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I know that I am forever changed because of the journey you and I shared. It goes without saying that we have a lot to look forward to in the coming year. Even in the midst of great challenges here at home and around the world, we know change is coming and there is reason to have hope for a brighter future.Thank you so much for everything, and I hope you have a very happy holiday season! Sincerely, Hillary | |
<<< Pouring in with positive Applauses and inspiring Comments! [To be continued ...] >>>***** "Positive thinking with leading action is half the battle!" ---GSBPA of WBTI Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber of Pepperdine University is achieving through the journey on the Global education, culture, and project with INNOVATIVE CHANGE! Associate Professor Dr. Daphne P. Lei of UC Irvine has accomplished outstandingly in drama teaching and reseach through her international and academic work performance! ... lvrj/wbti U.S.A.: ***** (To be continued ...) By Bill Maupin, Sun-Yuan Kung, William Thompson, and Tiffany Chang | |
On Google at 081308 by a search of "Dr. Daphne P. Lei rising Americans lvrj/wbti U.S.A.":<<< ***** "Tomorrow, Barack Obama!" ---Dina Titus, Winner of the Primary Election for U. S. Congresswoman today*1 {[This e-mail by Barack has just arrived at 5:27 p.m.(TX)] upon the scene we're reading the information of Harvard alumnus Dr. Ying-jeou Ma from Los Angeles! ^^^To be continued ... } >>> A few hours from now (info@barackobama.com) World in Drama wbti: ***** +++++ *737 By Barack Obama You can make history in the next few hours. We're within striking distance of 2 million people owning a piece of this movement.*2 <<< 071008-2359 Publication lvrj/wbti: "My intellectual interest is the contact zone, where conflicts occur and solutions are sought, where identity is challenged and performed. I focus on intercultural exchanges along the Pacific Rim, especially intersections between Asians and Asian Americans and negotiations between Asian and non-Asian cultures." ---Daphne P. Lei, Associate Professor of the University of California-Irvine*(1) -------------------------- *(1). Tiffany Chang, "Dr. Daphne P. Lei is achieving in success and popularity in the academic world of drama!" 'Daphne Lei's World in Drama' (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, 2007), 1. >>> *737 ------------------ | |
GOVERNOR THANKS BANKS FOR FIRST STEPS IN RESOLVING MORTGAGE PROBLEMSGovernor Continues Efforts to Stop Foreclosures in Nevada Comments from Governor Gibbons to the banking industry: ¡§I appreciate the recent conversations we have had with you and your staff as we try to work together to resolve many of the problems with mortgage loans in Nevada.¡¨ ¡§I am also pleased that you are working to ensure that mortgage foreclosure activity is kept to a minimum, and that you are committed to taking all possible steps to halt foreclosure activity and evictions during the holiday period. Specifically, I appreciate your commitment to end foreclosure sales on all fully bank-owned mortgages through the end of January.¡¨ ¡§In addition, your program to pause the foreclosure process while working with homeowners will greatly aid those who are trying to stay in their homes. We all agree that keeping people in their homes while working with them to resolve their issues benefits everyone and is in the best interests of the community and the individual homeowners.¡¨ ¡§I want to again thank you for working with me and other state government agencies in Nevada to ensure that homeowners are aware of the many resources available to them to avoid foreclosure. As you know, the best solutions can only be implemented when homeowners and lenders communicate before the loan is in default.¡¨ ¡§Again, thank you for taking steps to help stem foreclosures in Nevada, and I look forward to continuing working with you to reduce home foreclosures and work toward economic recovery in Nevada.¡¨ (*8. Office of the Governor (NV), 'GOVERNOR THANKS BANKS FOR FIRST STEPS IN RESOLVING MORTGAGE PROBLEMS,' "An e-mail ... --------------------- | |
