bschool.pepperdine.edu | (310) 568-5500 Copyright 2009 >>>>> *44557777 <<<*44557777. ... Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone ... by the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet .......]]] -------------------------------------------- | |
<<< ... Yes, We're coming ....... {To be edited .......] >>><<<<< Press Releases: Israel's Announcement Regarding Settlements Wed, November 25, 2009 10:21:43 AMFrom: U.S. Department of State View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press Releases: Israel's Announcement Regarding Settlements Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:13:19 -0600 Israel's Announcement Regarding Settlements Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Washington, DC November 25, 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today~{!/~}s announcement by the Government of Israel helps move forward toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We believe that through good-faith negotiations the parties can mutually agree on an outcome which ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable state based on the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the Israeli goal of a Jewish state with secure and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments and meet Israeli security requirements. Let me say to all the people of the region and world: our commitment to achieving a solution with two states living side by side in peace and security is unwavering. ### PRN: 2009/1175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page. You will need to use your e-mail address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact support@govdelivery.com. Other inquires can be directed to the U.S. Department of State. This service is provided to you at no charge by the U.S. Department of State. GovDelivery, Inc. sending on behalf of U.S. Department of State ~{!$~} 2210 C Street NW ~{!$~} Washington DC 20520 ~{!$~} 1-800-439-1420 }}}}} *4477777777 [[*4477777777. .......}} ------------------------ | |
<<< Voices ring spiringly ... {To be continued .......] >>>... 前,承認他是罪人,以?橐d不懂,?]想到耶穌比他?懂。 我??生命不也是如此?我??以?樯癫欢?腦,不懂??,事?嵣仙裨缫阎莱淌降腷ug在那裡。我??不把這些事交托在神手中,只想靠自己的力量debug,拼命在一堆?底之?中想找出錯誤的原因;想盡辦法,?s?o法解?Q。就像??r門徒一?樱?诹Γ颤N都?]打著。我??需要?W?把事?I交在神手中,求神的靈來引?А砉庹眨_?⑽??的心,真能?蚩匆?在自己事?I?中的出路。 以前?我在公司上班?r,面?σ欢央?腦程式需要debug,只有一??方法最快,就是陡妫《告之後,神的靈就引?已杆僬业藉e誤。很多?r候我??以?樯癫欢?嵣癖任???懂,就?我??謙卑?で蟮k,把事?I全然交在主手中,必能??v神豐富的恩典。 與?⑼??同心陡 親愛的主,求你祝福每位弟兄姊妹,?o?手中的工作是什麼,?他??來依靠你,把自己的事?I交在你手中,你就要親自?樗??開路,在工作的困難中?硗黄啤8兄x陡娣钜d得?俚拿砬螅??! 矽谷生命河靈糧堂 ︳www.rolcc.net >>>>>>> *1002 [[[*1002. .......}}} ------------------------- | |
10252009-0801 |
{{{ A life time of learning! Thank ypou(you) and Lord very much!! <<>> }}}<<<<<<< Share with a Friend Devotional Library November 25, 2009 Living Beyond the Grind of Feeling Overlooked by Charles R. Swindoll Psalm 8 All of us need to be needed. It is satisfying to know that we can make a contribution or assist others in their need. Being in the swirl of activity, resourceful and responsive, we tend to think it'll never end. But it does. Sometimes ever so slowly through a chain of events or sometimes abruptly without warning, we find ourselves ....... >>>>>>> *4477777 [[[*4477777. .......]]] -------------------------------------------- **__** ***** "..... ...... .......!!" ---Professor Dr. John A. Chandler *77777777 ------------------------------ <<< Just for FUN! [[[To be edited ...]]] Ho! Ho!! HO!!! >>> <<<<<<< ******* ~{PB~}聞~{JW~}頁 >~{=LS}~} >親~{WS]{?}(???)TVBS ~{~{!8J)~}鄭~{!9J@3p2;M(;i#?~}[???] ~{!!PBDo~}從~{D8PU2E<^~}{?} ~{8|PBHUFZ~}:2009/11/25 12:40 劉錦~{T4~} 結~{;iJGHKIz4sJB#,5+JGR*W"Rb5DCqKW~}傳統卻~{2;IY#,3}AK:O0KWV!"