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<<<<< We don't quitWednesday, January 27, 2010 9:25 PM
From: "President Barack Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "mike lei" mike --

I just finished delivering my first State of the Union, and I wanted to send you a quick note.

We face big and difficult challenges. Change on the scale we seek does not come easily. But I will never accept second place for the United States of America.

That is why I called for a robust jobs bill without delay. It's why I proposed a small businesses tax credit, new investments in infrastructure, and pushed for climate legislation to create a clean energy economy.

It's why we're taking on big banks, reforming Wall Street, revitalizing our education system, increasing transparency -- and finishing the job on health insurance reform.

It's why I need your help -- because I am determined to fight to defend the middle class, and special interest lobbyists will go all out to fight us.

Help me show that the American people are ready to join this fight for the middle class -- add your name to a letter to Congress today:


We have finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But we don't quit. I don't quit.

Let's seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more.

President Barack Obama

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com

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其他分析師發現,最近外國畢業生回國的可能性增大,尤其在美國目前就業市場疲弱之際。杜克大學工學院常務副院長華德瓦(Vivek Wadwha)說:「我毫不懷疑2009年的資料會顯示很大變化。」他一直警告這種趨勢威脅美國的創新。2008年10月,華德瓦等用Facebook對1224名外國留學生的調查發現,超過一半的印度人和40%的中國人打算在五年內回國。


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Sorry, to be late!!

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記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導January 25, 2010 12:00 AM | 123 觀看次數 | 0 | 4 | |

中國文化大學全球校友首屆嘉年華會在賭城舉辦,與會校友唱校歌。 (記者馮鳴台∕攝影)
slideshow 中國文化大學第一屆全球校友嘉年華會,日前在賭城拉斯維加斯舉辦,文化大學新校長吳萬益及校友總會理事長李天任,自台灣前來和校友們歡聚,希望全球文大校友,凝聚力量,為栽培孕育自己的母校貢獻所長。





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Jan. 28, 2010
Copyright ?Las Vegas Review-Journal

Miss America discusses beauty, fashion and kiddie pageants

Miss America Katie Stam talks beauty, style and toddler pageants


Team Jacob or Team Edward: Team Jacob

Talent you wish you had: Dancing. I definitely do not possess that talent.

Celebrity crush: A combination of Ryan Reynolds and Will Smith

Closet you'd like to raid: Sarah Jessica Parker's

Favorite dessert: Chocolate cake

Wanted to be as a child: Miss America

Can't live without: (Soda) pop

Vacation getaway: Myrtle Beach

Dream car: Chevrolet Camaro

Team Jolie or Team Aniston: Team Jolie, for sure! The reigning Miss America Katie Stam knows how to switch it up. Yes, the past year has meant a commitment to two conspicuous accessories -- a crown and sash -- but the rest of her look has been an antithesis to predictability, beginning with her hair.

"I never wear my hair the same way twice," she says. "It's fun to be flexible. ... And it's something you can change without changing who you are."

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Doubtful a 23-year-old pageant queen could embrace versatility enough to don a different 'do daily? According to publicity photos from her various Miss America appearances, she can go straight, wavy, all up, all down, a sweeping updo or a sleek bun. With the help of a handful of bobby pins, she can add several more looks to that portfolio.

It's a talent, yes, but she gets a lot of her hair inspiration from a certain "housewife." Eva Longoria Parker, whose hair can go from chin-length to midback (extensions) in a matter of months, serves as a guide when Stam's thinking up new ways to wear her hair.

While the former Miss Indiana admires Parker's versatility, her ultimate beauty idol is Angelina Jolie. According to Stam, she and Jolie have very similar features: round eyes and "bigger" lips. So, she looks to the actress for makeup ideas, specifically which colors will best flatter her. "She does a lot of natural colors on her lips and so do I," she says. "If I did a brilliant color, people wouldn't be able to see anything else."

She stays loyal to her beauty idols, but Stam never commits to a specific beauty product. Both her bathroom vanity and makeup bag have seen just about every cosmetic brand under the sun. She might not care for a particular brand, but one item Stam refuses to go without is mascara. As she tells it, her thin, light-colored lashes demand it.

Before winning the Miss America crown last year at Planet Hollywood Resort, the former 4-H club member spent her days as a college student. Unless she was competing in a pageant, glamming it up wasn't a part of her style vocabulary. "On just a normal day I'm in jeans and a hoodie sweatshirt with stick straight hair and not a stitch of makeup," she says proudly.

It's hard to imagine someone who's waved her way through the pageant circuit from age 15 mimicking a "Juno" style, sans the belly, however Stam is an enthusiastic endorser of the natural look. But, when it comes to children getting spray-on tans, highlights and fake teeth to enter a pageant, demonstrated in shows such as TLC's "Toddlers & Tiaras," she hesitates to express a solid opinion.

"I've always been a promoter of natural beauty, being yourself and letting yourself shine through," she says. "But I would never say whether putting kids in pageants is right or wrong."

When she takes her final walk Saturday and passes on the crown, Stam hopes to take on broadcasting. Jeans and hoodies won't fly in this camera-ready career. Luckily, the last year she spent traveling and making public appearances has exposed her to the kind of designers she plans to take into the next chapter of her life.

She's a fan of Joseph Ribkoff, who designed her clothes during her reign as Miss America. But you can hear her voice swoon when she talks about Diane von Furstenberg, whose clothes she refers to as "absolutely beautiful." The iconic designer's garments appeal to Stam for their simple elegance. She likes the kind of clothes she can wear to a wedding, on the job or to a cocktail party, which is the kind of versatility Diane von Furstenberg is known for.