<<< Just arrives upon the secene! >>>[Press Release - Governor Appoints New Tourism Director - December 24, 2008 On Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 12:51 PM From: "Office of the Governor" {nvg@GOV.NV.GOV}] GOVERNOR APPOINTS NEW TOURISM DIRECTOR By Office of the Governor (NV), Daniel Burns, Velorie Vega, Cheryl Moss, Tiffany Chang **__** ***** "....... ." ---??? *123 Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada today appointed Kirk Montero as Director of the Nevada Commission on Tourism. ~{!'~}It is absolutely critical that we do everything possible to attract more visitors to Nevada during this economic slowdown,~{!(~} Gibbons said,*1 ~{!'~}Montero will bring fresh ideas, leadership, and a willingness to partner with others in order to draw more visitors to Nevada.~{!(~} Gibbons noted that the Nevada Commission on Tourism has been without a Director for over three months. ~{!'~}I am proud Governor Gibbons has the confidence in me to appoint me to this post,~{!(~} Montero said, ~{!'~}I plan to hit the ground running and work closely with Lt. Governor Krolicki and the other members of the Nevada Commission on Tourism to boost Nevada~{!&~}s visitor volume. People from all over America and all over the world need to experience all Nevada has to offer!~{!(~} Nevada Commission on Tourism Director Tim Maland resigned in early September 2008. ~{!'~}Nevada is so dependent on tourism, we simply cannot have this vital job open for so long,~{!(~} Gibbons said, ~{!'~}Nevada must work immediately to attract more tourists and start work to be prepared for the economic recovery.~{!(~} Montero is 60 years old. He is presently Station Manager for US Airways at Reno/Tahoe Airport International Airport. Before that, he was Reservations Manager for Reno Air. He~{!&~}s been a member of numerous travel and tourism groups over the years and also owned his own wholesale tour company. In total, Montero has 38 years experience in international and domestic tourism. The Nevada Commission on Tourism is responsible for promoting and marketing Nevada as a tourism and travel destination. (Editior's notes) ....... ..................... <<< For Immediate Release: December 23, 2008 GOVERNOR~{!&~}S STAFF MEMBER CLEARED BY ATTORNEY GENERAL CLARIFICATION (Carson, City, NV) On December 17, 2008 the Office of the Governor issued a press release regarding the Attorney General~{!&~}s closure of an investigation into Deputy Chief of Staff Mendy Elliott. In that press release, the quotation that the investigation ~{!'~}clearly vindicates [Elliot]~{!(~} was inadvertently attributed to the Attorney General~{!&~}s Office. That quotation was actually from Mr. Craig Denney, Elliott~{!&~}s private counsel. Nonetheless, the memorandum from the Attorney General~{!&~}s Office recommending closure of the investigation noted the findings of the United States Department of Labor that ~{!'~}Ms. Elliott~{!&~}s involvement was within her statutory duties.~{!(~} The memorandum also stated that ~{!'~}there is no evidence to support a finding of undue influence by Director Elliott or anyone else.~{!(~} A copy of the memorandum is available upon request. >>> *7 ---------------------------------- References *123. *1. Office of the Nevada Governor, 'Governor Appoints New Tourism Director,' "An e-mail ... through Communications Director Daniel Burns ....... *6. *7. Office of the Nevada Governor, Ibid. ... 122308 --------------------------- | |
<<< Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Teresa and John Kerry Earth lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at 3:21 p.m. (LV) on 122408. (0.57 seconds) Search Results (by the word's leading engines on Internet with the '5 words for Champion' ....... Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... A concise e-mail from John Kerry, U. S. Senator to WBTI [Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:21: 43 -0400 ..... Las Vegas has more hotel rooms than any other place on earth. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945... - 201k - Cached - Similar pagesWBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... John Kerry of Massachusetts, was there and was given several standing ovations .... GSBPA of WBTI. 'US Senator Harry Reid fights for oue people,' "PPAA18 of ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432... - 126k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com » >>> | |