?4HUWS#,~}還~{SPD3P)PUJO2;D\M(;i5D={\~}絕~{#,~}說~{R;0cCq~}眾~{8DPUR*7(9YM,Rb#,Wnaa#,J)P!=cOr7(9Y?98f3I9&8DPUAV#,~}讓~{PBHK~}終~{l6Hg~}願結~{;i!#~} 親~{C\:OED;i~}紗~{UU#,P!~}倆~{?Z=;My~}4~{Dj#,8PGiLpC[#,5+R*2=Hk~}禮~{LC~}這~{R;~}關~{#,~}卻~{JG~}難~{IO~{T-~}來這對~{PBHK#,E.7=PUJ)!"DP7=PU~}鄭~{#,~}傳說~{Ge3u~}時鄭~{3I9&~}殺~{:&JVOB4s~}將~{J)@EH+MBJ~}領~{Ge1x9%OBL(~}灣~{#,1F5D~}鄭~{3I9&aa4z3v~}來~{M6=5#,~}雙~{7=~}變~{J@3p#,~}從~{4KJ)~}鄭兩~{~{J)PUE.WSD8~}親~{#:!8RTG0NR9+9+>MSP~}這樣說~{!#!9~}記~{U_#:!8DG~}時說~{Tu~}樣~{#?!9J)PUE.WSD8~}親~{#:!8PUJ)5D2;D\:MPU~}鄭~{5D~}(結~{;i~})~{!#!9~}歷~{J73p:^~}卻~{QS~}續~{5=~}現~{4z#,~}為~{Gs~}兩~{H+FdC@#,J)P!=c~}決~{6(8D~}從~{D8PUAV#,~}還~{TZ88~}親靈~{G0~}擲筊~{#,O#M{H!5CM,Rb!#~}記~{U_#:!8~}擲筊~{R;4N>MM,RbAK~}嗎~{#?!9J)PUE.WSD8~}親~{#:!8`8#,~}連續3~{!"~}4~{4NR.!#!9~}記~{U_#:!86~{:C2;H]RWW_5=~}這~{R;2=#,5+5=E.WS~}戶~{U~JB~}務~{Ky~}辦~{@m8DPU#,~}卻~{Rr~}為沒~{SPLXJb@mSI#,Tb5=>\~}絕~{#,P!~}倆~{?Z2;7E~}棄決~{6(?98f#,~}還帶~{Vx;i~}紗~{UUOr7(9Y~}說~{Cw@mSI#,Wnaa~}終~{l64r~}動~{7(9Y#,J)P!=c3I9&8DPUAV#,R2Hg~}願~{:M~}愛~{HK~}結為連~{@m!#~}這~{F*PB~}聞讓~{Dc~}覺~{5C#?~} ~{PBFf~} 溫~{\0~} 誇張 難過 實~{SC~} ~{8_~}興 無~{AD~} ~{Iz~}氣 ~{92SP~} ~{HKM6F1~} 瀏覽~{8|6`~}態~{6HM6F1M6F1~}結~{9{~} ~{PBFf~} 溫~{\0~} 誇張 難過 實~{SC~} ~{8_~}興 無~{AD~} ~{Iz~}氣 75~{HK~} ~{MF~}薦~{4KPB~}聞 » ~{8|6`~}為~{Dc>+PDLt~}選~{5DPB~}聞 ~{MF~}薦這則~{PB~}聞~{5DHK#,~}還會~{MF~}薦這~{P)PB~}聞~{#:~} 數學~{2n~} ~{2;D\~}當國~{P!@O~}師(~{WTSI~}) ~{J7~}懷~{U\DD~}國~{HK~} ~{:i~}蘭~{TY~}嗆醫學~{Iz~}(~{VP~}時) 雖~{7G2;VNV.~}惡~{<2~} ~{N);iRvRQ~}難維~{3V~}(~{WTSI~}) 機場~{Cb~}稅~{5j~} ~{3O^A?~}規~{6(~}(~{VPQkIg~}) ~{VPJP#/E.~}學~{IzM5JV~}機~{:MM,~}學~{=;~}換~{J9SC~} ~{2n~}點~{:&M,~}學~{13:Z~}鍋(NOWnews) ~{8|6`#:~}親~{WS親~{WS~{!8J)~}鄭~{!9J@3p2;M(;i#?!!PBDo~}從~{D8PU2E<^~} (TVBS) 雖~{7G2;VNV.~}惡~{<2~} ~{N);iRvRQ~}難維~{3V~} (~{WTSI~}) 職婦罵~{OHIz~}沒~{SC~} ~{UfU}RbK~{TZ鍾~{P@byP"WSIOIm#?#!AwOBR;9+I}Q[~}淚 (~{VPQkIg~}) ~{8|6`~} 親~{WS~{!6Iq~}氣~{~{PDM42;HgPP~}動 ~{@OCK~}籲~{#:~{M;FFImPDUO~}礙~{!!=p~}鷹獎~{5CVw~}創~{Tl~}無~{O^?ID\~} (~{VPQkIg~} 11/25 20:35) ~{8_JPWO~}絲帶運動 籲~{DPPT~}響應終~{V91)A&~} (~{VPQkIg~} 11/25 20:29) 結褵64~{Dj~} ~{?,D#7rF^7VOmO`~}處~{V.5@~} (~{?M~{8|6`~} ~{O`~}關贊~{Vz~}網~{U>~} 熱門關鍵~{WVS"~}國遊學證~{UU~{C?7V~}鐘300M~{RTIO#,~}適~{:O~}紙類, ~{K\Op~}膠~{#,S!K"~}業~{F,2D;r1!D$J9SC~} 1111~{HKA&~}銀~{PP~}- ~{L(~}東縣~{9$Ww~}www.1111.com.tw 網羅~{8w5X~}熱門職~{H1#,R@~}產業~{!"5X~}區~{5H>+~}細~{7V~}類~{#,V*C{Fs~}業搶~{JV9$Ww6~{?I5LPP~}銷設計 (~{9I~}) ~{9+K>~}www.cotti.com.tw ~{?I5LPP~}銷設計專~{>+l6~}規劃~{8wJ=~}國~{MbU9~}覽~{#,JGDz~}參~{~{2iK9LX;i~}禮紀錄~{9+K>~}-~{EDUU~}錄~{S0~}www.ypnet.com.tw ~{ND6(#,~}結~{;i#,Qg?M#,>+M(HN:N;i~}禮~{O`~}關習~{KWAw3L#!~}歡~{S-~}預約~{;i~}禮紀錄~{#!H+J!Cb~}車馬費~{#!~} ~{O`~}關~{V*~}識+離~{;i#,?I7q2;SC6~~}個~{HKR;Fp~}戶~{U~JB~}務~{Ky#?~}規~{6(#:!8~}戶~{<.5G~}記~{V.Ij~}請~{#,~}應~{l6JB<~~}發~{Iz;r~}確~{6(aa~}30~{HU~}... ~{~{JWOH9'O2Dc~}囉~{#!Fd~}實現~{TZ5D~}戶~{U~JB~}務~{Ky:\~}貼~{PDE6#!~} ~{RTOBJG~}從戶... ~{5X7=7(T:~}與戶~{U~JB~}務~{Ky~}(結~{;iRI~}問)~{!+5X7=7(T:~}與戶~{U~JB~}務~{Ky~}(結~{;iRI~}問)~{!+~} ~{0f4s#:Dz:C:z4s~}俠~{8#?5~}... ~{PBVqJP~}戶~{U~JB~}務~{KyTu~}麼~{W_#?~} ~{DcR*H%DGR;~}區~{5D~}戶~{U~JB~}務~{Ky~}?~{SP~}東區戶~{U~JB~}務~{Ky~} ~{11~}區戶~{U~JB~}務... ~{?4MjPB~}聞~{SPRI~}問~{#?~} ~{?lIOV*~}識+發問~{8|6`~} Yahoo!~{FfD&Cq~}調~{VPPD~} 時~{JBM6F1G0FZM6F1~} 2009~{DjDcPDD?VP5D~}發燒頭條~{JG#?~} (~{M6F1FZ~}間~{#:~}2009/11/24~~2009/11/28) ~{G0MyM6F1~} ~{?4D?G0M6F1~}結~{9{~} 請問~{DcTx~}經~{1;E]~}麵~{0|~}裝~{5D~}圖~{J>~}騙過嗎~{#?~} (~{M6F1FZ~}間~{#:~}2009/11/23~~2009/11/24) ~{Tx~}經 72% ~{?4M6F1~}結~{9{~} ~{PB~}聞測驗 進~{PP~}測驗 ~{!>HU1>CX>3!?J@=g~}遺產~{:OUF4e~} ~{0WI=3,~}級~{AV5@~} ~{AV5@U}V5Go<>#,~}滿~{I=~}紅綠黃~{=;~}錯~{#,7V~}佈~{Vx8w~}種~{2;M,5D~}黃~{#,~}層~{I=4d~}疊~{#,~}遠~{7=?IM{~}見.. ~{8|6`~} 1 2 3 Prev Next 兩~{06~}MOU簽~{@2~} ~{4w~}奧~{PA!86>!9~}鴨 ~{7[N6~}誘~{Gr~}員~{#!~} ~{1b為~{Dc5DO{~}費權~{Rf0Q~}關 ~{:C!8E#!9~}爭議 兩~{06~}MOU簽~{@2~} ~{4w~}奧~{PA!86>!9~}鴨 ~{8|6`~} ~{;n~}動~{Gi~}報 ~{Dc~}會說~{VPND~}嗎?~{C@IL9+K><1Ph~}國內優~{PcHK2E~} 學~{:CS"NDC?Ll1X~}須記6個~{WV~}! ~{E.SQHv~}嬌~{R*Gs~}這週~{D)R;FpH%E]~}湯 娛樂~{MfWSU}TZagGs~}賭~{Mu;r~}賭~{:s#,?l~}來報~{C{#!~} ~{4rTlC@J=P]~}閒風~{#:~}AP~{Sj~}傘~{0|H+~}館85~{U[~} ~{;n4f@{BJL+5M#?;(FlLa9)0D~}幣~{DjO"~}3.38% ~{7?N]?l~}訊 搶~{#!~}4~{CW~}2樓~{VP~}樓~{P!:@U,~} 溫~{\0~}2~{7?臺~{11~}200萬~{RTOB7?N]~}總覽~{#(8=~}圖~{#)~} ~{>+VB~}單~{ImLW7?#,E.PT5DWn~}愛嗎~{#?~} 搶~{OH?4#!AV~}x~{Aa:@~}華別~{J{#(8=~}圖~{#)~} ~{N]VwWTJ[:@U,#,J!~}500萬傭~{=p#!~}搶>>>>>>> *335577 [[*335577. .......]] -------------------------------------------- | |