Her style throughout the past year consisted of several wrap dresses and solid neutrals, with a few prints thrown in. While the other pageant held in Las Vegas -- Miss USA -- tends toward a siren look, the Miss America Organization prides itself on its wholesome image. Stam has grown used to comparisons between the two pageants, which people love to refer to as "apples and oranges." But, she has a different explanation.

"It's not even apples and oranges," she says. "It's like comparing fruits and vegetables."

The Miss America pageant is Saturday at 8 p.m. on TLC.

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Economic, Energy, Agricultural and Trade Issues: Remarks With British Foreign Secretary David Miliband And Yemeni Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Abdullah al-QirbiWednesday, January 27, 2010 3:06 PM
From: "U.S. Department of State" View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comEconomic, Energy, Agricultural and Trade Issues: Remarks With British Foreign Secretary David Miliband And Yemeni Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Abdullah al-Qirbi
Wed, 27 Jan 2010 15:57:28 -0600

Remarks With British Foreign Secretary David Miliband And Yemeni Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Abdullah al-Qirbi

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
London, United Kingdom

January 27, 2010


FOREIGN SECRETARY MILIBAND: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Foreign Office. Welcome, above all, to my colleague, the foreign minister of Yemen, Mr. al-Qirbi, and my colleague and friend, Secretary Clinton of the United States.

I want to first of all thank the Yemeni delegation who came to this conference headed by Prime Minister Mujawar, but also including the deputy prime ministers for defense and security and economic affairs, as well as Foreign Minister al-Qirbi for traveling here. I抳e just finished chairing a meeting of some 20 countries and five international institutions about Yemen, about its challenges, about how its government is tackling the problems that its people confront, and how the international community can support the government and people of Yemen. The chairman抯 statement should be with you now, or if not, it will be on the website immediately.

But I just want to take this opportunity to outline three important things ?why we met, what we抳e achieved, and what the next steps are, because it抯 very important that these meetings lead not just to concrete outcomes, but to mechanisms for implementation as well. As you well know, the ?our prime minister, the UK prime minister, called this meeting shortly after the failed terrorist attack on Northwest Airlines flight 253. We know that al-Qaida seek to exploit instability wherever they can, including places like Yemen. The Government of Yemen have been seeking to tackle the terrorist problem they抳e faced for some time, and the international community has been working to support them in this endeavor.

However, it抯 been a common feature of every contribution that we have heard today that the assault on Yemen抯 problems cannot begin and end with its security challenges and its counterterrorism strategy. In tackling terrorism, it is vital to tackle the root ?its root causes. In Yemen抯 case, these are manifold ?economic, social, and political. I also want to stress that many of the countries represented in the room upstairs today have not ?have been concerned about the challenges in Yemen for some time, have been longstanding friends of the people and Government of Yemen, and have been taking concrete steps to support a united and stable Yemen.

As you抣l see from the website, we stress strongly our respect and support for Yemen抯 sovereignty and independence and our commitment to noninterference in Yemen抯 internal affairs. Many of you will know that in 2006, we hosted in London a meeting committed to increasing aid for Yemen. The UK is one of the largest Western bilateral donors to Yemen. That conference yielded pledges of some $5 billion, but the vast bulk of that money has not been spent and that抯 one of the things that we have been seeking to address today, because it goes to the heart of the problems that Yemen faces.

Working closely with the Government of Yemen, we decided that our agenda needed to cover agreement on the nature of the problem and then address the solutions across the economic, social, and political terrain. Five key items were agreed at the meeting for the way in which the international community can support progress in Yemen.

First, confirmation by the Government of Yemen that it will continue to pursue its reform agenda and agreement to start discussion of an IMF program. The director of the IMF represented at the meeting made a compelling case for the way in which economic reform could be supported by the IMF. This is important because it will provide welcome support and help the Government of Yemen confront its immediate challenges.

Second, an announcement by the Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General that he will host a meeting of Gulf and Western donors on Yemen in Riyadh on the 22nd and 23rd of February. The meeting will not just share analysis on the improved disbursement of aid to Yemen, but also establish a joint dialogue with the Government of Yemen on its reform priorities.

Thirdly, the international community represented at the meeting committed to support the Government of Yemen in the fight against al-Qaida. It welcomed the recent UN Sanctions Committee decisions on designation and called on all states to enforce the terms of the designation under UN Security Council Resolution 1267.

Fourthly, the meeting agreed to engage in further helping Yemen to address its broader security challenges, including through increased international support for the Yemen Coast Guard. This should help enhance maritime security for Yemen and the wider region.

Fifthly, we agreed to launch a formal Friends of Yemen process made up of those at the meeting today which will address the broad range of challenges facing Yemen, including through two working groups on economy and governance and justice and law enforcement. These should meet in time to report back to the first Friends of Yemen meeting which should take place in the region in late March. So these are issues that will take sustained engagement by Yemen and by the international community. The meeting today was a part of a longer-term process. It was an important step forward and it抯 one that we are determined to build on.

I抦 now going to ask Minister al-Qirbi to say a few words and then Secretary Clinton, and then we look forward to your questions. Thank you very much indeed.

FOREIGN MINISTER AL-QIRBI: Thank you very much, Your Excellency. (In Arabic.)

FOREIGN SECRETARY MILIBAND: Thank you very much. Secretary Clinton.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much, Secretary Miliband. And thank you again, and Prime Minister Brown, for organizing this meeting and, as Minister Qirbi said, accomplishing so much in such a short period of time.

And it is a privilege to be here with Minister Qirbi. I met with him about a week ago and we talked in depth about a lot of the issues confronting Yemen, and I appreciated he and the prime minister coming to this meeting so committed and so well prepared. They presented a document that was a very clear assessment of the challenges facing Yemen, and it gave us a good basis on which to conduct our international consultation.