<<< Letter from Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber of Pepperdine University to WBTI on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 10:41 AM ^^^From: "GSEP Office of the Dean" {gsepdean@pepperdine.edu} >>>Dear Alumni, I am writing to inform you that the Dean of Pepperdine University's School of Law, Kenneth Star, will be acting as Lead Counsel representing the official proponents of Proposition 8 in the California Supreme Court case debating the constitutionality of the initiative. As you are aware, Proposition 8 called for a ban against same-sex marriages and was passed in California's November election.*1 Starr is one of the nation's most well known constitutional scholars and remains active in the legal profession, often integrating actual cases and practical legal matters into the classroom for the benefit of students. While maintaining that Pepperdine remains neutral on the initiative, President Andrew Benton sees this as an opportunity for students to engage in productive debate on a topical issue: "America's universities are home to brilliant academicians: historians, scientists, artists, and philosophers. Some find themselves invited to participate on the national stage and, whether we agree with them or not, we should respect their right to exercise their franchise and freedom. Though our institution does not take a political position, those from our community are free to do so under their own banner. For democracy to work, we must contend earnestly for our convictions, and must not close down a civil and respectful exchange of views. We must encourage conversation and provide a safe forum for debate." GSEP remains steadfast in its mission to be an innovative learning community where faculty, staff, and students of all cultures and faiths collectively strive to foster academic excellence, social purpose, and meaningful service. GSEP aims to provide a compassionate environment of mutual understanding in which we respect every member of our community. And GSEP embraces diversity - which we believe to be the natural expression of God's creation - in our work to advance scholarship and service. In light of this, GSEP will continue to address the important issues raised during the fall 2008 election. In fact, GSEP's Diversity Council, which hosts a biannual speaker series as a platform for such timely discussions, has devoted its next session to this theme: "Promoting Social Justice: Confronting Race and Homophobia." More information on this event will be posted in spring 2009 on the Diversity Council web page: http://gsep.pepperdine.edu/news-events/events/multicultural-speaker-series/ In addition, in direct response to the Proposition 8 controversy leading up to the election, several members of GSEP's faculty collaboratively submitted an opinion-editorial piece to the Los Angeles Times highlighting research in support of gay unions from an educational and mental health standpoint. These faculty members intend to update this article to address the election outcome and impending court case before resubmitting the article to the Times for consideration. When the editorial is finalized we will post it on the GSEP home page for public viewing: http://gsep.pepperdine.edu I understand that you may have some questions or concerns about this news, and with that in mind, I invite you to approach me at any time to share your perspective. You may also contact Claudette LaCour, Director of Alumni Relations for GSEP (310-568-5649 or clacour@pepperdine.edu). We very much value your voice in our community, and appreciate your thoughts. Best regards, Margaret J. Weber, Dean Graduate School of Education and Psychology Pepperdine University 6100 Center Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.568.5615 -------------------------- References *1. Margret J. Weber, 'A message from the Dean,' "An e-mail ....... ------------------------------ | |
The Difference We're Making! By Chelsea Clinton**__** [Monday, December 22, 2008 at 4:33 PM ^^^From: "Chelsea Clinton" {info@hillaryclinton.com}] You are receiving this message as a member of Hillaryclinton.com's online community. Please take a look at The Clinton Foundation's message below from Chelsea Clinton about the important work they do. The Clinton Foundation is solely responsible for the content of this message. | | |