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On the top left:"... ...... ........!!" ---??? *1001 -------------------------------------------- | |
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**__********* "... . .......!!" ---Senator Harry Reid *7777 ------------------------- On the top left: ******* Contemporay Hero on the Administrative Strategies for International Winning Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.! ---WBTI/USA President Dr. Tony T. Lei *335577abc **__** ***** "... ..... .......!!!" ---Swindoll, Warren, Liu, Wang, and Goulet *1001 -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ | |
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{{{ To be edited ...}}} **__** ******* "... .......!" ---??? *001 <<<<<<< Fwd: November 18, 2009 - Real Servants Pay Attention - Daily Hope! ^^^Thu, November 19, 2009 12:03:07 PM ^^^^^From: Mike Lei {leimih@gmail.com} View Contact To: tojulei {tojulei@yahoo.com} ... ***** "Dear Dad, Good noon! Have a great day! Blessings," ---Mike *777 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Purpose Driven Connection {connect@newsletter.purposedriven.com} ^^^Date: Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 5:01 PM ^^^^^Subject: November 18, 2009 - Real Servants Pay Attention - Daily Hope!!! To: "leimih@gmail.com" {leimih@gmail.com} [Wednesday, November 18, 2009] Real Servants Pay Attention!! By Rick Warren ***** "Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now." (Proverbs 3:28 TEV).*1 (To be continued ...) Real servants pay attention to needs. Servants are always on the lookout for ways to help others. When they see a need, they seize the moment to meet it, just as the Bible commands us: "Whenever we have the opportunity, we have to do what is good for everyone, especially for the family of believers" (Galatians 6:10 GWT). When God puts someone in need right in front of you, he is giving you the opportunity to grow in servanthood. Notice that God says the needs of your church family are to be given preference, not put at the bottom of your "things to do" list. We miss many occasions for serving because we lack sensitivity and spontaneity. Great opportunities to serve never last long. They pass quickly, sometimes never to return again. You may only get one chance to serve that person, so take advantage of the moment. "Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now" (Proverbs 3:28 TEV). John Wesley was an incredible servant of God. His motto was: "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." That is greatness. You can begin by looking for small tasks that no one else wants to do. Do these little things as if they were great things, because God is watching. Healthy Habits Five practical ways to maintain momentum MORE Holiday Catalog Inspirational holiday gift ideas from SaddlebackResources.com MORE Missed out on one of the Daily Devotionals? View the online archives. Did someone forward this Daily Devotional to you? Get your own free subscription to The Purpose Driven Connection Daily Devotional, your daily inspiration via email. Follow Us: Follow Pastor Rick on facebook and Twitter./ >>>>> *335577 [[*777. *1. *335577. ... ..... ....... .!!!]] ------------------- <<<<< 文記者金康嵐 (暥婰幰嬥峃棐)November 19, 2009 12:00 AM >>>>> *737747c [[*737747c. .......]] --------------------- {{{{{ by 吳玲瑤 吳玲瑤November 10, 2009 08:34 AM }}}}} <<<*737747d. ... World Journal ... www.worldjournal.com .......