The United States is intensifying security and development efforts with Yemen. We are encouraged by the Government of Yemen抯 recent efforts to take action against al-Qaida and against other extremist groups. They have been relentlessly pursuing the terrorists who threaten not only Yemen but the Gulf region and far beyond, here to London and to our country in the United States. By doing so, they have earned the support and cooperation of the international community that was pledged at the meeting today.

Now, these are essential steps, but we recognize that the challenges facing Yemen cannot be solved by military action alone. Progress against violent extremists and progress toward a better future for the Yemeni people will depend upon fortifying development efforts. The Yemeni people deserve the opportunity to determine their own future, not leaving their fate to extremists who incite violence and inflict harm. To help the people of Yemen, therefore, we have to do more. But we have to work in conjunction with the Government of Yemen.

However, the Government of Yemen must also do more. This must be a partnership if it is to have a successful outcome. The United States, along with many other countries and international institutions gathered here today, are committed to working with Yemeni leaders to secure the country抯 borders, deny safe haven to terrorists, promote unity, protect human rights, advance gender equity, build democratic institutions and the rule of law, and implement democratic and political reform.

The United States just signed a three-year umbrella assistance agreement with the Government of Yemen that will augment Yemen抯 capacity to make progress. This package includes initiatives that will cover a range of programs, but the overarching goal of our work is to increase the capacity and governance of Yemen, and give the people of Yemen the opportunity to better make choices in their own lives. President Saleh has outlined a 10-point plan for economic reform, along with the country抯 national reform agenda. Those are encouraging signs of progress. Neither, however, will mean much if they are not implemented. So we expect Yemen to enact reforms, continue to combat corruption, and improve the country抯 investment and business climate.

The progress in Yemen also depends on resolving conflict and ending violence. Armed conflict with rebels in the north, now in its sixth year, has left many thousands dead and more than 200,000 displaced. We抮e encouraged by reports that the Saudi Houthi fighting may be coming to an end and a ceasefire among all the parties to that conflict will allow humanitarian assistance to be delivered, negotiations to begin, and the violence to end.

In the south, a longstanding protest movement continues, fueled by grievances a generation old. Urgent reform is needed to encourage robust civil society and ensure that responsible, independent media in Yemen are able to inform citizens without fear of prosecution. A genuine inclusive national dialogue is essential for successful parliamentary elections in April of 2011.

Now, there is much to be done and we recognize that, but the situation in Yemen is of particular concern. It does truly affect all of us in a very direct way. So with the leadership of our partners in the Arab world, friends of Yemen everywhere stand ready to assist the Yemeni Government and people. So I will reiterate a strong message of support from the United States. We believe bringing unity and stability to Yemen is an urgent national security priority of ours and we look forward to working with our international partners and with the Yemeni leadership. So again, to Secretary Miliband, thank you for bringing us together.


QUESTION: (Inaudible) preview what抯 different about the assurances you抳e received from your Yemeni counterparts today from those you have had previously?

FOREIGN SECRETARY MILIBAND: I think that the most important development is twofold, really. First, they are concrete and specific in a way that they have not been in the past. Secretary Clinton has just referred to the 10-point plan. Secondly, there is a degree of international engagement that hasn抰 existed before, notably through the Friends of Yemen process that will bring together 20 countries to engage on a structured and systematic, not to say intensive, basis with the Government of Yemen for the benefit of the people of Yemen.

I suppose there is one other point which is important. This is a genuinely comprehensive approach. I think that if you look through the chairman抯 statement, and certainly having sat through the discussions, there is now a recognition of the linkages between economic, social, security, and democratic reform. So I think that is something that we need to build on.

Minister al-Qirbi.

FOREIGN MINISTER AL-QIRBI: I think the most important thing about Yemen commitments now is that they come out as a result also of a collaborative effort with donors and not only by Yemen alone. This commitment also stems from our belief that challenges we are facing now cannot be remedied unless we implement this agenda of reforms and the 10 points that Her Excellency alluded to, because this is now a priority (inaudible) that we have to start with, and I hope this is ?will be one of the outcomes of this meeting.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I agree with what my colleagues have said. I would just add three points.

One of the factors that抯 new is the IMF抯 involvement and commitment. The IMF has come forward with a reform agenda that the Government of Yemen has agreed to work on. Secondly, the intense engagement of the region. It抯 been certainly on a bilateral basis where countries in the Gulf and the wider Arab world have engaged with Yemen, but now we have a concerted effort.

And finally, I saw something today which is rare to see anywhere, and that was a report by a government that was brutally honest about the problems it faces. In fact, there was a category of statistics that was labeled 揂ppalling Indicators.?I抳e gone to a lot of international meetings and I have worked with many, many governments over many years, but that struck me and I want to commend the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minster because when you look at the statistics of very high population growth, very high illiteracy and so much else, you get an unvarnished view of what Yemen is up against. And I appreciate that honest assessment.

QUESTION: I抣l speak in Arabic first for Dr. al-Qirbi. (In Arabic.)

I抣l put it in English for the two British and American secretaries. Regarding that the Yemenis, in fact, that they have fears that these foreign troops?intervention into Yemen that will, of course, affect the situation and also will make it worse, especially that people, they are very concerned about the Yemeni sovereignty and they are not really like in any way to have any foreign intervention. And also it will double the problem because there are people who they are emphasized with al-Qaida elements and they will, of course, double this problem.

So what is the intention regarding this intervention, and also what we hear about it? Thank you.


SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, we share the concern about Yemen抯 sovereignty, and in fact, we reiterated support for a unified Yemen, respect for its sovereignty and independence, and a commitment to the non-interference in Yemen抯 internal affairs. That was a paramount guiding consideration for all of us and we reiterated it at every turn. You抣l find it in the chairman抯 statement. It is not only, from our perspective, the appropriate approach to take, but we think it抯 a more effective approach, because ultimately, the future of Yemen is up to the Yemenis themselves, and therefore the Yemenis have to manage and solve their own problems. Where we can be of assistance, we offer to do so.

FOREIGN SECRETARY MILIBAND: Let me just add to that that the allegations keep on being made that, first, the international community is seeking to impose its will on Yemen and Yemenis. Not true. In fact, the Yemenis themselves want a change. Secondly, the allegation that we are pursuing a very narrow counterterrorism agenda. Wrong, because the comprehensive breadth of programs is a denial of that. Thirdly, that we would somehow neglect the importance of reform in Yemen. Wrong, too, because people spoke very plainly about the need for reform. And fourth, this was just a one-off. That抯 the fourth allegation. Also wrong, because there will be real follow-up. And I think it抯 really important that people understand these points.


QUESTION: I抦 a journalist with Al Watan of Oman and Afaq al Mustaqbal of Abu Dhabi. Did it have to ?we all know about the problems of Yemen for a long time. Did it have to wait until the Christmas Day incident to trigger this process? And I would like also to ask a question with regard to the help which will be given to Yemen from the West and from the Gulf countries. Are the Gulf countries going to take the financial side and the Western will take the other technical and management side?

FOREIGN SECRETARY MILIBAND: Well, the participation and presence of the GCC countries, I think, is very significant, and the fact the GCC抯 Secretary General was there today gives an institutional basis to GCC engagement, I think is very, very welcome.

In respect of whether we suddenly discovered a Yemen problem on the 24th or 25th of December, no. In the case of the UK, not only did we host the London meeting in 2006, but actually throughout 2008 and 2009, in all my talks in the Arab world and more widely, the significance and dangers of the situation in Yemen came through. As it happens, our own Yemen strategy was updated in September 2009, which is not just about aid, but it抯 also about serious engagement on the ground. So I think that it抯 wrong to say this is the beginning of a process. We are in the midst of a process that is becoming increasingly urgent, and that抯 why I think you see the level of engagement that existed today.

QUESTION: For Secretary Clinton, but the Foreign Minister might comment as well. You抳e talked quite a bit about the need for a ceasefire and the instability that抯 caused in Yemen by the problems with the Houthis of the north. Did you get any assurances from the Yemeni Government that they might follow in Saudi Arabia抯 path and also agree to a ceasefire? And in connection with that, is there any sort of unifying assessment of what the threat is? Yemen and Saudi Arabia really think that this threat comes from Iran, but the U.S. Government doesn抰 seem to share that, and it seems there needs to be some sort of kind of coming together on what the threat is so everyone can have a common approach.

Thank you.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, Jake, first of all, we were pleased by the announcement of a ceasefire between the Saudis and the Houthis. That should lead, we hope, to broader negotiations and a political dialogue that might lead to a permanent end to the conflict in the north. It抯 too soon to tell, and I think that抯 the attitude ?and I抣l let the minister speak for himself, but I think that抯 the attitude of the Yemeni Government as well. They want to test it and work with the Saudis and try to figure out if there is a way forward to resolve the conflict with the Houthis.

On the issue concerning outside interference, I spoke about this in my meeting with Minister Qirbi on a bilateral basis. We heard more about it today. There are a lot of issues in Yemen that result in conflicts and there are a lot of internal and external forces at work. One that I think has not gotten the attention it needs is that there are 800,000 Somali refugees in Yemen. Think about the instability that causes.

So we抮e trying to find a common basis for looking at all of the internal threats and the external outside interference. I don抰 want to prejudge it. And I respect the Yemeni Government抯 and others?assessment as to what they think is occurring right now. But the bottom line for me is that there is a multiple-layered set of conflicts that are caused by many different factors.

And I can only end with one statement by one of the Gulf ministers who said, 揕ook, did the conflicts cause the development problems in Yemen or did the development problems cause the conflicts??I抦 not sure we抣l answer that question anytime soon. What I am absolutely confident of is that we have to address both.

FOREIGN MINISTER AL-QIRBI: Let me comment, if I may. Yemen Government has actually announced previously five ceasefires. And with every ceasefire, we wait only to get the Houthis prepare themselves for another (inaudible). And now we are prepared for a ceasefire if they accept the conditions put to them, and that is to stop attacking, to surrender to ?their heavy arms and fortifications. And according to the constitution and the law, we will deal with all their grievances; whatever grievances they have can be dealt with through dialogue. But unless they accept the conditions of abandoning armed struggle and insurgency, we are not going to repeat the previous five mistakes.

QUESTION: A question about counterterrorism. And Yemen just said that the Detroit plane bomber was radicalized in London. And the British Government has insisted it believes the Detroit plane bomber was radicalized in Yemen in the last six months of last year. Who抯 right?

FOREIGN MINISTER AL-QIRBI: Well, let me tell you, sometimes probably you don抰 read things properly. We said he抯 spent in London four years and he spent in Yemen one year. Where did the radicalization take place?

FOREIGN SECRETARY MILIBAND: I always know that it抯 very unwise to take an additional question. (Laughter.) And this has proved that beyond reasonable doubt because the harmony and unity that has prevailed ?(laughter) ?doesn抰 find an easy third way in which to answer this question.