Dear Mike, As you know, it's been an exciting year for my family and I am so proud of both of my parents. This summer, I had the great opportunity of traveling to Africa with my father, where we met Jean Pierre, a young boy in a rural village in Rwanda. Jean Pierre is alive and well today because of the antiretroviral treatments that the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative (CHAI) was able to make accessible to him. Jean Pierre told us that he wants to grow up to be a doctor and give more people a chance to live a healthy life. Jean Pierre's story is inspiring, not just because he's benefiting from the work of everyone at CHAI, but also because he's leading by example with his lifetime goal of giving back and serving others through medicine. While traveling across the country earlier this year supporting my mother, I was similarly inspired by the passion and generosity of so many Americans. In that spirit, I hope you'll consider supporting CHAI and the Clinton Foundation's other work in the U.S. and around the world. Gifts of any size make a very real difference. $15 provides a life-saving food package for an HIV-positive child for one month. $30 pays for 15 dosing tools for physicians and pharmacists to help accurately dose children on HIV/AIDS treatment. $80 ensures that eight community health workers can provide monitoring of adherence and medication intake for all HIV-positive people in a Malawian village for a week. $150 provides access to medical care and support -- including transport to and from a treatment center, counseling, and nutrition -- to one HIV-positive child in India for a year. From my family to yours, we hope you have a happy, healthy holiday season. All the best for 2009, Chelsea Clinton P.S. Join me and get regular updates about our work at the Clinton Foundation. Picture of President Clinton with group of children. (Photo Credit: Ralph Alswang/Clinton Foundation) Picture of Chelsea Clinton with toddler holding her necklace. (Photo Credit: Barbara Kinney/Clinton Foundation) | |
Seasons Greetings! By Dr. Dina Titus**__** ***** "....... ." ---??? *808 << Wednesday, December 24, 2008 at 7:56 AM ^^^From: "Titus for Congress" {info@dinatitus.com} >> Dear Tony, Tom and I wish you and your family very Happy Holidays. As I prepare to go to Washington, I look back fondly at the many good times that we had together during this recent campaign. And I am excited about the possibilities for change that the new year will bring. I will be sworn in on January 6th and am ready to roll up my sleeves and do the hard work required to take our country in a new direction. I will be home in the district often and hope that you will come see me. New contact information will follow. I can never thank you enough for your support and hard work, which made our victory possible. I am honored to be representing District Three in Congress. Warm Regards, Dina P.S. Mama sends her warm regards. ------------------ | | |
Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone Business lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at 11:17 a.m.(LV) on 122408. (0.58 seconds) Search Results (by the brilliance of world's leading sesrch engines on Internet):Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Welcome Dean Dr. Linda Livingstone of Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Management to Las Vegas! By GSBPA of WBTI*1. Welcome! ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01316001... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone and her 'Graziadio This Term' by Pepperdine University's Graziadio School Office of Public Relations to WBTI Business wbti: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01316001... - 113k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ? -------------- On page 1: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Print Shop A good dinner party with Dean Dr. Linda Livingstone of Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Management in Las Vegas! By GSBPA of WBTI*1 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... Next >>> -------------- | |