>>> -------------------------------------------- [[[[[ 11.15.09 耶和華是我的亮光 曾興才牧師 ]]]]] *737747e <<<<*737747d. ... www.rolcc.net .......>>>> -------------------------------------------- ******* "When a president of the United States, for example, wept in my presence, or knelt with me to pray, or privately unburdened concers about his family, I was not thinking about his political philosophy or his personality but about his need of God's help." --- Dr. Bill Graham *03 [[*03. Bill Graham. "Just As I Am!" (New York, N.Y.: HarperSanFrancisco and Zondervan, U.S.A.), Cover page in the Back. -------------------------------------------- | |
Advanced Search Google SafeSearch is ONWebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 8 of 8 for "陳思思 (??v?v) Las Vegas Chinese Daily News!" with Safesearch on. (0.39 seconds) Tip: Search for English results only. You can specify your search language in Preferences Search Results [Spiringly! MSN, Yahoo, and Google!! At 9:57AM(LV) in the morning on Friday, November 19, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the Brilliant World's Leading Search Engines on Internet!!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] Goodman LVRJ/wbti: Touring City Hall by the Treasure Island to serve and to give Miss Liu Yifei (??v?v) Las Vegas Chinese Daily News! China Times: 陳思思 Miss Liu Yifei (??v?v) on Google! ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326937709... - Cached/ ---------------------------- | |
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Advanced Search Google SafeSearch is ONWebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 8 of 8 for "陳思思 (??v?v) Las Vegas Chinese Daily News!" with Safesearch on. (0.39 seconds) Tip: Search for English results only. You can specify your search language in Preferences Search Results [Spiringly! MSN, Yahoo, and Google!! At 9:57AM(LV) in the morning on Friday, November 19, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. by the Brilliant World's Leading Search Engines on Internet!!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] Goodman LVRJ/wbti: Touring City Hall by the Treasure Island to serve and to give 陳思思 (??v?v) Las Vegas Chinese Daily News! China Times: (??v?v) 陳思思 on Google! ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326937709... - Cached/ ---------------------------- | |
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<<<<<<< Good News! 3:17 AM (LV) November 16, 2009!! [To be continued ...] >>>>>>>******* MOU?啦 ?砂督鹑?嵸|合作! Miraculous!! By China Times, CNA, and Yahoo! Mail ***** ?砂督裉焱瓿珊?署金融監管合作?渫? (MOU),?ㄞk表示,這開??砂督鹑?嵸|合作新篇章,預示?砂督鹑诤献鬟M入?嵸|階段...?全文 *457777777 ***** "... ..... ....... .!" ---Dr. and Mrs. Ku-sheng Kung *7168b **__** ***** "... ....... ..... .!!" ---NEW WORLD -- International Edition *335577a [[[*457777777. *7168b. *335577a. LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. 'Perspectives & Miracles ... .!' "An e-mail ... International Cooperation and Development ... New York Times .......]]] -------------------------------------------- | |