But I think it抯 important that I say, in all seriousness, that all of our evidence led us to make the very serious statements that we did about the radicalization that took place. We抳e gone in some detail to the time that the attempting ?the bomber ?attempted bomber spent in London. We are very vigilant about the way in which British higher education and other institutions are used. We have seen no evidence it was used in that way in this case, but it抯 something that we obviously keep a very close eye on.

There is one important further point, though, and this is I think where the discomfort that you sought to apply through your question can maybe be avoided. And that抯 as far as, in the end, none of the three countries sitting on this platform are interested in pointing their fingers at each other about where things might have gone wrong in the past. Every single country sitting on this platform wants to take responsibility, because the truth is that global jihad knows no boundaries and recognizes no borders.

And we in the United Kingdom are extremely vigilant about our own situation. We are resolute in offering no complacency about how we combine the virtues of an open society with one which is able to defend itself and ensure defense of other free societies around the world. And that is something in which there are more and more partners engaging in this process. And we in the UK will learn all of our lessons in an open way with our partners, and I抦 delighted that the Government of Yemen, as always the Government of the United States, committed to do that with us.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Could I ?I just want to add one other point, because I think that the question in the 21st century may be somewhat beside the point, with all due respect. The role of ideology knows no boundaries or borders. The internet is an increasingly effective recruitment and radicalization tool. We have evidence that a number of those who have been arrested, engaged in, or having committed terrorist acts in the United States in the last months were in communication with persons on the internet. They never met them necessarily in person, but they were highly influenced by their messaging.

I gave a speech about a week ago really defending strongly internet freedom, but I also pointed out that the internet is a neutral tool. And increasingly, we are having to face, whether it抯 the U.S., UK, or Yemen, the threats coming from beyond our borders that cannot be, as David said, pinned on any event in a particular place. It抯 an accumulation of influences. And I think we have to look more thoughtfully at this, and I think there抯 a role for the free media to play. Because we need a counter message to young people who, for whatever reason, seek out these voices of extremism. And I think that is something that governments need help in doing on both a technological basis and in terms of the media抯 narrative.

FOREIGN SECRETARY MILIBAND: Good. Well, we抮e definitely not taking another question, but thank you very much indeed, everybody.

# # #

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(To be continued!)

特派記者范凌嘉/美國舊金山廿六日電January 27, 2010 03:30 PM | 1893 觀看次數 | 3 | | 馬英九總統26日下午參訪舊金山益邦製藥,這是他就任後第七度過境美國,首次在美國本土有戶外參訪行程。據了解,美方給予馬總統「元首級禮遇」,由美國秘勤局與台灣國安局共同執行維安,不但有美國警車開道,台灣安全人員也獲准在美配槍值勤。








*0567. Michelle LVRJ/wbti


Flag this messageWatch the State of the Union with OFA, NSDPWednesday, January 27, 2010 7:25 AM
From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony Lei"

Dear Tony,

President Obama will deliver his first State of the Union address tonight. Organizing for America - Nevada will host watch parties throughout the Silver State to help you connect with your neighbors. Join us at a State of the Union watch party tonight!

Volunteers have set up many more watch parties over the last few days. Here are just two:

Las Vegas: Join Assemblyman Mo Denis and Latinos for Obama at 4:45 p.m. at El Patron Mexican Restaurant. For more details about this specific watch party or to RSVP visit http://bit.ly/LatinoSOTU.

Or join the Nevada State Democratic Party staff and volunteers at 5:30 p.m. at NSDP headquarters at 1210 S. Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89102.

Reno: Join OFA volunteers and staff at 5:15 p.m. at Amendment 21 Grill & Sports Bar at 425 South Virginia St., Reno, NV 89501. For more information visit http://bit.ly/cpeP4y.

Visit my.barackobama.com/sotuwatchparty to find a watch party near you. If there isn't one near you, please tune in at home at 6:00 p.m.


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size:2.13 M
We like Chinese new year of Cox?! ---Harry Reid *0005

Animal rights group unhappy with Weir wearing fur
By NANCY ARMOUR, AP National Writer
Jan 26, 10:11 pm EST

Buzz up! 2560 Print
CHICAGO (AP)—Friends of Animals posted an open letter to U.S. figure skater Johnny Weir criticizing him for having fox fur on one of his costumes and asking him to stop wearing fur.

The animal advocacy group also contacted his costume designer, Stephanie Handler, on Tuesday.

Popular Sports Stories
Another tragedy befalls unlucky pro golfer Kim Kardashian's ridiculous Super Bowl ride Snowboarding star has 'secret' mountain
FILE - In this Jan. 17, 2010, 乧

AP - Jan 26, 9:52 pm EST

FILE - In this Jan. 17, 2010, 乧

AP - Jan 26, 9:51 pm EST
1 of 2 2010 Olympics Gallery 乬I totally get the dirtiness of the fur industry and how terrible it is to animals. But it乫s not something that乫s the No. 1 priority in my life,乭 Weir said on Tuesday. 乬There are humans dying everyday. There are thousands if not millions of homeless people in New York City. Look at what just happened in Haiti.

乬I tend to focus my energy, if there is a cause, on humans. While that may be callous and bad of me, it乫s my choice.乭

Weir loves fashion, and his costumes tend to be on the avant-garde—some would say extreme—side. When the three-time U.S. champion redesigned his free skate costume before the U.S. champions, he had Handler add a tuft of white fox fur to the left shoulder.

Weir said he thought the costume was 乬lovely,乭 but Friends of Animals disagreed. Foxes are electrocuted or beaten, and their pelts are obtained by skinning the animals alive, said Anai Rhoads, spokeswoman for the group.