Tips for Finding a Job in Turbulent Economic Times By Christiana WuFinding a job in this economic climate takes persistence, hard work, and focus. The same principles that apply to finding a job during good times applies to finding one during not so great times, only you need more persistence and patience. As one member of the Graziadio School career team, Jeff Farmer, puts it, ¡§You have to be vigilant. Vigilance is keeping your eye on the ball, and remaining confident and in control.¡¨*501 Over the years, I¡¦ve had my fair share of career transitions from being laid off after the tech bust to proactively changing my career path from corporate to education. Through it all, I¡¦ve found that whatever industry/function or economic climate you¡¦re in, the same principles to job hunting apply. Tip 1 ¡V Balance Career Focus and Flexibility During times like these, you might feel inclined to ¡§cast a wide net,¡¨ applying to any and all jobs that fit your profile and seem like something you could do even if the thought of doing it pains you. It might seem counterintuitive, but focusing your efforts will help you become more effective at achieving your goals. One good way to start is to assess your skills, values, and interest. An assessment tool available to Graziadio students and alumni is CareerLeader. After reviewing the site, if you are interested in taking the assessment send an email request to careerresources@pepperdine.edu. Tip 2 ¡V Market Yourself Effectively One principle of marketing is ¡§smaller is bigger.¡¨ In other words, targeting a niche market will likely yield better results than trying to be everything to everyone. The same principle applies to job hunting. For example, if you have years of sales experience, rather than applying to any and all sales related jobs, think about where else you have interest and/or proficiency. If you have a great interest (and preferably some experience, even extracurricular is fine) for the latest technology and gadgets, think about a sales related position at the firms that make your favorite items. Start by taking a good look at your resume to uncover elements that make you unique (e.g., extracurricular activities, education specialty, types of companies). Tip 3 ¡V Network, Network, Network As an MBA student or graduate, and as a business professional, you probably hear this all the time. It¡¦s important to reach out to people not only as potential leads but as great sources of information. Especially if you are making a career transition, you will need to do your research into the job functions/industries you are interested in to determine if the ¡§dream job¡¨ is truly a good fit and if so, how you can market yourself most effectively to prospective employers. There is no better way to do this research than through informational interviews. A helpful tutorial we recommend can be found on Quintessential Careers Tip 4 ¡V Start Small If You Want To Become Big If you want to change careers and break into a new field, entertain the idea of starting small in a company or industry, maybe taking up a part-time, contractor, project-based, or volunteer position. Remember, you¡¦re building up invaluable experience in your chosen field, and it demonstrates to employers that you¡¦re serious about working there. Tip 5 - Be Confident In times like these, it¡¦s easy to get down, so it¡¦s more important than ever to rely on your network of friends and family for moral support. The job hunt is an arduous process and no one can do it alone. You want to make sure that you find a way to channel any negative emotions so they don¡¦t affect the way you present yourself to employers. Showing lack of confidence or desperation is a sure fire way to not secure that coveted job offer. Tip 6 ¡V Keep Searching During the Holidays Here are some reasons to keep your search activities moving forward now, as quoted from the Keep In Touch (KIT) site: ¡§Out the front door. In the back door." Even when a company is having layoffs, they are still hiring for jobs that are important to their business. Companies are putting together budgets for next year, so they're getting ready to hire. Many