<<<<< To be edited ... >>>>>**__** ***** [[[[[ Obama to China: Uncensored society is healthy! {{{Reuters U.S. President Barack Obama listens to a question from a woman during a town hall-style meeting with By CHARLES HUTZLER, Associated Press Writer Charles Hutzler, Associated Press Writer 14 mins ago}}} ***** BEIJING President Barack Obama sat down with the Chinese leader Monday night, hours after he pointedly nudged his host country to stop censoring the Internet access, offering an animated defense of the tool that helped him win the White House and suggested Beijing need not fear a little criticism.*1 The president's message during a town hall-style meeting with university students in Shanghai, China's commercial hub, focused on one of the trickiest issues separating China's communist government and the United States human rights. In a delicately balanced message, Obama couched his admonitions with words calling for cooperation, heavy with praise and American humility. "I think that the more freely information flows, the stronger the society becomes, because then citizens of countries around the world can hold their own governments accountable," Obama told students during his first-ever trip to China. "They can begin to think for themselves." The first-term U.S. president and his delegation later arrived at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse for Obama's third meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao, where trade, climate change and economic issues were expected to dominate. The two leaders had dinner in the government complex and were scheduled to meet again Tuesday. Obama's message, aside from his proddings on human rights, was clear: few global challenges can be solved unless the world's only superpower and its rising competitor work together. He and his advisers have insisted in virtually all public utterances since he arrived in Japan on Friday: "We do not seek to contain China's rise." During Obama's opening statement to university students in Shanghai, he spoke bluntly about the benefits of individual freedoms in a country known for limiting them. "We do not seek to impose any system of government on any other nation," Obama said. Then he added that freedom of expression and worship, unfettered access to information and unrestricted political participation are not principles held by the United States; instead, he called them "universal rights." The line offered echoes of Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, who often talked of the "universality of freedom." Obama talked at length about the Internet, which he said helped him win the presidency because it allowed for the mobilization of young people like those in his audience in Shanghai. "I'm a big supporter of non-censorship," Obama said. "I recognize that different countries have different traditions. I can tell you that in the United States, the fact that we have free Internet or unrestricted Internet access is a source of strength, and I think should be encouraged." Given where Obama was speaking, such a comment carried strong implications. And he appeared to be talking directly to China's leaders when he said that he believes free discussion, including criticism that he sometimes finds annoying, makes him "a better leader because it forces me to hear opinions that I don't want to hear." China has more than 250 million Internet users and employs some of the world's tightest controls over what they see. The country is often criticized for having the so-called "Great Firewall of China," which refers to technology designed to prevent unwanted traffic from entering or leaving a network. Obama's town hall was not broadcast live across China on television. It was shown on local Shanghai TV and streamed online on two big national Internet portals, but the quality was choppy and hard to hear. Obama is in the midst of a weeklong Asia trip. He came with a vast agenda of security, economic and environmental concerns, although always looming was how he would deal with human rights