乬He乫s a role model for a lot of people, including other skaters,乭 said Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals. 乬When he makes fun of the suffering of animals that are consumed for this frivolous fashion industry and whose lives are sacrificed so he can wear little tufts of fur on his outfit, that乫s fair game for comment.乭

Weir finished third at the U.S. champs, qualifying for his second Olympic team.

Friends of Animals was not the first group to target Weir. He said he乫s gotten letters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and people have sent him videos depicting how animals are treated by the fur industry.

But Weir said this was the first time someone has contacted Handler.

乬She did what I asked her to. It wasn乫t her choice to make me a costume with fur,乭 Weir said. 乬At least directly come to me and yell at me. Don乫t attack my peeps.乭

Weir said he understands the groups乫 objections, but he doesn乫t share their point of view.

Besides, he乫s not the only skater wearing animal skin products.

乬Every skater is wearing skates made out of cow,乭 Weir said. 乬Maybe I乫m wearing a cute little fox while everyone else is wearing cow, but we乫re all still wearing animals.乭

Updated Jan 26, 10:11 pm EST
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Suzuki leads Dobbs, Asada in S. Korea
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Weir's fur rankles animal rights group
US XC ski team gets 2 more Olympic spots




Animal rights group unhappy with Weir wearing fur
By NANCY ARMOUR, AP National Writer
Jan 26, 10:11 pm EST

Buzz up! 2560 Print
CHICAGO (AP)~{!*~}Friends of Animals posted an open letter to U.S. figure skater Johnny Weir criticizing him for having fox fur on one of his costumes and asking him to stop wearing fur.

The animal advocacy group also contacted his costume designer, Stephanie Handler, on Tuesday.

Popular Sports Stories
Another tragedy befalls unlucky pro golfer Kim Kardashian's ridiculous Super Bowl ride Snowboarding star has 'secret' mountain
FILE - In this Jan. 17, 2010, ~{!-~}

AP - Jan 26, 9:52 pm EST

FILE - In this Jan. 17, 2010, ~{!-~}

AP - Jan 26, 9:51 pm EST
1 of 2 2010 Olympics Gallery ~{!0~}I totally get the dirtiness of the fur industry and how terrible it is to animals. But it~{!/~}s not something that~{!/~}s the No. 1 priority in my life,~{!1~} Weir said on Tuesday. ~{!0~}There are humans dying everyday. There are thousands if not millions of homeless people in New York City. Look at what just happened in Haiti.

~{!0~}I tend to focus my energy, if there is a cause, on humans. While that may be callous and bad of me, it~{!/~}s my choice.~{!1~}

Weir loves fashion, and his costumes tend to be on the avant-garde~{!*~}some would say extreme~{!*~}side. When the three-time U.S. champion redesigned his free skate costume before the U.S. champions, he had Handler add a tuft of white fox fur to the left shoulder.

Weir said he thought the costume was ~{!0~}lovely,~{!1~} but Friends of Animals disagreed. Foxes are electrocuted or beaten, and their pelts are obtained by skinning the animals alive, said Anai Rhoads, spokeswoman for the group.

~{!0~}He~{!/~}s a role model for a lot of people, including other skaters,~{!1~} said Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals. ~{!0~}When he makes fun of the suffering of animals that are consumed for this frivolous fashion industry and whose lives are sacrificed so he can wear little tufts of fur on his outfit, that~{!/~}s fair game for comment.~{!1~}

Weir finished third at the U.S. champs, qualifying for his second Olympic team.

Friends of Animals was not the first group to target Weir. He said he~{!/~}s gotten letters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and people have sent him videos depicting how animals are treated by the fur industry.

But Weir said this was the first time someone has contacted Handler.

~{!0~}She did what I asked her to. It wasn~{!/~}t her choice to make me a costume with fur,~{!1~} Weir said. ~{!0~}At least directly come to me and yell at me. Don~{!/~}t attack my peeps.~{!1~}

Weir said he understands the groups~{!/~} objections, but he doesn~{!/~}t share their point of view.

Besides, he~{!/~}s not the only skater wearing animal skin products.

~{!0~}Every skater is wearing skates made out of cow,~{!1~} Weir said. ~{!0~}Maybe I~{!/~}m wearing a cute little fox while everyone else is wearing cow, but we~{!/~}re all still wearing animals.~{!1~}

Updated Jan 26, 10:11 pm EST
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Olympic snowboard champ Frieden retires
Suzuki leads Dobbs, Asada in S. Korea
Vonn, Miller lead US ski team for Games
Weir's fur rankles animal rights group
US XC ski team gets 2 more Olympic spots





size:2.13 M
Animal rights group unhappy with Weir wearing fur
By NANCY ARMOUR, AP National Writer
Jan 26, 10:11 pm EST

Buzz up! 2560 Print
CHICAGO (AP)—Friends of Animals posted an open letter to U.S. figure skater Johnny Weir criticizing him for having fox fur on one of his costumes and asking him to stop wearing fur.

The animal advocacy group also contacted his costume designer, Stephanie Handler, on Tuesday.

Popular Sports Stories
Another tragedy befalls unlucky pro golfer Kim Kardashian's ridiculous Super Bowl ride Snowboarding star has 'secret' mountain
FILE - In this Jan. 17, 2010, 乧

AP - Jan 26, 9:52 pm EST

FILE - In this Jan. 17, 2010, 乧

AP - Jan 26, 9:51 pm EST
1 of 2 2010 Olympics Gallery 乬I totally get the dirtiness of the fur industry and how terrible it is to animals. But it乫s not something that乫s the No. 1 priority in my life,乭 Weir said on Tuesday. 乬There are humans dying everyday. There are thousands if not millions of homeless people in New York City. Look at what just happened in Haiti.