companies are in the final phases of product development with a Q1 release. They're going to need help to launch and support their products. Use the holiday down time to get current in new technologies if you've gotten out of touch. That will make you more marketable. Tip 7 ¡V Use Graziadio School Career Resources and Contact Pepperdine Alumni. You can find resources at http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/career. The Pepperdine Alumni Network directory is on WaveNet. Graduates need to click on ¡§Create an Alumni Account¡¨ to begin. Christiana Wu is a career development and employer relations manager with the Graziadio School, located at the Irvine Graduate Campus. She completed her MBA at Duke University, and after several years in marketing in the U.S. and overseas, made a transition into academia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- managing your career Job search articles and resources LinkedIn and Your Job Search - Use LinkedIn to Enhance Your Employment Options By Alison Doyle from About.com Companies are using LinkedIn to find passive job candidates. LinkedIn also helps companies leverage the networks of their employees. Proper Job Search Etiquette Starts During the Holidays The holidays are a golden time to look for a job, and a number of opportunities will be gone if you wait until after the New Year. Holiday Festitivites are Great Networking Venues By Debra Feldman, for TheLadders The holiday season is the perfect time to arrange introductions with those you'd like to connect to. More importantly, it's a time to be focused on how you can give to others rather than viewing connections as the solution to meeting just your needs. How to Handle the Job Offer You Can't Afford By Joann Lublin, from Wall Street Journal online More battered businesses are giving new hires less money than they made in their last job. Body Language and the Interview To gain every advantage to get the job offer, your non-verbal communication is important. *502 (*501. GSBM of Pepperdine University, '....... *502. Ibid. ----------------------- | | | | | |
<<< Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Business wbti: Ms. Shenan Chuang's findings on Creative Ideas are amazing!". (0.44 seconds) Search Results (by the world's leading search engines on Internet):Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ?]]] *4. Business wbti: Ms. Shenan Chuang's findings on "Creative Ideas" are amazing! *5 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 91k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 011208-7168 Influence wbti: "The thing ..... *****How brilliant a creative innovation by the world leading search ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 100k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com >>> | |
***** "Promoting Tunghai People's Reunion!" ---TEFAnews U.S.A. | |
Fw: ªF®ü¤j¾Çªº³Õ¶®±Ð¨|»P¡u ³Õ¶®®Ñ°|¡vTuesday, December 23, 2008 at 3:28 PM ^^^From: "BridgeTeng¾H¯q¸Î" {tefa888@ms64.hinet.net} To: "Dear Tunghai Friend ªF®ü¿ËªB¦n¤Í" [tefa888@ms64.hinet.net] Dear All: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & Happy Holidays. Wish you all have a prosperous & wonderful new year. Best regards ----------------------- Bridge Teng ¾H¯q¸Î 0937-833612(cell) TEFA & TEFA USA°õ¦æªø Promoting Tunghai People's Reunion Connecting Tunghai Friend with www.tefa.thu.edu.tw ªF®ü¤j¾Çªº³Õ¶®±Ð¨|»P¡u³Õ¶®®Ñ°|¡v ¢w ¥Í¬¡¾Ç²ß¡B«~®æ±Ð¨| ¢w ¡@¡@ªñ¤Q´X¦~¨Ó®ü®l¨â©¤¥H¤Î¬ü°êªº¤j¾Ç¦³·P©ó¤j¾Ç³W¼Ò¹L¤j¡A±Ð¨|Åé¨t¶V¨Ó¶V¨î¦¡¤Æ¦Ó¥¢¥h¼u©Ê¡A®v¥Í¤§¶¡ªº¤¬°Ê§ó¬O²¨Â÷¡F¹L¤À±M·~¤Æªº¾Ç²ß¡A¥H¤Î¹L¤À¤u¨ã¤Æªº¾Ç²ß¥Øªº¡A¤£Â_¢¨Ï¤j¾Ç¥»¨¥²¶·«ä¦Ò¦ó¿×¤j¾Ç¡H¦ó¿×¾Ç²ß¡HP¨Ï«e«¢¦ò¤j¾Ç®ÕªøµÛ§@¤Ï«ä¡A¡uOur Underachieving College (¤j¾Ç±Ð¤F¨S¡H)¡v´N¥xÆW¦Ó¨¥¡A1990¦~¥N¶}©l´£Ò³qÃѱШ|¡]general education¡A¤£µ¥¦P³Õ¶®±Ð¨|¡AÃö©ó«áªÌªº²z©À®e«á¸Ôz¡^¡A¤]¤Þ°_¼ö¯P°jÅT¡F¦p¤µ§ó¬O¶}©l±À°Ê¤p«¬ªº®Ñ°|¾Ç²ß¡A¥H§ï²·í«e¤j¾Ç±Ð¨|©Ò¥²¶·±¹ïªº°ÝÃD¡C³oµ´¹ï¬O¥i³ß¤§¨Æ¡CªF®ü¤j¾Ç¤£½×¬O³qÃѱШ|©Î¬O¥H³Õ¶®±Ð¨|¬°²z©Àªº®Ñ°|¾Ç²ß¡A§¡«Ø¿v¦b¦´ÁªF®ü¤j¾Çªº³Õ¶®±Ð¨|(Liberal Arts Education)²z©À©M¸gÅç¤W¡C©Ó»X¡m³qÃѦb½u¡n¼ö¤ÁÁܽZ¡AÂÔ¥H¦¹¤å»P¦U¦ì¥ý¶i¤À¨É¡C ¤@¡B³Õ¶®±Ð¨|ªº²z©À ¡@¡@¦^ÅU»P°Ñ¦Ò¦è¤è¸gÅç¡A¤£½×¬O^°ê¤û¬z¡B¼C¾ôªº®Ñ°|¡]College¡^©Î¬O¬ü°ê³Õ¶®±Ð¨|¾Ç°|¡]College of Liberal Arts 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