while in China. His China visit features the only sightseeing of his journey. He will visit the Forbidden City, home of former emperors in Beijing, and the centuries-old Great Wall outside of the city. Aides have learned that finding some tourist time calms and energize their boss amid the grueling schedule of an international trip. U.S. ambassador Jon Huntsman called Obama's event the first ever town-hall meeting held by a U.S. president in China. Yet former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also spoke to students and took questions from them during stops in China. China is a huge and lucrative market for American goods and services, and yet it has a giant trade surplus with the U.S. that, like a raft of other economic issues, is a bone of contention between the two governments. The two militaries have increased their contacts, but clashes still happen and the United States remains worried about a dramatic buildup in what is already the largest standing army in the world. Amid all that, Obama has adopted a pragmatic approach that stresses the positive, sometimes earning him criticism for being too soft on Beijing particularly in the area of human rights abuses and what the United States regards as an undervalued Chinese currency that disadvantages U.S. products. The two nations are working together more than ever on battling global warming, but they still differ deeply over hard targets for reductions in the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause it. China has supported sterner sanctions to halt North Korea's nuclear weapons program, but it still balks at getting more aggressive about reining in Iran's uranium enrichment. Obama recognizes that a rising China, as the world's third-largest economy on its way to becoming the second and the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt, has shifted the dynamic more toward one of equals. For instance, Chinese questions about how Washington spending policies will affect the already soaring U.S. deficit and the safety of Chinese investments now must be answered by Washington. The White House hoped Monday's town hall meeting with Chinese university students would allow Obama to telegraph U.S. values through its successes and failures to the widest Chinese audience possible. But those hopes had their limits in communist-ruled China. (This version CORRECTS SUBS graf 5 to correct location of meeting. Will be led. Moving on general news and financial services. AP Video.)/ ]]]]] *737747a (((*1. *737747a. ... Yahoo! News ... Business .......))) -------------------------------------------- | |
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<<<<<<< Good News! 3:17 AM (LV) November 16, 2009!! [To be continued ...] >>>>>>>***** "... ..... ....... .!" ---Dr. and Mrs. Ku-sheng Kung *7168b **__** <<<<<<< This is a certified email from "USSTATEBPA - U.S. Dept. of State Public Affairs". Learn More. {{Highlights: World Expo Shanghai 2010 Mon, November 16, 2009 8:37:14 AM ^^^From: U.S. Department of State (usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov) View Contact To: {President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI/USA at: tojulei@yahoo.com} ....... -------------------- <<< Good News!! 11:57 PM (LV) in the late night on Monday, November 16, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!! 'For the time being' (A word Mrs. Lillian Tsai taught Tony!!) [To be continued ...] >>> ******* Highlights: World Expo Shanghai 2010! Deliverance!! *4577777777 By Hillary R. Clinton (To be edited ...) [[[ Mon, 16 Nov 2009 07:00:00 -0600 World Expo Shanghai 2010!! U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton on the Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai, China!!! **__** November 16, 2009 .......