乬I tend to focus my energy, if there is a cause, on humans. While that may be callous and bad of me, it乫s my choice.乭

Weir loves fashion, and his costumes tend to be on the avant-garde—some would say extreme—side. When the three-time U.S. champion redesigned his free skate costume before the U.S. champions, he had Handler add a tuft of white fox fur to the left shoulder.

Weir said he thought the costume was 乬lovely,乭 but Friends of Animals disagreed. Foxes are electrocuted or beaten, and their pelts are obtained by skinning the animals alive, said Anai Rhoads, spokeswoman for the group.

乬He乫s a role model for a lot of people, including other skaters,乭 said Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals. 乬When he makes fun of the suffering of animals that are consumed for this frivolous fashion industry and whose lives are sacrificed so he can wear little tufts of fur on his outfit, that乫s fair game for comment.乭

Weir finished third at the U.S. champs, qualifying for his second Olympic team.

Friends of Animals was not the first group to target Weir. He said he乫s gotten letters from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and people have sent him videos depicting how animals are treated by the fur industry.

But Weir said this was the first time someone has contacted Handler.

乬She did what I asked her to. It wasn乫t her choice to make me a costume with fur,乭 Weir said. 乬At least directly come to me and yell at me. Don乫t attack my peeps.乭

Weir said he understands the groups乫 objections, but he doesn乫t share their point of view.

Besides, he乫s not the only skater wearing animal skin products.

乬Every skater is wearing skates made out of cow,乭 Weir said. 乬Maybe I乫m wearing a cute little fox while everyone else is wearing cow, but we乫re all still wearing animals.乭

Updated Jan 26, 10:11 pm EST
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Olympic snowboard champ Frieden retires
Suzuki leads Dobbs, Asada in S. Korea
Vonn, Miller lead US ski team for Games
Weir's fur rankles animal rights group
US XC ski team gets 2 more Olympic spots






....... ....... .......


012720 0841

記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導January 27, 2010 12:00 AM | 7 觀看次數 | 0 | 0 | |

拉斯維加斯市長奧斯卡古德曼日前宣布不參選內州州長,並表示會在剩下的任期好好推動賭城經濟發展。 (本報資料照片)
slideshow 在多次透露要參選內華達州州長的意圖後,拉斯維加斯市長奧斯卡古德曼 (Oscar Goodman)卻在日前宣布,不會出馬競選今年11月的州長大選,且此為「不會更改的」決定,他並承諾要在剩下的任期內全力提升賭城生活品質和經濟水準,這使得目前檯面上的競爭者剩下四名,共和黨三名、民主黨一名。

三名共和黨員分別為現任州長吉姆吉本斯 (Jim Gibbons)、前內州美國地方法院法官布萊恩山多瓦 (Brian Sandoval)以及前北拉斯維加斯市長麥克蒙坦頓 (Mike Montandon),而克拉克郡委員長羅利瑞德 (Rory Reid)則是唯一的民主黨候選人。


據古德曼自己宣稱,這個決定跟其妻子卡洛琳不願跟他搬到內州首都卡森市 (Carson City)有關,他不想離開家人一個人住在寒冷的卡森市。他並表示,他喜歡拉斯維加斯,這裡有他的家與許多支持他的民眾,「他們往往讓我覺得我是這邊的國王、搖滾巨星。」古德曼說。

古德曼這個決定相當突然,他之前還特地曾和明尼蘇達州州長傑西范杜拉 (Jesse Ventura)會面商談有關以無黨籍參選州長的經驗,上個月還特地轉換其黨籍,卸下民主黨員身分,一切的舉動都讓外界認為其參選意願濃厚。



*000z. ... ..... .......


012720 0841

記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導January 27, 2010 12:00 AM | 7 觀看次數 | 0 | 0 | |

拉斯維加斯市長奧斯卡古德曼日前宣布不參選內州州長,並表示會在剩下的任期好好推動賭城經濟發展。 (本報資料照片)
slideshow 在多次透露要參選內華達州州長的意圖後,拉斯維加斯市長奧斯卡古德曼 (Oscar Goodman)卻在日前宣布,不會出馬競選今年11月的州長大選,且此為「不會更改的」決定,他並承諾要在剩下的任期內全力提升賭城生活品質和經濟水準,這使得目前檯面上的競爭者剩下四名,共和黨三名、民主黨一名。

三名共和黨員分別為現任州長吉姆吉本斯 (Jim Gibbons)、前內州美國地方法院法官布萊恩山多瓦 (Brian Sandoval)以及前北拉斯維加斯市長麥克蒙坦頓 (Mike Montandon),而克拉克郡委員長羅利瑞德 (Rory Reid)則是唯一的民主黨候選人。


據古德曼自己宣稱,這個決定跟其妻子卡洛琳不願跟他搬到內州首都卡森市 (Carson City)有關,他不想離開家人一個人住在寒冷的卡森市。他並表示,他喜歡拉斯維加斯,這裡有他的家與許多支持他的民眾,「他們往往讓我覺得我是這邊的國王、搖滾巨星。」古德曼說。

古德曼這個決定相當突然,他之前還特地曾和明尼蘇達州州長傑西范杜拉 (Jesse Ventura)會面商談有關以無黨籍參選州長的經驗,上個月還特地轉換其黨籍,卸下民主黨員身分,一切的舉動都讓外界認為其參選意願濃厚。



*000z. ... ..... .......






*** **** ******

Flag this messageDid you watch the State of the Union?Friday, January 29, 2010 12:27 PM
From: "John McCain" Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comSpecial video message
from John McCain.

Listen to his thoughts on
the State of the Union.