>>> ******* Secretary Clinton (Nov. 16): ~{!0~}We~{!/~}re grateful for your generosity and your steadfast belief in the importance of the Expo, the American role here and what this USA pavilion here can do to strengthen cooperation and partnership between the American people and the people of China. We are building it and we believe that when the Expo opens in 166 days 70 million people will come. And with this rain today, maybe a hundred million people with even greater good fortune will come. Thank you all very much.~{!1~} -Full Text/ >>>>>>> *357375c Editors' notes ... ..... ....... ---Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber *357 ... ....... ..... ----Professor Dr. Diana Hiatt *375 "... ..... ....... **__** ... ....... ..... .!!!" ---Dean Dr. Nancy Magnusson Fagan & Professor Dr. John A. Chandler (December 1989 in Pepperdine University, U.S.A.) ******* Perspectives & Miracles!! Thank you very much!!! ---President of Pepperdine University Honorable Andrew K. Benton *77777 [[[*4577777777. Angie H. Qian-Lei. 'Happy Father's Day!' "Mrs. Angie H. Lei: I'd like to share with you: ***** Romans 8:28 & Philippians 4: 6 & 7!! ^^^and You shall see the deliverance in the Lord is about to bring you!!! [To Tony for my dearest Husband (the other elegant half) U.S. Disciple Honorable John K. Lei!!!) ******* "Dear Hillary, With LOVE, as U.S. Congresswoman Honorable Shelley Berkley and the Distinguished & late Dr. Peter F. Drucker pointed out, 'WE' might be one day really among some of the great leaders in our 21st Century for our hopeful & young generations!" ---Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. President Dr. Tony T. Lei *4477777 *7777777. Andrew K. Benton. 'Message from President of Pepperdine University Honorable Andrew K. Benton ... .!' ....... ******* Thank you very much!!!]]] -------------------------------------------- | |
<<<<<<<< WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 3 of 3 for "記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導November 16, 2009 12:00 AM |" with Safesearch on. (0.73 seconds)Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results [Brilliant! Google, MSN, and Yahoo!! at 4:57 a.m.(LV) early in the morning on Tuesday, November 29, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!!]: *1 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ] 3:17 AM (LV) November 16, 2009!! [To be continued ...] >>>>>>> ..... Vega: "記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導October 18, 2009 12:00 AM" (婰幰嬥峃棐漟巣堐壛巣. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar 世界新聞網-洛杉磯 - [ Translate this page ] 跨年煙火秀高空綻放. 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導. November 16, 2009 12:00 AM | 14 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 | 0 0 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 ... la.worldjournal.com/pages/full_lawest/push?... - 19 hours ago 世界新聞網-洛杉磯 - [ Translate this page ] 內州法拍通知減少仍冠全美. 記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導. November 16, 2009 12:00 AM | 48 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 | 1 1 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 ... la.worldjournal.com/pages/full_lawest/push?article...id... - 16 hours ago Show more results from la.worldjournal.com In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 3 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included./ >>>>>>>> *777168 [[[*1. *777168. .......]]] -------------------------------------------- | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36] 37 [38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] | |