My Friend,

Tonight, during his State of the Union speech, President Obama laid out his vision for our nation's future. As you know, the President and I have differing views on the direction we should take the country, and I stand by my conservative values of reduced spending, low taxes, and a strong national defense.

I took a few moments to record a special message for you on the issues facing America and I hope you'll take a moment to watch the video by following this link.

During his first year in office, President Obama and Congressional Democrats have amassed a $12.4 trillion deficit that is growing each day. While the President advocates increased federal spending, I have actively advocated tax cuts, reduced spending and earmark reform to get our economy back on track.

The non-discretionary spending freeze announced by the President is a start, but what he also needs to do is promise to veto bills laden with pork barrel spending and begin creating jobs for the thousands of out-of-work Americans.

We currently face a national unemployment rate of over 10%, and it has only grown during President Obama's time in office. As we have seen, trillion-dollar, big-government stimulus packages are not the answer for creating jobs. To stimulate our economy for job growth, we need payroll tax cuts, tax incentives for small businesses and an assurance that Democrats will not raise taxes.

As a United States Senator, I fight each and every day for these and other conservative values. I won't settle for business-as-usual, behind-closed-doors politics. I'm not afraid to stand up and speak out for the majority of Americans who are angry at the current Democratic leadership in Washington.

But, to continue serving in this capacity, I must win reelection this year. You can help my campaign today by following this link to watch the video I've recorded for you and after, make a generous contribution of any amount to my campaign.

The people of Massachusetts confirmed last week what we have been saying for a long time - the American people want a change in Washington and an end to big government solutions to problems like health care. I was proud to be an early supporter of Senator-elect Scott Brown's campaign. It was a landmark victory and I look forward to working with him to block government-run health care, tax increases and increased federal spending.

I'm proud of my record and service to this country and would like nothing more than to continue serving as a voice for conservative values. Please take a moment to make a donation to my reelection campaign, so that we have the resources to continue fighting. Thank you.


John McCain

P.S. I've taken a few moments to record an exclusive message for my online community about the issues laid out in President Obama's State of the Union speech. You can follow this link to watch the video. After watching, I ask that you make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to my reelection campaign so that I may continue serving as a voice for conservative values. Thank you.


Please visit this page if you want to remove yourself from the email list.

Paid for by Friends of John McCain

*579efg. ... to continue fighting ......


*... ..... .......




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Family ReunionMonday, January 25, 2010 9:16 AM
From: "Titus for Congress" View contact detailsTo: "Tony Lei"

Dear Tony,

WOW!!!! If you think Nevada Democrats are feeling down and out after Tuesday~{!/~}s Massachusetts election, you should have been with us on Saturday. Over 350 people gathered at the Painters Hall for an informal campaign kickoff barbeque. To those of you who could join us, thanks for coming; it was great to see you. And for those who couldn~{!/~}t, we missed you but we~{!/~}ll be having lots more get-togethers in the months ahead as we prepare for November.

While we were all disappointed with the loss of Senator Kennedy~{!/~}s seat, we are fired up about moving ahead. We need to pass the very best health and insurance reform bill that we can. Then we~{!/~}ve got to roll up our sleeves and get to work creating jobs. Putting people back to work and turning this economy around are top priorities. We must bring prosperity back to Main Street with job training, job creation, and job growth here in Nevada and across the nation.

I need your support more than ever as we undertake these monumental tasks.

As always,


This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com
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Paid for by Dina Titus for Congress

*999s. .......



?者李大明聖地牙哥??anuary 19, 2010 12:00 AM | 159 觀看次? | 0 | 2 | | 移民律??朱培德在聖地牙哥中華?^(CCBA)日前的?Q?酶倪x中連任?^主席,??ьI這??百年社?F邁入庚寅虎年。




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~{S0~}藝體~{S}?F<<~}話題論壇~{Cq~}調醫藥~{1#=!7(BIRFCq~}藝~{NDIz;nJ@=gV\?/~}進~{P^~}區~{BC~}遊~{V8DO~}驚~{Ll~}強~{Up~}20~{Ck~} ~{J@~}紀~{:F=Y~} 請~{?4:#5X5XUp~}專題報導••• ~{=qDj4:~}節~{GiHK~}節 ~{J@=gPB~}聞網~{!"~}納~{C@BC~}遊~{Q{Dz~} ~{PR;"M,~}遊---~{!oJW~}獎~{!8ODM~RD~}2~{HK~}6~{HU~}遊~{!9;rC@=p~}$888 ~{!o~}貳獎~{!8~}奧蘭~{6`~}2~{HK~}4~{HU~}遊~{!9;rC@=p~}$666 ~{!o~}參獎~{!8;,Q)~}2~{HK~}2~{HU~}遊~{!9;rC@=p~}$222~{!oG0~}100~{N;MjU{LnMj~}問~{>m~}網~{SQ#,C?HK~}獲~{5C~}$5~{;"Dj~}紅~{0|~}獎•••~{5=J@=g2%~}Fun~{JR~} ~{PB~}聞~{SC~}聽~{5D#!HK5@T.Vz:#5X~} 馬總統~{#:>C2)V.BC8|LmRb~}義••• ~{!tH+PBJ@=g~}書~{>V~}網~{U>IO~}線~{AK~}!! ••• ~{!t~}暢銷書~{!"LX;]IL~}區~{!"AwPP~}時~{IP~}雜誌~{<08w5X~}門~{JP~}資訊~{#,~}隨點隨~{5=!#~}現~{TZ>MH%9d9d!#~}

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(Something new!) >>>

******* 呂秀蓮:倡救台灣運動 籲總統開國是會議
2010-01-26 中國時報 【中央社】









999v. ... 呂秀蓮 ... .. .... To be edited



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